#tbh i wasn't really interested for the next update
kane-turu · 6 months
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Dayum girl is coughing fire 😭
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spark-circuit · 2 years
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ven0moir · 17 days
phonegate is so real yall ...
so i posted this recently and i'm starting to feel like this can be incorporated to phonegate aka the "theory" [more like literal canon tbh] that Mike did try to call Will multiple times but wasn't able to reach him. And this is honestly starting to be my favorite gate because it has legs to stand on??? and I also feel like my brain updates and understands how the subtext in this show works more and more the more attention i pay to it. and i also get so many ideas for my own small town, 80s mystery DnD campaign on how to connect the Big Plot Twist in a way that is in plain sight oh my god.
so here is the new evidence:
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So what do these 3 scenes have in common? Someone trying to call Will to make sure he's safe/check on him. one including Mike HIMSELF.
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Two instances of Will being framed against a phone/with a phone behind him, with Mike also present. There's probably more to this but for now the gist of it is Will being associated to phones--not even counting the iconic scenes of Will/Joyce attempting to communicate through the phone in S1 which establishes this.
Here's a bonus:
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Joyce trying to reach Hopper [her love interest] to no avail--which btw parallels Mike trying to reach Will.
Now, here's an idea i thought was interesting.
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The context of this scene is that Nancy and Jonathan come up with a plan to lure the Hawkins Lab folks out and record them confessing to the truth behind Barb's disappearance--basically, wanting to get justice.
The idea is Someone telling Someone Else to meet them Somewhere at a Specific Time to tell them the Truth about Something that Happened at a Specific Date. But it is a LIE, a Trap set for the people Spying on them to lure them Somewhere and get them to Confess/tell the Truth.
now what do i think this means/connects with? I'll explain on my next post as i gotta get going rn but yes i REALLY just want to get my ideas and observations out there before the perfectionist in me takes over and i end up not posting anything
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Background details/me blabbing about my askblog yaaay!! Mostly because it's difficult for me to get motivated as it is! Plus maybe after being inactive for 2 years (rip 💀) this will help pique interest? Idk I just wanna talk about my sillies tbh. And the Axolotl needs a break you know? My guy's watching over an entire multiverse.
First off. The post about my LGBTQIA+ headcanons here: https://www.tumblr.com/craycray-wolf/737090570384703488/while-in-wait-for-the-book-of-bill-already-hard?source=share
It's still accurate to how I feel about the characters...mostly. In the time since I made this post, I have since been converted to "Grunkle Stan is bi" and I'm now preaching the Good Word 🤟
Anyway with that now amended, here's some stuff!
I originally made the majority of the posts about where everyone is now back in 2022, when I intended to have the blog launched as part of the 10th anniversary of Gravity Falls airing.
Well clearly that didn't pan (🩷💛💙🍳) out but maybe it was so it could instead coincide with all the revelations from TBoB! Life is kinda a beautiful thing sometimes.
Anyway point being, I'll have to tweak the timeline a bit. Which is fine because I wanted Dippin Dots and Mabes to hold some jobs before college anyway so really my lack of updating is just an excuse for this. That's the major point I could think of but if I didn't properly consider others please sound off 📣 (yes I'm a cringe emoji user AND I'M PROUD)
Soos and Melody are still attempting to conceive because they want at least one bio child if they can but they're working on adoption.
Many assume Gus Burnside to be missing or worse dead. But maybe... he's still out there somewhere...with his physical body fulfilling a deal. But y'know! No one can say for certain!
To be completely honest I'm still figuring out my interpretation of Bill's backstory. Sorry about that.
Though the reason the Axolotl has contacted our dimension to begin with has to do with his concern...about a certain someone. And who better to give a helping hand than the fandom and the Zodiac?
Since Stan taught Wendy how to hot wire vehicles and whatnot, they one day found a fairly intact Harley motorcycle in the dump. They fix it up together and Stan declares it hers. This is where her Harley previously mentioned in other posts comes from.
When did this happen? I've always assumed the Stans come back to land from time to time, including some summers. So likely during summer but a holiday could work too!
Mabel loves being a passenger. Dipper not so much unless he clings tight. Wendy installs a seat back at some point and this helps ease his anxiety. A little. He likes seeing the scenery though so he'll bare through it if asked to ride. Not to mention he cares for Wendy and thus doesn't want to deny her sharing her joy.
Robbie probably figured out he wanted to be an anime artist while doodling in college classes he wasn't paying attention to. Either he was in generals or some other degree at this point. He only drew in private during high school.
Pacifica during her high school/diner years thought she like liked Dipper. And well, she was Dipper's rebound crush so at around 15 or so they dated for a while. Pacifica however eventually realizes she's actually a lesbian and was misinterpreting her care for Dippin Dots, as well as thinking she only had so many options initially. Dipper realizes it was to cope with Wendy.
Therefore they cut off romantic ties on good terms and continue to be good friends.
(I have nothing against Dipcifica, it's cute. I'm just personally a Mabcifica person and enjoy my lesbian Pacifica hc)
In their early college years Mabel and Pacifica become girlfriends, LET'S GOOOOOO
Candy and Dipper have began to catch each other's eyes... they've healed from the events of Roadside Attraction in the years since and now they can have a healthier relationship in several ways. I WILL DIE FOR THIS SHIP OKAY
Fiddleford and Ford are sweet old man boyfriends. Though romance baffles Ford it makes enough sense with Fiddleford.
Stan is Stan. Though maybe all of his family coming out awakes something in him... something new to explore about himself...
Past Billford will likely be discussed at some point, though they haven't been a thing for decades and it was toxic to begin with.
Grenda and Marius are of course married ❤️ Candy, Mabel, and Pacifica were her bridesmaids. Mabel and Candy were piling over each other trying to get the bouquet, though Wendy catches it. Uninterested in marriage she throws it back out and reflexively Dipper catches it. After confused for a solid moment he tosses it and finally Pacifica then catches it.
The Pines Twins revisit Gravity Falls every summer until their high school graduation. Well *maybe* they go one more after graduation but then they have job schedules to contend with.
One of those summers (probably when the Mystery Twins are 15) their parents surprise them with a visit! But then they start to question everything because y'know. Weird town.
Eventually the truth comes out about everything, and they better understand their kids.
It wasn't the easiest summer but an important one.
They let their children return because they know how dearly they love their time there, albeit with ground rules established.
As for their jobs, Mabel was a barista and Dipper restocked shelves at a grocery store.
Dipper now has come to care for his birth name and birthmark. He still likes going by Dipper but he insists that only those close with him use the name. The only reason he still wears bangs is that his hairstyle is just comfortable and familiar. This also keeps his birthmark special as only some get to see it (in full).
Mabel still loves knitting and sweaters, but she's experimented a lot with fashion throughout the years. She now has more variety in her wardrobe than sweaters and skirts.
The twins live in dorms with a couple roommates and return back to their childhood home during holidays and summer. They intend to live in Gravity Falls once they get all their education/credentials.
Waddles is an old man but still kickin'. The parents were initially upset with his presence but were convinced by Stan to begrudgingly keep him. They grew to care for the piggy as well.
The family cat (Sniffles) has since passed :(
They have a dog (Honey) now though! She was a puppy from a dog Dipper once dogsat. The owners didn't realize said dog was preggo. It was a whole thing. Anyway Mabel loves putting her in cute outfits that match Waddles, something she used to do with Sniffles.
Mabel is a k-pop multistan (originating from Candy and Grenda introducing it to her) and absolutely loves drinking boba/jelly milk tea. Dipper likes the sound of k-pop music but isn't a fan the same way his sister is. He likes milk tea but the boba pearls themselves freak him the heck out.
There's a lot more but I'm blanking 🤪
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guardevoir · 8 months
Fiber arts update!
hooooookay. Been a while.
Weaving first: finished another scarf
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the tension was so fucked - so unbelievably fucked - that it's a miracle I got a scarf out of this. I think I accidentally wound the warp on tilted or something, and then ended up having to tension individual strings in many creative and interesting ways.
That aside, it's not washed yet, but it turned out mostly okayish in the end. The yarn did have some very unfortunate color changes - there's a whole row of really abrupt orange stripes in there that look weird with all the long fades - but that wasn't on me, so whatever. It's a scarf, it's nice and colorful, and I like the size of it.
Then, spinning: 200 goddamn grams (just over 7 ounces) of 4-ply incredibly blue Merino.
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It is hard to overstate how violently blue this stuff is. Unfortunately, the fiber was also somewhat meh - had some odd little lumps and the occasional bit of vm, and I would've loved to do more prep on it, but spinning from the fold limited my options somewhat. But ah well, it is what it is.
The little middle bit of yarn is also cable-plied because I ran out of two singles and essentially went "fuck it, why not". I didn't want to mess around with too many center-pull balls or spend forever rewinding it.
Still needs to be washed, too, but yeah - that's a HUGE chunk of stuff I can check off my to-do list.
Next up is the same amount of 4-ply grey merino, which I might cable-ply in its entirety tbh, but I'm not sure yet.
Also, I've officially been spinning for a year, as of like three weeks ago! So, happy fiber arts anniversary to me I guess.
/edit: oh yeah, bonus WIP photo of the big hank of blue stuff on a bobbin because it looks really neat and satisfying
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terrapin-might · 7 months
Leo really said "is anybody gonna else gonna have a crush on a guy, learn everything they can about street racing and become this guy's rival?" And didn't even try and wait for an answer.
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When being some guy's #1 fan isn't enough so you have to become his rival. Many such cases.
But seriously, I've thought more about this and now I know how I want this au to go down. (Strap in, I won first place in the yap-olympics)
It mostly consists of one sided rivals to lovers (my favorite) and happens a bit before the S2 finale and the year between that and the movie. And if wasn't obvious from my other post, it involves street racing (something I know nothing about why'd I choose street racing ugh—)
Pictures are kinda in order too.
Leo sees Usagi race, gets a crush, gets interested in street racing. Has to see every race he competes in from now on.(Top right)
Talks about it to anyone who listens, weirdly only focuses on Usagi hmm, Mikey draws the mystery man. (Don't tell Raph, but the next time Leo called dibs on the last pizza he gave to Mikey so he could have the drawings) (Top left)
Either buys or makes his own merch but I don't think Usagi's the type to make merch or anything like that (doesn't know how, probably wouldn't get the point) tbh so we're going with made. I think April helped. (Bottom left)
And I said they meet because of Usagi saving Leo from some baddies on my last post, that still happens here, it's the first time they meet face to face (or face to Helmut) probably some of Big Mama goons Leo couldn't really fight off because weapons aren't allowed at the races so he and Usagi get to have a romantic bike chase where they try not to crash and die.
Leo deciding if you can't be their boyfriend beat them, be their rival. He trains until he can race Usagi himself. Who is actually happy to have a rival, the weirdo lol. (Bottom right)
I haven't named this AU, so I'll be taking suggestions if you have any (pls give me ideas I don't have any)
After the read more is just an update(?) about my art and posts for people who follow me.
For some reason I've seem to become allergic to digital art, so other than some comics I already planned on posting, this might be my last digital art post for a while. I can draw on paper no problem, I guess drawing on my phone has gotten tiring and my brain hates it for now. We're going traditional baby!
Which is fine because my traditional art is better imo, digital is just easier to color and I'm bad at taking pictures. Like really bad. But I still wanna post art so it'll have to do.
Luckily I was able to finish this but this will be the only nonconic digital art for a while. Had to switch it up though cause I was really struggling the first 30 mins so it's more colorful than my usual art.
Alright that's all bye!
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0ladyred0 · 2 years
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[Miles Quaritch x chubby f!Human reader!]
< Hello! I would like to start off by saying that this is my first fandic on this app and that I actually have not seen a chubby [y/n] which is sad tbh. But anyway I hope you like this one and like it to to keep me motivated. P.s: this story might be not well written/cringey.bye!>
POV: you have been on Pandora for a long time. Giving a special ability to breathe the air without a mask on made you quite special. A mission has come up for a scientist to go with a ground of military to get samples of a rare plant that gets the whole operation going. While on the mission someone has a particular interest in you, following a night you won't forget~
Warning: /smut/Dominance/passion
Part 1:
Third person :
Right now you have been packing up the gear for the important mission to get the space plant that made the whole place work. To be honest with yourself, you didn't like the idea of destroying this beautiful planet. At first when you came here you thought that you would make piece with the Na'vi and live in harmony. But you guessed some people are... Old fashioned....
Your perspective:
'Finally' I thought as I packed the last material for this mission.
'Can't believe I'll get to explore the forest again' that thought made me happy. I was currently in the science department and heard loud nocks. It was one of the avatar soldiers making sure I was ready to go. Right after they leaded me to the helicopter to take off. But before that they introduced me to the team, but a particular cat caught my eye.
"Right everyone! This is scientist [y/n] she will be leading us to our destination-" the guy started to explain everyone's names and what they were good at to keep me updated.
Third person:
While the avatar was introducing everyone. Quaritch could not stop looking at the young [y/n]. He has heard of her as 'the breather' from his colleges but has never expected to see her in person. Her hair, eyes, face, and especially her unique body. [🫵😍] He was so interested in [y/n], but did not want to show his interest and focused on the mission.
" and finally this is Quaritch, the leader!" the guy yelled as the helicopter started to start. "Well, well what a pleasure to meet you" Quaritch said adjusting his gun to his arm. "The pleasure is mine sir" you said looking up at him. You've noticed that he was the tallest, and the most.... Alluring... He gave you a smirk. "Sir the plain is ready!!" after Quaritch heard that, he placed his big hand on [y/n] and lead her to the helicopter. [Y/n] knew how this worked, but didn't know why Quaritch was helping out. When she sat down she looked at Quaritch who was right next to her. He wasn't sitting, he was squating at the exit door and leaning a bit towards her and to be honest? [Y/n] seemed... Red?...
[Y/n's] perspective:
We were flying across the forest, almost at our destination. I was getting bored and looked around, the only thing that caught my eye was a particular blue cat. Quaritch. He had really tense muscles, and the tiniest waist I have ever seen.
'Wow' I thought. I have met Colonel Quaritch before. Hell I've been there when he woke up! But behind the glass. It was quite funny but dangerous how he reacted. But as he walked towards the glass to see himself, I could not explain how it made me feel. When he licked his teeth I was right in front of him. Thank God no one was near me to see me how I was. But of course I was just a scientist and he was a litteral different specie so it would never work. I tried to keep myself distracted and look at the beautiful view 'can't believe we are destroying this beauty... '
Third person perspective:
The helicopter landed, the avatars first exited to make the place secure. I got off the plane and started walked Imidietly to the plants. As you we're, Quaritch noticed you going up ahead without anyone close to you. He was quite worried but at the same time admired your bravery. "You should stay behind me Ms. [L/n] it's dangerous" He said as he grabbed you by the shoulder making your head turn slowly towards his. "Oh don't worry about me, and keep your guns down the creatures won't hurt you since you look like a Na'vi." [y/n] gently took his hand off her shoulder and started to walk again, Quaritch two feet behind her following. "Oh? If that's the case then you are in danger Ms. [Y/n]"
"As I said, don't worry about me. I've been out long enough to know a couple of tricks up my sleeve" you said. You couldn't see but Quaritch had a little smirk on his face. After 10 minutes, some of the avatars we're curious of how you could breathe the air and they started whispering. "How do you think she could actually breathe?" whispered the guy to the others. Quaritch caught his question but did not involve himself to it, and so did you.
"Could it be that she slept with a Na'vi because of the close attachment in the past?" he whispered back getting a few giggles and laughs around the squad. Quaritch groaned at the immature teammates he had, and quite was embarrassed. [Y/n] on the other hand smiled to herself that they think so highly of her. "Yeah like id have a chance with anyone, but no i did not have sex with a Na'vi" you said, the other felt embarrassed as Quaritch felt sadden? There were nearby noises, quaritch signaled the team to investigate further as you and Quaritch laid low. You we're hiding behind a fallen tree, as you looked at where the noise came,you felt Quaritch literally hovering on top of you. You felt that same type of feeling when you were in the plane. Quaritch was looking around until he landed his eyes on you. 'Yeah like id have a chance with anyone 'her words have come up in his mind. Why would she think that? Quaritch said in his mind. He knew that this mission was way important but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Quaritch has meet [y/n] before this mission. He was being toured around the place where he woke up and got to the science part. He didn't think it was necessary to show his the lab room but something got his attention. It was you. Every human had a mask on because the outside doors were open, and you were the only one without a mask and had no shirt on. You we're also sitting on top of a table where they were monitors on your body and scientist around you. "Tell me why is that one breathing without a mask?" he tilted his head towards you ad he was waiting for an answer from the human. "Oh her! Yeah about that.. She could breathe the air on this planet, the other scientist still can't find an answer why. Some may call her'the breather'..." he only looked at you and bluntly said 'facanating...'. His eyes traveling down to chest and belly, made him think in a different way. He sorta felt nice inside the longer he started." what's her name? ""[Y/n] [l/n]"
"Clear!!"the other avatar yelled for the both of you to move. Making Quaritch snap out of the pasy memory he was in. "You look a little pale sir, need a break?" you said almost sounding like your teasing him. He looked at you amused. "Me? Your the one that's supposed to be scared" he said as the both of you started to walk again. "Please, I may look weak and lazy, but I'm capable to protect myself" you said. "Never said you were weak" he said afterwards, that's probably the nicest thing someone anyone has ever said to you. Sure it wasn't a compliment but you heard it as one.
[End of part 1, kinda short and it's 2 in the morning so I'll be heading to bed. I'll write part 2 whenever I can! ]
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silicon14blog · 11 months
TBH I don't really understand the hostility people have with the next Minecraft update. Wasn't the whole thing they aren't going to reveal much due to the backlash of having to split up Caves & Cliffs and some of the concepts not being in the finale update. Plus, the stuff shown was still interesting (new copper & tuff blocks, new hostile mob that has interesting mechanics, new structure for loot, automatic crafting). Also, it should be mentioned that they point out how Minecraft's 15th anniversary is next year, and I feel like they'll likely put something the community considers a "full-sized" update then.
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badgerverse · 4 months
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Whoops posted this early by accident lmao
Anyway, here's the Rarity and Capper fankids! Their description is under the cut.
I've been wanting to redesign these two for ages tbh. I was never that happy with Sparkler's colors and I had designed Snow Belle before I really figured out her personality. So I tweaked them a bit, to make Belle more sporty and spunky (also swapped out her back paws for hooves and her unicorn tail for a cat one) and gave Sparkler tuxedo coloring! And also a scarf, since she likes making clothes with her mom. 
Here's their updated bio info: 
Name: Sparkler Nickname: Sparky (Capper's really the only one who calls her this), Sparks    Age: Teenager  Pronouns: She/her  Parents: Capper Dapperpaws and Rarity    Bio: Rarity and Capper's adopted daughter! They spent quite a few arduous years filling out all the correct paperwork and doing interviews but they were finally able to adopt their daughter Sparkler as a very young kitten. Rarity was overwhelmed with joy at finally being able to hold her daughter, and spent the next few weeks bursting into happy tears every time Sparkler purred beside her. Sparkler discovered very early on that she preferred being a girl over a boy, as she was initially gendered, and her parents happily accepted her change in pronouns (Rarity took to it without any trouble, but Capper does tend to trip up now and then much to his embarrassment). Sparkler is spunky, cheerful, and down to earth; she enjoys sewing clothes with her mother, though she doesn't have as much interest in trying the outfits on herself. She and Rain Shower (Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's son) have been friends ever since they started at Twilight's school, because she was never interested in fawning over him like many of the other students. She has a big unrequited crush on Bowtie, Pinkie and Cheese's son and Rarity's Canterlot assistant, that she enjoys sighing dramatically over a tall glass of milk at the end of the day. 
Name: Snow Belle  Nickname: Snow Ball, Belle Age: Child  Pronouns: She/her Parents: Capper Dapperpaws and Rarity Cutie Mark: Athletics  Bio: Capper and Rarity's little surprise kitten. They had no idea that they were biologically able to conceive, having briefly talked to a doctor who shot down any possibility of it happening. Yet low and behold when Sparkler was around 5, Rarity realized she was pregnant. It was a hard pregnancy and Snow Belle was born very fragile and weak, having to spend the first months of her life in the hospital. As she grew older though, she was actually very outdoorsy and athletic. She has a cheerful outward disposition, but suffers from pretty severe anxiety. She desperately wants to be accepted by everyone and tends to use her sports prowess as a way to endear herself to the other ponies at her school (though she just as often uses sports as comforting stress relief; can't have an anxiety attack about everyone hating you if you run so many laps you pass out). She loves sports of any kind, but has a particular fondness for tennis and gymnastics. Snow Belle's horn is very undersized and the only magic it can do is glow and pick up objects. It serves her well enough in sports so it's underpowered aspects don't bother her much. She's good friends Clover (Soarin and Applejack's youngest daughter), Silver, and Ruby (Gabi and Spike's kids) and they have a pretty tight nit group. She and Silver are especially close, with very clear crushes on each other. Ruby and Clover are disgusted with this. 
Relationships with each other: Sparkler and Snow Belle are very close, though Sparkler wasn't sure what to make of her at first. First she was worried that Snow Belle would take all of her parents attention away, but then she just never showed up! After quite some time in the hospital, Sparkler was finally allowed to visit her little sister and her first thought upon seeing the undersized kitten was "I would kill a man for you". Snow Belle idolizes her older sister, but sometimes to the point of not wanting to bother her with her fears and anxieties. 
Relationships with their parents: Their whole family unit is very close as a whole! Sparkler and Rarity are especially close, sharing a love of gossip and clothes making. Snow Belle and Capper love to race through Everfree Forest and he's very proud of her athletic abilities. Capper understands how his daughters sometimes feel like outsiders and does his best to support them in any way he can. Rarity can and will fight other parents at Parent Teacher meetings if they turn their noses up at her kids. 
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thatonefatgumsimp · 11 months
Which Secret Life POVs I've Watched So Far (will be updated and edited as I finish)
OK so I may or may not have gotten distracted again- oops- but basically I'm putting here which POVs I've already watched in full and what my first thought about each one was.
-WARNING: wall of texts and ramblings from an mcyt obsessed audhd under the cut...and also spoilers. Don't click unless you're ready for simultaneously spoilers and an ungodly amount of text lol-
Grian: "God this series is so hype I can't wait to see what all happens and- OMG GEM IS HERE! :D GEM IS GREAT! I can't wait to see her kick Etho's ass at PvP again /lh ...waiminute...is that logo on the statue...is that the Watcher logo??? Huh??? Wait...and why does it have the same mossiness of the Entity and Grian's s9 base? Suspicious...OMG the chaotic Best Friend energy with Mumbo and Grian- tbh would be me and my best friend on any given day. Amazing. Their laughter is so infectious too lmao- Oough merch! Pretty :3 Wait it's over already? Aweeeeh ): can't wait for the next episode tho!"
Mumbo: "Wait he switched sides of the circle when Martyn punched Jimmy lmaoooo just like 'these people are crazy, save me, Grian-' 💀 The best friend energy omg still amazing I love their dynamic so much! Ooh a sideways house that *IS* an interesting idea! WHY DOES JIMMY KEEP BREAKING THE CRAFTING TABLES LMAO Hmmmmm Impulse ik cherry blossom is great, but that salesman voice is indeed very sus. I'm with Mumbo on this one."
Skizz: "Idk I watched it when I was very tired last night and all I remember is 'Awwweh a frog! Take care of him...WH- TANGO!!!' and also him apologizing to Gem which was very nice. Oh yeah and love island <3"
Jimmy: "Alright, Timmy, you've got this. Just don't die and- OMG MARTYN NOOOO LMAOO- Aweeeh it's like when you have a really young sibling or you're, like, a parent or something and you kiss the child's scraped knee to make it feel better- 🥺 wholesome. THANK YOU! I thought I was alone in recognizing that symbol, thank you for acknowledging it. JIMMY LOOK OUT OMG YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK! OK but the task. This man is an absolute menace lol. Aweh that's very nice of Scar to compliment Jimmy's outfit! SCOTT LMFAOOOO YOU'RE SO RIGHT, BUT AT THE SAME TIME 💀 Jimmy building in the Mesa? Tumble Town 2 electric boogaloo?? 'Hmmmm if Scar's building a shack, we're gonna have to have a shack-off, mine's better.' NO JIMMY DON'T STEAL THE CAMEL! D: pftttt Scar would- remember the Relation-ship? And the Ranch? Arson boy lol. THE VALLEY GIRL ACCENT I CAN'T- 😭"
Scar: "OK, Scar, you can do the task, I believe in you. I've seen 4 other POVs which prove that you failed, but I still believe in you. OMG THAT'S WHY HE COMPLIMENTED JIMMY'S OUTFIT LMAOOO I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION- So true, Scott. So true. But you can't stop them, they're still gonna end up neighbors. I know, I already watched Jimmy's POV. SCAR NOOOO YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL THEM- The way he jumped in the water- 💀 hc that c!Scar shook out his long-ish messy brown hair like a dog after that. Cuz he would. 'I'll make an exception for you. The first and ONLY exception.' if someone doesn't use this as, like, a fanfic title or something I swear- literally perfect material for a c!Scarian fic title. AWEEEEEEH HE CALLED GRIAN THE LIGHT OF HIS LIFE- I CAN'T BHATGLFYSJBJSRSKBLBK 🥺 Scar just like 'y'all crazy. Bye.' AWEEEEH GRIAN AND SCAR'S CAMEL RIDE! DESERTDUODESERTDUODESERTDUODESERTDUO! The way they stare at the hole Big B dug like *insert surprised Pikachu here* awwwwweh the way he let Grian have the cactus monopoly 🥺 you will never not convince me that bullying is their love language. c!desertduo bullies each other affectionately...I'm so normal about c!desertduo I promise- HE TALKED ABOUT ASOKA FOR 30 MINUTES OFC HE DID- 💀😭 I was wondering why he didn't include it lmao- NOT SCAR TREATING THE CAMEL LIKE A DISNEY RIDE LOL learning about the task goodies with Tango, Jimmy, and Scar 101 'IS IT A ROCKET' LMAOOOOO- HE'S SUFFOCATING AGAIN- SCAR BE CAREFULLLLL!!! Ik it's not in the comments, but, I GOT TO THIS POINT AND I'M ENJOYING IT, SCAR! Love this series sm and I'm only 5 POVs in lol. 'It's looking kinda like a shack' 'fancy house and exotic materials' indeed, Etho. Also yes, Scar, part of what gave it away is that ur favorite color is orange lol /lh the fact that Jimmy is the only one I've seen to call him 'Obi' when he says 'Hello There'- amazing. 'Nonono it's not a shack, look at that entrance!' But, Scar, you just said- ...OK- 'this is my shack' OK, Scar I'm confused. Is it or isn't it a shack? Ofc he cut out the arson threats and allegations smh /lh 'until next time, we'll see you later, and don't forget to subscribe because you may just become. SCARRRRED FOR LIFE!' ...yes I've memorized his outro-"
Martyn: "Wait OK before we start- are we sure that punching Jimmy didn't just, like, transfer the canary's curse? /lh like it could also be that he won last series and now he's the 'wet cat' of the first episode like I saw in another post, but like, what if?? I guess we'll see, huh? The awkward 'goodbye' and then walking the same way lmaooo 💀 Lizzie and Gem: 'WE HAVE TO GET TO THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS!' Martyn: 'uhhhhh anyways so-' what am I gonna get? Well uhhh probably one of the life hoodies, but I'll probably have to convince my mom to get it as a Christmas gift cuz I already spent a lot in the last month cuz I have no self control- but yeah probably the balloon hearts hoodie or the drippy hearts one. Love those. 'Ofc no wearing helmets' Scar, who has a helmet: 'Hi, Martyn!' 'oh mY GOd you scared me-' Payback for the jumpscare to Grian last series /lh /hj 'friends?' 'friends?' 'friends?' 'Helloooooo!' 'Martyn!' Idk why but that interaction made me exhale like- just imagine shouting through the walls in a cave to your friends irl. Omg now I'm imagining it with the reverb- 'you couldn't spare a heart, could you?' gives off the vibes of 'please sir, could I have some more?' Oliver Twist who? /lhj Bdubs and his chainmail lol 'THERE'S A SPAWNER?!' yeah...he's definitely having a rough first session- o7 'what is happening out there-?' I'd like to know too, Martyn, unfortunately I haven't watched their POVs yet. Also Etho saying 'BDUBS RUN! HIDE!' I- I'm normal about c!Ethubs I promise- 'YOU GOT HORSE ARMOR?!' ofc the local horsegirl /lhhj would ask about that lol- NOT ETHO TURNING INTO CANADIAN DAVID ATTENBOROUGH AND NARRATING HIS, MARTYN'S, AND BDUBS' ADVENTURES THROUGH THE CAVE- I- 💀 'this could go viral' true, Bdubs lol. BDUBS' MIC CUTTING OUT I'M CRYING- Gem's reaction of 'a what?!' and Scott's response of 'we just don't have a healer' is just perfect lol. Love that. WE'RE PLAYING THE MARTYN GETS NERFED MOD! TODAY WE CODED IT SO ALL THE MOBS ATTACK MARTYN AND ONLY MARTYN! that's the vibes Scott's comment gave me lol- 12 HEARTS?!? MARTYN!! OMG BE MORE CAREFUL!!! This Martyn nerf hitting hard- 'this could be really bad if I get poisoned-' YES IT COULD, MARTYN, YOU'RE ALREADY AT 12 HEARTS- IT'S LIKE YOU'RE TRYING TO BE THE FIRST TO YELLOW- /lh bro Martyn being risky is making my anxiety go 📈📈📈📈📈 BE MORE CAREFUL, MARTYN, PLS- I BEG OF U- MARTYN GOING TO THE NETHER- 📈📈📈 MARTYN THERE ARE GHASTS- PLEASE- I- AAAAAAAAAAAAA! MARTYNNNN! OMG! IS HE ALWAYS THIS RISKY, USUAL MARTYN VIEWERS?! CUZ IF SO IDT I'M GONNA SURVIVE BINGING ALL THE LIFE SERIES- 'ughhh I swear, dude, I swear, I'm gonna cry!!!' I AM TOO, PLEASE STOP GETTING INTO DANGER, MARTYN- Martyn saying damnit is me the whole time he's out risking his hearts. My heart can't take this kind of pressure, Martyn please stop being so riskyyyy- 😭 nINE HEARTS- MARTYN!!!! Istg I'm not surviving this episode- my heart is just- 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 his pICKAXE BROKE?! OH YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! 'OH MY GOD, THE SUN!' I'M HAPPY TOO, HOPEFULLY HE DOESN'T LOSE TOO MANY MORE HEARTS. 'I've been to the nether and everything!' Yeah, imma be honest, I don't get that one. Like, didn't you write a song lITERALLY CALLED 'Screw The Nether' with friends????! /lh Lizzie's 'oh wow' 💀 fIVE AND A HALF HEARTS!! MARTYNNNN!!! OMG! 📈📈📈 NOT THE DROWNED- 😭 LEAVE HIM ALONE, BRUH, HE JUST TRYNA SURVIVE- Martyn panicking- same, bestie- Lizzie just like 'oh you stole my bed? Didn't notice' 💀 #1 way to tempt a horsegirl: offer something to protect his horse /lhj Cleo's laugh lol- infectious. MARTYN ZOOMING IN AND JIMMY JUST BRINGING BACK SCAR'S CAMEL IN THE BACKGROUND I CAN'T-"
OK I'm posting this and I'll rb for the other POVs, but Cleo's next.
So let's see, next rb is probably gonna be Cleo, Gem, Tango, Scott, Bdubs, and Pearl.
Third rb is probably gonna be Etho, Joel, Lizzie, Impulse, and BigB.
3 maybe 4 rb max.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 28 days
I-I know I just said this to that anon, but....I-I really mean it, to all of you....
N-next month....will contain the anniversary of the Golden Sovereign's release. One whole year since the day I fell for her....and, while my feelings for her are still burning strong, I...I know that sometimes, interests in other people don't last that long. Sometimes, interests change in a year, and that's fine....
Wh-what I'm saying is.....if anyone doesn't feel like reading my content anymore due to losing interest in it...or even her....I-I hold nothing against you. I understand that I've been working on this for a loooooong time, and sometimes, people don't have the attention span to commit to waiting for updates for a 10+ chapter fic. I-I completely understand, cuz....TBH, I'm usually the same way. I usually prefer one-shots. XD
I-I probably could've finished this sooner, if I wasn't such a perfectionist....so, in that case, I only have myself to blame. At the very least....once this is over, I can feel proud of myself for actually managing to finish it.
And, for anyone who's still here, I hope.....I hope my writing still does her justice in the end.....^^
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howdyfriend · 1 year
ohohohoohohoh new qualia automata song got me feeling giddy.
Very cool to see a song from fayrouz's perspective! End-world didn't paint her very kindly, and while this one I dont feel makes things like, much better, she feels a lot more sympathetic which I like.
Very interesting to see the tonal shift from the first two songs to this one. Sure, it kept with that industrial crunchy sound but this one felt way more somber. RBB and End-World were a lot more erratic, and more consistently emotional. This one felt way more stripped back, almost clinical at first, though it does ramp up in emotion towards the end which I like. Especially with how well Cong Zheng was tuned like wow. I think it really separates her from her robo-kids which I find interesting.
I think that initial clinical feeling is a pretty good look into Fayrouz's character. This song seems to focus on her past relationships, specifically with her husband who left her. (Tamari and Maryam aren't forgotten though! I really like the fact that bits of RBB and End-World ended up in the song :)) That clinical feeling and some of the lyrics seem to suggest Fayrouz wasn't the most emotionally mindful. The first two verses seem to suggest she wasn't really able to leave the clinical nature at work, and her relationships suffered as a result. (The second verse is specifically troubling. "Don't expect my mercy," is not how you go about a relationship Fayrouz.) The next bit seems to discuss the creation of the TAM's, talk of neglect and steam through bolts putting this seemingly right before Tamari left. I think this being followed with the bits from End-World and RBB seems to support that as well.
Unsure of what the next two verses could mean tbh. The first verse seems to be Fayrouz bottling lot of emotion, but other than that I'm not confident in any ideas of what they could mean.
And hoo boy is Fayrouz getting emotional. Clearly Fayrouz created Maryam and Tamari with her husband in mind. I think this contributed to how she went about things with the two, it was likely very painful for her to see him in them. The verse "your roots are where I planted you // in my eternal debt" makes it seem she created them almost as am apology? A please come back? And obviously this isn't the way to go about things, the two may be robots but they still have emotions. And we can clearly see in End-World this has taken a toll on them. Hell, the whole reason Tamari has done what he has is to get Fayrouz to love him for fucks sake. I'm sorry her husband left her and clearly she is remorseful, but man. She fucked it up big time.
Now both her husband and her robo-kids left her. And while unfortunate, this is the catalyst for some serious self reflection. In that very last line we get to see her consider the possibility that she might be the one to blame here, and this gives me hope. While I think Fayrouz messed up, I do think she has a shot at redemption. Or something close anyways. She has remorse, has begun realizing where she went wrong, and while I don't think it will be a fairy tale ending, I think she has a shot it getting on ok terms with Maryam and Tamari.
But I digress. The carrd is set to update soon, and we still have one more song in the series (might have something to do with that ramp up at the end? 👀👀👀) so take my words with a grain of salt lol. Just working through my thoughts on the new installment. I do hope things work out for Fayrouz. I think it might just take a while.
Anyways go listent to Lamentations it's very good
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marumarielle · 8 months
(I'm the anon in this post and the same ‼️ anon too in the post u linked titled here)
Tbh this didn't really answer my question but thank u for taking ur time to answer it ! I appreciate u answering the asks I send. I think its best if I ask the person of the og belief this question (Aka Chai) but still thank u massively for this love.
One thing I find so interesting is this statement:
"....While that is true, I still believe that people have free will. It's just that the story I tell, the assumption I tell about a person is simply the story they show towards me. And, this logic also applies to my belief of EIYPO applies to people I know (creds to Indigo Detry's EIYPO video, updated ver. I knew EIYPO thru her).
Mind expanding on it? It's the first time I've ever heard a POV like this, it confuses me a bit but I'm very intruiged by it.
Heyooo! And sorry if I didn't really answer your question but thank you still for taking the time to read it!
Oh, and don't worry anon, I was also confused when I first learnt it but I got the hang of it so I hope you will too.
For example (based on a real experience btw, just a fake name used), I have a classmate, John. John is known to be quite a troublemaker in class. Hell, I doubt he even takes school tasks seriously. Next thing I know, he's in my group. He's known to be a burden in his previous groups in terms of projects.
But, due to me knowing EIYPO & loassumption, I create a new story about John. I assume that he does the tasks I assign to them and I persist in that assumption. And then, after persisting in that assumption, not minding the time that has passed by, he actually did it! Even though it wasn't the best of quality, I could still do good with the material he sent me. (note: There were times I had to scold John for his behavior but I still stayed loyal to that new story, fulfilling that desire in me about him doing his assigned tasks)
Was that example sufficient? In simple words, EIYPO to me is simply how people show up in my life. I suppose I could assume that a certain person changes their ways towards others. However, I'll link Indigo Detry's video here so that you can watch it for a clearer explanation. (reminder: u don't have to take in what doesn't feel right to you!!)
And, I feel like I'm repeating myself but once again, people are not robots. They have their own lives, their own free will. But, EIYPO to me is that the story I tell, assumption I tell about a person I know is how they'll show up in my life.
About those general assumptions in EIYPO such as "Men can't always be trusted", "People are just mean to you sometimes" I do think they apply...???? Idk tbh, maybe yes, maybe no?? IDK T-T just more things to fuel my mind that's always thinking LMAOOOO
BUT ALAS! If you don't have an assumption or story about a person or generally people you don't know, EIYPO does not apply.
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reality quest men as Yandere! Otome! characters pt.1
other parts: eunsung, sunjae
this version of Dowan as a full fledged Yandere! here
Ha Dowan
WARNINGS: fem reader, slight (very) ooc, this wasn't meant to be yandere, also mentions of stomach chub...EVERYONE HAS STOMACH CHUB AND IT'S ADORABLE!! i don't make the rules. Dowan likes it too.
First love interest. Easy manipulated and gets obsessed with you the moment he sees you. The classic pathetic jealous loser stereotype because trust me, even if he loved you to hell and back, he would not say a word about it.
Still in his loser coded era when you meet him, and you replace Arin as his first girl. Still doesn't know why you stick around tbh, but he's hooked on you either way. You guys definitely met from seating arrangements. First day of school and his new seat partner is you, Dowan might be a late bloomer from the way he's reacting to your presence.
Get to know him in class, and he's this huge nerd. Does calculations on powerscaling within games (even though it's mainly due to being bullied, poor boy), and genuinely updates data on the Wiki about his opinions and stats. Ask him about what he's playing and make your own account. If you want to take advantage of him, just hint at being bad and he'll offer to grind for you for free #simpalert.
At the beginning of his transition, you stick around him often and comfort him. Sometimes he gets a few bruises from hits, and you patch him up. You guys have a tradition of meeting up at the park every night so Dowan can train, and you can sit still and look pretty while you hold on to his water bottle.
Tease him by saying you'll give him a kiss if he finishes his workout everytime. He flushes and brushes it off while you laugh. Baby him after his workouts, you guys don't have a lot of time alone during school, so maximize this time! Go to a roadside convenience store, or bring him a home-made bento. Force feed him. He secretly likes it.
He bulks up a lot during this time, and you're very surprised by the progress. The lanky boy you once knew was gone, and in his place stood this new, muscled guy. He's still your little puppy though. Order him around and force him to carry you on his back while he does push ups. He can't even think of the strain when you're on top of him.
A special event might trigger here. A group of teenage boys looking like a stereotypical otome gang show up and try to hit on you. One of them grabs you by your shoulder and in comes Hurricane Dowan. But now he's not so skimpy anymore, and one squeeze of his hand is enough to send them running away. Give him a kiss as a reward, he's still waiting for that offer :).
As a way of thanks, invite him to see a movie with you the next day. The system will help you and make it a required event. Pretend to be naive and accidentally squish your chest against his arm during a jumpscare. Slot it right between your breasts, put those girls to good use! Cling onto him when the movie ends using the excuse of you "being scared". He'll buy into it.
Later on, you meet Eunsung, and he's pretty taken with you too. Dowan knows he's in trouble, he sees Eunsung's face and finds his old self reflected on his expression. Remember when I said jealous? You really don't understand why he's trying to monopolize your time all of a sudden.
Dowan doesn't really understand it either. He doesn't understand why Eunsung is suddenly a part of your life when you haven't talked to any man besides him. He wanted to believe he was the only one you thought of. The idea of Eunsung sharing a spot with him didn't seem right to him, and as much as he respected Eunsung, he wishes he wouldn't have let the two of you meet.
Cue him starting to follow you around like a puppy. It's really weird to see him everywhere all of a sudden. Library, hallways, wait...was that him behind the pole near your window? Don't think too much about the love letters in his backpack with your name scribbled on them. And don't even look at his nightstand when he invites you over, it's definitely not a lock of your hair in that plastic cup you threw away a month ago.
Has his transformation taught him nothing? The only thing that changed was that now he was a buff pathetic jealous loser with questionable habits. Is that a pagan symbol on his desk? Oh, looks like he's made a doll of you out of felt, how sweet. You don't know why he's sweating so much though. Honestly, the fabric looked a little too familiar...
Dowan isn't too phased by your behavior. He lays on your lap as you run your hands through his hair. You came to his apartment after you heard that he was sick. He looked fine when you got there though, maybe he was right when he said you had a healing aura.
A notification goes off on your phone. It's Eunsung's contact. Before you can reach for your device, Dowan grabs it using his full strength and crushes it to pieces. You're stunned into silence.
Panicking, Dowan quickly apologizes for his actions.
"I'm so sorry Y/N!" His eyes are teary as his face begins to redden,"I didn't mean to do that-you know I didn't mean to do that!" Fat drops cascade down his face as you hurry to comfort him. You pull him close, and he positions himself in the middle of your chest, cuddling into your two mounds of flesh.
"You know I'd never upset you..." he mumbles into your shirt, "I'll buy you another phone...just trust me, okay?" You're frozen solid when his icy hands begin to creep around your waist, rough pads rubbing your soft stomach as he kneads and pulls.
Was the game always meant to be this way?
"I'm tired..." he pouts at you with big eyes, "can't we go cuddle?"
'Okay.' You hesitantly reply. He happily picks you up and spins you around, you slightly giggle from this gesture. He places you on his bed as he pins you down, a gigantic grin on his face. You don’t think you've seen him like this before, his eyes crinkled like crescents, bright irises full of stars. His joy was pure and real, and it was absolutely beautiful.
You placed your head on the juncture of his neck as you let yourself unravel in his embrace. One of his hands lay lazily around your waist as the other threads through your hair, large palms softly massaging your scalp as you feel the last remnants of your consciousness slip away.
In the corner of your sight, a small red warning sign flashes on and off again, until suddenly, it stopped.
Dowan wipes away the last of his crocodile tears as he feels your breath evening out. He holds you close, trying to take in your warmth and your scent, the softness of your skin against his. He nuzzles into you again, a content smile resting on his lips, a stark red glow dissipating from his eyes.
[end of episode 1]
Edit: okay all of them are jst gonna be yanderes I've realized that I physically cannot write a healthy relationship. quotev has done a number on me throughout the years
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kafus · 10 months
story update time! most of this is from yesterday when i was calling a friend on discord lmao. i got to celestic town and after talking to all the npcs i advanced the story
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man cyrus really thinks in black and white huh. like there's either full balance with no change, or he has to rewrite the entire world in his ideal image or whatever. can very much see why his, essentially, cult recruitment works so well. it's bold and sounds noble and cuts out nuanced thought lol
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at first i was slightly taken aback by the implication that change = bad at all, but after coming back to these screencaps i am pretty sure she means fundamental change with how the human spirit etc works, in reference to cyrus wanting to literally rewrite the universe and the mural of the lake trio behind everyone here
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and of course his threat in this situation is the destruction of an ancient illustration of the deities he seeks to control and destroy. not only is that symbolic for obvious reasons but this is an adult man with supposedly more power than you (a child) and the elderly person next to you who is able to fuck up a cave wall with his pokemon or whatever. he's trying to intimidate you. i won of course btw lol
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further confirming my thoughts earlier, cynthia's grandma goes on to say that sinnoh is filed with the memories and thoughts of countless people and pokemon... why would anyone want to change those memories or thoughts? the world IS wonderful actually. the indomitable human spirit etc. and pokemon spirit SSFDKSDFKS
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anyways ty for the surf HM SDFKSFDKSFD i somehow forgot to take a picture of it but she mentions that the HM belonged to cynthia, but she doesn't use it anymore. i'm assuming this means cynthia either has all her surf users, has spare surf HMs, or literally just flies everywhere. regardless i just think that's cool. my surf HM is the one cynthia used once a long while back. Neat!
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oh and last time i posted about story i made a joke about how nonchalant everyone is about terrorism but i forgot this dialogue happens after the encounter with cyrus in the cave LMAO i really wasn't wrong, that was intentional! cynthia says straight out that she thought they were harmless. everyone is treating galactic like delinquent teenagers spouting nonsense who aren't actual threats. especially after the bomb that went off in the great marsh caused little to no damage, i guess. sinnoh isn't routinely experiencing great threats of violence or threats of destabilizing the region.
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after our conversation cynthia recommends me to go to canalave city to check out the library and whatnot, which i can now do because i have surf, but first here's the dialogue when interacting with the dialga and palkia murals. i just think it's neat
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i did indeed visit the library and since it's been a while since i paid attention in here i actually re-read all the sinnoh myth books. i'm not going to show them as screenshots here since there's way too much text and i don't have interesting things to say about all of it, but all of their text is written out word-for-word here on Bulbapedia if you've never read them before and want to check them out
i do have a FEW stray thoughts though...
in "Sinnoh's Myth" about the lake trio it says:
Bearing with them the power to make vast lands, they rise again.
as far as i know this is the only time that the trio are referenced to have the power to "make vast lands" which feels kind of out of place. like these are the beings of knowledge, emotion, and willpower, not land sea and sky like the hoenn trio or something LOL this really just feels like a throwaway line without much meaning? perhaps you could interpret as them giving people the power to create land but that's a stretch. it is probably not that deep and just awkward writing tbh
in "Veilstone's Myth" it says:
Asked he, "Why do you hide?" To which the Pokémon replied... "If you bear your sword to bring harm upon us, with claws and fangs, we will exact a toll." "From your kind we will take our toll, for it must be done." "Done it must be to guard ourselves and for it, I apologize."
there is the interpretation that this is about Giratina since veilstone is the closest city to Turnback Cave where you can find giratina, and at the end of the myth it says "Seeing this, the Pokémon disappeared to a place beyond seeing..." which could be a reference to the distortion world. however, i think there's also a counter-argument to be had here since giratina is considered forgotten by sinnoh as a whole and later in the game cynthia remarks on how it is missing in the myths - she spends a good chunk of the game researching this in the background. so it'd be kinda weird if there was just something directly written about dialogue from giratina in the library.
HOWEVER that being said i think it's definitely still Possible and if it is true that this is about giratina, it puts giratina in a more sympathetic light. i jokingly call giratina Pokemon Satan a lot (in reference to him being the "evil" one as opposed to arceus, not an actual deep reference to christianity or the actual story of satan) but this frames giratina's actions as well intentioned or in self defense, which makes him a lot more interesting as a deity imo. personally i'm not sure whether i believe this is about giratina or not
lastly, while this is well known i still wanna talk about it, in "A Horrific Myth" it says:
Look not into the Pokémon's eyes. In but an instant, you'll have no recollection of who you are. Return home, but how? When there is nothing to remember? Dare not touch the Pokémon's body. In but three short days, all emotions will drain away. Above all, above all, harm not the Pokémon. In a scant five days, the offender will grow immobile in entirety.
this is pretty directly referencing uxie (knowledge), mesprit (emotion), and azelf (willpower) in that order. portraying the lake trio as dangerous and powerful entities that can literally wipe your memories or take away your emotions is interesting juxtaposition to them supposedly being the ones that blessed humans with the ability to feel joy, have memories, and do things... and not only that, they don't seem to want to use that dangerous power either, but it seems to be out of their control - uxie has its eyes always closed (so you can't look into its eyes), mesprit flees from you (that's why it's a roamer) and azelf is able to enter someone else's body (to avoid harm). they're probably so damn secluded in these lake caves so that they don't hurt anyone. they're good natured gods i suppose
sinnoh mythology is very cool and why i love this region so much but anyway i'm going to make a Gameplay Update post as well in a bit SDFKSF
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sylenth-l · 1 year
How are you feeling about Lightfall? People seem to be very divided on opinions 🤔 I personally hoped for more answered questions 😔😔
Well… I like the most gameplay/ui changes Bungie made in LF, but I don't like the campaign and almost everything about the story. But the thing is, I knew I won't like it when the first details and the updated logo dropped, so it's nothing new. This whole ✨super secret super city with super people✨ just didn't sound exciting for me from the beginning. I thought it looked extremely off for the Destiny setting, not something I'd personally like to see.
(Super subjective opinion below, with spoilers)
Its core idea is what bothers me the most, I guess... Those people from Neomuna gave 0 shit about the whole Solar system outside of their safe bubble for ages. They were chilling in arcades while hundreds, if not thousands, of people on Earth died from starvation and thirst, not even to mention countless wars. Even the Darkness itself arriving wasn't a good enough reason for them to show up, yet when their own asses got in the slightest danger, they're suddenly our besties and expect us to help them asap. Umm… I think such theme deserves at least some controversy and conflict to happen between the two sides, but no, we became friends in a minute and that was it. 
The way we accrue Strand is a joke, it literally just…… lays there in the middle of a random street…... I highly suspect originally it was supposed to be a part of Witch Queen, it would've fit there insanely better. Here it feels just as flat and random as everything else in this dlc. For me LF felt like a half-baked chunk of a different game. Not necessarily a bad one, just… different. You can cut out everything between the first and the last cutscenes and literally nothing will change. It's the most telling sign of the story being not that good, imo.
Tbh I don't feel like going further into the details and turning this post into a huge rant… I can mention a few things I liked instead!
LF had a bunch of excellent cutscenes, those I really enjoyed. The first and the last one ofc, the one with the Witness and Calus, Osiris and Rohan having a good talk, and the moment Caiatl appeared to fight alongside us was really cool. Witness, Osiris and Caiatl in general were the best things in LF for me, I guess. The idea of people living in a virtual space is also VERY interesting and I think Bungie should've gone all the way with it and said Neomuni had a virtual only society this whole time. What if the whole planet itself was modified to be just a huge server, containing data of all people living there? A few "Cloud Striders" could've been the only physical shells they had available for ages, and people could've taken turns in being uploaded into those fully cybernetic bodies, or maybe even several at once (let's say an engineer + a scientist + a warrior), to do the maintence and make sure the servers run as intended. That would've explained their total ignore of everything outside their own planet - they've truly surpassed all other species in the system to the point of not being able to interact with them properly due to the almost total disconnect from the physical world.
Also I get what you say about many unanswered questions. I personally wouldn't have mind it, if the story itself was more exciting/interesting, but sadly for me it wasn't, so the new terms and concepts being thrown around all the time felt irritating and confusing more than intriguing. But since the story campaign has a huge TBC written all over it, we have to just wait and see how it ends.
It's the first dlc i didn't like that much, so yeah… weird feelings. I just hope the next one is better.
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