#teddy and victorie
shanks · 4 months
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rennebright · 5 months
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『Nikke:Cheer squad 』 by TEDDY [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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souptastical · 2 months
getting into next gen™️ like it's 2011 all over again whattuppp 👏🏼
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bellwood-qudditch · 1 year
HP: Next Gen Headcanons part 2
•Louis’s middle name is Arthur
•James=Chocolate, Lily=Strawberry, Albus=Vanilla
•Lucy is in Hufflepuff
•Victorie became a healer
•Molly II loves crocheting
•Roxanne became a fashion designer in the wizarding world, becoming the next big named designer in the industry
•Hugo has a huge interest in dragons and he took Charlie to the movie theatres when “How to train your dragon” came out
•Everybody calls Fred II, Ricky—to distinguish him from his namesake
•Albus has a black cat named Jetson who he found whilst in Hogsmeade in his sixth year. He was a stray kitten.
•Lily Luna hates being called LuLu but all her friends use that name to tease her all the time
•Victorie did ballet dancing all her life and even went to Paris one summer to train
•Hugo learnt to speak French when he was really little by copying Fleur
•Lily Luna is best friends with Madison Wood and Everett McLaggen
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letstrythisout4 · 9 days
Thinking about Victorie (Tori) Weasley
First things first I dont fuck with the approximated ages of this generation. I just- no. Like the math isn’t mathing for me, so in my head this is how it goes. I think Victorie is the eldest of the entire generation, I think she was born in 1998. That is not canonical but I like it so much more yk. I like to think that she’s older than Teddy by a couple months. I don’t think she was a planned baby (much like Teddy) but yk. Bill and Fleur were young and dumb and shit happens idk. I just don’t like the…let's say canonical implications of Teddy and Tori dating at such a young age, AND if Tori is born sometime during the war it's a little moral boost or whatever, this is what we're fighting for type shit, much like Teddy. (But this will also play into a headcanon that ill get into later in this post about like politics, social standings yadda yadda, so stay tuned)
I like to think that wizard genetics are weird, right. So in the case of the topic for this post, Victorie Weasley, this would mean that Tori and all of her siblings have Veela traits despite being like what an eighth (im dumb and bad at math so dont bully me if thats wrong) Veela. I like to think that Tori is the most Veela-like; where all of her siblings have the classic red Weasley hair she was born platinum blonde and just in general looks way more like her great-grandmother than anyone else in the family.
I think that she is kind of deemed precious by the entire family, I mean she was born in such a moment of darkness and provided so much hope for regrowth after the war and that never left.
That girl was spoiled, heavily.
I mean the first grandbaby and she’s a girl. Molly adores her like no other and definitely hovers a lot.
I think Tori being born is a major part in fixing the relationship between Molly and Fleur.
ALSO imagine being Tori and learning the lore behind your mother and your grandmothers relationship before your birth. I feel like most people have a point where after youve grown up, maybe when you’re a teenager or an young adult, where you get to know like the family drama; imagine just ONE (because the weasleys have other shit to that i can get into later) piece of your family drama/lore is that your grandmother used to have beef with your mom and straight up used to hate her. Like the grandmother that you adore used to talk shit about your mom. (That’s not an uncommon thing at all, I know that something that people go through but its still crazy yk)
You know that trend where its people photos as adults and then as kids with the Megan song where its like “Knowin' nothin' in life, but I gotta get rich · You could check the throwback pics, I been that bitch” THAT IS TORI
I like to think that Tori and Teddy grew up like two peas in a pod. If they went more than like three days without each other when they would finally be reunited -especially as little toddlers- they were so dramatic, refusing to be more than 5 steps from each other.
I like to think George is the one who gave Victorie the nickname Tori and she just loved it so much that after the age of like eight she stopped answering to her full name unless her mom or grandmother (on her mothers side) was the one calling her.
Tori and Teddy are like the heads of the Next Gen. Way before they even became a couple they were the older cousins, they were respected and looked up to by the rest of the Next Gen, their just a power duo.
(I think Tori has like a two to three year distance between her and Dominique, and then I think that Dominique is kind of like the eldest of all the kids. So basically the next gen is Tori and Teddy, no kids born for the next 3 years, then Dominique then everyone else)
Tori and Dominique both grew up heavily in Veela culture. I can’t remember if I’ve said it on the blog or just thought about it alot but I think that they both were sent to Beauxbaton for a couple years for the equivalent of muggle elementary and then transferred to Hogwarts.
I think Tori ( because she is so Veela-like) perhaps got bullied and harassed. I’ve seen a lot of people dive into the implications of being Veela or part-Veela so I won’t get into it too much but Idefinitely think that she had her fair share of just straight bullying. 
Now a little bit of a switch up but stick with me. Imagine with me, that the Weasley family is a fallen noble house (maybe even ancient).
The house fell maybe during the first war or a little prior due to blood supremacy; they were clipped out the pureblood scene when they were just a little too loud. 
Now the house has fallen and post-secondary wars the Wizarding World in Europe is trying to rebuild itself. 
Tori (in my head) would take advantage of that. 
Listen, we've seen the Weasley family kind of get treated like shit because of their relationship with muggleborns and their financial situation and their lack of political influence. In theory if they were to rebuild the house there would be no better time than postsecondary war.
But I don't think that they do. Molly and Arthur are happy just to be with their family. All of the Weasley siblings we know of , except for Percy, are (for lack of a better word) free spirited non-socially conforming people yk. Bill is a curse-breaker, Charlie works with fucking dragons, the twins opened a joke shop and Ginny is a quidditch icon. I doubt they give a fuck about social status in the sense of regaining former political power. Especially because they all seem to have had it kind of easy. I mean yes we know they get comments about their finances and whatever but like…Weasleys are tough as shit, they'll just beat the shit out of you and call it a day.
Percy though is an exception, Percy did want to be in the Ministry. He was attempting to climb the ranks but I think after the war…after Fred’s death, he does not care, at least for the next few years.
I think Tori does care. I can see a world where Tori is getting harassed because she is part-Veela and I mean lets be real there must still be Death eater sympathisers at Hogwarts and Ican only imagine he fucking target the next gen had on their backs. I don't think that it's an issue for the other kids because well they have each other to rely on and the older cousins aka Tori and Teddy who as the eldest set the standard of like hey we are not meant to be fucked with. 
I think Tori and Teddy both faced heavy harassment for being half-blood and fought back. I think the two of them were perpetually in detention simply because they refused to sit there and take it.
I think Tori is bitter because of course this harassment isn’t just little kid petty ignorant bullshit, this expands into the grander political/social scene. Her family is beloved by half the Wizarding community sure, but they are seen as Harry Potter's sidekicks. The other half would kill them if they could get away with it. 
I think Tori looks around and sees that yes the war is over but ignorant purebloods still hold power. They still have their elite clubs and balls and still shoot down laws that could make change, I mean yeah a lot of people died or went to Azkaban but that was just Death Eaters, they are plenty of blood supremacists that couldn’t be convicted because well they haven’t done anything. They just refuse to let half-breeds into any important position of power *shrugs* voting against something isn’t illegal.
In theory the Weasley House could be great and as the eldest Tori is in a position to make it great. 
Tori Weasley looks at the snobby pureblood society and decides I am going to get in there and change it for the better or die trying.
Give me Tori Weasley who in her 5th year walks into Flitwick's office for her consultation on her future career paths with notebooks filled with information on Wizengamot, all the pureblood families, pureblood customs, etiquette, niche traditions, clubs, events, everything. Information on every level and subsection of the Ministry. 
Tori Weasley who works her ass off to be the top student of her year, before because she simply was competitive but as she gets older she is intentionally trying to stomp on every highly-tutored pureblood who thinks they have an advantage. She wants to be the best with no room for discussion and she is.
Give me Percy Weasley who is watching his niece grow up to be a mini him. She always had his tendencies even when she was at Beauxbaton, obsessed with rules and wanting to know everything. She looked up to him. But now, Christmas of her 6th year, 16 year old Tori was like looking in a slightly distorted mirror. She rallied her cousins and siblings, yelling at them if they were too loud or bumped into her, messing up what she was writing.
Percy warned Tori of greed and ambition and how blinding it could be. But Tori just had to respectfully shut him down. Greed? Ambition? Yes, yes she could admit she could find satisfaction in always being right but at the end of the day this wasn’t about her, this wasn’t for her.
This was for the family.
Tori didn’t want a position of power for herself.
She wants to rebuild the House of Weasley into a respectable name, politically, socially, and financially. She wanted to form allies with other like minded Houses like the Abbots, and wanted to formally politically oppose blood supremacy. 
She wanted their seat back in Wizengamot.
As the eldest she had much to gain from this, yes, she would be the head of the family… but she’s always been the head of the family. She gave the generation before her something to fight for during the war, she gave them something to live for after the war, she gave her generation a reputation to use for when they were at Hogwarts so that their years could be easier. And she would be giving all of her success to the next generation as well.
Tori is greedy and ambitious, yes, I mean you definitely won’t see her handing over the position as Head of the family to just anyone but so long as it benefits the family…
She starts her plan the second that she leaves HogwartsI think Tori is someone who becomes incredibly famous because of her efforts. I mean incredibly intelligent, beautiful, witty, and well known through coming from families that fought in both wars, I think she is set up to become a media darling. 
Photos of her arguing passionately in Wizengamot make it on the front page and that is where she gets her start. 
I think she grows into a name that is so well known that before she gets a seat in Wizengamot she’s already building connections.
I like to think that Tori is incredibly successful, that she reestablishes the House of Weasley and garners more respect for the House of Prewett. Tori is making political moves shutting down underhanded oppression and advocating for different communities. Tori is at every event, every ball, every club. And I mean even the ones whose crowds are primarily made up of blood supremacists. Why does she go? Because you never know what you’ll overhear. Why is she even invited? Because her name is too big in the Wizarding World to not be invited. 
I think Tori Weasley is the youngest member of Wizengaot ever, becoming the official representative of the family and taking up the seat for the family at age 22.
I think everyone is incredibly proud but I think Arthur is the most proud. I think he never held a passion for politics or House matters but I would imagine that he is old enough to remember what it was like when the Weasley name was respected and we know that he lived through the disrespect that the Ministry put them through after the first war. 
I imagine a seat in Wizengamot pre-first war used to be a symbol of status and respect because you have to fight your way to be an option to fill the seat and you have to be elected by your fellow Wizengamot members to actually take up the seat. Losing your seat in Wizengamot must feel devastating so to see it be regained, not only is personally satisfactory but also feels like a symbol of true progress.
(lemme know if yall want my opinions or headcanons on literally any character of any era because I have many, also if yall want elaboration on anything)
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fairytale-poll · 9 months
a magical girl teddy bear winning against disneys Cinderella, one of the most classic and definitive version of the fairytale for many people, is so funny to me
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
Hi, just out of curiosity, what do you think is the birth order of the entire third generation?
Well, I don't have it all figured out but I'll show you what I got.
In red there are the ones we canonically know.
1998 - Edward Lupin - April
2000 - Victoire Weasley - 2nd of May (technically it's canon that she's born in the early 2000s, could be 2001, but seeing the timeline of her relationship with Teddy, it's basically canon that she is born in the year 2000)
2002 - Dominique Weasley
2003 - Molly Weasley - we know she is at least one year older than Albus and Rose because Percy is at the platform in the Epilogue but not with them and if it was Molly's first year it would be weird. For how I built Percy and Audrey's story in my head, they marry after Harry and Ginny but have a kid before them
end 2003/2004 - James Potter - I don't have the exact date but James is an April aries, it's a hill I'm ready to die on (also if Ginny got pregnant in July 2003 then she could end cleanly her career with the Harpies without having to stop mid-season)
2005 - Louis Weasley - I was half tempted to put him in James' year but he isn't there in the Epilogue with James and Harry and Ginny already have the perfect two years-two years gaps with their three kids so I wanted to change it a bit
end 2005/2006 - Rose Weasley - she gives me autumn vibes Idk why
end 2005/2006 - Albus Potter - he gives me winter 2006 vibes, I kind of like the idea of Albus being born on Valentine's Day actually but it's not a headcanon set in stone at the moment
2007 - Lucy Weasley - She is the most up for debate. I really see Percy and Audrey waiting a bit to have another child, yet I keep thinking that Percy would have the trauma of the big age gap between him and Charlie. But I also really like the idea of one of Percy's kids growing up with one of George's.
2007 - Fred Weasley - I know everyone gives him James' age but George is not in the Epilogue, I don't understand the logic of mentioning Percy but not George if George was there. Also, the George in my head has some very tough years after the war and his relationship with Angelina is really messy for some years
end 2007/2008 - Lily Potter - I don't really have a specific month but she gives me warm vibes, maybe June (Harry and Ginny are both born right before being too young and having to go in the younger school year, so in my head, none of the Potters can be born between September and December. Yes, I am crazy but if you think about it long enough it starts making sense)
2008 - Hugo Weasley - Everybody always assumes that he is Lily's age but we technically don't know. In TCC he's not shown to be sorted when Lily is, but the idea of Hugo and Lily being in the same year is so rooted in my brain at this point that I usually just go with it
2009 - Roxanne Weasley
+ Bonus:
2010 - Lorcan and Lysander Scamander
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Some aftercare for Gil after his poisoning experience? Thenas Pokémon being surprisingly caring and protective of him!
Something sweet maybe
Gil blinked, feeling something cool on his forehead. "Oh, uh, hey."
Gil sat himself up in the bed, touching where Frosslass' hand(?) had just been. "Did I have a fever."
The ghost pokemon put on a contrite face and nodded, "Frosslass-Fross."
He had been at home for almost a week now, but they did tell him there could be latent effects of the poisoning he had suffered. So far the pain he had felt had at least lessened, but he still had some aches and chills, and the occasional fever.
Thena's pokemon had been...surprisingly helpful. He had expected Dragonite to be a bit of a worrywart, but both he and Teddiursa had been good about going back to work while he was still recovering. Thena may have told them that they had to help cover for Gil while he was still out sick.
She herself took as much time off from work as she could, but the league didn't exactly give her paid leave. Instead, she had gone back to her usual route with only Gallade and Ninetales, asking her most recent team addition - Froslass - to stay home with Gil.
"Frosslass?" she asked, floating down to the bed on top of his multiple blankets.
"I do feel better, thanks," he smiled at the kind hearted ghost pokemon. She tended not to let herself be visible for too long, but he felt that he had a good rapport with her. "What time is it?"
"Fross," she reached for him, using her long arm(??) to retrieve his pokegear. "Fross-Frosslass?"
"Yeah, she should be home in a little bit," Gil commented, looking through his messages, although they were mostly from Thena telling him that she hoped he was resting, and also a picture of a Luxray who apparently seemed to know her.
"Fross!" the ghost pokemon startled as he started sliding out of bed.
"I'm okay, really, I can at least put some soup on," he attempted to assure it, patting between the horns on her head.
But the ghost rushed in front of Gil, its eyes narrowed. "Frosslass!"
He had to admit he was surprised. He knew that Thena had instructed the ice/ghost type to take care of him in her absence, but he hadn't expected her to be so invested in his recovery.
"Fross," she continued, explaining how even in her short time in the house, she had noticed how much happier Thena's 'aura' seemed when Gil was around. He brought a calm to her trainer's mind which Froslass appreciated. "Froslass?"
"Of course I would," Gil sighed, not even wanting to think too hard on the idea of Thena being sick the way he had been. If anything, he was unconscious for so much of it, his memory was questionable at best. But as he had asked Thena about it, the severity of it was enough that she had admitted she was prepared to have a very serious talk with their little bear cub about the worst case scenario.
Froslass was right; he had a family to take care of, and to do that, he had to take care of himself.
She joined him, floating alongside him to the kitchen. "Frosslass...Fross?"
Gil nodded, reaching for the stew pot as well as some kitchen basics. They were actually from his apartment, since Thena's kitchen was terribly lacking for anything that wasn't related to pokemon nutrition. "It'll be easy, I'll just put it on so by the time Thena gets back it'll probably be almost ready."
Froslass floated around him, watching as he prepared the meal for himself and her trainer. "Frosslass."
Gil laughed, chopping a little more slowly than normal given his cold fingers. "Yeah, I guess I do kind of worry about what she feeds herself when I'm not around."
"Fross," the pokemon shrugged, pointing out that Gallade's snacking habit actually came from their trainer.
"Well, actually," Gil smiled at Froslass as he cooked. "When I first met Thena, I learned early on that she only cared for her pokemon and pretty much neglected herself."
"We ran into each other here in the valley. She had just moved and was still camping with Ralts and Swablu. When I brought her to the pokemon centre, not only did she sleep for almost an entire day, but I also found out that she spent all her money on luxury balls and vitamins and pokemon food. All she'd eaten was oran berries and packaged curry she'd brought with her."
Frosslass laughed as well, fading in and out of view as she expressed her glee. It certainly sounded like her very driven, very caring, but also very dense trainer. "Fross-Frosslass?"
"Well, I mostly told her that I would share my lunches with her, but only if she stopped spending all her money on her pokemon and at least bought herself some sandwiches or something. Or, y'know, worked on finding a place to stay while she was here."
"She stayed in the league facilities for a while," Gil narrated as he began chopping the potatoes. He hadn't blanched them at all, wanting them to cook in the broth. But they were still pretty hard. "A lot of trainers do, but I don't think she liked not being able to have her pokemon out of their pokeballs and in her room with her."
"Fross," the ice type nodded, pressing the knife down with Gil. She was delighted to discover that, at home, Thena maintained an open pokeball policy. Sure, some people had a Pikachu or Skitty in the house with them, but mostly it was smaller breeds like that.
"I kind of like to think that was my influence, a little," Gil chuckled as Froslass helped him slide the diced potatoes into the stew as well. "I mean, she already carried Ralts in her arms all the time, but still."
"Fross?" she asked, intrigued by the idea of proud and stubborn Gallade being carried around the way Teddiursa had been at first.
"Yep," Gil confirmed as he started stirring. "She totally babied him. Carried him in her arms, let him sleep in her sleeping bag with her, even kept him in her coat when she went up the mountain. He acts all cool now, but right up until he evolved into a Kirlia, he was just as much of a lap pokemon as Teddi."
Froslass snickered to itself; she would savour this information the next time Gallade got bossy about the house rules.
"Come on, don't tell him I told you that," Gil attempted to dissuade her. "He already hates me, I can't have him thinking I turned you against him."
"Frosslass!" she waved, dismissing the notion that the Blade pokemon disliked the gentle ranger in any way. "Frosslass-Fross, Frosslass!"
"Really?" Gil felt the need to ask. Gallade always acted like Gil was somewhat of a nuisance, if a familiar one. He really hit those teenage years hard, and Gil sometimes wondered if he would ever outgrow that phase of only wanting to lie around and watch tv at home.
But Froslass argued that Gallade cared very much for his trainer's mate (as they put it). Gallade was Thena's battle partner, certainly, but he had at least some respect for the fact that Gil was her partner in a different way.
"Fross!" It was the thing about auras again. Gallade and Ninetales - and Frosslass to a certain degree - could all sense the auras people and pokemon gave off. And Gil and Thena's auras were never so healthy and happy as when they were together, so the ghost type said.
"I guess that's a relief," Gil looked into the soup pot, stirring the dinner for himself and his aforementioned partner. He certainly felt like he was part of their family. "He could give me a little less lip, though."
"Fross," she shrugged. That was Gallade--he didn't like listening to anyone, and even listening to Thena didn't always work. But he cared for their family and took protecting them very seriously.
"Yeah, I'll say," Gil huffed, mostly in reference to the many occasions Gallade had interrupted their dates like a disgruntled father or agitated little brother. "I used to make poffins for him, and he treats me like I'm some homewrecker."
"Frosslass," she lamented, and she was right, Thena's poffins were better (marginally). "Frosslass!"
But Gallade did have fondness for Gil, and being his usual petulant self around him was a sign of that.
"Well, thanks for telling me that," he smiled at the ghost companion who handed him the pot lid. "This can just simmer away until she gets home."
"A little," he also lamented, yawning into his palm. "Man, this is killing me."
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled, patting its head again before shuffling to the couch. "Thanks for keeping me company, too. I know you'd rather be out battling with Thena."
"Frosslass," she excused easily. Everyone was worried about him upon the news that he had fallen ill. And if she could do small things to help, like look after him at home or babysit Teddi on occasion, then she was happy to.
"What do you want to watch?" he asked as he picked up Gallade's precious tv remote.
"Fross," she pondered, watching him skip through programs until her eyes lit up and she floated up off the couch again, "Fross!"
"Okay, Great Galar Bakeoff it is," Gil declared, setting the remote down and sinking further into the cushions. "Do you and Thena watch this?"
"Fross-Frosslass," she nodded, recounting how Thena actually paid very close attention to the relaxed show, hoping to absorb some practical knowledge.
Gil yawned again, already being lulled to sleep by the calming music and gentle regional accents, "that's pretty cute."
"Fross," she whispered, watching as he curled himself up. She reached to the back of the couch, also using Gallade's precious throw blanket to drape over Gil.
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entities-of-posts · 6 months
Why are all of your links in pinned post broken I'm frothing at the mouth let me in let me see the secrets let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in
I have no idea, they work for me, but they don’t work for some people… you can try manually searching for the tags which title the arcs, and either scroll to the end and then read back up or tack on the chrono function yourself. It’s build into the links, which might be what doesn’t work for you. Recurring characters also have their own tags.
I’ll tag this post with all the arc tags, so you can click on them, as the search function is terrible.
Of course, a lot of the lore is actually on discord now!
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evansisasadist · 1 year
My next gen birthdays
Teddy: 23/04/1998
Fred II: 14/09/2004
James: 10/04/2005
Rose: 07/03/2006
Albus: 04/06/2006
Molly II: 16/01/2007
Roxanne: 12/02/2008
Lily: 02/04/2008
Louis: 06/07/2008
Hugo: 08/07/2008
Lucy: 07/02/2010
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shanks · 11 months
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rennebright · 11 months
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二人ギャル by TEDDY [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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ikarponea · 2 months
#Tedoire are soooo adorable 💙💙💙
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albuseveruspoter · 3 months
HPNG headcanons I got for each character (and few common ocs) on character headcanons generator that I think might fit. Part one.
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bellwood-qudditch · 5 hours
Next Gen jobs
Teddy: Goblin liaison turned Stay at home dad
Victorie: Healer, turned Hogwarts school counsellor after 25 years at St. Mungo’s
Dominique: Record and archives keeper at the French ministry of magic + former bartender + former band member
Louis: St. Gringott’s desk job and then wizarding world equivalent engineer
Molly ii: Journalist for the ‘New York Ghost’ (American version of the daily prophet)
Lucy: Ministry secretary, specialising in PR.
Fred ii: Worker for his father’s business and eventual owner.
Roxanne: apprentice for Madam Malkin’s robes turned huge fashion designer
Rose: Professional quidditch player
Hugo: Paralegal turned Lawyer within the ministry of magic
James Sirius: Professional quidditch player
Albus: Worked in an apothecary in Diagon Alley, then became a potioneer for St. Mungo’s. And eventually became the Hogwarts potions teacher.
Lily Luna: Entrepreneur for her own skincare line within the wizarding world and eventually the Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts.
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thathuffgurlsart · 11 months
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All the Weasley cousins
+Teddy and Scorpius
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