#teen wolf pilot
with-paint · 1 year
Bodies, Bites, and Bitches
Part 1 of ? of Poly Teen Wolf Rewrite Series
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader (platonic paring) Scott McCall x reader (platonic pairing)
Word Count: 8.7k
Summary: You and your best friends prepare for sophomore year only for corpses, animal bites, new abilities, and a chilling red head keep your gang from having a normal first day.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of a dead body, bi!stiles,
A/N: Stiles is the most bisexual character I’ve ever seen so he’s bi in this fic. Mhm. In regards to the pairings, at the moment they are all just friends. Tadaaaa. Here’s the ficcc. Also gif is actually mine 🤷. More notes at the end if you wanna read what I have to say. If not that’s chill.
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The soft whirring of your washing machine rumbled through the basement, spilling into your room from the laundry room next door. You stretched your arms above your head, eyes tired. 
You took a glance at the bottom corner of your laptop: 2 AM and lowered your arms with a groan. Why did you always do this to yourself? Every year, without fail, you pushed all your summer assignments to the last day. You had months to do them! But no, you just couldn’t. You had to write a paper about these drinks or something. Some history thing. Taking AP World History was a fucking mistake. You liked history, sure, but not enough to write a paper in the summer. It made you want to bash your brains out. 
You just couldn’t make words come out of you. 
You blew a breath of air out of your mouth and rubbed your eyes. This was not going great. 
Your phone lit up, buzzing happily next to you, the sound resonating from your wooden desk. You snatched it up and couldn’t resist an eye roll upon seeing who was texting you.
Mieczyslaw (2:02 AM): MEET ME AT SCOTTS 
Mieczyslaw (2:02 AM): WERE ALL GOING TO FIND IT 
Leave it to Stiles to bother you and Scott at two in the morning to try to find a dead human body. You glanced at your pathetic excuse of a paper and sighed. 
Y/N (2:03 AM): Be there in ten
You hugged your brown hoodie to yourself as you trudged through the thick blanket of leaves surrounding Scott’s house. Cringing as they crunched loudly under you, you swore under your breath. You were going to kill Stiles. 
You glanced back at the street in front of Scott’s house and didn’t see his blue Jeep yet. Good, more time to scheme Stiles’ gruesome death. 
Maybe you could hit him with his car. Let his prized possession end him. You’re sure he would actually like that. Be rather touched by your consideration of his feelings. 
You snorted to yourself and watched in amusement as the blue Jeep itself swerved to park behind your car. Stiles clambered out of the driver’s seat in a hurry. He slammed the door rather loudly for two in the morning and you cringed and stole a glance up at the house. Hoping to God it didn’t wake up Ms. McCall. 
Stiles took a step towards you, but lurched backwards, his jacket pocket stuck in the door. You watched as he spun around to free himself, curses flying from him as he tugged on the handle. You raised an eyebrow and leaned back on the railing of Scott’s porch. 
Why were you even friends with him? 
He bounded up to you with a grin. 
“Hi.” He breathed out, cheeks red from the cold and most likely his embarrassment. 
Oh right. He was endearing. Ever since you three were small you had a soft spot for Stiles. He was always so earnest. Brushing off embarrassment, always having something funny to say, being the smartest person in the room. He was great to be around. 
Except when he had stupid fucking ideas. 
Like this one. 
This was a stupid fucking idea. 
You narrowed your eyes at him and punched his arm before he could say anything else. 
“Ow!” He cried out, shying away from you as he gripped his bicep. 
“Shhh!” You hissed, waving your hands in the space between you. His offended expression turned sheepish as he looked up at Ms. McCall’s window. 
“Sorry.” Stiles said, laughing awkwardly. You rolled your eyes and moved to the beam on the right. Stiles’ eyes lit up as he rushed over. 
“We should go knock on Scott’s window.” You said with a grin. Stiles bounced on the balls of his feet and nodded. 
“Yes. Absolutely.” 
You looked up at the roof hanging over you and then at the railing. 
“Here, stand on the railing, climb up, and once you're up, lend me a hand.” You explained gesturing to the railing. Stiles nodded and did as you said. He was about to lean down to grab your hand when you both heard the door open. You looked at Stiles in fear, his expression mimicking that of a deer in headlights. 
“Hide!” You whispered at him and quickly hopped over the rail into the big bush. You dropped to the ground and stayed in a crouch, trying to keep hidden. 
You hoped to God it wasn’t Ms. McCall. You couldn’t stand the embarrassment. She already thought Scott had a crush on you, if she saw you outside her house at 2 AM, you’d never hear the end of it. 
You heard the deck creak and from your vantage point, you saw a red hoodie creep closer. Scott McCall. You breathed out slowly and moved to stand, but of course the third of your trio was an idiot and ruined the calm of the night by falling. 
Stiles fell from his spot on the roof, dangling upside down. His feet jammed under the trellis that Ms. McCall grew tomatoes on in the spring. You shrieked, jumping up, thinking he was about to fall on his face. Scott screamed, raising the bat, that he apparently had at the two of you. And lastly Stiles started yelling as the crooked jaw boy raised a baseball bat to his head. You three screamed for a couple seconds before realising there was no danger, and you were all being idiots. 
“Stiles! Y/N! What the hell are you doing?!” Scott cried, lowering his bat, and staring slack jawed at the upside-down boy and then looking down at you with disbelief. 
“You weren't answering your phone.” Stiles cried out gesturing to you like your presence there made him innocent. You stifled a smile and wiped at your forehead. These boys were going to age you.
“Why do you have a bat?” You asked, propping your elbow on the porch railing. You put your chin in your hand and batted your eyelashes up at Scott. 
He reddened and let his hand fall behind his back, as if he could hide the fact, he almost used Stiles as a piñata. 
“I thought you were a predator.” He mumbled to Stiles, spreading his arms wide. You grinned at his embarrassment. 
“A pre— I— wha—,” Stiles flailed. You were kind of amazed he was hanging so well. 
“Look. I know it's late, but you gotta hear this.” Stiles' arms stopped fighting gravity and hung straight down, nearly hitting you in the face. You glared up at him but decided to let him talk. You also wanted to know what the fuck was going on. 
“I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even State Police.” He looked down at you and grinned manically. You raised your eyebrows. Shit. You didn’t know dead bodies got that much interest. 
They only would if the killer hadn’t been caught.
You froze and looked up at Stiles. He wasn’t expecting you three to waltz into the woods while a literal murderer was on the loose, was he?
You tried to stop your thoughts from racing. The body was probably old. Stiles had texted you that joggers had found it. No jogger would be out at two, it had to have been found earlier. It was probably fine. You chewed at your lip and looked back up at them. 
“For what?” Scott asked. 
“Two joggers found a body in the woods.” Stiles said, his breath visible in the late summer night. He used this dramatic ass reveal to finally get himself down. He unstuck his feet and fell into the bush beside you. 
“Hi.” He said grinning at you as he stuck the landing. You smiled. 
“Hi Stiles.”
“A dead body?” Scott cried looking down at the both of you. You snorted at this and rolled your eyes. Leave it to Scott to do a reality check. 
“No, a body of water.” Stiles deadpanned looking at you in exasperation. “Yes, dumbass, a dead body.” He hissed looking back up at Scott. He climbed over the railing and stood on the porch next to Scott. 
“Need help?” Stiles asked, looking at you. You shrugged and raised your hand. Scott grabbed your hand and hauled you up, probably eager to listen to the rest of the story. You picked some leaves off your shirt as you stood next to him. 
“Were they murdered?” You asked, trying to see if your killer theory held water. 
“Nobody knows yet.” Stiles said, putting his hands on his hips. “Just that it was a girl, probably in her 20s.”
“Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?” Scott asked annoyance on his face at how casually Stiles was speaking. You raised your eyebrows and looked at Stiles. That was a good fucking point you hadn’t thought about yet. 
Stiles couldn’t contain his grin. “That's the best part.” He paused for effect looking between you and Scott. “They only found half.” He sang grinning fully now.
You and Scott shared a look of disbelief. 
“We're going.” Stiles said with a smirk. You reached down and grabbed the bat in Scott’s arms. 
Scott nodded absently as you gripped it tighter, seeming to agree you should be the one to have it. 
“Well. Your car or mine?” You asked, twisting your grip on the bat. Stiles drummed on his thighs in excitement. 
“That’s the spirit! Obviously, mine.” He said and joyfully cantered to his Jeep. You fell in with Scott as you walked over. 
“You sure this is a good idea?” You whispered to him, trying to keep Stiles from overhearing. 
Scott shrugged. “Nope.”
You threw your head back in a laugh despite the slowly worsening atmosphere. This was almost positively a horrible idea. You felt like the kids from that movie, Stand by Me. You read The Body by Stephan King last summer, but you could only remember the actor’s names and not the characters. Maybe you could be River Phoenix. You had such a big crush on him when you were younger. You eyed Stiles as he happily opened his car, he was Corey Feldman for sure. 
Scott opened the back and got in before you even reached the car, knowing you got car sick and needed to have the passenger seat. You smiled to yourself as you slid in the familiar blue Jeep. 
As much of a pain these boys caused you, you really did love them. 
You sucked in a breath and turned to look at your friends. 
“Let’s go find a dead body.” 
Stiles pulled slowly up to the parking lot next to the Beacon Hills Preserve. The ominous ‘No Entry After Dark’ on the sign made you gulp. Might as well break that rule too. 
Before Stiles could turn off the car you unbuckled your seatbelt and jumped out, Scott’s baseball bat gripped tightly in your hand. You personally didn’t want to be in the car when Stiles would start either a rant or a speech about something or another. He talked when he was nervous. You toed at some rocks on the ground for a few moments before Scott stepped out of the car too. 
Stiles bounced over in a flash, standing with his back to the entrance and looking at both of you. 
“Shall we?” He hummed and walked backwards a few steps, looking at Scott, then at you with a smirk. You stuck your tongue out at him and gripped the bat even tighter. 
“Why don’t you lead the way?” You cooed making Stiles make a face at you. He spun around and started walking into the forest. 
“After you.” Scott mumbled quietly. You didn’t feel like teasing him and just nodded, following the familiar buzz cut deeper in the woods. 
“We're seriously doing this?” Scott asked as you three walked. You had been waking for maybe ten minutes. Stiles had pulled a flashlight from his pocket and wasn’t being subtle at shining it everywhere. 
“You two are always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town.” Stiles called from in front of you. You scoffed and looked around the creepy forest, knowing there was a dead woman lying somewhere. 
“Yeah well, I meant like a carnival or something.  Not a half dead girl in the preserve.” You muttered kicking a stick. 
“And I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow.” Scott said from somewhere behind you. You smiled as Stiles looked over his shoulder to give you a look. 
“Right, cause being a benchwarmer requires finesse.” You teased. 
“No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line.” You had to admit Scott’s determination and idiocy was rather charming. 
“Hey, I like how you think, Scotty.” You said making your voice sweet. “Gotta believe it to be true. That whole manifesting idea.” 
“Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one.” Stiles added, giving you a sly smile over his shoulder.  
Scott laughed lightly at your teasing and you three walked for a few more moments. You twirled the bat lazily. 
“Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?” Scott said, breaking the silence. You blinked in surprise; you didn’t think to ask that. 
“Huh!” Stiles said, stopping in his tracks. You and Scott caught up to him and you two looked at him in disbelief. “I didn't even think about that.” He confessed sheepishly. 
“Yikes.” You said. Scott snorted and looked around the dark woods suspiciously. “And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?” 
Stiles nodded with an impressed look, “Also something I didn't think about.”
“You’re such an idiot.” You said with your eyes narrowed. 
“It's…comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail.” Scott said with a shrug. You smiled at him and brushed some hair out of your face. 
“I know.” Stiles said with a triumphant smile. Stiles gestured with his head towards a small hill and started to walk up it. You gripped some roots as you trudged upwards. You heard the gasps of air behind you and felt a pang of worry at Scott. 
You slowed once you got to the top and watched as he fell into a sit against a tree, shaking his inhaler and taking a puff. 
“Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?” He gasped out to Stiles who was continuing onwards. 
You bit your lip but followed Stiles as he scrambled to lay on his stomach in the dry leaves. You hurried to lay next to him, and Scott fell in on your other side. 
You three stared at a line of men walking with their own flashlights and dogs. You grimaced and hastily shoved Stiles’ flashlight into the leaves. 
“Put that out! They’ll see it.” You hissed. He scrambled with it before clicking the off button. He hurried onto his feet and jogged away. 
“Wait, come on!” He called in a whisper yell as he ran. 
“Stiles!” Scott yelled, shaking his inhaler. You looked between them and moved to chase after Stiles. Scott had his inhaler; he could keep up. 
“Wait up!” Scott yelled at you. You slowed down but kept following Stiles in his frenzy to go…wherever it was that Stiles was going. 
“Stiles!” You yelled this time. You kept your eyes on the line of men moving your way. You rushed forward, following Stiles as he tried to find the end of their line and get to safety. You heard Scott trip behind you and him yell your name. 
“Y/N!” You almost rammed into Stiles as he stopped to look back for Scott. You did the same and took a couple steps towards where you heard his voice last. 
A dog barking, much louder this time, stopped you cold as you felt the warmth of a flashlight on you. Stiles fell to his back as the dog came closer and tried to attack him. You looked at the man holding him. 
“Stop!” You yelled trying to keep your friend safe. Stiles kept scrambling back. 
“Hold it right there! And you don’t move!” The cop yelled, keeping his flashlight on you and the dog on Stiles. You gulped and looked helplessly as the dog strained against the leash to try and get at Stiles. 
“Hang on, hang on.” Someone yelled. You turned and nearly started swearing once you saw who it was. 
Sheriff Stilinski. Stiles’ dad. 
“This little delinquent belongs to me.” He said looking down at Stiles with disappointment. He looked up at you and sighed. “I know that one too.” 
Stiles scrambled up and you gripped his sleeve. You gave him a once over to make sure he was alright, and you both turned to the Sherriff like you were children again and he caught you stealing cookies from Mrs. Stilinski’s cookie jar. 
“Dad, how are you doing?” Stiles asked, trying to appear casual. You let his sleeve go and shook your head at him. 
“So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?” Mr. Stilinski asked, lips tight in disappointment. Stiles flailed for an answer. 
“No, heh. Not the boring ones.” He confessed with a grimace. Mr. Stilinski nodded softly and looked at you. 
“I see you dragged Y/N down with you as usual.” He looked around at the trees then. “Where’s the third of your trio?”
You wanted to speak up, but decided this was between Stiles and his dad, talking would only make things worse. 
“Who, Scott?” Stiles exclaimed with a fake laugh. “Sc - Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow.” He sighed and looked at you quickly in apology. You knew what he was about to say, and you were glad the Sheriff wasn’t looking at you. Your disgusted face would give away the lie. 
“It's just us. In the woods. Alone. Romantic time?” Stiles said, making it sound completely unbelievable as his voice cracked on the last word. You pursed your lips as Mr. Stilinski looked at you and then raised his flashlight to look into the woods. 
“Scott, you out there? Scott?” He yelled scanning through the trees for any sign of him. He seemed to be satisfied and looked back at you and Stiles with a sigh.  
“Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car.” Mr. Stilinski stepped forward and grabbed Stiles by the back of the neck, hauling him forward. You followed, baseball bat dragging sadly in the mud. 
“And you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy and how to treat someone on a date.” You covered your mouth with your hand to keep from laughing as you three walked back the way you had come. 
Stiles kept saying ‘ow’ every two seconds, probably hoping to annoy his dad into letting his neck go, but no dice. 
While Mr. Stilinski was distracted, you stole a lasting glance behind you, hoping Scott could see you. A skinny, asthmatic, sixteen-year-old, all alone in the woods with a plethora of police and half a dead body. What could go wrong? Would the police catch Scott? And if they didn't, how would he get home? 
Beacon Hills wasn’t the biggest town, and you weren’t very far into the ever-expanding preserve. But Scott might have to take a roundabout way through the woods to get to the road. Being seen by the police wouldn’t be a good thing. Especially if Mr. Stilinski wasn’t there. They might think he was a killer or something. 
That led you to another thought as you were walking back to Stiles’ car. Rain started to trickle down the canopy of leaves, leaving your hoodie damp and heavy. 
The cop seemed so ready to catch someone. Was so ready to let his dog attack Stiles. His face when the Sheriff had told him off was somehow disappointed. 
You crossed your arms and stepped into the parking lot next to Stiles’ Jeep. 
They haven't found whoever killed the woman. So the killer really was out there. Maybe even out here in the woods.
Mr. Stilinski let his hand drop and he gently shoved Stiles closer to his car. You stepped in next to him and faced the Sheriff together. 
He sighed and brought a hand to wipe some rain away from his eyes. 
“Stiles. I know you have an interest in these things, but there is a dead woman in the woods. Her family is in mourning, the entire department is on the lookout trying to give them some peace. This is real life, not an interesting movie or tv show.” Stiles ducked his head in embarrassment. You kicked some pebbles. 
“The woods at night is no place for teenagers. Especially when there is something dangerous going on. When I get calls about cases,” Mr. Stilinski made a pointed look at Stiles. “Do not follow me to them. For Pete's sake you could get hurt.”
Stiles opened his mouth to argue, but you elbowed him as inconspicuously as you could. He shut up.
“And bringing Y/N here. I don’t believe you guys were on a date, but if you were, really?” It was his turn to give you a look. One that read disappointment. “Thought you had more sense than to go canoodling in the woods with Stiles.”
“Hey!” Stiles interjected as you grinned at the Sheriff. 
“Yes sir.” You said trying not to laugh at the offended expression Stiles was making at you two. The Sheriff smiled and gave Stiles a pat on the shoulder. 
“We’ll talk more in the morning. Now get Y/N home. You two have school tomorrow.” And with that he gave you two one last look and headed back into the preserve. 
“C’mon Mieczyslaw.” You said making Stiles groan as you got into his car. 
“I’m so lucky you’re here. He would’ve talked my ear off about safety and privacy and being a sixteen-year-old.” Stiles huffed, grimacing. He turned the key into the ignition and you two pulled away from the woods and whatever was laying in it. 
You leaned your head onto the window and closed your eyes. Stiles was silent for once as he started the drive to your house. 
Your car wouldn’t be in the driveway. But as long as you left for school before your parents woke up it would be fine. Could have Stiles pick you up and give them a lie about wanting to ask your teacher a question. 
You grimaced as you thought of it. Early on the first day of school? Your parents better not start having expectations from you. 
Stiles drummed a pattern on the steering wheel with his thumbs and it was a comforting sound. 
You couldn’t help but notice Mr. Stilinski avoided saying anything about what killed the woman. Just that the woods were dangerous. Maybe he meant that there was either an animal or a murderer on the loose. You didn’t know of any animal that could rip a person apart at the waist though. 
Probably a person. 
People were vicious. 
“You think it was an anim-” 
“No.” You said cutting Stiles off. He looked over at you and stuck his tongue out. At least you were in agreement it was a person not an animal attack. 
“Should’ve left you in the woods. Scott wouldn’t treat me this way.” He sniffed as he pulled into your driveway. You smirked and unbuckled your seatbelt. 
“Mhm. Pick me up at 6 so my parents don’t see my car is missing.” Stiles groaned and leaned his head down on the steering wheel. You laughed and ran a hand over his buzzed hair. He swatted at your hand as you laughed some more. You got out of his Jeep and glared at the sky as rain pummeled you. 
“Bye Stiles.” You called as you walked up to your door. You turned to see him mocking you by mouthing the words with a miserable expression. You smiled as he drove away. 
Scott was dead for sure.
You pursed your lips and nodded. 
You and Stiles were also the worst friends in the history of friends. 
You pushed open your front door and looked around suspiciously for your parents. Thankfully they were asleep, and you trudged downstairs to your room. 
You glanced at your open laptop and groaned; eyes squeezed shut in pain. 
The fuckin essay. 
You groaned and hit the off button on your alarm clock. 5:40 AM flashed at you in angry red lighting. 
Fuckin joy. 
You were going to kill Stiles again for this. 
Every plan he had; made you suffer. You smiled to yourself as you rolled out of bed. You could probably blame everything on Stiles if you thought hard enough. 
You stumbled into your bathroom. 
Your broken finger in 4th grade was from a volleyball being thrown at you and it bending the wrong way. Who was next to you and could probably have gotten the ball? Stiles. You brushed your teeth as you cussed out baby Stiles in your mind. 
You got caught cheating on your 8th grade science test. Who was the idiot who couldn’t move his paper a little closer to you, so it didn’t look suspicious? Stiles. 
You changed your clothes quickly and quietly made your way upstairs. 
Everything was obviously Stiles’ fault. You and Scott were just poor accomplices. 
You were suddenly filled with memories of when you and Scott had shoved Stiles onto the ice-skating rink one year which resulted in him breaking an arm. Guilt swarmed in your mind and you sighed it away.
You grabbed your backpack and shrugged. Obviously, Stiles’ fault for not knowing how to skate. 
You tumbled outside and were relieved to see the Jeep sitting in your driveway. You hated waiting in the cold. You shoved your backpack at your feet and climbed into the car. 
“Morning.” You said with a yawn. Stiles covered his mouth as he yawned in response. 
“I really hate you.” He said and pulled out to drive to the school. 
You nodded. 
That was fair. 
“You get Scott’s text last night?” Stiles asked, turning onto the main road. You straightened your shirt and shook your head, looking over at him. 
He was wearing a blue shirt with a target on it, a gray hoodie, and a blazer of all things on top of it. He looked kind of stupid, but somehow kind of cool? 
Maybe cool wasn’t the right word. It matched him. It was a thrown together outfit that somehow coordinated to match his personality. Random pieces that shouldn’t fit together but do. Like the things he said never seemed to correlate, but they still made you and Scott laugh because of how true they were. 
Stiles pulled into a parking spot towards the back of the school, as a sophomore, your class wasn’t prioritized for parking spots. He dug out his phone and handed it to you.
Scott (3:43 AM): I just got bit by some animal or something. I’m at home by the way 
Stiles (3:43 AM): Shit how bad is it? You text Y/N?
Scott (3:43 AM): I texted, but she didn’t answer 
Stiles (3:44 AM): I’m sorry man. You should get some sleep and like patch it up or something
Scott (3:45 AM): I’m goin to bed but I got a huge gauze on the bite 😬 
You turned to Stiles a little sheepishly. You had chucked your phone on your bed and cranked out your stupid essay until around 4 AM. 
You didn’t want any more texts from either of your idiot friends. In retrospect that was really stupid as Scott could’ve tried texting you for help or something. But you were glad he was okay and got home. 
You raised your eyebrow and handed him back his phone. 
“A bite, hm?”
“Yeah, I know.” He said, turning to grab his backpack from the back seat. You jerked out of the way when his lacrosse stick almost whacked you in the face.
“He could’ve gotten mauled or something. We’re grounded from hanging with Scott for at least a week.” You said making Stiles whip around and shove you lightly into your door. 
“We’re grounded?!” He exclaimed jaw dropping, but you noticed the corners of his mouth were tilting upwards in a smile. 
“Yeah, grounded!” You replied, laughing and threw your door open. He laughed and followed you outside. 
“What, did your parents implement this?” Stiles mused nudging you. You made a face as you both started walking towards the entrance. 
“It’s me. Don’t want Scott to get dragged into more danger for at least a week.” You said crossing your arms. Stiles groaned. 
“Then we can’t go to the stupid restaurant you love.” Stiles said, gesturing wildly. It was your turn for your jaw to drop and you spun around to walk backwards, wanting to face Stiles instead of glance at him sideways. 
“Okay first off, Kelly’s isn’t stupid. Not my fault you and Scott decided to order the spicy chili fries. It says ‘spicy’ on it. You two should’ve known it would kill your stomach and give you  diarrhe-” Stiles cut you off by rushing forward and covering your mouth with his palm. You glared at him and licked his hand making him jerk away in disgust. 
“Don’t need to be yelling that for the whole school to hear.” Stiles said with an awkward laugh, wiping his hand on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes but let him do it. 
“Oh, look there’s Scotty!” You yelled suddenly, spotting your friend by the plants in front of the entrance. You widened your eyes at Stiles playfully and ran over, leaving him to chase after you. 
“Alright let’s see the damage.” You said bounding over to Scott. He sighed and lifted his shirt without another word. 
“Ooh!” Stiles cringed out as he came to stand next to you, looking at the large white bandage on Scott’s otherwise golden skin. 
“Yeah.” Scott said flatly. 
Stiles and you made to touch it and Scott jerked back with a Whoa! 
“It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf.” He said, narrowing his eyes at you two. 
“A wolf bit you?” Stiles asked, looking at you. You furrowed your eyebrows. At least he wasn’t knifed by whoever killed the woman. Animal attack wasn’t so bad, even if it could never be a wolf. 
“Uh huh.” Scott said. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and shared a look with Stiles. “No. Wasn’t a wolf” 
“I heard a wolf howling.” 
“No, you didn't.” Stiles said, crossing his arms. Scott floundered and looked at you in disbelief. 
“What do you mean, no, I didn't? How do you know what I heard?” Scott asked annoyance bleeding into his voice. 
“California doesn't have wolves. There was this whole eradication thing ages ago. Did you not listen in middle school history, you nerd?” You asked tilting your head to look at Scott. Stiles nodded in agreement. 
“Really?” Scott asked in disbelief. 
“Yes, really.” Stiles said with a small laugh. “There are no wolves in California.”
You leaned your head on Scott’s shoulder then. Your forehead pressing onto him. He absentmindedly patted your head. 
“All right, well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me when I tell you I found the body.” Scott said triumphantly. You sighed and pushed off Scott as Stiles grabbed both of his shoulders, shaking him a little. 
“You— are you kidding me?”
“No, guys, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month.” Scott said with a shudder. You frowned and patted his arm sympathetically. 
“Oh, God, that is freakin' awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since,” Stiles looked around to think of something better than dead bodies and grinned, eyes catching something. “—Since the birth of Lydia Martin.”
The girl in question walked by, strawberry curls bouncing as she smiled with her friends. “Hey, Lydia— You look— Like you're gonna ignore me.” Stiles said with a grin fading. Scott snickered and you tried to hide your smile at Stiles making an ass out of himself. You grabbed your water from your backpack. 
“Stiles you get obsessed way too easily.” You said taking a sip of the water. He spun around, arms almost whacking into Scott as he looked at you. 
“I do not! It’s just Lydia Martin.” You gave him an unimpressed look and took another sip. 
“Remember Luke Freeman in fifth grade?” You said talking around your straw. Scott snorted into his hand at Stiles’ face. You started ticking names off your fingers. 
“Or Jake Amin? Or Olivia Diaz? Or-” 
Stiles cut you off by slapping your water bottle out of your hand. You watched it spill onto the ground, it lands on its side, water pooling from it. 
You looked up at Stiles with eyes narrowed, annoyed. Scott bent down with a wince and handed it back to you. 
“Okay! Let’s talk about something other than all the people I’ve had desperate crushes on. Don’t need to dwell on that right now.” Stiles exclaimed, putting a hand on your shoulder, and shoving you towards the school entrance. You made eye contact with Scott and cackled as you were shoved. 
“Scott, you're the cause of this, you know.” Stiles grumbled, hiking up his backpack. 
“Uh huh.”
“Draggin' me down to your nerd depths.” Stiles continued as you three stepped into the building. “Me and Y/N are nerds by association. We’ve been scarlet - nerded by you.”
You shook your head at Stiles with a smile on your face. 
“Oh hey, I’ll stay for your practice and maybe you drive me and Scott over to his house? I need my car.” You asked moving to walk towards your locker. Stiles nodded, eyes darting around the hallway. You and Scott exchanged unamused looks as Stiles’ eyes settled on Lydia Martin. 
He was a mess. 
“We’ll see you later Y/N.” Scott said, dragging Stiles towards their class. You smiled and turned the other direction to head towards your history class. It was always annoying when they had a class together and you didn’t. But you had two classes with Scott and two with Stiles, so it made up for it. One of the classes had them both in it. You were looking forward to that one: Chemistry. It was going to be a shit show for sure. 
You dropped your bag down next to a desk in the back and crossed your arms on the table and nestled into them. Maybe you could sleep through the misery and maybe your teacher would forget to ask for everyone to turn in their essays. 
“Alright class, put your summer essays into the basket over there.” Your older teacher said breezing into the room once the bell rang. 
Or not. 
You handed your paper to an acquaintance with a puppy dog look, and he rolled his eyes and walked over to the basket for you. 
“You’re pathetic Y/N.” Danny Mahealani said sitting back down in front of you. You stuck your tongue out at him and rested your head back into your arms. 
The bell rang and you sat up in a jolt. No one seemed to notice that you had fallen asleep, and you grabbed your bag and followed Danny out with a sheepish smile directed towards your teacher. 
“Pathetiiic.” Danny called as you headed to Scott’s locker. You flipped him off over your shoulder and smiled at Scott in greeting. You furrowed your eyebrows when you saw he was staring off across the hall. You turned to see what he was looking at. If he was going to stare so openly then you might as well.
A tall pretty girl with pale skin and a long blue scarf was talking to Lydia Martin. You blinked in surprise and turned to look back at Scott. 
Someone was smitten and it was only 9:00 in the morning. Stiles looked longingly at Lydia, and you rolled your eyes. 
Make that two people smitten. 
You clapped loudly and they both blinked in surprise to see you standing there. 
“Who’s she?” You asked, nodding behind you. 
Cierra, a girl you used to be partners with in science last year, pulled up next to Stiles. “She's in our English class. She’s new. Her name is Allison Argent.” 
You nodded at her, impressed. Stiles and Scott were idiots, they were too busy drooling to give you the juicy information. 
You settled in between Scott and Stiles and leaned against the lockers. 
“Can someone tell me how she’s here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?” Cierra asked, making you snort at Stiles' face. He looked both envious and way too knowledgeable on the workings of Lydia Martin. You crossed your arms, knowing he was about to say something either stupid or true. 
“Because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together.” 
You weren’t disappointed. Stupid, yet true. 
“Nuh uh there’s gotta be a reason.” Cierra said with furrowed brows. 
“Name one person in their group that isn’t hot. Just one. Name one.” Stiles said getting surprisingly worked up about this. You thought for a moment and snapped your fingers. 
“Danny isn’t the best looking.” You mainly said this because of him razzing you earlier. He was fine. Liking someone based on looks was stupid anyway. 
“That’s cause you aren’t a gay guy.” Stiles said, waving his hand at you in dismissal. You laughed and shifted to look at Scott. He was still staring at Allison and Lydia. You looked over. Also, Jackson Whittemore was there now. Yikes. 
You never understood what Lydia saw in him, but then again, she seemed rather shallow. 
But you didn’t really know either of them. Maybe Jackson was a nice guy? You couldn’t keep the smile off your face as you thought that. Yeah, no. He was a total dick. 
The warning bell rang, and you sighed. You grabbed Scott’s sleeve and tugged him away from his creepy staring. 
“C’mon we got chemistry.” You said and pulled Stiles along for good measure. Cierra gave you a look that said, ‘why do you talk to these idiots?’ And rushed away to her next class. 
“Yo! Lay off the merchandise.” Stiles huffed pulling away from you. You rolled your eyes and shoved him into the Chemistry classroom.
Why did you hang out with them? 
School passed quickly with every class containing talks about the syllabus and talk about the body. At lunch Scott announced their English teacher had said a person was in custody. You nearly threw your sandwich at Stiles when he didn’t know who it was. He was supposed to be good at keeping tabs on criminal activity in Beacon Hills. He was an honest disappointment. 
The last bell rang, and you stumbled out of your ceramics class that you had to share with Lydia and Allison.
You eyed them as you walked behind them to the lacrosse field. 
Where to begin with Lydia Martin.
Stiles had a crush on her since the third grade. Well, he had a crush on a lot of people since then, but she was always the constant one. She was very beautiful, in a sophisticated way. You didn’t know what the Martin’s did, but it had to be something with a lot of money. That, or Lydia was amazing at buying knock off designer brands. If that was the case, then she went up several rungs on her likability ladder. 
Other than her clear sense of high-end fashion, there wasn’t much you knew about her. She had a lot of friends and was dating Jackson Whittemore who was the captain of the lacrosse team. But that was it? As long as Stiles had been trailing after her you never really saw a glimpse into her personality. Sure, you could make deductions based on what you say; entitled, rude, cunning, but you didn’t actually know her. 
You thought her entitled and rude because of how dismissive she acted towards Stiles. Then again if you were a hot popular girl and a gangly nerdy boy wouldn’t stop hitting on you, then yeah you would be dismissive too. Hell, if anyone wouldn’t stop hitting on you for years you would be uncomfortable. 
You bit you lip and decided fuck it.
“Hey, you’re Allison, right? The new girl?” You asked, stepping in line with the two other girls. Lydia blinked in surprise at you so clearly disregarding her authority. Allison turned to smile at you. 
“Yeah I am.” She said warmly. 
You stuck out your hand as you three stepped outside to walk towards the lacrosse field. 
“Y/N Y/L/N.” You said and she shook your hand with a laugh. Lydia eyed you carefully but didn’t say anything. 
“Are you staying to watch the practice?” Allison asked, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. You nodded with a sort of grimace on your face. She laughed and exchanged a look with Lydia. 
“What’s that face for?” Allison exclaimed. 
“I left my car at my friend's house and after practice we’re going to go get it. I love my friends, but watching practice is so boring.” You rambled. Allison nodded and Lydia narrowed her eyes slightly. 
“You’re Stiles Stilinski’s girlfriend.” Lydia stated with a blank look. 
You tripped over your shoe and almost face planted if it weren’t for Allison grabbing you with fast reflexives. You blinked in shock and stared at Lydia. 
“You know his name?!” You sputtered before realizing what she just said and shaking your head quickly. “Never mind. No, we're not dating. Ew!” You exclaimed. You weren’t usually this caught off guard. Out of the three of you, you were always the levelheaded calm one. 
Lydia pursed her lips and looked ahead at the field. Allison looked between you both with furrowed eyebrows. 
You always had people thinking you were dating either Scott or Stiles. It was something you were accustomed to denying. But to hear it out of Lydia Martins mouth threw you through a loop. You spotted Scott and Stiles walking from the locker rooms. 
“I’m going to sit over here. Was nice talking to you Allison.” You said wanting to get the actual fuck away from Lydia. You didn’t think she knew anyone outside of her circle of popular hot people. Allison nodded with a smile and Lydia just crossed her arms, looking bored. 
She was a lot more perceptive than you gave her credit for. Not only did she know Stiles’ name, but she knew you were close friends. That was very interesting. 
You peeled away from the other girls and walked towards the right side of the bleachers. You dropped your bag onto the bottom row. It was placed directly behind the bench, and you usually spent practices talking with Stiles and Scott. It wasn’t often that you went to the lacrosse practices though. They were, like you said, boring and it just felt awkward. Like you were expected to be a cheerleader and not just throw pebbles and watch them tink off your boy’s safety pads. 
You sighed and settled onto the metal bench, waiting for your friends to catch up to you. You had a lot to say to Stiles. 
You heard the metal thunk of footsteps on the small bleachers behind you. No doubt Lydia and Allison moving to the top row. That’s where Lydia usually sat whenever you had the displeasure of sitting at practices. 
“-My whole life is sitting on the sidelines. This season, I make first line.” You heard the tail end of Scott and Stiles conversation, and Scott dropped his bag next to the bench. Stiles sat down on the bench with a huff. Scott didn’t sit down though. You looked up to see him staring at someone, almost frozen. 
You looked over your shoulder and nearly rolled your eyes. 
Of course. You forgot he was smitten with Allison. 
“McCall!” Coach Finstock yelled, breaking your friend's trance. Scott spun around to look at him. 
You leaned forward and rested your chin on Stiles’ shoulder. He glanced back at you and brought a hand up to ruffle your hair. 
You were about to bring up the fact that Stiles’ crush since childhood thought you and him were dating when a loud whistle blew across the field. You glanced up to see who Coach Finstock was whistling at and furrowed your eyebrows when you saw he was glaring at you. 
“Y/L/N! What have I told you about distracting my players? Move up the bleachers!” He yelled pointing to the top row. You jerked away from Stiles quickly. 
Way to embarrass you in front of the team like that Coach. You gave him a half ass wave and he turned back to yelling at Scott. Scott looked over and gave you a shrug. 
You sat awkwardly near Lydia and refused to look at her. You looked down at the field and raised your eyebrows when Coach lightly hit Scott in the face. 
Fuckin Coach. 
Coach Bobby Finstock was kind of a menace. But he also reminded you of Stiles. 
You shifted in your seat as Scott stood at goal. 
“Who is that?” Allison asked and you glanced over and followed her eyeline. She was looking at Scott. You tried not to snort as you rested your chin in your palm, elbow propped on your knee. This was new. Someone was trying to get with Scott. You casually leaned closer to the girls to hear their conversation better. 
“Him?” Lydia asked. “I'm not sure who he is. Why?”
Now that was even more interesting. She knew Stiles and you but didn’t know Scott. That or she was lying. Or even more fun she didn’t want her new best friend getting involved with a “lesser then” like Scott. Not that he was anything less than a babe, but he was no Jackson Whittemore. 
“He's in my English class.” Allison said with a shake of her head. 
A whistle blew signaling to the team to start making attempts at the goal. You looked down at the field and almost shot up in your seat. Scott was grabbing his head like he was in pain. You looked down at Stiles, but he wasn’t turned to you. Coach didn’t look concerned. You glanced around. No one did. 
It was times like this that your friends tested your coddling skills. You never said it out loud, but every time Scott played, whether it be in practice or at games, you were extremely worried for him. 
You had taken to bringing extra water whenever he was playing. Having water to drink made him breathe a little easier and you were worried for him. You knew he loved lacrosse, but if it were up to you, he wouldn’t be playing at all. You were as reckless as both he and Stiles, but you had no problems going all mother hen whenever they did something to endanger themselves. 
Someone in the line took this moment to launch a ball at Scott. He was still clutching his head in pain, and it hit him square in the face. His helmet kept his nose from being broken, but the force of the impact made him fall backwards in goal. 
The team along with Coach started laughing and you glared harshly down at them. 
You hated almost everyone on the lacrosse team. 
Scott got back up and you cocked your head to the side. He looked focused, calm, ready. 
Another player made an attempt at goal, but Scott caught it easily. You grinned and clapped a few times. You heard Stiles yelling encouragement. 
Another player threw their ball and Scott caught it with a slight shift in his stance. 
Goal after goal he caught them all. 
“He seems like he's pretty good.” You heard Allison say. You grinned over at her. You didn’t know how this was happening, but he was on fire. 
“Oh, very good.” Lydia mused and you didn’t like that tone at all. You glanced over at her. She better not get any ideas. 
On the field, Jackson Whittemore cut to the front of the line and in a series of runs and jumps, he made the most extra shot on goal. You raised your eyebrows and watched with increasing nerves as Scott braced to catch it. 
He lunged to the side and caught it easily. 
You whooped, getting to your feet and start clapping loudly. On the bench Stiles bursts up with a happy yell. Lydia Martin also gets to her feet while clapping. You didn’t know if you should bring that up to Scott and Stiles later. 
“That is my friend!” Stiles yells and you laugh along with his joy. 
You notice Lydia looking down at Jackson with a look that says, ‘display of power makes me go brrrr’. You were probably exaggerating, but still. Lydia wasn’t cheering for her boyfriend; she was cheering for his embarrassment. You shook off your thoughts of Lydia and her further confusing mannerisms and cheered for your friend. 
Scott threw the ball at the assistant coach, and you laugh happily. He was getting cocky. That was fun. 
The rest of practice was a blur as Coach yanked Scott out of goal and made him run drills against Jackson. Stiles even left the bench a few times to participate. Jackson and Scott succeeded every single time. Stiles, not so much. 
It was close to 5 PM when Coach called the practice to a close. 
You stood up, stretching the uncomfortable metal bleachers off your bones. You made eye contact with Scott as he jogged to the locker room, and you smiled at him coyly. He rolled his eyes at you with a smile. 
Lydia stood up along with Alison and you couldn’t help but notice both of them were also watching Scott make his exit. 
Part of you wanted to be annoyed. Not at Allison, but at Lydia and even Stiles. Lydia only cared about Scott once she saw his ‘worth’ as a player. You thought that you understood parts of her, but this behavior made her seem even more shallow. Then there is the matter of Stiles liking her for no reason other than her looks. He’s just as shallow. You couldn’t be upset at her and then turn around and be okay with him. 
Why the hell were you thinking so hard over Lydia Martin? You usually barely even considered her, and this is three times today when you dedicated time to try and understand her. 
You shook your head to try and force your brain to stop being weird and you trotted down the metal bleachers. Enjoying how fast you could go down them if you stepped on the seats instead of the stairs. 
“See you later!” Allison called as she followed Lydia to the parking lot. Lydia gave you a glance and nodded slightly. 
What the fuck is with today and Lydia?
You sunk down on the grass and waited for Scott and Stiles to appear from the locker room. 
You ripped up grass as you waited and soon enough a shadow was standing over you. You glanced up and Scott was standing there with the biggest grin on his face. 
“What the fuck McCall!?” You shouted, standing then jumping at him. He grinned sheepishly and caught you to both of your surprise. Stiles jogged up and wasted no time getting in on the celebration. 
Scott released you and you grabbed his shoulders to shake them.  
“My best friend is a fucking legend!” You yelled laughing. Stiles ruffled Scott’s hair and brought both of you into a group hug, whooping as he did so. 
The adrenaline of watching Scott came flooding back to you as you jumped around with your best friends in the whole world. This school year was your year. Your time. Finally, something was going right.
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So I was watching the first episode of Teen Wolf and I thought you know what would be fun? A rewrite. I know I’m not the first person to do this, @bilesbilinskix and @24stiles920 are the two that I’ve seen on tumblr. I looked for other rewrites after I had the idea and it would feel weird to not acknowledge the years of work they’ve done for this. So if you’re interested in reading a completed/farther along version of a rewrite go check both of them out.
This rewrite is going to be Stiles Stilinski x reader. I’m toying with the idea of making it Stiles x reader x Derek, but I haven’t decided yet. So for now it’s a slow burn that ends with just Stiles.
This fic is going to be very long. This first chapter is 8.7k words which is astonishing because compared to other episodes nothing much happens this episode and its only half. I’d also like to preface that the reader is the main character. So there are going to be many, many scenes that aren’t included in the show. It’s a rewrite with a new main character so if you’re wondering why it matters about readers' history essay that’s why. They’re the main character.
Also this rewrite is going to be rated mature and might teeter towards explicit. The show is rated PG-13, but I’m going to say teenagers aren’t usually suitable for a 13 year old audience.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this series and come to love it as much as I do. This is going to have the worlds slowest updates so like if you wanna check back in a year that is honestly for the best. I wrote this two years ago and I'm tired of waiting I'm just going to post it. :)
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sterekorgtfo · 5 months
Buck: Tommy’s not allowed to ride my dick because if I look up and see those big hairy tits of his bouncing up and down as he rides me, I’m nutting in two seconds.
(Individual reactions.)
Hen: We should be significantly less close. You’re demoted to acquaintance.
Chimney: I kind of miss my rebar induced coma right now.
Bobby: No talking about fornication at the dinner table. But I’m happy things are going well with you two.
Athena: Get out of my house.
Maddie: As your sister, I’m happy things are going well, but I don’t need to know these things.
Ravi: GYATT damn.
Eddie (texting Tommy): Hey, what’s up?
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anomalagous · 2 months
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Hi, friends!
I know it's been a while since I did anything here, much less made a post about an update to this great beast I've been working on for so many years.
But here, now, I am proud to announce that the beast has been slain. I have finally finished Achilles' Last Stand!! Its final chapters are freshly posted on AO3 and ready for your enjoyment. Thank you so much for anyone who has stuck through it with me on this long, long journey. We have finally made it. We have earned this rest.
Hoping to springboard from this into original work, so if you liked Achilles' Last Stand, please stick around, there will be good things in the future! (Eventually. I am still Not Fast.)
Thanks for all the support and suggestions over the years, and @alexenglish and @lozenger8 I completely expect you both to read it through, since you two were the ones who lit this fire all those years ago.
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ravengirlblue · 2 months
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“Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.”
A collection of iconic duos that remind me of my best friend and I.
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my blood by tweny one piots is so scott mccall and mieczyslaw stilinski coded.
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verlierer-is-lost · 3 months
Just saw a Void Stiles edit with Twenty One Pilots music postéd in the lords year of 2024.
WELCOME BACK 2014 ‼️🗣️
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unspokenstydia · 2 years
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days seven and twelve: favorite season and storyline(s)
THIS MIGHT HURT. | You won’t be able to see it, but you’ll feel it every day for the rest of your lives. It’ll be a kind of darkness around your heart. And permanent. Like a scar.
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sscalexx · 5 months
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(ask 2 be moots)
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my name is alex !!
this account will be pictures of me, my thoughts, occasionally music related things plus random stuff i want 2 post!!
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my fav tv shows + movies !! —>
attack on titan
the walking dead
the nightmare before christmas
all spider-Man movies
guardians of the galaxy
the maze runner
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here are some bands I listen to —>
taking back sunday
twenty one pilots
hawthorne heights
asking alexandria
la dispute
car seat headrest
the used
dashboard confessional
green day
I set my friends on fire
dot dot curve
car seat headrest
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piease-iove-me · 2 years
who wants to see my unnecessarily detailed list of character roles for the PacRim fic? uh? uh???
edit. check rb
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
cora hale attended beacon hills high for like 2 weeks before leaving.
an icon.
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reidiot · 2 years
dude how many fandoms are you in?? 😩
*maniacal laugh* ALL OF THEM please help me
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devinwolfi · 2 years
if i could gif things it would be over for you bitches
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biboybuckley · 2 years
the retroactive aging of derek hale will ALWAYS piss me the fuck off.
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If I had both polls and a large enough audience to learn things, I would love to know in what percentage of the media people consume they look at the main character and go "that one, that's My Special Man." Partially because I'm generally curious. Partially because I'm pretty sure my percentage is unusually high.
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luvrboyro · 2 years
welcome to luvrboyro ⁠♡(⁠ ^‿^ ⁠)⁠♡
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about me
eighteen years old
closed relationship
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do not interact
basic dni criteria
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before you follow
i'll either post back to back or here and there.
there isn't much for my byf section
i do work during the week/weekend, so i'll post afterwards/on my off days
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i'm into a lot of music like twenty one pilots, chase atlantic, arctic monkeys, etc etc
i enjoy lots of movies and tv shows like the walking dead, teen wolf, and supernatural to name a few
i also read a lot. some of my favorites are the perks of being a wallflower, looking for alaska, and the hate u give
i like to watch youtubers like mr. beast, markiplier, and jacksepticeye
i don't play many games but minecraft is my top favorite. but i do enjoy watching game play throughs
i enjoy anime and even have some manga. i've seen tokyo revengers, demon slayer, attack on titan, and others
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that concludes my first ever post/introduction! i can't wait to see how this goes and where it goes! i love you all <3
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jakeperalta · 23 days
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autumn on tv (film version)
anne with an e - "the determining acts of her life" (2018)
this is us - "the cabin" (2020)
gilmore girls - "like mother, like daughter" (2001)
one tree hill - "between raising hell and amazing grace" (2010)
how to get away with murder - "pilot" (2014)
friends - "the one with the football" (1996)
teen wolf - "the tell" (2011)
the buccaneers - "failed betrayal" (2023)
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