#my stuff really gets so edgy .......... THERE ARE SOME LAUGHS I PROMISE its not All DepressionTown
ttonline · 6 years
OK i wanna make an actual post on my reponse to @supermarketorphan‘s lore post!! so here it is 1) Can toons die in your lore?
yes they can! although it is Very difficult to actually end their lives, it’s plausible. since toons are basically able to bend reality as long as it’s funny, if someone were to drop an anvil on a toons head - they’d survive! but if someone had a genuine cruel intention and attempted to a kill a toon, theyd likely succeed and the toon wouldn’t survive. it’s based around whether or not it’s cruel or funny basically! and as a note - slappy and several other toons in my lore are actually dead, so..... Its Happening
and extending on my toon blood headcanon, i think toons are all physically “created” by an outside source, and they’re aware of it. Like how jessica rabbit knows she’s a drawn character. but anyway Classic toons that were created in the black+white era bleed ink, whilst more modern toons just bleed normal blood (which could technically be ink as well, just red)
2) Can cogs die in your lore?
cogs can definitely Technically die, however it’s easily avoidable if said cog would be able to recover their parts after getting destroyed in battle. i like to thing the cog bosses usually do this tactic - recycling parts and just re-building the same cogs over and over for easier mass distribution. and the cogs are able to keep their personalities if enough of their original parts are salvaged. but if there was a cog who was made up of a Bunch of different parts, they’d have no idea who they used to be. but if a cog is completely destroyed and the parts are not gonna be good for repurposing at all, then they can be considered dead 3) Are the cogs inherently evil?
NOT AT ALL! cogs are just doing their jobs. it’s what they were created for, and even if they hated their jobs they wouldn’t dare defy the cog bosses, or break the status quo out of fear of being destroyed or have their personality erased and have their body be re-purposed as a whole different cog. they really do kinda live in fear if they’re against their jobs. BUT... cogs Can be evil. just as there’s cogs who hate their job (notably, my name dropper oc Berry) there are cogs who Love their role in the business and wouldn’t give it up for anything. while berry hates her desk job and doesn’t really care for stopping toons, a courageous cog who loves their job would be the exact opposite. and there are also cogs like my oc Toronto who is completely neutral. he’s just trying to get by! 4) Are the toons inherently good?
nope! just like cogs, toons are often seen in the public to be 100% good because it’s how they’re being raised in the community. but sometimes.. toons just aren’t friendly, or happy, or toony. like my oc fleabag, she was always kind of an outcast because she just.. doesnt find toony behavior funny. she doesn’t like pranks, or fun, or gags. and she couldn’t help it. she prefers order over anything, and thats why she’s anti-toon and joined the cogs. in her eyes, most toons are just childish kids who need to open their eyes. But that doesn’t mean she was inherently evil either! it just... depends on the personality! my oc vanilla is very bitter and angry a lot, but she isn’t evil in the slightest. she’s good even if she refuses to give cogs a chance.... ! 5) Do your characters play a large part in the overall world, or do they live their own lives that only affect their own surroundings? SO ITS KINDA OFF/ON.... i suppose it affects more so the Entire world though. it starts out inward and only affecting my characters, but as time goes on things progressively get more serious and flippy and the toon resistance get involved... flippys slow mental break and the death of slappy + other kidnapped toons is kind of a big part of my story! so yeah, it does get pretty real! and since flippy is the mayor of toontown, the drama affects the entire place and kinda throws it into chaos dfiufdkjfdsd Welcome to Dark Toontown (-:
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beomglocks · 4 years
colors ; k.th
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part of the badlands series!
colors: “you’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece.”
based off halsey’s badlands album.
warnings and other: museum curator!taehyun, old money!y/n, mentions of depression and grass smoking, little bit of angst i guess??
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taehyun sighed as he took down the 11th painting this week. the museum hadn't been very busy in the past couple of weeks, maybe because the weather was getting colder. one part of him figured that many people just wanted to be bundled up at home watching holiday themed movies and drinking warm drinks rather than appreciating enchanting artworks.
he couldn't fool himself though, he knew the truth. today's generation didn't care about the fine arts anymore. a shame, seeing as everything around them seemed to be inspired by it.
kang taehyun worked at his local museum. he had been offered the position by the owner one night while roaming the place. this should've been a red flag looking back. the owner seemed desperate for someone to fill in the position since the previous employee had left without notice. nonetheless, taehyun took the job and didn't regret it one bit.
open 24/7, the red haired boy was always working on the clock. not that there was much to do seeing as most of the people his age or even a bit older didn't hang around museums purely for the joy of it. actually, his only job was to exhibit the newly arrived collections, clean and dust them off, and conduct regular tours and workshops for the public. due to this and the fact that not many people even came by he would take regular breaks.
once in a while you'd see the occasional old person or art expertee roaming around the small museum. if you were lucky, you'd see the local edgy teens posing next to a piece they didn't understand just to get an aesthetic picture. taehyun would also have the unfortunate job of shooing them away or scolding them for getting just a bit too close.
recently his boss, who was the museum manager and maybe the only other person besides taehyun that worked there, had informed him that due to funds and unfortunate unforeseen events, the museum would be closing down in about a month from now. this caused taehyun to fall deep into a depression since this was his only job and he loved it here. the museum was like his second home. he found comfort in the silent images displayed throughout the building. they always told him a story and when new pieces came in he would sit and stare attentively at the new anecdote being told to him.
taehyun smiled sadly at the piece he had just taken down. it was a painting of 2 people kissing however both of their faces were covered by white cloths. this was his favorite and he didn't even have a clue as to why. probably because of the uncertainty of what the other was feeling or because of the fact that the other couldn't see each other's faces through the cloth, that would've made the kiss more exciting in his opinion.
he stepped out of the museum and into the frosty air of the outside world. it was only autumn so why was it so cold? he thought to himself. he discreetly pulled out a prerolled blunt and his white lighter from his pocket. he lit it and stuck in between his slightly chapped lips.
maybe smoking dope wasn't the healthiest thing in the world, especially for a boy so young, barely 19, but it helped taehyun get his mind off the inevitably of losing his job and being homeless for the winter. he shuttered at the thought. he would have to room with one of his friends, he sighed shaking his head. no, he didn't want to be a burden, yeonjun had helped him enough as it is.
he looked at his surroundings taking in the cold autumn afternoon. the trees had long lost their leaves and were bare. the sky was a murky gray color as if it were threatening to rain any time soon. he noticed a girl bundled up in winter clothes near the entrance of the building glance at him. he smiled at her and she jumped at the eye contact, thinking that he wouldn't catch her. taehyun chuckled as he watched her rush into the museum. "back to work," he said out loud to himself.
once the blunt had been almost gone, he smoked what was left of it and headed back into the empty museum. he was feeling light-headed, the effects of the blunt finally taking action, but taehyun was used to it so it barely affected him as much.
he made his way to the girl who was now starting to take off her jacket and scarf. taehyun tapped on the girl's shoulder to get her attention. "hi," he smiled at the girl, showing off his dazzling smile. "if you'd like, i could give you a tour of the museum." well what's left of it anyways, he thought to himself.
"oh...no thank you," said the girl. she smiled warmly at the worker. "well not to be invasive of your decision but it's sort of in my job description," taehyun replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. the girl sighed in defeat, "i guess i have no choice then."
taehyun laughed as he took her coat and scarf to hang up in the public closet, "yep, trust me. they say im not that bad of a tour guide, im quite fun to be around if i do say so myself. i promise not to bore you too much." the girl nodded, not entirely convinced. "if i do end up bored i will hold you accountable..." she took a moment to take a peek at taehyun's name tag, "kang taehyun," she joked.
as they walked through the museum the girl couldn't help but notice that it was fairly empty. "why are there almost no paintings in here?" she laughed hesitantly. "i thought this was a museum?" taehyun stopped walking, turning to her with a sad expression on his face.
"the museum is expected to close in about a month or so," he stated simply. "oh...that's terrible. may i ask why?" the girl responded. "my boss says we've run out of funds or something like that," taehyun chuckled bitterly. "people don't really give a shit about good art these days anyways."
"that's a shame..."
they continued to look through the various paintings that were still up and occasionally the girl would ask to see the ones that were taken down and left on the floor. it seemed the two were lost in each other's company as night started to approach.
"thank you for the tour of this lovely museum taehyun. it was fun but it's a shame such a nice museum like this is closing down," the girl said softly. taehyun nodded solemnly, he just wanted to get this day over with and crash at his apartment. he didn't blame the girl before him but talking to her reminded him of his harsh reality. a notification coming from the girl's bag made both of them jump as they were both lost in their thoughts.
"ah, that must be my father. he's kind of annoying when it comes to my curfew," she chuckled, digging her phone from her bag. taehyun watched her with a bored expression until his eyes reached her bag. he hadn't noticed this earlier but she had been carrying a louis vuitton bag. his eyes bulged at the expensive item that was so close to him, they got even larger when she fished out the latest iphone from it.
taehyun wasn't poor per se, he had just enough to get by since he was living paycheck to paycheck. however, he had never been in such close proximity to any luxury items. he suddenly felt weird being this close to this girl.
"what do you mean by curfew?" taehyun asks hesitantly. the girl sighs, "my father is one of south korea's richest chaebol's, maybe one of the big three at his point." she rolled her eyes as if this information was nothing. "he's super strict with me because i guess i'm just his show pony daughter whom he can show off to say he's a good father."
taehyun gulped, had he just been casually hanging out with the daughter of one of the richest men in korea? he felt sick at this. she looked up at taehyun's uneasy expression, "oh my god im sorry i just dumped that all on you! i just needed to catch a break so i came here, i didn't mean to drag you into my life story."
taehyun fixes his face, laughing nervously, "no- no its fine really. we all need a break sometimes right? im glad you got to have that time here." the girl smiled up at him, completely misreading his nervous laughter, "im glad i got to spend it here with you taehyun."
"oh before i go!" taehyun watched her pull out a checkbook from her bag and his stomach dropped. he silently watched her scribble some stuff onto the slip and tear it out, handing it to him.
"there's not too much i can take out of my account without my father flipping out but i hope this helps even just a little. whether it be in your personal life or with the museum."
taehyun eyes the check and chokes when he sees 50,000 dollars written neatly on the black line. he swears he can feel sweat going down his face like in the cartoons. "i- i cant possibly take this from you." he moves to hand the check back but the girl refuses to take it back. "taehyun, you love this museum with your entire being. i see the way to look at the paintings and the passion with which you explained them to me. i'd hate to see that taken away."
"plus, if you're gone who's gonna give me the tour when i come back?" she laughs as if this is something casual. taehyun's hands shake as he pockets the check, "i seriously cannot thank you enough...you don't know how much you just helped the museum and m-"
the girls phone dings again and she grumbles, "ugh why can't he just leave me alone. sorry but i think i really gotta go for real before he tracks my location or something crazy like that."
taehyun nods wistfully at the mention of her having to leave. he was really starting to enjoy her company.
"oh by the way," the girl giggles as she pulls her coat on hurriedly.  "was that you smoking weed at the corner of the museum earlier?" the girl chuckled to herself again just remembering it. taehyun furrowed his eyebrows, "why would you say that kind of thing at out loud and at my job?!" he scolded in a playful hushed voice.
"i just thought it was funny and you also smelled of weed the entire tour, i didn't mind though so don't worry," the girl concluded. she was starting to walk away towards out the door now. "i'll walk you out," taehyun offers. "such a helpful employee. is this in the job description too?" the girl jokes, turning to him while a smile on her lips. "well, not exactly," taehyun says smoothly.
she shakes her head, "i'll see you soon taehyun." he watches her walk off into the darkness of the night when he suddenly remembers something.
"hey what's your name by the way?" he shouts after the girl. for some reason taehyun really was hopeful of seeing her again.
"y/n!" came the disembodied voice of the girl he had just met.
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
001 - Tales of Zestiria?
Favorite character: It's a tough call between Maltran and Symonne, and Lunarre is trailing right behind both. I tend to call them the "Heldalf Squad," but make no mistake, Heldalf himself isn't part of it. I just like his swagalicious minions. The dry and sarcastic political manipulator, the sadistic and wordy theater nerd, and the flamboyant cannibal who hates everything. Yes. LOVE. But I have to give a shout to my boy Dezel on the hero side! Angsty/stoic characters are very hit-or-miss with me, but Dezel is the flavor I love - obvious soft spots and quirks, and slowly he builds from being antisocial to showing how big his heart is. When he stops the woman from leaping off the Guinevere tower...that's one of my favorite scenes in the entire game, because you can see when the switch flips, when he realizes that he CANNOT stay aloof any longer when there's a stranger's life on the line. He's still a grump about it but a compassionate grump.
Least Favorite character: Heldalf. His backstory is really clever, and I like the curse on him. But he himself just feels like Ganondorf but more boring. I kinda hate that he's so vanilla when his three lieutenants are in my arsenal of pet villains from the vastness of fiction. Also shout-out to Chancellor BART in the opening Ladylake act, because I distinctly remember liveblogging this to a friend, and I played Zestiria *after* Berseria (I'd loved Berseria and that's why I eventually sought out Zestiria) so here I am just comparing up the corrupt church in Ladylake to the Abbey's suave rogues gallery like "Yeah no BART has nothing on Lady Teresa Linares." Thankfully BART was never seen again.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): DezeRose, SorMik, Symonne x Coco Atarashi (The World Ends With You), Alisha Diphda x Sergei Strelka, and...I swear you have to bear with me here...Zaveid x Anna (Frozen). I also kinda wanna note a couple ships I'm on the fence about for my other favies - those being Maltran x Ebony Maw (Marvel Cinematic Universe or Marvel Ultimate Alliance) and Lunarre x Arkham (Devil May Cry).
Character I find most attractive: Dezel. It is a scientific fact that guys with pointy teeth are just hotter.
Character I would marry: Maybe Dezel, maybe Sergei. I wouldn't want to take them from those I see as their wifeys, but at the same time, they are husband goals, both of them.
Character I would be best friends with: Catch me clinging to Maltran's train and she drags me along annoyedly as I yell "PLEEEEAAASE LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOU GUYS" and Lunarre is losing it laughing while Symonne rolls her eyes
a random thought: So I toyed around with basically every accessory I picked up, and I decided to put the sideburns on Rose because fuck gender roles. Well then I just got used to seeing her with facial hair in every cutscene where her 3D model was used, and now I headcanon that she does get it. Maybe nonclassical CAH intersex? Like, I don't necessarily see her as trans (but I support everyone who hc's her as such) but moreso "a cis woman, but I grow this stupid damn facial hair like a dude and I don't get why." And this is why you shouldn't let me play with customizable accessories on RPG characters because I can and will abuse my privilege to headcanon.
An unpopular opinion: That this is actually a very good game. Listen, I think I get it - the initial marketing promised something far different. And that's disappointing. But coming back to it several years after its release, after the release of its PREQUEL, when I never had that hype building up...it actually exceeded my expectations. I held off from it for a while because I thought Eizen's fate would make me too sad, but that didn't end up the case at all. I actually had just come off playing a more recently-released triple-A game that was hyped up for years, and I completed it to my satisfaction in 20 hours. $80 for 20 hours. Zestiria gave me my money's worth in comparison; it took me about 60, and I loved just how MUCH story it had to offer me. I honestly like Rose better than Alisha anyway (Rose was one of the biggest aspects that interested me about playing it in the first place). I've also seen complaints that the characters weren't well-developed enough? Which I just kinda take to mean "They didn't angst enough." Listen. There are PLENTY of games out there if you want angst and sad stories. I don't really like sad stories in my games. I like adventures where the party is a goofy foundfam that jokes around with each other and helps each other work through shitty situations, and that's EXACTLY what I got. (And Berseria really worked on me too because it kinda started at the bottom of the angst barrel, then worked its way up through "The edgy and tortured protag has gained a party of idiots and oh noooooo she's learning friendship and happiness.") Dezel's death is one of the few game deaths that just made me SATISFIED to watch instead of depressed because of the closure he got and the themes tied into his final moments and sacrifice. I loved going on this adventure, I loved the idiots who I went on it with, and I loved seeing what Glenwood had to offer me in world design the further I explored.
my canon OTP: There's not much for canon romance in this game, come to think of it. Just subtext and some flirting. So I'm blanking on if there actually were any canon couples at all.
Non-canon OTP: DezeRose! Which maybe can be considered almost-canon based on the amount of subtext, but still. It's adorable. (And it's the exact same dynamic as EiRoku except M/F and a thousand years later. I need these four to double date...the dual-wielding goofs with their edgy, grumpy Reapers...)
most badass character: Rose! Not only able to wield the Shepherd's Armatization powers, but also to be a dang good assassin on her own, able to hold her own against Heldalf before she even had her eyes opened to seraphim! Though a shout-out goes to Edna because her armatization was my favorite to play with. There's something just satisfying about bashing the enemy in front of you with a pair of GIANT FISTS
pairing I am not a fan of: RoseAli. To be honest, it was at one point something I kinda enjoyed as a third-tier ship for Rose (Dezel first, then Lailah in second). But then...Alisha's Story. I didn't actually purchase it, thank goodness, just watched it on YouTube, and it was the most grating addition that anyone could've made to this game. First of all, I can sum up the issues with Alisha's Story by reminding everyone that it canonized a secret entrance to Camlann that was much easier to get to and wasn't protected by Muse's sacrifice. But the real thing that hurt to watch was how far down they had to knock Rose and Alisha's friendship to get them to rebuild from scratch. Rose claiming she was never Alisha's friend because she's grieving Sorey? The two of them getting into a PHYSICAL FISTFIGHT over it? Nope nope nope. That's not my Rose. Even less my Rose is that whole scene where she...you know...pounces on Alisha to dress her in the silly noblewoman's dress, and it's framed like...let's just say it's really uncomfortable to watch if you don't know the punchline is just a silly outfit. Even though Alisha's Story isn't canon in my head, it still really killed any buzz I had for RoseAli. I will also say I'm not a big fan of Eizavie - first of all, EiRoku or bust in this house, and second, I have a little bit of a hard time seeing Zaveid as mlm due to how much he goes on and on about The Ladies(TM). (Though I could see Eizen as having a tiny crush on him, though. Just like "Oh no he's hot but he's connected to Aifread's disappearance help")
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Mostly just in Alisha's Story. I was mad about the aforementioned Rose stuff, but also...like...they undid Lunarre's original cathartic death, they did so to team him back up with Symonne and then do a whole fakeout that they had Maltran with them too, but Maltran is just an illusion and immediately after this, Lunarre and Symonne just decide "Yeah, we're not gonna work together anymore, have a nice life." Why does Maltran need to stay dead if LUNARRE somehow survived EXPLODING? And just...look to next question for more clarification:
favourite friendship: I just want to imagine that Maltran, Lunarre, and Symonne were weird evil friends. The kind who'd take artistic selfies and caption them "Murder and mayhem with my besties!". Maybe they even had a sibling dynamic. They were all pretty dang jaded, so I like to think they sat around sometimes talking about the things in this world that did them wrong. The reasons they were drawn to Heldalf. Heldalf himself wouldn't have cared, he would've kicked them around like disposable tools, but the three of them were too entrenched in his dogma to see it. Maybe if they met up again after he was off the board...then they'd sing a different tune. Realize they're all three better than this, and now they're gonna do things THEIR way, because remember when they made a three-point attack on Glenwood and Sorey was barely able to keep up with them wrecking Lastonbell AND Pendrago AND Glaivend? Remember when Lunarre and Symonne had each other's backs the night Dezel died? Now they can do what they want on their terms! And I just - I have many MANY feelings about these three.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Okay silly self-insert time but the thing is, Archibald Snatcher (The Boxtrolls) and Roman Torchwick (RWBY) are my two favorite parental f/o's (and also my OTP to end all OTPs), and I have this thing about how they'd be PERFECT crime dads to Symonne in particular because she's like a little, more theatrical Neopolitan. So there's a universe in my head where Symonne is basically already my little sister, and I look out for her - well, okay, she's a seraph with powerful Artes and I am a powerless mortal so really she looks out for me because "I suppose SOMEONE has to make sure you don't die" and I am grateful to her for it.
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jovishark · 3 years
What tags did you even look in to find antihomestar? I just found out about him like a day or two ago
i always like to go through the blogs that reblog my art and i stumbled upon reblogs from other people
i was old enough to read fanfiction by havoc-creations and interact with the authors during their other works and i promise im not just saying all of this because im sentimental and old, im saying that making fun of a ten year old fanfiction is kind of silly? like. we laugh at it still to this day because i think even the authors would agree that some of it is very 2010-esque and also not at all how theyd represent themselves now but. thats what fanworks Are
they represent who you were and your thought process at the time, and the way that things in your life effect your writing yknow? so comparing fanworks from literally ten years in the future directly waters down the impact that the old stuff used to have. opposites attract/oa 20x6 were very obviously a passion project from two friends who felt like writing together. there wasnt a ton of influence from people other than their niche fans. there were other homestar fanworks on like ffnet and da at the time but none of them were as Long or all-encompassing as oa, and none of them really explored the kind of fiction oa did. there was alternate universe travel, time travel, casino shenanigans, Murder, dinosaurs. i think strong bad definitely killed someone in self defense at least twice. dragons for sure. 
(the plot, because we arent willing to reupload the fic, is that homestar and strong bad steal alternate universe traveling equipment from homeschool winner and end up humanized in the real world. there was a fanfiction before this called real world runner, where homestar does the same thing and meets a person named alex and also the brothers chaps, and has to get back to the website before it falls apart without him. that branches into oa because alex’s apartment is the home base for all of the characters that come through to look for hr/sb to help save the website a second time. they have to navigate real world events in atlanta georgia while also having to figure out how to get back to their reality, and figure out feelings for each other along the way which of course they do. long story short universe travel is an ever moving target and they meet opposite versions of themselves. i mean Way opposite. antihomestar kills people, including the king of town, and i think antimarzipan eats puppies. antistrong bad wears oven mitts instead of boxing gloves. you get the picture. strong bad is caught between antihomestars edgy pushiness and homestars puppy dog eyes. at some point they go to the middle ages. its a whole mess and basically in trying to put everything back together they make a million more mistakes, and homeschool winner cant fix all of them. its my favorite work of all time)
what im trying to say is that the work represented the authors interests at the time (star trek, dinosaurs, boys kissing and being tsundere about it, very dramatic improbable things, etc) and you could see that it was a Creative work by very creative people. so calling aspects of it uninspired or not creative is a very big slap in the face of something that was pretty shockingly original for its time. i know it sounds ridiculous in the context of 2020, but does it? i saw people yesterday assigning gay culture terms to the rats from animaniacs. everything is just as silly as it was in the entire scope of fanworks. 
antihomestar, a character that did not exist before like 2009, was pervasive enough to make it into the real life, actual fan costumes videos from homestarrunner.com. someone cosplayed him and sent it into the brothers chaps, who included it in their photo slideshow with no comment. not to say that giving him black pants, a black star, and blades instead of a propeller isnt Very edgy on purpose, but maybe that was the point? hes Anti homestar. homestar runner, a character who does many things on accident and falls into things as they happen to him, might just wear a propeller hat without a second thought. to be an Anti version, antihomestar would have to do things in a calculated way, on purpose, to achieve results. which he does, as evidenced by him trying to steal universe travel equipment for very on-purpose power reasons. i dont know if their thoughts into him went that deep but id like to think they did.  to take a character as vague and for-the-punchline as homestar runner and subvert him, to turn his traits inside out and think of what that person might do if given an opportunity? thats Very creative to me. but then again, i read this fanfiction like every day for years and years until it was deleted from the internet, so maybe these things are more obvious to me because i have the context?
my point is. giving an Unfounded critique based on a thing you have only seen once or twice is just as silly as saying ‘what if homestar runner wore black pants and licked knives for fun’. but one of those things is more enjoyable to look at.
(he also had black straight hair and piercings, because IT WAS 2010 ON LIVEJOURNAL. of course hes going to look like that. he wasnt just made for the aesthetic, he had plot reasons and character development and everything and i just want everyone to know that.)
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specialmindz · 4 years
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“Nyeh hee hee hee!”
The scientist continued to fumble about the lab, searching for the appropriate parts to fix the generator.
“Ki-et down Daddy, you wake up Boo Boo!”
“Oh no, don’t mind me…I’m just happy to be here…” The little spirit monster shifted a bit in Sans’ grasp, having been mistaken for a pillow in the dark.
“You aren’t SUPPOSED to be here! NO ONE is to visit the lab at this hour!” replied Gaster, still searching for a flashlight. He didn’t approve of his littlest scavenging at the Dump, but every once in a while, Papyrus would bring home something he could use and the flashlight was one of them.
Figures he couldn’t find it now of all times.
What on earth could have happened? The magic crystals still have power in them and the generator itself is in perfect repair! This blackout makes no sense!
He wasn’t used to something being broken without Papyrus having some sort of hand in it.
“Just in case however, did you touch the generator Papyrus?”
The baby bones nodded vigorously, “Yep! We’s out of ghost food, so I decided to make snacks for Boo Boo, but we was out of the veggie oil.”
“Veggie oil?”
A few moments went by before the elder skeleton jumped suddenly in alarm and rushed out of the workshop, running downstairs into the True Lab’s living quarters, apparently heading for their kitchen.
“hey uh bro? you didn’t use the oil from the generator-”
“Oh nooo…”
Hiding his face in Sans’ shirt, Napstablook shook in terror, unused to the family’s quarrels. Though the scientist’s anger was nostalgic and reminded him of one of his cousins, it had been awhile since he’d heard any yelling and he had heard from Papyrus that Gaster wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. The fact that this was probably the spirit’s fault, made things even worse as he had been hoping to make a good impression on the family.
So much for that.
“I’m sorry, this is all my fault…”
“naw, forget about it. you’re a guest, right? guests are supposed to get snacks. pap just made a mistake is all.”
“Heh heh heh…”
“hm? what’s so funny?”
“I like your accent.”
Papyrus looked up, grinning. “Me too, Snas from Boston, so he say stuff like 'fuhgeddaboudit' and ‘I’s hittin’ da’ bricks’ and ‘here’s lookin’ at you kid!”
“i don’t spell it like that! and what does that last one even mean?”
Before the infant could answer, the elevator door opened and Gaster came rushing out. He didn’t stop to say anything to the children, he merely grabbed a vial of…something…and ran back in, keeping the door open with his wingdings.
Not that this was a good idea mind you, as he soon realized all too late that he wasn’t alone, just as the elevator closed and began its second descent.  
“I do hope you’s not planning on ruining mah new firepace stink Daddy,” said the baby, still wearing his smile from before.
“Huh? What the hell? How’d you get in here?!���
“I cuwalled.”
“Well when we get to the living quarters, you can CRAWL your miniature ass to your room! Do you know how difficult it is to put out an oil fire?”
“How this ellyvator work without da’ tricity? You learn Snas’ witchcraft?”
“Of course not. I’ve a second generator hidden downstairs…just in case you break the first one. Unfortunately, it doesn’t reach-”
“Wh-what? ‘Baby Massager?’ Are you laying on the generator?”
“Yep! Is fun. I likes it better than the washy machine cause’ it always on. It feel nice on mah bones and it make me go UHUHUHUHUH…then I falls off.”
Gaster shook his head.
“What? What I do?”
“Though vibrations are good for bones and newborns alike, the generator is NOT the best tool to use because of the oil within it. THIS generator especially. This one, connected to the lab, is custom designed to keep running indefinitely…not something a normal generator should ever do. I haven’t a choice however, if I want to keep Mt. Ebott from erupting. The oil I use comes from a reservoir that’s FAR too close to the surface of Hotland. It needs to be depleted less there be an explosion, but no matter how much is used, there seems to be no end to it.”
“That sound like a solution to da’ power problem we gots dough. Why you not use it?” asked Papyrus curiously. He didn’t know much about oil, he assumed it was discovered and researched sometime after he was born. He hadn’t heard anyone else mention it before either…unless it had something to do with cooking. The stuff he had poured out of generator upstairs was a liquid, but liquids were supposed to put OUT fires, weren’t they? “The yellow made the oven a firepace. It cook mah food too good and now no one gets noms. It do other bad stuffs?”
“Yes it does…and that wasn’t vegetable oil Papyrus, it simply had the same color. That was generator oil and a result of refinement on my part. Unrefined oil, or Crude Oil, is a thick, black, eldritch sludge that kills all it touches. It’s made from the deceased bodies of creatures no one in recorded history has ever seen alive and has lied in wait within the earth’s crust for literally millions of years. That being said, it is unfortunately naturally occurring, and everyone aware of its existence is infatuated with it BECAUSE it’s such a huge power source. That’s why I’ve kept it a secret from the public and use it in my experiments as little as possible. It may grant us advanced technology almost immediately, but the things created with it also kill, albeit slowly, meaning you don’t have to come into contact with oil itself in order to become a victim. It’s not evil, but it will take some time before we can figure out a way to use it safely…and keep others from using it poorly.”
Gaster shuddered upon imagining the horror and chaos that would no doubt ensue if ever the monsters were to find out about his discovery. One small mistake is all it would take for Mt Ebott to erupt and annihilate everyone. Even the fire elementals would be destroyed, either drowned in lava or pushed into the barrier and rendered to dust.
“Papyrus, you must promise me that you will keep this a secret. I know it isn’t in your nature to do such a thing, but your life is at stake, along with everyone else’s. That includes Sans, you hear me? I don’t want him knowing about this reservoir less he be tempted to experiment with-PAPYRUS GET OFF THE GENERATOR! WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU?!”
The baby bones fell to the floor and crawled over to Sans.
“Hey Snas! SNAS!”
“You son of a bitch.”
“cool. don’t play with it.”
“it’s like tar. it’ll make you smell bad and ruin your jammies.”
Papyrus used his wingdings to lay, once again, atop the generator.
“Sans, I must ask you to keep this oil reservoir a secret. Despite how desperate the power situation is, oil is not the answer for a civilization living within a volcano.”
“yeah i know about oil dad, i’m not dumb. i read more than space books ya’ know…”
“I’m well aware you know what oil is, I’m just SAYING-”
Gaster knocked Papyrus off the generator.
“I’m just saying, the temptation is there and it targets both the money-poisoned AND the lazy. There may come a time during an experiment where you feel oil will solve a particular problem, I assure you, it will cause more than it solves. We aren’t the only intelligent beings in the Underground, if you use oil to create something, it’s quite possible an individual will discover the usage through reverse engineering and in turn, wonder where exactly the oil CAME from.”
“I-I didn’t s-see anything…also, what’s ‘oil?”
“ehh, don’t worry about it,” said Sans, thinking quickly. “you don’t eat our food right?”
“Oh, cooking oil…I remember that. It’s made from seeds…”
“Yep! I’s gonna make you something delicious, but I’s out of the cooking oil and baby oil be for baby food, so-”
“Baby oil is for skin,” said Gaster, rubbing his temples.
“Baby oil. It’s for skin. It’s called baby oil because it supposedly makes your skin feel soft like an infant’s.”
What exactly is Sans DOING while I’m busy working? He’s not telling him this stuff as a joke, is he...?
“Nuh-uh Daddy, daz baby lotion! You confused. BABY OIL be for cooking, like baby powder and-”
“Baby powder is also for skin. It is not a type of baking powder NOR is it a baking soda of any sort. You have no business in the kitchen Papyrus.”
“What Baby’s Breath then?”
“Not parsley.”
“Baby spice?”
“That’s a person.”
“Baby fat?”
“Well it’s lard, but-”
“why don’t you just stick with baby potatoes and baby carrots bro?”
“Why don’t you just stay out of the kitchen period? The oven is not a toy and I believe I’ve told you as such already.”
“NO!” cried the baby bones indignantly. “I’s a genius baby and I deserves the best of edgy-cations! LOOK! Look what dis baby has right here!” Papyrus pulled a page, seemingly torn from an old magazine, out of his onesie and presented it to his family. It showed a young human in overalls, a toddler by the looks of it, pretending to cook on a toy kitchen set, plastic spatula in hand.
“aww, duude!”
That human’s so cute! Is that really a baby one? I wanna pet it soo bad! It’d probably bite the shit out of me though…
“hey, napstablook! c’mere and look at this human!”
Shyly, Napstablook floated over to the group and peered over Sans’ shoulder.
“cute right?”
“It’s got a spatula…it thinks it’s cooking…”
“They not cooking, they’s modeling. They saying ‘look what I has and you doesn’t! Don’t you wish you had a nice baby-kitchen like me?’ They’s mocking!”
“nobody’s mocking you pappy.”
“i guarantee this baby doesn’t know you exist.”
“Your brother’s right. What’s happening here is you’ve created a personal fantasy out of boredom and forgotten it was a fantasy. Something you need to learn not to do while you’re daydreaming-”
“All I needs to do is show dis baby that I’S the superior bae! Imma be the best cook ever and I’ll use the big people oven to do it! I don’t need their stink rainbow kitchen!”
“…Or perhaps you merely want an excuse to use the oven even though I JUST said no.”  
I asked him to stay out of the Parent magazines to begin with…
Papyrus had an annoying habit of using those particular publications to come up with ideas for “brother-time” with Sans. A time where he would (sometimes quite literally) pick Sans up out of bed and have him do an arts and crafts activity with him, usually involving copious amounts of glue and chemicals Gaster wasn’t sure how he even got ahold of.
Not that the messes were the most obnoxious thing about it, THOSE he could handle. He was used to his smallest making messes.
No, no It was the MIMICRY that the scientist couldn’t stand. Those magazines were to inform parents of why their babies behaved the way they did, but Papyrus would use them as guidelines on “how to be a better baby.”
 “Give me the markers Papyrus!”
“NO! These are MY paint-sticks! I keeps the markers cause’ I saw them first.”
“That’s not how that works, where did you even get that ide-no. Do not. Do not pull out that magazine again, god-DAMNIT Papyrus!”
“It say right here, ‘baes between two and four beweave that da’ person who gets an object first is the rightful owner, even if someone else gets hold of it later’ This be what babies do and I’s a baby, so these markers are mine now.”
“Give me that FUCKING magazine.”
“Is my ucking maggy-zeen.”
“I sawed it first. Is the law.”
Gaster reached for the hated literature, causing the infant to quickly shove it back into his onesie. He then clacked his teeth together twice, a signal that meant any further attempts to get closer would result in a bite.
Because that’s what babies did.
They bit people.
“You’re not using the oven Papyrus.”
“*Sigh* Fine, I gots a solution for dis.” Crawling out of the kitchen, Papyrus headed into the Nursery and towards his toybox. He didn’t have to rummage long, as he was a very organized baby, and soon he found what he was looking for; an only slightly grimy multicolored maraca. He didn’t know why such a gem had been thrown away, but it made the most wonderful sound…
“What is that?” asked Gaster upon seeing his two-year-old reenter the room. The baby held the maraca by the handle with both hands and shook it.
“Is a big-person rattle! I finded it at the Dump and is the bestest treasure ever! I’s gonna save it for when I does something really bad, but I needs that oven, so we trade. I gets to use the oven and you can pay wit mah rattle!”  
“I don’t-”
“Pay not keep.”
“…I don’t need a rattle Papyrus.”
“Heh heh, your brother swings it like a sledgehammer…”
“well yeah, he’s small.”
“Stop that.”
“Be mesmerized.”
“I’m not interested Papyrus.”
“not everyone likes rattles pappy.”
“Your brain broke…or maybe you’s planning to steal mah treasure while I’s napping so you doesn’t have to give up da’ oven!”
“I bet you are! You’s gonna wait till I’s asweep in my widdle cwib and then you gonna take my toy and blame it on Snas!”
“I bets you’s lying about the oil too! Baby oil be a cooking ingredient for babies, but you don’t likes it when I’s better at things than you, so you try to get baby to use fake cwap like ‘sugar’ and ‘spice.” The infant glared at the wall, remembering the disappointment he felt when he tried to get free sugar from Undyne. He had heard girls were made from sugar and spice, but what he managed to collect (along with a few new cracks in his skull) were scales.
Not delicious.
“You know full well I’m not lying…or you would if you were paying attention-”
“Just drink your formula, it has everything you need.”
“NO! I needs solids…like these fintstone yummies.” Papyrus pulled out a bottle labeled Flintstone Vitamins. “They looks like rocks, but they shaped like peoples!”
“hmm…” curiously, Sans popped one into his mouth and began to chew. “this one tastes like an orange.”
“Nyeh hee hee hee! Silly Snas, orange be a color, not a food!”
Silly Sans.
“Hmph, It’s a condensed version of Vitamin C most likely. Vitamin C is essential to the formation of collagen, so it should increase one’s bone density, but I doubt you’ll get much out of them.”
“it says vitamin d on it.”
“What? Vitamin D? Give me that bottle!”
Gaster snatched up the bottle in one quick motion and studied the label. If Sans hadn’t misread anything, then this was an extraordinary find indeed. Very few foods in nature contained Vitamin D and nature was what everyone depended on in the Underground. The people’s only source of it was found in fish and within the eggs of birds who had accidently flown into Mt. Ebott. Because they were so rare and important as a food source, the security around the areas in which they were bred was even tighter than at the castle. It was rationed carefully and NO ONE got special privileges that allowed more than their fair share due to overpopulation. That meant Gaster couldn’t add as much Vitamin D into Papyrus’s baby formula as he would like.
Eventually something’s going to go wrong and we’ll end up eating nothing but magic supplements.
Magic food wasn’t particularly healthy, not for Horror Fonts anyway. If there was any problem that breed of skeleton had, it was finding the right balance of magic AND basic nutrients. The magic kept their ectoplasm as strong as human muscle so their bones would stay together, but they needed the same vitamins as humans in order to keep those bones from cracking and splintering in the first place. Normal Fonts like he and Sans weren’t fighters, so it wasn’t as important for their bones to be sturdy, but Papyrus was a hunter, which meant tough fights awaited the baby bones when he got older.
He needs more than magic, and we’ve a limited supply as is. Perhaps though, with these, I can find a supplement for the vitamin itself and a way to reproduce it effectively.
“I trade the rock-peoples for da’ oven.”
“And some more baby oil. I’s out of greedy-ants.”
“No. No more using the oven and no more ‘baby ingredients.’ You’re going to destroy this lab along with our kitchen!”
“I dis-gree.”
“You know what I needs? What every baby needs? Ah-structions. I needs a cookie-book. Fetch me a cookie-book, THEN I will succeeds in life.”
Gaster was about to say something, but quickly decided against it. An idea began to form in his mind as he reread the ingredients on the vitamin bottle.
Perhaps this request is a blessing in disguise...
“Papyrus, if I found you a cookbook would you follow the instructions to the letter?” “Course I would!” said the baby bones confidently. “What’s da’ point of ah-structions if I doesn’t follow them? I follow the ah-structions and make good food that Snas will eat.” Papyrus smiled at Napstablook. “You too Boo Boo! I make yummies for eryone!”
The scientist put the bottle in his coat. “Alright then, I will provide for you, a cookbook.”
“uhh dad, that sounds like a terrible idea,” said Sans, eyeing the ruined oven. “papyrus tends to-”
“Shu up Snas. I happily agwee to yo’ terms, beloved father figure!”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Baby will reward your rare act of rationality.”
“Please don’t.”
“I assist! I learned in one of the maggyzines that if you rewards good be-have-ior, peoples will repeat it. This time I find you REAL booger sugar, not baby powder.”
“Actually, that would be great. My experiment with the ‘cocaine’ you originally gave me was a complete disaster. Had it worked, I could have created something to reduce hunger in the Underground’s citizens months ago, but you ruined that for everyone. This time I’d like to succeed.”
“ohhh, so that’s what it was for.”
“Of course child, why else would I purchase it? Drugs are for science and science alone!”
“Um…” Napstablook looked behind him nervously.
Should I tell someone about this?
“Remember Papyrus, if you can’t follow a recipe, then you can’t cook that recipe, otherwise it will come out wrong.”
Gaster handed a cookbook to his youngest who took it with both hands excitedly and began to flip through it.
“Waz ‘pepper?”
“It’s a type of spice. We don’t have it.”
“What’s ‘vinny-ger?”
“It doesn’t matter, we don’t have that either.”
“i think that’s in urine pa-”
“Really Sans?”
“Ewww, I not using that! Waz ‘rice?”
“It’s a type of grain, we don’t have it in the Underground.”
The baby bones glared at the scientist who was now busy flipping through the pages of his clipboard; the situation beginning to dawn on him.
“We gots onion?”
“No, unfortunately.”
“We gots yeast?”
“*pfft!* i think that’s an infection pappy, are you sure you’re reading that right?”
“I want to see your books Sans.”
“We gots gween beans?”
“Nope, it’s too cold up where they’d need to fall into Mt. Ebott. They need a temperature of at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit to grow.”
“Does we has ANYTHING?”
“If you can’t find a recipe with ingredients we have, perhaps you should search for another cookbook?”
Papyrus threw the book.
“…Scu you stink Daddy.”
Reentering the elevator, Gaster headed up to the main floor. Hopefully he had some refined oil in reserve at the workshop…
“mm…this may not be a good time bro, but about that cocaine thing. earlier, you called it ‘booger sugar.”
“you don’t…actually think it’s sugar do you? you didn’t put any in our food?”
“Oh noooo…”
Sorry for the wait, I’m renovating my house to move if you recall.
45 notes · View notes
bazzybelle · 5 years
Carry On Countdown - Day Seven
Notes: Right... confession time.. So, I posted this fic yesterday... But, I’ve been having a really difficult mental health week (lots of self-doubt, self-isolation, and weeping) and it all came to a head last night when I spiraled and deleted this story (my depression/anxiety/Imposter Syndrome demon caught up to me, I guess). I was also close to deleting all my other fics and potentially closing my account, but @fight-surrender and my amazing husband talked me down from the ledge so to speak. It was actually their support, along with the amazing kindness of @giishu that convinced me to repost my story... so here it is. 
Lyrics are inspired by “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” by The Beatles. However, I was inspired by the version from “Across The Universe”, sung by T.V. Carpio (Such a great movie and soundtrack). 
Thank you to @carryonsimoncarryonbaz for their writing support and amazing beta-reads. 
Also, this is the last story until the Angst prompt... I’m also gonna take it easy with my writing. Going back into it after 8 years of numbness and denying my passion hasn’t been easy and it’s beginning to take its toll on me. I have so many ideas, but I want to feel well enough in my head to be able to write them properly (in case you haven’t noticed, I like writing about healing and hopeful futures... kinda hard to do that if you’re spiraling). I’ve got a few more stories already prepared for the Countdown, but I’m not making any promises on writing for other prompts. 
TW: Extremely minimal (like blink and you’ll miss it) reference to drugs.
Day 7 Prompt: WLW
Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Please, say to me, you’ll let me hold your hand. Now, let me hold your hand. I wanna hold your hand. 
The music here is bloody terrible.
So’s the alcohol. But what else can I expect from a dingy little pub in this dodgy area of the city? Besides, it isn’t the alcohol I’m here for, which is a shock, considering how much of it I drink. 
Nor am I here for this horrid music. I look at the stage and a skinny little whelp is crooning a pathetic rendition of a Pink Floyd song. Kid can’t be older than 18, of course he’s singing a Floyd song. I swear, you  listen to Dark Side of The Moon one time, and suddenly you think you know everything there is to know about music. 
Good Lord… he’s doing a Floyd medley. News flash, boyo, you cannot transition from Wish You Were Here to Another Brick in The Wall without raising a few eyebrows. 
He isn’t a bad looking bloke though. Shaggy brown hair, styled so it’s away from his eyes. He’s got a bit of a long, oval-shaped face, a little gaunt, but not too much. He reminds me of someone… Ah… George Harrison! He’s got a bit of a George Harrison vibe, I reckon. A part of me wants to snap a photo of him and ask Baz if he’d fancy him, but the last time I did that, he chewed my ear off for a week. 
Dramatic little shit. I’m only trying to help. He’s so edgy all the time. Baz is about to head into his final year at Watford and honestly, he needs to let loose and have a little fun, before the pressures of being a Pitch crushes him…
Maybe I’m being the dramatic shit...
I leave George Harrison to his crooning (Christ, he’s moved onto Money. Does he only know the popular Floyd songs? Tosser), and direct myself to the bar. The person I’m here to see greets me with a wide, toothy smile. 
“Well well, look who it is. How are you, love?” bellows Shannon Ryan (Shan for short). Shan is the annoyingly vivacious proprietor of the Golden Griffin Pub and Inn. She is all hair (bright, thick, ginger-red, with a generous amount of blond and strawberry-blond highlights, that falls in tight ringlets down her back) and little to no filter. She’s the kind of person that can decide in an instant if she’ll offer you a free pint, or if she’ll drag your sorry arse onto the curb. Most of the time, she’ll offer you the pint and a wink of her dark brown eyes. 
I give her a half smile and take a seat in front of her. Shan pours me a glass of Chivas (Bless her, she knows I love the stuff) and leans her elbows on the counter. I salute her and nod at George Harrison.
“Heads up Shan, if your lad starts playing Comfortably Numb, I may have to murder him with his own guitar.”
Shan playfully punches my shoulder. Normally, I’d retaliate with a knife to the throat, but I’m not nearly so… angry when Shan’s around. I can relax around her and allow myself to be a little playful. 
“Aw, come on now Prue, Mickey’s not that bad. A little rough around the edg-” She starts to laugh, because George Harrison’s begun to sing Comfortably Numb and I begin to crack my knuckles. Shan grabs my hands and gives them a pat. “Alright, very rough around the edges, but he’s a sweet kid.”
I met Shannon about 4 months ago. It was during one of my lower points. I had been on a wild bender, drinking, smoking up, everything. At some point, I lost all recollection of where I was and what was happening. I still don’t know how long I’d been out of my mind at that point, but I somehow ended up at Shan’s pub, trashed out and rambling nonsense. Shan took one look at me and she decided that she would give me a room and a bed, instead of throwing me out (a horrible decision, really). I woke up in an unknown room, in an unknown bed with her knocking on the door. 
I nearly killed her. 
Shan managed to calm me down and gave me some breakfast. Fat greasy bangers, perfectly poached eggs, fried tomatoes and back bacon. She had informed me that I had been out for quite a while. I remember feeling like a numpty had taken a beating to my head. She had offered to let me stay there so that I could recover from whatever was causing me distress. Instead of taking the hint and staying there, I gathered my belongings while she was gone and slipped out. That would have been the end of it, but I had returned a few days later to pay for my room and board. Shan refused to take my money, and instead asked that I pay her back by coming to see her from time to time. Originally, I was only supposed to come see her until the end of the month… But here we are, four months later and I still find myself wanting to come see her. 
Shan doesn’t know my real name (She knows me by my middle name, Prudence… I swear my family gets its kicks from naming their offspring ridiculous names), nor that I am a magician from a long line of magical aristocracy. She does not know that I am embroiled in the middle of a war that threatens to rip my world and my family apart. Maybe that sense of escapism is why I keep coming back here, why I keep flirting with this Normal pub owner. 
I turn back to her now. She is cleaning some of the dirty glasses that have been left on the bar counter. It’s a quiet evening tonight, not many patrons at the pub. Shan’s pub can gain a small gathering during the weekends, mostly young folks out on a crawl. Some tend to stay here on account of the atmosphere, and Shan’s personality. Tonight’s one of the quieter nights. I blame George Harrison mucking it up on the microphone.  
“Where do you find these characters, Shan?”
“Beats me. They sometimes just show up needing a spot. Mick’s been tossed out from his home, poor child. I give him a room, he works the bar. It all works out.”
Shan sometimes uses her rooms to shelter people who may need a place to stay. I wasn’t a special case for her. Any misfit or vagabond has a place to stay at Shan’s. I suppose that explains George Harrison, who has just finished his set and has exited the stage, thank Merlin for that. She’s now turned on her online music playlist, an eclectic mix of punk, classic rock, and current indie songs. It makes no bloody sense, but the patrons aren’t mad about it. 
“You’re too generous Shan.” She rolls her eyes and proceeds to serve some other patrons who have been waiting for her. Once George Harrison arrives behind the counter, she sends him off to prepare orders while she turns back to me. 
“And you, my dear friend, are far too cold. What brings you here tonight? Chasing one of your hoodlums, again?”
With the war brewing between the Old Families and the Mage, I have been tracking down members of the magical community who have been shunned and cast away by the Mage and his reforms. The Old Families believed that we could find some support amongst the masses who’ve been mistreated by Davy and his band of Merry Men. If I’m in the area, I’ll stop by the pub for a quick drink and a chat. 
Like I said, it’s been happening more often than not. 
Today is different. I am not here because I’m in the area. I felt the need to be here. Maybe it’s the bitter heat of August in London; Or maybe it’s the fact that it’s August 13th, the thirteenth anniversary (plus a day) of my sister’s death that brings me here. Normally, I’d be home, drinking myself into a stupor until enough time has passed where I don’t feel the grief anymore. I never allow myself to drink on the actual day of her death, because I’m too busy spending the day with Basil and Malcolm (Basil mostly), making sure that they’ve kept their heads in one place. I look out for my nephew first and once the day has passed, I go home and begin my process of drinking and mourning.
For some reason, I didn’t want to be home alone today. I don’t know what came over me, but I felt I needed to be here, at Shan’s pub. But I’ll never tell her that. So instead I put on my classic Pitch smooth face and smile slyly at her. 
“Who says I need a reason to be here? Maybe I just decided to come over.” Shan rolls her eyes at me. She faces me and leans over the counter, inches from my face. I have to look away, in case she notices the small blush creeping over my cheeks. I take another sip of my Chivas before looking at her once more. I tilt my head at her and smile. She places her hand on mine and pushes it down, until the glass is back on the counter.
“You’ve always got a reason, Prue. You don’t allow yourself to do anything simply because you want to.” Now, I roll my eyes at her. I down the remainder of my Chivas and slam the glass back down on the counter. I cross my arms over my chest and pull myself back from the counter. 
“Oh? And what exactly do I want?”
Shan also steps back from the counter. She’s got her hands on her hips and shrugs at me. She takes the bottle of Chivas and pours me another glass. 
“I am not nearly qualified enough to untangle the mess in your mind, Prue. I can only offer a listening ear and a reasonable amount of alcohol.” She leans back against the wall. I stare at her for a minute and take in how she looks in the pub’s dim light. Shan’s got incredibly light skin, but it isn’t entirely pale and the dim lighting in here is showcasing her pretty features. She’s wearing a black tank top under a dark purple vest that cuts just at her waist. She’s got on dark jeans and a light gold studded belt. Shan pulls her hair back into a very high, very messy bun at the top of her head. A few strands still hang loose and frame her face. I draw a shaky breath and take a sip of my scotch. I speak softly, more to the glass than to her. 
“My sister died. Yesterday has been 13 years since she died.” Shan relaxes her posture and approaches me again. I don’t shift my position at all. If she thinks she can get me to open up more than that, she’s wrong. I won’t come undone by a pretty girl with bright red hair. 
“You don’t want to be alone then?” Shan reaches for my hand. I don’t let her take it. I’m still focusing on my drink and the patterns of the wood grains on the counter. 
“I am perfectly fine to be alone Shan! I’ve been alone for many years, what’s another one?” I straighten my back even further, attempting to close off my walls. They had been slowly coming down as I spend more time with Shan, but thinking about yesterday, about Tasha, about the losses in my life, have caused me to build them back up with a more reinforced metal. 
Now, I’m here again, in front of Shannon, and the metal around my heart is starting to melt again. What power does this Normal have over me that she can make me feel this way? Shan exits from her side of the bar and she comes to sit down next to me. I want to turn away from her, but I can’t find it in me to do so. I’m running my fingers along the rim of the glass when I feel her tough, guitar-calloused hand lay on top of mine. I refuse to look her in the eyes. She gently places my hand on the counter and turns it over. I finally look at her as she clasps her hand in mine.
“What if you didn’t have to be alone?” Her deep brown eyes are staring right into my grey ones. I can feel my heartbeat beginning to pick up. My breathing becomes a little erratic. I have not felt this in such a long time. Not since my final year at Watford. Not since I had my heartbroken into pieces and decided to shut it down forever. I start to pull my hand away, but Shan holds it tight. I frown at her and glare at her a little bit. 
“People like me are meant to be alone.” I try to make my voice sound icy and intimidating. But, Merlin help me, it sounds breathless, like I’m chocking it out. I take a sharp inhale of breath through my nose. Shan, the fool that she is, reaches over and grabs my other hand, she gently turns my body towards her and leans a little closer to me. She speaks in a soft and calm voice. I almost miss what she says because of the music in the background. 
“You don’t have to be alone.”
She leans in closer to me. I feel a small flutter in the pit of my stomach. I want to lean into her as well, but something stops me. I can’t. I can’t. Not again. Never again. I pull away from her and jump out of my seat. I ignore the confused and saddened look on Shan’s face and I fumble in my bag for my wallet. 
“I have to go.”
Shan grabs my arm and tries to look at me again. I will not give her the satisfaction of seeing me coming undone. I will not let another person into my heart only for them to destroy it again. I can’t handle more pain and misery. 
“Wait… Prue I-” She’s going to beg me to stay, I don’t give her a chance to finish.
“Thank you, Shannon. I’ll see you soon.” I pull out some notes and slam them onto the counter. I yank my arm away from Shan’s grasp and stalk out of the pub, leaving her sorrowful brown eyes behind me. 
I am meant to be alone. I don’t need anyone, especially not some nobody Normal. Even if the same nobody Normal is currently holding a key to my heart. I go home, fully intent on drinking my conflicting feelings away.
Six weeks.
Basil’s been missing for six weeks and I haven’t had any luck in finding him. 
I have tried every bloody spell I could think of. I have poured over every single one of Natasha’s old books in that blasted library. I have even tried to contact some of the undesirables in my midst to see if any of them knew anything. None of them could tell me any information. Even though I threatened and screamed and even cast spells to force them to give me any information, none of them had any information to give me. 
I was losing my mind. I wanted nothing more to march into Watford myself and threaten the bloody Mage himself, or even that stupid snivelling little magling, Simon Snow. The only thing preventing me from torching the damn school was the fact that The Mage knew exactly where Baz was and he could decide to retaliate by hurting or even killing him. He was not above murder, the bastard. 
The latest call we got from the numpties had demanded wands from us. They must have been bloody joking. Malcolm, the fool, was already looking for spare wands. I called him a spineless idiot, and if he couldn’t see that this wasn’t about a simple ransom, well then he really was more feebleminded than I thought. I told him that my sister scraped the bottom of the barrel when she married a Grimm and stomped out of the manor. 
The bloody numpties were holding him near some water, so I drew up a map of potential spots where he could be hidden. I was not going to rest until I searched each and every one, no matter how long that took. 
I now find myself walking down a familiar dodgy street, towards a familiar pub. I have not been back since Shan grabbed my hand and I almost allowed her a piece of me. I decided that I would not go back there and risk anything more happening between Shan and myself. To go back would mean I would have to talk about what almost happened, and to do that would mean I would have to either lie to her or give into my feelings, neither option really appealing to me. Still, I need to start a fight. I need to yell at something and punch something. And the thought of Shannon throwing me out of her pub and her life because I caused a fight with her patrons is exactly what I need to revitalize myself on this search mission. 
I storm into the establishment and see a few confused clientele staring at me. I should pick out which unfortunate character will be my target, but my eyes wander to the bar. I want Shan to be watching. 
She isn’t there. But her pathetic little ward is. I march to the bar and before the weasel says anything, I grab his shirt sleeve and pull him over the bar counter. I roughly toss him to the floor. The boy yelps in surprise and lifts his hands up to protect his face. I am not done yet. I am about to lift him up, when someone grabs my arm. I spin around and I’m about to deck them, when I see her deep brown eyes. 
“PRUE! That’s enough!” Shan looks absolutely murderous with rage. I have never seen that look on her face before. I give her a cold hard stare and sneer at her. 
“Get. Your. Bloody. Hands. OFF. ME!” Shan returns my stare with a scowl of her own. She keeps her hand secured on my jacket and begins to drag me outside. 
“We’re going outside, NOW!” 
Well that was fast. I didn’t even get to have any fun. 
Shan shoves me outside and practically tosses me onto the floor. I am astounded by the strength she has, considering just how skinny she is. But she does this for a living. She’s had to toss out larger folks than myself. I dust off my jacket and straighten out my jeans before turning to Shan, who is still wearing a livid look on her face. Her hair, although braided, has a frizzy halo that surrounds it. I already regret coming here. 
“I like you, Prue. But I will not have you starting fights in my pub! Either you tell me what’s gotten into you, or you can kindly fuck off!” She points an accusing finger at me and then out towards the street. I should be honest with her, but I have a knack for self-destruction, so I push my luck.
“Oh fuck off Shan!” She steps back, shocked at first by my demeanor. But she then shakes her head and scoffs. She steps up to me and responds with a coldness of her own.
“If you insist! But this whole tough bitch attitude is getting bloody exhausting! Call me once you’ve calmed yourself” she says as she begins to walk away. I want to let her go back. I want to watch her leave and never see her again. But my damn head won’t let her leave. I call out before I have a chance to stop myself.
“My nephew’s missing...” Shan stops in her tracks. She turns to me, her furious face already changed to one of deep concern. “He’s been missing for nearly 6 weeks and I’m going out of my bloody mind!” 
She approaches me cautiously. I know she is still very angry with me and my actions. She asks me smoothly, “Have they demanded a ransom?” Shan knows well enough to not ask about law enforcement. With the type of charges she takes in, the reality is that law enforcement will typically make matters worse. 
I roll my eyes and answer her. “We don’t pay ransoms in my family!” 
Shan stares incredulously at me, “Are you daft? I don’t know what kind of business you’re running Prudence, but I think the life of your nephew is worth a ransom payment, yeah?”
“This isn’t about a ransom, Shannon! It’s something more! Oh forget it! I’m wasting time, I could be using to search under bridges or in sewers!” This was a mistake. I never should have come here. I turn my back to Shan and start to walk away. 
“Under bridges?” She asks me. I stop and turn back to her. 
“The kidnappers sounded like they were near running water when they called. Which, considering this bloody city, could be fucking anywhere!”
“Christ…” Shan starts to shake her head. She put her hand to her face, as if she was starting to ponder something. It is enough for me to march right back up to her.
“What is it!?”
“I thought he was being batty…” Shan delivers that line in such a thoughtful way that I almost want to be gentle with her. 
Almost. But Basil is missing and this is the first tiny morsel of a clue that I have had for six weeks. So I grab Shan’s shoulders and press her further.
“Who was?! What do you know Shan!?” She frowns at me and shrugs me off.
“Nothing, Prue! I volunteer at one of the homeless shelters in the city and one of our regulars was going on about how one of his favourite sleeping spots near the river was overrun with boulders. It looked like someone was trying to hide something there. The man’s a little mad. He claimed that some of the boulders were moving.”
Moving boulders?! Bloody fucking hell! That’s it! That’s fucking it! Six weeks, I’ve been going mad trying to find Basil, and all this time, the one place I should have been looking was amongst the vagabonds and the homeless. Christ, go figure I’d find my most important clue with Shannon fucking Ryan.  
“Where is he now!!?” I demand of her.  Maybe a little too harshly. I really couldn't care less if I hurt Shan’s feelings anymore. I need to find this drifter as soon as I can. 
“Prue! You can’t be-” Shan tries to calm me down, but I am not having it. I am so close to bringing my nephew home, I am not stopping now. I get up to her face and nearly shout at her.
“You tell me where he is now, Shannon, or I swear to Christ…” Shan shakes her head at me, but she caves in and sighs at me. 
“You are a lunatic, Prudence. But he’s most likely at Whitechapel. He’s been spending most of his time th- Prue!” I’m already walking away. I have all the information I need.
“I’ll see you later, Shan.” I say to her. Maybe if I survive this, I’ll come back and apologize for being a proper psychopath towards her. Maybe she’ll forgive me. For now, I have more important matters to attend to.
“Prue! Come back! You can’t do this alone!” 
That’s where you’re wrong Shannon. I’ve had to do everything on my own. It’s what I’m best at. I can still hear her shouting into the night, even though I am far from the pub at this point. 
I am once more, back at the Golden Griffin. The pub has just closed for the night, but I know that Shan is still inside. She usually stays behind a few hours after closing time in order to clean up the place. I stand right in front of the door, taking a few moments to decide if I want to knock on her door, or if I should leave. I lift my fist to the window on the door. I’m about to knock when Shan’s head pops up from the side of the door. She looks surprised to see me at first, then… is that relief? She whips the door opened and pulls me inside. 
“Prudence…” she whispers to me. She holds my hand in hers. Merlin, what is she doing to me? I let go of her hand and stuff my hands into my jacket pockets. I clear my throat and start to talk.
“He was alive. I found him in time.”
“Your nephew. I’m so relieved to hear that.” She’s got her hand over her heart and she sighs in relief. Has she truly been worried this whole time? 
I feel guilty for not coming back sooner. But I had to make sure Baz was fine and then well, I wanted to start planning retribution for this attack on my family. I hadn’t realized that it was mid-November and I still had not gone to see Shan. 
And so, here I am. At 2AM on a Tuesday. At this pub once more, in front of this Normal. This Normal who is nobody important, from a nobody family. Yet, all I’m hoping is that she can forgive me for my foolishness. 
“You said I couldn’t do it alone. I did it alone. I found him, I got him back. I didn’t need anyone.” I just have to antagonize her, don’t I? I am a Pitch after all. Shan shakes her head, like she was ready for this to begin with an argument. 
“I’m happy for you Prue. Truly, I am.” She responds with an icy sarcasm. Her arms are crossed and she is leaning away from me. She isn’t up for having a go at me. I take a half-step towards her and offer an olive branch.
“My real name’s Fiona. Fiona Pitch.” Shan drops her hands to her hips. She gives me a cold stare and shakes her head. She then raises her hands slightly only to cross them again. She’s upset and I can’t say I blame her. I’ve only been lying to her for several months. 
“Fiona. Christ… Alright…”
“Prudence is my middle name. I didn’t know you.” I offer her an explanation. She rolls her eyes at that and continues to stare at me. 
“Fine, Fiona. What do you want from me?” She waves her arms and points to her chest. I furrow my eyebrows. I don’t know how to answer her question. I also don’t like how she calls me Fiona with disdain in her voice. As if she’s talking to someone she doesn’t know or care for. I suppose I deserve that. 
“I don’t need anyone. I’m perfectly fine to be on my own.” I take another half-step towards her. 
“What do you want from me, Fiona?” She asks me again. She is challenging me. Her voice, while still severe, is more inquisitive. She wants me to answer her, to let her in. To allow her another piece of me. 
I am not ready to answer her. Instead I continue to fight her and my own feelings. 
“I do not want another person coming into my life only to destroy it again!” I turn my head away from her as I expose a tiny piece of myself. Shan now steps forward. She is a breath away from me now. I want to touch her hair, her face, her hands. 
“What do you want from me, Fiona?” Her voice has now lost its edge, its icy tone. She is softer now, asking me to trust her. She reaches for my hand. I let her take it. I look down at our clasped hands, and I remember the last time she did this. I’m going to try and not run away again.  
“But then you held my hand… You held my hand. And you told me I didn’t have to be alone!”
“I did.” She says so sincerely. 
“And you helped me find my nephew.” I try to divert the conversation. I don’t know if I’m ready for this. Merlin help me, I am not ready for this. 
“I can’t take credit for that.” One of her hands has reached up to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear.
“You helped me.”
“What do you want from me Fi-” She asks one last time. I feel her breath on my face. I give in.
This time, I am ready to answer her. 
I lean forward and kiss her. Her lips feel so soft, if a little chapped. Shan responds and returns my kiss. One of my hands has moved to the back of her head. I feel her thick soft curls in my hand. She has gripped my face in her hands. I feel her tilt her head and start softly nibbling on my bottom lip. I respond by lightly running my tongue over her teeth. I’ve wanted this for so long. Merlin knows why I’ve been denying it to myself. Our kiss breaks apart and Shan leans her head on the crook of my neck. 
“You. I want you, Shannon. Ever since you grabbed my hand and threw my world into bloody turmoil!” I whisper into her hair. She pulls away from me and looks at me as if I’m the most insane person in the world. She wouldn’t be wrong to assume that. I’m pretty sure there is a history of insanity within my family. 
“Well fuck, Prue… All you had to do was ask. But instead you ran away and acted like a bloody maniac. You could have talked to me, you know!” She shakes me lightly. 
“I bloody well could not!” I look away from her and shake my head. She wouldn’t understand. I am not the type of person who stands at the doorstep of a lover begging them to take them back or to love them. Even if I was, Shan’s life is wholesome and uncomplicated. All I am is one complication after another. She doesn’t need that in her life. 
“Why not? Help me understand you, Prue.” She’s grabbed my face again and she’s staring me down. Merlin help me, in the light, her eyes look like pools of honey. I grab her wrists tight. 
“I’m a bloody mess, Shan. I have no direction. I’m a disgrace to my family. A disgrace to my name.” Shan smiles at me. She runs her hands through my hair and I sigh. I’m a fucking mess. If my sister could see me now, she’d be so fucking disappointed. 
“You don’t have to be FIONA PITCH with me.” I snort sarcastically as she says my name with a snooty accent. “With me, you can be Prue. I like Prue a whole lot. She’s wild. She’s intense, but she’s got a good heart. She’s bloody gorgeous to.” With that, she grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me into another deep kiss. My hands trail down to her hips and hold her in place. My thumbs tuck inside the hem of her jeans and run across her skin. It feels so soft. So perfect.  We pull away again and I laugh a little. 
“I can’t promise that I won’t run away or that I won’t be a complete maniac.”
“I can’t promise that I won’t kick your arse for being completely daft!” Shan flicks my white streak. 
“This could be a bloody disaster…” 
“Or not... Just don’t threaten my bartender again, or I may have to kill you.” She gives me a playfully wink, but I know she’s dead serious. I respond with a raised eyebrow and a tilt of my head. 
“I’d like to see you try.”
 With that, Shan cocks a half smile at me. She takes me by the hand and leads me away from the pub towards the stairs that lead to the Inn. She closes the lights as we walk up the stairs. 
I am not ready to give my heart to another person who could very well break it. But with Shan, I’m willing to risk it. 
Normal life be damned. 
And when I touch you, I feel happy inside. It’s such a feeling that my love, I can’t hide. 
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get-rammed · 5 years
I'M TALKING ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BEASTTALE THAT I CREATED A FEW YEARS AGO, AND STOPPED DOING A YEAR AGO. This is aimed at the Beasttale tag, as I know a few have cropped up since I iced mine. So I don't want anyone to think I'm attacking them or the AU they like
A lot of my stuff has been removed from the Beasttale tag making it harder to find me and the things I made. It's annoying. Or been buried. So if this does go into the tag and anyone checking it out sees this, hi. I'm Ram and once upon a time I created a Beasttale and it used to terrorize the tag. It was the most popular version of Beasttale at the time and since has been laid to rest allowing different beasts to grow.
Anyone who grows curious about my AU. It isn't like the current popular one. Mine is unkind and violent. It has its soft moments with my boys. But for the most part it's not for the faint of heart. Don't go in looking for a gentle but scary Sans. You'll come out scarred 😂 Bomber was gentle at times, but he would 100% eat your guts.
I know the 4 of you left from my reign of terror are asking me, "Ram, why the f*ck are you doing this now??" Because I'm bored as f*ck and it's always bothered me that the story I wanted to tell, never came about.
So I'm going to basically explain what the story I had planned was. This will be confusing as I'm going to go over ideas I teased and or introduced, but either didn't explain well enough, or did nothing. Also some ideas I never talked about. I'll do some fun facts at the bottom about Boys that I designed, but never implemented, and some other odd ideas I had.
Tldr; Bomberboy (Sans), was an experiment of Gasters. He had a human soul shard (Perseverance) along with 4 other monsters in his soul and brain, which is why he's a mess. BB shoved Gaster into the CORE, which corrupted the dimension. It made everyone big and a little meaner. But not too far as at the time I was too scared to go too far on anyone but Sans and Alphys. After that it's just basic Undertale plot. I'd do it all differently now. Tone down the violence and edge a bit…but increase the beast design a bit. But not too much. I'll explain later. 
I’m just going to warn everyone now that is about as professional as literally anything else I have ever written. Sorry. It goes from explaining sh*t to like, almost storytelling and whoops. I'm not very good at this. Imagine a lot of hand motions as you read. This is years of story that I've been sitting on. Just. Work with me here. A lot of these ideas are very very old. The original name for Beasttale was Testtale. Name got changed because me and a friend couldn't stop laughing because testicle. We're adults I promise. 
This whole thing takes place over nine years in universe. So I condensed the sh*t out of my ideas and it's all very rushed and bad. Forgive me. This isn't supposed to be written like a story. It's supposed to be written like I'm explaining things at him point 😂
Alright, alright, alright. So to start off. After reading the entries you can find in the hidden lab, and the idea that Gaster wrote them, I came to the conclusion that he was a massive asshole. As you do. Which is why Bomber hates him, and why I personally made him a massive prick. I like the idea of Dadster, but like, I had edgy designs, I had to have a reason for them. I had to have a reason for the scars Bomber had.
After an unknown helicopter pilot crashed ((this character does not exist in the universe of Undertale. She was made for this AU)), and subsequently went into a cave for safety, only to fall into the Underground, she was killed by Asgore. She fought as hard as she could, but she could do nothing against the powerful monster. Her soul was safely harvested and stored.
Asgore made the lie about needing 7 souls, which Gaster said he would corroborate if he was allowed access to one of the souls as they had 6 at the time. ((Another perseverance SOUL bearer falls shortly after. Which is how there are 6 SOULs by the time Frisk rolls around)) Asgore had two choices. He could deny access, in which case, Gaster tells everyone that any boss monster could easily open the way. Or allow him access. Of course Gaster reminded him that if the soul goes missing, then Monsters are trapped longer, which is what Asgore wants. Soul goes “missing”, Asgore claims it’s due to a small leak in the container, Gaster gets his soul and his plan goes into action.
A lot of Monster children just wander freely around the Underground because it’s safe! Monsters wouldn’t hurt other Monsters. Right? Well. Gaster is his own kind of breed. He’s very jaded from the war. Mentally broken. Saw a lot of good Monsters slaughtered. Has no empathy left for anyone. He casually snatches two kids that wander too close to his lab. A little skeleton, Sans, and a small lizard with no arms, Alphys. Something of note. I liked the idea of Alphys being Monster Kids older sister. So she lacks arms for this first bit. This was literally never mentioned at any point and if I do DeltaBeast stuff, Alphys will lack arms. It was a mistake on my part to give them to her in the singular piece of art that exists at this time.
Alphys is locked away as Gaster focuses on the mouthy little skeleton. Experiments on the kid. See how much he can handle before he needs a break. Then push him further the next time. Gaster is trying to make a monster that can break the barrier, and destroy humans. Sans, or J-5, as he was called in those years trapped with gaster, was hopefully going to be that monster.
Basic details for this as the actual details of the experiments were never really thought out. But I guess they could include. Breaking his bones and seeing how long magic took to heal them. Forcing him to fight rabid animals and see what he would do (mind you Sans would have been 10 when Gaster traps him). He fights them to protect himself. Physical attacks hurt. He's got a lot of tiny scars from them. Force him to fight for his life against half melted monsters. These he doesn't fight. Mentally and physically beat it into the kid that he fights or Gaster will hurt Alphys ((Which during this time she was just subject to SOUL testing as Sans always offered himself for the harder stuff)). All to get him to a fallen state so he can alter his SOUL. Things get worse later.
Sans isn't considered a boss monster here, and Gaster knows this. Giving Sans a full human soul would just kill him. Can't have that. Gaster has put too much time and effort into this experiment at this point. It's been a good three year of nonstop tests and beatdowns for Sans. He's ready. Gaster pulls out Sans soul and tears part of it away, slowly, carefully. Then wedges the human soul in its place. The piece doesn't fit right, but Sans also isn't dead yet. But blah blah blah, he's not strong enough to hold it and he starts melting down. Perfect. Time for phase 2.
Experiments J-1-4 were all failures. Note. It varies on AU on how many extra monsters were added to the boys. The monsters inside is what defines their heat form. Anyone remember that post with their forms that had some floating heads around them? Yeah. Extra note. The four monsters in Sans do not have names. They have designs, but any personality or names do not exist. Nor will ever exist. None could hold a shard of the human soul. But. Five monsters together trying to hold a soul? It might just work. Which it does obviously. He's kept all the failures in a state of falling down but not dead. Similar to the abominations in the lab currently. Alphys followed Gaster on accident. Just in a nicer way.
Sans is unconscious the whole time and remains as such for a few days. Gaster now waits as the tiny skeleton is reformed. It's boring. He's going to start up experiments on him when Alphys basically tells him to f*ck off and leave Sans alone. Which is when he turns his attention to her. 
Now he wants a fair fight for Sans when's out and about. Sans needs a watcher or guardian ot some form to regulate his ideas. So now it's Alphys' turn for the f*ckery. Beat the snot out of her. Pitch her against other monsters. See how well she fights. Similar to Sans, she refuses to fight. When she can't take anymore Gaster stops the fight. Casually pops her soul out and just as casually slices it up and wedges the little piece of Sans in. Forcibly bonding the two in a way no one else understands. It's not like a mated bond kinda thing. It's a connection akin to siblings on the same wavelength.
This finally wakes Sans up. The whole time he was stuck in a dream with the new voices in his head. They're all super unhappy and they all want to use Sans to get back at Gaster. The sudden added weight of Alphys' fear and anxiety gets him on his feet. Alphys can feel the terror and confusion from Sans. She can't feel the others, just him. Gaster f*cks about with her soul and essentially her DNA. She's got arms now. They're painful and new. She hates them. Gaster did what he set out to do that day and tosses Alphys back in with Sans. Mostly to see what happens.
Sans is on his feet, but he's lost and with so many trying to fight for control right now, he's basically stuck where he stands. He wants to move to comfort Alphys, his friend is crying and needs comfort. The way she comforted him every day. Every voice in his head is screaming to attack. But he doesn't. He's stronger than them. It's his body dang it. Comfort that crying lizard. It's like a mutual thing. She feels better, so now he does. Gasters happy. Alphys can still be used as a safety shield then. He lets them rest. The coming years have a lot in store.
Honestly he lets them rest for a few days. But when he thinks they've had enough, barges in. At this point Sans is halfway to his Meltdown form. A form that has never been posted or ever mentioned. So don't go looking. I might post art of old concepts if enough people are curious. Teeth growing out of his head, fur and slime showing up all over his body. He's beautiful to Gaster. It worked perfectly. Keep in mind a lot of ideas for SOULs I made on my own. SOULs would kind of be like their whole genetic code, but you can easily alter it if you know how. Which is what he was testing on Alphys for. 
Alphys sprouted feathers where her spikes used to be down the back of her head. Sans is now considered a Boss monster and Alphys a significantly stronger monster.
Sans has the strength to pull out of Gasters grip. Which gets him chained up. Which is how he got the scars on his wrists and ankles. Sans can't really do much besides pull away or mutter. Too much noise in his head. He can barely walk and is basically dragged. Alphys is trying her best to break out of Gasters grip because she has no idea what the plan is. But she knows it's not going to be good. Both her and Sans are different now. She's terrified. Sans just kinda stops and this causes Gaster to basically trip and nearly fall. Loses his grip for less than a second and Alphys tries to take off. Gets her new much longer tall grabbed. Scars from that.
Yay finally testing room. Seat them both in separate halves of the room. They can see one another, but can't hear the other or get to them. Answer some basic questions. How are you feeling and sh*t like that. Alphys is currently mortified and can't speak. Sans just can't speak. He can't even focus on anything. The person asking the questions is told to be ruder, ask more invasive questions. Things to rile up either of them. Nothing. "What would your parents think of you now?" Alphys starts crying. Gaster is testing for something specific right now. 
"Do you think they would recognize you?" Crying harder. "What do you think your little brother would say?" Now she's mad. Looks through the mirrored glass and tells Gaster to leave him out of this. Ranting. Years of pent up anger and frustration. Guards are coming in as she threatens the scientists and guards with her chair. Sans starts purring and chattering on his side. The panic is evident on what remains of his face. Alphys calms down out of her rant as Sans continues to calm himself. Gaster is mentally fist bumping himself. Perfect SOUL bond.
"They're both calm. Go back in and do what you have to, to get number five to break containment." Guards go back in and well. Sorry Alphys. Few more scars and another beat down. 
Sans is pretty quick to get up. Easily nudging his scientist down out of his way. He realizes he can't break the glass or break the wall with physical attacks. But magic. He got that good burn in his gut and zoop. He's got the ability to teleport now. Not what he was aiming for but it works. Gaster is so excited he might just do a little dance.
Easily knock the guards out of the way and hiss at them. Then comfort friend. Gather her into his arms and scooch into a corner where no one can touch her. Gaster is pleased with the results found, but he wants to do some physical testing with J-5. Instead of like, asking him to come along, Gaster goes the harder route. Uses a hook he's used before to move experiments. Hook it on their mouth and  pull them along. Well. J-5 is a little...soft inside right now. The hook slides through the roof of his mouth and just knocks right through his right lateral incisor. Which is how Bomber lost that tooth :) also why he's not keen on it being touched. It still hurts him a lot.
To the absolute horror of everyone in the room, including Gaster. J-5 starts bleeding. Blood just pouring from his mouth. Everyone is a gangster until a magic monster starts bleeding red blood. No one wants to touch him or the blood. Gaster basically grabs the broken tooth and acts like he didn't just internally scream. "Recontain them. Quarantine J-five. Decontaminate J-six and quarantine it as well."
Gaster does some testing and yeah, the blood is human and Sans' bone is partially human. So now he can survive at least some physical attacks from a human. Which funny enough. One just fell the other day. ((This Human has no name, and isn't important outside of the thing coming up))  The Guards are having issues locating the Human as they seemingly "vanished". Gaster literally just stood outside of Toriel's door and waited till it closed to grab them before the guards got there.
Sans is just tied to a bed. Chilling. Left alone with the new guys in his head. They want to dust everyone. They just keep chanting at him to kill. Kid is thirteen. He doesn't know what to do here. Maybe he should do as they're saying. Human in his head is like "dude. f*ck those guys. If you wanted to kill everyone you'd have done it. Just hang tight. We're all in this together now whether we wanted to be or not. We'll get out of this." Thanks dead human lady :D
Others don't listen. They're J-1,2,3,4. They've all lost it. They over power Sans internally and now he enters Meltdown mode. Full Meltdown. So he's an abomination of parts and teeth. He's f*cking strong. I mean, come on. Scientists had him held down with some cheap rope. Should be happy it held him down as long as it did.
Meltdown can't walk to save their lives. So they crawl. Large sticky arms that drag the dead weight of the legs and tail. Someone is trying to figure out how to leg while everyone else focuses on crawling to the door. Legs are moving. They use the door as leverage to help them up to their feet. Wobbly but they can move and attack efficiently.
First scientist spotted is blindsided. Meltdown crashes through them and immediately dusts them upon contact. Some others see this and the laboratory enters shut down. Gaster is alerted. Meltdown has killed a few more and is shambling around trying to find more to kill. There are thick plates going up their back. The ones near the tail are glowing purple. It's slowly traveling up their back through the spikes. I'm sorry but the effect looked really good in the most recent Godzilla movie.
Gaster finds and corners them when the glow is at the base of their neck. He immediately recognizes this is going to be bad and ducks out of the hall. Glow is all the way up and a purple laser beam shoots down the hall where Gaster had been standing. It hits a few people further down the hall and kills them. Melts through the metal at the end of the hall. This attack tires Meltdown out and brings Sans back to pilot his own body.
After that incident Sans is muzzled, chained, and monitored at all times. He's kept sedated until Gaster needs him. Like literally the day after the incident he throws Sans into a cage with the Human they had nabbed. Gaster tells the Human if they want to live, they have to fight the abomination in front of them. Sans tries to convey that he doesn't want to fight, but you know how people can be. Hits Sans pretty good in the head with a metal bar. The attack incites Meltdown. Which leads to a big laser beam, a very dead Human, and very shattered SOUL. 
Three years later, Sans is 16, and is basically stuck in the back seat of his own body. The other four have had the controls basically since the Human test subject. Gaster just wakes Meltdown up to test the laser, and take some notes. Then knocks them out again. Notes have been used to make the Gaster Blasters. They're not ready to be used. Get to that in a minute.
While Meltdown is unconscious, Gaster has been teaching Alphys her duties. She's basically there to make sure Meltdown doesn't have another, well, meltdown. There to offer energy and help if needed. There to keep the beast under control. She can be replaced is what he always told her. Reality is, she couldn't have been, because any more chunks of SOUL taken from Sans would have killed him. 
With Alphys finally brainwashed, she had no moral support the last three years, he moves onto Meltdown. Alphys is the only person Meltdown will listen to and the only one they will not attack on site. She can easily get them in and out of testing chambers. Get them to cooperate and not hurt anyone. To Gaster they're almost ready. He just needs to finish up his weapons. 
Next three years, both are 19, and are a lot calmer. With the both of them listening and cooperating at all times, Gaster is able to focus on his Gaster Blasters. He's got an ego. It took the past three years to build the shells and make sure the laser function worked. Once he was ready he did a test. Added what remained of J-2's SOUL to the machine. It worked, J-2 was within the Balster, and was awaiting commands. Perfect. But they didn't listen to Gaster. Instead stared at him until he gave up. Muzzled the massive skull and went to find Alphys.
The skull acknowledged her, but wouldn't respond to her commands. J-2 doesn't acknowledge or respond to Meltdown. It's highly annoying to Gaster as part of who is controlling Meltdown is literally in the Blaster. J-2 won't acknowledge anyone in the laboratory. Even tried a few civilians under the guise of it being to open the barrier. Nothing. King? Nope. His guards? Nada.  Gives up for now. He has to do something else. These Blasters were supposed to be his weapons of mass destruction, but they listen to no one. 
Except for when one little badger skeleton walks in. He heard about the big skull and he wanted to see what the fuss was about. Says his name is Papyrus, who is 17. J-2 responds to the name and acknowledges Papyrus. Doesn't listen to him, but it's something.
Gaster is very friendly with Papyrus. Trying a different tactic. J-2 follows Papyrus around, sniffing him, but still won't listen to him. Gaster decides to ask around. Having two little animal skeletons can't be just a coincidence. Asks around, and no one knows where they came from, and a lot of people have just been taking care of Papyrus when Sans went missing. Papyrus is treated like a guest not an experiment. Even helps Gaster produce three more Gaster Blasters.
Gaster takes a few more months to figure out that maybe he needs Sans, not Meltdown. Tries a kind tactic to help Sans become himself again. Both physically and mentally. Doesn't work real well. Sans has been just existing for the last 3 years. He's not strong enough to fight the other 4. Gaster figures maybe they want some revenge. Some dust. Gathers up some poor monsters and throws masks on them that match his own. Let's Meltdown loose. *jazz hands* lots of innocent monsters die in a pretty bad way. But Meltdown calms downs a lot after.
A lot of the extra monster bits melt back down and Sans looks like a human skeleton now. He's kept the sharp teeth, little tail and claws. Sans doesn't remember how to walk or talk anymore. It takes a few weeks to get him to walk again, and a lot more to talk normally. Alphys is very happy to see him and helps out where she can. She can feel that Sans is just playing along with what Gaster wants, waiting for his moment. She says nothing to Gaster. 
Sans is very very unhappy when he finds out about Papyrus being there now too. Gaster of course has been very kind to Papyrus. Which helps keep Sans calmer. But now he really wants out. Gaster tries out the Blasters with Sans.
The Blasters listened to him. They did everything he asked. Gaster isn't an idiot, he's in a different part of the lab, and Sans is down in the CORE. It takes a few weeks, but Sans can control the Blasters almost perfectly. Power cuts out because another Human has fallen. Gaster of course books it down into the CORE. Bad move.
Sans is ready for him and ambushes him. Shoves Gaster to the edge of the magma, but he manages to save himself from falling. All the skulls are pointed at Gaster. Gaster taunts Sans and tells him he never had it in him to kill someone. It was never him who hurt anyone. He's too weak to finish this now. Well. Sans has had a lot of time, he has no issue shoving Gaster into the CORE. Gaster's claws just hit Sans' right cheek as he falls. Earning him his other facial scars. Very sensitive ones that hurt on cold days. 
Gaster fell right as the human did. It f*cked with the code of the world. Gaster couldn't actually die. He's stuck in a forever melting loop. His hostility and actual monstrous form infected the code of the world. Everyone gets much bigger, much more edgy, and a whole lot more aggressive. Gaster is forgotten and the history of the world has changed. Since Sans was the one there the whole time, he forgot nothing.
Sans wakes up in Snowdin. Wearing a sweater he's never seen and pants he didn't like. He tries to find Alphys. He's terrified. She can tell and makes her way to Snowdin. He asks what's going on and she's very confused. Walks him back to the lab. It looks nothing like it just did for him. It looked so small from the outside. Inside was so tiny. There was nothing there but some robot parts.
He has a breakdown and Alphys hugs him close. When he's feeling better he explains what's going on. She stares at him for a few minutes just blankly. Her eyes saying she's reliving everything, but eventually she smiles at him and says she doesn't know what he's talking about. She can't explain her scars. What are you talking about, she's always had her arms. She offers for him to stay the night and have dinner with her. To see if he feels better in the morning.
Mettaton comes by. He's a super early model and has a few issues. Mettaton is offended Sans is there, but ignores him to whine to Alphys. Sans mumbles out what Alphys can fix to make the weight lessened. Everyone is surprised. Sans most of all. He's literally never worked in robotics. Mettaton laughs because everyone knows Sans is a lazy f*cker. No way he does robotics. Alphys shoos Mettaton away.
For the first time since he first ended up in the lab. He cried. Cried for all the years he was stuck inside his head as a passenger. Cried for everything that happened. Cried because he doesn't know where he is. Almost doesn't even know who he is. Alphys held him tightly the whole time. She doesn't know what's going on. He's never had a fit like this before. Small ones, but never this bad. 
He ends up crying himself to sleep and Alphys makes him some food for when he wakes up. Checks his numbers while he sleeps. Yeah, what he said could actually lessen the weight a lot. Crazy dude. 
To Alphys this is strange. Sans was his normal hostile and idiot self yesterday. Today he's intelligent and an emotional mess. She can't explain it, and just leaves it how it is. Reality is that Gaster is chilling behind her muttering things she can't hear out loud so she thinks a certain way. 
He stays a few days until Papyrus comes and finds him. Sans doesn't feel much for Papyrus as for Sans, it's been years since he saw Papyrus. It's only been a few days for the tall now human looking skeleton. 
Sans starts to realize over a few weeks that some days and moments seem to repeat. But he's still fine the whole time. Papyrus doing the same exact thing every morning. The people of Snowdin doing the same thing. He doesn't think anything of it until a big f*cking plant attacks Snowdin, killing everyone but him. He manages to keep the roots away with a stick when a little sh*tty flower pops out.
"Who in the sandy f*ck are you?" Flowey isn't super happy because everything is supposed to always be the same. There is no way in heck this guy has ever once been outside of his house during this attack. Flowey knows something is wrong. This guy isn't normal. Even when the world is paused, this skeleton is moving away from him. Time to f*ck with him.
Sans ends up dying a lot to Flowey over the next few months, which is just the same week on loop. Until Sans figures out, well sh*t. This guy has time powers or something. He's also had enough. He can't watch his friends die anymore. He has to teach this little brat that he's not the only one who can do neat tricks. Flowey pops up to greet him only to get laser blasted and the world resets back to the start of the week. Sans starts keeping a journal after that. Things he notices, things that don't change, things that do. Also starts seeing just how powerful he is. He's got plenty of time as Flowey keeps away from him now and is messing about with someone else now. 
Sans figures out he can teleport on accident. He trips and accidentally teleports to the waterfall area. He thinks it's activated by severe panic. Until he starts experimenting a bit and realizes he can activate it whenever. First time was when he encounters the void. The dark space between areas. The stink of wet earth and whatever else I said the void smelled like. That's the first time he sees Gaster again. But the guy is now a pile of goop with a mask melted to it.
Gaster has nothing worry to say. So he just watches. Then in his left eye hole is a bunch of tiny eyes that open to stare. Which scared the ever loving sh*t out of Sans. More Gasters appear in the void over time and he starts seeing different versions of himself. He tried talking to one once, but the Gasters started shrieking. He doesn't stay too long in the void space after that.
Sans finds out about his gravity powers on accident as well. Papyrus falls and Sans tries to catch him, but misses. His power activates obviously. Papyrus is confused but also super excited because yoU CAN DO THAT TOO?! Papyrus teaches Sans how to properly use the ability. Sans finds out through this that Papyrus has anomalous abilities as well. Papyrus is able to defy gravity entirely and walk on air. But the biggest punch to the gut is that Papyrus can summon and use the Gaster Blasters. He doesn't like to because they're so devastating, but he will if he absolutely has to. Papyrus has no soul damage at all, so he just befriended the Blasters so they come to his aide.
Sans is unable to defy gravity as Papyrus does, but he can float just a bit. It tires him out pretty quickly. He finds that a lot of things do. Sleeps a lot of days. Finds out the hard way that he only has 1 HP left after everything that's happened to him.
Sans has been living for five years in this crazy loop thing. But it's only been 2 years in reality. He's 20 now. Going to be 21 soon. But he's tired. Broken down to the skeleton we know. He's got no fight left in him. Flowey is bored of him and bored of everything, so he finally let's time move normally.
It's September 15th and a human has just fallen. Word spreads pretty quickly. Sans is curious. He wants to meet this one. Mostly because he's never seen Flowey panic before. He wants to go inside the old ruins, but he's never met Toriel and from his understanding it's her home. It would be weird.
So he just hangs out in some trees outside the door, waiting. He finds out that his sense of smell is crazy strong pretty early on, but he didn't know he could smell humans so strongly. He recognized another scent on the human before they even made it to the door. Dust. This human had killed monsters on their way here. Now he's worried. 
This human seems off somehow. Like they're not in control of themselves. He accidentally falls out of the tree making a fair bit of noise. Now he feels like he has to introduce himself because they're 100% staring at him rn. 
He's super friendly and tries to be nice. But this kid is weird. Stares through him and doesn't take his offer at a hand shake. He sees them pull out a knife and easily dodges the attack. In a panic he attacks back. Which yeah. That early on a Blaster shot would kill Frisk. 
He's reset to his home. It's the same moment from when the Human fell. Which it doesn't take much for him to figure out the kid has the time powers now. 
And after a few attempted Genocide runs, a few attempted Passive runs, Frisk finally does the good ending correctly. Sans is pretty friendly through the whole thing as he doesn't fully grasp that Frisk can reset to the starting point whenever they want. Flowey only did week or month loops. Frisk does years. He can't remember exact things like he could in Flowey's days. He can only remember ideas and some people. He writes a lot of things down after that. Important information. Dangerous people and things like that. 
He's happy and everything's fine until he wakes up standing on his porch in Snowdin one day. Frisk is doing a Genocide run and that's when Sans learns that there's nothing he can do. So he gets into a routine. Figures out how each possible ending goes. Sticks to a script. Gets a lot more aggressive and starts to lack empathy with each passing run.
Until he meets you on an off chance in a good run. It's random locations. Never the same. But something about you always draws him. Like you're something that can make him happy again. He's not excited about it though. It won't last. Frisk will just take it from him one day. Yet he still runs into you every good run somehow. He does get excited for good runs after a time just because he wants to see you.
And that's essentially the story I wanted to tell. The messy slapped down quick version anyhow. It's confusing sorry, but ahhhhhhhhh. 
FUN FACTS (Aka I ramble about sh*t that is not actually fun)
Unorganized because that's my life.
The monsters that become J-1, J-2, J-3, and J-4 I'm aware I said this up top just hush do not have names or personalities. They have designs made up, but they weren't ever properly introduced literally at any point. GG me. Honestly at this point they're just aggressive blobs anyhow so….
So all the Beasttale's I saw in the tag have the Gaster Blaster heads. An now I know none of you care, but I'm telling you anyways on why I personally didn't do it. Keep in mind my Beasttale was created a few months after Undertale came out. At the time, there were no Gaster Blaster head AUs or if there were, they weren't popular yet or I didn't know about them. Bomberboy was originally a bara Sans. Which is why he was never beasty looking outside of the claws, teeth, and tail. Plus this bit*h couldn't draw animal heads at the time. For me now it seems like a cop out. Slap an animal head on and bam. It's a beast. That's no fun. For me it seems lazy but I understand why with beast in the name. I personally like the idea of beast being a more metaphorical thing.
Bombers design came about in an art trade. I didn't like the idea of just scaling Sans up to make a bara version, so I made my own. Used the design until I figured out his name and an arbitrary AU name to slap on him. At the time Beasttale was nothing more than a place to stick my own bara Sans. People started asking about him and the others, and so it expanded from there :’)
Bomberboy got his name from an unused AU idea I had about planes. Don't talk about it. He got his name from a bomber jacket...anyways I dropped the AU in favor of drawing large monsters. Bara Sans was popular at the time which is how I started.
I have literally no memory of why he was ever drawn with scars. I think to make him more intense maybe? Idk??? Either way they spawned the story I was aiming for but never got to.
The g*re/hard v*re aspect was never originally intended. I posted art saying something like ‘you have a 50/50 chance of dying when f*cking him’. I honestly don't remember why I added that comment, but either way everyone immediately hit me with that ‘OwO what's this?’ and it went downhill from there. 
I never meant for Bomber to be as violent as he got. Again it kinda went downhill really f*cking fast. It'd be something that if I made him right now, I'd have scaled back on. I just wanted him to be an a*shole and he shot past that marker 😂 I did however make sure he was never r*pey, or physically abusive. He was a horny boy, but never super forceful. He was however mentally manipulative as at the time I had a lot going on. He's gross and he was designed that way.
There was a Glitchboy, who would be a BeastBoy of Error. His design was finished, and I fully intended on introducing him, but by the time I was going to, I found I didn't really care for the original, which made it hard to love my version. I think I was just going to do it to show how the power works in my Beast AUs. Which is why I was never attached. First to last created is how it works. First being strongest, last being weakest. Cherryboy (Beastfell), Bomberboy (Beasttale), Hotboi (Beastlust), Canine (Beastswap) and Loverboy (Horrorbeast) ((Canine and Lover were made too close together for me or Sil to remember who came first, so they are tied for power)), and finally Towelboy (Dancebeast).
I liked Alphys, and the idea of her and Sans being friends. Which is why she is featured heavily in the ideas for the AU, and why I've drawn the two together so often
Bombers distaste for other AUs comes from me. Some AUs I take a liking to, but after seeing some content I don’t really agree with coming out of most AUs, I kinda dipped on them. Which is why he can tolerate Beast versions, but not their normal OG counterparts.
I had started a comic for the origins of Bomber and Alphys, but if you’ve been here a while, you know I’m f*cking lazy when it comes to my art >:'D
At some point there were like, ancient versions of the main crew. They were Gasters friends and upon their death he turned them into Alphys, Sans, Papyrus, and Undyne. The idea was scrapped and the designs were reused for Beastswapfell. 
Speaking of which. Beastswapfell was always intended to be an unstable weird AU. The regular fellswap or swapfell never appealed to me. Plus cross too many AUs and things get unfocused. 
Frisk always in any Beast AU has red eyes and Chara has brown. Why? The one time we see Chara up close, they have brown eyes. When Frisk opens their eyes in the bad version of the good end, they have red eyes. I know it's to show them being evil or whatever. But it's more fun to imagine them always having red eyes
It annoys me to no end that Sans got the cool beast thing going but no one else did. But, no one came to me for a beasty Alphys or Toriel did they. We're all here for the chunky skeleton. It's actually why I had to create a reason for Sans being how he is. He's the only one like himself. Which wasn't the original plan, but by the time the heat form rolled around, I had so many different designs for so many different characters that I wasn't about to do that to myself…
A lot of stuff was created while listening to Lauren Bousfield and Andrew Jackson Jihad (AJJ for the newer fans). So like. Yeah.
Sans and Papyrus would have been animal skeletons as kids. Sans a cat and Papyrus a badger. Magic just kinda, gave some skeletons life. This plotline was scrapped forever ago. I don't remember why. 
Bomber doesn't drink ketchup. He did it to f*ck with Frisk. Across multiple timelines because he's f*cking bored. 
I made it canon at one point that Bomber can snap and will kill everyone before Frisk does if certain requirements are met. His fight is unbeatable then. He's LOVE 20. Frisk is 0. Fight doesn't go well.
The boys heat forms all vary because drawing 6 giant pointy skeletons is f*cking boring. Go big or go home.
Canine when in heat would have sounded like  OG King Ghidorah. Love me some f*cking BIDIDIDIDI
When Sans or Papyrus die, the Gaster Blaster eye that correlates to them, will have an X in it. When looking directly at the Blasters, Gasters eye is in the center, Sans on the left, and Papyrus on the right. Gaster's eye has a pointy oval shape with a dot in the center at all times.
Monsters in this AU are incredibly lightweight. Sans would weigh all of 50 pounds. Monsters are made of magic, which has little weight. They have to eat physical things to gain some mass. Before the underground the monsters ate humans as a retaliation and because humans contained magic nutrition and physical nutrition. Older monsters still have cravings, but almost all current Monsters don't have any interest in humans for food. Sans is just ravenous and always hungry. He won't go out of his way to eat a human, but if the opportunity presents itself well...yeah.
Papyrus can and will use the Gaster Blasters if Frisk does at least three genocide runs in a row. He doesn't know why, but he just knows he has to stop them before they hit him. So he lasers their a*s the second they enter his fight. Beasttale has unfair moves in the fights 😂
The world can glitch and you are able to fall down at the same time as Frisk. Because of plot, you override Frisk and their abilities. Which forces them to tag along you and your choices. Bomber is always hurt seeing you coming out of the ruins with dust on your pants. You don't encounter him until you're at the castle if you hurt Monsters on your way. No dust means he basically glued himself to your side. Partly to keep an eye on you, partly to get close to you.
Bomber and Frisk have a rocky relationship. He knows they've done bad sh*t, but he can never remember what. This distrust can be overridden with a few good runs in a row. He forgets. Or acts like he does. He's got his journal. Says on one page that Frisk aggressively ran in circles until Monsters checked to see if they were okay. Only to be attacked by Frisk.
The picture in that you can find in the game doesn't have whatever the speculation was. I think people thought it was the good end picture that Sans has. For Beasttale it's the four monsters that now reside in Sans, posing with Gaster. They're happy. Don't know what they're about to go through. There's an old picture on my blog somewhere that looks like this, but the picture isn't canon anymore as it has Sans and Papyrus. It follows a different plot point that was scrapped shortly after the art was made.
Less of a fun fact and more of a flex. I never got any hate or flak for my choices with my AUs. Which I mean, is super surprising. Seriously. Not once was I sent a hateful message in my whole time of having this blog. I feel like that says something about my followers then and now. So thank you for suffering through my AU with me 💕 I'm sure after reading this whole thing you'll feel like you wasted your time and you're welcome. I'm glad I can still waste people's time 😂
You know who's cute? The girl I forced to beta read this 👀
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moviepower · 4 years
Why do people criticize Jojo Rabbit?
We'd say that this is uncharted territory for distributor Disney, but the company did previously give us their futures face. Hmm. I saw Jojo Rabbit in the best place I could for movies, in my opinion.
For this list, we're looking at why Tyco ITTS 2019 black comedy has proven. So polarizing for critics just to clarify the critical reception thus far has been mostly positive and even watch mojo gave the film a rave review following its TIFF premiere.
Nevertheless, we can definitely see why a movie like this. Wouldn't win audiences over everywhere. Hey Joe, Joe, my old friend. Hi adults. Number 10, the controversial premise. I don't think I can do this last. Of course you can simply by reading it synopsis, you can tell why Jojo rabbit has stirred up so much controversy.
In the midst of world war II, a young German boy named Joe Joe dreams of becoming a Nazi upon learning that his mother has been harboring a Jewish girl in the attic though, Jo Jo begins to reevaluate his outlook on life. I tell them you will be in big trouble throughout this coming of age journey. Our titular character is guided by his imaginary friend.
Is it worth to watch Jojo Rabbit full movie
Who just so happens to be a flamboyantly incompetent, Adolf Hitler, as inventive as the premises, it was guaranteed to ignite passionate feelings. Critics are unsurprisingly split as to whether the film's premise is inspired or irresponsible. I wish more of our young boys had your blind fanaticism. Okay.
Number nine, how it stacks up to other satires and this world is ruined for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way Jojo rabbit. Isn't the first film to satirize Hitler or Nazis 1940 twos to be, or not to be was criticized upon release for its farcical, spin of Nazi occupied Poland.
But today is viewed as a comedy classic. I know you're quite famous in London kernel. They call you concentration camp Earhart. Yes. Yes, we do the concentrating and the poles do the camping Hitler. Technically isn't the protagonist and the great dictator. It's obvious who Charlie Chaplin was parodying. We can learn more about actress playing mother Jojo on Wikipedia.
Arguably the most famous sendup of Nazi Germany is Mel Brooks. The producers. In which two con men put on an intentionally horrible musical entitled springtime for Hitler. Practically a love letter to this own run a week week. Are you kidding display? It's got the close on page four. Some critics are ready to place Jojo rabbit alongside these revolutionary respected comedy.
What do critics write in reviews about Jojo Rabbit?
Others, however, would claim that the film has more in common with the bridge sit-com Hile, honey I'm home, which was so misguided and tasteless that it only lasted one episode. Oh 10 night. You will make an schnitzel. What a joke. You must be real mad at me, honey. I'm a very, very bad Hitler. Number eight, what's going on in the real world right now?
Fuck man. The house, although world war II is in the past. The same, unfortunately can not be said about bigotry. Nowhere was this more apparent than at the 2017 unite the right rally in Charlottesville, which attracted several hate groups, including neo-Nazis. Since prejudice and discrimination remain prevalent in today's world.
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It's obvious why various critics would object to a film that makes light of Nazi Germany. Nevertheless, satire can reflect modern times as well as history in ways that straightforward drama can't. Some might argue that now isn't the right time for a Nazi satire, but others would debate that society needs a movie like Jojo rabbit. A great story about the Irishman is here.
Now more than ever, you're not to nuts. Jojo, tenue kids likes dressing up in front of you. If somebody wants to be part of a club. Number seven, the humor, the best weekend ever.
Soundtrack in the highest level of production
Wow. Your enjoyment of Jojo rabbit will hinder on how hard you laugh. Or of course, if you laugh, the film didn't tickle. Roger Freedman. Funnybone who wrote in his showbiz four one, one review Jojo rabbit is actually borderline antisemitic offensive on many levels and not even funny. Sam Adams of slate couldn't have disagreed more proclaiming for Jojo rabbit comedy.
Isn't a means to minimize, but to analyze wise, to pry at the way, hateful ideologies can be embraced as a comfort and how beneath their promise to. Blame how the world really works is an understanding no more sophisticated than a child's it's time to buy some books. Since humor is subjective, we guess there isn't always going to be a clear line between what's offensively funny and what's just plain offensive.
Oh God. Number six. Jewish jokes. Did you know, Jews can Z to each other's mind. So tell us, you know, who saw one? They could look just like us of Tyco. ITT satire is clearly the Nazis. However, the director who's of Jewish and Maori heritage also pokes fun at Judaism. Hi, well, the real Jordan Rumi was horrified by the audience's reception at the screening he attended.
Writing, you have no idea how it is to be surrounded by thousands of people laughing at jokes, specifically directed at Jews. That being said, Rumi seemed to be in the minority of a group that found the film. Hilarious. As with Borat and South park, many would argue that the humor and Jojo rabbit isn't intended to mock the Jewish faith, but to criticize how ignorant and Semites are a cute number five, the life is beautiful comparison, right?
Jojo Rabbit's reaction to mom's death
Yeah. Critics have stocked a Jojo rabbit up against numerous other films. But life is beautiful. Seems to be the one that's invited the most comparisons this 1997, Italian dromedy also presented world war II through a lighthearted lens, centering on a Jewish man who uses humor and imagination to shield his son from the horrors of the Holocaust. It's interesting what they write about this movie on Amazon.
Well, the film won an Academy award for best foreign language film, and even got nominated for best picture. There were those who found the movies comedic tone, inappropriate. Over two decades later, we will continue to debate if the movie is a life affirming fable or a dated misfire. It's actually eerie how much these two films have in common, especially since both one TIFs peoples choice award.
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That is the strongest thing in the world. Number four, is it shocking enough? I was your age. I had an imaginary friend come in so much stuff even before the first trailer dropped Jojo rabbit was being built up as one of 20 nineteens most controversial movies. Weirdly enough though, some critics have expressed disappointment that the film isn't more shocking.
Well, audiences have arguably gotten more sensitive with time. There are still patrons who crave comedy that pushes the envelope to its limits. It's time to burn some books. Brian Talarico of the Chicago sun times felt Jojo rabbit played it too safe. Writing the final scenes of Jojo rabbit are too easy for a film that needs to be dangerous and daring. 
Are the best scenes already included in the trailer?
Even if the film doesn't go all out with its edgy concept. Seeing Tyco, ITT dresses, Adolf Hitler will be more than enough to make a few jobs drop. What am I going to do? No idea. Going down the house in Glen Winston church one, negotiate number three. It's depiction of Nazis. The playlist Charles romesco took issue with the films, humanization of antisemites writing.
YTT concedes that a good percentage of Nazis really do hold hate in their heart. But maintains that at least some of them aren't you two seem to be getting on. Well, it doesn't seem like a bad cost. How much pain and suffering the Nazis caused many audiences will understandably struggle with this message.
However, if Ron Jones proved anything with his third wave social experiment in 1967, it's that even ordinary people can get swept up in the dangerous ideals of fascism. Likewise, Jojo rabbit poses, a challenging question. If we're not willing to acknowledge the bad and the good in people, how can we ever rid ourselves of prejudice?
Nothing makes sense anymore. Yeah, I know. It's definitely not a good time to be a Nazi. Number two it's message. And mother took me. She's kind me like a person, whatever your thoughts on Jojo rabbit, Tyco ITT clearly wanted to spread an anti hate message. YTT also claims that he started writing the screenplay before Nazis regained relevance in the media.
There's little doubt that why TTS intent was noble, whether or not the final product successfully gets his message across is where critics are split. A doubt of the a V club felt that making fun of Nazi Germany had been done before. Thus taking away from the movies, broader anti hate theme. Peter Howell begged to differ in his Toronto star review writing Taika YTT knocks it out of deer park with the meaningful lunacy of his anti hate satire, which is equal parts.
Adolf Hitler's thread in the movie
Mel Brooks, West Henderson, and  own whimsical brilliance growing up too fast. Ten-year-olds and the celebrating war and talking politics. Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified a better latest videos. You'll have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications. Number one it's depiction of Hitler. Well, they call me a scared rabbits. Okay. Let's address the giant rabbit in the room. Tyco YTT spends most of his screen time prancing around in a Nazi uniform and toothbrush mustache. If you want, you can read here about preparations for making a movie and other curiosities.
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Without a doubt, YTT, didn't set out to deliver a serious or dignified portrayal of Hitler. Rather YTT aspired to make the fewer look as goofy and idiotic as possible. Oh, . Just painting Hitler as a wacky, even likable buffoon desensitized us to the atrocities. He committed though. Some may say yes while others may argue that it leaves audiences more informed and open-minded.
At the end of the day, everyone is going to have a different opinion of Jojo. Let them say whatever they want. People used to say a lot of nasty things about me. Oh, this guy's a lunatic. Oh, look at that psycho. He's going to get us all killed. Do you agree with our picks, check out this other recent clip from watch mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
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crazymonkey10 · 6 years
Early Sickness
Summary: (Y/N) waking up early with a cold and Tom being there to help make her feel better, while taking good care of her.
Warnings: Fluff! bits of cursing and mentions of throwing up.
Note: A Tom Holland Fluff? Oh yesss. Just a little fluff to fulfill your fluffy mood. Lol.
Tom Holland + Reader
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The sky was full of dark clouds as the cold air filled the atmosphere. The colder the months grew the quicker her sickness lingered throughout her pale body as she was buried under the thick silk sheets. Small heavy breaths escaping her lips. She kept sniffling, rubbing her nose, having the satisfaction of it being itched. She gracefully sat up, rubbing sleep off her puffy eyes as an unexpected yawn left her lips, tearing her eyes up.
She frowned as she turns to see the bed empty beside her. The room full of silence, causing the heavy wind from outside being the only noise filling the cold room. She decided to leave the coldness of the bed, throwing the sheets off her body, her bare feet connecting with the cold wooden floor before slowly walking towards the kitchen.
(Y/N) walked through the living room and into the kitchen to find Tom sitting on the stool, his back faced her. She didn't understand as to why he was up this early in the morning and why he was in the kitchen where it was more colder at. Her feet quietly glide across the tile floor over to him. Her arms lazily wrapped around his torso causing him to flinch his body only to calm himself when he realized who it was. She hummed as she dug her head into the crock of his neck feeling the warmth of his back onto her skin.
He smiled, the welcome embrace making him feel at home. "What are you doing up this early?" He asked a little concern in his voice.
"Hmm I could ask you the same thing" she mumbled into his shoulder.
“Mm just going over my lines for the new Spider-Man movie" He explained. Ever since he got his lines for the new movie coming out he’s been nonstop studying them, overworking himself. You heavily sigh not wanting to scold him at the moment, since you felt like shit and just wanted to be with your lover.
“Mhmm just take a break and come back to bed, its cold without you" she whined. Tom grinned knowing the effect he has on her. He loved it. He turned around making her arms fall off of him ending the embrace. She moaned at the loss of his warm contact as she watched him get up and turn to look down at her fragile figure. God, she was so short compared to him. She looked up at him tiredness in her eyes. He frowned glancing over her face noticing the beads of sweat and the redness of her cheeks.
He raised his hand up laying it on her forehead feeling the heat from it.
"Baby you're burning up" he softly said caressing her face in his hands.
"That's funny considering I'm colder than ho- ot" she slightly giggled, a quick sneeze interrupting her.
"Bless you" he spoke. Before she was able to say thank you, a baby squeal left her lips as her feet was lift off the ground as he held her bridal style. She was glad he decided to carry her, she didn't know how long she could stand as the room started to get dizzy.
"Come on, let's get you back to bed" he suggested as he walked into their shared bedroom. It felt nice having him around to always care for you. Your body never felt more comfortable and warm as his body was close to yours. He carried you towards the messy bed. The room even colder than when she left it. She felt her body being gently laid down onto the cool silky sheets of their shared bed. Once he had laid her down he grabbed the sheets pulling them up over her, making sure she was comfortable. He kisses her forehead, her eyes closing loving the touch of his lips on her skin.
“I’m gonna go make you some soup, okay?” He softly spoke. She smiled giving him a nod before reaching up to kiss his soft lips, but only to be stopped by him laying his finger on her lips.
“Your sick baby, don’t want to get sick too” he grinned admiring her pouty face.
“You suck.” She spoke her voice low and quiet but enough for him to hear.
“And you swallow.” Tom grinned sending her a wink as he heard a giggle from her. (Y/N) hummed, watching him walk away from her and out of the room. She smiled as she heard him talking to himself about what soup to make as he walked down the hall towards the kitchen. He decided to make her favorite soup that he only made when (Y/N) was sick, which was rarely often. Tom would always get really worried whenever she would get sick because she would rarely ever get sick but whenever she did it was not so good.
After Tom was finished making the soup and was pouring it in the bowl, he heard a loud noise coming from the room, causing him to panic and quickly put the stuff down while running towards the hall to the room. (Y/N) felt uneasy as an edgy ache in her stomach to her throat causing her to get up quickly and run to the bathroom, her body falling in front of the toilet. She started releasing all the fluids she had produced.
Tom ran into the bathroom and came up behind her to hold her soft hair up as a small scream left her lips when she kept dispensing the fluids out her tiny aching stomach.
Tom rubbed her back soothingly once they both realized she was done spewing out. Tears were already pricking at the corner of her eyes.
“Tommy... it hurts” she groaned falling back onto the wall on the side of her. He felt so terrible, it took so much of him not to get teary right in front of her. He let go of her hair and grabbed some tissue to help wipe the leftover on her mouth. For most couples, they would find this disgusting and wouldn’t even dare to come near the sick lover or friend, but to Tom, he didn’t care.
He was so in love with (Y/N) that her flaws to him were like his prize possession. She was so pure in his eyes that the bad things were what made them so good together. He was happy to be part of her bad time and her being part of his bad times. They always had each other and none of them would change that for the world.
“I know baby, everything will be okay I promise,” He said. She smiled up at him, she was so lucky to have him. She held her arms up like a little toddler for him to pick her up. He playfully rolled his eyes as he picked her up bridal style.
“Your such a child” He chuckled, feeling her nuzzle her head in the crook of his neck. He walked into the room laying her back on the bed before walking to the kitchen to grab the soup, along with liquid cold medicine and heading back to her.
She sat up on the bed, while she saw him coming in with the smell of her favorite soup. She could smell the potatoes and sausage. Once she saw the bottle of medicine in his other hand she felt sick again. (Y/N) always hated taking liquid medicine, it tasted disgusting and smelled like a dying flower. Tom noticed her expression towards the bottle, a small laugh coming from him as he sat down carefully beside her trying not to spill the soup.
“Do I have to take that?” She whined with a disgusted face. 
“Yes you do, it will help make you feel better” He stated, pouring the medicine in the small cup it came with. It was grape, one of the nastiest liquid medicine of all time. He handed it to her as she hesitantly takes it in her hand. She stared at it before smelling it, regretting it instantly. 
“Oh my goodness, it smells so bad” She pointed out her body feeling queasy while she made a sour face.
“Just hold your nose and drink it, babe” Tom suggested, waiting for her to take it so she can eat some soup. (Y/N) heavily sighed, doing what he said and held her nose quickly taking it with a loud gulp after swallowing it. She stuck her tongue out gagging a bit, trying to not think about the horrifying flavor. Tom rolled his eyes, chuckling at her childish reactions. Which he found completely adorable.
“Now that we got that over with, let's fill you up” He smiled, picking up the soup bowl and lifting up the spoon moving up a few inches from his mouth as he blew it, cooling it down.  
“Here,” he smiled handing her a spoon full for her to gladly take in her mouth, swallowing it feeling the warm broth feel up her tummy.
“You know I can feed myself right?” She spoke taking another spoon full.
“I know, but I like feeding my child” he shrugged. They both looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.
“That’s not right at all.” She smiled, pointing out how wrong that sounded.
“I know.” Tom smiled back at her giving her another spoon full.
She quickly put her hand up stopping him from giving her more. He frowned at her confused as to why she stopped him.
“I just want to cuddle with you” she whispered, gazing into his brown orbs. Tom nodded not wanting to argue with her not eating and put the bowl down on the nightstand. He crawled over beside her, laying his toned body down near her.
"Come here" he suggested, Tom could see the spark in her eyes as she grinned scooting up closer to him and laid her head down on his hard chest.
“I feel so much better now.” She whispered into his warm chest.
He chuckled his fingers raking through her tangly hair. Tom loved this, (Y/N) was always so spoiled when it came to him and he was the same way with her. Always enjoyed each other’s company and was happy as long as they were near each other. She felt safe in his arms, as his warmth welcomed her in his embrace.
"I love you" He muttered quietly leaving a gentle kiss to her clammy forehead.
"I love you too" She replied, baring her head in his chest slowly falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat, knowing later on she would feel even better.
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southside-vixen · 5 years
Fire and Ice (Sweet Pea) 2
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Chapter 2. Unwelcoming Committee 
Adrianna Rivera has just made a difficult move from Arizona to the southside of Riverdale. With the history of her life in Phoenix behind her will she be able to find a new family in the Southside Serpents? Or will a certain tall, dark, and rage inducing Serpent cause issues?
“Okay so that’s the ins and outs of draught beer pouring” Toni put her hands on her hips “Tall Boy wants a Budweiser, let’s see what you got.”
It was Adria’s first day working at the White Wyrm. And it sucked. She followed Toni’s directions and titled the glass as she pulled the lever and poured in the beer.
“That….is half head. You need to angle it so you get more beer and less foam.”
“This is stupid. I shouldn’t even be here.” Adria groaned and leaned up against the bar
“Listen.” Toni lined herself up to Adria “I get you think this is beneath you and you’ve never worked a day in your life. But you’re a Southsider now, designer jeans or not. So get used to it.” She backed up a few steps to give Adria some room “Now try again. You need to get it this time. We don’t have the money to waste on shit pours.”
“Jesus fucking Christ this should not be this difficult” Adria groaned as she stared at another glass half full of foam.
“There she is” She looked up to see Ness walking to the bar with a big smile on her face “How did she hold up, Toni?”
“Well.” Toni sighed “She’s a shit bartender but we’ll have her up to snuff in a couple weeks. As far as school goes she sticks out but she’ll be a Southsider in no time”
“Well, she’s not dead so I do have to thank you for that” Ness raised her pint and took a large swig.
“Also day 1 and she’s already putting Sweet Pea in his place” Toni smirked
“What?” Ness put her drink down “Adria come on. The boy’s got some serious anger issues. The last thing I need is him snapping and you ending up with permanent brain damage.”
“Wow. That’s some exaggeration” Adria replied “You seriously think he’s going to hit me? A girl half his size in the middle of a high school cafeteria? I bet that’d make him look real tough.” She had never been in a fight in her life though. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to start now.
“Just…don’t push him too far.” Ness resigned herself to the fact that there was no way in hell her niece was going to listen to her “if your case worker finds out you’re getting into fights it’s only going to make things difficult”
“I’ve got this. No physical fights, scouts honor.” Adria smiled
“I’ll take what I can get” Ness took another sip of her beer “Now if you’ll excuse me I need to take a look at the end of the month books. Keep up the good work Toni”
“No physical  fights, huh?” Toni smiled after Ness was sufficiently out of sight
“Tearing people down with words is an Adrianna Rivera Specialty.”
“It’s like you walked out of Mean Girls. Or Heathers”
“Toni. I have no idea what Heathers is. But I’m definitely a Regina.” Adria flipped her hair trying to give her best impression
“You don’t know Heathers” Toni feigned surprise “I’m not surprised honestly, but it’s the OG Mean Girls. Except with more murder. That’s it, you’ve been conscripted to join in a movie night.”
By the time the weekend came around Ness was going crazy making sure everything was perfect for a movie night. The usual takeout boxes and newspapers covering the table were wiped clear, and the counter tops were stacked with snacks she bought the day before.
“Okay girls, there are plenty of snacks and pizza is on its way. If you need anything just give me a call, I’ll be out the majority of the night making sure the Wrym doesn’t catch fire”
“Bye Ness!” Both Toni and Adria shouted in unison.
It was maybe 10 minutes after the pizza arrived that there was another knock on the door
“Expecting anyone else?” Toni asked
“No. Ness shouldn’t be back for hours.”
Toni pulled a switch blade out of her purse and slowly moved to the door. “Stay behind me” she whispered.
‘Seriously?’ Adria mouthed as Toni swung up open the door, her knife going inches away from the stomach of the person on the other side.
“Fangs!” Toni shouted putting her knife down “What the fuck?”
“Woah, woah” Fangs was laughing while putting his hands up in the air “Nessie invited me! She promised pizza and snacks, you know I’m a sucker for free food. And I am your next door neighbor, Adria. I’m offended I wasn’t invited in the first place”
“Don’t let Ness hear you call her that or she’ll kill you before I get the chance. Get your ass in here.” Toni shut the door behind him.
“So when do we get started? Are we gonna talk about boys? Play some truth or dare, maybe some never have I ever? Topless pillow fight or two?” Fangs sat down at the table and grabbed a slice of pizza “You know. Typical girl’s sleep over stuff”
“Not even in your dreams, Fangs.” Adria rolled her eyes “So are we gonna watch this movie or what?”
“Are we not inviting Sweet Pea? I thought he was a staple?”
Adria glared at Fangs while he sorted through the pile of snacks on the counter, taking a bite of his slice. She was outside her comfort zone already trying to be friends with Toni, then Fangs showing up threw her for another loop. The last thing she needed was the tall, angry one glaring at her while she tried to watch cheesy 80’s movies.
“I think its best it’s just the three of us tonight. Let Adria ease into Southside life” Toni shot a reassuring smile at her “Besides Fangs, we’re going to have enough problems trying to get food before you eat all of it. If we bring Sweet Pea here Adria and I will starve.”
“Fine. Fine.” Fangs conceded “But I’m telling him we had a threesome.”
“You absolutely are not.”
Fangs must have left around 2 or 3 am and Toni decided to stay for the night. Overall her first movie night/sleepover had gone well. Toni was really trying to connect with her, despite how awful she had been the first couple days after they met.
Adria stared up at the ceiling and stretched out her arms, only to immediately hit something solid
“Fuuuuck.” She must have jumped a foot in the air as she looked to her side to see Toni clutching her eye. Right, they had shared the same tiny twin size bed last night. It was a feat that they both fit.
“Jesus, I’m never sharing a bed with you again. You nearly pushed me off 4 times last night and now I probably have a black eye. “Toni sat up and ran her hands through her hair to remove the tangles
“This bed is barely big enough for me. I don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to share.” Adria grumbled. She got out of bed and ran a brush through her hair, tousling it in the mirror until she was satisfied “Up until a week ago I had a king size. I’d give anything for my beautiful memory foam mattress and my down pillows.” She must have looked like she had stars in her eyes
“Ah, yes. Rich girl luxury.” Toni laughed “How the mighty have fallen, now she sleeps on a hand me down twin mattress like the rest of us.” Adria made a face at her while she rummaged through her overstuffed closet. The weather was starting to get a chill and she had next to nothing to deal with it. In another couple of months there would be snow. She shuddered at the thought.
“So I text Fangs last night after he left and he agreed that we should all head over to Pop’s for brunch” Toni walked over to the closet as well “I didn’t bring a change of clothes so I’m stealing some of yours. Welcome to friendship with Toni”
“Pop’s?” Adria asked “That’s the diner, right? If so I’m down. I could use some breakfast”
“Great!” Toni smiled, pulling a shirt out of the closet “I’m borrowing this one.”
“Is it too early for a strawberry milkshake?” Adria asked eyeing over the menu as Toni sat across from her
“Ads. It’s 12:30. Even if you wanted a milkshake at 7AM I’d tell you to go for it.” Toni hadn’t even bothered to look at a menu, she never strayed too far from her regular.
“Did you just call me Ads?” She raised an eyebrow and put down her menu
“Adria is too long, plus I feel like Ads has a more Southside feel to it. It’s your new edgy, bad girl persona.” Toni could hardly contain her laughter
“I’ve never been edgy in my life.” She looked down at the outfit picked out for the day. She didn’t look like a Southsider at all. She didn’t even know if she wanted to be one of them. Hopefully soon her father’s legal team would sort out his release and she’d be home in Phoenix, ready for her next jet set to Rodeo Drive.
Toni lifted up her head as the doorbell rang and waved someone over. Adria looked up as well to see Fangs walk in, followed by Sweet Pea.
“What did you do?” She whispered harshly
“Hey guys!” Toni waved them over “Have a seat!” she flashed Adria a quick smile.
Adria looked back at the door to notice Fangs speed walking toward the booth, and then sliding in next to Toni. Adria felt a wave of dread crash into her as she looked up to see Sweet Pea standing over her.
“Are you going to move over or what?” he asked, his voice completely deadpan. She quietly moved over to the window and attempted to stare down Toni, who would only smile in return. After the waitress came and took orders the table was overtaken by silence. Adria stared at the table, stacking creamers then knocking them over, re-stacking them again.
“So…” Fangs tried to break the ice “How are you liking Riverdale so far, Adria?”
“Its…good.” She kept her eyes on the construction of her creamer tower. She could hear Sweet Pea scoff next to her and tried her best to ignore it.
“Think you’re gonna join the serpents? You’re an honorary member already considering your aunt and all. We could go through initiation together.” Fangs was all smiles this morning, it was almost like he completely forgot the tense atmosphere at the table. Or he was deliberately ignoring it.
“You just want to see her dance.” Toni threw a sugar packet at him
“Dance? You have to dance to join a gang?” Adria lifted her head up from her makeshift tower to look at Toni
“What does it matter? You honestly think princess here could be a Serpent?” Sweet Pea spoke up, not even sparing a glance in her direction
“You think I can’t?” Adria turned so she was facing him, her back up against the wall so she didn’t have to be any closer than necessary “I’m tougher than I look”
“Yeah? Ever been in a fight?” He angled himself to hover over her, his height was imposing on its own but the lack of light in his eyes made it worse.  “You’d be the weakest link we have. You can’t handle it”
Adria was done shrinking down in her seat, back against the wall. She sat up straight, as tall as she could, which was still considerably shorter than Sweet Pea
“I’m anything but weak” her eyes were serious as well, burning with resolve. She didn’t know why she felt the need to prove herself. She shouldn’t be here long, and in the grand scheme of things the opinion of one hot headed gang member shouldn’t matter. But she wanted to belong to something, just as she always had. Maybe she needed to adapt.
“Prove it.” His face was so close she could feel his warm breath on her skin. The exchange was far too intimate for her liking, but she wasn’t one to back down from a glaring match. Each second felt like an hour passed, until Toni finally broke it up.
“Pea, that’s enough. We’re here to have breakfast.”
Adria and Sweet Pea both took their eyes off each other and moved back to their respective sides of the booth. The rest of breakfast was silent, the tension somehow getting 10x worse. Adria stared out the window, picking at her food while Fangs and Toni were both on their phones. Sweet Pea, however, finished his meal as fast as he could before he slammed money down on the table and stormed out.
“That went well…All things considered.” Fangs said after he left
“Are you serious? That went well?” Adria put down her fork and stared at him “The only way that could have gone worse is if one of us stabbed the other. What’s his issue with me?”
“He’s hated the Northside for a long time. They blame us for all their problems and generally just shit on us. I don’t quite understand why he has an issue with you since you’re from out of town.” Toni sighed “But one thing does need to be said, Ads. You can’t just join the Serpents to prove a point. If you join it needs to be for the right reasons.”
Adria let her head rest against the window. Why couldn’t anything ever be easy?
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franeridart · 6 years
Hey! So sorry if you already answered this but what application and tablet do you use??
I use Easy Paint Tool SAI and a pretty old wacom intuos tablet! Both questions are answred in my faq, actually~
Anon said:You. You awesome person. You are my new fav artist. 💘💘💘
AW thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love your art and the style, it’s all so cute and it might give me a heart attack
He c k let’s hope not! Thank you so so much!!! ;^;
Anon said:hey, can ya do more tokage, pls
Sure, I mean to draw more 1B in the future anyway~
Anon said:nori is soo adorable!! I love your art and seromina so much and seeing them combined makes me mega happy!!! I gotta ask though, how are sero and mina as parents and how do they handle nori’s quirk?
They’re disasters as parents but they try their best and are always having fun - Nori adores them! In their house not a minutes goes by without someone laughing, they’re all super loud and cheerful always~ neither of them has any problem dealing with Nori’s quirk, Sero has spent a whole lifetime learning how to deal with sticky stuff and tape and glue so he knows all the tricks to save clothes and furniture from accidental quirk usage and so on, while Mina’s own quirk makes it easy to counter any glue that might end on her - the main thing actually is that the quirk itself was a surprise! Since Nori looks a lot like Mina, both she and Sero had expected her to have acid like Mina so when she started gluing herself around in places and walking along walls and stuff it was a surprise (they had expected to have to deal with the house being constantly half destroyed by acid though, so glue is nothing compared to that haha)
Anon said:Heyy I saw your twitter account and was wondering if you could link some of those “fics about them boys sharing a bed..“ I’ve been following you for a while now and absolutely love your work (: I hope you don’t mind lol. I need more kiribaku in my life gahaha ❤️ thanks !!
I didn’t really bookmark any and most were old things I had read in the past and spent time rereading lately, but the newest one I read is this one - honestly though at this point 99% of the fics set in the dorms have them sharing a bed, you just need to open ao3 and scroll down less than a page to find stuff lol
Anon said:If you’re not an Adventure Time fan this ask will make no sense to you (so skip it), but when I saw your drawing of Katsuki with a guitar, I immediately thought he was singing some edgy Marceline song, like the teasing-aggressive “I wanna bury you in the ground / I wanna bury you with my sound” (which he actually says at some point I think XD) or the romantic and melancholic “Slow Dance with You” and Eijirou M-E-L-T-S.
Not an AT fan, but the concept is adorable so I’m keeping the ask anyway
Anon said:Do you think you might draw more of your fantasy AU children while you’re playing with you’re new pencil tool? It would be neat if you did! Regardless, I’m grateful for anything you draw!
Yup! Can’t promise when it’ll happen but I love the fantasy AU and I love childhood friends AU, so the chances of me going back on it are pretty high!
Anon said:Are you going to draw Mako and Taiyou again? They are so wonderful.
YAH that’s definitely in the near future plans! Thank you for liking them!!
Anon said:I just…I love all your art. It’s so amazing you’re awesome
Anon said:Stavo scorrendo il tuo blog e ho notato che hai risposto ad una domanda in italiano? Ho seriamente pensato fossi inglese tutto questo tempo! Amo seriamente i tuoi disegni, i tuoi oc sono meravigliosi e non vedo l'ora di scoprire più di loro.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH grazie infinite omfg ;^; specialmente per i miei oc, è sempre incredibile per me sapere che alla gente piacciono abbastanza da volerli vedere di più ;^;
Anon said:Hewwo! I’m a huge fan of your artwork!! I was wondering if you have any time could you draw some more of those dorm room scenarios?
Anon I’m sorry but I need you to be more specific, which dorm room scenarios are you talking about? Most of my comics at this point are set in the dorms hahaha
Anon said:I just noticed that on every artwork you sign “do not repost” and I hate it.I don’t hate that you do it, but the fact you NEED to do it. Artists all over the Internet say to not repost their art but people still do it…I hope this will stop someday Sorry for my english btw
Yeah well, I guess as long as people keep on following and giving notes to reposters that’s not really gonna change is it orz
Anon said:You should draw Present Mic x Aizawa *awkward finger guns*
Hell I really should, shouldn’t I
Anon said:my god im gay for your kiribaku like they’re so good aibdjsbsknwnx and i love the interactions between the bakusquad ahh keep being awesome :)
Anon said:Honestly, this might be an odd question I don’t know, but would you ever consider putting your art together in a art book to sell? Cause to be honest, there’s not a piece by you that I don’t adore and I’ve seen some artist do things like that before so I didn’t know if that was something you’d consider. Maybe like all your BNHA pieces or something?
It’s not like I never considered it? It’s more like I dunno how worth all the work to figure out how to make it/where to print it and then to actually make it would be compared to the interest people would have in buying something they can have for free on my blog? It’s just doodles after all haha
Anon said:Would you be willing to draw a little lavi (dgm) doodle for me? Anything tiny, I just love him and your art!!!
I’m not doing requests right now, sorry, but soon enough the new chapter is coming out so I might draw him around then!!! I always fall in a serious dgm mood around the time of the chapter release haha
Anon said:More abuse of the ask function: 1- I love your art and have been for months. On top of that, it often feels cathartic, which is amazing to me. 2- I love how balanced you can make KiriBaku. You even manage to make me appreciate that overrated attention hogger that is Bakugou, you can handle him so much better than the author, because your character dynamics make so much more sense!! 3- I always, ALWAYS find myself reading through all your tags. They’re awesome. Thank you for everything.//Avevo finito lo spazio nell'ask precedente, so I’d only like to add that aside from cutie-smoochy (“It’s not about whether you break” and “I don’t need you” might be my favorite, and for what’s worth, I remember writing something exactly like the latter in the past), you also make mu burst into laughter. Like, the comic where Katsuki is about to out Eijirou on his red hair, I am still rolling. Kiri’s giant mouth is seriously hysterical XD
Thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad I can make you like a character and a relationship you’re not much of a fan of in the actual manga? ? ? Bakugou’s actually one of my favorite characters ever though so………. maybe……….don’t offend him and the way Horikoshi writes him while talking to me………….orz
Anon said:I am starved for Bakukamikiri stuff in this fandom……..But you got some good shit.
I’m!!! happy to be able to help there!!!! haha
Anon said:They mama Mitsuki art you drew 👏💯💖☺️💕👌 I love your art so much
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Yessssss you have Twitter! It is boring at the beginning but then you’ll love it! I can’t wait to see you here and there! Now all my Bakushima favorite artist have one I can die of happiness!!
I’m!!!!!!!!!! Still trying to figure it out but!!!!!!!! For now it’s not that bad? Just!!! Very different from tumblr so I’ll need to get used to it first!!!!
Anon said:Omg do u shade jirous hair like its a heartbeat line? Dhdisbdisb thats so fuckibg good
THANK she actually has it in canon too, tho, so I can’t take credit for this!!!
Anon said:Im crying on how you draw kirishima’s soft hair
S O B I’m glad you like it!! ;^;
Anon said:Can I ask what your stance is on bakugo’s mom being abusive and sorry if you’ve answered this before
I love Mitsuki with my whole heart and while I don’t think she’s perfect I do think she’s loving and caring and trying her best and always looking out for what’s best for Bakugou 👍 no abuse anywhere, for me
Thank you for liking her???? heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I wish I could use your art for my phone’s background ;^; You’re amazing! I love youuuuuuuuuu
No one’s stopping you from doing that, anon!!! Unless you don’t have a phone that allows you backgrounds, in which case ;-; thank you for liking my stuff that much tho!!
Anon said:Hey! I followed you way back when your main output was haikyuu!! comics and once you started putting out more bnha, i had to unf because i had no idea who everyone was rip. but now that ive finally had the chance to watch it i’m glad to come back and see how much you’ve improved!
HECK THANK YOU???? I’m glad you decided to come back????? oh man that’s super flattering !!!
Anon said:Yolo bakusquad bakubowl ?
I don’t really like the whole concept of [character]bowl, sorry!
Anon said:I absolutely adore your art style😍 every time I see your art it makes me happy:)
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Can you draw Hawks and Tokoyami together? You are rlly creative and amazing! So I believe you will produce sth. awesome!!!! (If you don’t want to draw Hawks, could you draw a Tokoyami fusion?)
I can draw that! I’m just waiting to know how tall Hawks is compared to him before doing that 👍 be patient pls relative heights are something I’m stupidly fussy about 
Anon said:Burn the whole world to ashes for you? R U serius?! You always killing me dude. I ascended to the heaven of soft things. I N C R E D I B L E. Im sorry for the break down, i was without tumblr 2 months and the firts thing i do is go to your profile. Keep doing this plis im trully love it 😭💖
mAN I’m so glad you liked that one this much, drawing the boys being unreasonably soft with each other is my fav thing to do tbh !!!
Anon said:Omg I can totally imagine Nori and bakushima’s daughter being friends!!!
THEY ARE !!!!!!!
Anon said:Your seromina is amazing!!! I love that ship I feel like it is so underrated! Thank you for this blessed image!! 😭
No prob!! thank you for liking it!!!!!!! I’ve been in such a seromina mood lately, I might actually draw more soon enough!!
Anon said:Omg imagine a Tetsuwase love child. Something tells me they’d be adorable and one rather angry child, considering who their fathers are
I can see them as being quiet and grumpy………. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Anon said:Hey just wanted to tell you I love your art. It’s so soft and beautiful. My dad doesn’t ship any characters from the series, but he does like the series and he thinks your art and style are really pleasing. We were talking about how nicely you shade and that the style is well developed and lovely to look at. Thanks for making such great art that makes me smile and giving me and my dad yet another thing to bond over.
YO THAT’S SUCH A COOL THING TO HEAR!!!! Thank you to both you and your dad for liking my stuff????? h e c k !!!!!
Anon said:Thanks to you I started reading haikyuu.
I hope you’re enjoying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA AU [self insert]
Nani the heck is this? read here!
Chapter 4: Fuck my Drag right?
The events of the sports festival unfolded and everyone is being recognized for their feats. Iida has put his feelings for Ita on the back burner as his brother was disabled by the Hero Killer. The internships happened and everyone is coming back from them. 
-Monday, in homeroom with Mimi and Jin-
“Y'all heard about what happened?”
“YEAH! bitch I’m scared”
“Me too, what’s going to happen next?”
“I’m just glad nobody died and that the students are ok”
“you say that because Glasses was one of the students”
“NO ITS BECAUSE I’M THEIR CLASSMATE! I would feel the same if it was you two”
“Aww Ita!” said Mimi and Jin, coming in for the group hug.
The mood changed when Diya sensei came in. He seemed unusually peppy from his usual neutral or gritty moods. 
“Good morning class, lets settle down for some big announcements” he said with a smile that we didn’t trust. “As you all may have heard about the attack and the students involved, due to those incidents, our department has moved some lessons around to have our students more prepared to be ready to defend the others and each other.”
He takes out the syllabus,”if you can take out your syllabus so you can mark the changes” we comply.
“Ok so instead of just working on our semester final project until the marked due date, we also have to do our week long incognito lesson with practice starting Wednesday. In weaponry we’re going over defense and escape for next week. Our licensing exam is still in 2 weeks and the semester final project has been extended to 1st day of 2nd semester.”
I finish the changes and think, wow even we’re affected by all this.
Jin raises his hand
“Yes Matsui?”
“Are also having extra training sessions in prep for the licensing?”
“yes we are! thank you for reminding me” Diya sensei said “For the next 2 weeks, we will be training for most of homeroom and all of weaponry. For the ones that go to other classes, will still go to them and follow their schedule. If you have a free period, you can work on your projects then if you need school resources.”
Jin then looks at us and I knew he was going to claim us 1st before anyone else does. Bold of him to think I’d go with anyone else.
“Now that we have that done, on to the other news!” he said with another smile that made us feel uneasy, “our jumpsuits and gear came in! I’ll give them out in weaponry to see if they need to be re-adjusted. Secondly, we need to discuss the incognito lesson.”
I sit there thinking that it was going to be something like how to not look obviously like a spy/agent. Nope.
“For incognito week, you have to take up a persona and run with it for a full week. You have until Wednesday to come up with your persona along with clothing, makeup and voice pattern” Diya sensei said as straight faced as possible “Rules to adhere to: MUST be opposite sex, 3 different outfits, cause some chaos and keep your stories straight.”
I raise my hand.
“Yes Palma?”
“So this is just like Ru Paul’s Drag Race but we gotta lip sync for our grade?”
“Actually yea, exactly like that. So bring your best drag everyone! If you don’t have a certain part of an outfit or uniform, ask your classmates if you can borrow their’s for the week”
I suddenly love my class so much. We get to creating our personas and in weaponry we get our costumes. Mine thankfully fit and the gear was so cool that I could hardly keep my eyes off them. We get ear pieces and voice changers that fit right on the molars. I changed mine to make my voice a believable mezzo-tenor male voice. I then remembered I still have to go to my hero class and asked if I need to give them a fair warning before I show up in full boy drag. Diya sensei basically said that he’ll tell Aizawa but I don’t have to tell the class if I don’t want to. The cause some chaos rule is a free get out of jail card for us for that week, we can do anything but physical damage to property.
-Wednesday in Homeroom-
“AHHHH! I’m so excited!” I said to Jin “I can’t wait to show y’all my drag! I got a wig and everything!”
“I got fake hair buns and brought a dress for my extras, I already have some fem features” said Jin “did you bring the makeup?”
“yee yee, can’t wait to make you look sparkly and cute!”
Mimi walks in with their stuff.
“Sorry I’m lowkey late, the upperclassman that I asked to borrow their uniform pants was running late” said Mimi out of breath.
We started class and turned in our persona sheet to sensei and then we got into full drag. Jin was one of the cutest girls, persona name: Deez Natsu. Mimi was an ok looking dude, persona name: Suka Raboski. I looked more like an edgy boy, persona name: Takeshi Tboone.
“wow takeshi, thats a choice”
“Oof Suka I can see your lace”
“Y’aint at my level dawgs!” 
We go through the rest of weaponry and walk out looking like completely different people. I get my things and sensei wishes me luck on fooling them.
-in the hero course classroom, before I arrive-
“Iida-kun, how is your brother doing?” asked Midoriya
“He’s doing better but it looks like he can’t walk”
“oh my, sorry if I brought up a sensitive topic”
“no it’s alright, you deserve to know”
Denki butt in “so Iida, are you going to ask Palma-san to a date today? Or am I going to steal your girl”
“Oh please, if you asked her out again, she’d give you another atomic wedgie but off the flag pole!” chortled Uraraka.
“tch just tell her already four eyes!” said Bakugo “I’m getting sick of hearing about her”
“I don’t think I can! I have too much on my mind already and I can’t manage a relationship on top of it all” said Iida.
“Bold of you to assume she’ll say yes” said Kirishima under his breath.
“Kirishima thats rude!” Mina said in defense.
I then walk in, with my bag slung over my shoulder, fuck boy posture and sunnies on. I had my stories in check, I copied some 2nd year’s elasticity quirk (my brother’s quirk that I can maintain for 5 hours with mastery) right before I went to class. So if anybody is gonna try me, I got me.
“Um excuse me, but who are you?” asked Shoji as I sat down.
“yea and that seat is already taken by Palma-san!” said Momo, ready to fight.
“tuh! That’s no way to treat a transfer, didn’t she tell you?” I said in my best tough guy tone.
“Palma-san didn’t say anything! where is she?! I swear if you hurt her!” said Iida in a demanding tone.
“She’s, not at school at the moment, so you’ll be dealing with me, Takeshi Tboone, American bastard.” I said as slick as I could. It was a true feat not laughing after saying bastard as your title.
“I don’t know why but he’s kinda cute” Hagakure whispered to Asui.
Aizawa sensei walked in and saw my grin and gave me the ‘i know’ look.
“forgot that was today, huh, well be kind to our transfer Tboone.” said Aizawa, also trying not to laugh.
“sensei, where’s Palma-san then?” said Jiro
“Palma-san is at the East-side hero school, on temporary transfer” Aizawa said while looking at the persona sheet I gave them the day before, “If Palma-san likes the other school better, she’ll stay there. And we’ll have Tboone-san for the rest of the remaining years until graduation.”
“why would she want to transfer? This is the top school!” exclaimed Iida.
“I see what she means by aggressive classmates, but I’m tougher!” I said “she doesn’t feel safe here dawg, she feels like everyone is after her and doesn’t like her so you better pray that she’ll crawl back here.” 
Iida started to think that he should’ve never done what he’s done to Ita and convinced himself that it’s his fault that he drove her to transfer. Class goes on and the girls are all over Takeshi, which is bad because I didn’t plan on being an ACTUAL fuck boi. I pack up my things, which are just Jin’s things and Jin has mine, and I hear the delicate tip taps of a ‘girl’ running.
“Takeshi! Here you are my sweet~” said Jin, really playing the part of Deez.
“oh sup bitch come here and give me a little sugar.” I say as I stretch my arm out to grab them by the waist and pulled them into a fake kiss.
“I love it when you kiss me in front of other girls” he said as he gives side eye to the girls of 1-A, “you hear that! HE’S MINE!” as he jumps onto me.
Everyone was in shock, not only was he new but has a girlfriend?! Who the hell was that girl anyways?! Iida gets jealous that it could’ve been him and Ita if he spoke up sooner.
“Hey Tboone-san” said Kirishima with a warm smile.
“oh sup red-san”
“hahaha! The names Kirishima” he said “glad to have you in the class! that other girl was suspicious”
“oh word dawg? bitches be crazy!”
“Yea but you seem like the super manly type! wanna sit with us at lunch?” he said pointing at Bakugo, Sero, Mina and Denki.
“sounds tight! but I did promise my girl that I’d eat with her”
“I made fried rice!” Jin said, almost breaking character because he was really proud of his fried rice.
“Oh alright, maybe tomorrow then!”
“sounds litty, Later Red-san, Pink-san, Mad-san, Pika-san and Office Supply-san” I said while being dragged away by Jin.
“dude what the fuck, this is fucking crazy!” said Jin
“I know! where the hell is Mimi?!”
“That’s where we’re going, she’s swarmed by girls!”
We get to the patio and there they were, surrounded by girls. Mimi looked like they were gonna pass out because of all the pretty ones. I stretch my arms out and picked up Mimi from the circle and ran like hell to the intelligence wing. Jin deployed a portal before the crowd got to us and we portal in a pile inside of the commons room. We laugh a bit about our little tussle then I get a text, it’s Iida,
[Hi Palma-san I didn’t see you today in class and I have to say is that, I’m sorry, really sorry that you don’t feel safe or wanted at this school]
“oof guys look” I say as I show them the text.
“yikes what are you going to tell him?” Mimi said as I get another text, also from Iida,
[I feel responsible for you wanting to transfer. I shouldn’t have forced you to do anything. What can I do fix this? A lot of us prefer you over the transfer.]
“double yikes! a double text!” Jin said with a mouthful of fried rice, then I get another text
[ I know you won’t see these texts until later, but I miss you. Please respond when you can]
Jin and Mimi are looking at me, waiting to see what kind of melodrama I am going to start.
[Iida, I know you feel bad but the truth is, I feel unliked in the hero department. Everyone is pressuring me to be a hero or leave. Can’t I just learn about your culture without being part of it? I miss you too, you’re my only true friend in that class]
“wow Ita, this week is going to be spicy” said Jin.
He was right, everyone liked Takeshi a little more than Ita and hurt a little but the week was almost over. Sunday afternoon and I was getting my outfits ready for the next 3 days and I get a text, it’s Iida,
[Hi Palma-san, sorry if this is so sudden but are you available to spend some time with me? I’m in the area]
Oh jeez what do I say to that?
[Oh sure, where do you want to meet?]
[I can meet you in front of your complex] 
[oh sure! just let me get dressed, let me know when you get here]
I quickly changed into a sun dress, did a low bun and some quick makeup to hide the fact that I partied last night with my class and woke up at 1pm.
[I am here in the front]
[ok, I’ll be right there!]
I teleport to the front and Iida looks at me like I was the most stunning thing on the street.
“Palma-san you look so pretty!” he said as he gave me a tight hug “I’ve missed you dear classmate.” 
“oh! its only been four days.”
“doesn’t matter! point is that I want to spend time with you” Iida said as he released me from his embrace “shall we get going? I saw this cozy cafe that I wanted to check out.”
“Oh I frequent that place! I love it and I think you’d like it too”
As we walk to the place, theres heavy foot traffic. Iida doesn’t have a problem walking through but I was being pushed and falling behind. I reached out to grab his shirt to not lose him in the crowd.
“hm? Oh Palma-san! I’m sorry I didn’t know you were falling behind.”
“Oh I’m alright, I didn’t want to lose you in the crowd.”
“well then, here, take my hand” he said carefully holding mine “so we don’t lose each other”
I didn’t notice but Iida was blushing hard and I was just excited to order some berry tart and a latte. We get to the place and sat at a table where I could face the window and see the people passing by. We talked about Tboone-san and he really didn’t like the guy and I just sat there trying not to laugh. Iida changes the subject,
“So Palma-san, I’ve been thinking” he said as confidently as possible “that we should be honest with each other, now that we’re close”
“um ok, what do you want to know about me?”
“What name do you prefer to be called? What’s your favorite flower? Who do you like at school?-” he kept listing questions but my gaze was over at the window. I saw the boy with the lemon colored hair with his friends pass by and the boy so happened to make eye contact with me and didn’t break it until I was out of sight.
“hm? what was that?” Iida asked confused
“I like to be called Ita, Itati is my full first name but it doesn’t have the ring that Ita has”
“Ita...a cute name for a cute girl” he said and I choked on my latte.
“oh jeez I’m sorry hehe, I’m just not used to compliments like that, they make me uneasy”
“In America, when somebody compliments you like that and the person isn’t close to you, its like a form of bullying” I say as I stare at my latte “so when I got here and I got these compliments, I feared for my life for like two weeks.”
“I had no idea! I’m sorry that I made you feel that” Iida said while chopping his hands “I’ll be more careful”
“oh its alright, I’ll adjust!”
We walk around the area a bit more then he walks me to my complex. He grips my hand a bit tighter as we approach the front.
“hey Ita”
“Have you decided if you want to transfer to that school?”
“I haven’t actually” I say trying to maintain my stories, “I have until the end of classes Tuesday to say yes or no.”
“Oh I see, it’s just that, I-I” Iida struggled to find his words “I promise to be nicer to you if you come back”
“I mean it, I made you cry when we met. What kind of friend am I if I’m the cause of your tears and insecurity?! I’ll be nice, just come back”
I start to tear up, he really thinks its his fault. I let the tears fall, fuck this is dumb. He sees me cry and he panics and stops to wipe my tears. He cradles my face in his hands, if he didn’t make it clear that he wanted to be friends, I would’ve kissed him. 
“Please don’t be sad, I promise to be sweet and kind to you from now on! I want you to feel protected and a cherished part of the school, if everyone is against you, I will be the one to be by your side. Okay?”
I cry even more, I think about how the hell am I going to break it to him that Tboone is just me in full boy drag and I’m not going anywhere. We say goodbye and I teleport in my room. Oof can’t wait for this whole thing to blow over.
-Tuesday, after school in the patio-
I was on my way to usual spot where I’ve been hiding to teleport near my house this week when I see some boys pestering somebody thats leaning against the tree. I get closer and see that it’s Kirishima and Bakugo. uh oh, time to initiate solo operation SAVE THE GAYS.
“yo yo yo! what’s the haps fellas?”
“we found these faggots being gay” said the taller boy of the bunch.
“yeah! we were about to teach them a lesson!” said the gremlin looking one.
“Oh yea? Fellas, allow me to take of this, eye sore.” I say as I put my bag down and stand in front of Kirishima and Bakugo with the other boys on either side of me.
“Tboone-san what the hell? I thought we were cool!” said Kirishima
I give a smirk as I stretch my arms out to the bullies. I give them the ass-whoopin of their life as Kirishima and Bakugo stand and stare how hard I was going. When they had enough, I grabbed them by the collar and said
“If I see any y’all pestering the gays being gays, I won’t hesitate to beat your homophobic asses and chop your dicks off and make you eat them, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!”
“good, I’m giving you to the count of 5 to get out of my sight before I give you another serving” I say clenching my fist as I let go of them. They scatter and run like hell before I could start counting.
“Tboone-san, that was so courageous of you.” said a still shocked Bakugo.
“That was the manliest thing I’ve ever seen! Tboone-san, how can we ever repay you?” said Kirishima.
“oh its cool dawg, I was just being a bro” I said as I was picking up my bag “see you later! your secret is safe with me.”
I walk away to my hidden spot and think, wow what a way to be remembered.
-Wednesday, in the hero course classroom-
“Hey Iida, do you think Palma-san is happy?” asked Tokoyami to a very deflated Iida as he stares at the emtpy desk. 
“I don’t know, I poured my sincerity out to her and she sounded unsure.”
“Are you going to be alright Iida-kun?” Uraraka asked worriedly “you don’t look too well.”
“I’ll manage, don’t worry about me”
Class starts and I don’t show up to class because I needed some extra training for my licensing exam. Everybody else thinks it’s because I stayed at the other school and Tboone didn’t like the school. Aizawa knew the truth but didn’t say anything. Class ends and Iida walks to the patio to sit under a tree and ponder his text to Ita.
[Hi Ita, hope your having a good day at school. I need to tell you something important, I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way back. I like you, more than a friend, I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier. It kills me that you’re not here, I spent most of class staring at your desk hoping you’d teleport in any moment. I was too coward to admit it but it’s obvious now, I have fallen for you. You’re as rare as a desert flower, as sweet as honey, as strong as a crashing wave, as beautiful as ]
he stops typing and deletes his text. He didn’t see the point of pestering her if she already made her choice. Meanwhile Ita is on campus but preparing for her licensing in 2 days. The rest of the school day passes and Iida walks to the parking lot, and to his surprise, he sees a very weary Ita walking to their car.
I turn around “who the hell tryna get they ass run over?” I mutter.
I see Iida running toward me, giving me no time to escape, I brace myself for impact. To my surprise he stops before crashing into me and gives me a tight hug.
“Where have you been?! I thought you decided to stay at the other school and I got sad.”
“Oh no! I was doing extra training for my licensing exam, its in 2 days”
“Oh my apologies, is that why you look a bit roughed up?” he said releasing me from the hug.
“yea hehe I was struggling in detonate and defuse” I said as I showed him my bandaged hands “no copy quirking for me for a while.”
He gently took my hands in his, tracing the insides of them with his thumbs.
“In two days you say? Can I have the class see you off?”
“um sure if its ok with sensei, I don’t want to take away class time from yall”
The two days pass and as we were having our luggage check. The Hero 1-A class came out to see me off.
“Do your best Palma-san! We believe in you!” said a bunch of them.
“why is your class so small?” said Kirishima.
“Intelligence course class are the smallest because of the popularity of the course” said Jin “all of us wanted to be in the program and got admitted in without having to do the entrance exam.”
“Yep, even your dear sensei considered joining” said Aizawa “but I really wanted to stick it to the man with my abilities.”
“OOOH! I love your class pet!” Mina said fawning over Zippy the lizard “I wish we had one!”
“Please Mina, with our class, that poor creature won’t survive a day!” said Midoriya.
Our bus arrived and I turn to say bye and I get a tight hug from Iida.
“Be safe Ita, do your best! I’ll miss you”
“I’m only going to be gone for a day and a half!” 
Everyone in the class was motioning Iida to kiss Ita. The kiss didn’t happen but I said my good byes and boarded the bus. The licensing happened at the USJ were we did target shooting, detonate and defuse, rescue the hero, save the citizens, and would you rather life or death edition (like would you rather but with people and guns). The class passes the exam, including Zippy, it was the 1st time in years the whole class passes according to Diya sensei. There was much to celebrate once we got back but on the way to the school, the bus breaks down. Instead of waiting for the repairs, since we were a mile away from school, we pushed the bus all the way to school. We used our quirks and strength to push the bus and everyone on that road stopped to admire our teamwork. When we got to school, we made so much noise hollering that we passed and pushed a whole bus to school, it drew alot of attention to us and anyone within earshot came out to see.
“ok ok everyone lets settle down” said a very tired Diya sensei “Miss Palma, if you teleport in, you can still make it to your hero class.”
“Oh ok are you sure yall don’t need help bringing in stuff?”
“No we have things handled, go! you have 5 mins before it starts”
“got it! Thank you!” 
-Meanwhile in the Hero 1-A classroom-
“I think Palma-san is back” said Denki walking back in the classroom “a group of students are hollering in the front of the school”
“Wonder what happened?” said Todoroki
“Her entire class passed” said Aizawa as he walked in “including the lizard.”
“That damn reptilian passed?” Bakugo said astounded “tch this licensing exam will be a piece of cake if a lizard can pass it!”
Mina raised her hand.
“We aren’t getting a class pet and train it to be a hero for the last time Mina!” said Aizawa at his wits end with the requests for a class pet. “Just because their sensei let them, doesn’t mean I will. Besides, those kids are on another level of smart, that lizard knows how to drive a small vehicle.”
As everything is happening in the classroom, I am too weak to teleport in the room so I teleport in front of the Hero wing and start booking it. As I run, I start to mentally prepare for all the questions and what stories to tell. I get distracted and I run into somebody and I fall back. Fuck I think, this is so embarrassing.
“sorry! I was in a rush! are you-” I start rush apologizing then I saw their face, it was the lemon haired boy. They we’re standing there, looking at me.
“I should be the one apologizing! You’re the one on the floor” he said extending his hand out to help me up “say, aren’t you that American student? From intelligence?”
“Um yes, how did you know?”
“I’ve heard about you and caught some glimpses of you in passing” he said “I am impressed by your accomplishments, I’d love to see you in action”
“oh uh thank you, sorry to cut this short but I have to get to class” I say as I start running again.
“Bye! I hope to talk to you again!” waved the lemon haired boy.
I start to think, he’s cute, I wouldn’t mind talking to him again but who is he? I get to the door and I walk in out of breath.
“Hi, I’m alive” I say as I do a weak spin into a dab.
“Nice track suit Palma-san” said Momo “was it custom made?”
I look at my track suit, it’s a black and orange with my last name on the butt. “oh it is custom but my sister sent this to me to pester me about my big ass” I say as I show everyone the PALMA on the butt in big lettering.
We start class and they announce their licensing exam is also coming up along with their final exams and training at an undisclosed forest campground. Lucky for me, they don’t apply to me but I still train with them when it’s class-time. I notice that Iida wasn’t talking to me or looking at me like he usually does. I wonder what happened while I was gone. Class ends and I pack my bag and think about that boy in the hallway again, can’t believe I didn’t catch his name.
“Hey Ita” said Iida softly 
“Hi, are you doing alright? You look a bit distracted.”
“I’m fine! um do you want to have lunch with me in the patio? I packed food”
“oh sure let me tell Mimi and Jin” I say as I stick my finger in my ear.
“this is Palma, contacting Oleshin and Matsui, over”
“Oleshin on the line/ Matsui on the line, over”
“Requesting a 508, repeat a 508, over”
“Permission granted/permission seconded, over”
“Thank you, have a good lunch, over”
“Wow you got ear pieces?” said Iida in awe
“Yea, we got them for in field practice but will special permission, the school lets the whole program use them to communicate with each other.”
We walk to the patio and sit under a tree. Iida takes out a fairly big tupperware container and hands it to me.
“Here, I made you a fresh treat, because you deserve it”
“oh thank you, you didn’t have to make me anything!” I said shyly
“I insist! You deserve some rest and treats for all your hard work these last few weeks” He said putting the container on my lap “I also have some fresh flowers, dark chocolates and lemon water. All just for you”
He arranges everything around me to set up a peaceful atmosphere. I open the container and I see perfectly cut cucumber, orange and mango with some lime wedges and salt shaker.
“Oh my god! It’s like I’m back home!” I say exclaimed as my mouth watered “you did your research, didn’t you Iida-san?”
“And what if I did? I just wanted to do something nice for you” he said as he closed his bag “you bring me peace during these scary times.”
“oh I see” I say as I start eating some mango “well, I’m glad that I am”
“hm? why?”
“Because, you could be out there, getting hurt again and blinded with rage and revenge. But you’re here, with me, healing yourself from the toxicity of it all.”
“I didn’t think of it that way, I just feel calmer and happier if you’re around me” 
“I feel like I exist to be that peaceful and calm for the people around me” I said reminiscing the calmer times “back home, I brought order and peace in my household. With my friends, I give love and acceptance. And honestly, I haven’t felt like that since I got here but you helped me remind myself of the one thing that defines me. Thank you Iida-san.”
“Call me Tenya”
“Ok then, Tenya, thank you for making me feel cherished and myself again”
In the distance, the Baku-squad are spying through a 2nd floor window.
“I wonder what they’re saying?” said Sero.
“Who cares?! Four eyes is finally saying his stupid feelings to Palma-san” growled Bakugo.
“They’ve been spending alot of time together lately” pondered Kirishima “Maybe I was wrong about her, she might be just a foreigner that barely made it here.”
“huh? Palma-san was still on your suspicion list?” asked Mina “she’s really nice and cool, would a spy be that willing to be friends with us?”
“I still think I can woo her to a date” muttered Denki as he leaned against the wall. 
The day ends and I get home in a happier state of mind. But the difficulty and heart twisting events are fast approaching, and I have to rise to the occasion to get through them. Not just for me, but for the ones that need me.
-End Chapter 4-
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sky-scribbles · 6 years
OC described by companions
@norroendyrd tagged me to do this for ‘Levyn Trevelyan’ - aka, Jowan, who, after running from Redcliffe, changed his name, joined the mage rebellion, and ended up as the Inquisitor.
The rules:
Describe your OC as they are described by your companions.
Show us what they look like!
Tag at least 5 (or more) followers and 5 blogs you follow! :) (Not gonna tag anyone this time, unless they want to do it!)
Enjoy writing! :}
Here’s the disaster child (who I’ve tried my best to recreate in Inquisition graphics):
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And here are the companions’ thoughts on him:
We have not spoken since he confessed the truth. At first, he simply frustrated me, with his vocal, if nervous, support for the rebellion, and his constant habit of finding some way to fall down gullies or spring traps. Then, when I had started to respect him for the good he was doing, I learned he was a liar. A maleficar. He led the Inquisition under a false name, made us all into deceivers. I... know he has done good things. I would not want him removed from his position. But though I will fight with him, I can’t forgive him. Not yet.
When I met him, I thought he was out of his depth. A jumpy mage who didn’t know what he was doing and didn’t have the nerve for leadership. But he was so... admiring of the Wardens. He so obviously respected me, and felt safe around me, and it was... I felt unworthy of being admired by him. I told myself all I could do was protect him and try to be worth his admiration. When I was dragged before him in chains, I couldn’t bear to look at him. Couldn’t bear to see him get his pedestal broken. But then he... he confessed who he was. To everyone. Pardoned me, because he wouldn’t punish a man for crimes so similar to his own. That’s dogshit, of course. He acted out of fear, he was trying to help. I acted out of greed. I’ll stand by him now, the way he stood by me, and if anyone has a problem with who he was, they can take it up with my fist.
Iron Bull
Gotta say, I’m surprised I didn’t have him pegged as a blood mage. But you can’t see the scars on someone’s hand when the scars on someone’s hand when they’ve got a glowy Fade mark in the way, can you? Guess I know why he always seemed so edgy around me, he thought I’d catch on to him. Smart guy. (laughs) I know I should be keeping an eye on him, what with all the blood magic and demon crap, but... gah. I look at him, all I see’s a kid who’s been treated like crap trying to find out who he is. Got a lot of those in the Chargers. Life’s too short to keep hating people over what they used to be.
At first he was just good to laugh at, ‘cause he was always tripping over things and screwing up stuff, like that time when he knocked Bull into the sea. Or when he fell into that quicksand stuff. Or when those druffalo chased him halfway across the Hinterlands. And when he wasn’t getting his butt kicked by something, he was busting it to help the little people. Guess he’s trying to make up for everything, right? Not a fan of the whole blood magic shite, but that’s years done. Like Beardy, he’s trying. Aren’t many who try. Plus, turns out he’s not really a Trevelya-whatever-noble-nob after all. So that’s good.
Pretty good hero’s journey, start out as the sidekick to one of the world’s greatest heroes, accidentally destroy a town, set out to make amends... Disaster’s a lot less ‘brooding angsty hero’ and more ‘tearful nervous hero’, but I don’t know. Maybe we’ve had enough dark. Maybe it’s good to have a hero who gets upset by mistakes and just wants to help. He’s a good kid who lost his way, so he needs someone to be looking out for him and picking him up when he falls. Might as well be me.
Memories scattered like blood on the Circle floor. A knife drawn across a shaking hand, arm thrown out to protect her, but she turned away. I don’t know you, blood mage. Dark liquid in the Arl’s drink, corpse feet dragging, the Arlessa’s men with cold eyes. Regret rips, red and rending. Have to make it right. He never wanted to hurt, he wanted to help, and then he changed. He’d never do it again, and he’s scared and good and he cares. That’s enough. Levyn Trevelyan was a shield, because he thought no one would ever want Jowan. But now he tries the name again. Jowan. It sounds strange and it reminds him of the wrong and the red, but a soft voice shapes the name and it sings a little stronger.
I respected him at first - he was a Circle mage, and from a noble family, or so I thought. I wasn’t pleased when he made it clear that he was in support of the dissolution of Circles and the Templars, but all the same, he reminded me of many impressionable, clumsy young apprentices. I was willing to tutor him, help him control his magic... and then this came to light. A maleficar. Never harrowed. Responsible for countless deaths because he, an incompletely-trained apprentice, presumed to think he could train a child who should have been in the Circle. It’s a disgrace to the inquisition, to have such a man at its head. And yet... he brought me the wyvern heart. He came with me to Bastien’s side. He’s been avoiding me since all this happened, but perhaps... perhaps I should offer him another lesson. His barriers really do need work.
Jowan? Well, I suppose it’s easiest for me. I never had any shockingly dramatic revelation, I had the privilege of knowing the truth from the start. When he broke down in Redcliffe, during that dark future, when he spilled the whole story of his last disaster in Redcliffe to me... all I saw was the inevitable result of these ridiculous southern Circles. Terrify a mage enough,and of course he’s going to resort to forbidden magic. Most blood mages I’ve seen have just wanted power - and I’ve seen an awful lot of them. Jowan wanted to not be turned into an automaton, thank you very much. I found myself taking him under my wing a little, showing him how to embrace his magic - he’s actually a very powerful entropy mage - and since he could talk to me about who he really is, we ended up as... friends, I suppose. Seems rather infantile to slap a ‘best’ onto that title, but I can’t deny it’s accurate. Don’t tell anyone.
At first, I pitied him, as I pity all mages who are taught to fear who they are. When I learned the truth, I was angry to begin with, but now I respect how far he has come. He was a child threatened with becoming a shadow of a person. He sowed destruction, but out of good intentions and ignorance, not out of malice. He ran from what he did rather than face it, but he has accepted it now. He has saved the place he once nearly destroyed, and more besides. He is trying to rebuild. (sighs) It is all any of us can do.
I did wonder why he always walked large circles around me. I thought it was just because I was an ex-Templar, but since he confessed... I remember him from Kinloch Hold. Always nervous, huddling in Surana’s shadow. I expect he learned the blood magic from Uldred’s lot - 
But he wasn’t there when Ulred - well. I’ve tried to despise him for it. For the blood magic, for poisoning a good man, for Redcliffe. And then I think of the things I did, when I was younger, and ignorant. I’ll keep an eye on him, in case he ever turns to blood magic again, and I doubt it’ll ever stop being awkward talking to him. But I suppose he deserves a second chance.
He never had me fooled. By the time he closed that rift in the Temple of Sacred Ashes, I’d remembered his face, his voice. At first, it deepened my suspicion of him - the last time I’d come across him following a catastrophe, he had instigated it, albeit accidentally. But I reminded myself that my friend Surana trusted him, and I am glad I gave him the chance. He has thrown himself upon the chance to help and redeem himself - a chance I once needed myself - and he has done well. I... try to look out for him, for Surana’s sake. He would not forgive me if his oldest friend was hurt on my watch. That said, if he had broken Josephine’s heart as he broke his first love’s, no one would ever have found his body.
I... found him endearing from our first meeting. He was nervous, and scared, but so kind and eager to help. He never seemed like a distant leader, only a normal person trying to deal with something so much bigger than he was. I promised myself I would do my best to take care of him, and... well, one thing led to another.
When... when he confessed his past to me, I was shaken. But I understood. A single death I caused foolishly has weighed on me all these years. It pains me to think of all the guilt he carries, for deaths that came about because he wanted to help. Perhaps I should have been angry with him, but I was not. He had told me the truth, knowing that I might turn away from him. If anything, I was... touched, that he trusted me with it.
So I kept his secret, and encouraged him to face up to his past when the time was right. And when he did at last... I was so proud of him. He has come so far. He will go further - and I will always be at his side.
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mareebrittenford · 6 years
The Extra Fakes- Shadow Mirrors Chapter 3
The story so far... Lyse is drawn to the charming old house over on Orangethorpe, but when she tries to point it out to others, it’s like they can’t even see it. Only her two closest friends, Georgia and Lionel seem to be able to see it too. Them and David, the weird chess nerd turned distance runner. But he’s loaded up with his own issues.
Lyse is just about convinced it’s an elaborate prank, when her little sister momentarily disapears right in front of the place.
Here’s links to the previous chapters 1, 2
Please let me know what you think, I love feedback! 
I sleep like crap Friday night, stressing about that weird moment when Melody seemed to cease to exist.
Maybe I should have come straight home and told my parents about it, but what would I have said? Besides, I can't seem to trust anyone or any thing.
So instead I tried to sleep on it. When that didn't work out I decided to try my next best option for clearing my head. Running.
I decide to hit the river trail.
The river trail is not nearly as nice as it sounds. There are nice parts, the coves is a pretty little stretch, but this is the Santa Ana River, and long ago the banks were reinforced with concrete, so it looks more like a drainage culvert than a river. Since its dry right now it looks like a massive culvert with sand at the bottom. It's dry most of the time, and you can't imagine it ever filling up, until the winter rains come and turns into a raging torrent overnight.
If you head north eventually you'll get to the wealthier areas where it's lined with trees and moderately pretty. But here in Anaheim it's a big ditch paralleled with seepage pools, and a few hardy trees set back behind the trail. At this time of year the trail is hard packed dirt, dry and dusty, and not at all scenic. But you can run for miles without a traffic light, or worrying about cars.
I never go south, there's a huge homeless encampment right before Angel Stadium that my parents made me promise to stay away from. Me running on the river trail makes my parents nervous in general. But today, on a Saturday in the bright early morning there's plenty of runners and bikers out along both sides of the river. It's perfectly safe.
I'm not surprised when someone draws along side me, although I should be. He's been avoiding me for weeks, but now when I desperately need to talk to someone who maybe gets why I'm so scared he just appears, like I summoned him to me. And I expected him to.
"Hey," David says.
Of course I did come out here looking for him. He told me he likes running the river trail in the early morning. So it's not like he magically appeared. Perhaps outside of school, away from the pressure of that environment he can relax. Maybe he's ready to give me some answers. I should've tried this ages ago.
"Hey," I reply.
And that is literally all the conversation we have. I can't seem to figure out what to ask, and he's as avoidant as always.
When I reach my turn about spot I half expect him to go on further, but he sticks with me, all the way back to the gate onto the street near my house.
Okay, I want to talk to him, but he's not a puppy that I'm going to let follow me home. Even though he does know where I live (thanks Lionel!) that doesn't mean I'm fine with him following me back there. As much as I want answers he still makes me nervous.
So I stop under a shady tree and take off my sunglasses, waiting for him to look at me. He does, with reluctance, taking off his cap. His eyes are just as magnetic as I remembered. Brown, I note. They're brown. Probably why I couldn't remember the color before. I kept trying to imagine deep blue or exotic green. Now I know why I couldn't make it fit. I can't define what's so special about his eyes, but I find I have to force myself to look away.
"Why do you hide your eyes? They're beautiful." Not quite the opener I intended.
He hunches his shoulders. "Most people say creepy. I'd rather not freak people out when they look at me." That's weird, but not my concern right now.
"So, are you okay? We were worried about you." After you freaked out and ran off, I don't add.
"I'm okay. I mean, I get it. You had to test me, right?"
"Test you?" I want to be incredulous, but wasn't that sort of what I was doing? "I wasn't testing you."
He backs up looking nervous, and I hold my hands out, trying to look nonthreatening.
"Okay, I wasn't testing you, but maybe I was testing something. That house..."
He frowns. "What is that place?"
"I don't know!" That's what's scaring me.
"Okay, then easier question. What are you? You and Lionel. Are you, are you guys like me?"
His special eyes are lit with such hope. I don't want to disappoint him, but-
"Like you? Like you how? Do you mean your anxiety stuff?" What do I call it. Anxiety issues? Problems?
"No. Never mind. I thought something dumb." He looks away, breaking the connection.
I reach out to him, slowly, mindful of how he panicked when Lionel touched him, but even though he flinches a little when I touch his arm, he doesn't run.
"Are you okay? Seriously?"
To my horror he bursts into tears.
He sits down on the curb and puts his head in his hands. "Am I okay? Is it okay when your whole life is gone to hell and the people you thought were your friends don't want anything to do with you, and you don't really blame them, because you've become a monster."
All I want is some answers and instead I've got a 16 year old guy crying his eyes out right in front of me.
I so don't want to deal with this.
I sit down beside him anyway and awkwardly pat his shoulder.
"You're not a monster. Lots of people have mental health issues."
He laughs, that sort of sob laugh that people do when they're crying and laughing at the same time.
I press on anyway. "You know you can ask for help if you need it. I'm not judging you."
He's quiet for a few moments.
"You really don't know what I am, do you?"
"Dude, unless you're going around hurting people you're not a monster. I know that."
"How about freak? Does that fit me better?"
What happened to this guy? He said that he had these panic attacks because he went through something. What happened to him that makes him think he's a monster? I don't ask, what if asking makes him cry again? I don't want him to cry more. That was hella embarrassing.
"You're not a monster, or a freak."
"You don't know what I am."
"I know my instincts, and I trust what they're telling me." And I do. Somewhere in the last few minutes I've realized that the nervous edgy feeling I'm getting is because he's radiating it. I feel anxious for him, not because of him.
Amazingly that seems to calm him down, and he tilts his head, studying me, like he's been doing at school. Like he's trying to figure me out.
"How good are your instincts?"
The question feel oddly loaded. He's not asking casually, this is important. So instead of the flippant way I normally would deal with a question like that I answer seriously.
"I always know what people want. And you, you're a harder read than most, but you don't want to hurt anyone. You're just-- really scared."
And there's something else. Something I'm not sure how to express. It's why I had such a hard time reading him.
"Please," I ask. "I just want to know what's going on. I'm scared too. You know something about this weird stuff that's happening. Help. Please?"
He gives me a look, straight on with those eyes, I'm suddenly aware of my heart thumping in my chest, the swish of my blood, the thrum of my muscles, tired from the run, as if my body is a machine and I am aware of each part.
"I have to go," he says, and before I can say another word he's on his feet, face hidden beneath his cap, and leaving.
I clench my teeth in frustration as I watch him lope away.
I curse Lionel for asking me to help with his exciting new recruit. Does he even know what kind of mess he's handed me? Because from where I sit this whole mess seems to have started with David.
I stand by my belief that he doesn't want to hurt me, but he's set something in motion, something strange and frightening.
And I'm afraid that neither of us can stop it now.
I can't stay focused on my day after that. I go through the usual, chores at home, some homework, I meet up with Georgia and Alexis for lunch.
Alexis is Lionel's older sister, but she's a grade ahead of us in school, and we never seem to see her much anymore, so it should be nice to spend some time with her.
Instead all I do is wonder what she'd see if I put her in front of the fairy house.
Luckily the two of them chat on together and so I eat my hamburger and say no to going over to Alexis' place to hang out. Although Lionel would probably be around I don't feel up to coping with their loud busy household.
It's a relief to get home and find that my family has gone out, and I have the place to myself.
But hours of silence don't deliver any answers. Either there is something extremely weird about that place, or everyone I know is delivering up a massive prank. And I can't truly believe either. And now I have to weigh David and his cryptic comments in on the issue.
I start to type in an internet search, although what search terms should I use? I can't explain this in a few specific words.
Googling invisible, and only visible to some, and other related types of terms lead, predictably, to lots of stories about ghosts, stuff about science fiction, and finally some interesting articles about real science. How some people can literally see more colors because of an extra cone thing in their eyes.
That's cool, but hardly seems to explain what's happening to me. It's not like we're arguing about the line between pink and purple.
Besides, if it was some sort of genetic mutation (which, really? That makes a whole building seem to be another different building?) wouldn't my own sister be the person most likely to share that? Instead of my two best friends, with our fairly divergent gene pools, and some random other white guy who just conveniently showed up when this all started.
There's one page I read about how in fiction if a person can see the monsters that makes them one too. And I pause.
David seemed certain he was a monster. Is there something spooky and supernatural going on? If David is a monster, then what does that make me? I mean if I'm going to believe that I can see things that other people can't, then that is, strangely, the most logical conclusion.
It all seems so crazy. But I can't unthink it. My sister disappeared right in front of my eyes. A a place where I seem to be able to see things most other people can't.
David claimed straight up to be a monster. And he was asking if I was like him.
I need to make that guy talk to me.
I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling for a while.
Should I text Lionel and ask him for David's number and deal with the inevitable teasing? Or should I call Georgia and get her help to try to talk this out?
My phone vibrates with a text from an unknown number.
-Hey, it's David
-I got your number off Lionel, hope that's okay.
I stare at my phone for a moment. I summoned him again. It sounds crazy but today I feel like I could believe anything.
C- Can you read my mind?
I follow it up with an emoji, to show I'm not serious. Can’t be having him think I’m totally crazy.
D- No. At least I don't think so.
D- I just assumed you'd want to talk to me.
D- Should I be able to?
Well, this can't get any weirder.
C- I don't know how what anyone should be able to do anymore.
D- are you okay?
C- No.
D- I'm sorry about before. We can talk if you want.
C- Yes!
C- Can we meet?
By the time I get there I'm seriously regretting my decision to go over to his house, hurrying along in the orange light of the sunset. David assured me that his mother will be at home, and he didn't act like it was a stupid question. He knows that he makes me uneasy. It's why I didn't tell him to come to me, because somehow inviting him into my space feels too invasive. It's stupid, stupid, I'm trusting him with my secrets, but not my safety?
I'm hanging onto my confidence from earlier, that he doesn't want to hurt me, that what he wants from me is a friend.
It doesn't help when I realize that his house is a large, creepy Victorian, looming 3 stories high and painted dark shades of green and plum that seem to fade around the edges into the dusk.
It's in one of those strange little pockets of history that you get around here. Four fabulous heritage listed houses sit in a row, complete with vintage lamp posts and permit only parking, and right across the street there's crowded rows of shabby apartments. Not a good neighborhood. Not one I feel safe walking in after dark. How am I going to get home? So yeah, to sum up, I'm going out at night, to a rough neighborhood, into a creepy Victorian mansion, to hang out with a guy who believes he's a monster, and we're going to talk about the supernaturalish stuff that's been happening. Absolutely nothing about that can go wrong, right?
I stop and text Georgia and after I think for a second I text my mom too, telling her I'm working on something for school with David. She responds immediately, telling me it's getting late and to message her when I'm ready to come home and she'll pick me up.
The mundane conversation breaks the weird anything can happen type sense I've been building up for the last twenty four hours.
But then I turn back to David's creepy house. There's no easy access to the front door. I mean, there's a wrought iron fence with a gate, but there's also a huge black dog, some sort of boxer crossed with a bear by the looks of it, lounging on the front porch.
So I stand there and text David to come let me in. Some men cat call me from across the street, I'm many generations Californian, so despite the color of my skin I don't really speak Spanish, but I still know what those words mean. I try not to cringe, and regret not changing into something less revealing, although my shorts are hardly skimpy.
"Hurry up jerk," I mutter, resentful of David for not being here to let me in.
He appears in front of me suddenly.
"Hey, why didn't you just come on in? The gate's not locked."
I point to the dog, still lounging on the porch.
"He's fine, he won't bother you."
In fact, as we walk up the front steps the dog whines and backs away, it's eyes fixed on David.
"Your dog is afraid of you?" That seems bad.
"Yeah. Just another sucky development in my life. Come on. My mother is dying to meet you."
He opens the door and gestures ahead of him. I know he's just being polite, but somehow it feels like the point of no return. But who am I kidding? I'm not walking away from this. I need to know what the hell is going on.
To my relief his mother is hovering in the living room, just as promised. She's the most elegant, beautiful woman I think I've ever seen in real life. Her shiny dark hair is highlighted with deep red undertones and is beautifully styled, laying in artful curls and waves, and her makeup is impeccable. I feel shabby and sweaty, thoughtlessly dressed in a pair of jean shorts and tank top plus one of my vintage finds, a wool openwork top that I've repaired the moth holes in. I thought I did a good job of it, but I'm sure someone as fancy as this can tell.
But I feel no judgment. She seems truly thrilled to meet me, telling me to please call her Meredith. She takes us back to the kitchen and offering me a snack, a meal, whatever I want.
I accept a bottle of water, giving David a wary look. He shrugs and hunches his shoulders.
"No hats on indoors, you know that dear," his mom scolds, tapping him on the head.
He reluctantly removes his cap, fidgeting with it like he's just waiting for the moment he can put it back on.
It seems that his parents are going out for the evening (something I should've realized when I saw how nice his mom looked) and I shoot David a deadly glance.
"How are you going to get home dear? I don't want a young girl like you wandering around after dark." She looks back over at David. "Perhaps you can get your brother to drive her home?"
David frowns. "I'll walk her home."
At the same time I say "My mom is going to pick me up."
David smirks at me and then hunches back up.
Meredith frowns at that, wrinkles marring her smooth forehead. "Oh I suppose that's all right. We won't be leaving for another thirty minutes anyway, so if you're done before then we can drop you off."
David’s eyes flick to me. "We might hang out for a bit longer, so..."
And his mother smiles indulgently. Is this what it's like being a boy? You can have random girls over when your parents aren't home and your mom just smiles?
She pats me on the head and tells me how lovely it is to meet me and how she hopes to see me again soon.
I follow David upstairs to his room. I feel like I'm following a bear into a cave. I might be exaggerating the gothicness of all of it. I don't feel threatened by David, and at any time I can call my mom to come and pick me up. I'm not trapped. But it's all so weird.
We pass a door in the hallway with music vibrating out around the seams.  
"My brother," David says, waving a hand toward the music emanating door. "He's not going to surface any time soon, don't worry."
Why should I be worried about seeing his brother?
"Why was your mom so excited to see me? Don't you have other friends? You better not have told her we're dating."
"No, no, it's just-- part of what is going on with me. My friends aren't around much any more. She's just been worried about me."
His room is kind of a mess. The normal kind of mess. It looks like he picked up a bit before I came over, if the overflowing laundry hamper in the corner is any indication. But it's a comfortable, lived in sort of mess. It's not the mathematical perfection of Lionel's room, nor the regimented chaos Georgia lives in.
"This is nice," I say, looking around. The room is more of a suite actually. It's two fairly big rooms with a wide arch in the wall between them. He's got a bedroom, and a sort of living room, with a couch and a couple of armchairs. There's a big flatscreen tv, a desk along one wall littered with books and papers. Everything is done in pale neutral colors, like something from a magazine, if it was all tidy. He's got several gaming systems laid out below the television, and I can see an attached bathroom through a half open door. Everything about the space looks expensive. I should've realized when I saw the house, but David is rich.
"I'd have started hanging out with you before if I knew you had this kind of set up," I say, running my hand across a throw blanket, plaid in shades of grey and cream. Is that wool? I pick it up and drape it around my shoulders, instantly feeling safer and more comfortable.
"Why are you going to school with us regular people, shouldn't you be going to some place that ends with 'Academy?'"
"Yeah, yeah. My parents don't believe in private schools." He slumps down into one of the armchairs, and I take the one opposite, relieved that we're not going to be hanging out in his bedroom, even though the textiles on that bed look extremely desirable.
"So, ah, sorry about this morning. I'm really not usually so dramatic."
I laugh. "Really? Because from where I sit, you're just one dramatic moment after another."
He scowls and slouches down even lower. "Okay, fair," he mutters, tugging his cap down onto his head.
He really does seem to prefer to remain invisible.  
"Whatever happened to you must have been rough, for you to be having so much trouble dealing with it."
"Yeah." But he doesn't volunteer any more.
I study him. Perhaps invisible is the wrong word. Hidden. Seeking the shadows, even here in his own space. He looks almost relaxed, but it's relaxed like a cat lounging, ready to run or fight at the slightest provocation.
He's a human fight or flight response. Does he ever truly drop his guard?
He's also not talking.
Waiting. Waiting for me to set the tone of the conversation.
I take a deep breath.
"Look. Something weird is going on, and I don't understand it. But I think you do. Help me. Please. This is all scaring me."
"I don't know anything about that freaky house."
"but you know something," I persist. "You thought we were causing it or testing you or whatever."
"I know what happened to me. That's it."
He squirms. "I don't know if you really want to hear about that."
I don't know if I want to either."If you don't want to tell me then fine. But I thought that was why you had me come over. I thought you wanted to tell me about it."
He stares for a moment. "Okay. I'm nervous I guess. That you'll run away, that you'll hate me?" He leaps up and goes to the french doors, opening them out onto a balcony,that runs along the back of the house overlooking the jungle like back yard. Not a lot of maintenance going on with that, or perhaps they like having a yard that looks like unkempt wilderness.
Heavy shadow are gathering beneath the trees.
"Let's go into the back yard."
"Do we have to? Can we at least take a flashlight?"
"Flashlight, good idea. I forget about that now."
He ducks around me and back into his room, returning in a moment with a heavy duty looking light. The kind that you take camping, and floats in water and all that good indestructible stuff. He hands it to me, and then swings himself easily over the railing, dropping down to the ground below. Because, oh, there's no stairs.
"Are you for real? I know you have actual stairs in this house. We just came up them. I could go use them. It'll take one minute longer."
"This is faster. And my mom won't see us. Come on. You'll be fine, you're an athlete. Just toss me down the light first."
And despite never having done a thing like this before, I find that it is easy. I grab the railing and swing my legs over like David did, and then lower myself down to the ground.
"See? Easy."
"Why do we have to talk outside anyway?"
"So I don't freak out. Sorry. It's the enclosed spaces thing. Come on." He slips silently into the shadows.
Am I really doing this? Am I following this boy, who I know so little about, who makes me uneasy, into the dark? I seem to recall promising myself not to do this exact thing. But that was before.
He's not going to hurt me. I met his mother ten minutes ago, and despite how strange and remote this place feels there is a busy crowded apartment complex across the street. If I stop and listen I can hear cars and voices. Surely if I scream someone will come for me. Besides. I trust my instincts. And my instincts say he needs my help more than I need his.
David has disappeared anyway. I turn on the flashlight and pan it across the bushes, and I almost jump out of my skin when I see the flash of golden eyes. I swing the light back quickly, my heart pounding, but it's just David, standing patiently, waiting for me.
"Jeez you scared me. I thought for a second that I saw some sort of animal."
He's finally lost the cap, and he's staring at me with those odd eyes of his.
"Yeah, well not too far wrong."
"Well? Are you going to tell me something? Because I'd rather not get eaten alive by mosquitoes if it's all the same to you."
Bugs like mosquitoes aren't something that we normally have a problem with around here, the area being more desert than anything, but I'm sure that this lush yard has lots of places for them to breed. My skin itches in anticipation.
"I'm just trying to decide if I should just show you, or try to explain things first."
"Just show me. Unless it's the graves of your previous victims or something. In that case, I'm really hoping your mother isn't in on it with you."
He grins, and unease ripples down my back.
"No previous victims."
But then he's jiggling on his toes looking as unthreatening as can be.
"Okay, just, promise me that you'll wait, and let me explain, after. Okay?"
"What are you going to do?"
"Nothing that will hurt you. I promise. I'm not even going to touch you. But, I think it's going to scare you a bit. I'm going to do something to myself. I'll try to change back right away, but sometimes it's really hard, so be patient, okay?"
Why did I get myself into this?
"I ah, I need to take off my clothes first," he says, and and promptly pulls his tee-shirt over his head, and then kicks off his All Stars and starts unbuttoning his jeans.
I yelp and turn my back on him to give him privacy for whatever the hell he thinks he's doing. But somehow this had gone from intimidating to comedic.
"You can turn back, I'm keeping my shorts on, I think that should be okay."
I grudgingly turn back, and seriously. I cannot feel threatened by this guy standing there looking so pale and skinny. He's not very tall, maybe 5'7" at the most, and while he's definitely got some muscle definition he's still skinny and pasty. He can't weigh more than 130 pounds. Not at all threatening.
And despite his near nudity, nothing about this says sexy either. He just looks anxious and embarrassed.
"Okay. Here goes. Don't freak out, okay?"
He closes his eyes and takes a few slow deep breaths, like he's centering himself.
And then, and then he starts to change.
Yay cliffhanger ending. I’m sure no one at all can guess what David is lol.
If you’ve made it this far thanks for reading, As always I appreciate any support for my writing, so please check out my novels #1, #2, patreon and ko-fi!
Links to the previous chapters 1, 2
tagging @pinehutch @focusdumbass @timeenoughforamasterpiece @maximillianvalentine @q-oetry @rosy-writes @sunsetsrmydreams @goddessofnothingatall
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fatstevewrites · 6 years
For writers: How NOT To Write Dialog
Hey, guys! Like... All three of you.  Content has not been forthcoming because the past few months have been kinda crazy. First, Best Buy got weird. Then, I went full-time at Allegory, and quit Best Buy, and it was weird getting used to long days and consistent scheduling, and I had a bunch of stuff to catch up on at home. Which I didn’t, because of course I didn’t. And now, thanks to some financial crises coming up all at the same time, I’m being laid-off at Allegory at the end of the month. Yay, stress-induced mouth sores and motor tics! My favorite! So, this all means that I’m losing my job and my schedule stability, I haven’t cleaned my house properly for a month, it’s finally stopped raining and my lawn desperately needs to be mowed. Sounds to me like the perfect time to write another blog post! Today, I’d like to talk about writing, from the perspective of a reader.  As an aspiring writer, I read. A lot. A really, really huge lot. Part of why I have such a hard time getting anything done, in fact. I recommend this personality defect to everyone, it makes you smarter than TV will, in addition to being drastically more useful to someone trying to learn how to write, themselves. Writing is, at its heart, specifically for reading, isn’t it?  However, it’s also true that there’s no small number of things amateur writers can do to make themselves look like they need to read a little bit more. That’s why today, I’m going to talk about a few things writers often do that consistently take me out of the writing, specifically involving dialog.  1. Ridiculous children’s dialog.  Children are young and inexperienced, and as a result, their dialog is going to quite often sound very different from adults. However, since “young and inexperienced” does not universally translate to “severely mentally disabled”, there are some wrong ways to do this. Keep in mind when writing a child, what age and sex they are, what sorts of words they should (and shouldn’t) be using, what sorts of grammatical and pronunciation corruptions they should be using, so on, so forth. WHen in doubt, look up videos of children from the associated age range on YouTube. It’s very difficult to take your child character at face value if they’re 13 and everyone accepts their inability to pronounce the letter R as an artifact of their youth, and not a legitimate speech impediment. Your contemporary 4-year-old is probably not going to come across as believable if they never use contractions and they address their parents as “mother” and “father” rather than the significantly easier to pronounce “mommy” and “daddy”. That shit is creepy. If that’s what you’re going for, great! But more often than not, you probably aren’t. Perhaps the most important, is in hyper-pluralization. WHen children learn a grammatical rule, they try to apply it as a blanket across all examples they see. For example, words like “mice”, “geese”, “deer” et. al, usually get redundantly or incorrectly pluralized to something like “mouses”, “geeses”, “deers”, so on, so forth. What this DOESN’T mean, however, is sprinkling extra letter S’s into every second or third word of the dialog. If yours child characters is talkings like this, that’s not Timmy Toddler you’ve just written, that’s Skwisgaar Skwigelf.  2. Hyper-formal speech for no good reason. I always found the most unnerving, jarring, uncanny-valley part of The Matrix trilogy to be the parts where the characters are in the distant future, living in a grimy underground city, eating recycled protein paste and rubbing their USB ports together in carved-out stone alcove beds, but suddenly everyone has forgotten how to use contractions, and their vocabulary choice makes them sound like they’re reading off of a formal business letter. It gets even worse when you watch movies like Battlefield Earth, where the unwashed post-apocalyptic masses don’t even have the benefit of learning how to speak in such a stilted manner while plugged into giant cornstalks. It’s weird and it’s jarring, not old-timey and proper. This goes for all time periods, but especially for contemporary and futuristic. People are lazy. The internet, the biggest and most gloriously complex invention mankind has ever conceived of, was originally drawn up by college professors who didn’t want to get up out of their chair and use two different computers. It’s hard to believe that as time goes by, people will resort to more complicated and time-consuming speech patterns just for the hell of it. 
 3. Middle-English pronoun abuse. If you’re trying to write Middle English, on the other hand, don’t just sprinkle in the flowery pronouns to sound pretty. There are appropriate times to use thee, thou, thy, thine, and ye, and they are not interchangeable, and it’s *really* embarrassing to use them incorrectly and have someone who understands them, have absolutely no idea what you’re trying to say.  I won’t go too deep into grammar and specific use, but a simple reader’s digest is that “thou” and “thee” are simple second-person pronouns, subject and object respectively, “thy” and “thine” are possessive forms, and “ye” is the plural. There are a whole bunch of really good, quick-and-easy guides on when to use these pronouns, along with more Middle English stuff such as early contractions and grammatical corruptions that sound cool and help to add immersion to your work. Since it really is sort of a different language, it’s important to understand it before trying to write it. The alternative is to just keep being the literary equivalent of that pixie-cut mommy type driving the burgundy GMC Acadia with an unrealistically large stick figure family and “LIVE LAUGH LOVE” on the liftgate window, who tries to communicate with the Latino cashier at Best Buy by adding “el” to the beginning of every word and ending them all with “-o”. 4. Stammering. Like, a whole lot. Emotion in dialog is a funny thing. When the word choice and punctuation are just right, and the line breaks reflect pauses and body language, the reader can really be drawn in and feel like part of the story. On the other hand, some people just make everyone fucking stammer all the time like the poor character has just finished recovering from a stroke. I don’t know about you, but that *really* takes me out of the moment. This is especially common when a character is being portrayed as shy or nervous, and for some reason, amateur writers seem to like to turn the stammer dial up to 11 when writing dialog for a sexually submissive character in an erotic scene or story. In these situations especially, it makes absolutely no sense. If your character doesn’t have some sort of neurological disorder or a severe stutter, and isn’t freezing to death, th-then th-th-they sh-shouldn’t b-b-b-be t-talking l-li-like th-this. Normal people will stutter or slip in speech once in a while, especially when they’re stressed or excited, but sounding like Porky the Pig is not normal, and it certainly is not sexy. Seriously, think to yourself for a moment. When’s the last time you heard a real person, excluding those dealing with an actual stutter, or currently dying from hypothermia, who sounded like that? And no, the token shy new kid in the latest Fantasy-Themed High-School Of The Week anime doesn’t count as a real person. 5. Obtuse F-bomb surrogacy. This is almost exclusively within the realm of sci-fi, generally limited to young authors attempting to be edgy but worried their friends or family might see their work and think they’re uncreative or vulgar. It’s happened a bunch on network television, as well, but the extent is quite different. Imagine a dark and serious sci-fi adventure following the exploits of a sexy cyborg mercenary badass involving gratuitous, graphic violence, complicated, deep adult themes, and occasionally even fairly explicit sexuality, and the strangely incongruent use of hyper-sanitized nonsense versions of contemporary profanity.  One moment, our heroine is  murdering a band of armed thugs with a piece of broken pipe, and the next, she’s telling someone to go frell themself, or that she can’t find her fracking space helmet. It’s true, language changes. New words replace old words, the meaning and common use of such words changes and evolves to suit society’s agreed-upon use of said words. However, I promise you that this isn’t going to happen to “fuck” for a very, very long time. The word “fuck” has been in documented use in current form since as early as the 12th century, and came into relatively common use as early as the 14th. If we’re using the word in essentially the same context with virtually the same meaning more than 700 years later, and it only gets more popular, more widespread, and more socially acceptable by the day, it stands to reason that another 700 years probably won’t have a huge effect on its linguistic use as the ultimate profanity multitool. To keep it right to the point, your audience (me) is going to find the tone bizarrely discontinuous if you’re fine writing about some very dark, adult themes involving graphic violence, death, and eroticism all silhouetted against the backdrop of a grand battle to rescue humanity from the brink of cosmic oblivion, but your protagonist isn’t allowed to scream “Fuck” at the top of his lungs when he stubs his toe. You know, like normal human beings do. If you’re concerned about being seen as vulgar or uncreative with your dialog choice, then maybe use some other words in addition to “fuck”, like normal people also do. And on the off chance you’re writing for younger audiences who shouldn’t really be seeing that kind of language per modern social standards, then perhaps the adult themes, graphic violence and eroticism were a bad place to start. Just say “Fuck”.  By not showing these issues in your writing, regardless of whether that’s by not having done them  in the first place, or by eliminating the ones you find yourself guilty of, you make your dialog dramatically more relatable and more readable, and by extension, you and your work look a whole lot more professional.  So, now that that’s done, I’d like to talk about my own writing project a little bit. It’s a long time in the making, a science fiction piece involving heavy cyberpunk and space opera themes, centered around historical allegory. Imagine about 600 years in the future, where mankind has industrialized, though maybe not perfected, long-range, faster-than-light space travel. Finding habitable planets to colonize is hard and costly and time-consuming, and terraforming planets to make them more suitable for human life is only slightly less so. In 2686, humanity is only a scant 45 years past its first large-scale interstellar war, which has just totally decimated the economy of the Core Systems, the nation which really kinda started the whole thing as a land grab. Clifford Cryer is an aging private security contractor who, aside from heavy cybernetic alteration, is not quite human.  His entire subspecies was genetically for the purpose of reinforcing dwindling troop reserves during the latter half of the war, and when they came home after the Core Systems surrendered, the economy didn’t really know what to do with them. With each passing day, the sentiment against the cruel and excessive sanctions placed on the Core Systems by their enemies in the previous war cause public sentiment to grow against foreigners and nonhumans, and things take a turn for worse when his home is rocked by a massive terrorist bombing. As a result, Cryer is framed as one of the perpetrators in a massive conspiracy, forcing him to decide whether it’s more important to him to fight for survival, or to fight for the truth. 
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I wonder how Anti would react to Kinkiplier? Would he be just as annoyed as Dark?
okay, so the mission seemed easy enough. sneak into the other egos offices, steal a laptop, and rush back to their own meeting room so they can go through it. kink nodded as wilford and dark brought him up the speed. "you do realize we're only asked you because you're quite literally the only ego free right now, right?" dark asked.kink nodded and made a noise of approval. his gag still in place. "and you do realize if you mess this all up they'll either kill you or hold you captive, right?" wilford added, "you don't wanna end up like mark bop, poor guy was capture for a week and now all he speaks in is gibberish and babbling."kink tilted his head in a sign of confusion, furrowing his eyebrows. dark rolling his eyes before shooing him out the getaway van, "wait!"kink turned back around, dark cringing as he unbuckled the gag from kink's mouth and removed his blindfold. "please, for the love of evil, throw this shit away." he pulls up the wet gag."no can do, darkidoo--""hey! that's my nickname for dark!" wilford yells. turning around towards the commotion."i mean, as long as i'm screaming for dark under some covers i'll take any name he likes," kink purred. dark giving a...less than amused face and flipping him off before closing the van door. "he...is gross." dark shuddered, climbing into the front seat of the van. "are you sure he's not just misunderstood? perhaps he has different tastes but he does hold consent and respect above all things. perhaps he has weird kinks but he makes sure everyone and everybody is safe, sane, and comfortable. perhaps its us who just don't understand the taboo behind different lusts just because its different to our own, we're the ignorant ones here.""...jesus, wil, where did that come from?""hmm? oh, sorry, blacked out there for a second," wilford sits up, "anyways yeah kink's fuckin' weird." ***kink successfully snuck past their so called security guard -- which was really just some undead looking boy with a baseball bat. poor guy was muttering about a 'stupid job' and 'why can't chase be security man today?'he barrel rolled out the hallway and into the nearest open office. thankful a guy like him is so flexible (in more ways than one). nearly missing a pair walking by. "dude, the avengers can beat any type of dorky magic bullshit any fuckin' day." one dressed in a red superhero suit spoke up. walking beside another copy of himself wearing a tuxedo and cat mask. the two arguing, making kink laugh. what nerds. finally he stood up, closing the office door and getting to work at finding a laptop. not taking in his surroundings until, well, it was too late. looking up from his search at the desk. the walls were a shade of black, dark -- almost sickly green carpeting under him. the walls adorned with targets, all littered with /knives/ instead of darts. the bookshelf filled with books of rituals of...well, who know what fucking demonic powers. the desk itself was littered with instructions on different methods to kill. and a large, stainless, steel knife on the edge of the desk. "what the hell kind of office is this?" kink asked. his blood running cold as he heard the doorknob jiggle. ducking under the desk and hiding out as he heard the owner of the office enter. he bet it was some emo kid, some dark and edgy guy who probably still listened to Panic! At The Disco or Green Day. he wasn't expecting such a cute and mysterious boy sitting down in the office chair. scrolling through his phone, his dark eyes and glitching static. smiling as he felt the need to woo him off his feet arise. kink bet this cutie was into some weird shit and he was all for it. "hello, baby boy." kink said as he moved himself from under the desk. anti jumping back and screeching, almost hissing. "who the hell -- wait," anti stopped, "wilford? did you shave the mustache?""what? no i'm not--""bim?""no, i'm not--"host? did you get some shady plastic surgery to give ya eyes?""i'm not!! i'm a new egos!!"anti sat up, intrigued. his need to kill and stuff this new ego's dead body down a trash can subsiding, "new ego? what the hell is that mark doing making new egos," he sighed. "what's your name?""kinkiplier.""...kinkiplier...?"the sudden outburst of laughing made kink frown, it...it was a good name!! it /fit/ him like a glove!! oh, but he knew how to deal with people like this. dark and mean, but once you got under their skin..."laugh now, but soon i'l have you squirming and screaming, baby boy." kink smiled as he inched closer to anti. anti's laugh dying on his lips."erm, what the hell are you on about?""can't you see? i know how bad boys like you like to play." kink laughed low in his throat. inching anti back into his chair. kink taking a seat right on anti's lap. the position awkward, but suitable for his plans."bad boy? i'm...i'm just -- i mean!" kink laughed again, catching anti's chin in his fingers gently. making him look into his eyes, half lidded and full of lust. "tell me, baby boy, what's your fantasy? anything you dream of when alone, and don't be shy," he leans in to peck anti's cold lips, "i'm no prude like the others. i can make all those fantasies come true."anti flustered as he experimentally kissed kink back. heart thumping and breathing slow and deep. he's never had this attention before. most run away and cower in fear of him, this guy was...different. in a good way. "i...like this one thing...""hmm?" kink smiled as he kisses anti's cheek, "what is it, baby boy? give me 30 minutes and i can make those little dreams come true..."***"WHERE IS HE?!" dark finally cracked. throwing the soda he had been drinking out the window in rage. the poor woman who was drenched in it looked around confused at whoever dirtied her. "probably dead. or alive but captured. or playing dead." wilford said through bites of his burger. the kinky ego gone for so long they had time to drive off and get a late lunch. getting nothing for kinkiplier though, he didn't pitch in at all. "or...he...wouldn't use other methods of getting a laptop from them would he...?"the two stared at each other. wilford with a few fries hanging out his closed mouth and dark's realization. "oh no." the two stared back at the building as kink rushed out. climbing into the van with the promised laptop. "DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE." he yelled as wilford sped away, robbie the zombie trying to chase after the two before throwing a tantrum and rushing back inside the building. "don't ever say i--wait you guys got lunch?" kink stopped as he noticed the burger wrapper, "without me?!""hey, you didn't pitch in jack shit for this Burger King, so suffer." wilford munched away, "how did you get it?""i used some good old fashioned methods to get it. nothing too bad though," he laughed as the two others groaned. grabbing his gag again, "hey. question -- who was the cute demon dude with the wound in his neck?"the van screeched to a halt. the two head egos looking back at kink, who had his gag back in, smiling away. "you went after anti?!"***"DOCTOR!" robbie the zombie rushed back in, "they got away!! and i don't want to be security anymore, its hard!!""damnit!" schneeplestein cursed, throwing his pen and clipboard down in anger. "what did they take?! who did they take?! is everyone here?!""doc," chase rushed in, "found everyone but..." he shook his head, "i need help with anti."schneeplestein grabbed his first aid kit from his own office and ran over to anti's office. expecting the worse scenario -- anti decapitated, anti shot, anti (ironically) stabbed. he wasn't expecting to see anti disheveled and clothed. tied up some weird kinky bdsm way, thick rope over his chest and legs, blindfold in place and a makeshift gag in his mouth. "what the?" the doctor muttered as he ripped the gag and blindfold away from anti. anti thrashing about. "FINALLY," he gasped, "what took ya so long, kink? i thought you said you're gonna get the--""kink?""...schneep? oh--" he tried to get out of his binds, blushing madly as he trashed about, "g-get me out of here!! i...i was tied up by some mad man!! i had no idea!!""anti, is that a hickey on your neck?" "shut UP chase!! it was...a mad man who marks his victims with...uh," schneeplestein laughed as he cut through the rope. anti sitting up, crossing his arms. grumpy and used. he knew kink was bullshitting him -- they always did. and now kinkiplier was just added to the list of 'People I'm Going To Kill Without Mercy' -- right under dark and right before the cast of Riverdale (hey, he hated the show a lot. give him a break.) "...hey," anti spoke up from the teasing and mocking laughter, "did that fucker take my laptop?"the laughter quickly died as they all looked at anti. "...you /idiot!/"***kink sat down with the host in the shared break room, tired from his so called mission that day. removing his gag to sip at the hot chocolate he'd made himself. "the host inquires about the last mission kink had with the other egos today.""hmm? oh yeah, /that/." he laughs as he takes another sip, "i walked right in and put the moves on the dark emo one.""anti? the ego with the wound in his neck?""yeah yeah!! him," he laughs more, "i just wooed him, as i do, and he told me some private shit he likes. tied him up, promised i'd come back with something to gag him with. i took his laptop and booked it out of there, i was like james bond." he hums the theme song as host laughs quietly. "the host must ask what anti is into. he's a peculiar ego who nobody knows much about.""aw, just normal stuff. he really likes being told he's loved and appreciated. poor guy's starving for positive attention.""the host feels displeased with this realization. did kinkiplier really play with anti's emotions?""host, babe, its a dog eat dog world. gotta take advantage of what you can to move forward," kink chuckles darkly, "you should know that. right, author? stealing people out of their lives to move forward in what was your career. killing, maiming, and silencing anyone who got in your way. don't think just because i act the way i do doesnt mean i don't know shit about you and everyone else here, author.""...the host is uncomfortable and wishes to leave. a panic attack rising in his chest, ready to burst out the longer he stays.""aw, i'm just messing with ya, hostie!!" kink laughs and presses a kiss to the host's cheek, the smell of hot chocolate rich in the host's nose, "im gonna go see google, see ya around!"the host sits and starts to cry bloodied tears. holding his cup of coffee close. shaking with fright. no...no, he...he was promised those secrets were buried. he was promised they would never be brought up again. the host cries harder as the gravity of what just happened hits him. perhaps kinkiplier isn't what he seems.
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