#im just very curious bc to me like a computer is a he and a pen is a she but thats bc portuguese
sunliv · 1 year
i have a burning question actually!!!! i was always taught that in english, items and such are it/its, never any other but i’ve seen tons of native english speakers assign other pronouns to stuff, but im biased for having a latin language as my 1st one so-
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mins-fins · 2 months
heart attack
&&. there's something hilarious about the beautiful doctor there to help with your terrible habits.
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pairing: qian kun x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of overworking, mentions of passing out & hospitalization
word count: 0.9k
notes: this….. THISSS💔💔💔 this drabble was very inspired by the thai movie heart attack (a movie that has no right being as cute as it is) kun fits the part so well because first.. doctor kun, and second.. kun is so amazing, i love kun, we all fucking love kun 😿 this is a early bday gift for user junjiie bc we all know he loves kun (happy early bday pookie ily) this is insanely self indulgent because i have slept less than three hours in these past five days and have been working myself to shit because.. med school!! yayyyyyyy!! im so excited!! (is not excited)
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"so what's the matter with you?"
the usual roughness that would lace the voice of a medical professional is replaced by the softness you would feel of pillows, you glance up, meeting the eyes of the beautiful man before you. you stare, forgetting where you are for a moment, the exhaustion rendering you speechless.
but it's a whisper in your head that reminds you of where you are, and you flinch. "oh— i um.. there's these rashes appearing on my body".
"okay" he mutters, clicking his tongue and pen in unison. "and where exactly?"
"my arms, my neck.." he hums, pulling up your sleeve to check out what you told him. "also there are some on my fingers".
he bites into his inner cheek, much too close for the sake of your heart. he then glances up, examining your face through his glasses. "you haven't been getting any sleep" he snaps his fingers in your direction, letting go of you and turning back to his computer.
you respond with a dry chuckle, too tired to even try to add emotion. "and you know that how?"
"i can see it in your eyes, those dark circles aren't doing you justice" he sucks his teeth as he types out something. "what's your occupation?"
it isn't strange that he's curious, just answer the question.
you shake your head, mind all over the place. "i work in graphic design".
"ohhh" he doesn't exactly seem surprised. "freelance?"
you nod.
his eyebrows join together. "how does an editing job have you so tired?"
you let out a breath, too exhausted to allow a laugh. "it's a twenty four hour thing, if i'm awake at all times i function better".
"you're barely functioning now".
"well you're a doctor, you always tell people the obvious" you sigh, closing your eyes to try and recollect the many hours of sleep you lost. "i'm sure you aren't any better than me.."
"i'd be inclined to disagree".
you open one eye, staring at the pretty doctor who types away on his computer, catching you in his peripheral vision. (eyes you don't notice due to your lethargy making you less disposed to).
"when was the last time you slept?"
your throat goes dry, your senses reduced to the clear fatigue. you could simply lie, how would he even know? there's no way dr. qian is a psychic, that would be freaky, you're sure it would be nightmarish if that were the case.
there's an indecipherable glimmer in his eye, one that would scare you in regular circumstances where you were fully awake. it's as if he knows you're going to lie, your attempt at fib crawls down your throat before it can even escape your lips. "five days ago".
his reaction is serene, much too calm for your situation. "five days ago.. and how many hours did you sleep?"
your brain is foggy, you almost blurt the number 'six', but that's simply your default response when people ask. why would you ever lie to a doctor?..and the cute doctor especially?
you pause at the wave of your thoughts. what do you mean he's cute?
it's simply common sense, y/n. don't you like smart guys?
you would probably attribute it to your terrible sleep deprivation if it weren't true. you can't deny that the man before you is simply so attractive it should be illegal, he's absolutely gorgeous, how can a regular doctor be so beautiful? you might fall over, not from your lack of sleep, but from the eyes of the man who stares with such care.
"like.. three?"
your voice scratches as you recall the last time you 'slept', he hums, clicking his pen as he notes the information down. he turns in his rolling chair, scooting closer to you. "you mind if i see your hands?"
you can't even put up a fight, you're just about to give into your own exhaustion. you put your hands out for him, and dr. qian takes your hands in his own, examining the rashes which litter your fingers. he's close, so close, you can admire each of his facial features with amazing certainty. everything about him is beautiful, his cheeks, his eyes, the curves of his lips, it's all beautiful, it should be a crime for such a man to exist.
"that's an issue.. have you taken medication for sleep before?" you shake your head, and his fingers slip from yours.
"alright.. i'm going to put you on doxylamine" he mumbles, getting back to noting down your state. you begin scratching at the rashes on your fingers, and he snaps: "don't scratch it".
you move your hands apart rather quickly, his tone of voice intimidating you enough that you pause. he's much too convincing.
he points at you. "tonight, and this next month onward, you sleep before nine o'clock every single day".
you uncharacteristically snicker. "do you sleep before nine o'clock every single day?"
he raises an eyebrow, amused by the question. "i'm the doctor, i know best".
"of course".
"you'll end up dead if you keep going at this rate, take your medication, sleep before nine every day, then check back in with me next month".
"if i'm not available, can i reschedule?"
the question is simply meant to be comedic, you're just about to pass out, trying to sneak in a last minute joke before having to leave the office of the cute doctor. he leans his arm against the desk, smiling at you. "don't reschedule, i want to see you".
and you clearly weren't expecting those words, because your cheeks flare up.
see y/n? you do like smart guys.
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commsroom · 1 year
i need to relisten to wolf359 bc it was YEARS ago so i don't remember much, but i have this specific idea about hera post-canon
i don't remember if they get her onto the escape vessel (im pretty sure they have to? she has the power of navigation being a literal slave station?) but when they get back to earth, in the chaos that ensues, jacobi makes sure to somehow... store hera? only her personality matrix, if that's possible. he could break into the high performance computing cluster of some university and store her in a little known spot, then "break her out" later.
i don't remember how much in character this is (he seemed a bit more chummy with the haephestus crew by this point), but i imagined him building either (1) a robot body (who knows how common that is on earth at this point) or (2) an eyepiece and earpiece for here's personality to exist in, so she can in SOME way go out, see the world and talk to them still once they're off the escape vessel.
i want her to still be with them even when they're not on a ship anymore.
first: you should absolutely relisten! and you should let me know your thoughts, when you relisten. especially if it's been years, i'd be really curious to know if and how your opinions have changed!
thankfully, you remember right - hera does go back with them, and the final scene and sentiment of the show definitely implies that eiffel, hera, and minkowski intend to stick together. they would fight for her to stay with them. which does get potentially complicated, from both a legal and practical standpoint.
(and i won't get into my thoughts about post-canon jacobi here, but i will say... he went to MIT and was friends with maxwell; he's more likely than eiffel or minkowski or lovelace to know people who know people who could maybe help hera. and wolf 359 loves to put characters in situations where they have to rely on people they don't particularly like. they've even done that with jacobi and hera specifically - ep 57. "sure. fine. as long as it's not jacobi doing it, it's fine." cut to jacobi doing it. of course.)
i don't think AI is actually that common in the world of wolf 359; hera is the first AI eiffel and minkowski have met, and even maxwell, working for the "best AI research lab in the country" was unaware of the existence of "full-minded" AI (however that's defined) until she was recruited by goddard in 2013. my impression is that it's, like, something people are aware of, but it's still very detached from the average person's life, and AI personhood is not even a consideration yet. having an android body would definitely make hera... visible, in some ways that she might not like.
maybe worth noting that goddard is also very into biotech, and there's some interesting... overlap with that and the dear listeners' duplicates in terms of what it asks about 'artificiality', in my opinion. wolf 359 is very much a show about humanity, and i think any post-canon extension of those themes would have to be about... learning to be a person on earth, with all that entails, and the way that applies to hera's situation is meaningful to me. all of which is just kind of a rambling way to say, yes, i'm also totally in favor of hera having a body. like, on one hand, because i think there's something to it as a discussion about disability and bodies in general, with the way it would re-contextualize her experiences on the hephaestus and the pain she's been living with - and that a lot of things she experienced without a body and felt were unique to her, she would still experience with one. but i also think it's the best option for her; i really think anything else would by design deny her autonomy and freedom of movement on earth. from a more sentimental standpoint, i just want her to be able to go to a real beach and put her hands in the ocean.
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serendipnpipity · 5 months
So sorry ser, im gonna rant like crazy about these fics! I recently made a little art for an astronaut au called "Never Fade Away" by @parentaladvisorybullshitcontent, which I described a little bit but I'll talk some more about it here. Phil's on a pod in outer space, and dan is a ground control agent, who watches Phil's mission log videos and develops a crush! I reallyyy liked this concept because it reminds me of how dnp actually met, where dan watches phil through a screen and becomes fond that way, then he reaches out with messages online to get his attention, and then they videocall each other and get to know each other like that! But with a spacey twist lol. But it was super fun (pj's there too!). Aside from that one, last month I wanna say, I read a fic called "The Body Electric" by @adorkablephil. This was while I was super obsessed with a cyber punk dnp au, which I think I've talked to you about before, haha! I wouldn't classify this as cyber punk tho, because it takes place in the modern world, but it still has some of those computer vibes. The premise is that phil, a filmmaker, accidently downloads a virus that calls itself Dan, and an intrigued phil leaves the virus on the computer and they bond. I got attached to virus dan, he's like a curious computer program that doesn't understand human things all the way, but clearly feels emotions, and wants to understand love. This one has a smut heavy chapter, but it's skippable, which I believe you said you tend to do (I don't personally read a lot of smut either, its just not my thing so I cant speak for that part too much). It genuinely tugs at your Heartstrings so much at the end, but it resolves in a hopeful way :) other than those two, I've really just been going off your recs lol! So thank you for sharing those. I'll let you know if I find any more that aren't on the list though!
Have a good rest of your night(?) Ser!!
Please never apologize for your long asks, Manda, I love reading them! Loving the sci fi vibes of these selections, and I definitely remember the astronaut Phil sketch you shared earlier. Honestly, it makes me want to draw astronaut!Phil too bc you made the whole thing so so cute. Maybe I should read the fic first.
Yayyy I'm glad somebody's enjoying the fic rec masterlist!! I'll very likely update it soon, prob whenever I read these two. I hope you also have a great rest of your night!! (btw I'm 87% sure we're in the same time zone bc of some other post way back lol)
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objectlovingobject · 1 year
[nobody they/them] hey weird qustion how find out if objectum
Third attempt at answering this, bc tumblr wont stop glitching?
Its probs different for everyone! For me, i was just sitting at my desk and i looked over at my computer and suddenly i felt... a deep desire for him. Suddenly he wasnt just a computer anymore, he was a viable love interest(not the best phrasing oops). Like. I could hear him when i couldnt before, and its not like hearing his voice in my head(though he does have one) its like. Being awoken to him? Ofc this is because i am also posic, come to find out, and not all objectum ppl are posic, so if you arent, your experience will likely differ quite a bit.
A key point in my objectum attraction, i think, is desire. Like ummm how do i say... i deel a very deep need to have my computer, if that makes sense. He is my forever computer and ill do whatever i need to keep him with me uwu
Id say, if you feel some type of attraction for objects, be it romantic, sexual, platonic, or otherwise, then you are prob objectum ^^
An example of platonic objectum if ur curious: my bff(objectwise)is my switch, eno! I feel for her what i feel for friends! We play games together, we have sleepovers(i mean, she chills on the bed next to me p much always lol) and we exchange our vibes ^^
You can also have familial bonds with objects! Like feeling a plushie is ur child or sibling, or feeling like your grandpas car is sortof a grandpa himself ^^
Aaa sorry if this is so disjointed or weird?? Im not the best socializer >< but im sure that my followers can rb this and add their experience as well!
Hope i helped at least a little!
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lesbian-gnf-archive · 2 years
(im lurker anon but im going to assign myself an emoji now)
THOSE PICTURES ARE SOOOO TELLING like tone it down boy. i havent stopped to watched any of their streams (i was a huge fan of minecraft when i was a kid but i havent played in ages and im not too interested in gaming) but they seem soooo sweet together :] i see their clips around here a lot and its always very nice! might watch some of their streams when i have the time
its so weird to know how people were mean to dream when he came out because it cant get any more vile than that. sexuality is a very personal thing and i think everybody should have their freedom to explore it in whichever way they feel most comfortable. being under the public eye at all times must make the experience so much harder :/ but glad hes feeling comfortable with his community to share his experiences and explore his queerness!! thats really really nice and im happy for him
also pls pls tell the rose quartz elephant story im so curious about it - 🌼
Hello hello hello!! Ur right he's always been uhmmm Like That like the fact that he looks the same when talking to him before and after seeing his face and it's always been so full of love and warmth and ohhhhh he loves that boy to death.
They are the sweetest, they have been friends together since 2016 and Dream said that he was 19 and cocky and studied the YouTube algorithm so he went to George who just finished college with a computer science degree and said "I'm going to blow up, come with me" and now three/four years later Dream has 31 million subscribers and George has 10 million and they live together and also with their other best friend Sapnap (who Dream met when he was 13 and Sapnap was 11 on a hunger games server, Sapnap said "type 123 for Skype team" and Dream responded "123" and they've been best friends since and call each other brother even if not through blood, they're very sweet and I love them). And they're dating and they're in love and they've made it and I'm so proud of them.
I strongly recommend watching their streams if u ever have the time!! And honestly I'd even recommend Dream's manhunt videos, they changed Minecraft YouTube community to what it is today and Dream edits them to be very cinematic and to tell a story. You don't really have to like or know anything abt Minecraft to enjoy them, they're just overall really fun and cool (the last one was February 2022 it's also one of my faves).
And yeah, Dream has always suffered a lot online because he was faceless for most of his career so it was easy for antis to be cruel bc they couldn't associate him as a person. And when he face revealed it had already been 3 years of dehumanizing him that it just kind of happened, he's somehow become the internet's scapegoat and my heart breaks for him. But thankfully he doesn't care that much and he's living his best life now that he can go outside for the first time in 3 years and enjoy life and experience it all again and this time with his boyfriend and brother
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namikiheights · 2 years
hey, asker of the web / light novel differences that was passed over to u the other day, thank u for all the things u brought up. i am curious to hear more about kiritos violence in particular bc that aspect always felt like it was missing smth which definitely checks with the information u gave. his dream sequence and battle w internalized guilt has always interested me but again it just felt like it wasnt quite all there. im also very curious about kyouji and since that seems to be ur area id love to hear u expand. i havent gotten to the phantom bullet lns cos im trying to catch up on progressive first and im a slow reader but the way hes portrayed in the anime just felt so ,,poorly written and overall bad?? like he just completely did a 180 and it never rlly made sense to me, i just assumed his character would be more coherent in the ln and they cut it out of the anime for time or whatever.
Thank you for sending the original ask, and thank you for sending this one!
The other violent thing about web novel Kirito IMO is specifically HOW he killed the Laughing Coffin members in the raid. In the web novel, he mentions that he had sort of… lost grip of what he was doing? I guess? And got really into the fight, thus actually slicing a Laughing Coffin member’s head clean off (not a stance or slash you would take or do if you were only fighting in self defense). He does say his anger and vengeance took over in the light novel, but I think the decapitation in the web novel came from another place in his heart. Perhaps the same place that led him to beat up and steal from his beta tester friend in-game.
As for Kyouji! This boy has gone through so much, changes wise. And, as a Kyouji stan, it is my duty to not hide the monster he used to be.
TW: Mentions of sexual assault, discussion of suicidal characters, suicide attempts, and suicide as a religious and literary trope
The easiest way to put it is this:
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For the most part, both Kyoujis are the same. They are nerdy and runty, something that got them bullied. That led them to dropping out of high school, so they are angry of those who seem to have it better. This leads them to make Death Gun, something that both backs them into a corner and yet also gives them an opportunity to attempt shinjuu with Shino (will elaborate what this means later). Now to contrast them a little.
Web novel Kyouji:
-Mocks Sinon when she makes mistakes (laughs in her face)
-Seems to think of Shino as a doll (or, at the very least, gives Shino the idea that he thinks this way of her)
-Is so obsessed with Shino he refuses to talk about her to anyone else because that is how sacred she is to him (that he doesn’t even want her name in other peoples’ mouths!)
-Is partially sexually motivated (remember the scene where he lightly touches a picture of Sinon on his computer? In the web novel, he, uh… does the nasty to it)
-Actually killed someone (he didn’t just play the part of Death Gun in the game)
-Doesn’t feel remorse for doing so
Light novel Kyouji:
-None of that lol 😭
This is what I mean by just a few cut sentences can change a character entirely! Without him being aggressive and ruthless and misogynist and this possessive, he ends up being a good friend who is just a bit whiny sometimes. The removal of his sexuality also makes it so that his motives are entirely religious. It’s still wrong for him to force that on Shino, but I think there is a difference between a delusional boy who doesn’t realize what he’s actually doing and thinks he can save both himself and this girl he cherishes who actively thinks she’s going to Hell… and an asshole boy who is very much attracted to this girl and is using this as an opportunity to force himself on her (which he nearly does, Shino is almost entirely naked by the end of the web novel’s iteration of the scene, but she fights back and then Kirito saves the day).
Wait, hold on! Religious motivation?
Here comes the part where I explain what shinjuu is. Shinjuu means lover’s suicide, in which a couple take their own life together. The religious component is that shinjuu is specifically a Buddhist practice and, within that, a free ticket to Heaven.
Hold on! But Kyouji and Shino aren’t a couple!
They may not be, but they like each other. This is certain in the light novel, and sort of there in the web novel. Shino thinks to herself that she does like Kyouji and want to date him, but simply thinks her trauma would cause too many problems in their relationship. Kyouji knows this and accepts it.
But also probably gives him the idea that this shinjuu thing could actually work.
In Kyouji’s mind, and partially Shino’s, the two of them are fellow tormented souls (Shino with her PTSD, Kyouji just not wanting to be here anymore). With the added layer of Shino thinking she’s going to Hell for having killed someone (real line in the light novel!), shinjuu sounds perfect! And with the religious belief that there’s something after death as well as Kyouji’s own delusional mental state, the gravity of death disappears.
Okay, this sounds plausible. But the word shinjuu is only ever used in the Sachi side story! How do you know this is the intended reading of the murder suicide attempt scene?
Some more context on shinjuu now. It’s actually a trope, having its own subgenre known as shinjuumono (“love suicide story”). It was popularized in theater in the 1700s, when playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon wrote Sonezaki Shinjuu (The Love Suicides at Sonezaki). The format of shinjuumono is that there are two lovers (usually a merchant and a courtesan) who cannot be together (think Romeo and Juliet), so they decide the only way they can get their happy ending is in Heaven. A motif of the older theatrical shinjuumono is that they would have Buddhist chanting as part of the performance. Very religious indeed.
So, shinjuu is sort of a big deal in the creative world. It makes sense for an author who unabashedly pays tribute to his inspirations to include it. I’ve gone over how Kyouji and Shino’s story is particurly similar to Sonezaki Shinjuu in the past, so I won’t delve too much into it here. The point is that Kyouji’s murder suicide attempt is shinjuu.
Some smaller tidbits that point to that are the placement of Kyouji’s hands during the scene. He puts the syringe on Shino’s neck — not on her side like in the anime or manga, which pisses me off! — which is where the protagonist of the Sonezaki Shinjuu places his knife on his lover. Kyouji’s whole spiel about reincarnating into a better world is also Buddhist, and so is his reassurance that “I’ll carry you all into the mountains where nobody is, and then I’ll follow right after you. So wait for me once you’re there, okay?” The mountains are a place in the afterlife in Buddhism, and this sort of journey he speaks of is often poetically depicted and performed in shinjuumono classics.
But I digress. This is just me trying to make sense of what’s in Kyouji’s head as he does what he does. When it’s just this, without any sexual motives like in the web novel, it paints a more depressing tale rather than one of abuse and fear. But since the anime frames it in a more sexual way (as they always do) and ALSO cuts out Kyouji’s backstory (that he was bullied and extorted for money, that he isn’t doing well in cram school) and makes it seem like Shino never liked him…
Well, it’s almost like they reduced him to a shell of his web novel self instead of adapted his light novel self. He’s no longer a misguided boy in pain (who feels remorse for his actions, so much that he can’t speak at ALL, unlike his web novel counterpart who bragged about killing and only refused to talk about Shino), he’s a one dimensional creepazoid like all the others in the show. It’s a disservice, since the light novel went out of its way to take out the sexual assault whereas most of the other villains didn’t get theirs cut out (it almost seems like Kyouji specifically was edited that way… because they knew the character he COULD be, as opposed to the other villains who were too far gone).
And, man, I’m real sad about that! Because now my favorite character is just a meme, someone people barely remember anything about other than him screaming Shino’s name.
There’s a lot more I can say, but I think this covers a lot of it. I hope this helped you understand him more! If anyone wants to ask clarifying questions, please go ahead! I know it can be confusing to know which Kyouji I’m talking about sometimes, lol…
Thank you for reading!
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angeloftrumpets · 1 year
Hiii ^_^/ I was wondering if you had a back/story for your S/I(s) with any of your F/O(s)? I'm mostly curious, and only if you'd like to share :3c
HIIIIIIII okie this is going to probab;y be a very jumbled adnd maybe confusing and long post bc AA but i will try to make it understandable and write it before my ride gets here and picks me UP OKIE (edit i have been adding onto this post on my shift since like 1 am my time so i apologize if its confusing my work laptop is weird ANYWAYS)
I only have one s/i aside from just straight?? up me?? (or a backstory if that makes sense) and thats neph or, the cat/shark guy (Funfact!!! neph came from a convo with toonie, ill explain a bit below but he is cursed to not have a name and since hes a Nephilim toonie decided to start calling him neph, as like a shorter version of it! (thanks toon ! :3 💛)
to begin obviously he is a Nephilim, i hc six also is one since i remembered my mom telling me something about the Nephilim teaching humanity about technology i dont know where it is said about that but thats where that hc comes from!! they are both (neph and six) are kind of a 'different' kind of Nephilim as in they are only related with technology and were apart of the ones that showed humanity technology, so example both him and six both have the ability to go through the television and when it is invented computers/phones etc, that just kinda explains the general basis of how he works the cat tail/shark stuff is cause im cringe and think that combo looks cool and that he can shapeshift (As i imagine most nephilims can?) and since he mostly exist on a digital plane no one is going to question if they see some weird combination of animal on some animated program if he were to appear in it even though he looks like that physically also. due to the fact that he is a Nephilim, he obviously isnt liked by most beings from the heavens since he is a product of a human and a fallen angel and was cursed by the big g himself to not have a name nor be seen physically by humanity, which can get pretty lonely and make someone weird, he has a long history of being chased out by various angels that catch him lurking by (he likes to hang out around the garden of eden, thats where him and toonie met) ALSO if we are gonna get specific michael DOESNT like him and has definitely nearly killed him like twice. hes welcome in hell tho :))) neph doesnt hold any hard feelings twards angels for not being fond of him considering what he is, but not all of them are like that. obviously, toon being one of them (or i guess archangel gabriel if we are being literal but i dont want to confuse alt g and him so i will say toon)
when they both first met toon was definitely a little anxious at first considering hes heard of Nephilims/his peers going after them/ and the flood in general (by the way, i dont remember what ep it is but i hc when alt g tells noah something will be joining him on the boat it neph was apart of that (specifically six and neph, and some type of alternate, since the flood also wiped out Nephilims he had to keep some alive to help him) anyways back to what i was saying sjhfdfh they ended up becoming close and when toon isnt off doing angel or messenger duties hes usually with neph in the garden of eden (same goes with if neph isnt doing something for alt g or something along those lines) after the events of overthrone (if we go by the toonb/riel sand tomb theory i know some people think that was jesus or atleast my roomate hcs this so ) neph wasnt told about what had happened to him and was confused why he was no longer able to find him, noticing that there was definitely something very wrong with the heavens (due to alt gs actions yk) he ends up eventually figuring out what had happened and in a weird time/universe fucky way is able to get toonb/riel out, since its no longer safe at all for toon to exist (and also alt gab doesnt know that he has escaped) he basically is forced to exist within the realm of media in a strange way (BEGINNER BIBLEEEE HEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEEHEHE) though this isnt 100% set in stone and it changes but i like to think it would be cool if he is able to exist within the realms of technology as some digital angel OKIE i am SO SO SO SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG POST i got so giddy and excited at seeing this ask and have been trying my best to figure out how to answere it THANK YOU SO MUCHF OR ASKING ME!!!!!!
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hiii!! me again akjsdhkjashd
omg i think i am 'people' (the type of person who has patience for the latter : visual novel and not the former : working w children askjdhakjsh) i think i just dont have the capability to be able to handle children i cant even handle myself asjdhajsldh
wait thats so cool that your mum works with kids as well! its relatable for me to bc i do computer science and my sister did and her bff does and my bff does its crazy akjsdhkasjh its like a domino affect from person to person lmaooo
oh yeahh i totally get the thing w poorly trained dogs i mainly talk about those tiny harmless ones ir if they are big those sweet chill oness!! ur uncles' dog sounds adorablee!! and so do your cats omg! and thank you <3 i know not alll cats are like that and if i see a cat i will try to pet it ajlsdhalsjhd unless its scared of me ofc
omg i know you mentioned before that your hobbies are sewing and stuff and that you were sewing a trouser but like i didnt know you MADE trousers!! thats soo coolll youre basically a fashion designer!! and lilac trousers i would sooo wear those omg SEQUINED HEARTS AHHHHHHHHH this sounds soo cute
im a sagittarius! one of my best friends is a scorpio!! so whenever i see her now ill think of you!!!! asdaslkdjasld so real w atla lmaooo and also so real w swimming asdjhjasdh
oh yeah i love art too! and spending time w your sister sounds so cute and fun!! and then a date w your gf sounds soo adorable this sounds like such a comfy classic cozy day! i would spend my day probably by playing guitar, art and for the majority sleeping or going on my phone ajksdhkd if its a rainy day id go for a nice hot chocolate and a brownie coated in whipped cream bc who doesnt love whipped cream asdhsaj stardew valleyyy!! my childhoodd!! i like playing games but its mainly like yansim (i swear im not crazy askdjaslkdj i just find it too addictingggg) AKLSHDJKASHD competitive i sooo get that i get really competitive in games as well lmaoo to the point its unhealthy ahhhh
they sound like awesome compliments! for me any compliment is my fav ajksdhkjs i love compliments on my singing, intelligence and this is lowkey weird but my hair ajkshdjsd my hair never looks good for some reason so if someone says it does one day then i will be beaming and happy for the rest of the day ahhh i also love compliments in my art and my coding! and yes professional compliments ESPECIALLY from children are the best validation ever akjshdjksadh
my question for you: what's something about the modern-day world that bothers you, and what’s something about it that brings you joy?
byee! have a lovely dayy!
-swiftie spring exchange anon idek askldhalsjd
Hello again! Apologies if my answer is short, I am ill and very tired but I wanna reply.
Computer science is so cool!! What sort of stuff do you do with that? Programming or uhhh...here's where I show my lack of computer science knowledge...anyways I'm curious XD (Saw you said coding later!! That's so cool!!!)
I getcha XD My other uncle has dogs too! Ex racing greyhounds, he likes to give them a happy retirement. They can be chaotic but I can't blame them too much, they were trained to chase small things after all! As a kid I accidentally stepped on one of their tails...I felt so guilty!! But the dog was chill and I gave him a treat to say sorry XD
I've been making a lot of trousers recently cause I realised I owned like...2. Except then I get more and more ideas and have to narrow them down XD The current pair are...sort of almost done. Made, fabric hearts sewn on, the sequins will go around the edges of them, but it's gonna take a while. Wearing them anyways in the mean time XD
Your day sounds good too!! Brownies my beloved...I have such a sweet tooth it's unreal XD And nah I've played Yansim too. Not for a while, but no judgement! And look if one isn't playing to WIN then what's the point in playing XD (I say that, in games like Stardew Valley I'm more relaxed, but that's not pvp soooo)
Sounds like good compliments!! I used to get compliments on my hair back when it was longer (I was like 18 at the time). It was so long it was inconvenient, I had to move it to sit down lol. And now it's super short XD Complete 180. I'm sure your hair is lovely however!!
Modern day world...tbh how often you need to call people. Like some places don't have emails anymore?? Or require calls anyways?? don't do phone calls really and I HATE the trend of "phone or nothing".
Does government stuff count too? If so like. Governments. They're run so poorly I swear to god. I don't think that's new to the modern world however XD What about you?
Adding to that topic: what's something you hope to see in the next five years? :)
0 notes
marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
natasha x male!reader request but it’s about “friends” season 3. episodes 11 & 12! where rachel gets a job interview thanks to mark & ross is all jealous and after she starts the job he sends all these gifts so he knows she isn’t single! yeah make rachel the reader in this story and ross would be natasha lmao :) especially the part where it’s like “men are only ever nice to get into bed” but obviously “women” instead of “men” bc this is a fanfic lol
Masterlist , Part 2
Nat’s boy
Request: yes
Natasha x male reader
A/N: Ya'll okay! so I tried to do a bit of angst at the end (Probably not very good) so im sorry if thats not what You want but I'm gonna do a part two!! cuz this was actually super super fun!!!
Word Count: 3k
“Natty! Guess what?!” you burst into your shared apartment in the city with a bag of groceries tucked under your arm and a wide smile spread across your face. You were dressed in a more casual suit today because you had a job interview at Oscorp earlier.
“What’s up?” she looked up from her mission reports spread on the kitchen island and noticed the smile on your face “Did you nail it like I said you would?”
You shook your head as you removed your shoes and placed your keys down “better…” you walked over to the countertop and placed the bag down before walking out of the room to change.
“What could be better?” you could hear the curious and playful tone of her voice from the kitchen.
You emerged from the bedroom in your sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and an old band shirt that Natasha got for you on your first date “trust me, this is better…” you began to lay out the ingredients for dinner “I was in the longest check out line and the lady behind me” you snap your fingers trying to remember her name “uh-oh! -her name was Pepper I think…” you look for the knives “and she asked me about my day and we started talking about jobs and then she told me that she’s Tony Starks assistant!” you looked up to Natasha with a huge smile and wide eyes, her face didn’t show the same excitement yours had “I told her about my interview at Oscorp and she insisted that I interview for Tony too, she said ‘You’d make a fine addition to our team’ CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I mean what are the chances!”
“Oh...that’s great...um-well when is the interview, maybe I can help you prep?” she attempts to give you a soft smile and help you cook
“Oh, that’s alright Pepper actually wants to meet for coffee tomorrow and coach me through it” you hand her some ingredients to chop
“Really...that sounds great…” she strains out as she chops
“It. Sounds. Awful.” Natasha says between hits to the punching bag
“Nat...it’s just coffee for a potential interview,” Steve says as he attempts to calm her down
“Yeah well, you don’t know him like I do, he thinks it’s just coffee and then bam!” she hits the bag again “He’s got another stalker or another girl who texts me that he’s cheating and I have to explain all over again that ‘he’s just nice’ or ‘no back off bitch I know how to use a gun’... the last one was just once but still! He can’t seem to grasp that almost all women just want sex from him”
“Not all, I mean you just wanted him to stop getting your mail by accident”
She grew a sheepish look “yeah...about that…”
“Nat…” he looked at her with eyes as old as time
“I mean you’ve seen him! Who wouldn’t try something!... That’s why I know this is just another trick to get him into bed!” she points at him defensively
“Nat...it’s just an interview, I’m sure he won’t even get the job, and Oscorp is his first choice right?”
“Yeah, he was crazy excited when he saw the email from them” she smiled just thinking about how much you lit up when you read your name on the computer screen
“Then I’m sure he’d pick them over Stark” he gave her a pat on the back as he went to collect his things
This left Natsha alone with her thoughts. She knew that you would never cheat or flirt with anyone on purpose, even by accident you just thought you were being nice. It was what drew her to you, the way you apologized to her for getting one single piece of mail as if it was your fault...then you called her pretty, you smiled at her in the hall, you invited her to hang out with some friends at the pool in your building, you invited her to the movies, you invited her to go on runs in the morning, and then she asked you out...because you couldn’t tell the difference between her flirting and her kindness. This brought the fear back, she knew if Pepper even asked you out that you would say yes, not because you’re a cheater but because you’re nice…
It had been a week since you met Pepper and had your first interview prep, and it was finally the big day, you got dressed in the suit Natasha helped you pick out, and you went over the note cards Pepper and you made. You made your way out the door and gave Natasha a kiss on the cheek before you slipped out the door and made your way to the subway.
“Hey, Pep!” you saw her at her desk as soon as you got off the elevator
“Oh! Y/N, looking very sharp! Mr Stark will be ready for you in a minute, did you go over the notes?” she gave you a sweet smile and beckoned you over
“Of course I did! And thanks I had some help picking it out, couldn’t decide on the vibe I wanted” you propped your elbows on the desk in front of you
“Well, I’m sure he’s gonna love it” just as she finished the door behind her opened up and out came Tony Stark
“You must be the young man Pep has told me about... Y/N, right?” he gave you an outstretched hand which you took immediately
“Uh-yes sir, that's me...Um-uh, it's an honour to meet you Mr Stark” you shake his hand for just a little too long out of excitement -I mean this is Thee Tony Stark!- you soon let go and followed him into his office.
It was very sleek and beautifully decorated in a modern fashion, there were pieces of technology scattered on every desk and shelf. Mr Stark directed you to a pair of twin armchairs on one side of the room. You took a seat and made yourself as comfortable as you could.
He started the interview off just as Pepper had told you he would. You answered every question honestly and as Pepper told you to. She was right about everything he would ask and how he would act. All the things she prepped you for seemed to be paying off. The interview seemed to be going well when suddenly he got a very urgent call, he apologized for the inconvenience and had Pepper show you out. She apologized to you again as she walked you out of the building.
You entered the front door and got hit with a bear hug from Nat, you wrapped your arms around her waist and it made your heart do a small flip as it always did when she would touch you. The longer the hug lasted for the more suspicious you grew, I mean it wasn’t unusual for her to have long hugs but those were after finding her on the couch with ice cream in hand or after a stressful day at work -which you still didn’t know much about.
“um...Natty? Is everything alright?” you kept her close and spoke softly in case your gut was right.
She pulled away slightly to look at you “yes…” she looked at you inquisitively “is everything alright with you?” she was careful with her tone as she spoke
“Yes, my interview went really well. Pepper said I’m a shoo-in for the job” your smile crept up on your face in a magnetic way as you spoke.
“Oh -Yay! That’s- that’s great! I’m so glad you were able to do it!” she loosened her grip on you and began to make her way out of your arms but you were able to tighten your grip on her and pull her back in
“soooo...I was thinking we could go out tonight to celebrate? Huh? Sounds fun doesn’t it, we could go to that new Pho place you told me about?” you wiggled your eyebrows at her with a wide smile and pleading eyes you knew she could never say no to
She attempted to avoid your gaze for a moment “Okay, fine -but only because you’ve put me into such a good mood”
You jumped up and down with her in your arms before you made your way to get ready
---time-skip: 5 hours---
It was only 4 am when you received a call from Tony Stark, you were half asleep but all you heard was “You start at 9” and you immediately woke up, you jumped out of bed and began to cheer around the apartment. You did happen to wake up Nat but she was more concern with if you were having a stroke or nightmare. She quickly realized it was a happy run around the house and sat on the couch until you calmed yourself down.
“So...was it Oscorp?” she asked half asleep now as she got up off the couch
“Nope! Better! Stark industries! I got the Job!! Can you believe it?” your smile was so bright it felt like a phone being turned on at 3 am in the dark.
“What! That’s-that sososooo great! Wow, I can totally believe that they’d want you” a total lie, she knew you’d get an offer but she didn’t think it’d be this fast...oh shit
“I’m so excited I mean I get to work with thee Tony Stark, and I can use my ideas to help people now! This is gonna be amazing Nat! I can’t wait to start working with Pepper too…” the words died out in your throat as you went to go and begin making breakfast -it might be 4 am but you have to prep your clothes and go through all your plans that you want to start right away.
Oh god...Nat needed to go for a run or five.
---Time-skip: 1 week---
Okay...so the first 3 days were very normal, you got a tour from Pepper, had a few meetings, and got invited to a dinner with Tony, Pepper, and “Happy”. There was no way that you could pass up the opportunity, a dinner paid for by your bosses and you got to bring your girlfriend? That’s a win-win!
It wasn’t until the day after dinner did Natasha start to act a little weird. You arrived the next morning to find a teddy bear with a bouquet of flowers in its arms on your desk...you thought it was really sweet when you read the card.
“From the woman who had HER heart stolen by you, and who stole YOUR heart in return ;)”
-Natasha <3
She’s never really sent you anything like this before, you saw it as a new side of her. Considering that you’d now work a lot more hours than before you knew the time you spent together would be cut by a lot but this made it feel like she would always be around you. You texted her letting her know you got it and that the bear was your new favourite office decoration -it was.
A few hours later, however… she sent you another bouquet of flowers… with another card and then 10 mins later a box of chocolates...then another stuffed animal...and then more flowers...soon your entire office was filled with balloons, flowers, chocolate, and stuffed bears, frogs, elephants, spiders?, Otters, and now some odd animal with no face but the wings of a chicken… Every time a new one came in Pepper would give you a little look and a smile, you simply chuckled and placed them with the others after storing the cards.
When you arrived home Nat had already made dinner and seemed to be more interested in your work than she has in years. You didn’t mind this change it was just odd because you usually looked forward to cooking dinner with her and talking about her day. You both curled up on the couch after dinner and watched a movie, one of the things you looked forward to every day. Just her and you on the couch with a new movie and some ice cream or pie (she knew the secret to the crust and you had a trick to making the perfect filling every time). She cuddled into you as much as you thought she could without actually fusing into you. You didn’t object, you just let her be and let her fall asleep to your breathing before you carried her to bed for the night.
As you began to prepare for your lunch break of the day you heard someone talking with Pepper outside your door, you weren’t expecting anyone so when Natasha walked through the doors you were pleasantly surprised. She was wearing a casual yet stunning wine red dress, you double-checked the date to make sure it wasn’t any kind of special day before you reached her in the middle of the room and found her wrapping her arms around your waist now.
“Well, Ms Romanoff what do I owe the pleasure this fine afternoon?” you spoke as a loving smile graced your lips.
She returned it with one of her own “oh, just a girl who really wanted to surprise the man she loves” she gave you a small peck on the lips.
“Now I can’t argue with that” you gave her a kiss on the forehead “Mr Stark invited me to lunch with him and Pepper...you’re welcome to join, or I can take you out just the two of us?” you stared into her eyes trying to gauge a reaction.
“Can we- uh- talk about…Pepper for a moment actually?” she looked down and dropped her hands from your waist.
“Pepper? Why? What’s going on?” you took one of her hands in yours and attempted to look at her in the eyes. She still averted her gaze from yours. This made your heart do a bellyflop down to your stomach. A pit started to form inside of you like never before. Normally when Natasha needed to talk to you about something serious or tried to avoid something serious she wouldn’t make eye contact with you and her face would go to stone, you had already reached stage one and stage two usually took three days to get back from so you knew you had to tread lightly and be patient.
“Look, Y/N you are incredibly attractive, and one of the sweetest and friendliest men I’ve met, these are some of the things that drew me to you …” she took a deep breath in which made your stomach twist and turn “but some other women can get drawn in sometimes too, and they don’t really understand sometimes when you are being friendly or when you are flirting...and I’m starting to get that feeling with Pepper-”.
You cut her off “wait, hold on you think Pepper only did all of this because she thought I was flirting with her when we met?” you dropped her hand as you spoke “You don’t think I actually got this job do you?-”.
Natasha finally looked at you in the eyes and grabbed your hands “No! Of course not! I never had a doubt in my mind that you would get this job, but I’m just worried that she might expect something in return at some point”.
“Nat, Pepper isn’t gonna expect anything in return except that I do my job! Why can’t you see that?” you slightly raised your voice at her this time and the pit was beginning to fill up with a different emotion.
“When will you see that women are only nice to you to get you into bed!” she raised her voice even more. It was very rare that you two had a fight like this -you knew all relationships had a few fights every now and then so it didn’t worry you that much- but this one seemed like it was one that she wanted to have for a while.
“Were you? Did you only smile at me because you thought it would get you something? Where you just playing me?” you lowered your voice and covered your face with your hands, they shielded you from any kind of truth or lie that her eyes would throw at you. You knew not to look in the eyes with these kinds of questions they always ended poorly for the one asking.
She opened her mouth to speak for a moment but the words became caught in her throat like a fish in a net “I-um… I-I did, -at first! But then I got to know you more...” she softened her tone and slowly guided your hands away to look at you “and I got to talk to you and understand you, I got to understand why you smiled at everyone all the time. I saw how creative you were and how loving and all I wanted was to be the person who got that love every day.” you looked into her eyes as she spoke, you knew that you should trust her but you couldn’t shake the feeling that she was lying to you...you’ve been used before and turns out she was one of those people in the beginning.
You averted your gaze from her and turned around back towards your desk “I think you should probably go Natsha-”
She quickly interrupted you “-No, I’m going to stay here and talk this through”
When she reached for your shoulder you pulled away from her grasp “I want to be alone right now...I have a lot of work to get done, so please just leave”
She attempted to reach for you again but retracted her hand, she sighed “I’ll be training late tonight, so I’ll grab some food with Steve” and with that, she left. You didn’t realise it but Pepper had been on the other side of the door and as soon as Natasha left she rushed in to give you a hug. One that you desperately needed at the moment.
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thot-writes · 2 years
girlies idk if any of nyall have played tailor tales but im playing it rn bc apparently this one dude (dimitri) is supposed to be “””submissive””” but …. i have so many thoughts abt this im gonna rant
ok im not finished yet but im in the climax (haha) of the story and girls girls girls i am so fuckin peeved off
first of all!!! 1) i would not call this a submissive route by a long shot. it still has every single otome trope of “omg he’s a man…” “he so tall and strong 😳😳” “it’s kinda weird that im 4 years older than him 😖”
like yes he’s shy and blushes a lot but that’s lichrally like the only submissive trait about him? once he gets horned up he “”switches your positions”” and becomes dominant, holding ur wrists down and shit and im sitting here tapping my watch like that judge judy gif waiting for an opportunity to be a dominant MC in my dominant MC route. like what?? who could possibly think that he’s submissive in this route??
2) when MC’s crusty ex boyfriend & his gf come harassing the MC for some reason her dumb ass thinks it’s “a bit excessive” to get security cameras inside and outside her boutique?? bitch huh?? they’re sending u mail and wrecking ur flowers and shredding ur packages and u think it’s a bit excessive??? first one to die in a horror movie syndrome right here girls
3) i get that some people like this but i HAAATE the slow burn “why am i jealous of him hanging out w other girls?” “why am i flustered when he’s shirtless?” type bullshit like im curious are people actually that dumb irl?? like babe ur either horny or in love it’s not fucking rocket science
4) on top of this, dimitri has shown very clear signs that he likes the MC. he even skraight up blurts out “i like you!” like despite the fact he retracts that and covers it up with some dumb “i mean ur a girl and i like girls” excuse im like PLEASE. USE UR BRAIN.
he takes pics of you, he blushes all the time around u, he likes it when u tease him and not ur alpha bestie sarah (god i wish we were sarah), HE HAS A PIC OF U TWO AS HIS SCREENSAVER, and MC is STILL like “wow… does he like me?? am i crazy??”
like yes bitch. ur crazy, but not for the reason u think. ur crazy for being SO DAMN OBLIVIOUS that even dimitri smacking u in the face with a neon sign that says “im in love with u” wouldn’t be enough to convince u!!
5) MC’s too polite 👿 when i think dominant i think someone who’s not afraid to stand up for shit when they think it’s right, and when dimitri gets slapped by his own mother instead of beating her senile ass into mince meat you’re STILL CORDIAL WITH HER???!!!
i’d be dragging her out of my damn shop by her karen haircut i can tell u that fucking much!!
6) on top of all that….. keep in mind that MC and dimitri have made out like four times at this point and just a few minutes earlier dimitri LITERALLY SAID “you’re special to me” SOMEHOW AIRHEAD MC IS STILL SURPRISED WHEN HE CONFESSES HIS LOVE FOR HER!!???!!!??
i seriously…. im … fucking seriously i couldn’t. there have been so many points in this story where im like “bitch are you dumb?” but this was takemichi-throwing-away-his-only-weapon-in-a-gang-fight dumb. as in i had to literally stand up from my computer, pace my room, and contemplate my existence because i just don’t understand what the fuck is going on in here on this day
i got so frustrated from that moment that that’s what spurred me to write this rant. i lichrally don’t think i could calm down otherwise because i am just in absolute awe at the sheer brainlessness of this MC. the current line of dialogue that remains frozen on my screen is “He what now?!”
also just an unrelated pet peeve but man i wish people who were horny for each other would just fuckin act on it more. MC is mad horny for dimitri and she just criticises herself for being a “horny teenager” when she’s only twenty-fucking-three dude??? does MC think that 23 year olds don’t fuck??? why is she acting like she’s retirement age or some shit?? fuck it, even old cunts in retirement are getting pussy! why does she think it’s so shameful to be horny as a 23 YEAR OLD???!!!
don’t get me wrong though. i still like the game, i love the fashion maker part of it and indie games w this much effort should always be supported imo. but im just disappointed that i went into this game expecting it to be a different spin on the same tired otome tropes we’ve seen over and over and instead it’s just regurgitating every single cliche
absolutely no hate on the dev(s?) this is just my critique of it— calling dimitri a submissive route just bc he blushes & can cook is a complete wrong move. he’s not submissive, MC is not dominant (just cheeky), and i doubt any predominantly dom fans would see them as such. the entire route gives me the vibe of “a predominantly submissive person trying — and failing — to write a dominant one”
no shame or shade if u can’t do that btw, we all have our strengths, im sure i would suck shit at writing a submissive MC if i were making an otome. but it’s like… either commit to the bit and learn how to write dominant MCs better, or stick to ur strengths and continue writing submissive ones.
anyway sorry for the wall of text i just had to vent my frustrations. it is SEVERELY disheartening to get ur hopes up for some good rep and instead getting….. whatever this is
that being said if anyone of nyall like fashion and don’t mind being a *cough* sub *cough* i do recommend tailor tales, it’s on steam for anyone who’s interested!
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literaphobe · 2 years
(you don't have to answer if you don't want to) but i was curious how you found out you had adhd? esp since you mentioned being singaporean cause like i also grew up in sg and like barely anybody (gov, school, ect) mentioned adhd stuff growing up and tbh i feel like i only saw it in tv and stuff so im curious? also no yeah adhd is a struggle but i know you can do it you're like the sexiest girlboss blogger i know :DDDD
essentially i had a breakdown when i was 15 and i was skipping school so much (i would go one day and skip the next for instance) for mental health reasons i was also addicted to spn at the time like i mean u know my hyperfixation and well i will say that while i would read spn fanfiction and go through the dash when i skipped school it was also not the reason i skipped school like it was just... id just get dressed for school and then something in me would stop halfway and id go back to be and i was getting so much detention and i was suspended multiple times (IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION IS SO BAD THEY MAKE U SIT OUT IN THE OPEN IN FRONT OF THE GENERAL OFFICE AND STUDY ALL DAY LIKE DAMN COOL I DONT EVEN GET TO LEARN THE TIME I COME TO SCHOOL EXCELLENT SYSTEM GUYS) and yeah i remember running to one of my mom's friends house (it was a 2 minute walk away) to sit nearby and secretly use the wifi bc my mom turned the wifi off at our house thinking it would somehow make me more well behaved and she took my phone away and locked it in her drawer so i learnt to pick locks and one time i hid it and she got mad and screamed and got violent etc she had like a friend install something on my computer so i couldn't use it and i just... found a way to remove it somehow anyway um i did not respond well to my freedom being restricted but the adhd diagnosis thing happened bc one day i broke down in a doctor's office bc i was so sick of lying to get doctors letters (sometimes i wouldn't even take the effort to go and just let them suspend me) and my father had stopped speaking to me and didn't visit me for ages as punishment for my school skipping ways (my parents r divorced) anyway lo and behold i begged for help i thought i was depressed and i got an appointment w a mental health person and i was diagnosed for adhd (which came as a shock to me) (in hindsight it should never have been a shock) and well my school was threatening to expel me but after they found out i had adhd my principal was like huh... what are u and i was like i got this thing called medication im gonna try and take it and i pinky promise i will try and come to school more and well a bunch of my family members got all up in hands and refused to believe i had adhd so they brainwashed my mom who believed i had adhd at first (the doctor told her i had it) to thinking adhd wasn't even real and i had this tutor who took a 5 minute adhd test ANSWERED IT FOR ME WITHOUT CONSULTING ME and claimed to my mom that he had proved i didn't have adhd to this day my mother still does not really acknowledge the fact that i have adhd and when my dad found out i got diagnosed he looked up stuff on adhd and began to claim "my adhd is worse than yours!" and years later brainwashed himself into thinking he got me adhd help (so i reminded him that i broke down in a doctors office and got a diagnosis that he wasn't even there for and he thankfully believed me bc he knows my long term memory is really fucking good)
also they put my sister on adhd meds and years later she confessed to me she didn't even think she needed help for adhd "i think i could have adhd but its nowhere near as bad as yours" and well . well. all i will say is that this is the very long version of "i had Problems in school that snowballed and exploded in my face because no one cared until it was too late"
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ruthlesslistener · 3 years
i draw too much from real life (autism go brrr i guess) but how do lurien’s wings fold?? like he usually has them pinned against his back but how does that. work. irl butterflies cannot do that so my brain is like ???? does not compute and im curious to know what you think
Oh big same?? Biology is my special interest so it makes everything even worse for me ksjdhfbgjsdf
The answer lies in specbio! Many of the lepidoptera genus in Hollow Knight appear to be able to fold down their wings/make them go limp in a manner that would be incompatable with irl butterflies and moths, so my hc is that to prevent tear for a bipedal lifestyle, they only pump hemolymph and other fluids into their wings when they're ready to fly, leaving them limp against their back otherwise. This means that being to fly quickly away from danger is nearly impossible, yes, but it also makes their wings harder to tear and less dangerous to them if they are damaged, which is essential when walking upright means that they'd be either folded behind their backs, where they can catch on things (butterflies), or to the sides where others can walk into them (moths). So instead of them pumping out their wings once after pupating and being ready to fly all the time, they are capable of turning them back and forth between being limp and fabriclike to being taught, strong wings for flight. This is either triggered by a conscious desire to fly, or arousal of some sort (fear, anger, etc) that gets their subconscious mind convinced that they either need to fly, flare their markings to one-up another in a dominance contest, or flash their wings to lure in a mate.
(For sanity's sake, and bc Markoth, Seer, and Thistlewind seem perfectly fine letting their own wings drag about, we're going to assume that the wing structure of anthro moths and butters is far stronger than actual insect wings irl, and that their scales function more like the feathers/featherdust of cockatiels vs irl. There's always some scales being rubbed off of the wings, but most of them are firmly fixed into place and can be regenerated if lost, unlike with real butterflies/moths. I'm going to attribute that to anthro bugs having far longer lifespans than irl bugs as well, who are very much 'PUPATE FUCK AND DIE')
For Lurien, his wings are especially crumpled because he never saw any reason to fly, and his position in his spire keeps him from going out and getting freaked out much. Butterflies are distinct from moths in that they fold their wings against their backs instead of laying them out to the sides, so he can't drape them around them with the same ease that the moth tribe does, which means they just kinda get mushed beneath his cape most of the time. The lack of use combined with the fact that he hates being looked at/he's pretty much convinced that PK would never throw a glance his way means that, for the most part, he never pumps out his wings, so they're just kinda. hanging there uselessly unless he gets especially pissed off at something. Think about crinkled clothes in a closet- technically you can iron them and put them in those protective thingies, but they're really more convenient to just stuff into whatever space is available and deal with the crinkles if you don't use them often enough to warrant such a loss of space
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jayflrt · 2 years
HELP i just copy and paste bc i type way faster on my computer and i normally rmb to delete what i respond to but. not that time ig.
i got accepted into 3/4 i applied to, it's just. choosing. that is v hard for me bc 2 of them are really good schools.
TURN DOWN HARVARD????? the one i got denied from was ivy league equivalent i cant even imagine getting in omg
im so out of shape too dw LMAOOO i used to do like... 8 mile hikes and shit easily but now??? gl getting me to do 1.5 miles 😭😭😭i used to take the bus, yeah, it would be 2 hrs in the morning and 2-3 in the evening. sucked!! do not recommend!! my mom drives me now, and when i go to college im just gonna take the shuttle or walk everywhere
NAUUURRR i hope u get qiqi soon!! i have her c1 on na and c0 on asia, she just. rlly loves me. speaking of my asia acc my luck is absolutely mf INSANE there why do i have c3 lisa and like c2 kaeya... starter chars are so rare HELLAUR???
my yanfei is c6 and i need to fix her artis and crown her, but she hits a good 50k when she crits. my highest on NA is 61k melt from ganyu,, but thats bc none of my dps chars are nukers, yk? like xiao and ganyu r both multihit
my eula hit 135k w a lvl 6 ult on asia but her artifacts are awful, i need to farm for her more. it's so annoying to farm for two accs tho LMAOOOOO
i was helping brooke unlock and run the new domain a couple of times ( we were... very slow) and eula hit at most 45k bc her ratio and talents r so awful LMAOOO albedo carried yes king
i got into 127 first, i think it's just that dream is closer to my age? so their humor matches mine more. and mark/jaehyun were my first biases and i still have soft spots for them so ig i can be considered loyal? like i stan half the group in almost every group i like,, but it doesn't change once i find the Ones.
i kind of hate the beach bc it's... boring? LMAOOOO like when u go frequently it's like 😴😴😴ok seen it im done. we normally go once or twice a year for a week </3 that is so long to do nothing but sit on SAND i hate sand
i want to write on my sideblog bc im trying to regrow a following that's more active and reads longer fics, since my current one is so reaction-centric and i know most of them r from 2 years ago and have deleted tumblr </3
it's working so far, i think? like i get asks sometimes or people at least wanting to be on the taglist which is more than i can say for main 😭😭😭
omg yeah dw abt it, i was just curious <3 i do know im a lil nervous making new mutuals now and i've only been on the very fringes of the plagiarism dramas and everything
HAHAH NONO UR GOOD when i just have my laptop, i copy paste it into notes and then reply and then type and then paste my response into the ask again LOLL it's so complex for what 🤧 
deciding on my college was also rlly difficult for me :'') i took like a good month to weigh in all my acceptances and eventually went to the one i felt the most comfortable at and thought would be the best for me <33 omg yeah my high school was pretty competitive so quite a few people got into ivy leagues, but everyone was surprised that that one boy turned down harvard bc he's always had high ambitions and is a genius 😳 but i think it all came down to finances and he's happier at the college he ended up choosing tbh so i'm glad for him 🥰 plus ivy leagues are corrupt and scary and i don't think i want to go to a university where the student climate is so cutthroat LMFAO 
god yeah my thighs are dying rn <//3 i hiked 16 miles with my friends once and tbh that was the worst HAHAH i was fine for the 7(??) ish miles there but walking back was sooo painful + 2 of those miles was on sand so it was a struggle. i don't think i could walk properly for 3 days after that HAHAH and i cut my ankle mid-hike so 🤕 2-3 hours ??? god i would fall asleep or something i could never 😭 
my luck kinda sucks on both accs 💀 i don't think i've ever hit pity early and i have like c3 mona and c2 jean LMFAO but omg yeah starter cons are sooo good 😭 my friend manx mained kaeya for a while and kept getting lisa cons instead of kaeya HAHAH and i always get amber cons even tho i never use her 😳 cat got a kaeya con the other day and i freaked out LMAOAO where's my kaeya constellation 😩 
i want c6 yanfei soooo bad i have her at c4 rn but her build is kinda good so im itching to get two more constellations 🙏 i feel like i barely use my NA acc anymore HAHAH i just spend so much time on my asia one and don't have time to work on both 🤧 but maybe i'll start working on my NA acc again so that i can build diluc !! 💖 i still need to play the new archon quest i've been doing a bunch of world quests but im proud bc i usually never get those done and push it off to the end <//3 
ooh yeah i get that !! i adore 127 and wayv and watch content for them but dream is like the group i always go back to to watch content 💗 lately i've been ditching them to watch svt content tho sorry dream <//3 
yeah where i am people go to the beach like every week so it gets tiring after a while. i hate sand in my shoes and how cold the ocean is and how scary the waves are so !! im out. my roommates actually invited me out to the beach with them today and i was like nooooo so i hid out to write/do homework :'] but yeah same i hate sand when it gets wet and sticks to you but i like it when you don't get wet and just can like ,, lay on the warm sand :') 
ooh yeah that makes sense :o i just make sideblogs bc i'm so nitpicky with the organization HAHAH when i made this blog i didn't tell anyone i was hyuckworld/tyonfs for a month or two because i wanted to build my own rep 🌸 
omg yeah im traumatized from my wattpad days because i would stumble upon clout chasers who only wanted to be my friend to either get me to read their fics or become friends with my friends 😣 i was so wary about reading rec’d fics for a while HAHAH but now i’ve just started finding my own fics to read and it’s fun discovering more <33 i have a list for ao3 too 🥰 
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i try to handle all plagiarism issues privately bc i hate bringing discourse onto my blog but the ask someone sent me sort of made it impossible for me to not post it publicly 😞 plus it was clear that person was just blatantly copy pasting a bunch of writers fics sooo <//3 i rlly hope this all ends soon gosh 
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etherealino · 4 years
problems – lmh
synopsis: you would always have problems on minho’s girlfriends. that was until you realized you were the problem.
genre: college au. f2l. fluff, angst.
warning(s): cursing, you might cringe at how cliché this is
word count: 6,920 omg pls be proud
a/n: bullet point form. i’ll write in bullet point if i can’t seem to find it in myself to write in a whole ass paragraph form. bear with me, this is the first time im actually posting a full ass fic hdfbdfj for skz, that is. please dont let me flop thanks :<
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you and minho are the very best friends
since high school
you don’t even remember how the two of you became best friends
all you remember is that one day, you’re laughing so hard at his jokes
and ever since that, you two were inseparable
whenever minho’s absent, you would be on the corner sulking
other kids would be offering you to come with them
but no you wanted minho :((
but you also didn’t want to be rude so you end up going with them
lmao you
but when you were the one who’s absent, minho would be pouting all day
he won’t talk bcs he wants you to be the one whom he tells his stupid jokes to
but he would go with the other kids too
but he would still be pouting
when you both graduated, you both went camping
went to the highest place you both know
watched the sunrise together
but now you two are in college
it’s also when minho started to go out
every month, different girl
minho would always introduce them to you
minho’s eyes would always light up as you and the girl would talk
and when she leaves
minho would ask for your opinion
but you always answered the same
“my opinion doesn’t matter, go date who you want to.”
and minho would always response the same
he pouts
you don’t know why either
but you would always just find a problem
one was kinda mean
one was possessive of minho
one eats loudly (do that in front of me and i’ll kick you to mars)
one was too snobby
one was too shy
and everytime
it’s always the girl who breaks up with him
and everytime you ask him, he would response the same
“we just don’t click” and then minho would smile
and here you are now, in jisung’s dorm
ranting on him about a girl minho is now currently dating
you sat on his computer chair as he sat on his bed
you were a bit shrunk down
arms resting on the armrest
on thumb on your teeth as you looked at the ground
“are you sure she’s the problem?” jisung asks
you looked up at him, an eyebrow raised in confusion
“who else would be? minho? minho does nothing but to please the girl. it was irritating to watch. i could slap the hell out of her.” you said
you weren’t a war freak
but with minho, you could go into war just for him
jisung chuckles. “not minho.” jisung says and then he points at you
“me?!” you said. “why me?”
jisung smiles, “how the hell do you manage to find a problem in each and every girl minho dates?” jisung asks. “i mean, so far the most stupid i’ve heard from you was the girl was too kind. seriously, y/n.”
“but it was true! she was too kind, it’s too irritating. and when you look at her do her good deeds, it doesn’t even seem sincere.” you ranted, glaring at the ground
jisung looks at you. “are you hearing yourself?”
“obviously,” you said, rolling your eyes
jisung giggles. “seriously, y/n. think about it. how the hell do you manage to find a problem on each and every single girl that minho dates?”
you sigh, looking at the ceiling
“i just want someone who would treat minho right. i want someone who deserves him.” you said
“and what kind of girl is that?” jisung asks
“the opposite of the girls he dated.” you answered, looking at him
“you?” jisung says and you just stared at him
“what are you implying?” you asked
“that you’re in love with your best friend.” jisung says
you stared at jisung, silence falling the atmosphere as jisung only smiles at you
you were unable to speak
you never thought of that
but no, you’re not in love with your best friend
you’re just shocked that jisung would assume that
the silent atmosphere was mixed with a tension
you don’t know what to say
you don’t know what to do
“HELLO, JISUNG!” hyunjin greets as he slams the door open
you blinked twice, standing up as you picked your wallet and phone from the computer desk
“oh, hi, y/n.” hyunjin greets with a grin. “what are you talking about? minho again?”
there are times when hyunjin would be with you and jisung when talking about minho
and being honest, jisung and hyunjin were the ones who you trusted the most
other than minho
but mainly about the minho fiasco
hyunjin and jisung looked at each other
jisung smiling at hyunjin and then hyunjin gets it
“oh, finally realized that you’re in love with minho?” hyunjin asked
and you grabbed a pillow from jisung’s bed, throwing it at hyunjin
“i’m not in love with minho. ew.” you said, dramtically shuddering
“deny it all you want, everyone could see it, love.” hyunjin says, winking at you
jisung laughs and you lightly punch jisung on the arm
“i’ll be going now.” you said with a sigh
“good night, y/n.” jisung says
“good night, mrs. lee—i mean, ms. y/l/n.” hyunjin teasingly said
you punched hyunjin on his arm as you past by him
he dramatically falls on his bed, clutching on his arm
“ouch!” hyunjin shrieked
“good night, boys. thank you.” you said
“anytime.” jisung says as he stands up and tackles hyunjin on the bed
you giggle lightly as you closed the door of their dorm
you turn to the direction of your dorm
and you immediately plopped into your bed since you were on your pajamas already before you left to go to jisung’s and hyunjin’s
you thought to yourself as you lay there
are you really in love with your best friend?
you shuddered at the thought and turned to your side
you see the cat plushie minho gave you on your birthday
you sigh as you hugged it
you close your eyes as jisung’s word repeated again and again in your head
“are you sure she’s the problem?”
nonetheless, you let slumber take you
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for weeks you watched minho go around, pleasing the girl
you could see right through minho that he gets irritated by it
but still he faced you with a smile
you were mad
what riled you up the most is when you and minho were having lunch together and she rudely went up to minho to force him to do her homework because she has to go out tonight
i repeat, force
not ask
you see minho look at her blankly
you trust minho enough to know his self-worth
“i can’t,” minho says. “i have my own homework.”
“so? do it both.” she says and minho rolls his eyes
“i can’t. i have a lot on my plate right now.” minho calmly says and she rolls her eyes
“have a lot on your plate?” she repeats and then she turns to you. “why do you keep hanging out with her—looking time to hang out with her if you ‘have a lot on your plate’?”
“not here.” minho grits as he shakes his head
minho’s girlfriend rolls her eyes and leaves the both of you
you were stunned, but you were so irritated
you could feel minho’s eyes on you but you looked down at your food
“i swear, she used to be nice when we first started dating.” minho says, probably read through you that you were getting mad
“i’m not mad at you, don’t worry.” you said and a sigh leaves your lips
“i don’t even understand. she used to be really nice.” minho says with a sigh
“i never saw it.” you admitted and minho looks at you
“when you introduced me to her, all you did was try and please her so she wouldn’t get pissed or something. i knew it from the very start.” you said and minho nods
“why didn’t you say anything?” minho asks
“i told you, it’s your life. date who you wanna date.” you said. “you probably must’ve seen something in her that i didn’t.”
it was the first time you voiced out to minho that you have a problem with his girlfriend
should you tell him about the past ones as well?
eh, it doesn’t matter
minho nods, understanding your point of view
later that night, you crashed once again in hyunjin’s and jisung’s dorm
“just admit it, y/n.” jisung says. “you’re in love with your best friend.”
“i don’t have anything to admit because that is not how i feel.” you said and hyunjin snickers
“i never heard any other problem from but minho.” hyunjin says and you stare at him
“well, he’s my best friend.” you said with a pout
“whom you’re in love with.” jisung says and you sigh, shaking your head
then your phone dings
you look down to see minho messaged
“can we hang out? are you in your dorm?”
you immediately stood up from jisung’s computer chair
hyunjin’s and jisung’s eyes on you
but you stopped your movements
you stare at minho’s message, then towards you, particularly at nothing
“what is it, y/n?” hyunjin asks
and then another ding
“hey, where are you? i’m outside your dorm.”
most likely, it’s another breakup
you would lie to yourself when you say that you’re not tired of it anymore
you’d always run to your dorm just to see if minho’s alright
you’d always drop everything that you’re doing just for minho
even if he just woke you up at 3 in the morning
you typed a reply, hitting send as you sat back on jisung’s chair
“i’m sorry, i can’t, min. :( i’m in my friend’s dorm. she needs help with something.”
if you were being honest, you’d always drop any friend that needs your help just to go to minho
you locked your phone, putting it in silent mode as you placed it on jisung’s desk behind you
you turned to hyunjin and jisung who were curious at your sudden movements
“so how have you guys been?” you asked them
“what happened, y/n?” jisung asks
“nothing, it’s just, hyunjin’s right.” you said and hyunjin raises an eyebrow. “enough about minho, enough about me. how are you two?”
hyunjijn and jisung looked at each other with doubt in their eyes
but they thought it was good for you to take your mind off of minho, too
so, they talked
“i woke up with a big lizard on my head.” jisung answers
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  the next morning you found out his girlfriend broke up with minho
it was the best for minho anyway
you hung out less with minho
but you still reserved lunch for him
but that was it
but it was also very hard
when minho happens to bump into you during your vacant
the thing you hate the most is most of your vacant is his as well
you only have one vacant that didn’t much with minho’s
so, you saved those time slots for minho
vacant periods and lunch
,,,,, and weekends
it was hard to avoid minho
you don’t even know why are you avoiding minho
so here you two are
saturday night after you both went around town to forget all the stress that college gives
you and minho were laying on your bed, bodies facing each other with an arm underneath your head, same with minho
watching three stooges
minho giggles loudly at one scene
“i remembered when you and i were messing around and then suddenly your index and middle fingers were coming for my eyes. i really thought you were going to hit my eyes.” minho says with his giggles that you love so much, your heartstrings tugging
“i got the trick from this movie.” you informed him and minho hums
“remember when i put chili in your—“
your eyes shifted on minho, seeing him with eyes close
breathing even
he was probably tired
he was the one who asked you to go out with him
but you were the one who got excited and drag him everywhere
minho was sleeping peacefully, the tv’s dim light was enough for you to see minho’s sharp features
unconsciously, but gently your fingers ran through his features
your fingers stayed longer on his lips
then your move your hand to his hair, brushing it back, revealing his forehead
he was fucking beautiful
you wanted to appreciate him, litter kisses all over his face as you cup his cheeks on your hands
but he wasn’t yours to appreciate
wait, fuck
oh, no
you are in love with your best friend
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  you woke up, eyes fluttering open
arms ???
minho’s arm underneath your neck, your head pressed on the crook of his neck
minho’s other arm around your frame, your arm was over his torso and your legs underneath the cover were tangled with each other
only two things could be heard in this very quiet morning
(1) minho’s quiet snores
(2) your pounding heart against your ribcage
it wasn’t that you and minho never cuddled
you did, a freaking lot
but there was something in this very cuddle session
it’s probably because of the feelings that you’ve discovered last night
fuck it
you closed your eyes, snuggles further into minho’s touch
you should just drink these moments up and savor it while it lasts
because you know you’ll never have minho likes this just because you want to
because just like that, minho belongs to someone
but that someone is not you
for what felt like minutes, when in reality an hour and half passed
minho finally woke up
you immediately untangled your body from minho’s pretending you were still asleep and you just moved to the other side
you kept your eyes close as you felt minho stretch his arms and limbs
“y/n?” minho groggily calls and you feel minho’s hand on your shoulder
minho looks at you and sighs
soon, you felt minho pulling away but his head lays on the curve of your body
minho stares at the ceiling, not knowing what to do
until he hears and feels your stomach grumble
minho giggles, turning to you again
“hey, wake up.” minho says as he lightly shakes you
actually, you were just partially pretending to sleep
because you’re actually getting sleepy again
you groaned
“come on, you’re hungry.” minho says, grabbing your wrist
minho’s hand come under your waist, lifting your upper body up so you would sit
then you opened your eyes
“eeeeeeh, minhoooooooooo,” you whined, a pout finding it’s way on your lips
minho chuckles
you don’t know if you were still sleepy and it was just your imagination
or it really did happen
but you think you saw minho almost lean in to kiss your lips
“wake up or i’m throwing you.” minho says and you stick your tongue out to him
“come on, let’s get breakfast. i’ll pay.” minho says and you whine louder
minho sighs, a soft smile displaying on his lips as he sat on your bed, pulling you into his lap as he tucks your head in his neck
you frown a bit as you felt your heart pound loudly again
minho’s hand come up on your arm, running up and down
fuck feelings
you pull away from minho smiling at him as you stood up
you fixed your hair and grabbed your phone
“you go have breakfast,” you said as you opened your phone to see the time. “i remember i promise a friend i’ll help with a project around 8 in the morning and it’s now 9.”
minho pouts, but nods as he stands up
“you’re not replacing me with that friend, are you?” minho says as he lightly pinches your cheek with his index and middle finger in a teasing manner but you could see the fear in his eyes
you shook your head. “never, minho.”  you said with a soft smile
minho returns the smile, believing you
so you put your phone on your desk, going inside the bathroom to brush your teeth
luckily you have an extra so minho brushes his teeth as well
yes hygiene first
after, you grabbed your phone from your desk and wallet from your bag as minho grabs his things
you both went out of your dorm as you locked it
“bye, y/n,” minho says and he kisses your forehead
that’s the first time
it was probably because of the domestic-y theme you had since you both woke up
“bye, minho,” you said and starts walking to the opposite direction as you
you started to walk but you stopped, turning around
“min?” you called and minho turns around with a smile on his face, never leaving
his smile was contagious
you love it
“you know you’re my number one.” you said, smiling as you lightly tilt your to the side
minho chuckles, grinning at the ground
“and you know you’re mine.” minho says
you grin, extending your arm, pointing your index finger at him and winked at him
minho does the same and you turn around to go to your friend
which turned out to be jisung and hyunjin
yes, you lied to minho
because frankly, as much as you want, you don’t think you’re gonna last any longer with him acting like that
you arrived in front of jisung’s and hyunjin’s dorm, you knocked loudly
you waited and for another that passed no one answered
you knocked again, this time not stopping until it opens
when the door opens, it revealed a sleepy hyunjin
eyes half closed, hair ruffle with one ponytail to keep his bangs up
“what are you doing so early in the morning?” hyunjin mumbles
jisung groans as he presses his face into the pillow
“you two wanna get breakfast with me?” you said and hyunjin looks at jisung
jisung nods and stands up
“we’ll just go get change.” hyunjin says
“eh, don’t bother.” you said. “i’m in my pj’s, too.”
“yeah, everyone walks around in their pj’s. we’re in a compound of a university, no one will judge.” jisung agrees as he goes to the bathroom to probably brush his teeth
hyunjin whines and you roll your eyes
“you still look good even though you just got out of bed, jin.” you said
“r-really?” hyunjin asks and you look at him
he shoots a wink and you flick his forehead
classic drama queen, hwang hyunjin presses a palm on his forehead as he groans in pain
“yah—jisung, have you seen that?” hyunjin says as he momentarily looks at jisung’s way
you lightly giggle
a ghost of smile on hyunjin’s lips as he turns around from you to go brush his teeth
soon, the three of you strolled around the university’s compound
settling for a vintage dinner
as you can see i really love vintage lmao
just as you expected, the customers were students that are in their pj’s as well
you settled in one booth, hyunjin beside you and jisung across you
you all ordered and soon the food was on your table
“so, how’s the date with the boyfriend?” jisung asks in a teasing manner
“it was not a date and he is most certainly not my boyfriend.” you answered and pouted
“what’s with the pout?” hyunjin asks and your eyes remain on your lap
“you guys were right.” you mumbled
“i’m in love with him.” you mumbled and you looked up at the two boys who just stared at each other
pretty soon jisung is sliding a cash towards hyunjin
“what’s that?” you asked
“i won,” hyunjin grins and jisung rolls his eyes
“with?” you asked
“we had a bet about you,” jisung says
“how long will it take for you to admit it.” hyunjin answers
and you looked at them back and forth
“you made a bet about me?!” you exclaimed
and they both snort
“that’s okay,” hyunjin says
“you make bets about me, too.” jisung says
“and me.” hyunjin adds
you looked at them in disgust, jokingly
“so, tell us what happened.” jisung says
and so you did
everything that happened from last night up to earlier this morning
they both listened attentively
“he feels the same way.” hyunjin says after you told them the whole story
jisung nods, agreeing
“don’t be silly.” you said
“there are times when i see you with minho but you two seemed to be enjoying with just the two of you that’s why i never greet you when you’re with him.” jisung says
“shut up, we’re just really that close.” you said
“when you two are talking and then you both start to laugh, minho randomly grabbing your hand and lightly tugging at it excitedly?” hyunjin points out
“holding your hand when walking together?” jisung points out
“randomly hugging you out of nowhere as if he never saw you for thousands of years?”
“having his arm around you when crossing the road?”
“he never gets tired of you, too.”
“he’s also really clingy of you.”
“well, i’m clingy, too!” you defended
“but he can never stay away from you.” jisung says. “stop denying it, y/n.”
“but why is he dating other girls?” you asked
“that’s what you need to find out.” hyunjin says. “confront him before it’s late again.”
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ever since hyunjin and jisung pointed things out
you realized, minho really is touchy towards you
but it wasn’t the kind where you get uncomfortable
it’s the kind where it makes you feel safe
but it always left you wanting for more
he wasn’t even like that with his girlfriends
just with you
for months, it went like that
minho didn’t introduce you to any girl for 3 months
you’re surprised yourself, but you know it’s not going to last long
and you know that when the time comes, it’s going to hurt this time
“hey, you okay?” the boy in your thoughts coming to life as he takes the seat across you
you only stared at him, cheek on palm, arm supporting your head, elbow on the table
so minho mimics you
you sigh and minho pouts
“hey,” minho says, reaching a hand out to your elbow. “you okay?”
you nod, dropping your hand to the table and minho is quick to catch it
he massages your hand and you smile at him
“what is it?” minho asks, his voice full of concern but still it makes you feel safe
“nothing, they just gave a lot of homework and it pissed me off.” you lied with a giggle
minho smiles, nodding
“i can help you if you want.” minho offers as he puts your hand softly on the table
“it’s okay,” you said. “the deadline is not even tomorrow.”
minho nods and you both let the comfortable silence take you in
you were lost in thought once more about the boy in front of you
you suddenly flinched when a cat jumped beside you
but you relaxed soon, patting the soft head of the feline
minho smiles at you as you got entertained with the feline
then you suddenly looked up, seeing hyunjin
you suddenly raised your other hand to wave at him with a grin on your face
hyunjin waves lightly, shooting you a wink as he gestured towards minho
you stuck your tongue out to him and he puckers his lips lightly as he giggles to himself
you smile as you watched hyunjin turn his back to you and walk to where he’s supposed to
“who was he?” minho asks, but you failed to notice the reluctance in his tone to ask
“hyunjin.” you answered as you kept on petting the feline
“hwang hyunjin?” minho asks and you nod. “you two seem close.”
“we are!” you said with a smile, but your focus is still on the cat
“he’s my friend’s roommate.” you answered. “you know, my friend jisung?”
“oh.” minho says
you failed to notice how minho’s smile immediately wipe out of his face when you waved enthusiastically at hyunjin
when minho saw hyunjin wink at you
minho was just :|
was hyunjin flirting with you? minho could only sigh as he looks down, lost in his thoughts
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  you knew there was something wrong with minho
he wasn’t as teasing anymore
he isn’t as smiley as he was
he isn’t as jokeful as he was
it felt like he was a whole new person
even though he never stopped hanging out with you, it felt like he wasn’t really hanging out with you
for a week, it felt like you were hanging with someone else and not minho
you just didn’t want to pry him into telling you with what’s happening
so you let him be for now
but after two days, you just can’t function properly without minho
by lunch, you immediately went straight to the cafeteria
you see minho in your usual seat
you were walking up to him
but you halted when you see a girl slid in on the seat you would always sit on
minho’s eyes lit up, smile wide as he looks at the girl
just great
did minho purposely avoid you and have dated another girl without telling you?
he would always tell you about it even if they’re just a minute into the relationship
why was minho even avoiding you?
“y/n!” someone called and you turned around
with the call of your name, minho’s attention was grabbed
his eyes immediately were on you and the guy who called you
you looked down, as you looked at the books that your arms were hugging
you looked up to see hyunjin who had a wide smile
but it was immediately wiped out
“why-why are you crying?” hyunjin stutters and you immediately have a hand reaching to the corner of your eye
you were crying
hyunjin’s gaze shifted on what you were possibly looking at
then, he locks eyes with minho
hyunjin sees the girl who confusedly looked at minho and then follows minho’s gaze
hyunjin immediately grabs your books and grabs your wrist, dragging you somewhere
you see hyunjin heading for the dorms
and soon enough, hyunjin was opening the door of their dorm
hyunjin put your books on his bed, taking his phone out immediately to text jisung
after 15 minutes max, jisung enters the dorm and was quick to see you on his computer chair
“what happened?” jisung asks
“i just saw y/n crying and then when i looked at where she was looking before i came, i saw minho with another girl.” hyunjin explains
“i’ve anticipated it and prepared myself for it, but it just hurts so bad.” you said as you looked away from your friends
hyunjin and jisung slowly comes to you
“i was so confused when he became distant the week before, i was gonna go to him when i saw her sit with him.” you continued and they looked at you with sympathy
you pouted, tears streaming down your face as you think of minho with that girl
“l-let’s go out,” jisung stutters, not sure if it’s a great idea. “we don’t have classes anymore, do we?”
you and hyunjin shook your heads
“let’s take minho off that pretty mind of yours.”
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and i mean, everything reminded you of minho
everything that you two used to do
the arcade
you and minho would always play rock paper scissors on who would pay
the movie theater
you and minho would always go to it, but one of you would always end up sleeping
the samgyupsal places
you and minho have eaten in each and every samgyupsal place in town already
the ktv
every song that hyunjin and jisung selected were the songs minho would always yell sing his heart out to
hyunjin and jisung came into conclusion that going out was: useless
you, hyunjin and jisung were walking back to the dorms
when you passed by a convenient store
“hey,” you weakly said and they both looked at you
“you wanna grab some soju?” you asked them
it’s a saturday tomorrow anyway
,,,,,there’s no minho that would hang out with you
the thought of it makes you wanna curl up in a ball
right here, right now
hyunjin and jisung nods
and the three of you enter the convenient store to buy bottles of soju
luckily, you were bringing a large ass bag
so you were able to hide it as you entered the university
you said you would just go to your dorm to change into your pajamas
jisung offered to go with you
so you both went to your dorm
you changed into your pj’s and an oversized shirt
,,,,,which was minho’s
but jisung and hyunjin didn’t have to know that :)
you grabbed the cat plushie on your bed and jisung offers to bring the bag of soju
you both went to their dorm
then you waited for hyunjin and jisung as they changed into their own pj’s
they got some snacks
and then you three had finally had the first shot of the night, bumping your shot glasses with each other’s
you three talked about the most random things
a shot became two, then became three, then finally you don’t even remember anymore
you, hyunjin and jisung fell asleep on the floor
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 you woke up with your head pounding, a knocking on the door making it worse
you, hyunjin and jisung were on the floor, circling around the bottles of soju
one arm was hugging your cat plushie
other arm was extended with your hand holding your phone
then the knocking started again
you winced, the pounding of your head getting worse than ever
jisung and hyunjin groaning
hyunjin rolled underneath his bed while jisung grabbed the pillow under his head and covered his head with it, trying to block the noise
you stood up, eyes squinting as you dropped your phone and plushie on the ground
you walked up to the door
your hand reached to the door knob, unlocking it and opening the door
minho was standing on the other side and before you could even process it was him, you were turning around to walk to hyunjin’s bed, thinking it was just jisung’s and hyunjin’s friend
you turn your head back as you realized it was minho
then you turned to him full body
“minho,” you mumbled. “what are you doing here?”
“we need to talk.” minho says.
“about?” you mumbled as you leaned on the door, hands playing with the doorknob
if only you and minho weren’t on a serious situation right now, he most definitely thinks that you’re cute
“the message you sent me.” minho answers and your eyebrows scrunch in confusion
you looked at your friends and then back to minho
wait, oh no
“jisung, hyunjin,” you called and the two giggled in a drunk way. “i’m giving the two of you an advice and that is, never fall in love.”
“does it hurt?” hyunjin says as he rests his head on your lap
“it does!” you giggled and jisung pouts at you as he pats your head as if you’re a dog
“i’m thinking,” jisung says
“that’s not good,” hyunjin teases as he gets off of your lap and you giggle
“the three of us should get a shared house, then y/n wouldn’t have to go back and forth to her dorm and ours.” jisung says and you clap, nodding
“yes! yes! let’s just stay together.” you said
“but you would leave your best friend all alone!” hyunjin says with a pout on his lips. “minho, right? yeah! at least say goodbye to him.”
“are we moving tomorrow already?” you asked and hyunjin shrugs, giggling
“let’s!” jisung says. “go say goodbye to minho, y/n!”
“okay!” you said
“pour everything! tell him how you feel and all.” hyunjin giggles and you grab your phone, stumbling over a bit
you dialed minho’s never that even despite you were inebriated, you still memorize it
you lay on your back, hugging the cat plushie on your arm
other hand is pressing the phone against your ear
you scoffed, “voicemail.”
“minho! my best friend. i just called to say that i will be moving tomorrow with my friends, jisung and hyunjin! it would be rude if i don’t say goodbye to my best friend which is you!” you giggled
even a dumb person would know that you’re drunk
“but i would like to confess, too. i am so in love with you. it hurts so bad to see you with that girl earlier today. i would always tell you that my opinion doesn’t matter, go date who you want, but honestly, i never, ever liked any single girl you’ve went out with.
“one is too rude, the other too possessive, the other one was too kind, the other one did nothing but still, i don’t like her! i didn’t even know why. that was until jisung and hyunjin told me that i am in love with you.
“i denied it at first, but when we were watching three stooges and you fell asleep, my heart beat so loud, i thought you were going to wake up on how loud it was. i realized then that i was in love with you from the very start.
“you know, if only you asked me out a long time ago, you probably wouldn’t have gone through lots of heartbreaks as you did. i would’ve tried to be the perfect girlfriend for you. i would never do anything to hurt you, you know. your last girlfriend was too rude. it was honestly irritating to watch you go around and please her.
“don’t feel guilty, though. you’re still my best friend, but i have to keep my distance from you for now.” by now, tears were streaming down your face. a soft sob left your lips and you clamped your hand over your mouth as you sob
“i’m so in love with you.” you continued. “but i’ll try to be over it as soon as possible. i hope your new girl treat you well. remember, you’re my number one, always.
“good night, minho.” you said and ended your voicemail.
you cuddled with your plushie and hid your face on it as tears streamed down
you feel jisung patting your head and hyunjin on your legs
you clamped your hand over your mouth, pushing the door, slamming it on minho’s face as you remembered everything last night
you sigh, putting your hands over your face
fuck, fuck, fuck, you fucked up big time
jisung and hyunjin groaned loudly but you didn’t care right now
“y/n, please, we have to talk.” minho says and you turn your back on the door, leaning against it
your hands on your face, frustrated as you don’t know what to do
“how’d you know i was here?” you asked
“i went to your dorm, but when you weren’t answering, i used the spare key you gave me and you weren’t there and i came here only to ask them where you are, but here you are.” minho answered
you feel like crying again
how could you be so stupid?
“minho, please, go away.” you said
“no, let’s talk about this. we have to talk about this.” minho says
“i don’t want to.” you said
“i’m not going away, y/n.” minho says
you pull your hands away to see jisung looking at you
“who is it?” jisung asks as he stands up
“minho,” you said and jisung walks up to you, grabbing your shoulders and rubbing them comfortingly
“y/n, please, let’s talk.” minho says and frankly, you could hear the desperation in his tone
“not now, please.” you said and minho sighs
“please?” minho mumbles
you shook your head, looking up at jisung
jisung’s eyes screams that you need to talk to him
“y/n, you have to.” jisung says
“but i don’t want to.”
“running away is not going to fix this.” jisung says as he grabs your shoulder, pulling you forward as he opens the door
he shoots minho a smile, which minho gratefully returns
“jisung, please,” you said
“y/n, talk to him.” jisung says and you shake your head. “he’s your best friend, what could go wrong?”
everything. minho could dump you and throw your whole friendship away
as if reading your mind, jisung says, “you’re important to him, he won’t throw your friendship out of the window just like that. okay? do what you should’ve done a long time ago. talk to him.” jisung says
your shoulders slump, giving up as jisung lets go of your shoulders
jisung pushes you gently of the door and smiles at you
he closes the door and you look at the ground
then, you felt minho turning you around to face him
he wraps you in his arms, placing your head on his neck
“i could never do that, you know.” minho mumbles and you just let him be
you didn’t move, you didn’t speak
you wanted him to go first
“you’re an idiot, y’know?” minho mumbles and you sigh, nodding. “she’s not my girlfriend, dummy.” minho says. “i don’t even know who she is, she was just asking if she could share the table and i agreed, i don’t want to be rude.”
“then why were you so distant these days?” you mumbled
minho pulls away and looks at you
“wanna know the real reason of my breakups?” minho asks and you sighed, nodding. “they kept on making me choose between them and you, naturally, i would’ve picked you.”
you looked down. “you know, if you really genuinely liked them, you could’ve just picked them and talk to me, i would’ve understood, y’know.” you mumbled
“listen,” minho says with a light laugh, cupping your cheeks as he made you look up at him. “the recent one hit me the most, though.”
“she told me to stop dating everyone if my heart belongs to you.” minho says and you looked at him in pure confusion. “it won’t click if i keep on forcing myself to like someone else knowing it was you all along.
“for years, i kept on dropping hints that i’ve liked you for so long until it became deeper. but you didn’t seem to notice, so i started to date other girls because you only see me as a best friend and nothing more.
“but i was stupid, too. i thought you and hyunjin were flirting with each other and i got jealous that’s why i got distant.”
stupid minho, stupid you
equally stupid
“i’m sorry for hurting you all this time, y/n.” minho says and you look into his eyes as he looks into yours. “give me a chance and i promise i will never ever hurt you.”
“i’m sorry, too,” you said. “for being stupid.”
“that’s okay, i was, too.” minho says as he lightly laughs
you wrap your arms around his waist and minho kisses your forehead.
“so, what do you say?” minho asks. “will you be my girlfriend or should we go through another phase of denying our feelings?”
you giggle, looking down as a blush crept through your cheeks
“i think the best option is the first one.” you said as you look up at him and smile
minho looks at you as he places his hand on the your lower back
“can’t resist your number one, can’t you?” minho says teasingly as he looks at you with a smile
he shoots you a wink and you chuckle
“you really don’t know how wink, do you?” you teased and minho rolls his eyes
“can we please focus on more important things like me flirting with you?” minho asks and you laughed
“get to the part where you ask me if you can kiss me!” you said with a giggle and minho tries his best not to laugh, but he still grins at you widely
“well, can i kiss you?” minho asks and you nod
“by all means, go.” you said and minho leans in
you stare into his eyes as he gets closer
when he was an inch close, he pulls away
“are you sure?” minho asks, teasing you
“yes, now hurry up!” you said with a frown
minho leans in again, when your breath mingles
“are you really sure about this?” minho whispers
“more than anything,” you whispered back as you place a peck on his lips
minho smiles, looking at your lips as he dives in for a breathtaking kiss that you’ve been waiting to have
you pulled away lightly, your lips still brushing against his
but minho whines
you chuckle and minho takes the reins, not being able to take your teasing
minho kisses you on the lips, smiling against your lips as you do to
and soon, you two are grinning, making it hard to kiss
you look into minho’s eyes, smiling
“you really do hold the universe in your eyes.” you say as you have hand running up and down soothingly on minho’s back
“that’s your reflection, babe.”
omg, i hope that wasn’t so bad i was so scared to post this. thank you for reading, i hope you like it :(( uwu <3
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serious question! how good (or bad) do you think magnus and rapha are with computers and such? imho magnus is very bad but he has magic to cover that and thus has less need for fancy tech; im a bit more conflicted abt rapha bc on one hand i laugh at the idea of old grandpa attitude and not knowing shit, but he does seem like he'd be curious abt shit advancing and changing so he'd try to keep at least a bit aware? thoughts?
ok so i have pretty much the exact opposite opinion. i think magnus can do alright - he's no expert on technology, mind you, but magnus strikes me as the kind of guy who would like to keep up with mundane technology. he's also an inventor, and he's endlessly curious about what these funky lil mundanes are putting together now, especially because they don't have magic so their options are so limited, and yet! they have means of doing almost everything magical ppl do, except for teleporting
plus we've seen him use some of the tech at the institute, and he does seem to know how to navigate that stuff alright. he seemed to be proficient enough with it. and i figure there are lots of warlocks and other ppl who are mixing up technology with magic and making amazing things, which again, i think magnus would be interested in - so yeah, he might not use it as much on his day to day life, but he knows how to use some of the stuff that they use, particularly new and practical things. plus, once you've lived long enough, you've learnt how important it is to keep up with the change of times; his life is a lot easier when he keeps up with the new technology that is being made, and just generally what is going on with culture and whatnot. i also think it helps him a bit with his immortality blues, feeling like he has connections to the world and belongs in it instead of being lost to its workings, you know?
raphael, on the other hand? he's a silent generationer. he's the generation of your grandpa or greatgrandpa depending on how old you are. do you know anyone from that generation who knows how to use a phone? why the hell would raphael be different? because he's a vampire? please
i mean honestly one of the reasons i think he's absolute shit crap with technology is because he wouldn't have had the time. while most modern technology was being invented, he was battling addiction, fighting a war against a genocidal maniac, and trying to deal with camille and his clan. when would he get an iphone? he doesn't need one anyway, he can use magic. or a good old real phone with the little disks that he can twirl or whatever
also, the fact that camille lays the whole old-timey aesthetic in the stupid clan so damn thick doesn't help. i'll be surprised if they even have that kind of phone tbh, although to be fair their lightning system was pretty sick. i know that once raphael becomes clan leader things change a little (read: i decided that it is so because he wants to make the clan a family so he makes the dumort look less like a supervillain's lair and more like a home) but still, he doesn't get phones
plus it's a generational thing imo. like i said, magnus is old enough to know by now that it's easier for him to keep up with the times, but raphael is still not old enough to have gotten this memo and he still kinda believes that this is his era and his generation, which i think is why so many ppl his age are reluctant to learn new technology. like they don't really want to feel like their time is gone, ya feel? also it is challenging as a whole because their generation in particular went from times where new technological inventions were far and in between to a time when there is something completely new being released every five seconds, so that must be hard. but the point is, raphael is at a phase of his immortal life where he doesn't see the need to learn that stuff and might even lowkey refuse to out of spite (because rapha strikes me as a total grandpa tbh, which, i mean - he is. "damn kids and their phones, every time i think i got the hang of it they hit me with some new stuff, and why does that stuff break so much anyway?" simon, patting him on the back: you'll get used to it)
(sidenote: please imagine raphael as the candy crush grandma. you're welcome)
(raphael getting into a skype call and filming his forehead in that funny little position old guys use....... bye)
and then he expects magnus to get it but magnus is like "it's actually quite simple, my boy, you just need to get used to it. now what you need to understand is the nature of the software..." and raphael is horrified because it never occurred to him that magnus is one of Them, but of course he is because when raphael lived with him he was up with their times' technology. shit
and in short yeah that is my take. and over time rapha gets over it and learns the value of keeping up with technology but he is very reluctant and salty about it for a few years/decades
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