#teacher sam winchester
samanddean76 · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Sam Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Kinktober Prompt: Mpreg, Mpreg, Alpha Sam Winchester, Omega Castiel (Supernatural), Teacher Sam Winchester, Student Castiel (Supernatural), First Time, Mating, Bonding, first heat, Sam is 25 Castiel is 18, Sastiel - Freeform, Knotting Series: Part 25 of SPN Kinktober 2023 Summary:
Castiel is an Omega going into his first heat. He fervently hopes that his Literature teacher, Mr. Sam Winchester will want to become his Alpha. And that soon they will be able to grow their little family.
@spnkinkevents  SPNKinktober2023  @spnrareships  #spnslashweek2023
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jwnchstr · 7 months
my alpha | sam winchester
title: my alpha
characters: alpha sam winchester x omega reader
summary: you're destined to be mated with your own teacher and both of you made a beautiful family together.
masterlists | sam winchester one-shots
for one year you're studying at the community college, attend his classes, speak to dr. winchester countless of times, not once your body (or his) reacting towards each other. well, except for today.
dr. sam winchester is a lawyer, but he spends his spare time teaching at the community college you're in. law is his major, unlike you. you're a writing student, but taking a law class is a compulsory elective. not taking law class or fail law class, you're unable to graduate.
there was not an issue with meeting dr. winchester in class for the past three weeks. okay, well, maybe there was. for an example, your heart skips a beat every time your eyes locked with him; your knees went weak every time he's near; you were suddenly nervous to talk to him. for the past three weeks, though there was not much of an issue, but you've became quiet in his class.
your heat just ended last week. that makes it even weirder.
you try to ignore the uncomfortable-ness. despite sitting in a cold room, you feel hot. your t-shirt is suddenly too tight for you and is sticking to your skin. your heart rate is fast like you just run a 100 metre sprint. you're sweating under your armpit. your lips are pale. you cannot concentrate in class.
your friends notice something–something is not right with you today. they ask if you're okay and you know you can't lie because it's so obvious that you're indeed not okay, but you how do you tell your human friends that you're having some kind of animalistic reaction because of your dynamic? you end up telling them that you're having a headache (in which, isn't wrong either).
and throughout the class, you and sam keep on locking eyes and every time that happens, you feel slick coming out of your vagina. "oh, god. not now," you tell yourself inside your head even though you're still clueless to what's happening to you. you're not in heat. in fact, your heat just ended. and you're not sme–
ohhh, your eyes flutter–or is that your heart? that smell. oh, god, that smell! it's so... it's so sweet and manly and strong... and it's urging you to go towards that smell, scenting him, claim him, embrace yourself around that sme–
you open your eyes (you didn't even realise you were closing your eyes) and there they are again–sam's eyes. something in those eyes made the small voice inside your head say "GO!" is this your soulmate calling? is this your omega voice telling you that you're finally found your mate? but, isn't it supposed to say "mate!" or that only happens to certain people? is your case special?
you really want to leave dr. winchester's class because you can't sit under his stare anymore. you need to go to the washroom and clean yourself because, gosh, you're so wet down there. but law is a difficult subject so whether you like it or not, you stayed.
you stayed and you stayed and you stayed some more when the class was dismissed. you waited until the class is empty. you lie to your friends, telling them that you have a question regarding your assignments. and although you feel weird, although you don't understand what's happening to your body, but old enough to understand that indeed you've found your mate.
you didn't move from your seat even though your omega is keen to run from the alpha just because she likes to be chased and she knows that an alpha likes to chase. you keep your eyes away from sam, afraid that there'll be more slick coming out from your if your eyes locked with his again. and you're shivering as your eyes watched sam's shadow approaching you.
sam stands opposite from you, on the other end of your table. you watch his long fingers taping the table. "you're in heat."
his voice. gosh, his voice. his voice was louder, clearer, and a pitch higher when he's lecturing but when it's only you two in the room, his voice drops a few notes lower making him sounds more manly. his voice more raspy and sexy.
you're hot and you're cold. you're sweating but you're shivering. you're shaking but you're scared. you're pale but you're alive. you want to leave but you can't. your body hurts, but even sitting still don't do justice.
"no," you say with a shake of your head. "my heat ended a few days ago."
you thought sam knew why both of you are suddenly longing for each other's touch and presence so you waited to hear the answer coming from sam's mouth, but nothing came. there was pause and that made you look up to his eyes. goddammit, you wished you didn't do it because just a second after that, you're on your feet with sam's arm around your waist and his nose at the crook of your neck.
"alpha," you moan.
sam's reacting positively to your voice calling him alpha. he's excited. you can feel him on your stomach. and you're excited too. though sam's nose is between your neck and shoulder blade, scenting you, but you know he can smell your arousal.
he lets out a sigh with a mix of a groan. one arm around your waist, the other is gripping your thigh. it's like he's angry. it's like he can't wait to do things to you, but he's still trying to keep himself sane. it's like he's patient yet not. "mmm, you smell so good, 'mega."
"what's happening? i'm not in heat. then why–"
"maybe it's the bond. i'm in a... i'm in a rut."
"then–" you gulp. you don't want to touch sam before getting the answer, but it feels so good to be wrapped around the alpha's arm, to be touched by him, to be surrounded by his scent. "why–why are you in school? aren't you suppose–"
"omega," he said.
one word–one word that means a lot. one word that means "i don't need to be anywhere else". one word that means "i don't need to lock myself in an abandoned cottage in the middle of nowhere." one word that means "i have what i want here. you."
you let sam touch you. you let sam guide you touching him. you let your own emotion drowned into sam's smell. then suddenly, sam is panting.
"alpha, are you okay?" you ask, genuinely worried.
sam cannot answer your question properly. he's sweating so bad. he's raking his tie like it's the most annoying thing in the world. his eyes are diluted, distant. his alpha is dominating him. and with your sweet scent... he's becoming insane. all he could do was grunting with his hands all over your body as if two hands are not enough touching you.
"alpha, we're–" you hiccuped when you feel sam's hand in between your legs. "we're in class. alpha, you can't–"
you gasped when sam roared and kissed you heavily as if to shut you up and make you forget wherever you are now. and maybe he succeeded because, after that, you forgot where you are.
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you smile at your alpha, who is already handsome and neat in his suit, but is still busy making breakfast for you. "hey." your eyebrows furrowed. "are you not working today?"
"i am. why?" sam licks a nutella that accidentally got stuck on his finger, showing a pair of cute dimples on his cheeks.
"nothing. you're... you're already in your uniform. you shouldn't be running around the kitchen." you step towards the kitchen counter and take a sit on one of the tall stool in front of sam. two mugs were ready to be drank. you grab yours, which is the opposite colour of your alpha's. "you made me tea? you know i don't mind coffee."
"i know." sam gives you smile so sweet that makes your heart beats faster. "but i also know you prefer. i got to get work now. what time is your class?"
"10," you answer simply before taking a sip of tea that your alpha made for you. once the taste hits your taste buds, you feel as if the world changed its colours. "oh, jeez, this is so good!"
sam's heart grows hearing your compliment. something with the compliment, and the way his omega drinking tea he made for her, makes him puffing his chest. and how he wish–oh how he wish– he could kiss you all day just because you like his tea he made for you.
"want to ride together?" your alpha offers.
"what, oh..." you stutter.
sam is a brilliant man. he's a good lecturer. he's a good lawyer. you're proud to have him as your mate. but also, you're still new to this relationship. you're still adjusting to the situation because who knew your mate is your own teacher? you're not ready to be seen together by the whole campus especially that you know dating your lecturer is against college's rule.
you know sam understands behind your "why, oh..." as an omega, you know you can't say no when your alpha is offering you something. it's not even your decision either or not you go public with your mate. and because of these, you're ready to be yelled, to be punished by your alpha. you keep your head down as you prepare yourself for any kind of force against you.
but to your surprise... none came.
none of the above came.
sam was already at the front door, ready to leave for work when he offered you a ride so when he sees you as if ready for punishment, sam walks back to you and kiss your temple.
"finish your breakfast, omega. see you at 10."
your heart warms. you feel like breaking down. all these times... all the tales mated people tell you, the stories your friends tell you about the men in their families and lives, you know how lucky you are to have sam as your mate.
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the relationship with sam isn't easy. obviously, as mentioned earlier, he's a teacher. you're a student. it's illegal to have a relationship with a teacher despite being mated. though not everybody understand your dynamic especially that the university is mostly populated by humans, but life must go on and yours and sam's relationship ended up being acknowledged by the university's dean.
you live in the hostel provided by the college. good for sam, he rents a house outside though nearby the college so it's shorter form him to travel from his house to the college (even though he has outside work most times). when the dean knows you've been living with sam on and off, he decides that it's better you live with sam now.
like live with him as real mates. which also means you and sam carpooling together to college; which means being seen together publicly; which means you have to accept that this is now your life. and you do. it's no one's fault here.
and it's somewhere after three months of relationship. you're in law class with your friends, waiting for sam to arrive (you don't know why he's late and you're annoyed that he's late and you can't help wondering where he's been though you refused to text him or call him) and your friend says, "you look sparking."
you pulled a face. "what does that mean?"
your friend, joined by other of your friends, are giggling to themselves while your wait for their answer. you look sparkling, what does that really mean? didn't you look pretty before? did you look like an ugly cockroach before? even if you do look sparkling today, then why is sam–
speaking of the devil. there he comes striding inside the class. good. it's been ten minutes you're waiting for his arrival, for his presence. didn't he know that you're being extra sensitive today? he should kn–
now he's looking as if he's uncomfortable in class and he just entered! while setting up his laptop to the projector and opening the presentation slide for today, he's can't stop looking his right and left and back and the class, scrunching his nose as if something smells so bad in class. his eyes catch yours. his eyebrows knitted. then, barely any reaction on his face, he gets back to his laptop and begins his lecture.
excuse me? what's wrong with him today?
slowly, you smell yourself. you wonder if the invisible smell comes from you. but yes, as you expected, it's not. in fact, you smell exactly how you left home this morning. you smell like you. yes, the class room is a mixture of bad breath and sweat, but sam never even bothered before?!.
"is something smells funny to you?" you ask your friend.
you nod your head. "okay."
your heart started beating faster as thought running side your mind like a flashback you don't want to remember. if it's not the room, if it's not you... then...
you hear your heart breaking. it's been only three months since you mated with sam. you helped through his rut. he helped you through your heat. he makes breakfast for you. you cook him dinner. of course three months are not that many ruts and heats, but how could he cheat on you already?
you can't focus for the rest of the class. your mind is elsewhere. and every time your eyes accidentally lock with sam, he makes sure he looks away immediately. god, how can you still sit in the class room?
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something is different. it's not the building; it's not him; it's not the morning meeting; it's not his coffee or your tea. but something is different.
he's been so busy while making you breakfast this morning to notice anything different coming from his omega, but as soon as he arrives your college after a meeting with his client, there is this smell that feels so soft like a fresh cloth from the washing machine. this smell is so sweet like a mixture of rose and vanilla and fresh-baked cookies. this smell makes him feel like home, so homey that he can sleep on the floor of the building with this smell.
he follows the smell. and to his shock, this smell is coming from his class. the class he's about to teach in a few minutes. law class. the class you're attending. yes, the class of his omega. there are other omegas in the class, but does it make sense that this is coming from you? he really can't tell now. all he knows is that this smell–or scent–is no stranger to him.
once he dismissed the class, while the students are leaving one by one, sam scents every one of them. humans, alphas, omegas. and he knows he has to be discreet because he can't let his omega–you–to notice that he's scenting other omegas when his omega is right in front of him. it's like he's asking for a death sentence.
and just like he expected, none of them smells like this smell. the humans smell like urine. some of them even smell as if they bathed in a pool of cologne. the alphas smell like... well, alphas. sam received growls from most of them. the betas are okay, nothing so significant. the omegas makes me him cough and gag so bad.
gosh, why the hell is he scenting them?
once everybody left, sam closes and locks the door. the smell didn't leave with the rest of the students. it stays. and that worries sam even more, but excites him at the same time. he was worried because he thought he mated with the wrong mate (or is it possible that he has more than one mate?) and he's excited because his omega smells so, so, so good.
"what?" you ask with an eyebrow raised. you're irritated with sam. first, he was being weird today. second, he was late for class. third, he can't think you didn't notice him scenting those omegas?!
"come here." sam was resting half of his bum against the teacher's table.
"omega," he warns. "come. here."
the omega inside you are keen to follow her alpha's order, but you can't back down now. at least, not today. there were so much happening today and you're mad at your alpha.
"how about you come here."
instead of being angry at you, sam takes that as a challenge. with a blink of an eye, he's right in front of you. so close that you can smell the papermint in his breath. with his fast movement, you almost tumble backwards yourself, but sam is sam. he's quick grab your wrist and pull you into his arms. and just like the first time you and sam found out that you're mates, sam has his nose on your mating gland.
you wiggle to get free. "sam, i have class."
sam scents you heavier while you're still trying to get yourself free. but the harder you wiggle, the tighter sam's arm around you. it causes more friction and makes sam excited rather than letting you go. "did you–did you change your perfume?"
"perfume?" your heart breaks. seriously, something isn't right. the next time you open your mouth, your voice comes out squeaky. "since when do i wear perfumes?"
"let me go."
sam doesn't respond to your request, but keeps on smelling you and smelling you and smelling you.
"seriously, sam, just tell me."
"tell you what?" sam genuinely looks confused.
"that you have another omega."
"what?" this time, sam lifts his head from your mating gland. his arms loosened around your waist. and finally, with one push, you succeeded let yourself free. he laughs humourlessly. "what the hell are you talking about?"
"alright, that's it. i'm leaving."
no, you didn't mean you're leaving sam, but you're leaving the class because you have another class in two hours and you need something to eat. you're not in a good mood. you're sad. you're angry. you're hungry. if there's no glucose consumed by your body, you know you won't function for next class.
however, you didn't get to go to next class because you have a bad headache. once you reach the house you and sam share, you cannot stopped vomiting. you manage to drink some plain water. you tried to have biscuits, but all of them bile out a few minutes after.
when sam comes back home that evening, and found sleeping on the bathroom floor, he panics.
"y/n? shit. y/n, hey, wake up." he softly slaps your cheek to wake you up, brings you up to his lap and moves the hair on your face. you look so pale and it scares him so much.
you unconsciously mewl when sam's scent hits your nose. and you stir and push yourself close towards sam's chest. his scent calms you down. you feel a hand rubbing the top of your head. "omega, what happened?"
"i–d–know." you manage to answer weakly. "i just..." before you could finish your sentence, you're feeling nauseas again. and you quickly turn towards the toilet bowl. you don't want vomit on your alpha.
"let's go see doctor."
you're too sick, too tired, too weak to protest. plus, you're mature enough that you understood that this isn't because of food poisoning. this isn't because of pre-heat hormones. this is something else.
you nod your head. after washing your face and brush your teeth and changed into sam's shirt (because for particular reasons and especially right now, sam's shirt is the only clothe that your omega body is accepting), sam drives you to the clinic. special clinic for werewolves. and it's far enough that you threw up a few times more on the way.
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you have started showing on your six months of pregnancy. you can't hide with baggy t-shirts anymore. you can't hide with your sweatshirts anymore. you can't even hide with your alphas extra, extra, extra large shirts anymore. and give up hiding it but you're still wearing sam's t-shirt as your maternity clothe because it's so comfortable and makes you calm throughout the day, on campus, without your alpha nearby.
sam is giving out informations for your assignments. and being a good student you are, you scribble notes so you won't forget even though you have more than 4 hours in a week to ask him about the assignment. while jotting down, you accidentally drop your pen and, something... a thing that if your alpha isn't a mature, possessive kind of alpha, you knew war could've happened.
sam was too far to the front to help you. and your stomach is too big for you to bend down and pick up your pen yourself so whether sam likes it or not, another alpha student in the class helps you. he bends down, picks up the pen, gets up, returns the pen to you, and smiles back at you when you say thanks to him. then, you return to your work, oblivious to how the alpha student eyeing your pregnant belly.
sam was fuming. but he's still in class. and he didn't want to lose his job especially now that both of you are expecting, he knows he wants all the luxuries to be given to his pups.
while still lecturing, he approaches you. and you can't help but to eye him warily because you know that this must have something to do with the alpha who helped you just now. once he's right beside you, he stops. he rests his hand on your shoulder at first as if to tell everyone in the lecture room that you're claimed, you're his. then, you feel his fingers caressing your mating gland.
and you shiver. and purring. and you can't stop yourself from submitting to your alpha in public, resting your head against the back of his hand. but you just had to. it's your dynamic. and you can't stop yourself especially when your alpha is showing dominance, especially when you're carrying his pups.
the humans find it cute, some make gagging sound, but with your dynamics, the situation becomes tense. the alpha who helped you keeps clenching his jaws, felt as if his ego is being torn down. other alphas look away, wishing they're anywhere else but here. betas are like humans. other omegas in the class room are glaring at you, wishing sam is caressing their mating gland or showing dominance towards them.
then, while sam's fingers are still on your mating gland, you feel something against your stomach.
"oh." you wince. you don't think it hurts, but definitely caught you off-guard. it's so hard that you feel as if your pups are trying to get themselves free from the cocoon of your belly.
"omega?" he asks, felt you jumped just now. his eyes caught your hands rubbing your stomach and he starts to panic.
"um, n–nothing, s–sir." it's wrong to call him sir, but again you're in– "oh." you jump again when there's another kick. good, that's good. the doctor says you'll be expecting kicks from your twin pups. that means your pups are healthy, but there's a problem.
you run your hands on your stomach to feel for another kick. there it is again. good. yes. just like what you want to feel even though it's so damn hurt, but why do you only feel only a pair of legs when you're pregnant with twins?
"ex–excuse me. i–i need to go to the toilet."
without waiting for sam's answer, you quickly stand up and head for the toilet as fast as your belly can bring you. once inside the toilet you lock the door (good thing the toilet is empty), wanting some privacy. you caress your stomach. up and down. left to right. trying to soothe your pups. you push your stomach here and there, trying to feel another pair of kicks, but there's still none.
you start to shake. your eyes watery. "please, moon goddess, please don't–"
suddenly, there's a knock on the door. "omega?"
as soon as you open the door, sam have his hands cup your face, asking if you're okay. but you're shaking and crying and anxious and worried about your pups that the sentence that came out of your mouth merely sounds like, "alpha, i'm– s–s–sorry. i– didn– the– pups– pups– they– hurts–"
"no, no. i'm not mad at you." sam's thumb brushes your cheeks, wiping your tears. he tries his best to purr for you so you'd come down. it's not good to be in a state like you are now for the pups. plus, he can't get answer from you when you can't speak. "tell me. tell me what happen and i'll help. sshhh, it's okay. i'm here. i'm right here with you."
"the pups–" you hiccup. "the pups–"
will sam be mad at you if you tell sam that one of the pups isn't kicking? will sam put all the blames in you because of that? will sam lock you inside your house after you tell sam about his pups?
"what happened?"
"kick. they– he– kicks."
hearing that sam sigh. his face lights up. and he smiles from ear to ear. "really?"
you nod your head. to prove him, you take sam's big hand and rests it on your stomach. sure enough, one of the pups kicks the father's hand. and sam looks as if it's the happiest day of his life.
then, something dawns on him. "but... they're twins..."
"that's what i– that's– sam, what's happening?" you burst again.
you love them. even though they haven't been born yet, but you have already love them. you don't want to lose both of them or either of them. you don't. you can't.
"let's go to the hospital." he grabs your wrist and starts leading you out of the building.
"what? you can't– you're having a class."
"they're dismissed."
"dismissed? but the class just started."
"it ended a second after you left. now let's go."
in the car towards pack hospital, you continue caressing your stomach to feel the kick of the second pair of legs. you even take sam's free hand and push it around your stomach as a trigger for the second pair to wake up. because who knows if the second pup is more attached to the father's, right? but to your dismay, there is none. still.
"hey, don't worry too much. i'm sure everything will be alright," sam says in the car. he can't see your lips turned downwards. his alpha hates to see his omega sad. but what does he know about a pregnant omega's feelings?
you ended up in the ward for a follow up.
soon, you realised the doctor was right. the other twin is the passive one though expected also being an alpha. he was sleeping and relaxing when his brother was active. that night, you feel the second kick and you and sam are overjoyed that both of you accidentally woke up other patients.
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both you and sam are getting ready for class. sam is fixing his tie in front of the tall mirror while you're putting on your trousers. you approach your alpha to help him with his tie (one that he pretends he doesn't know how to tie the tie) and in front of him, you feel a gush of water coming our of your vagina like a water fall.
you look down. your trousers are fully wet. well, what else do you expect? it's water. not merely slick. there's a big black spot on the carpeted floor. the only good thing here is that, it's not blood, though it still has a distinguishing smell.
"oh, no! alpha." you reach for your big alpha with one hand and hold your belly with the other. you're yet to feel the contraction but the water is making you uncomfortable.
sam looks down with eyebrows knitted on his temple. he knows. he understands. he knows his pups are coming. he's ready but not prepared for them to come today!
sam is not thinking about his job anymore. he's barely thinking about the pungent smell. he's not thinking about the hygiene. he picks you up and places you inside his car. he kisses the top of your head before he runs back inside the house a bag and other supplies. before he leave the house, he makes sure that everything is in safe condition, only by that time, you're starting to feel the contraction.
dammit. you thought being in heat is already a torture...
sam manages to drive under speed limit but fast enough to arrive at the pack hospital before your delivery. but throughout the journey, you're already crying without tears, suppressing the contraction pain. it hurts, it hurts so damn much that it makes you re-thinking your life choice.
sam tried to be a great alpha by massaging your back. he takes off his coat and wraps it around your shoulder, hoping it'll help you with the pain. but right now, there's nothing else that could you ease with that. even with his purr, even with his kisses on your mating gland once both of you're in the hospital room and you're already in hospital gowns.
you're in the delivery room for 16 hours. 16 hours of breathing. 16 hours of massaging. 16 hours of crying. 16 hours of laughing. 16 hours of blaming your alpha for putting you through this. 16 hours of discussing either or not you want more pups (you discussed with your alpha that you want as many children both of you can produce and your alpha agreed with that). 16 hours of talking to distract you from the pain. well, only one thing way helps: the one when your alpha finger you, but even that only works for a short time.
and then, finally, after 16 hours of through these all, two beautiful alphas came out of you. the doctors are quick to clean them before returning them back to you and your alpha for claiming and skinships. and your world can't even be more beautiful than this.
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ferrersbiggestfan · 5 months
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Teacher’s Pet (UPCOMING! 2024)
Dean winchester x F reader
(sneak peak)
Summary: Y/N a 24 year old College Student on her way to a master’s degree falls irrevocably and utterly in love with her Professor, Dean Winchester
warnings: big age gap (Dean will be 38 in this fic) (14 year difference) angst, a bit inappropiate, prof and student, implied smut, au, etc.
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offers u older tired soft boi hours steve harrington 🤲 inspired by 'the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you' by greatunironic on ao3
defo recommend the fic if you want to experience an emotional journey ft. dad hop and rockstar eddie
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For Sam Winchester Appreciation Week, Day 1: Fusions! a little doodle made with clay resist and indigo.
as usual, image description below the cut.
image ID start: A small rectangle of middling-tone blue dyed fabric with a bust of Sam drawn in an off-white color and cartoonish style. He is smiling and surrounding by dots, hearts, and motion lines, with "SAMMY!" written above him, curving around his head. Image ID end.
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spn-imagines-nation · 2 years
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Gifs made by @jarpadandjensens
“Thank God, you came!”
“Not often you call us begging us to help you with a ghost.”
“Well, I can’t really let my students see me with my tools, can I?”
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salad-no-dressing · 11 months
Let me tell you- i have read a whole lotta good fics and a whole lotta bad fics but nothing will ever come close to being as good as dean winchester as a poet with castiel being his teacher and being lowkey obsessed with deans work and not knowing that dean is the poet!!!! It has truly changed the trajectory of my life!!!
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Cage Torture: Michael Edition + Sam being devotedly in love with Lucifer when he’s pulled out thoughts.
Because what if Michael was the one who turned his anger at destiny being thrown away onto Sam? Sam slips out of Lucifer’s grasp or Michael takes him away by force, but either way, he’s at Michael’s mercy now. And now, Michael can see that Lucifer isn’t the problem. Lucifer might have protested, might have asked Michael for another way out of the Apocalypse, but in the end, he was willing to do what they were always bound to.
No. Sam is the problem. Because to Michael, vessels are tools. Instruments of an angel’s will. Their goals are the goals of the angel possessing them, but Sam made a choice that wasn’t Lucifer’s. (There’s lingering resentment about Dean here, obviously there is.) Or, to be clearer, he made a choice that wasn’t Lucifer. He chose Dean.
Michael’s looking at this mirror of his brother, Lucifer who was cast out for saying he would love God above all else, and Sam didn’t play his part right. Sam chose Dean. Sam chose humanity. He was supposed to choose Lucifer.
He doesn’t love Lucifer enough, clearly. So. Michael fixes that. He rips Sam up and puts him back together, takes away pieces he knows Sam won’t need to play this role, (lobotomizes him, you might say, lmao) and when he’s done, and what’s left of Sam is terrified and utterly devoted to Lucifer, that’s when Michael gives him back.
(There’s a fundamental disconnect here between them. Lucifer values choice in a way Michael doesn’t. During the Apocalypse, he didn’t really believe there was any other path except the one they were on, but it mattered to him that Sam would walk it beside Lucifer of his own free will. And Michael can’t see how that’s important to him. It doesn’t matter if Lucifer wants this from Sam or not, he doesn’t want it like this, because Michael has removed Sam’s agency from the equation.)
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pssy-wagn · 2 years
Day 20: Spa Day
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Bonus: Couldn't leave the iconic line out of this
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 year
Scared of Never Feeling
Scared of Never Feeling by thatpeculiarone (@imthatpeculiarone) Rating: Mature Word count: 11,7k
Dean has been waiting to meet his soulmate, ever since the first words his soulmate would say to him appeared on his arm at eighteen years old. He's been waiting a very long time. Fifteen years to be exact. When they finally meet, it doesn't exactly go according to plan.
Who doesn't love a good soulmates AU? The promise of TheOne(TM), true love, the meet-cutes, the fluff. Now consider this, what if the meet-cute doesn't go as planned?
With this premise, thatpeculiarone builds a beautiful story about insecurity, self-doubt, and how communication can be difficult, even when you have your soulmate standing right in front of you. That sounds painfully familiar, right? And it's because it fits perfectly with Dean and Castiel's personalities. What is more, it's a good reminder to many of us that you can find love at any age. You don't have to be a college student to fall in love, and God forbid, life doesn't end at thirty, as society sometimes tries to convince us. Just because everyone around you is getting married or having babies and you're not, it doesn't mean you're doomed (assuming you want all that, of course). You'll get there. Just like Dean does in this story. Sure it takes some miscommunication, light angst, and some forgiving first, but with chemistry as unmatched as the one he has with Cas, there can only ever be a happy ending.
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rat-hand · 2 years
The only reason we didn’t get a Hannibal/supernatural crossover episode is because Sam and will would’ve fucked
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suncaptor · 2 years
Sam really was groomed by demons while growing up huh.
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sallysetoncore · 2 years
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making sam say this after his entire life was dictated by this asshole was the meanest possible thing the writers could have done
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starlite-png · 1 year
Sam gets academic validation primarily from a feeling of personal accomplishment. Dean, however, gets academic validation from teachers praising him because, let's be honest, he's completely starved for positive attention.
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Not Sam and Dean expecting Crowley to give an eff about the timeline for people he doesn't even know at the cost of his own son
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
See the old money vs new money motif of gatsby obviously doesn’t translate to Sam/Lucifer, but you know what does work as a parallel? spn’s idea of humanity. humanity as something inherent to one group, humans, but that can be Lost under certain circumstances. (Turn into a monster? Sorry, you don’t really count anymore, even if you don’t want to hurt anyone. Drink some demon blood? You’re walking a fine line, buddy.) And angels are obviously Not Human and Lucifer is the Most Not Human of them all.
And what spn is using humanity for is shorthand for who deserves to be saved, really. Who has inherent worth and doesn’t end up on the wrong end of a rifle. Sam nearly loses that because of his shenanigans in s4, and it doesn’t matter that we, the audience, can tell that this worldview is messed up, that Sam would still deserve to be treated with dignity and not dragged out back and shot no matter how far he went because we know he was being manipulated and pushed to the edge and that his intentions were good. Doesn’t matter. Because Sam’s stuck in that mindset as deep as anyone else. If he loses his humanity, that’s it. No going back. And in s5, he’s clinging on with his fingernails.
And then obviously, here comes Lucifer. Lucifer borrowing the face of Sam’s dead girlfriend to get intimacy he hasn’t earned yet. Lucifer who wants to give Sam everything. Lucifer who understands how Sam has been hurt and what he’s been through and wants Sam to know that he understands. He’s been hurt, too. But, especially after Ruby, Lucifer is not a character Sam can allow himself to sympathize with for even a moment. Lucifer can wear a human face and tell Sam that they’re meant to be with a human voice but he’s Not. he can’t be. he never will be.
And obviously, Lucifer doesn’t want to be human, but that’s the shorthand. Lucifer wants what it promises. He wants to be the one saved/the one doing the saving. He wants to be proven right about everything he’s done. He wants Sam beside him of his own volition.
But he doesn’t really understand any of it. He’s grasping at straws, making overtures that he knows will appeal to Sam without really understanding why. Why does Sam want his family alive? Because if they’d never died in the first place, none of this would be happening. Why does Sam want revenge on the demons who fucked up his whole life? Because he was powerless to stop them when they were doing it. Why does Sam want someone who will understand what he’s been through? He doesn’t want someone, he wants it to be someone human, someone who can look at his experiences and say, you are still worth something. Lucifer can say that as much as he wants, and he will not count!!!
They’re speaking two different languages, and there’s no way for either of them to bridge the gap. Lucifer doesn’t have the experience he would need to actually understand Sam in a way that isn’t purely through the lens of his own life. Sam just flat out doesn’t want to understand Lucifer, he’s been burned and the only time he’ll ever get close is so that he can ultimately turn Lucifer down.
So, new money vs old money. Monstrousness vs humanity. You are either born with it or you aren’t, (and always you could lose it at any time) and any attempt to gain it for yourself will only end in you getting rejected.
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