#teddy x owen
horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
all of owen hunt’s wives/ex wives should form a club and in that club they should kiss each other and be in love with each other and talk about how much owen sucks
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cosmicanemoia · 5 months
Proper Introduction
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 5
You receive a text from Teddy saying that she wants to meet with you in the cafeteria of the hospital. You were just outside Grey Sloan Memorial sitting on a bench, so you got up and went into the hospital. When you were making your way to the cafeteria, you could tell that everyone's looking at you funny, but you didn't mind them and went on with your business. When you got to the cafeteria, you sat down and took your phone out of your pocket and texted Teddy that you're already there. Teddy thinks to herself and thinks that is fast.
Amelia and Teddy went to the cafeteria together, and when Teddy saw you sitting alone, she called out your name and waved at you. Amelia, on the other hand, was shocked to see you. As they make their way to you, Amelia nudge Teddy with her shoulder and asked "What the hell did you do? What is going on?" Teddy just smiled at her and continues to walk to you. When they finally get to where you are, you stand up, and Teddy gives you a hug. As you hug Teddy, Amelia caught a whiff of your scent once more. You thought she inhaled your smell, but you thought maybe not. (She did.) They sat down with you and talked.
T: Dr. Shepherd thinks you're stalking her.
Y/N: Good one. Ted. * You raise your eyebrows up and down and chuckle a little*
T: Unfortunately, I'm not joking. *sighs*
Your smile turns into a frown.
Y/N: What made you think that? Me? Stalking? You? I didn't mean that in a bad way. You're gorgeous. But I'm not a Stalker.
A: Then what are you doing in Boston? We bumped into each other. Outside near the hospital? We almost bumped into each other. I even smelled your scent in one of the pillows in the on-call room.
T: What were you doing smelling a pillow?
A: Not the point. TED.
T: it's chief Altman for you. And how do you know her smell from other smells? Are you once a perfume connoisseur?
A: Again, not the point. I remember your voice. You only ever said "sorry" and not "I'm sorry." Care to explain yourself?
You weren't saying anything, and they can tell you were thinking to yourself. You are trying to remember, and you did.
Y/N: the gorgeous woman in Boston. It was you? And yes! Outside, you almost spilt your coffee on me. I almost knocked you down. I slept one time in the on-call room, Ted knows that. I haven't slept for two days so she let me. *winked*
A: All that information does not, not make you a stalker.
Y/N: Right. It doesn't. (You shake your head left and right and smirk) I was in Boston with a friend, well my girlfriend at that time, but that's a story for another time. Ted knows her, I can give you her number, and you can call her and ask what was I doing in Boston. But tell her to skip the intimate details. She likes sharing those. Although, I doubt that she'll answer. And outside when you almost spilt coffee on me. I just finished talking with Ted here, and I ran out to the hospital because I am going to be late to an appointment.
T:bYou should stop saying appointment when you're meeting with your family. Dr. Shepherd told me she could smell you all over the hospital.
Y/N: You showed me around that should be normal. (Your eyes fixated on Amelia's making her kinda nervous. You stare into people's eyes when you get serious, unknowingly.) So?
You like how I smell? *you teased*
A: *scoffs* I- (her phone pinged, she's being paged) I need to go it's an emergency. (She quickly got up on her seat and walked away.)
Teddy laughs out loud when Amelia gets out of sight, which confuses you, so you asked her.
Y/N: Why are you laughing like that? What's so funny?
T: she is so whipped.
Y/N: whipped? Who is?
T: Yes! Dr. Shepherd, for you.
Y/N: You're being delusional.
T: You're being blind.
Amelia entered the room where they read x-rays and scans. She let's out a deep sigh. Link and Owen looked at each other.
L: Already? it wasn't even midday.
O: Girl troubles? Maybe?
A: Shut it! *She commanded with an annoyed look on her face.*
Link and Owen turn their backs on Amelia and say that they need her for consult. She lied about it being an emergency. Amelia's conversation with them was rather short.
Amelia was alone when she went in the elevator, and before it closed, y/n swoops in. Now, they are alone, together. Y/N pulls the emergency stop and turns to face Amelia, who was in shock and a little nervous, not knowing what's gonna happen next.
A: Please don't kill me.
Y/N: *laughs* You're funny. I'm not gonna kill you. If you come over to my house for dinner tomorrow night. *menacingly stares at Amelia* I'm kidding. I'm not a murderer. Just come over tomorrow night, and dinner's on me. Wear something casual. * held out her hand to Amelia* Hi! I'm y/n l/n. Nice to meet you.
A: *confused of what's going on, also held out her hand to shake yours* I'm Amelia Shepherd. Nice to meet you, too.
Your hands were still holding each other. You pulled her for a hug. Amelia thinks it was a very good hug, and she felt safe in your embrace. She thinks you pull away way too soon and wants more. You push the emergency stop, and the elevator starts to work again. As you both walk out, you said, "Now, we are properly introduced." You nod at her and said "See you around, Dr. Shepherd. It was nice meeting you." You turned around and walked away, and you missed the smile that was on Dr. Shepherd's face.
As Amelia turns to walk away, she is smiling and giggling like a child. Link, Owen, Jo, and Bailey saw her, and as she saw them, she continued to walk on and didn't mind the faces on her colleagues and friends' faces. She's genuinely happy.
O: What do you guys think happened in that elevator?
L: What can make Amelia smile and giggle like that?
J: Sex, the thought of sex, someone she really likes asking her on a date.
The three looked at her, who couldn't seem to believe or accept what she had just said.
J: What? That's what I would also look like if I were in her position? You asked a question I just answered.
B: She's in love.
Bailey shivers as soon as those words leave her mouth. The three looked at her, and they seemed to agree with her, but they were waiting for her to elaborate more or share her thoughts more, but she just walked away.
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i'm outta my head over you Pt. 3
prologue (Pt. 1) | Pt. 2 | AO3 | playlist for this fic
btw, this whole concept is definitely not based on my own steddie playlist and masterpost for why i added each song 👀
today's @steddie-week prompt is: angst
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Steve’s dealing with his feelings just fine, thanks.
He’s not pissed at Eddie for the stunt he pulled back in the upside down.
Not at all!
Steve snatched Eddie up in a bridal carry, yelling at Robin and Nancy to help Dustin up to follow them back to the gate, because he’s head over heels for the stupid man bleeding out all down the front of his shirt.
Steve brute forces his way through the Munson’s ceiling one-handed and lands a bit too hard on one knee on the other side because he can’t imagine a life without Eddie Munson now that he’s in it.
Steve keeps his fingers pressed into the mangled wounds on Eddie's side all the way to the hospital to keep him awake and sobbing for Steve to “Let go! Why are you hurting me?” because he’s pretty sure he’s in love.
Or at least, he could be. Someday soon. He’s certain of that.
He loses time after finally letting Eddie go, safe on a gurney that was speeding into the ER.
He was standing there, watching as Eddie was wheeled away through big double doors, then he was on the floor. The collapse onto his ass does not exist in his mind; one second he was standing, and the next, his legs were crumpled under him and his right asscheek hurts. Nancy and Robin are there too, crouched in front of him with twin looks of worry on their faces and he can see Dustin behind them, trying to shove the nurses who are looking at his ankle away in order to get to Steve.
“Dusty,” his voice is a cracking whisper, “Dusty, stay there, I’m fine.”
“Steve, Steve, what happened, are you alright?” he sluggishly turns his head toward Nancy’s voice, but never gets there. His memory goes blank again.
When he comes to, he’s laid out in a bed of his own. The flimsy papery gown already slipping from his shoulders and the thin hospital blanket he was given doing nothing to stave off the cold feeling of IV fluid rushing through his veins.
He blinks the crust away from his eyes and looks around.
He’s in a hospital room, naturally, a couple empty chairs sit opposite him along the wall, there’s a window out to the setting sun (rising sun? How long was he out??), and beside him is another bed, a familiar head of curls atop an unfamiliar small form.
“Eddie?” he tries to say, but no sound comes out. “Eddie!” he tries again, only getting a hoarse whisper this time.
Eddie doesn’t move, but Steve sure as hell does. He needs to get up, needs to get to his friend, is he okay? Why does he look like that? Eddie's nowhere near this small or fragile, he’s loud and nearly as tall as Steve is! He needs to help him, needs to–
“Steven, Steven!” there’s a hand on his arm, stopping him from rolling out of bed fully.
Later, he’ll kick himself for his total lack of response, but at the moment, all he does is freeze.
“Mr. Harrington, please sit back, relax. Please.”
Steve does as the voice asks and lays back down, looking over at the person at the side of his bed.
The older gentleman is familiar somehow, but his still-foggy brain isn’t pulling up the name.
“Good morning Steven, or should I say Good evening?” the man’s eyes crinkle up at the corners with his smile.
“How long was I out? Where is everyone? Is Dustin okay? What about Max? Why does Eddie look so small? He–” Steve’s voice started out okay, an audible whisper, but completely fell off by the end of his questioning and the man cutting him off with a shake of his head and a hand on his shoulder.
“Calm down, Mr. Harrington.”
“Steve.” Steve manages to whisper. Damn his throat is sore.
“Steve. Everyone’s okay, it’s after visiting hours so your ‘party’? I think I heard one of your younger friends say? Have all gone home for the night. Including Mr. Henderson; his mother picked him up with a cast on his leg. Broken ankle and a fractured tibia.
“Ms. Mayfield is just down the hall, with a couple broken bones herself. As for Mr. Munson, he’s stable, heavily bandaged, and will likely be out for a while more. You’ve been out for about 20 hours.”
Steve stared at this man, he must be a doctor, while his brain processed that information. He wanted to relax back into the uncomfortable hospital mattress and pillow but, “Who are you?’
The man’s immediately apologetic. “Oh goodness, I’m so sorry. I should have introduced myself. I’m Dr. Owens from the Hawkins Lab.”
Again, Steve starts to move, shuffling backward as best he can with all his limbs still feeling boneless, but he needs to get up! Get between this man and Eddie.
“Steve, Steve, please relax, I’m here to help you.”
Steve sits back, though reluctantly since he physically can’t do much else. “Forgive me for being suspicious of that.” His voice is getting a bit stronger now from using it around the pain.
“That’s fair,” Dr. Owens chuckles, mostly to himself. “Please, hear me out.”
Steve says nothing, so Owens takes this as his sign to continue.
“You lost a lot more blood than either you or your friends realized. The adrenaline kept you going until you were safe at the hospital–”
“Until Dustin and Eddie were safe in the hospital.” Steve corrects on instinct. He was definitely not there for himself.
Owens smiles. “Of course. Yes, once your friends were safely being taken care of, or taken back to be in Mr. Munson’s case, your adrenaline dropped off rapidly, and you passed out in the ER lobby.
“Ms. Wheeler called me when they took you back too, worried about what the staff would start to think when they saw your injuries, so I came as soon as I could.
“I got here just as your friends were being asked to leave, so I only got bits of what happened from Ms. Wheeler and Ms. Buckley.”
Steve’s gaze had drifted back to Eddie while Dr. Owens talked, looking over the visible bandages wrapped around him, the equally thin blanket tucked around his frame, the bags under his eyes, the handcuffs linked from the bed frame to his wris–
“What the hell is that doing on him..”
“I’m sorry?”
“What in the HELL is that doing on his wrist?” Steve manages to yell, whipping his head around to glare at Owens.
“What are you–oh, I see. The handcuffs…we’re still working on that.”
“Well work faster. Eddie didn’t do anything wrong, he saved this fuckin’ town!”
“I believe you, Steve. Please calm down. We’ll get Mr. Munson’s name cleared.”
Steve focuses on steadying his breaths, watching the rise and fall of Eddie’s own chest.
Owens seems to know what it is he’s doing, as once he’s calmed down, he speaks again. “Steve, can you tell me what happened?”
Shit, he focused too hard on calming himself down. “Not now, sleep.” Steve says, already fading back out. “Morning. Nancy, Dustin.” 
He’s asleep after that.
The next day finds him being bombarded (painfully) by Dustin (“OOf! Dusty, careful, I’m all bandaged up, remember?”), and joint upside-down rundown to Dr. Owens (who pales at the mention of Henry/Vecna/001) with Nancy, Robin, and Erica.
A plan is made in the next couple days, Owens, the newly not-dead Hopper, and Nancy heading up the ‘official’ story about what happened to Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick and what to do about Jason Carver and his mob-starting mentality against Eddie.
Lucky for them, Jason was in the hospital too, after the beating he took from Lucas. The assault of a minor really didn’t look good on him, and the hits to the head helped scramble his memories enough that he mostly forgot about Eddie (Plus some extra secret government influence sprinkled in for good measure).
Until everything was sorted, an unconscious Eddie remained in cuffs. Something that irked Steve to no end.
After he was discharged himself, Steve basically lived at the hospital. 
He’d greet the nurses that were kind to Eddie, and snub the few others who weren’t. He thought about getting his mom on the phone just for her to say some choice words to the hospital’s Chief of Medicine, the Head of the Board of Directors, someone about the exactly zero doctors here who really showed any care for his friend, but he didn’t think she would be counted amongst the few people who were.
He haunted the hall between Eddie and Max’s rooms from first thing every morning to just before security is called to escort him out every evening, sharing his time between the two of them about 70/30 (Lucas was in Max’s room constantly, and if Steve hovered for too long Max would start pelting him with tongue depressors), spending a majority of the day at Eddie’s side with a couple others; mostly Dustin, but all the party would visit Eddie as often as their parents would allow; Steve made himself scarce when Eddie’s bandmates would come to visit, not wanting to make them uncomfortable with “King Steve”s presence.
Some days were just he and Eddie and the steady beeping of the heart monitor.
Steve’d sit beside him, listening to music, or reading, or attempting to read aloud that Hobbit book Dustin brought by. He’d make sure Eddie’s wrist under the cuff didn’t get raw and chafed by rubbing lotion into the skin there and over his cracked knuckles (he also wanted to do something about the dreadful cracking that was happening to his lips around the tube in his throat, but worried that’d be taking it a step too far).
And he thought.
He thought a lot.
A lot about how he felt about Eddie, over and over about what he could do after he was safely discharged too, would he even have the guts to tell him his feelings?
Steve knew he could wait, wait until Eddie was much healthier, far more healed. He’d waited this long, what was a little longer?
Steve debated not telling Eddie at all. He heavily debated it, actually. Within a few short hours of really knowing Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington knew his life wouldn’t be the same. He could not imagine any version of his future without Eddie in it now that he was there. Why risk the awkwardness if Eddie didn’t feel the same? Why take the chance?
His few hours away from the hospital would be where he did most of his agonizing over it; barely able to sleep, able to function besides his basic needs. 
Two of their party, their little family, were in the hospital right now and Steve couldn’t stop himself thinking it was his fault they were there. The hospital staff constantly told him that they both were stable and well on the mend in Max’s case, but all he could think of when he wasn’t there was that somehow both of them would crash; an invisible, undetected infection had taken hold way too fast to act, or bone shard had wandered off somewhere it wasn’t supposed to.
His thoughts made it near impossible to sleep, the echoing empty of his house was no help either. He could really only calm down when he was at the hospital and could easily put eyes on both Eddie and Max.
Then, because of the lack of sleep away from the hospital, he’d always end up crashing there in Eddie’s room, twisted into the chair at his bedside with his fingers curled into the sheets next to Eddie’s hip.
It was after one of these chair naps that Steve first met Wayne Munson.
Steve fell asleep later than normal, so he woke up a bit later than he normally would. Somehow, he was skipped over during security’s rounds that night and awoke a good bit after visiting hours were over.
Not wanting to make things worse for himself if he wanted to come back later, he uncurls and reaches for his bag. 
He rubbed the lotion into Eddie’s wrist under the cuff as best he could, over his cracked knuckles, and over the rest of his hands, trying to warm them up a bit and not-so-subtly also checking for bedsores on the backs of his friend’s arms at the same time.
He was just adjusting the pillow under Eddie’s head like he always does before leaving for the day when a voice boomed into the room.
“Who the hell are you?!”
Steve whips around to look at the source of the voice from where he’s hunched over Eddie’s head. 
The older man in the doorway is tall, the top of his bald head only a few inches shy of the doorframe, though that could also be due to the heavy-looking workboots on his feet, poking out from under the legs of a well-worn, grease stained set of coveralls.
“Who are you, and what’re you doin’ with my boy?!”
Steve immediately stands straight, his hands up in surrender. “I’m Steve Harrington, sir,” he starts, putting one hand out for Wayne to shake, “You must be Wayn–”
“A Harrington, huh? Get the hell away from my son, Harrington.” Wayne hisses and steps forward between Steve and Eddie’s bedside in an impressive three strides and immediately worrying over the bandage on Eddie’s cheek.
Steve backs up as requested, both hands back up. “Please, Mr. Munson, I’m his friend, I was only–”
“Don’t lie to me, boy. No Harrington would ever dare to be friends with someone of our kind.” he says over his shoulder. Steve knows that tone, someone’s said that to him before. ‘One guess as to who.’ Steve’s brain supplies, very unhelpfully.
“You ain’t hurting my Eddie if I have anything to say about it, now get the hell out of here before I get you thrown out!”
“Yes sir, of course. I’m sorry..” Steve acquiesces immediately, he’s not about to fight the man on this, especially not with what he’d gone through.
He grabs up his bag and leaves, rushing out to his car before his thoughts finally catch up with him.
‘That’s it. That’s all the time I’ll ever have with him. Wayne Munson won’t let me near him again and I’m already going out of my mind without him.’
Steve’s in his car now, staring blankly out the windshield. He slowly lowers his forehead to the wheel in front of him, onto the backs of his hands.
Eddie listens intently to the first four songs, imagining what about each of them Steve is trying to tell him beyond what is written down, laughs at the inclusion of Runnin’ with the Devil (though he really hopes Steve’s note about Ozzy was just there by happenstance and not because he thinks Ozzy is part of Van Halen).
‘Damn he’s cheesy as hell.’ Eddie thinks fondly.
His eyes glance over to the little blurb for the next song when Out Of Touch starts to fade out.
“...the fuck?” He says, and pauses the tape.
Under Be My Baby - The Ronettes, Steve had written “Teddy, your uncle is fuckin terrifying...but he’s got great taste in music.”
“What in the hell??”
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Part 4 here!
wayne can be a lil' scary. as a treat.
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lemonwisp · 1 year
I’m not sure if these have been added to the NATM archive but @night-at-the-musian I found some stuff on this website
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shelbgrey · 2 years
🎃💉Grey's Anatomy Halloween Special💉🎃
“This Is Halloween”
Paring: Derek Shepherd x reader, read x multiple characters
Summary: you and Derek go to a Halloween fest with your friends from the hospital. It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt.
Warnings: horror, some gore, not edited.
Greys MasterList.
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Halloween is upon us and the hospital loves to make sure we don't forget it. I'm definitely not complaining, I love everything gore and spooky. Dispite our busy schedules we like to at least take a minute to appreciate this time of the year.
If you work on the Peds floor like me and Alex you learn quickly that this floor loves Halloween. This gives the kids something to smile about and do during their stay.
Dispite his protest me and Arizona got Alex to dress up for the kids. Our trio Decided to dress up as super heros which the kids loved. Alex was carrying around a captain America shield and entertaining the kids while I was dressed up like Hawkeye and Arizona dressed up as a female Thor.
“what's up Cap?” I teased as Alex came over to the nurse's station with a scowl. “shut up”
Me and Arizona laughed as he sat his shield down only for a kid to snatch it and run off. Alex who was secretly enjoying it playfully yelled 'hey!' and ran after the giggling kid.
“I love Halloween” I smiled putting a sucker in my mouth. Arizona nodding agreaing as she grabbed a chart and walked off. I sighed happily and set down my fake bow and arrow. Before a could go anywhere a all too familiar voice spoke behind me.
“trick or treat” a small voice said. I smiled and saw Derek carring our son Who was Dressed up like Chucky. I smiled lovingly at my two boys as took out five year old out of his arms.
“what happened to the Harry Potter costume” I laughed remembering our son was indeed Harry Potter early this morning. Derek smiled like he didn't know what I was talking about.
“he said he wanted to be scary so while you were in surgery I took him to the Halloween store” I rolled my eyes and set him down so he could say hi to Arizona and Sofia.
Derek gave me a cheeky smiled as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to his body. “have I told you how much I love this costume on you?” he asked kissing my neck. I chuckled and pulled him away.
“children are present... Many of them” he slightly laughed and kissed me on the cheek. He leaned up against the nurse's station next to me and snatched a piece a candy from a bowl that was on the station.
“so I think Meredith and Ameila are planning something for tonight” Derek said breaking off a piece of his kit-Kat and hanging it to me.
“should we be worried?” he chuckled crumbling the wrapper and putting it in his pocket. “I know just as much as you do, I'm just the messenger”
“what about Dean?” I asked as our son ran up to us. “Bailey said she'd watch him”
“momma look” Dean said cutting our conversation short. Dean smiled and held up a little toy sugar skull that glew in the dark. As he played with it Derek came up behind him and fake jumped scared him. Dean giggled as Derek tickled him. Derek laughed to then looked back to To me.
“I'll take him to Bailey, say bye to mommy” Derek said. Dean waved his fake knife with a smile. “bye-bye mommy” I waved good bye then set off to fine our friends.
“Hell fest has finally arrived!” the report smiled on the TV.
I walked up to the nurse's Station Meredith, Amilea, Callie and Mark were at. “What are you guys watching?” I asked as Jackson and April joined our group.
“shh” mark said not taking his eyes off the TV.
The TV showed Seattle's annual Halloween fest. The place was called Hell fest and it was full of haunted houses and different actors who jump out and scare you.
“but unfortunately the haunted attraction has caused some controversy, with the realistic sets based on actual serial killers and true events. Is it distasteful or just plane Halloween fun?” the report continues.
The fest's advertisements was full of gore and slasher themed custumes. Amilea stared in amazement. “dudes we have to go”
Christina rolled her eyes. “it's just a bunch of cheep rides and haunted houses that aren't even scary. It's a waist of time”
“oh come on yang grow a pair” Mark said acusing her of just being scared. April who wasn't into it all shook her head terrified but she was ignored.
“those places are awesome actually” I added as Derek joined us. He kissed the side of my head and leaned against the nurse's station next to me.
“But the haunted attraction is based on actual events…isn’t that a little bit inconsiderate to the families of the victims?” April asked.
“What, you don't want to be chased around by Ted Bundy?” Mark joked as he fake stabbed Derek with a pen Derek chuckled and pushed him away from me and him as scrolled through my phone looking up the place. I smirked and tapped Merideth’s shoulder.
“Dude we have to go! This place is known to be haunted!” I said Meredith bugged her eyes out in surprise looking at the article. “Awsome”
“yes!” Amilea said looking over our shoulders. Derek just shook his head and smiled at the trio.
April sighed and garbed a chart. “I'm gonna check on my patient” I sighed and looked at April with a depressing look. “Fine we won't go”
Amilea made a fake evil laugh and followed April. “I guess I'll go with... So you don't get murdered by an escaped psyc patient” aprli slugged her in the shoulder as the two disappeared in the hallway.
I then looked at jackson. “And you guys can stay here all along… with the nerves parents and kids who ate too much candy” Jackson sighed and looked at the direction that April went.
Not a second later April’s screams erupted through the halls then a cash sound followed along with Amilea's cackles. The group looked over to where the sound came from with confused looks. April came racing in shaking while Owen followed, rubbing his head while Amilea was with him cackling.
“What happened to you?” I asked, chuckling.
Owen turned to April. “You hit me in the head with an empty bed pan” April whipped back around. “Well you snuck up on me in a dark closet, what do you expect?”
Amilea wrapped her arm on April's shoulder taking a breath from laughing. “Aw, come on Kepner, it's Halloween everyone's entitled to a good scare”
“So are we going or what?” Mark asked. “Going where?” Owen asked.
“Hell fest, you in?” I asked my best friend. Before Owen could answer Merdith butted in.
“We're going, we're just trying to get these two sissies to go,” Merdith said, pointing to Jackson and April. The couple quickly got defensive. “We never said that,” Jackson said, using his hands while talking, probably trying to get his point a crossed.
“Come on Avery it'll be fun” Amilea said. Jackson soon gave in with a smile. He nodded making everyone cheer.
“Hunt you in?” Mark asked. He smiled and nodded. “sounds like fun, sure”
“Callie?” I asked turning to here. She nodded with a big smile. “dude, I've been in for a while.”
After transportation planning and a few added ons(Alex and jo then Merdith convinced Hayes to come with us)we left for the Halloween fest.
“we made it!” Amilea cheered as the the both of raced in leaving the group behind.
“wait up guys! We still need tickets!” Derek shouted making us sighed and walk back.
The line was long but thankful we were towards the front. “lot of weirdos” Christina mumbled. A guy in a clown costume that was behind her in line tried to scare her. It didn't work and Christina made sure he knew.
“boo, so scary” she said sarcastically and moved over next to Merdith and Hayes.
We all finally got in with our VIP passes and the place was a sight to see to say the least. Before we set off Jackson came up next Mark with a creeped out expression.
“Avery we just got here, what's the problem?” Mark asked. He looked around a shivered.
“please say the ticket guy licked his lips at all of you and not just me?” April scrunched her noise up and Mark started laughing. Jackson never got his answer do to all of us setting off to explore the place.
I looked over to Derek who just took my hand. He looked around slightly board but still trying to look like he was having fun. “this really isn't your thing, is it?” I asked him.
He stopped and smiled. “it's your thing and I'm just happy to spend time with you” he was about to lean down and give me a kiss but a scar actor in clown costume scared us. I jumped into Derek arms and he laughed.
“okay, that was fun” he laughed. I giggled and pulled him along to catch up with the other.
“haunted house?” Callie asked. We all agreed making our way in. Merdith and Hayes went in first cleaning to each other. The first guy that popped out was mad doctor making Amilea jump into Owen's arms in fear.
She pushed him away like nothing happened. “and... That's just insulting” she said pointing at the doctor.
Strob lights and blood surrounded us as we walked into a canbilist farm themed room. The place was based off. The text chain saw mascara movies obviously.
“ew, that looks so real” April said looking at a dummy that was gutted to piece. I looked at it and decided to screw with April.
“that's probably pig intestines, it's what they used in Day of the dead” I said pointing at the dummy. Jackson wrapped his arm around April and looked at me disgust. “how do you know that?”
“same reason I know that I know they used corn syrup for pigs blood in Carrie” I shrugged and derek wrapped his arm around my waist.
Next we walked into a pitch black room. “okay... Something is gonna pop out” Jo mumbled clinging to Alex. “hello?” she yelled.
“they aren't gonna respond” Alex said as he looked around.
Strob light suddenly turned on and a Dr. Satan like man came charging at us with a doctors too from hell. Jo screamed and ran for it while Merdith laughed.
The final room was a back room full of maquines with wolf masks. “one of you are real” Mark mumbled. He successfully made it to the other side without getting scared which made April feel confident to walk through. As she went one of them moved and grabbed her scream bloody murder.
She ran out with Jackson and the rest of us chacing her.
“that was so badass!” Amilea cheered as we made it out to the end.
After that we hit the cheeply made games. Owen and I went up agint each other while Derek and Mark went to a Dart booth. Surprisingly I won and I wasn't gonna let Owen forget it. “yes! Suck on that!” he laughed and gave me the win.
“here you go” Derek said from behind me. I turned around to find my boyfriend Holding a little Teddy bear he won. I smiled and thanked him with a quick peck on the cheek.
Amilea, Christina, and Meredith then came back with giant preziles. “What did we miss?”
“y/n whipped Hunt in a Shooting game” Hayes laughed. “yes, that's my girl!” Amilea said high-fiving me.
“we should go to that IT experience thingy, I saw it when I was getting drinks” Callie said coming up next to me and handing me a drink.
Derek's eyes bugged out in fear from behind me. Amilea noticed and chuckled. No one knew of his fear so we all agreed while Derek reluctantly agreed.
“God, I hate clowns” Derek mumbled. I stopped and grabbed his hand. “We don't have to go in if you don't want to” he shook his head and pulled me along.
“no, you love this movie let's go” I rolled my eyes and tired to stop him but no dice.
We all went to the entrance which had the three doors from the movie. Scary, very scary, and not Scary at all
“not Scary at all right?” April asked walking towards it. I shrugged when she stopped and looked at me for confoation.
“I think we should divide and Concer” Mark said opening the door that said Scary. Callie, Joe, and Alex followed. April went through the not Scary at all door with Jackson and Owen. Hayes walked to the last door that said Very scary and opened it for Merdith. “ladies first” he said. Derek nodded and pushed his little sister forward.
“yup, ladies first” Amilea scoffed and pulled me along. “chickens”
Derek garbed my hand as we walked through a room full of glowing mirrors. It was the same set up from the second film. The light flashed on and off giving it an eary feeling.
As we walked by a Pennywise actor jumped out and pounded on the window. “holy shit!” Derek said grabbing on to me.
“Awsome” Amilea said as she watched Pennywise run around.
We rounded a corner and ended up in the clown room from the first movie. “oh you got be fucking kidding me” Derek mumbled as he watched every single clown making sure one of them wasn't gonna move. All the clown Dolls then started to shake and their eyes glew as we walked pasted.
The next hallway was built to look like a sewer. It lead us to the last room which was covered in blood like Beverly's bathroom. It didn't have any jump scares and it was thast Room.
As we exited we saw everyone was waiting. “that was kinda disappointing” Mark said as we continued to walk around. “yeah I expected a bit more fear” Callie said.
Are walk was cut short as a guy with a chainsaw started chacing another guy. The pray triped and few and the actor fell and the saw went right threw the arm of the fake victim. The guy screamed in pain but at first it looked like an act but april was the first to realize it wasn't.
“guys... That's real”
“oh... Crap” Christina said as Owen and Mark went to help the guy. Owen tried to stop the bleeding while Mark picked up the arm from the pavement.
“We're all doctor, we'll help” April said as she call 911. The dude screamed in pain while the guy who cut the arm off ran away.
The part of the park that we were at got shut down so the paramedics could get through. Mark and Owen who were covered in blood left with them.
“well that killed the mood” Merdith said as we continued to walk after everyone was evacuated from the crim scene. “not really” Amilea said.
“you guys wanna head to the hospital? See what happens to the guy?” Callie asked.
As we walked a guy that was clearly high cackled as he called out his friend's name. He bummed into Callie in the process which didn't set well for her. She chaced after him and I quickly followed making sure she wasn't gonna fight anyone.
Before call could say anything the guy held up a knife to his friend and smile. “hey dude I found one of those retractable knives” me and Callie gasped as the the dude stabed his friend in the head and the knife didn't retract. Whatever drugs these dudes were on must of numbed the pain because they were giggling like idiots.
“I'm beginning to believe this place is haunted” Callie said.
After bringing the two high friends with Cookies(no, I'm not joking) to the ER the dude with the knife in his head sat on a bed waiting for a head CT.
“we need to figure out of to get the scan without removing the Knife, that thing is probably keeping him from bleeding out” Derek told Amilea.
“I don't even think they know where they are” she said looking at the patient and his friend. Both clearly on something. “and while your at it get a drug test” Amilea said walking towards the CT room.
“hey how's the Leatherface victum?” I asked as Owen passed me. He signed and took his scrub cap off. “he ain't getting his arm back and that guy-”
Owen was cut off by one of the druggies that started shouting out to Derek and Amilea. “Dr. Shepherds! I don't know what the big deal is.. All you got do is pull it out” he yanked the knife out of his friend's head.
I bugged my eyes out as Amilea and derek raced to him as the guy passed out.
“happy freaking Halloween” Owen sighed as he left to check in the patient.
I sighed and left to scrub in with Derek and Amilea. After a ten hour surgery we got the bleeding to stop and the surgery was successful. The three of us walked into the scrub room to get cleaned up.
“well Halloween is officially over” Amilea said looking at her watch.
“November 1st, it's day of the dead” I smiled drying my hands off. Derek chuckled and gave me a side hug. “don't get any ideas”
I shrugged. “I was thinking we could just go home and cuddle but...”
Amilea smiled. “you guys are adorable... It makes me sick” Derek flipped her the bird while giving me a kiss.
“thanks for going tonight, I know it's not your thing” I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled and placed his hands on my waist. “I hade a lot of fun tonight actually”
“good, I love you” I said.
“I love you too”
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sbd-laytall · 9 months
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helphowdoiusethis · 11 months
Today is the best I have seen the same clip of
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These little fucks over and over all day. They are just showing them on TV, not the movies just this clip aswell as amelia airheart and Teddy Roosevelt
I love them so much
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japrilfools · 1 year
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nicollekidman · 2 years
the way they never once gave cristina a good romantic partner outside of meredith 😤😤
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pxmlx · 2 years
I’m in my Grey’s anatomy feels and I just want to say that I will be forever bitter that Teddy and Tom didn’t end up together. I just think they worked perfectly together and they should go in the direction that Teddy finally found someone who allowed her to let go of Owen
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cosmicanemoia · 5 months
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 4
       Amelia walked into the attending's locker room, and she saw Owen, Link, and Bailey chattering.
A: What's all this fuss about?
O: Teddy brought home a woman. She said she's a good friend, but she never once mentioned a y/n l/n to me. Not ever.
L: A cute woman who seems very badass
A: cute and badass? Aren't you like in love with Jo?
       Jo popped out behind Link.
J: I think she is indeed cute. She seemed really cool.
B: And friendly and nice. Right?
       Everyone nods, agreeing with what Bailey said.
A: That seems too good to be true. No one is that likeable.
L: Have you met her?
A: I actually have. Chief introduced us, we shake hands, and then we part our ways. That's it.
O: What do you think?
A: What do I think? What!? Of her?(Amelia scoffs and shrugs) Why would I think about some random person. Nope, I did not think of her. (She did, many times, sometimes kept her up at night.)
       Jo, Link, Owen, and Bailey exchange looks with one another and try to hide their amusement, but they all burst out laughing while also looking at Amelia, who has a dumbfounded face.
O: we didn't ask if you think ABOUT her.
L: We asked what you think of her, in general
B: uh oh
J: Someone has developed a crush on a certain someone
L: Cute and badass, maybe?
       Amelia looked down and went to her locker and ignored the teasing. She has a smile on her face, not knowing where it came from, but everybody else knows.
A: I think she's okay. Normal. Although, she smells so good.
L: I think you'll like her once you get to know her.
O: Yeah, I think so, too.
J: I'm sure everybody likes her
       Bailey, Jo, Link, and Owen all went out one by one, and Amelia is left in the locker alone with her thoughts. She smiled, smirked, and grinned as she changed her clothes and wore her white coat.
       Amelia went out to have rounds with the residents on her tail. The residents looked weird and had been holding back a big smile. Amelia ignored such behaviour and went to check up on the last patient. Amelia chose a residence to present the patient's case. After the presenting and small talks, before they all walked out of the room, the patient shouted and asked.
The patient: Dr. Shepherd! Can I ask you a personal question?
      Amelia looks at the residents, then the floor and unto the patient and walk close to them.
A: Okay, sure.
TP: Who got you smiling like that?
       Amelia is left in shock, not expecting such a question to come from a patient in a million years.
A: Ah? What?
TP: Your smile. It's wide and vibrant, and it's not your usual courtesy smile.
       Amelia looks around at everyone who nods in agreement with the patient.
A: Uh. I don't know. I just feel lighter than usual. That's it.
TP: If you won't say fine. But if you are ready to spill, you know where to find me.
A: I will keep that in mind.
     Amelia went to the bathroom to wash her hand and fix her hair. She hadn't notice that someone was in the stall but as the woman plushed the toilet she notices the smell of a certain someone but she kinda got used to it so she didn't mind smelling it all over the hospital. But now there's a chance that they might get to be alone together. She panicked and ran out of the bathroom before the woman opened the door.
       As Amelia rushed down the hallway, she bumped into Yasuda, who dropped the charts and clipboard she was holding; now scattered on the floor. Amelia felt a chill down her spine, and she remember the night in Boston with the random woman and her faint scent, then her phone being caught before it hit the ground, and how she thought it was a strange encounter. She remembers when she almost bump into someone and almost spills her coffee into a random person but gets away before the coffee spills over the floor. With the same faint smell as the woman in Boston. She remembers how the woman said sorry in the same way. "Could it be?" she mutters to herself. "No, it couldn't," she added. She felt a hand grab her shoulder, making her panic and jump out of her daze. It was Yasuda asking her if she was okay.
Y: Dr. Shepherd. are you okay? I'm really sorry. I wasn't lookin-
A: It's okay, Dr. Yasuda. Just help me up, will you?
       Yasuda held out her hand and helped her stand up. Amelia dust herself and power walk into the chief's office. Yasuda was left there standing with a confused and concerned look on her face.
       Amelia opened the door without even knocking, which embarrassed her, seeing as Dr. Altman is not alone in her office. The chief was in some sort of a meeting with Schmitt and Helm.
A: Chief. Sorry, it's urgent. Can I talk to you? Alone?
T: Schmitt, Helm. You're dismissed.
       Before Schmitt and Helm were out of the office, Amelia blurted out, "Your friend y/n is stalking me."
T: That is a bold accusation. Why don't you sit down?
A: She's the random person I bumped with in Boston. In Boston! She's the person whom I almost spilt my coffee on. And I've been smelling her all around the hospital, which means she might be following me. How did you know her?
T: Let's not jump into conclusions here. Y/N is a good person. Her father used to be my commanding officer back when I was serving. He cares for his soldiers and his kind. I've known her for a long time. Okay. And she's not the stalking type.
************Meanwhile in the MRI scan room*************
       Helm, Link, Bailey, Yasuda and Jo are looking at the screen of the computers waiting for a result.
Helm whispered to Yasuda, "Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker."
Yasuda shouted in shock, "What!?"
       They all looked at her with confusion
B: Penny for your thoughts? Yasuda.
Y: Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker.
       Bailey, Link, and Jo synchronously said, "What!?"
Y: That's exactly what I thought.
J: Care to elaborate, Yasuda?
Y: it wasn't me. I mean, I didn't kno-
H: it was me. I mean, I was the one who told her that Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker. We heard, me and Schmitt, was having a meeting with Chief Altman when she came bursting through the door. Before we got out, she said, quote; unquote. "Your friend y/n is stalking me." That's all we heard.
L: y/n? no way! *laughs*
J: That woman? You're joking. *laughs*
B: Are you sure you got the name right? Sure, she's weird and a little crazy. But stalking? *scoffs and chuckles*
H: Yes, I got the name right. How long have you known her?
Y: Do you guys really know her? How did you know her?
J: we met her days ago.
L: Right
B: Right
       The laughter faded out, and silence came.
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rose-l-20 · 8 hours
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SUMMARY: Just some headcanons I have always had based on the characters and the way the movie portrays them.
If you would like to request more characters, please refer to my NATM MASTERLIST for the characters, and send your request!
WARNINGS: Fluff, angst, romance, discussions of trauma, funny moments, flashbacks, mentions of loss, mentions of betrayal, mentions of homesickness, reader is mentioned a bit. My opinions! 😱
Any facts I wasn't sure of I used wiki fandom!
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As many people have suggested, Ahk is a HUGE cat person. Before he was left in the sarcophagus for 4000 years, he had 100s and 1000s of cats. Different breads, both female and male, long royal names for each one. But his favourite will always be his childhood cat that started his love for the feline animal.
Out of all characters, Ahk experiences the most homesickness. This could be because he was barely 18 before he died, so he still has a touch of childhood in his soul.
Always ready and eager to learn something new, or info dump on the closest set of ears. When he gets with reader, he waits patiently for the “safe zone” to spill every fact about his time. Also things he read in books at Cambridge and the museum. You could call him a broken tap!
One way that calms him down is humming nursery rhymes, and songs his Mother used to sing to him. The main time it works impeccably is when he thinks of his brother’s betrayal.
Since the tablet was first created, his (along with his family) soul has always had a strong connection to night. So he goes to the roof top, or a window and star gazes anytime he can.
Ahkmenrah will defend the Kardashian and Jenner women until the end of time (if you know, you know 😂).
When he is introduced to chocolate, Garlic bread, sour gummy candies and Iced water. He felt like he met heaven.
Is very serious, yet still his usual gentle and kind self, when it comes to romantic relationships. He will take each step at a time, really wanting to get to know his potential partner. Consent Pharaoh, drinks his “I respect women” juice, will ask you to be his officially at the four month mark, and will not kiss your lips until you are official.
Absolutely dreads sunrise, as the wraps take as he would say “a whole millennium” to get them back on. At the beginning he would get Teddy and Larry to help him, but it becomes a special thing between him and reader.
Ahk most likely feels the most safe and comfortable around Larry, as he has moments where he needs advice or guidance from a father figure.
Ahkmenrah loves a good, lighthearted, non offensive prank. When he and Nick hang out, chaos will follow.
Both Sacagawea and Ahkmenrah supported each other when getting adjusted to not being trapped in their exhibits. This started their friendship.
When he became a DJ, he felt his death age the most. He found a passion that he could learn, perfect and show it off to the people he cares most about
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Octavius talks about Rome so much that he definitely fits the stereotype of “you make your background your whole personality”. He will get defensive if the stereotype is mentioned.
If he and Jed were to be parents, they would 100% have adopted 2 Girls and 2 boys. Octavius would surprisingly be the fun Dad.
Before Larry, he had a massive hatred towards the night guards. He was fine with being locked up, he had his comrades. What angered him was the derogatory comments made by the guards. It took months upon months to wake up and not be filled with immediate dread.
He is a BIG chick flick fan! He also loves the whole concept of Christmas, so his favourite flick would be Love Actually.
He can read Dexter like an open book. he learns the signs of Dexter’s cheeky behavior to avoid another “Pompeii” situation.
Each time he hears any sword noises he smiles to himself and whispers to himself, “Ah Rome, you were a wonderful empire to be apart of”
He is also an avid info dumper, so there can be hours of time where he and Ahkmenrah bond over their “ancient times”. The 2 find so many similarities and differences that leave them fascinated to learn more.
The Cowboy hat rule, also applies for his helmet. And he will only take it off for extended periods of time if Jedediah is present. This is because he would kill for a head scratch.
Octavius will slip into Latin whenever he is feeling intense levels of emotion (positive). The amount of times it has happened, has resulted in everyone, including reader, being able to understand the language and somewhat communicate.
He uses the Latin version of pet names for Jed. He mainly uses “Amica mea” (my love), “Puer meus vacca” (my cowboy), “Solis radius” (sun ray) and “Mutum Asinum” (dumb ass).
Octavius is the type to bottle his emotions when something has deeply upset him. It takes a lot to get him to take the cap off and explain why he is feeling the way he is.
Octavius is super supportive of other religions and cultures. Which is super rare given Romans pride themselves on their religion and culture above everything.
When Octavius discovered the front desks computer, he immediately (with great struggle since the apparatus had not been made yet) he became so obsessed with it you could call him a teenager. He honestly gatekept it for ages before he found something that Jedediah would like and then it became their fun activity before sunrise.
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Jedediah definitely has ADHD to a certain degree (This is coming from someone who is definitely has it but has yet to be officially diagnosed 😂), and has to be redirected to the main topic at least 3 times a day.
When he was trapped in the hourglass by Kahmunrah, he did everything in his power to cause havoc. Jedediah wasn't stuck with Kahmunrah, Kahmunrah was stuck with Jedediah!!
When Octavius showed him he computer, he consumed every piece of western media as he wanted to know how people perceived his time period.
He gets along with everyone, and only hates people if they have treated the people he cares about in a negative way. He is more then willing to take the blame or pain for others.
Jed will take a secret to his grave, but he will sometimes tell Octavius so technically they will be taking it to the grave. He will not tell him if the person who confided in him, was going through a difficult time. He understands boundaries...to a certain extent.
Jed is a HUGE foodie, and has a tendency to say "are you going to finish that?" even if the person eating is literally chewing their food. he would kill for anything that has an element of bread. Hence why he doesn't shut up about flapjacks.
His way of showing he is really angry or upset is going completely, utterly, eerily silent. It honestly makes people get the creeps, since they are so used to his upbeat usual self.
He can feel lost at times in regards to being a museum exhibit. He has organic thoughts of the future, but then he remembers he's a miniature figurine and feels this overwhelming sense of identity dysphoria. Reader (who is either another night guard or a child of a staff member) helps him feel more human, with a sense of purpose.
His favourite western movie is Tombstone, and quotes "I'm your Huckleberry" whenever people call for him. it brings him immense joy.
In his time, I see him having a female dog named Bonnie and a male cat named Blaize. He mentions this to Larry and he sends in a request at the sculpting department to make them for him. Larry makes sure no detail is left unadded. When Jedediah wakes up 2 nights later he is greeted with the familiar bark, and meow that he remembered so clearly.
Jed has an assigned swear jar and adds to it 20+ times a night.
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ATTILA IS INSANLY GOOD WITH KIDS! He has that scene at the end of the second movie, which backs me up here. But even before then I got this vibe that if you accidently left your child near his exhibit, he would be the Tony Stark of the museum and think "Get me the adoption papers now!".
When Attila and the Huns discovered Harry potter, they became obsessed as it fits their belief in magic. They have watched all seven movies a concerning amount of time each.
Attila was a huge help with getting Ahkmenrah adjusted to his new normal. When he first noticed Ahk's struggles he didn't think twice before he put a hand on his shoulder, asked him to go for a walk and got him to open up. He is like the uncle you go to when your parents "Just don't get it!".
Attila 100% has a RIWTKYF, "Resting I Want To Kill You Face". This has been one of many reasons why some of his friendships with the other exhibits took a while to come to fruition.
When Nick was still young, he politely asked Attila if he could try on his helmet. Larry tried to lecture him, stating "It is sacred Nick, that is not ok". Larry received a slap to the back of the head by Attila, with a "Shush". He placed the Helmet on Nicks head and told the Huns "He is the leader for the night!". Nick Had a blast to say the least.
Speaking of Attila's Helmet, he has heard a lot of drama sessions from Jed and Octavius. sometimes he joins in, sometimes he is happy to just listen.
Attila lowkey can't stand the Neaderthal's constant "FIRE FIRE FIRE" sometimes. He can hear it either next to him or down the hallway and it gives him a serious headache. Ahk will offer his exhibit for some relief.
Before Attila passed away he had just been married, so he often wonders what happened to his wife and misses her deeply. Larry and reader enjoy reading books to him, so he knows about her life. He left the room with a smile that didn't quite meet his eyes.
Teddy and Attila definitely have conversations/interactions that show they are stuck in their 40s/50s. I'm talking getting frustrated with technology, not understanding modern day slang, saying "Back in my day" and the "Dad grunt".
If Attila discovered music, he would LOVE the band The Village people, his favourite song is "In the navy". He asks Larry or reader to put the song on by pointing to the computer saying "Navy please".
Attila had the hardest time adjusting to waking up from the tablet. because he also needed to take care of his Huns. He pretended to be strong and that the whole situation wasn't affecting him at all, when in reality he was losing it inside.
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Sacagawea was so relived when the glass on her exhibit wasn’t fixed. She was dreading going back to only hearing the Clark brothers yapping.
Sacagawea was low key checking Teddy out to, but the glass was stopping her from getting his attention.
When Sacagawea meets reader (for the sake of the point reader has ribcage length hair) she is so happy to meet another woman, that her way of bonding is offering to braid readers hair. As she braids they talk and get to know each other.
She may be a soft spoken and rational person but get her mad, and she her voice will ring in her ears for weeks.
Sacagawea got a photo of Teddy, and hid it in her clothes when the tablet wasn’t in the museum and in London.
Ahkmenrah, Sacagawea and Teddy create a “new exhibit adjustment program” for new or moved exhibits. They would’ve love that, so they started it for them to fill that void.
Sacagawea is always the logical voice of reason when there is a difficult situation happening. Let’s just say that the men of the museum would be done for without her 😂
When Sacagawea first sees a woman in pants she is so happy to know that women get to do the same things as men in modern day. Reader loves explaining the history of feminism.
Sacagawea’s love language with Teddy is acts of service, which we get a taste for when she helps connect his lower body back to his upper body. Teddy is still trying to give her the perfect thank you gift, but she kindly refuses them saying she is happy to just be with him.
She has the job of scolding Dexter when he’s being naughty because he is low key scared of her.
When she discovers music and movies she loves 70s soft pop and action romance.
Her way of knowing how fast time was going was watching Nick grow up. Each time she noticed even the smaller changes in his appearance, voice or personality Sacagawea would feel a huge shift in time.
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Teddy requests a newspaper that has the current state of the US’ politics. He has on many occasions thrown it in the air, walked towards the door screaming “I AM GOING TO TEACH THEM HOW TO RUN A CONTRY!”. Lucky Sacagawea has stopped him every time.
When he gives advice it’s either well thought out and considerate of one’s emotions, or he is straight to the point and cutthroat. Absolutely no in between.
Teddy and Ahk had a very awkward period of time because Teddy felt bad for shutting him up instead of helping him get out of his sarcophagus. Ahk being Ahk put it passed him and they got on like a house on fire.
When everyone dances and has fun, he is more happy to be watching on the side. He claims he’s “to old” to be dancing, reader disagrees and gets him to let loose on the dance floor!
He started the swear jar for Jed, as he got sick of “Fuck this” “shit” “asshole!” Every single sentence. Once the jar was full he took the money and put it towards the upkeep of the museum. His way of paying for something as it made him feel human again.
He definitely called MEMEs “Meh Mehs” for the first year of knowing about them.
He couldn’t find Sir Lancelot serious at all!! Every time he spoke Teddy covered his mouth to hide his smile or laugh. He was so close to calling him “The fool” “sir Erik” or “Jingle-elot”.
Teddy’s hat or pockets are Jedediah and Octavius’s backup travel option if Attila was unable to help with transportation.
His role in the NEAP is to show the new exhibit around and get them adjusted to the place they will temporarily/permanently call home for their time there.
When he first Jump scared Larry, he realised how evilly joyful it was and makes it his mission to scare him every night.
Teddy’s way of passing time before getting ready for sunrise is making sure Texas is looking sharp and clean. He enjoys having a quiet conversation while he listens to the brush run through Texas’ Maine.
After the “At their size, they’ll bake like tiny little scarabs in the Sinai…too dark?” Moment with Ahkmenrah. He can be a little scared of him at times 😂
He loves the 3 seconds of “warmth” the sun gives him before he goes to sleep. Thats when he feels most human.
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Larry after a while had the realisation that the instructions were actually the ways the prior guards used to punish them, and burned it. From this he wrote a whole new instruction guide to help the newer guards after him.
He has created a schedule for the Easter island statue because there were some close calls near sunrise. But he won’t stop giving him his “Gum Gum” as it causes the worst earthquakes from his screams!
He may have a love-hate relationship with Dexter, but he is ready to defend the capuchin with his whole heart.
When Nick was young he set up a little “bedroom” for him so he could sleep there on school nights and not be affected the next day. Is incredibly lenient to letting him have a sleep in or skip school when there is a reasonable gap between each time.
When Mr McPhee has pissed him off a little too much, he has 100% planned ways to beat home up or kill him.
He has shown the civil war dudes what NASCAR is and they become obsessed. He feels really proud of himself for it.
Shit talks about Kahmunrah with Ahkmenrah. They have the an ungodly amount of glee from it.
He cannot hold a romantic relationship to save his life! But once he starts teaching he meets his forever partner at the front desk of the collage he works at 7 years into the job. Nick approved immediately.
He took inspiration from Star Wars for his flashlight tricks, and will on occasion make lightsaber noises.
It still trips Larry out that’s he met, made eye contact and spoke to Hugh Jackman, and sometimes he needs to sit down and process it.
He loves to put on Kahmunrah’s lisp from time to time to make jedediah laugh when he’s feeling down. Jed is always left in stitches after.
He has nightmares of the multi-headed snake at least once a month. This causes him to develop a deep fare of snakes in general.
I hope these Headcanons were good!
Have a lovely day/night!
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lemonwisp · 1 year
Did this edit start off as a Jedtavius edit to a different part of the song? Yes. However it evolved into this.
Song: As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese
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neuroweird · 7 months
Do I have to be the one to write the fic I want to read??? Is there any decent Cristina/Teddy/Owen fic bc I swear if they’d just been polya everything would’ve been fine.
I’ll take Cristina/Teddy fic if the throuple is unavailable
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chaosqueen1998 · 10 months
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca, Maya Bishop & Carina DeLuca, Maya Bishop & Andy Herrera Characters: Maya Bishop, Carina DeLuca, Meredith Grey, Amelia Shepherd, Maggie Pierce, Kai Bartley (mention), Travis Montgomery, Owen Hunt, Teddy Altman (Grey's Anatomy), Jo Wilson, Miranda Bailey, Victoria Hughes, Andy Herrera Additional Tags: #MarinaWinterCheers, Workplace Visit, 4+1 Things, Married Couple, Humor, Coffee, Injury, Homophobia, Light Smut, Caught Series: Part 4 of #MarinaWinterCheers Summary:
Four times Maya visits Carina at work and one time Carina visits Maya.
Prompt: Workplace Visit
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more-hats · 2 years
Ewww I don’t wanna see a Teddy and owen sex scene 😭😭😭🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
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