#tell me if this is not ok to ask please
sunliv · 1 year
i have a burning question actually!!!! i was always taught that in english, items and such are it/its, never any other but i’ve seen tons of native english speakers assign other pronouns to stuff, but im biased for having a latin language as my 1st one so-
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introspectivememories · 7 months
too many of you guys think nico is the loser and not lewis for letting the divorce go on for so long. like they're both losers about each other. emotionally constipated idiots who can't talk about their toxic homoerotic friendship that imploded on itself like 8 years ago and are now making it everyone else's problem. yeah nico's on television or in beer gardens talking about lewis all the time but like every other month some reporter is like "lewis, what's your favorite moment in your career?" and lewis no hesitation is like "oh man, karting, y'know? everything was simpler then" and then spends another six months skirting around nico's name. like this whole thing they're doing in the media isn't some kinda extended foreplay for them. they're both still pressing on the bruise to make sure it's still there!!! every few months, they're literally just asking on public television, does it still hurt for you like it does for me? and like clockwork, someone will release new information about them or one of them will say something about each other (in my heart, he's still my best friend/yes... and teammate) and the answer will remain the same, yes, of course, always.
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volno-pesh · 1 month
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mizuski-pirat · 8 months
Pac stealing Fit's blood homoerotically the other day gave me an idea for a Mad scientist AU :0
I definitely don't have the skill to do anything with it so if anyone wants to adopt it feel free lmao
I might explode into brainrot about it on here occasionally tho 👍
Think combination Frankenstein+ Monster and Capitan America style scientifically created supersoldier... But reverse.
So Pac is a scientist who specializes in chemistry and biology (with a dash of mechanics... Unless Mike handles that) who recently signed up to rehabilitate, heal, and re-humanize chemically-created supersoldiers after the end of a recent war (because leaving them crippled, traumatized, and dehumanized in more ways than one is no way to honor them for their service... As long as they're no longer of good use)
Fit was a particularly powerful and infamous super soldier, one of the first actually. (So leaving him on active duty would be seen as a threat to other countries). But... Beyond that, he's also very very badly injured.
Becoming a chemical and partly mechanical monstrosity isn't exactly good for you, so it's sort of expected that even if you don't die during the transformation process, you'll either die sometime afterwards or at least much earlier than the regular human life expectancy. Going through a whole damn war definitely didn't help. (I'm thinking maybe blown up by specially designed "End" crystal explosions at least 35786543 times). So by the time the war was over, he was more or less found in an explosion-torn ditch in the middle of the wasteland, surrounded by corpses, entirely unable to move, and in constant unimaginable pain (he's still pretty much in constant pain all the time btw. Everything hurts). There's little-to-no chance he'll ever fight again.
This is where Pac comes in.
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ronanre · 7 months
can you please post your commission sheet please ~!!! and thank you for responding !!!
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jujusjunk · 1 month
Gays, don’t think I’m ignoring your asks because wallah I’m not. But some questions are so hard and complicated and I genuinely do not have the mental capacity to answer without getting people’s perspectives too but idk how to get that so I’m indirectly asking my family to kind see where they stand. Also some questions are so political, like SO political and I’m like wtf, Wallahi I’m not like head of state idk how to break it to you but I hold literally 0 power. And if one more anon makes the “call Hezbollah and tell him to stop joke” I’m going to go crazy.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
I've sleep on it here's my beef
If you wanna log in to participate in a event that fine, I get for some CC's purgatory 2 isn't lore (I mean it clearly is, but some players are choosing not to involve it in their lore.) But when you've made the discussion not to take part in the lore you can't ask about it on screen.
I literally got confused when someone told me bad had a reason and to check there lastest reblog, thinking the book gave them the reason and apologising, this fully left me thinking that the residents where told to return home until I was discussing with someone else and realized I fully misread that (I need to wear my glasses more TBh)
But this play apart of the problem because what I except was a lore reason and I went looking for it, just to find out later there is no lore reason bad just calls himself vactionbadboy halo when he wants to log in.
Look I get playing purgatory for fun, I get wanting to log in to see your friends, Tubbo did it, and Pac did it; but the difference with them being they made up a reason to be there (the boat didn't leave) is a completely valid reason.
I can see them going home and then later being drag back to the boat by the incompetent egg Island workers, but jumping back and forth to the island in the middle of purgatory is problematic.
If you don't want to take part in the lore then don't, don't ask questions about what's happening lore wise (on stream he can always inquire in dms ) , don't do things on the Island that messes with other people's lore or breaks the immersion make it easy for the actual people who care about the lore; Ie: fan fiction writers, artists, role players (I am all these things) to pretend you're not there!
This sounds dumb but I genuinely, when lore is happening take note of every little the to go "how can I explain this in lore, how could I enhance this in lore" to help with my fan art or fan works.
Genuinely I have a list of game mechanics,(chat, tabs list, death messages) and have written ways to explain them in lore, so you can imagine my annoyance when someone who isn't supposed to be involved ask questions fresh of a lore event.
I think the confusion to add to it is that Phil has been trying to do more improv on the spot right now rp; like leaving cuucurhoo the notice of the eye guy and keeping his webcam on until a big event ( and I love him for that, genuinely I love lore so much because it feeds art and fan fiction)
But I feel like im being taken a fool when someone who isn't technically supposed to be there asks questions about something they're not supposed to be awear of and even bounces of it like they're in lore "yeah it looks like we're going to war with you guys." we who? You're supposed to be Vacation halo, you aren't in purgatory right, if so how did you get home?!
Get what I'm saying? It sucks because everyone else so far seemed to-do A decent job of staying out of lore if they want to visit some committing to not coming back to the island at all (cough* bolas *cough ) .
If you don't wanna take part in the lore don't complicate the already existing lore, it annoynes me greatly.
I don't mind the attenting events so much, it's the fail rping of discussing something you shouldn't know not long after it happened. (Metagaming)
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moeblob · 5 months
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What Deacon thinks: what did that mean? did he want me to wear a collar too? why else would he mention my neck? i mean, if he /asked/ me i would wear one but he didn't so would wearing one be weird?
What Ymber meant: It's nice to be near someone who isn't tethered to this world to serve it with a physical reminder for all to see.
#my characters#this just in ! thats why all the deities in the plot have collars and a chain !#its because THATS THEIR DESIGNATED I AM HERE TO HELP THIS WORLD SYMBOL#they cant remove their collars and thats fine by them - its a constant reminder that they exist to serve#deacon really shouldnt get as much crap as he gets in canon for being weird cause the deities are just a different brand of weird#like its not deacons fault that apparently you can say nice neck with no underlying desire#but he cant say hi would you please possess me i want to know what its like to have someone else in my body#like thats really not something you should pin on deacon YET EVERY deity is like wow what a lil weirdo#he also just really wants to please ymber so if ymber asked he would definitely do whatever#on the flip side i need to point out that deacon very specifically doesnt ask ymber for things nor does he pray for things#and it drives ymber up a wall because this is his favorite human who wont ask for anything and he isnt a psychic#he doesnt know what deacon wants or needs and its infuriating cause he exists to serve humanity#and yet this ONE GUY wont let him do things for him#this is very important and i cant believe i mentioned it like a month ago to someone and today#i received gift art of these two and i may never recover#its so perfect and its ymber just looming over deacon telling him that he can pray about anything to him#its also worth pointing out that when i was telling the person about the whole ymber begging for a prayer#its because he realizes that after all this time hes never had a single prayer from deacon - not before nor after the hire#so hes like oh well thats odd hmm#and then begins to talk to deacon like you know people pray to me for lots of things#and deacon looks at him unsure of what this is leading to - did someone offer a weird prayer? ask a weird thing? whatst?#and no - its just ymber saying that people will pray for wealth or an item#or they will express frustration if something is lost or broken despite it not being ymbers fault so deacon just stares#he has no idea what this is going to end on really so he points out 'well you do like to think you break people'#and ymber just ASDFASDFSADF STOP OK NEXT POINT people pray to me to bless relationships with happiness#and thats fascinating so deacon is like wow can you actually do that?#and ymber is so stressed as hes like i mean kinda i can simply amplify the positive emotions in gestures#like if someone gives an item out of love then its blessed#he also admits that he cant mask insincerity or malice so those feelings are not hidden nor amplified#and deacon just is impressed bc that is actually VERY cool
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
*Shuffles into your ask box, waiting patiently with something hiding behind my back. Looks at you with a cheesy smile and sheepishly holds out a small bouquet with pink roses and blue hydrangeas*
H-Hi *waves shyly*
I know this is really random, but I like to study floriography, o-or the Victorian languages of flowers. Pink roses symbolize: admiration, elegance, gratitude and appreciation. Blue Hydrangeas represent: sincere, heartfelt sentiment and represents gratitude and understanding.
I wanted to give you some flowers because I have great appreciation for your art and wholesome style. Its the kind of art that is soothing both to the eye and the soul (especially your dynamic between Peepaw Leo and his poptart *chef kiss*). It's very soft and well...just really pretty, and I thought that you deserved something soft and pretty too.
I just...wanted to express my thanks for the wonderful art that you make, and sincerely hope that wherever you are today, that you are taking care of yourself. Because friendo you are thee good hooman who makes the good art that inspires the world, and you deserve all the loves, care and support.
Seriously though, it is incredibly refreshing to see soft wholesome art in a world that can be so dark, and you do it so effortlessly (I know you try very hard, and I can see it. However, I promise you honey, it looks so good that it seems like you don't)
A-anyway...I've been rambling, so just... thanks I guess...here you go
*lightly shoves the flowers in your direction before running away*
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raineandsky · 1 year
tw: guns
The hero didn’t know that the receptionists at the agency had guns. He learns this fact incredibly fast when the villain wanders through the main doors to find several barrels aimed at her chest.
The hero’s on his feet immediately. “You shouldn’t be here,” is the stupid statement that comes out in the confusion. The villain throws him a lopsided smile, unbothered, as she puts her hands up in surrender.
“So where would you suggest I be?” she asks lazily.
The jail in the basement, obviously. The hero wastes no time marching her downstairs, and the villain is quite happy to trail along with him in cuffs. “Ooh, did you revamp in here?” she questions once they get downstairs.
“I think they might’ve redone the walls,” the hero tells her, and carelessly throws her into the cell to admire the paintwork.
Two hours later, he’s in the interrogation room on the superhero’s instruction, opposite the villain. She looks positively ecstatic to see him.
“Do I get a lollipop for cooperation?” she asks sweetly, and the hero scowls.
“Aw, shame.” The villain leans back in her seat, obnoxiously more relaxed as a prisoner than her interrogator. “I’m sure your boss would love to hear all my secrets, huh?”
If looks could kill, the villain would be naught but ash. “I’m sure,” he says through gritted teeth, “but we’re going to focus on what he’s asked for, okay?”
The villain shrugs idly. “I imagine he’s got some real head scratchers.”
The villain’s working in a network, nothing the agency didn’t already know. Her co-workers, as she so lovingly calls them, are hiding all over the city. They have turf, different areas each villain is in control of. The supervillain watches over all of them, keeping them in check, running operations, from a secret spot somewhere in the hubbub of the city. She laughs when the hero presses for a location.
“Ah, that’s the one secret I can’t give away.” She gives him a cat-like grin that is frankly unnerving. “You’ll need better questions than that to get anything juicy.”
The superhero’s happy after an hour, and he trusts the hero to throw the villain back into her cell. The hero turns off halfway there, shoving her into a corner where no one can see them.
“What is wrong with you?” the hero hisses once they’re out of sight. His hand is anxiously tight on her arm. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I was under the impression I was being interrogated,” the villain says with an innocent frown.
“You walked through the front doors,” he points out savagely. “Why– why are you risking this? You have as much to lose as I do.”
The villain tuts like he’s disappointed her. “Yeah, no, I don’t have shit to lose. You, however…”
She hums thoughtfully, and the hero looks impressively distraught at her nonchalance. “You could– we could lose everything if anyone finds out, [Villain]. We agreed we wouldn’t tell anyone.”
“I haven’t told anyone,” she defends lightly, and the hero recognises that smug smirk on her face. She’s playing a game he could never hope to win. “Not my fault if someone figures it out on their own. You don’t help yourself when you act so obviously agitated.”
“I’m not—” The hero forces a deep breath that does nothing to settle his nerves. “We have to do this together, like we promised. We only have each other to do this.”
“You only have me,” the villain corrects slyly, and her smirk only gets more elated at his horrified confusion. “I know how to make a plan b, unlike you.”
The hero’s mouth opens. Closes. Opens again. “We’re supposed to help each other.”
“And I’m getting close to helping myself.” The villain wriggles her arm out of his ever-tightening grip, pushing past the hero with a content sigh and starting on her own way back to the basement. Her heels echo damningly against the pristine tile.
“I put it in his head that something was happening between us long before I got here,” she continues brightly. “I suggest you find your way out before I say too much to [Superhero], huh?”
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mysticalcats · 3 months
hey i just wanna tell you about one of my favorite parts of cats if that’s cool w you
mungo and rumple are there for tuggers song, and disappear somewhere between that and their song.
so the idea that they use grizabella and bustopher jones as distractions to go thieving
like they see grizabella walking in and mungo just elbows rumple and is like ‘now’s our chance!’
i've never noticed this! i love the idea that they're like 'now that everyone's distracted by this weird cat lady...'
i hope it's ok to tell you about one of my favourite parts of their song in the 98 film too! :)
i think it's really funny and cute at the end of their song when all the cats surround them, and they turn around and munkustrap and alonzo both hold up their bags of things so disappointingly, and then they throw the bags away and mungo and rumple look at each other like, 'do you see this shit? i can't believe they won't let us steal >:('
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duahauuoplanh · 1 year
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The loudest whisper you've ever heard
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feluka · 6 months
GPS lady on google maps in this country is like:
turn left at a̷̢͔̬̓̈́̿͐b̸̡̖͗̅̅̌a̵̩̘̳̾͝a̸̢̛͓̒̾̕s̵̛̲l̸̠̟̇à̸̰q̸̖̲̜͑͌̚̕ͅǎ̴̜a̷͙͂d̵̗̘͛͝ street 😊
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jalo-parker · 3 months
Reference sheet for my helsknight design :] (slight nudity warning he's only wearing boxers)
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Featuring lore on how pants work for those with tails (most of them probably only have the one snap at the top but whatever it was like 1am when I drew that part)
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crescentfool · 2 months
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thinking so so hard about LaughingStock and how that'd go down. disastrously, probably
#and ill talk about it at Length in the tags until tumblr cuts me off like a rowdy drunk after last call#please keep in mind this is all in my Brain and relationship dynamics etc are all technically speculation. anyway#so while franklydear is your more classic 'oh no im in love with him! / aw shucks im in love with him<3'#laughingstock is 'feelings what feelings / oh shit oh fuck this is bad'#to Me.#in my mind howdy is completely oblivious to his emotions#he's out here like 'gotta get the store impressively neat & shiny for barnaby! and everyone else' without blinking an eye#he starts assembling barnaby and wally's dogs slower an slower so that barnaby has to hang around a smidge longer than usual#he's out here giggling at barnaby's jokes while sweeping Hours or Days after the joke was told like a lovesick idiot#all while being like Ah Yes Barnaby My Dear Friend. My Platonic Buddy Whose Jokes I Laugh At A Little Too Hard. Platonically.#meanwhile barnaby Realizes his own feels. has a minor crisis. goes through the 12 stages of grief and absolutely panics#he's like 'ok just gotta play it cool. normal. dont be weird. he'll fall for your natural charm in no time'#'ill hold all of my feelings right here until i die or howdy reciprocates. i just cant tell anyone about this.'#'....hey wally you can keep a secret right'#and rizzes it up yk. rolls a nat 20 on charisma every time without howdy even realizing it. ig barns rolled for stealth too#and from barnabys pov its going great!#howdy is flirting back! hes showing all the signs! when eddie views their interactions he comes to barnaby later and is like A+ gay as fuck#so barnaby is a soft pining mess and howdy is Absurdly Oblivious despite being a clever & observant guy#so im imagining (will freely admit that this Train of Thought is slightly inspired by the latest chapter of Stamps by Indigopoptart)#that eventually barnaby is Confident in their budding relationship ok. hes ready to ask howdy out.#everyone who Knows (wally & eddie) are like Go For It He Clearly Loves You#and when barnaby tells howdy. howdys like 'ohhhh geez um im really flattered 🥺 but i dont feel the same 😔😭'#cue barnaby turning into the 'never again' meme while trying to laugh it off and pretend like he didnt just have his heart mr starked#so he goes home to smoke his pipe and cry and howdy goes about his day feeling Strange#why cant he stop thinking about that confession. what are these emotions. i mean its not as if hes in love with Ohhhhhh No. Oh No.#so howdy has his 'holy shit! im in love with barnaby! (lovestruck. swooning) ....Holy Shit I Rejected Barnaby (horrified. nauseous)' moment#cue howdy expecting barnaby to come by in the morning as per Routine so they can talk. he Doesnt. cue howdy stressing the fuck out over it#meanwhile wally sally (eddie sent her in his place. hes too busy) and barnaby are having a girls day (eating ice cream and watchin romcoms)#eventually barnaby hears that howdy has been Dropping The Ball and cant not check on him. cue emotional heart-2-heart outside the bodega#this is all very specific but its in my brain. these scenarious lull me to sleep every night lately
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