jullien-lorilli · 5 months
The Art of the Pitch: Injecting Passion and Purpose
Blog 1 - April 24, 2024
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Artist: Arek & Anna Kajda - Pitch 3D Brand Illustrations 2020
This week, our team had the opportunity to present our pitch deck for our Fish Box venture to a panel of experts. While they showed approval for our innovative solution to address food wastage and pollution in the fishing industry, their feedback reminded us of a crucial element often overlooked – the power of storytelling.
The panelists pointed out that our presentation, though informative, lacked the compelling narrative and engaging delivery needed to truly captivate our audience. We were too formal and "stiff," failing to infuse our pitch with the passion and enthusiasm that could make our idea truly resonate.
As technoprenuers, we tend to get caught up in the technical details and practical aspects of our products, forgetting that ultimately, we're selling not just a solution, but a vision. We need to paint a vivid picture of the problem we're solving, the impact we aim to create, and the journey we're embarking on – all while injecting our own personalities and genuine excitement into the narrative.
Moreover, the panel's advice to provide the product architecture in our next presentation reminded us of the importance of striking a balance between the "big picture" and the nuts-and-bolts details. While captivating storytelling is crucial, we must also back it up with solid technical information to demonstrate our credibility and the feasibility of our venture.
As we move forward, our team is determined to apply these lessons. We'll work on crafting a more engaging and visually appealing pitch, one that truly showcases the passion driving our venture while also providing the necessary technical details. After all, successful technopreneurship is about more than just a great idea – it's about the ability to communicate that idea in a way that inspires and captivates our audience.
Jullien Lorilli T. Angcla - Mechanical Engineering 3A
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srdyyy · 2 years
WEEK 2-Intro to Technoprenuer
This week was full of new learnings, and we also had fun at the same time. We had lots of discovery during our activity last friday. since we did this activity where we were grouped into 4 members, and we were task to give our insights about one of the sustainable development goals. The activity was to engage in conversations with your groupmates so all of you can build a trust to one another.
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Another activity was to give your first impression towards your members before doing all of the activities, at first I thought that my groupmates would be hard to work with, and that they would not cooperate in group works. Next is to give your impressions after doing the activity, I found out that my groupmates are very kind to each other, verry cooperative where all of us gave our individual thoughts about the topic, and all of us were open for suggestions.
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jnsab · 2 years
WEEK 1-Intro to Technoprenuer//SDG
In our first meeting in a live orientation of this subject, technopreneurship, the presenter told us that as soon as possible, we should be able to take the test and then the BII for our professor to sort us up into groups. That group will then form an idea that they will be presenting. After I finished the personality test, I got an ENTP-T or a DEBATER with a specific turbulent personality. Well, after getting that result, it's not like I didn't expect this, or simply I kind of agree with this result that I got. After taking the Personality test, I took the BII or the Berkeley Innovation Index, in which I scored 60.67 out of 100. I don't have such a comment about my BII.
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After taking the Personality test, I took the BII or the Berkeley Innovation Index, in which I scored 60.67 out of 100. I don't have such a comment about my BII.
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Our professor instructed us to form groups of eight people each for our Friday agenda and then choose a topic or subjects from among the 17 GOALS - Sustainable Development Goals. Our lecturer assigned homework in class where we had to select one of the 17 SDGs. Then, we would attempt to create a concept. This device could benefit the neighborhood or provide a long-term solution. The sixth SDG, which ensures that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation, was chosen by our group. We plan to create a device that could clean unfit-to-drink water and then deliver it to a community that lacks clean, sterilized water. To achieve this goal, we vision a trucking system that could provide this drinkable water to the community. For now, this Idea is simply an IDEA that in the future could happen and then help the community.
The particular feeling that I felt during the day was all of us have individual Ideas for specific goals in SDG; it's just that we have only an idea, not the knowledge right now and the sources to help the community. In the future, some of us may be a person who advocates and help people with that kind of need; it's just that for now, our goals and ideas may come true in the future. Furthermore, that particular day reminded me of the past when we presented things on manila paper. We drew things and then reported them. I felt that I got back in the past because of that activity.
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corwinlim · 5 years
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Richard Branson — 'If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!' 理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)—“如果有人为您提供了绝佳的机会,但您不确定自己能否做到,请回答"是"–然后再学习如何做! #richardbransonquotes #lifechange #billiondollarsmotivation #bestquotes #billionairequotes #商学院 #企业家思维 #布兰森 #entreprenuer #investpreneur #technoprenuer #跨界 https://www.instagram.com/p/B21Iwg_ARVE/?igshid=8vwptttkuj68
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techno102 · 3 years
Weekly Blog 8 by : Jude Dagooc , Isagani Agagdan , Nomer Torrejas , Kierk Pamisa , Kyle Ermac
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Mrs. Glee Ye owns and operates the king and queen milk tea business, which she started in Divisoria, Cagayan de Oro City, in 2008. It was a popular trend and she wanted to capitalize on it. Throughout their first operations, she had very poor sales, which was their biggest barrier. The pandemic, as well as severe rules to keep the virus from spreading, have been her most challenging challenges thus far. During this time, she promotes on social media platform and joins a food delivery service.
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weewu · 4 years
ViewQwest’s WFH solutions help ease congested home networks
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ViewQwest has seen 30 per cent increase in Internet traffic over the past few weeks. It has also received (10x) increased number of requests for WFH solutions from enterprises who are currently not equipped to accommodate a full WFH arrangement for their staff due to network challenges and insufficient VPN licenses.
ViewQwest has rolled out solutions to address issues connecting to office networks due to congested Internet connections at home. With majority of the workforce now working from home, the residential network is increasingly getting congested with traffic from enterprise and consumer usage. The increase in the number of devices that need to be connected to the corporate network also contributes to the network congestion at home.
WFH Solution 1: ViewQwest Private Network
ViewQwest’s WFH Private Network, its key WFH solution, allows the office network to be directly connected to homes. Homes that can install fibre broadband mostly have two fibre optic terminal points for the entire household. Typically, only one of the terminal points will be used for the residential broadband service. The ViewQwest Private Network will then be connected to the second, spare terminal point to build a private network which connects to the office network.
The Private Network directly addresses the main issue that businesses currently face when using standard, noncloud based Virtual Private Network (VPN) services – slow network performance especially during peak hours.
VPNs typically tap on the home or public network to run. In addition, many businesses have planned for VPNs to be used mostly by remote staff or staff who occasionally need to work from home. In the current situation where work-from-home is mandated, the Internet connection at home will be strained under the weight of shared home and work usage. 
As the Private Network is directly connected on the second, spare fibre optic terminal point at home, it does not share the same bandwidth with the home network. There will be a dedicated bandwidth from the home to the office network. WFH staff who connect to the Private Network are guaranteed optimal connection between their homes and their office network without the hassle of VPNs.
At the same time, the home network will not be disrupted.
Vignesa Moorthy, CEO of ViewQwest said, “Traditionally, VPN solutions are sized to support only 10 to 20 per cent of the workforce connecting at any point in time. When too many people who are working from home use VPNs, they are bound to face slower network performance as the VPN solution will be operating over its initial capacity. In addition, the home network in which the VPN is operating from will also be congested with enterprise and consumer usage, which slows the network performance further.”
WFH Solution 2: ViewQwest Cloud Virtual Private Network Service (Cloud VPN)
Legacy VPNs are built upon a hardware-based infrastructure. As such, it is subjected to hardware capacity constraints and will not be able to keep up with sudden increase in usage quickly. This results in businesses not being able to upgrade their VPNs to accommodate a larger capacity urgently when needed.
ViewQwest’s Cloud VPN solution addresses this issue directly by having the VPN on a cloud platform. With a cloudbased VPN, businesses can choose to easily scale the VPN to cater to as many staff as required as there is no need for any infrastructure or hardware upgrade to do so.
Cloud VPN will be offered as an on-demand service. ViewQwest can activate the Cloud VPN for enterprises within 24 hours. 
The Cloud VPN solution will cost S$5 per user per month while the Private Network solution will be priced according to the requirements of the customer. Enterprises who subscribe to the Private Network solution will also be charged according to Active and Standby periods.
ViewQwest’s WFH solutions help ease congested home networks was originally published on The Neo Dimension
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dxmnkxt · 3 years
Berkeley Innovation Index (BII) Test
Are you currently or planning to be a technoprenuer someday? You MUST try this test to measure your Innovation Mindset Level by just answering 30 questions!
Personal Innovation Mindset Level
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I can really say that I was honest in answering the questions. How? I took the test 2 times! The first time I took the test, I got 78.7, and saved it as a PDF. Hours ago, as I opened the PDF, unfortunately, the page was fragmented into 3 pages. The chart was cut and it looks ugly. In my second take, which resulted in 77.9, I finally saved it correctly by taking a screenshot!
Back to the main point of this blog, overall, having a result of 77.9 out of 100 is not bad at all. That means there's room for IMPROVEMENT. There's so much more to LEARN & DISCOVER.
Analysis and Recommendations
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As you guys can see, the obviously lowest score I have among all those components is TRUST, on the other hand, the highest one is RESILIENCE.
Let me dwell first with the lowest one. I do have trust issues, and maybe that is the reason why I got a low score on that component. I couldn't deny the fact that my experiences in life left me with trust issues. In entrepreneurship, we always collaborate with people, may it be someone we already know or just whoever. We can't stand alone in this type of field. We just need to trust each other cautiously. And that's the thing I need to work on.
How can someone be resilient in this world full of failures? Let me tell you that I was once an entrepreneur. There were bad days and good days. Of course, I'll talk about the bad days! 🤪 There were some customers who doesn't know how to respect. There were times buyers stood me up. Those are the few things that made me resilient. We always need to overcome and learn from the bad days for us to move forward. You can cry and be mad over it, but just for a short period of time! Don't let that consume and destroy you and your plans. Get up and try again!
As they always say,
"It's just a bad day, not a bad life"
Generally, all those components, it ALWAYS starts with the mindset. If you have a POSITIVE mindset, actions will follow.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Test
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Yep, I’m a Turbulent Protagonist! Anyone having the same code, ENFJ-T? Well, hello there 👋
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In case you are wondering what ENFJ-T stands for, let me spell it out for you!😉
E - Extraverted
N - Intuitive
F - Feeling
J - Judging
T - Turbulent
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As I am not that familiar with what Diplomat means here, I looked it up and read about it. So, its shared personality traits are INTUITIVE (N) & FEELING (F). Almost all of its descriptions are really true enough. I’ve experienced most of it. There’s a lot to say, but I’ll highlight the most important thing I’ve read.
“They are sensitive to other people’s feelings, and they want to nudge the people around them in positive directions.”
I can say that this is the MOST important thing among those descriptions because all my life that is what I wanted for the people around me, especially to my loved ones, for them to have a meaningful and prosperous life.
Social Engagement
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Being a Protagonist, I do have the strategy of Social Engagement which has shared personality traits of being Extravert (E) & Turbulent (T). All along, I thought I am an Ambivert but says here, I am 73% Extraverted!
“Their Extraversion can help them move past the self-doubt that comes with the Turbulent trait, enabling them to expand their comfort zone even when it isn’t easy.”
I’ve read this line more than 5 times already and read more about it. I just realized that I have experienced this countless times. 21 years living in this world, most of the time I always doubt myself. “Am I capable of doing this?”, the question that comes frequently into my mind when I am doing things. As time went by, I just didn’t realize that my Extraverted trait helped me to get through it.
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To be honest, I am in between Judging and Prospecting. A day before, I would plan all the things that I would do for tomorrow by creating a to do list. But there are times that I am too lazy to prepare ahead of time, so I just go with the flow. There’s this line that belongs to Prospecting Personality,
“People with this trait hold that life is full of possibilities.”
and I believe in this. Possibilities in this world are unexpected and infinite. Take risk. It’s either a blessing or a lesson. Win-win.
It’s interesting how they kinda knew about what type of person I am by just answering questions. While reading and going back to the memories I had, I just asked myself “WHERE’S THE LIE???”.
We all have different personalities, different strengths and weaknesses. Let’s make good use of our advantages, and be better everyday to overcome our drawbacks.
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mattoyko-blog · 8 years
Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Failure
     Last February 22, 2017 Engr. Mabulay once again inspired us to be an Technoprenuer. Entrepreneurs are made not born. Even to those who are already born rich. They were taught on how to deal with money and economical problems. It need your perseverance to be an Entrepreneur. This will help to your work ethics and how passionate you are on what you do.
     Most of the Entrepreneurs and Innovators live in Silicon Valley. It’s okay to fail but we have to move faster to catch up on the trend. We should persevere through failure and learn from it. Just like how Angry bird was made. Their company failed for more than 50 products. Imagine the time that they’ve spent and went almost broke. It takes wide imagination to create a game changing idea. To help us from our failures the book “The Other F Word” by John Danner and Mark Coopersmith. There were top 3 rules on how Entrepreneurs put their failures to work:
1.) Learn by watching - The best failure to learn is from somebody else’s.
2.) Learn by playing and thinking - The next best is to learn form simulated reality, games, or analysis.
3.) Learn by doing - Test first and prepare to be wrong.
    It is hard to be an Entrepreneur because of dealing with our failures but we were not alone to burden that feeling, we have a whole team to recognize our failure and reflect to make a fast rebound.
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ishazz-recommends · 4 years
How Did Don Vierra Become the World Renowned Consultant in Health Information System?
How Did Don Vierra Become the World Renowned Consultant in Health Information System?
For those in Health Informatics, the name “Vieira” might not sound strange. Immanuel Antonius, professionally known as Don Vieira, is a successful and independent consultant who has reached horizons beyond expectations. The 32-year old Technoprenuer has ticked off projects, which most consultants still consider as a dream.While he was brought up in Namibia, his expertise and skills were…
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wintych · 6 years
13th Blog
March 17, 2019 the final last blog for this semester. It was scheduled on March 13, 2019to have our demo day which was we've presented or final product. The seaweed cups, on that day, everyone was so busy enought o prepare for our final presentation of products or the pitching day.
Morning on that day, we are scheduled to present on the accordance with the no 19 presentor. While we are on, the said venue. the aura feels so cold that makes every one's goosebumps. Everyone was so busy, doing and started to pitch with 3 panels each presentor.
While waiting on our time, my groupmates, practice in order to pitch in way, it will catches attention. Since, there are lots of questions, and verifications on every presentors from the panels, our scheduled to pitch was later move to 1:30pm.
When our time to present, it was so scared for us since our product didnt reach that strong enough. It become so gulliable to hold. But as soon as we presented the pitch, its our lucky side that the panels praised our works and give some advices, and suggestions. All in all this week, was a blast, experiencing the basic lofe of being and technoprenuer. in a way you can be creative enough to try and explore things.
This final blog, helps us to trust and work as a team. To End this blog, i would like to sy thankyou team warriors for your extra efforts and stuff. we can be a successful technoprenuer someday. fighting!
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srdyyy · 2 years
WEEK 1-Intro to Technoprenuer
During our meeting for the technopreneurship, the presenter instructed us to take the test and the BII so that the we can be put in groups based on the results of the tests. The groups would then develop and present a concept. I received an Adventurer personality type with a specific trait (ISFP-T) on the personality test, which is what I have expected. After the test , I then answered the Berkeley Innovation where I received a score of 59.83 out of 100 :)
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Our instructor gave us directions to form groups of eight members and pick one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to focus on. As part of our activity, we had to choose a specific SDG and create a plan to address it. Our group decided to focus on SDG 14, which aims to preserve and sustainably use the world's oceans, seas, and marine resources. We came up with an idea to build a robot that could clean up waste and explore the ocean's depths using claw machines and a camera.
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As we performed our activity, I realized that while we all have great ideas in solving different world problems, our know is not advance enough to actually perform these world changing machines. Nonetheless, it was exciting to think that some of us might become advocates and help the community in the future.
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corwinlim · 5 years
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Good Day... #fintech #coder #technoprenuer #financialtechnology #techfin #bosque #bnm #cording #corwinlim #financialhub #financialsystem #amla (at Bank Negara Malaysia Museum and Art Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwdUbJvgc7B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pme2i28q6gvq
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carlsuasola-blog · 6 years
Tech101 - Week 17 : Hasta La Proxima
The lecture lately that given to us by the instructor was all about the for the customer specially the observation for the problem as well as the product. The use and usability concept gives an idea to have elaboration for our venture because this aspects helps our venture tohave our produc appropriate use to the customer's need. The meaning aspect also helps us to realize that our product that it should have a meaning to tge customers by validating every move specially relating the situation in terms of their culture and ways of living.Applying the concepts would help our product to be firm in presentation. This 17th week of technopreneurship is a grateful and progressive day for us since our team able to accomplished several requurements for this subject. We created lately the video pitch for our product. Also, the frontend for our monitoring system is already been set for the presentation purposes. For this week preparation, our team able to finalize the pitch deck for the final demo. The interfacing for the components also were been worked. But as of now, were able to interface only the flow meter sensor because we had lack of materials to be used in our pump and our microcontroller was malfunctioned lately because of their was no wifi inteface found and we cant even have the chance to download some modules for incorporating the monitoring system in the raspberrypi. Although this challenges is quite hard for us, we still able to find ways to overcome this kind of challenge. The lack of materials is not a hindrance as long as you still find ways to complete and able to present the following requirements in the finals. For now, its my last blog for our team's venture and for the whole journey of technopreneurship. I learned many lots of things in this kind of subject specifically the real scenarios in the industry and technology world. Creating a start up is not easy but the impact given to us as a technoprenuer was a grateful experience. The hardships that weve been through as a technoprenuer paids off by making the experience unforgettable. The interviews from the clients, the managements for the venture, the time, the value and lessons that weve gathered from this subject are really realizing us on how to become a professional technopreneur given the technicalities and expertise supports our venture to hold strong and lively happen. Its seems to be a farewell but the footprint that we leave for this journey will not be faded away. The start up that our team created will be slowly strike the technopreneurship world. The prayers to survive this venture strongly holds us. So help us and support us till the last day of our venture. See you for the next compose of my blog.Godbless and Goodluck ! Aja !
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weewu · 5 years
Razer Announces Stormtrooper Edition Kraken Headsets
Razer announced in March that they are collaborating with Lucas Film in bringing Stormtrooper- themed collection of Razer products to the gamers. They have already launched the Blackwidowed Silent Mechancial Keyboard and Atheris Wireless Mouse.
To compliment these two, Razer is launching the Stormtrooper Edition Kraken Headset. Retaining the same market- leading features as the original Razer Kraken headset is now sporting the colors of the most feared army in the Star Wars Galaxy.  
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#StarWars Fan, listen up! @razer releases Stomptrooper Edition Razer Kraken headset! The product will be sold at RRP USD109 and will be available from 14 Nov onwards! #maytheforcebewithyou Photo: Razer #instagadget #gadget #razer #teamrazer #sggamer #instagaming #technology #Sgtech
A post shared by Neo Wee Wu 梁威武 (@weewu) on Nov 20, 2019 at 11:58pm PST
Designed for esports athletes and gamers alike, the StormtrooperTM Edition of the Razer Kraken headset features custom-tuned 50mm drivers for a wide soundscape from subtle audio cues to helmet rumbling explosions. The uni-directional, retractable microphone ensures your shot calls and battle orders are always delivered in absolute clarity.  Using a thickly padded bauxite aluminum frame and cooling-gel ear cushions, the StormtrooperTM Edition of the Kraken headset is built for comfort over long mission sessions. With an inline remote for volume and microphone controls and connection via 3.5mm jack, the StormtrooperTM Edition of the Razer Kraken headset is compatible with PC, Mac, console and mobile devices.  
The StormtrooperTM Edition of the Razer Kraken headset is available now at Razer.com and is selling at the recommended retail price of USD 109.99
Razer Announces Stormtrooper Edition Kraken Headsets was originally published on The Neo Dimension
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spartint-blog · 6 years
Nigerian technoprenuer named among emerging women leaders by Fortune–USAID
Nigerian technoprenuer named among emerging women leaders by Fortune–USAID
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aljoe8346-blog · 6 years
MVP: The Making
Today, we started making an MVP for our technoprenuer and we are currently gathering some ideas on how to build an app for it.
As we are studying how to build this app, I stumbled upon a site where you can build android app fast with minimal coding, and this is app.inventor, developed by MIT and I was trying to build my first app out of it. 
so then I figured out some of the how to’s of it and will make an app soon for the MVP.
so for the time being I’ll be studying this new site, and will build an app soon.
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