#taz episode 25
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Current stuff
Criminal Minds Evolution s17 June
Breaking Bad Season 3 episode 9
Law&Order SVU - Season 25 episode 13
This list will be updated daily so you know where I'm at and how close I am to finishing it!
Welcome to Nightvale - episode 121
MBMBAM - episode 695
TAZ VS Dracula - episode 4
Sawbones - (Gallstones)
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
so when i listened to taz ethersea, i listened to the first 17 episodes, fell off the wagon for a while, and then listened to the rest all at once over like a week.
this means, that in the finale when *SPOILERS* devo says his real name is damien cern, my immediate reaction was “fuck, i really should know who that is.”
so i went back. and I looked. and I was still confused. and i looked harder. and i took notes. and i am less confused, but now i have a true pepe sylvia conspiracy theory board. which i will share.
here is a timeline of What We Know About The Cerns, complete with all my various conspiracy theories. spoilers, obvs, for the whole series
Hominine traveling performance troupe comes to beach
Benevolence comes to beach
Declan’s eldest son, Tolliver (98% certain that it’s him), goes missing. (prologue V: The Weight of History)
He has two other sons. If Amber’s account of Tolliver being “Declan Cern’s little boy” is taken literally, Tolliver can’t be older than 12 or so, and is likely under 10 (little).
We have no indication of another parent in the picture, and no indication of whether the kids are adopted (from the traveling troupe) or not.
The Storm - we go under the sea. (prologue V: The Weight of History)
2 years later - Devo is born!
Was supposedly raised “with” the Church and his mom, who was a member of the traveling performance troupe (TTAZZ Ethersea Wrap-up)
important, Declan Cern is never mentioned when discussing Devo’s backstory. The implication is that he is/was uninvolved in Devo’s life, and judging by his 0 voiced lines in the podcast it is possible that he doesn’t know Devo is his son OR does not recognize him as his son (legally or just by face)
Some Point before age 6 or 7 - name is changed from Damien to Devotion, this is when the ‘fulfill your destiny’ stuff starts (Episode 25, Cambria’s Call pt 4)
age 7 - mom “disappears”, the Church and more specifically the Hand of Guidance takes over his care (TTAZZ Ethersea Wrap-up)
So the scene with the lights + the hand of guidance in ep. 25 (Travis says Devo was “6 or 7″) would’ve been right around the time his fucking mom disappeared, Christ, guidance.
Some point (unknown, could’ve been before now) Brother Seldom leaves the church
Some point (slightly more known- 7-22) Devo hears Brother Seldom’s broadcast and is inspired to leave the parish
23 - he leaves!
Beginning of true podcast time
When Devo asks Felix for a line of credit (Episode 6, interlude 1), this happens:
Devo: And along with this, if I die, before I am able to pay you back, you can take this—
Travis: And Devo writes out a note.
Devo: To the Cern family. And they will pay my debt, no questions asked.
The ONLY direct interaction I can find with Declan Cern is when they go before the Ballasters in the interlude when the Sallow comes (Episode 22)
He doesn’t say a fuckin word. He just sits in his Ballaster of Transit chair and watches. Travis recognizes him and asks about him - we don’t know if Devo recognizes him. Devo doesn’t act particularly out of character in the trial, at least as far as I can tell so maybe no?
We’re assuming when Hermine gets up and leads them all off, Declan goes back to whatever he was doing, as none of the other Ballasters follow them. He literally sits there and says nothing, even as Kodeira vouches for them and looks to Guidance and Aloyicius Supreme for confirmation, but not Declan
Doylist explanation - Griffin forgot he was there after describing him bc he’s #irrelevant
Watsonian explanation - this man is sinking into the floor. Or Kodeira has no reason to think that Declan knows anyone in the party, which is also VERY INTERESTING
He’s “in his 70s” so he was 47-57 when Devo was born, 45-55 on the beach. Either he aged real bad or Travis has a galaxy brain take on what “charismatic young man” (how he’s described in a quiet year V) can mean.
In the Menagerie, Devo meets a spectral, hologram-ish being that confirms themselves to be the Auctioneer and says he can call them Tolliver. They mostly discuss ethics and environmentalism and how to not be an asshole. (Ep. 24-25, The Menagerie parts 4-5)
Tolliver uses he/him pronouns from this point forward - the Auctioneer used they/them.
He is described as young man in his early 30s with three scars on his face, one of which goes over his eye which no longer works.
This age lines up with Devo’s if Tolliver is the eldest
At the end of the Menagerie mission Amber recalls that Tolliver was the name of “Declan Cern’s little boy” (Ep 25, The Menagerie Pt 5)
After Devo splits the timeline (Ep. 44 “Finale”), Tolliver shows up and basically says “hey what the fuck??? What the fuck did you do?? Even I don’t know what you did and I’m magic”
He also claims himself to be the “embodiment of the will of magic”
Devo reveals both his “real name”- Damien Cern - and his plan to kill Benevolence.
The former (Devo = Damien Cern) Tolliver scoffs at
Devo: Or I could just go by my real name, if you would prefer. And I could just be Damien Cern.
Tolliver: [scoffs]
Griffin: He smiles when you say that, and he says...
Tolliver: You’ve really got layers, don’t you?”
The latter (killing Benevolence) really freaks him out
Griffin: Tolliver, even in this moment where he has admitted that he doesn’t know as much as he’s letting on, still seems pretty uh... cocky. When you say that, he... is taken aback. And then he just kind of like looks around the room in a panic, like he’s trying to think his way through it. And he says...
Tolliver: [shaken] Wow, you’ve... You’ve really got layers, um... Hm. Okay. I can help you with that. And in exchange, maybe you can help me too. Because... I... I am pretty powerful, but I am only doing what I am called to do. I’m acting on instinct, doing what I’m supposed to do, and you were not supposed to call out to the family of Benefactor Orlene, but you did.
Devo: Mm-hmm.
Tolliver: And in doing so, you defied fate itself, and that makes you very, very interesting! 
So. That’s the timeline.
We know that Devo is a Cern.
We know that his mother was in his life until he was 7, and that she raised him “with” the Church, until she disappeared and the Church took over completely. 
We know that he is the child of one of the traveling performers from Hominine, and he was “adopted by the Church” (TTAZZ)
We know that the only Cern mentioned on the show is Declan Cern, and his three sons, the eldest of which went missing.
The simplest answer is that his mother was one of the traveling performers, and his father was Declan Cern. These are the assumptions we will be operating under.
My nitpicky autistic ass absolutely has to point out several technicalities that probably do not matter
We don’t know for certain that his mother was one of the traveling performers. The two facts are mentioned separately.
Declan Cern could’ve been one of the traveling performers who retired and became a council member. He isn’t mentioned by name until Prologue V. It’s definitely not the most likely thing, but it is possible.
the performer, his mother, and Declan Cern could’ve all been separate people, with his mother being a church member related to Declan Cern in some way who adopted him from the performer/troupe
We don’t know for certain that Devo is Declan Cern’s son. We just know that he is a member of the Cern family - he could be a nephew, a cousin, etc.
We don’t know for certain that Devo’s mother and Declan Cern were romantically/sexually involved in any way. Again, she could’ve just been a church member that adopted him, or she could be a sister/relative of Declan Cern’s.
When Devo talks about his break with the church, he does not mention Declan - his focus is on Guidance, Orlean, and other current church members. So I don’t think the rift b/w him and Declan was caused by Devo’s break with the parish
Important to remember: when talking about his upbringing, Devo NEVER mentions having friends his own age. He emphasizes over and over how isolated and alone he felt. Would this have been the case if his brothers were there? Were any of the other Cerns present in Devo’s life at all?
potential answer - Devo emphasizes the isolation because that’s how he felt but there might have been other kids or his brothers around just not easily accessible to him as friends or family.
Devo was isolated by Guidance early on to be groomed into taking her place - nothing the Cerns could’ve done, assuming they’d want to do anything, would have stopped The Hand Of Guidance from getting what she wants - she’s consistently described as Incredibly Powerful. This is the mostly likely answer I think.
Why was Declan Cern not a prominent figure in Devo’s upbringing?
What happened to the other sons? Were they ever in Devo’s life?
To what degree do the Cerns know that Devo is a Cern? To what degree does the Church know?
How big is the Cern family? Is it just Declan and his sons?
Why was the Church raising Devo with his mother rather than Declan? What was The Church’s role in Devo’s upbringing before his mom died compared to after?
What happened that made the Church adopt him when his mother disappeared, instead of his next of kin? Would his mother have approved of it?
Why were his mother and father separated? Were they? To what extent? For what reason?
Did the other two sons have a parent figure other than Declan before he met Devo’s mom? What happened to them?
Why did his mother disappear? Was it intentional on her part? Did the Church or Guidance have something to do with it? Is she dead? If not, where did she go?? It’s not like it’s a big city, or like there’s anywhere else to go
Maybe she took a ship and just went for it. Idk. Maybe she went looking for the Ark Fleet - if the Hominine traveling theater troupe picked up members as it traveled she could’ve conceivably joined it from somewhere other than Hominine. Perhaps……..France? (my crack theory is that Devo got his accent from his mother)
Maybe Guidance took her out of the picture some other way. Maybe she was scared of something/someone. We’ll probably never know, but doesn’t hurt to theorize. She also could’ve fallen off a cliff or something.
My initial thought was that Declan could’ve cheated on his existing partner who he had the initial three sons with, by sleeping with one of the performing troupe members, so when they get pregnant it has to be kept quiet bc he’s a Public Figure, and he’s had enough of the public eye after Tolliver went missing, right?
So they’re separated and decide that she will raise Devo at the Church and he’ll send child support (notice Devo saying ‘the Cern family will pay it [the debt] no questions asked’ - this corroborates that!) but something mysteriously happens to her, leaving the way clear and unimpeded for the Hand of Guidance to groom Devo into the perfect successor.
His mother could’ve told him he was a Cern before her disappearance, and the child support kept coming in. I imagine the Hand of Guidance would’ve wanted to use the lux herself, maybe she framed it as funding his education, so of course it would go to her, she was his education.
I do feel like Guidance would try to steer Devo away from checking on his Cern family though for cult reasons.
It is physically impossible for his other sons to also be children of this traveling performance troupe member unless he adopted a whole bunch of orphans they conveniently had around.
Unless (unless)
Both the performing troupe and Declan are Hominine. What if the Cern family was living in Hominine, and Declan heard the call, but the mom didn’t? They could’ve had a big blowout fight about it, ending with her joining the performance troupe and him taking the kids to the beach.
Then, when the rest of the troupe realized hey fuck there’s nowhere to go they come to the beach, Declan and the mom reunite and go under together, then 2 years later have Devo
It also lays the groundwork for why Devo might have been raised on his own - if they had marital problems and separated again, the older kids might choose to go with their dad, while baby Devo stays with mom.
Also, Declan’s kinda old and this is a hard world. Maybe he was too caught up in work (canonically he’s a “nose to the grindstone” kind of guy) to take care of a baby so that fell to Devos mom, who also needed to parent two other kids so she enlisted the church to help.
That might also explain why Devo didn’t see much of his brothers! If the Church was doing childcare, it could’ve been separated by age group, so the older kids might be off with Brother Seldom or whatever other group they have while Devo stayed at the Church with the other little kids.
Also if they’re staying in a bathysphere…three kids two parents is a big family is all. Maybe the mom stayed at the Church with Devo some nights when it got too crowded, and that’s how it started. Then more and more often, the Hand of Guidance helps out, seemingly taking on more responsibility out of the goodness of her heart, while actually taking over more and more of his upbringing, grooming him to be her successor because she’s noticed his gifts at this point.
Alternately, polyamory is always an option. Maybe Declan Cern has (or had) multiple partners who aren’t really involved in each other’s lives.
Alternately, Declan Cern could’ve been a single dad before they even set foot on that beach.
Alternately, Declan wasn’t involved in the pregnancy - he just adopted the son of a traveling performer.
Where the mom fits in here is...tricky. Maybe she had a kid she wasn’t able to take care of, and Declan offered to adopt him, then had him grow up in the church, where Guidance got her greedy little hands on him, and the mom could be semi-involved.
Or whatever partner Declan had his other kids with died/divorced him and he fell in love Devo’s mom. Or again, polyamory, or single dad.
If Devo’s age is real, Declan either adopted Devo post-Storm, or fathered him post-Storm.
or. We know Devo is a Cern - it is not explicit that Declan is his father. Does Declan have any other family in Founder’s Wake? Lord only knows.
If this wasn’t a long enough post for you, I put all the transcripts i cited below (thank u tazscripts they do have official transcripts at maximum fun but some episodes don’t and they always wind up being the ones I need)
TTAZZ Ethersea Wrap Up
the main thing from this one is:
“Travis:...I don’t know if it was ever clear, Devo’s mom was with him for like seven years at the Church, and then one day disappeared, and the rest of the time raised by the Church alone.” (TTAZZ Ethersea Wrap-up)
ily travis but this is in fact not particularly clear
Episode 44 - finale
Episode 34, The Menagerie pt 4
Episode 35, The Menagerie pt 5
Episode 36, The Menagerie pt 6
there isn’t. a transcript. for this. on maxfun or tazscripts. i had to go in and write it down myself. this is the podcast link, what it said and the approx. timestamp
(1:18:58- 1:19:40)
Devo: “…It was pretty shitty, there was a dude there named Tolliver, I don’t know if that’s his real name, who was the Auctioneer that we dealt with before, he fucking sucked Griffin: Hey Amber? Roll uh, Roll a history check. Justin: Alright…22 Griffin: That name rings a bell for you, because you have only known one Tolliver in your, in your long life, it’s a name you’ve not heard in a long time, but…it hits you, all of a sudden, that the only Tolliver you’ve ever known, the only person that ever had that name, was Declan Cern’s little boy.”
Episode 25 Cambria’s Call pt 4 (thank u tazscripts)
Episode 22 (interlude 3 (b/w Abyssal Auction and Cambria’s Call))
Ep. 6 (interlude 1 (b/w The Gallery Job and The Infinite Clam))
prologue V: The Weight of History
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termiteterraceclub · 6 months
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Termite Terrace Club - November 28th
1931 - Hittin’ the Trail for Hallelujah Land - Dir. Rudolf Ising
1936 - The CooCoo Nut Grove - Dir. Friz Freleng
1953 - Cats A-Weigh - Dir. Robert McKimson
#looneytunes #looneytwt #sylvesterthecat #sylvesterjr #hippetyhopper
1992 - Taz-Mania: “The Man from M.A.R.S.” / “Friends for Strife”
2018 - New Looney Tunes Season 2 Episode 14-25, 27-28, 30-39.
S2E14 - “Hoarder Up” / “Cougar, Cougar”
S2E15 - “The Wedding Quacksher” / “The Food Notwork”
S2E16 - “A Duck in the Aquarium” / “The Breezehammer”
S2E17 - “Quantum Sheep” / “Houston, We Have a Duck Problem”
S2E18 - “10-4, Good Bunny” / “Gold Medal Wabbit”
S2E19 - “Cyrano de Bugs” / “Point Duck Percent”
S2E20 - “Sir Littlechin and the Kraken” / “Crouching Porky, Hidden Daffy”
S2E21 - “King Nutininkommen” / “Greenhouse Gasbag”
S2E22 - “Abracawabbit” / “Ponce de Calzone”
S2E23 - “For the Love of Fraud” / “Not So Special Delivery”
S2E24 - “One Carroter in Search of an Artist” / “The Duck Days of Summer”
S2E25 - “Etiquette Shmetiquette” / “Daffy in the Science Museum”
S2E27 - “Top Bugs” / “Slugsmoby”
S2E28 - “Rhoda Rage” / “Good Duck to You, Cirque”
S2E30 - “Acme Instant” / “When Marvin Comes Martian In”
S2E31 - “The Knight Time Is the Right Time” / “The Pepé Le Pew Affair”
S2E32 - “Hamsters” / “Bugs Baked”
S2E33 - “Vampire Me Love” / “The Tad Tucker Workout”
S2E34 - “Canadian Bacon” / “Bugs Bunny Saves the Universe”
S2E35 - “Hip Hop Hare”
S2E36 - “Gettin’ Your Goat” / “Spelunkheads”
S2E37 - “Loon-Raker” / “Angry Bird”
S2E38 - “Area Fifty-Run” / “Porker in the Court”
S2E39 - “Tad the Skydiver” / “Duck of the Flies”
(Today marks the return of Penelope Pussycat in any animated Looney Tunes spin-off since her last cameo in The Looney Tunes Show Season 2 episode, “A Christmas Carol” which aired on December 4, 2012. Penelope is appearing in the Bugs Bunny Builders episode, “Catwalk”.)
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rmbunnie · 6 months
TAZ Amnesty Spoilers!
There is nothing in the world like really enjoying TAZ Balance and then finding out that they did other ones! And wow omg Amnesty is going on right now and it sounds soooooo interesting and I listened to five episodes and i just loooove Ned Chicane! And it will be sooo cool to be able to listen to this one as it comes out, episode 23 or maybe 25 just came out and everyone is talking about this Indrid character that I haven't gotten to yet and im sure they'll be great but boy is my favorite character NED FUCKING CHICANE! I'm so excited for the future developments of this character!
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queenangst · 2 years
ely, i really wanna watch d20 but i am very lost on where to start. help?
sweet nonnie i hope you know i thought about this question for a week and kept meaning to answer it. i hope you see this and that this is helpful for you!
my opinion: the easiest way is, start with the current running campaign. you've arrived at a perfect time - at the time of posting this ask (9/25/22), there is a campaign halfway through still airing, a court of fey and flowers.
the reason i recommend starting w the current campaign is bc most campaign/seasons are one-offs and not continuous. it's really special getting to watch the campaign with the rest of the fandom all at the same time, coming up with theories, talking about the events of that week, because after the campaign ends there will be less people actively talking about it, making fan content, etc at the same time, as everyone watches d20 in their own pace.
after that, pick based on:
what seems most interesting to you d20 has a wide range of genres, settings, gameplay mechanics. do you want to watch kinda urban fantasy stuff with high schoolers? watch fantasy high. want intense high fantasy political drama with high, deadly stakes? watch a crown of candy. want to see a bunch of animals solve a murder? watch of mice & murder. look at the premise of each season and see what interests you most!
length of series if you're still struggling because they all look good, pick based on length! for example, there are some shorter campaigns ("side quests") - if you're in the mood for something you can get through quickly, go with those. they tend to be like 4-6 episodes in length. want something you can really watch and sink your teeth into over time? try one of the main campaigns and you'll get maybe 18 episodes of content.
cast! d20 alternates between the main cast of the dome, the intrepid heroes, and guest casts. if you already know a certain set of players from something else, go with that campaign! for example, if you watch critical role, you could watch one of the campaigns with matt, marisha, aabria, etc. taz? there's a season with the mcelroys.
just start watching fantasy high still worried? just start with fantasy high. fantasy high is one of campaigns that you could call a series: there's the debut campaign, a sequel campaign that's fantasy high sophomore year, bonus episodes, spin offs, etc.
watch in release order if none of the above are how you want to go at it, why not just start from the beginning?
one last thing: there are many other people who have posted watch orders. and the d20 wiki has a page dedicated to watch order - if this isn't helpful or you want to look more into the different campaigns, take a look at this page. they've organized d20 by tone and genre, release order, and by series.
enjoy!!!!! (and tell me what you watch)
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raspberrybluejeans · 9 months
Okay I need to complain about TAZ Ethersea and I’m not putting the actual fandom tags on this because I don’t want to cause anyone going to the Ethersea tag for fun to see my hater content and feel sad lol.
I did really enjoy Ethersea and I love TAZ I just don’t really have anyone to complain about with and it’s been boiling inside of me so I have got 2 fire it out somewhere (warning this is a Long tangent lol)
Okay first I want to put the disclaimer that I have memory and attention details so I apologize if I did not remember something right.
So the thing is that i fucking LOVED the prequel episodes and got really hyped up from them and then the actual story felt like a letdown to me.
I think that the root of everything is that they decided to make this story take place 25 years after the prequel. If they wanted to have the same story they basically had, I think it should have been waaaaaaaay later than 25 years. That is way too soon. That society had too much good stuff & had their shit way too together for a group of random people that had literally just been shoved underwater only 25 years ago. I don't think there would be such established classes, levels, technologies, businesses, etc in such a short time. If the whole being a group of randos hired by a company for jobs was an integral part of the story, I think it should have taken place way later.
I think it would be really cool if it was actually 25 years later but a vastly different story. Doing somewhat similar stuff to A Quiet Year but on a more zoomed in role play way. They could have had similar adventures such as the Cambria thing, but just had them be a rag tag team of volunteers looking for supplies out in the ocean. The city could be far more ramshackle and the story could have been focused on repairing the city and adding things onto it and engineering new solutions. This story would probably not be able to have the "getting coins and buying items" aspect that most TAZ stories have, but I think it could still work. They could just find and make cool items instead.
Back to the actual story: I don't think Joshy should have been around in the main season; and if he was he should have been old as fuck. He was already being called "old uncle Joshy" in the prequel and he should not have been like. out and about doing shit 25 years later lol.
Also, even though it was funny, I don't think the Joshy's Knuckle part of the civilization made sense. To have a whole vast area dedicated to like. idk. sketchy people? Seems like a weird choice. I think it would make more sense if it was like one weird attachment to the city, almost looking like a tumor on the side or something. Having a whole floor and it not even being the very bottom or top doesn't make sense. That implies the community/government built Joshy's Knuckle with intent. Once again, if there was a bigger timeframe, I could see this level originally being like a general community level that fell into disrepair. But from all the context we got, it seems like it was designed to be a scummy level on purpose, which is kind of weird.
The bougie level and the swamplands roof level also don't make a whole lot of sense, but I have a vague idea about how society could want to make such places.
I thought the prequel idea of the city was interesting, where there is one main building and a bunch of little single family pods sticking to it like barnacles. I think that they should have worked with that a little more, and had different parts of the city be attached bubbles or domes instead of having almost all of it be like. one stacked tube. Like I said earlier I really like the idea of Joshy's Knuckle being an ugly eyesore attachment to the side of the main city building.
Now, I know Griffin said he liked just having a hands off approach to this story, but I have to say I really did not. I felt super detached to this story because of it. Griffin also said he did not want the PCs to make much backstory for their characters and I also really didn't like that.
Particularly with Amber, I just never really got to understand or like her? The most excited I got was that single memory flashback of her child(?)hood when her friend was high and smashing up the house. I was so excited to learn more about that but that was basically it. What happened to Amber's family? How did she come to be at this civilization? On a related note, I feel like her having actual powers of some kind cheapened the whole psychic shark school scam thing. But thats just me. I don't really understand what was going on with her Koda powers or whatever either.
And then Devo. We also came pretty close to knowing stuff about him, but we only got that one tiny taste of a memory with the Hand of Guidance abusing(?) him. He was so incredibly angry and I kept waiting to hear more about the scope of what happened to him and never really got it. Why exactly was he being cloistered? Why were there no others being cloistered beside him? I don't really understand the motivations. I also wonder about his accent. I understand the Doylist explanation that his accent was to show how separate/different he was from everyone else, but whats the Watsonian explanation? Hand of Guidance didn't have an accent. Orlean didn't have an accent. Someone taught him to talk like that. Is there another character that partook in raising him that we didn't know about? Potentially it could have been his mother, but I don't think he would still have that much of an accent left after ~15 years without her. No one else in Founder's Wake talks like that. Why? Also iirc he basically joins the church again at the end of the season? which made no fuckin sense to me. I think he wanted to help people or something but there was no reason for him to join the church to do that. He could have started some kind of secular organization.
And I also don't feel like I got answers about whatever was going on with Zoox. Or the dead coral people. Honestly the whole Brinarr situation was confusing and kind of a letdown for me but I don't know how to articulate why. I also don't understand what happened with Zoox at the end of the season.
I also don't really understand why they were all hanging out tbh. I know they were apparently just arbitrarily picked out as a team at that job agency or whatever? And once again, I know the Doylist explanation is that they needed those three PCs to be hanging out together. But what is the story reason that they keep hanging out? I can understand Zoox thinking they are friends and wanting to hang out with them because he is fairly new and naive. But Devo and Amber seemed to really genuinely hate each other after awhile. That one fight was almost uncomfortable to listen to, even if it was good story telling. But why would they continue to do shit together when they didn't like each other. There should have been some narrative threads forcing them to stick together more I think.
Amnesty also kind of had that problem of like "why are these people even hanging out lol" but not quite as bad. To be completely honest I think part of the problem is just that none of these seasons have been as long as Balance so the characters haven't had time to get to know each other and grow on each other. Even the very beginning of Balance kind of had that "why are they hanging out" feel.
Commitment and Dust, like Ethersea, had the team together because they were coworkers on a job together but since those shows never got too far we never had to answer "why are they hanging out [outside of work]" We only see the characters in those campaigns in the middle of job stuff. If they had continued much more maybe they would eventually have the same problem.
This may be controversial but I think Graduation did the best job with PCs. They started out as assigned roommates and I really felt like the characters became friends over the course of that story.
From what I've listened of Steeplechase so far I also think it has potential. The group already knew each other before the story and had a business together. I think they have potential for growing great chemistry together.
Anyways there's so many random unanswered questions about Ethersea that hopefully they'll get to in season 2 but IDK we'll see :/ I'm pretty sure they will be playing other people so we'll see how they answer like what happened to Devo's parents.
thank you for coming to my fucking ted talk. I'm so happy to get this all off my chest
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dafukdidiwatch · 1 year
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I adore The Magnus Archives! It was actual a pandemic podcast for me. I got into it during the beginning of spring I wanna say, a little bit after I finished Homestuck actually. I kept seeing posts on tumblr about it since I think it was hitting the final season during then, and there were 2 Specific Posts, both crossovers with TAZ, that got me interested in it. I listened to it every day after work trying to get me to take daily walks so I wouldn’t feel so cooped up, and I even got to listen to it during work (perks of working remotely). Sometimes I even just go to sleep listening to it, it was soothing in it’s own way.
The Magnus Archives is absolutely a top tier podcast. I love everything about it. I love anthology series and stories, always have, so it just spoke to me. The deep and smooth voice of Jon Sims, and his range in voice acting is just so good! I love how it builds and keeps building and the little details were all around to figure out what the specific Fear entity is, and how it relates to a much larger plot. Normally shows sort of lose my interest if they start to completely focus on a larger storyline and lose that monster-of-the-week style they had initially, but TMA just has a brilliant balance between the two. I get my statement, the statement gives hints to the larger story, and we hear the talk and discussion of the nonsense around recording the statement. Best outcome all the way around.
Jesus I literally can just go off about it there really is nothing that I won’t talk about for The Magnus Archives. I clearly remember listening to Episode 7: The Piper while working and it changing my opinion of it being a Good Podcast to being a Great Podcast. I found the episodes about Micheal Crew and the Episode 19/20 two parter to be pretty boring. I discovered I got a new fear of Cave Diving from Lost Johns Cave, and specifically the ones dealing with Space freak me the hell out 100%. I remember that listening to Episode 25: Growing Dark trying to fall to sleep actually got to me, and I had to pause it to finish in the morning. I love the Michael (the Spiral man lol) as my favorite monster. And I actually love the Jared episodes dealing with The BoneTurner’s Tale. Elias sucks ass. Love Martin and Tim. I actually didn’t catch that Sasha’s voice changed going into Season 2. The Jorgen Leitner book episodes are a hit or miss to me. Depends on the book.
I’ve actually been writing some TMA fanfiction on the side. The one TAZ/TMA crossover post of the Starblaster Crew as Avatars inspired me actually write it. HERE’s the link if you’re interested. I’ve also donated to The Magnus Protocol kickstarter as one of the higher ranking tiers, so I’m going to get an episode dedicated to me however that works. I’ve talked to my friend and I think if I was an Avatar it would be for either The Spiral or The End.
Seriously, you can just deadass give me an episode and I can go off about it. It’s just so good.
The only thing is, I do know spoilers and endgame (roughly) for the end of the series, but I’ve never actually finished listening to the series. I’ve only gone up to part way in Season 4. I have a, how you say, weird thing about finishing things sometimes. Would sort of stopped listening in the middle of things, got distracted by other things/hobbies, then just picked it back up again like a few months ago. So I have like, 3 waves of listening to it if that makes sense?
First Wave was during Pandemic where I got up to the beginning of Season 4, maybe like 10 episodes into Season 4, somewhere like that. Second Wave to intently listen was when I just listened specifically the statements and only the statements. Like the outside story is great, but sometimes I just wanna get the anthology part of the series ya know? Got up to Season 3, but I definitely skip around them to the good stuff lol. Then it’s the Third Wave which is my Journal Wave, because to keep track of all the small details I’ve been writing each episode in a journal to pick up the clues and hints of each episode and how they connect. Really it was just to focus on key words and phrases to figure out what entities were tied to each episode. I’ve actually just got well into Season 2 of my Journal Wave listen, just started listening to Ep 48 as of this morning.
I finally got my friend to listen to TMA and now she’s gonna finish the series well before me lol, oh well. Tho I think we are gonna lowkey start a Magnus Archives Book Club, so that’s going to be fun.
So yeah, I’m pretty obsessed with The Magnus Archives, I think it’s a brilliant source of stories and narration, where it can be enjoyed singularly or as a whole. I 100% recommend it to anyone I can, and absolutely one of my favorite bouts of horror. Feel free to ask me anything about it, tho keep in mind that I’m not yet finished with Season 4 as a heads up. 
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sun-critrole · 1 year
For the cr ask game! 1, 25, 26, 28?
1. How did you first discover Critical Role?
I was watching a lot of TAZ Balance animatics on YouTube, and I kept seeing Critical Role fan content get recommended to me. I decided to check it out. I think I watched the first four episodes of Campaign 2 in like a day, and I fell in love with Beau basically right away. The rest is history.
25. Who's your favorite CR1 villain?
This is tough, I'm gonna say Delilah Briarwood. Really nasty bitch and I love her.
26. Who's your favorite CR2 villain?
Even tougher. Obann is still up there for me. My least favorite is obviously Trent Ikithon, because I made a whole blog about it.
28. What's the most satisfying CR enemy defeat/death?
Trent Ikithon. The fact that his dessicated body is rotting around him while he sits in a cell, muzzled, magic-less, forever, means so much to me personally
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allelitewrestling1 · 11 months
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Taped: August 13, 2020 Aired: August 25, 2020
Jacksonville, FL - Daily’s Place
Commentary: Tony Schiavone, Taz, Veda Scott
-Best Friends d. Demetri Jackson & Storm Thomas
-Shawn Spears d. Jessy Sorensen
-Mel d. Red Velvet
-Lance Archer d. D3
-Luther & Serpentico d. The Initiative
-Nyla Rose d. KiLynn King
-Billy & Austin Gunn d. Baron Black & Frank Stone
-Penelope Ford d. Heather Monroe
-Santana & Ortiz d. Metro Brothers
-Ricky Starks d. Shawn Dean
-Jake Hager d. Marko Stunt
-Frankie Kazarian d. Kip Sabian
-The Hybrid2 d. Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss
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kirstlander · 1 year
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I posted 3,902 times in 2022
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3,739 posts reblogged (96%)
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#orange cassidy - 219 posts
#chuck taylor - 172 posts
#eddie kingston - 142 posts
#hangman page - 130 posts
#mjf - 116 posts
#jon moxley - 100 posts
#malakai black - 95 posts
#kenny omega - 80 posts
#pac - 72 posts
#danhausen - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#or when i'm eating or reading and the woman who finished came and sat down and talked to me for like ten minutes before she went home
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Ummm got my copy a wee bit early??? I'm not complaining I'm so excited to read about these three again.
21 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Is it an episode of aew dark if Taz doesn't make Excalibur corpse in the middle of the show?
22 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
I've just finished they ppv and I'd just like to point out that I will always stan eddie kingston for promoting the women's matches in his post match speech. What a man, I love him so much.
29 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
No one:
Chris Jericho:
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61 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
anyway eddie kingston has the biggest bde in aew for shouting out kris and willow and insisting on more women’s wrestling
161 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
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partial-bouquet · 2 years
Fonally getting caught up with TAZ Ethersea (on episode 25) and damn I love Finneas Cawl lmao.
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epersonae · 2 years
Writing asks: 25, 26
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
I think I only ever wrote into into a fic once, and as an aside, but I cherish the headcanon of Lucretia being colorblind after Wonderland.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
I think I've listened to the entire 70+ hours of TAZ Balance at least five times, and bits and pieces several times more, and at one point I was deeply familiar with Tazscripts.
I am currently watching Our Flag Means Death again from the beginning for maybe the ninth time in 5 months. (Currently: "at long last he'd become a real boy") I think I watched episode 5 an additional four or five times, and as you know, I've probably watched the first five minutes specifically about 10 times. I'm at a similar point with episode 6 while I'm in the middle of writing the chapter about that episode.
So, yeah: immersing myself in the source material. Digging up weird little details. Trying to get to a point where I can hear the dialogue cadence in my head. ("We're going to catch up with it forthwith and kick its ass" lives rent free in my head at all times, as does the single word "booyah" - both of my main blorbos get so often written with much fancier language than is justified in canon, and I fall into that trap sometimes myself!) And then they just sorta rattle around in there until the words fall out.
Sometimes I get out by switching characters, but I think on some level they just don't ever really leave? There's a Lucretia who will live in my head when I'm like 90 years old or whatever, and I'm good with that.
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blog--witch · 4 months
Literally feel like I have to turn on taz instead of dwelling on the Emmy’s so I stop feeling so intensely about Jeremy strong which is a crazy thing to say bc I’m at the start of the suffering game so there’s nothing in the world I’ve felt more strongly about than this like 25 episode stretch of a podcast and yet it sounds like the chiller option
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moreclaypigeons · 1 year
6, 19, 25 for the year ask game?
from the end of year ask game (i'll still take asks so send em :D )
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
I'm not much of a TV person so I'll take this for podcasts. Definitely the Ethersea Finale, or the wrapup ttazz after it. Ethersea lived in my head for so long this year, and the ttazz like basically made me become a taz wiki contributer so... pretty impactful.
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
I'm excited to graduate (but also fucking terrified) and also to see the mcelroys live in april!!
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
I've only made one really, and that would be my first ever DnD character, Asteria Lavant. She's a noble tiefling whose dad is count count (from sesame street) but that's not too important. Her whole aesthetic is based around stars and the night because when she was born her parents named her in honor of selune, the goddess of the moon, who is her patron as a warlock. She has a twin sister but she doesn't know it because they were separated at birth since her parents thought twins were a bad omen since Selune is known to have an evil counterpart. I haven't had more than a few sessions with her but it's been real fun!
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It's been a hell of a year for you, darling! So, please answer any or all of the following, if you would?
End of the year Asks
Song of the year?
Album of the year?
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Movie of the year?
TV show of the year?
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Favorite actor of the year?
Game of the year?
Best month for you this year?
Something that made you cry this year?
Something you want to do again next year?
Talk about a new friend you made this year
How was your birthday this year?
Favorite book you read this year?
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
Post a picture from the beginning of the year
Post a picture from the end of the year
A memorable meal this year?
What’re you excited about for next year?
What’s something you learned this year?
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Favorite place you visited this year?
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Thank you for asking @caffiend-queen lol there is a lot 😅
1- My most listened to song is Black Mambo by Glass Animals because of the muse loves the video someone put together of Sebstain Stan during GQ photo shoot. This video is what motivates the muse to write my current WIP, “Where’s the Danger.”
3- My favorite musical artist i began listening to was Taylor Acorn. I also love to find acoustic songs redone. I have a whole playlist that I imagine my character, Lotus, from Where’s the Danger, singing.
7- Sebastian Stan.
10- I have cried many times this year because I am frustrated with my physical health.
13- I turned 30 this year. The old jokes everyone made were funny and welcome.
14- Year one by Nora Roberts. (For my birthday my sister and brother-in-law bought me the rest of the series.
16- Beginning of the year my parents got a puppy, Taz, and my dog Midnight together.
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17- Taz and Midnight together
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18- My memorable meals are the soups I made for my family members. (Homemade chicken noodle, chicken gnocchi,zuppa toscana.) Then also any store bought pasta sauce is ruined for us after we were able to make our own pasta sauce and canned this year.
19- I’m most excited for next year because I am starting to buy crystals and also because my family supports me to publish a book.
21- I got a mini fridge for my room lol.
22- I really enjoyed getting out of my house for a night at a hotel. I was able to write so much and got good sleep without Taz jumping on my face to wake me up hahaha
23- a message to myself?... I would probably tell myself to believe in myself, keep trying and be patient with myself.
25- I wrote my favorite character, so far, Lotus. She is the main character in Where’s the Danger, who is trying to get Mr. Barnes to leave her alone but her stubborn determination is what attracts him to her. She was in a terrible relationship at one point that drastically changed her future, and is still traumatized by it. She has always been stubborn but after that relationship she is very independent and does not want to owe anyone any favors. Her favorite form of communication is by teasing and annoying everyone. She loves it when someone knows her so well to pick at her nerves too. Knowing and trusting someone to be able to mess with the other but not mean damage is special to her because she is a highly sarcastic person.
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I posted 660 times in 2022
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I tagged 121 of my posts in 2022
#m - 19 posts
#the adventure zone - 17 posts
#taz - 17 posts
#mcelroys - 14 posts
#spoilers - 13 posts
#taz ethersea - 9 posts
#the adventure zone ethersea - 9 posts
#devo la main - 8 posts
#griffin mcelroy - 7 posts
#justin mcelroy - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#idk anything about y’all but have fun this was specifically about taz ethersea but also it’s a general post that applies to any characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hot take but dismissing characters who are clearly acting out due to trauma (especially in ways not romanticized by fandoms/society) as bad or evil is a really shitty thing to do.
257 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Taz Ethersea, episode 10: Blink sharks (derogatory)
Taz Ethersea, episode 36: Blink sharks (affectionate)
303 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
The startled laugh Justin McElroy does sometimes that sounds like he’s deflating reblog if you agree
475 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Geppetto, after Pinocchio sacrifices his immortality and life to save his papa:
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543 notes - Posted December 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,948 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
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