#tell me something I don't already know as some genius once said lol
alex-turners-world · 4 months
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Help 💀💀
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lemotmo · 3 months
OMG to your last anon YES! the complete canon Buck erasure that is happening on some of those blogs is batshit crazy. Conquer ten thousand percent and yes the damse/helpless without Tommyl nonsense is gross. They're telling us Buck has been begging people to call him Evan for years and Tommy is just the only one who's listened to him *gag me* WHAT?! I even saw a few that said Tommy will help Buck see that the entire 118 has been emotionally manipulative to him for years and he's just taken it because no one's ever loved him enough to tell him he's worth more until now SERIOUSLY I HATE IT HERE.
Oh and one genius said they can't wait for the episode where Eddie leaves Buck to die in order to save himself and Tommy comes to his rescue and punches Eddie in the face and Buck decides to transfer to Tommy's house as a result. These are people who have supposedly been watching for 6 plus years. What the actual FUCK?
I'm not going to touch the Oliver hate that is creeping more and more into some of it. They finally seemed to agree he's not into it. It is a fandom of Tommy shipping. Buck has nothing to do with it. And those fucking cameo videos are entirely to blame.
Hi Nonny. Yeah, I understand your frustration. I've seen some of these takes around as well. Some of these people dismiss what the show is really about: the 118 as a found family.
Buck is woobyfied and treated as a small boy that needs to be protected by his new big hulky loving boyfriend. That is not the Buck we have come to know and love over the last couple of seasons. He doesn't need protection in a romantic relationship. He needs understanding, recognition and love. And guess what? He already has someone in his life who can give him just that. His name is Eddie Diaz.
The Ryan/Eddie hate is strong in that part of the fandom as well, but lately I have also seen some Oliver hate creep in. I agree that it probably has to do with the total non-reaction by Oliver on the BT relationship.
But look, he never lied about BT or lead them on in any way. He made it clear from the start that BT is a transitional relationship that will end. So he has decided to not engage with that part of the fandom, not willing to give them false hope. He did the same with Buddie in the past, until something changed pre-season 7 and he started gushing about it again. To me this is another sure sign that Buddie is happening.
As for Eddie leaving Buck to die? LOL! As if! That man wouldn't leave Buck to die even if it meant him dying as well. That's devotion.
I find it waaaay more likely that Tommy will be the one to emotionally leave Buck on his own as the 118 will be dealing with Gerrard. I can see Tommy saying: "Just don't interfere and stay low. That's what I did. It'll blow over." after Buck told him once again how Gerrard is making Chim and Hen (and probably Eddie, Ravi and Buck included) pay for what happened with him in the past.
Most of these 'headcanons' floating around were started by Lou on his cameos and -unfortunately- some people just rolled with it. I don't know if they understand that these are things that Lou made up in his mind as an actor, but they aren't real parts of Tommy's character. The writers are the only ones writing Tommy. They decide who he is and how he acts. And so far, Tommy has not really been a very interesting or loving character towards Buck. That is what is canon right now. It's important to keep that in mind.
Ultimately I wouldn't get too worked up about it. The BT scenes were about 17 minutes from a season made up of 10 episodes. A season that has tons of great Buddie scenes, more than ever before. The writing on the wall is as obvious as it can be. It's not our problem that some people can't read it.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Ok, here's another one. Zero Year, Arkham, BTAS Riddler
He is having a conversation with Reader, who he isn't on friendly terms with, and third Rogue. Rogue wanting to point something out says.
"It doesn't work! It's like asking Y/N if she would sleep with you"
"Eh." Y/N said.
"Excuse me?"
"Just because I hate his guts doesn't mean he doesn't have a pretty face."
A/N: hahaha this is brilliant! I hope you don't mind I took some liberties in the wording of the conversations but I hopw the idea still reads rip. This was such a fun exercise to write other Rogues! Thanks for requesting! Also N/N is nickname since Harley loves to give people nicknames ❤🖤 Also this is untitled cause I wasn't sure what to title these scenarios lol
Trigger Warnings: Suggestive themes and strong language
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler:
“You really don’t perceive me as a threat? The man that brought Gotham City to its knees?” Ed argued.
“Well, Gotham doesn’t really have the best legs to stand on…” Joker quips back. 
You roll your eyes, it’s never-ending feud between these two.
You just had to be stuck in an Arkham padded cell. Between the both of them. You weren’t even insane, they were just overpopulated at Blackgate, but if they didn’t get you out you were going to become insane eventually.
“Y/N, tell that absolute clown-”
“Hey don’t forget handsome!” 
Edward growls in frustration. “Tell him how I’m Batman’s superior foe. How I threw Batman into hiding! How I ran this city for months!”
Joker laughs. “You’ve gotta better chance convincing her to fuck you Eddie boy.” 
“Huh?” Both men rushed towards the wall that separated them from you.
“Please tell me you’re joking…” You hear Joker mutter. 
“I mean…Don’t get me wrong he’s a smug pompous asshole…
Unknowingly, Edward and Joker both shrug and nod. The one thing they could agree on. Well that and Batman. 
“...but he is a cute pompous asshole. Not to mention his face is totally sit-able.”
For one rare moment the Joker was actually speechless for a minute. He laments, “please tell me your joking…”
“I’m afraid she’s dead serious, my friend. As she should be. Once I no doubt escape before the clown…I’d like to take you up on that offer…”
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
“Edward, it’s not going to work.”
“Oh please, what do you know, Crane? Only someone of my parallel intellectual prowess can see the immaculate results it will produce."
Crane blinks and rubs his temples. "Edward, how is building a race course full of obstacles going to prove you're more intelligent than Batman?"
"It calls for quick thinking! He can't possibly predict every twist and turn. The moment he thinks he's solved a puzzle, another one comes right up before a moment's notice! Only a cunning genius of my caliber can pull this off." 
"I'm afraid it'll be like you trying to court Y/N to bed. It's just not going to work.."
"Ah..well…" you interject.
The two men look away from Ed's blueprints on the table to steal a glance at you. You were steadily scrolling through your phone, not lifting your head once.
"W-What was that?" Johnathan inquiries not sure if he heard right. 
You look up to the master of fear and shrug your shoulders. "I mean yeah he's a greasy egomaniac, but he is handsome in a dirty rugged kinda way." 
Johnathan blinks as if still trying to compute this new development. He looks over to Edward who has gone uncharacteristically quiet. 
Edward's face was a deep shade of red and his eyes were as wide as saucers. Riddler.exe has stopped working, good luck trying to reboot. 
BTAS Riddler: 
"Harley, hitting the toy with a mallet won't help you solve it…"
"Sure it can! It fixed all my other problems!" Harley wounds back with her signature mallet. Before she can strike the puzzle toy, Edward snatches it out of the mallet's path.
"Harley..that's cheating…"
"C'mon, Eddie! I've already tried everything! It's like Y/N sleeping with you! It's impossible!"
"Well not…impossible…" You mutter.
"Did I hear that right, N/N? You'd sleep with Ed?!"
"I mean yeah he's an obnoxious know-it-all, but he's so adorable!"  
Harley fake hurls at your admission. 
Meanwhile Ed is walking away, lowering his hat to try and hide his reddening face from the both of you.
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finitefall · 2 years
remembering how they made sansa bitch about not having enough resources and the fandom hating daenerys for entering and the north and wanting her gone, but the same fandom giving daenerys shit for returning to dragonstone (despite the north being hostile to her and her people and very reluctant to offer a silver of help with some respect) and claiming sansa was right and daenerys should of stayed in wf and her dragon might not have been attacked despite the fandom being ugly about “a foreign whore” being in WF (even tho dany never went to straight into battle, she literally went home to rest where her and her people wouldn't be treated with disrespect? and the writers decided a dragon high above can't see a fleet of ships below....) and the fandom claiming daenerys is stealing their limited resources, but somehow in the final episode sansa was able to move 'thousands' of northmen with her from WF to KL and then back again while declaring war, while also somehow having enough resources to create a huge coronation for herself...
LOL nonnie, most show!Sansa stans claiming she's proved to be the most clever of all the players are just fooling themselves. I'm not even hating on Sansa when I say the writing was absolutely ridiculous, I'm just stating facts: Sansa doesn't know better than anyone how to protect and feed a kingdom, far from it. In fact, she has absolutely zero experience in learning how to rule, protect and feed a kingdom.
Remember in 7x03 after Jon left Sansa in charge of Winterfell, and we see her talking to men and giving them advice?
You're telling me we don't have enough food, especially not if the armies of the North come back to defend Winterfell? No, my lady, most likely not. Then we must prepare for that eventuality. Whatever direction the threat comes from, this is the best place to be. We need to start building up our grain stores with regular shipments from every keep in the North. If we don't use it by winter's end, we'll give it back to them. But if the entire North has to flee to Winterfell, they won't have enough time to bring wagonloads of grain with them. Very wise, my lady.
Yeah, the North already didn't have enough food. That's a real problem Sansa has absolutely no experience in dealing with, unlike Dany. I'm not even gonna mention the books, your message is about the show. While book!Sansa lecturing book!Dany about feeding her people would be even more ridiculous, even show!Dany has way more experience than show!Sansa. Which is normal, since Dany has a leadership arc, unlike Sansa who only got one later in the show, out of nowhere.
Back to 7x03:
Are they covering those breastplates in leather? No, my lady. Well, shouldn't they be? Once the real cold comes?
And the man just looks at her like she said something incredibly clever that would have never crossed the mind of the men used to doing this job. But somehow, Sansa knows better than them about making an armour. I'm surprised we didn't also see her telling a blacksmith how to forge weapons. The whole "Sansa knows best" was so ridiculous, it was almost hilarious to see all those Northerners looking at her like she was a freakin genius and they would all be lost without her wisdom.
Now 8x01:
May I ask, how are we meant to feed the greatest army the world has ever seen? While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons.
They didn't have enough food to begin with, and even if there have been regular shipments to build their grain store, it's not nearly enough. Especially not to last through winter, because it could last 20 years in this universe! There's no way Sansa managed to pull off that miracle, but let's say she did: then it's bullshit to say there's not enough to feed Dany and her armies since they're not gonna stay there for years. It's not a freakin siege, the Wall has fallen, the Night King and his army of the dead will be there very soon and afterwards Dany and her armies have KL to take so... And what's that about the fact she "didn't account" for Dany's armies? What the hell did she think Jon was doing on Dragonstone? Taking a vacation? The whole point was to convince Daenerys to come North with her armies and her dragons, so she's either saying she didn't expect Jon to succeed or that she didn't understand why he was going... But Sansa stans somehow think that was a badass moment, that also showed she had been ruling the North so well while Jon went away? Huh, what?
Yep, D&D told us "Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet"... look, when we reach that level of stupidity, there's really nothing left to say. But of course, it's Dany's fault because Sansa told her in 8x04 to wait so the men have time to rest and recuperate. Because Dany has shown time and time again how much she didn't give a crap about the people while Sansa has been their biggest advocate since the start. Sorry, I kinda forgot to watch the earlier seasons before writing that last sentence...
If you look outside the walls of your city, you'll find thousands of Northmen who will explain to you why harming Jon Snow is not in your interest.
Oh, the finale. The thousands of Northmen who are here to... wait, rewind to 8x05: are those Northmen not listening to Jon after Daenerys doesn't stop and decides to burn down KL? Are those Northmen fighting with the Unsullied against the Lannister soldiers who had surrendered? Is Jon killing one of his own men who tried to rape a woman and attacked him then? Yep, seems like it. They didn't follow Jon's orders, they followed Dany's signal and fought with her armies. So it's once again freakin hilarious that the Northmen are apparently here on Sansa's command to defend Jon's life.
About Sansa's coronation, perhaps Bran sent her resources since he was like "no problem sis, you'll be QITN even though it totally ruins the argument that you wanted independance to protect the North from Daenerys". He'll probably have to send her food, or the North will starve. But none of that matters: what matters is that Sansa was right all along about Daenerys thanks to everything she learned from Cersei and Littlefinger, proving she was smarter than anyone else, and that she got her crown.
Also, if you don't like Sansa you're a misogynist who doesn't like her because she's feminine and wear dresses. You only love female characters if they have dragons or know how to fight with a sword. You're just angry because Sansa outsmarted everyone and jealous that she was able to see Dany was a tyrant while you thought she was a hero or something, totally forgetting about what she did to those poor innocent slavers.
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zaenaris · 1 year
Do you think that Koko has stopped to win money while Inupi was in reform school? He seems to have been at school seriously, since he even waited for Inupi in his uniform and all. He seems kinda bored when Taiju tell him "you'll work for me too" but doesn't complain (he could have, I don't think that Inupi would have blamed him to not want to return in delinquance, but Koko has still not let his friend alone under Taiju)
But sadely i don't think that people would have let him alone, even if Inupi had given up his dream of BD gang. One day or another, Izana would have come back in their life.
(I headcanon that it's the Haitani brothers who told Izana about Koko. Because even if Inupi spoke about Koko to Izana, he would have said "my childhood friend/best friend" (giving probably blackmail material to Izana without knowing it, hum) and not "my friend who is so god to win money", meanwhile Ran and Rindou would have told Izana about the money maker genius and the fact that his friend Inupi was very very important for him)
Sadly, I think his obsession with money didn't stop when Inupi went to reform school, I believe it got even worse
I think Koko, at least at the beginning, managed to keep the "honor student" facade while having his illegal business simply because he was really smart about it (and parents do not exists in TR and when they do they're useless lol) . At some point I headcanon he just didn't care anymore and just dropped out since school didn't give him any economical return, differently from his other illegal activities
We know that Inupi checked on Koko and while Koko is stubborn, I believe that maybe sometimes he slowed a little if Inupi involved him in something else (legal or not)
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Koko's money obsession is a trauma response to Akane's death and his guilt in not being able to save her. This translated to making money because when she was still alive he had the (naive, but I mean, he was a child) illusion to save her and later when he couldn't he blamed himself. After her death he was still obsessed with money because he convinced himself that, if he had money, she would be alive. (and was terrified something happened to Inupi, like we see when Sanzu and Mucho kidnapped them)
Koko linked his own values as a person to what he could gain with money. He was desperate, agreeing on every dirty deal to earn money fast. During his breakdown in Tenjuku we see his deepest fear, he knew that everyone that approached him, did it for money and he was fine being used for that because it fueled his obsession. He even accuses Inupi! of all people! to have being using him for money!!! (which of course is not true, Inupi really cares for Koko and feels indebted with him, and just wants Koko to go on + he's afraid to be seen as Akane's substitute)
Of course he's mad because Inupi understood the problem and slammed it in Koko's face in a very delicate moment, so they both ending up both exposing their greatest fears (Koko thinking Inupi used him like everyone else, and Inupi fearing Koko saw him only as Akane's cheap substitute) and they were both so afraid that they ended up taking separate ways thinking they arrived at a point of no return and that was for the better.
Their fears were legitimate, but we know they both genuinely cared for the other, but they didn't never talk about their problems, so once they had to face them all together, it was too much.
I agree that people would have found him anyway. His money obsession never stopped, we knew he had business with the Haitanis from that birthday sketch from Wakui and the Haitanis were very influential.
I agree with you, the Haitanis were Izana's friends (even if Izana believed no one genuinely loved him :') poor Izana), so since they already knew Koko and how good he was, of course they'd talk about him to Izana.
Ans Izana is smart, he would have put 2 and 2 together, realizing that Inupi's friend=money genius. (Idk if Inupi talked about Koko to Izana, I have the idea Inupi perfectly understood how dangerous izana was, but maybe again, he talked about him vaguely as you said, and it was izana and his network connecting the dots)
Koko himself said that rumors spread and people knew about him already. We see Koko as a criminal in all the timelines (besides the reset/happy last one and probably Mabu TL) because he never got rid of that obsession. He and Inupi were already lost in their traumas and the criminal life is a very plausible, given everything they went through.
It was only with Inupi's help, when Inupi had time to heal first himself, that Koko understood that he was still chained to his guilt, he wasn't living the way he wanted and that, in the end, he wanted to be with Inupi without thinking about the money and the guilt
The power of love💖
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mondaymelon · 9 months
"i had a good dream that i thought was going to be very silly but then the ending was sad and i woke up and was like WAIT NO IT CANT END LIKE THAT . so i reworked the plot in my head and tried to go back to sleep to continue and fix the dream but wegh it didnt work... SOBS."
STOP WAIT I DO THAT A LOT TOO LIKE its like oh no i dont like this scene BOOM rewind! noooo the story cant end like that TRY AGAIN! ueueueueue thats so sad why didnt it work ueueue sobes with you also. FICTIONAL CHARS APPEARING IN YOUR DREAMS IS SO REAL HELP i rmb once i watched a fan animatic of xiao playing the kazoo n that night i dreamt that he was playing a saxophone which sounded like a kazoo n i was throwing confetti n paper money at him,, i hope he appears in your dreams soon i think it will be a very interesting dream hehe.
ALSO. AKABANE KARMA??? HELLO?????? when is it my turn smh. ...vox... akuma.... his cooking streams were the death of me omfg AND WHAT. HYUNJIN AND BEOMGYU??? WHAT. 😀 that was a very interesting dream CRYING they THREW CEREAL AT YOU ?? i.. i won't ask any further. mhm.
THE HEADBOPPING WITH LIGHTS OFF IS SO REAL HAHAHKJDHFKS but for me it's more like my brother walking in on me aggressively bopping to music and walks straight out :'D fun times!
japanese is a nightmare i tell you. i am quite effectively illiterate in japanese sobs n falls to the ground HAHAHSKLJFHLDSJK why. why does 怪我 and 怪我 mean different things WHY. (one is 'blame me' and one is 'injury') why is 娘 mother and daughter at the same time. why. 日本語話とても難しです。*weary noises* but duolingo is actually p good for building vocab i think !! YIPPEE!!
ok yes questions. im a kaeya [BEEEEEEP] i meant kaeya main. LOL i cant think of other fictional chars atm so i will just say!! fav genshin chars!! kaeya beidou ayato kazuha fischl furina kirara collei childe && uhm uhm i forgot the rest OMG YEAH 呵呵以后不想让任何人知道我们在谈什么就可以用华语🤭 RAHHHH i recently became absolutely obsessed with modern family i think its really funny && animes! uhhhhhh spyxfam! campfire cooking! senko-san! the genius prince! my next life as a villainess! parallel world pharmacy! and i forgot the rest! HAHAHAHA ooh ooh okok adding on!! what are the top 3 items on your bucket list for 2024?
giggles loudly back at you HAHAHKJSKJF i get loads of bye-lingual moments though,, (forgot the word for tissue in all 4 languages but somehow knew it was spelt taschentuch in german) & yeahh i switch a lot w my brothers esp when we wanna say stuff we don't want people understanding (read: parents) && normally it's mandarin with parents + english sometimes!! yippee!!
the vox. the vox one. i remember. so vividly. i was a vtuber and we were playing minecraft and i did something super cool and funny and the next day there were clips about me and i sobbed wtih joy and then i woke up in my hotel and laid there for a solid half hour questioning if that was real and knowing it wasnt but praying it was. sobs.
wAI WAIA RYUU ARE YOU. ARE YOU A KPOP FAN. STARES AT YOU. SHAKES YOUR SHOULDERS VIOLENTLY if you are. fave groups and biases pretty please. i am in love with skz + txt + enhypen. E E E EE. E E JFSDODJkldlkjlajs biases are hyunjin (big surprise) n miho, txt bias is beomgyu (another crazy, wild, surprise!!) and honestly i cant choose with enhypen but im sorta leaning towards ni-ki rn... e e e e
dont be shy ryuu. whats the redacted. :) aaa for me fave characters... wai have i already said this idc uhm uhm xiao + kaveh + gorou + dori + nahida + venti + furina + fischl + oh so many more. ik some people dislike dori but she just wants the mula and honestly girl same LMAO
ooo spy x family is the silliest!! (have you seen buddy daddies).. for me im watching several things at once rn but its the apothecary diaries, the eminence in the shadow, and migi n dali !! these are all still airing rn so im having a silly time
uhhodkoadsfd tbf i dont really have a bucket list... if we're talking abt small goals ig its just to get good grades cause of my asian parents, to improve my art, and to finally bring my smau out of its stalemate cause i havent touched it in months and i feel bad abt it... sjdflkd
help when i talk with my brother about things we dont want our parents to hear we cant speak in mandarin cause they know it so we just replace the first letter of every word with b except for some few select examples
like. "brek babing bot bis bere" is shrek's bathing spot is here and dont even ask me why i wouldnt be able to tell you LMAO
and "b-b-b-b-b-beer" is like how are you or soemthing along those lines. my brain fries every time we attempt to speak in bod (dont ask why we named it that either i cant tell you too my brain is empty) and WOADOJFOS SAME HERE !!! uhalkdf hmm more questions... do you read any manhwa / manhua and if so which. because i NEED MORE MANHWA READERS IN MY FEED PLE. A S E
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good morning/day, angel!! it must be morning, though. it's been quiet a long time lol. so i've wrote this academic competition today. tbh, i've done awful. i'm VERY disappointed. i'm not big brained at all TT this athletic kitty TT wish i were him 'GIRL I MEANT GAME OF THRONES 😡😡😡😡' and i did not)) 'God bless subtitles' amen 'for a second there i thought you were talkin about the modern!daemon au' nah ofc i'm eager to read modern!daemon au but i always wait for this witch prompt, this 'in the keep' thing if you still want to ever write it, literally for anything. i love your talented big brain and your gorgeous af works. and waiting for a lifetime was merely a pun. like i wanted to type wait forever but then i was like '...........wait' 'no wonder why his brother’s hair white' HAHAHAHA good. that's good. finally we know why targaryens have white hair. they all were crazy af 'no i want to kill them' it's my comfort fic TT but ok. i've gone through all the stages of acceptance. do whatever you want, i'd be glad to see your genius thoughts. NO but how merely an ask for a cliche little suppy fic turned into this ALL. i love angst but also i feel like i need to read some sickly sweet fluff to make my heart relax a bit 'I WAS PLANNING TO DO SMTH LIKE THIS' HGDDJHDHJSKD SIS TT MOM TT ANGEL TT one big and genius brain cell, remember. no but HGFHFJF why it's so hilarious TT 'OUR BRAINS SO IN SYNC' like at first i had a different idea about this concept but while i was typing that love letter i literally just *star*WOW*star* TT it's the mental bond ig dk 'A PAST LOVER' HGDJSSKDH more puns on this theme??? no but i just thought about the variation of a bad ending... no i'm NOT telling it bc you- i can't trust you such a thing... it's too sad i need at least some hope in my life. 'which basically means me??' hahshdj this arrogant prick. no but actually i can imagine daemon bickering with aemond and aegon a lot. like they're married (not really babe TT). he feels so protective of the reader in my head? HOW he asked 'is it your pretty boy' in the 1 part? when they're merely acquainted? and he continues to be like that. always saying 'fuck off kids' or 'what can you do to me?' and GLARING at them when they're near his wife. but i also can see him rather calm in the 'not your level' way. he knows he and the reader have a special bond and boys can't ruin it so he puts a hand on her waist and smirks the boys down. talking abt canon, maybe he's somewhere inbetween. when he feels the threat, he behaves in the 1 way, when not then in the 2 way. but in this au, i think, he's more of the 1 type? beside the bond and instant love, he also has a feeling that he'd already lost her once so he doesn't want to feel it again, for real in this world. ig you've already said such a thing. and i also can see reader rather jealous of the *spoiler*. in the 1 part she seemed pretty calm and layed-back about all daemon's affairs but?? i think it must hurt so much? you live (literally) only to meet the man you love so much you wait him for lifetime (lol sorry)?? and hearing all these rumors, all these 'thousands of chicks', seeing all the news then meeting one of them?? woah it must hurt as hell. but i feel like this reader is more quite about her jealousy than daemon (oh yeah no one expected). 1) she knows he was reborn only to meet her again so that's mean she's the only one in his life now, 2) dk pride? self-esteem? she doesn't feel like she needs to protect her right to have him? ok i've written it all like these are facts and not my nightly ideas. nono pls don't feel like it. i just think about something and oops i can speak about it for a lifETIME lol. and it's too late and i don't want to think what time and grammar i need to use to make it look like assumptions. that's all ig. have a nice day!! love you!! always wait for your answers and fics. take care<з
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good morning/day, angel!! it must be morning, though. it's been quiet a long time lol.
yeah you didnt send me smth yesterday so i wondered if what happened to you i mean no pressure to send me anything but yeah i was like 'oh my nonnie didn't send today, probably because of that competition'
so i've wrote this academic competition today. tbh, i've done awful. i'm VERY disappointed. i'm not big brained at all TT this athletic kitty TT wish i were him
nah you did your best. that's what counts. doing awful in one thing does not mean you're suddenly not big brained. thats not how that works. you dont have to be like that athletic kitty omg T_T
'GIRL I MEANT GAME OF THRONES 😡😡😡😡' and i did not))
😐 ok HAHHA
'God bless subtitles' amen
'for a second there i thought you were talkin about the modern!daemon au' nah ofc i'm eager to read modern!daemon au but i always wait for this witch prompt, this 'in the keep' thing if you still want to ever write it, literally for anything.
i have to report i think i wrote halfway to the witch fic then it died now i dont know when i;ll finish it so i just did my other req first. I will still write in the keep!! dont worry. also the modern!daemon au ofc. im glad youre eager to read them <3 <3
i love your talented big brain and your gorgeous af works. and waiting for a lifetime was merely a pun. like i wanted to type wait forever but then i was like '...........wait'
'no wonder why his brother’s hair white' HAHAHAHA good. that's good. finally we know why targaryens have white hair. they all were crazy af
HAHAHHAHHAH my big brain so big fr
'no i want to kill them' it's my comfort fic TT but ok. i've gone through all the stages of acceptance. do whatever you want, i'd be glad to see your genius thoughts. NO but how merely an ask for a cliche little suppy fic turned into this ALL. i love angst but also i feel like i need to read some sickly sweet fluff to make my heart relax a bit
HAHAHAHAH idk we'll see how it all works out. dont worry i will 10000% put cute parts. adding them will help make the angst worse HAHAHAHAHHAHAH <3
'I WAS PLANNING TO DO SMTH LIKE THIS' HGDDJHDHJSKD SIS TT MOM TT ANGEL TT one big and genius brain cell, remember. no but HGFHFJF why it's so hilarious TT 'OUR BRAINS SO IN SYNC' like at first i had a different idea about this concept but while i was typing that love letter i literally just *star*WOW*star* TT it's the mental bond ig dk
the hive mentality T_T HAHAH
'A PAST LOVER' HGDJSSKDH more puns on this theme??? no but i just thought about the variation of a bad ending... no i'm NOT telling it bc you- i can't trust you such a thing... it's too sad i need at least some hope in my life.
'which basically means me??' hahshdj this arrogant prick.
no but actually i can imagine daemon bickering with aemond and aegon a lot. like they're married (not really babe TT).
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 real
he feels so protective of the reader in my head? HOW he asked 'is it your pretty boy' in the 1 part? when they're merely acquainted? and he continues to be like that. always saying 'fuck off kids' or 'what can you do to me?' and GLARING at them when they're near his wife.
but i also can see him rather calm in the 'not your level' way. he knows he and the reader have a special bond and boys can't ruin it so he puts a hand on her waist and smirks the boys down. talking abt canon, maybe he's somewhere inbetween.
when he feels the threat, he behaves in the 1 way, when not then in the 2 way. but in this au, i think, he's more of the 1 type? beside the bond and instant love,
we love a petty king
he also has a feeling that he'd already lost her once so he doesn't want to feel it again, for real in this world. ig you've already said such a thing.
😗🍵👌 thats the tea
and i also can see reader rather jealous of the *spoiler*. in the 1 part she seemed pretty calm and layed-back about all daemon's affairs but?? i think it must hurt so much? you live (literally) only to meet the man you love so much you wait him for lifetime (lol sorry)?? and hearing all these rumors, all these 'thousands of chicks', seeing all the news then meeting one of them?? woah it must hurt as hell.
youre so real for that. ugh. so good at all this analyzing. at this point, i think i should write the fic because the more we talk about it, more more fulfilled i get thus i dont even need to write the fic anymore imma just tell you HAHAHHAAHAHAHAH
but i feel like this reader is more quite about her jealousy than daemon (oh yeah no one expected). 1) she knows he was reborn only to meet her again so that's mean she's the only one in his life now, 2) dk pride? self-esteem? she doesn't feel like she needs to protect her right to have him?
ok i've written it all like these are facts and not my nightly ideas. nono pls don't feel like it. i just think about something and oops i can speak about it for a lifETIME lol. and it's too late and i don't want to think what time and grammar i need to use to make it look like assumptions. that's all ig.
well to be fair your assumptions usually hit the nail on the head so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they are technically facts HHIHI. we can speak for a lifetime <3 again dont worry about your grammar. ive got wack grammar too lol
have a nice day!! love you!! always wait for your answers and fics. take care<з
i love you thank you for telling me your thoughts <3
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
I'm not fond of the pairing but from what I've seen General public actually loves Sylki very much. Even the trade reviews called the relationship "genius" which,,,ok. Someone did a poll on various platforms, yt, reddit, fb, twitter etc comparing which ship is better (Lokius or Sylki) and it was Sylki who won by large margin in the end. I suppose mostly they just don't care because it's sci fi and a pairing in a totally unrealistic show, and after Wandavision I guess weird ships are 'in' but yeah it makes you think. But the writers already said they won't give in to the fan pressure bc they have their own story to tell (which ok, valid, you do you) but idk. I guess we will get even more Sylki in second season. Tom already said Loki won't stop searching for her
Sometimes I think casual fans are the most irritating thing about being in a fandom :/
Just as a disclaimer (bc I don’t want people coming for me): I think lokius is really cute, and I love fics/art/headcanons about them, but I never thought they were canonically romantically interested in each other. I never thought lokius was gonna be canon, and I never wanted it to (because I didn’t want ANY romance in the series), so I don’t even include it in my argument against s*lki.
Ok so….. listen. This is gonna be a long ass post, so I’m putting it under a cut. Sorry, anon, but you’re the one that opened the Worm Can.
The viewing public, in general, tends to heavily skew towards heterosexual-presenting ships. Partially because a portion of the general audiences are homophobic, and partially because a lot of non-tumblr fans are so sick of hearing tumblr stans go on and on and on about how they were queerbaited by certain gay ships not becoming canon, when in reality, said ships are trash.
Listen. I sympathise with that. I get that. I know I’m beating a hornet’s nest with this, but…. D*stiel? J*hnlock? St*cky? None of those were written in any way to invoke queer undertones, they were always supposed to be platonic, and tbfh even as platonic relationships the first two are literally toxic and abusive as hell, anyway.
So I definitely understand how a casual straight fan on Twitter or Instagram would see some of those same crazy “we were queerbaited” tumblr stans ranting about lokius not becoming canon and how much s*lki sucks and……. it makes sense that they’d be like “These people are just pissed that their gay ship isn’t canon, that’s why they hate s*lki.”
But here’s the thing. I don’t think those people realise how callous it is to say something like that when the only reason queer kids are so quick to ship any two male characters who express a modicum of affection for one another, is that they’re so fucking starved for representation in the first place, they’re willing to see queer romance in any same-sex interaction. They’re just that desperate. That’s where the whole crazy gay stan thing comes from. And yeah, it’s annoying that these people put their whole chest into defending gay ships that are total trash, but you have to realise why they do it.
So, what I’m saying is, for s*lki shippers- who are already winning, because their straight ship had the privilege of easily becoming canon despite all its flaws- to look at queer people who are frustrated to the point of tears that they were once again conned out of any form of queer rep (for the mcu’s first canon queer character, for gods sake) after actually genuinely being queerbaited this time (with his bisexuality/genderfluidity)….. and to essentially gloat that their straight ship became canon and taunt queer people by saying “oh you’re just desperate for two men to kiss”………… idk, man. It just seems real cold to me. Reeks of straight privilege and heteronormativity.
Ok, so with that being said.. let me respond to your actual ask lol.
I’m not surprised at all that s*lki won the popularity polls. I think a large reason for that is the fact that it was pitted against lokius, which sorta rubs a lot of casual viewers the wrong way for reasons listed above. I’m also not surprised that casual viewers liked it outside of its opposition to lokius- because, um, casual viewers aren’t very smart.
They tend to analyse exactly nothing, they don’t look any deeper than the surface, and if the writers of a show stick a hot man and woman together under a blanket, they eat it up. Because the narrative tells them it’s sweet. Just like the narrative tells them Loki is a greasy asshole who had no character development up until this point, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them that sylvie’s the best thing since sliced bread, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them it’s completely in character for Loki to try to subjugate a group of 3 random Mongolians in the middle of the dessert for absolutely no reason other than his “narcissism”, and they eat that up too. Just like the narrative tells them that one throwaway line about liking “a bit of both” is somehow this groundbreaking example of lgbt representation, and they eat that up too……… See the pattern here?
And as far as being concerned about the pseudo-incest angle, I don’t even think casual fans even dug that deep. They literally just saw two main characters- a pretty white woman and a hot white man- doing cool fight scenes together and giving each other goo goo eyes, and they were automatically sold.
And the writers saying “we won’t give in to fan pressure, we have our own story to tell” is honestly complete bullshit. What the hell is the POINT of working for a corporate film company and telling a story on screen if not to please the fans??? They do what they do to get people to watch their shows to get lots of money. That’s literally what they’re there for. Mike Waldron must have a pretty damn inflated sense of self importance if he thinks his own “artistic vision” or what the hell ever is the priority here lmao.
And I wanna be mad about Season 2, I really do. But at this point Season 1 ruined the character so much for me that I legitimately don’t even care what direction they take him in.
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We Met Within This Screen (chapt. 5)
[Donnie x fem reader]
sfw, chapt. 4 here
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Just as Donnie had predicted, the night air was cold on his scales. Right upon leaving, Mikey brought up to Leo going in pairs this time, to cover more ground, he said. An extra thorough patrol. Donnie honestly couldn't make up his mind and so by then he was flying by the seat of his pants, not objecting to Mikey's plan, but also not agreeing. He doubted Leo would be convinced, anyway. They didn't do duo patrols that often. 
"I was thinking we could split up this time, you know, me and Donnie, you and Raph?" suggested Mikey, closing the manhole behind himself.
"I thought you liked it when we're all together," Leo commented. 
Donnie shot Mikey a look, trying to tell him to cool it, but he shrugged, "Come on, it'll be like some kind of training or...something," Mikey went behind Leo and shook his shoulders, "aren't you into that?"
Internally, Donnie facepalmed. Unless he actively tried to stop this, it was going to happen, wasn't it? One way or another, probably; it all depended on how Leo was feeling that night. Raph was indifferent. He didn't care whether they were all together or in pairs, just that he got to flex his combat skills some. If he could, he'd go out and do it on his own, even. 
Leo looked around, considering Mikey's suggestion. "Okay," he agreed, eventually. "You and Donnie take East, Raph and I will cover the usual route and then—" 
"No," Mikey interjected. Both Leo and Raph's brows furrowed as they stared at their brother. He motioned toward Donnie, "Me and Donnie can take that, you guys just go on ahead," he smiled. "You know I like checking out the skatepark!" 
"No skating," Leo said. 
"I'll just watch whoever's there, then." He pouted.
Raph snorted. "Yeah, make sure he actually pays attention, Donnie." 
"As usual," Donnie sighed, and looked at Leo. 
"Well, what do you think, Don?" 
The decision is up to me? 
Turns out it was his all along, but he wanted to feign innocence in saying that Mikey was the one to drag him through it. Easier to not take responsibility and let life happen at you rather than making a conscious effort, at times. 
"I guess we can do that," Donnie answered reluctantly. He could have said no. Why didn't he? In the corner of his eye, he saw Mikey beam, giving him a discreet thumbs up. 
"Alright, meet back here by four AM, and if either of you run into big trouble, call. We'll come," Leo said. "Same for us."
"Yeah, we'll holler for ya," added Raph dismissively. "And nah, a big dog doesn't count as trouble, Mikey." He sounded gruff, but in actuality, he was still chuckling to himself over that years later. After they got over being annoyed that he had called them from that far while they were on a supply run. Chased by a junkyard dog—some of their least favorite parts about visiting those places. 
"Hey, it was mean! And way fast!" Mikey protested as they parted ways, them taking to the East and red and blue the opposite way. 
As per course, Donnie and Mikey took their normal route, and his heart skipped a beat when they met the scene of their last run-in with criminals. Not because of them, no, but because of the familiar apartment building that was now more intimidating than he'd expected. They circled the area like they normally would have, but Mikey came to stop them on a roof just opposite of the complex, eyes searching each window. Obscured by the height of the building, he sat on the edge. 
Donnie didn't know what to do with himself. He stood back a good ten feet, somehow paranoid of being spotted even though he knew it was not possible from their angle in the complex. Mikey was comfortable, and weirdly at peace as he sat there quietly on the edge, assumed to be waiting for his brother to make a move. But Donnie was stuck in place. 
"What are you waiting for, D?" 
The sudden question broke him from his stillness. It was true; he didn't know what he was waiting for. 
"I—I don't know what you want me to do, what are you thinking?" Donnie asked in return, stepping back a little further as he noticed movement behind the curtains of a lit window. 
"Get your phone out and talk to her," Mikey told him, waving his hand at the apartments. "What did we come out here for if you aren't gonna make it right, bro? Do some smooth talk, tell her you're sorry and you wanna get to know her better…"
"This is absolutely a ridiculous plan," Donnie said, though as if his hands had thought of their own, they reached for his phone, and a moment later he was looking at the messages. Still nothing. Radio silence on both of their ends. How would he approach it? "I'm sorry I went from hot to cold so fast. Please talk to me again." Too strong. "Sorry, can we get a redo?" Too casual. "I'd like to apologise for being a jerk." Okay, that's just not good. Reconciling was going to be as difficult as he'd thought it would be. 
Mikey came over and looked at his phone screen and his brother floundering, thumbs stuttering across the keyboard, deleting the text, retyping it over and over again for perfection where he wasn't going to find any–
"I got this, let Love Doctor Mikey handle it," he said, taking the phone right from Donnie's hand. 
"You've never been in a relationship, not even talked to anyone, how would you—" 
Mikey shushed him. Donnie was going to snatch the phone away but he spun around, draping himself over his shoulder.  "Just let me work my magic, dude!"  
Donnie couldn't watch; he had to turn away. How sure he was that Mikey was going to say something uncalled for, something weird or bone-headed, and the wait was killing him. What if she didn't even respond? Was that better than doing damage control for Mikey's shenanigans? For someone usually decisive, he could not for the life of him make up his mind about what he wanted at that very instance. 
The phone vibrated. 
Mikey cheered. "Got her on the line, now you just gotta reel 'em in," he grinned, handing the phone back to Donnie. 
"Hey :/
I thought you wanted to stop?"
Mikey kept trying to lean over to catch a glimpse of the screen, but Donnie felt that it was a personal moment, so without skipping a beat, he activated the electric current in his staff and poked it behind him into his brother's plastron. 
"Fine," Mikey whined. He stepped in one last time, "But don't hold out on me here!" 
Trying to find an graceful way to patch this all up, Donnie replied: 
"I apologise for that, and I know you probably want an explanation, but it's hard to explain
Moment of weakness? 
I guess... 
Anyway. I'm not expecting you to suddenly be cool with it, if you don't want to talk to me I understand 
Mikey noticed Donnie's dismal expression and he mellowed out accordingly, standing close but not putting a hand on him, nor saying anything. He didn't watch the phone, but Donnie's face and slumped shoulders. He'd thought it would have been going better by now. 
"I won't lie, I'm still confused 
But if you're going through something, I'm right here for you
Don't worry about it. Just don't give me a spook like that again, I thought it was me  
Okay it's not funny but this is a little awkward" 
Donnie's heart sank reading that. He'd made her feel bad, even question herself over his problem. Never had he wanted to make her think it was her that drove him off. 
"No, no, it was never you 
Again, I can't really explain…
Is it okay if we just try this again? 
I understand if not."
"Jeez Bo, I already said it's alright 
I WANT to keep talking to you, you're cool
So let's forget about it, yeah? 
Friends again :) "
And like that, his heart took a leap. A smile slowly spread across his face, and without looking away from the screen, grabbed Mikey by the shell, pulling him toward. "Look at this!" he exclaimed. 
"You see it too?" he quirked, pointing at the apartment complex across the road. 
Donnie paused and looked over his shoulder at him, "What?" 
On one of the balconies sat a lone girl, on her phone, and if Mikey looked hard enough, he could see a smile. Definitely a smile. 
"Ah!" yelped Donnie quietly. He scurried back against the wall of the attached building behind him, as far as he could. 
"Dude! Come on, this is perfect!" Mikey nudged him, and when he didn't hop up onto his feet, dragged his brother near the edge of the roof. Donnie was boneless but unwilling, his mind stuck on the fact that she thought he was cool. Him, cool. Was he? She didn't know even the half of it. She didn't know he was a martial artist, technically a genius, and that he'd gone against some of the worst the city had to offer. And without that, she still thought he was cool, as an average guy. 
As average as what my circumstances will allow me to be. 
Feet dragging all the way, Donnie's stomach did a flip as they met the ledge, peering carefully over it in a crouch. They were prone, watching the girl who was completely unaware of their presence. He was, simply put, enraptured, for a second there, studying her features as much as he could from where they were. The details of her face were not distinct due to the distance, but he could tell she was both nothing like he'd imagined and so much more. For once, he didn't immediately question the validity of the situation; there was no "it could be a coincidence", or "it's too unlikely that she would be out just as they were". Not right away. But it hit him when Mikey spoke. 
"You're so lucky, D," he said wistfully. "Really." Head rested on his forearm, his gaze fell on not one thing, but the whole scene, a somber smile gracing him. He was excited, happy for his brother. But deep down, Donnie knew that though Mikey wasn't envious of him in a resentful way, it had to have stung to witness such a thing unfold for someone not himself. Their youngest had always craved connection the most. He looked away from the girl, "I wasn't gonna let you throw away an awesome chance, was I?"
Releasing a heavy breath, Donnie crawled away from the edge, but his eyes remained on that balcony. It was weird to watch someone who didn't know they were being watched. Not in that context. 
"I...guess I may be," Donnie responded. But it would only get more complicated from there. His phone vibrated, breaking his trance, and the message he found read:
"Anyways, with that out of the way, what are you doing?"
Just watching you from a roof, nothing much, Donnie thought. 
"Currently out enjoying the night" 
"Isn't it kinda cold?" 
"What about you?" 
He knew what he meant, because he was there watching her as a chilled breeze rolled through, but she told him she wasn't doing anything. Only relaxing and talking to him. 
It took him a few minutes to get his bearings. To know that he now had tangible evidence that she was a girl, an ordinary person, and that said person really thought he was cool. Worth the effort. He felt exceedingly difficult for not being able to give her a rightful explanation, but comforted by the fact that he wasn't being demanded of one. He felt light. Almost weightless, with Mikey next to him instead of his other cynical, skeptical brothers. For a moment, he had nothing to worry about. 
From across the roof, he could still see the yawn escape her mouth. Probably an indicator that it was time to wrap things up. He didn't want her to stay up too late; it was already odd that she was up at such an hour, almost two AM, but glad nonetheless. 
"Are you tired?"
I think I'm gonna hit the hay
So goodnight, Bo
Talk to you later (☞゚ヮ゚)☞" 
She got up, leaning on the railing which faced them. 
"I want to stay up with you but—"
Donnie sucked in a sharp breath as she looked up, just barely able to see from underneath the balcony above her. He snagged the strap on Mikey's shell and yanked him back with him away from the edge of the roof, taking cover behind the wall. 
"Shit," hissed Donnie, "do you think she saw us?" 
These shells, they make us look so big! 
"Relax, bro, even if she did, it was only a little bit. Besides, we could be anyone from this far, they don't have pigeon vision." 
"You mean 'eagle vision'?" 
"They're both birds!"
Donnie deadpanned and peeked over the wall. She'd gone in. Three minutes later, he hadn't gotten any texts yet about something weird on the rooftops, so he could finally relax, groaning lightly. "Too close," he breathed out, "Mikey, we need to go, Leo's going to notice we're not back in time if we don't hurry up and get the rest of this route done."
"Already on it," he whooped, vaulting onto the next roof.
As Donnie was scaling the wall of the attached building, he felt his phone vibrate, and curious, he checked it one last time before getting on his way.
"One question before I go
You ever see stuff you can't explain but even if you did you'd sound crazy?"
Oh, no.
"No, I don't."
Chapter 6
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catzula · 4 years
always there to help
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Synopsis: You suck at math, and who could be better suited for the job to help you, other than your brother's best friend, the born genius, Bakugou?
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x (Kirishima's sister)Reader
Warnings: Swearing, maybe some bad writing
A/N: So, I'm back! I'm sorry I haven't been writing anything lately, I just didn’t like anything I wrote, so, sorry about that. This one might seem a little all over the place too lol, but it’s because I inteded it to be a small drabble. but accidentally made it a 5.1k fic. So, it might not be one f my better works, but I had a lot of fun writing it!
BY THE WAY, 100 followers guys! Thank you so much for that!
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You were working on your homework when you heard the doorbell. You sighed deeply, standing up and going to the door, not expecting to see your brother and his friend group to be standing on the other side.
One specific friend caught your eye, his spiky, ash blonde hair hard to miss. You could feel your heartbeat rising almost instantly, cheeks now a bit warmer than before. You wished you had worn something else, anything but pajama shorts and an oversize shirt, maybe combed your hair and wore perfume or something, but how could you know your brother was going to bring his friends home? 
Okay, maybe you should have known since they were over almost every day.
But since there was nothing you could do now to change the situation, you just smiled, inviting them in -you noticed how Bakugou hadn't even glanced your way once, and though this wasn't different then always, it proceed to hurt and disappoint you every time. It's not like you were expecting for him to have feelings for you or something, but at least noticing you were there would be nice for a change.
Your brother was the last to enter, hugging you so tightly that you couldn't breathe for a few seconds, squirming between his arms. "Eiji lemme go!" You screamed, though your voice muffled by his tight hold. 
"Sorry, just missed you." He told you, letting you free. A cheeky, innocent grin was on his face, the one he knew that made you soft. You answered by a "Hmph," turning to his friends, who were already in the living room, doing their things. Mina was the first to notice you when you entered the room, the cutest smile on her face. "Oh, hey Y/N!" She caught you by the wrist, pulling you to the couch to sit with her. Of course, Bakugou was right next to you.
Feeling self-conscious -when was the last time you had a shower? Yesterday? You could only pray you smelled nice- you scooted a bit more to Mina, putting some distance between Bakugou and you, though it pained you to do so since he smelled like caramel. Honestly, why did he smell this good? It only caused your thoughts to be fuzzier, and for you to be even more excited around him. 
Though he seemed to have noticed your shift towards Mina since he sent a small glance your way, a 'tch' sound coming out of his lips, heating your cheeks.
"Hi, Mina-san." You mumbled, trying to forget the boy -your big brother's best friend- sitting next to you. "Oh, y/n-chan, I told you many times, you can just call me Mina! We only have a year between us anyway." You nodded, though still feeling a bit uneasy. “Sure.”
"I- I should go now, I have to finish my math homework." You told them with an apologetic smile, Mina and Kaminari pouting almost immediately. "Oh, come on, sit with us for a bit," Denki protested, his eyes wandering on your bare legs for a second, earning a deadly glare from your brother and a nudge from Sero. 
"What homework?" Your brother asked you, coming closer to you to block Denki's view. "Oh, you know, the one I was doing this morning." You shrugged, you've been working on the same sheet of paper practically the whole day, but you just didn't know the subject even a little bit, staring at the paper without knowing nothing didn't help much.
"Wait, you still didn't finish that? I thought I helped you yesterday." He pouted. Yes, he did try to help you, but you were sure he also had no idea how to do it, and he had just repeated the question to you again and again, until you had said, "Ah, I understand it now! Thank you, brother," without being able to do anything. You knew he meant good, but it still didn't change the fact that your brother was as clueless as you were.
"I-" You had started to say something before a deeper voice intruded yours. "Oi, shitty-hair, you know you suck at math, how do you think you could even help her?" 
Your eyes shifted to Bakugou -you couldn't help but giggle at the nickname he had for your brother, oh, you had to remember that one- he had an annoyed look in his ruby eyes, his eyes not leaving your brother once. "Well, I-" Eiji had started to talk, his eyes widening slightly after, understanding what Bakugou meant. "Oh, you should have told me!"
You shrugged. "Well, you just looked so happy finally being able to help me with something, I didn't want to make you feel bad." 
Oh no, did that come out wrong? You were about to apologize when your brother pulled you in a hug once again. "Oh my god- lemme go!"
"So -uhh- if you do it this way, you can, maybe?.. No, okay, I got it, so if you add this to... Nope, that's wrong- umm, oh, how about-" 
Mina bit the back of the pencil you had given her, fully concentrated on the papers in front of her. "Oh move over, I can help her!" Denki told her as he pushed Mina aside.
"You?" She told him in disbelief, "Don't make me laugh, you're even worse than I am!" 
"No, I'm not!" The blonde boy answered, pulling the sheet of paper. "Yes, you are," Sero also joined the fight, pushing himself between the two. "Oh, you shut up, you're even worse than him!" Mina pushed Sero with all her might, panting. 
"Umm, what is happening?" You asked your red-headed brother, watching them with a smile and clearly enjoying the show. "Oh, don't worry, this happens all the time." He answered, patting you on the back, giggling when Mina pulled Denki's hair, making the poor boy scream. 
Oh, that makes it all better then. 
"Oi, dumbasses, shut the fuck up before I do it." You jumped in surprise when you heard Bakugou screaming right behind you, and surprisingly, three of the grown-ass people that were just wrestling on the floor froze. 
"Sorry, Baku." Mina was the first to stand up, fixing her disheveled clothes and running a finger through her soft-looking hair. Sero and Kaminari struggled for a second or two more, but one look from Bakugou and they were up on their feet too.
"Well, thanks I guess." You told the people who literally just fought each other to help you, though instead of them, it was Bakugou who answered you. "Whatever, you shouldn't be asking these idiots anyway."
You weren't sure what to say since the gratitude wasn't intended for him, but you smiled awkwardly. "Guess I'll have to ask someone tomorrow."
"Oh, Baku, can't you help her? You always help us and you're the smartest." Eiji perked his head with the idea that suddenly came to his mind.
"Damn right I am!" Bakugou answered without missing a beat, though he realized his mistake almost instantly. "Oh, that's great, then, you can help her." Mina cheered, clapping her hands with a wicked grin on her face, eyeing both you and the now furious looking boy. Bakugou would have said no immediately, but everyone in the room -even you- knew his pride wouldn't let him.
"For fucks sake," he muttered, his hand massaging his temples. "Give me that stupid fucking paper."
"Oh, okay, that makes much more sense!" You told him, even though you still had no idea how he did it, but you tried your best to hide the confusion in your face, not wanting to seem dumb in front of him. But it took one look and his burrows furrowed, lips curling into a snarl.
"If you're just acting like you understood I'll fucking-" A fake cough came from your brother's way, making Bakugou growl. "I'll explain it to you again and again until you understand it." He finished his sentence, making both you and Eiji grin.
"So what didn't you understand?"
Good question.
"I- uh... anything?" You could feel your face heating as you answered, causing him to grimace. "Oh my fucking God." He muttered, pinching his nose bridge with annoyance.
"LOOK-" Oh, he was pissed. "THE QUESTION IS TELLING YOU TO DO THIS, SO YOU JUST FUCKING ADD THIS TO THAT, AND-" His spiky hair looked like it was ruffling up when he got angry, like an angry bird, the thought making you giggle. As he heard your giggle he stopped screaming, and seeing him so quiet was somehow scarier than him shouting.
"What the fuck is so funny?" He asked gruffly, though his crimson eyes weren't as angry as they were before. "You know it doesn't help when you just scream everything at me, right?" You giggled again because he looked really confused.
"Okay, look." He sighed, "see this? This actually just means you should do this." His pencil moved on the paper, his writing surprisingly neat and pretty- especially for a boy as impatient and angry like him. "Oi, you listening?" He pointed the pencil to you when he noticed you weren't looking at the paper, but at him.
"Oh- yeah, I'm listening." You answered, looking at what he recently wrote and trying to understand what he probably said. His eyes narrowed, but he didn't question it further. "Good."
"As I just said," he stated -making you grin since he probably noticed you weren't, in fact, listening to him, "you should do it like this and that's the answer." 
You couldn't understand why, but suddenly what he was talking about seemed to make so much sense. "Oh my god." Your eyes widened, looking at the sheet of paper, you pulled the pencil he was holding without thinking much on it, quickly writing down what was on your mind before you forgot.
After you finished writing, you turned your gaze to the boy that was sitting right next to you, though he concealed the amazed look he had sent you almost immediately. "Is that... right?" You asked him, feeling anxious, if it was wrong, you probably would look like an idiot.
"Yeah," he muttered, quickly glancing your way and noticing the smile on your face. "Fucking finally." He added, trying to get you to stop from smiling since he couldn't stop thinking about how pretty it was, though to his surprise you only smiled brighter. He could feel his heartbeat picking up, not sure why. Were you always this pretty? Smiled so softly, that made him feel all warm? Looked at him like this, like he was the most amazing person you've had seen?
For him, you have always been the sister of his best friend. He hadn't the slightest interest on you, though he could feel that was changing, the thought terrifying him. No, you were only and only Kirishima's sister, no one else.
"Hey, Bakugou-Kun." Bakugou was taking his jacket off as he entered the house, his caramel scent making you dizzy.
"Hey, idiot." He answered without thinking, the rude nickname slipping from his lips, he pressed them together instantly as if he could un-say it. He looked at you with slightly widened eyes, expecting you to be sad, or get mad at him, though he could have never thought you would giggle instead.
"Yeah," you told him smiling, "guess I deserve that."
"No." A sudden answer came his way, causing you to be the one shocked this time. "I- I didn't mean it that way..." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking very uncomfortable. "I just-"
"It's okay!" You told him, finally ending his misery. "I know you didn't say it to be mean."
Now, that was a first.
"Yeah, whatever." He muttered, entering the room, though regretting it immediately, was that rude? Maybe he shouldn't have stormed out? Did you think he was rude? Mean? An asshole?
He had no idea you were only happy because, for the first time, he had stopped to talk with you instead of ignoring you altogether.
You entered the room, noticing the rest was there too, and you wondered when they even entered the house. "Hey, Y/N!" Denki beamed, though noticing the look Eiji sent him, he quickly corrected himself. "-chan. Y/N-chan."
"Hey, Kaminari-Kun." You answered, making him pout. "Oh come on, you can just call me Denki!" A small glance was sent your brothers way, "Denki-Kun. You can call me Denki-Kun." He corrected, smiling widely.
"Oh, okay." You told him. "Would you like something to drink, Denki-Kun?" You asked, making him grin wickedly. "She's just too cute!" He whisper-yelled, nudging Sero. "Anyone? I can make tea."
"Oh, just sit with us instead!" Mina told you and you did as she said, knowing she would force you anyway. Once again, you were stuck between Bakugou and Mina, though this time you were prepared and had worn perfume. She looked at you excitedly, like she wanted to say something, but before she sent an angry look to Bakugou.
"Hey, Baku, can you go sit with Denki or something? We're gonna talk and you're preventing us."
"Haah?" Bakugou yelled. "I was the first one sitting here! And I'm not fucking preventing you, I'm just fucking sitting here, it's not like I wanna hear the stupid shit you'll talk about."
Oh, but he, did. He was dying to hear what you would talk about.
"It's not stupid shit, its girl talk!" She defended, grinning when Bakugou stood up. "W-what do you want to talk about, Mina?" It took a lot of willpower for you not to say Mina-san. "A little bird told me you have a slight liking to a certain angry boy." She finally told you, waiting at first for a bit of suspense.
"W-what, who?" You blurted, immediately noticing the mistake you did. "I mean, that's not- that's not true!"
"Oh come on, don't try to hide it!" She giggled, nudging you. "I know you have a crush on bskdhdhdh!" You slapped your hand on her mouth just in time, a sigh of relief coming out your mouth when you stopped her from saying the name. Though, you couldn't stop her from screaming about you having a crush.
"You what?!" Eiji screamed, standing up.
"Ooh, our little Y/N-chan has grown so fast," Denki told as he wiped the nonexistent tears off his eyes.
"So, who's the lucky guy?" Sero asked, grinning.
"Oops, I may have made a mistake," Mina said, giggling.
The only one that hadn't said one word was Bakugou, though that was somehow even more uncomfortable. His gaze lingering over you, you felt like you were going to die of embarrassment (and why did he have to wear that black t-shirt? It only made you even more flustered, and you just couldn't help but think about how nice he looked)
"It's nothing." You smiled awkwardly, face heating up. You glanced away, looking at anyone but him. "It's a misunderstanding." A fake giggle and all should be good, right?
Well, apparently not.
"No, don't you try to laugh your way out of this. What is this crush?" He looked so angry, it was one of those rare moments that he looked plain out scary.
"It's an innocent crush, Eiji! Nothing to worry about, okay? Now sit down, I need to do my homework anyway." Eyes narrowing, his gaze stayed on you a little more, though he dropped the subject soon after.
"If anything happens, you'll tell me everything." He told Mina, though it sounded more like a threat.
"It's not my place to do so." She answered, grinning wickedly.
You peeped your head from the door, trying to take a look of inside. What were they doing?
You've been doing your homework the past hour or two -it was only 10 minutes, but it felt like an eternity- and you came downstairs to seek help.
"Hi, guys." You finally entered, only to find them all snuggled on the couch, watching the greatest show ever been made, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Eiji knew the consequences of such actions, desperately trying to close the TV, but he was late, you could recognize Uncle Iroh's voice from a mile away.
"How dare you!" You gasped, now feeling all eyes on you.
"Wait, what's going on?" Sero looked as confused as the rest of his friends.
"Eiji, how could you do this to me?" You ignored Sero altogether, eyes fixed on your red-headed brother.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, sis, it's just we had nothing to do and-"
"I can't even see you right now." You told him, turning your back to exit the room, leaving three very confused people after you.
"No, Y/N, wait!"
And that's how you found yourself to be snuggled between Bakugou and Denki.
It was really comfortable, you had to admit, but also very maddening. You couldn't even watch the show anymore, your senses filled with the boy sitting right next to you, his body touching yours ever so slightly, his hair tickling your face every time you moved to get a bit more comfortable.
"So you're telling me," Bakugou suddenly spoke up, though your eyes didn't leave the screen, you could feel his ruby eyes on you. "That you have a crush on this guy?"
"She does." Your brother mumbled from the other side of the room. "She even-"
"Shut up, or you won't be able to speak ever again." Everyone in the room suddenly froze, no one able to understand how the hell you just turned in to the most threatening person they ever saw.
"Well, damn, okay." Sero laughed, sending a small glance your way. "I don't know, man," Denki muttered. "Sokka is much better than Zuko. He is a nice dude, everyone likes him, has solid jokes, and is pretty smart. He's kinda like me, actually." 
"Yeah, he is like you!" Mina suddenly cheered. "Except for the being-liked-by-everyone, having nice jokes and being smart parts, of course." 
"Yeah, that's what I'm telling yo- hey!" He exclaimed, making everyone laugh. "If there's anyone that resembles any of these characters, it's Bakugou," Eiji muttered thoughtfully.
"What?" He snarled. Eiji shrugged. “You’re pretty similar to Zuko.”
"Wait, that's very on point!" You told him, causing Bakugou's brows to furrow. "Just think about it, you're very unreasonably angry all the time, keep picking useless fights with everyone, and are very rude!" Mina cheered.
Bakugou would have punched every one of you for even implying something like this, though now the only thing he could think about was if you thought this way too. 
"I- I didn't mean it that way, though." You told them. "He always tries to look so tough from the outside, but he's actually sweet. He tries to act like he doesn't like the gaang or his friends, but in reality, he really likes them. Don't you guys think so too?"
"Now that you put it that way..." Mina muttered, the topic closing and everyone focusing their gazes on the screen once again, though, even though no one realized, a small smile was on Bakugou's lips.
After the Avatar marathon, you stood up, about to go upstairs to continue the dreadful math homework when an idea fell upon you. You turned your gaze to the boy, who was sitting on the couch like it was a throne instead. Spiky hair looking softer than usual, you wondered what it would feel like to run your fingers through them. His eyes were closed, and he looked tired. Under the dim light of the small lamp that hung from the ceiling, you were practically in awe of how pretty he was. 
Cheekbones high and defined, a sharp jawline, like it indicated his sharp personality, delicate brows furrowed, buried in thought. 
As if he felt your eyes on him, his eyes snapped open, crimson eyes finding yours. You probably looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, causing him to smirk. "What's your problem?" 
"I- uh, I was wondering if you could help me with... math?" 
"Again?!" That was a valid question, but it wasn't your fault math was too hard!
"It's okay, Y/N-chan, I can help you instead." You heard Denki's voice, a hand wrapping your shoulder, causing you, Eiji and Bakugou to jump in your places. 
"You don't know shit." Bakugou growled, his gaze suddenly predator-like, making Denki wince and pull his hand back. "Don't do me dirty like that, Bakubro," Denki whined. "I'm just trying to help-" His voice suddenly muffled by the hand on his mouth, a hand that belonged to your bother. 
"You come here for a second." Eiji told him threateningly, pulling him out of the room with force. "No- no, Kiri, don't do this to me!" The door closed behind them, though, a muffled scream or two could be heard every once in a while.
Everyone ignoring the whole ordeal, went back to what they were doing. Bakugou turned to you, his eyes on the sheet of paper you were holding. "So, does this mean you're helping me?" 
Bakugou knew the second you turned to him with that pleading look in your eyes, he was already going to say yes. "Tch," he rolled his eyes, pulling the paper from your hands. "Whatever."
This time, he sat a bit closer to you. 
You sat side by side, arms almost touching whenever he wrote something. "Did you understand this one?" He asked, the pencil he was holding pointing to the second question. Surprisingly, you did understand it. When you nodded, he smiled, it wasn't one of those cocky smirks, this one was a genuine, small smile that took your breath away. 
"Then do this one yourself." 
You gulped, tearing your eyes away from his face as you felt your face heating up. It took you a bit to get focused on what was in front of you, but you were able to use what Bakugou had explained to you, and eventually reached the answer. 
"That's... That was pretty good." He told you as he inspected what you wrote. This time, it was you who smiled brightly, taking his breath away. He could feel his heart suddenly going crazy, hammering his chest as if it was trying to set itself free. And why did he have this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach? This dreadful but also... warm feeling? 
He didn't like this. He didn't like it at all. 
He stood up, his face suddenly angry, causing your smile to drop. He gritted his teeth when he realized he wanted to sit right back and apologize, to make you smile again. But instead, he picked his phone up from the table and turned his back to you.
He exited the room in a hurry that didn't even let you say anything, or thank him.
"Oi, shitty hair! I'm out." You heard him scream to your brother. 
"So soon?" Eiji asked though the door already shut mid-sentence.
Although Bakugou had promised himself that he was going to stay away from you, as far as he could, this thing -whatever this was- went on for weeks. He wanted to stop, Bakugou really tried to not think of you whenever he saw a fucking number, but it didn't take long for him to realize he couldn't.
So instead, he came to see you every day, with or without the Bakusquad and helped you with math even if you didn't ask for him to.
You always asked him to, though.
On the other hand, you weren't thrilled about this whole situation either. At first, this was a normal, innocent crush, but as you spent more time with him, you found yourself falling for him. Hard.
"Hey, Bakugou!" You greeted him (you had dropped calling him Bakugou-Kun sometime, though you weren't really sure when), a big smile that you couldn't drop on your face. "Hey, idiot. I brought this shitty thing you like." 
He meant donuts. 
He didn't want to admit it, but he had only bought it to see the way your eyes sparkled when you held one in your hand, about to take a giant bite out of it. 
The rest of the group was already here and settled, so you checked the paper bag in your hands if it had enough for everyone. You smiled brightly when you noticed it did, making your way to the kitchen.
You noticed Eiji standing, leaning to the door, and watching you both with furrowed brows. "Oh, don't look so mad, I'll give one to you too." You told him giggling, interpreting it wrong. 
His face softened, also smiling. "Don't forget to give me the strawberry one!"
"We'll see about that!!" You answered as you exited the room.
"Oh, Bakugou-Kun, did you buy us the shit we like too?" Sero said mockingly, making the others snicker. "Shut the fuck up, tape face."
"Oh, but Bakugou-Kun-"
"I said, shut the fuck up!" Suddenly his heart was beating really fast. "Relax, Baku, having feelings for someone is nothing to be ashamed of!" Mina told him, though she already knew the answer he was going to give.
"I don't fucking have feelings, dumbass." Bakugou didn't have feelings, especially not towards you, the sister of his best friend. But still, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, he couldn't stop his heart from racing whenever you smiled, and he couldn't stop feeling like he would do anything for you to smile again when you don't.
"Sure you don't," Mina answered, a sly grin on her face when she noticed Bakugou's confused expression. It wasn't that Bakugou didn't want the feelings, he just couldn't understand them.
They would have taken it further if you hadn't entered the room with a plate full of donuts in your hands. "Nobody touches the Nutella one!" You told them, letting them take a donut.
You narrowed your eyes and sent a threatening look when Denki tried to take the one you were going to eat.
"You're not eating?" You asked when you noticed Bakugou not taking one. He shrugged. "I don't like sweets."
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Really? Can I eat yours then?" Bakugou found himself smiling to that, thinking about how adorable you looked with a donut in your hand, a shirt that was too big for you, probably stolen from Eiji and sugar powder smeared on your lips. He couldn't help but wonder, what would you do if he just leaned in and kissed you, right then and there? Would you flinch back? Scream at him? Maybe even be disgusted by him?
He decided he didn't want to lea the answer.
"Oh, you're staying late?" You asked with a small smile on your lips, making them look so kissable, Bakugou had to look away. "Yeah." 
"You have homework?" He asked when you didn't say anything. He didn't want you to leave. "Nope, already did them." 
"But I kind of wanted to talk to you." You looked nervous, your hands clasped together, anxiously biting your lip. His eyes narrowed, crimson gaze wandering over you like he was trying to read your mind. 
"I have-" You started to say, but stopped mid-sentence so he finished your sentence for you internally. ...feelings for you. 
(You actually had an upcoming math exam, and you were hoping he could help you study for it, but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.)
Oh, he wasn't going to let you be the first to confess, so without thinking about it, Bakugou blurted. "I like you." There it was, he did it before you! But why did you look so shocked?
"You what?" You asked, eyes wide, just staring at him. Bakugou could feel his heart getting heavier by the second, hands turning cold and a dreadful knot forming in the pit of his stomach. Weren't you saying the same thing just then?
"I-" should he just tell you to forget about it? No, he wasn't the kind of man to just back off. "You heard me." He told you gruffly. "I like you." 
Much to his annoyance, you stayed quiet, not giving him the chance to be happy or sad about it. Just silence. "And? What's your answer?!" 
For the first time in this conversation, you looked at him properly. You hadn't noticed how his crimson gaze shined with uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety. He was afraid of your answer, you realized. Even the great Bakugou Katsuki was afraid of rejection. 
So instead of giving him a verbal answer, you leaned in instead, your lips touching his softly. 
His eyes opened wide with the contact, not being able to understand what was going on. Your lips were so soft, it molded perfectly against his, and he was afraid that if he moved even an inch, you would realize you were making a big mistake and pull back. So he froze.
"Bakugou?" You pulled back slightly after a few seconds, making him want to pull you back and never let go. "Won't you kiss me back?" 
To this, Bakugou grinned, his hands suddenly on your back, pulling you towards him. The last thing you remembered before you lost yourself in the kiss was how soft his lips were, and how amazing he smelled.
"You know we still have to tell Eiji, right?" You told him, running your fingers through your messed up hair, trying to look like you didn't kiss a boy for the past... well, you weren't sure how long, actually. 
"Yeah." He answered, lips slightly pink. 
"You know, I think I have the perfect idea of how to tell him."
"You do?" He asked, now slightly intrigued. You nodded, standing up. Eiji was in his room, so you pulled Bakugou by the wrists up the stairs. "Come on." You told him when he hesitated. "This will work."
You knocked on your brother's door, opening it just the slightest when you heard him tell you to come in. "Hey, Eiji." 
"Hey, sis." He smiled widely, not aware of Bakugou behind the door. "What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much." You shrugged, "Just wanted to tell you that Bakugou and I are dating, okay bye!" You shut the door after you without giving him the time to say anything, running down the stairs, and pulling Bakugou after you. 
Your brother opened his door, running after you, his face as red as his hair. "You what?!"
"You idiot!" Bakugou screamed. "So this was your great idea?"
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
I have,, a new Genshin oc 👀 hope u don't mind me sending in so many asks dsdjgjshd but I had to tell someone about her
Her name is Lilith (Lily) and she's a cryo catalyst user from Mondstadt and a senior member of the investigation team. She was childhood friends with Kaeya and Diluc but the Crepus incident pulled them apart. I don't have too many details of her backstory pinned down yet but I've already figured out all her skills and talents and her voicelines lmao so I guess I'll share those instead:
About Kaeya - Friendship: Captain Kaeya… he's an enigma alright. It took me years just to get under that mask of his, and even now I'm still not sure if what I'm seeing is the real him. That said, once you get to know him, he's a loyal and reliable friend. The best anyone can ask for.
About Kaeya - Eyepatch: Kaeya's eyepatch? Why are you asking me?…you think because I'm the closest to him that I would know what's under there? Haha, don't be ridiculous, I hardly know him well enough to pry into his secrets.
About Diluc: I knew him when I was still a knight in training. He was… different back then… happier. Now, after all that's happened… well, best if you go talk to him yourself if you want to know more.
About Albedo: He's brilliant! I admire him a lot—not just for his alchemical genius, but for his dedicated work ethic. Unlike a certain other captain whose name I won't mention, Captain Albedo would never drink on the job.
About Jean: Ah, Acting Grandmaster Jean… though, she's been doing this for so long I feel like she should just take the title of Grandmaster. She seems to be good at everything except taking care of herself. Maybe I should bring her some lunch again today…
About Rosaria: Would it be sacrilege to say I agree with her views on the church? In fact, I have never been a fan of the Church of Favonius. If Mondstadt is the City of Freedom, should not its citizens have the freedom to choose how they worship their Archon?
About Lisa: Is she still calling me her "little helper"? Ugh, when will I be rid of that nickname…
About Venti: Ah, that bard who has recently become Kaeya's drinking buddy? I… admit I may have a distorted judgment of him, as I have yet to see the lad completely sober.
About the Vision: Ah, this is my proudest achievement… though, I'm not sure if I can call it that. I was just in the right place at the right time. Anyone else would've done the same.
Favorite food: Nothing warms the heart and soul like a nice bowl of soup! What, you think just because I wield cryo that I can never get cold?
Least favorite food: I will never understand this city's love for alcohol. Not only is the taste repulsive, it clouds the mind and impairs judgement. …How can Kaeya drink so much of the stuff?
Lilith's Hobbies: Did you know that there's a grand piano in the Knights' headquarters that no one uses? Such a shame that this beautiful instrument goes unappreciated. Say… when you next have time, would you like to come in for a private concert?
Lilith's Troubles: There's just not enough time to do all the things I want to do. If only Captain Albedo's alchemy could add more hours to the day… hmm…
More about Lilith - I: My research? Oh, you misunderstand. I'm merely a member of the investigation team, not an alchemist. However, I have helped Captain Albedo with various experiments, so I've picked up a few things.
Kaeya's About Lilith: Lilith? Heh, I've known her for quite some time now. Yes, we're friends. Are we close? Hmm… let's just say that she understands me in a way that most people in Mondstadt cannot.
Fun facts/backstory?:
Kaeya calls her his little lily (only in private or when he's trying to tease her)
She and Kaeya drifted apart after Crepus' death, but once Diluc returned to Mondstadt Kaeya began approaching her once again. They rekindled their friendship but Lilith knows Kaeya's keeping secrets from her. She just hopes he can one day trust her enough to reveal the truth.
Kaeya hasn't told her about Khaenri'ah or his past, but just the fact that she was one of the few people who were actually friends with him before the Crepus incident puts her in his circle of trust
She's shorter than Kaeya and he will not stop teasing her for it
They're not dating (yet)
Lilith got her Vision when the library of Mondstadt caught fire (this is canon but it happened like way back in the day so I'm bending the timeline a little lol) and she rushed in to save the books. This was before she became a knight and was just working as a helper around the library (hence her voiceline about Lisa). She was able to save several rare manuscripts thanks to her newfound power keeping the flames at bay. Afterward she was awarded a medal by the Grandmaster but she always considered the Vision her true reward. This event is also what pushed her to become a knight in earnest so she can use her powers to protect Mondstadt
I just realized that both of my Genshin OCs' visions match the characters I paired them with lmao
As a playable character she'd likely be a main/sub DPS whose focus is critting the hell out of your enemies. She'd synergize well w cryo resonance. You'd want her on a freeze team bc her charged attack summons an icicle and counts as a heavy attack so it can deal shattered damage
Haha whoops this became really long dskfjdjd but uhh hope you enjoyed reading about Lilith!! I'm still trying to figure out what she looks like so there may be art on the way soon 👀
Blinking at this 20 page essay in front of me haha but please don't worry about sending me too many asks. If you're okay with my shit reply times then spam my inbox with anything.
Is there a cyro catalyst in genshin yet? I don't think so (maybe signora but she's not playable yet) but it's such a good fucking concept and I want it. It would look so pretty or elegant or we could be throwing snowballs goddammit. But can I say how much I love voice lines??? As much of a lore junkie that I am, there's something about voice lines that send me. If you have any more voice lines. please feed me.
Side note: "…How can Kaeya drink so much of the stuff?"
I'm pretty sure it's borderline confirmed since Venti drinks to forget his ptsd...I'm hard eyeballing Kaeya for the same reasons.
Can I say how fucking hot it is when characters don't pry into each other's business? Just having that mutual trust that you can take care of whatever you're dealing with, and if you can't, you can come to me for help without feeling ashamed. I'm not self-reflecting at all, what do you mean? But I'm enjoying this dynamic a lot. Feels very healthy and I support that. But hey, double cryo has a pretty good element synergy bonus haha. Speaking of criting, my Eula has a 15% crit chance....
But if you do create art or more lore, please share with me! Unless you already have and I haven't seen the ask yet haha.
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Come Back Home (A Kim Taehyung Mafia AU) // Part 9
Look who's back....lol. Enjoy this angsty installment, I'll see you all with the next chapter soon. Also, there might be mentions of suicide, so please be careful if that's something you get triggered by.
Summary: You were dead. Or at least that's what Kim Taehyung thought. But love never dies. A myth, yes. And maybe that's why when he finds out that you are alive, he may have already lost you.
Pairing: Mafia!Taehyung×Reader
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"I swear to god, Taehyung, someone's gonna see us." You gasped, Taehyung's lips tasting the skin on your neck as he held you tightly, your body trapped between him and the steering wheel. Your hands were tangled in his hair, eyes fighting to keep looking out the window in case someone actually saw the lustful daze you both were stuck in. 
"You worry too much. Who cares if someone sees us? You're mine and I'll touch you whenever I want." His words were slightly slurred, brows furrowing in concentration as he put his point across. You glanced down at him, his lips swollen and eyes red, staring at you with every ounce of admiration he held. Your heart fluttered, all your focus gathering on the man before you. You slowly leaned down and pressed your lips against his, kissing him in the most loving way possible. You were on cloud nine with how perfect his lips felt against yours, every kiss different and refreshing. Pulling away, you leaned your forehead against his, catching your breath while he rested against the dark leather seat. "Yours." You mumbled, earning a proud grin from Taehyung before he pulled you closer and captured your lips once again.
A sharp knocking on your window startled you, dragging you out of your... illusion. You gasped lightly, turning your gaze away from the driver's seat of Taehyung's car and looking out the window. You didn't know how long you had been sitting alone in the car, but Taehyung had told you to not go anywhere until he came back. He was currently inside the club, dealing with those people who posed a threat to your safety. Something told you this threat wasn't gonna end anytime soon but you couldn't find it in you to care. You just wanted to remember everything and go back to living your life without any problems. Taehyung's words had hit a chord somewhere in your heart, the warmth of his body when you had hugged him was still embracing you. You didn't ever want to let that feeling go.
Rolling the window down, you looked up at Yoongi who was standing before you with a bloody arm. Your eyes trailed across the sleeve of his jacket to see a bullet wound, blood oozing out of it without any control. Your eyes widened, lips parting in shock. Yoongi noticed your tension, his eyes following your gaze to the bullet wound he had received while blocking you from those gangsters. For you, it may have been just a lethal injury but for Yoongi, it was a badge of honour. He was just glad that you were alive and okay. Life had given him another chance to protect the girl he used to call family. He still did but, you didn't remember a thing about him.
"I..- Are you alright? I came to check up on you. Taehyung will be here in a couple minutes." He said, voice low and breathing a little shaky. You saw how his skin was paler than usual, worry overcoming every other sense of relief you felt at the moment. You immediately got out of the car, holding the door open and gesturing for him to get in. Yoongi frowned, looking at you with a confused expression. "That doesn't look good. You need to sit." 
Your voice was gentle and kind, different from all the times you used to scold Yoongi for being so reckless. He didn't know if this was better or not, but he hoped you'd go back to being his family someday. Yoongi pursed his lips, slightly shaking his head and opening his mouth to tell you he was fine until you interrupted him
"Please. You wouldn't even be hurt if it weren't for me." 
Yoongi felt that ache in his heart, his throat constricting as he forced himself to look away from your pleading eyes. Your words were innocent but wrong. You didn't know how much yoongi was willing to take another hit for you. Not just Yoongi, all the others too. With a stern nod, Yoongi sat inside the car, your hands wrapping around his arm as you helped him in. The warmness of your touch was enough to make him feel relaxed, but his head was now spinning a little. Stupid bullet.
You bit your lip, glancing around for anything you could use to stop his wound from bleeding. You felt responsible and if anything were to happen to him, you were definitely gonna blame yourself forever. You rubbed your head in panic, peeping inside the backseat of the car to get your resources. 
"Y/N." You moved back to look at Yoongi, his deep voice calling out to you with a hint of familiarity. Your eyebrows were raised in question and concern, your mind ready to give him whatever he was about to ask for. Yoongi looked up at you, studying your expression. He knew it very well, he had seen it before plenty of times. The least he could do was let you know that it was okay that you were in his life. It was okay that he was hurt because of you. It was okay because...you were the only one who always cared.
"Me being hurt, or anyone else for that matter, has nothing to do with you. And I want you to know that we all would gladly take a bullet for you. Anytime." 
There was a wave of intense emotions pouring over you. Anger at yourself for not remembering anything. Surprise that you had such an impact on people you didn't even recall. And worry that someday you'd probably end up having someone die for you. You were frozen in your place, hands clenched by your side as you tried to form the right words to say. There was a knowing look on Yoongi's face, his lips stretching into a smile as he glanced behind you. "It's okay. I understand." He said, making you look down at the ground in shame. It must be a really good feeling to know how much love was being poured upon you. For now, you were just lost, but hopefully, that little book sitting beneath your pillow at home would help you recover.
The sound of footsteps made you turn around, your eyes meeting Taehyung's as he walked towards you with the rest of his group. You spotted Minho with an unconscious Yoona in his arms, not even glancing at you as he made his way to his car. There was a little bit of nervousness settling in on seeing the intimidating people before you, but it was all gone when you looked into Taehyung's eyes. The illusion you had witnessed came rushing back to you, cheeks growing warm as you looked away from him.
"Are you okay?" He asked almost immediately, your eyes catching the little cuts on his knuckles. It didn't take a genius to know that Taehyung had beaten the shit out of your potential kidnappers, and for some reason, you felt satisfied. You nodded in response, peeking over your shoulder at Yoongi who was sitting inside the car. You turned your attention to Hoseok, who watched you with a sad look in his eyes, your hands hesitantly pointing at the elder male behind you. Everyone's eyes immediately shot to Yoongi, eyes widening momentarily as Hoseok rushed to Yoongi's aid. 
Taking note of your conflict, Jungkook patted your shoulder, giving you a reassuring smile. "He's gonna be okay, Y/N. It's been a long night. Let's head home, yeah?" Jungkook's tone did little to calm you down but you still nodded, not quite catching his meaning of the word 'home'. 
Everyone began filing up in their cars, your feet stuck in one place while Taehyung cleared his throat beside you. He still hadn't asked you if you would be okay with coming home with him. He didn't want to burden you with too many things, your comfort was his only priority. That time you threw yourself in his arms, indicated that maybe you would want to stay with Taehyung. That thought boosted his hopes, his eyes lighting up as he waited for you to pay attention to him.
"Y/N, I think it's best if you stay with me tonight." The words were easy to say. They even made your heart flutter in excitement. Staying with Taehyung? That was definitely something you could do. But the universe seemed to be against it, for Yoona's face flashed in your mind. You glanced at Minho's car, seeing that it was still in the same place where he had left it. 
You couldn't be selfish now, could you? Yoona needed you. She was drunk and Minho must be shaken up too. It wasn't just you who had been pulled into that traumatic experience, Minho had endured it too. He was a normal person, like you. He wasn't like Taehyung or Yoongi. He couldn't just come out fine after going through things like these. You had to be there. For your friends.
You swallowed thickly, formulating your words carefully so as to not hurt Taehyung. But he'd surely understand, right? 
"I should head home, Yoona doesn't look okay and-"
"Don't give me an explanation. I get it."
Your heart stung at how harshly Taehyung replied. His eyes were now blank, all that affection having been erased, as if it was never there. Taehyung gave you one last look and rushed past you to get in his car, his shoulder brushing against yours. You swore you wanted to cry then and there, not understanding what made Taehyung snap like that. You turned around, watching as Yoongi spoke to Taehyung inside the car, his eyes finding yours and you saw it clearly. There was so much disappointment in Yoongi's eyes that you felt guilty even if you didn't know what you had done. Your eyes stung as all the cars drove away, pain overwhelming your senses all of a sudden.
"Taehyung!" Namjoon bellowed, eyes widened in bewilderment as the man in question angrily tossed everything to the floor. Taehyung didn't care what he was breaking, as long as he heard the satisfying sound that indicated the destruction of the object. The emotions running through him were strong and unfathomable, a little too dangerous for anyone to handle. The crazed and defeated look in Taehyung's eyes was beyond explainable. He was tired and done. He didn't want to hear how much you cared about your shitty best friend. He wanted you to come back to him. Because you were his. He wanted you to just leave everything and come back to his arms. 
"Taehyung, you need to calm-"
"No, I won't fucking calm down. It hurts in here and I need it to stop." 
Jungkook almost didn't recognize the person in front of him, it was like he was seeing a stranger. Taehyung jabbed his finger to his chest, cheeks wet with the onslaught of tears that seemed endless. No matter how many things Taehyung broke, it wasn't satisfying enough. And it wasn't until he felt the cold metal underneath his shirt that his anger diminished. Standing in the middle of the mess he had created, he pulled out his gun, eyeing it like it was the solution to all his problems. Everyone's eyes widened, breathing faltering when Taehyung slowly looked up at them with hollow eyes.
"She kept me sane. And I'd rather not live than be without her."
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finitefall · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
remembering how they made sansa bitch about not having enough resources and the fandom hating daenerys for entering and the north and wanting her gone, but the same fandom giving daenerys shit for returning to dragonstone (despite the north being hostile to her and her people and very reluctant to offer a silver of help with some respect) and claiming sansa was right and daenerys should of stayed in wf and her dragon might not have been attacked despite the fandom being ugly about “a foreign whore” being in WF (even tho dany never went to straight into battle, she literally went home to rest where her and her people wouldn't be treated with disrespect? and the writers decided a dragon high above can't see a fleet of ships below....) and the fandom claiming daenerys is stealing their limited resources, but somehow in the final episode sansa was able to move 'thousands' of northmen with her from WF to KL and then back again while declaring war, while also somehow having enough resources to create a huge coronation for herself...
LOL nonnie, most show!Sansa stans claiming she's proved to be the most clever of all the players are just fooling themselves. I'm not even hating on Sansa when I say the writing was absolutely ridiculous, I'm just stating facts: Sansa doesn't know better than anyone how to protect and feed a kingdom, far from it. In fact, she has absolutely zero experience in learning how to rule, protect and feed a kingdom.
Remember in 7x03 after Jon left Sansa in charge of Winterfell, and we see her talking to men and giving them advice?
You're telling me we don't have enough food, especially not if the armies of the North come back to defend Winterfell? No, my lady, most likely not. Then we must prepare for that eventuality. Whatever direction the threat comes from, this is the best place to be. We need to start building up our grain stores with regular shipments from every keep in the North. If we don't use it by winter's end, we'll give it back to them. But if the entire North has to flee to Winterfell, they won't have enough time to bring wagonloads of grain with them. Very wise, my lady.
Yeah, the North already didn't have enough food. That's a real problem Sansa has absolutely no experience in dealing with, unlike Dany. I'm not even gonna mention the books, your message is about the show. While book!Sansa lecturing book!Dany about feeding her people would be even more ridiculous, even show!Dany has way more experience than show!Sansa. Which is normal, since Dany has a leadership arc, unlike Sansa who only got one later in the show, out of nowhere.
Back to 7x03:
Are they covering those breastplates in leather? No, my lady. Well, shouldn't they be? Once the real cold comes?
And the man just looks at her like she said something incredibly clever that would have never crossed the mind of the men used to doing this job. But somehow, Sansa knows better than them about making an armour. I'm surprised we didn't also see her telling a blacksmith how to forge weapons. The whole "Sansa knows best" was so ridiculous, it was almost hilarious to see all those Northerners looking at her like she was a freakin genius and they would all be lost without her wisdom.
Now 8x01:
May I ask, how are we meant to feed the greatest army the world has ever seen? While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons.
They didn't have enough food to begin with, and even if there have been regular shipments to build their grain store, it's not nearly enough. Especially not to last through winter, because it could last 20 years in this universe! There's no way Sansa managed to pull off that miracle, but let's say she did: then it's bullshit to say there's not enough to feed Dany and her armies since they're not gonna stay there for years. It's not a freakin siege, the Wall has fallen, the Night King and his army of the dead will be there very soon and afterwards Dany and her armies have KL to take so... And what's that about the fact she "didn't account" for Dany's armies? What the hell did she think Jon was doing on Dragonstone? Taking a vacation? The whole point was to convince Daenerys to come North with her armies and her dragons, so she's either saying she didn't expect Jon to succeed or that she didn't understand why he was going... But Sansa stans somehow think that was a badass moment, that also showed she had been ruling the North so well while Jon went away? Huh, what?
Yep, D&D told us "Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet"... look, when we reach that level of stupidity, there's really nothing left to say. But of course, it's Dany's fault because Sansa told her in 8x04 to wait so the men have time to rest and recuperate. Because Dany has shown time and time again how much she didn't give a crap about the people while Sansa has been their biggest advocate since the start. Sorry, I kinda forgot to watch the earlier seasons before writing that last sentence...
If you look outside the walls of your city, you'll find thousands of Northmen who will explain to you why harming Jon Snow is not in your interest.
Oh, the finale. The thousands of Northmen who are here to... wait, rewind to 8x05: are those Northmen not listening to Jon after Daenerys doesn't stop and decides to burn down KL? Are those Northmen fighting with the Unsullied against the Lannister soldiers who had surrendered? Is Jon killing one of his own men who tried to rape a woman and attacked him then? Yep, seems like it. They didn't follow Jon's orders, they followed Dany's signal and fought with her armies. So it's once again freakin hilarious that the Northmen are apparently here on Sansa's command to defend Jon's life.
About Sansa's coronation, perhaps Bran sent her resources since he was like "no problem sis, you'll be QITN even though it totally ruins the argument that you wanted independance to protect the North from Daenerys". He'll probably have to send her food, or the North will starve. But none of that matters: what matters is that Sansa was right all along about Daenerys thanks to everything she learned from Cersei and Littlefinger, proving she was smarter than anyone else, and that she got her crown.
Also, if you don't like Sansa you're a misogynist who doesn't like her because she's feminine and wear dresses. You only love female characters if they have dragons or know how to fight with a sword. You're just angry because Sansa outsmarted everyone and jealous that she was able to see Dany was a tyrant while you thought she was a hero or something, totally forgetting about what she did to those poor innocent slavers.
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73 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
I always found it absolutely insane that people who hate the Targaryens cling to Aemond and Aegon when they have some of the most aggressively Targaryens traits that most antis would use as criticism. Big ego, incest, war criminal, bad decision makers, incompetent, hot-blooded, stubborn, do what the hell they want. Petulant, impatient, and bloodthirsty. Actually, few Targaryens were as ruthless and bloodthirsty as Aemond. He murdered his own nephew under a peace banner and started a war, slaughtered the entirety of House Strong (y'know, Alys' family...) under the mere suspicion of one of them being a traitor, and used Vhagar to reduce the Riverlands to smoking piles of ash.
It's called hypocrisy, nonnie. Aegon and Aemond aren't just Targaryens, they're Alicent's children. You'll find that anti Targaryens and Alicent stans are often the same people, and hypocrisy is just typical coming from them. They don't hate Targaryens because they're agressive. They hate Targaryens because GRRM clearly finds their House more interesting than the others (it's the only one he dedicated an entire book about, with a sequel coming). They hate Targaryens because they have a more important role than their faves. They hate Targaryens because they hate Daenerys and the fact her stans still love and defend her.
You have people coming up with nonsense about Sansa being Alicent's descendant even though her line is extinct, because Alicent and Sansa stans are, once again, often the same people, and since Daenerys is Rhaenyra's descendant they came up with this to give Sansa more importance and have her avenging her ancestor by defeating Dany, with Jon's help according to Jonsa shippers.
They don't care what Aemond did, because he's Alicent's precious boy. But Dany is an awful tyrant who will burn down KL just like in the show because Targaryens are evil. Once again, hypocrisy and the usual double standards in this fandom.
83 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
out of curiosity have you watched the youtubers hills alive dany vids ( I avoided them because she seems to be a dany anti given the title of the vids ) but is she one of the people you talk about when talking about dany antis since recently she made a vid saying that her crucifixion of the masters proves she is a bad queen
I just watched it since many people are talking about it. More nonsense, but I’m sure a lot of people are eating it up - including antis Dany who insisted for years that it made her a tyrant, or mad, and who will now say “have you watched this video? it’s proof that she’s a bad queen!” because they found someone who sounded smarter than them. I’m not gonna comment everything, only a few parts:
Killing people who have enslaved, abused, mutilated, and murdered countless people for their own profit is not something anyone will ever be inclined to argue against.
Funny, because that’s exactly what antis Dany have been doing for years.
Ultimately, regardless of who did what, these are all masters who engaged in human trafficking and all sorts of unimaginable violations of basic human rights.
Duh. So it’s wrong because...? Ah, yes, an “interesting” take on why it makes Dany a bad Queen: she didn’t know which masters were responsible for the 163 crucified children, so she shouldn’t have allowed the Meereenese to pick which ones would be killed. There was no investigation or trial. Please explain to me how she could have discovered the ones responsible for the 163 crucified children, how she could have been sure those were the ones guilty of that particular crime with everyone accusing each other to be spared? It wasn’t possible. Either she’s delusional about it, either she’s aware of it and is, in fact, saying that Dany shouldn’t have killed any of the masters.
Ironically, despite the fact that this was meant to be a harsh punishment to the slavers [...], it actually provided a lot of the more politically intelligent and manipulative masters of Meereen with an opportunity to strengthen themselves and get rid of potential rivals. [...] They would put forward their enemies and protect their allies. Or they would simply throw out the weakest of the bunch because there would be little consequences for betraying the people who aren’t truly powerful in their societal structure. So what that in mind, it is a near certainty that some if not most of the people who Dany killed were not only not responsible for what she was killing them for, but wound up on the literal cross because they were not powerful enough for their compatriots to bother protecting them, or because someone with more sway or political acumen wanted them gone.
That sounds like an interesting, logical argument. Except that Dany isn’t stupid and she knew she couldn’t discover who was responsible for the 163 crucified children. So she sent a message instead by asking the Meereenese to hand over 163 of their leaders and crucify them: you shouldn’t have done that, and this is what’s gonna happen to you if you touch innocents again. If she had picked herself who would be punished, she would be blamed too since she had no way of knowing which slavers were behind the crucifixion of the 163 children. If she had thought that it would be the ones responsible for it, the most powerful people in Meereen, the most dangerous who were chosing which ones would die and decided to punish the former ones instead, she would have been accused, again, of not having any proof.
So Dany was supposed to go to Meereen and tell them they were terrible people, but not do anything. That’s what she’s saying in this video.
She largely seems to see Meereen as a trial run to figure out how she is going to rule Westeros.
That person has literally zero understanding of Daenerys. She chose to fight slavery because she’s been a slave herself. She cares about those people. She’s not fighting slavery to figure out how she’s gonna rule the Seven Kingdoms: she’s fighting slavery because it’s a fight she believes in. It’s so important to her character, you can’t even talk about Daenerys Targaryen without talking about this.
If there were anyone among them who supported Daenerys or had some kind of ethical agreement with her desire to revolutionize the slave cities, they ironically were almost certainly among those that the Meereenese offered up to be killed.
That’s only a wild guess, with no proof to back it up. Does she truly believe any of those slavers wanted things to change? Of course they didn’t.
She then points out Dany’s previous mistakes, because apparently everyone is allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, except Dany. Once she made a mistake, they have the proof that she’s not a good ruler and will never be a good Queen. What’s interesting though in this video is that she points out the subtext in ASOIAF, how GRRM is writing a storyline with a message behind it. She’s doing the same thing here, avoiding the past mistakes of antis Dany. She doesn’t try to defend the slavers, she doesn’t try to excuse any of the masters, she doesn’t say Dany shouldn’t have done anything. Instead, she’s pointing out how Dany is a bad Queen because of how she tries to fight slavery, offering absolutely no opinion on what she could have done to succeed.
And that’s really the whole point of this video, in fact: Dany doesn’t offer a good justice and made enemies because of course slavers don’t want her to be in Meereen fighting slavery. There’s no good way to fight slavery, so she shouldn’t have been in Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen. If she’s gonna make mistakes, it’s best not to do anything. If she’s not gonna succeed, it’s not worth trying. Slavery is absolutely atrocious, she insists on this in her video and I do believe she is sincere (edit: after knowing more about her, she isn’t being sincere at all), but it’s not our business and it’s not Dany’s business. We can’t fight it, so we’re just gonna sit around and cry about it. It’s nor our fault, really. In fact, people like Dany trying to break the status quo are the ones in fault because they start huge fights and wars instead of coming up with a miraculous way to peacefully end slavery.
With those kind of videos, it’s always interesting to read the comments and here’s one:
All of this has me wondering about Faegon. He's a lot like Egg (King Aegon V) from the Dunk and Egg stories if you think about it. A prince who knows what it is to live like a commoner and have a hard life and who generally seems like he'd be an advocate for the commonfolk and perhaps not too brutal as well. He seems, by all accounts, someone who might be a good King yet he is likely not the real Aegon VI but something like a Blackfyre imposter. In contrast, Dany is unquestionably a Targaryen who even has dragons yet she fits the way Varys describes Tommon to Kevan "Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right." and is quite brutal. I think George might be saying "She is technically the rightful Queen but this imposter would actually make for a better ruler than her." a sort of play on the common trope of a rightful heir rising, regaining the old Kingdom and ruling justly. She won't rule justly, I reckon, but the imposter would have and therein lies the irony. My pet theory anyway.
This comment was liked by Hill’s Alive, and I had a feeling that was proven right when I looked to see if she had made a video about Young Griff. I didn’t watch it and have no intention to (there’s also so much bullshit I can take from one person), but her theory is that Young Griff, a character introduced in the fifth book, is actually the real Aegon (son of Rhaegar and Elia). I’m certain she explains very well how he will be a good King unlike Dany. She already didn’t have much credibility in this video about the 163 crucified masters (she tried though, and sounds much more convincing and intelligent than the “mad queen killed innocents slavers” antis, I’ll give her that), but she doesn’t have any credibility left at all with Young Griff.
108 notes - Posted December 18, 2022
I don't know if you've read philosopher Slavoj Žižek's critique of Daenerys' ending in GoT, but I recommend it, even if you don't agree with everything. He points out precisely how she is basically punished for taking actions that no one questions when they are male characters, mainly for wanting to make changes for society.
I remember reading it once, and he does make valid points.
About the misogyny in Dany’s ending:
The finale combines the rejection of a radical change with an old anti-feminist motif at work in Wagner. For Wagner, there is nothing more disgusting than a woman who intervenes in political life, driven by the desire for power. In contrast to male ambition, a woman wants power in order to promote her own narrow family interests or, even worse, her personal caprice, incapable as she is of perceiving the universal dimension of state politics.
Daenerys as the Mad Queen is strictly a male fantasy, so the critics were right when they pointed out that her descent into madness was psychologically not justified. The view of Daenerys with mad-furious expression flying on a dragon and burning houses and people expresses patriarchal ideology with its fear of a strong political woman.
About Sansa when talking about female leads:
The one who remains (as the queen of the autonomous kingdom of the North) is Sansa, a type of women beloved by today’s capitalism: she combines feminine softness and understanding with a good dose of intrigue, and thus fully fits the new power relations. This marginalisation of women is a key moment of the general liberal-conservative lesson of the finale: revolutions have to go wrong, they bring new tyranny.
About Jon killing Daenerys:
Consequently, Jon kills out of love (saving the cursed woman from herself, as the old male-chauvinist formula says) the only social agent in the series who really fought for something new, for a new world that would put an end to old injustices
And about diversity:
And one cannot help but note that those faithful to Daenerys to the end are more diverse – her military commander is black – while the new rulers are clearly white Nordic. The radical queen who wanted more freedom for everyone irrespective of their social standing and race is eliminated, things are brought back to normal.
While also making another valid and important point: the rejection of any actual change, of any revolution, and how the finale diabolize this very idea Dany stans loved her for in the finale.
113 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think the most hilarious part about Sara Hess saying people who love Daemon are basically a bunch of women lusting after Matt Smith isn’t even that she doesn’t seem to be aware people loved the character before there was a show, but that she assumes we’re all attracted to Matt. I love Matt, but honestly the one cast member I actually find really attractive is Olivia Cooke and I don’t like Alicent.
Like, does Hess believe people watching HOTD are 4 years-old girls picking their favorite Disney princess because they want to look like them and their favorite Disney prince because he’s so sweet and handsome and will bring them to his castle?
177 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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