#team xanadu
singularsoldier · 1 year
Songs I think the mercs listen to
Spy: Bimbo Doll by Tila Tsoli
Medic: If You Seek Amy by Britney Spears
Pyro: Magical Doctor by Maretu
Engineer: Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood
Scout: Tungs by The Frights
Soldier: Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus
Demoman: Arms of the Ocean by Blackbriar
Heavy: Get Thy Bearings by Donovan
Sniper: Xanadu by Rush
This is based purely on sound. Fuck lyrics i listen to the song and go “yeah that’s a medic noise”
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
Magic Billy headcanon coming through!
You know all those comics where magic is taken away from its users? And most of them are really weak or get constant headaches?
Yeah, I decided to crank it up cause Billy full on dies. As in he will drop to the floor and his body becomes a husk. There’s not even a little memory twitch from his fingers. The boy is GONE.
Now, I’m thinking this could be because when someone is chosen to be the Champion, their soul is automatically turned into magic. They’re still a person, but they’re kind of like a puppet. This could be a thing before they’re born, like a destiny sort of thing, or immediately when they speak Shazam’s name the first time.
Whichever ones the case doesn’t matter tho, cause Billy knows it. He feels how different his soul is. This isn’t a commonly known thing tho. No one in the magic community knows this because the details are hush hush.
So imagine, someone(maybe Waller, maybe Luthor, cause apparently anyone can just waltz into the rock 🙄), finds a way to take magic away, whether it’s by subjugation of the rock or some kind of magic suction spell. Doctor Fate wilts in his seat, not able to talk as much. Zatanna, Giovanni, Constantine, Xanadu, Specter, what have you, they all hold their heads and do their best to keep standing up—
Billy falls to the floor. He’s not blinking. He’s not breathing. He’s not speaking. He’s not moving. The boy’s just gone.
Diana falls to the floor to cradle his head in her lap, feeling for a pulse, lightly slapping him to wake him up.
Clark is motionless standing up. He says slowly and with dreading horror:I can’t hear his heartbeat.
This jumps the heroes into a frenzy. The magic users go through the books they have on the Champion; his duties, research on the RoE, etc. There’s nothing on this. Nothing at all.
The rest of the League put him in the medbay immediately, trying to see if there’s anything normal that they can do. But without a heartbeat, their options are limited.
Some time later, they decide to split. A larger team will do what they can to bring Magic back, and the rest will stay at the Watchtower. The magic users already suspect that this has something to do with Magic anyway, so it’s a win win.
It takes a couple days, but magic is returned to its users and the worlds at large. Billy jolts awake in his bed to a bunch of hysterical heroes and his first words are: how’s the Rock?
Yeah, the JL is not happy. They want an explanation. Surprisingly, the magic users do too.
Billy tells them with hesitant eyes, about his soul, about how he is essentially nothing without magic. He is magic, as closely related to the center of it(RoE) as anything else.
Unfortunately, this only seems to aggravate his friends. Now he’s apparently convinced them that he’s a puppet for forces beyond their reach and a slave to the system, which is pretty funny cause he’s already a slave to the foster system and he is, in fact, one of those “forces behind their reach”.
Even the magic users are uneasy about this, which says a lot cause whenever Billy tells the league something hair-raising, they just nod their heads.
Billy is not left alone for the next few weeks. It’s torture.
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aboutzatanna · 9 months
The Conclave, a very short lived team of mystic heroes and villains who worked together and of which Zatanna was seemingly the chair of.
She is also dressed liked Xanadu here.
From Books of Fate #6:
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tangledbeast · 9 months
Zoo Tycoon Hints and Tips
Copied from my 2003 printout of the official site I posted. This is not all of the cheats that exist, just the ones on that specific page.
Cheat Codes
Name a guest Adam Levesque and unlock all Animal Care research programs (Adam Levesque is the CEO of Blue Fang and Creative Director for Zoo Tycoon.)
Name a guest Lou Catanzaro and unlock all Animal Enrichment research programs.
Name a guest Charlie Peterson and unlock all exhibit foliage.(Charlie Peterson is one of the Program Managers on Zoo Tycoon.)
Name a guest Akiyama and unlock all the scenarios that ship with the game (Akiyama is the family name of one of the test team members.)
Name a guest Steve Serafino and unlock all Endangered Animals research programs. (Steve Serafino is one of the designers of Zoo Tycoon.)
Name a guest John Wheeler and unlock all animal shelters. (John Wheeler is the Engineering Director for Zoo Tycoon)
Name a guest Ron Propst and unlock the Dinosaur Foliage research programs.
Name a Guest Hank Howie and unlock all Staff Education research programs.
Name a guest Eggman and all dinosaur eggs hatch more quickly. (DD)
Name a guest Dinoman and unlock all dinosaurs. (DD)
Name a male maintenance worker Bob V and all currently broken fences are fixed ("Bob V" refers to Bob Vila, the well-known improvement show host.)
Name a scientist Dr.Scholl and all scientists walk twice as fast.(DD)
Name an exhibit Cretaceous Corral and unlock the Triceratops.
Name an exhibit Xanadu and unlock the Unicorn. (Xanadu was Kublai Khan's summer capital in China, where he met Maroc Polo in 1275. It is also the title of a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.)
Name an exhibit Super Croc and unlock Deinosuchus
Press $ (Shift+4) and get $10,000, but a random exhibit fence weakens (great for the Bob V cheat!).
Easter Eggs
On September 15 on the in-game calendar (the date of the signing of the contract between Microsoft and Blue Fang for Zoo Tycoon), a biplane with the Microsoft logo flies across the map pulling a banner with the Blue Fang Logo.
On their own turf, penguins are capable of killing pretty much any animal in the game
Guests entering the zoo on January 1 (New Year's Day) on the in-game calendar will be sick.
October is Dinosaur Month! Purchase all dinosaurs at half price during the in-game month of October.
On October 31 on the real world calendar, all guests and buildings wear orange and black in honor of Halloween, a jack-o-lantern is available from the buildings and items menu, and a wicked witch flies over the zoo on a broomstick.
On October 31 (Halloween) on the in-game calendar a witch flies over the zoo on a broomstick and a jack-o-lantern is available from the buildings and items panel.
On Christmas (December 25) on the in-game calendar, Santa Clause flies over the zoo on his sleigh.
Name a male maintenance worker George W and all the foliage in your zoo will vanish, but you'll receive $300 tax rebate.
Name a guest Mr.Brown, Mr.Pink, Mr.White, Mr.Blond, or Mr.Orange and all guests and buildings currently in the zoo change to the associated color.
Name a male maintenance worker The Rock, all buildings are turned to rubble.
Name a bear Deer and the bear will immediately break out of its exhibit unless the fence is electrified)
Place a Mermaid Statue in an exhibit or show tank and it changes into a real mermaid. The Mermaid will not appear in the adopt an animal menu; however,you can continue dropping Mermaid Statues into water tanks to "adopt" more.
Name a guest Zeta Psi and all adult male guests change colors and become sick. (Zeta Psi is a college fraternity.)
Name a guest Alfred H and a flock of birds appears to frighten your guests.
Place a lion, a Bengal tiger, and a bear in an empty exhibit and unlock golden brick walkways.
Name a scientist Dr.Frankenstein and there's a 10% chance an egg will change contents when the scientist visits. (DD)
Name an exhibit Coprolite Corner, all dinosaur poo turns into rock. (DD)
Name guest Stinky and the guest caused other guests to be sick. (MM)
Name a male guest rpro and female guests will run from him. (MM)
Name a male guest Boogyman and the guest causes children to run away screaming. (MM)
Name an exhibit wonderland and get a bonus towards the chance of visitors entering the zoo.
Name a reindeer comet and all dinosaurs and dino eggs disappear from your zoo.
Name an exhibit Microsoft and get double the normal donations at exhibits.
Name a female tour guide Rosalie and all your tour guides will work for free. (Rosalie is one of the Deep Gameplay testers for Zoo Tycoon.)
When penguins reach a happiness rating of 90+, they will do a happy dance.
When lowland gorillas reach a happiness rating of 90+, they will do a happy dance.
Name a female Zookeeper Susan Kittleson and Zoo Marketing effect is doubled (not cumulative) (DD)
Name a male Zoo Keeper Chuck Frizelle and Zoo Marketing is doubled (not cumulative) (DD)
Name a guest Russel C and all exhibit fences will become broken, letting the animals free.
Earn the Zoo of the Year award and unlock the Elephant Seal Statue. (MM)
Earn the Excellence in Arctic Exhibit Construction and unlock the Iceberg. (MM)
Earn The Best Sea Lion Show in the Country and unlock the California Sea Lion Statue. (MM)
Earn the Best Orca Show in the Country and unlock the Orca Statue (MM)
Earn the Best Dolphin Show in the County and unlock the Bottlenose Dolphin Statue (MM)
Win the Aquatic SHow Park scenario and unlock the Show Grandstand 2 (MM)
Win the Shark World scenario and unlock the Photo Booth.
Win the Super Zoo scenario and unlock the Trio Statue.
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mantrabay · 5 months
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Far Beyond Hereafter
Team leader Renee peered out
of her faux gold window around a pulsing Friday noon.
“Almost like we’re puppets of each other down there.
Maybe everywhere?”
Albert, her partner and co-worker were apt to look down on the buzz where their joint venture, their central office, was located.
Quite often hoards of people of all age groups hung out, shrieked with joy, abandon, near the hazy plume cafe.
They were snacking and sharing purchases.
There was rainbow signage to the left of this group promoting all the companies within Renee, and Albert’s brief.
The name of their company was Hereafter Unlimited.
Close and “trustworthy” friends formed this postgraduate 7 person cluster which later evolved into quite a
mind-bogglingly complex concern.
Hair-raising hubs were hatched.
Geniuses one and all created one matrix after another of sequential self-financing companies.
Ideas among them spread like avalanches.
Songs and puns were sung.
They had “flames” or “wildfire” intensity at their fingertips.
They were at the mercy of their own brilliance.
Their aim was to bring countryside joys into every nook and cranny in their chosen capital.
There were bookstores, clubs, restaurants and other outlets named after the multifaceted rustic charms that obsessed them.
Each outlet had a communal dining area to draw in clientele.
The underlying idea behind all these shops, stores, stations
was to have a magnetic pull.
Havens, an escape hatch that would leave an out of this world impression on the visitor.
From energetic background music to kaleidoscopic screens, to elaborately sculpted tables, mahogany tint chairs, azure blue halo moon menus, kid zones in high jinx.
Cascade after cascade of hue swirls in tandem with jubilant dance trope very much in evidence.
A magic merry go round motif underpinned each inventive hub.
Once savoured, never forgotten.
Festivity a frequent festoon, mouth watering smorgasbord without rein running riot.
The element of surprise, key and kernel to atmospheres that thrived on visionary continuum.
Brains in this group were graded according to a binary system.
1 winner 0 as in loser.
A hypnotic mantra often -
“Winner, loser, hopeless chooser.”
There were even signs such as a straight finger for 1 or orb like finger sign for loser.
One might wonder aloud if this clique with their uncanny gestures would fit in anywhere else except this setting of their choice.
Hazy plume, rainbow eucalyptus, sylvan zephyr, amber leaf cascade,
lambent shroud, halcyon xanadu, wonder world cocoon, among the zany names they had thought of.
The staff each had nicknames linked to the above enterprises.
The brainstorming sessions they had had no drama or plot could “match.”
“Often have the feeling we are pawns to our ideas.”
Amber leaf sighed.
Lambent :
“This place is “dead on” for the wrong reason.
Smart is always in season.”
Lambent nodding to his “imaginary” sidekick “Shadow”
that seemed glued to his desk.
After all, they were used to that sort of thing as innovative university students.
This unusual alliance though city based had links to different areas.
But nothing would daunt this oddball eccentric clique and their very imaginative and oft bizarre aims.
They were nothing if not colorful.
They had this impressive office garnished with wallpaper having pictures of their various businesses and the names associated with them.
This franchise had been in existence now for over 5 years.
It was coping to an extent but there was an underlying desire to go beyond that.
A glorified high tek office routine secretly horrified everyone.
Lambent shroud, ICloud expert in the group was perhaps the zaniest of them all.
He had a fetish about hazes and how the term could be used.
Haze was his buzzword and
of course his very own in the ether mate.
He had a virtual sidekick called “Shadow.”
They used to speak to each other in rhymes.
“Hi there, going nowhere shadow.
I’m really stuck. Yuck!”
The other members of the group would tease Lambent Shroud.
They’d speak in groans n puns too.
You’d sense lambent was a little uncomfortable with it all.
The other members of this amazing group were all tall, had numerous quirks, and spoke with crystal clear clarity.
They stood out even when alone.
Their high IQ, articulacy, and physical presence were obvious requirements for this enterprise.
They were constantly with each other hatching plans.
But Lambent may have had a begrudging “one who leads” complex.
But was the cordiality apparent and only for appearances?
Team leader Renee is Hazy and Albert is Rainbow.
The brain sessions were more often than not impromptu.
Hazy, Halcyon and Amber would seem like cerebral archers the way they bounced informal sessions off each other.
The other pairs, bright spark subgroups would have these on the spot conventions.
“Sparks would fly.
High IQ flashes sky high.
We never ever say die.”
Eerie notion, pie in the sky.”
The smart seven chipping in one by one generating a certain heat.
Even fleeting cabals.
Their brain cliques they nicknamed “Bouncers,”
Or “Pools.”
“Blessing and a boon. Under a shimmering moon. You’ll be lifting trophies soon.”
Lambent the awkward rhymer.
Wonder world had a strained crease on his face.
“Crackpot scheme, halbaked dream, eccentric team.”
In reply.
And so the banter used to go until someone ran out of ripostes.
There were daily meetings also on security updates devised by the team.
But there was much nod and wink, subterfuge.
Amber Leaf the accountant controlled the cash flow, dividends, “watertight insurance,” wages, general outlay.
But one got the impression that there was something afoot.
Amber and sylvan nudged;
“Should we rhyme as we speak or maybe tweak til next week.
Isn’t Lambent leaning a lot on his Shadow.
The Alter Ego.”
Who is this Shadow to begin with Amber pried?
An umbrella term!
A watchful eye was maintained.
This most unusual group of mental giants were so astute that they crossed checked each others scheduling and tasks.
It all seemed so foolproof.
Turnover was quite considerable and there were really no grounds for complaint at any point.
But despite the cliques they could anticipate future trends which made sense but by the same token was spooky.
Betimes who actually did what with whom had a blurred demarcation.
When you have such active brain cells, another pseudonym for the catalyst co-op you might be forgiven for thinking at times it might seem monotonous.
“ Heck! What kind of service is this?
Fly in my soup. And that fish is off! And that’s not all.”
Sylvan Zephyr the ambassador was entrusted to diffuse awkward clients.
Shrieking and clamoring, heated exchanges over the phone subside after a protracted row.
One wonders why
Lambent Shroud had this uncanny smirk and one wonders at this stage why?
The wiles of his smiles were like a form of contagion in the region.
A comic contagion if you will was never far from the surface.
“I’ve just had this idea. We could have a different decor.
Like stick on flourishes.”
Halcyon Xanadu peeped.
Once again there’ we’re nods, some almost quasi-religious.
This may seem strange.
Another shuffle, cabal.
Lambent Shroud when not spinning joke shop rhymes, chatting with his shadow might suddenly burst into paroxysms of disdain.
Despite the cerebral nature of this undertaking each member of this esoteric business cult had their finger firmly on the economic pulse, the till.
“I keep checking my apps as asked though I leave the cash flow in reality to Amber.”
Hazy plume, who had the unenviable task of being the all-seeing-eye supervisor, and to keep the ideas surfacing from drifting into vermillion clouds.
“That’s good. Mightn’t be such a bad idea if we made a few spot checks on our hubs.”
Albert, alias Rainbow chimed.
Creativity was this seamless mesh.
But with all the paraphernalia at each desk perhaps sight was being lost of the original concept.
Maybe this might explain the present fractious undercurrent, stilted atmosphere that appeared to dwell within this epicentre.
A vocal scat from Lambent or the uncanny “Shadow.”
Now and then at any rate.
“Muffled squeaks, awh, so sad,
yikes, bah, too bad.”
The rub, the nub, the hub.
Sometimes the puns were flaccid where they once had flare.
After 5 years the wide-eyed optimism of wanting to bring the green utopia to the steel and concrete jungle of modern city life had somehow peaked, or maybe approaching it.
This wasn’t always obvious, however.
Halcyon Xandu.
“I just got a text from one of our hubs. One of the hub computers crashed and there was even some steam generated.
Volume of loud noises reported but calm was restored.”
Suddenly everybody awakened from their stupor despite the seeming hive of activity.
“As far as I can gather the crash was cleared fairly quickly.”
Xanadu again.
Tho a creeping suspicion crossed her face.
Everyone rushed towards a center spot on the floor.
A buzz quite unusual swept across the tight nuclear pulse clique.
There was always a certain surge about this place even during a lull.
All this very macabre in a mild sense conduct might seem like a scheme being cobbled together.
By someone but who knows what that someone is if a someone at all might be.
A prevailing milieu that was taut, tense, tho teasingly trivial constantly at tangents.
“Utter breathless oath,
unearthly surreal cache,
burst of universal apogee indelibly trumpets,
exalted plot as moonbeam stepping stone,
Mecca to a hue-laden vortex,
that sequesters sun-drenched harbors, gurgling stream meanders, moss-fleck tides,
mesmerizing shroud of lambent bayou,
hazy plume on silver waterfall,
scarab mountain chain at sapphire dawn.”
Sylvan Zephyr throwing down the gauntlet and eschewing his tentative role as tactful go-between.
You’ll have noticed the no corresponding taper of sounds known as rhyme.
A sleight of hand from the scheme team within the dream team was at play.
The following day wonder world cocoon did a whirlwind inspection of the various hubs.
Not best pleased.
It looked as if all the hubs were splitting up into subhubs.
The staff were being secretive in all the business operations.
Even certain ideas from headquarters which hadn’t been released yet.
Wonder world spotted rough outlines of change from the corner of her eye relating to the above tract.
Ominous thoughts lurking.
She began to detect a pattern.
“Holy charging elephants.
I smell a rat.
That’s that. Everybody get out of here.
is that clear?”
The complex jewel sensor super sensitive alarm system which had been added to by each member rang out.
Mysteriously each member incognito ( sometimes) installed extra features.
Ashen volcanic smoke left little to the imagination.
The 7 member cluster eschewedsafety protocol.
But somehow managed to escape against an anarchic, chaotic backdrop that surged at breakneck speed.
“What about our valuables, valuables?
Or are they “EXPENDABLES.”
Diplomatic Sylvan Zephyr not so diplomatic.
This incendiary incident shook the other hubs, the people in them and the surrounding area.
The thunderstruck brain camp, most of them gazed incredulously at what was unfolding.
A sky tower inferno of cinder spewing incidents, boom laden choirs with puns, warnings, alerts, rhymes, ones and zeros,
volcanic cackles, surreal demolition, and on the spot disintegrated havoc never seen before.
It ended in a gradual stepwise motion before collapsing into a gradual “Black Shadow Plume.”
This plume decided to hover over
a “Smirk” like structure redolent of “Someone.”
In many ways what was left of their business center looked like
the nirvana they as a group were trying to fuse with urban vim.
Renee nudged Albert who squinted at the corner of his eye.
They both spotted “Lambent Shroud” with a retinue that included other hub members, heading towards a country signpost!!!!
At least he was in that coveted dream lead role.
Renee opined. “I hear Lambent whispering to himself about missing something .. ..no longer a puppet? and the sidekick?”
Albert now clued in on this earth shattering denouement that engulfs layer upon eternal layer of tiered narrative.
Renee, Albert, Amber Leaf the reliable and infinitely shrewd person on money flow now swop knowing glances and scrutinise what is left of a once ornate “Landmark” project.
“Where do we all go from here I wonder?
But should we actually be asking that question at all?
We shouldn’t have the nerve or gall!”
Albert reflected with a “Stick On Smirk.”
As the local fire brigade arrives a “Haze” of a more “endowed” kind descends on Renee, Albert, Amber.
1’s and 0’s of a massive kind beckon!!!
And a nearby shop’s cash register tolls triumphant.
Three straight fingers now in sync!!!!!
This short story is dedicated to my wonderful sister Jay A Pallen.
Photographs and story all my own work
A genuine thanks to all my supporters and followers on Tumbrl
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localspacelesbian · 19 days
tagged by @wanderinginkspots
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs
oh boy, here we go...
Leon takes a break
for science
Leon's brother
I'm sorry I kept you waiting
the goddess of love
safe haven
aithusa - thank you emrys
the one where Lancelot lives
long live the thing
how to raise a dragon
an angel and a warlock walk into a tavern
immortality mergwenthurlot angst
boys will be bugs
strength, courage, magic
begin again
the one where Lancelot stayed
the druid king
andi mack Merlin au
ace trio soulmate au
gender bent Merlin au
of the lake
hsm rewrite
the one where Merlin married the wrong pendragon
Merlin tries out being a woman for a night
Arthurian mythology 101
can you doordash a woman?
why does it hurt?
elyan has magic
you're my what?
college reincarnation au
timeless (merlin's version)
the knights are cats
magic/dragonlord/immortality reveals
a jatp Christmas carol
andi mack jatp au
Willie and Alex walk into the goddamn ocean
which jatp member is gay? the answer may surprise you (not cickbait)
and a movie
reggie's song (oh my my my)
folklore songfic
it's not gay to kiss the homies
wait are you demi?
the ranch
bop to the top
bexie soulmate au
big red/marty
what team?
dog sitting
Feb 14
(like half of these are abandoned and I thought about not including them but fuck it)
anyway i'm not counting that high, but i don't think i know that many people, so if you see this, congratulations, you've been tagged <3
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lesbianmichelmishina · 6 months
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more gijinka team arts! x, white2 and white.
x: byakuya the meowstic, antonio the hawlucha, jay the chesnaught, nala the pyroar, caledscratch the aegislash, and aang the lucario
white2: xanadu the zebstrika, gullsworth the pelipper, danta the emboar, athos the cobalion, lavender the roserade, and zorro the zoroark (n's)
white: giselle the samurott, ella the lilligant, greenie the shiny stoutland, lolly the galvantula, kazuaki the unfezant, and winston the victini
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yabagofmilfs · 11 months
I loved your recs so far! Can you do sophi?
i can certainly try, but i'm running out of bookmarks at this point haha.
S - (the) space in between by saintroux | 3k | rated E
alpha geno goes into rut on a team trip to banff, and enjoys the rare occasion of his beta boyfriend letting him top, even if it's only in the literal sense because sid is still a bossy bitch who lives to tease. i love the way this flips the traditional omegaverse dynamics, and that geno is so, so gone for sid.
O - okay by getoffmyhead | 2k | rated T
after another disappointing playoff loss, geno prepares to head to worlds to play for russia, and tries to convince sid to go with him. a sweet and simple look at the early stages of their relationship.
P - phil kessel is a two time stanley cup champion by whisperedwords12 | 4k | rated E
BDSM au where sub sid is trying to make sure all his teammates have what they need directly post-2017 cup win, despite dropping a little himself. Geno bullies him into kneeling for Phil while he takes over with the team. just kind of sweet and hazy as sid struggles to let himself relax, but goes loose and biddable any time geno stops by to check on him.
H - happy to comply by pinetreelady | 1k | rated E
cute and hot pwp where geno really likes nipple play but is a giant baby about them being sore afterward. really captures the essence of their relationship lol.
I - in xanadu by sevenfists | 73k | rated E
the fraught emotional journey of zhenya coming to america and figuring himself out. 70k of what can best be described as my tummy hurts. :( (i am not doing this justice i just don't know what to say. it's beautiful! it's devastating! it hurt my feelings real bad. i read it once every couple of months just to feel something.)
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xxanaduwrites · 1 year
if i posted a short story fic where austin is a baseball player/captain of an mlb team and y/n is hired as the team photographer with some sprinkling of enemies to lovers vibes, would ya’ll be interested and read it? i think his 6’0 fine ass would be real hot as a baseball player. also, it would probably be a multi part type fic. thank you for your consideration. lemme know in the comments ya’ll!
your girly pop,
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jerseyluck · 11 months
Suicide Squad (1987) #8 Readthrough
After the high action 3-parter that we got last time, this time we get the 1st of what would become a bit of annual tradition for this.
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This issue focuses on the reports that Suicide Squad psychologist Simon La Grieve has made through therapy sessions. Through this we get character studies on the team members and some foreshadowing of future arcs in the book.
In the character bits section, the book establishes the Waller’s backstory of being a single widow who lost her husband and son to violence because of the circumstances of living as a poor black woman. After meeting with Greive for therapy, Waller decides to take the anger that she feels and put that energy towards her work. However, that means she is often cold and stubborn. She gets the bad news that the mission to Russia that Waller sent the team on was signed off by bureaucrat who lacked accurate info.
The book then cuts Flag angry that Waller won’t sign off on a mission to rescue the left-behind Nemesis. And to make matters worse his ex disses him, and he loses a fight against the once-Manhunter, Mark Shaw (who is for reason dressed like pirate and is being called The Privateer).
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We then cut to see Bronze Tiger and The Enchantress in the city to get help with killer alternative that Enchantress suffers from. The story gets some wider DC Universe connectivity by having Madame Xanadu be the person to help with issue. Enchantress gets a ring that allows for her powers to be controlled but then gets the news that the more she uses her magic, the more likely that the two personalities will merge.
Deadshot is next and he is getting some romantic tension with the therapist that is assigned to work with him. However, it is Captain Boomerang who is getting in the most trouble. He is doing crimes disguised as his recently deceased partner Mirror Master. A scheme that will no doubt go perfectly.
The story ends with Dr. De Greive worried about his patients but deciding to leave it alone for now and go to bed with his wife. A solid issue through and through that highlights the arcs that the characters are going through.
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ufonaut · 1 year
Thoughts on Huntress Wayne version being a paradox? Do you think Ruby will appear in present day too?
'huntress wayne' is the funniest thing to call her (first name huntress last name wayne) but i love it! yes, i absolutely love helena being a paradox! the entire book so far -- even batman's presence -- has been immensely satisfying to me and i think it's an impeccable starting point to recapture the feeling of the 1976 all-star comics but with the much more mature sensibilities afforded by the modern era. i can't think of any other solution to keeping helena's adult self in the present day team and i've been theorizing that she'll remain here tethered only by the snow globe since day one so i'm perfectly happy, but i also never could've predicted that i'd be so emotionally affected by both the similarities between bruce & helena and the sudden realisation on helena's part that this is not the man she knew as her father ("she can't stay here"). just great stuff, hats off to geoff!
i think helena is a necessary part of the team at any rate, if we consider the '76 series the last 'true' canon addition to the jsa's history (which i do, and i can elaborate on that if you'd like) then she and pg are the only additions that may still be counted as original members -- evidently replacing batman & superman in the 1940s jsa. so, welcome back to helena wayne! she's been missed!
as for ruby, i think it's definitely likely we'll see her again in the ongoing series but jury's out on what context that would be exactly. i wanna know everything about her, i already love her dearly but ruby's age is a mystery to me (she was born in 1951 according to vlad's who's who page but she looks to be in her twenties in 2048, unless she can simply look whatever age she desires like alan can) as is where exactly she'll fit in alan and vlad's lives. i hope we'll see something about her in alan scott: the green lantern mini too, and i certainly hope geoff delivers on madame xanadu's prediction of "only the green lantern can save the red lantern" from jsa #4. in short, i think whatever future appearances ruby gets will definitely be tied to vlad!
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aboutzatanna · 7 months
My ideal Justice League Dark Sentinels of Magic line up:
Wonder Woman/Diana of Themyscira (leader)
Zatanna Zatara (co-leader)
Blue Devil/Dan Cassidy (muscle)
Nightshade/Eve Eden (transport)
Amethyst of Gemworld (Gemworld rep, also muscle)
Aqualad/Garth of Shayeris (Atlantean rep, mystic knowledge)
The seventh spot would be a rotating spot that could be filled with someone like say, Enchantress/June Moon, Captain Marvel/Billy Batson, Deadman/Boston Brand, Zachary Zatara, Etrigan the Demon/Jason Blood or Zauriel.
Phantom Stranger, Madame Xanadu and Doctor Occult will do their usual exposition thing.
Dr/Fate Khalid Nassour will be a part of the JLA or JSA as their primary magical ally. (My larger DC plan is for each member of the Trinity to have their own signature team and this would be WW's).
As for the team itself, there is a lot of potential here with Diana and Zee with their warrior and magician dynamic. Diana is familiar with the Greek side of the magical world but Zatanna would have a better understanding of the bigger picture. Blue Devil and Zatanna are both performers so there is an interesting dynamic there, at the same time Dan and Even are both hardcore Catholics meanwhile by all indication Zee was likely raised Catholic but isn't that into the religion. Amethyst and Eve both have such extreme contrasts in both appearance, personality and history, any interaction between them will likely be hilarious.
Garth is such an underrated, under appreciated character. He's one of those DC characters that seemingly floundering with no direction to go in. However, Obsidian Age really endeared me to the character and also the idea of Zee being a second mentor to him.
Just as WW would have more specialised knowledge about Greek mythology, I imagine Garth would have more esoteric knowledge about Atlantis which even characters like Zatanna wouldn't be privy to.
He would be the team's second sorcerer and also his youth, vulnerability and sense of uncertainty makes him ideal for being the heart of the team.
That's it. Let me know what you think.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, October 1
COLONEL: You're a dead man, Finn. RILEY: No, sir. I'm an anarchist.
~~New Moon Rising~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Let’s Talk by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, Dawn, PG-13)
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Juicyfruits by JaqofSpades (Buffy/Faith, E)
The Uses of Magic by LittleRaven (Buffy/Tara, T)
Leather by Greensword101 (Angel/Spike, E)
Dancing with Dimensions by Laragh (Willow, Scoobies, T)
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Voices in the Woods by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Rare Snow by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, series rated R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Xanadu - Chapter 1 by violettathepiratequeen (Angel, Buffy/Spike, M)
Lavender Haze - Chapter 1-2 by Sera (Sons of Anarchy crossover, Buffy/Jax, T)
Texts From the Hellmouth - Chapter 1 by dwinchester (Supernatural crossover, Buffy & Dawn, Dawn/Sam, T)
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Stained: epilogue (COMPLETE!) by bakedbakermom (The X Files crossover, Spike, Scoobies, not rated)
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Out of this World, love... Ch 5 by Miss Kitty (Buffy/Spike, PG-13, in French)
Bound, Ch. 51 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Twice Broken, Thrice Burnt, Ch. 16 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
New Normal, Ch. 13 by holetoledo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Destiny or Choices Made? Ch. 5 by charmed4lifekaren (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
No One Is Innocent, Ch. 1 by DeathTheKat (Buffy/Spike, R)
Goodbye to Everything That I Knew, Ch. 1 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Dead End Plots, Ch. 1-2 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Out of Time: 1942, Ch. 50 by Jonayla (Harry Potter crossover, Buffy/Tom Riddle, FR18)
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Chosen One 2: Welcome to the Hellmouth, Ch. 7 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
A Marriage of Inconvenience, Ch. 4 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
Slave Unto The Night, Ch. 1 by VioletMoon (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Magic of Time, Ch. 1 by tbd (Buffy/Spike, R)
Autumnal Shorts, Ch. 1 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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New Banner Art by veronyxk84 (Buffy, Spike, worksafe)
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Spuffy halloween icons by mcgnagallsarmy (Buffy/Spike, slightly NSFW)
Halloween icons by onegirlinallthewrld (Buffy, Faith, Nikki Wood, Kendra, potentials, worksafe)
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Cozy little tomb with a view... by MoiraBarrie (G)
The Basket by Dirtyaim (Buffy, PG-13)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Favorite episodes: Something Blue by winterlovesong1
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E22 (part 3) by jvstheworld
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E22 (part 4) by jvstheworld
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What's a thing people usually hate/dislike (episode, character, arc, etc) and you actually like? by Imaginecoolname
Share something you like about your least favourite episode, and something you hate about your favourite episode by notwritingasusual
[Recs & In Search Of]
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happenstanceandnonsense seeks AtS fic where Spike loses his soul and everyone panics
[Community Announcements]
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October 2023 Monthly Paring and Prompt at btvscrackships
Threesome Month (posting starts in November) at btvscrackships
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The Revamped IWRY Marathon (run on tumblr) will be hosting fic superlatives to shout out the amazing works coming this November
[Fandom Discussions]
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One thing that annoys me about some of the ships in the Buffyverse by oveliagirlhaditright
ever notice that robin wood and daniel holtz both... by thepunkmuppet
a comprehensive list of all the Implications (TM) of the Wishverse by thepunkmuppet
time to shitpost one of my fav ships in buffyverse (Angel/Angelus) by fblckt
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On your first watch, did you correctly predict something would happen? by little_moustache
I... I think I finally understand the Dracula episode by hornybutired
I loved Riley Finn by Sweet-Siren
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Compilation Post
Yū Shimamura
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Part 2
Other LoZ Roles: Princess Zelda (BotW)
(A few pictures on the right aren't LU, but they are by jojo56830)
First Role as Zelda: Skyward Sword
LoZ-Related Roles: Hyrule Warriors
Main LU character: Sky's Zelda (Sun)
Alternate LU Voice for: Wild's Zelda (Flora)
Some characters with the same voice:
Annie Leonhart (Attack on Titan), Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora (Precure), Female Team Plasma Grunt (Pokémon Black/White 2 Animation Trailer), Akiko Yosano (Bungo Stray Dogs), Shinobu Kawajiri (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), Asuka Hiragi (Tokyo Xanadu), Aelita Schaeffer Jpn. Dub (Code Lyoko), Gliss Jpn. Dub (Tinker Bell), Siune (Sword Art Online), Gloria (Bravely Default II), Tuareninya Veyron (Overlord), Aida Surugan (Gundam), Ichi Mezato (Mob Psycho 100 III)
In the game:
Skyward Sword
Breath of the Wild
Also thought this was interesting. It provides a more literal translation for the memories in BotW.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Original Post
"Shinjitsu (Sora Shiranu Mushi No Ko Yo)" from Seven Knights Revolution: Hero Successor
Translated title: "Truth (Little Bugs Who Have Never Seen the Sky)"
This song is for the character Eunomia.
The video plays a segment of the song "Truth" that contains a shortened version of another song called "Little Bugs Who Have Never Seen the Sky" (which; in the other, longer version; is sung by someone else).
Original Post with Lyrics
"Primal Place" from Go! Princess Precure!
This song is for the character Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Sleepless Legend" from Sword Art Online
This song is for the character Siune and six others. Siune has one line to herself and the rest of the time she sings with others.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Princess no Jōken" from Go! Princess Precure!
Translated title: "Conditions of Being a Princess"
This song is for the character Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora and three others.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Dreamin' Bloomin'" from Go! Princess Precure!
This song is for the character Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Be a Princess☆" from Go! Princess Precure!
This song is for the character Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Tsuyoku, Yasashiku, Utsukushiku" from Go! Princess Precure!
Translated title: "Strongly, Gently, Beautifully"
This song is for the character Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora and three others.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Joyful! Pretty Cure Christmas" from Go! Princess Precure!
Short Version (Lines are sung by different people)
Long Version here or in original post below.
This song is for the character Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora and three others.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Slow Starter" from Digimon Universe: App Monsters
This song is a duet between Offmon and Yuujin.
Original Post with Lyrics
"Ballad of the Goddess" from Skyward Sword
Skyward Sword Zelda sings in-game, of course!
The specific versions of Ballad of the Goddess where she sings are called "Opening" and "Legendary Hero."
Original Post with Lyrics
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Part 1 - Click Here
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mantrabay · 1 year
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Far Beyond Hereafter 1 Upgrade
8 Different Pictures
Additional Lines Between Quotation Marks
Team leader Renee peered out
of her faux gold window around a pulsing Friday noon.
“Almost like we’re puppets of each other down there.
Maybe everywhere?”
Albert, her partner and co-worker were apt to look down on the buzz where their joint venture, their central office, was located.
Quite often hoards of people of all age groups hung out, shrieked with joy, abandon, near the hazy plume cafe.
They were snacking and sharing purchases.
There was rainbow signage to the left of this group promoting all the companies within Renee, and Albert’s brief.
The name of their company was Hereafter Unlimited.
Close and “trustworthy” friends formed this postgraduate 7 person cluster which later evolved into quite a
mind-bogglingly complex concern.
Hair-raising hubs were hatched.
Geniuses one and all created one matrix after another of sequential self-financing companies.
Ideas among them spread like avalanches.
Songs and puns were sung.
They had “flames” or “wildfire” intensity at their fingertips.
They were at the mercy of their own brilliance.
Their aim was to bring countryside joys into every nook and cranny in their chosen capital.
There were bookstores, clubs, restaurants and other outlets named after the multifaceted rustic charms that obsessed them.
Each outlet had a communal dining area to draw in clientele.
The underlying idea behind all these shops, stores, stations
was to have a magnetic pull.
Havens, an escape hatch that would leave an out of this world impression on the visitor.
From energetic background music to kaleidoscopic screens, to elaborately sculpted tables, mahogany tint chairs, azure blue halo moon menus, kid zones in high jinx.
Cascade after cascade of hue swirls in tandem with jubilant dance trope very much in evidence.
A magic merry go round motif underpinned each inventive hub.
Once savoured, never forgotten.
Festivity a frequent festoon, mouth watering smorgasbord without rein running riot.
The element of surprise, key and kernel to atmospheres that thrived on visionary continuum.
Brains in this group were graded according to a binary system.
1 winner 0 as in loser.
A hypnotic mantra often -
“Winner, loser, hopeless chooser.”
There were even signs such as a straight finger for 1 or orb like finger sign for loser.
One might wonder aloud if this clique with their uncanny gestures would fit in anywhere else except this setting of their choice.
Hazy plume, rainbow eucalyptus, sylvan zephyr, amber leaf cascade,
lambent shroud, halcyon xanadu, wonder world cocoon, among the zany names they had thought of.
The staff each had nicknames linked to the above enterprises.
The brainstorming sessions they had had no drama or plot could “match.”
“Often have the feeling we are pawns to our ideas.”
Amber leaf sighed.
Lambent :
“This place is “dead on” for the wrong reason.
Smart is always in season.”
Lambent nodding to his “imaginary” sidekick “Shadow”
that seemed glued to his desk.
After all, they were used to that sort of thing as innovative university students.
This unusual alliance though city based had links to different areas.
But nothing would daunt this oddball eccentric clique and their very imaginative and oft bizarre aims.
“Ingenuity is their calling card and always will be.
Momentum spurred by intrigue.
The decoy of penumbra.
Overarching think tank with potential to dissolve.
Reform, regroup, realign on whim
as Svengalis creep behind in low profile.”
Short Story Extract And Photos
All My Own Work
Endless Gratitude to all who read, like. and considerate this post
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armchairaleck · 1 year
Really I just wanted to write a simple story called conversations with Kpp’Ar where team mage talk to Kpp’Ar and work through some of these past life traumas together… but now I both have no idea what the events were that made everyone abandon Viren’s sorry ass and I am also starting to think the conversations with Kpp’Ar note was just a fever dream I had… I'm sure it was one of the spoilers from WonderCon? I saw it once and never again... like Xanadu... was it ever even real..
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