#tbh i think the person it turned out to be was kinda dumb idk it was underwhelming
steviescrystals · 5 months
guys things are happening
#so i met this girl at work last summer and we clicked right away and we were super close for a while#and it was really only a few months but i considered her one of my best friends#and then both of us got promoted to basically shift leads and right after that things just got really weird between us#i never figured out what exactly happened but it was just like tense and off which sucked bc the time before that was so much fun#but i just pushed it aside bc i still wanted to be friends with her and i was hoping it would just pass i gués#and THEN a couple months later she got promoted to store manager which was… shocking#i want to make it super clear i did not want to be manager and i truly was not jealous of her job#but i just did not think she was the right choice for manager bc after working super closely with her for months#i had seen her do sooo much shit that was either not allowed or just like not correct and straight up kinda dumb??#but none of the higher ups knew about it bc i would always help her fix her mistakes bc she was my friend and i wanted things done right yk#so anyway she became manager and our friendship just got even weirder bc suddenly she was my boss and i did not think she was a good manager#as much as i still loved her as a person she just got on my nerves a lot at work bc of the way she was running things#THEN a month after that annual company wide layoffs happened and i got laid off 😍 which i have vented a ton about on here bc it was awful#and the one bright side to it was that i thought maybe our friendship could start to go back to normal now that we didn’t work together#but instead she pretty much stopped talking to me completely aside from sending me a tiktok occasionally#so i was like okay this sucks but oh well i’ve got my own shit to deal with now that i’ve gotten laid off so i’ll just give her space#and tbh i was just hoping a band we both like would go on tour soon or something so i’d have a good opportunity to ask her to hang out again#BUT THEN she texted me a few minutes ago and turns out she just got fired???#which does not happen often at that job btw there’s very low turnover i think only like 2 people got fired the whole time i worked there#usually layoffs are the only time people end up leaving#and it’s weird bc i spent all that time thinking it was a bad choice for them to make her manager and she wasn’t doing a good job#but i’m still somehow surprised???#and i feel so guilty bc i talked so much shit about the whole thing with one of my other friends bc her management pissed me off so bad#and it’s not like me talking about it with someone who didn’t even work there caused her to get fired but i still feel so bad#like yeah i do think she shouldn’t have been manager in the first place but i would never wish that on someone yk#so idk i’m just like in a very weird headspace rn!!#vent#lj.txt
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Hi! Could I request a Kiyotaka Ayanokouji Soulmate AU for the event?
Where him and the reader don't think that they're the other's soulmate, just shenanigans and fluff at the end please?
Event Masterlist About The Event
Notes: idk if I like this or not but I hope you like it! it's kinda mid tbh 😭
Warnings: n/a
Characters involved: Kiyotaka Ayanokoji
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Kiyotaka had never been one to obsess over the idea of soulmates.
While others in his class would fawn over the concept and gush about how much they wanted to meet the person they were destined to be with forever, Kiyotaka thought the idea of soulmates was annoying.
You were always the same way; never bothering to take part in the conversations that would even make Suzune turn her head.
He had always thought you weren't interested in those conversations because you had never been interested in finding your soulmate. Not because you had already found that fated someone.
Especially not if that someone was him.
"You- how?"
Kiyotaka had been through many jarring situations in his life, but none of them could even begin to compare to the shock he felt as his fingertips ghosted over the name so neatly engraved on the inside of your forearm.
You were his soulmate.
The thought was as peculiar as it was surprising. After all, the two of you were nothing alike.
You were an inactive member of class D who Kiyotaka would often overlook during their schemes to up the other classes. Someone who was smart enough to occasionally be of use to him yet not dumb enough to be easily exploited.
You were a mere background character in his life. Up until you weren't.
He should have caught on the day you started wearing lace gloves to every class, nonchalantly stating they were a fashion statement that was obvious enough for a blind man to see it.
Your sudden aversion to him somewhere during the first term had also been a dead giveaway, especially since your casual nods towards him had turned into guiltily averted looks.
What Kiyotaka couldn't understand was why it had taken so long for your name to imprint on the inside of his dominant forearm.
Different imprinting timings weren't very rare, but there was usually a reason for the timing. So why now?
Why, after months of thinking nothing of you, had he suddenly become worthy of knowing you were his soulmate?
"It imprints the moment you realize it."
You let out a small sigh at his question, reaching forward to tug on the black glove he had previously wrestled off of your hand even as you continued.
"The name imprints on your skin the second you realise that person could be your soulmate."
He couldn't help but amusedly raise a brow at your explanation, with the sight making you roll your eyes in annoyance.
"You thought I could be your soulmate during the first term?"
You shrugged at the accusation but seemed more interested in knowing his reasons than your own.
It made sense, after all, having a crush on someone new in your life and finding out they were your soulmate was normal, but Kiyotaka's situation wasn't.
"I guess if it had to be someone I thought it would be you."
It was his turn to shrug at the question, but Kiyotaka found himself slowly easing away from your form until he was casually leaning against the other side of the hallway he had cornered you in.
"You're balanced."
Your eyebrows furrowed at the word, with the action forcing him to keep going.
"You're smart but docile. You care about the people around you but not enough for it to be overbearing or get in my way. And you're easy to understand."
You smiled at that, with the gesture making him hesitantly grin just as the school's bell rang and forced the two of you to return to class.
Kiyotaka didn't know if he would ever learn to love you like a soulmate, but for now the leverage your situation gave him was enough.
After all, people were so much easier to use when their hearts were yours for the taking.
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starpirateee · 7 months
Hi! Can I suggest something kinda dumb that's been in my head forever? Pete coming out to Ted as bi and being really nervous, and then Ted's like " oh cool me too. Wait you didn't know that?" And Pete's like "???"
Idk that's just really funny to me lol
First, anon, this idea is anything but dumb! Second, it would be my genuine pleasure! Bisexual brothers for the win tbh 😌
And forgive Pete for not being able to work this out with his incredible logic, it's the tism (and the anxiety) ((see: just like me fr))
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"Ted… I've gotta tell you something…" Pete had been holding this back for a month or more, waiting on the right moment to just come out and say it. Part of him didn't even know what he was worried about, Ted had literally never judged him for anything before, why would this be so different? He was one of the most laid back people he knew, but there had to be a line somewhere, right? Maybe this would be the line, maybe Ted wouldn't be cool with it…
He found his brother on the sofa, halfway through some probably shit movie he wasn't even paying attention to. Swallowing back his nerves, he forced himself to breathe and rationalise the situation. No, he was not admitting to having committed a crime. No, he was not about to say he wanted to elope to another country with nothing but a girl and a dream… How bad could it really be?
Ted paused the movie, turned around, and raised an eyebrow. Pete was known for being a nervous wreck; he overthought like the best of them, and he'd set himself into more than enough spirals that were all decently hard to pull him back from. This was another one of those occassions, apparently. He looked tense, and there was something about the way he was avoiding looking at him that made him believe it wasn't just something interesting on the floor. "Uh, okay? What's up?" He asked, preparing himself for some long story that he'd have to deep dive through.
"I- uh…" Pete hesitated, drawing in a breath, and taking Ted up on the offer of the other side of the sofa. Even when he sat down, he was stiff as a board, worried that somehow this would go wrong. Eventually, he just decided to jump into the deep end and see what happened. "Fuck it. I'm… I'm into guys. And girls! Both! I'm… Bisexual. I might get a girlfriend one day, but- uh, maybe not, y'know..?"
It was silent for a few moments. Pete was starting to let those moments bleed out into eternity, thinking it better to absolve himself in the silence. It was better than rejection!
And then Ted hummed, breaking that precious silence like glass. Pete held his breath subtly, kneading his hands against the fabric of his trousers.
"… Cool."
But that wasn't the reaction he was expecting at all.
"Huh? That- that's it..? What, you're just cool with that?"
Just one word. The word 'cool'. He could forgive Ted for being vague at the best of times, but not right now. At least it didn't sound like a bad thing… He had prompted for more, though, and he was hoping that it was going to continue to be a good thing even with that much needed clarification.
Ted scoffed, vaguely amused. "What's your problem, kid? D'you think I was gonna judge you or whatever?"
"Uh… Yeah?"
For some reason, Ted was expecting it to be glaringly obvious that he was on his brother's side here. He thought he made it obvious enough, in any case… "Pete… Jesus…" He tried not to laugh- after all, this was probably serious for Pete, and he'd probably been thinking about how to say that for quite a while, knowing him. "I probably kissed more guys in college than you'll ever even get with. I'm the last person who's gonna judge you for swingin' both ways."
"Yeah, man. Kissed 'em, hooked up with 'em… Hell, I even had a half serious relationship in high school with some poor kid, who pretty much had to dig a ditch just to bury his religious guilt. Sure that guy's got a wife now…" He paused, thinking about that. He'd seen him around- he was sure of it, the guy hadn't changed in the slightest- and there was always some woman with him. Well, repression did normally only lead to more repression…
He shrugged, waving a hand dismissively. "Ehh, you get my point. Good for you for working that one out for yourself, I guess, but there's literally nothing to be nervous about… Actually, I can't believe you didn't figure me out a long time ago, you're smart enough."
"You never said anything…"
"Didn't think I had to. People tend to figure that shit out eventually."
The signs were there, weren't they? Sometimes it was in the way Ted talked about his co-workers, or the knowing glances he'd shoot someone from across the way… Pete laughed. All of the signs had been right there the whole time, and here he was thinking Ted was going to judge him for liking guys… It was funny, now he thought about it, and it did make sense. He shook off some of the tension in his shoulders. "How- uh… How'd you figure it out?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"No, go on! I wanna know!"
Ted sighed, shaking his head. Sometimes it was hard for him to admit he was just as nerdy as his brother, once upon a time. He'd strayed so far from that path that nobody would believe him if he told them how he'd chosen to decorate his college dorm, or how much he made from selling his comic collection.
"… It was fucking Knight Rider. Hasselhoff."
Pete blinked. He said nothing for a while, expecting there to be a different answer, but Ted didn't look like he was going to say anything else. "Wait, are you serious?"
"I don't know what you were expecting me to say, honestly… Yeah, my answer is David fucking Hasselhoff. No, I'm not gonna tell you how many times I watched Knight Rider…"
"Oh my god! You're such a fucking nerd!"
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imjustdreamingig · 1 year
Run Away
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: You were never a shy person, until it came to talking to the boy you liked.
A/N: Well, this is my first time writing something like this so... please be nice. I was kinda tired of only seeing shy!reader stuff so I decided to base this on my personality. So yeah, kind of based on a true story. What reader does in this story I've actually done in real life which is mortifying. Anyways!!! This is just edited by me so lmk how I can improve and if I should write a part 2??? Maybe?? Idk. Enjoy!
PS: Robin and Steve work together, nothing monstery has happened, they're all in the same grade. It's a bunch of dumb teenagers together battling high school.
Warnings: sfw, cursing, fluff? people being dumb?? idk what else tbh
You've never considered yourself to be a shy person. In fact, you were very much so extroverted, never finding qualms in chatting to your classmates or asking you're teacher questions in class that some may think are stupid. You didn't care.
Aside from being a little nervous back in elementary school, that trait had dissolved as you got older, and it definitely wasn't present at the moment during your senior year at Hawkins High.
However. As much as you liked to claim to be unbothered with public speaking and your ability to make friends easily, there was one thing that you couldn't just quite get over, no matter how hard you tried. And quite frankly, it was getting old and ridiculous.
"Fuck, Robin he's coming down the hall," you exclaimed, "move, move, move, move!"
You didn't bother checking if she was behind you, already knowing she would be as you practically ran to your second period class. It was the first day of the new semester anyways, you could use the excuse of wanting to get good seats to justify your cowardice to yourself later tonight.
"Jesus Christ," you heard Robin mutter as she finally caught up to you, "You know I have asthma, I cannot keep doing this every time you so much catch a glimpse of Steve."
You slowed down your pace, your heart not feeling as though it would burst out of your chest anymore. You still sported a slight flush on your face from the thought of the almost encounter you had with the jock.
"I know, I know, this is getting so stupid. I promise next time I'll talk to him, I swear," you said as you sighed forlornly.
Robin turned to you with an unimpressed stare. "That's what you said last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and yet here we are," she waved her hands dramatically.
Here's your problem. An issue that is a complete juxtaposition of your usual personality. The moment you've ever realized you have a crush on someone, you would run away from them anytime you saw them. Literally. You would full on sprint away in the opposite direction.
You've never really understood why this happens, only knowing that the second you saw your current crush, you're usual non existent nerves would make a prevalent appearance. You'd freeze and your eyes would widen as your brain chose the flight response when confronted with a potential dangerous situation.
"Look dingus, I love you and I think you're awesome and all that, blah blah blah, but this has got to stop," Robin stated as you both took your seats in your English class. "You're embarrassing me just as much as you're embarrassing yourself and our social status cannot take that much more of a beating."
You knew she was joking but just grunted in response, having buried your face in the crook of your elbow, not even bothering to open up your notebook. You heard Robin sigh and could tell she was rolling her eyes at you.
"You know..." Robin started, "I could always just...talk to him for you? Give him you're number or something during our shift at-"
Your raised your head immediately, almost giving yourself whiplash. "Robs, no way. We've talked about this before! I just - this situation is already awkward as it is, that would just make it worse."
"Hey, I'm just trying to help, but if you wanna suffer some more that's totally your choice." Robin says as she shrugs her shoulders. "Besides, with all that running your doing, at least you're getting some cardio in."
You let out as surprised squawk. "Robin come on! Not funny!" She doesn't reply, merely continuing to laugh at you. All you did was just groan in response again, settling your head in your arms once more.
A few weeks ago, you had been walking to your locker whilst attempting to shove a bunch of textbooks into your bag at the same time. Obviously, everything fell and it just so happened that Steve was nearby and helped you out.
"Oh my God, you don't have to, it's totally fine," you'd stammered, just the tiniest bit embarrassed of dropping your books in the middle of the crowded hallway.
"Don't sweat it, it happens to the best of us." Steve chuckled as he handed you your notebook.
And then it happened. The event that you frequently replay over and over in your mind, the event that kickstarted the affections you had for the boy.
Once everything was stored safely in your bag, Steve stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans. He then turned his attention to you and simply offered you his hand to help you up.
You stared into his big, brown eyes, completely dumbfounded. Here he was, an average man doing the absolute bare minimum and yet you still found yourself practically falling at his feet, your heart feeling as thought it was going to beat out of your chest.
"I- uh, I mean, thanks for the hand Steve," you stammered as you tentatively took his hand and pulled yourself off the floor. You cringed when you felt that it was sort of shaking and kind of clammy, hoping Steve wouldn't notice. "Both literally and figuratively."
You wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow you up after you blurted out those words. To your surprise, Steve let out a laugh, a genuine laugh. His eyes sort of crinkled and you could see the slight indent of a dimple. As if the man needed to get any more attractive in your eyes.
"It's no problem at all," he reassured you. "I'll be seeing you." He gave a quick wave and then turned in the direction of the cafeteria. Your hands tightened on the straps of your backpack as you watched him walk away, admiring the view.
Oh ew, you suddenly thought to yourself, now that was just pathetic.
Ever since that moment, you couldn't give yourself that last push you needed to talk to him. Even after the multitude of pep talks you give yourself in the mirror, including the ones from Robin, you still always ran away whenever you saw him.
You'd be a fool to think he didn't notice it and prayed he didn't mistake it for you hating him or something.
The sound of the bell signaling the start of class pulled you from your misery, forcing you to pay attention to your teacher so you didn't face the consequences of falling behind so early in the term.
Amidst your groveling, you'd failed to notice a particular brunet enter the class and take a seat at a desk a few rows behind you. Who knows what your reaction would have been if you did. Robin just kept her mouth shut, simply winking in Steve's direction when she caught his eye.
"Alright class, settle down and listen up," your teacher began. "I know it's the first day of the semester, but I wanted to introduce an assignment before anything else to make sure you have enough time to complete it and do an excellent job."
The entire class let out a collective groan, yourself included. How could she already be giving out assignments when she hasn't even properly introduced herself?
You turned to Robin, brows furrowed in annoyance. "I think she's got her agenda mixed up, she's introducing things in the wrong order."
"Fuck this, I should've taken Eddie's warning more seriously. Now I understand why everyone hates her," Robin gripped, running a hand through her cropped hair, already looking a little stressed.
You nodded in agreement and added, "I think I get why people hate English so much too."
Robin laughed. "But you'll still love it anyways, won't you?" she chided. Before you had a chance to reply, your teacher began speaking again.
"Settle down, please! If you listen, you'd hear that this not due until the last month of the semester and you'll be working in partners," she stated, "so not only will you have plenty of time to work on it, but you'll also have some help." You and Robin glanced at each other, hopefully smiles tugging at both of your faces.
"Your partners will be assigned by me," the whole class collectively groaned again, "which is what I'll be doing as we get through attendance. I'll explain the criteria before moving on."
"Yep, I think I hate this class at least a little bit now," you complained to Robin, already making a mental checklist of what school stuff you should at least start on later in the afternoon.
"-ohn Gilmore, Phoebe Burton, partners. Steve Harrington, Y/N Y/L/N, partners. Billy Holden, Rob-"
You froze for a second, as if you were glitching. Steve was in... this class? There was no way, you would have absolutely noticed him. But as you snuck a glance behind you, sure enough there he was, sitting in his chair, mindlessly twirling a pencil through his fingers. To your surprise, he was actually looking back at you too and- wait hold up, was he smirking?
You immediately spun back around, hand lurching to grip onto the sides of your desk. You then blinked a couple of time, praying your face wasn't as red as you felt like it was.
"Nope, nope, absolutely not. No thank you," you said as you shook your head from side to side. "Miss, this is a joke right?" you inquired out loud.
You were eventually going to talk to Steve, you were sure of it. The day was coming where you could have some sort of a conversation with him without running away, you could feel it. The moment was almost here.
Today, however, was absolutely not that day.
Just when you were about to complain to you teacher out loud again, you feel a presence behind you.
"Oh come on, you're already dismissing me as a terrible English partner? I'm wounded, seriously." The voice was laced in amusement. You did not need to turn around to know who it belonged to.
Before you could even think of a response, Robin turns to you, clearly finding your horror to the situation hilarious, and says, "Well, I think you're going to hate this class a little bit too."
Well fuck.
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bubblystinkfreak · 2 years
what’s your take on the boys personalities? I’ve seen so many of them and I can’t really pin point yours yet!
This is a great question because I never really talked about it before tbh,, hopefully the way I’ll explain it will make sense.
For brick I wanted to mix my three favorite fan interpretations of his personalities into one, The narcissistic asshole who is surprisingly just as smart blossom, the amazing big brother/dad figure, and the goofy lowdown little shit (like in the original). I literally used to fight myself wondering WHICH PERSONALITY DOES HE HAVE,, but then I said fuck it and mixed the bitches.
The best way to describe him is a guy who loves his brothers with all his heart, who works his ass off to provide for them AND A GUY WHOS A MAJOR ASSHOLE. Like the fucker will buy you a present with his damn life savings one minute but the call you a ugly ass wrench and tell you to kill yourself the next. Like idk, I love that kind of personality for him. I imagine that he’s the kinda dude to put his all into the things he loves like his car, his brothers, and later on blossom. Idk I just feel like the lil dude is a perfectionist. I know if you hurt anything that he loves he will kill you, then your family, maybe even the dog if you have one🤷‍♀️. Yeah that’s right, real king shit, he ain’t feared for no reason.
Now let’s move on to Butch.
In my version of him, I literally just made him a crazy ass himbo. Like the man is the sweetest thing when you get to know him but other than that he is an absolute MASS TYRANT,, HE WILL KILL WITH NO MERCY (the only thing he might spare are kids) THATS IT. GOD PRAY YOU ARE NOT THIS MAN’S ENEMY. I like to think that even though he’s actually a really nice guy, he still have urges to hurt/hit things, even when he turns “good”. (Thank mth for that). Idk I just feel like it would make the most sense. But don’t forget, even with those urges he just likes making others around him smile and stuff; he also still really cares about his brothers and puts them above ANYONE else, even buttercup sometimes.
And finally, the last but certainly not least, Boomer.
Now for boomer, I really wanted to give him a different personality than what I usually see with him. In my version I made him a introverted reserved sweetheart who just likes to read books and play games. I just love the thought of the little man doing everything he can to stay out the spotlight to the point he’ll just make a fool of himself. I think I was really inspired to do this because of a character named, Marc, on miraculous.
I feel like he’ll really act like this due to to his anxiety and insecurities. Even though the boys were only joking, the “dumbest of the dumb” stuff used to really get to him when he was young. Plus he’s just a shy dude, and for some reason he think he’s the ugly one out of the brothers… and the dumbest… when butch’s STANKY ASS is right there but you know,, he’s just a insecure teen. Bubbles and brick will help with that later.
Also random bonus: I also love the thought of this dude literally running away from everyone thinking they hate him or something when most people just think he’s super cute and mysterious. Like imagine him talking to bubbles and saying, “omg why are they staring at me like that, did I do something wrong!??” But homie is just pretty and shit. Like oblivious boomer is the best boomer, prove me wrong.
If you want more examples of their personalities then here’s a old comic I made last year that can help, even if it’s short.
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blackstarchanx3new · 20 days
On a scale of 1-10 how much do you dislike the canon manga Red?
This turned into a rant lmfao.
Gotta make Red simps hate me more than they already do X'D
Like a 5 at least.
The problem mainly boils down to how I perceive him due to MY OWN PERSONAL READING OF THE TEXT.
So, the start: I'm not a fan of those types of "i'm so cute teehee" characters to begin with but for Red specifically...I just hate how inconsistent and poorly utilized he is.
He just morphs to be whatever the narrative needs him to be instead of having a real character.
He's a plot device more than a character tbh and it's why I struggled SO MUCH with figuring out a direction for him in FSR.
because...all the plot is character driven.
And I literally had no USE for a character who's soul purpose was filling in gaps when there weren't any with this cast.
His behavior isn't ever fully dived into like the other three.
I've mentioned this before: I think they cut a stand alone Red Chapter somewhere in development because the way his scene ends to where we see him later after they split up is SO WEIRD.
Funnily enough I find Dark Link and Red very similar. (Which is a huge problem but I'll get into that some other time)
Except Dark Link's inconsistencies and overall character loops back to his creation and he himself being a conflict of interest in Vaati's mind when he created Dark. he WANTED HIS Link back the only person he felt a connection to who he last had on good terms with, paired with wanting to HURT and destroy the current incarnation of Link.
making a twisted as hell individual who simultaneously embodies Link and is Link's twisted mirror image.
Naive uncertain and full of inner turmoil due to his purpose.
But when Dark REALIZES what he is to the truest extent he has to justify or crumble under the weight of his reality. There's a reason i described early Dark link as "Delusional" because he was.
Red just...doesn't have any of that kind of retrospection or intrigue in cannon.
Dark's innocence comes from his naivete but where the fuck does it come from with Red? (and it's proven to be fake anyway because he's the first one to stab someone who they think is their knight friends buuuuuut-)
Red's just canonically a contradiction with no real point and it's never pointed out in the narrative so like...it's just weird and kinda unnerving.
Like I pointed out, he literally acts like Lil Gideon before the reveal he's a crazy maniac.
Except we never GET the reveal for Red.
Red doesn't have any flaws that aren't him playing up his baby persona and fucking shit up for the others. He's just stupid af sometimes and helpful others without much rhyme or reason.
...Again I've said this before but if he was smart in areas Vio was dumb in (liKE IF THE DIRECTIONS THING WAS MORE OBVIOUSLY A CANNON THING IDK IF VIO BEING DICK WITH DIRECTIONS WAS JUST SMTH THEY ACCIDENTILY REPEATED A FEW TIMES OR A REAL INTENTIONAL TRAIT OF HIS) it could have been a fun dynamic but Vio and Red barely interact.
Honestly most of the dynamics I find myself WANTING with Red revolve around Vio...
And, imo his persona is blatantly fake from how often he just...drops it when the plot requires him to or when...idk it's just not NEEDED?
Him not shedding a TEAR when Shadow dies continues to creep me out.
because everything we know about Red tells us he should at least LOOK sat but he just...isn't.
And you can't be like "Oh but Shadow was their enemy"
Like no, I didn't want Red to dramatically burst into tears and ruin the moment, but dude didn't even look SAD.
Didn't look sad a dude with his face DIED.
Burned Blue's ass after JUST CRYING about him being DEAD and just WALKED AWAY.
Like if he had any depth to him this shit would be dived into but he's as shallow as a puddle and I dislike it strongly.
Like if ANY of this shit was even addressed in the manga I'd like him WAY MORE.
but it feels UNINENTIONAL which is the issue I have with Red as a character.
Long as hell walk to say:
I don't wanna spoil stuff but I do think you could have fresh ideas with Red being VERY DIFFRENT from link but my main issue with him in the actual cannon manga is:
He doesn't feel realistically like a part of Link due to my interpretation of the text and it's storytelling, and the WAY the text WANTS portrays him doesn't line up with his actions, and I don't like it.
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ribbonsandhair · 2 years
Hello! Glad to see this!
In that case I'd be happy to request for Valeria with a bestie readerrr YESYESSS😈😈
Tbh I've been starving for this for months.
Idk, just them bonding so well, maybe the reader is in the cartel with her, or is a simple civilian that valeria ended up being deeply fond of!
A kind-hearted and kinda dumb-ish(not naive though) reader and her just being like, "[name], please💀"
And reader having this really gen-z-ish humor, i just think she'd be so confused and pissed cuz she doesn't get the joke sometimes. Maybe reader is just like 2-1 year(s) less than her? + If they're hispanic too!😭😭😭
Sorry for my rambling💀💀💀
OH MY GOD HELLO AGAIN!!!! I LOVED WRITINF THIS SO MUCH I WAS ON A RAMPAGE 😭😭😭 I hope you enjoy this just as much as I enjoyed writing this!! Thanks for requesting babes!!!
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Valeria Garza
Where do I START.
So, first, you’re Latino. Duh.
You’re a civilian that was lucky enough to meet Valeria.
You two probably met while getting coffee. You thought she looked pretty, so you complimented her.
“Hola, nada mas quería decirte que me gusta tu cabello!”
She was a little confused why a random person just complimented her hair. She still liked it, nonetheless.
You were a little scared that you made her u comfortable, and after you got what you wanted from the cafe, you went home to cry.
You went back to the cafe, since it was your regular spot to just hang out to read a book. You were familiar with most of the employees.
And then, you saw HER.
You didn’t know if you should just go up to her and apologized while making yourself look even more stupid, or just sit there.
“AY! Oh. Hola!”
She just chuckled and said hi back.
And that’s how your closest friendship bloomed.
Since you’re younger than her, it’s most likely your humor is pretty deranged.
You’ll send her random pictures of god knows what, and say hi right after.
“[Name], por favor.”
You text her super late at night, like three AM.
“Si no te chingo por despertándome en las tres de la mañana–”
Either that or you rant about how you’re glad that she’s your friend because you just finished watching a super sad movie.
“[Name], are you fucking crying.”
You playfully scold her everytime she curses. Which is like in every sentence.
You’re a little dumb, so you end up being pretty clumsy. Without her, you’d be dead by now.
She uses that against you every time you don’t wanna do a favor for her.
“Remember that one time I saved your ass from falling face-first into the concrete? Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought.”
You aren’t aware of her being the leader of the cartel that has corrupted Las Almas. So sometimes she’s hesitant with you.
She won’t respond to your messages for days due to work, so you end up worrying about her. If you ask her why she was gone for so long then she just responds with, “I was pretty busy.”
But she makes it up by hanging out with you for a while, specifically drinking.
On a similar note, you invite her over to have a few drinks with her. Just chill.
When you drink, you become more jokeful and just insane overall.
“Haha, kinda wanna kill myself. Anyways, how’s your day?”
Sometimes concerned with your humor. Can’t tell if it’s just how Gen Z humor is or if you’re that mentally I’ll.
And whenever you two drink together, you guys turn into those Latina moms that will go insane at parties. (I have a good amount of experience with this as a Latino myself.)
Dancing together, blasting music, it’s entertaining.
You also end up talking about chisme.
“Did you hear that my neighbors just got a divorce?”
“Dime más.”
And whenever she goes to your house, she always has a gift. Especially an expensive one.
It can be from some good wine, to straight up clothes and perfumes.
“How did you get the right size?”
“… Instinct.”
(She somehow got information about you.)
Valeria just hopes that she can keep you safe from her job, and doesn’t get you killed. She tries to avoid starting anything that’s super close to you.
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kewpidity · 4 months
Okay So i had a brain blast about my ship with alastor so this is gonna be the Definite Kewpie x Alastor Ship Post that covers everything i have so far about it ↷↷↷
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so this whole thing starts because somehow someway i get a demon attached to me as a kid, a toddler even, dont really know how or why, but because of this my whole life growing up is plagued by insane near death experiences all orchestrated by this demon (this is based on some real shit in my life btw, not to sound superstitious or anything and i dont even think i believe in demons of any denomination but there was some Weird Shit going on, i might talk about it someday) and by the time im an adult ive tired everything under the sun to stop these things from happening- different religious practices, spells and charms and rituals and so on and so forth im at my god damn limit im so tired
eventually im pushed to try to fight fire with fire, and end up summoning Another demon to try and idk cancel out the old one? make a deal to keep me safe? not sure What my plan was but i'd come this far and i didnt know where else to turn
well the demon i summoned was alastor. he wasnt even my intended target, in fact of demon of his power shouldnt really be able to be summoned at all under normal circumstances, and would require someone with a ton of power of their own to pull it off (havent decided if this is something i managed to do because of all the varied rituals etc mentioned earlier, or some dumb luck) and that alone is kind of intriguing for him
tbh he hasnt been summoned in a While, its something that got lost to time and he kinda assumed it would never happen again, and even when it happened before he would usually just kill the person without bothering to strike a deal, cause even people who did manage to do it usually werent strong enough to do it safely
but hell has been kinda Boring lately, the hotel hasnt given him as much entertainment as he had hoped (this is like. mid season 1, and with the understanding that the story stretches way longer than the breakneck speed the actual show takes) and he sees this as an opportunity for something interesting to do for a while
when he hears what im looking for, he's gotta laugh about it- there's no way this other demon that had attached to me would give him any trouble, and this was a great way to guarantee he get another soul when i eventually died anyway, so he offers up this deal:
for a few hours a day he gets complete control over my body, a full on possession to do whatever he wants with that time.
obviously im hesitant, but we go back and forth on it a bit before deciding to make the deal with some ground rules (like he cant do anything thats gonna get me killed prematurely for example- after all im doing this specifically so i dont die by another demon's hand)
so we strike the deal! no all he has to do is get rid of that other demon and my soul is as good as his! its not that simple tho of course- he's not sure how the demon is accessing the living world, and figures its likely similar to what he's doing- somehow tethering himself to the living world, while their actual physical body is still in hell, so he needs to figure that out on his end, and it ends up being a more difficult task than previously expected- so he could be dealing with something older and more powerful than he realizes.
he'll figure that out later tho, he's got living stuff to do! at first he's v dismissive when i ask him what he could possibly want to be doing with my body, like what was he even planning to get up to, but he cant keep me completely in the dark about it cause im still sorta There when im possessed- its a bit like lucid dreaming where you're aware that you're dreaming, but not quite aware enough to control what you're Doing in the dream, and over time i become more and more present the longer he's possessing me
so eventually he admits that he's curious about what happened after he died- he was a bit of a celebrity when he was alive after all, he's sure it would cause Quite a stir when it was revealed after he died that he was a criminal- a moonshiner for one, but a serial killer and cannibal! he wants to know if there was a media circus, where he was buried, wants to visit his old stomping grounds, and so on and so forth. this leads me on all kinds of adventures through the deep south, the dusty aisles of libraries and newpaper archives, old graveyards, and so on, all the while we keep getting more comfortable and close despite ourselves
and eventually i realize that he isnt actually interested in what happened to himself after his death, he's actually using all this to try and find out what happened to his mother. she was Not a local celebrity, and his infamy was so large that it eclipsed most of the people he knew in life, so tracking it all down was kind of a hassle. but he was and is a mama's boy, and he wanted to know if she lived a good life
now all of this eventually winds down to figuring out why there was that first demon attached to me, probably some fucked up nonsense a little while back in my family tree or something (tbh im not sure how much i want to focus on the how and why but we'll see) and we get that settled finally as well as finding out how alastor's mom's life played out and put him at east there, and all that's left is to simply live my life until i die, where i'll go to hell and alastor will have my soul to keep (we're v cozy at this point and quite comfortable cohabiting a body and mind space so he's not particularly eager to completely break the tether until my time comes)
and the thing about sharing a mindspace with something extremely dangerous and powerful that has just enough sway over the world around you to keep you safe in a bad situation, or even fully take over your body to get you out of it, is that you feel v confidant most of the time and fear isnt really something you deal with anymore, so i frequently go wandering around the woods at night for example because im sure nothing can really touch me when i have a demon for a companion
a demon in your head cant protect you from a bullet however, and maybe i should have known better than wandering the woods at night during deer season, and maybe the unholy aura i had around me hit the moonlight just wrong and the hunter thought he was aiming for the silhouette of a creature with antlers, and then i was dead
and then i wake up in hell
if this was a fic, at this point it would be like the 'part 2' (and who knows if i iron it out enough maybe i Will write it sometime) and im not sure exactly what i want to do about it just yet obviously it would loosely follow the canon of the show, just with a lot of extra stuff thrown in. maybe in 'part 1', we didnt actually Kill the other demon, just broke away from it, and its still in hell somewhere, fuming about losing my soul, or maybe finding out about his mom actually did Not put alastor at ease- maybe his actions made her life very difficult and now he has to deal with knowing that and i can use that as a catalyst to him getting redeemed to see her again in heaven, not sure yet!
but i do know a big part of the interpersonal situation is that we dont share that mindspace anymore, we're just physically There Together and tbqh its really difficult to cope with. we both got so used to it that we feel like something's missing now, and we might even go so far as to try to find a way to reestablish that mental link, or maybe there's still echoes of it lingering, but only if we're asleep or something like that
like i said, still ironing out the hell part of it all, but thats what ive got! much to think about much to think about
and to add to this- some stray little Thoughts and Ideas to play around with in regards to this story:
while researching alastor's life and 'hunting grounds' we run into a copycat killer, probably someone who has a personal collection of alastor's things, works at a library maybe, who's always dreamed of following in his footsteps, and that decides i should be the first victim since im also sooo interested in alastor's 'work' that i surely wouldnt mind (i do, and so does alastor (he does Not consider imitation as flattery and who tf does this loser think they are coming after something that belongs to him (he's gotten attached)))
i for sure need to come up with more fun and awful little adventures like that
alastor's ability to effect and manipulate the living world around me through his powers alone (so like Not literally using my body for example, this is more like a poltergeist) is stronger when there's radio static playing in the air
going off the idea that the mental link gets stronger and clearer the long it lasts, maybe at sone point it gets so strong that one time when i go to sleep, i 'wake up' in a v similar state as when alastor was first possessing me, that floaty, kinda-lucid-kinda-not, excpet now im hitching a ride in His body in hell and at this point he's so used to having me as a v general and vague presense at the back of his mind that he doesnt even notice at first that im much more clearly and actively There- its a frightening idea for us both when the realization sets cause now we Really gotta face whays going on here and how far its gone
when i get shot by the hunter, alastor is actively co-piloting my body at the time, and since i headcanon he died in a similar fashion (bullet to the head) its like he experienced his own death all over again (something something tied even in our death etc etc) and he sort of 'wakes up' back in his body afterwards and after realizing what happened having to fight the urge to be seen frantically searching the streets for me now that i must be here
considering we Were linked up when i died, and the black mark this whole situation would leave on my soul, my demon form would probably echo his design
how far am i willing to go while alive to achieve our goals- ive definitely been put in situations where i needed to do harm for survival, but would i go further than that, not because i needed to, but because i wanted to? is it alastor's influence or something that i was always capable of? do i indulge in cannibalism? what about after im in hell, what then?
thinking on it, i think Will go with alastor's mom suffering from his life choices, and him having to deal with that, as Well as having to deal with that first demon in 'part 2' to carry over as an overarching plot
maybe we Both get redeemed but we dont actually like it in heaven like its too bright so we fuckin.
act up to get sent back (this is mostly jokey but could you imagine)
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
south park high school headcanons
TW for drinking and smoking (i have t watched the post pandemic special, so i don’t quite consider if canon..? I dunno though please don’t come for me-)
Eric Cartman:
Doesn’t give a shit about school tbh
I mean he’s probably a solid C/D student
Probably sits next to the teacher, lmao
He’s a pretentious little bitch, we know this, and he probably just harasses kids all the time
Like if there’s a presentation or something he’s probably pretending to be asleep or something
(especially if it’s Kyle)
Probably makes fun of everyone for their class choices
”Oh of course Kahl is taking economics. Those damn Jews” or “Kenny, why are you taking home economics if we all know you’re poor as hell and don’t have any food in your trailer to make this shit anyway?”
Was probably that one annoying kid who laughed during sex ed
Flips the teachers off when they aren’t looking
Is probably an angel to all the teachers but to the students, he’s a massive dick
Probably tried making Kyle fail his classes by hacking into the website
They only knew it was him because for comments/observations tab he put some ‘stupid Jew’ spiel
He’s dumb as shit sometimes
Bullies freshmen
Probably started Freshie Friday
Hes the kind of person to spray Axe Body Speay everywhere and has probably made multiple people sick because of it
Failing Gym
Mainly because he never makes up classes and refused to swim in ‘contaminated water’ (probably aimed at the girls or Kenny)
Doesnt date through high school
because nobody wanted to date a neonazi manipulative asshole
Probably didn’t do any clubs
He probably joined the Gay Straight Alliance (run probably by Big Gay Al) and ripped on everyone there
Got bored and never went back after he ran out of jokes
Honestly he’s probably to lazy to do any clubs after school
He doesn’t like staying in school after he’s already
Probably has gotten suspended a few times
(likely for putting a cherry bomb in Kyle’s locker)
Im kinda lost on Cartman lmao
Stan Marsh
Honestly? He probably drank a lot in high school
Kyle often had to take care of him and scold him for drinking
Stan’s probably a B/C student
Probably studies better in a group than alone
Thanks the stars that Shelley is a senior and will leave him alone
(though I do think she somewhat mellowed down, though she still threatens to beat the fuck out of him sometimes)
And Sharon probably helps him when she isn’t busy
But he feels awkward going to her for help
Randy is awful to study with
”So if I have x amounts of condoms and y amounts of-“ “Fuck this Im calling Kyle”
Kyle is his study buddy when he can’t turn to anyone else
which is pretty often
He pays pretty good attention in class
Probably still dating Wendy tbh
Stan definitely wears like zip up hoodies and ripped jeans and such
Probably bleached the lower half of his hair
it didn’t look good
His hair’s greasy af i’m calling it
Its fluffy when he washes it but that’s a rarity
Uses 3 in 1
wears gloves everywhere
lowkey germaphobe
Probably joined some sort of after school activity
Probably some sort of helping the community club
Tbh he failed chemistry multiple times
Hes trying though
Graduates with probably a solid 3.2 GPA
(idk how colorado does it i’m just going based off of where i live)
Probably goes to college and then drops out after two years
Works a few jobs because he wants to get out of the house
Overall good student, 7/10
Kyle Broflovski
That rare breed between nerd and jock
Hes probably one of those athletic kids getting awards and stuff all the time
Def on the swim team during the fall/spring and the basketball team during the winter
Also does a bunch of those community clubs (things that you would join to get into NHS)
His parents are probably super strict about grades
Theyre all about ‘keeping a good example for Ike’
So he usually beats himself up if he gets a grade below a 95
Speaking of, he’s probably top of his class ngl
Very smart
Studies better alone and probably isn’t the greatest at helping others study, but he’s trying
Honestly probably gets a little less insecure(?) about his hair and doesn’t wear his hat as much
Still barely takes it off but he’ll leave it off during sporting events
I know that thing smells like ass/hj
Probably wears a lot of flannels and t-shirts
Has reading glasses (they’re thick rimmed and brown)
Either that or he wears contact lenses but glasses are more convenient for him
Doesnt like wearing them because they remind him of his cousin Kyle Schwartz
Probably in all honors/AP/college courses
Gets academic awards a lot
He probably did band for one year to fulfill one of his miscellaneous credits (he played clarinet)
He’s probably one of the sweeter kids though, sports help him work through his anger issues
Still snaps at Cartman a lot though
Sometimes doesn’t take good care of himself between sports and studying
So Stan whips him into line
Probably had one partner through high school, doesn’t really play around much
Either that or he doesn’t date at all, he’s just too busy
If he were to date it’s be in junior/senior year, maybe sophomore year if it was the right person and they weren’t needy or too demanding of his time
Probably graduated with an advanced diploma
Goes to some ivy league school
Solid 4.0/4.1 GPA
Majors in math and minors in science
Kenny McCormick
Ngl he doesn’t give a shit
Probably failing some of his classes, has a few B’s, some D’s, he’s really scattered when it comes to grades
Probably skips class sometimes when he doesn’t feel like going
Still wears that same parka
He’s still taking home economics/hj
Probably sneaks into the girls changing room as Princess Kenny 🤭
That one kid who has a crush on all his female teachers
”Guys my average is a 69”
Hes the glue to keep all the boys together but tbh I feel like they drift apart and go their own directions during high school
They probably have like-game days on Saturdays though
He wants to keep the group together though because they’re probably more family than his own family (minus Karen)
Still dies a lot
Probably tries to die so he can get out of doing tests and such
Is the reason they don’t allow costumes at Halloween (he was def a playboy bunny)
Probably takes a lot of non honors/no college courses
The latter even less so because his family can’t afford it
Graduates with a barely passing GPA and goes to community college
Probably ended up dropping out tho
But he still makes sure to keep in touch with all the boys (minus cartman but he keeps in touch with Butters)
Butters Stotch
(speaking of-)
Honestly? Solid B student
Is probably still the most naive of the group, though he does stick up for himself now
Doesn’t like being called Butters much but Leopald is worse
So he either goes by Butters or Leo
Probably has a knack for history??
Honestly doesn’t do all honors courses, proabbly does honors history and maybeeee honors English
Sucks at math
His parents ground him a lot because of this
So he ends up with a tutor
He goes to the girls’ sleepovers as Margerine sometimes
Grew out of his Hello Kitty obsession :(
(…tbh he was probably into Pusheen at some point-)
Probably has a solid 3.5 GPA or something
Doesn’t graduate at the top of his class but he isn’t the dumbest person in the room
Probably is involved in the theater department
Honestly very artsy??
Probably takes a lot of art classes because he loves it so much
Majors in it!!
Probably minors in history too :)
Hes pretty nice to everyone in his classes and maybe even dates in high school..?
His parents don’t like it though
And he can’t go out much because he gets grounded a lot still
Overall pretty good!!
Tolkien Black
Probably still dating Nicole
Probably competes with Kyle a lot because of academics
Hes in the band
Plays trumpet
Of course Cartman says shit about this all the time, I’m calling it
Him and Kyle do butt heads a lot but honestly I feel like they’d end up being pretty good friends
Still cringed at his old TikToks
Hes probably in most AP/honors classes
Probably majors in music in college?
Or maybe he minors in it
Most likely the latter
He’a your go to study person
He’s pretty nice about it too, he doesn’t shame you for getting the answers wrong
He’s that one kid who has house parties a lot when his parents aren’t home
Mainly because Cartman kept calling him a pussy and saying he had no balls
Doesn’t have alcohol though
Him and Nicole were probably voted cutest couple
Them or Tweek and Craig
He hangs out with Clyde a lot and helps him with his courses
Hes probably class president tbh
Or maybe vice president
His parents donate tons of money to the school
Hes pretty level headed and calm during tests and quizzes
He’s really focused and motivated in school
Overall solid 3.9 GPA
Probably only behind Kyle by very little
And he’s okay with it
He probably goes to some hardcore Ivy League school like Harvard or Yale or some shit
Probably uses music as a side hustle in college to help pay for his classes
He was hellbent on paying for colllege alone, or mostly alone. He didn’t want people thinking he was only at said college because he was rich.
Pretty good overall, 10/10
Clyde Donovan
Clyde…is Clyde
Hes a dumbass
A lovable dumbass big a dumbass nonetheless
Scored so low on his SAT the first time he took it
Cries to Tolkien all the time because of his grades but when Tolkien tries to help him he gets distracted and leaves
He’s that one hella sporty kid though
Definitely captain of the soccer team
Probably in the Gay Straight Alliance for ‘shits and giggles’ but then finds out he’s pan, lmao
I feel like him and Bebe are really tight
They go shoe shopping together
Cries when he loses Kahoot
Uses Chat GDP to talk to girls 🫢
Honestly is probably like-weirdly good at math but nothing else
Calls Kyle and Tolkien his algebros whenever they’re grouped together
(i kinda hdc that he’s in honors math too with kyle and tolkien)
That honors math course saved his GPA
honestly it’s probably a 3.0 or a 3.1
Hes not completely dumb though
He gets a lot of sports awards and stuff
Kinda headcanon Clyde to have dyslexia?
So maybe that makes things a little more difficult for him
Studies better in groups
Gets easily distracted tho
He’s a horrible test taker
Cries whenever he can’t figure out the answer
Overall, he’s kinda mid
He probably goes to college tho
He stays in college for two years before he graduates
He was probably their star football player, so they were probably sad to see him go
But academically, he’s not great
Craig Tucker
Science geek
Mainly Earth Science but any science is basically a second language to him
He’s honestly probably good at English too?? like he’s a really good writer
Hes probably in honors English and Science
He combusts when it comes to geometry and map work
He’s bad with dates
Like he can hardly remember his anniversary with Tweek or his own birthday half the time
He’s pretty good at helping people study if it’s one on one
He’ll bully some people harder than others when it comes to helping them though
Goes after Clyde a lot of the time whenever he comes over for extra help
”Of you would leave I would be sooooo happy.”
He’s nice with Tweek though
Helps him not to panic during tests and such, probably gives him a lot of fidget toys too
(most of which are space themed)
Speaking of, I do kinda headcanon Craig with some kind of neurodivergent condition like autism or something
I kinda feel like space would be his special interest
He mellowed out a lot after middle school, but he still flips everyone off
Thats usually the extent though
His locker is an absolute mess, I already know it
The teachers for the most part like him
He pays attention and such
Probably wears reading glasses, they’re thin though and he doesn’t wear them a lot
Eric third wheels him and Tweek’s study dates a lot too
He studies online using things like Quizlet and stuff
Loves reading
He’s probably snuck out of class a few times, but doesn’t do it often
Solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Probably in the top 20% in his class
Goes to a pretty good college, probably on the west coast like in California or something
He’s pretty good in school
Tweek Tweak
Horrible test taker
Probably has to go to a different room, which just stresses him out more
Tbh Eric probably got him to get high once or twice
It did calm him down but it also freaked Craig the fuck out
Especially because this was during lunch
Tweek was fine, he was just extraordinarily sick and Craig was not happy
The teachers don’t really like Tweek
They think he’s a distraction and a ‘bad influence’ for other kids because of his freak outs
He hogs the coffee machine at school istg
I kinda headcanon Tweek to have acid reflux too?? So his stomach ends up gurgling in class and making weird sounds and the teachers get mad-
And this freaks him out even more because he thinks he’s dying
”Why is it doing that?! Why?! Did someone poison the coffee?! Did the underpants gnomes come back?! GAH!”
He’s hella good in gym class
Tweek on the track team??? anyone???
It helps him burn through some of his anxiety
He probably has a 504 too after his parents kept getting calls about his anxiety
Goes to the school counselor a lot
He probably brings fidget toys to class a lot and often has to give Craig his phone so he doesn’t end up getting hooked in on something some celebrity said and then start freaking out
He’s probably really good at English
Reading helps him forget about his anxiety for a bit
He always has to double/triple check to make sure he hasn’t missed anything
He uses his agenda religiously
Its probably stained with coffee and smells like a mixture of coffee and honey and sweat
His hands sweat and shake a lot during tests
He’s probably barely passing math, Craig helps him through science
He’s alright in social studies
His lowest grade is probably a 75
Craig and Tolkien help him out a lot too
I feel like he studies better one on one though
Too many people in one group makes him feel easily overwhelmed
He probably graduates with a 3.4 GPA or so
Goes to college in New England, he thinks city life will calm him down
Spoiler, it doesn’t
He probably drops out after a year or two before applying somewhere on the West coast to be closer to Craig and some of his other friends
English major and art minor??
I feel like he’s really good at art too
Art helps him vent in a healthy manner
Good student, not great, but good
Wendy Testaburger
Honestly? She’s actually low key smart
She was probably third in her class
She’s very good in math and english
She probably takes all the super hard classes too to ‘challenge herself’
She probably invites all the girls (maybe Princess Kenny and Margerine/hj) over for study date sleepovers
They never end up studying
But it does make for a pretty good time
Shes a really good test taker, but she probably ends up being too hard on herself too
Stan probably (reluctantly) asks her for help a lot of the time too
Social studies is the thing she excels in the most
Especially women’s history
She’s probably in a lot of clubs too, like the community service clubs
Shes secretary of her class, methinks
(I think Tolkien would be president, Kyle would be VP, she would be secretary and Bebe would be treasurer)
Cartman ran but they found out he rigged the votes
She’s all for being just and fair, so this pissed her off to no end
She needs glasses, her eyesight worsened after middle school
So freshman year she got glasses
I can see her doing girls wrestling
Shes probably a somewhat sporty kid, not like Kyle sporty but sporty nonetheless
She’s kind of a geek too lol
I feel like her and Kyle and Bebe are actually pretty good friends
They play chess together lol
Shes actually really sweet to like, new kids and such-probably shows them around
She gets some muscle after wrestling for so long
She also probably does track and field
I can see her being really good in long jumping
She kinda sucks at science though
She takes French
She graduates with a 3.85/3.95 GPA
Probably leaning towards the latter number
She probably goes to the west coast as well, probably somewhere in Nevada or California as well
She does pretty well, she goes to a really good school and probably majors in History and minors in English
I can see her being an English:History teacher
Probably for younger kids though
She stays on Twitch with Bebe and Heidi for hours istg
Shes so sweet, i love wendy tbh
Bebe Stevens
I know her mom is like the dumb blonde stereotype, but I feel like Bebe would be somewhat smart
She’s probably not top of her class but that’s not to say she’s not smart
She honestly is probably in the top 10% of her class
Her and Wendy and Kyle probably do study sessions together
She’s really competitive, so she kinda gets mad if Wendy gets a better score than her lol
Shes really artsy
Took AP art
Shes probably in AP Social Studies and honors English as well
Shes fine with reading, she doesn’t like it, but she’ll do it
Shes really good at math tho
Shes not so good at science, similarly to Wendy
So usually Kyle takes the lead on science during study sessions
She’s that one kid to be like ‘tall the substitute teacher is so hot!’ unironically
Shes hella hood at sewing
She’s probably gonna end up going into fashion tbh
She’s oddly good with money
Treasurer of her class
She probably helps organize prom and homecoming and stuff
Doesn’t date, she crushes around though, but she never actually asked anyone out
She’s really intense ngl, she probably taught Wendy how to fight
She’s on the cheer team
She isn’t a prick though, she’s probably one of the most bubbly cheerleaders out there tbh
Shes also in art club
Maybe does theater too?
She’s in band and choir, she actually has a really lovely voice
She can play flute really well too
Shes pretty smart, solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Graduates and goes to a New England school, like in New York or Connecticut
She majors in Fashion Design and minors in Art
Heidi Turner
She’s not the brightest
Not to say she isn’t smart, she just isn’t very academically inclined
She probably takes a lot of the mythology classes and such
Shes really into star signs and crystals
Her and Craig started a ‘Space Club’ and actually got a few members to join
She kicked Eric out tho
She’s hella hood at Math and English
The rest is history
Sges probably grown a lot since the whole ‘Cartwoman’ incident
And she’s a lot kinder to people now
She’s weird, but a good kind of weird
She gives away crystals as a gift a lot to new freshman
Shes in the choir!!
She actually has a really amazing voice, she’s been doing choir for years
Shes that one senior that all the freshman flock to because she’s the kindest
She stands up for them where they’re being bullied too, tells them to be wary of Cartman
Shes hella short (4’11’’)
So she often gets picked on like ‘aw, someone went into the wrong building!’ or something stupid like that
She’s so sweet though, she’s that one friend who offers to help you with your homework and then just gives you all the answers
She graduates with maybe a 3.6 GPA or so
She probably stays local tbh, for college
Either that or she would go down to New York or smth
Probably gets into a decent school and majors in music
Wait no, she majors in psychology and minors in music
She becomes an art and music therapist, she loves helping people out
i love heidi 🤭
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mast3rofnonee · 4 months
0:Height- 5'10/11
1:Virgin?- yes
2:Shoe size-11
3:Do you smoke?-no
4:Do you drink?-no
5:Do you take drugs?-no
6:Age you get mistaken for- 18
7:Have tattoos? -yes but no
8:Want any tattoos? -yesssss
9:Got any piercings? -yes (septum)
10:Want any piercings?-eyebrow, nose stud vertical labaret, belly, and my all of my ears
11:Best friend?- yes but not really (i literally fell out with my bestie of four years. Lmk for a storytime)
12:Relationship status- takennn
13:Biggest turn ons- intellectual/intelligence, funny, kinda really mean, big nose(s), and height (ntm tho)
14:Biggest turn offs - disrespectful to women (or anyone but mainly women) in ANY way, too sexual, dumb, immature!!
15:Favorite movie- CMBYN
16:I’ll love you if- you let me do weird stuff with you. like weird esoteric off-putting shit.
17:Someone you miss- My bestie, my man.
18:Most traumatic experience- idek know atp tbh but maybe when i got outted and when my parents thought i was doing drugs.
19:A fact about your personality- i am very goofy and a weirdo <3 (no corny stuff lmao)
20:What I hate most about myself- mouth lol
21:What I love most about myself- face, personality mainly tho
22:What I want to be when I get older- psychiatrist/forensic scientist
23:My relationship with my sibling(s)- good!!
24:My relationship with my parent(s) - fine. (dad), my mother im pretty close to id say.
25:My idea of a perfect date- picnic by a waterfall in a secluded forest in a cute bikini and fresh fruit with a charcuterie board with a speaker playing my music.
26:My biggest pet peeves- chewing with your mouth open, "ALPHA MALE" men, self centered people, being that try and force stuff on you (cough cough), being greedy, MEAN PEOPLE!
27:A description of the girl/boy I like- short king(lmao), curly hair, chubby, nerdy. (my bf)
28:A description of the person I dislike the most- normal height, afro hair, lightskin, crooked teeth, huge boobs.
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend - she would get mad at the truth ( dont do that anymore idgaf)
30:What I hate the most about work/school - teachers.
31:What your last text message says- idk
32:What words upset me the most- "youre not my _ anymore " idek i have sm
33:What words make me feel the best about myself- youre so beautiful, i can trust you, i love you.
34:What I find attractive in women- basically everything if i find them attractive. but even if not, i still like everything, ( i think women are the most gorgeous creatures on earth)
35:What I find attractive in men - big noses, body hair (hear me out), freckles, messy (long) hair / curly hair, pretty eyes, long eyelashes, thighs, ass, arms/ hands.
36:Where I would like to live- Countrysides in the medteranian (idk if italy counts), UK/ireland/scotland/iceland (idk if italy counts), any big city in western europe, NYC, brasil, or somwhere in washington state!!
37:One of my insecurities- my height sometimes, stretch marks sometimes.
38:My childhood career choice- archaeologist.
39:My favorite ice cream flavor- coffee
40:Who wish I could be- if i had to Zendaya.
41:Where I want to be right now- anywhere i would like to travel to, just anywhere, in a cute outfit with my favorite DILF.
42:The last thing I ate- whole grain crackers.
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately- Pedro Pascal and then after that one of my DILF teachers (teehee)
44: A random fact about anything- In WWII during the blitz in the UK, they shipped all of the children to the countryside of Britain to protect them.
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solarwynd · 10 months
He's corny most of the time since seven era. Tbh i also never mind him mentioning jm cause that's his frnd but like as you said he always has a story to tell about other members but when it's jm i honestly don't remember him telling anything about jm these past 1-2 yrs just should i? Could i? idt he'll do this..?? Do guys want me to do that?, Will he do this? always something negative.
Even namjoon with whom he i think hardly meets (based on their talks) he also has something to tell about namjoon and everyone else but ask him about jm nothing good shit is coming out of that mouth.
What I'm saying is if you don't have anything to say about jm why not ignore the question? I'm sure there's like hundreads of questions from tkkrs (they're the ones who terrorizes his live the most in cmnts) so like go ahead and answer them?? just fking delet jm out of your system or something. The peak was that "idt jm hyung will do this dance challenge with me" I'm like dude you never asked any of them to do shit with you so blame yourself why putting blame on all members?? And he read those questions so many times. Another one is "do live with jm" like it's not like out of 24/7 you two never got time to do a live together just ignore that question if neither of you wants to do it.
idk what's wrong with this dude he be saying there's always saesang around his house but will walk thousands of fans to his house on live, will show every corner of the house atp he's gonna tell his own address by his mouth on the live and then be talking about stalkers.
Seven era is the worst thing to happen regarding him because that personality evolvement (or regression) is not appealing whatsoever. His most irritating offense is whenever those “jeon jimin” comments pop up and he acts like he doesn’t know what the obvious shipper is trying to do. like please don’t play dumb. The only viable reason for him to read those questions is because he knows the type or people who are in those chat logs already and knows that it’ll entice them. It just makes his relationship with jm look like a tool for his own benefit on the outside and given the energy jm puts into each one of his own, to not get it reciprocated on that same scale is kinda shitty to me.
But jk knows how to work people. Cause even going back to seven, I remember that live he did where it first got announced and all of a sudden, it turned into the gymbro hour. He knew who was watching and was trying to get them to rally behind supporting that single. Even his main akagae on twitter called it. And it’s definitely fuck them, but it’s never been a lie. Which is exactly why I always scratch my head when I see a certain breed of people call jm manipulative when that’s highkey jk’s forte 🥴
And the stalkers he’s been having is another thing because it’s a 360 issue. on one hand, he should be able to do lives in his home without needing to worry about people following him there and on the other, he’s unfortunately created a space where people are so comfortable with doing so because he’s extremely open with his personals. For someone of his caliber, it was never smart to do safety wise.
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tantei-armin · 1 year
I'm going to make these from now on, just for fun. This is about the animes I've watched this season, my short opinion and my rate on each. This is just my personal opinion.
DROPPED SHOWS: Tomo-chan is a Girl! (2 eps), The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Collegue (3 eps) and Kaina of The Great Snow Sea (1 eps).
First, let me be clear that none of these shows are bad. I will not rate them, coz I don't think it's fair since I've watched less than 3 episodes of each.
Tomo-chan was funny, but after 2 episodes it just felt generic to me. Ice Guy is a super pretty show and rly cute, but I just got bored and not rly invested to want to know more. Kaina, idk. Obviously the CGI animation can't be compared to Trigun Stampede, but it's not by any means bad. It wasn't the animation that made me drop the show, it simply did not hooked me at all, and after the first episode I completely forgot about it. Let me know if you think I should give them a second try.
Now here are the animes I've finished and my ratings for each (in no particular order). Beware for a few spoilers!
High Card
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This one was good, but tbh, I couldnt really connect with any of the characters in the show. I actually enjoyed the episodes where it was just dumb fun with getting to see new characters and their weird powers, more than the episodes with actual plot. So the whole thing with Chris at the end, didnt rly appeal to me much, I felt like I barely new anything about him to actually care. Would I watch it again? Probably not, but I did enjoy it and will most likely give S2 a try.
Rate on MAL: 7/10 (Good)
Bonus: Favorite ED this season.
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
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I didn't expect to like this show as much as I did. I assumed I would lose interest quickly like it happened to Ice Guy and Cool Colleague. But the show, aside from being visually super pretty, have a nice (even if not the most creative) premisse and I rly liked the characters. It was one of the few anime that I was actually excited to watch a new episode every week. The only downside for me, is that the plot became repetitive halfway through. Ann gets screwded over by others, coz she is a girl and they are jealous of her talent. That made it get quite tiring near the end. But I am still excited for S2 and I hope the plot moves on a bit more.
Rate on MAL: 8/10 (Very Good).
In/Spectre S2
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Tbh, I feel like this show might be better in manga form than anime. Because there's A LOT if talking. This season (so far) did not have much of a plot, more like 3-4 episodes arcs, that you can watch in random order and it will not affect the experience at all. I like the puzzles and the mystery, but thats about it. I actually waited for each arc to end and watched those episodes on a row, rather than watch weekly. I didnt have to force myself to watch the show and I quite enjoyed each arc. But I wouldnt rewatch it, specially since I know the answer to the mysteries now.
Rate on MAL: 6/10 (Fine).
Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari
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Went into this one completely blind. I actually kinda loved it. Unlike other shows that I started losing interest by the end, with this one I started to enjoy more as it went. The first episode gave the impression that it would be just another dumb shounen. I didnt expect the romance and actually rly liked it. The characters are very endearing, and it was refreshing seeing a MC that started as an edgelord and turned out to be a complete awkward dork instead of the other way around. Whats so funny to me is that practically nothing big happened by the final episode. It started as classic shounen and kinda ended like a Slice of Life. Would watch it again, and will definitely check out if theres a S2, since it's clear this was just the beginning of the story.
Rate on MAL: 8.5/10 (Very Good)
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Another show I went in completely blind and enjoyed it... for like half the show. Would not rewatch it. It's okay, I'm not big on historical shows, but it was interesting for most of it. To be honest, I would have rated this show higher, wasn't for the last episode. If tristamp had the best finale of this bunch, this show had the worst.
(Major spoilers ahead)
There was a whole lot of complicated built to the finale only for it to be SUPER BORING. The villain was so generic and during the entire show he was like this super smart guy, always one step ahead of the heroes... only to die in the dumbest way possible. Seriously he literally standed in front of the guy trying to kill him and say "hey come on join me" and got murdered. And then there was this whole thing during the entire show about having the main dude, forgive himself and find another reason to live and whatever. It kept building up and then in the last moment he was just still depressed and got killed by a character that appeared like twice and they never explained why the kid even did that or why he was so angry at him to begin with. Look, I'm all for sad endings and stuff, but this one just felt like the ending basically made half of the show's point completely useless.
Rate on MAL: 6/10 (Fine)
Buddy Daddies
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This one was great! Very wholesome. It was a lot of fun, but also with some quite good drama. Not gonna lie, I teared up more than once. I expected it to be just dumb comedy, but it turned out to have quite the right amount of fluff and angst. A lot of people expected it to be SpyxFamily Gay Edition, but thats not it. I do have to say though... probably unpopular opinion, but I do NOT like Miri. Honestly she annoyed me to no end. Which makes her more realistic as a kid I guess. Do not go into this if you are expecting some homoerotic tension between the two guys. It's not about that, it's about found family for all parts involved and it's absolutely wholesome. I'll definitely rewatch it some day. Highly recommend.
Rate on MAL: 9 (Great).
To Your Eternity S2
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Aw man this is hard. I absolutely adored the first season, it have probably the most beautiful first episode of all anime. Unfortunately... S2 did not do it for me. I desperately wanted to love the show as much as I did the first season, but it just didn't happen. By the end of the season, I felt detached from it and also disappointed. It didn't give that rush of feelings from season 1, and by the last couple episodes I felt like all the things about loosing people were thrown in the trash with all the revivals. The big reunion was kinda boring too, I was so excited for it, and yet it was just, meh. There were definitely some great highlights, but overall this season was incredibly inferior to S1 imo.
Rate on MAL 7/10
Bonus: Best character development of the season: Bon.
Trigun Stampede
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Listen. LISTEN! If you follow my blog you know. But listen. This show! I'll say it right now: Anime of the Year. Haven't hyperfixated on anything this hard since Banana Fish.
No, I did not watch Trigun, I tried years ago and dropped after like 3 episodes for a bunch of reasons that I''ll not gonna go into rn. Tbh the main reason I decided to watch Stampede was over the visuals. I am a big fan of Studio Orange. I find their shows visually beautiful and just really pleasing to the eyes (where's my Houseki no Kuni S2, Orange!??), and I was instantly attracted to it when I watched the trailer. So I hopped on the first episode for the eyegasm.
But boy, oh boy this show is gorgeous. After the first episode I was hooked solely for the visual experience and the fun ride. By episode 3 I was hooked by the plot, and by episode 4 (with Wolfwood's introduction), I was in love with the characters.
I love the visuals, the designs, the story, the music, everything. Some of the changes people complained about werent actually changed, just postponed (which I theorized would happen halfway through the show), and some of the stuff that is actually different from the 1998 anime are actually the things I did not like in Trigun 98. And thats just a personal preference. But I do think that the fact I didn't watch the 98 show as a kid (it wasnt even released in my country) gave me the opportunity to fully enjoy Stampede without nostalgia getting in the way and clouding my opinion on it. I'll say that I agree that the pacing was quite fast, but I also understand why Orange and Kenji Muto did that, specially after we realized this entire season was a prequel. I do hope S2 slow down the pace a little bit.
But guys. The finale. Holy shit. The finale. I was rendered speechless. The final episode alone was a masterpiece. That's how you raise the bar on how to do a finale. The second cour of 86 had an AMAZING finale, but this here was something else. The animation was stunning, the music (ohmygod the scene they fell from the tower holy shit, when Vash's wing appeared), everything was absolutely incredible.
This was the show I couldnt wait for a new episode. This was the show I kept rewatching the episodes over and over while waiting for the next. And every time I did, I would find a new detail that I didn't notice in the previous watchs. Look, preferences aside, it is crystal clear how much love and passion was put into this show. From the gorgeous animation, to the character's expressions, to the small details everywhere, to the way the studio's staff interacted with the fans on twitter, this show was put together with a lot of effort, passion and thought.
I can say right now that Trigun Stampede easily became one of my favorite shows of all time, and this is coming from someone who have been watching animes for over 20 years. I'm not really planning to try watching Trigun 98 again, but I am planning on starting the manga, specially since I already got spoiled about some big events.
Bonus: Favorite OP of the season.
Rate on MAL: 10/10 (Masterpiece)
Anime of the Year for me 100%. I do not see any anime taking Tristamp's place, not even SnK's finale, and this is coming from an originally SNK obssessed blog. Thats how much Tristamp impacted me.
That's it!! If you think there's an anime I missed this season and should check out, pls leave it in the comments which is and why I should give it a try.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
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Yea, it's really dumb Anon. 🙄
At first I was thinking that maybe it's cuz Tom is white, and maybe some of her fans expected her to date another black guy. But nope! JE is white too, and they didn't seem to have any issues with her dating him.... even despite his shady track record 🥴 So it can't be that.
Then I thought, well, maybe it's cuz he's foreign and not American.... But then I'm like, but JE was foreign too (Australian)!
So yea, you're probably right, it's probably the height thing. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Tbh, idk why ppl hype up JE's looks so much lol. He's not all that good-looking to me. 👀 And his older interviews when he was younger are almost downright rude sometimes. 🥴
He just always gives me douchy vibes for some reason and I don't know why. I've TRIED to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially when Z was dating him, and I even watched quite a few of his interviews to try to see what Z found in him, but it was always a turn off!! 😬
Idk how she went from Tom to JE (of all ppl) but oh well! That's what a rebound is right? Someone who is EASY, convenient, and ACCESSIBLE lol 😹
To me, Tom may not be the guy that automatically catches most ppl's eye when he walks in the room, but to me he's way BETTER-looking than JE, and I think it's cuz his personality and vibe is just so much more kind and inviting. Tom is a good-looking guy, but I think his appeal sneaks up on you.
JE might get more attention right off the bat cuz he's tall, "dark and handsome", but smthg about him is off-putting to me and I can't quite put my finger on it. He just seems entitled to me 🥴 And kinda rude? He just always walks around sometimes with a scowl on his face rofl 🤣 I think that's what it is!!
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I honestly don't know who they expected Z to be dating tbh.... Another TREVOR who cheated on her MULTIPLE TIMES during their rlshp? 🥴
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Like honestly, who were Z's fans expecting her to date? 😂 Who was even out there (SINGLE) in 2016 after she and Trevor broke up lol? 😂
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wolfstrong · 1 year
okay everyone btvs season 5 thoughts and reflections! Sorry this review is about to be so incoherent. As is the tradition of btvs i think, this season started off really good but then started to drag its feet a little towards the end. However it wasn't as guilty of this as season 3 and 4, and some of those feelings might come from the fact it took me a couple weeks to get through the last couple of episodes. it was my own fault for not having enough time to sit down and enjoy the show, i haven't been watching it consistently since mid-April. Anyway though here are my thoughts about the overarching plot.
There were good parts and bad parts, but overall i think the main plot was WAY WAY better then season 4 and honestly a bit better then season 3 if not comparable. I personally don't like it when a show gets to a certain point where they are like "WE HAVE GOT TO KEEP RASING THE STAKES" so every season the big bad has to get bigger and badder. So like Glory being an actual god was kind of cheesy and lame to me and also didn't really have a function other then title to make everyone gulp like woowwww this monster is so terrible! she didn't really have godlike powers so like idk what the point of that was. kind of dumb idk. See the thing with season 5 is if you really think about the plot, it kind of makes no sense at all and its really stupid. but like also who cares if its dumb its literally btvs. I could really go into a list to point out how dumb a lot of stuff was. like why did the monks turn the key into a little girl who lives in the same town as glory when they could have just like turned the key into a rock that they threw into the middle of the ocean. If glory didn't know the key was a human for so long then why did the ritual to open the portal involve draining the blood from the key? wtf was the key before it turned into Dawn because from our understanding it was just like an object or pure energy or something. so like where does the blood come in. why was buffy able to close the portal by throwing herself in there and also why was she just like a dead corps after that don't you think she would have been sent to the hell dimension or wherever the portal lead. WHO THE FUCK WERE THOSE FUCKING KNIGHTS ???? LIKE SERIOUSLY WHO WERE THOSE KNIGHTS THAT WAS PROBABLY THE MOST STUPID PART. okay i could go on but rant over because it really doesn't matter, it was fine.
Glory was a pretty good main villian although her having the Ben alter ego was just kinda like. why is this happening. Ben was DUMB AS HELL. i feel like he very easily could have not been there at all and the plot would have barely been affected. Glory was good because she was like sooooo crrrazzzzy and i liked all her simpy minions and her always throwing fits and stuff but tbh sometimes the actors performance left something to be desired. it was like ALMOST there. she was ALMOST perfect it was just a wee bit off but i do like the concept of crazy girl main villain so bravo. They really put Buffy the fuck through it this season man. I was watching clips from season 1 and is like holy shit. she used to be a teenage girl. so I think this season did a great job of showing her struggles with having to grow up way too fast and dealing with having to be an adult in charge of a lot of important things but having no clue what she was doing. things were def a LOT heavier this season which is like nice because it was done pretty well but also kind of painful. i just want everyone to be goofy and happy again. lets break it down a bit and talk about episodes i liked
Buffy Vs. Dracula: I like how they started off this season with just a silly fun romp that really had nothing to do with the main plot. it was like a nice bit of breathing room after season 4 and solidified the feeling that the gang was all back together again. This episode is an example of like peak buffy in my opinion. just the right amount of self awareness.
Family: this episode was SO SWEET i love tara so much and I'm very glad they explored how she fits in with the rest of the group. like yeah maybe they will never fully understand her but they accept her as one of them and that's more important
Fool for love: The perfect spike episode honestly. also super fun directing and story telling at points, i love how spike is an unreliable narrator but we see the truth of his tales through flashbacks. This episode just like so perfectly explains why spike is like that, you still don't like him but you GET IT after this episode.
Triangle: this was just like so funny haha goofy episode and of course i love anything that focuses more on the secondary characters. I'm glad they addressed some of the tension between Anya and willow but tbh i need more! we need to talk about it more baby!
The body: yeah
The gift: tbh good final episode. the few before this were kinda like uhhhh but things got rapped up in a pretty epic and exciting way. i know its hard to have the right payoff for a season long arc so this was pretty satisfactory
Episodes i didnt like:
nothing was like soooooo bad just some felt a little off. the worst was probably Into the Woods. everything just felt so OOC and Riley leaving could have been done SO MUCH BETTER. probably the worst episode of the season.
Dawn: i guess dawnie is kinda the only new character idk if ben and glory count but i kinda already talked about them so whatever. I LOVEEEEEEE DAWN SO MUCH I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! simply awesome I'm so excited shes part of the show now shes so funny and cute and younger sibling and a great addition to the cast
ALRIGHT THEN. lots and lots of people say the show falls off after season 5. actually initially i said i wouldn't watch seasons 6 and 7 but brother you KNOW i gotta. I'm way too obsessed. From the spoilers i heard it sounds very..... but maybe since my expectations are so low ill actually enjoy it. bu bye
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explosionshark · 1 year
Uh, genuine question, but what should non vegans and/or non vegetarians do to be respectful of vegans and/or vegetarians?
And also, a second more specific question, i get that unless the person has actually said something, irl wise it’s generally kinda dumb weird and probably a bit rude to go out of your way to avoid any mention of meat as food in front of a vegan/vegetarian, but online, where the rules are obviously different,
would it be good practice to tag posts that are about or mention meat or other animal products being used as food? Because i imagine even if you don’t care it just might get a bit grating? Like when you keep having to hear a bout a fandom you’re apathetic about
Again, promise this isn’t mocking or anything, these are genuine questions, 🙏 i just believe that similar to religious beliefs, veganism/vegetarianism shouldn’t be mocked and instead respected
None of this is dumb or weird! I think it's nice that you're trying to be mindful.
Personally, I don't think tagging for meat or animal products or stuff like that is necessary. I feel like 99% of the fast food ads I see on billboards or commercials is more obnoxious than like someone posting a pic of their dinner and talking about how good it was.
Tbh the only content I actually see on Tumblr that bothers me In A Vegan Way falls into one of two categories.
Exploitative Animal Images: idk to me this ranges from like mildly annoying to hellish. I feel like a lot of images of animals clearly in distress or in unsafe circumstances get passed around as memes a lot here and it's genuinely kinda disturbing. I mean obviously pictures of living animals captioned with something obnoxious about the kind of food you want to turn them into is one example.
Other stuff would be like videos of wild animals in domestic settings where they don't belong (I hope I never see another pet sugar glider video in my entire fucking life tbh) or like otherwise in captivity under CLEARLY shady circumstances (those tiger farms for example). Otherwise stuff like videos of people scaring their pets bc they make funny faces or silly noises about it. A lot of this stuff is pervasive in Internet humor or like cute animal pages and it can be easy to overlook but I think it's worth being critical of thinking about the circumstances animal content is produced under. Tbh I think this is a good internet rule in general - esp when it comes to meme images of violence and stuff like that.
The other category is probably more obvious and the thing I most frequently block/unfollow people over - please don't reblog weird anti-vegan propaganda. I feel like I don't really have to worry about this from you, anon, since you're clearly approaching from a respectful place but there's been what feels like a significant uptick in anti-vegan content couched in progressive language on this site recently.
From blatant misrepresentations of what veganism means to holding vegans solely accountable for stuff everyone does and/or corporate marketing, to weirdly hateful and defensive screeds - there's a LOT of really popular bad takes going around. And some of it is truly wild and really shows how little people read a post before reblogging it - a couple years ago I saw several majorly popular blogs on Tumblr reblogging an anti-vegan post that had lines about the "occult implications" of veganism buried somewhere in the text and it nearly drove me insane. More mundane examples would be the recent rise of 'vegans love to pollute with fake leather bc they're ignorant babies' type posts. A lot of these don't even have to be outright hostile to be annoying, but they all fundamentally fail to understand what veganism is about. It's not a health movement or an environmental movement or a 'lifestyle' movement - the #1 concern of veganism is animal rights.
Not saying there aren't overlapping concerns like environmentalism that can be used in the messaging, but at the end of the day whether something is good for your health or for the planet is a secondary consideration to 'does this system harm a living being unnecessarily.'
Anyway I hope that was a helpful answer!
Thanks for reaching out! Have a good one!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
I almost thought I forgot to send you an ask, dw abt the timing tho. it happens to me a lot 😭 I forget if I had done something and then i question it?
IKR HIS WHOLE PERSONALITY IRKS ME SO MUCH BUT THEN HIS FACE?? HIS FACEEEE!!! 😩😩 he's such a hypocrite honestly, and each time he makes a dumb fucking decision I want to punch him in the face so bad!! BUT THEN I RMR THT ONE CHAPTER WHERE NAVIER'S HAVING A FLASHBACK TO WHEN THEY WERE KIDS AND- 😭 I CANT-
Bcz...this just got too real? 🫣
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😒 don't even talk abt tht selfish piece of shit, I hate her. The audacity she has, like she literally just said "there's not a woman in the whole world that wouldn't sulk if his lover is spending time with another woman." 😃 miss girl YOU are the OTHER WOMAN! He is spending time with his WIFE! On her BIRTHDAY. Jail. I want to see her in jail. I'm glad Heinrey knows the kinda person she is, he and the empress are the only ones putting her in her place. Like it annoys me so damn much how she cries over every damn thing, idc whatever shit she went thru, it didn't give her any right to become a homewrecker. And soveishu is dumb enough. And navier?
....she's. Etheral. How to be her? How to hv a man like hers? How to be bold like her? How to BE NAVIER??
OMG GURL YES I READ IT 😭 I CANT BELIEVE SOVEISHU KISSED NAVIER'S NECK?!?!?!?! 😭 IM- IDK THT MAKES ME LIKE HIM MORE DESPITE HIS SHITTY ATTITUDE?? WHAT DO I DO 😭 but respectfully, he should fuck off....you lost the chance man. You lost her. No Bcz what does he want frm navier??? Does he think she has a heart of stone? As if she doesn't hv feelings??? He gets all riled up if she even talks with some other guy and look at him, going out with a strange girl he has no idea who tf she even is.
I'm telling you rashta is the downfall of the empire. Girl I'm telling ya, if I see a strange woman running to hug my man like tht..id throw hands idc what my status would be, I would THROW HANDS. (On both, my man, and the girl) Navier is so strong. BWAHAHAHAHA AND HIS GUTS TO SAY "IM A GOOD MAN" 😭🤚 STOPH- HES THE MOST DELULU PERSON EVER! Rashta is like that one annoying cousin. LIKE SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO WEAR THE SAME DRESS AS NAVIER?!?!? FASION POLICE- YOU GOTTA ARREST HER! BCZ THT IS PLAGIARISM 😭
I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him, I'm really gonna kill him I HATE HIM SO MUCH! NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE HAS A CHARACTER MADE MY BLOOD BOIL THIS BAD!
Navier no...the potion has worn off, Duke Kaufmann likes you 😭
No way you fell asleep on the stairs...was it Bcz it was comfortable or you were just too tired to walk till your bed? 😭 (OMG I WROTE THIS THINKING YOU WROTE "I FELL ASLEEP ON THE STAIRS" AND I WAS LIKE ?!?! WHAT- I READ IT WRONG 😭😭 but this is so funny so I kept it in the ask, i cn be so silly sometimes)
NO WAY DROP THE NAME OF THE MOVIE! controversial? I'm questioning my tastes-
Ikr it's so wholesome and cute, the last episode ended on sung ho offering haebom to drink with him, man I'm totally up for everything that's coming next, Bcz haebom, is already in love and he might not realize it yet, Bcz the way he blushes EVERYTIME he sees sung ho. LIKE WHEN HE DROPPED HIM AT THE DAYCARE CENTRE HE THOUGHT "DID WE JUST LOOK LIKE A COUPLE RN??" NOW TELL ME THIS MF DOESN'T THINK ABT IT ALL THE TIME 😭😭 dw I'll update you once the new episode comes.
I don't wanna go to work tomorrow AND I DONT WANNA GO TO UNI I wanna fall in love with someone IM SO LOVESICK 🤧
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please stop. im in a public setting this picture to picture comparison is taking me out pls don’t let me do this bc i have this draft where the reader is an undercover empress and san’s a thief w heinry’s personality
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no srs as much of a goof heinry is he is quick to check someone like rashta or whoever disrespects navier like that,,,, rashta needs to go to jail esp for what she did to that maid???? gOD 😭😭😭 ITS ON SIGHT WITH HER AND THE WAY SHES COPYING NAVIERS STYLE AND HAIR ?????? CRYING honestly soveishu puts her in place sometimes and it makes me feel so good omg i just spoiled it for u
NAVIER IS THE PERSONA OF ELEGANCE !!! THE EMPRESS, ur asking the right questions bc when will fate put us under her fate 😭😭
duke kaufman is so 🥰☺️🥰 id be w him ngl very mingi coded
NO LMFAOOO THIS IS SO CUTE FHWJD 😭😭😭 I FELL ON THE STAIRS LIKE GOING UP THE STAIRS did not fall asleep but i was transferring from my couch (where i slept on) to my room and i thought the platform of the stairs was there and i took a step and boom im collapsing <3 my eyes were closed yes bc i have this thing that if i open them while i transfer my sleep will vanish <3
omg ok it’s a 2006 bollywood movie w srk in it, it was extremely controversial bc of the concept but i think if it were released today it would’ve gotten a better reaction nonetheless
manifesting a ceo who does ur taxes and handles everything for u <3
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