#tarot freedom
tarotaloud · 7 months
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В практике таро наиболее часто вопросы кверентов поступают именно в закрытой форме. Например:
получится ли снять подходящую квартиру до конца месяца
выздоровеет ли домашний любимец
понравится ли парень родителям
действительно ли сын буллит одноклассника
признается ли партнёр в любви в течение недели
имеет ли смысл переплачивать за сервис
задержат ли предстоящий рейс
жив ли человек
...и множество других. Не все тарологи захотят рассмотреть подобные вопросы в исходной формулировке. Часть практиков либо не берёт в работу вопросы закрытого типа, либо старается переформулировать их открытым образом, например:
какой шанс, что событие наступит? (сравниваются номиналы «за» и «против»)
какие мне нужно приложить усилия, чтобы….
возможные последствия, если я выберу вариант 1 vs. вариант 2
Но не каждый такой вопрос можно переформулировать без потери смысла, сам процесс реструктуризации занимает время, а кверент от этого меньше получить конкретный ответ не захочет.
В стремлении избежать неудобных вопросов мантики иногда превращают тарологическую консультацию в психологическую, выясняя, какие мотивы стоят за желанием кверента узнать ответ и действительно ли тот хочет заявленное.
Даже существует мнение, что на таро невозможно получить достоверный и однозначный ответ на закрытый вопрос в виду ограничения инструмента - его символьной природы.
Я считаю, что причина такого отношения - в страхе самого таролога:
разочаровать кверента, дав ложный ответ, и себя, неверно истолковав карты
сообщить неприятную информацию и получить встречный негатив
разочароваться в инструменте (таро) или в преподавателе, первоисточнике, которому доверял
точности верного ответа, если он подтвердится, и ответственности интерпретатора («это слишком ошеломляющая информация, чтобы я ей владел»)
потерять контроль («я не могу изменить прогноз» = «я не управляю своим будущим»)
и непонимании, как задать такой вопрос, чтобы получить понятный хотя бы для себя вывод.
Каждый сам выбирает свои табу и red flags 🚩 Я попробую ответить, что можно противопоставить этому страху:
✨ просмотр закрытых вопросов в рядовых, бытовых ситуациях на себе, до того как смотреть кверенту. ➟ желательно брать случаи, максимально проверяемые в краткосрочной перспективе: задержится ли доставка, выйдет ли коллега на работу сегодня, смогу ли выспаться этой ночью, доеду ли до подруги, не попав под дождь, сегодня после 15:00. ➟ не пытаться перегадывать их, если сразу не понятен ответ. ➟ лучше выбирать вопросы, ответы на которые лично интересуют. ➟ все выпавшие карты записываются в блокнот с указанием формулировки вопроса и даты расклада.
✨ приватный просмотр проверяемых ситуаций, которые не вовлекают лично вас. Этика закрытого просмотра на совести таролога, но я не вижу здесь проблемы, особенно если информация о результате не распространяется никому, кроме вас, и используется для обучения.
✨ записывать случаи, когда трактовка подтвердилась (и степень совпадения). Это позволит понять, какие отдельные карты были поняты неправильно. Так ожидания от себя и от таро не смёрзнутся в один большой пельмень из самообвинения или обесценивания карт как прогностического инструмента.
✨ отказаться от способа просмотра, если он не работает (даже если им смотрит целый мир) и начать поиск своего рабочего (подтверждаемого практически - сбывающегося) метода. Кривой метод ≠ кривая система.
✨ принятие права (своего и чужого) на авторские наработки и трактовки - они появляются у каждого продолжающего специалиста. Если результат повторяется и прослеживается одна и та же логика взамосвязи глифов и символов, это тот самый случай.
✨ принять единый порядок работы, который не меняется ни от кверента к кверенту, ни при просмотре для себя. Для меня это следующий порядок:
👁‍🗨 таролог передаёт информацию, но не является её источником. Он отвечает за точность и адекватность интерпретации, но запрос исходит от кверента. 👁‍🗨 перед тем, как делать расклад, таролог обязан согласовать с кверентом (или с самим собой, если смотрит для себя) вопрос и согласиться, что полученная на выходе информация не будет оспорена. Её можно уточнять дополнительными вопросами, но нельзя сделать вид, что её не существует, даже если она не нравится тарологу. 👁‍🗨 кверент может относиться к результату расклада более взвешенно и стоически, чем таролог. Таролог может обсудить с кверентом варианты действий в ситуации, но не всегда это значит, что кверента нужно оберегать от лишней информации. Что делать с полученной информацией - прерогатива кверента, а не консультанта.
Таро - для того, чтобы выходить за ограничения, а не создавать их.
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“He ordered me to kill them. So I did. I killed them all.”
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solselah · 8 months
What are their current
thought about you ?
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pile one your person is literally torn up over you. I’m talking snot in nose boogers running down crying over you ! It’s clear you guys are in a separation or at a distance from each other. They want to come in towards you but at this point in their life finances are not the best and they do not want to bring that energy into whatever you could have or did have going on ! It seems to me that they are indecisive about being with you. At some points they want space and on the other hand they want you to be close ! I feel it’s coming from confidence issues not feeling like you are truly there for them or won’t leave them behind !! You guys could’ve separated because of an Off the whim altercation or argument that led to bigger things ! This person knows you both have passion and chemistry with each other they can’t think of anyone else they have shared this passion with. Which is part of the reason they are obsessed with your energy ! They also feel like they couldn’t be with you out in the open because it goes against religion, or their family’s belief mostly about what people outside would say ! But they KNOW you guys have almost like a soul mate passionate connection and chemistry ! They feel like they are in between & can still see growth with you but because of those things stopping them from fully committing they rather long for you for the time being ! They could reach out in the summer time or even just show you at some point that they have grown and are in fact not the same !!
Automatically I believe this person could have manipulation tactics that they use to make you feel less than who you are. utilizing it to make you feel guilty about being out of drama and minding your business ! This person thinks the you they see , other people don’t ! They feel like you are a Wolf in sheep’s clothing ! They could have went as far as to try to call CPS on you for neglect or abuse knowing you would NEVER!!! They are very irritated by the cosmic light and forgiveness that you carry , They can’t stand how unbothered you are about certain situations! They have tried to egg on a certain part of anger in you but you never folded to the tactics! They may have even manipulated you into letting them in or back in the house because from what you know they didn’t have “much” or anything at all ! So you took initiative to help out and they showed and proved once again why they weren’t or aren’t for you !! This person reflects and projects their insecurities upon you and their children specifically a son or older mentee ! You are truly over it !! you’re kind of annoyed by this person and you’re just like what do you need from me !??? Meanwhile they want it all they want you to stroke their heart strings again and fulfill them ! They manipulate you and use excuses of not experiencing these emotions or feelings claiming “they didn’t know how to act”. That truly only last but so long !! To them you are familiar and feel like home so they revert back very often . But in reality that ship has sailed and you are tired of their emotional and mental manipulation it can’t happen with you ever again !! You could’ve also lost who you are & that alone forced you into isolation !! You are slowly building yourself up and i would truthfully think about a protection spell to protect you and your kids , Home , Car etc ! Call your angels in to help you out when you feel helpless if that’s what you are into & comfortable with 💚
So off bat this person thinks you are out WAY TO MUCH! Like they have recently started to feel a disconnect from you because of it ! They are it bit jealous you’re out spending your time partying instead of being home creating memories and cuddling up with them ! They want to spend quality bonding time with you ! They definitely come across clingy and kind of want to be around & up under you often. But I believe for you this is beginning to get a little played out and you’re starting to wonder why they don’t do certain things they like to do or indulge in things they are into ! So with that being said “you do you” you owe no book long explanation for your decisions ! They want you to surrender to how they want you to be instead of who you have been and already are !! They are in their comfort zone and could be a little Upset you are Living life on the wild side and constantly come out of your shell even when you’re uncertain ! They may even have certain dreams about how the relationship would be so to me it just feels like this person is not like …for you! They are potentially in need of a more co dependent relationship where they can be in control but also be secure in knowing you’re not going anywhere! Pretty horrible & Childish. So if you’re not together believe me I understand why ! I hear this also could have been someone you gave your virginity to and he just does not leave you BE ! Acts like a dad almost , wanting to make sure you’re safe & okay but with all the wrong intentions ! I would kind of run while I can ! I feel like there is a side you have not seen with this person. For you it seems best to release & purge the things that still impact you about this relationship or fling.
PILE 4 :
So I believe this person feels like you have a pretty bad reputation with relationships ! They feel like you pretend to be the best but inside your Not that person !! They feel like if they wanted to they could black mail you just off of the truths they feel they know about you ! They have potentially offered you an ultimatum to not release certain info about you ! To this person they had expectations beyond what you may have shown them ! They may think you are masculine in the way you think and feel ! They want to see you in your feminine aspect all soft & In harmony (regardless of gender) little do they know you haven’t felt any reason to give them that part of you ! If anything you are doing them a favor and yourself a favor by removing yourself from the equation!!
Ps : They apologize for potentially letting you down HARD
“I’m sorry”
Hope you enjoy 💚
IG : Soleccentric
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trans-xianxian · 1 month
attempting to draw the hierophant is weirdly making me rlly emotional about lan wangji???
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🦋If you’ve made it out of your past a stronger, wiser, more heart centered person- why would you beat yourself up for the circumstances that gave you the gift of your level up?! Hold your head high, and feel gratitude for how far you’ve come.
🦋When people ask you how you don’t look anything like where you came from-what will you tell them? Will you share the joy of your accomplishment with them? Or will you let your ego convince you it’s better to pretend you didn’t go through what you went through or make the mistakes you made to prevent someone else from judging you?
🦋Let me let you in on a little secret 🤫 PEOPLE ARE GOING TO JUDGE YOU ANYWAY. And that judgment they project onto you only means one thing: they carry the energy of shame within themselves, so they want you to feel ashamed too.
🦋People who struggle with shame often have parents who used things like fear and shame to control their children and coerce them into behaving in a more palatable way. You can break the cycle of wounding, judgement, and fear by being proud of who you are and who you used to be.
🦋When you refuse to allow yourself to be controlled by shame you show others there’s another way to live. You show people there is freedom from the fear of what other people think of you. They’ll think “if they can do it, I can do it too”. Choosing to live in shame blocks the pathway for others to free themselves from shame too.
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raayllum · 1 year
other theories i'm tossing around in my brain:
on the note of the celestial elves being a little bit too dedicated to startouch ways / the possibility of rayllum/the trio bringing the prison with them to the starscraper, a fanatical celestial elf being the one to free aaravos (or at least attempt to)
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 years
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Scorpio Season Overview for 🐞🐍⛲🐝ALL SIGNS
ASO☔️timeless bonus content always goes public at the end of every astrological season*, don't forget to check back~🌤 With the elements/signs of the zodiac, you can freely use your Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant, or even your Stellium (❗️) *21st November
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Scorpio season always brings about an intense release of aenergetic baggage. Old energies that are past their purpose must fall away like autumn leaves. Most Humans are attached to energies that are familiar, so losing learnt patterns or behaviours might feel like death itself. But in reality, you’re just creating a sacred space for welcoming new energies/habits/patterns that are bound to make you more energetic, productive, and generally happier with yourself.
You are the creator of your own Life, the writer of your history that someday becomes someone else’s inspiration. Be selfish enough to prioritise yourself when it comes to the weaving of your life stories. People who are honest with themselves (all the good and the bad) and are unapologetic about following their divine paths are often considered psychos. That’s fine, be psycho enough to kill yourself spiritually and die aenergetically to all—everything and everyone—that no longer serves (or deserves) you.
You are a Mother Goddess about to give birth to a freer, lighter, happier version of yourself. Scorpio is supporting you in removing all these dead leaves and be reborn🍂🍁Grow back as magick, bitch!🍄✨
Psycho Freedom for 🐞Fire Signs – Green Geographer (Gerardus Mercator)
Fire Signs are the most passionate peeps about their eccentric visions and life goals. Who’s to deny you the adventure of exploring your possibilities or testing your limits? The world is your oyster, so add a dash of lemon, salt and pepper and have a feast of an experience! Fear is the mind-killer. Ignore it. You are so much bigger and stronger than your fear. You are more capable than the fear has told you. Your anxiety is lying to you.
🐏Aries – 5 of Wands Rx
what’s died inwardly: Thoughts, ideas, and visions that had been gathered from many people/places throughout years of cultural brainwash and toxic societal expectations + limitations are gone out the window. You don’t need those ideas anymore. They’ve been an annoying noisy ringing in your mental space, causing lethargy from needing to use up a lot of mental power to calm down your chaotic mind. You feel strongly from within that something’s about to or has changed dramatically within the inner space of your being. Now that your boundaries are set up straight, you feel ready to face a brave new world that you know for certain will serve your character development. This here is your origin story!
what’s rebirthing outwardly: It is possible you will isolate yourself from the people you’ve known up until now. Other than that, it is possible you will leave a certain job or gig that’s been taking away too much spiritual power from you. You may even change locations or currently in the process of planning for a move. There’s a new beginning that’s taking up shape and you’re clearing up space to allow its unfurling in your Life. Some things may feel chaotic or unstable right now, but it’s only because you’re on a raft whilst building your ship. Yeah, it’s rocky here and there, every now and then, but you’re well on your way to a great adventure that is certain to give you so much spiritual fulfilment. Don’t be afraid. Don’t you dare give up. This is ONLY the beginning of a story of a millennium!
🦁Leo – 10 of Cups Rx
what’s died inwardly: False love freaking died. What you thought gave you a sense of security or a bond of a family, you realise now is just imprisonment. That is because the other party is selfish, unreasonable, uncompassionate, inflexible, and most of all, lacking empathy on a broad spectrum. You got tired of it; it’s been suffocating, to say the least. Your heart has been yearning for a closer bond, a community, that feels like true family. Sometimes you aren’t verbally clear about what you’re seeking, but you’re certain you’ll recognise it when it arrives because you know how it should feel like. You’re on your way to find your Soul Tribe, and along with that, uncovering your true purpose for being born here at this passage of time.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: You may have begun with self-love on this one. I think you’ve been living surrounded by people who don’t understand you, subsequently making you feel very unlovable. You may have dealt with some form of self-loathing, so now you’re learning to fully accept yourself—flaws and all. You’re rediscovering your true sense of self-worth and realising flawed people are also deserving of Love. Being flawed doesn’t mean you’re bad, horrible nor does it make you a villain. It just makes you human, what the heck. From this point of self-reflection, you gain personal empowerment and this becomes the origin story of your destined reunion with your Soul Family.
🎠Sagittarius – Knight of Cups
what’s died inwardly: Spiritual guidance is pouring in from the heavens. The heavens, essentially, can be experienced through quiet meditations. Not always the ‘aum’ kind of meditation. At moments you feel the most in touch with your emotions, you’re deciphering divine messages. Emotions are actually your guidance system, you know. In our world today, we’ve got so many male psychopaths that have painted a reality in which emotions are our weaknesses. Those psychos are the ones who are weak, because they can’t manage their own emotions, they become a victim to their emotions. A real strong individual knows that emotions point/direct towards what needs fixing or what’s worth keeping in his Life.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: Since you’re coming to honour your emotions more, there’s a sense of clarity that washes over you, regarding your Life’s true direction. Your emotions are pointing toward a goal or mission that you know from the depths of your Soul will satisfy you on a spiritual level. For achieving this goal, you know a lot about your past or who and what you’ve been up until this point must die. This is your confirmation that your intention to distance yourself from small minds is the right thing to uphold. Follow that. You’re really giving birth to a butterfly version of yourself. Butterflies don’t chit chat with caterpillars. Butterflies are busy being useful to the ecosystem whilst living their own glamorous lives. So don’t be afraid of being seen as a freak. A butterfly must look like a freak to caterpillars, right? ‘Why are you so, different from the rest of us?’ ‘Yeah, bitch, I’ve transformed!’
Mind Magick Transmutation🔻❤️👻
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Psycho Freedom for 🐍Earth Signs – Silver Magus (Merlin)
The strongest characteristic of all Earth Signs is tenacity. You are pragmatic, logical, realistic, and subsequently hardworking based on all these earthly perceptions. The Scorpio season is reminding you that everybody is a magician at the core of their being. There is magic that is accessible to you at this moment if you decide to develop more of your spiritual abilities. FYI, magick makes everything a tad easier and manifesting relaxed.
🐂Taurus – 4 of Wands Rx
what’s died inwardly: The people or work environment you thought were so meaningful and valuable to your whole existence have proven themselves to be nothing but a farce. It’s like, you’re wondering how it was possible to rejoice in all of that false fanfare when the reality was always much gloomier. You didn’t see it before. Something died within you when your heart got broken by other’s disregard of your genuineness. Like sand castles washed by the ocean waters, your make-believe ended. And now, you must sail across the ocean to find a new place of being. Somewhere you can feel appreciated and wholeheartedly welcomed like you truly belong. Where’s my Soul Tribe?
what’s rebirthing outwardly: I’m seeing an analogy of you planting new seeds. Seeds for a new manifestation, a new Reality that suits you better. You may even have scattered these seeds unconsciously. You have an intuitive feeling that some buds are about to grow above ground now. You want to take care of these new buds. When they grow into flowers and trees, you finally know that this is exactly the Reality you’ve created through your own honest visions. You’re a magician, you can create anything you want. You can have it all. You just need to be honest with yourself. As long as you remain loyal to your spiritual visions, all the world’s wealth is yours for the taking.
🧘🏻‍♀️Virgo – 8 of Pentacles
what’s died inwardly: You’re so hardworking and meticulous, on top of that, you care about others. You tend to take the burden of doing something really well because you enjoy relishing in your masterpiece of a hard work. But in a group setting, you may experience being the greatest contributor or best performer who doesn’t even get that much credit for how meticulously and carefully you’ve presented your work. This reality often dampens your spirit (or even hurt your feelings) but you always have the ability to pat yourself on the back and uplift your spirit all on your own. However, this Scorpio season seems to have brought about a death to this spirit of wanting to serve only others but not yourself.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: Being a good person essentially is about being of service to the community. It’s actually a very noble thing to think. You’ve not done wrong at all. This Scorpio season only wants you to balance that, and right now, there’s an aenergetic support for you to carve out a Life of your own. Perhaps you have a secret passion project you’ve been thinking of nurturing to maturity? Perhaps you’re needing a month-long holiday just to be with yourself? Stuff like that that focuses on you and you and you for the time being. I sense this energy may continue to be with you until some time in spring. You’re in need of some real soulful inspiration for navigating a Life that is honest to yourself. Actually, for what reason were born into this world? What kind of spiritual contribution can you deliver the world that will also satisfy you on a spiritual level?
🐐Capricorn – XIII Death
what’s died inwardly: Capricorn is surely a strong sign; its energies are so abundant with strength. You’re more capable than any other sign of enduring the storms of Life. But when that endurance keeps you stuck in bullshit situations, well… Wisdom is an entirely different thing than strength, right? Capricorn energies like to hold on to something because there’s this feeling of being a conqueror when you’ve managed to handle a situation or come out victorious of a tough one. But if you blindly follow that pattern without giving way to reason and smart calculations, you’re only hurting yourself and sabotaging your chance for real personal growth. I’m sensing that before Scorpio season even began, the Universe had been nudging you to allow certain things to die in your Life.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: New ways of living are being prepared for you this season. In fact, everything will lead to a renewed sense of being. That you can slow down and not fuck up a single thing. That you can take breaks and plans still work out as they should. It’s all about balancing ambition with love for yourself. There’s no ways goals and ambitions are more important than the individual who dreams them. As much as your projects or studies deserve care and nurture, so the person who works on them deserves respect and compassion. I think you’re slowly learning to balance this on the mindset level, so changing it just like that is not a walk in the park. But you’re moving in that direction anyway. Be light of heart, buddy. Enjoy life like a cat LMAO They’re relaxed because they know they’re magick.
Mind Magick Transmutation🔻💚👻
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Psycho Freedom for ⛲Air Signs – Gold Geographer (John Dee)
What would be the greatest happiness in your Life? Have you honestly thought to yourself the importance of personal happiness? It may sound selfish or self-centred, but if every individual in the world is satisfied and fulfilled, that in itself will lead to a peaceful society. As long as you’re not hurting people, as long as you’re clear enough that you ain’t a sociopath, it’s a good thing to focus on personal happiness. Release your mind from the imprisonment of modern slavery. Personal happiness is more important than your job or duties. Even the samurai had no honour; they actually went where the money was LOL
👯Gemini – Page of Cups
what’s died inwardly: You’re done being polite and entertaining other people’s offer of fun or good that’s actually below par. You’re done being mediocre and living amongst amateurs. You want to grow now. You want to be someone better, in all ways that are important to you on a deeply spiritual fashion. You want to broaden your horizon, to know what’s on the other side of the ocean. There’s still so much to learn and discover of this world, and you’ve been really excited about this idea of exploration. So pack up and catch the next ship that sails to a new world~ Have hope, pray for safety, and be expectant of wonderful new experiences! You are gathering stories!
what’s rebirthing outwardly: Some people will resonate with needing to leave behind people or places forever. Some of you will simply resonate with the travelling part but not the goodbye. I’m seeing the need for mature conversations with people you’re likely to leave behind temporarily. For example, if you’re still a student and need your parent’s approval on things. Basically, there’s a need to communicate ideas and hopes with honesty. Consider everybody’s feelings about the situation, but don’t let others override your expectant heart. Worrying about you is one thing, but being negative about every single thing and trying to stop you without clear reasons is just sabotage. Draw the line where you will take other people’s input but keep moving towards what you know to be right for you, if you’re guided by your Soul.
⚖️Libra – 7 of Pentacles
what’s died inwardly: You’re the zodiac’s politest and most civil one. You have this tendency of waiting for your turn politely so as not to cross another’s chance. Of course that’s a wonderful trait no matter how you look at it. But the real world is more like a war and this world ain’t ideal; too many people are hurtful and selfish and they aren’t afraid to step on your toe to get where they need to be. So you also must die to your own self-containment because too much of it is really stopping you from reaching the top of the pyramid… figuratively. No more waiting, especially waiting for other people’s approval, and no more pausing just so you don’t inconvenience other people. That’s all out the window now.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: Patience is key when dealing with people, but at the same time, you need to also draw a line. You can’t suppress all of your unpleasant emotions to keep the peace around you only for them to destroy you from the inside. What’s noble about that? People who can’t respect or love themselves will not get that from anyone else. So right now, I sense this Scorpio season is giving you a space for you to really think about this whole ‘power struggle’ between you and other people. Librans struggle with this absolutely weird concept of civility vs barbaric conducts… I dunno, man. It seems paralysing to think about. You need to meditate and think this through with complete honesty. What’s your role in society?
🏺Aquarius – 4 of Cups Rx
what’s died inwardly: Being under the dominant influence of Aquarius means you are often in your headspace. You are the oldest Air sign so intellect itself is a big part of your entire being. However, being too often and too much in your headspace can easily cause you a lethargy of sort. Really, it’s not that difficult to see why: your brain activities eat up to 20% of energy on a daily basis. When you’re Aquarius who thinks too much, that percentage is probably higher so you get tired more easily(?)LOL But on top of that, know that thoughts are often an enemy to our positive self-concept. Human beings are often victims of their own thought patterns. Dunno; the world is too negatively polarised, I guess. Bruce Lee said: ‘Think less, feel more~’ You’re being guided to enjoy your Life more on the basis of your emotions now than your logic.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: Think less, feel more. Try to breathe deeply every so often, and maybe even carve out a minute or two just for that. You may want to take up new hobbies that are usually outside your normal field of interest. You may want to change certain habits or build new habits altogether. Pro tip: it can take anywhere from 18 days to 25 days to solidify a new habit. The reason behind this extreme variation is the background of the individual who’s working to build these habits. You may be slower or faster than someone else when it comes to manifesting new habits. The modifiers are your experiences and your base psychology. So don’t get too worked up on pace. All in all, your reading sounds the most like advice because you’re currently needing a lot of clarity to figure out your path ahead. But Scorpio season is really allowing you more than anyone else a space/period to wind down and find your bearing in this misty new beginning.
Mind Magick Transmutation🔻💙👻
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Psycho Freedom for 🐝Water Signs – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
Love is an equal give-and-take. It will always be that way. As much as you give to the other person, as much you receive from them because they feel the same way, too. True Love is fulfilling as it is unselfish nor is it a martyr. Anything that isn’t this, isn’t Love. You are learning to distinguish the spectrum of Human emotions and recognise what is and isn’t of Love.
🦀Cancer – 10 of Wands
what’s died inwardly: Cancer likes drama, which is why it attracts drama. Emotionally draining drama. You’re sensitive but at the same time dead, so you like to go after the adrenaline rush of an emotionally charged situation because it’s the only thing that makes you feel alive. It’s hurting you tho, and it’s hurting everybody else. Some time ago you realised it’s exhausting to live like that, and now the Universe is supporting you in developing more of your intellectual side to perceive the world. Not to abandon all feelings obviously, but to balance your worldview. Being a Water sign, emotions are your strengths; but if you allow yourself to drown in them, you’re a hopeless case. You shouldn’t be a slave to your emotions.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: A renewed sense of empowerment is birthing. You know you have these hobbies that you genuinely enjoy on a spiritual level. It could be sports or a creative endeavour; anything really. You’re likely to shift your attention more to them and nurture your hobbies because they simply give you a breath of life. And that’s important. You’re going to quit being so afraid of strange consequences that might be the result of following your Heart. Have you ever heard anybody said they regret following their heart’s true passions? I really don’t think that’s even possible. Here is your new beginning, or a restart/refresh. Take advantage of Scorpio’s selfish energy and begin manifesting your dreams~!
🦂Scorpio – XV The Devil Rx (can I laugh?)
what’s died inwardly: Having a strong undercurrent of Scorpio usually gives you a lot of experiences dealing with the darkness of the world. You may have faced a lot of very dark situations or get entangled with dark people who do dark things in society. The biggest lesson is usually about whether or not you’re going to allow yourself to get absorbed into the dark dealings of society. This Scorpio season—your season—may have given you a lot of opportunities to reflect upon this of yourself. Have you made a clear statement about who you are, what you were born to do and what you want to focus on as a result of that deep reflection? As you do that you will feel liberated from the influences of every other person who doesn’t resonate with you on a much higher spiritual level.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: Though there are aenergetic forces that will make you ponder all of that, at the end of the day, as a free individual capable of reason, you will have to make a decision. You’re the one who has to go through the thinking process and deep reflections on the whole concept of you vs the world. Only when you understand your deepest desires and find the courage to stick by them to make them all happen, can the Universe give you the green light to smoothly pursue this path. This path that you have chosen with a clear conscience. Don’t be afraid; you’re not a bad person. You can have whatever you want!
🎏Pisces – Knight of Pentacles Rx
what’s died inwardly: Knight of Pentacles can speak of sacrifices. In your case, being Pisces, you’re actually super accommodating to other people. Maybe on an emotional landscape, or the way you’re always extending a helping hand or lending an ear to other’s concerns. In that way, you’re super self-sacrificing because you want to make other people feel good. Feel heard and seen. But sometimes, they don’t give you back what you’ve given them, even when you explicitly ask for advice or help. This has to stop now. The days of Pisces being a martyr are gone. We’re in a new paradigm of self-love. You give to yourself before you share with others.
what’s rebirthing outwardly: A typical possibility is that you’re going to shield yourself from the demands of others. I know a lot of people are currently going through the same selection process when it comes to keeping important people around and weeding parasites. Continue to do that because as you purify your energetic field, you’re making space for a lot of better things to occupy that vacant space. Work with magickal ways to manifest as Pisces really doesn’t need to use logic that much. Logic actually only hampers or slows down your manifestation. Keep the faith and keep going based on what your intuition tells you. No need to get stressed out by anything because you’re moving towards brighter days~
Mind Magick Transmutation🔻💛👻
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stopthefxxkingcar · 2 months
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tarotindabox · 11 months
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When talking about the community and the people around, it is impossible not to think about the other side of the topic. About loneliness. After all, some experiences of interaction with people can lead us exactly to it. Whether by our own will or by the will of fate, but in such cases, when we are left alone face to face with ourselves, the path of complete independence opens up for us, where we can only rely on ourselves. Times like these usually show that we on our own can give ourselves what we need, although it is difficult to realize that right away.
Many people see loneliness as a problem, but this is only because they cannot distinguish between the broad concept of loneliness and the concept of isolation or the sad feeling of being alone. In English, for example, this distinction is very clear. There is the word "solitude" - as a healthier phenomenon of loneliness, and there is "loneliness" - as a painful feeling. Despite the negative perception of solitude in society, I believe that there are many positive aspects to it.
Periods of solitude can be useful for self-exploration, self-development and overall personal growth. Alone we have the opportunity to dive deeper into our thoughts and emotions. We can pay attention to our desires, dreams and goals, and understand what precisely makes us happy. This helps us better understand ourselves and our needs.
It also promotes the development of creative thinking. We can learn to express our ideas more freely and experiment with different forms of creativity. This may well lead to a kind of self-discovery that would not happen when dissolving in relationships with others, but when dissolving in relationships with ourselves, it is very possible. [in both cases I do not put a negative connotation into the word “dissolving.” ]
Sometimes we really find ourselves in a position where no one will understand us better than ourselves and that's okay. Moreover, there are situations when we can see that we ourselves, as individual units, are more productive than in cooperation with others. Moving alone, without external influences or distractions, we can sometimes focus more deeply on our tasks and achieve better results.
At the end of the day, solitude can be a kind of medicine that gives inner peace and tranquility. In a world where we are constantly surrounded by people and information, solitude provides an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and find inner peace. This isn't a boring isolation, it's just self-care.
Loneliness can be perceived as limitation or a difficult test, but as I once said, in fact, loneliness feeds and nurtures like a mother. It can be a strict teacher, but also your best friend. Don’t be sad if you didn’t choose it yourself. You can then choose how to treat it: suffer from it and see it as an enemy, or make the most of it and enjoy this period with gratitude. Know that it will certainly educate you, because as a rule, this period has its own plan and good intentions.
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sydweedon · 11 months
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Card for the Moment: The Sun, “Lord of the Fire of the World.” Spiritual emancipation, joy, shameless pleasure, freedom brings sanity, glory, riches. The sun is the happiest card in the deck. Fun and joy are coming your way. The Sun says, “now is the time to live your best self.” You can be honest about who you are and what you’re doing. In romantic relationships there is a new freedom and intensity. You may receive glory and riches.
Inside baseball: The Waite deck shows one child in the Sun. The other canonical decks – Golden Dawn, Thoth and Tarot de Marseille – show two children of opposite sex dancing beneath the Sun. This photo is of the Marseille deck. The two suggests to me the duality of our lives. To live our best life our dualities need to be dancing with each other.
Waite felt obligated to conceal certain magical truths due to his vows of secrecy to the Golden Dawn. That’s why he has pages rather than princesses and the one child rather than two. Where is the sun shining in your life right now? #tarot #magick #divination #TheSun #joy #freedom #glory
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The Fool Card : The Fool invite us to let go out inhibition and live an authentic life where you feel ready to take a leap of fate into the unknown , tells us that a new journey can starts any moment if we embrace our inner child
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lovemetaprograms · 8 months
Going into a corporate store and speaking with a woman working there the other day reminded me of death and the devil. (As mythological archetypes, I'm not some fanatic.)
Standing there speaking with her as she strove to persuade me to buy into the programs and products, as she strove to persuade me that she herself believed she was doing the right thing, as she strove to persuade herself that she was not selling her soul away with every imitation of faith, I was struck by the horror and the sorrow of it all. A beautiful woman, entangled in this net of money and manipulation, and she sees no way out, so she bows to her chains. At the end of it all, we both saw her persuasion failed, we both saw how short the lie fell. I go back away, I break her desperate gaze, which is poorly hidden by the strain of the days, and much training. She returns to her enslavement. And I wonder if she has any hope left. I can see how much she hates this tiring charade.
Death is inevitable you see, but the Devil is a choice. Do not let those in bondage entice you to join them in their chains, no matter how they display them as signs of wealth or splendour. For if you look a little closer, you will see the misery in their gaze, you will see their horror at their life slipping away, you will see their desperation to be free. But it's all a choice, and at the end of it there's no escape from yourself. Eventually you have to say enough, and face fear with love.
Change can be frightening, and yet it is the very source of the fountain of life.
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wandererwillow · 1 year
Una vida diferente...
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queenalliadvypuss41 · 2 years
There's something so freeing about being in my 40s! I own this!
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bakedtarot · 1 year
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minority rule is undemocratic.
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icyfiretraveler · 2 years
"Freedom Planet 2"
Released: Sep 13, 2022
Genre: Action Platformer
Playtime: 20h
I played the first "Freedom Planet" game near launch and I was ridiculously hyped to learn the sequel I never knew about released this year!!! Definitely a must buy for anyone who likes going fast. The story and world adds tons of depth to the lore and playing from a water dragon pov I found Lilac's story really touching. The main conflict is extremely compelling and the final encounter with Bakunawa was one of the most memorable experiences in gaming for me. Im sure the other three character stories have just as much to add to their characters so this game easily gets 4x plays out of the main story!!! Dont miss this!
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