#tbb hunter xreader
hugmekenobi · 1 year
S2: The Bad Batch (12)
Chapter Twelve: The Outpost
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Gif by @dreamswithghosts
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Some time has passed since everything that happened at Kamino and you and the Batch are trying to figure out your place in the rapidly changing Imperial galaxy. And you're having to do all this whilst figuring out where your relationship with Hunter fits into it.
Chapter Summary: Crosshair's mission for the Empire finalises what he'd feared would happen to him. Meanwhile, you and the Batch take on a tame job yet you find yourself filled with anticipatory dread but you have no sense of why.
Masterlist for S1
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, angst, Lieutenant Nolan, character death, my interpretation of Crosshair's thought process, Force-related anxiety, descriptions of exhaustion, poor attempt at kidnapping, light injury descriptions, reader isn't quite on top of things, briefest instances of innuendo (it's tiny and you might not even notice it but including just in case), me making up some of Hunter's past, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 5.9K
Author's notes: Told you I hadn't forgotten about Crosshair lol, the poor boy goes through it. Also added my own thing to go with it and thank you to @fuckoffthanos and @arctrooper69 for helping me out with deciding how this should go! Also, @arctrooper69, loved your idea and had to incorporate it somehow but just the way other things panned out, it's a bit on the tamer side but thank you again! Hope you everyone enjoys!
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He waited by the shuttle and watched. He watched the group of newly redundant clones walk past. It was the same spiel from the Imperial officer every time- “The Empire thanks you for your years of service and wishes you well on your retirement.” Like that would really make a difference.
Yes, that was who he was to them now. Just a designation, but at least he still had a purpose here, not like the countless others he’d seen be forced out. He turned to face the lieutenant who addressed him.
“You’re out of uniform.”
Right, yes. Can’t be seen to look too different. He put his helmet on and awaited his instructions.
“I’m Lieutenant Nolan, your commanding officer for this mission. We’re heading to the Imperial Depot on Barton-4. High-value cargo stored there has been targeted by local insurgents. We’re to secure it until it’s transferred at week’s end.” Nolan paused as he heard the faint voices of the clones already in the shuttle. He let out an irritated sigh. “Fantastic. More clones.”
“Problem, sir?”
“Yes. I don’t like used equipment.” He boarded the shuttle. “Let’s go.”
Right. ‘Used equipment.’ He couldn’t afford to give that more thought. There was a mission to complete. He grabbed his sniper rifle and stepped onto the ship.
Barton-4 was an ice planet. And a hostile one at that. The cold wind howled and worked its way through to his armour and seeped into his bones, and the gusts of snow made it hard to see ahead. It was understandable how things had been going so wrong. Getting caught off guard by native insurgents in a place like this would mean the squadron here would have no chance of defending themselves successfully.
The group made their way into the main cargo haul and Nolan addressed the droids moving the shipments. “Where is your supervisor?”
“You must be our reinforcements.”
They all turned in the direction of the voice who emerged from behind one of the containers.
“We expected you 36 rotations ago. Did you get lost?” The clone asked coolly.
“We work on the Empire’s schedule, trooper, not yours.” Nolan replied.
“It’s Commander, Lieutenant.”
“Well, Commander, your orders were to guard and protect this facility and its cargo, yet this outpost is grossly unguarded.” He followed the clone round the corner. “Where are the rest of your men?”
“Dead.” He replied bluntly before he introduced the clones cowering round a heat lamp. “Hexx, Veetch, and I, we’re all that’s left.”
Their names. He was using their names. Not designations.
“Your failings will be dealt with later.” Nolan scolded. “For now, I am in charge here until the cargo is transported.”
“I feel safer already.” The commander drawled.
“Look here, clone, you speak to me with respect.” Nolan snapped.
“In my experience, respect is something to be earned.”
The Lieutenant sneered. “Yet the Empire assigned you to this desolate rock, were you let the majority of your squad get killed.”
The commander didn’t rise to it. “Tell me, Lieutenant, how many missions have you commanded?”
Meanwhile, he watched the interaction between these two men with hidden interest. He liked that this clone wasn’t backing down so easily.
“That’s what I thought.” The commander said as his question was greeted by silence. He addressed his group behind him. “Boys, why don’t you help the new boss get situated?” As soon as they all left, he focused his attention on the soldier in black armour that had followed the lieutenant in. “You, uh, know the lieutenant well?”
“For about two hours.” He responded.
The commander scoffed. “Two hours too long, I bet.”
He hummed in agreement and was both surprised and grateful to see his fellow clone bring over the heat lamp.
“So, what’d you do to get stuck with this mission?”
“Just lucky, I guess.” He said distantly.
The commander’s laugh turned into a sigh. “The name’s Mayday.” He looked at the clone expectantly.
He debated for a moment. It had been so long since anyone had wanted to know his name and cared enough to ask about it. “Crosshair.” It almost sounded foreign; it had been a long time since he’d had a reason to use it.
“Welcome to The Outpost.” Mayday with faux celebration. He grabbed his helmet and blaster. “I’ll give you the lay of the land.”
Nothing was out of the ordinary, the ship flew peacefully through hyperspace, with you all deciding that you were going to heed Cid’s instructions- after all she had said you shouldn’t return if you didn’t scavenge anything from the crash site so you were doing as you were told and the added benefit of not being in her employment worked things out quite nicely.
So, why as you sat on the edge of your bunk, was it that with nothing being out of the norm, you had a deep sense of dread lingering in your heart? This was the worst it had been; you had sensed it creeping in the days since the failed mission from Cid and your sleep had been very limited but you had put the cause down as being the mission and assumed it would go away. It hadn’t. And last night had been the worst. It overwhelmed you and had prevented you from sleeping entirely and the exhaustion you were feeling wasn’t helping matters. A light tapping on your leg forced you out of your head.
You glanced down to see Hunter kneeling in front of you, hand on your knee. “Sorry, did you say something?”
“What’s going on?”
“Didn’t sleep well.” You said briskly, not wanting to create a fuss.
“Something on your mind?” Hunter asked kindly. He could tell you were putting a brave face on but even that couldn’t hide the dark shadows under your eyes and the way you could barely keep your head up.
You shook your head. You didn’t want to bother him with something you couldn’t even put a cause or label on. “Is something happening?” You jutted your head in the direction of the cockpit where the others were gathered.
Hunter let your deflection pass for now. He knew you well enough to know that he couldn’t push you to talk. You would come to him when you needed it.
“Phee got in touch. She’s got a mission for us, but she needs us to get some credits from a contact first.”
“And the catch?” You asked, stifling a yawn.
“Her contact seems to have five possible addresses to keep people guessing his location.”
You nodded slowly. “Honestly was expecting worse.”
Hunter gave you a small smile. “I’d figure I’d keep Omega with me and the rest of you split to check out each of the other addresses?”
“Sounds good, Seargeant.” You said as you stood up to go to the refresher. You splashed some water on your face, and you caught a glimpse of your reflection. You did look pretty rough. Your eyes were puffy and dark circles graced the skin underneath them. Maybe a distraction from this feeling would be a good idea. There wasn’t much you could do about the tiredness expect for push through but even doing a small job might help with forgetting for a little bit.
Not only had it sounded like Mayday and his team had been hung out to dry with degraded equipment and poor support all the while protecting cargo the Empire hadn’t deemed necessary to inform them of what exactly it was, but it also hadn’t taken long for the first attack on the depot to occur since he and the rest of them had arrived.
The raiders had made it in and out fast and had caused the deaths of the rest of Mayday’s team and had stolen more cargo. The only saving grace had been that Crosshair had been able to hit one of them as they retreated, and the blood trail led to a system of ice tunnels that had allowed them to slip through undetected for months.
Upon Nolan’s request, he and Mayday had gone in search of the crates, and they started with the ice tunnel.
“You sure you’re up for this?” Hunter asked you gently as the others stepped off the ship.
You knew he was coming from a good place, but your sleep-deprived state took it as more of an insult. “Yes.” You said tetchily.
Hunter raised his hands in appeasement. “I’m just checking in.”
You exhaled wearily and ran a hand across your face. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s probably best to just leave me be for the moment.” You lifted your hood and mask up.
Hunter debated pushing the matter further, but he decided to wait until this task was over. “Okay.” He put his helmet on and let you leave the ship first.
It turned out that Wrecker had the current address and after he confirmed everything went smoothly, Hunter had said you were all to head back to the ship. You cut down an alley way that was a shortcut but also a means to avoid a public scene since you’d been followed once you’d rounded the corner from one of the contact’s alternative residences. “Please, I’m in no mood to do this today.” You said tiredly as the figure dashed in front of you, halting you in your tracks. You stared the Weequay. “What do you want?”
“How’d you know about the money? I’ve been watching that house, and I heard your comm. Where’d you find him?”
“I don’t have it.” You ignored the crux of his question.
“No, but someone you know does. And you’re going to help us get it.”
You really couldn’t be bothered with a simple kidnapping. If you were going to be threatened today, you’d rather it be a bit more interesting than this. “You know you’re not actually going to get anywhere with that plan, right?”
The Weequay simply sniggered and drew a blaster.
You sighed heavily and reached for your holster. Your entire body was slow. You’d never felt so sluggish.
And that was probably why you didn’t pick up on the ‘us’ or register the person that came from behind and smacked the butt of their blaster across the back of your head.
“Alright, let’s get going.” Wrecker said cheerily as he stepped on board and put the case down. He took his helmet off.
Hunter glanced past him. “(Y/N)’s not with you?”
Wrecker shook his head. “Was she supposed to be?”
“She’s not come back yet, and we haven’t heard from her.” Omega informed him, her own troubled face matching Hunter’s.
Hunter reached for his comm and tried for you, but he got no reply. “She wouldn’t go radio silent without being told to.”
“You guys aren’t in a fight, are you?” Wrecker asked.
Hunter shot his brother an irritated look. “No. And even if we were, she knows better than to ignore any of us if we’re checking in.”
“(Y/N), come in.” Omega tried but again was met with no response.
Both Wrecker and Tech also attempted to get in touch with you, but nothing came through.
Hunter started pacing. You wouldn’t ignore all of them. You just wouldn’t, no matter what was happening. The panic was starting to set in now. It was something he rarely did and when he did do it, he didn’t like it, but now he was thinking he should’ve pulled his rank with you and at least made you stay on the ship. He’d known you were in not shape to go out there, even if it was a simple mission, whatever you were going through and the exhaustion you were experiencing would have an effect on anyone.
“Hunter, it’s her.” Tech called over from the cockpit as the ship’s main communication control lit up. Only it wasn’t your voice that came through.
“If you want to see her again, meet us with that lovely case of credits you picked up in 30 minutes.”
“How do we know she’s with you?” Hunter asked, doing his best to keep his voice level.
There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Her top has half a white skull on it.”
Dammit. Hunter paid no attention to the looks the others gave him. He needed to know more. He needed to know if you were okay. “I want to hear her. For all I know, you just saw her and that was the first thing you noticed.”
The voice chuckled unkindly. “She’s currently… unavailable for speaking. If you want that to be a more permanent state, then by all means, don’t do as we say. But, if you want her back, you better be here.”
“If you’ve hurt her-”
“It’s 20 minutes now. By all means, keep talking and pissing me off if you want her to suffer but I’d suggest you start walking.”
“Wait, but where are-” Omega started to say but the transmission cut out. “How are we supposed to find her?” She addressed the others.
“They used her own comm. I can trace it easily enough.” Tech said calmly as he got to work.
“The rest of us will go over her steps.” Hunter directed before he led the way off the ship.
If it wasn’t for the throbbing radiating throughout your skull, you might’ve been grateful for being knocked out. It was the closest thing you’d had to a rest. But the resulting headache and embarrassment at being so easily caught took precedence over any relief at being able to not think about what signals the Force was trying to send you. Now that you were awake, the feeling was back.
“Ah good, you’re up.”
You ignored the voice and took in your surroundings instead. The room was dark, the only light came from the faint glow of a lantern, and you were sitting with your back to a damp wall. Your hands were tied loosely in front of you with a piece of frayed rope. It was the worst attempt at kidnapping you’d ever experienced.
“Don’t worry. We’ve been in touch with your friends. Once we have the money, we’ll let you go.”
Your eyes had adjusted to the dimness, and it was then that you saw the two Weequay men standing by the doorway. You snorted. “Yeah, I’m not all that worried.”
“Oh yeah?” The one that had originally cornered you in the alley said.
“You two really don’t do this a lot, do you?”
“What are you talking about?” The one you didn’t recognise asked.
“Kidnapping people. You two are clearly new to the game.”
“Meaning what?” The first Weequay asked suspiciously.
You released an aggravated huff. You were too tired to do this, but it was your way out of here. “Meaning if you were regulars at this, you wouldn’t have used my comm to send your demands to my team- I’m assuming that’s what you did, right?” Their anxious glance to one another gave you your answer. You continued, “Ideally, you also would tie my hands behind my back, or, at the very least, you would double check the strength of the knot.”
“Check it.” The one you had seen first ordered his companion.
Perfect. As he kneeled down in front of you, you punched him on the underside of his jaw, and he crumbled to the floor. Acting quickly, you broke your hands out of their restraints, and you fired a stun blast from his blaster to the second one, who had been too taken aback by your actions to get his blaster out in time.
You grabbed your stuff and headed for the door, but it was then you heard the faint sound of someone grunting. You were still pretty out of it so as you moved to dodge the blade, your reaction wasn’t quite fast enough. You inhaled sharply as the knife sliced the part of your forearm that wasn’t protected by your armour. It wasn’t much more than a graze, but you could feel blood slowly secreting from the wound and it stung like hell. You whipped around and fired a stun bolt to the half-collapsed figure, and he fell unconscious.
You opened the door to be greeted by three familiar faces. “Oh. Hey, what brings you all here?”
“We were coming to rescue you.” Omega said as she peered around you to see the two knocked out Weequays.
“I appreciate it, kid. I’ll save you something to do next time.” You dug deep for the smile that graced your face as you touched her shoulder. “Thanks for coming after me, guys.” You said to the group.
“Did they hurt you?” Hunter asked urgently as he scanned your body for any obvious injures.
You shook your head. “Nothing major. It was my fault anyway. I completely switched off.”
“Yeah, what even happened?” Wrecker asked you.
“Don’t really wanna relive the humiliation at the moment, Wrecker.” You took a breath. “We good to go?” You asked Hunter who nodded and the four of you walked back to the Marauder.
“Tech, would you mind bringing the medkit down here?” You asked as you boarded the ship and sat down on your bunk. “Also, thanks for helping find me.”
“No thanks are necessary. Although, it was a relatively simple mission; I do not understand how this incident occurred in the first place or how you managed to injure yourself.” Tech said frankly as he pulled the medkit down and started to make his way over to you.
He was right but you were embarrassed enough to be so caught off guard like you were and you didn’t need more reminders. “Tech, what about my general demeanour right now makes you think I’m unaware of that fact?” You said through gritted teeth as you tossed your vambrace with a little too much zest judging by the way it smacked off the wall by your bed. You were doing your best to keep it together. You were determined to not let your mood affect the relationships around you.
“I only meant-”
“Tech.” Hunter warned him off calmly as he took to medpack from him. “Just get the ship in the air, okay?”
“Very well.” Tech said with a nod before he turned back for the cockpit.
Omega and Wrecker followed him.
“Do you want-” Hunter started to offer.
“I can do it myself, it’s a really small cut.” You said touchily as you held your hand out for the case.
Hunter didn’t fight you on it and he was prepared to give you space, so he handed it to you. “I’ll be in the cockpit with the others if you need me.” He risked a step forward and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
You did feel instantly more tranquil after he did that. “I’m sorry.” You uttered quietly as he stepped away.
Hunter tenderly rubbed a thumb across your cheekbone. “Get some rest.”
Crosshair and Mayday rounded the corner of the tunnel, and the blood trail came to an end. Both their lights found the dead body of the raider hunkered against the wall.
“He didn’t get far.” Crosshair said wryly.
Mayday kneeled down to examine the body. “Not sure what bothers me more. That he’s wearing armour stolen off my men or that his cohorts just left him here.”
“No point in carrying deadweight.”
Mayday glanced back at Crosshair. “Remind me not to die on your watch.”
Crosshair didn’t pay the comment much mind. He just carried on walking past, but he didn’t get very far as he suddenly came to a complete standstill as he heard the activation click of something hidden in the snowy ground. His best chance was to not move a muscle.
“Pressure mine.” Mayday stated.
“Mm-hmm.” Crosshair nodded.
Mayday brought his light down to examine it. “What were you saying about deadweight?”
“Do you know how to disarm it?”
“I’m not an explosives expert, but since I don’t feel like carrying your body back to the outpost, I guess I’ll give it a shot.” Mayday took off his helmet and put his blaster on the ground as well as his torch- but he kept the light trained on the pressure mine- as he crouched down. He blew away the flakes of snow still covering it. “Hmm. This mine’s a little different than ones I’ve seen before, but I’m pretty sure they’re all the same. Guess we’ll find out soon enough, huh?”
It wasn’t the most comforting of statements for Crosshair to hear, but he’d take any help he could get at this point.
Mayday pulled out his tools and carefully got to work. “I wish I had the proper equipment for this, but the Empire’s ignored all my requests. I’ve learned to improvise though. I guess all clones have had to since the war. Can’t say I ever thought much about the war ending…” he sighed, “… until it did.”
As Crosshair stood still on the mine and waited for Mayday to get him out of it, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander and start thinking about his old squad and how different this mission would be going. Tech would have the suitable equipment. Hunter would’ve known where to step to avoid a situation just like this and he’d have made finding these raiders look easy despite the conditions. And, even if one of them still found themselves in this position, Wrecker would’ve disarmed it with a degree of ease and sophistication people wouldn’t necessarily expect from him. While he would never admit it out loud, he was finding that he missed them. Mayday’s question to him pulled him out of his thoughts.
“What unit were you with?”
That was a question he did not want to answer. “It doesn’t matter.” He just about manged to grind out.
“Humour me. I could use the distraction.”
Well, if he wanted them both to make it out of this, he had to do what Mayday was asking of him. “Clone Force 99.”
“What happened to them?”
“They’re gone.” He replied subduedly. It wasn’t a lie. They were gone and he didn’t know where they had wound up or even if they were all still together and alive. It had been a long time now since that day on the platform on Kamino.
“And here we are, the survivors.” Mayday peered up at Crosshair. “Hmm. Combat troopers stuck babysitting cargo shipments.”
If he let his mind start to drift down that path any more than he already had on occasion, then he’d lose all sense of purpose. He’d lose that purpose he was so sure this Empire would provide. “Mission’s a mission.”
Mayday chuckled sarcastically. “Yeah, I used to say the same thing.” He inspected his work and grabbed his gear before he stood up. “There. That should do it.” As he saw Crosshair start to move, spoke up swiftly. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don’t pick up your foot yet. Wait until I tell you, then lift it, but real slow like.” He started to walk past him. “I’ll wait around the bend. If I don’t hear a boom, then I’ll know it worked.”
“Glad your confident in your work.”
Mayday put his helmet back on as he continued to walk away. “Oh, I’m confident. I’m just not stupid. Remember, nice and slow. On the count of three. One. Two. Three.”
Crosshair lifted his foot and sighed in relief when there was no explosion.
The two of them made their way out the tunnel into the storm. It was then they saw the light radiating from the raider’s base and they put their plan of attack into action.
It had been going well. The enemy bas was destroyed, and they were able to reclaim the cargo. They went down to the area where the cargo had spilled. But it was then when it had started to go wrong as they both discovered what it was they were risking their lives for and what it was Mayday and his men had men had devoted their lives to defending. And… and it wasn’t worth the fight they had put in.
“Gear?” Mayday said aloud as he examined the boxes. “We’ve been risking our lives to recover equipment we could have been wearing this whole time?”
Crosshair nudged a helmet with his foot to expose the design. “It’s not clone trooper gear.” Because why would it be? They were disposable after all.
Mayday picked up a breastplate. “New toys for their shiny new military, and we get the scraps. After all the clones have done, all we’ve sacrificed… We’re good soldiers. We followed orders. And for what?”
Crosshair didn’t have an answer for him. He thought he’d been a good solider but how was that being rewarded? He couldn’t see it. If he had any lingering doubts about where his place in this Empire was, this mission was doing a good job of eradicating them. He, Mayday, and all his fellow clones weren’t valued. They weren’t worth anything to this Empire.
Suddenly, a growing rumbling echoed around them.
“Go!” Mayday ordered as he saw avalanche hurtling towards them from the mountain behind them.
They ran as fast as they could through the deep snow, but they couldn’t outrun it, the best they could do was make it past the rock ahead.
Crosshair didn’t know what happened. One minute both of them were running side by side, and the next Mayday was knocking him past the rock and letting himself get swept up by the snow first which meant he smashed into the rockface.
Crosshair’s helmet was knocked away and the best he could do was take a deep breath as the snow smothered him.
Crosshair punched a hand through the top of the snow before his head followed and he breathed in the cold air. His entire body was numb and shivering but he couldn’t dwell on that for too long since he’d caught sight of Mayday’s helmet a few metres ahead. He heaved his way through the waist deep snow towards it and started to desperately dig through to find his companion.
It was after a few moments that Mayday’s face came into view, but his eyes were shut, and his body was limp as Crosshair propped him against the rock behind him. “Mayday? Mayday, wake up!” The faint groan from Mayday’s mouth was enough of an indicator that he was alive… that there was hope for him. “Come on. We have to move.”
Mayday’s eyes flickered open. “Go.” He gasped. “I won’t make it.”
Crosshair didn’t know what possessed him to grab Mayday’s helmet and put it back on his head. All he knew now as he supported Mayday’s body was that it was something he had to do. He had to make sure they both made it back and Mayday would survive. He was going to get them both through the storm.
Hunter came back from the cockpit to see everyone else asleep but you. You were perched on the edge of your bunk looking utterly shattered and anything but relaxed. You still had all your gear on, minus the one vambrace you’d taken off to tend to your cut earlier. “Sweetheart, you need to get some sleep.”
“I can’t.” You mumbled, utterly defeated, as you brought your head down to lean against his shoulder.
Hunter rested his head on top of yours. “Tell me what’s wrong?”
“I can’t because I don’t know.” You sighed deeply and pushed your face into the crook of his neck. “I’m just so tired.”
“What can I do?” Hunter asked softly.
“Knock me out until we rendezvous with Phee.” You suggested, only half kidding.
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea, but we can keep it as an option.” Hunter said lightly. “Come on.” He gently nudged you up, ignoring your slight groan of protest. He went to the ground in front of you.
“Okay, but I’m pretty tired, can’t promise I’ll be super enthusiastic.” You attempted levity but your tone was too flat.
“Hush you.” Hunter said with a slight grin. He got to work on taking your boots off before he came to sit next you. He started to delicately take your remaining armour off before he reached for the ends of your first layer. “Arms up.” He prompted tenderly.
Your arms felt heavy, but you did as he asked and he brought it up and over your head, taking care to not let you get caught in the material. “Now what?” You asked drearily.
“Now you lie down and close your eyes.”
“You know, I have tried doing that.” You said drily.
Hunter gave you an imploring look. “Just trust me, okay?”
You did and so you found yourself lying back down.
Hunter enveloped you. He rubbed, light, soothing patterns across your arms and back. He could feel how tense you were. He kept his voice quiet and low to create as restful an environment as he could for you. “I want you to focus on me. Nothing else. Nothing else matters. It’s just you and me here right now. Switch off. Focus on my voice. Focus on my heartbeat. Breathe with me.” He stared taking slow, deep breaths whilst continuing his peaceful touches. “It’s just us. I’m right with you. You don’t have to think about anything else. I love you. I’ll always be right here.”
You did as he asked. His hands were warm- if a little rough- against your arms but years of wielding a blaster would have that effect and you welcomed that feeling. It reminded you of all that he had survived, of what you all had survived and that he was there with you. Deep breaths. He’s here. He’s okay. Everyone’s okay. Shut it off. You thought to yourself. You mirrored his breathing and continued to listen to his words.
As the minutes grew longer and you continued to listen to him, you felt yourself start to relax into him. Your eyes grew heavy, and it was easier to keep them shut this time. How’d you know how to do this so well?
“Growing up with enhanced senses had its difficulties. I had to learn how to manage it.” He felt you nuzzle closer to him, and a deep sigh left your body. “There you go” He murmured as he kept caressing your body. “Keep breathing with me.”
Things felt easier now as you focused on him, on his scent, on the feeling of his hands on your body, on his breathing. And the last thing you remembered was you telling him you loved him and the kiss to the top of your head from him before you drifted off.
Crosshair staggered onto the main platform of the outpost and fell to his knees. He tried to be as gentle as he could when it came to putting Mayday down.
“About time you two returned.” Nolan said harshly as he approached the two men.
“He-” Crosshair broke off with an exhausted pant before he removed Mayday’s helmet. “He needs a medic.”
Nolan ignored him. “I see you didn’t retrieve the crates, which means you’ve failed your mission.”
How could that be all he was concerned about? “Did you hear what I said? Help him!” Crosshair begged as he could feel the pain and weariness creeping into his own body, but Mayday needed the help first. He had to be saved.
“Certainly not. That would be a waste of the Empire’s resources.”
“He’ll- He’ll die.” Did they truly not care? And it was then he heard one last pained cough from Mayday before his eyes shut and he fell silent. Crosshair searched for a pulse but found none. No. No. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“He served his purpose as a soldier of the Empire.” Nolan said unsympathetically.
Crosshair could feel white hot anger start to rise within him. “You- You could have saved him!”
“Perhaps you didn’t hear me. He is expendable, as are you.”
And there it was. Confirmation of the doubt he had been trying so hard to deny. Hunter had been right. They were only ever numbers.
“And if you speak to me again with such disrespect, I’ll see to it you meet a similar fate, clone.” Nolan continued disdainfully.
Crosshair caught the sight of the shadow of one of the ice vultures. He knew they were coming for Mayday. But it shouldn’t be here for him.
“Now, leave him and get back to work… while you’re still useful.” Nolan started to walk back to the shuttle.
Crosshair looked up to the sky and started at the circling bird. He’d thought he’d found a way to survive on his own too but that had changed. He was supposed to have this incredible ability to see things others couldn’t. How had he been so blind for so long? Well, no more. He’d had enough. He wasn’t concerned about the consequences he would face with what he was about to do. All he knew was that he wouldn’t give this Empire anything more.
He got unsteadily got to his feet and trained his blaster on the retreating back on Lieutenant Nolan. “Lieutenant.” He didn’t hesitate and the shot went straight through Nolan’s chest as soon as he turned around. It was after that final act that he finally let the exhaustion and agony take him and his sight went dark.
You awoke with a start and sat up. Things had been going well but that was a new development. You rested a hand on your chest as you felt your heart pounding. You shivered. You were cold, both outwardly and inwardly. There was a deep chill in your veins that left you feeling frozen and unsettled. You took a few deep breaths to settle yourself.
“What’s wrong?” Hunter rasped; his voice still thick with sleep as he sat up alongside you and laid his hand on your back.
“I don’t know.” You murmured uneasily as you fiddled with the bandage on your arm. “Something woke me up. There was this cold shadow and all I could feel was fear and pain, but I couldn’t see what from or who.”
“It was just a bad dream.” Hunter comforted. He kissed the back of your shoulder. “Come on, you should try to get back to sleep.”
“Right… a bad dream.” You whispered distantly as you let him lay you back down. Whatever it was that had woken you up, it felt real, it wasn’t just a bad dream, you were experiencing what someone else was going through but you didn’t have a face to put to the feeling and you didn’t know what it could be. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on the feeling of Hunter’s arm draped over you, holding you close, but you couldn't shake the feeling like there was something more to what just happened and so sleep didn’t easily come this time around.
Crosshair woozily came around to the sound of equipment beeping. He didn’t recognise where he was, and it was then he heard the muffled sound of someone addressing him.
“Hello, CT-9904. Or do you prefer, Crosshair?”
His name. She was using his name. The woman that was speaking to him seemed to be some kind of doctor. “Where am I?” He asked wearily.
“I’m holding you for observation. Once you’ve healed, the doctor will come for you.”
She was holding a needle to his neck, yet she wasn’t the primary medic? “Who- Who are you?”
“Remain calm. Cooperate and you might survive.” That was all he registered before the needle pierced his skin and he fell into darkness once more.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @fuckoffthanos, @tpwkcalli, @graciexmarvel, @arctrooper69, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @sunkissedclones, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @xxeiraxx, @dragonrider9905, @starwarsnerd111,
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queenariesofnarnia · 11 days
a mouthful 🤭
various male characters x f!reader (let that imagination go crazy babes🤩)
warnings: just a bit of a non descriptive blowjob, 18+ mdni !
one hand was in your hair that you spent time perfecting. his almost animalistic groans filled the small room that he dragged you in. his hips move at a steadily increasing as he thrusts into your mouth. 
“look at me baby” he commands gently, his free hand under your chin. you meet his eyes seeing his pupils blown in pleasure. you can feel spit running down your chin and tears form as his cock hits the back of your throat. “you look so pretty like this” he coos at you. you thank him with your mouth still full but he knows. his thrusts begin getting sloppier when you begin massaging his balls. 
“i’m so close baby are you going to swallow it like a good girl?” you nod enthusiastically answering his question. he chuckles between grunts as he hits the back of your throat one last time his warm release coats your tongue and throat. he wipes the tip on you lips leaving some cum behind. “open up let me see. go ahead and swallow” as he watches you do so he smiles at you lovingly, pulling you up for a kiss. “now lay down my love it’s your turn”
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mamuzzy · 1 year
THIS MASTERLIST IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND WILL BE UPDATED.  Ok so I try to make a coherent taglist here, for myself to easely find something I remember I reblogged and for anyone to search for something specific. Or just block the hell out of my blog. But it’s easier if you don’t follow me at this point. And most importantly: I LOVE ORGANIZING THINGS. *completely and deliberately ignoring the mess on my actual desk* Content warning: | cw: gore | cloneship | clonecest | I'm not much of a tagger when it's about triggers, so mutuals and followers if you see something that needs a warning (I won't put nsfw tag under posts, this is still a 18+ blog), feel free to dm me to discuss and we'll see what can we do about it.
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STAR WARS  THE CLONE WARS:  > Coruscant Guard: Commander Fox | Commander Thorn | Commander Thire | Commander Stone | Sergeant Hound & Grizzer |
> 501st: Captain Rex | ARC Trooper Fives | ARC Trooper Echo | Clone Trooper Hardcase | Clone Trooper Jesse | Clone Trooper Kix | Clone Trooper Tup | Clone Trooper Dogma |  > 212th: Commander Cody | Clone Trooper Boil  > 104th: Commander Wolffe  > 327th: Commander Bly  > Domino Squad: Clone Trooper Hevy | Clone Trooper Cutup | Clone Trooper Droidbait > Anakin Skywalker | Ahsoka Tano | Obi-Wan Kenobi  Plo Koon | Aayla Secura | Quinlan Vos | Luke Skywalker | Darth Vader > Riyo Chuchi THE BAD BATCH I decided to separate TBB and TCW tags unless it’s canon media where they shared episodes or fanarts/fanfics where specific characters from each show are present > Sergeant Hunter | Clone Trooper Tech | Clone Trooper Crosshair | Clone Trooper Wrecker | ARC Trooper Echo (501 Echo and TBB Echo are under the same tag)  > Omega > Captain Howzer |Captain Traito- Captain Gregor | Commander Mayday
REPUBLIC COMMANDO (the game and KT’s books)  >Null ARCs: Ordo Skirata | Mereel Skirata | A'den Skirata | Jaing Skirata | Prudii Skirata | Kom'rk Skirata  > Omega Squad: Darman Skirata | Niner Skirata | Fi Skirata | Atin Skirata | Corr Skirata > Delta Squad: RC Boss | RC Sev | RC Scorch | RC Fixer  > Kal Skirata | Walon Vau & Lord Mirdalan | Etain Tur-Mukan | Bardan Jusik > Alpha-17 | Captain Fordo | Captain Maze AHSOKA > Shin Hati | Baylan Skoll Misc. tags Movies: tpm | aotc | rots | Games: Jedi Outcast | Fallen Order | Survivor Other’s OC Other artist OCs I like! <3
Winged!AU Sw memes
SHIPS: I like certain ships and I don’t interact with ships I don’t like or not interested. Be civil about it. Ships with Clones goes under CLONESHIP or clonecest and their specific shiptag.
> Blyla | CodyWan |  Foxiyo | > 17Fordo | Codex | CrossHunter | DogmaTup | DogmaHardcase | EchoThorn | FivesEcho | FivesTup | FoxFives |  Jessix | MereelCorr | OrdoFi | SevFi | RexHunter | Techo > xreader
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zoeykallus · 3 years
Imagine THE BAD BATCH with you in a theme park
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I don't know if anyone has done this before. But here we go.
Warning: Suggestive/Dirty 16+
So here ist what I think the boys of TBB would be like with a reader/femreader in a amusement park. The Crosshair part is femreader, everything else is pretty gender neutral.
HUNTER: has a hard time, because the many impressions are overwhelming for his senses, the smells, sounds, that screaming of the roller coaster riders, he needs you, fully concentrates on you and the joy in your face and your smell clearly perceptible to him.
Little by little he can relax, but only by your side. He loves the quiet rides that are less crowded, there he can fully concentrate on you. He especially likes the romantic boat ride in the tunnel of love. Leaving the tunnel, you are involved in a heartfelt kiss. Hunter is very eager to share as much time and pleasure with you as possible, he won't deny you a single wish, so express your wishes wisely and don't forget what he's putting himself through for you right now.
CROSSHAIR: is wickedly devious in an adorable way. He drags you on the wildest roller coasters only to grab under your skirt on the ride and bring you to orgasm in record time, while the weightlessness of the descents makes you ligth headed. He's not afraid to get caught and likes a challenge. And he doesn't just do it once, as into the third ride your pearl is already swollen in anticipation and Crosshair doesn't disappoint.
Sometime during the day he pulls you into a deserted corner, he lifts you up, presses you against a wall and takes you greedily while you are both practically fully clothed. He wants to be rewarded for his services, after all.
TECH: loses himself in overwhelming you with information about the statics and function of various rides until you finally shut him up in the best way you know how. You kiss him in front of everyone in a queue and make him blush. From that moment on he can hardly take his eyes off you. Again and again he holds your hand and doesn't want to let go only when he absolutely has to. Statics and functions are suddenly not even half as interesting as you. At a shooting gallery he proves that not only Crosshair is a fantastic shooter and finally hands you proudly and in love the biggest teddy he has shot you as a prize.
ECHO: enjoys your joy, does everything you want to do, even if he is a bit insecure during the wilder rides, he doesn't want to show any weakness in front of you and above all he wants to see you happy. He buys you your favorite sweets, takes photos with you even though he normally doesn't like photos at all. He is the perfect gentleman, always looking for your pleasure and safety. Every now and then, he steals a kiss from you when you don't have too many people around, beaming with satisfaction when he pulls away from your lips, only to see your eyes still closed and the sweet joy of his kiss reflected in your facial expression.
WRECKER: is hardly to be held, he drags you everywhere with him, now and then almost literally. When you admit that you are a little afraid of the ghost train, he laughs heartily, pulls you to him and holds you in his arms for the whole ride, protectively pressed against his gigantic body. He finds it adorable that you need him, he is only too happy to be your protector, whether from real dangers or your rather irrational fear of a scary ride. With him you are always and everywhere completely safe. You can completely let yourself fall, the good-natured giant will always catch you.
Well, that's in my minds eye when I imagine it.
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Sword and Shield 4
Tags: Bad Batch x reader (you), fem!coded, poly!relationship, multi-part series, nonhuman!reader, Echo later on
Part 3: https://elysiadjarin.tumblr.com/post/654100310923657216/sword-and-shield-3
Warnings: mentions of a rough past, otherwise none.
4: Learning Process
Closing your eyes and taking in a breath, you straightened and opened the door to the common space. You forced yourself not to freeze as you saw all four of them gathered in the room, turning to stare at you.
“Should you be up?” Tech instantly asked, eyebrows furrowing.
You shuffled into the room, then sat down on an empty chair, pulling your legs up. Looking down at your knees, you tugged at the sleeve over the arm that had been injured.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered into the tense silence.
“Why are you apologizing?” Hunter turned to you with an odd fierceness in his voice. “You kept Tech and I from getting badly injured or even killed at your own expense, but you’re apologizing? If anything, we should be apologizing to you.”
You stared up at him, eyes wide. For a moment, you tried to scoop up your scattered thoughts. “N-no,” you finally tried to stammer, trying to explain. “I- I’m- I got distracted, I- I made a mistake,” you confessed, taking in a burning breath. “Back in the vault room, I- I should have been paying attention, but I thought- I thought I’d done something wrong. I got distracted, and I should have- I should have been faster. If I’d been paying attention like I should have, we could have gotten out in time and- and-“
“What in nine Corellian hells are you talking about, Shiv?” Hunter demanded, staring at you incredulously. “What do you mean you did something wrong?”
You swallowed thickly. “You- you seemed angry, and I- I thought I’d done something wrong. I’m not- I wasn’t completely attuned to you and got distracted. I should have been quicker to find a solution, but I- I got distracted and-“ You bit your lip, frustrated at your own inability to just explain. “I could have paid attention and avoided getting anyone injured,” you whispered, looking down.
A silence fell over the room. Then Hunter let out a deep sigh. “Shiv, it’s my fault.”
Startled, you looked up at him. “Wh-“
He raised a hand, hushing you from protesting. “I was the one who distracted you. As your leader, and as... as the one who was... who was Bonded with you at the time, I shouldn’t have done something to distract or disorient you. I wasn’t mad at you, Shiv,” he said evenly, looking at you with his dark eyes. “You did everything I could have asked and more. You sacrificed your own body just to keep Tech and I from being injured. Why would I be angry with you?”
Despite yourself, tears welled in your eyes as you reached up to futilely swipe away tears. He... wasn’t angry? You knew that the 501st had been... very kind, compared to many of your previous Handlers. And you had barely realized it, but you’d automatically defaulted back to expecting the same treatment you’d always endured before the 501st had taught you differently. Yet here you were, not being punished for getting distracted.
Hunching up, you dug a palm into your eye and trembled with the effort of holding back the sobs of relief, the dull pain in your arm reminding you of your failure. “I’m sorry,” you gasped, “I- I shouldn’t be crying, I-“
You let out a gasp as you felt two giant arms wrap around you, pulling your into a surprisingly gentle hug. Looking up, you saw Wrecker’s face looking down at you.
“Hey, I thought you looked really cool out there, Shiv,” he said, voice more subdued than usual, though still pretty loud. But you appreciated the effort he seemed to be making to keep you calm. “I mean, there was that huge blast and it was super cool, and you saved the Sarge and Tech.” He grinned down at you, weathered face lighting up.
Despite yourself, you let out a little giggle at the goofy grin on his face as he recalled the blast. Sniffling, you tried to wipe away tears and focus. “Th-thank you, Wrecker,” you whispered with an exhausted smile.
He carefully set you down, and Hunter gave him a nod. “I was going to thank you for keeping us safe out there, Shiv. I understand if this incident makes you want to leave the team, but-“
“No!” You bit your lip, but shook your head adamantly. “Please, I-“ You looked down at your feet. “I’d like to stay, if you’ll... if you’ll give me another chance.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Shiv,” Hunter reiterated fiercely. “I don’t know what made you think that you did anything wrong, but I’m not angry with you.” He took in a deep breath. “Do you need any medical attention to your arm? We don’t really know... enough about you.”
You shook your head. “No, I-“ You rubbed your arm absently, still coated in the metal. “It will heal,” you said uncertainly, glancing over to the side uncomfortably. Normally people didn’t.... care if you got hurt. “Please, I can still... I can still function just fine.”
“Why do you talk like you’re some kind of slave?” Crosshair stared at you, eyes piercing.
You flinched. “I used to be,” you replied thinly, hanging your head. “Before... before the 501st took me in.”
A dead silence fell, and you could almost feel the anger palpably fill the air.
“So that’s why you-“ Hunter seemed to stop himself, breaking off. A snarl crossed his lips, then just as quickly disappeared. He let out a heavy sigh. “Shiv, you’re not a slave here, with us. You’re not just a weapon. You’re our teammate, one of us, and you’re a valuable member. You don’t have to sacrifice your own health or safety just because you feel some stupid need to or because you’re any less valuable than us.”
You listened, still fixated on the floor. You remembered the first time that Rex had given you this talk as well. Now things began to make more sense. Why Hunter had seemed angry, back in the bunker. Because he’d been like Rex, you now understood. He’d been upset that you’d called yourself a tool. He was upset about how you’d been treated.
It still felt odd to you, to realize that there were people out in the world that would see you as more than just a weapon. It was still hard to accept. Hard to grasp.
“Thank you,” you said at last, looking up at him. “I... Commander Rex and the 501st... were very kind to me and I-“ you winced. “Once I left, I... I went back to my old ways. I’m... I’m used to being nothing more than a tool. I was born a weapon. I... I’m used to being expendable.”
“You’re not expendable here. You’re not just a weapon here.” Hunter’s eyes bored into you, staring you down. “Don’t expect us to treat you as anything less than a person.”
You looked up, then, and gave him a genuine if tired smile. “Thank you, sir. I’m glad you and Tech are safe. I’ll do my best in the future to continue being a good teammate.”
He nodded curtly. “We’re going to drop off the intel we got at the next stop and let you get a bit of rest. We haven’t been assigned to anything yet.”
You looked around at everyone. “Um- should I start to... I mean, should I be prepared to start working with everyone? It might be best before the next mission to at least have Transference with everyone, so that I can easily be passed between everyone even in the middle of battle.”
“Do you have any sort of compiled profile about yourself?” Tech asked curiously.
You grimaced. “I tried that before, but everyone who’s tried to understand by reading has said that it’s not... enough. I can give it to you if you want, I should have it, but I’ve been told that while it’s informative, it’s not very useful until it’s been experienced.”
Tech nodded. “I’d still like to have a copy, if you don’t mind.”
You nodded. “Of course.” Fumbling with one hand, you tried to grab your datapad from it’s charging port. After a moment, you managed to grab it and pull up the correct page, handing it to Tech.
“Sorry, I- I won’t have full use of my other hand for another couple of chrons at the least,” you explained, pushing hair away from your eyes.
“Just take care of it until you’re not hurting yourself,” Hunter ordered, eyeing your arm sharply. “Are you sure you don’t need at lest a bacta patch?”
You smiled weakly, shaking your head. “It will heal more quickly without it, in this case. Bacta seems to leave scars on me more than letting it heal naturally. Although in an emergency I’ll use it.”
He just nodded. “We’ll be landing at the next designated spot in seven chrons.” Without another word, he ducked out the door and left, presumably to the cockpit to pilot.
“Hey Shiv, you wanna sit here?” Wrecker patted the empty spot next to him invitingly.
You hesitated, then decided to accept. After all, you’d have to get to know all of them pretty well, right? Might as well start now. Gingerly, you sat next to him, favoring your arm a little. The more you let it be, the quicker it would heal, you knew. Pulling your legs up, you leaned back in the seat, almost touching Wrecker’s side.
He casually draped his arm around the back of the chair, behind your shoulders, though not touching you. “Is this okay, Shiv?”
Startled, you blinked but nodded. “Oh- of course.”
He grinned. “Good. Wouldn’t want to make ya uncomfortable, ya know?”
“Thank you,” you whispered shyly, head ducking.
A little kernel of hope bloomed in your chest. Maybe... maybe this would be a place where you could belong.
Tech examined your arm closely, peering at it through your goggles. “Whoa. It’s almost completely healed,” he said wonderingly. There was some scar tissue still on your arm, but it was a far cry from the mangled mess it had been when you’d first gotten the wound.
“Is it because of the metal?” Hunter asked, glancing at your arm.
You shook your head as Tech let go of your arm. “Um, no, the metal is there mainly for protection and sterilization. My biology is not... entirely organic, so it fixes itself differently,” you offered awkwardly. “I don’t completely understand it either, as my kind is... extremely rare. I’ve only met one other of my kind.”
“So there are others.” Tech glanced up at you from his datapad. He’d apparently read the profile you’d compiled and had peppered you with questions once you’d woken up.
“I don’t know how many.” You shrugged. “Probably not very many though. We’ve been... pretty heavily enslaved or used. Worked to death, essentially.”
Hunter just grunted. Crosshair let out a quiet huff from his corner where he was polishing his rifle. Wrecker was off in the galley, getting a snack apparently.
You’d apparently slept through the drop off, and when you’d woken up you’d been informed that you had a couple of chrons left before you reached the place Hunter had decided you would train with the rest of the team. He’d made some notes to Tech about the Bonding Process from his experience, which Tech had added and already distributed to the other team members.
When you finally arrived at your destination, you felt rested and mentally and physically ready. Your arm was almost healed and no longer hurt, and you knew that it would heal fully in time for the next mission, so you wouldn’t have to worry about it being reopened somehow or interfering. A damaged weapon wouldn’t be of much help in any situation.
Following the others down the ramp, you looked around interestedly at the wide, open plains littered with some rock formations. In the distance shimmered the water of a lake, and hardy grasses waved in the slight breeze. It was a good place to train, with no one in sight and a wide line of sight. You turned your attention back to Hunter, who led the way away from the ship a safe distance before turning.
“Alright.” He nodded to you. “Is there a specific order that we should do this in?”
You shook your head. “Anything works.”
“I can go first,” Wrecker offered, stepping forward. He grinned at you excitedly, and you instinctively smiled back. You appreciated the way Wrecker had treated you so far, the way he was cheerful and smiling but also thoughtful in the way he approached you.
“That alright, Shiv?” Hunter addressed you.
You nodded, stepping forward to meet Wrecker. “Sure.”
“Alright Wrecker, do you remember the process?” Hunter asked.
Wrecker’s smile dropped, eyebrows furrowing and mouth opening a little in clear thought.
You stifled a smile. “Keep your mind open towards whatever you feel. You have to start the process by offering me your hand and saying ‘Permission to Transfer,’” you reminded.
“Oh, right!” He laughed, then stuck out his hand. “Permission to Transfer,” he bellowed.
You took his hand, closing your eyes. “Transfer Granted.”
Wrecker was the easiest Transfer you could remember in a long time. He was so unguarded mentally towards you, his thoughts blasting. They were coherent and clearly linked, just... loud, and fast. You found yourself taking a bit longer to settle into the Bond, stabilizing the flow of information and ‘tuning in’ to his mental frequency.
By the time you could focus outward, you realized with a bit of surprise that you’d actually automatically become an IWS in instant response to Wrecker’s preferences. Wrecker let out a pure, joyful laugh, then aimed at a nearby rock formation and sent a rocket hurtling towards it. He whooped in the aftermath of the explosion, effortlessly tossing you in the air and catching you as though you barely weighed anything.
You had to smile a little, materializing over his shoulder. You leaned your chin against his shoulder, quickly getting comfortable with the steady stream of information he kept feeding over the Bond as naturally as though he had been doing it for years. Weapons seemed to be something that came to Wrecker naturally, as well as using them. You found yourself fading away and falling into a comfortable, natural rhythm as he did a little target practice. His weapons of choice were pretty standard, and you even got to Shift into some lesser used heavy weaponry.
It was comfortable, to just lean back and be fed information in a steady, constant stream. Wrecker’s weapon handling was expert, though to others it might seem that he just randomly moved and fired. But you could see the natural nuances that he used to sight, aim, lift, and fire.
Wrecker stopped after a couple of weapons. “This is really easy, Shiv!” He laughed. “You doing ok? I can kinda feel ya there.”
You let yourself shimmer into view again, comfortably rested against his shoulder. Your voice came out wispy and almost dreamy, a reflection of your mental state.
“You’re very natural with being a Handler,” you murmured, hands sliding over his shoulder. Shadowy fingers trailed down his arm, brushing against his armor. “It’s very comfortable and... relaxed.” You giggled, feeling a little loopy from the giddiness that he kept pouring over the Bond. “Your thoughts are... constant, fast.”
“Oh, uh... I guess that’s a good thing?” Wrecker scratched the back of his head.
You Dissolved the Transference, landing next to Wrecker. Reaching up, you rubbed your eyes and blinked a little sleepily, letting out a wide yawn.
“Yea,” you slurred, shaking your head. “Sorry, it’s...” You gave him a lopsided smile. “You’re a very natural Handler. I’m feeling a bit high,” you giggled. “I’m very.... I tend to be influenced quite a bit by my Handlers’ emotions.”
Wrecker steadied you. “Glad to hear it! It felt really comfortable.” He shrugged. “It felt different from what you said, Sarge,” he remarked thoughtfully.
“It’s a bit different for everyone,” you said, starting to recover your senses. Shaking your head, you took in a bracing breath and looked up. “I’m ready.”
Tech hesitantly stepped forward. “I can go-?”
You nodded, stepping toward him.
He took in a deep breath. “Permission to Transfer.” He held out his hand, a determined look on his face.
You took his hand. “Transfer Granted.”
The moment you felt the Bond click into place, you mentally reeled. It was a barrage of... everything. Tech’s mind was constantly whirling, moving through thoughts, processing things, almost a nervous babble of information. You tried to process, to find a way to join the stream that rushed on and on, thoughts disappearing as quickly as they came.
Calm down, Tech, you whispered, trying to infuse a sense of relaxation into the words. There’s no need to be nervous. There’s no perfect way of Transference. It’s up to me to assimilate to you, to learn about you. Just be yourself. It’s just me... just Shiv.
You could feel Tech let out a breath, and the stream seemed to slacken a little. Just enough for you to ease yourself in, to begin to process and adjust to the new stream-of-consciousness. Tech’s thoughts ran into each other seamlessly, one thought clearly linked to the next. He had both visualization as well as full words and sentences, something you recognized as being a sign of Tech’s proficiency in using both sides of the brain equally.
You prefer double blasters, right? You recalled.
A tentative thought slithered its way through the stream as you picked it out. Yes... is that... possible?
You smiled. You are my Handler, now. Slowly, you let yourself shimmer into view. Sliding your hands down both his arms, you turned to whisper into his ear. What do you need me to be?
Tech stared down at both his hands, and between one blink and the next, he was grasping another blaster in his left hand. He offered a few schematics and modifications, letting you quickly adjust. Then turning, he focused on some rubble that Wrecker had created and began to pick them off, one by one. A few of the initial shots missed, but as you began to find his rhythm, he began to easily hit every single target he shot at.
By the time he lowered the blasters, you’d begun to understand his process. Tech was a true analyst, his movements clearly thought-out and calculated, the opposite of Wrecker. Wrecker’s movements came naturally, hardly without thought. Tech’s mind, however, made razor-sharp recognitions and calculations, thinking a step ahead as much as possible. It was simply a matter of learning to find his pattern and learn to predict it and run with it.
In the back of your own mind, you began to realize the work cut out for you. If you happened to be tossed from Wrecker to Tech in the middle of the battle, it would be like making a 180 degree shift within the space of a breath. It wasn’t impossible, but you knew it would take a close understanding of each of them, their thought processes, their preferences, and their individual personalities to truly perfect yourself as their personal weapons.
You Dissolved, the two blasters once more converging into one as you reappeared physically. For a moment you simply froze, staring blankly ahead as you regained yourself. Shaking your head, you blinked and refocused, looking back up.
“Ambidextrous,” you said almost without thinking. “Physically and mentally.” You shook yourself off. “Sorry, it’s... it’s a bit challenging to keep up.” You smiled at Tech. “Your mind is... so fast. There’s so much. It’s very impressive.”
He blinked, and you wondered if that was some color staining the tips of his ears. “Thank you,” he said.
“Guess it’s my turn.” Crosshair grunted, stepping towards you. He eyed you warily, eyes flint.
You turned to him. “I’ll do my best.”
He held out his hand. “Permission to Transfer.”
You grasped his hand, feeling the calloused palm under your own skin. “Permission Granted.”
Silence. Compared to the others, Crosshair was just... utter silence. The Bond was there, you could feel it, but there was just... darkness and silence. But it didn’t surprise you, after you took a moment to think about it. You’d worked with a sniper once before. They distanced themselves, so far.
So you didn’t say anything, simply waited.
After a moment, a single visual came across. A detailed schematic for the rifle, including the mods.
It only took you half a second to instantly respond, the rifle seeming to just appear in his hands. He carefully studied the rifle, lifting it to stare through the scope and aiming in a few directions. You stayed quiet, ready to instantly respond to anything, trying to remember everything in Crosshair’s profile and the previous sniper you’d worked with.
Crosshair abruptly turned and fired several shots, peering down the scope. A few other modifications appeared across the bond, and you Shifted seamlessly between his steady shots. He hit every single target, every single time. No emotion came across the Bond, only a split-second visual of the intended target and any adjustments.
He lowered the rifle after a few more shots. “Your response time is satisfactory,” he said aloud, turning the rifle over in his hands. “I’ll have to get used to your presence. I keep feeling like there’s someone behind me.”
You hesitated a moment before speaking. “Would it be better if I kept a shadow beside you, or just stayed invisible?”
“Try the shadow,” he said, lifting the rifle again.
You projected astrally, hovering just beside his shoulder.
He paused. “A little forward.”
You adjusted, realizing that you might have been in his blind spot.
“Other shoulder.” After another moment and a few shots, he nodded. “Better. Once I get used to your fixed location, it shouldn’t be a problem.”
You nodded, Dissolving the bond. With a wince, you clapped your hands over your ears and squeezed your eyes shut with a tiny whimper. Everything kept bursting in your senses, a sharp contrast compared to the utter silence and deprivation of Crosshair’s mind. Letting out a gasp, you dropped down and hunched close to the ground, scraping yourself together.
You shook your head. “I’m fine-“ you blurted shakily. “I’m fine- I just- it’s been so long since I’ve worked with a sniper, I-“ Sucking in a breath, you started to come back to, getting used to the normalcy again. Slowly standing, you leaned gratefully against Wrecker’s arm.
“You’ve worked with a sniper before?” Crosshair asked, eyebrows furrowing.
You nodded, peeling your eyes open. “Y-yes. But it’s been many years, since I was a child. Both of you have... your minds are like... like sensory deprivation tanks. It’s- I have to- to get used to it. I think like- like Sergeant Hunter experiences.” You shook your head, taking deep breaths.
“You alright?” Hunter asked, observing you carefully.
You straightened, nodding. “Yes. Could we try passing?”
He nodded. “Who do you want to start with?”
“You, please,” you requested, sending Wrecker a grateful smile. He grinned back and nodded, patting your arm.
“Permission to Transfer.”
You took Hunter’s hand. “Transfer Granted.”
“So, how do we pass?” Hunter asked as soon as he was holding the modified blaster in his hand.
“Just warn me who you’re passing to at least mentally,” you directed, materializing over his shoulder. “That way, even if you throw, I can direct myself to the person you’re intending to pass me to. It also helps me prepare myself to acclimate to the next person and try to predict what weapon and modifications they will want from me so they don’t have to waste time waiting for me to finish Shifting. I can Shift mid-throw. Or you could hand me over.”
Hunter nodded. Without warning, he sent you a name and whipped his arm back. “Cross!” he shouted.
You Shifted mid-throw, allowing your astral form to dart across the space and directing the rifle to Crosshair’s hand. He caught it, instantly lifting it to his shoulder. Taking a quick shot at a rock formation and hitting the target, he sent a single name across again.
“Tech,” he warned, sending you into a tail-spin.
You darted over to Tech, splitting mid-air to guide yourself into both his hands seamlessly. Tech spun, shooting quickly at two pebbles on a rock formation and knocking them off. He didn’t even turn around before slamming the two pieces together and tossing them over his head.
“Wrecker,” he shouted, though you’d already started Shifting.
Wrecker caught the IWS, hefting it effortlessly above his head. “That was pretty quick,” he said, firing a random shot into the distance. “You good, Shiv?”
You Dissolved, pressing fingers to your temple. “Yeah, I’m... I’m trying to get the hang of it. It might take me a couple of tries to be able to get better. It’s... it’s difficult to keep track.” A migraine started to build in the back of your brain, making you hide a wince.
“Well we’ve already at least formed a good foundation, so let’s give Shiv a break for now and head back to the ship,” Hunter decided, turning on his heel and heading back for the ship.
You took a step forwards and lost footing, pitching forward. Wrecker caught you before you hit the ground, making you gasp. He lifted you up.
“Whoa there, Shiv. You good?” he asked, holding you easily as you grabbed his shoulders for balance.
“A little- I- disoriented,” you managed, still reeling and dizzy. “I-I’m a bit- dizzy from-“ You winced, closing your eyes and burying your face into his shoulder. “Sorry- everything is- I’m going into sensory overload,” you stammered, feeling jittery.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take you back to your bunk,” he said cheerfully, his steps long and steady as he walked back to the ship.
Your breath started to stutter as you felt sleep quickly creeping up on you. “Thank you, Wrecker,” you managed to whisper thickly, before the darkness descended irresistibly.
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queenariesofnarnia · 5 months
physical touch 2
the bad batch (pre-echo) x f!medic reader
18+ content! MDNI!
wc: 1,559
part 1
warnings: smut with little plot, unprotected piv, oral f!receiving , tech is recording of course, a little knife use from hunter, and i think that is all
Touch increased on the Marauder after that night, in minor ways. Wrecker enjoys pulling you into his lap while you read in your down time. He’ll rest his head on top of yours as he chats with his vod. If you are ever sitting alone in your bed, Hunter comes to sit with you, taking it upon himself to place his head in your lap. You’ll begin to absentmindedly run your fingers through his soft curls. Crosshair’s hand rests on your lower back whenever you stand near him. When you went to the market his slender fingers made their way around your waist not letting you stray too far. Tech will hold your hand if what he’s working on requires one hand, or when he sits next to you his hand will rest on your thigh causing you to melt into his touch. Everything was going smoothly until the day you chose to test their resolve. The boys decided they were going out for drinks but tonight you chose to stay home. When it was time for them to head out for the night you wished them a goodnight standing in the entrance of the ship in a shirt you took from Wrecker.
This was the first part of your plan, underneath the shirt was a custom lingerie set you ordered in their armor color. A tiny skull gem resting at the center of your cleavage, next one  of your latest tattoos that you’ve hidden since your last leave. Their initials resting along the top curve of your breast, the other being the signature 99 located at the bottom of your spine. The moment they make you aware that they’ve made it to 79’s you’ll start on phase 2 of the plan, you’re going to send them each a picture, with a risky message attached, then get comfortable in your bed before phase 3 can spring into action, hoping it’s them devouring you. Approximately fifteen minutes pass, you have discarded the large shirt and took the raunchy pictures, when you get a message from Tech letting you know that they have made it. Time for your plan to be put into motion. Sending the first picture to Hunter.
*attachment: 1 image*
You can cut this off when you get back
then it’s Wrecker’s turn
*attachment: 1 image*
Waiting for you to wreck me tonight
then Tech
*attachment: 1 image*
I hope I’m the prettiest thing you get to record
and lastly Crosshair
*attachment: 1 image*
 I have something else you can put in your mouth
Making yourself comfortable in your nest of blankets turning on a cheesy holofilm. Knowing that you won’t be watching this for long. Thunderous footsteps made their way up the ramp, you’ve been ignoring their messages, trying to hide the smile on your face as your door swooshed open. You don’t break contact with you screen, only waving at them. The sound of Hunter clearing his throat didn’t even make you look up. Though any other occasion it would have. Crosshair took two long strides, snatching the datapad from your view and tossing it to Tech.
“Looks like you can pay attention now kitten” his coarse voice holding a demeaning tone. Finally looking up at them, taking in each of their reactions. Hunter’s jaw was clenched, his eyes darkened as they graze over your body. Stopping at the tattoo on your breast that was peaking above the lace. Wrecker looked like he just stumbled upon the best meal in the world, rubbing his large hands together as he admired you. Tech has started recording the moment they stepped foot on the ship. His gaze hungry, as he made sure to get every inch of you in the frame for later. If looks could kill, Crosshair’s stare would have you in an early grave.
“Come here mesh’la” Hunter orders patting the edge of your bed. You crawl to the edge, the sniper getting a look at the other tattoo you have been hiding from their view. “Do you want this? Because there’s no going back once you let us get a taste of you” the sergeant’s gravelly voice burning with desire.
“I don’t care if I’m screaming, crying, or begging you to slow down. Shut me up and keep going” your voice airy. Heartbeat accelerating, at the closeness and the situation you have put yourself in. Each of them let out a pleased noise. Grabbing your chin between his thumb and forefinger making you look at him, he leans down capturing your lips in a steamy kiss. Back arching as you release a moan into his mouth before he pulls away.
“Such a shame you’re letting me cut this off” he tuts grabbing his knife.
“I have more” you admit shyly, gaze focused on his blade.
“Lay down and eyes on me” the comes out quickly and firm. Your back hit your soft blankets, Hunter nudging your legs wider as he slots himself between them. The cool blade of the knife sends jolts through your heated skin. Slowly running it up your body until it’s under the band of your bra a quick and careful flick of his wrist your breast spill out the cup. Trailing the blade back down your body he contemplates his next move, does he want to cut off your panties or rip them off. He cuts a slit at the top of them before putting his knife away then tearing the thin material in half. Exposing your soaked cunt to the cool air of the room. Before you could clench your thighs together he keeps them spread.
“Cross I believe she promised you a taste” Hunter moves to your right side, instructing Wrecker to get behind you. Crosshair waits for his large brother to get into his position. The large clone quickly slots himself behind you pulling your back against his chest.
Positioning himself between your thighs he leans forward wrapping his fingers around your throat squeezing lightly pulling you in for a dominating kiss. His other hand acquaints itself with your soaked cunt, his thumb ghosting over your clit as he traces the lips teasingly. Eliciting a gasp from you as he trailed kisses down your body. Stopping with his lips hovering over your clit that was begging for attention. His hands now gripping your soft thighs. He teasingly laps at your folds without breaking eye contact, enjoying every moment your hips bucked towards his mouth. His teeth lightly graze your clit, pulling an almost breathless moan from you.
“You look pretty falling apart for me little tooka” Crosshair praised as he pulls away from your needy cunt. Your body reacts to the praise a new flow of arousal runs through you, Cross notices lapping it up letting his tongue explore your cunt, Wreckers calloused fingers begin to toy with your nipples adding to the pleasure you were receiving. Your moans gradually getting louder as your first orgasm of the night nears. He takes his right hand from your thigh to slip two fingers into you curling them to hit your g-spot. His attack on your clit not slowing down.
“I know you’re close. Go ahead cum on my fingers and give Tech a show” Crosshair’s words were all it took for you to fall apart. Almost screaming his name in pleasure. His fingers continuing to work you through your orgasm before he pulls them out bringing them to your lips. “Go on and taste yourself” he commands. Without breaking eye contact you lick his fingers before taking them in your mouth sucking your juices off them. He gives you another kiss calling you a good girl before he steps to the side.
“My turn” Wrecker booms with laughter easily flipping you over pulling you into his lap. Your arms wrap around his neck.
“You gonna wreck me big guy?” your voice is soft yet sultry. Still recovering from your orgasm, yet you’re ready to take Wrecker. You grind down on his erection while placing kisses along his jaw. With one hand he lifts you up while the other lines himself up with your entrance slipping the head of his cock in with ease. He slowly slid you down his length watching your face contort in pleasure before his lips hungrily attacked yours. His hands stayed on your hips as you begin to ride his cock. Your hands gripping his shoulders, teeth clashing as you kissed. He began thrusting up into you matching your rhythm. Each thrust had echoed in the room, the sound of skin slapping together mixed with the sounds of your arousal. Burying his face in your neck to muffle the sounds of his groans. His thrust began to falter as your walls gripped him tight.
“Mesh’la I’m not going to last much longer” Wrecker grunts out in your ear.
“Fill me up big guy” your words were enough for him, a few more thrusts from him and his cum coated your walls. Triggering you to orgasm over his cock before slumping against his body. “Thank you big guy” you whisper kissing his shoulder. He held you close giving you some time to rest, before slowly slipping out, laying you on your bed.
“Give me 20 minutes” you mumble into your pillow.
“You can have two” Hunter says going to grab warm cloth to clean you up.
Tags: @huntershoe @ooostarwarsfandom501st @techscyarikaa @aynavaano
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queenariesofnarnia · 6 months
just like lula
wrecker x f!reader
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gif not mine!
wc: 660
warnings: none!
Ever since Wrecker has given Lula to Omega he has moments where he finds it impossible to be comforted. You hear him toss and turn some nights, and tonight was one of those nights. Tech just relieved you from your turn on watch duty bidding you a goodnight as you head to your bunk. Quietly walking past a sleeping Hunter and Echo you reach for Wrecker, gently placing a hand on his exposed arm.
“Wrecker are you alright?” you gently whisper to the large man. He turns around, eyes meeting yours in the dim light of the ship. You can see how tired he is mixed with sadness.
 Softly instructing him to scoot over before taking off your shoes placing them under the bunk. You sit next to him, maintaining eye contact with him. “Would you like to talk about it?” asking him as you rub his arm in a soothing way. He shakes his head, before turning to lay on his side gazing up at you.
“Could ya stay with me?” his voice soft as he asked hesitantly. You nod immediately, he gently hoists you over him. He knows you enjoy sleeping by the wall instead of the edge. “Would ya mind if we cuddle?” his question catches you off guard for a moment before you become elated.
“Yes Wreck of course we can” you smile at him crawling under the blanket with him. His arms wrap around your waist pulling you as close as he can, resting his head on top of yours. You rest your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as you enjoy his warm embrace. It lulls you to sleep along with his soft snores. Everyone wakes up before the two of you, each of them taking a moment to see how peaceful you are and snapping a few photos for the “family album” you created. Finally waking up because you have to use the bathroom your eyes meet with Hunter’s as you sit up. The smile on his face is soft yet mischievous.
“Sleep well?” He questions offering you a hand to pull you over Wrecker. You graciously accept, trying not to wake the cuddly giant.
“Great actually” your smile is small, but Hunter knows you mean it.
“Does that mean you’ll finally tell him?” he asks before you enter the fresher.
“Make me a caf and you’ll get your answer sarge” you shrug. Hunter snorts a laugh before softly nudging Wrecker to wake him. He's definitely making your caf because he wants that answer.
“She’s in the fresher” he informs Wrecker before walking away from the bunks. Once you were out the fresher, your mediocre caf was awaiting you in the hands of Hunter. You thank him trying to reach for it. “I want my answer sarad” he says puling the cup out of reach.
“I’ll tell him after my caf” you simply say before accepting the cup sitting in the co-pilot seat to have your routine morning chat with Tech. Wrecker calls for you from the bunks, so you excuse yourself. Letting Tech know you’ll come back later to continue chatting.
“Hey Wreck” your smile brighter since you’ve had your morning fix.
“I wanted to say thanks for staying with me last night. Ya didn’t have to” he says sheepishly.
“No need to thank me. I’ll gladly do it whenever you need a cuddle” you sit next to him thighs touching due to the closeness. A few moments of silence pass before he speaks again.
“You were able to calm me down. Just like Lula” he tells you this with a grin.
“I’m glad to be of service Wreck. I care about you” you take his large hand in yours giving it a squeeze. You get up placing a kiss on his cheek before going back to everyone leaving him stunned.
“She kissed me!” He yells for everyone to hear. You all laugh at his outburst, hearing Hunter mumble finally.
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queenariesofnarnia · 6 months
late night confessions
tech x f!reader
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gif not mine! creds to the owner
wc: 1,800
warnings: 18+ content! MDNI!, piv unprotected sex! (wrap your willy and don't be silly), consensual recording of sex, truth or dare, slightly dom! tech, porn with minimal plot in my opinion :) ENJOYYYYY
Shore leave on Coruscant was rare, however it never stopped the batch from having a bit of drunken fun. Tonight, they even got you to tag along, and their plan to see you drunk for the first time was successful to say the least. They had a decent time at 79’s but brought the fun back to the ship. Wrecker suggested a game of truth or dare, as childish as this would have seemed among the batch when sober, how could they say no right now? You always encourage them to have some fun on leave, and that’s what lead to your dare.
“I dare you to share what I overheard you sharing with Commander Tano the other night.” Crosshair and Hunter smirked. You had a feeling someone heard you, all that mattered to you was that it wasn’t the person it involved.
“I tell her a lot of things gents be more specific” you tried playing it off by crossing your arms over your chest leaning back into your chair.
“You know exactly what we mean” Cross said pointing his toothpick towards his goggle wearing brother. It was now or never, the worse that can happen is that he doesn’t want that, and you can hopefully move on or just throw yourself out the ship while in hyperspace.
“Tech my darling” you called, his attention turning towards you with a slightly confused look on his face. “How would you feel about recording me like you record everything else?” your tone sultrier than the boys have ever heard it. Feeling his face heat up as you lean towards him giving him a better view of your cleavage that’s been on display all night. While his brothers got a good view of your rear, hoping their brother gave the right response.
“In front of my brothers cyar’ika?” he asked hopefully hiding the tremor in his voice due to your closeness. The sweet nickname in Mando’a sending tingles straight to your core.
“Wherever you want me Tech” you whispered in his ear kissing his jawline before settling  back in your chair, a smile gracing your lips. Taking a moment to compose himself, Tech stood up taking your hand marching off the ship.
“I was hoping for a show!” Crosshair called after you two followed by laughter.
“Where are we going Tech?” you asked as he began to weave through the busy street to a small hotel. The twi’lek at the front desk offering you a smile and a room. You spaced out as Tech began to talk to him.
“Let’s go cyar’ika” Tech said guiding you to the lift, you wished the twi’lek a goodnight and his response was “have a good one for the both of us hon!”  Once in the lift Tech’s hands were at your waist pulling you close to him before his lips crashed into yours. The doors opened to your floor; he led you to a room at the end of the hall. Soon as the lock clicked his hands were back on your waist, your arms around his neck. Pulling each other close until there was no room left between your bodies. Whatever you awakened in Tech tonight you did not regret. He pulled away from the kiss causing you to whine.
“No need to whine cyar’ika. I’m going to make sure you get precisely what you requested from me. Go sit on the bed” he commands directing you towards the bed in the center of the room. You crawl onto the bed sitting in the middle of the bed, sitting with your back against the headboard.
“For a moment I thought you were pulling my leg when you asked me. However, the way your pupils dilated once you were in close proximity to me. I also notice each time your thighs clench when you’re given an order by any of us. Though you are in a position to give orders you much rather them be given to you. Am I correct?” he asked as he got closer to the edge of the bed you nod in response. “Use your words cyar’ika or you won’t be receiving the night of pleasure I promised you.” The tone in his voice is one you’ve never heard him use, your arousal increasing by the second.
“Yes, you’re correct” your confident voice left behind on the ship. A chuckle escaped his lips at the sight of you, thighs clenched and pleading eyes for him to touch you. The way your confidence left you once you had his full attention made his cock twitch. Stripping out the top of his blacks discarding it on the floor. Bottom lip between your teeth as you admire how well built he is. He removes his shoes and his bottoms before sitting on the edge of the bed. He motions you towards him with the skillful fingers that you were hoping he was going to use on you tonight. Before you could fully reach the edge of the bed, he grabbed you pulling you into his lap. Your hands finding themselves on his shoulders. For a moment you sat and took in each other’s features. You knew he was handsome; the definition of his facial features made him even more stunning to you. His hand slid up your arm before cupping the back of your neck pulling you down for a searing kiss. The hand he placed on your waist pulled you closer to him.
“Strip for me cyar’ika” giving the command just above a whisper as he pulled away from your lips. Your fingers reach for the hem of your dress pulling it over your head tossing it somewhere in the small room. Stealing a quick kiss before sliding off his lap to pull your panties off.
Before they touched the floor he pulled you back into bed, quickly maneuvers himself above you. You can’t fight the urge to smile at him, even during this intimate moment your smile was still smitten. He gave a little smile back dipping down to kiss your lips, before moving down to your neck. He nipped and sucked your sweet spots leaving marks that you’ll have to cover once you’re back in the field. His hands cupped your breasts in rolling your nipples between his fingers deepening the kiss, tongue slipping in your mouth exploring it. His hands began to explore your body, his callouses against your smooth skin sent tingles through your body. Once he got to your thighs he groaned into the kiss. You’ve seen him stare at your thighs on numerous occasions, but you didn’t expect him to enjoy the feel of them this much. He begins to massage your thighs purposely going close to touching your soaked cunt before moving his hands away. Placing kisses and bites down your body, taking his time to elicit each sound from you. Sounds that he will listen to later in a case you aren’t in his reach. Finally reaching your clit, flicking it with his tongue causing a whimper to slip past your lips.
“Judging by that noise, you’re a little sensitive. Aren’t you cyar’ika?” he questions teasingly, before licking up your juices before sucking your clit in between his lips sucking on it gently while increasing his speed. Without breaking eye contact, two of his fingers enter your cunt going to work on your g-spot. The way his skilled fingers brushed against the spongy spot causes your legs to shake around his head instinctively trying to clamp shut. “Don’t” he growls pulling away from your clit for a split second before getting back to work. Your fingers find his light brown curls making a mess out of them as you reached your orgasm. You were barely forming words, coming out as broken babbles and breathy moans. Your orgasm came quickly, yelling out a stream of curses mixed with his name. Pulling out his fingers slowly he brings them to your lips for you to taste yourself and you do so without hesitation. He groans at the sight of you with his fingers in your mouth, pulling you into a dominating kiss once he removes them. “I want a taste for myself, but that will have to wait. I fear that I am far too impatient to wait to be inside you” he kneels between your legs easily wrapping them around his trim waist. He lines himself up with your entrance, before slowly entering you. Eyes fluttering shut at the feel of your velvety walls hugging his shaft. Head tossed back in pure bliss you barely believe that this is happening.
“Kriff Tech” you moan attempting to pull him closer with your legs. He pulls out of you slightly before thrusting back in, adjusting himself if need be. Finding a comfortable position his picks up the pace of his thrusting. Pinning your hands above your head with one hand as the other toys with your clit.
“You’re doing so well cyar’ika. Look at how pretty you look taking me” his praise makes you whine his name in a begging tone. “Imagine how pretty you’ll look once your full of my cum” His voice deeper than you’ve heard before. Your back arches, the thrusts hitting you in a more pleasurable way. The sound of skin slapping together echoed through the room, mixed with the moaning, whimpering, and groaning coming from the both of you.
“Tech I don’t think I’m going to last much longer” your sentence broken between moans.
“I’m not either cyar’ika” he grits out as the pace of his thrusts slow down. His cock twitching in you, “Where do you want me?” he asks finally letting go of your hands giving you the chance to wrap your arms around your neck.
“Inside please” you beg, nails digging into his upper back. One more thrust and he orgasm hits him, releasing in you but his thrusts don’t stop. He continues to lazily thrust in you rubbing your clit when you hit your second orgasm of the night. Screaming Tech’s name, not caring who heard the name of the beautiful man that brought you pleasure. You pull him down for a kiss as his cock begins to soften in you. “We’re doing this again sometime” a tired laugh escapes you.
“I agree. As well as I was correct about how pretty you look with my cum dripping out of you” he says pulling away, making sure this moment was in the recording, before ending it. He gets up going to the fresher, you hear running water, and a smile makes its way to your face. He walks back out picking you up with ease, carrying you to the shower. Let’s just say the neighboring rooms probably didn’t get much sleep tonight. This was the best confession ever made.
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queenariesofnarnia · 7 months
the general and her boys
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gif not mine!
wc: 2,025
fraternal poly! bad batch x f!reader (absolutely no clonecest)
warnings: 18+ content! mdni! porn with a sprinkle of plot in the beginning, nothing crazy, group sex, praise kink, use of sarge, anal, piv, unprotected, cum swallowing, oral (m receiving), handjobs, and i think that is it!
All you asked for was a night of rest since you’re finally on shore leave. A night in your secret apartment gifted to you by Padme. Relaxing in your silk robe that matched the red in your squad’s armor, lined with black lace. You accomplished most of the self-care routine you planned for the night. Sipping on a glass of wine you picked up on Naboo, enjoying a trashy holofilm.  Several knocks echoed through your apartment interrupting the climax of the film. You had a feeling this was going to happen, even though they promised you not to start a fight with the regs. You entered the code to the door, meeting five sets of eyes as it whooshed open. Standing to the side letting them in to find a seat.
“I don’t want to hear about who started it or why you got involved” you grumbled sitting back in your original spot which now has you nestled between Tech and Crosshair.
“We’re sorry general” Hunter’s gruff voice sounds over the film you went back to watching. You glance at him and nod before turning your attention back to the screen. Wrecker helped himself to whatever snacks he could find in your kitchen.
“Wrecker, were you even going to ask if helping yourself to the general’s food was okay?” Echo was the one to question the large clone.
“I don’t care at this point. That’s why I have snacks in the first place. I knew my night alone wasn’t going to last” you tell Echo without breaking your focus from the screen. Finishing your wine, you placed your glass on the table before leaning over Tech who was busy with his datapad to grab the bottle on the side table. This gave Crosshair and Hunter a view up your robe, while Echo and Wrecker had a view down your robe. Plopping back down to refill your glass the room went quiet except for the film ending.
“Why didn’t you ask me general?” Tech broke the silence amongst your squad.
“You seemed busy, so I just did what was easy” you sent him a smile before taking a sip of from your glass. Crosshair took the bottle from your hand taking a quick swig before passing it to Hunter who had his hand out towards his brother.
“Don’t worry about why she didn’t ask Tech. Let’s talk about how the pretty little general gave us a little show as she reached over you.” Crosshair informs his brother placing his gloved hand on your thigh. The action made you take a gulp of your wine.
“What’s under the robe mesh’la?” Hunter whispers in your ear causing you to jump since you didn’t notice he left his previous spot.
“Tech start recording” Wrecker chuckles at the order given by Crosshair.
“I have been recording since the moment she opened the door” Tech says a smirk reaching his face. In this moment you knew you were in for it. You jokingly flirt with the guys all the time. However, you never thought it would lead you here. Echo was now sitting with his legs crossed intrigued by what is unfolding in front of him.
“Take the robe off for us sarad” Crosshair orders you giving your thigh a squeeze. You stood after chugging down the rest of the wine for the courage you will need tonight to survive. Back facing them you untied the robe letting it glide off your shoulders hitting the floor. Your spine tattoo now exposed to them. Each of their helmets and their names written by them decorated your spine. A chorus of groans sounded in the quiet living room as they took in the sight of your tattoo and your backside.
“Turn around for us little tooka” Wrecker’s voice cracking at his own request. Their jaws dropped when you turned around. The signature skull and 99 inked above your left breast, a loth wolf started at your waist ending at your mid-thigh, a 5, a crescent, and jaig eyes decorated your left bicep.
“When did you get all these tattoos cyar’ika?” Tech’s question breaking the trance his brothers were in as they stopped looking at the tattoos that decorated your body and back to your face.
“We can discuss that later. Now is there a real reason why I’m naked?” you questioned smirking your arms crossed beneath your breasts pushing them up.
“Get in the bed and we can show you” Hunter’s voice sounding deeper than usual makes your stomach flutter and your pussy tingle. Making your way past them without a word your hips swaying as you make it down the hall into your room. In about five minutes after the boys have taken their armor and blacks off they were surrounding your giant bed. You pretended to be busy with your datapad until it was snatched from your grip by Crosshair. He tosses it on the lounge chair in the corner of your room.
“Get on all fours mesh’la” Hunter instructs you. Immediately obeying, they command you to arch your back for them. The cool air in the room hitting your back side showing off your anal plug.
“She looks so pretty” Wrecker groans palming his cock. The others agreeing each walking around you to get their own perfect view of you.
“Wrecker get in front of her. Crosshair, Tech each of you take a side, Echo get behind her and mesh’la let me get under you.” Hunter gives out instructions. You never expected this moment a pleasant tingle was sent through your body as each of them found their spots round you. You were thankful for a big enough bed, so Wrecker fit in front of you nicely. Echo removed the plug from your puckered hole slowly. The mewl it pulled from your lips made each cock twitch. You spit in each hand before wrapping one of them around Crosshair’s and the other around Tech’s length beginning to slowly pump each of them. Hunter’s skilled fingers quickly found your soaking pussy dipping to fingers in, and Wrecker tapped the head of his cock silently directing you to open your mouth. Opening your mouth wide, tongue licking the underside of his shaft before taking him in your mouth. This was Echo’s opportunity to position himself before entering your ass. Feeling him stretch you made you moan around Wrecker’s length as Hunter’s fingers found your clit, whilst mouth attached to your nipple. Hunter continued to toy with your clit which was bringing you to the edge quicker than you would hope. The sensation of his mouth attached to your nipple turned you into a moaning mess. Each of your boys whispering praises to you.
“Look how pretty you are” “Kriff, you feel good” “Just like that sarad” “You look exquisite” you took praise well. Echo’s scomp was resting on you lower back and you enjoyed the cool metallic feeling. You could feel Hunter line up with your pussy with one thrust up he was buried in you to the hilt. He and Echo took their turns thrusting in and out of you at a brutal pace. Hunter’s fingers still rubbing your clit and quitting before you could finish each time, he took you there. He left his marks all over your breasts. Wrecker’s thrusts were faltering each time you moaned around him. Using the precum from Crosshair and Tech’s cocks was helpful since spitting on your hand would have been a challenge. Crosshair doing his best not to fall apart and Tech not caring that he was practically melting under your touch.
“I’m not going to last like this pretty girl” Wrecker’s sentence was broken up between each thrust. “You gonna let me cum in your mouth?” you nod your eyes glossed with tears and your moans desperate. His final thrust you felt the warmth of his seed hit the back of your throat before pulling out to finish the rest of his load on your face. Smiling at him before swallowing.
“I hope you got that Tech” Crosshair said before a string of curses leave his mouth. Tech could only nod.
“Tech come here” you gesture in front of your face and take him in your mouth. Using your now free hand to cup and squeeze his balls. You knew he wasn’t going to last long so when you pulled back you slowly grazed your teeth on the underside of his shaft, before taking him back in your mouth all at once. When you gagged on him, he couldn’t help but release in your mouth making sure each drop was in your mouth before he pulled out your mouth.
“Go ahead and smile for me cyar’ika” he instructs you his hand wrapping around your throat making you him in the eyes. You smile again showing him his cum. “You may swallow” he nods at you and pulls away. Placing a kiss on the top of your head thanking you. Crosshair took over stroking himself for you.
“I’m going to paint your face now sarad. But I’ll be in you later.” He hissed before releasing all over your face and hair. Smirking at your cum covered face he gets off the bed.
“Do you want me inside or do you want me to pull out cyare” Echo’s tone is soft yet rough as he whispers the question in your ear.
“In me please” you whimper biting into Hunter’s shoulder. He pulled out for a moment for Echo to finish. Rough fingers gently wrapping around the back of your neck pulling you in for a keldabe kiss. Echo leans down placing a kiss on your shoulder as his thrust falter, releasing in your ass. He waits a few seconds before pulling out of you slowly, putting the plug back in you until Hunter has his turn to finish. When he got off the bed, he made his way to the lounge chair in the corner. Hunter flipped you over with ease, guiding his cock back to your entrance thrusting in you at a rough pace, bending your legs back to where your knees touched your chest with one hand. With the other his thumb circled your clit.
“Go ahead and beg for it mesh’la” His sergeant voice making your walls clench around him. “You look so pretty all used by us” he whispers in your ear nibbling your earlobe as he pulls away. “I know your close mesh’la beg for it. That’s the only way I’ll cum in you.” His pace made you lose your train of thought.
“Kriff, Hunter may I please cum?” your tone is airy as you gasp between words.
“No. You can do better than that. Come on mesh’la” he pulls his thumb away right when you could feel yourself at your peak. You let out a string of curses that make Crosshair huff with laughter.
“May I please cum Sarge? Pretty please” the neediness evident in your tone. His thumb returned to your clit as you kept mumbling ‘please’ for your release.
“Go ahead” he grants. The moan you release higher than you expected as your back arches. Your pussy convulsing around his cock. Moments later he collapses on top of you, painting your walls with his cum. Placing a soft kiss on your neck rolling off of you. Once he moves Echo comes back over to gently tug the plug out to let his seed pour out your other used hole. Tech making sure he gets this part for their recording.
“You did so well for us general” Hunter compliments. You could only smile and nod. You could feel the exhaustion. Crosshair went into your fresher to get you a warm cloth to clean you up with. Wrecker went to the kitchen to get you a snack and get dressed. Tech, Hunter, and Echo went to put the bottom halves of their blacks back on before coming back to your bed. Crosshair cleaned you up before going to grab his bottoms. You’re snuggled up in between them all as they pile in your bed to cuddle. A moment you could only hope to get on camera one day.
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queenariesofnarnia · 5 months
safe haven
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tech x f!reader
wc: 1,096
warnings: a mention plan 99, but mostly fluff
Your domicile was considered a safe haven for him. You found him in bad shape, many bones broken and with no memory. Yet he was familiar to you, you served as a clone medic during the war, spending time on Kamino you were the only medic who took care of his squad with no complaints. However, back then you were too shy to speak to him about anything outside of the medical care you would provide. With all the strength you could muster that day you used it to get him to your ship before the empire could find him. Quickly getting him situated in your small but functioning med bay before getting off the planet. Fleeing to the outer rim planet you now call your home, nursing him back to health. Even managing to create a new set of googles for him from what you remembered.
“Sugar” his voice drew you from your thoughts turning your focus to him. Him using the nickname everyone called you brought a smile to your face each time. “I remember everything” you could only nod, gesturing him to continue.
“My name is Tech, CT-9902 according to any database. I’m a part of Clone Force 99, we named ourselves the Bad Batch. You were the kindest and of course most appealing medic on Kamino. You always took care of our batch with a smile and never said a negative thing about us. I initiated plan 99 in order to save my brothers and sister. since then you’ve found me and nursed me back to health” he rambled excitedly using his hands to talk.
“Tech this is wonderful!” you stood from your seat as you cheered for him. “Would you like to make contact with your brothers?” you ask gently setting a hand on his forearm. He looks perplexed for a few moments, before nodding.
“Could you stay nearby?” he asked shocking you.
“Yes, let me go set up the long-range communication first and you can make your call” you say going out your back door to toy with your satellite. Tech paced the floor, he was pleased that he will get to speak to his brothers and Omega. But, hesitant because he knew it would mean potentially leaving you behind again. After the Kaller mission he was going to admit his feelings to you. He was even going to request you as their medic so you would no longer be stuck on Kamino. “All set Tech” your chipper tone pulled him from his thoughts. “I’ll be right in the kitchen. Just call me if you need me” you told him giving his shoulder a quick squeeze.
He instantly got to work on contacting the Marauder. To his relief they answered, and to his surprise Crosshair stood there behind Omega.
Moments of silence pass between the small family.
“Good to see your face Tech” Hunter spoke first, a relieved smile on his face.
“Where are you?” Omega was next to speak.
“What took ya so long?” Wrecker chimes in.
“I’m pleased to see you all. I’m with Sugar, she nursed me back to health after the fall” he began explaining.
“Sugar? As in the pretty medic you basically drooled over?” Crosshair asked smirking. Tech only nods.
“Precisely, she’s been taking care of me. I’ve been slowly regaining my memory back. Today was the day, it hit me in an overwhelming way” he said looking in the kitchen to see you prepping lunch. A smile crosses his face before focusing back on his siblings. You bring him the plate you prepped before stepping back into the kitchen. As he filled his siblings in your silhouette never left his peripheral. You danced around the kitchen cleaning up as he talked. Quickly peeping your head into the main room to grab his attention.
“Invite them to stay here” you mouth to him. He nods relaying the message.
“She would like to invite you to stay here with us. There’s plenty of room, and the planet is free from imperial rule, the republic never reached it either” he informs his family. Who easily agreed to stay, after Tech sent them the coordinates and ended the call he joined you in the kitchen.
“Thank you for inviting them” he says before eating the rest of his lunch.
“Everyone deserves somewhere safe. Especially now they have Omega with them. The war is over, and you all could finally rest” you reach across the table taking his hand in yours. “Make sure you rest and we can talk about the arrival of your siblings when I come back from the market.” You tell him getting up to drop your plate in the sink.
“I’ll come with you” he firmly states getting up to grab the keys to the speeder. “No arguing” he quips not even looking at you.
“How did you even know?” laughing at his words.
“I have witnessed you argue with Kaminoans and many regs” he simply says shrugging. The trip to the market went smoothly. Admittedly easier since he came along for help. He carried a bag of groceries, as you carried the bag of self-care essentials. His fingers intertwined with yours as he led you through the market back to the speeder.
“Thank you for coming Tech” you smile at him placing the bag on the table in the entry way.
“There is no need to thank me. I should be the one thanking you for everything” he takes the groceries into the kitchen. You followed him only to have him tell you to sit down. Ignoring your protests that you can help with the groceries. “You always do things for others. Let me help you” he says walking by placing an unexpected kiss on your forehead. A goofy smile was now on your face, your thoughts completely clear as you stare at the goggled clone moving around your kitchen. “I have always been fond of you” he admits glancing at you as he stored snacks in the pantry.
“You have?” you’re still in a haze from the small kiss.
“I thought that was obvious” he looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m pretty sure it wasn’t but my head is always in the clouds around you” you shyly admit looking away. His slender fingers grab your chin lightly to make you face him.
“Then let me make it obvious for you” he says before his lips collide with yours in a soft kiss.
“Thank you for saving me” a small smile on his face as he pulls away from the kiss.
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