#tcf prompts
vodkassassin · 2 years
Someone has decided to try to enact an old marriage contract maybe. Rosalyn and Cale going to make that person regret everything. In fairness, the marriage contract could be for either of them. Have fun~
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I serve you, both ;)
Cale crosses his arms, a soft frown coming over his face.
Seeing that expression on his son, Deruth sinks down in his chair a little bit and curses the Deruth of the past for having such horrible ideas. He doesn’t speak a single word, and only stares back at Cale guiltily.
The silence of the room rings out quite loudly, making everyone within it stiff and uncomfortable. The two kittens that weave around Cale’s feet don’t even dare to meow. They simply rub their heads against his legs and keep quiet.
Deruth sits underneath the disappointed red-brown stare for more than a minute, and finally cracks.
“Cale, I—“
“There is no way out of it?” Cale interrupts.
One would think he’d been waiting for Deruth to speak just to do so, if it wasn’t for the way that the young man’s frown of displeasure has turned so thoughtful.
“Erm,” Deruth coughs. “I mean — That is to say…. Well, no.”
“Hm.” Cale responds.
He doesn’t say anything else.
Deruth squirms in his desk chair, horribly guilty.
“Cale,” he says quietly. “I’m sorry. If I’d known that — Um, well… if I’d know before that….”
If I’d known before that you would become a highly renown and successful public figure, I wouldn’t have planned such a thing for you , is what Deruth can’t manage to say.
“I understand.” Cale soothes his father, looking completely unruffled.
Well, a bit miffed perhaps. Public appearances that aren’t simply a step of a larger, practical plan of war are not to Cale’s taste. Surprisingly, he’s a very private person who doesn’t care for the fame he’s garnered. It’s not something that anyone who had known him before would have guessed.
But, then again, if Deruth should be honest with himself, that would depend on whether any of them had actually known his son, and not just the front Cale had put up for them for most of his life.
Father or not, Deruth can’t say he had. It’s one of his many, many failures that he wishes to rectify.
This current issue, having come from Deruth’s own actions, is not working toward that goal at all. In fact, it may actively be battling against his reconciliation with his son.
__read the rest here on Ao3 (word count: 2090)
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calethescammer · 10 months
One of my favourite brain rotting tcf ideas is Cale having some tremor disorder. Basically, he has hands that randomly tremble without any reason.
It may be genetic to him, or he developed it as Cale because of not eating his meals properly and inevitably developing some vitamin deficiency.
Now comes the best part.
Imagine Cale, perhaps in some really gruesome battle, with blood of enemies and allies mixed around him. Imagine his family seeing Cale's stoic face, wondering how a person so young can be so brave, and then they see his hands shaking under his raven coat, even as they're curled tightly into a fist.
Imagine Cale looking at Jour's portrait, admiring her beauty and her alike face with his own. But then his family sees him, his gaze fixated on his mother's image and his hands trembling slightly.
Imagine him, standing at the forefront of some battle with his shields raised, with his hands trembling uncontrollably, even though he is not straining himself. The people protected under him can only tear up at his selflessness.
Imagine Cale after attacking the enemies with a wave of firebolts, but his hands again started shaking badly, even if he has them covered under his sleeves. His family misunderstands that as Cale hiding his pain.
Imagine Cale, resting on a couch after some battle, and when Raon, On and Hong excitedly climb upon his lap, he only smiles slightly and pats them with his trembling hands. The kids then worriedly inform Ron of this and Cale recieves sweet lemon tea for a whole week.
Imagine Cale talking about territory matters with Alberu, and Alberu is once again amazed by his dongsaeng's witty and almost experienced approaches to problems like war. But then he sees Cale's hands shaking while holding the tea cup, and he realises how absolutely not normal it is to not be nervous in such a situation. (Alberu later pledges to himself to give Cale the slacker life he always wished for.)
Just imagine Cale in any situation with trembling hands and it literally creates the most hilarious misunderstandings with some really wonderful angst.
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caleism-1 · 2 months
Ok. Here me out.
I need an au where no one has heard them talk before until now. Like, people probably assumed they were mute because of this and were shocked when they randomly say something while… I don’t know.. The fam was having an argument or can’t decide on something. They don’t even say a lot too-
(Kinda like this)
“He can talk!?”
Tcf ver
After his hyungs died krs spoke less and less until he just didn’t. He still lead great though (signals, arm movements, power points kinda, notes, actions, etc). It’s just, by the time the switch happened, it didn’t seem weird for him to not speak.
Speaking of which (pun kinda not intended).
After Jour’s funeral, Cale had also started speaking less. BUT DON’T THINK THATS GONNA STOP HIM!! He has a pretty mean glare-
By the time he was around 11 - 12 he stopped (a slow process like Roksu).
You know that noble meeting that explained why he had a black set? I can just imagine him darkly smirking.
The first time someone would here him speak would probably be the touching moment Choi han and Cale had to boost morale (hug <3)
(But before that, Cale would probably whisper in someone’s ear and they would probably think that person is crazy if they try to tell someone else. lol. This doesn’t have to happen)
DP x DC ver
Everyone was there. The whole fam was there. A pretty big argument was happening. Probably Batman and Jason.
Danny walks in drinking a smoothie, says something, and walks out.
And everyone was like “???!!”
Because Danny-
Has been there for at least 11 months almost a year.
Danny who has never spoken all this time just-
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neoreader0805 · 5 months
A prompt that has gotten a bit out of hand:
Cale visited Emperor Alver and found out that he had been overworking himself too much, he was sick. He forced Emperor Alver to bedrest and took over all of his royal duties so Alver could rest peacefully without worrying for the kingdom. (Alver was reluctant because of possibly disturbing Cale's recently achieved slacker life, but could only trust his dongsaeng for the well-being of the empire and their citizens). And so comes for the week of Cale majestically performing all of the emperor's duties so strictly and efficiently to the wonder and admiration of the emperor's vassals and advisers. The nobles who thought they could take advantage of this 'weakness' were given their asses right in the face because of Cale's beautifully disguised but ruthless real talk, the previous queen and the other princes didn't even have the chance. Even in the midst of all this, Cale still has the time to visit Alver and care for him after a long day, which stirs the servants into fruity storytelling of the sweetness and intimacy of the sworn brothers, rolled up into an avalanche as a rumor and a general opinion shared by the two continents that there is no one more suited to be the Rowoon Empress but Cale Henituse himself. Cale oblivious to the rumors, thought that the servants, vassals, nobles, and everyone else giving him congratulations, random encouragements, and strange looks were being weird due to the absence of their beloved Emperor.
- add a scene where Alver went to a meeting with the other leaders of allied countries and tribes because he thought to reduce Cale's work, thinking that he was feeling a little better anyway (he was not). But was met at the meeting room with a slightly furious Cale telling him to stay in bed and not compromise his health anymore (he thought it was very hypocritical coming from the redhead, but cleverly shut his mouth). The leaders and the servants present thought the scene was sweet and very domestic of the two, causing more rumors to burn up.
- add the mandatory wedding scene where Cale wears a dress (or a suit that looks like one), and wonders how everything came to that. ***He had a confession scene where Alver in all his delirious sickness confessed his feelings to Cale, how he had been simping for years thinking he's not worthy of his dongsaeng, how Cale accepts him for all he is, and how he could trust Cale with anything including his and his subjects' lives. After his reverent babbling, he somehow asked Cale to marry him to which Cale— drunk with emotions and the recent discovery of his actually not-unrequited love for his hyung— accepted, not yet registering the fact that he'll have to be empress for marrying Alver.
P.S. the emperor later promised him that he'd still have his slacker life and would only work if he wanted to.
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ringoahiru · 1 year
KRS!Cale headcanon (?):
Cale likes to eat flowers. Not vegetables, but flowers.
Beacrox: Young master, what are you doing?
Cale: *chewing happily* Eating a flower?
Beacrox: ... And why are you eating that?
Cale: ... Because it tastes good?
Beacrox: *is concerned but is also interested*
Back when he was Kim Rok Soo, when he still worked in a restaurant, he learned that some flowers are edible, some of them are even nutritious. So he tried them and started to like some of it. In the end, he bought books about flowers and tasted every flowers that he could possibly came across.
In the apocalypse, foods are really hard to find. So Kim Rok Soo suggested to his teammates that they should grow some flowers alongside with the vegetables. And they liked it a lot.
Even when he became Cale Henituse, he still has the habit of eating a flower when he comes across a type of flowers that he had never seen before. After he got the Vitality of the Heart, Cale is not even scared of being poison by flowers anymore.
Imagine everyone's face when they saw their young master just randomly picked up a flower and started eating it like it was nothing-
Cale's favourite flower (to eat) is dandelions. Because the petals have a mild honey flavor when it's still young, and also every parts of the dandelion are edible.
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TCF Prompt: Spitefic AU
This prompt is based on a dream:
Clopeh Sekka is an internationally famous author for his book: Ascension to Godhood. To put his story simply, it is a tale of a young noble blessed by the gods to defeat a world evil.
But just because he is internationally famous, it does not mean his story is good. Throughout the main character's journey, the reader could immediately tell how completely biased and obsessed Clopeh is of his main character, Cale Henituse. Thus, he is famous not for his writing, but through the reader's vicious criticisms and hate.
This does not stop him from self-publishing four books. His fifth book is his final one, where finally his character reaches godhood and corrects the imperfect world he was born in.
However, before he could get to the first word, there was a blinding light.
Clopeh Sekka finds himself in a world he's only seen in his imagination.
And right in front of him, walking around town, is the man, the myth, the legend, his god, Cale Henituse himself!
But before Clopeh could do anything, to his absolute horror, Cale Henituse throws a bottle of beer towards a poor man and acts like complete trash.
His boy. His main character.
How could this happen?!
Clopeh seethes, seeing red, and grabs at the young noble.
"CALE HENITUSE!" He tightens his hold at the perplexed young man. "I WILL MAKE YOU THE GOD I ENVISIONED YOU TO BE!!"
In another world, Kim Rok Soo blinks at his screen.
"What the fuck's going on with my fanfic?"
Basically, Spitefic writer Kim Rok Soo, and transmigrator self-insert Clopeh Sekka, but he's SI'ed in the wrong world 🤣🤣🤣
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mypromptlair · 4 months
TCF Prompt 27
TBOAH AU - OG Cale and OG Archie
Cale Henituse died by the hands of the WS. In one universe he made a deal and exchanged souls with one Kim Rok Soo. In this one, instead of making a deal, GoD sends him to another timeline to be able to rest and not have to worry about anything ARM or WS related. In this world, he regressed to when he was 16(and was in the process of escaping the Empire. Perhaps he had been kidnapped? Was his family ok and why did he have ancient powers, including his moms??).
Somewhere along the way, he ends up running into Archie, who also like him, was on the run and had his soul sent to this world after he was killed(and oh, it was a horrifying death. turning blood into pure mana burning him from the inside out. Who knew a specific weapon was made just to take him down. Witira fully snapped after witnessing her last family members/commanders death/. She was so scary, that even the WS didn't enter those waters for a couple years).
Eventually, they learn that they had been considered missing(and MIA in Archie's case). Both had been captured 2 years prior and experimented on at some point during that time(Archie had terrible scars on his back, along with part of his phin missing in his whale form he had also had patches that showed some of his hide had been taken at some point. Just wait until Cale found out who on the black market bought whale hide...if Shickler didn't get to them first anyway. Cale had Ancient Powers forced upon his very thin plate. Luckily he and Archie had come across a water power that settled his plate, but he was will very weak. Both their immune systems were gone too.)
A couple months later, they run into the Molans. And all hell breaks loose.
Overprotective Henituse's/allies/Molans
Overprotective Whales
Archie and Cale whump
No Raon and kids(they either don't exist in this universe or live happily with their families)
Cale had acted as trash, but him getting captured and missing at 14 caused everyone to find out the truth, Cale is disappointed(Archie finds it hilarious)
Archie went missing on a mission(which was later found out caused by a mole/traitor). The whale's missed their chaotic commander. Especially his two childhood friends the royals Witira and Paseton.(Shickler sees him as his bratty kid too)
In tboah timeline, Cale and Archie teamed up on certain missions and to cause chaos. They got along surprisingly well after their first meeting, drove the heroes*cough Choi Han cough* mad.
In this AU, Cale and Rosaly are cousins. Choi Han is a knight protecting Crown Prince Alberu. They all become allies/friends eventually.
Archie became friends with Witira and Paseton when they were kids. Archie is a orphan, and does not get along with the other killer whales(some of the Whales are divided up into different tribes, the killer whales are not loyal to Shickler and do not get along with most other whales. They discarded and harmed Archie when he formed a friendship and later loyalty with Shickler's kids, His parents are unknown, but there are rumors his mother is a Lunar Whale and he is a half blood like Paseton..and that was why he was captured/betrayed in the first place).
The Lunar Whales were said to be able to swim amongst the stars. Blessed by the goddess of the moon, they are strong in mana, and were thought to be the best healers in the world, even more than those chosen by the sun god. None have been seen is so long they are thought to be nothing but a fairy tale. but perhaps it isn't?
The Molan family was never attacked and are still going strong. They and the Thames family have worked together for centuries, and Jour asked them to look after her son after she she passed away. They failed when he was captured, but Ron has made it his duty to insure he and his family never fail Cale again.
The Empire is the main 'enemy' but fighting is not the main plot. it's mostly just Cale and Archie learning to heal and rest, etc.
Cale and Archie still cause too much chaos tho. And lots of misunderstandings!
no romance, just lots of family feels, healing and shenanigan's.
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Spoilers for Cales past and a ss of a few paragraphs of chapter 695
Cale hates when people sacrifice themselves. He hates when they push themselves too hard, especially for him.
Because that’s what happened with Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo, isn’t it?
Cale was supposed to die. They sacrificed themselves for him, and he lived, and now he gets visibly upset when people try to do things that are similar.
What does he think about when he sees people work themselves till they faint? It’s stupid. Not just because it’s not healthy, but because it’s sacrificial. He hates martyrs. He hates it when they’re his friends.
Cale has a weird complex, right? Sacrificing himself left and right, fainting, but not allowing anyone else to do the same? Hypocrite, right?
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(Chapter 695)
This is weird, isn’t it? This complete lack of awareness is concerning! It’s almost as if he’s oblivious to the fact that he does the same thing all of the time!
To everyone else, yes, this situation with the crown Prince fainting after using all of his mana is a perfect parallel to Cale using his ancient powers too much and going into a coma.
But Cale doesn’t see his actions in the same light! He really isn’t trying to sacrifice himself 90% of the time! The collateral damage (fainting, bleeding, pain) is usually not part of his prediction, and if it is, it’s more than he expected.
His intentions and thoughts are always about keeping his friends safe, and he’s okay with coughing up a bit of blood to do that! Just a bit, maybe enough that it will look scary but it won’t hurt him in the long run and that’s okay.
If he faints? It wasn’t planned, so it’s not really sacrifice. Maybe a little but he’s selfish enough already, it’s the least he can do, honestly.
When Cale puts himself in danger it’s for selfish reasons. Self-declared selfishness, but that’s how he sees it.
Cale doesn’t sacrifice himself. Everything he does is because he chose to! He chose to. If it doesn’t hurt too bad, he doesn’t consider it as doing much at all. The level of pain he experiences in every situation is his way of determining how much he’s ‘accomplished against his will’ (sacrificed).
Not only that but there are circumstances he must be in to even consider it of consequence to other people. If it doesn’t happen while someone’s in danger, it doesn’t really matter, does it? He doesn’t understand why someone would be asking about his well-being. He doesn’t plan to let anything that happens affect his plans, so there’s no reason for them to worry.
If he’s not on a battlefield, all of the effort he puts in?
(ancient powers) (strengthening his friends) (being in pain and pushing through it) (planning and strategizing) (so, so much more)
It doesn’t count. He is familiar with meticulously and extensively optimizing his time, because as KRS, monsters attack indiscriminately. Being prepared and working hard to be strong is nothing when compared to the battle soon to come, therefore, it doesn’t count as “work.” It’s what is expected. It is the basic standard for what is required to survive.
Where everyone sees Cale working nonstop for weeks and months and years, it’s a normal weekend for him. Those days outside of battle don’t count. He worked like that for 15 years, so much stress is easy for him.
But- why doesn’t he recognize that he pushes himself until he faints? There’s a threshold that he passes where he faints, but he still keeps crossing it?
Well, because he’s the protagonist and- often, our only source of information for what happens in this world- narratively, he tends to stay awake and only faints when the battle is coming to a close, or has just closed. If the battle ends, his presence isn’t of vital importance, so it’s fine if he was unconscious for a little bit. Other times it’s involuntary and a result of his body’s terrible condition or outside forces.
He doesn’t recognize his fainting as sacrificial because as long as the battle ends on a good note and he’s still able to think and plan relatively soon after he wakes up, he hasn’t sacrificed much other than time. He also has Vitality of the Heart, which lets him feel rejuvenated after a ‘nap.’
You see, Cale Henituse is interesting. He doesn’t know how to distinguish being selfish and selfless because being selfless is, in itself, an act of selfishness. When Cale (from the perspective of his friends) ruins his health and runs from battle to battle without resting or thinking about his friends concern— it’s pretty selfish of him.
While everyone else considers him selfless, he thinks of himself as doing the “obvious” amount of work and being selfish too. That much work is expected of him, so it isn’t selfless. It’s all for his own gain, because when everything is over, he’ll be the one going away to slack off in a forest. Ha!He’s seven steps ahead of everyone (and on the verge of collapse).
How trashy.
So to answer the question? Cale doesn’t notice his own sacrifices because he feels that:
1) his intentions remain solely selfish, so fainting and coughing up blood is just something he needs to do to get closer towards his goal.
2) anything that occurs outside of battle does not count as sacrifice because it does not affect how his plans will pan out, and everything he does is just a normal amount of work for him.
3) fainting is not on his list of to-dos, it happens without his consent- constantly- and it is very annoying because it’s an unpredictable variable, but thankfully it happens when the battle is almost over/already over so it’s not really fainting. It’s like taking a nap! Involuntarily, but at least it’s sort of convenient.
4) being overly selfless is selfish, and selfish = bad, so Cale is a Bad Person and Complete Trash. Look at Cale, selfishly wanting his friends and his homeland to be safe so that he can retire. Bastard!
So, turns out his inability to realize the irony of his statements is because of the traumatizing 16 years of mental conditioning where pushing himself over the edge is normal and expected, spurred on by his socially isolated past that led to a lack of empathy and emotional awareness, and his two closest friends sacrificing themselves for him after his ability couldn’t predict the situation accurately enough.
Wow, it was the trauma all along…
^^^ my attempts at fish
Anyway, here is a compilation of my favorite Cale moments :D find it under the cut :3 they’re angsty :v spoilers ofc
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Chapter 258 ^
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Chapter 259 ^
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Chapter 303 ^
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Chapter 420 ^
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Chapter 560 ^
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Chapter 584 ^
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Chapter 656 ^
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soosthesoul · 2 years
choiver fic idea where they're training and alberu's feeling a little more demotivated than usual because will he ever get stronger? what if he's just wasting time here? what if he was meant for the administration and not for the battlefield?
but he doesn't allow himself to get down like that because he wouldn't have survived a Day in his family if he did. it's just... being around choi han makes him feel oddly vulnerable
"hey, instructor-nim, let's set rewards for when we win this time."
choi han would normally argue, saying there's no reward he could possibly need, nor think of, but seeing how desperate alberu is, he thinks he can at least try and think of something. and so he changes his perspective. instead of asking for something he would want to receive, why not for something alberu wouldn't want to give?
"call me hyung, then."
alberu's absolutely shellshocked to his core because huh?? but alright, no negotiating conditions, that was a rule. but... did choi han liked being called hyung? (alberu heavily misinterprets)
admittedly, it's a little harder than he'd originally expected, calling someone so informally yet respectfully. being the first born, he's never been anyone's dongsaeng, but he supposes choi han has lived much longer in roan than he has, as opposed to cale who was still Most Definitely 5 years younger than him in this world.
and so he abandons his petty pride and takes a deep breath. "one more round, ...hyung."
choi han and alberu just stand there staring at each other for a few minutes because ok choi han didn't know what he was expecting but it certainly wasn't to feel some sort of way. and alberu's stood there feeling like nothing more than a pouty sulking child and now he's not just vulnerable but he FEELS it too!!!
cue this little battle going on between them and choi han feeling naturally inclined to spoiling his crown prince more like the good hyung he is and alberu being more inclined to calling choi han hyung bc choi han actually looks happy whenever he does? and alberu has never found out what action exactly made his instructor happy besides spending time with each other.
and also... it feels nice... being spoiled for once- no, for the first time, as far as he can remember- to allow himself to be selfish and irrational, needy, sulking, choi han is learning so much about alberu it's dangerous, but alberu doesn't find it in himself to care.
ofc it all changes in drasticity when choi han Forgets to respond to anything besides hyung and so when alberu's calling him in front of their friends and choi han doesn't realise it, alberu goes through 21 stages of mortification after he realises he's said hyung out of reflex to catch choi han's attention and it's in that usual whiny pleading voice of his.
and the way choi han responds with the most attentive and affectionate gaze, everyone is just stood there suddenly feeling All Too Much like third wheels and alberu feels like his face is caught on fire.
choi han picks up on this, obviously, because damn the chois and their impeccable sense of detection!! and he cups alberu's cheeks before measuring his temperature with his own forehead, with the little actions he's gotten used to, being more touchy to make alberu feel more spoiled, and he pulls away in shock.
"your highness, you have a fev-"
"i don't - i don't have a fever."
"your temperature is burning!"
needless to say, alberu Realises things™, and cale can already feel his few short days of peace getting disrupted by his panicked hyung-nim asking him for help.
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vodkassassin · 2 years
Thanks everyone for your TCF prompts!! I have received quite a few that I’ve taken a liking to, so prompts are currently closed while I pursue working on them 💖❤️✨
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calethescammer · 10 months
What if Cale had a habit of wandering to high balconies or roof tops and just sitting there whenever he was stressed/sad?
See it this way: Kim Rok Soo had the habit of roaming around destroyed buildings and finding a high spot and just sitting there? Perhaps he liked seeing the horizon. Or maybe he wanted to see how far the destroyed area stretched to. Or maybe he thought of it as his responsibility to look out for anyone injured, who may still be looking for help. Either way, it brought him peace, some sort of serenity and quietness.
So anyways, as Cale, after the conflicts with White Star started, his habit involuntarily reappeared. He would frequently go on roof tops, sometimes a tall tree or just sit upon the balustrade of his balcony. His feet hanging, his heart quiet and his gaze fixated on nothingness.
And now imagine someone, maybe Raon or Ron, catching him sitting on the edge of the balcony with a blank face. Then the panic, the chaos, and maybe Cale lost his footing because of the startling shout, and he fell down before balancing himself mid-air thanks to the wind ap.
Now imagine him trying to explain that it was just on a whim, that he has no intentions of hurting himself, but the children keep on sobbing and his family hang their heads down with despairing eyes, and now Cale feels helpless.
And maybe he feels a pang of guilt, because sometimes, just sometimes, he had a fleeting thought, a nonsensical urge to jump off, not to hurt himself, like he hated pain more than anything, and of course, living was the best, but there was the curiosity to see how it would feel, first the amazement, then the numbness, and finally the quietness of his Records.
It's only a thought, he convinced himself. But that didn't stop his habit, the worrying gazes of his family and their watchful eyes on Cale, and the relentless explanations that would follow, with Cale always failing to convince them that he is fine.
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caleism-1 · 7 months
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Add to this however you like
I can even get a picture of Miss Lemon for you (ignore the Ms unless you want to cause more chaos and make that a Mrs so that Mr lemon can come in too)
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Cale, slumping on Alberu's bed: I really really want to kill that white raddish and his little dogs.
Alberu, sitting at his desk full of papers: Cale, there's children here.
Raon, flying around: Yes! Let's kill that 'raddish' and everyone that hurt you!
On & Hong: *nods*
Alberu: *sweats*
Cale: But I'm drunk!
Alberu: You literally haven't consumed anything since yesterday morning.
Cale: Also, are you stalking me? HOW DID YOU KNOW.
ignore how ooc this is.
btw this is a reference to the Webtoon; The Raven and The Reaper by Katrinci (go check it out! It's Horror btw)
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ringoahiru · 1 year
TCF/LCF oneshots prompt:
Idk if anyone had done this yet, but. Someone who plays/brushes/caresses Cale's hair. It could be the children, or Choi Han, or Alberu, or Lock, or Cale's father figures like Ron, Eruhaben,... It could be anyone. I bet Cale's hair is soft and smooth and smells nice-
Anyways, it would be great to see Cale slacking and enjoying someone's company for once in a while (because slacker life is not coming for him-)
Headcanon: Cale is touch-starved but he never admits it.
P/s: It could also be vice-versa, where Cale or/and the children playing someone's hair (Eruhaben-)
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zorlovinghue · 5 hours
Combat Scene for Cale Henituse
(TW: gore and body horror)
We all know that Vitality of the Heart could regrow limbs, and conversely every part of body so long the heart is intact.
Now we also know this knowledge was applied in a scenario where Cale was abducted and tortured somewhere in most cases.... And when we might succeed to find some where the authors used it in a fight, the number is a bit too infinitesimal to create impact that yes, this could work!
This never meant dismemberment need to be angst, well it is but hear me out for a moment, I'm speaking of the power of impact mid-fight.
Headcanon where the more Cale lost his limbs the more experienced he is in close-range battle.
Cale was pushed back at the force of the enemy, feet creating a crater to hold his balance, his fist clenched and firm as he lowered his shoulder in a stance to prepare for another launch.
His grips were vice, the bones stretched and broke from repetitive motion and locked in position. His right ear, where blood did not cease to drip after its lobe got cut off, itch and burn with white pain. Crybaby was swift in action, the regeneration happen too sudden for the enemy before him to regain their momentum.
Now newly reformed, his sense of hearing took a significant leap. The world rang louder than it ever be. The wind thick with dust and smoke swirled about, the earth pummeled beneath his feet, and his enemy's breathing.
His head ache from overload, yet his eyes sparkled in fierce vigor at the opportunity he now earned. Cale's reaction with each exchange grown incomparably faster, and the long battle finally found its breaking point.
Knlowing him, he'd find this to be extremely advantageous that he'd rather fight than to stand behind holding on his shield. And hey, this will be a good way to evade the dependence of his ancient powers.... somewhat? He still use them, but being more proactive in the front line of defense, to speak. He won't cough up blood, but his body got chopped up instead. The typical reaction of his family is the cherry on top.
Forget AOE attack I need him in close-range combat so bad I think my sanity will snaps.
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mypromptlair · 7 months
TCF Prompt 26
Archie may be a chaotic lil shit, but he's the Whale Tribe's lil shit. Especially to three certain possessive Royals. And he's just about to learn how much. Archie doesn't do regrets often, but actually letting himself be injured and captured for this mission to do an inside job without telling anyone, prolly wasn't one of the best idea's he has had.
Really...he thought at watching Paseton's tight smile and the dead enemy in his hand, made him start to sweat a little, so much for the prince being the 'sane' one of the family...
Whale tribe shenanigan's(no KRS, takes place after WS or in-between battles, etc)
Archie being a competent captain..until he does things without telling anyone...again.
Archie being a lil shit and gremlin to everyone and everything
Paseton being a bamf and can be just as scary as his sister
Archie been training Paseton after his attk from the mermaids.
Shickler unofficially adopting Archie without his knowledge or consent
Witira ready to throw hands...and does so, much to Archie's dismay(and fear).
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