#technically not toontown but also Yes Toontown
cathalbravecog · 1 year
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i HAVE to put these here. this is how cogs play minecraft ( w/ @15laff and @spamtoon <3 it was fun )
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plantify · 2 months
incoherent tangent about stuff I try to do when drawing Toontown stuff:
I try to draw Toon related things and Cog related things slightly differently, to sort of further outline their differences.
Even if they're both drawn in the same art style, I try to make the style at least slightly different for the two factions. (I haven't drawn many Toon related things so maybe this isn't very well seen, but you get what I mean)
I try to draw Cogs in a slightly more detailed manner, while I try to draw Toons in a bit more simplistic and cartoony manner. (I've only drawn one Toon recently, so this is the best example I have)
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The Toon is a bit flat and I put less detail into their hands. Speaking of hands, I like drawing Cogs with 5 fingers and Toons with 4.
Yes I know Cogs have 4 fingers in-game but its just a style thing. You know, give them a more serious (and maybe even "alien" vibe? At least from the perspective of Toons.) also ties in to how cartoons often only give characters 4 fingers for ease of animating. I guess this also ties into my headcanons on different animation styles being a thing in the Toontown world, and Suits BY TECHNICALITY being a type of "Toon" (if you want to use that term to describe an animated character, anyways.)
Anyways this slight art style difference I HOPE applies to how I draw Toon and Cog environments/buildings as well. You can be the judge of that, looking at these two pieces I made.
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Anyways, I hope this tangent was coherent enough to be understood. Ig I just wanted to yap about my style choices for this game for babies, even if it ends up being to an audience of nobody
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ask-derrickman · 9 months
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Rain saw my colleagues doing this and would not let up until I did as well, I'm already starting to regret it...
ooc: [Inbox is currently open]
[More info under the read more yes]
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(YEAAHG ASK BLOG TIME seeing all the ttcc manager blogs around lately slowly pushed me into trying it out myself since I hadn't seen one with my beloved boy yet, taskline manager enjoyers rise up)
(And of course now for the obligatory forewards and rules I gotta bring up:
- Not technically a 100% canon-compliant Derrick Man (well... as much as you even can with him), the one on this blog is actually based on a still nameless AU I've thrown together, he's not very drastically changed as a person though hes still grumpy and boring and full of oil but its enough to mention probably (he may mention things in passing sometimes too if the topic comes up)
- On the topic of that too, shipping between William and Rain and William and Chip will probably come up occasionally, im normal im normal guys im normal
- Headcanons galore, well- I mean as is a given for a character with so little official content to be fair, i don't wanna ruin the fun by listing everything though (also because we'd be here all day)
- This blog claims no direct affiliation with any other character's askblogs, or any other blogs in general for that matter aside from my main, all characters depicted in my doodles as well are my own spins on them and unrelated to any other askblogs too (please feel free to keep sending me jokes from other askblogs though like the spayed bellringer thing i think its funny as fuck) ((this is not to discourage anyone elses blogs from interacting though I'm just noting this so its at their own discretion))
- Please behave in the inbox, I will not answer any asks that are very blatantly explicit or anything, this blog is technically being run by a minor keep in mind, also this is a toontown blog so like... idk what you're expecting from me to begin with dude
- Speaking of me, feel free to bully William i love that but I'd appreciate if you... try to go easy on the me behind this, im the only person running this blog and im disabled with a busy irl life so updates will be slow, I'm just having some fun with my blorpos here
- Not every ask is going to have a drawing alongside it too by the way, I dont quite have the stamina for that, and sometimes the inspiration doesn't strike, my apologies
That should be all unless i think of something else to add here, YEHEA! go crazy sorry that this is so long by the way thats my bad)
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Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: Cog Gallery Elaboration
Okay so, context, since it’s been a while: The Cog Gallery is a page in the player’s Shticker Book that serves as the in-game “bestiary”.
When you open it, there are five tabs: One for Sellbots, one for Cashbots, one for Lawbots, one for Bossbots, and one for Boardbots.
Each tab has a “thumbnail” showing the boss of that department (in silhouette if you’ve not yet encountered that boss yet).
When you click on a “tab”, you’re taken to that Department’s Gallery, where every Cog in that department is represented by a headshot. If you’ve not yet encountered that Cog, it’s headshot will be a silhouette. If you’ve not encountered that Cog, and you need a Toontask or a Special Event to encounter it, it’s headshot will be absent entirely until you DO encounter it.
Once you’ve encountered a Cog, you can click on its headshot to access its profile.
The information in a Cogs profile will be mostly empty at first (only showing the Cog and its name), but will fill out the more Cogs you defeat.
The profile is structured as follows:
Random Face-Off Taunt (changes every time profile is opened): 20 Defeats
Level Range: 5 Defeats
Damage Range (from lowest possible damage at lowest legitimate level to highest possible damage from highest non-cheated level): 20 Defeats
Random Like: 40 Defeats
Random Dislike: 50 Defeats
Additionally, you can see how many of that Cog you’ve defeated, and how many Cogs of that department you’ve defeated beneath the Cog’s image (which also shows their default idle animation).
If a Cog has any drops (currently exclusive to Managers) there will be a Magnifying Glass in the lower-left corner of their full-body shot that you can mouse over to reveal the Loot you can get from them.
Defeating 100 Cogs in one department will unlock the Cog Radar for that department. When viewing a Department’s Gallery, the population of each individual Cog type at your current location will be shown beneath their headshot. The bottom of that Department’s Gallery will also show the number of buildings that Department has captured on your current Street (if applicable).
Additionally, the profiles for all Cogs in that department will be automatically filled in as soon as they’re unlocked. Cog Bosses (not Managers, who are technically minibosses) will have their Level Range shown as [CLASSIFIED] and their Damage Range as ???. What’s a Cog Boss if it’s not a Manager? You’ll see…
If a Manager Cog has a Sweetener, its headshot will have a yellow glow around its outline. Mousing over it will reveal how many Gumballs, Jellybeans, and Toon Experience Points you’ll be rewarded with for claiming that Sweetener. Once a Sweetener has been claimed, the glow turns green.
The bottom of the gallery has the  Weekly Gumball Limit, showing how many Sweeteners you’ve claimed from Sweeteners out of 1000. Once you’ve claimed 1,000 Gumballs from Sweeteners, you won’t be able to claim any more until the limit resets on Sunday at 12:00 AM “Toontown Time” (actually “Eastern Time”).
Let me know if you want to see Damage Ranges for the Cogs from now on.
Next time, we cover Ye Olde Toontowne for realsies.
 Oh it’s a pokedex!
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marinerainbow · 11 months
Ok I'm too excited, so here's a deatailed post for my new gal
Shiny Weasel
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I am not an artist so I don't have any visuals for Shiny. I'll try my best to describe her appearance.
Also, please note that she's still not 100% developed. So there may be changes in the future. I'm happy with what I've got right now, but still.
As the image implies, Shiny is pretty much a flapper girl for the 40's. She drinks, wears whatever she wants from short skirts to trousers, and lives how she wants. She's honest, in that brutal sort of way; unless she's trying to deceive you, she'll say whatever is on her mind, no matter how witty, sarcastic, or brash it may be.
Shiny works as a performer in a somewhat high-end (high-end as in they got nice props) yet seedy club in Downtown Toontown. I'm debating on whether or not she owns the club, or she's just a worker. Though that's her 'day' job. Her real job is making her own moonshine and selling it to whoever seeks her services. From upstanding citizens to lowly criminals. Technically, by the events of the movie, alcohol is no longer prohibited. But moonshine was still considered illegal to make because of how dangerous it can be. Not to mention making it at home, which Shiny does. (I hope my research is correct.)
She's confident, she's loud, she's stubborn, and she refuses to let others dictate how she should act or present herself.
Appearance wise, Shiny's got the body type that the Toon Patrol has. So she doesn't have the humanoid body that Whinnie Weasel does. Her belly/neck/palms are a brown sugar shade, and her back/legs/arms are sienna brown. I'm debating on making her eyes the generic black pupils like Smartass and Stupid, or giving her vibrant green eyes (it'd complete the whole eye color set for weasels if they were green, but I don't want to risk making her look like a weaselfied Jessica Rabbit either)
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She doesn't have human-like hair like Greasy, but she does let the fur on her head grow out to make hair like Psycho. It's short, and she styles it when she's working in the club, but leaves it as a fluffy pixie style when she's off duty.
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She does wear sparkling/fancy clothes clothes when at the club or just dancing. But when she's at home or just doing her chores/errands, she wears more casual clothes. I can't think of anything specific, I still need to work on her style.
Now, hopefully I was able to paint a clear enough picture XD now, onto tid-bits!
As I said before, Bernadette Peters is my voice claim for Shiny. Both for her speaking voice and singing voice (yes she sings)
Moonshine isn't her only crime. If she doesn't like you and/or you give her a reason, Shiny will steal your wallet and use whatever she finds. Cash, credit cards, you name it. If you really piss her off, she'll put you in debt.
She can be brash, but she can be nice too. Nicer than Smartass at least. Basically, if you play nice, she'll play nice too. And if you earn her trust, she'll be quite the loyal friend and ally.
Shiny has ran into the Toon Patrol plenty of times. They've had to pay her a visit a few times while acting as a police force for the judge. They 'check up on her' and sometimes have had to arrest her for appearances... Though in reality, she pays them for protection to continue her moonshine business, and has even sold them some of her best alcohol. She's gotten well acquainted with them because of it (especially with a certain zoot suited weasel)
I was actually originally going to make her related to Smartass (and by extension Stupid, with my hc that they're brothers). I was thinking about families for the weasels, and I wanted to make him a sister. Though when I started developing Shiny more and more, I couldn't figure out how to make it work. So it's a scrapped concept (I still like it though, so maybe she and him develop a sibling bond? I'm not sure).
The reason why I colored her name purple is because I imagine that would be her color. She'll wear purple hued dresses at work. It's her favorite color. And it could be her designated color if she became a part of the TP.
Her birthday/the day she was drawn is March 28'th, 1913 (making her 34 years old during the events of the film)
Considering that she dances nightly, I imagine Shiny is pretty fit. And she also knows how to move her body to quickly evade danger and wandering hands if needed.
My biggest inspiration for Shiny is Ms. Scarlet from Clue the Movie. Though other characters were her inspiration; Granny Boone from 2001 Maniacs, Wendy from Gravity Falls, Velma Kelly from Chicago, Joy Turner from My Name is Earl, Daisy Duke from The Dukes of Hazzard. Even a little bit of Jessica herself. There are other characters, but these are the ones that come to mind at the moment.
And that's Shiny! Please let me know what you think! ^^
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felixstudios · 10 months
It has come to my attention that a lot of people make introduction posts on their blogs, so I've decided to create one!
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My Content:
I'm an artist and a writer. I post whenever I make Toontown related art and I also post my Clash headcanons to my blog.
Can I leave a request?
For headcanons: yes! It's free game. I can't guarantee I can give you an answer, but you can ask me to leave pretty much any HCs as long as it's family friendly.
For art: no. I don't take requests for art; however, I do take commissions. Please click this link for more information, but prices start at $20 and may go as high as $95+ depending on what you want. I also only draw family friendly content.
What's this Playground Swap AU?
This is an AU I created where the 16 managers added in 1.3 are assigned to work in different playgrounds. Some of them even change job titles! If you'd like to read more about it, you can do so here. Please note it will have VERY slow updates but I'm not abandoning it!
What's this ask blog about?
This is just a silly blog for me to roleplay as my OCs on Tumblr and answer questions. If you wanna learn more, you can do that here.
Do you post anything not Toontown related?
Yes, but very rarely. I almost exclusively post things that are somehow related to Toontown. Typically it will be Toontown: Corporate Clash specifically, but sometimes it may be Toontown Rewritten.
Do you write anything besides headcanons?
Yes! I just don't post them on Tumblr- I post my stories to AO3 instead. You can find the link to my AO3 here.
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About Me:
My name is Felix, and I use it/they/she pronouns. I'm a moderator for Toontown: Corporate Clash.
My Discord is the_felixverse.
Should I contact you on Tumblr or Discord?
If you need to reach me, my preferred method of communication is Discord. However, if you have to use Tumblr, I don't mind!
What can I contact you about?
You can literally send me a screenshot of you T-posing in Toontown for all I care. However, if you have a TTCC moderation related concern, please seek help through the proper channels and not via my DMs.
What fandoms are you in?
Toontown {Rewritten and Corporate Clash more specifically}
Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero
I'm technically in more fandoms, but those are the only ones I'm currently active in. A few of my other notable interests include Bloons Tower Defense 6, House M.D., Danganronpa, Pokémon, and Five Nights at Freddy's 1-4.
How old are you?
I'm an adult.
Who's your favorite Cog?
This might be surprising to those of you who know my in-game club that I made is literally called Mouthpiece Admirers, but Cathal is my favorite. I still do stand by my club, though.
Can we meet up in-game on Clash or TTR?
Sure! Just DM me what game, when, and where you'd like to meet and I'll tell you if I can do that or not. Please list all times in that server's timezone {PST for TTR and EST for Clash} to avoid as much confusion as possible. As a general reference, I'm almost always free on weekends for gaming and tend to have restricted availability on weekdays.
How long have you been playing Toontown?
I played TTO when I was a kid, but I never had a membership because I grew up in extreme poverty. I started playing TTR in about 2018, and someone made me give Clash a try in 2020 but even after starting Barnacle Boatyard it didn't really catch on so I uninstalled it. I got bored of TTR in late 2022 and gave Clash another try, and I really liked it afterwards.
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mudsnapperqna · 9 months
so um. if, sayyyy, JUST for example, mr. bravecog let winston's predecessor, let's call him dopr, go to a place... then that guy went missing... and then winston got assigned to the same place and went missing too... and then we found out dopr died... um, what kind of laws would that break? this is ALL example, i promise you, mr. bravecog definitely did not accidentally let a man die due to incompetence! he totally did not! the... the dopr is just... um, he's just mia!!! he's probably still alive!
This… feels like information you should be bringing directly to Diane, seeing as Allan technically outranks any of us Litigation Team members.
There is also just something Extremely Off about Ye Olde Toontown. I don’t enjoy being there too often.
To give… some semblance of an answer, there’s suitslaughter by way of negligence, but seeing as we are currently and technically at war, having a willing pawn perish has no legal basis for persecution.
Missing Suit cases are difficult because we are technically immortal until something truly kills us. So until death can be completely proven outright, they will remain missing in status.
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delightfulshrimp · 1 year
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Shit I realized I forgot to share this gal, this is Giggles the so called "Gagbot". 🙂
She is inspired by Toontown the Animated Series in a sense, at least for the idea of a "toon/cog hybrid". also yes her pronouns are she/it.
A disturbing sight, Giggles is the failed result of some toons trying to make their own special cog via some spare parts to fight back against the cogs, but it backfired horribly when this experiment was given some Laff and turned out to be an unstable mess, escaping the lab it was created in, laughing all the way.
Giggles is still technically on the toon's side, but toons are more scared of her then anything since she is just so unhinged and has bursts of anger due to her conflicting nature.
one thing that sets her apart from her "fellow" cogs is that her arms are slightly longer than her body, and she has a chest compartment that holds her special gag items in.
Alternate bowtie version and beta design under the cut. ⬇️
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britesparc · 2 months
Weekend Top Ten #633
Top Ten Fictional Cities
If there’s one thing I like in my fiction, it’s a good sense of place. You want to be immersed in an alternative world; so it’s nice to know where you actually are. Of course, tons of fiction is set in real places: whether that’s an historical drama like The Crown necessarily inhabiting the palaces Queen Elizabeth did actually occupy; or a film such as The Full Monty being specifically set in contemporary Sheffield; or even the bulk of the MCU taking place in what’s supposed to be a believable version of New York. Plenty of films and shows and books and everything else revel in their location; how many times have we heard “the city is a character”, usually when describing urban crime dramas (or, frankly, Batman films)? But it’s true; a great location can ground a story, or it can transport you. There can be a realness even to the most fantastical of fictional locales.
And I really do love a fictional locale. Whether it’s the unrecognisable cityscapes of the likes of Blade Runner or The Fifth Element – ostensibly set in real-world cities such as Los Angeles and New York many years hence (“many years” in Blade Runner’s case being, er, 2019) – or places that are made up entirely, it’s great to see the wildness, weirdness, and even the realism that these made-up metropoli deliver. Think about it: how many of your favourite fictions take place in not-real location? Of course you can look at total fantasies like Lord of the Rings, or sci-fi stories that exist on other planets; but whether it’s as crazy a place as Roger Rabbit’s Toontown, the sprawling cities of games like Cyberpunk 2077 or Crackdown, or even the fictionalised township of Derry, Maine in several Stephen King stories, across the gamut of genre, medium, and audience, we have places that aren’t real giving us stories that feel real.
Because, again, the best settings reinforce the fiction they envelop. I don’t want to pre-empt the list itself, but look at how Gotham and Metropolis reflect the heroes that live there. This can be both sublime and ridiculous: the way the fictionalised cities of Grand Theft Auto serve not only to reinforce the themes of the games they inhabit, but also work as subtle (and not so subtle) parodies of American life; but also the way you’d get a place like Duckburg in Duck Tales, or even Far, Far Away in the Shrek movies, that really don’t have much purpose other than giving fantastical cartoon characters a home and allowing for some wince-inducing puns when it comes to the names of shops and stuff.
Blimey, I’ve wanged on a bit this week.
Anyway, I love a made-up city, that’s what I’m saying. And that’s what this list is, if you hadn’t guessed. Now, as usual, I’ve given myself rules; one is that these are supposed to be cities. There’s one that I’m not certain of (I’ll come to it) – it might be a town, technically, but I’ve allowed it on the basis of its iconicness (is that a word?). Also, they have to be fictional; so the likes of Marvel’s New York or Blade Runner’s LA are out. As are, frankly, the in-all-but-name cities of GTA; I don’t really think Liberty City is any more fictional than the New York inhabited by the Avengers, it’s just got a made-up name to go along with its made up buildings and locations. This has also stretched to Neo-Tokyo from Akira, which is really just Tokyo with a hole in the middle. However, I am allowing Mega-City One.
I think that’s it. Let’s go on a city break!
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Gotham and Metropolis (Batman and Superman comics, from 1938): yes, once again I cheat at the start. Two cities! But often they’re thought of as twin cities, so, y’know. Whatever. Anyway: they are always a yin and a yang, the light and the dark, reflections of their principal heroes. Metropolis, shining city on the hill, beacon of the future; Gotham, dark and brooding gothic vision, its windswept alleys awash with rain. They’ve been called New York in the day and New York in the night, and as representations of the beauty, optimism, darkness, and danger of cities – of American cities; of America – they’re perfect. So perfect they’re almost certainly the first fictional cities you thought of too. So perfect they can be high-tech futurescapes, twisted neon-drenched, fume-belching furnaces, or just broadly realistic interpretations of real places (in Donner’s Superman, Metropolis is literally New York, Statue of Liberty and all). No fake place is as redolent. They are the ur-cities. And, of course, they have the best superheroes.
Coruscant (Star Wars stories, officially from 1997): the retro-futuristic art deco stylings of its skyline is one thing – the hovering platforms in the clouds, the vast curving domes of the buildings – but the fact that the entire planet is one big city is its big talking point. Taking the concept of sprawling metropolis (small “m”) to its most ridiculous degree, it’s a crazy sci-fi concept in a film series built on crazy sci-fi concepts.
Autobot City (The Transformers: The Movie, 1986): the notion of the Autobots – long trapped in their crashed spaceship – building a permanent city on Earth was cool enough. But the fact that it can transform into a bristling battle-station is even better. And its design is cool; a sci-fi version of a medieval fortress, moat and all. Gets extra points because, depending on who you believe, it may turn into an actual Transformer, or just have one sleeping beneath it. Fun fact: in the original script it was even referred to as “Fortress Maximus”!
Springfield (The Simpsons, from 1987): it’s a hell of a town; the schoolyard’s up and the shopping mall’s down. This is the minor controversy, because I don’t know if Springfield is a city or a town; but to hell with it, chances are if you didn’t think of Gotham or Metropolis, you thought of this place. Over thirty-odd years of the series, Springfield has developed into a believable, if exaggerated, township; we know some of these locations like the back of our hand. Moe’s, the Power Plant, the burning tyre yard, Springfield Elementary, yada yada yada. It’s a perfectly realised unreal place.
Minas Tirith, the White City of Gondor (The Lord of the Rings, 1954): technically, I believe that “Gondor” is the realm and the huge walled city. Its seven walled levels climb upwards, providing multiple rings of defence, and looking somewhat like a giant swirl on top of a colossal cupcake. The promontory rock jutting out the front, and the beautiful citadel on its topmost level, make for an incredibly striking and unique design, as well as offering functionality. It’s an amazing, fantastical, incredible location.
Mega-City One (Judge Dredd, 1977): whilst this city does contain New York, it also stretches across pretty much the entire eastern seaboard of the US, so it’s, y’know, big. Possibly the poster child for sprawling post-apocalyptic metropolis, it’s a vast, corrupt, horrible place overseen by a fascist police force. Pick your depressing sci-fi trope, it’s here. Interesting to ponder what it says about the British view of America, really.
Ankh-Morpork (Discworld stories, from 1983): possibly lower down the list than some would have it, because (whispers) I’ve not read much Discworld. But as a place, it’s incredibly well-realised, a brilliant multifaceted fantasy location that feels incredibly real and dynamic and lived-in, and (typical for Pratchett) reflects our own world so perfectly.
Rapture (BioShock, 2007): it’s part-city, part underwater laboratory, yeah? But the notion of a man-made utopia going to pot is a common sci-fi go-to. Here, the distinct areas of the city, and how they reflect the various obsessions and perversions of the pseudo-fascist nutters who ran the place, are beautiful to behold and terrifying to ponder. Plus, as an emergent and interactive bit of design, the location is tremendous to wander around, the retro art design great to behold, the distressed and decaying façade of gaudy old-timey whimsey disturbing but also quaintly amusing.
Zootopia (Zootopia, 2016): cities in talking-animal movies usually just look like real cities but there’ll be dreadful puns, like a burger place called “McDognald’s” or something. Zootopia tries to imagine how all these different animals would co-exist, with fascinating results, including different temperate zones, vast tubes connecting different areas, and buildings of varying sizes that result in our relatively-diminutive leads towering kaiju-like over the proceedings.
San Angeles (Demolition Man, 1993): I was worried this was a bit of a cheat too, as it’s an amalgam of two real cities, but this new metropolis emerged from the ashes of a devastating earthquake so – like Mega-City One – it counts. And for once we have more of a culture than a design that stands out; true, the three seashells and sexy curvy cars are a highlight, but it’s the way this city imposes its morality, the way the future erased 20th century vices, and the way – frankly – everyone speaks that sets this out as a fascinating little town of tomorrow. Be well, San Angeles. Be well.
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starlit-mansion · 2 years
I need to get back on working on my fantasyland ocs because i want so badly to make a three weedsmoking girlfriends joke
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superat626 · 2 years
I want to hear about them ALLLLLLLLLLL
I will do my best to present my Toonkind Dnd OCs. : > And thanks for you patience - I was doodling you some fresh things. Got excited to draw them! : D First is Fivi Skia! She's a tall Yuan-ti shadow sorcerer snake lady. Pronouns she/her...but, hm. Maybe a they? Not sure. She's semi-recently journeyed to Toontown in the world she's in - it's a more modern place then what she's used to and crowds cause her problems so she stick to alley-ways. She likes learning more and more about magic and maybe making some friends along the way would be nice.
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My latest coloured picture of her. Casting ray of sickness. Nothing bad has happened to her yet so to speak but...hm. We'll see.
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She's currently deciphering a cryptic pink and glittery diary another character gave her (@xofre I am looking at you. : >) and might be in another game soon - so I'm excited about that. The second! Technically my most recent creation: Benny Badwolf! Now he(he/him) IS a toonkind! Think...Loony-tunes stuff? Sorta? Right now he's somewhere in the middle of working for a mob family. He likes fights and breaking things. He wields a club that looks like a baseball-bat. I will admit this ask powered me to think more about him and ponder some backstory so - thank you for that.
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I've been yelling about him in the Discord server I'm in a little. He's a wolf, he's loyal and while he's at least evil he's neutral at the moment in terms of alignment. He's a walking heater and if the power gets cut he might nonchalantly act as one for the colder members of the fam - but he'll deny if you ask. This comes with being hot-headed and easily excitable!
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He's got a thing for lithe men - like...gymnasts or acrobats - he likes how they can move in ways he can't. He likes Jazz but he can't sing though (I don't think that'll stop him from trying). He will fall for the "Who's a good boy" thing often enough. He also has a truck licence! But no truck sadly. He's willing to ship goods if the mob fam asks him. My last right now - and....my most frustrating one -- Tep. Pronouns are at least: He/They/It and sometimes She. An alien based on the entity known as Nyarlathotep. It has an affinity for masks and likes this funny, rubbery, stretchy body the toon mask gives him. His design and backstory is still a work in progress! I might attempt a campaign with them as an NPC - I am uncertain!
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His hair gives me a lot of trouble. It never seems to be swishy enough. He's...a bastard. I can't not love him though. But, Io! He walks the world! ...and mocks you with his words and....would like a big plan to bring some pets to the world he's in. Maybe there are some cultists? Not sure! (Yes I want him to have the Alien movement style I really like that danger get away from this one vibes. How that'll translate in an audio format only I have no clue). Anyway! Yeah! My characters! : D : D Thank you for the ask. <3333
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thewitchqueen281 · 4 years
Animaniacs HC list
LIST TIME LIST TIME LIST TIME. On a serious note these are just my personal headcanons for both the world, toons, and our three favorite pubby children. And y’all are welcome to add whatever hcs you have!
General Toon HC’s
Toons don’t age. This is inspired by the scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit where we talk to Betty Boop she very clearly hasn't aged or changed in many years.
Toons also can’t be killed (but with the infamous Dip.) But they can be injured. This takes quite a bit of doing though.  
Toontown is courted off and ever since the Roger Rabbit Incident in the 80′s toons have slowly been entering the real world more and more. Pretty much the only people who live in Toontown now are old defunct cartoons who can’t get jobs anywhere else.
Toons do sometimes get other side gigs! In fact its extremely common for even full time employed toons to work second jobs. This is mostly because studios don’t have to pay them for quite a few reasons.
If a toon is drawn a minor (and thereby stays a minor because of course toons don’t age) they aren't technically people. They are instead owned by their studio as an IP (intelligent property (yes this is supposed to sound fucked up))
This was contested in court by the warners in the 90s after their show ended. It went all the way to the supreme court but they were unfortunately shut down and the three of them locked back up in the tower.
It is now once again being contested in court with many new young toons at the helm! Jessica Rabbit is leading the lawyers in this cause as well and the Warners are currently living with her and her husband till the case has been fully mitigated.
Thats all I can think of rn. will add more later!
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ttonline · 6 years
OK i wanna make an actual post on my reponse to @supermarketorphan‘s lore post!! so here it is 1) Can toons die in your lore?
yes they can! although it is Very difficult to actually end their lives, it’s plausible. since toons are basically able to bend reality as long as it’s funny, if someone were to drop an anvil on a toons head - they’d survive! but if someone had a genuine cruel intention and attempted to a kill a toon, theyd likely succeed and the toon wouldn’t survive. it’s based around whether or not it’s cruel or funny basically! and as a note - slappy and several other toons in my lore are actually dead, so..... Its Happening
and extending on my toon blood headcanon, i think toons are all physically “created” by an outside source, and they’re aware of it. Like how jessica rabbit knows she’s a drawn character. but anyway Classic toons that were created in the black+white era bleed ink, whilst more modern toons just bleed normal blood (which could technically be ink as well, just red)
2) Can cogs die in your lore?
cogs can definitely Technically die, however it’s easily avoidable if said cog would be able to recover their parts after getting destroyed in battle. i like to thing the cog bosses usually do this tactic - recycling parts and just re-building the same cogs over and over for easier mass distribution. and the cogs are able to keep their personalities if enough of their original parts are salvaged. but if there was a cog who was made up of a Bunch of different parts, they’d have no idea who they used to be. but if a cog is completely destroyed and the parts are not gonna be good for repurposing at all, then they can be considered dead 3) Are the cogs inherently evil?
NOT AT ALL! cogs are just doing their jobs. it’s what they were created for, and even if they hated their jobs they wouldn’t dare defy the cog bosses, or break the status quo out of fear of being destroyed or have their personality erased and have their body be re-purposed as a whole different cog. they really do kinda live in fear if they’re against their jobs. BUT... cogs Can be evil. just as there’s cogs who hate their job (notably, my name dropper oc Berry) there are cogs who Love their role in the business and wouldn’t give it up for anything. while berry hates her desk job and doesn’t really care for stopping toons, a courageous cog who loves their job would be the exact opposite. and there are also cogs like my oc Toronto who is completely neutral. he’s just trying to get by! 4) Are the toons inherently good?
nope! just like cogs, toons are often seen in the public to be 100% good because it’s how they’re being raised in the community. but sometimes.. toons just aren’t friendly, or happy, or toony. like my oc fleabag, she was always kind of an outcast because she just.. doesnt find toony behavior funny. she doesn’t like pranks, or fun, or gags. and she couldn’t help it. she prefers order over anything, and thats why she’s anti-toon and joined the cogs. in her eyes, most toons are just childish kids who need to open their eyes. But that doesn’t mean she was inherently evil either! it just... depends on the personality! my oc vanilla is very bitter and angry a lot, but she isn’t evil in the slightest. she’s good even if she refuses to give cogs a chance.... ! 5) Do your characters play a large part in the overall world, or do they live their own lives that only affect their own surroundings? SO ITS KINDA OFF/ON.... i suppose it affects more so the Entire world though. it starts out inward and only affecting my characters, but as time goes on things progressively get more serious and flippy and the toon resistance get involved... flippys slow mental break and the death of slappy + other kidnapped toons is kind of a big part of my story! so yeah, it does get pretty real! and since flippy is the mayor of toontown, the drama affects the entire place and kinda throws it into chaos dfiufdkjfdsd Welcome to Dark Toontown (-:
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #119 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit
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Spoilers Below
Have I Seen It Before: Yes.
Did I Like It Then: Yes.
Do I Remember It: Yes.
Did I See It In Theaters: No
Edit: At the time of writing this I did not see the film in theaters, but have recently.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes. #565.
Format: DVD
1) Starting this comedy/noir film off with what appears to be an animated cartoon from the 40s is a good way of establishing tone for a few reasons. First of all it tells us what kind of toons Roger and company are. The kind that star in short after short after short like Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny, as opposed to say the Care Bears (it was the 80s, so I’m going with that example) who had a TV Show and a movie. It also introduces us to Roger, Baby Herman, the idea of ACME in cartoons, and Maroon studios. Also the film’s excellence in slapstick is there from the get go.
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2) But as soon as the cartoon is over, we’re in the “real” world. This film has a slight bit of edge to it that I wildly appreciate. Not like Martin Scorsese edge, but come on. This is a film starring animated characters that has swearing, murder, sexual innuendo galore, and an alcoholic main character. For example in the original version of the film (now edited out): after Baby Herman walks under the skirt of a female employee on set, his finger is extended upward and has some liquid on it. That is VERY adult but will go over the heads of children.
3) According to IMDb:
Joel Silver's cameo as the director of the Baby Herman cartoon was a prank on Disney chief Michael Eisner by Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg. Eisner and Silver hated each other from their days at Paramount Pictures in the early '80s, particularly after the difficulties involved in making 48 Hrs. (1982). Silver shaved off his beard, paid his own expenses, and kept his name out of all initial cast sheets. When Eisner was told, after the movie was complete, who was playing the director - Silver was nearly unrecognizable - he reportedly shrugged and said, "He was pretty good."
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4) Bob Hoskins as Eddie Valiant.
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Eddie is a wildly interesting character. He’s a former goofball who has kept his sharp tongue for wiseass remarks and being a pain in the ass, which is always appreciated by me. His conflict is incredibly interesting (more on that later) and he’s just a great character to follow around in this world.
Bob Hoskins is perfect for this role. I’ll go into detail on this later but his interactions with the cartoon characters look easy when they’re not, and Hoskins is able to balance the sourpuss aspect of Eddie’s personality with the wiseass, heartache, alcoholism, and former goofball in a complete package.
According to IMDb:
On the Special Edition DVD, Robert Zemeckis recounts that he had stated in a newspaper interview that Bill Murray was his and producer Steven Spielberg's original choice for the role of Eddie Valiant, but neither could get in contact with him in time. Bill Murray, in turn, has stated that when he read the interview he was in a public place, but he still screamed his lungs out, because he would have definitely accepted the role.
I think Hoskins can’t be replaced though.
5) This film is more of a noir film than an animated fantasy. You have your archetypes like RK Maroon begin the big money slime, Judge Doom is the shady government official, and Jessica Rabbit it the femme fatale. This is felt in every aspect of the film, from the cinematography right down to Alan Silvestri’s wonderful music.
6) Remember how I said Eddie had a great conflict?
Angelo [bar patron who Eddie flipped out on]: “What’s his problem?”
Dolores [Eddie’s sort-of-girlfriend and bar owner]: “Toon killed his brother.”
Like that is such a strange idea, a murderous toon, and it provides such great conflict for Eddie. A conflict which we see laid out before us when the camera takes the time to look at all the stuff on his and Teddy’s desk. You SEE that Eddie is in pain, and without a flashback you see the guy he used to be when his brother was around. The fun goofball who liked working Toontown and helpings toons out. To go from that to where he is now takes a lot of heartbreak.
7) I love that the password to get into the Ink & Paint Club is, “Walt sent me.”
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8) Daffy and Donald Duck.
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This is the first (and to date only) time cartoon characters owned by Warner Brothers and Disney have appeared in a film together. Since the film was being made by Disney, WB only allowed to have their characters show up if the major characters had the same amount of screen time as the Disney characters. That’s why Donald/Daffy and later Mickey/Bugs always share the screen together.
As a kid THIS was my favorite part of the film! The crossover aspect. Getting to see characters interact who normally don’t. AND they got the official actors at the time to voice them. Mel Blanc voices all his Looney Tunes characters, Tony Anselmo is Donald, and Wayne Allwine is Mickey Mouse. These aren’t cheap cameos, these are the genuine articles and that’s amazing!
9) There are also some appearances by non-Disney/non-WB characters, such as Betty Boop.
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I think the inclusion of Betty is a nice way to pay respect to the early days of studio animation, and her original voice actress was still alive at the time so she got a chance to reprise the character.
10) Jessica Rabbit.
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Before anything else, I would just like to point out that Jessica’s proportions are PURPOSEFULLY impossible. I think that this is done to play into the idea of her being a femme fatale, but more so even to critique some of the ridiculous bodies animated female characters have (but that last part may just be wishful thinking on my part). Kathleen Turner unfortunately does not get credit for her voiceover work as Jessica, which is a shame because she gives the character so much of her heart and intrigue. When she’s just the femme fatale Jessica’s a bit of a stereotype but by the end of the film she becomes truly interesting to me because she doesn’t just fill that role. There’s also a fan theory about Jessica I’m totally onboard with, but more on that later.
11) Robert Zemeckis’ films are marked for their incredible special effects, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit is no exception. Ask yourself: every time an animated character opens a door, or moves a desk, or splashes water, or bumps into a lamp, or (in the case of Jessica) pulls Eddie close to them by his tie and then lets him go, how did they do that on set? Because they had to! CGI is not a factor in this film. The animation is done by drawing over the film that was shot in the traditional fashion, but everything else had to be done practically on set. It’s so subtle and so natural that I marvel at it every time.
12) Okay, I love the theory that Jessica Rabbit is asexual. If you want to read the full post click the link above but here are the basic points of argument:
She’s in love with a rabbit because he makes her laugh.
She uses her body to get things she wants from people, but outside of that doesn’t she interest in anybody.
Her line, “I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.”
Her line, “You don’t know how hard it is being a woman looking the way I do.”
The only thing that really contradicts the theory is that later in the movie Eddie says to Jessica that Roger is a better lover than a driver, to which she replies, “You better believe it buster.” But I can easily see that as her defending his loving husband side instead of any sexual prowess.
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13) Another thing that supports the asexual Jessica theme is that instead of her doing anything sexual with Marvin Acme, she plays Patty Cake with him. Like literally, patty cake.
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
That is a joke I did not understand as a child.
14) I haven’t talked too much about Roger’s voice actor yet, Charles Fleischer.
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During filming, Charles Fleischer delivered Roger Rabbit's lines off camera in full Roger costume including rabbit ears, yellow gloves and orange cover-alls. During breaks when he was in costume, other staff at the studios would see him and make comments about the poor caliber of the effects in the "rabbit movie".
Fleischer’s voice IS Roger in so many ways. All he can do to deliver Roger’s heart is speak, and Fleischer’s performance in this film is not to be underwritten because it is amazing. It is full with such life, such heart, and a surprising amount of honesty. It works brilliantly.
15) You have to keep your eyes open for the little innuendos in this film. For example, when Eddie meets Jessica at the crime scene he quickly peeks down at her boobs. This is the first time I’ve ever noticed that and I’ve seen this film a lot.
16) Christopher Lloyd as Judge Doom.
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Director Robert Zemeckis had worked with Lloyd on their most iconic film Back to the Future (where Lloyd played Doc Brown), and now Lloyd gets to show off his villainous side. He is wonderfully and gleefully evil, showing no remorse and has a cartoon like quality which makes the bad guy work wonderfully in the role. He’s just threatening enough but also just funny enough. And Lloyd never phones it in once. It’s a fantastic performance through and through.
16.5) Can we talk about how this judge just murdered a cartoon shoe for no other reason than to show that he could and no one stopped him. Like, is the shoe technically a prop and so it doesn’t count as murder? Because that thing seems more alive than a prop!
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17) So I talked about Roger’s voice actor but not much about Roger as a character yet.
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Roger is a pure cartoon character, and I mean that in a sort of literal sense. He’s not tainted by greed or hatred, he is pure joy and humor. A bit of a dunce but he trusts people and WANTS to see the best in them. His entire purpose in life is to make people life and that feeds every decision he makes. It’s a wonderful cartoon counterpart to Hoskins as Eddie.
18) Hoskins’ interactions with Roger is where he shines. Because remember, Hoskins was not on set with Rogers. He was looking at an empty space which would be drawn in latter. But when you watch the film he’s never looking through the space. He’s miming it excellently, he is looking AT an animated character who isn’t even there yet. It’s amazing and the key reason he excels in the role.
19) I never caught this line before.
Roger [asking Eddie for help]: “You know there’s no justice for toons anymore.”
So toons are sort of a disenfranchised minority. That’s an interesting concept. If there’s a sequel maybe they’ll play with it.
20) According to IMDb:
When Eddie takes Roger Rabbit into the back room at the bar where Dolores works to cut apart the hand-cuffs, the lamp from ceiling is bumped and swinging. Lots of extra work was needed to make the shadows match between the actual room shots and the animation. Today, "Bump the Lamp" is a term used by many Disney employees to refer to going that extra mile on an effect just to make it a little more special, even though most audience members will never notice it.
21) @theforceisstronginthegirl, this is for you:
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(GIF originally posted by @i-am-the-wallflower)
Nothing sums up Roger more than the fact that he can only get out of those handcuffs when it’s funny. It feeds into how Roger entertains all the guys at the tavern because they’re down on their luck, even though they could turn him over to Doom for a ton of cash (but they don’t). He believes in the power of laughter.
Judge Doom [upon observing the record on the record player]: “‘The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down’. Quite a looney selection for a bunch of drunken reprobates.”
“The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down” is the theme to the Looney Tunes shorts.
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23) The rest of the bar scene is filled with so many great cartoon gags. The fact that Judge Doom is able to lure Roger out by having him respond to, “Shave and a haircut,” is great. But a subtler reference is how Eddie gets Roger to drink the alcohol and loose control (thereby freeing himself from Doom). They go back and forth where Eddie wants Roger to drink the drink but Roger doesn’t want it, but when Eddie says Roger DOESN’T want the drink Roger says he wants it just to continue the conflict. Sound familiar?
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24) Benny the cab is another fun original character added to the film, and he’s the same voice over actor as Roger!
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25) I find this hysterical.
Benny [right before they’re going to hit a car]: “Pull the lever!”
Eddie: “Which one?”
Roger: “Which one?”
Benny: “‘WHICH ONE?’!?”
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26) I am so ashamed of myself that I never caught the Back to the Future reference this film makes! Benny is driving down an alleyway and the evil weasels are driving straight towards him, and one of the weasels declares, “I’m gonna ram him!” Well in Back to the Future (also directed by Robert Zemeckis) Biff Tannen is about do the same thing to Marty McFly and says the EXACT same line as we get the EXACT same shot of his car!
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I love that.
27) Me too Roger, me too.
Roger [expecting another cartoon to play in the movie theater but it’s a news reel]: “I hate the news.”
28) When we were introduced to Roger in the opening cartoon, I was trying to dissect what made him a unique cartoon character. Like Donald has his temper tantrums, Bugs Bunny is a wise guy, and Roger I’ve discovered likes to go on tangents. Like someone will tell him to do something and he’ll talk for five minutes about how well he’ll do it even when no one is around to listen. I like that.
29) The animated bullets Eddie uses in the gun given to him by Yosemite Sam are very much in the style of Chuck Jones and I can appreciate that.
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30) It’s pretty fun watching for all the animated characters the filmmakers inserted into Toontown.
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31) Droopy Dog is another cartoon character who shows up despite not being owned by Disney or WB. This meant he got to show up again later in an animated Roger Rabbit cartoon.
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32) When Eddie is in a Toontown bathroom there’s writing on the wall that says, “For a Good Time Call Alyson ‘Wonderland’,” but then there’s no phone number. The theatrical release DID have a phone number but it was Michael Eisner’s home phone (I think) so it was edited out for the home video release.
33) What could possibly top Donald Duck & Daffy Duck dueling pianos?
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I love everything about this. But it also gets to another agreement between WB & Disney: Disney did not want any of their characters doing anything to harm Eddie, so that’s why when he gets the “spare” from Mickey & Bugs (it’s a spare tire but he thought it was a parachute) it is BUGS who gives it to him!
Honestly it’d be awesome if Disney and WB could make more crossover cartoons. That would be pretty awesome.
34) File this one under jokes I didn’t get as a kid:
35) So Judge Doom’s end goal, his whole villainous plan, is to construct...a freeway? God, if it weren’t for the twist coming up that would’ve been so stupid.
36) Eddie’s comedy routine is great. It shows Bob Hoskins’ skill at slapstick and goofball and is just a joy to watch. Also we get this fun line:
Eddie: I'm through with taking falls / And bouncing off the walls / Without that gun, I'd have some fun / I'd kick you in the...
[bottle falls on his head]
Roger: Nose!
Head Weasel: Nose? That don't rhyme with "walls."
Eddie: No, but this does. [kicks Head Weasel in the balls, propelling him into a vat of Dip]
37) Doom is a toon!
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This is a nice twist in the film that you can totally see was setup if you’re looking for it. Christopher Lloyd is able to play Doom with an even bigger sense of cartoony evil, and it means his end goal of a freeway isn’t so stupid after all.
38) The train that hits the dip machine at the end has a bunch of window. If you go through it frame by frame, each window depicts someone being murdered. Fun fun fun.
39) According to IMDb:
The opening track on the Sting album "...Nothing Like the Sun", the song "The Lazarus Heart" was originally written as the movie's musical finale, at an early stage of the movie's production when the book's tragic ending, where Roger is killed in the crossfire during the final duel, was still in the script. When the studio ordered its default ending to be used at the film's end, in which Roger is alive at the end of the duel, however, the song was deleted from the script and ended up on Sting's album instead.
40) I like that the film ends not only with the classic, “That’s All Folks,” but also Tinkerbell to let us know this was special.
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Who Framed Roger Rabbit is awesome. It’s fun, funny, gives us interesting characters, has effects which stand the test of time even 29 years later, and is just a wonderful ride. Hoskins’ performance and the animation are the true standouts here, but that is not to discredit any of the other amazing aspects of the film. A true joy to watch all the way through.
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pumpkinswirls · 7 years
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Character Bio’s:
Lionel: He is a 126 Laffer and is trapless. He works as a Resistance Ranger, for five years and hates with a passion Dash. The reason is of course his lack of teamwork and abandoning toons when times get tough. (Or in this case lose). Even though he has high stats for being a ranger he gets jealous easily when someone else on his team is promoted, but is too lazy to even try to earn a promotion. Also he his often honest with the toons he trains, if they last long under his guidance. 
Deputy Peppy ‘Sydney’ Berry: She is a 62 Laffer and Dropless. She works as a Deputy for her district under all the others. Her name is actually Sydney, and they mostly call her peppy because she’s always ready to do her job. The lengthiest part of her job is keeping toons in check and to make sure no one is getting in trouble. Unfortunately, when this does happen she tends to be snappy towards them but means no harm...well to her co-workers it seems.
Pumpkin ‘Ellie’ Fluff: She is currently a 53 Laffer and Dropless. She has a few jobs, but the main ones are Tech Support and working at a Magazine Company. She is actually the Supervisor of Dash’s unit and at first can seem bossy and indecisive, but once you get to know her she’s basically a computer nerd that loves technology, but that usually doesn’t happen because of how she keep s to herself. In her office hanging on a wall is a bean counter hat. It’s unknown well to her co-workers at least where she got it from, so they just assume she either bought it or won a battle against a bean counter. 
Loopy ‘Lily’ Daffodil: She is a 64 laffer and soundless, very athletic...loves to exercise and so she also runs a gym in Toontown Central for anyone, but usually she isn’t there to run it because of her always going on adventures to stay fit and maybe find something new, but don’t get on her bad side or else she’ll literally change form nice to snappy.
Rosco: A level 7 Bean Counter, and wants to keep it that way even though he’s very loyal to his job, he would rather just relax, hang out with his only two friends, drink some coffee and not have to worry about annoying toons and his boring jobs. His jobs are counting beans and he use to patrol the Cashbot HQ accept unlike most Bean Counter’s, he lost his hat to a toon. He doesn’t want to get another one, because it was his first hat he was created in so it’s really special. Sneakily, he goes out of the HQ to wonder the streets of Donald’s Dreamland to hopefully stumble upon the toon, get his hat back, and never see them again...or at least he thought that would happen.
I had fun making these toons and cogs...and also Pumpkinfluff is I guess you can say toonsona, and after I made Rosco (which is the first time I drawed...human-faces or what ever it’s called.) I actually wanted to make more cogs..oops. So I did they are his ‘only’ friends...even though he treats them wrong. One’s a yes-man the other a loan-shark, and they have a common law-bot enemy.(Debating I should draw and upload them.)  
Now that Spring break has technically started I have more free-time!!! (Have to do stupid online work, begin procrastinating...)
 I have more characters I can finally assemble the Story and turn it into a comic. This also means more character development so...questions for these guys are welcome!
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