#tdv headcanon
saraceycanestra666 · 10 months
German Tanz der Vampire Headcannons
(Einige meiner persönlichen HCs)
Graf von Krolock braucht eine Lesebrille (this man‘s old, he needs his glasses)
Unser guter Graf heißt mit Vornamen Breda (vor langem vom Fandom aufgrund eines Grabsteins im Film so getauft, aber na ja, heißt er halt Brigitte der arme Mann)
Graf von Krolock als einer der besten Allies, unterstützt und liebt seinen Sohn Herbert, für die damalige Zeit und Gegend außergewöhnlich
Herberts Lieblingsgetränk (wenn er könnte) wäre eine große Tasse Cappuccino (Breda würde Schwarztee lieben)
Professor Abronsius würde als Vampir fast seine gesamte Zeit mit Experimenten (an sich und an anderen Vampiren) zubringen und wäre hellauf begeistert von der Digitalisierung
Graf von Krolock hingegen besitzt in der Neuzeit das typische Boomer-Smartphone: Helligkeit auf 100, riesige Schrift und dazu mehr als 150 Tabs offen, den halben Geldbeutel in die Klapp-Handyhülle mit feschem Blumenmuster ausgelagert
Sarah würde Whirlpools lieben
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krekerdomente · 11 months
If we consider the relationship between Herbert and the Count to be fake, that is, if Herbert is not the Count's own son, but is simply named by him, so to speak, because there is a very strong emotional bond between them, I have a bit of a sad headcanon reflection
Herbert has a wonderful relationship with his "father", but the Count's increased attention to Alfred and Sarah makes Herbert think that he is becoming boring. And that he could no longer give his "father" any new impressions, he had exhausted himself. That is why the "father" is looking for new "children".
Herbert tries to look closely at Sarah and Alfred for a long time, he tries to understand why they. What is there in them that he does not have?
Does their arrival mean that they will now become the Count's favorite "children"?
WELL, that's too sad and too heartbreaking, I'm more of a fan anyway of the version where Herbert is the Count's own son.
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threadsun · 6 months
Flanon Asks: "Omg okay, biting.
TDV, DOL, your OCs, anything. I want to see biting/marking headcanons or writing!!!
I had a friend (I don’t wanna say Situationship or fwb but we have a vibe ig) who bit me on the arm the other day and hoooooly shit oh my god 😫
Maybe the bitten/biter experiences some sorta euphoria or like, ‘click’ after experiencing it for the first time?
- 🍮"
Ooooh I love biting!! I'll give a selection of who I think would be most into it >:3c
Content: biting, sadism, marking
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To Do Valley:
Abigail bites people both as a stim and because she thinks it's funny to see how they react! She'll bite anyone she likes, especially her friends and partners.
Harvey tends to bite out of a mixture of sadism and curiosity. He loves how startled people are by it since he doesn't seem the type, and he loves to watch the way bite marks develop and heal.
Sebastian and Maru both make the cutest sounds when you bite them~ They'll squeak and whimper and squirm and it's absolutely adorable, especially when they get flustered after!
Sam gets flustered if you bite him and definitely enjoys it, and he'll bite you right back! He's got kinda sharp teeth too, so he always leaves some deep marks that he admires later.
Degrees of Lewdity:
Robin and Sydney blush and make cute sounds when you bite them too! If you rile them up enough, they might bite back, though they'll be apologetic about it afterwards.
Kylar will leave you covered in bite marks to claim you and will demand that you do the same for him. Everyone needs to know that the two of you belong to each other.
Whitney bites you for fun, he likes watching you yelp and squirm! He also thinks it's hot if you get overwhelmed during sex and bite him to let out some of that pent up energy~
Black Wolf is obviously a biter. She's gentle because she knows you can't handle the full strength of her jaws, but she uses it to hold you in place and show her ownership.
Avery will bite you as a warning when you upset her. For her it's not a sexy thing, it's an anger thing, but if it turns you on then she'll definitely mentally file that away to use against you.
Izzy enjoys biting and being bitten, she gets real giggly over it. You can tell she's going to bite you because she starts giggling first. And if you bite her, you'd better be ready to fuck~
Weird Earth:
Zander is a biter, especially in golem mode but just in general. His teeth are sharp and jagged~ He'll also moan if you bite him and ask you to do it again, harder.
Glitch bites out of anger, annoyance, being overwhelmed... really any strong emotion is enough to make him sink his fangs into you. Especially if you ignore his hissing.
Lin bites for fun and curiosity. He gets bored easily, and biting always gets a fun reaction from people. He also loves to see who does and doesn't get turned on by it~
Yana enjoys startling you by biting you suddenly and for no reason. She wants to keep you on your toes. She'll definitely mock you if you get turned on when she bites you.
Gin and Aisling both have very sharp teeth and like to bite for fun. Gin's teeth are slightly jagged and she loves marking you. Aisling enjoys riling you up whenever she can~
Callum loves to bite and be bitten. It's pretty much inevitable if you're getting frisky with him. Expect to be covered in drool and bite marks whenever you start kissing him.
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skiesareblue · 8 months
Any fandom you want (but you know I most care about TdV heheheh): 1, 8, 16, 20, 25
ooh so many!
1 the character everyone gets wrong
Given Sarah has no solo songs and is rarely alone, and generally 'performing' for someones else, it's hard to say other people are necessarily wrong about Sarah. However I'm right, she wants freedom and Krolock can't offer that, living in a isolated castle for eternity, preying on the people you grew up around is not freedom. Having good sex with Krolock (as the fandom envisions) is not an adequate trade off for not getting freedom. The bit is a means to an end, which is not to say she doesn't like him at some point, it's just not freedom and she wouldnt be happy.
Magda, there are multiple posts on this site suggesting she'd be friends with Herbert.
Albronsius - they don't see, as I do, the yearning he feels for Alfred xDDDD
Nannerl, the old reviews don't quite get her, Kunze doesn't get her anymore, God doesn't love her anymore, it's all a nightmare.
8 common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
done for Tanz!
16 you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Sarah staying with Krolock - see above.
Herbert, the way fandoms swarm around a young gay or headcanonable-as-gay man is inexplicable to me, I have read all the explanations people have about lacking representation (and I am a lesbian, it still doesn't make sense, i happily enjoy media without thinking about its queerness if it has good women characters, I don't get the obsession fandoms have with finding the gay man to fall prostrate at the feet of (my mother has a slightly unhinged, i think ridiculous theory as to why they do though)) and none of it has brought me to an understanding of why people adore Herbert, this man who harasses our main character and has zero character arc around it, that is his sole purpose in the musical, there is nothing more to him????
20 part of canon you found tedious or boring
TdV - Gott ist Tott, I won't even watch/listen for Steve Barton that often. The professor's songs, yawn. Ewigkeit. Knoblauch. (I swear I do like the musical)
25 common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I sort of said this when i answered 8, complaints about the German (original Vienna) costumes, Kentaur is very beautiful ( as are parts of og Vienna) but it doesn't suit the show Tanz der Vampire which is campy and satirical, Kentaur is pure straight gothic romance.
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Can you do a headcanon with y/n in black clover accidentally revealing she worked in a brothel.
And the members reactions to it
It could be a fanfic instead if that'll be easier
Lyra (TDV) was almost a ex-brothel worker 👀 ya’ll are in my brain what is this shit 😂
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The reveal came in the form of Julius Novachrono, the Wizard King, asking you (a Magic Knight Captain who’d been one just as long as Yami and William) questions during a meeting. There was an upcoming mission regarding men going missing at a certain brothel- that being the one you used to work at. Y/N wasn’t too thrilled that Julius had asked her about it in front of them but she wasn’t ashamed of her past regardless of him being the one to make her a knight. She needed a way to live, what’s the shame in that.
Charlotte Roselei
Charlotte felt heat rush to her cheeks when she finally understood what Julius and you were talking about. Part of her had wanted to scold you, tell you that pleasing a man should not have been a priority in your life but then she remembers. You once told her you had to fight harder than most to live, to eat and have a place to rest. She gave you a soft smile instead, not one of understanding but one of recognition for your accomplishments.
Dorothy Unsworth
Dorothy didn’t mind at all. Mostly because she was asleep through the meeting and partially because it’s not her place to have an opinion and she understands that. She’s of the opinion that one’s past doesn’t define you unless you have a massive screw up like murder or something so she really doesn’t care about your past work.
Rill Boismortier
Poor boy has no idea what a brothel is. Regardless of him being nineteen he has no idea and is just sat there listening to the meeting as he usually would. Though he’s a bit confused by your angered expression.
Kaiser Granvorka
As one of the older Captains he does have quite old fashioned thinking some days. He’s a kind man who doesn’t judge but he cannot help but let his mind wander. He isn’t too impressed by her former occupation, believing she must have been quite the lustful youth who’d turned herself around- but he isn’t the type to think her tainted.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Another with conflicted feelings. He’s not old fashioned but easily flustered knowing that she’s done… things with people most would believe was unbecoming of a non-married woman. He couldn’t judge her though, he knew many commoners had to take the hard route but he does wish that he was there for her much sooner. He is however glad that she feels no shame in having wanted to live.
Nozel Silva
He is admittedly a little put off by the Captain now. He just cannot fathom having to be so desperate for a living that you would sell your body and perform acts no unwed person should be caught doing. He understands she fought her way to the top but he can’t stop his mind from wandering between what his mother would think (that she had to go the harder route, that she wanted to live) and what his father would think (that she was a tainted woman unfit to be anything but such kind). He will remain quiet until he sorts himself out.
Yami Sukehiro
He gets it. There isn’t any shame in living through the worst of the worst and getting out. No shame in offering and being offered pleasure of any variety. Life sucks when you are the outlier, when no one wants you, when you are just a nobody. So he supports you, offers any knowledge he knows as well and he gets Julius to shut up at that.
Jack the Ripper
Like Yami he understands the hardships that comes with being a commoner. He was a hunters son and a hunter himself, he’d seen blood and death from a young age. He doesn’t think she needs to be embarrassed or angered when talking about her past, she can’t change it just as he can’t change his. Like Yami he supports her, he’ll offer aid if he has to. He’ll offer being an absolute psycho if it gets the other Captains to stop staring at her.
William Vangeance
He’s another that allows a flush to cover his cheeks. He’d known you well before you’d both become captains and knowing that.. it means you would have been young during your time at the brothel and he feels a little shame I’m not having met you sooner. He doesn’t think there is anything wrong with a woman using her body as a means to live, no. But he does think that you deserved better.. and maybe that’s a little bit of reflection on himself too.
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yallemagne · 2 years
Now, I know that people here probably definitely know what happened in Dracula, but for those who don’t know what Tanz der Vampire is, it’s a German musical adaptation of The Fearless Vampire Killers. I still haven’t watched the movie, to be honest, but I’ve watched this musical several times. A professor and his assistant are in Transylvania and come across an inn. The assistant falls for the innkeeper’s daughter, but she gets whisked away by an obvious vampire count and hijinks ensue. It’s a comedy, they sing Total Eclipse of the Heart. 
Now, a Tanz der Vampire/Dracula crossover could go one of two ways (truthfully, it could go several different ways,, but for the sake of simplicity, two): 
Option one: Jonathan Harker on his journey to Castle Dracula meets the eccentric Professor Abronsius and his assistant Alfred (both aged a year or so down bc I headcanon TDV to take place maybe a few years after Dracula), and the Professor kind of bullies Jonathan into letting the two of them hitch a ride. 
Has the potential to be crack treated seriously. Jonathan and Alfred could bond over being young and underpaid... and Jonathan would prove to be much more competent than Alfred in killing vampires. He had the perfect opportunity to stake Dracula on the 30th but just didn’t know what that was yet. If he had an old man hovering over his shoulder like “stab him right between the sixth and seventh rib” he’d do it.
Option two: Jonathan is the solicitor to Graf von Krolock instead of Count Dracula. I’m not sure why Krolock would want to move, he’s kinda got everything that he needs. He even has a specific village he torments and forces to supply him with candles and stuff for his parties. Perhaps he just wanted takeout. 
Krolock does things differently from Dracula. He seduces his victims because that makes the blood taste better, I guess. And he’s got a son. Herbert is kind of a parody of the sexy vampire ladies, but he’s not the only other one in the castle. Krolock has a whole graveyard of exes that he hardly feeds except for when he throws extravagant parties.
Krolock is... less of a threat, really. Rather than gorge himself on several people against their wills, he invites people to his castle with promises of freedom and pretty dresses. Aaaand when he’s done with you, you get to join his exes in the graveyard. TDV doesn’t treat itself seriously, so this second crossover is a bit less scary than Dracula unless you’re willing to twist it into something more serious (since Krolock is basically grooming people). Some slash potential, I suppose. 
LIGHTNING ROUND OPTION THREE, I LIED WHEN I SAID TWO: The Crew of Light travel back to the Carpathians and... oh no, there’s another one??? Now, they only return to Castle Dracula seven years later, so all the plot of TDV (at least in my headcanon) is said and done. Though... time is an illusion and I can set TDV any time after Dracula. 
They’re here just... you know, to spit on Dracula’s grave and honour Quincey’s sacrifice, but then they get caught in a storm and have to stay in an inn where these two Prussian researchers are causing a fuss (the older of which recognizes Van Helsing and gushes over his writings), and then the daughter of the innkeeper, Sarah, runs away to the nearby vampire castle and our team says “Fuck NO.”
And... yeah, they’d completely destroy Schloss von Krolock. None of those vampires would make it out alive, but Alfred and Sarah would so... silver linings. Imagine the utter delight with which a vampire would invite an entire posse of foreigners into his home under the assumption he’s hit jackpot... and then the white-haired twunk murders him. What a twist, how tragic for this bitch. 
Abronsius: “Stake them, boy!!”
Alfred: “I-I can’t!”
Jonathan: “Bloody-- give me that.” 
Jonathan: *stakes Krolock with cold-blooded ease*
Abronsius: “... would you consider becoming my research assistant?”
Mina: *stakes Herbert* “Have either of you ever even hunted a vampire?”
Alfred: “We weren’t really sure they existed until now...”
Seward: “... oh my god, you would have died without us here...”
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nekotato · 2 years
Yknow once I dig into my tdv headcanons some are quite sad/angsty. But then I go hehe Alfred funny and pathetic
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eyes-like-the-night · 3 years
The Addams family and the von Krolocks are distantly related, it’s far back, (that specific ancestor that ties the two families is actually in the castle graveyard)
Family get togethers are always interesting, Herbert is strangely really good with the kids and they get into a lot of trouble.
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ohhthereuare · 4 years
More Tanz headcanons because why not:
- Sarah often uses thin wooden stakes as hair sticks and finds it ironically funny and while Krolock finds it very amusing himself what he loves more is taking the stake from her hairbun and letting her hair fall on her neck so that he can brush it back and kiss her there
- ever since Sarah found out that Chagal got bitten and lived in the castle with Magda she got upset her mother was left all by herself. She asked Krolock to send some sort of allowance to the inn to provide for her mother’s needs. They don’t ever meet because Rebecca can’t stand the thought of her daughter being a vampire but she’s secretly relieved that Sarah is finally happy and apparently in loving, although unliving, hands
- Krolock is not big on being the first to show affection but whenever he needs comfort he reaches out his hand for Sarah to take
- one time Sarah stumbled upon Krolock sitting by himself in the graveyard by one of the graves. She sat with him in silence without asking any questions, just took his outstretched hand, till he quietly confessed the story behind his biggest regrets. Krolock was finally able to put it behind him and they never spoke about it again
- after Krolock got over his initial jealousy and hard feelings towards Alfred they actually started getting along though they would never admit it out loud, bonding over wanting what’s best for Sarah and lovingly rolling their eyes over Herbert’s many quirks
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herbertvonkrolock · 5 years
My Dance of the Vampire Head-canons Pt.3 (because I don’t have a life)
- Alfred wanting to peacefully cut his hair, but Herbert appearing out of nowhere and taking the scissors away from him
- “Either you let ME cut it, or NO ONE cuts it. It already looks HORRIBLE”
- Alfred accidentally calling Count von Krolock “Dad” and proceeding to facepalm himself while walking out of the room
- Herbert and Magda being the best bros ever
- Von Krolock accidentally walking in on Herbert and Alfred dancing and screaming to “Bring Me to Life - Evanescence” and becoming genuinely scared of them
- Herbert and Alfred dancing together during a ball and Van Krolock silently watching them and smiling with pride
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fitzrove · 1 year
broke: tdv alfred surname is smth like smith (??????????? a uni student in 19th century germany?? I guess student exchanges existed but omg he is a little german boy tf is going on)
woke: It's something really long and a bit silly-sounding
bespoke: There's both a social class/lack of power reason (ie. pretty much nobody around him bothers addressing him by surname because he doesn't have any kind of academic, financial, etc. status or societal standing, he's still considered barely a real adult) and a tragic backstory reason that he doesn't use it
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krekerdomente · 10 months
Herbert likes beds
He, like all (almost) vampires, sleeps in a coffin, but sometimes, at night, when there is nothing else to do, Herbert likes to go into the guest bedrooms of the castle. The beds here are dilapidated, not a neat movement - and they can break, but there are stronger specimens, since the castle is really large. Herbert first sits down on the bed and then gently rests his head on the pillow. He is very careful, in many ways, so as not to wrinkle his clothes. The soft feather bed is very comfortable, softer than his coffin, but the bed for Herbert is an exceptionally pleasant amusement on some nights. He may just lie there for a few hours, enjoying, or he may take a book with him
After all
— Papa, give me a bed, please
—'Cause I love them.
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honeybee-bzz · 7 years
Some Krolock headcanons
don’t mind me, I’m just gonna dump my current Grafly headcanons here to help me sort out my interpretation of him on my Krolock askblog
Krolock is tall. and I mean tall by 21st century standards. In the 1600s, he was probably considered a giant.
I used to have a different headcanon for his wife, but I now agree she’s definitely the 1617 victim, and she’s actually dead.
His turning was a bit like Lucy Westenra’s in Dracula in that it took a while and he started to exhibit vampiric traits before the transformation was complete. This is also how his wife died - he bit her while still (barely) human.
He was an only child, and a very sensitive, soft-spoken boy who was very attached to his mother (in many respects, he is more like Herbert than Herbert realises). His father was a hard, unforgiving man, towards both his wife and son.
Part of Krolock’s current self-loathing is that he sees much of his father in himself
Herbert was the most spoilt child ever bc Krolock allowed him everything and wouldn’t allow his nurses or tutors to discipline the boy
Human!Krolock was not good at seduction. at all. In fact, young Krolock was very much like Alfred - clumsy, shy, blushed easily, stumbled over his impossibly long limbs. Herbert gets his flirtatious ways from his mother.
In Alfred, Krolock p much sees everything he once was and had and has lost.
Krolock pretty much raised Koukol, after Koukol’s mother abandoned him to the wolves as a child. 
One of the graveyard vampires is an extremely vexing aunt of the count’s (his father’s younger sister), who lived in another part of the country, got told that her great-nephew Herbert had died of the plague (cover story, and Herbert really was dying of the plague, but Krolock saved him), came to the funeral though nobody expected her to (she was on bad terms with her nephew) and ended up becoming Herbert’s first meal instead. Auntie Adelheid is at least 60% percent of the reason why Krolock chose not to let the graveyard vamps out too often.
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skiesareblue · 1 year
your choice of TdV character for the character ask! trying to leave it open-ended because I'm not sure who you've gotten already lol
Ty for the ask! I'm going to do Krolock, since I've done Sarah, (and I leave thinking about Alfred to Fitz(/hj)), and some multiples of 5 for the numbers then
5)My favorite ship of them
Krolfred, it's not one I see having long term potential but I like it, I also like Krolah just not in a very true love way!
10)Describe the character in one sentence
Vampire does vampire things, with varying degrees of success, whilst internally laughing at everyone else.
20)A weird headcanon
That the events of die Unstillbare gier are completely untrue, he's not manipulating Alfred using real events, he makes up a new lot of dead lovers for each poor soul that turns up at the castle.
25) When do you think they acted the most ooc
Introducing Alfred and Herbert, it doesn't work to corrupt Alfred vampirically (which I think Krolock would know), and I think Krolock would be trying to keep him for himself.
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sassy-error · 7 years
TDV fans out there!
When my girlfriend and I cosplay Herbert and Alfred / Herbert and Count von Krolock, who would want to see us doing a cosplay specific ask blog?
With gifs and pictures and all our headcanons?
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supersnowscosplay · 7 years
Last Name Ideas for TDV Alfred
Alfred Tolbert - English/German name meaning 'bright'
Alfred Keen - Old English name meaning 'bold, brave'
Alfred Pearce - English, like the flow of it
Alfred Moore - English
Alfred Cooper - Saw it in a fanfiction, loved it
Alfred Von Krolock - no explanation needed
Alfred Price - Welsh name meaning enthusiasm
Alfred MacCarthy- Irish name meaning loving
Alfred Perkins - multiple meanings
Alfred Hopkins - English name meaning bright
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