#tbh i’ve only watched it in spanish so idk
coffinwoodx · 10 months
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me and the boys
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creedslove · 6 months
TBH the Javier Peña stache is the only comeback I’ve been waiting for! You bet I reread deserve it again to celebrate the reappearance of the stache. Have no idea what Eddington is about but watching bc of the Javier Peña lookalike 💜😬😉
and you’re amazing!!!! I love all of your stories you grace us with!!! And how you are incredibly kind! Love your page!
Omg hi baby!!! Noooo, you are amazing! You are sweet, lovely and you make me so happy to read this message! Thank you so much for it!
I honestly thought I was done with Javi because idk I had written so much for him I didn't have any other ideas, but then, all it took was Pedro in his mustache and my desire for him grew again!! I love Deserve It, I guess it's my favorite story of all times, even if it I notice so many mistakes I've made and things I could've written better, it was a lovely experience, it was so special and I miss those days so much! I remember I used to post every Monday/Wednesday and I had Spanish classes in the evening and I used to connect everything, and then omg, just such a lovely moment it's not going back :( but it's part of life! Thank you for re reading my story! It means a lot to me!
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sistrrrenchantress · 2 years
6 Questions Tag Game
Thanks @dwellerinroots for the tag! I haven’t actually ever done one of these so here goes nothing.
1. Last Song?
Ughgh I think Malibu by Hole. I last listened to a podcast and I only use Spotify so I’m like 98% it was Malibu. Anyways I love that song. It’s hopeful and sad and when I was in high school I really wanted someone to whisk me away and we’d go live somewhere by the beach in like a van. You know like those kinda romantic, hazy dreams of van-life before you realize that it’s not realistic.
2. Last Show?
I was gonna say The Last of Us, but actually I watched Modern Family last night. TBH my partner likes TLoU a lot more than I do, but it’s got some scenes that melt my heart a bit. Anyways Modern Family always acts like a personal pick-me-up since it’s kinda nostalgic. Plus sometimes I wish my family was more like them. It also kinda helped me realize what wasn’t healthy about my own personal relationships and know that life goes on even if your family sucks sometimes so even if it’s a mess it kinda has helped me? Idk why I’m trying to explain myself here lmao. I had a class where everyone said it was problematic and I don’t want people thinking I agree with everything in the show or whatever.
3. Currently Watching?
I just finished watching Wakanda Forever so I think it counts since I started this before it ended lmao. Anyways I thought it was okay. Not good, but not terrible. But I also think it was closer to terrible than good. It just felt confused, like it didn’t know what message or arc Shuri was supposed to have so idk idk. I’m not a movie critic so… yeah
4. Currently Reading?
I’m still reading Hyperion. I know it’s been a month, but in my defense the blues have hit me like a truck and I’ve solely been focusing on keeping my GPA. I have one more short story left, which is the Consol’s. Also, I should’ve mentioned but it’s a collection of sci-fi short stories (Canterbury Tales style) taking place eons into the future after Earth has literally imploded. It follows a group of people brought together on a pilgrimage to travel to the mysterious Time Temple on the planet of Hyperion. There’s more but I really don’t wanna spoil anything for anyone who might want to read or was already planning. Anyways the priest’s tale is my absolute favorite, because I like it’s spooky vibe and other spoiler-filled reasons. However they’re all written really well and I would recommend this to just about everyone since I think it’s just a really fun read.
5. Current Obsession?
Oof I don’t really have one because I’ve been feeling down. However Cyberpunk 2077 was it for a while, then TES again, and I’m just floating now. Anyways I’m always interested in TES, the Witcher, Dragon Age, etc. It’s just not as intense as other people though. I feel kinda boring now. Well, at least I’ve been getting back into art and blender and messing around with trying to learn my father’s language again. And I love writing and creating generally so that’s really that.
6. Unrelated Stuff I’ve Been Doing?
I already talked about this a little I guess. I’m learning Polish again and watching more shows with the dub in Spanish so I don’t lose it since I just don’t talk to my family much anymore. I’ve been messing with blender and unreal engine. I re-started this art-schedule-thing that I got from a yt video. I really want to improve my digital art. I also have like 10 billion tabs open with videos on blender and unreal so maybe I’ll post what I’m working on one day. I kinda gave up on my NaNoWriMo because I’m too moody and I don’t know what’s wrong with my executive function but we haven’t been on the same page recently. However, listening to podcasts (like Unresolved Textual Tension or You’re Wrong About and Rotten Mango) has kinda helped my mood a little. But if I’m being real here, real life kinda takes up most of my time. So school (gotta love deciding for a dual degree really late in my undergrad) and all the volunteer/internship things I have to do kinda just take up most of my life. That’s a little depressing lmao, but it is what it is.
Anyways, thanks for the tag! I don’t feel like I’m active enough to tag anyone and I’m shy so anyone who sees and wants to do it, feel free.
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feuqueerfire · 21 days
Sleep With Me Live Blogging
My first Filipino show. I would’ve thought it would be Gaya Sa Pelikula since it’s held in such high regard and I’ve had it in my To Watch for so long but idk, I wanna try this one.
Ep 1 (Sept 3)
wow I don’t have this downloaded but am using my data to watch it during lunch because of upgraded phone plan data. such luxury
[Linguistics] Interesting language experience tbh. I’m not fluent in any of the EA/SEA languages of the shows I watch but I have some understanding of Korean and I’ve watched enough shows in Thai, Japanese, and Mandarin that I have a grasp of the cadence as well as some nuances/honorifics/some basic words etc. However, I have no experience with Tagalog (I assume that’s what they’re speaking) so I don’t know any words/honorifics/cadence etc BUT they’re only speaking that like half the time. The other half is English which I’m fluent in. So it’s a strange experience where in Korean I might be understanding 30-40% of what Im hearing based on my level of Korean and my inferencing skills but here, I’m understanding 30-40% completely clearly (English) but not at alllll of anything else. Also spanish? but idk any of that either
This is really good so far, I’m engaged in the story and curious about what’s gonna happen. This ep was mostly about Luna and her sleep problems/break up with ex/being emotionally available and apparently not a good friend
Ep 2 (Sept 3)
Harry is gonna look through her ex’s stuff in her free time for free?!
so are they siblings? or just roommate-friends
lmfaoo bitchy girls are your type, dumb boys are your type. i love you gay lesbian friendships
rip the guy’s gf treating Harry like a little zoo attraction
okay, Kai is indeed Harry’s brother. glad his crush likes him lol
ahh cute cute cute I was on the bus while watching but my feet were like tapping bc i couldn’t react otherwise (and i was smiling big, that’s an advantage of masking fr)
This ep focused more on Harry, I was indeed hoping that we’d alternatingly focus on the girls
Ep 3 (Sep 3)
kinda losing my mind at how Cute their endearing their awkward and fumbling interaction is. why does it feel so real omg
ahh Luna’s situation of being told to exert herself more when she’s already trying hard and has a sleep condition is so frustrating
Wendy’s so cute doing her homework on the shelf
ahhh Belle being at the restaurant and revealing that Harry actually hated the place before omg esp bc it’s not PWD-friendly
ooh kiss! even tho it’s very chaste
Ep 4 (Sep 4)
omg it’s starting with sex scene but I can’t see shit bc of the sun in this bus and also I don’t want other people to see my screen lol
lol the pants scene
ahhh bringing down panties is crazy
Oh, is Luna noticing the ways that Kai helps Harry + Belle has in the past helped Harry and wondering what she can do/how she can measure up
ahh, Luna so cute with accidentally saying i love you and then rolling on bed + Harry teasing her a bit about it the next day
this time Harry wipes Luna’s mouth
Ep 5 (Sep 4)
the penultimate episode angst and breakup nooooo but they set it up well so that we could see the points where they are struggling to meet in the middle/places of tensions/situations that went wrong etc
the breakup scene was sad af
Ep 6 (Sep 4)
plsssss I love Luna crying about the breakup to Wendy while drinking and Wendy laughing at her
ah, they're going on with their lives separately and with new/old friends (Wendy-Luna is sooo fun).
cute little reunion and circling back with the giggly convo at the same restaurant + "wanna go on a date with me?"
I think it’s so interesting how Luna has mentioned a few times caring for Harry or not being able to and Harry is like wtf don’t think of me that way because she’s averse to being seen as a charity case/burden/dependant who is fragile but Luna has followed it up with we all need care/need someone to worry about us.
A great introduction to Filipino media for me! It's short (like 2 hours total probably) but didn't feel cramped, the girls were fleshed out individual characters and I enjoyed seeing them come together. I also liked their relationships with other people like Luna's fun friendship with Wendy + Harry's dynamic with her brother. They were both disabled in different ways and we saw how it affected their lives both with the outside world but also with each other. Very cute and endearing, felt very natural.
Rating: 6.5/10
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1d1195 · 3 months
I looked up the songs and omg tell me why I got the urge to CRY during Black and white?! That’s such a cute song 😭and you do seem like a lyric girly! From the songs you’ve mentioned in your asks and even the songs for story inspo they tend to have strong lyrics that do seem to give story vibes! But ahh so happy you got see him live! I’m so glad you had a nice time!
Now idk if you ever answered this before but who was your “main guy” when 1D was still active? Did you go through phases or was it just hard to choose?
Not the trauma dump BAHHA it’s okay, I feel like we have all trauma dumped here😂 plus your blog is a very safe space (at least for me) so it’s okay lol but I’m a bit the same too, if I do something I have to personally feel like I gave it my all in order to feel “okay” about it. I think it’s a good quality to have but definitely not great in the long run if not learned how to manage so it’s okay! At least you’re aware of it! I’m also thankful I’ve had other things to obsess over hahah
I love ranting! I will gladly read anything you feel like ranting about lol I don’t have the kindle app on my phone, what I do is I search for free pdf versions of the book I’m looking for whether it be school related or for fun! If I can find it for free, I WILL BC I LOVE A DEAL! And I also use Apple Books depending on the vibe I’m in lol but overall I do prefer a physical book because I just love the whole experience of it!
And yeah it’s 13😭 idk if I’m gonna be able to commit to a full series because I haven’t been able to do that in a long time 😭 I prefer it that way too now! I don’t really have the time or energy to binge anything anymore, it’s very rare when I do it lol I LOVE watching once a week episodes like it’s so fun for me! When Succession was airing, I WAS LIVING FOR IT! It was so fun to see people’s theories/reactions to it and it was great. Plus I also love Drag Race so that is probably the only show I consistently keep up with lol oh don’t even get me started on the whole Part 1/2 thing IM SUCH A HATER OF THAT!!! Like it’s so unnecessary!! Oh and bestie I’m so excited for the next episode bc a great(and hot 🤭) character is coming back and I’m READY!
It’s always the English teachers that are like the best at explaining! My sophomore English teacher really helped me understanding Shakespeare because I just didn’t get it and I also didn’t care enough to get it lol but she made it bearable! She was also like the one who made me feel more confident in my writing skills even though I always did get good feedback, her enthusiasm for me really made me feel nice 🥹 I’m still a Shakespeare hater though 😗
Aww you’re so sweet! I mean tbh I’m still learning if I’m being honest lol I didn’t really know how to have a full on conversation in English till I started kindergarten. I knew some basic words but at home we mainly spoke Spanish. My dad actually started to teach me a bit before I started so I wasn’t completely clueless. My mom taught me a little bit in English too but she was more worried about my brother and I speaking Spanish well so she focused on that. It was okay like I was alway labeled a “smart” kid so I could make things out a bit quicker. Sometimes I would even help translate a bit for other kids who knew less English at an early age too which meant they were mainly my friends lol but mainly later on it was just ironically reading comprehension/ little bit of grammar that I was struggling a bit. It was mainly like American slang/culture references that would confuse me (idk wtf a cup of joe was until like the 3rd grade 😂). And sometimes even writing was difficult because I would only feel like I could properly express me thoughts/feelings in Spanish and sometimes it happens in convos lol and being a first gen/eldest daughter later on i helped my parents understand certain things in English too since i would have a better understanding in some aspects. But overall in terms of just language stuff, it wanst too bad considering I did have help and I was determined to understand things. Plus I’ve always liked learning lol AHH sorry that was so long it probably doesn’t make sense 😭
Omg Sam😭 that is just so sweet of you to say😭 would have loved to have shared a class with you too💗
Ooo yay the beach sounds so fun and idk a shopping trip sounds fun! AND I SUPPORT ANOTHER SILLY ROMANCE BOOK!!! ITS GOOD FOR THE SOUL!!
I actually went to Mexico today! It was to get a massage but not the relaxing kind lol I messed up my neck and leg somehow?? so I went to get it which I’m okay now lol but I did get to eat some food that I’ve been craving so it was a win lol. But other than that I don’t think I have any set plans! I dyed my hair and girl… it’s giving lava girl from that movie shark boy and lava girl 😀 Anyways lol Do you have any plans?
ALSO BESTIE I READ SUNFLOWER ANS LET ME SAY THAT WAS SO CUTE!! Okay im gonna try to keep it short bc I’ve yapped for too long! Okay he is SO ME WHEN LIKING SOMEONE LIKE I LITERALLY CANNOT LOOK AT THEM BAHAH I loved it though, it’s always so cute seeing a shy flustered Harry! A down bad shy guy! And you know I loved that little jealousrry moment give gave just the right amount of angst between them! And SAM DONT GET ME STARTED ON HER NUMBERS POEM! That was so beautifully written! I immediately thought that it was so YOU in the best way and I honestly loved the new perspective on how I view it! It’s was just perfect! Ahhh I would love to see how they turn out if you’re up for it! I loved it!!!! You did great as always my love!-💜
I was actually a Liam girl at the start! My serious line of thinking was "Harry's too popular I'll never have a chance 🤦‍♀️" and he was so cute. Liam also has the dad-vibe of the band and I'm the mom of the friend group so I figured we would be 🤞 But it lasted about two weeks because Harry is just too sweet and perfect. I still love Liam with all my heart. I def go through phases though! Anytime I see a picture of Louis I pretty much fall in love with him again. His voice and lyrics are CRIMINALLY underrated. Zayn is probably the most beautiful man I've ever seen and it lowkey feels illegal to look at him. But Harry and Niall are my main people these days. Old clips of them doing interviews together are hysterical. They're just so funny together. It was def Harry when 1D was active but my bf likes to make fun of me and say I have 5 celebrity crushes.
Free PDF versions is a move. That's how I read the first half of midnight sun when it was leaked 😂 I love a deal too! I def need to do more searching. But I love bookstores and I love holding the new book it's just so nice!
I too do not enjoy long commitment series/binging anymore either (See also: my addictive personality). It's SO much energy and time. I caught up on Grey's Anatomy a few summers ago (I feel like I've mentioned this before) it literally took THE ENTIRE summer. I had stopped watching when I went to college and then I didn't really have great access to cable all the time so I didn't keep up. Then another 8 seasons had come and gone 🤦‍♀️
No it makes so much sense! I heard that dynamic a lot in my education classes when I got my SEI endorsement--a lot of families have the primary language at home and then English in school. I'm truly astounded that you picked up things so quickly. I literally cannot imagine. We have a teacher at our school that works with students coming from other countries/language backgrounds when they arrive and he tells all of us and the students that if there is slang they don't understand he can ask him and it doesn't have to be awkward or uncomfortable and I think it's really nice but it's what came to mind when I read the cup of joe thing HAHAHAHAHA. You got me looking up the origin of why it's called that 😂 I totally just use the phrases I hear now. Especially from my younger students. They get a kick out of me saying "no cap," "period," and "deadass." (I use that one sparingly and usually only repeat it after one of them say it lollll) ALL TO SAY the slang in America is nuts.
I will let you know, I want to write for an hour or so I think and then maybe read for an hour.
JUST CASUALLY GO TO MEXICO OKAY. That's so cool! I've never really traveled anywhere--but to be fair I'm not very close to any other places. I still want to see a lot of places in the US tbh. So am I to presume you live pretty close to Mexico? Do you mean the massage messed up your neck and leg? I always say I want a massage but then someone pointed out it's almost like a workout for your muscles and they can genuinely be sore afterwards. LAVA GIRL I'M SCREAMING. Does that mean you like it? I think either way it's cool you did something different and fun! I also love that you got food that you were craving. We went out for my sisters bday to a Mexican bistro. One of my favorite places. Truthfully, idk how authentic it was but my bf liked it and he would be the first person to say that it was un-authentic.
No plans for the weekend. Just relaxing and catching up on a few things! I started rewatching a show I had stopped watching after season 2 (of 4 total) so I'm hoping to get through that in the next couple weeks!
SO glad you loved Sunflower! I enjoyed writing it a lot! I lowkey wish I took it a little further and made them kiss or something, but that's what Part 2's are for! 😭 You're so sweet about the numbers and everyone really loves a jealousrry moment it seems 😉 💕💕
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the-coranic · 3 years
Voltron Tag
Because I just want to do it.
How did you discover the show? I discovered it through my dad. He was a fan of the 80s series when he was a child. He even has an old toy yellow lion and Hunk out on display. Around when season 2 was still new, he was basically like “Hey, you should check this series out! I think you’d like it. There’s also a character voiced by the same guy as Finn.” so we watched it together and bonded over it.
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show? I fell in love immediately and I hyperfixated on it for at least a year. It's still special to me despite all of its issues, and that hyperfixation still comes and goes.
Do you have a favorite episode(s)? There were so many good ones. I honestly don’t know what my favourite is, but to name a few:
The Rise of Voltron
The whole Balmera arc, because Hunk is my son, my star, and I love to see him shine
The Black Paladin
The Depths
The Blade of Marmora
The Legend Begins... just any glimpse I get at Blaytz and Gyrgan
Monsters & Mana
Do you have a favorite Paladin? Lance was always my favourite, and Hunk is a very close second. I think I relate to them the most.
Do you have a favorite Lion? Blue. I always wanted to pilot Blue. Maybe because it’s one of my favourite colours, and I’ve also got a connection to water - being a Scorpio, living on the coastline, being interested in marine biology, and being a swimmer? Idk  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? Whatever Plaxum, Blaytz and Gyrgan are. I wish we got to know more about the last two, especially.
Favorite side/other character(s)? I absolutely adore Coran. Outside of Team Voltron - Matt, Kolivan, Acxa, Rizavi and Veronica, and I was also really intrigued by Lotor before they messed him up and turned him into sOUP???
How/Why did you join the fandom? I got really involved in the fandom because I just loved the show, but the only people I could talk about it with irl was my dad and kind of my sister. My old main tumblr was just all VLD for that period of time, and I mostly posted fanart and some memes, gushed about Klance, and convinced thousands of people that Mothman-fan!Keith was 100% canon. It was great.
What are some of your headcanons?
Shiro has a younger brother that Keith reminds him of
And before their history was revealed, I thought Shiro was like Keith’s adoptive father, or at least a supportive family friend who took him in after his dad passed
Pidge is autistic and non-binary, because me too
Lance has ADHD, because me too
Lance and Hunk were childhood friends
Autistic, lactose intolerant, hippo-loving, Mothman-simping, gay, half-Galra, Korean-Texan cowboy Keith was wild and pretty funny to me, and I still subscribe to most of that lmao
What do you think is the best part of the show? The characters and their potential was always the main draw for me. They’re still so important to me. I also loved the art style, the alien designs, and big robot vs. monster fights are always fun to me.
What were your hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons?
I knew Keith was gonna inherit the black lion but I choose not to shut up about black paladin Allura
More fleshed out backstories (which I’m working hard on for my rewrite rn)
Getting to know everyone’s families better
Shiro speaking some Japanese, Lance speaking some Spanish, or just the Paladins sharing more human culture with the Alteans rather than just the other way around.
*cough* Canon Klance, although I also like the idea of Allurance. I just didn’t like the way they ended up portraying it. They also didn’t do a very good job of shutting down Klance and convincing they weren’t also in love lmao
Just Lance being happy again tbh like wtf?
Did you stick it out until the end of the show? I ended up dropping the series around season 4. I don’t remember if it was because I was already bored or too disappointed to go on, or that part of the fandom got too much, or just because I changed hyperfixations and didn’t get around to finishing it. I learned what happened next through other people’s reactions and it was so disheartening, but I finally rewatched and finished it myself recently. It was a rushed blur, but it was nice to relive the good moments.
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seravph · 3 years
okay I’ve been super skeptical about the new west side story from the beginning but then all these newspaper critics are calling it a triumph and a necessary update etc??? so I was considering seeing it now but based on your posts idk what is the truth
it’s like . okay so
it IS a necessary update I will concede that. Not only does casting Hispanic people make it better representation it also genuinely improves the musical to have Hispanic people speak Spanish, it’s better to listen to. It also amends the things that aged poorly which improved the watching experience. However it’s just those things that enhance the musical imo, the movie as a whole isn’t that fantastic. The singing is good! The dancing, when it is employed, is good!
But dancing is so underemployed considering that westside story is a show that is centered around dancing - the first ten minutes of the show has zero dialogue or singing at all - it’s all dancing. When maria and Tony meet for the very first time, they dance a pas de deux, not sing a duet. The original movie has some of the most iconic dance numbers in film history and is known for the extended dance scenes that use dozens of characters - the new movie has a fraction of the dancing and it seems as the Spielberg tries to make this up in using excessive props and non-dancing extras and playing on the set, but IMO he fails bc it just ends up distracting from the dancing. If you’re going to remake a movie that contains some of the most iconic and beloved dancing of all time … you have really big shoes to fill. I don’t think Spielberg filled them. Which is a shame because the movie had potential to be so much better!
I see a lot of critics saying that Spielberg’s work in this movie is a triumph that commits wholeheartedly to the show, but I was so cognizant the entire time that he was the director. The original westside story used color in such a beautiful way and has some of my favorite cinematography ever, but Spielberg employs the boring unsaturated neutrals most of the time and attempts to create a color story with the Sharks which is okay at best. And the costumes left something to be desired IMO but that’s no different from most other period pieces I watch tbh
They make Rita Moreno in the character of Doc but then make Doc SUCH a central character and attempt to give her backstory and it’s so annoying and meaningless and distracting ???
Ansel Elgort, apart from his mere presence being controversial (though that’s a whole other discussion), isn’t that good of an actor???? IDK his interactions with Maria seemed annoying to me at best instead of innocent and earnest. And they added SO MANY extra scenes of backstory and shit ?????? It annoyed me LOL and ironically the original movie had half of the extra dialogue and was 10x more compelling (I think this goes back to the dancing as well - in musicals, when dialogue is not enough for emotions, singing is employed, and when emotions are too much for singing, dancing is employed. By underutilizing dancing, so much emotion is lost.)
So. I didn’t hate it. It wasn’t horrible. But it’s absolutely not a 93% on rotten tomatoes IMO and I feel as though Spielberg misses the point of westside story being a musical - he nails the social commentary but the musicality feels like an afterthought that is executed in a way that is mediocre at best (the singing is good, though)
Oh also there is transgenderism which was cool TBH I was like okay Steven Spielberg I kinda like you
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secret-keeper18 · 4 years
So I’m finally watching the x-men movies and here are my comments and ratings so far. These ratings are completely arbitrary and completely based on how much fun I had while watching it. Also some great memes I made and sent to my roommates who dont appreciate it as much as you all will.
X-Men: First Class
Okay so we pirated this and there was no subtitles for foreign language, and about 30% of it is in German, French, Spanish, or Russian. So my understanding of these scenes was reliant solely on my rudimentary understanding of basic phrases, vocab, and counting in each of these languages
Watching Erik fuckin murder nazis while casually taking a drink of beer
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Also I love Michael Fassbender but i feel like Erik’s character should have a german accent. Can’t complain too much though ngl
They went to a strip club and literally only looked at each other like sorry i dont make the rules but that is not heterosexual
I’m new to these movies so I hope I don’t offend any like, Mystique stans but Raven you win World’s Worst Sister. like bro doesnt wanna see ur tits out he doesnt care that you’re blue OKAY he’s ur brother. I’m just saying if my brother got shot in the spine by his boyfriend i wouldnt leave him lying in the sand to ditch him with said boyfriend idk maybe i’m just built different
Charles fuckin waits for Erik and Raven to leave before saying he can’t feel his legs. Anyways who else wants to cry? 🙃
Barely passes Bechdel test but loses points for immediately killing the only black man character and then have the only black woman character turn traitor 🤷🏻‍♀️
My guy decided to betray his boyfriend then break the woman he almost killed and then arrested out of prison. Then sometime inbetween those two events he decided “i need... a cape.” And then he STUCK TO THE CAPE for the next like forty years. Imagine being so stubborn you stick to the same purple and maroon color scheme for half your life.
Pretty gay. Friends to lovers to enemies. Utterly heartbreaking. 12/10
X-Men: Wolverine Origins
Honestly not as bad as I was expecting but that might be bc I’ve only heard negative things
This movie honestly was one big middle finger to my ADHD bc the pacing was kinda weird
Damn i hope we get Remy in the other movies his powers are hella cool in this
Deadpool who? Never heard of him he doesnt exist.
Oh yeah I think there is something called a wo-man in this movie?
Knowing that this movie is from 2000 really made it palatable tbh. Like, surprisingly good considering it came out a month after I was born
Why do i got a feeling that Charles is gonna be so useless in the next like three movies
I forgot movies before like 2016 couldnt write women for shit. Jean is to the X-Men what Black Widow is to the Avengers tbh. Love the characters and their potential, but played with the emotional range of a teaspoon
Also Scott is pretty cool but why is his only lines about his girlfriend? Like calm down bro.
I’m so here for Dad Wolverine tbh. Like my guy really was just like:
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Somehow despite having many female leads it still doesnt pass the Bechdel Test???
Gonna be honest here. I was making dinner while watching this, so I was only like half present.
Bobby “coming out” to his family is just *chef’s kiss*
Kinda boring conflict ngl but I’m here for the characters at this point
Magneto murdering someone w the iron in their blood is fuckin metal as hell. No pun intended.
The moment Rogue sees Magneto for the first time since he tried to kill her in the last movie and she about to take her gloves off deceased me on the fuckin spot. Bitch really said call an ambulance but not for me.
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Anyways Charles is one of the most powerful characters in the comics but he has once again been relegated to plot device in this movie. I get it, I get it, mentor character. He could fix every problem in these movies if he wasn’t such a liberal about his powers :/
I’m so SICK of the silent and dangerous Asian assassin character archetype. Yes I KNOW it was 2003 so let’s take this as yet another reminder that we need to do better
Okay ik we’re not supposed to know that Mystique is his sister yet bc it’s only 2003 and First Class wont come out for another eight years but STILL yall really left him in there to die can you NOT
Also real question: was i supposed to be sad that Jean died?
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i-did · 3 years
hi hello i couldn't sleep last night so i was scrolling thru all ur asks and stuff and ur opinions and analyses are so interesting!!! and then afterwards i was thinking about what u were saying about mlm smut and i'd also been thinking about such things a little bit recently bc like.....at a certain point it becomes quite clear that the vast majority of smut-writing is just imitation. like there's the sex noise verb list and all and the whole general mechanics of the sex and those things just .... replicate over and over. and the whole thing w people writing mlm vs wlw smut regardless of their own sexual orientation..... like i feel like a big part of that is just a self-perpetuating thing. like if u have not had sex and u r getting all ur (pleasure-related) sex ed from fandom (even if u do watch porn, that doesn't rlly tell u how to describe stuff? idk) regardless of What fandom , the majority is going to be mlm smut. which is itself majority imitation of other mlm smut, imitating and imitating back to whoever knows what the first smut fanfic was etc. there's just way More to mimic than there is on the women side of things. which then becomes a self-perpetuating thing, bc the mimicry continues and generates more and more. and---if there are fundamental misunderstandings of anatomy involved---those self-perpetuate as well. and maybe even exaggerate. and yeah. does this all make sense? idk i was just thinking about it. like all the stereotypes and stuff continue bc writers are getting their inspo from other writers rather than their own brains. or something. idk!!!!! it's just all... divorced from reality? bc words. or something!! i hope u get what i'm trying to say. just thoughts i've been thinking. anyway i think ur thoughts are cool. and ur writing. ok bye have a good day!!
Okay yeah this is kinda messy but hope u see this, uhh yeah I think you're right about the echo chamber effect fr about stuff. I think it's a mix of projecting too sometimes. talk more under the cut and also link to a video essay since I love video essays.
Here’s a video that sort of touches on this topic: 
“Gay fanfiction” by Sarah Z. (has CC)
This video begins to talk about fetishization at the end, but also… not really. The words “gay fanfiction” is used as a catchall, when really gay fanfiction is largely mlm written by non-mlm.
Fandom is a largely women's space dominated by the female gaze in a media industry world that is dominated by men and the male gaze. I'm really glad women have this space to explore creativity and queerness, and I don't expect the female gaze to go away, but I am still ultimately bummed out I can’t read most fanfic or interact with most fandom spaces without having fetishization in my face. 
So about 80% of fandom is women, and most of those women aren't straight, but 90% of those women prefer mlm ships. Why don’t they prefer wlw ships? Well definitely part of it is the fact that queerbaiting is centered around white straight men, and then there is also the fact that women tend not to be written as well charcter wise. But the fact still remains that you get jerjean getting priority over Layla and Alvarez who are in canon just as much and are a canon wlw couple who actually interact as well as Alvarez could likely be a woc because of her Hispanic last name. Korasami doesn’t get nearly as much hype as zuko and saka, despite the fact that they are 2 fully dimensional characters who canonly kiss and hold hands, something the creators fought for and ended up having to sacrifice another reboot for. 
I do believe the fandom echo-chamber is largely responsible for… a lot of things, like you're saying. But what's interesting is that the complaints I've heard about visual porn from non mlm in the fandom space is that they can’t get off to it because its for the male gaze and misogynistic usually. But they also don't seem to notice how the mlm smut circles has the female gaze and is also… almost always mlm. If it was a pure anatomical not knowing thing, I get that, but I also think that leads to the question of “then why the male body for porn, and not your own? The one you know and are familiar with?” 
I know some people want to get outside of their own body for porn and don’t want to think of their own anatomy at all, but overall I'm still uncomfortable. If an anglo said “well I watch porn of only Mexicans so I don't self insert” I'm gonna be like … hhhh in a similar way. I understand people “like what they like” but I wish they also noticed said patterns in the first place. I understand the t4t tumblr porn circle, and how it's different from cis people who only watch trans porn. 
I actually wished that instead of fandom focusing on mlm ships where some asshole guy hits on bottom troupe charcter for top troupe character to save, was instead… a wlw character experiencing said shitty getting hit on and other wlw swooping in. what's interesting is fandom writes a lot about misogynistic experiences without often realizing it. Ive read fanfic where guys get called sluts for sleeping with people or called bitch for speaking their mind, these arent things men usually experience, but rather women. Fandom has a lot of internalized misogyny and also queerphobia imo. Women characters often get pushed to the sidelines and men become the canvas for female fans to project onto. 
There is this natural inclination to mlm. When people are talking about “gay shipping” or “gay books” or “gay feels” or even just “gay” mlm is what’s largely in mind. I honestly am kinda saddened by this because if gay fanfiction was really solely about writing more to feel represented, then you would see a lot of bi and ace and lesbian rep, but this isn't the case. Queer women are seriously underrepresented, and I want to hear their stories and read them in fanfiction as well as published. 50% of lgbt literature is mlm, and of that its largely written by women. Becky Albertalli, Rainbow Rowell, Maggie Stiefvater, are the YA big names and are all women writing mlm. Red white and royal blue is written by Casey McQuiston and Captive prince (which is not YA) is written by C. S. Pacat, who is non-binary, but is also TME and not mlm. These are all the big names in mlm lit, behind them is some gay men, but honestly their stories aren't preferred, they're not the right “flavor” for the consumers usually, who are largely women. In general YA consumers and authors are women, but I wish that they… just wrote about women too. I think there is a certain… snowball effect to the overrepresentation of mlm representing the whole LGBT community that leads to fetishization, as well as misogyny playing a factor in: less women characters being written well to write fanfic on, when they are written well they're taken less seriously or the audience struggles to relate to them, they're less marketable then men. 
Idk I never feel “seen” or “represented” by any of the books above, which don't address boyhood and manhood and queerness intersecting really, and AFTG doesn’t either. I relate to AFTG as a trauma victim who has experienced a lot of what many of the characters go through and have gone through in the EC as well as them just overall being very well written characters, but I don't relate to it as a mlm really. I've never seen like.. gay voice or being straight passing or femphobia or how boyhood can be affected from a young age by those around you sensing you're ‘other’ or if you didn't experience this you feel outside the mlm community. Let alone sub cultures like bear and leather and pup, at most you see the word “he's such a twink” in fandom which... i fr hate non mlm using that word because it's usually used to replace the f-slur essentially, used derogatorily or to call him “such a bottom” and stuff like that. It’s like a joke or an insult.
Long story short, idk mang this was a ramble and I think I'm coning down with something. I wanna see more queer women rep and women authors writing about being a queer woman too. I think it's a complex web of fetishization and a bit of forbidden love yaoi culture (or it used to be in the BOYXBOY days) as well as misogyny on an industry level, creator level, as well as reader/consumer and fandom level. I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to explore other peoples stories and what we read has to be segregated, “only mlm are allowed to read and write mlm, only wlw are allowed to read and write wlw,” but I also think author’s intent and audience and background is telling, as well as overall statistics. Like about an hour ago I was looking for cookbooks in spanish or in english, and I was looking for some mexican food cook books, but I had to look for them using words in spanish because otherwise what came up was a bunch of “fiesta party, easy as uno dos tres authentic cooking!” and I was like… hm. Since I could tell they were marketing to anglos. (also the author’s last names were like michelle smith, james cooper, and this could be for a variety of reasons, but I trust Hispanic names more tbh and deadass would look at the authors pictures and if they had other books in Spanish or what their specialties were.)
anyways. not sure how to end this. uhm if anyone has any book recs (my to read list is like 500 books tho no joke) preferably not YA white mlm written by a white lady, hopefully queer women written by queer woman, LMK, I need more wlw and queer women stories on my list. I have a decent amount but always looking for more. I kinda wanna link my goodreads or my storygraph but I also don't want to get doxxed and it has my legal name on it so.
Also, I'm dyslexic and using spell check but if there's like some wild typos my b.
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maos2013 · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Ok, I could’ve sworn I was tagged by @aleksandrachaev but now the notification has disappeared? Idk what the hellsite is up to by making me think I have notifications, but I’m going to do this anyway 😂 😂 . I haven’t looked too closely at my stats and everything in a while, so this will be fun! 
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
77. But please don’t ask about the number of WIPs I have  😅
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
208,442. Huh. I thought it would be more? Oh well!
3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Three. One random one shot for each ER and T100. The rest are all AoS!
Actually, wait. Since Kat says (and I agree whole heartedly!) that Black Widow is it’s own fandom, then make that 4! I wrote a one shot of an alternate end credit scene for that movie!
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos? (I’m not including the ones I have cowritten)
Everything’s Changing 372 Kudos-  Talk about a wild idea I had watching a movie from the 90s. Anywayyyy. Philinda and Philindaisy moments. Lots of fluff. (which if you know me, you know I do more angst these days.  😂)
We’ve Come a Long Way from Where We Began 265 kudos - Aww! The first thing I ever wrote! Lots of May and Daisy moments and they work t reunite their team. (But also I now refuse to read this because I can see how much my writing has improved since then, and now I get mad at previous me 😂)
A Bad *Axe* Birthday 177 Kudos- May gives Daisy an axe for her birthday, and teaches her to throw it. Because to quote Rosa Diaz from B99 “What kind of woman doesn’t have an axe?”
I Took You for Granted 150 Kudos- TBH, I’m surprised this one was this high? It’s not one of the better things I’ve written tbh. But it’s May and Daisy, in season 7, and God knows they needed more scenes together, so maybe that’s why this one is on the list.
What Did We Do To Deserve This 137 Kudos- Oooooooh. *sigh* Early season 5 Philinda feels for when I still had hope for my OTP.
5. do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Ummmm YES! You kind person took the time to leave me a comment! I will let you know my appreciation for that! No comment is too big or too small! You can literally comment a <3 and I will respond because you made my day! That said, I usually respond like once a month to all the comments that have been building up in my inbox
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
*cackles* Ummmm. I have several, but I think the angstiest would be The Unimaginable. Poor May just lost everyone in this fic. 
OR! the pieces of my heart are missing you because I just kill all of my favorites.
OR! the moon and the stars are nothing without you because Philindaaaa feeeeels
I’m Lost Without Her  and Stay Alive, That Would Be Enough are runners up!
7. do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope. Not creative enough for that  😂 😂
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think so? Only hate for making people feel too many feels  😂 😂 😂
But to the person who once commented “Bestie I hate to break it to you but this ^ is not therapy” on one of my angst fics, please know that even though I don’t know who you are, I love you and think about this comment everyday.
9. do you write smut? if so what kind?
Yes, but not lately. And it usually has feelings involved. No plots usually, but feelings yes.
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I doubt I am even known enough for someone to bother  😂
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be awesome!
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! Lean On Me with @shadowcass! Set during season 7 of AoS- Instead of MaYo going to Afterlife, it’s May & Daisy!
13. what’s your all time favorite ship?
Philindaaaaaaa. I have way too many feels about those two. 
14. what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Anything that’s in my old laptop. I got a new computer about 6 months ago, and any of my WIPs that somehow didn’t transfer over will probably never be finished. 😔
15. what are your writing strengths?
Angst! Also fluff (if I’m in the right mood). Sometimes humor! (again, depends on the mood.)
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
Feels I think? Sometimes I just write and then I go back to read it later and the dialogue in the feels particularly cringey. Also, I have a habit of using my southern slang in random places if I’m writing while tired, so I try to double check that.  😂
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Personally, I’ve only done it a couple of times, and for very short sentences or phrases because I don’t want to accidentally say something wrong and make a mess of things! I sadly only speak English with a few words of Spanish and Italian thrown in for funsies. Still waiting on a fic where I can randomly throw in a word or two in Italian.
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Agents of Shield I believe! Unless you count the poorly written story I practically copied from an episode of Desperate Housewives that I was probably way too young to be watching. I wrote with gel pen on some loose leaf paper and then put into a pronged folder. I was maybe... 12? Mayyyyybe 13?
19. what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It’s like choosing my favorite child! (Not that I have children, but I do have 4 pets and I can easily tell you who my favorite pet is. 😂)
Hands down, I think my favorite has to be It’s Only a Matter of Time. I wrote a spec fic before the AoS finale where the team splits up across time, and I sobbed so hard while writing it!
Also I really really like The Unimaginable listed above with the angsty ending!
I’m tagging @tessathetesla @samanthaswishes @herosofmarvelanddc @brutashaphilindaandsylkieohmy if you guys want to do this!
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halflingkima · 3 years
about me meme
Thank you @flitwickslittlebrotha for tagging me! sorry it took a bit, got a little buried in my drafts lol.
what color are your eyes? blue
what little thing instantly tells you that a person is good? oh i have no clue. i suppose the first thing i evaluate is their sense of humor? like obviously that doesn’t immediately pick out the good apples, but it can sift through some bad ones, like if their “humor” is just bullying.
do you have a recurring dream? not coherently recurring, but i have a lotta recurring anxiety dreams, like being late, being naked, being visually different/deformed/disguised, being chased.... i should analyze these but I Do Not Want To
how often do you find yourself daydreaming? not a lot, really? I feel like at somepoint in the last few years, my imagination switched off. I’ve been throwing myself back into others’ stories to sort of repair those brain pathways.
name/nickname? any variation on Madeline works, tbh you’ll catch my attention w “Ma–” so. Most commonly used is Maddy, but I have been trying to get a surname nickname going lol
zodiac? aries 😎
languages? I can only functionally use English :(( (I know some rudimentary vocab in Spanish, German, and Gaeilge, and I did study ancient latin for five years 😅)
favorite season? winter in theory (for the holidays and meals and stuff), but spring if i have to be out in it, bc spring is more like our autumn, where it’s nicely chilly and often overcast (i sunburn very easily)
favorite color? green ☘️
favorite animals? rabbits, i suppose
favorite character? My go-to is Ginny Weasley and I’ve yet to update that, though I should. James Flint is quite a banger of a character, and I adore Ted Lasso, but I’d rly like to pick out a woman lol
tea, coffee, or hot chocolate? coffee
average hours of sleep? I... genuinely don’t know. the house i’ve lived in for the majority of my life gets absolutely ZERO natural light so my circadian rhythm has always been haywire. In college I started waking up naturally for the first time in my LIFE and that was about six-eight hours depending on how much I’d worn myself out lol.
cat or dog? dog, i guess
number of blankets slept with? usually just one fluffy one, but 3 max
place ancestors are from? Ireland, Scotland, Chickasaw, and I think Germany are ones we actually track generations back to, but I think we’re also English and French? and tbf i only know my mom’s side of the family lol
dream trip? Ireland, always. I’d love to travel elsewhere, but that’s always the top of the list.
blog established? 2010 apparently. whew.
random fact about yourself? I learned to spell my middle name in preschool (bc I so quickly had my first and last name down) but then forgot how to spell it bc you never rly use ur middle name and then re-taught myself by sounding it out around second/third grade lol
three ships? I’ve been strangely quite into Ted/Trent (Ted Lasso) lately. Before that Fjord/Jester was/is pretty prevalent, and my glee-watch club has revived my Rachel/Jesse(+Quinn) interest lol. I’ve been into a lotta shortform stuff lately, so not a lotta lasting/perma ships
last song? Eden by Battle Beast
last movie? hehe The Kissing Booth 3
currently reading? Peaces by Helen Oyeyemi
currently watching? uhh I suppose I’m technically in the middle of Dynasty (s9), Haikyuu (s4), and Glee (s3)
currently craving? idk like... a really good sandwich
I’ll tag @waitingforarthur @waynedrake @jozukejoestar & @kmaksimovich
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Tomas was very whiny. I can understand how you could like him and why you’d want him and Violetta to be endgame, but tbh he was just. Always whiny and blamed everyone else. I lost all respect for him as an 11yo when I first watched the episode where he was like ”The kiss you gave Leon was my kiss. I can’t get over it”
Lara was NICE. She was SUPPORTIVE and WANTED THE BEST for Leon. She didn’t even dislike Violetta. Sure, she could make some comments towards her, but nothing was mean spirited. I don’t know why she just disappeard
Same for Braco, Napo and Luca. I absolutely support Tomas going back to Spain (lol) but the rest?? Where are you, come back!
I think Jade and Matias were just uneccessary after the first season. I feel like they were only there for comic relief, but tbh they just take up scenes I feel like other characters can get. Like BRACO AND NAPO AND LUCA.
It would have been pretty fun in my opinion if Esmeralda were out for stealing German’s money herself, without having Jade and Matias there. Like, her seeming like the perfect woman, and then as we go by, we realise something is not right, and we find out before the wedding exactly what has happened
I don’t mind the english dub, but it fucking sucks in season 1, sorry not sorry, and I think that is a reason Violetta never got as popular in english speaking countries. Plus, Violetta’s english singing voice is weird in season 1. But in season 2 her english singing voice got a complete GLOWUP, so I like that. But also, the english dub sometimes don’t translate correctly. They changed funny lines as ”Oh, a mexican” and ”What is up with this girl and astronomy?” to ”Oh, they’re arguing!” and ”I wish I learned astronomy in kindergarden”. Why??
I understand that, in season 2 when the characters were gonna sing in another language, the english dub had to come up with a new language. The only problem is that I personally don’t understand french at all and I didn’t know Camila was pronouncing everything wrong. I sort of wish the swedish dub (that I grew up with) had the original spanish songs, because we got the english dubbed songs, and swedish kids know english better than french, so I think we would understand if Camila pronounced english wrong
I did not care for Clement and Gery at all and I sometimes forget they exist
Sometimes I think Angie would’ve been happier if she ended up with Pablo
The last 10 episodes of season 2 >>>>> all other episodes
The end of ep75 of s2 always makes me emotional. Just... Violetta crying on stage, not being able to sing, LEON SAVES HER. Leonetta may not be the most stable couple but THAT IS LOVE
And also ep76-80 in season 2, where everyone is so bummed out and sad. I feel for them and I get so happy every time when they DO finish the song, Vilu DOES get her father back, everything is GOOD again.
The Roxy and Fausta storyline was always weird to me, it felt a bit ooc. But it was at the same time kind of funny. I think what I would do if I rewrote it is to still make them dress up as them, but not to spy on Leon. They... just dress up for another reason. Maybe to sneak into the kareoke bar because they weren’t allowed there anymore or something
Honestly season 3 is just in general a little off to me. Nothing is really the same. Maybe it’s this... less colorful filter it has on it? Idk it feels like s3 has this lighter shade on it. Maybe to reflect that the characters are older now. Or smth
I also feel like some characters in season 3 just changed personality. Violetta is much more stubborn and short tempered than before. They try really hard to show that DIEGO HAS CHANGED, HE IS NICE NOW. Which, yeah, I get it, but it’s just a little funny seeing him be a manipulative stalker and now he’s sweet Diego on guitar
I tbh never cared about Francesca’s love life. Everyone was like ”OMG DIECESCA IS MY OTP” and I’ve been like ”??? Fran hated him last season what?”. I’m not hating on Diecesca, they are a lovely couple, but I just never really... cared? I didn’t care about Marco much either. They were sweet? Then he couldn’t stop sending flowers and I’m like ”dude calm down”. And Fran’s relationship with Tomas wasn’t very good. The only relationships with Fran I cared about was her friendships and her relationship with her brother
Priscila is SUCH a psychopath and the second she showed her true sides I wanted to hug Ludmila. Please I hope Ludmila seeks therapy. Poor girl.
Season 3 felt like a fanfiction but the biggest fanfiction in this universe is Tini the movie. We don’t talk about that. What WAS that. I’m so confused. If they wanted to make a Violetta movie they could make a ”reunion” movie or smth, not WHATEVER THAT WAS. Though the visuals and angles are pretty nice.
Llamame with the cowboy hats are the funniest thing I have seen in my life and it felt so off from all the other songs, but ESPECIALLY the version with cowboy hats really gets me cackling
They wasted potential to have LGBTQ+ characters. I get it, it’s Disney, it’s a kids show, it was made in 2012. But I still just feel like... the POTENTIAL. There’s so many characters that gives off queer vibes and I- I don’t know. I feel like the majority is bisexual and then some of them are fully gay/lesbian and the rest are either straight or homophobic
I have since the ripe old age of 11 been a Leonetta shipper, and I still have a very soft spot for them. But recently I have been like ”Francesca and Violetta? Would make a good pair. Germán would approve, Francesca’s not a boy”.
I’m glad Maxi and Cami didn’t end up together, but I also wish they explored that storyline a bit more. Because they kind of just ended it, but then it was still a thing with Marco being mad at Francesca after she didn’t want to tell him Camila kissed Maxi, but then they just... dropped it. Never discussed it ever again. I feel like it just ended on a weird note.
Maxi and Naty are super cute, I love every time Maxi has to turn his cap backwards to kiss her. But Naty also gives off huge lesbian vibes, so now i’m conflicted
I think Gery’s half shaved eyebrow is ugly and now you know
Leon is very chaotic and I think we don’t appreciate him for that. Like, searching his girlfriend up on his motorcross to tell her ”let’s skip school and go and almost kiss at a secret spot in a public park”, calls girlfriend’s overprotective father ”future father in law” before running away, that whole ”LoVe Is LIKe a tHuNDEr” scene-
Diego had more chemisty with Leon than with anyone else in s2
I don’t remember Milton at all and I forgot he was a teacher. What did he do? Like... he yelled at students and that’s all I recall. Then he disappeared? What???
I have lots more but now I can’t come up with more
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stressedjuice · 3 years
Tagged by @ecouter-bien thank you! ☺️
nicknames: my name isn’t the...best for having nicknames, but my college roomie called me juice which i loved
zodiac: just can’t help being a sagittarius
height: 5′3″
last movie: i watched the karate kid last night but in terms of like. movie i hadn’t seen before i think the last one i watched was uhhh the pelican brief? maybe?
last thing i googled: they had us in the first half meme
fave musicians: the killers, bleachers, chvrches, haim
song stuck in my head: keep you on my side by chvrches
other blogs: 🌝
blogs following: 262
amount of sleep: sigh lately only about 6 hours, maybe 7, and usually if i sleep more i’ll still wake up in the middle of the night and lose like an hour or so :/
lucky number: idk if it’s necessarily lucky but my fave number is 8
what im wearing: comfy shorts and a t-shirt
dream job: i dream of not having to work tbh. (kept this answer bc honestly yeah mood)
dream trip: if money and time were no option: start with a grand tour of italy with my bestie @shinybrandon, then maybe go to austria and switzerland, make our way to the netherlands, and maybe finish up in france, spain, and portugal
play an instrument: i play piano, though i don’t have much time to play anymore and am rusty af
fave food: is it too bougie of me to say salmon? also i’m a slut for pasta
languages: english, basic spanish but i am also super rusty now
fave songs: runaways by the killers, don’t stop believin’ by journey (bc i’m cheesy af), like a river runs by bleachers....too many to name
random fact about me: i’ve never broken a bone
describe yourself using aesthetic things: the crackle of a bonfire on a late summer night, the smell of old books, color-coordinated notes, and bulletin boards full of sticky notes, ticket stubs, and photobooth pictures
i’ll tag @longtimelie @overwhelmedyeteagereyed @myownsoulswarning and @justlikeadagger if y’all want! 💚
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smallblueandloud · 3 years
some leverage: redemption reactions
i finished leverage redemption today! and i don't have anyone to talk to about it so, here we have my reactions for all eight episodes, both positive and negative. please feel free to reblog/comment -- discussions are what i'm here for! (under a cut because spoilers and also this ended up being 2k. whoops!)
EPISODE 1: the too many rembrandts job
the "aww, this guy is trying to pull his first heist! how cute" job
what they chose to do with nate was... interesting. it might just be that i read too many of those cracky "here's how they should explain nate's absence" posts, but i was expecting something funny. the grief permeating this episode -- it makes SENSE, but it was still weird. leverage doesn't usually have sadness like this. pain, yes, rage, certainly, but sadness? not usually
the way sophie immediately spots the signs of a con and slips into a character? phenomenal. i'm here for EXPERTS BEING EXPERTS and this show does NOT disappoint
harry wilson is a really solid character! most impressively, he's not flynn, which is impressive enough that i'm making a whole bullet point about it. i was worried that noah wyle was kinda a one-trick pony, but it appears not! good for him tbh
i'm LIVING for the ot3 moments in this episode. "what happened?" "we happened" YESSSSS!!! i wish we'd had more domesticity, but i know they did what they could
"he gets it from his father" FUCK!!!!!
the discussion about redemption in this episode is FANTASTIC but personally i am still delirious with excitement about "my nana leads a multi-denominational household" so expect those thoughts in 3-5 business days
EPISODE 2: the panamanian monkey job
the "flash electropop concert" job
BREANNA INTRODUCTION! i love her so MUCH, y'all. we only got to see her dynamic with hardison in this one episode, but man, it manages to be one of her best dynamics anyway. i just! i love her! i love the way the team works with her!
"in our field, you're one of the best. but there, you're the only one." god we have ELIOT/HARDISON rights and i am NOT OKAY. just!! them!!!!!! being supportive!!!!!! they have learned how to be sweet with each other! they work together so much better (in part because we're seeing them from harry's outsider pov instead of nate's insider pov, but STILL)
midway through this episode, i thought "huh, leverage always focuses on specific people, when really the problem is systematic, and pretending it's anything different is just an excuse to not fight for change". and then at the end harry talks about how the system itself is broken! i love knowing that john rogers and i were reading the same tweets last summer. it's a good feeling to trust the people making a piece of media
who let noah wyle speak spanish. whoever it was, they need to rescind their permission
god, the parker/hardison in this episode. THE PARKER/HARDISON IN THIS EPISODE! they KILL me friends they KILL ME!
also just like, hardison in this episode in general. he made a star trek reference! he made a doctor who reference! he decides there are other people who need him more! the way they wrote around gina bellman's maternity leave in s2 was good but this was phenomenal.
also i'm here for ot3 crumbs so "is this like the time when eliot wanted us to say no" is going on my ot3-is-canon conspiracy board
this is a tiny detail but eliot taking out the drone with a goddamn ORANGE was so good. he's so good at his job!! they're all so good at their jobs!! i know i literally just talked about this but AAA
EPISODE 3: the rollin' on the river job
the "sometimes you just want to rob a vault wearing a floofy dress, and that's valid" job
i did... not. like. how the villain in this one was an immigrant whose exploitable weakness was a "desperation" to be included in the upper crust. and the fact that they beat him with a literal southern belle who explicitly beats him BECAUSE her family has been in the area for "hundreds of years"? it just feels Iffy.
also iffy about this episode was breanna's characterization. it felt inconsistent. she feels inconsistent across the whole season, but this episode in particular... she tells harry she's only with the team because she's desperate, that she doesn't believe in hope, and then at the end of the episode she tells parker she wants to be there to change the world. and like, even in the first place, she's not here out of desperation! SHE asked to join the team! like, i can see how it all kinda fits together, but it just feels... inconsistent. idk. i think these scripts all could've benefited from an extra round or two of editing.
anyway! i loved the way they tied hardison into these episodes, even though aldis hodge couldn't be there. he has binders! breanna doesn't want to read them! parker did! he put in big letters, "when in doubt, trust the person in the van". i'm just so !!! about how much i love him and how much he loves his team and how much his team loves him. FOUND FAMILY, BABY!
all inconsistencies in breanna's characterization aside, i really liked her speech at the end. i know how she feels! it's really nice to have someone on the team who's from -- not my world, really, but a lot closer than any of the others. it's a nice feeling! i love her a lot. i hope her writing gets more consistent
lol, parker ate eliot's carrot cake. i love the parker/eliot rights we get in this show, they're so domestic and it's wonderful.
EPISODE 4: the tower job
the "hardison made his partners learn klingon" job
watching this episode was what made me go "they're not going to make us sit through a harry/sophie romance... right? right?"
i'm still not sure they're gonna let us avoid it but it COULD work so... i've decided to just not worry about it for now
i liked the number of ways the con goes wrong! it was fun to watch them work on the fly like that. i think them not having a dedicated Mastermind(tm) is a good watsonian explanation for their plans being pretty haphazard in general, but it's good, they think well on their feet
nate was a chessmaster. he had the whole situation in his mind from the beginning, accounting for every possible outcome. parker and sophie are much more adaptive, and it's cool to see. they can rely on their respective skillsets a lot more than nate could
a really solid episode! probably one of the strongest ones in the season. i liked it a lot.
(ALSO as mentioned above the klingon lines were fantastic and not just because they were a star trek reference -- every time eliot and parker both mentioned hardison, together, it added a year to my lifespan)
EPISODE 5: the paranormal hacktivity job
the "sophie was worryingly prepared to fake her death" job
i know why they characterized the client as a skeptic, i really do, and i loved the format of this episode, but also. But Also. she should've been a love interest for breanna and I'm Right.
having a girl's episode was the CORRECT choice. they do crimes in their free time! they fleece newbie, cruel criminals! it's so good!
it would've been cool to have eliot around for the assassin guy, but it was also cool to see the others take him out without having eliot to rely on. it's like getting to see how they'd take out eliot, if they were ever on opposing sides.
breanna bristling about letting the criminal into the theater's electric system was so good god i love her so much. she knows hardware! i bet she likes to work with her hands. i bet she stims. i bet she has adhd
actually, sidenote, but i LOVE these headquarters. they look so nice! the stage is so nice! i loved having an episode set in and around it, it was such a good choice.
EPISODE 6: the card game job
GOD, what a good way to reveal it. it's fully about her! i love queer romances, of course i do, but i don't think i've ever seen a character come out without a romance being their reason for doing so (however indirectly). i still think she should've gotten a date with the client from 1x05, but i really liked this too.
this episode just felt like a love letter to fandom, and i love that. i love how much it shone through. i'm used to writers specifically going out of their way to make fun of fans and laugh at them, so it was just. really nice to have someone stand up and go, no, this is important for a reason! people love this for a reason! it MEANS something!
very fun to watch eliot swordfight. very fun to watch sophie recite a sonnet in her classic fashion. very fun to watch parker work at being a good mentor. breanna was so excited about the card game! they're all so good!
oh, and i guess harry's here too.
EPISODE 7: the double-edged sword job
the "harry is addicted to mobile games, which is a mood" job
hot take alert! i think this is the weakest episode of the season by a LOT. it needed so much more editing. it felt so disjointed, so all over the place. the plot was haphazard but in a muffled way, where you had no idea why they were doing what they were doing. the climax was sudden and didn't make any sense. it was just weird.
i'm not the person to comment on this but it feels kind of lazy to cast an east asian guy to play a socially-awkward tech genius. just a thought.
oh, of course jonathan frakes directed this episode. sometimes his stuff is really good but other times (ahem, ds9 3x02) it's disjointed and all over the place. i'm not even surprised it was him.
idk if i have anything else to say about this. oh! some of the team moments were great -- mostly involving eliot. i loved the moment of him recognizing the headshot, i LOVED the ten seconds of everyone teasing him. he and parker talked about the wellbeing of their friend, the woman whose ex tracked her down!
separate bulletpoint to say how much i LOVED his conversation with breanna outside the house. he's so good at reassuring! he could go deeper there, talking about being better than your worst day, but he knew when not to push! it was so good.
"first off, this guy can't TOUCH hardison" deserves its own bulletpoint because like. y'all. Y'ALL.
EPISODE 8: the mastermind job
the "eliot is more than just a pretty face" job
oh man this post is so much longer than i thought it would be. okay just one more episode and then i'm done.
the callbacks to original leverage were SO well done and made me feel emotions without feeling overbearing.
i didn't like the central premise -- that nate would share so many details with a random insurance agent -- in the first place, but i did like how it allowed them to bring back nate without actually hiring timerty mcasshole.
i liked eliot's insistence that he's more than just the muscle! he is, and it's really good to know, textually, that the writers do too!
me, watching the resolution of the episode: ah, yeah, insurance fraud. a classic!
harry bonding with his guard had "they don't even have dental!" energy and i am SUCH a fan. i know it was all for the con but also give me harry, unable to stop advising people, even when they're actively holding him hostage
parker! on the phone with hardison!!!! ADORABLE
is it just me or was someone else expecting the accountant's name to be something significant? with the way they led up to it, i was waiting for a "sterling" or something else. my sensors were pinging for another tara reveal. i'm still convinced we're gonna get this guy dramatically revealed in the season finale.
a really nice episode! i had a lot of fun with it. and now i want to rewatch the rashamon job, but tbh i ALWAYS want to rewatch the rashamon job.
and that's a wrap! overall, a fun season, i enjoyed it a lot. not as solid as original leverage, but it's the very beginning, and it was put together during a global pandemic, so i'm cutting them some slack. also levar burton is gonna show up at some point. that's a big reason of why i'm cutting them so much slack.
my personal ranking of the episodes is 1x04, 1x06, 1x08, 1x01, 1x02, 1x03, and finally last (and least), 1x07.
what did you guys think of the new season? what was your favorite episode? do you agree with any of my opinions? disagree with any? let me know, please, i'd love to discuss!
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vro0m · 3 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 5/288
2007 Monaco GP.
(As a disclaimer those are just my thoughts throughout the race. Don’t expect anything. But I make GIFs !)
My God this build up starts with basically a fancam of Lewis also sexualised women and casino stuff. Embarrassing.
A guy named Steve Rider is talking to the camera on a boat flying a Swedish flag ?
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Anywyy. It’s Alonso pole, Lewis P2. Apparently the fight for the pole was really tight. Raikkonen crashed in quali. We see Gordon Ramsey and Jude Law (not together obviously).
Now an other journalist is talking to Coulthard while they’re sitting on motorcycles ? I’m confused.
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Oh they’re going around on a ride. OK sure. Whatever.
Images of a red carpet and movie stars but like. From another day/night at some movie premiere or something? Confused. A fashion show now? Wtf is going on during this build up.
Ah here’s Lewis ! He talks about the practice sessions and qualifying. He says : “I’ve kissed the barriers a couple times. I’ve French kissed the barriers on Thursday.” He chuckles.
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Here’s the grid :
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And they’re racing !
What a start ! Lewis tucked behind Alonso right away to keep Massa at bay.
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Oh wait what do you mean 78 laps ?! 😩 Also how many DNFs this time ?
Ah here we go, the first one to hit the barriers is Liuzzi, just one lap in. Yellow flags. Alonso slows down way more than necessary, Lewis is right behind him. But a couple of laps later he’s pulling away again. Raikkonen is far away in 12th.
Lap 10, Alonso is already 4 seconds ahead. Webber is retiring ? 4th time in a row apparently.
20 laps in, Lewis is picking up the pace but Alonso is 7 seconds ahead. (You can tell this race is boring by the fact that my commentary is jumping 10 laps at a time.) He’s now stuck in traffic for 3 seconds, and Alonso is accelerating too.
Lap 25 : Alonso pits, Lewis has gained 3 seconds on him. He’s leading but how much fuel does he have left to create a gap before pitting? Massa in 3rd has also already pitted. Lewis is fastest lap again and again.
Lap 28 : he pits. He told the team to take pressure out of the back tyres cause he think he can go faster (?). Alonso has 4.8 seconds on him.
Lap 40 : nothing is happening ? Idk i’ve stopped paying attention tbh. At the time I’m watching this the 2021 FIA Gala is happening and it’s a mess and the posts on tumblr are more interesting than this race. Alonso is 7.5 seconds clear of Lewis anyway. It’s bound not to get much more interesting than that. And we’re only halfway through. Alonso and Lewis are just playing who can go fastest by themselves ahead of everybody else and Alonso is winning.
Kovalainen has a puncture.
You can definitely tell the difference that experience made on Lewis’ driving though because in 2007 the talent is undeniably here but he’s doing one good lap then one not so much etc. When you think of how consistent he is now, it’s such a contrast.
Alonso has pitted so Lewis is leading again on lap 51 but he’s slipping around because his tyres are in bad shape so he pits and Alonso’s back P1.
Someone else DNF’d ? Idk. We’ve seen a car behind pushed behind the barriers. They also pitted a third time while I wasn’t watching maybe ?
Lap 65 : Lewis is struggling more and more, the car is all over the place. Oh wait Lewis is not so far behind Alonso again ? I guess they did pit. The gap is just 2 seconds. My God I’m bored. Alonso is still way too fast for Lewis. The experience is talking. Lewis is bound to sound frustrated in the interviews.
5 laps left. The driver in fourth (don’t know who it is) is lapped by the McLarens which tells you just how fast they are that weekend.
And it’s the end of the race. 1-2 for McLaren.
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Prince Albert is handing the trophies right away. Lewis is smiling but you can tell he’s disappointed.
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Ah now let’s see if the Spanish anthem is as long as the Brazilian one... 1mn30. Long but not as long as the Brazilian. Oh they’re playing a second anthem ? I have no idea what it is ? Monaco’s maybe ?
So Alonso and Lewis are tied in the WDC standings but Alonso is leading because he won 2 races and Lewis none.
Anthony is interviewed. It was very close, great start. They agree that McLaren had to make sur they had the 1-2 and it was not worth pushing Lewis behind Alonso with the risk of one of them crashing or something. He says Lewis won’t be frustrated but quite happy (but we all know it’s a lie). He says it would have been tough overtaking Alonso who drove brilliantly and you have to give credit where it’s due.
Istg the whole broadcast is only about Lewis.
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Lewis says : “Yeah I hit the barriers plenty of times in the race. It was fortunate I had a solid car, the team did a great job as usual.”
My boy. Stop running into walls maybe ?
He says he had to yell in the radio to have the traffic blue flagged. He tried to push Alonso to make a mistake but he’s two-time WC and he doesn’t make mistakes and he’s done a great job.
It’s kind of funny to hear knowing what happens the next 15 years.
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spacecadet-sims · 3 years
Thank you to @natolesims for tagging me ily imy
Nickname: Bee, Kitten (husband)
Zodiac sign: Capricorn sun, Leo moon, Scorpio rising. I don’t follow astrology tho so don’t ask me what any of that means.
Height: 5′1″
Last movie: Double Double Toil and Trouble (it’s on Hulu for anyone else that wants to watch)
Last thing that I googled: I googled what ages are for what generations. Found out my MIL is a boomer which makes sense.
Favorite musician/artist/s: Top 5 in no particular order: Weezer, MCR, Lil Nas X, No Doubt, P!ATD
Current song that is stuck in your head: Eat Spit - Slush Puppy
Other blogs: N/A
Lucky number: N/A
Currently wearing: Pajama shorts, royal blue Daisy Mae Stalk Market shirt from Hot Topic
Dream job: Tbh idk anymore. Homesteader? Artist? Ceramicist? Tattoo artist?
Dream trip: I’ve wanted to go to Japan since I was little. I want to do touristy things, but also learn about cultural things and visit shrines and things like that.
Languages: English. I used to know quite a bit of ASL, but I haven’t used it in years, so I only remember a little bit. I can understand a minuscule amount of Spanish and Italian, but nothing that can really form a conversation.
Oceanside or the Mountains?: Oceanside
Do you play any instruments?: No, but I always wished I did. I would like to learn the Kalimba, though.
Current favorite song: I Wanna Be Your Slave - Maneskin
One random fact about yourself: I can write with both hands at the same time (mirrored). It’s more of a party trick than anything else.
Describe yourself as an aesthetic: Crunchy/comfy but a wannabe goth/cottage core/academia.
I'll tag (no pressure!) It took me forever to do this, so I won’t tag anyone, but if anyone wants to do this, feel free! :)
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