#techno always felt like peace to me
viktorscane · 2 months
‘in the bedroom after the war’
when technoblade left the dream smp. phil adjusted relatively quickly. after all, the two had spent plenty of time away from each other in the past and he knew it was only a matter of time before they would see each other again.
one thing he would never quite get used to though, was the quiet. while techno was never a super talkative person the creaking of the wooden floorboards, the mumbling to himself, the front door opening and closing often as the piglin hybrid went about his daily chores, the dogs barking, the scribbling of quill on parchment. all sounds that were inherently technoblade were suddenly gone.
the first few days were hard, a grief settling over phil’s heart as he tried to navigate the silence and understand why his closest companion left so suddenly. on the fourth day, though he awoke to the usual caw-ing of his crows outside. he rolls over, the sun streaming in through the window bathing the room in a beautiful pink and golden glow. it was peaceful and quiet as his new life typically was.
he stirs more and finally pushes himself up out of the large, empty bed. pushing himself down the stairs to the still smoldering fire. he throws a few logs on top, adding water into the kettle perched atop it. reminding himself to add only enough for himself, as he had been making enough to serve two the last few days.
he rubs his eyes sleepily, giving a crow a light scratch on the head as he passes it. it caws shrilly, staring pointedly at the seed bag in the corner of the kitchen. “i know, i know.” he mutters. “let me make my tea first, mate.”
he opens a cabinet to grab a mug from the shelf, he notices that most of the clean mugs were on the highest shelf. most of them being varying shades of red and pink, belonging to techno. phil sighs and pushes himself onto his tiptoes and reaching almost blindly to get one. the shelf buckles a bit under the weight and the closest mug tips and down it goes.
it hits the ground with a loud thud, phil swears and rubs his temple with annoyance.
dropza LOL dropza dropza OLD AGE LOL fallza E
he pauses, quiet voices echoing around his brain. he takes a step backwards looking around the room to find the source of the voices. only being met with more quiet chants of ‘PHIL!’
it took a moment for his tired mind to process that these voices existed in his mind, but were very much real. he wracks his brain for some sort of explanation, he hadn’t hit his head recently right? was the events of the last few weeks finally taking a toll on his psyche?
he listens to the chants for a second longer, the mumbling blended together mostly but some things stuck out to him. one phrase in particular was very very familiar.
it was a phrase that techno mumbled to himself often and had mentioned that the voices in his head spoke that phrase like a mantra. from his understanding, when technoblade had ascended to godhood the voices were a side effect. they mostly rambled about whatever he was doing in the moment but they also helped him during combat to give him information about the other party. they were bloodthirsty and violent but techno always regarded them as a part of him.
phil bends down and picks up the mug, it remarkably hadn’t broken in the fall. he turns it over in his hands brushing the dust off of it. he runs his fingers over the crown that had been carved into the front of the clay. he remembered techno sitting down with his dagger on the steps of their home and working at the clay. it was clumsily made and the crown was crooked, lines shaky and uneven. but it was so inherently techno that it made phil smile fondly.
the voices rumbled on about what felt like nonesense in the background as phil sets it down on the counter, bracing himself against it.
he could only take this as a sign from his long time companion, friend and ally. sending his greatest assets to phil as if to tell him that he’s okay. his heart ached but he persevered, tipping the boiling water into the mug and adding the tea bag in. he pushes open the curtains, staring out the window towards the brilliant pink and gold that was slowly fading away from the sky as the daylight began to filter in.
“hello there, old friend.” he says softly.
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sansxfuckyou · 5 months
nowhere to hide out in the open
summary: the one good thing about these 'Genre Peace' meetings, it would be that Delta Dawn has an excuse to be next to Queen Essence
warnings: its just fluff
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To be frank, Delta Dawn didn't necessarily enjoy the fact that the genre leaders had to meet up in Funk's spaceship of sorts; they called it Vibe City. The deck may have been solid beneath her hooves and the air perfectly metered in temperature, but it still felt wrong. Just something made her feel off about living up here, especially when they used to inhabit the deserts and oasis's below.
The only plus was the fact that she was allowed a seat next to Queen Essence, Funk's co-ruler. Pale blue fur and glistening silver tinsel littered across her form and like necklaces on her neck. A spattering of glitter on her face and golden adornments in her hair, voice a gentle timbre and comfy pace-
Delta Dawn definitely enjoyed her, and the fact that she was married with children.
"Now, Queen Poppy, are you sure we really need to unite geographically as well?" Trollzart asked, and the annoying sound of his voice snapped Delta out of it. He sounded like a 'woodwind,' as the Classical's called those instruments.
"Yeah, Popseed, I quite like Volcano Rock City. The Rocker's need some heat to keep us going," Barb tacked on, voice sharp as always with a blunt edge that Delta respected. Even if the gal tried to destroy all music, she had good work ethic.
Poppy gave a nervous laugh, "Well we could at least try making a place where the cross-genre's and genrefluid Trolls could exist in peace?"
"A utopia," King Quincy supplies.
"A Trollstopia, if you will," Queen Essence adds on.
"The only problem with that is the Techno's, they can't be out of water for prolonged periods of time," Branch said. He was already splaying out blueprints, "I'll work on a fix."
"I can help manufacture it," Trollex said and his voice also had an annoying sting too it out of water, oddly synthetic but natural to their speciation.
"Dawn," Queen Essence said, and it took Delta a moment to realize she was referring to her.
The sheriff of Country nodded, "Yes, miss Essence?" Country sensibilities sneaking into her speech again, she really hopes that isn't an offence in Funk.
Instead it makes Queen Essence smile, "Do you have any objections to this Trollstopia?" There's a softness to her tone, a calm that Delta doesn't know too well. Everyone's much gruffer in Country, more to the point and strict about it. Working together is loving each other and tussling in a rodeo is a love language.
Funk Trolls are so... Different, in a refreshing way of course. It's confusing too, Delta never took herself for a romantic, but the Queen is doing something to her. And it's just how she exists too, even when they aren't interacting she's just like this. Smooth and calm and with an amount of allure that Delta is sure must be practiced in advance.
"I got no objections to it, I think it's a great idea," Delta said before standing up and pushing aside the cushion she sat upon. At the slightest hint of Poppy going to speak up, she waved it off, "I'm fine, Queen Poppy, I just need to stretch my legs, get some water."
Her hooves clicked uncomfortably against the metal-adjacent platforms below her. She rubbed her temples as she walked, taking long, deep breaths to try and compose herself. How on earth do they expect her to keep it together when they put her beside Queen Essence? She shouldn't be getting this worked up over a married Troll.
"Dawn, you're probably gonna need some help finding the vending machines," Came a gentle voice from behind her and all she could do was freeze up.
"Naw, I'll be fine, Queen Essence," Delta said, turning to give her an affirming smile. It looked kind of forced.
"Please, just call me Essence," She said before leading Delta along and the sheriff followed without questioning her own actions despite her previous defiance.
Delta gives a huffing sort of sound, it earns her a perplexed look before she remembers that the Funk Trolls don't have that in their lexicon, "Then I have ta ask that you call me Delta."
Essence gives a long hum as she pads down the halls, her paws are near silent against the flooring. A stark contrast to the clip-clop of Delta's hooves, "I'll see what I can do for you."
The slight teasing lilt coupled with a small chuckle has Delta going mad. She trots up closer to the queen of Funk and follows her obediently down the halls. The swirled design of Funk architecture matches the consistent beat thrumming below them in the main corridors. It pulses with a faint glow, so subtle it's almost unnoticable unless you really look close- and Delta needs something to stare at that isn't her guide.
When they come to a stop Essence grabs her a bottle of water, gifted in return for a small melody in a genre Delta doesn't know well. It's interesting technology really, maybe Country is outdated after all. Then she remembers that Pop still lives in the woods and hasn't rebuilt after they had their empire swept out from under their feet by the Bergens. Her genre isn't too far behind, and Funk is highly advanced anyways.
"So, Delta, what's got you down?" Essence asked, dropping down to sit with folded legs on a cushion. Delta followed suit, a low table between them, and she didn't quite sit the same way Funk Trolls did but she made it happen.
"Nothin's got me down," Delta said, twisting the cap off the bottle, "Don't know what gave you that idea."
Essence's brows furrowed, but she didn't narrow her gaze much. She just sighed, "I can't be offended that you don't want to tell me, but I can be offended that you think I can't see what's right in front of me."
That shakes Delta down to her core, she didn't expect Essence to have such keen observations as well. She nearly chokes on her water which has a tang too it, a hint of citrus flavouring perhaps? She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, "I suppose I shouldn't treat ya like an idiot cause you're different than me."
"Some signs are universal," Essence said, "And your vibes aren't exactly feeling on point."
Delta gives a low laugh, "You have a point there, Queen Essence. You're mighty smart, mighty tenacious for waiting so long for your son to show up."
Essence smiles a smile that's so warm it contradicts the soothing frosted hue of her form. She tilts her head a bit as she smiles, a small laugh arising and she brings a paw to hide it. "I'm flattered, Dawn."
"Essence, you seem like the loving type," Delta begins, "Happily married and whatnot."
"So it's a romance problem you have."
She nods, "Yeah, that. What would you say is the best action for loving someone whose already set for life?"
That gives Essence pause, and she's more than clever enough to piece it together right then and there, but she still takes a moment. "In Funk we're usually pretty open, most relations are fluid and shifting states frequently."
"They are?" Delta asked a bit too fast.
"Of course they are, Delta. Are they not in other genres?" Essence asked, a genuine curiosity lacing her voice.
Delta shakes her head, "We're rather monogamous in Country."
"Tell me, Delta," Essence begins, a type of smile on her face that makes Delta shiver. Essence leans a little bit closer, "Is it me?"
"What gave it away, your majesty?" Delta asked.
"Country Trolls are very up front, it translates to the way you act," Essence explained before pressing a kiss to Delta's cheek. It left a silvery, snowy mark in its wake and Delta was too stunned to move. It made Essence giggle a bit.
"But, but you're royalty!" Delta managed to get out, "Doesn't royalty have ta keep a closed relationship?"
Essence shrugged and the tinsel shifted and coat the technicolor glow of Vibe City. "Quincy is understanding, I doubt he'd mind if we let you in for a bit."
"Well alright then." She's not in a cohesive enough mindset to get anything else out of her mouth. She's wearing this dumb grin on her face that's quick to fall.
Essence brings a paw to Delta's face, "What's wrong, darling?"
"Nothin' that needs to be worried about now," Delta brings her hand to rest on Essence's wrist, or ankle maybe? Delta isn't too sure of the proper terminology to use.
"You got your legs stretched out enough to head back, Dawn? They can't make much progress without Country," Essence asked.
"I'm ready," Delta said before standing up, she traced a digit across the lipstick mark on her cheek, "Say, won't this be incriminating evidence?"
"Quincy won't mind," Essence assured with a hum.
"The others?"
"They're in our home, we can evict them."
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alixlives · 1 year
summary: nothing, just c!sbi
we pretend the lore didnt happen here
c switch!tommy(he/xey/they), switch!revivedbur(he/they), c switch!technoblade(he/him/they) c switch!philza(he/him)
strictly platonic THEY ARE FAMILY. SHIPPERS & N$FW DNI
word count: 4,034
this is my first time writing a fic including techno since june 14 2022
this is ALSO my LONGEST fic ive ever written! After 5 months it is FINALLY HERE🥲
THIS IS THE C! CHARACTERS!! except it isnt really lore based
c!sbi my beloved
Phil could, for the first time in what felt like forever, say he felt at peace.
All three of his children —technically, only one was actually his son, but he treats them all as such— were in the other room, and Phil could vaguely hear what was going on as the door was cracked open. He could hear them messing around and laughing like they were kids again. Phil had been so stressed lately, but his family being together again had wiped it away. There was a small smile on his face, he hadn’t even noticed.
It was a very loud shriek that broke the avian from his thoughts. He quickly rushed to the room, swinging the door open with a look of panic. It was quickly switched with relief as he realized what was happening.
Wilbur had Tommy trapped in his lap, the blonde squirming and kicking relentlessly as his older brother scribbled all over his stomach while Techno gently squeezed up and down his thighs. “GUHUHUYS!”
Phil stood in the doorway, waiting to see if he’d have to step in or if any of them would notice he was there. He watched as the youngest tried, and failed, to push away the hands of his brothers through his pleas.
“Something wrong, Toms?” Wilbur smirked, switching to pinching up and down Tommy’s sides.
“Yeah, you’re laughing an awful lot. Did we say something funny?” Techno’s smirk matched Wilbur’s.
“YOHOU’RE TIHIHICKLING MEHE!” The blonde went limp in Wilbur’s lap, then realizing Phil was in the doorway. “PHIHIL, HEHEHELP!”
And there was his cue. He stepped into the room, spreading his wings to get the attention of the twins. It worked. They both ceased the tickling, looking up at Phil. Tommy just curled up and hid his bright red face behind his hands.
“Oh, hey Phil!” Wilbur grinned innocently, elbowing Techno in the ribs as a silent way of saying to do the same. Which he did, after flinching with a muffled “ow.” He slightly waved to Phil.
“Hello Wilbur, hey Techno,” Phil crossed his arms, looking down at his sons.
“Mind explaining this?” The avian gestured to Tommy, who was still curled in a ball and giggling —assumingly from the ghost tickles.
“Hm? Oh, we were just messin’ with our little brother, ‘s all,” Techno smiled, bringing one hand to prod Tommy’s side which caused xem to flinch and giggle even more.
“Yohou tried to kihihill mehe!” Tommy whined, getting up and speed-walking to stand next to Phil, who wrapped his non-damaged wing around the teen.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Tommy! Besides, we all know you like being tickled anyway.” Wilbur’s innocent smile turned into a smirk when the younger blonde’s face went bright pink. Xey opened their mouth to protest, but they couldn’t seem to find words to say so he just shut his mouth.
“Well, they’re not wrong on that one, mate.” Phil smiled, bringing up his wing to brush along the back of Tommy’s neck for a second. Xey ducked away and went back to sit in between Techno and Wilbur, light giggles pouring from their lips.
“You aren’t exactly safe here, either, Tommy,” Techno spoke flatly, but he had a smirk on his face as he gently spidered across Tommy’s stomach, emitting a squeal from the younger.
“Why ahaham ihi always the taharget!?” He whined, scooting closer to Wilbur and curling in on himself. It took everything in Wilbur’s power to not coo out loud.
“Probably because of how ticklish you are,” Wilbur stated like it was an entirely normal sentence. Tommy sat up straight and immediately started yelling.
“Everyone in this fucking house is ticklish, not just me!” Tommy exclaimed, exaggerating xeir statement by talking with their hands. Phil shrugged, silently saying “fair.” Techno, however, gave a look of disagreement.
“Everyone?” Techno repeated. “I’m not. I don’t even react to it.” Tommy tilted his head like a confused dog.
“Bullshit! Look!” Tommy sprung up and tackled Techno down. The pinkette immediately started fighting back, the two of them rolling on the ground trying to get the upper hand while Wilbur and Phil watched. It ended with Tommy keeping Techno pinned down, holding his wrists away so he couldn’t fight back.
“Tommy, don’t evEN-“ Techno cut himself off, pursing his lips and squirming as Tommy clawed at his upper ribs through his shirt, the fabric doing absolutely nothing for protection. Tommy had a wide grin, Techno’s struggling being very evident.
“Laugh for me, Techno!” Tommy yelled before ducking xeir head down and blowing a raspberry on Techno’s neck. That broke the damn, high pitched huffs of laughter emitting from the pinkette below the teen.
“Tohohohommy! Gehet awahahay!” Techno pressed his arms down more, trying to scrunch up his shoulders but failing with Tommy’s head in the way.
“You really walked right into that one, mate,” Phil commented with a small chuckle, Wilbur giggling at the scene next to him. He snuck a few pokes to Techno’s side every now and then to see him jolt and complain, “Wihilbur!”
Techno free’d his hands, pushed Tommy off and scooting to sit 5 feet away. “That wahas not necessary.”
“It was very necessary, in my humble opinion,” Wilbur grinned and brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around themself. “Seeing the big, tough Technoblade get taken down so easily by tickling will always be amusing.”
“Big talk for someone who screams from a mere poke to their ribs,” Phil piped up, walking over and kneeling next to Wilbur to poke at his upper ribs— to which Wilbur, well, screamed at.
“PHIL! Fuhuck off!” Wilbur backed away, moving closer to Tommy and “hiding” behind xem.
“You think I’ll protect you?” Tommy turned to look at Wilbur. “Hell no! It’s your turn, dickhead!” Tommy quickly turned around and pushed Wilbur down, easily pinning them and digging xeir fingers into his ribs. Wilbur shrieked, grabbing onto Tommy’s wrists and trying to push them away.
“TOHOHOMMY, NOHO!” Wilbur threw his head back, their body jolting when he felt a hand start squeezing at his side. It was Phil.
“I think it’s time you’ve had a turn, yeah? Come on, mate. You were just making fun of Techno for how ticklish he is, but I’d say you’re even worse.” Phil spoke casually, bringing his hand down to pinch and drill his thumb just barely above Wilbur’s hip bone. Wilbur screamed louder than any of the other three boys had ever heard, and again when they felt another hand scribbling under one of his knees.
“NOHOHO! NOHOT AHAHALL OF YOHOHOHOU!” Wilbur covered his face with his hands, trying to hide the growing red hue that spread quickly across his face and muffle their laughter at the same time. “PLEHEHEASE!”
“Aw, Wil, you’ve gone all red!” Tommy exclaimed, which made Wilbur’s face become an even darker red. Xey snuck a hand under Wilbur’s shirt, and lightly traced the scar on the brunette’s stomach. Wilbur squealed, grabbing onto Tommy’s arm and actually getting them to stop. The blonde slightly jumped, suprised that Wilbur actually got him to stop. At the pause, Wilbur quickly turned the tables on Tommy and got xem on the ground. The two started wrestling, both of them fighting for the upper hand as Phil and Techno now watched.
“I’ll bet a stack of emeralds Tommy loses,” Phil muttered. Techno turned to look at the older.
The two watched as Wilbur and Tommy wrestled, both very dead set on getting the upper hand. It ended with Tommy being pinned down, followed by shrieks of laughter as Wilbur started scribbling all over xeir stomach.
“NOHOHO!” Tommy grabbed Wilbur’s wrists as he threw his head back. “PHIHIHIL! TEHECHNO! HEHEHELP!”
The two men in question looked at each other, back at the scene in front of them, and each other again. They gave each other a look that said “Oh, we’ll help alright.” And then, they both waited a second before pouncing. Techno tackled Wilbur, and Phil went for Tommy. This is not what exactly Tommy had in mind when xey called for help, but at least Wilbur was getting what he deserved at the same time.
Wilbur was caught entirely off guard, landing on the ground next to Tommy with a yelp. “Techno-!? What the fuhuck are you dohoing?”
Techno quickly pinned Wilbur’s hand’s under his knees, but he was careful enough not to hurt them. Techno didn’t speak a word, yet. Phil did the same to Tommy.
“Well, Tommy asked for help. So we’re helping,” Techno deadpanned with a small smirk before vibrating his fingers just above Wilbur’s hip bones, getting a loud shriek out of the brunette.
“I meant both of you go for WilbuhUHUHUR— PHIHIL!” Tommy shrieked at near the same pitch as Wilbur once Phil snuck a hand under Tommy’s shirt, started spidering all over xeir stomach and brushing his wings up and down their sides.
“TEHEHECHNOHO! FUHUCK OHOHOFF, MAHAN!” Wilbur pulled for his hands to be free, but they were weakened from the tickles, therefore failed inevitably.
Techno pretended to think for a moment, as if considering the “request.” “Hmm.. Nah, I think I’ll pass. This is quite adorable, to be honest. Might do continue for a while.”
Wilbur felt the heat rise to his face, he swore it had gone bright pink just then. He whined in embarrassment through his loud laughter.
Tommy was stuck in his own tickly heaven hell. Phil had his wings targeting their neck and ears, which alone would make him melt and giggle away. But Phil also had a finger dipped and wiggling around in Tommy’s navel, the other fingers digging and scritching around it, and his other hand scribbling and squeezing xeir hips. It was torture. Did they love it? Yes. Was he still gonna call it torture? Also yes.
“THIHIHIS IS TOHOHOHORTUHURE!” Tommy tried to free xeir hands, he really did try. But he was weak from the tickles and how hard he was laughing, so he made no progress in freeing them.
“Don’t act like you don’t love it, Toms~!” Phil grinned, bringing a hand to pinch at his ribs for a few seconds before returning to their hips. Tommy’s face was the same shade of pink as Wilbur’s.
Wilbur struggled through shrieks of laughter, trying to free his hands. Techno laughed at him, but then Wilbur actually free’d his hands. They immediately grabbed Techno’s forearms, pushing him off and pinning him down. Well fuck.
“YEHEHES, WIHIHIL! GEHET HIHIHIM- AAHAHAH!” Tommy shouted, shrieking as Phil blew a raspberry directly on xeir navel.
“Let’s see how you like it!” Wilbur exclaimed, vibrating his fingers in the gaps between Techno’s upper ribs.
“WihihIHILBUhur!” Techno whined through laughter. Now, Techno wasn’t insanely ticklish— the least ticklish one out of SBI. But it was still pretty bad, to him.
“TechnoOooO!” Wilbur mimicked, giggling to himself as he suddenly shot his hands to Techno’s underarms, drilling into the hollows to elicit a small scream, small snorts following after.
“That will never get old,” Phil commented, smiling as he noticed Techno’s ears go red. Then he got an idea. “Say, Tommy, do you snort like that?”
He knew the answer; yes. But he wanted to torture the kid.
“NOHOHO!” Tommy lied, trying to get Phil off of xem before he could do anything. Phil raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Alright, so I’ll go ahead and just—“ Phil cut himself off as he wiggled a finger in Tommy’s navel, causing the younger to squeal as snorts peppered through his laughter. Phil grinned, “Jesus, you and Techno really are brothers, aren’t you? So cute, honestly.”
“Shuhuhut uhup, Phihihil!” Techno thrashed around, desperate to get Wilbur off. But now he was more determined— to get Phil for that ‘cute’ comment. He’s Technoblade! He isn’t cute, he’s intimidating! Scary! Mean! Not cute!
“Christ, Techno, I thought you were a pig, not a buhull.” Wilbur laughed, struggling to keep the pinkette pinned down.
Techno reached over, squeezing Phil’s side which caused the eldest to fall off of Tommy out of surprise, giving xem a break.
“Gotcha!” Techno grinned, pushing Wilbur away and tackling Phil before he could escape. “Laugh for the laugh god, old man!” Techno exclaimed before digging his fingers into Phil’s stomach, scribbling and pinching around the spot and smirking as the man fell into a fit of high pitched laughter. Tommy snickered at the sight before him.
“Yeah, how do you like it, bitch!” Tommy exclaimed, leaning over to poke Phil’s side, but xey were pulled back before they could do anything. Damnit.
“Isn’t this nice, Toms? Those two are busy, now I can get some quality time with my little brother!” Wilbur exclaimed over Phil’s cackles before tasering the younger blonde’s sides.
“WIHILBUR! Nohoho!” Tommy attempted to squirm out of Wilbur’s grasp, but was quickly weakened as the brunette blew a raspberry on the back of xeir neck.
“Why not? Does it tickle too much? I’ve barely done anything,” Wilbur teased, sneaking a hand under Tommy’s shirt to scribble at his bare stomach, relishing in the squeal that emitted from his brother.
Phil was having his own “problem” with Techno, desperate to escape this tickly heaven hell, but Techno was stronger than the man and so he was trapped. “TEHEHECHNOHO!”
“Yeah? What’s up old man? Something botherin’ you?” Techno’s voice was monotone as always, but there was a slight tease to his tone as he vibrated his fingers between the gaps of Phil’s ribs.
“YOU KNOHOW WHAHAHAT’S WROHOHONG!” Phil cackled, slight wheezes escaping from how much he’d been laughing.
“Do I?” The pinkette smirked, leaning down to blow a raspberry on Phil’s neck, eliciting a squeal.
“Wihihil! Lehet mehe gohoho!” Tommy whined through giggles as Wilbur traced shapes into the sides of xeir stomach.
“I’m hardly doing anything,” Wilbur chuckled, “But I can do worse. I think I will, actually!” Without warning, Wilbur blew a raspberry onto Tommy’s neck and dug his fingers into xeir stomach, scribbling and spidering around the sensitive skin. Tommy screamed.
“WIHIHIHIL! NOHOHO THIHIS ISN’T FAHAHAIR!” Tommy squirmed, trying to wiggle their way out of Wilbur’s hold, but it was no use. Wilbur was far stronger than xey were, especially right now.
“Are you trying to escape from me?” Wilbur raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think so, giggles. You’re trapped in my tickly, tickly grasp~!” Tommy’s voice went bright red, the brunette’s teasing tone was insanely flustering.
Wilbur rested his chin on Tommy’s shoulder, blowing air on the blonde’s ear before whispering, “Tickletickletickle!” Tommy’s ears flushed the same shade of red their face had, letting out a whine at the tease.
Tommy’s arms were trapped, but they could somewhat reach behind him. And he did, latching onto where Wilbur’s back meets their sides, and lightly squeezed the spot as much as he could. Wilbur let go of Tommy to remove xeir hands, and Tommy fell forward. “TOHOMMY!”
Wilbur looked up at Tommy, narrowing his eyes at the younger. “Oh you want to fight? I’ll give you a fight, you little prick!” Wilbur exclaimed before tackling Tommy down, the two of them rolling around on the ground and fighting for the upper hand. Both poking and prodding different spots to attempt to weaken the other, high-pitched giggles emitting from the both of them.
The fight did not end, however, it switched to the two of them tickling each other at the same time. Tommy scribbled over Wilbur’s back, occasionally pinching at the backs and sides of their ribs, and Wilbur was poking and squeezing around Tommy’s stomach and sides. The two shrieked out curses and protests at each other, wide smiles on their flushed faces.
Techno looked over at the two rolling around on the floor together and grinned, “You two are adorable.”
“Ihi wihIHIHILL KIHIHILL YOHohou TOHOHOMMY! Bahastahard!” Wilbur squealed, getting hold of one of Tommy’s wrists and holding xeir arm above their head before using his free hand to vibrate his fingers on Tommy’s underarm. Tommy shrieked, immediately falling defenseless and bringing xeir free hand to push away Wilbur’s— which resulted in Wilbur now having hold of both of Tommy’s hands.
Wilbur quickly pinned Tommy by sitting on xeir legs, holding their arms above their head with one hand. “You messed with the wrong person, Toms~” Wilbur teased, grinning evilly as he saw the teen’s widened eyes and bright red face. “Now you will face my wrath of tickles, you little prick!” He quickly lifted Tommy’s shirt, blowing a long raspberry right in the middle of xeir stomach. Tommy screamed, and Techno paused his torture to Phil to look over.
“Are you trying to murder him?” Techno questioned, a smirk on his face when he saw the state of the demon hybrid below Wilbur.
“I said I would!” Wilbur exclaimed before leaning down to blow another raspberry, directly on Tommy’s navel.
“FUHUHUCK, WIHIHILBUHUR! NOHOHOHO!” Tommy shrieked, squirming left to right and bucking xeir hips as much as possible. It was torturous. He loved it… but torturous.
Phil had practically melted on the floor, being given a break by Techno. He himself was unsure if he could take anymore tickles; he was pretty tired by this point. He noticed the pinkette about to start again.
“Tehechno- nohoho mohore..” Phil was quiet, luckily Techno had very good hearing and he let up, getting off of Phil and sitting next to him. Maybe the good hearing wasn’t very good for Techno himself, given the high pitched screeching coming from Tommy right next to him as Wilbur continued to wreck the youngest of the four.
“PLEHEHEASE WIHIHIL!” Tommy bucked his hips more as Wilbur brought down their hand to pinch and drill his thumbs into both of xeir hips. Tommy started trying to push Wilbur away, so the brunette quickly pinned Tommy’s hands under his knees. He was careful not to hurt Tommy in the process.
“Aww, is it bad?” Wilbur teased, “Thought you were a big man, Tommy! Surely you’re strong enough to handle a little bit of tickling, right~?” Tommy shook his head frantically through shrieky laughter and giggles, kicking his legs as much as he could with Wilbur sitting on them.
Wilbur brought up one hand to dig their fingers into Tommy’s ribs, vibrating his fingers in the gaps and pinching at the bones. His other hand switched between pinching at Tommy’s hips to scribbling over xeir stomach. “THIHIS IHIHISN’T FAHAHAHAIR!”
Wilbur smirked, “It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish.” He leaned down to blow a raspberry on xeir neck before whispering in their ear, “Tktktktk~” The brunette’s smirk turned to a grin as he watched Tommy’s blush spread to his ears and down his neck.
“Flustered, Tommy?” Techno commented from beside the two, gently pinching Tommy’s side and chuckling when xey flinched with a small squeal.
“FUHUCK OHOHOFF!” The youngest shrieked as Wilbur blew another raspberry on their stomach.
“That’s not very nice, Toms. Be nice to your brothers,” Phil spoke up with a small smile on his face. Tommy whined as now everyone in the room was against him.
“THEHEHEY’RE BEHEING DIHIHIHICKS!” Tommy tried to free his hands to bring his arms down. Xey were desperate to defend themself from this torture. Wilbur had his free hand scribbling and digging his fingers into Tommy’s stomach, he wasn’t being too rough so that it wouldn’t hurt, only tickled. Badly.
The demon hybrid squeaked as there was a soft, feathery feeling on his neck— Phil’s wings. The mixture of gentle and rough tickles were almost unbearable. “OHOhoh fohOHOR FUHUCKS SAHAKE! PHIL!”
“You haven’t once said stop, Tommy, we know you love this~” Techno teased lightly, smiling at the flustered state of the younger as he delivered a few pokes to xeir side.
“Look at him, all red and flustered! Awh,” Phil cooed, scribbling his fingers against the side of Tommy’s neck.
“Xey’re so ticklish, it’s just so adorable. I may not be able to handle it, I might explode from the cuteness.” Wilbur joked to Techno and Phil, slowing the tickles as the three of them talked about Tommy as if he wasn’t even there. This flustered Tommy more than it should have.
“Ihihi aham RIHIGHT hehehere!” Tommy giggled out, finally freeing their hands to push Wilbur’s away and cover his face.
“Oh, I’m sorry Tommy. Do you need all of my attention on you? You need more tickles? Is that it? Hmm~?” Wilbur teased, poking at Tommy’s stomach and allowing xem to keep their hands free. Under one condition.
“How about we play a little game,” Wilbur grinned, eyeing Techno and Phil. The two immediately understood what he was about to have Tommy do. Wilbur gently grabbed Tommy’s wrists, focusing back on him as he lifted their arms. “You keep your arms up like this, and you can’t let them down. Or else.” They spoke in a teasing tone, his grin forming more into a smirk when the look on Tommy’s face mixed with panic, excitement, and flusteredness. Xey nodded, already trembling at the sight of Wilbur, Techno, and Phil with their hands in the shapes of claws. He’s so dead. A dead man. Gone.
Wilbur looked at him with a look that said, “Ready?” Tommy nodded again, squeezing his eyes tightly shut and taking in a sharp breath to brace himself, but it wasn’t much help as he immediately shrieked at both of Wilbur’s hands digging into xeir stomach, scribbling and pinching and tasering against the sensitive skin. Techno soon followed, squeezing up and down Tommy’s thighs and occasionally scribbling beneath their knees. Not a good day for Tommy to wear shorts. Phil joined in, his wings brushing against Tommy’s neck and ears while he used his hands to pinch and scribble on xeir sides and ribs. This was entirely TORTURE.
“GUHUHUHUYS!” Tommy screamed, his arms shaking as he struggled to hold them up. How was he expected to do this!? They could have at least made it easier for him!
“THIHIS IHIHIS UHUHUNFAHA- AAHAHA WIHIHILBUHUR! NOHOHOHO!” Tommy shrieked, kicking his legs as best as he could and bringing down their arms to shove at Wilbur’s head as he blew a long raspberry on xeir navel, then taking a breath before going back to nibble on their stomach. Tommy’s laughter fell silent for a second as he threw his head back, immediately screaming again before falling into laughter once again. He could hardly speak, really only making out the words “FUHUHUCK!” and “NOHOHO!”
Wilbur obviously noticed that Tommy brought his arms down, but he also noticed how his laughter had fallen silent for a moment then grew to be raspy as the boy could barely even speak anymore. He wasn’t going to continue, not roughly. He gestured for Phil and Techno to stop as he let Tommy go. Wilbur immediately pulled Tommy to a hug, gently rubbing his back as a gesture of comfort and resting their chin on xeir head. Tommy breathed heavily as he buried his face against Wilbur’s chest, taking in big gulps of air as he began to relax in Wilbur’s hold. Phil cooed out loud at the two.
“Did I, or, we, go too far, Toms?” Wilbur asked, his voice gentle. Tommy shook his head no.
Eventually, Tommy looked up at Wilbur. His face was bright red, dried tears on their face, now with a small smile and still squinted eyes. Wilbur couldn’t help himself;
Tommy hid his face again out of embarrassment, yelping as Wilbur stood up and moved Tommy to carry xem bridal style. Techno placed a hand on Wilbur’s shoulder as he got a look at the teen in the brunette’s arms. He smiled fondly.
The four men all silently agreed on just relaxing in the main room of the house. Tommy stayed huddled close to Wilbur, clinging to him like a koala to a tree branch.
He may have been tired —all four of them were, honestly, but Tommy especially—, but that didn’t stop him from delivering a few pokes to the three men he was surrounded by, smiling at the small yelps and muffled giggles from each of them.
He deserved at least a little revenge for all of that, right?
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
Idk why but I like doing this rn, so uhm- found a new way to spam you too lol
Tumblr media
1. "Kris Laila Lynn, I almost like my name:D"
2. "I'm a Scorpio!"
3. "Blade:D"
4. "Uhm, I'm bored ig"
5. "I'm taken, don't try anything bitches😔✋"
6. "Movie? Uhm.. The goldfinch! "
7. "I'm like- 6'2? I think"
8. ":) " my mother wants me dead" by ily, tho it's a techno remix"
9. "Ace, rain and-.. Drawing"
10. "Mhhhh, thinking abt my Au, seeing or hearing anything that Nm does to my boys aaaand, being in this game."
11. "The boys, asylum!sans:D and.... Killing-"
12. "Uh.. Like- idk.. Spaghetti?"
13. "FINN WOLHARD... Sry-"
14. "Uhm.. Like 4 or 5 tattoos and... Over 7 piercings"
15. "Uh, like- idk rly"
16. "Turn off's? Uhm- too many things"
17. "Scary movies"
18. "Computer"
19. "Mh.. Idk rly"
20. "Like 2days ago? Met someone who acted like she was my mom or smt."
21. "I mean yeah, I hate doing it tho"
22. "I speak uhm, German, Spanish and French, and a little bit Russian, but no where near fluid"
23. "Not rly I think"
24. "Like-.. Idk... She-ra or smt"
25. "Am I supposed to think of a question?.. Idk uhm-
What's my fav book? I rly like the novel the goldfinch- cuz it's gay:D and rlyyyy good, I could talk for hours on end abt it!"
Decided that my MTT would answer! :D
Red- Blade
Purple- Ace
Orange- Ted
1. "My full government name's Dust Undertale. But that last bit is- uh.. well.. dead.. so you can call me Ace. Just- Ace."
"I'm Blade!" "Uh... Any other-?" "Blade."
"Ted..." "..."
2. "I'm Aquarius, Blade's Taurus and Ted's Leo."
"Aww! Ace! You remember my birthday?!"
"Shut the fuck up...."
3. Fanon answers:
"Blade...settle down.. uh..my best friend...? Probably... Lilian......." He seemed bashful admitting it. (Lilian belongs to @0glitched0-1out1 !)
"Chaos. My best friend is one hundred percent Chaos!"
Canon answers:
"Best friend? Uh... Well...you see-"
"He doesn't have a best friend."
"I consider Ted my best friend!"
"... I'm not your friend.. I'm neither of you a friend.... You dirty brother killers..."
4. "Annoyed, because this questioning has been going on for-"
5. Fanon:
"Taken. My partner is Kris, and he's the best partner I could ever ask for..."
"TAKEN!! TO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE LILIAN!" (They're not married. He just likes to call her like that. 😔)
"... I'm... single... I'm not currently... interested in a... relationship..."
".... relationship status? I'm single currently.."
"SINGLE- But I'm getting bitches!"
"No. You aren't."
"HOW DARE YOU! Yes I am-!"
"Single... I'm not searching for a... relationship..."
6. "I like... Friday the 13th... For some reason...."
"Why that? I think that Halloween's better."
"You know.... I always felt like the movie House Of Wax somehow speaks to me!"
(💀 they have NO idea..)
7. "We're all pretty tall... But those are the effects of- well... Being under Nightmares command... No. I'm not going to clarify what exactly I mean by that, but I'm 6'11"
"Why are your answers always so long? Anyways- I'm 6'8,71!"
"... 9'1,45..."
8. "I relate to.. uh.. Wet by Dazey and the scouts... BUT I LOVE SHOULDER BOULDERS BY S3RL!"
"Of course you do... But I like K. by Cigarettes After Sex"
"..? A song.....? Uh.. I like... Butch 4 butch... By Rio Romeo.."
9. "Horror themed things..., Games and Novels.."
"Blood, my rats (Jeffrey, Bob, Mike 💀), and alcohol!" (He's lying...)
"Flowers, animals and...peace..."
10. "...." Ace refuses to answer...
"=)" Blade seems unwilling to answer too... twitching and holding his knife tightly...
"...My family which I didn't see for too long.... Nightmare... And... being stuck in this realm.."
11. "The unstoppable marching of time that'll slowly lead to unexpected death..."
"My caricatures, my 18+ mags, and...death! =)"
"My...family..." (Papyrus...)
12. "Food? I don't eat."
"I like- uh... Pancakes? I guess? Lmao."
"......everything but nothing at the same time......."
13. "OMG- Well, I wouldn't call him a celebrity- BUT CHAOS! HAVE YOU SEEN JUST WHAT THAT GUY ACHIEVED?! HE-"
"I like myself! :)"
"... Celebrity?"
14. "None."
"I wanted to have some! But I didn't do it. :("
"Ace? Why are you suddenly so qui- wait.... AIN'T NO WAY-"
"... Uh..."
"... I... don't have a tattoo..."
"...So... A piercing?"
"....not only one..."
"Cut the camera!"
15. ".... I'd rather not say..."
16. "I'm asexual you fucking dick nips-"
"Turn-ofs? Uhh... Can't think of any right now!"
17. "Scary movies."
18. "Computer!"
"Anywhere I could watch porn-"
"... Television..."
19. "... What's a perfume?"
(I told you they all smell.. 😔😭)
20. "20 minutes ago! :D"
"... I don't cry much.."
21. "No."
"No. No he doesn't. We all can't really...cook."
22. "Well... I'm Arabic! I can speak English, Arabic and Japanese!"
"I can speak Russian, French, Spanish and Italien."
"...I can speak... German...and Japanese..."
23. "No."
24. "Steven Universe, Big Bang Theory and Red Dwarf!"
"Naruto, Demon Slayer, Komi Can't Communicate!"
"Why that last one?"
".... She's hot-"
"Ew, Blade! SHE'S 17!!"
"No! You're just gross!"
"... I don't really watch... Tv much..."
(I skipped the last one- since I didn't really know what to add. 💀🙏🏻)
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denrukatheblogger · 9 months
QSMP Rambling (Tallulah and Chayenne)
(Main context: QSMP is a multilingual minecraft multiplayer server with streamers playing and I specifically follow Philza but watch clips and read happenings from other streamers)
Good god help me I was going to just enjoy philza's qsmp portion of the stream but then apparently lore stuff happened and now the eggs are clashing. (I rambled way too much, so I'm putting it below oops)
Though the lore stuff is not something I dislike, my mind immediately honed in more on how the two eggs I watched QSMP for mostly ended up. Tbh, I started watching QSMP because I saw clips and animatics connecting Chayenne to Techno and then I think I started officially watching Wilbur's streams when Tallulah happened. Not immediately, but it was either the 2nd or 3rd stream with her.
Chayenne was one of the outgoing eggs, picking fights and jumping off of the wall his dads made a home on. Tallulah was the youngest at the time, I think, and was mostly sweet, gentle, loved flowers and music. Chayenne was one of the first eggs and iirc only 4 of the og batch remain. Wilbur left after making sure Philza could care for Tallulah, and Chayenne ended up needing to do the same considering he was the older kid that had more experience.
And then things got worse for the eggs. The code monsters, the kidnapping as people or groups organized shit, and then the eggs left thinking they would be protecting their parents after being threatened.
Chayenne ends up as one of, if not the main, leader of the eggs. Tallulah was known by most as "not a fighter". Needed to protect and needed to be protected respectively. Their dynamic was almost always like this. Chayenne was cared for by his dads of course, but Missa has irl stuff to do and Philza needed to give Tallulah more attention since she needed help. Tallulah has been missing her father for months now- even if the server cared for her, she wasn't their special person. She felt like someone that needed pity and was given it- not like as if they would've cared otherwise...
I'm going all over the place but despite it somewhat feeling sudden how they acted in the recent stream, I feel like I can understand mostly what was going on with them switching in choices. Tallulah used to want love and peace- she's tired of being "useless" and a "burden" for not being able to fight. Chayenne used to be one of the reckless eggs- he's exhausted from being given most of the responsibility whenever they're in danger.
He's tired from all of the action. She's tired from all the inaction.
Chayenne wants to fucking rest for once in his life, meanwhile Tallulah wants to actually help fighting for once in her life.
They got separated before/during Purgatory.
Tallulah had to survive with Dapper and Ramon who seemed to be closer friends with each other and Tallulah maybe envied their bond. But they're still siblings and so she cares deeply about Dapper being kept hostage right now. She frustrated over bonds people get to have because she can't connect with them when she doesn't even have a real pillar to stand on. Missed her dad so much that even with the family he left her with, she doesn't feel like she belongs. She just wants her dad back with her but she's changed. She's scared. She wants to be useful and actually do something so that people don't see her as a weakling anymore.
Chayenne was perceived as one of the stronger eggs. He had to keep calm and focus on keeping everyone safe. He was stuck for however long without even knowing if Tallulah was still alive. He was cared for by Phil and Missa and then Missa needed to leave while Phil had to figure out how to take care of Tallulah with Chayenne. He wouldn't necessarily blame his dads, but a kid wants attention. A kid would love to feel special care from their parents more. But no, Chayenne needed to push aside his wants because others need more care and protection. Maybe not intentionally forced by others into the leader role, but he got into the role and people listened, so people started perceiving him as the one in charge if things happened to the eggs. But it's not like he's immune from all the bullshit they've been going through just because he's not acting out like some others. He's been carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders by staying in the protector role. He loves his siblings and wants them safe, but he's tired and wants to be cared for back instead of simply being looked up to as a leader. He doesn't want pure idolization or criticisms in doing his "job"- he just. He needs a break.
Philza, god bless him, the man's gotta deal with all this bullshit happening on the island while still caring for his eggs. The kids say he's a wonderful dad while Phil says he's been shit at it if he didn't notice them feeling this way or not caring sooner. He does care, but Rose told him he needed to recover his lost courage for a reason. He's understandably terrified of everything that could kill the eggs, that could kill or take him away from being able to be with his kids again, but he needs to regain the confidence he once had in himself to be able to face things stronger too. But that's... It feels bad saying things like that.
Like father like son, I guess. They both just want to rest. But Tallulah's tired of being given rest. That's what most people seem to tell her to do while everyone else goes off to do all the important shit. She can't do the important things because she "can't" fight. She's changed. Chayenne's change. God, Philza's changed from what the Ender King and Rose saw of him before QSMP.
I don't know a solution for this, I don't think a solution could be easily made when there are factors outside of this family's control affecting them. I know they talked it out by the end, but I'm still worried yet intrigued by how things might continue on. The dynamic between the two eggs just tickles my brain in the fun way. I don't think I tend to focus so hard on things that aren't my own OCs- usually I take what happens in a thing and use it as inspiration for my own stuff. But these two are just... I want them to be okay in the end. I want to see Tallulah being allowed to be the strong badass she wants to prove herself to be while still accepting that people care for her in a way that they'd be willing to risk a lot for her too. I want to see Chayenne being allowed to relax, to take the backseat and have fun while not needing to worry about shit messing up their entire lives. I want to see Philza being able to take the kids on adventures and just being able to have a good time with them without the terror of everything threatening their damn lives.
I want for them to be okay and they're trying. Damn it, they're trying as much as they can to be okay for everyone else too.
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thespiritofvexation · 6 months
Some more Thåström-recommendations for @glorious-blackout (and anyone else who might be curious about what my problem is) Sorry, I got carried away!
Ebba Grön - Die Mauer (1982)
I feel I need to explain what I meant when I said Die Polizei reminded me of Die Mauer (apart for the obvious similarities in the titles!) I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you know what Die Polizei is about! Die Mauer is about a man who is separated from his love by the Berlin wall, he is overcome by longing and anger and decides to do whatever it takes to reunite with her. The sound of gunshots at the end of the studio version implies that he failed, hence the "Die Mauer but with a happy ending"-comment. Musically Thåström's solo-rendition of the song is more like Die Polizei than the original though (this one for example)
Imperiet - Alltid rött alltid rätt (1983)
Title means "always red always right", basically a raging against the machine socialist anthem (live video for maximum intensity!)(I promise he is perfectly sane)
Imperiet - Märk hur vår skugga (1985)
A cover of a song originally written in 1790! The band felt they were becoming to commercial and wanted to do something "avant-garde" and the record company was not happy. To everyone's surprise it became their biggest hit! (The song may not be very Kaizer but the video sure has Kaizer-vibes!)
Imperiet - Österns röda ros (1986)
"Red rose of the east" (meaning Palestine) You might know this one already if you've seen my pinned post. Including it anyway since it sadly still is relevant and because I think I might like this 2015 version best
Thåström - Djävulen o jag (1989)
I made a whole post about the various live versions of this song and the studio-version is also a favourite! But I feel like especially this version only needs a couple of oil barrels and it would fit right into a Kaizer concert
Thåström - Radio Thåström (1991)
This list got a bit heavy so have a silly nonsense song with a silly nonsense video!
Peace Love & Pitbulls - A. Psycho (1992)
In the early 90's Thåström said fuck this, eloped to Amsterdam and started a industrial- rock- techno- metal- band, or as a swedish journalist put it "went to Amsterdam and drilled into a mountain wall for 5 years". I'm glad he did, and so was Marilyn Manson who cited PLP as an inspiration (Just so that no one gets the wrong idea, PLP came first!)
Thåström - Vacker död stad (1999)
Then he got tired of playing with the sampling-machine and replaced it with "a fuckton of guitars". All of sweden celebrated the return of the king except for little me who did not get the appeal of this terrifying angry hobo (or "waldschrat" as @copias-juicebox would say!)
Thåström - Kärlek är för dom (2009)
Thought this one has a vibe that might be up your alley. Bit of Öppet hav-feel? (Live video just because Thåström stage-antics)
Thåström f. Titiyo - Papperstunna väggar (2021)
Probably my favourite from his latest album to finnish off this list! Titiyo has a beautiful voice♡ (First time I watched this live video I thought 'dude are you ok?' but now I know this is perfectly normal Thåström- behaviour! (Rip tumblr you would have loved to diagnose him)
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
Orphan duo content:
Skeppy liked messing with Techno, everyone at the orphanage knew that. They also knew the great delight that Technoblade took in wrecking Skeppy's plans to wreck him and finding ingenious ways around Skeppy's "inevitable" traps. Absolutely no one would be surprised to learn that Skeppy spent most of his time devising plans to trap the slightly younger boy. And no one was surprised (delighted, yes, the reactions of both boys were too funny not to be, but not surprised) when Techno easily evaded the traps, or tried to and lost with good humor.
What might have surprised them, though, was how that whole trap routine had started. See, Techno was rather... Volatile, when he first came to the orphanage. He'd attack people at random, seemingly, and stay muttering to himself in a corner sometimes, arguing or glowering at something invisible. It was when Techno had startled Skeppy one time and the older boy had screamed and tossed his Rubik's cube at Techno that a shift finally occurred. Techno grabbed the flying plastic block and stared at it for a second, a frown on his face.
"What is this?" The boy asked, almost immediately followed by "What's a Rubik's cube?"
"It's a puzzle block? You spin the pieces to get all the different colors on their own sides." Skeppy offered the explanation, ignoring the weirdness of the earlier statements.
"Really?" Techno hesitated, eyeing the cube, "Can I try?"
It was the first time Skeppy had ever heard him ask for anything. The blue haired boy nodded, but felt compelled to add: "there's no way you're getting it, not on the first try. No one does."
Techno glanced up with a smirk. "I'm not just anyone," he turned away, sitting on the other side of the smalle room, muttering to himself as he twisted the cube. Skeppy's certain he heard "I've got it, chat, stop helping me. No, I don't need baby mode, c'mon."
Skeppy decided to grab a book, and soon lost himself in reading until a few hours later a completed Rubik's cube dropped in his lap. He looked up to see Techno smiling victoriously.
"E. Z."
"... HWAT?!" Skeppy shouted, picking up the cube he'd never been able to solve. "HOW??!"
"Never question me again, Skeppy," Techno warned jokingly. He turned to leave, the half turned back, his smile softening a little. "And thanks. That was fun."
Skeppy nodded dazedly and watched Techno walk away, staring from him to the cube. Techno seemed much calmer the next couple of days, more amiable, and he'd almost made peace with his nearest neighbors at the orphanage when it started happening again. Techno started dropping into moods again and getting snappish.
Working on a theory, Skeppy called him over one time out on the playground, just as the other boy was about to get into a fight. Skeppy led him to the monkey bars, looked Techno straight in the face and said confidently: "There's no way you can get across here only using every second bar."
Techno's eyes flashed and in a minute he was up at the top of the bars, grabbing on one and swinging across. It took less than thirty seconds (and this was a long set of monkey bars) and Techno jumped down, grinning victoriously.
"C'Mon, Skeppy, gimme something hard," Techno laughed.
"Alright, alright, How about... Not touching *any* of the main bars?"
A few of the other kids had started clustering around and Techno glanced at them nervously, eyes flicking across as he shrugged. "I don't know-"
"There's no way, man," Skeppy said again, as confidently as he could muster.
Techno's eyes flashed again and he smirked. "Alright, you're on."
It took less than ten seconds.
After that, it became a game. Skeppy would propose challenges and "inescapable" traps, watching happily as Techno escaped them and pulling a long face after, laughing and calling the kid a genius. (Which he was, most of these were genuinely pretty inescapable and it always pleased Skeppy either way when Techno would win or lose.)
He was careful never to get caught making his plans and providing ways around his traps, but it always seemed to work if Techno saw them or not. He opened up, years later, about the voices in his head, and how they calmed down or straight up went away when he was working on a puzzle. So Skeppy kept him well supplied, making sure to only pull one out whenever he saw Techno getting stressed and Chat acting up.
If Techno knew ... No. No he didn't know. Or at least, he never addressed it. But Skeppy was perfectly happy to play game master for his genius friend and watch as the kid always managed to blow him away.
-- @goat-boo-truther
AAAAA this is so cute and I want to hold it and hug it and turn it around in my brain like a rotisserie chicken, what an absolute delight of an ask thank you for this :')
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artstar1997 · 3 months
Trolls: Origins
Long long ago, in a more peaceful time, all the troll tribes lived together in harmony. At the eve of silence, the trolls created the strings and life became one big party. Each troll formed a tribe based on the music they love, pop, funk, classical, techno, country, and hard rock, but one tribe stood out. The hybrid trolls came together and formed the platinum tribe, one tribe that loved all kinds of music. All of the tribes look up to the elders, who lead them in their everyday lives. Each elder is known for their excellence and skill. 
“Elder Bass, you are here!” A funk troll said. 
“I have troubles, Elder Thunder!” a hard rock troll asked his elder.
“What can I do, Elder Scylla?” a techno troll asked hers.
It was all well for the trolls as generations of elders that came were always there for the tribes when they needed help but in that particular era, everything is going to change. A wedding was held for two pop trolls, their current pop elder Brook and her husband. All of the trolls were celebrating their wedding in a huge party like no other. 
“Congratulations!” one of the country trolls said. 
“We are so proud of you,” a funk troll added.
The trouble started on the night of the Pop Elder’s wedding. Elder Brooks’s cousin Tansy stood on top of a pillar and addressed the crowd of trolls. He was an orange Pop troll with blue hair wearing a striped mantle and maroon dhoti pants. Actual tansy flowers decorated his mantle. He announced to them;
“Ladies and gentle-trolls, give it up for the bride and groom!” He gestured to the stage behind him, on which sat the sacred harp with the six strings of the oldest and most powerful tribes. In front of the harp, Elder Brook and her new consort Leaf stepped before it. Both of them wore matching gold and white robes. The crowd cheered for them as they raised their clasped hands together. 
Brook had pinkish purple skin, a pink nose, teal hair and eyes with yellow sclera and green irises. Leaf was solid green over his entire body, save for his eyes which were violet. 
“Congratulations!” They all cheered. 
Joining the happy couple onstage was the Grand Priest Cygnus. He is a white haired troll with pastel purple skin, pastel blue, golden tattoos, and silver eyes, wearing a pastel rainbow colored robe and a swan feather headdress.
“By the power vested in me by the Platinum Tribe and by the Great Creator Harmonia, I bless this Union! And now, let the couple’s first dance commence!” Upon saying this, he strummed all the strings on the harp. A beautiful stream of music notes floated over the happy crowd. 
Soon, Brook and Leaf danced together, and were soon joined by the other tribal elders and their spouses. Tansy watched them from his perch as a rose gold haired troll with soft pink skin and a flamingo pink nose, wearing a luminous, hologram-colored tube dress with silver tattoos, approached him.
“Hey Tansy, aren't you gonna dance with me?” she asked him. 
“Lyra, you're here? Aren't you supposed to be with your brother?” he asked her. 
“He’s fine with Miri,” she answered as she watched Cygnus dancing with his fianceé, a bipedal seafoam colored funk troll with emerald hair, turquoise stripes, and violet limbs, wearing gold jewelry.
“So, are you up to dancing with me?” he asked her. 
“Lead the way,” she answered and went to the party to dance. 
They danced an elaborate waltz to the music. Their feet felt lighter than air, like the winged Classical Trolls. 
“This is wonderful,” Tansy exclaimed. 
“Yeah it is,” Lyra agreed. 
Onstage, Elder Brook pressed herself against Leaf’s shoulder as they danced in circles. 
“Truly you are the only one who understands me,” Brook whispered in his ear. 
“Of course I do, I will do anything to make you happy,” he responded. 
“I know you will,” she said as she kissed him. 
“It’s so nice that Brook finally found someone,” Cygnus said to Miri. 
“They are very lucky,” the classical elder added.
“I wish I could be next,” the country elder squealed. 
“I'll be the first one to get it!” the hard rock elder bragged. 
“No, me!” the techno elder giggled. 
“Just be patient guys, love will find a way for us,” the funk elder told them. 
As time passed by, their happiness was prolonged when Brook and Leaf were finally expecting and the tribes celebrated them for the achievement when the egg was laid. A few weeks later, Tansy watched Elder Brook give a speech to her fellow Pop Trolls. 
“While the other genres pride themselves on their distinct sounds and unique melodies. We have something I like to call “Mass Appeal”. We don’t settle for a niche fanbase, we aspire to satisfy everyone! That’s why our music has such a wonderful blend of elements, best best parts of all the genres. We must never forget that or fail to be proud of it.” 
“Oh, Brook,” Tansy sighed. 
“Your cousin is quite the talker,” said Cygnus as he came up next to him. 
“Yeah, she always talks about how great pop music is,” he sighed. 
“I love all kinds of music but it often depends on my feelings and expressions,” Cygnus said. 
“My brother is right about music,” Lyra agreed.
“Sometimes I worry about her,” said Tansy. “She always has to be right about everything.”
“What is wrong?” she asked him. 
“It’s Brook,” he said. “Lately she’s been saying some creepy things about the harp and accessing its ‘full power’.”
“But that's not right!” Cygnus gasped. “Nobody can play that harp because if anyone from our tribe plays the strings there, they'll take over all of the music.”
“I know,” said Tansy. “I thought marrying Leaf would snap her out of it, but I guess he can’t get through to her.” 
“All of the elders of the platinum tribe passed the warning from parent to child, and I have a bad feeling about what might happen if it ever happens,” he said. 
“Calm down, brother, we just have to be prepared, in case this happens,” Lyra said as she tried to calm Cygnus.
“Maybe we should get the other elders to talk to her,” Tansy suggested. “She might listen to them.” 
“All this nonsense, there’s unforeseen consequences when anyone plays the strings,” Cygnus complained.
“How did you know?” He asked his best friend.
“The secret was passed down from our parents to us, which spanned way back to our ancestors,” he answered.
“Since Cygnus and I are the current tribe leaders of the Platinum Tribe, we are the only ones who know about the secret of the strings,” Lyra added. 
“I’m worried about Brook, maybe we should meet up with the other troll elders to discuss this,” Tansy said. 
“Got it,” the siblings agreed with him.
Soon, the three trolls gathered with the other troll elders to discuss Elder Brook’s delusional speeches. 
“This is getting suspicious,” the funk elder said. 
“What is this meeting about?” the techno elder asked them.
“Elder Brook is turning the Pop Trolls against the other genres,” Tansy told them all. 
“I knew it!” the hard rock elder shouted. 
“But why would she do that?” the classical elder asked her. 
“I don't know but whatever she is planning, we’ll be ready,” Cygnus said. 
“She’s not planning anything,” Tansy insisted. “We just need to talk to her. Stage an intervention. Make her see reason.” 
“Ok, how will we do it?” the funk elder asked him.
“First, we’d better include Leaf in the plan…” Tansy began speaking but was interrupted by a tremor in the earth. All the trolls were stunned by the quaking earth. 
“What is happening??” the techno elder gasped. 
“Everybody, whatever we do, don't get out,” Cygnus warned them. 
Tansy and Lyra held hands and braced themselves against the quake. After a few hours, the shaking stopped.
“Oh my goodness,” gasped the country elder. “That was terrifying!”
“Is everybody okay?” Tansy asked them. 
Cygnus looked around at the others. “I think so,” he said. 
Suddenly, two trolls ran into the meeting place. They were a lesbian couple; one a blue colored rock troll with a leopard print top and leather jeans, the other a pop troll with mint green skin and swirly lilac hair, wearing a dress made from a lace doily. 
“Come quick! There’s been a horrible tragedy!” one of them shouted. 
“What happened, Fira?” Tansy asked her. 
“There was a landslide near Pop Village, and Leaf was swept away!” Fira's wife answered. 
“Willow, lead the way,” Cygnus said. 
They went to the site of the landslide and there, a lot of trolls huddled around it. Some were digging through the dirt, trying to find a body. 
“I'll go and help them,” The rock elder said as she rushed to help them dig. Soon, they are able to find Leaf but he is already dead.
“Oh no!!” Cygnus gasped. 
“It's too late,” Lyra added.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Brook screamed as she threw herself onto Leaf’s body. She sobbed heavily, her body shaking. Around them, trolls were bowing their heads in mourning or pressing their hands together in prayer. At one point, Brook looked up and noticed a techno troll floating nearby. 
“YOU!” she screamed as she pointed a finger at him. “You were with him gathering wood! This is your fault!” The techno troll flinched away at her accusation. 
“Cousin! You know that’s not true,” Tansy said as he clasped her hand in his. “No one could have seen this coming. It was an accident out of our control.” 
“Yes, nobody can manipulate death and nature because it happens randomly, we cannot bring him back, it has to happen,” Cygnus added.
“Oh shut up you stuck-up self-important…” Brook broke down crying again before she could finish. Tansy patted her back and helped her stand up. 
“Come on, let’s get you to your pod,” he told her. The crowd parted for them as he led her away. 
On the day after the incident, a funeral was being prepared by the troll tribes as everybody was pitching in to arrange it but Elder Brook stayed behind in her pod. Tansy went to see her, and found her sitting on the floor muttering to herself, surrounded by pictures of Leaf.  
“Brook,” he spoke as he approached her. “The funeral is being prepared. You should come say goodbye.” 
“I can fix it,” Brook muttered. 
“What?” Tansy asked. 
“I can fix it,” Brook said as she jumped up. “The sacred harp can be used for healing, right? We can use it to heal Leaf!” 
“No we can’t! There’s no bringing back the dead! That’s unnatural!” 
“How do you know? No one’s ever done it before.” 
“Because it’s wrong!” 
“No, it’s because they’re all cowards! Not visionaries like us!” 
“Us? Don’t tell me you’re including the tribe in this idea?” 
Brook stood completely still for a second, like a wild predator caught in the act of hunting. Then she laughed cheerfully and told him, “Of course not. It was just a thought. I wouldn’t really do something like that.” 
“Okay,” he said warily. “Don’t scare me like that again. I know losing him is hard but you still have so much to live for. You guys had an egg right? That egg’s going to need all the love you can give it.”
“Right, of course.” Brook said as she glanced at the colorful troll egg sitting on her bed.
“I warn you Brook, nobody can bring anyone back from death,” Tansy warned her. “It’s not natural.”
“Yes, yes. I understand,” she responded without paying attention. 
“So, you’ll come to the funeral?” he asked her.
“I'll think about it,” she answered.
As the preparations were on the way, Brook was thinking about something. She wandered deep into the forest until she wandered to the other side of the woods. There she saw a massive, almost tree-sized stone. 
“What’s this?” Brook wondered out loud. She explored around the stone and on one side, she saw an elaborate inscription. 
“Calling back the dead? As in resurrection? So it is possible!” Brook said as she smiled a terrible smile. “And if it’s possible, that means it's natural. Which means I can do it!” 
She wrote down the instructions and started preparing for the ritual. She went back to her pod and listed the ingredients that she would need for it. One of the ingredients was something called “the perfect musical harmony.” Well, she knew exactly what that meant! All she had to do was get the harp. 
Meanwhile, at the funeral, everybody was preparing to say goodbye to Elder Leaf. Everybody wore black and were carrying flowers to place around Elder Leaf’s coffin.
“Tansy, I’m sorry for your loss,” Cygnus said. 
“Thank you,” said Tansy. “It’s such a loss. He was such a good troll.” 
“It’s alright, we’re here for you,” Lyra added. 
“All of us are,” Miri nodded.
“Is Elder Brook here?” Cygnus asked his best friend. 
“I don’t know, she’s been heartbroken and disillusioned at the same time,” he answered. 
“I tried to visit her but she wasn’t there,” Lyra added. 
While they were talking, no one noticed a figure in a black veil, making her way to the sacred harp. She lifted the entire thing with her hair and played an eerie chord. 
“Come with me, my Poppets!” She called out, and some of the Pop trolls in the crowd became hypnotized by the music. Everyone at the funeral gasped and covered their ears.
“Brook?” Tansy asked but she paid no attention to him. 
“Pick up Elder Leaf’s coffin and bring him with us,” Brook instructed her mind-controlled subjects. They did so. And before anyone could stop her, she played a rondo on the harp. Then she and her followers disappeared in a whirlwind of hair. 
“Don’t tell me that Brook is going to revive her husband? That’s not the natural way of life!” Cygnus gasped as he removed his headdress in anger and gathered the remaining elders with Tansy, Lyra, Miri, and the other troll tribes in his pod. 
“She is crazy and disillusioned, so she would go through that forbidden process to do it,” a hard rock troll agreed with him. “I say we will fight them and take back the harp!” 
“No, we will each steal the string,” the hard rock elder answered. 
“But elder Storm, why do you want each of you to get the string representing your music?” Another rock troll asked him. 
“But why do the tribes have to separate?” One of the pop trolls butted in.
“It’s the only way we won’t let the resurrection ritual happen again,” Cygnus answered. “We have to stop Brook’s madness once and for all.” 
The five elders, led by Cygnus and Tansy went into the caverns and began the forging. The funk and techno elders provided the metal. The rock elder heated the fire and the classical and country elders helped beat the metal. Cygnus and Tansy worked together to shape the blade, flatten it, heat and cool it with the hard rock and techno elders, sanding the blade, and strengthening and sharpening it. When they finished creating the hilt, Lyra showed Cygnus a box of gems, in which a round, white gem stood out. The platinum troll embedded the round gem on the hilt and the elders used their magic to combine the sword. As the round gem itself was embedded with magic, the others gems were empowered with magic as well. Now, it is finally ready.
“It’s ready,” Cygnus said when he held it up. 
“But who will wield it?” Tansy asked him.
“It should be Cygnus of course,” said the classical elder. 
“But I don't know if I can lead the trolls, the only thing I did were spiritual duties, I don’t know how to fight,” Cygnus responded in fear.
“But Cygnus, you were always there for me when I was down and you supported me through my struggles and trials,” Lyra said. “You're the best older brother that I have.”
“And the best friend I ever had,” Tansy added.
“You believe I can lead all of the trolls?” He asked all of them.
“We don’t just believe,” said the funk elder. 
“We know you can,” finished the rock elder. 
“Thank you all,” said Cygnus as he held the sword. “Alright, time to make our move!” 
Soon, the troll elders and the other trolls are sneaking into the location where Elder Brook and her followers are.
“Oh no, we’re too late!” Tansy gasped.
“But not for long,” Cygnus said as he took the sword and led them to the place where Elder Brook is conducting the resurrection ritual. She was playing a haunting melody on the harp. Cygnus called out to her. 
“BROOK!! Stop this madness!” 
Brook glanced up from her playing. “Hello Cyg,” she said calmly. 
“I can’t believe you’re doing this!” Tansy growled out of hate. “What you are doing is going against the circle of life!” 
“What I’m doing is improving the circle of life. I’m going to free us all from death and war.” 
“Improving? No! You’re doing it the wrong way, death is a part of life,” Tansy added. “And when you bring someone to life, Leaf will never be the same when he is raised from the dead!” 
“And how do you know that?”
“I know about this because it was a warning that my parents told me,” Cygnus said as he used his sword to fight her. She tried to defend herself with the harp but he knocked it away with just one slash. 
“Defend me, my subjects!” Brook called to the mind-controlled Pop trolls. They all came and stood in front of her. 
“This is gonna be fun!” The rock elder smirked as he, Tansy, Lyra, Miri, and the elders blasted them away with their musical instruments.
“Thanks guys!” Cygnus said 
The troll elders continued to use their music against the mind-controlled pop trolls while Tansy, Lyra, Miri, and Cygnus continued their forward. 
“Tansy, it’s been so long since we fell in love, if our tribes separate, I’m afraid I won’t see you again,” Lyra said. 
“No, I can’t let go of you, you are the only troll I loved and if the tribes were to separate after this, we would always be together and you’ll join us,” Tansy said. 
“I know, I’ll tell Cygnus about my decision to be with you,” she said. “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” Tansy said as they both kissed and continued fighting the mind controlled pop trolls. 
When Cygnus reached Brook, he started to fight her as she tried to continue the ritual but she couldn’t because of Cygnus’s attacks.
“I can’t believe all this just to get Leaf back from the dead? You are nothing but a delusional idiot!” Cygnus said as he used soundwave attacks on Brook. 
“And you are a backwards thinking priest pretending to be king,” Brook said as she dodged his attacks. “Your opinion means nothing to me.” 
“Too bad I’m the king of this troll kingdom now,” he said as he kicked her into the center of the resurrection ritual while the troll elders sneaked in and stole the strings from the harp. Tansy grabbed the harp while the remaining five pulled the strings in different positions.
“YOU!” Brook screamed as she faced them, her hair flailing out like blue fire. “Give those back!” With those words, she leaped at them, looking vicious and frightening. 
“Not a chance!” Cygnus said as he swung his sword at Brook to protect his best friend and the troll elders but as soon as the strings were forcefully removed, one of them emitted a lightning bolt that completed the ritual. Leaf’s corpse gasped as breath returned to his body, and he sat up in his coffin. 
“Leaf!” Brook cried out as she ran towards him. All the fighting came to a halt as the mind-controlled pop trolls were snapped free from the trance. 
“Brook, that’s not Leaf!” Tansy tried to warn her. 
As soon as Brook went to her resurrected husband, the corpse took a bite on her arm. Tansy and Lyra both gasped in shock. 
“This is why bringing someone from the dead is evil,” Cygnus said. He used his sword to emit a huge blast that disintegrated the corpse but it also killed Brook as well. 
“What happened to Elder Brook?” One of the pop trolls asked them. 
“She did the most taboo thing by trying to raise Leaf from the dead and paid the price, let this incident be a lesson for all of us,” Cygnus said. “Her delusional leadership will be an example for all of us leaders, and, I will not only be the leader of my tribe, I will be the leader of all the trolls.” 
“What?” asked a pop troll. 
“You’re lying!” Yelled another. 
“He has a sword!” A female shouted. 
“Stay away from us!” A male screamed as most of the Pop trolls ran away from Cygnus. 
“Wait! Come back!” Tansy called to them, as they tried to run away as they bumped into the six troll tribes who arrived at the place where the resurrection ritual was held. The trolls tried to spread the lies to the other trolls but Tansy appeared behind them. He is now wearing his new king regalia with Lyra beside him. 
“Because you don’t know the truth why he killed Brook, she made you all help her resurrect Leaf, which is just an anomaly that is meant to be locked away and never learned,” he said. “He did this to save you all from being eaten by the corpse.” 
The pop trolls stopped when they saw Tansy and Lyra together.
“But the sword in Cygnus’s hand?” the female pop troll explained. 
“Me and the troll elders forged it so that we can stop Brook’s plans in disrupting the balance of nature,” Tansy scolded them. 
“All of you were manipulated into following her delusional plans and look at what happened, her actions have led to her downfall and she only brought shame to our tribe” Lyra added. 
The pop trolls felt ashamed for what had happened and looked at Tansy and Lyra. 
“If Elder Brook is gone, who will lead us?” The male pop troll asked him. 
“Our beloved Elder Brook is dead, now it’s a new era for all the trolls,” Tansy announced to them. “The pop trolls needed a leader who would not be swayed by delusions or corruption, a beacon of light in these dark times……..I will be your new king.” 
All of the pop trolls bowed before Tansy and Lyra in respect upon realization. Meanwhile, the new high king of the trolls was filled with hate towards Brook because of her misdeeds and King Tansy went to see him. 
“High king Cygnus, or should I say, brother,” Lyra said. “My love here wants to see you.” 
“Cygnus,” He said as he approached the new high king.
“King Tansy of the pop tribe,” the new high king responded.
“Cygnus, Elder Brook must be given respect and honor, the rites must be observed,” King Tansy said. 
“There will be no rites,” King Cygnus responded. 
“But Elder Brook…” King Tansy stammered. 
“She is a traitor, she stole the strings just to bring Leaf back from the dead and her selfishness only led to our tribes’ further separation!” He explained angrily. “She must be made an example, we will burn her.” 
“No, Cygnus, don’t escalate this tension just because of what she had done, it would only make things worse,” he said. “For your first act as the new high king of the troll kingdom, please grant me the permission to handle the proper funeral rites for Elder Brook.” 
“Very well then, do what you can, and let her story be an example for all of the troll tribes and the troll leaders so that this mistake cannot be repeated again,” Cygnus agreed.
“Thank you Cygnus, you are a true best friend, and I want to ask permission and your blessing to marry your sister, Lyra,” he added. 
“You don’t need my permission and you already have my blessing to have her, please take care of her for me,” Cygnus said. 
“I will,” he answered. 
Soon, Tansy did what was necessary to make sure the rites were observed as everybody attended the funeral. He told all of the trolls the whole story to the crowd and explained how Brook’s delusional thinking and selfishness had led to the scars that they cannot escape from.
“Because of Brook’s deeds, all of the resurrection rituals will be deemed as a taboo because of what would happen, may her story be told for generations to come so that this mistake won't happen again,” He said. “As a beginning of this formation of the troll kingdom, I want to give this as a gift to the first high king, Cygnus.” 
Everybody gasped in awe as he showed the new high king a golden crown. It has eight rays that look like flower petals and pointed with drop pearls adorning the tips. There are also eight rounded etchings at the middle of each petal. 
“Is that the….” Cygnus gasped. 
“The crown of harmony,” Tansy answered.
“We want to give this to you as a thank you,” The new funk king said.
“Wait, I don't know if I am worthy to wear it,” he said.
“Of course you’re worthy to wear it,” said the new rock king. “You united us to protect our people as well as yours.”
“You value all forms of music and the trolls that play them,” the classical queen added. 
“We’ve all decided you are the best possible leader,” the techno king told him. 
“Awww, everybody, thank you for having faith in me,” King Cygnus said as he cried tears of joy while Miri comforted him. 
After Brook was given the rites to be at peace, all of the troll tribes were assembled as the first coronation of the first high king was conducted. Tansy, the new king of the pop trolls and the troll elders, now kings and queens placed the gems on the crown of harmony and finally, the high king, Cygnus was officially crowned.
“Because of Elder Brook’s actions, we have no choice but to take our tribes in separate ways for the sake of our strings to be kept safe,” he announced. “We will choose what lands will they settle and build our kingdoms there. The leaders will only come together when my future heir or any heirs will select a bride or groom and when a new high king or high queen will be crowned. As my first act as the high king of the troll kingdom, I will entrust the formerly sacred harp and the pop string to my best friend and my sister.” 
With that, King Cygnus held the white harp that still has the pop string in it and gave it to King Tansy. 
“We will protect it with all our might,” Tansy said as he and Lyra held the harp up. 
Everyone cheered for their newly crowned royalty. 
“King Tansy, fellow troll leaders, please protect the strings so that we don’t let the same mistake happen again,” King Cygnus said. 
All the troll leaders promised to protect the strings with their lives before they gathered their respective tribes and go their separate ways. It turned out to be a story that Queen Rose was telling to the kids and all of her friends in the prism castle.
“And so, the trolls lived separately in different kingdoms with Tansy marrying his best friend’s sister, Lyra, and King Cygnus has his wife, Miri as his queen. The troll leaders also got married and had kids. When the high king’s eldest son, the crown prince, came of age, the troll leaders selected eligible trolls to marry him, and it became a new tradition,” Queen Rose read the book. “King Cygnus ruled his people wisely and he lived up to a good old age until his death, where the crown prince had the jewel beetles take seven of the gems and have it delivered respectively to each of the six troll tribes but the green gem is always entrusted to the subtribe trolls that the heir is trusting with. As the years passed by, each generation of leaders came to the throne and the troll tribes never lived in harmony. It had been that way for so long, up until now, when Queen Barb’s rockpocalpyse eventually led me to take back the throne and unite all of the troll tribes under my reign as the high queen, leading the troll kingdom to the age of unity.” 
“Wow, Rose, you seem to have a sharp memory when it comes to history,” Queen Poppy complimented her. 
“Thanks, my tutors loved to tell me this story when I was a little troll, it reminds me that selfishness and delusions would only lead to irreparable consequences,” she answered. “The story is told over and over to the next generation so that we don’t forget the past and never repeat the mistakes that Brook did.” 
“Is that why you fought so hard to defeat Barb when she stole the strings?” Queen Poppy asked. 
“Yes,” said Queen Rose. 
They looked at the statue of King Cygnus, which stood in the middle of Platinum City as it shows the first high king of the trolls, pointing his sword upward, overlooking the entire troll kingdom proudly. 
Thanks @georgi-girl for helping me make this fanfic.
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freezethebeez · 2 years
silly c!tubbo poem thing?
it's more a journal entry. like, give ctubbo a journal and a pen and he'll write this probably.
-> pre-ghostboo, post-mansion, canon-divergence, lots of fluff and maybe a suicide mention for good measure.
thingy thing below the break :)
it's been harder to tell the difference
between dreams and reality these days,
especially when everything's kinda of blurred
into this haze of a life that i never thought i'd live.
i mean, it's fucking bizarre how many stars had to align
to get me this mansion and this child and this husband—
and the two fucking fireworks to my face,
what a fucking miracle that was.
it snows a lot here so we tend to stay inside—
just the three of us—
and i can't even remember the last time i've felt peace,
but the quiet evenings by the fire are pretty nice.
ranboo and michael like to make snow angels,
and i like to let them bury me in the snow.
it feels safer there, and kind of warm.
it's a nice place to hide while they sword-fight with icicles.
good thing our bed is warm—
and how crazy is that?
not my bed but our bed—
as in ranboo and me sharing a bed.
but yeah, he's so warm at night.
i thought he'd be cold but he's not.
he's so warm, and his hands are soft, and
it feels nice when he runs his fingers through my hair.
i haven't washed up in a couple days,
and i've been working lots— maybe too much—
so i'm covered in shit all the time, but
he still gives me forehead kisses, so that cool i guess.
fuck, that's right,
i was gonna talk the nightmares—
about the explosions in that little box.
i still get them lots, you know.
it's so silly because it's been over a year,
but for some reason my mind really likes that record.
it likes to play it on repeat, but i don't like it,
but i don't really have control over that, so whatever.
it's really scary when it happens, because
it really feels like i'm there again.
i'm in that box again and techno's got his gun to my face again
and i see the flash and i hear the crack and it plays in slo-mo sometimes.
those dreams make my face feel all hot and sticky,
and i feel so ill when i have them.
sometimes i get properly sick.
it's not very fun.
it was really not fun in the past.
tommy's told me all about it because
he was there when i first got them.
we both had panic attacks and that was awesome.
but yeah, he helped me and i helped him,
and we got through it, so i think that's why he didn't
bully ranboo more when i first met him because
ranboo got to take his place so he wouldn't get panic attacks anymore.
then tommy got them for a different reason,
but that's besides the point.
i still feel bad about that.
it makes my hands feel cold and sweaty.
the nightmares happen less now tho.
thank gods ranboo's still got me
when i wake up screaming.
it's a bit of a routine at this point.
we always wake up at the same time on those nights.
he'll pull me into his arms and bring my head to his chest;
he'll run his hands through my hair; i'll be warm in his arms—
not hot, just warm. he's hot and i'm warm.
sometimes michael wakes up, too,
and the walls and floors and cupboards must all wake up, too,
but michael is only one who can walk in— so he does— and he'll say: "bo's yellin' again."
so ranboo will lift him up into bed
and we'll all cuddle up together,
like we do by the fire,
and everything will be fine for once in my life.
i feel a bit bad sometimes—
in the morning i'll tell ranboo that i'm sorry for waking him,
because it takes so long for him to sleep, you know,
but he'll wave it off with the soft hands and the warm voice.
i'll make him tea tho because he doesn't like my verbal apologies,
but he likes tea with milk and sugar so that'll do.
we'll sit by the fire and watch the icicles melt,
and he'll have tea and i'll have coffee.
things'll blur together—
but things'll be good—
like when the cream mixes in with the tea
and the coffee.
i hope that i don't have to bury him
and he doesn't have to bury me—
not in snow, but in dirt;
i hope that we both go down together.
those fireworks took out more than just me—
they can take us both out, surely.
maybe i should call techno again—
or i could test out that new switch.
not now tho because ranboo's making soup
and i've gotta have that first.
his soup is so good and michael likes it too;
michael is a picky eater
i used to be a picky eater, too,
but i grew out of it.
i think i might be growing again—
but maybe in the way that the icicles that melt.
yeah, like the icicles.
it's so warm outside.
it's warm inside.
the snow is warm.
maybe we can play outside today
and make a snowman.
i've got some work to do.
i'll bury myself then after lunch.
okay, plans are set.
i'll see you then.
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noctivague · 1 year
I'm really using tumblr as my brain dump these days, sorry about that. You can ignore if you don't care. some personal spirituality updates towards the end + saturn return.
Had the craziest night out on Saturday. First, hard techno party and I danced my heart out, and the laser show omg. then we went to an after party in another city and I came home at like 10 am and like, I didn't do drugs and stopped drinking at around 1 am so idk wtf happened but I just wasn't sleepy lol usually I get tired around 3 or 4 and have to go home so it's really strange. But it felt so good after my crap week !!
On a more spiritual note/update, I gave a common offering to all my gods for thanking them for protecting me and idk I think I'm starting to make peace with the fact that my worship isn't as intense as I'd like it to be. That's just my life right now and I'm just going to focus on living it and go to my altar when I want to feel in touch with the spiritual, and get rid of the pressure of giving grand offerings and incense all the time and do simple prayers instead, even if I'm just laying in bed waiting for sleep to come to me.
I also got a really interesting message about making peace with the in-between states and it feels like a running theme of my life. Like I'm always in a state of, this is temporary so I should focus on what's next. And it's a never ending race towards the future and I never stop to appreciate what I have. I guess I shouldn't feel guilty because that's just how society is built these days, but I don't want to play that game.
But its hard to totally let go because my life is nowhere near where I want it to be and I just started my Saturn return and I think it's doing things to me. I do feel some old themes and situations coming back, but my reaction to them is drastically different. But it's still really an inner process, like im watchin the thoughts and emotions i have and they arent the same.
Can't wait to see how my life will unlock in the following months/years. Hopefully for the better.
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graysontheslime · 1 year
i got bored and analyzed a cool song to relate it to dsmp!tommy so here that is:Tw for mention of suicide and i think drug use?the song is Re-do by Modern Baseball! 10/10 song you should listen if you haven’t!! :D also you should thank @mellorphic for the reason this is being posted lmaoo okok onto the analysis JKBSBFJ--
“I wanna start from the top, maybe like a do-over. Replace the voices in my head with blind innocence”
So this line makes alot of sense for me. Tommy’s life was absolute *shit*. He didn’t have the greatest life so it make sense that he would want a ‘do-over’. Tommy was a kid when he joined the smp, he was childish and impulsive. He was largely innocent of how shitty the world was. He wants that innocence back, he wants to be able to be a kid again. The ‘voices’ in his head could be chat, but thats more of technos thing. I think the voices he’s talking about is his internal thoughts. His suicidal ideation, his impulsive things. C!tommy once said he was everything he didnt wanna be and that really reminds me of this line.
 “I wanna complete re-do, maybe change my name. Report the losses grab the claim, it's a shame it's such a shame” 
Nothing to say about this line besides the ‘its a shame, such a shame’. Tommy *could’ve* had a great life. He *could’ve* been great. Thats not me saying he wasn’t great or anything, i mean great in tommy’s standards. I dont think he regrets a lot of his impulsive actions (dueling dream/giving him his discs for lmanburg/ burning georges house down) but he’s not blind and he does see how they altered his life. He thinks its a shame that he never became anything of himself. He’s not obsessed with legacy or anything, he doesn’t *want* to be something, but he can recognize its a shame.
“We're pissing away our time 'cause we're pissing away these beers. No monumental moment ever came from saying ‘Come on dude, just take one more shot’.”
Nearing the end of the smp, when wilbur left, tommy really as just pissing away his time. He had no one really. He wasn’t *doing* anything with his life. He didn’t have anything to live for and he lived in paranoia and when it came down to it, he’d rather kill himself and everyone else around him than live with the idea that dream was still out there. IK the song is talking about beer when they say ’just take one more shot’ but i think it fits tommy more if their talking about giving something another shot. Tommy isn’t one to give up, he always gives things, people, objects all ‘one more shot’. Almost nothing good ever comes from it though. He’s said he doesn’t believe in second chances, that he believes in people. In not giving up on others. I think thats a bit of dangerous thinking on his part, especially with the people hes always around.
 “Try to, try to forget, that your bones will dismantle And the dreams you had, they'll collide with time”
Tommy wants to forget that he’ll die soon enough. He’s both terrified of and welcoming of his death. I think he wants to forget what limbo is. (btw I'm taking bones will dismantle as a ‘you're gonna die’ type metaphor idk man). Tommy had dreams, ofc he did. He mainly just wanted peace. He wanted a community. He wanted to be friends with so many people and do impulsive things. He wanted to see the good in people, even when there was nothing there. But when he does these things, when he makes friends, when he has a community, it all comes crashing down around him. He cant keep that peace for forever.
“Your unrequited love for life will surely- Halt that I'm thinking way too much at night”
Tommy loves things easily and hard. Including his life at one point, but ofc he hardly receives the same time of love he gives so freely. He doesn’t let him think about this though. He doesnt want to think about his life. He stopped going to therapy, he stopped going out. He started taking invis, so he could feel at least somewhat on the outside what he felt on the inside. invisible.
“Maybe I could just move away or go extinct like a triceratops, But I love loving, watching movies, sitting back and also breathing”
Tommy thinks about how he could just leave the smp like wilbur, he could just sail until he reached land, far far away from the smp. But.. he could also just kill himself. He could just die. C!tommy has made plenty of references to suicide, mainly during exile. He *could* do these things, but he still loves too much. Even with how bad he had it, he still loved doing things. He couldn’t leave without leaving the good things too.
“My family and friends would be crushed, but is it enough? (Oh no, it's not enough)”
His family and friends are not the reason he’s alive. He could say they are, but their not. What has any of them really done to keep him alive anyways? They are not the reason he’s not moving away or ‘going extinct’.
“Oh, the future freaks me out, but I guess I could just, Curl up in a ball and think”
At the end of the smp Tommy doesn’t have any plans for the future, he barely has anyone, he’s so caught up with the past he cant even begin to think of the future unless someone else is leading the conversation. (tubbo and him talking about L’Moonburg) 
Then its just the chorus again, twice but in the second time theres new lyrics in the back 
“Try to, try to forget (I won't be breaking any barriers) That your bones will dismantle and the dreams you had (so I'll keep thinking the future) They'll collide (future freaks me out) With time, your unrequited love for life (I won't judge you if you think the same) Will surely halt that (so let's keep thinking) I'm thinking way too much at night (well the future, the future freaks us out)
This feels like a conversation between tubbo and tommy, with the parentheses being tubbo and the normal part that i’d already analyzed as tommy. Tubbos more hopeful at the end of the smp, talking about L’moonburg, excited to start a new country with tommy. He’s not planning on doing anything new he’s not breaking any barriers. He’s just thinking about the future they’re gonna have together as co-presidents, as best friends. Of course, the future freaks him out too, but he doesn’t keep himself from thinking about it like tommy. He understands why tommy’s afraid though, he wont judge him for it. He knows it freaks both of them out but he wants a future together so he tells him to keep thinking. <3
ANYWAYS! That was it ^^ I’m open to critism and i’d love to hear yalls thoughts too! sorry for any typos tho ^^
if i was artistic enough i’d draw the ending part like a convo between tubbo and tommy. who knows i might do it anyways LMAO
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suenitos · 1 year
idk it just scratched that part of my brain that enjoys creative media outlets LMFAOO but idk i'm not a lorehead in the sense that everything had to be thought out i just thought everything could be stablished inthe lore in a fun or interesting way BECAUSE it surged as nothing serious and slowly started to introduce more and more serious elements, people at the end thought this was a series. and that it was solely written by wilbur which made me saurrrr angry. he's a talented creater, such as slimecicle, in terms of creating cohesive stories! but to attribute all progress to him was ANNOYING
(cGeorge was my personal 9/11 in that regard. Cause he was such a smartly introduced and stablished character and he was so good and in my then circle NOBODY FUCKING CARED it made me go crazy. like you really didn't need to do daily streams like tommy back then to create a compelling character and cGeorge showed that and well you know my cDnf demons sorry had to pull this out he's just so loved by me ... need to finish the animatic fr)
techno was such a good creator i'll always hold my love for him close to my chest, he cared a lot about the things the fans created, he was just lovely and he made such an interesting character with only little preparation. he managed to weave a truly beautiful tale of found family with the syndicate, and he maintained his character the way he loved until the end which i admire since lots of other creators decided to let the fans dictate far more than they should've (in my opinion). i hate the way he was treated at the end of 2021. he seriously deserved better, and i hope he rests in peace knowing he made such a beautiful impact in the community in general.
anyway FUCKKKK MUCHAEL i have a bone to pick with any and all cBeeduo loreheads They're worse than cInniters 2 me 🌟
i understand you. i personally lovedd a lot of the fanart and THE ANIMATICS that came out of dsmp it was kind of like SU in that it also got me to Draw Better. i will always be mad about the wilbur head writer thing because well im a little drolopilled about the fact that DREAM came up with a lot of stuff that ppl attributed to wilbur but anyway.
i think what george did with his character was really smart in my eyes showing the character IS the spectacle simply because he didnt do a ton but every single one of those streams revealed something important about his relationship to other characters and the server. and that disconnection and slow insanity via the dreams was interesting to me. i do wish he did a bitttt more but not everyone needs to be a tommy to have good lore. it irritated the hell out of me that so many people didnt take his streams seriously for a lot of reasons we talked about a little but those are my personal demons about cgeorge
i think in some ways techno rlly embodied the srs and nsrs aspects of the rp in that he had some really epic moments ppl will remember forever but at the same time was goofy and silly. i loved that he had a strong sense of his character and the way he incorporated other characters into the plot. admittedly i wasnt much of a techno watcher but i think everyone felt the effect of his passing really deeply. i also hope his family is doing alright and if there is an afterlife he knows just how much of an impact he continues to have on the world :(
cbeeduo was hell on earth oh my god. i hated cranberry in particular if qs lore wasnt fleshed out his wasnt even a skeleton. it wasnt even ARTERIES. you will neva be cdnf ⁉️ and once again fuck that pig
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circuit-music · 2 years
2022 Music Recommendations
2022 – What an interesting year. Parts of it felt like maybe, just maybe, there was some progress and rebuilding being made from the fallout of a global pandemic.  Yet there was still that feeling of uncertainty and something else I can’t quite put my finger on.  A friend of mine said earlier in the year “I liked listening to music before my anxiety ruined it for me!”.  That elicited a mild chuckle, but sure, I get it - It’s a weird time. Events and life moving in multiple directions with music so often in parallel to that
Observations and listening habits: • Techno-ebm still ruling the majority of what I listen to and purchase.  In that genre, enjoyed the new releases from General Dynamics, Comfort Cure, Konkurs, GBxCL, Maedon, Yansyet, and Damaged Clock amongst others, • That new beat/Italo/future-synth sound had some absolute bangers. Pablo Bozzi remains such a skilled and incredible talent.  His own solo material and his collab with Hayden of Phase Fatale as Soft Crash were both remarkable. Tracks from Infravision, Fractions and Normal Bias all astounding. A fun and uplifting style. • Synthpop and Wave continued to be robust this year with releases from Minuit Machine, Figure Section, Boy Harsher (that “Machina” track was EVERYWHERE!!!), Sacred Skin, Handful of Snowdrops and more. My most favorite in this category included the “We Were Never Lost” album from Causeway that included an awesome cover of New Order’s “Your Silent Face”. • Alternative, Pop, Shoegaze, Post-Punk records from Hatchie,  Placebo, Mint-Julep,  The Present Moment, were welcome listens.   • The old industrial genre still churns and occasionally my ears will listen. New X Marks the Pedwalk was another sensational example of that projects superiority with future-pop. New Noise Unit came as a surprise and was a mish mash of styles/ideas that didn’t always work in my opinion but a track like “Alone Again” was a real gem. • The Serfs and Kubler-Ross get special mention for assiduously nailing the minimal analog industrial/ebm dance sounds of yesteryear with a modern touch. SO GOOD!!! • Essential reissues from Front Line Assembly and Delerium, Portion Control, Mentallo and the Fixer, and Dive were great to see. If you missed them the first time around now is your chance for rediscovery. The Sigbefia Five/Formal Defect was especially epic as prices for the OG were skyrocketing in value. • I need to think of a creative descriptor name for acts like Zola Jesus and King Dude. Two artist whose albums this year were among the most cathartic releases I experienced.  Uncommonly poignant, moody and so much more. I felt both drained and liberated after listening to each. • Biggest surprise of the year: Xpropaganda. 37 years after the masterpiece “A Secret Wish” Claudia Brücken and Susanne Freytag release the remarkable stunning comeback LP, The Heart Is Strange. intricately detailed it picks up naturally where “A Secret Wish left off – dramatic, soothing and peaceful.
::: ::: :::
Ah, I could go on and on. I love writing and talking about music. Your comments and conversation are welcome, but let’s wrap this up…
This isn’t a top 10, top 25 or even a top 50. Instead, it’s an A-Z recommendation list encompassing many genres as those lines are getting more and more blurred. A good tune is a good tune, regardless of genre.  
HIGHLY encourage you to get out there and seek out new music; Visit the record stores, go hear a new DJ, fire up Spotify or another streaming service, check out some new music via podcast, DJ mixes, label sites, online retailers, even Facebook. One of the best sources for discovering new music is BandCamp – a plethora of discoveries to be found out there. If you do the work, you’ll be rewarded ;)     Speaking of Spotify – I made a playlist this year featuring plenty of the bands on my list. There’s at least a track or more from the artist who have a presence on Spotify. Sadly a few bands on this list aren’t on the platform but check BandCamp and you can have a listen. Here’s the link:   https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1kGOD6hX5NpsDtuglS3W5Y?si=bd8c29a32bb14267
As in years past I’m certain I missed a few things, ignored the hype on certain releases or just plain forgotten something. It’s a chore to compile this list, but I love to do it. There’s a ton of new pioneering music out there for sure waiting to be discovered and it’s the “what’s next” that keeps me a motivated music fan. There’s never a dull moment in speaking, writing, DJ'ing or promoting new music, so I’ll keep doing it and hopefully be a guide for you all ;).   If it needs mention and I overlooked it - I may do an addendum in the next week or so. Anyways, got your notepaper and plenty of beverages ready? Don’t be a TL:DR (Too Long: Didn’t Read) fool. Read up. Enjoy the music of 2022!
Alpha Sect - Internet Rebels (single) Blac Kolor – Roots (ep) Boy Harsher - The Runner (OST) Causeway - We Were Never Lost (album) Cold Cave - Godstar cover (single) Comfort Cure - Cuts the Line (Single) Comfort Cure - Rain on the Bar (Single)

 Comfort Cure - They Told You Wrong (Single) Crystal Geometry - I Stare Into Darkness Crystal Geometry - Thorned (ep) Crystal Geometry – We Are Not Alone (single) Cyan ID - Silent Past Wounds (album) Damaged Clock - Circulo Vicioso (album) Dive - Behind the Sun (album re-issue) Endless Nothing – Omnia Fert Aetas (ep) Evil Dust -Dresden (album) Extensive Infraction - Social Coma (ep) Faux Fear – Perfect Blue (ep) Faux Fear – Uncharted <<<>>> Legacy (single) Figure Section – Mirages (album) Figure Section – Trompe La Mort (single) Fractions – Daytona (ep) Fractions – Rize (single) Front Line Assembly - Corroded/Disorder
(album re-issue) Front Line Assembly - The Initial Command (album re-issue) Front Line Assembly - Total Terror 1 (album re-issue) Front Line Assembly - Total Terror 2 (album re-issue) GBxCL – Consensus Omnium (single) GBxCL – Exordium (single) GBxCL - Total Denial (single) General Dynamics - Weaponize Your Dreams (album) Halv Drom - Serpent Scan (album) Handful of Snowdrops - Hope TM (single) Hatchie - Giving the World Away (album) Hatchie – Nosedive (single) Infravision – That Beat In My Heart (single) King Dude – Death (album) Klack - Beat Unity (ep) Klack - Believe (single) Konkurs - Mind Stimulant (album) Krishna Goineau Feat, MCL – 80’s Tape (album) Kubler Ross - Kubler Ross (album) Leathers – Runaway (single) Leathers – Ultraviolet (single) Light Asylum - Dark Allies (Pablo Bozzi edit digital single) Lust For Youth – Accidental Win (single) Maedon - Now I am Become Death (album) Maedon - Now I am Become Death (Remixes) (ep) Maedon-X – The Lion and the Ram (album) Max Und Max - World Clash (ep_ Mentallo and the Fixer - No Rest for the Wicked 30th Anniversary (album re-issue) Mind | Matter – A Travers L’Acheron (single) Mind | Matter - les brumes de l'abandon (ep) Mint Julep – Covers (album) Mint Julep – Daydream (single) Minuit Machine – 24 (album) Minuit Machine – Follower (single) Minuit Machine - Lion in A Cage (single) Nasdrowie – Extract (ep) Nasdrowie – The Phantom Images 2 (single) New Frames – Ashes (ep)  New Frames – RNF4 (ep) NGHTLY - Il Venerdì Dell'Arte (ep) NNHMN – Arabische Ritter (single) NNHMN - For the Comfort of Your Exstazy (ep) Noise Unit – Cheeba City Blues (Album) Normal Bias - Normal Bias (ep) NZM 99 – Disaster (single) NZM 99 – Analogia (ep) NZM 99 - Requiem of Art (album) Pablo Bozzi - Ghost of Chance (album) Pablo Bozzi - Magnetisma (ep) Pablo Bozzi - Street Reign (ep) Placebo - Never Let Me Go (album) Placebo – Shout (single) Poison Point - Poisoned Gloves (album) Portion Control – Dissolve Plus (album re-issue) Qual – Re-animated (album) Red Deviil - Monster Room (ep) Rhys Fulber - Collapsing Empires (album) Sacred Skin - Killer’s Mind (single) Sacred Skin - The Decline of Pleasure (album)

 Schwefelgelb - Whirlpool-Gedanken (ep) SDH - Maybe a Body (ep) Sigbefia Five/Formal Defect – Behind Impuls Records (album re-issue) Silent Servant - Optimistic Decay (single) Soft Crash – Artificial Tears (single) Soft Crash - Your Last Everything (album) Spike Hellis - Spike Hellis (album) Termination_800 - Cyborg Remix (album) Termination_800 – Opfor Target (ep) The Present Moment - Enough to Drive You Mad (album) The Present Moment - News For You (single) The Serfs - Primal Matter (album) The Serfs – Stimuli (Kontravoid Remix single) Various Artist - Tartarus (with Alpha Sect, Facets, Gegen Mann and more) (album) Various Artist - Unholy Body Tempo (with Cyan ID, Red Devill, GBxCL, etc…) (album) Venon Vampires - Luxury In Deceit (album) WLDV – Lots of bandcamp singles X Marks the Pedwalk - New/End (album) XPropaganda - The Heart Is Strange (album) Yansyet – System 189 (single) Yansyet - Tears of the Motherland (ep) Yansyet – The Shining (ep) Zola Jesus – Alive in Cappadocia (ep) Zola Jesus – Arkhon (album)
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glitchyartz · 2 years
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celestial-zz · 3 years
hiii! i was wondering if i could request a hybridtechno + dreamxd fic w some dacryphilia, size kink and tummy bulge? i adore your writing and hope you’re having a wonderful day/night <3
Godly Urges
Pairing: c!Technoblade x afab!Reader x Dream XD
Warning: nsfw 18+ (Minors dni), stomach bulge, dacryphilia (crying), size kink, overstimulation, double penetration
Summary: Sometimes even Gods have human urges, and you just happen to have crossed a boundary you shouldn't have
    Centuries had passed since the creation of the universe. In those centuries the gods of the server have watched humanity rise and fall, watched as they tore each other apart in their petty wars and watched as peace settled in the lands. Some gods enjoyed the chaos, like Dream XD.
He thrived off the feeling of rage and bloodlust that erupted within the battlefield, feeding into humanities petty urges to create more chaos. Philza on the other hand detested the way humans ripped each other apart. He'd rather see them grow and flourish than see them kill one another within the battle field.
As I'm sure you can tell, those two didn't get along very well.
But then there's Technoblade, a name feared among men, but not for the same reason as XD's. Technoblade loved the petty wars that humans participated in, he lived for the feeling of blood across the grass. But he also had his favourites. Theseus, Icarus, Atlanta. He found curiosity in the way that these fragile beings would react to certain aspects of life.
And so the three gods coexisted together, messing and fixing humanity everywhere they went. They were once worshiped and feared, but as time elapsed, humanity began to doubt them and ignore their existence. No amount of horrid storms and curses from XD could change this, so ever so slowly the gods were outcaste. Some, like Philza, took to hiding himself within the humans, while others moved to a life of seclusion.
Despite their existence being nothing but a mere myth in the minds of humanity now, you had always been curious about those legends. Your father was a story teller, so from a young age you had been thrusted into this possible world ruled by beings more powerful than yourself. You had researched as much as you could, questioning anyone who would hear you out. Some may call it obsessive, but you called it curiosity.
That's what brought you here, to the forest. It was the oldest forest within the server, trees towering high within the sky, creating a beautiful shady setting. Everyone else avoided it, stating that it always felt too dark and dangerous to enter, but here you were.
Glancing around the clearing once more, you took a deep breath and began to walk towards the trees, entering the forest. It was eerily quiet, so much so that you could hear your own heartbeat above the sound of the ground beneath your feet. Unsure of where you were headed, you wandered around the forest, taking in everything you could until the sound of someone speaking made you freeze.
"Fuck me! Could you be any more boring?" A voice sneered from the distance, greeted by a different, more monotone one.
"Probably. Do you want me to try?" Footsteps could be heard moving slightly as you began to careful walk towards the sound.
"Shut up Techno. Gods I just wish things were more interesting. Even with my disciple, this server is so god damn boring. I haven't had a good fuck in ages, there's no wars to quench my thirst! It's so plain!" Stopping by a line of trees, you peaked between them and watched as a blonde figure threw his hands in the air. He had 2 crisscross halos above his head and a large pair of wings behind his back.
The other one, who was kneeling beside a healthy garden, raised an eyebrow at the man. "I didn't need to hear that first part."
The angelic god, or what you guessed to be a god, scoffed, "please, dont act like you wouldn't do anything for another war as well. All that blood coating your fur, the women lining up at your door, eager to present their bodies for you to ravage. The way they moa-"
A hot flush crept up onto your cheeks as the pink haired man stood up, "Enough." The masked one seemingly smirked.
"See, your all pent up as well. Don't pretend like the walls of the house are solid steel Techno. Sound still travels."
The piglin-like man rolled his eyes, "neither should you XD. After all, one of us is louder than the other." Glancing down for a quick second, heat crashed over you as you spotted a sizable bulge peaking from within the piglins trousers. "Luckily for you, I believe we have a guest."
His words almost didn't register within your mind. It was only once you were pulled from the tree line that you realized you had been caught. The boarish man held your shoulder tightly as the man deamed XD tsked. "My my, what do we have here?"
You gulped, both in fear and nervousness. Standing there in front of you were the men - nee gods- you had worshiped all your life. They were were obviously well built and taken care of, the thought of their previous conversation making you blush once more.
"Say, what's your name kid?" Technoblade asked, well more so ordered, as his eyes scanned across your body.
"(Name)." You squeaked out, watching as the smile painted on XDs face seemed to widen.
"Seems like fate took pity on us Tech." The piglin said nothing, allowing the green clothed man to circle you like a beast circles their prey. "Bet she enjoyed hearing our conversion. About how young sluts like her used to fall at our feet, begging for us to take them." Your stomach fluttered slightly as the Angel's hand brushed against your collar bone. "She sure is a beauty."
Techno stepped closer to you, his powerful stance enough to almost make your knees buckle. "Is that why you're here kid? Do you want to know what it feels like to be touched by a god?" He didn't touch you, but with the close proximity you could feel his already straining hard on brush against your hip.
A rational part of you wanted to say no, to back away and run while you hoped they wouldn't chase you. But a bigger part of you stayed, breath hitching as XD traced his hands over your clothed hips. "Please..." you whispered once more, making XD smirk.
"You heard her Tech." Cold lips brushed against the back of your neck as XD stood behind you, his own cock brushing against your ass. "God it's been too long since I've had a good fuck."
You let the two men surround your body, towing over you as they placed kisses against your body, slowly stripping you of your clothes. It felt like a scene out of a movie, their hands trailing across your now naked body as they stood above you.
Your heart skipped a beat as Techno took your nipple into his mouth, a moan escaping you as he massaged the other. All while XD sucked and bit at the skin around your neck, his fingers getting dangerously close to your folds. As the pink haired god switched breasts, a loud gasp escaped your lips, XDs long fingers entering your slick entrance.
"You like that? Gods you're so wet." His voice had fallen an octave, wings gently brushing against your back as he thrusted and scissored his fingers within you. Your breathing now came out in low gasps as you moaned, the two feelings creating an unusual pressure within you.
You felt Technos tusks brush up against your clit as he moved down your body. "She's such a pretty little human, isn't she?" XD praised, watching your body squirm under their touch. Technoblade only huffed, licking a large stripe up the front of your entrance as XD thrusted his fingers in and out.
"Please." You begged slightly, body hot and bothered. "Please I... I-" the words died in your throat as the gods paused their actions, glowing eyes staring at you.
"What darling? Do you need more?" XD asked as Technoblade blew against your bothered bud. Weakly you nodded, embarrassed by your own desires.
"Please, I need you both."
"Fuck..." XD whispered, his wings fluffing behind him. If he had his way, he would have taken you right then and there, but Technoblade was quicker than him, picking you up and carrying you towards their house. "Hey!"
The piglin hybrid glanced back at the clearly frustrated God. "We don't want to break her XD. Get in the house." Within no time you had been thrown onto one of their beds, which one you weren't sure.
You watched as the gods before you stripped out of their own clothes, their large bodies towered over you as they did so, prompting you to rub your thighs together, praying for any friction. "Look at her, so needy." XD teased, watching as your eyes widened at the sight of his length.
Granted they were both super tall, what did you expect? They were huge, their cocks pulsating from years of frustration, precum already dripping from them. XD was certainly longer than Techno, while the piglin god was thicker than the winged one. You felt slightly nervous now that you saw them both, praying they didn't split you in half.
XD wasted no time as he climbed above you, his glowing mask cast in shadows as he hovered, his wings spread out like an angel. Technoblade was quick to push him out of the way though, causing the god to growl. "What the fuck!" The piglins blank face didn't even twitch.
"I'll break her if I use her ass first. We'll switch halfway through." XD growled, clearly against the idea, but he didn't say anything as Technoblade stuffed two of his own fingers into your hole unexpectedly.
Gasping, your back arched, allowing the piglin hybrid to pick you up easily, his digits still thrusting in and out of you as XD got into position. You could feel as his calloused hands touched every inch of your being, edging out moans and whimpers already.
"Are you ready?" Technoblade asked sitting you down onto XD as the man behind you jerked his dick in preparation. Slowly you nodded, making him shake his head. "Speak."
An odd wave of arousal washed over you at his tone. "Yes." You whispered. XD wasted no time, picking you up again and spreading your back end. The tip of his cock teased at your ass entrance, slipping in ever so slowly as he grunted. "Holy shit..."
Pain filled your body for a moment as he continued to press deeper and deeper within you. "Shh..." he quieted your cries, licking the few tears that escaped your eyes off your cheeks. Once you were as far as you could go, XD paused, allowing Technoblade to tower over you and capture your lips with his own.
In no time, the mans own cock had pushed passed your entrance, a low growl escaping his lips at the feeling of you engulfing him. XD was the first to move, too impatient to wait any longer as he began thrusting his hips upwards at a steady pace. "O-Oh fuck! Fuck you're tight." He growled out, technoblade moving at the same pace as pleasure engulfed you.
The feeling of the two of them inside you was indescribable. Moans and whimpers escaped your lips like prays as the two of them moved in sync. Deep grunts echoed from both of the gods as they ravaged your body. "Fuck you're so tight. You like that huh?" XD jutted his hips up, making you gasp as he bit down on your collarbone.
Technoblade growled territorially as he too picked up his pace, grunting slightly as his tusks bit at the other side of your neck. "Fuck... amazing..." his own words came out as more of a grunt, his hips slamming into yours over and over again.
Pleasure encased your body as he hit that one spot deep inside of you. It was the best feeling you had ever felt. "Te-Tech...no..." you moaned out, watching as your stomach bulged upwards with each thrust. The sight alone was enough to almost make you cum.
Finally taking note of it as well, Technoblade was quick to put one of your hands over the bulge, watching as it disappeared and reappeared over an over again. "You like that?" He growled out, "feeling me so fucking deep inside you?" You weakly nodded as XD gripped your chin, pulling you into a messy kiss.
"I-I'm gonna-" you stuttered over the deafening sound of your juices squelching inside you, the two gods groaning as they felt you begin to tighten. "I-"
"You gonna cum?" XD asked as he picked up pace, chasing his own high. Technoblade did the same, the feeling of your wet muscles tighten around him sending him into over drive. You moaned over and over again as the pressure built up more and more until one final thrust from the both of them sent your orgasm over the edge.
Your nails dig into Technos back as he pulled out, hot sticky cum coating your back and stomach. Your legs shook as wave after wave crashed over you, making tears spring to your eyes.
Before you could even relax or mutter a word, the two gods had switch places, pushing into your over sensitive hole. XD didn't even pause for a second, hips thrusting almost at an inhumane pace as he chased his second high.
Technoblade was a little more careful, his cock even more swollen from before as he stretched you out before he entered. Despite that, you were already gasping and whimpering loudly. Everything felt like it was on fire, burning in a way that only brought you more pleasure. Tears seeped from your eyes due to the overstimulation, prompting the angelic god to go faster and faster.
Your brain felt hazy as the two of them used your body, eliciting moans and screams of ecstasy from you as they did so. Your hand fell weakly onto your stomach, feeling as the tip of XDs cock poked out from within you, causing the god to hiss. "Fuck I'm close." He grunted, extracting a cry from you and a snort from Techno as the two of them quickened their pace.
Tears now freely flowed from your eyes, only for Technoblade to lick them up as his hands left indents on your hips. Pressure began to build once again, peaking just as the two gods slammed their cocks into you on sync. A loud cry escaped your raw throat, making the hybrid behind you release as well, his cock swelling as more and more flowed out of him and into you.
"Fuck, fuck-" XD growled out, hips stuttering as he too neared his high, the over bearing stimulation and friction making Technos cock twitch and release more and more cum. Finally, with one last slam of his hips, XD released, hot liquid creating a feeling you had never felt before as he rode out his high. You felt so full, both gods having kept their cocks inside you as the three of you collapsed on the bed.
"Holy shit." XD muttered. "That was the best fuck I've had in a century."
Technoblade nodded, burrowing his snout into your neck as he pressed gentle kisses across the harsh bite marks. "Such a good little human." Exhaustion overpowered your will to speak, only allowing you sto snuggle back onto the warm chest of the piglin hybrid as XDs wings engulfed you.
"So, can we keep them?" The masked god asked, chuckling weakly as Techno glared, making you roll your eyes weakly as the three of you settled down into a sleep.
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bxct-it · 3 years
Hello! I’d like to request c!Technoblade as piglin hybrid, with stomach bulge and with the reader tied up :)
Sub GN reader please
Can I be 🍒 anon?
oooo another techno fic. you guys seem to like these :)
welcome, 🍒 anon!!
c!technoblade x gn!reader
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“techno…” your voice was a bit raspy as you spoke, waking up from your peaceful sleep to find your piglin boyfriend stood over you, grinning at his work. needing to rub the sleep from your eyes, you noticed you couldn’t move your hands. with wide eyes, now fully awake, you shot your head to the side, only to find your hands had been tied to the bed, well… more like chained as the golden metal clinked around as you tried to move your arms.
“shhhh, baby… you looked so sweet just sleeping there, i had to have you.” turning your head back to look at the hybrid, you only saw hunger in his eyes, his pupils dilating the more he fixed his gaze onto you. “i have to be inside of you, please baby, you always make me feel so good.”
listening to his words, you watch with a grin as he shuffled on his feet, scanning your eyes across his body, you realise how hard he was, his cock straining against his loose pants. he was huge, this was something you knew but still, it shocked you every time. “hm… you want me? wanna fuck me until i cry?” you tease the male as you wiggle your hips in excitement, bending a knee and using a foot to skilfully slide your loose pants down your legs.
“go ahead, baby. ruin me.” given your consent, the piglin smirked, his hands immediately pulling his clothes off as he climbed onto the bed. sliding his hands up your legs, he pulled them apart and planted himself in between them. grinning down at you, his fingers slipped against your soft skin as he pushed his fingertip against your fluttering entrance, chuckling softly to himself at your eagerness.
your hips wiggled in excitement, his tips of his fingers slipping inside of you making you gasp out and moan. “more…” whining slightly, you pulled at your chains, the feeling of the cold metal against your wrists making you shiver. the huge brute clenched his teeth as he worked you open, his eyes watching the way you would react the entire time.
after watching you come undone by just his fingers, he smirked down at you, pressing his lips against the skin of your neck. his teeth nipped at your flesh while his hands pulled your hips closer to his, rubbing his hard cock against your sex as he let a trail of spit fall from his mouth and to his cock, spreading his spit all across his huge length.
“you want my cock? hm? want me to stuff you full?” techno’s voice was light was amusement as he lined up his tip with your clenching hole, watching with laughing eyes as you try to reach for him, wanting him desperately inside of you.
“please, techno! for the love of god, just fuck me!” you cried out as your hips tried to shuffle you further down the bed to push yourself onto his cock, the brute laughing at you while his hands push your hips into the bed. “well… you asked for it…”
as soon as the words left his mouth, his hips snapped forward and his cock entered you, his wide girth spreading you open while his tip hit you deeper than you’ve ever felt. his teeth clenched as he groaned, feeling you clamp down around him as you moan out his praises. “so good! so deep… so so deep… tec-techno- you feel so good… fuck- i can feel you in my stomach…”
shaking his head in amusement, his eyes trailed your body before stopping at your stomach, a bulge under the skin appearing with every thrust of his hips. “ah- oh… fuck-“ his voice was so much more deeper as he growled down, one of his golden ringed hands leaving your hip to push down against the bulge, causing the both of you to fall apart, techno shooting him cum deep into you while you came underneath him, your legs shaking as they struggled to stay clamped around his waist.
“god… we have to do this every time we fuck…”
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