#tell peta to shut up
orcinus-veterinarius · 7 months
Apparently PETA is going after Steve Irwin’s zoo.
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Dream Fever
Gibbs X Reader One-Shot
Prompt: You have a dirty dream about Gibbs and try to play it cool.
Mentions: Sexual acts, death
Mostly angst/tension/no smut
Anxiously, you tap your pencil on your desk, grabbing the attention of Bishop and McGee.
“Y/N? You good? You’ve been pretty distracted all morning,” McGee asked, concerned.
“Yeah I’m fine. Just a little too much coffee I guess.”
Except you weren’t fine. You were busy replaying last nights dream in your head. The dream that included a certain grey haired agent. The reason for the dream?
It could’ve been the way you saw Gibbs interrogate your suspect yesterday. Or the way he walked into a room like it was a runway show. Regardless, it was keeping you from doing your job correctly and you weren’t sure you’d even be able to look your boss in the eyes today.
“Grab your gear. Dead Naval officer in Norfolk,” Gibbs spoke, walking into the bullpen and grabbing things from his desk. Quickly, you grabbed your bag and practically raced into the elevator before anyone else could accompany you, let alone Gibbs.
You chose to sit in the back seat with Bishop on the car ride there but couldn’t help but steal glances at Gibbs through the rear view window. He only caught you looking twice, both times, you immediately looked out the window, a redness forming at your cheeks.
“Hey, what’s up with you,” Bishop asked as you two walked toward the crime scene, McGee and Gibbs walking ahead, out of ear shot. You were pretty close with Bishop, you two sharing a lot of commonalities so you decided to tell her.
“I had a dream about Gibbs last night and it won’t leave my head.”
Her jaw dropped and she had to keep herself from laughing out loud.
“Shut up Ellie. It’s not funny. I can’t even look at him in the eye.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. But why Gibbs? Is he your type?”
“I don’t know. Something about his tough yet caring exterior just seems to do something for me. You know I’m into older men.”
“True. What was the dream about?”
“Well he called me into the elevator for some reason and then did the whole stopping it in between floors. There wasn’t much talking but a lot of kissing and-
“Hey! You two done gossiping over there?!” Gibbs yelled, causing the both of you to rush over. He gave you a stare that you completely avoided by staring at the floor and eventually walked over to the cop that called in the death.
“So you said you there was a witness that might’ve saw the suspect fleeing?” You asked.
“Yeah, she said it was a guy wearing a black hoodie and jeans. Didn’t get a good look at his face though.”
Just as you were about to ask another question, you felt the presence of Gibbs standing right beside you, overwhelming your senses and making you completely lose your train of thought.
“Where is she so we can ask her a few questions,” he asked for you.
“Getting checked by the EMT’s. I guess your guy also tried attacking her as well once she saw him.”
You followed behind Gibbs, appreciating that runway walk he had and let him do all the talking with the witness as you just wrote everything down and occasionally gave him a once over.
Back at the squad room, you all began gathering all of your evidence when you found something interesting.
“Hey McGee. What non profit did you say our Petty Officer donated to?”
“Um, just WWF and PETA once a month. Why?”
“Well I was looking through his financial records and found a reoccurring payment starting in July to a Riker Humanitarian Organization.”
Both McGee and Gibbs came over but Gibbs decided to lean over your shoulder to get a better look at the computer screen, hand supporting himself right beside yours. You never really noticed how big his hands were until now and found yourself staring at them, remembering how they caressed and squeezed your body in your dream.
“Y/N? What am I looking at?” Gibbs asked slightly irritated as you snapped out of it. You clicked on the payment tab, sending Bishop a “help me” look at the same time which she only grinned at. She was loving how uncomfortable all of this was making you.
“Three thousand seems a bit steep for a humanitarian donation boss. You think his wife knew anything about it?” McGee asked.
“You and Bishop go find out. Talk to the wife. See what she knows.”
“I can go too if they want some more help,” you offered, not wanting to be alone with Gibbs.
“It doesn’t take 3 people to ask a few questions Y/N. You stay here. See what else you can dig up.”
You watched Bishop get up and giving you a wave and mouth good luck to you before following after McGee, making you die inside.
After a bit of more searching through the victims records, you didn’t find anything. Looking over at Gibbs, he had his glasses on and was staring intently at the case file in front of him. The glasses were a nice touch to his look. Made his facial features a little softer and only made you pay more attention to his icy blue eyes.
You hadn’t realized how long you had been staring until he looked up at you, catching you red handed.
“Can I help you Agent Y/L/N?”
“Why do you keep staring at me?”
Not being able to come with an appropriate answer, you stuttered for words.
“Uh, I don’t- I think I’m gonna go see if Abby has anything for us.”
Thoroughly flustered for the upteenth time that day, you left a confused Gibbs and scurried downstairs to the lab.
“Abby. You gotta help me,” you pleaded, walking through her doors and seeing her typing away on her computer.
“Is it about your Gibbs dream?”
“What? How did you- Dammit Bishop.”
“Hey, I think it’s cute. Gibbs barely gets romantic admirers and I could totally see him being your type.”
You covered your face with your hands and groaned. “I don’t to want to be his romantic admirer Abbs! He’s my boss!”
She shrugged and continued typing on her computer. “I’m just saying, there’s nothing wrong with dreaming about Gibbs. He’s a dreamy guy. If you like that gruff, quiet, brooding type.”
“Just tell me something about him that would be a turn off so I can just think about that instead of my dream.”
“Dream about what?” Gibbs asked from behind us, making the both of us jump. Oh God, please tell me he didn’t hear anything before your last few words.
“Y/N had a dream about someone and is trying not think about it,” Abby snitched.
“Abigail! Shut up!”
She smiled as your cheeks got tomato red. “Anyone we know?” Gibbs asked, stepping closer. I could’ve died right then and there.
Before Abby could say another word, you interrupted. “No! It’s nothing. Just a stupid dream, it doesn’t matter.”
He gave you that look that usually gives your suspects when interrogating them. The one where he looks into your eyes, then your lips, then back at your eyes again. Your breathing increased ten fold and you wouldn’t have been surprised if he noticed.
Thankfully he seemed to drop it and walk over next to Abby and ask her about the case. You have to remember to kill both her and Bishop.
Once McGee and Bishop had come back from questioning the wife, you were all surprised to see them also come in with the suspect you had been looking for.
“Y/N. With me in interrogation,” Gibbs ordered while walking away. By now, McGee also had that dumb grin on his face so your sure Bishop had told him about the whole situation as well. You just flipped them both off while leaving to follow after Gibbs.
The suspect ended up not being any help. And neither were you. Anytime Gibbs got frustrated with him and started raising his voice, you just stared, not realizing that you didn’t ask one question during the entire conversation. “Y/N. Elevator. Now,” he said after you both exited the room. Shit.
You silently followed after him, dreading what was about to happen. You didn’t even look at Bishop and McGee as the both of you passed them to the elevators. He let you in first and walked in behind, letting the doors close and move both of you up a few seconds before pressing the emergency stop button.
“What’s going on with you Y/L/N? Is this dream really that distracting?”
You had no idea what to say. You just kept your eyes glued to the wall behind him, trying to ignore the intimate lighting and how similar this situation was becoming to your dream.
“How many times have you dreamt about this person?”
Oh jeeze. To Bishop and Abby, it was only one dream but in reality, it was probably like 5.
“Is this why you’re being weird with me all day?”
He stepped closer, making you instinctively take a step back, finally getting you to look him in the eye.
“Is the dream about me?”
You didn’t say a word but you didn’t have to. Gibbs was smart. He knew how to read body language. And you were giving all the tell tale signs of nervousness and attraction.
He looked down at your lips and back up at your eyes like earlier and you swallowed hard.
Finally, he stepped back and pressed the emergency button, bringing the lights back on and giving you a chance to take a huge breath. Just as the doors opened, he turned to you.
“We’re not done here.”
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Lightning Bug - Chapter 12
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Master list of Lighning Bug 
Warning: kidnapping, mention of human trafficking, character injury, mention of death, guilt, drinking 
Word count: 6.5k
“Who are you?” You stared at the man who had an eye patch over his left eye. He was wearing all black with a trench coat over the top. You couldn’t imagine wearing that in the summer. 
“The name is Nick Fury,” he walked over to you. His hands were behind his back. You weren’t sure if he was a threat but FRIDAY would have alerted you if there was danger, right? “Got any more of that?” He pointed to the bowl of mac and cheese you were eating. 
“Uh yeah,” you said stunned. It was an odd sight, watching the man get himself a bowl of mac and cheese from the pot on the stove. “Wait, they didn’t adopt me. They-” You paused. You had to admit what they did sounded like adaptation minus going to court. “Anyways, what are you doing here?” He put his bowl on the counter and took a bit of his food. 
“Romanoff asked me to keep an eye on you while everyone is away,” he shrugged. “I owe her a few favors.” You frowned. 
“I don’t need a babysitter,” you said. “I can take care of myself.” 
“Not a babysitter, kid,” you gave him a pointed look, you didn’t believe him. He sighed. “I do feel like a babysitter with this group.” You smiled as he put his empty bowl into the sink. “Come with me,” he said, heading back to the elevator. 
“You couldn’t add a please,” you said. He glared at you over his shoulder. You sighed, picked up your bowl, and followed him to the elevator. The metal doors opened and you both stepped in. When the doors closed, he pulled out a white badge. 
“Welcome Director Fury, shall I bring you to Overwatch?” The AI asked. 
“Yes FRIDAY,” Overwatch? You didn’t remember an Overwatch floor. But you kept your mouth shut as the elevator began to rise. Soon the elevator stopped and the doors opened. “Don’t touch anything,” he said, stepping into the room. You followed him. There were two desks. A wooden one pushed to the wall facing a wall that had a counter with a chair and a keyboard. There were other sitting options; a couch and bean bags. A small fridge in the corner with a coffee station. You walked over to the wooden desk and picked up a stress ball. “And I told you not to touch anything,” you looked at him and his back was to you as he typed on a keyboard. 
“How did -?” you looked around. “What is this place anyways?” You asked. 
“This is Overwatch,” he said, the monitors turned on. They were dark but each screen had a name on the corner. You found Natasha’s and Wanda’s names right away; labeled N. Romanoff and W. Maximoff. “This command center allows myself or other Avengers that aren’t on a mission to provide support.” You walked over to where he was standing. “It is only used when all of them get called away or on big-scale operations.” Wanda said something similar when you asked if it was normal for everyone to be called out on a mission; ‘On a scale this big, yes.’ 
“Who are they after?” Fury looked away from the keyboard to look at you. You weren’t sure if he was going to tell you but he held out his hand, looking down at the stress ball in your hand. You sighed, rolling your eyes, and handing him the ball. 
“Romanoff and Bishop’s primary mission was to follow Andre Orlov,” he clicked a few buttons and a hologram of a man appeared. He couldn’t be more than 20 years old. His head was shaved and he had a tattoo on his neck. “He is working with an organization that is kidnapping kids and young adults.” Your mind was transported back to when you were promised a better life but you woke up in a cell forced to torture people. 
“Is it HYDRA?” You asked. He didn’t seem surprised that you knew that organization. He shook his head. 
“We weren’t sure what group was behind it. But they found out,” the hologram disappeared. “Meet Petya and Zenya Samarian,” Peta was taller. His head wasn’t shaved but his hair was cut short. But Zeyna had hair past her shoulders. They looked older, in their mid to late 30s or early 40s. “They call themself Sem’ya or the Family. They targeted low-income families or kids who were homeless. But they made a mistake and attempted to kidnap the daughter of a mayor. Local authorities weren’t sure if it was HYDRA or a copycat of the Red Room so we were called in.” The holograms disappeared. “The team is attempting to bring them in and save the kids they’ve taken.” He moved his sleeve up to look at his watch. “Phase 1 should be at 0930.” 
“Why did you bring me here?” Instead of answering, he pulled another white card and handed it to you. 
“This room is only accessible by one of these key cards,” you took it, twirling the cards in between your fingers. It was completely blank. “I’ll be around.” He walked over to the elevator. You spun around to look at him. 
“You still didn’t answer my question,” you said. “Why did you bring me here?” He stopped before pressing the button to the elevator. 
“The worst part of being here is when they go on missions and you are left in the dark unable to know if they are hurt,” he turned around to face you. “This room allows you to keep your mind at ease.” You looked down at the card in your hand and back at the monitors. 
“How can I help them?” You asked. 
“What?” You rolled your eyes. 
“You said this room provides support when they are on a mission,” you looked at Yelena, America, and Kate’s names. “So, how do I provide support?”
“You aren’t an Avenger, kid,” you threw your hands to the side. You couldn’t just sit here and do nothing while your fingers were risking their lives to save the world. “Look, with missions like this the best thing you can do is be there for them when they get back.” He pressed the button to call the elevator. 
“Nick,” he didn’t turn around to look at you. “Thank you.”
“The name is Fury, kid,” he stepped into the elevator and faced you. “I’ll see you around.” He threw the stress ball at you as the metal doors closed. 
You looked around the room and then back to the card in your hand. He wouldn’t have given you this card if he didn’t want you to be here tomorrow morning. You smiled and headed back to your floor. You walked into your room, placed your backpack on your bed, and began to pack it. You didn’t bring much; the walkman with your headphones and a few tapes, a book, and some copy paper Steve gave you. You grabbed a pillow, put the backpack on, and went to the kitchen. You opened a drawer that had a few snacks in it and found a note attached to a candy bar. 
‘Just in case you need it - Yelena.’ You smiled at the note Yelena wrote and placed it in your backpack along with a few cereal bars and gummies. Before you headed back to Overwatch you stopped. 
“Hey FRIDAY, are there any extra blankets?”��
“Miss. Maximoff keeps all extra blankets in the hall closet.” You thanked the AI and walked over to the closet. It seemed appropriate that Wanda had a collection of pillows. You picked a crochet one, the colors were red, black, and white, and it was soft. You smiled, picked up the blanket, and headed back to the elevator. When you stepped into the metal box, you pulled out the white card. 
“Shall I take you to Overwatch?” You nodded. 
“Yes FRIDAY,” you smiled. You had to admit you felt important as the elevator began to rise, it was like you were part of the team. The metal doors opened and you stepped out, talking straight over to the wooden desk. It had a little cubby underneath that was perfect. You placed the pillow down and laid the blanket on the floor then placed your backpack down. You saw your half-eaten bowl of mac and cheese that you left and stood up to grab it. You sat back down in your little makeshift fort and finished your dinner looking at the screens. You couldn’t be there physically but in this room, you could be with them.  
You arrived back in Overwatch the following morning at 8. You weren’t surprised to see Nick, standing in front of the screens wearing his trench coat. Did he own any other clothes? “You're late,” he said, not looking at you. 
“Late?” You questioned, walking over to him. “You said it starts at 9:30, I’m an hour and a half early.” He finally glanced at you.   
“Still late,” you rolled your eyes, looking at the screen he was looking at. It was a transcript of a phone call between Peta and Andre. It was mostly in Russian but you caught a line in Spanish that you understood. ‘La luna está alta en el cielo’ which meant ‘the moon is high in the sky.’ You felt Nick’s eyes watching you. 
“If this group is located in Russian, why are they speaking in Spanish?” You asked. 
“Why do you think so?” You looked at the line again, reading it over and over again in your head. 
“To send a message,” you said. “If they used a different language then they could send a message easily without drawing attention,” you pointed to the ‘es’ in the sentence. “The sentence is wrong. They should have used esta not es.” 
“Why would they use ‘es’?” You sighed, biting your bottom lip as you thought. 
“I’m not sure,” you said, looking at him. “The only thing I can think of is direction but it would be southeast, not east-south.” Nick smiled, it was small but a smile nonetheless. 
“Not a bad kid,” he pulled up a map. A small building was circled in the southwest part of the town. “Maybe you could be an Avenger. Do you want to be one?” You smiled, sitting down on the blanket. 
“I’m not sure about the Avenger lifestyle, Nick.” He sighed, his shoulders moving up and down. 
“Name is Fury,” you put your headphones on. 
“Whatever you say,” you made sure to leave one ear uncovered so you could hear Nick. You became lost in your music and the sketch you were doing. You were drawing the scene in front of you, Nick standing in front of a wall of screens. It wasn’t good but you weren’t drawing it to be perfect. 
“This is Fury from Overwatch,” you paused the song and rested your headphones around your neck. “Turn on your communication devices.” It was like clockwork as all the monitors turned on showing what each Avenger was looking at. 
“Woah,” you mumbled. You noticed the groups. Sam was with Kate and Steve. Rhodey, America, and Bucky were together. Tony was standing next to Natasha and Maria. Then it was Vision, Yelena, and Wanda. You found yourself walking closer to Nick. 
“Are we all set to engage?”
“Roger, that eye in the sky,” Tony said. You and Nick rolled your eyes at the billionaire. You giggled. They were at two different locations; Sam and Vision’s group were together while Tony and Rhodney were at a different one. 
“On my mark,” he pulled up two hologram blueprints. “3,2,1. Avengers engage.” There was so much to look at as they breached their building. Each group did the same plan, those who could fly provided air support outside while the others dealt with the enemies inside. Nick’s job was to stay quiet, observe, and call out things they may have missed. It was so different from watching them in training compared to a mission. There was an extra intensity, which made sense but it was still cool to witness. 
You were watching Natasha’s screen when she passed a tall wardrobe. It was for a brief second but something caught your eye. “Nick,” you said. “I think someone is in that wardrobe Natasha just passed.” 
“Romanoff,” Natasha stopped. “Go back and check that wardrobe on your right.” She did it without question and you held your breath as she opened it. There was a little girl, sitting down with her knees to her chest. Her eyes were wide with fear. Natasha put her gun away. 
“Privet malysh (hey little one),” she said. “Vash seyf (You’re safe).” She held out her hand. “Vash seyf (You’re safe).” She repeated. The girl took the Black Widow’s and pulled her into a hug. You let out a breath you were holding as you watched the girl shake in Natasha’s arms. “Gde tvoi druz'ya (Where are your friends?)” You didn’t hear what the girl said. 
“The rest of them are in the basement,” Natasha said, over her coms. “I found one and I’m taking her to Bruce.” You smiled at the interaction. 
“Good spot, kid,” Nick said. It was a spot you liked to hide in if the nose became too much and you were scared. You sat back down and continued to watch. The mission was a success. Each group managed to save the kids that were behind held capture. A part of you wished the Avengers found you when HYDRA threw you in a cell. But you were happy for them, they were safe. 
“Good work team,” Nick said. “Get these kids to safety.” The screens went dark. Nick turned to face you. “My offer still stands if you want to join them, you're good.” 
“I’m not a hero, Nick.” You pulled out the candy bar Yelena left for you. He frowned.
“They didn’t see themselves as heroes either,” you took a bite of the bar. “Just let me know.” 
“Do you think Natasha and Wanda would let me become an Avenger?” He shrugged, walking over to the elevator. 
“Not really up to them,” he stepped into the elevator. “Good job today.” The metal doors closed. You sighed, laying down. What a weird dude. 
Some of the screens turned back on. It was only Maria, Yelena, Natasha, and Bucky. You were surprised that Nick wasn’t back. So you pulled up a chair where he was standing and sat down. They were near water, it looked like a shipyard. They were taking cover next to a shipping container. Natasha was standing in front of Yelena. The blonde looked anxious, an emotion you were surprised to see. She let out a shaky breath and nodded. Natasha put her thumb up. They moved wordlessly around different shipping containers and avoided the people on the dock. You weren’t sure where they were headed but they moved with a purpose. 
Bucky held up his arm to stop the other three as a guard walked by. You blinked and Bucky took the man down. Finally, they stopped in front of a container and Maria used bolt cutters to cut the lock. As the doors swung open, you saw the horror inside. There had to be 10 - 15 people inside. 
“Vash seyf (You’re safe),” was the same statement Natasha said to the young girl. “My vytashchim tebya otsyuda (We are going to get out of here).” They split up in pairs; Natasha and Yelena and Bucky and Maria. Each pair took part in the group. A small gunfight broke out and you squeezed the arm of the chair you were sitting in. Soon the gunfight ended and they arrived at two vans; Sam was driving one and Steve was in the other. As they got everyone in, the screens went black. 
You fell back in your chair, trying to calm your racing heart. Nick said this room would help but the anxiety was racing through your veins. But they were okay. More people were saved and they made it out alive.
“There you are!” Pepper’s sudden voice made you jump and hit your head on the desk you were laying underneath. You rubbed your head and looked at the CEO, her arms crossed and she seemed upset. 
“Hi,” you said softly, waving your hand. 
“When was the last time you left this room?” She asked. “Wait, how did you even get access to this room?” She followed up with the second question before you could answer the first. 
“Uh Nick gave me a key,” you said. Pepper sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“Come with me,” she said. “Please.” You scrambled to her feet, looking one more time at the monitors. They were gearing up to raid the last known house. With a sigh, you tore your eyes away and followed the CEO to the elevator. The ride was tense and quiet. You assumed this was feeling when the character you read was sent to the principal office. You knew she was upset with you but you weren’t sure why. The elevator opened to her and Tony’s floor. You wordlessly followed her to the kitchen and sat in the seat she pointed to. Still, she said nothing as she placed a chicken salad in front of you. Your stomach turned into knots as you stared at the food. When was the last time you ate real food? “I’m sorry,” she finally said. She got her salad and began to eat. “Work got busy and I wasn’t available as I should be to look after you.”
“It’s fine,” you told her. “I don’t need a babysitter.” It was the same thing you said to Nick. Pepper didn’t look like she believed you. 
“Then why did FRIDAY tell me you haven’t left that room in 2 days,” 2 days?!? That couldn’t be right. During your time there, Nick would join you but a majority of the time you found yourself alone. She held out her hand. “Give me the key card.” It felt heavy in your pocket. You thought about lying, it would be so easy. “I don’t want you going back in that room.”
“What?” You questioned. “No-I have to go back in there. What if something happens and I’m not there?” She lowered her hand. 
“And what are you going to do if something does?” You didn’t know what to say. You looked down at your salad and played with your food. Pepper sighed. “Look, I get it. Every time Tony goes away I get worried. There have been times Happy has had to pull me out of there,” You glanced up at her. “It’s not healthy to stress about them like that. It can lead to further damage.” You didn’t say anything as you slowly ate a piece of chicken. 
“You don’t understand,” you said, looking up at her fully. “You guys are all I have. If I lose you, any of you, I’ll have nothing. For once in my life I have something I don’t want to lose,” you clenched your jaw to keep your emotions in cheek. “I don’t want to go back to nothing.” Pepper’s gaze softened but she held out her hand again. 
“I still don’t want you to go back into that room,” you sighed, pulling the card out of her pocket and putting it in her hand. 
“What am I supposed to do till they get back?” You asked. She put the key in her pocket. 
“Live,” she said. “Because thinking about the ‘what ifs’ are going to drive you insane.” 
“Miss. Y/n,” FRIDAY said as you stepped out of the bathroom after a shower. You listened to Pepper and went on a walk while listening to music, did some much-needed laundry, and took a shower. It was 5 hours since Pepper had that talk with you. “The team has returned.” You put your gloves back on.  
“How are they?” You asked. 
“Miss. Romanoff was injured,” you felt your stomach drop. “She’s in med bay.” You took the stairs, not wanting to waste time on the elevator. FRIDAY instructed you on what floor to get off of. You threw open the doors as you saw Natasha being rolled in on a hospital bed with Wanda and Yelena right beside her. Your feet become cemented to the spot. You weren’t sure if people came up to talk to you, it was all white noise. 
“Hey,” you shook your head and America was standing in front of you. She had bandages on her face; one on her forehead and another on her chin. Her right wrist was wrapped. “Are-” 
“Are you okay?” You cut her off. She laughed, rubbing the back of her head. 
“I’m okay,” she wasn’t. “I got it a lot better than some of the others.” 
“Some of the others?” You questioned. “What happened?” America sat down in an empty chair and you followed her. 
“It was the last house we were clearing out, saving some kids that were kidnapped,” she said. “They were our age,” she looked down at the white floor. “The last house was a trap. It blew up, killing Peta and Zenya and the kids inside.” She angrily whipped her eyes as tears fell. “Something hit Sam that knocked him out of the air; he broke his leg. Bucky got a piece of shrapnel stuck in his side and Natasha,” she sighed. “Natasha was in the building when the bomb went off. She had Steve’s shield a lot of the damage. But she was trying to save those kids,” you looked back at the room they brought Natasha in. Yelena and Wanda were standing against the wall as doctors, you didn’t recognize, worked on the Black Widow. She was far too still for your liking. “I should have done more. I could have portaled in there or contained the blast or-”
“Stop,” you whispered. America looked up at you, tears in her eyes. Sometimes you forgot America was just a kid herself. “You did everything you could. Thinking about the million ‘what ifs’ is going to drive you insane.” 
“You're right,” she nodded. “I’m sorry. You are here to check on Nat not listening to me rant.” 
“No,” she looked at you confused. “I mean yes,” she smiled. “But I’m here for you too.” You remembered what Nick said, be there for them when they get back. You swallowed the pit growing in your throat and tried to keep your hand steady as you raised it. America looked at your hand and then back to you, searching for any indication of what you were doing. You simply nodded your head and she slowly took your gloved hand in hers. “We’re friends.” Your voice was shaky. 
“Yeah,” she said, looking at your connected hands and then back at you. “Friends.” You dropped her hand as Kate came and sat down next to you in the empty chair. She had an ice pack resting on her shoulder. 
“Has Cho come out and said anything?” America shook her head, leaning back with her arms crossed. 
“Nothing yet,” you looked at the archer sitting next to you. Her eye was bruised and she had a cut on her lip. 
“How are you, Kate?” You asked. She sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. 
“Ready for a shower and to sleep till I’m 4o.” You smiled and looked forward. The three of you sat in silence waiting for someone to emerge from the room to give you an update. Soon a doctor walked over to you. Kate and America stood up but you remained sitting. 
“Her vitals are good,” she said. “It’s just a waiting game when she wakes up. You can go see her just try to keep it calm.”
“Thank you, Helen,” Kate said. The doctor glared at the archer. 
“I didn’t clear you for active missions,” the archer looked down at her feet. “We’ll discuss that at another time.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Helen walked in the direction of another room. 
“Oooo,” America said, sitting back down with a smile. “Someone is in trouble.” Kate flipped her off and walked into Natasha’s room. The sound of America laughing made you smile. “Go see her,” she said once she calmed down. 
“What? No, you should be in there,” America shook her head. 
“Go, I’ll get my turn,” you looked into the room and saw Kate standing behind Yelena with her arms around her. Wanda was holding onto Natasha’s hand. You didn’t want to intrude. You felt America take your hand in hers. You could feel the warmth through your gloves. She gently squeezed your hand. “You are part of their family.” You smiled at her, squeezing her hand back. You sighed and stood up, walking over to Natasha’s door. You stood in the doorway, your heart rattling in your rib cage. You were surprised how fin Natasha looked. If you weren’t told she survived a bomb exploding, you would have thought she was sleeping, minus the bruise on her head. 
Wanda saw you standing there. She gave you a tired smile. “You can come in,” you nodded, unable to trust your voice, and sat in an extra chair in the corner. 
“She’s going to be okay, right?” You finally asked. Yelena nodded. 
“Cho is worried about her lungs and the hit on her head,” Yelena said. “But Black Widows were given a version of the super soldier serum, that is healing a lot of her internal injuries.” You nodded, resting your elbows on your knees as you leaned forward. She promised she would come home safe. She promised. You folded your hands together and squeezed. She promised. 
It was just you and Wanda in her room. Kate and Yelena left to shower and get some sleep. America came in to see how everyone was doing but she also returned to the floor. The rest of the team came and went, Sam even asked you to sign his cast. You paid no mind to any of them, your eyes were trained on the Black Widow as you sat in the chair. Maria brought you and Wanda food and you picked at it as they both talked, not making heads or tails of what they were saying. “How much did you see?” Wanda finally asked. You didn’t answer right away, opting to play with your gloves. 
“Pepper found me before you guys went into the last house,” you finally said. “I didn’t see you guys attacked.” Wanda nodded. You stood up and sat down in the chair Yelena was sitting in. “Are you mad at me?” You asked. Wanda smiled, shaking her head. 
“No, I just didn’t want you to see it,” she sighed, pushing hair out of Natasha’s face. “She was trying to talk Peta down but it did not work.” You looked at the witch sitting in front of you.
“Why don’t you go get some sleep,” you said. “I’ll stay with her and have FRIDAY alert you if anything changes. She looked exhausted, they all were, and she was still wearing the clothes she wore during the mission. Wanda sighed, taking Natasha’s hand in hers. 
“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to sleep,” she said. You nodded. 
“She’s going to be okay,” you told her. “But you need to make sure you're okay too,” she didn’t look away from her girlfriend. “Are you okay?” Wanda nodded.
“Yeah,” she said softly. “Just tired.” 
“Go get some sleep, Wanda. I’ll make sure she’s safe.” The witch stood up and kissed Natasha on her forehead. She whispered something in her ear that you didn’t hear. Wanda thanked you and told you to get some sleep as well. You nodded and watched her leave. Finally, it was just you and Natasha. You wanted to be alone with the Black Widow since she got back. “I don’t like this feeling,” you said to her, unsure if she could hear you. “I just got you, Wanda, and Yelena, and I know you are Avengers and do risky things to keep others safe. But I need you to be safe,” you sighed. “Just wake up, please.”
It was quiet in the room, the only sound was the heart machine that Natasha was hooked up to. With careful fingers, you hovered over the IV in her arm and outlined each of her fingers. You wondered what her hands would feel like against yours if you held onto them. You imagined they would be rough, her fingers covered in calluses. You stood up and grabbed a bag Pepper brought down to you of the stuff you left in Overwatch. You sat back down, pulled out a book, and began to read out loud. 
Wanda stood in the doorway watching the young girl read with a fond expression on her face. She was grateful that she got a few hours of sleep but it was still hard knowing Natasha was down here. “Good morning,” she said. The girl jumped slightly, closing the book. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I brought food.” She walked into the room and handed her a bowl of yogurt and strawberries. 
“Thank you,” Wanda sat down and watched her eat. She was eating slowly, picking at the food mostly instead of eating it. Pepper texted them that she found her in Overwatch watching their mission. Wanda was a little upset with Fury but she knew that man did everything for a reason. But the teen sitting in front of her looked exhausted. 
“Why don’t I take over and you get some sleep?” Her head shut up from looking at her bowl of yogurt. 
“I’m fine,” she wasn’t. Wanda could feel the guilt running through her. 
“You couldn’t have done anything,” her jaw clenched and she angrily scooped yogurt from her bowl and ate it. “Why are you feeling guilty?” 
“I don’t know!” She yelled. The outburst startled both of them. Wanda saw the lights flicker. “I don’t know but I do and I hate it,” she looked at Natasha. “I didn’t want this to happen.”
“Didn’t want what to happen?” Wanda asked. She looked away from Natasha and back at her. Her eyes were glossy with tears. 
“I didn’t want to get attached to you as I did,” she whispered. “Bad things happen to me. I don’t want them to happen to you.” Wanda’s gaze softened. 
“Dorogoy,” she closed her eyes at the Russian endearment and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. “Nat getting hurt isn’t your fault. It comes with the job,” she put her bowl down and whipped her tears with the back of her hand. 
“It’s not-” she sighed, clearly frustrated with herself. “I’m gonna go shower.” She stood up, grabbed her gloves, and left. Wanda called after her but she kept walking. 
You moved in a blur, taking the stairs two at a time. Each step echoed in the quiet stairwell. Your hand rested on the handle of your floor. You let out a shaky breath and had half the mind to go apologies to Wanda but you needed to calm down. You quickly opened the door and ignored America and Kate in the kitchen. They said your name but you opened the door to your room and laid down in your bed, face buried in your pillow. You weren’t sure why guilt ran through your veins. 
The other missions you watched and were present but in the one raid you missed, Natasha, Bucky, and Sam got hurt. You weren’t bad at Pepper for dragging you away, just with yourself. You flopped over to your back and stared up at the ceiling. 
‘And if something did happen, what are you going to do?’ 
They were right. You looked at your right hand and twirled your fingers around, mirroring the way a pianist plays the piano. You collected the electricity in the air and watched it dance along your fingers. This power. This gift. You used it to hurt and kill people. You weren’t a hero or an Avenger. Just a monster.   
Everything hurt as Natasha slowly opened her eyes. It was far too bright in the room and her throat was incredibly dry. “Moya lyubov' (my love),” she heard Wanda’s voice. She turned her head to look at her girlfriend. “Gave us quite a scare.”
“Sorry, dorogoy,” she winced as she sat up. “Are we back at the tower?” Her head was throbbing. She remembered the bomb going off and she held up the shield to protect herself. 
“Yes,” Yelena said. Natasha didn’t realize her sister was there. She looked at the blonde. “You’ve been out for a little less than 12 hours.” She rubbed her head. 
“Those kids,” she said, looking between her sister and her girlfriend. “Did they get out?” They didn’t answer right away. 
“Some of them did,” Wanda said. “But some of them didn’t make it.” Natasha sighed, closing her eyes and putting her head back. She saw herself standing there with Peta and Zenya. She convinced them to let some of the kids go with Steve and Bucky but there were still others. She tried every trick in the book; appealing to their better nature and turning them against one another. But it didn’t work. Peta hit the button, setting the bomb off. Thankfully, Steve left behind his shield before he took the kids out. She heard Yelena stand up and leave. She opened her eyes and Wanda took her hand. “Don't,” she whispered. “Don’t blame yourself.” 
“Too late,” Natasha chuckled. The Sokovian smiled and kissed Natasha softly. She knew she worried Wanda and everyone. It wasn’t her intention.  
“Oh,” Natasha pulled away from her girlfriend and saw Y/n standing in the doorway. She had paper in her hand and a pencil. “You're up.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “That’s good.”
“Yeah, kid. Sorry I didn’t keep my promise.” Her smile faltered slightly. 
“Comes with the job, right?” She stepped out of the way when Yelena came back with Helen. “I’ll see you around. I’m glad you’re okay,” she left as quickly as she appeared. Helen suspended her from the field missions for 2 weeks. She had to be mindful of working out because of her ribs and lungs from the smoke she inhaled. The doctor gave her pain medication and told her not to mix them with alcohol.
“Can I sleep in my bed tonight?” Natasha pleaded. Helen sighed. 
 “Yes, but I want to evaluate you in 3 days, and if there are any issues come back.” Natasha thanked her and she felt. 
“That was weird, right?” Natasha asked, referring to the young girl. Wanda sighed, taking her hand in hers. 
“She had a little bit of an episode,” she said ‘episode’ slowly as if she wasn’t sure what to call it. “Don’t stress about her. Focus on recovering.” 
You opted out of the team dinner as America invited you but you turned her down. You were tired, mentally and emotionally exhausted. But your stomach was growling. It was a disadvantage of living with the Avengers, your body was growing () to eating. You sighed, getting out of bed and stretching. You walked out of your room with your gloves in your hand and saw Natasha sitting in the kitchen, pouring vodka into a glass. “I don’t think that will help with your physical injuries,” you said, putting on your gloves and walking to the fridge. You pulled the leftovers America brought up for you. Natasha smiled. 
“Trying to soothe the metal ones,” you hummed, throwing the taco salad into the microwave to warm it up and leaning against the island. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked. Natasha didn’t hide her surprise well as the microwave beeped
“I’m okay,” you nodded, taking the hot bowl. You let it cool before taking a bite.  
“My father wasn’t much of a drinker,” you said, taking another bite. “He was a child of the Lord,” you rolled your eyes as Natasha chuckled. “But there were certain occasions when we found him staring down an empty bottle of whiskey or rum or whatever,” you looked at the Black Widow. “He was trying to soothe those mental scars. It never seemed to work like he wanted, causing more damage.” Natasha stared into the clear liquid she had in her glass. 
“Did your father hit you?” She asked. Your heart didn’t skip at the question.
“All the time,” you admitted. “He didn’t have to be drunk to do it,” you moved to pull up a chair so you could sit across from Natasha. “You did everything you could to save those kids.” Natasha finished the glass but didn’t pour herself another. 
“It wasn’t enough,” she said. 
“You can’t save everyone, Nat,” you whispered. “But even though they did die in their final moments they knew someone cared about them so much they risked their own life to try to save them,” Natasha let out a shaky breath. 
“I see myself in these kids,” she confessed. “These scared kids are looking and waiting for someone to save them. I know we saved a lot and every life saved is amazing but I keep thinking about the ones we didn’t.” 
“Those ‘what ifs’ are going to drive you insane,” Natasha laughed. “From what I saw, you guys did good.” She raised her eyebrows. 
“Fury took you into Overwatch,” you smiled, rolling your eyes. 
“You entrusted a man who cosplays as a pirate to watch over a 15-year-old, what did you expect?” Your smile grew as Natasha laughed, throwing her head back. “But seriously does that man own other clothes?” 
“I’m telling him you said that,” you shrugged, placing your dirty dish in the sink. 
“Somehow he probably knows,” Natasha smiled. “Can I ask you something?” She nodded. “When you saw me at Java House did you see yourself in me?” The Black Widow nodded. 
“But not for the reasons you think,” she put the cap back on the bottle. “I saw a girl who wanted a chance to prove she is more than the horrible names thrown at her. I saw a girl who was given a certain fate but wanted a chance to rewrite it. I saw a girl who had to grow up far too quickly and just wanted to be a kid.” You smiled, looking down at the counter. “Are you okay? Wanda said you were pretty upset when I was hurt.” You nodded. 
“I’m good,” she gave you a look. “I promise.”
“Promise?” You nodded. “And you’d come to me if you weren’t.” You nodded again. Without thinking you held up your pinky. She hesitated for a second and linked her pinky around yours. 
“Now,” you let go of her hand. “I think it's time we both go to bed. I’m surprised Wanda hasn’t dragged you back to bed.” Natasha smiled, washing her glass and putting the bottle away. 
“You and me both,” you walked back to your room. “Thank you for tonight. I needed that. Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Natasha,” you watched the Black Widow open her door and go inside. “Thank you,” you whispered and went to bed. You were surprised by how fast you fell asleep.
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peachymilkandcream · 2 months
Written In Blood|Part 10|Modern Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: We love good old blackmail to get the woman of your dreams XD Hope you enjoy and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon/dubcon, graphic descriptions of violence, domestic violence, manipulation, mind breaking, yandere behaviour/themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, wishing rape upon someone, misogyny, mentions of child abuse, blackmail, revenge porn, etc.
Levi spent most the next day comforting Evelyn. She had been through quite the scandal and was still dealing with the aftermath. She had taken a leave of absence from the internet due to the constant backlash and calling for her to take accountability.
Little did she know that isolating herself from the world only allowed him to push further in.
"I know you keep saying it'll be fine Levi but it's hard to see how it will be right now. Everyone's against me and I'm just trying to figure out how to move on from all of this backlash before my entire brand is gone."
"I know it doesn't feel like it but I promise you it will work out in the end. In a year or so we'll look back at this and laugh."
She sighs. "I guess you're all I've got. None of my friends will talk to me-"
He smiles, brushing her hair behind her ear. "I'm not going to betray you like they have." He leans in, the hand holding her face allowing him to grip her jaw and bring her closer, his lips brushing against hers.
The stress and emotional turmoil she'd been going through these past few days making her melt into him, surrendering to his soft lips and warm tongue snaking into her mouth.
The hostilities start when the door flies open, Evelyn's ex standing in the doorway as his expression goes from shock to rage.
"Wait it's not what you think-" Evelyn starts, but is quickly cut off.
"You tell me that Petra's bullshitting me, that nothing happened. And yet here you are with the guy not even a two days later?! And then you send him after me to get me drunk and befriend me!? What the fuck is wrong with you!? And this guy? He's a total asshole! He let your stalker go free! Or was that a lie too? All to keep me tied down with you out of guilt!"
Levi remains silent, not allowing the insults to get to him. Eventually this fool would pay for all the insults he threw at Evelyn, but he had to wait. Let him hang himself.
"Please just leave- we're over, remember? I can kiss whoever I want!"
"So soon tells me exactly what I need to know about you, this has been going on longer than you're letting on."
"She told you to leave. And I suggest you honor her request."
"What you're going to force me out?"
Levi roughly grabs the other man and throws him out the door, shutting and locking it, despite the loud banging following and threats.
Evelyn sinks to the couch shaking. "What have I done-"
"Nothing. Forget about him. He's just mad you've moved on and did something for yourself for once."
She takes a deep breath, trusting in his assessment completely. "You're right, there's nothing he can do to hurt me anymore."
That was until the ex made a video and series of posts himself confirming Petra's allegations.
While his evidence was largely fabricated people were more inclined to take Peta's initial statements more seriously do to anther and closer person to Evelyn backing them up. Maybe she wasn't lying about anything and Evelyn was a cheater and terrible friend deep down.
The thought shook her fanbase once more.
This time Levi was not kept out of it, much to Petra's annoyance. He was plastered everywhere as the man who caused the cheating in the first place. The catalyst for the downfall of a popular fiction writer.
Levi didn't even bother addressing the claims, his clients were shady people at best and criminals rivalling his infamy at worst. A scandal like initiating cheating only got him a few solid pats on the back and asking intimate details of a such a notable figure.
It was funny, Levi was so busy fighting Evelyn's battles that he hadn't truly had any time for himself to decompress.
That would have to change.
Levi cleaned up the blood splatter off his suit jacket while the evidence was uploading to the internet. This victim, a man who had asked one too many times about a detail description of Evelyn's intimates, lay gutted on at Levi's feet. He'd clean that up later, first he had to focus on getting the stains out before the set in. Who knew what kind of diseases this fucker had.
When it was finally ready to be published, he smirked, knowing this would seal his fate with Evelyn ultimately. Both of them would be boosted above and beyond their current status and popularity, Evelyn would be indebted to him for saving her ass in all of this, he could finally have what he wanted.
"You crossed the wrong man. Once your reputation is shot to hell the things I'll do to you might be worse than this poor soul."
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The unnecessary hatred for the new Hogwarts Legacy game has reached the point where someone created a website to track streamers who play the game as a form of harassment. Meanwhile I’m still waiting for someone to actually provide evidence that JK Rowling is transphobic. I mean, when a bi journalist spends a couple of months trying and comes up with nothing and even decides to defend JKR...hate the game and boycott it, well within your right, but please, back up your accusations with proof.
I saw something about that, not sure what people are looking to accomplish with that beyond making themselves incredibly unpopular.
There's a reason the saying 'there's no such thing as bad press' exists, while not being 100% true it's still mostly accurate.
Which brings me to the point, similar to this.
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People annoyed with peta blocking the entrance to burger king so they go out and buy 15 pounds of ground beef increasing the sales above what they would have been if the whackjobs had just stayed home.
Wondering how many people saw the outrage and who was outraged and that tossed them over the line in the decision making process when it came to buying the game.
If we look at human nature, back our earliest stories that we have on record you'll notice a thing that kind of appears in nearly all of them.
One of the easiest/quickest way to get humans to do something, is to tell them they can't.
See Adam and Eve who literally only had the one rule. Pandora's box is another one.
So I wonder how many people are just spite purchasing the game at this point as a reaction to people's claims that doing so is a endorsement of genocide among many other things.
This will apply to things like drag queen story time too, it's a different group of people is all.
So many problems out there that might just go away on their own if people could just learn to shut the fuck up and stop drawing so much attention to them.
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modkatisbacc · 2 years
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I posted 677 times in 2022
That's 309 more posts than 2021!
117 posts created (17%)
560 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 387 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#ninjago - 122 posts
#cool art - 54 posts
#warcraft - 32 posts
#rwby - 26 posts
#world of warcraft - 20 posts
#signal boost - 18 posts
#pixal borg - 14 posts
#lloyd garmadon - 14 posts
#gen:lock - 12 posts
#yeah - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#also if u have kids and they happen to find a version of cooking mama on a random website please verify that it's not petas version
My Top Posts in 2022:
More Fair Maidens AU!
Pyrrha: So, we are in a mutual agreement!
Penny: Oh, of course!
Jaune, walking into the room: Pyrrha, what were you and Penny talking about in here?
Pyrrha, trying to cover a giggle: Oh you know, just girly things.
Penny, raising her voice excitedly: Like murder!
50 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
“And you cheated your way into Beacon!” Love that line, gotta be one of my favorite lines now. Not because of its direct context, though.
We learn a few things about this line:
1: The rest of team JNPR were told about Jaune cheating to get into Beacon (They were chill with it tho,, means he’s just as chaotic as the rest of his team)
2: While Yang seemed surprised at Rens outburst, she wasn’t at the information, meaning team RWBY was also told at some point (They r bestie teams that is all)
3: The hidden context behind this,, Ren doesn’t think Jaune is terrible or anything obviously,, but something tells me JNR never sat down and even TALKED about Pyrrhas death. They never dealt with it, and just pushed past it. All Three of them pause for a moment, Jaune doesn’t even argue back, BECAUSE GUESS WHO THE FIRST PERSON WAS THAT KNEW HE CHEATED HIS WAY INTO BEACON?
If he would have said anything else on the subject they would’ve just shut down.
I’ve been THINKING of this for MONTHS, actually. They’re SCARED, Ren has so far gone along with everything just FINE but he’s literally the “We need an adult” meme at that point.
They should be in CLASS, not saving the literal world from an immortal Grimm witch!!!
Jaune just deflates afterwards, and Yang gets angry, it’s just,,, TALK.
51 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
I don’t think they’re getting rid of Pixal. They are deliberately keeping her out of the trailers for a REASON. And that’s because she has this EPIC COOL SIDE PLOT ALL FOR HERSELF. BOOM PROBLEM SOLVED. I CRACKED THE CASE.
53 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
That moment in season 3 when Garmadon and Lloyd come across a nest with some kinda bird baby inside and Lloyd picks it up and Garmadon said “It’s going to know someone has touched its young”
And the when Lloyd asks who IT is, he says “Daddy” and yes people in the comments were laughing bc of how he said it, but WHO other than Garmadon would know that feeling more than anyone else in the show? When he was trying to turn Ninjago into his own image, and when the serpentine suggested getting rid of Lloyd he snapped at them and threw them off the ship/locked them up. The only reason the venom didn’t take him over entirely was because the love for his son was THAT strong. It took Ninjgos first and greatest evil to truly corrupt him.
99 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
In the intro of TLOVM, there’s this snowy place they’re apparently going to in the future, and I am super excited to see whatever it is because the lighting and just how the background looks for it?? BEAUTIFUL?? It’ll probably be a ways off, with them being arrested and all.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, Is the King still under control? How are they gonna Roll themselves outta this mess? (See what I did there?)
Also I love that when the guards get there, after already shooting the driver, Percy just stands there getting surrounded by guards, and honestly its a cool shot but he is gonna have some EXPLAINING to do to EVERYONE. Considering the others look mighty surprised by what’s happening, he hasn’t done THIS before. Also did I mention I really like his plague Doctor mask? Super cool.
116 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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newswireml · 2 years
PETA Wants Elon Musk's Neuralink Animal Lab Closed, Applying Twitter Pressure#PETA #Elon #Musks #Neuralink #Animal #Lab #Closed #Applying #Twitter #Pressure
PETA Wants Elon Musk’s Neuralink Animal Lab Closed, Applying Twitter Pressure#PETA #Elon #Musks #Neuralink #Animal #Lab #Closed #Applying #Twitter #Pressure
PETA wants Elon Musk‘s animal testing at Neuralink shut down, and says the best way to make it happen is for millions of bird app users to speak up, and against the Chief Twit. A rep for the animal rights org. tells TMZ … “Neuralink and the University of California-Davis are responsible for the deaths of at least 15 monkeys because of Elon Musk’s quest to stick a chip in a human’s brain.” PETA…
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reportwire · 2 years
PETA Wants Elon Musk's Neuralink Animal Lab Closed, Applying Twitter Pressure
PETA Wants Elon Musk’s Neuralink Animal Lab Closed, Applying Twitter Pressure
PETA wants Elon Musk‘s animal testing at Neuralink shut down, and says the best way to make it happen is for millions of bird app users to speak up, and against the Chief Twit. A rep for the animal rights org. tells TMZ … “Neuralink and the University of California-Davis are responsible for the deaths of at least 15 monkeys because of Elon Musk’s quest to stick a chip in a human’s brain.” PETA…
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labelleperfumery · 2 years
PETA Wants Elon Musk's Neuralink Animal Lab Closed, Applying Twitter Pressure
PETA Wants Elon Musk’s Neuralink Animal Lab Closed, Applying Twitter Pressure
PETA wants Elon Musk’s animal testing at Neuralink shut down, and says the best way to make it happen is for millions of bird app users to speak up, and against the Chief Twit. A rep for the animal rights org. tells TMZ … “Neuralink and the… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2022/12/07/peta-urges-public-call-out-elon-musk-twitter-investigate-neuralink-animal-abuse/
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petnews2day · 2 years
Ant and Dec face calls to 'quit' I'm A Celebrity over animal cruelty fears: 'It must end' | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-charities/ant-and-dec-face-calls-to-quit-im-a-celebrity-over-animal-cruelty-fears-it-must-end-tv-radio-showbiz-tv/
Ant and Dec face calls to 'quit' I'm A Celebrity over animal cruelty fears: 'It must end' | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV
Ant and Dec, who have fronted I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! for 20 years, will make a return on Sunday night with the latest instalment of the ITV series. The show will be back in Australia for the first time in two years after the pandemic prevented the cast and crew from travelling. However, the dynamic duo are facing a backlash from animal charity Peta, who believe Ant and Dec are “complicit to animal cruelty to animals on the show”.
In an open letter to the presenters, Peta called for Ant and Dec to “step down” from their presenting roles.
Over the years, the animal charity has campaigned for the show to stop using animals in their Bushtucker trials.
‘They’ve been complicit in animal cruelty now for 20 years so it has to stop,’ Peta UK’s Media and Communications Manager, Jennifer White told Metro.co.uk
In a letter sent to Ant and Dec on Thursday, the charity said: “For too long, you have been complicit in cruelty to animals on the show, and it must end.”
READ MORE: Darren Grimes bids farewell as GB News ‘axes’ show
Peta went on to explain to the duo that a petition has been set up to stop them from using animals on the show for entertainment.
They said that for the past 20 years, the pair have watched as “animals of all descriptions are tormented – and even killed – for TV ratings.”
Peta also suggested that if Ant and Dec left the show, it would set an example to producers that using animals wasn’t acceptable.
“So please, hang up your hats and get yourselves out of there – for animals’ sake,” they concluded.
“We inform the RSPCA NSW of all of our activities on the show and they have an open invitation to attend the site at any time. “
The statement concluded: “We cannot stress enough that we have rigorous protocols in place to ensure that animals are handled safely at all times, before, during and after any filming has taken place, in compliance with all regional and national laws.”
Peta’s petition for I’m A Celebrity to stop using animals in their trials has surpassed 50,000 signatures so far.
The move has also sparked division among fans, and while some support the charity, others have defended the show.
Defending the show, Luke Hewett said: “Oh shut up, cockroaches and spiders aren’t exactly “cruelty to animals” they’re vermin.”
While user @HNICEOO commented: “@peta telling @antanddec to quit I’m a celebrity due to animal cruelty cos snakes etc are used.
“Says the organisation that has not so clean a record.”
I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! begins tonight at 9pm on ITV.
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wwilloww · 4 years
the bodyguard | ksj
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pairing: bodyguard!jin x reader
genre: smut, fluff
rating: explicit
wc: 5k
summary: As your bodyguard, keeping you safe from the world comes with rules for Kim Seokjin. But you’re used to getting what you want, and you want him. 
warnings: nudity. pining. makeout. YN always gets what they want. no pronouns used to address reader. public sex. exhibitionism.  unprotected sex (pls be smarter than these fictional characters). creampie. fingering. oral sex. multiple orgasms. fluff. oh my god so much fluff.
AN: The first part of this fic was written entirely wined up with the INTENTION OF IT BEING A DRABBLE. The second part of this fic was written with the intention of showing all the love to Jin, but then came the idea of smut and bam here we are. 1 million thank yous to @jin-fizz​, who beta’d this at the very last moment and helped me rearrange some things. SMOOCHES to you, you lovely!
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The Bodyguard
“Help! Someone, please, Help!”
The cry rings through the rooms, splitting through walls, through the heavy wooden doors of the almost-empty city manor. 
Jin’s footsteps echo from what sound like too far away, climbing the stairs, sprinting down the creaking wooden boards. He bursts through the door to find you, crouched and hunched over your leg on the floor.
“What! What’s wrong?” he almost yells.
His gaze flicks around the room, taking in every detail possible. The unmade bed, the open perfume bottle on your vanity, the doors open to the balcony, curtains fluttering in the late-night breeze.
“My leg!”
In a split second the man your father has hired to be your bodyguard is on his hands and knees next to you, large hands reaching for your palm, gripping it tight.
She had shown you exactly how to do it. Mixing the expression of pain and beauty so expertly on your face. Your mother, despite all the awards and golden trophies she had won for her Hollywood success, had always been the best kind of actress at home.
His eyes light with the slightest amount of relief as he scans your face.
Alright. She’s alright.
Before you can even say anything, he’s gripping your ankles, pulling you to him, looking for any sign of injury.
“Higher.” You lace the pain so particularly into your voice.
His deft fingers kneed into the flesh of your calf, searching for the cause of your cries.
“I don’t see-”
“Higher,” you insist.
His fingers trace so delicately, so carefully, over your knee, pressing into your thigh, higher, higher, until he’s brushing back the silken fabric of your nightgown.
And then, breath drawn so quickly through his nose, fingers digging into you, holding you tight.
“Oops,” you breath. “I must have completely forgotten.”
“To put panties on?”
“Mhmm. Exactly.”
With a quick movement, he’s wrapped both of his hands around your calves and tugs you forward to him.
“You’re a liar,” he drones, your legs nearly wrapped around his waist.
“I am.”
“And a cheat.”
“Of course.” You grin. “You know more than anyone that I don’t like to play these kinds of games by other people’s rules. And I know that you love it.”
He doesn’t respond. Just closes his eyes, takes a long controlled breath. When he exhales it brushes so teasingly across your face.
“I might be a liar, but I know you’re not.” You reach for his cheek, and you think you see his eyelids flutter at the touch. His hands are still wrapped around your leg, the warmth of his palms seeping through into you. “So tell me you haven’t been thinking about this,” you whisper.  
He growls softly, his eyes flashing bright and conscious towards you.
“You know I can’t.”
“Are you saying you don’t want me?” You draw on your prettiest of pouts.
“I can’t.”
You just blink back at him, letting your eyelashes brush against the warming rise of your cheeks.
“That’s not a no.”
“Your father would kill me.”
“Father’s not home.”
“He’ll be back by morning. And he’ll take pleasure in killing me if he were to know,” Jin asserts, running a hand through the falling wave of his sky-dark hair.  
“You’re avoiding the question. Why do you always avoid my questions?” You push yourself closer to him, coming to wrap your hands around his neck and tug on the fresh pressed angle of his white dress shirt collar. He looks away from you.
“Because you always ask all the wrong questions.”
“I do not. In fact, I’d argue I’m asking all the right ones.” You glance up at him. The look in his eyes is unmistakable. Desire. Mixed with restraint. You know which one he’ll let win out over the other, and within a second he’s proving you right.
“I should go.”
He begins to pull away from you.
“You should stay.” You push yourself forward, wrapping your legs around his torso and slinging your arms around his neck. Impulsively, his hands press against your lower back, supporting you. So when he stands, you’re face to face. He blinks, taking a second to realize your position.
“Stay. Please,” you whisper.
He continues to stare at you, eyes tracing the shadow of your brow, the press of your lips, the mound of your warm cheeks. Your confidence crumbles in his silence.
“At least tell me you want this. Tell me I’m not making it up. Tell me I’m not alone in this.”
Finally, his eyes flick up to yours. It’s there. The answer. But he remains silent, his breath moving through his chest, and then through you. The stillness of the moment — being held by the man you can’t get out of your mind — mixed with the bitter taste of a lingering question. You can’t. You can’t hold it all, not in one body: the tenderness of his being and the acrid promise of his rejection.
And so you release your arms from around his neck. Unhook your legs. When your body drops softly to the floor he lets you go.
“It’s okay,” you say. “If you want to go, you can go.”
Without looking at him, you pad silently to the cracked open french doors. With a light push, they swing open before you and the crisp of the night air ruffles through your hair and the thin fabric of the night gown you’re wearing.
Silly. Silly. Silly.
You squeeze your eyes shut, letting the breeze swirl around you and prickle with ice against your skin. If only you might lose yourself in it. If you could lift yourself up off the stone balcony to fly through the city streets, feeling nothing but the brush of strangers against you.
Had you mistaken it all? The lingering gazes. The tightened grip on your waist when your father introduced you to potential suitors — all of whom you’d quickly turned away in front of Jin, by the way. Did you misread the way that his gaze had begun to latch onto you to trace not just your safety, but your sense of being in a way that surpassed his usual loyalty? And most important to you, the way he’d begun smiling around you for the first time. Letting cracks show in his usually pristine professional behavior.
You wait for the sound of the doors to your bedroom slamming shut and Jin leaving, but you must be so lost in yourself that the sound never comes. It’s just the wind, howling. The beating of your heart in your chest. The bite of something that tastes like regret nibbling at your throat.
“How could you think I didn’t want you?” It’s so soft you can barely hear it. But you do.
Spin back towards the room.
Jin stands between the doors, his broad frame flickering gold in the soft light behind him. His face is shadowed in blue  as he faces out into the night, out towards you, but his eyes shine with a warm light.
“How dare you?” he says softly with a smile playing against his lips. He steps towards you. Before the smile can fully take position on your lips, he’s so close to you you can feel the warmth of his large body radiating out towards you. “How dare you think I don’t want you.” A long pause. And then, as softly as if the words might break him: “You’re all I can think about.” Tentatively, he reaches out towards you.
And then he stops, just as his hand is about to touch your burning cheek.
You do the rest, stepping back into your usual tradition of goading him on. With a soft movement, you reach for him, interlacing your fingers with his and letting his touch fall across your face. You sigh into it. His thumb strokes slowly over your cheek bone.
“How dare I?” you say. “How dare you make me wait this long.”
He just smiles back, his dark eyes reflecting the streetlights back to you.
“Will you let me kiss you, now? Finally?”
“Finally, yes,” he says.
You reach up, pressing your fingers to the back of his neck where his hair has grown long in the past months, tangling your fingers into them before his lips have even reached yours.
None of your other first kisses have been like this. Sure, you’ve kissed other people. Other men. But you’ve never kissed Kim Seokjin before.
Your lips meet like wings brushing against each other: soft and fluttering, finding a path through the air with ten thousand questions etched into each feather. He wraps one of his long arms around your back, spreading his fingers wide and pressing you lightly into his chest, all the while his opposite hand brushes so lightly and tenderly against your cheek, guiding you ever closer, ever deeper into his affections.
“You,” he whispers against your lips, “are an absolute gift.”
“I don’t know how you did it,” you whisper back.
“Resisted me for so long.” He snorts against you and you can’t help but giggle. “I swear to god I’ve been trying for so long to let you know how I’ve felt,” you explain, leaning your forehead against his.
“I’m a dumbass, baby.”
“I know.”
“Please,” you look up at him. “Kiss me again.”
For a split second he hesitates.
“What?” you ask. The silence that opens between you two opens up something else inside of you.
“If…” He wets his lips. “If I kiss you again, I won’t want to let go.”
“Then don’t.”
The smile that spreads across his pretty face is wide and splitting, but it is only a half second before he is recapturing you in his hold, pushing you back against the stone railing of the balcony as his lips meet yours a second time.
Whereas his first kiss was like a ring of petals opening slowly to the dawning sun, this kiss is midday heat. It is searing, pressing through you like a flash, lighting every nerve within you on fire. It is red and pink and all the warm colors on the spectrum of life. It burns you tender with its quickness, but all you want is more.
As if he is feeling exactly as you, his kiss quickens. He bites your lower lip and greedily swallows the moan that slips out of your mouth. When you tangle your fingers in his long hair, he hisses back at you and you can feel the curl of his smile against you.
“You like that,” you note quietly when he moves to nip at the cut of your jaw.
“I like you.”
With a graceful move, Jin twirls you around, slamming your back against the open door, effectively slamming it shut and leaving you in privacy on the balcony. Your breath rushes out of your lungs in a gasp.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to get as close to you as possible.”
“Then, goddamnit, get closer.”
He grins, takes your begging, and runs with it.
With the kind of grace and speed you were so used to seeing abound in him while he was working, he dives for your neck, intertwining the pillowed press of his lips with sharp nibbles against the sensitive skin.
He chuckles and does as you bid. With his awkward strength, he lifts you, balancing your weight on his hips as you wrap your hands around his neck for balance. An unfortunate time to remember your current situation: entirely unclothed except the thin slip you donned just at Jin was sprinting up the stairs.
He adjusts you and your bare cunt brushes against the silky smooth fabric of his dress pants. But that’s not what makes you gasp. It’s the bulge that nestles hard and hot against you as he dives back in for your neck.
One hand tangled in his thick locks, you can’t help but grind your hips down on him. The sound that spills from his lips is needy, desperate, and it reverberates straight through you.
“I want you,” you whine as his hand graces up your torso. He pulls back. Cocks his head to the side ever so slightly.
“You want me?”
“As if having me half naked and wrapped around you isn’t enough to convince you of that?”
“Isn’t that a little… fast?”
“Is waiting four years a little too fast for you?”
“Good point.”
And he’s diving back in, nipping at the already blossoming marks on your neck. Throw your head back, relishing in his every touch and the even more divine gift: his entire attention focused on you.
“Please, Jin, I don’t want to wait anymore. I mean it.”
“What do you wan—”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“On the balcony? Where everyone can see?”
You kiss him then, taking his lower lip between your teeth and relishing in the gasp that you pull from him.
“No one will see. And if they do, then they’ll know.”
“Know what?”
“That I’m yours.”
He grins back at you. “Mine?”
“If you want me.”
“Of course I want you. Don’t you know what you do to me?”
“You could tell me about it.”
“I could, but then I’d miss out all on this.”  
Gently he lets you down, but his lips never leave yours as his hands come to meet your hips and guide you where he wants. You let one of your hands drift down from where you’ve kept them locked around his neck. Kissing him still, you pluck open the first two buttons of his dress shirt and trace your hands down the burning skin.
If you’re known for anything, you’re known for your impatience. So you don’t linger long on the smooth planes of his chest, and instead glide your hand down his torso until you reach his belt buckle. You make as if to dip underneath his pants, but at the last moment you pull away and cup the impressive bulge he’s already sporting.
“Shit,” he hisses as you trace a manicured nail around the shape of his cock. But all sound chokes in his throat as you grip his erection through the fabric of his pants and begin to stroke him. “Need you. Now.”
You begin to turn, to pull your nightgown up over your bottom, but he’s tugging you back towards him and spinning you around so you’re pressed to his chest.
“I want to see your face.”
It’s hasty work, him pulling himself out of his pants, wrapping his veiny hand around his throbbing cock and notching the head of it against your dripping folds. But you’re no more patient, hopping up so you’re seated precariously on the balcony railing and kissing at his neck steadily and reaching down to part your lips just for him.
He only teases you for a moment, stepping between your legs and dragging the head of his cock against your clit. He wraps one hand around your waist, securing you tightly to him.
“Please,” you breathe against his chest and he pushes into you in one swift thrust. The sensation of him filling you is everything. It clouds your vision. It resets your senses till all you can think of, can feel is this man’s existence, beating so close to yours.
“Fuck—” he hisses as his cock settles inside you, as you adjust around his thick girth.
“You’re so—” you pant against him.
“Is it too much?”
“Big. Just give me a moment.”
He does, reaching to cup the back of your neck and press a kiss to your forehead. It’s almost too intimate, the way he holds you so softly, so tenderly, all while his cock throbs within you. It’s in that moment that the discomfort of the stretch shifts to pleasure. Warmth, spreading from your abdomen outwards. You relax in his hold, hands falling from his neck to the strong muscles of his arms.
“Please,” you murmur. “Need you.”
His hips rut against yours as if he’s never had anything as good as you before.
“Want you to feel good,” he tells you. “Tell me—”
“Just need you—closer.”
You weren’t sure that he could get closer but it’s what your body craves and it’s what he serves. He wraps his arms around you, hands spreading wide and pressing you impossibly close. In the moment, you wish you two were bare as your bodies move against each other as if they’d known the shared rhythm all along.
He fucks you like that, like you’re suspended in air. The warmth of his body keeps you grounded as the height that hangs behind you reels through you, adding a giddy, heady feeling to it all. Or maybe the giddiness comes from the way you relish in the quick pants and desperate grunts that fall from his lips and to your shoulder. Or the way he gasps your name like a monk’s chant into your ear, the sound of it like nothing you’ve ever heard before. You don’t want to hear it any other way either.
When he comes, spilling deep inside you, it’s your name on his lips. When you come, it’s his name splitting through the silent sky.
Jin holds you there, pressed still against his chest for a long moment as you both catch your breath. It’s only when he feels the slight shiver of your body that he pulls back.
“You’re cold?” You nod. “Let’s get you inside.”
He helps you down carefully from the balcony banister before tucking himself away and grabbing your hands in one of his large ones.
“Come, I’ll take care of you.”
You can’t help but let the joy show on your face as he leads you forward.
He reaches behind him, opening the balcony doors. The light curtains wash out into the room with the cold air, brushing around Jin like some kind of ethereal welcome.
Welcome back to my world, you think. But the thought of reality, of the conversations, the negotiations, the reality that will await you in the morning slips out of your mind as Jin twirls you into his arms and suddenly your whole world is warm again. Suddenly your world is Jin again.
He peppers your whole face with kisses as he walks you backwards, loud smooching sounds echoing through the large room coupled with your giggles that turn into full blown laughter.
“Hey hey hey!” you chide, grabbing onto the loose collar that now teases the delicious arch of his collar bones and neck. “You can’t do that!”
“What!” he snaps between kisses. “I can’t kiss you!”
“Not if you’re going to be that ridiculous!”
At that moment you feel the soft edge of the bed hit the back of your knees and you are tumbling backwards, eyes widening with shock. At the last second he’s reaching behind you, catching you and lowering you slowly to the soft mattress. You reach for him, but he kneels at the edge of the bed, just far enough that your grabbing hands only find empty air.
“So then tell me, if I can’t drown you in kisses, can I at least do this?” His hand teases the hem of your slip, tracing circles on your upper thigh. The touch is simple, but it raises goosebumps all over your body. He slaps away your reaching hands.
“Or this?” His fingers dip beneath the fabric, tracing up your thigh to dance around your hip. “What about this?” He pulls the fabric all the way up to your waist. With the quickness of a fox, he’s bending down and licking one long line up the slick folds of your cunt.
His tongue swirls around your clit, still bathing in soft sensitivity from your most recent orgasm. He seems to sense this as he blows lightly against your lips, forcing your back to arch into the mattress, your hand reaching out instinctively to tangle in his hair.
“Okay, okay, I get it!”
“What, you act like it’s some kind of punishment.”
“It is, when it means you’re not up here, fucking me.” He blinks, still not quite used to your explicit language. “And anyways,” you pant, “doesn’t this kind of foreplay usually come before the mindblowing sex?”
“And who’s rules are you playing by now?”
You grin, giddy at the cleverness of your own words turned back on you.
“No one’s.” You push up to your elbows, taking in the beautiful man above you. “But if I’m making the rules, then I need you inside me, now.”
“Patience, darling,” Jin smiles, sitting up.
“No,” you say, reaching for him. “I will not be patient. Not for you, anyways.”
“No.” You’re moving to unbutton his shirt, and he lets you, but doesn’t do much else to help you along. “Off, off, off,” you grumble, tugging on the collar of his now wrinkled shirt, but he stands there like a limp fish. You sigh, sitting back on your heels. “Please?”
Jin throws his head back and laughs that full-belly laugh. “Will I ever be able to say no to you? To this?”
“No,” you smile. “You won’t. And I won’t have it any other way.”
“Good.” He presses a kiss to your lips, one that lingers long and sweet. Sweet enough that when he pulls back, you miss the taste of him. But he’s doing as you’ve asked and quickly tugs his shirt over his head and drops his pants to the floor.
You don’t know if you’ve ever seen something as beautiful.
Jin had always had the power to command a room with his large but quiet presence, but seeing him like this, bare and breathing hard for you is something entirely different. There is both something soft and sweet about the tenderness of him, and something sharp about the desire he lets swirl through his body. You want it all.
“Your turn?” he asks softly, reaching for the slip that pools around your hips. “I want to see you.”
You nod and he pulls the light fabric up over your head with an unspoken gentleness.
“Look at you,” he breathes, but his gaze doesn’t linger long on your body. Instead, it’s latched onto your gaze, watching for every thought that will flicker across your expression.
“Come here.” You open your arms wide and he is tumbling into your embrace, pushing you back into the bed. You’re both giggling in the sensation of falling, giggling at each other's laughter, giggling because, really, what else is there to do when you’re finally wrapped up in the person you adore?
And then you take a breath. Let the silence of the room, the old, ticking clock in the hallway, the sweeping sounds off the streets filter through both of you. For a moment both of you become everything around you. For a moment, both of you are only the sensation of looking at another and wondering.
It doesn’t last.
It’s too difficult to resist reaching up for him, pressing your fingers lightly against the arc of his neck and drawing his lips back to where they belong: against yours. You’re not sure how, but each time he kisses you it’s a whole new world. This time, it’s spring. Ice melting against the promise of warmth. He melts against your touch and you wrap your legs around his waist.
He pushes into you without resistance. This time, your body welcomes him with ease, wrapping warmly around his throbbing length. He reaches so far into you.
When he begins to move, it’s too much. The spear of pleasure shoots through your abdomen and you arch your back. He stills immediately.
“Look at me,” Jin says. “I want to see your eyes when you come around my cock.”
You smile. Nip at whatever skin is accessible to you. Press yourself as close to him as you possibly can and chase the pleasure of having him, finally, in your bed.
When you grind your hips against his, he grunts and thrusts deeper.
When he lowers his weight down on you, he does it at an angle, one hand near your chest, the other one coming down on your hips. His fingers wrap around your waist and he begins to move you in time to his thrusts. It’s with even more power that he enters you now, but his pace has slowed just enough that your own orgasm dangles in front of you like he’s teasing you with sweetness.
He’s always teasing you, isn’t he.
Pleasure ripples across his face, marking his brow, dancing across his lips like a fleeting ghost. You want to memorize the way his delight radiates out into the world, want to return to it everyday like a favorite book.
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He holds you like he has so many times before, but this time there’s a new edge to his gaze. Trust. He knows you’re his. Knows that the blossoming purple on your neck and the breath coming quickly from your lungs are marks of him. That even if the red blessing of dawn tears him from your bed and your arms that this moment is marked, is held, by him.
For now that will be enough.
He has you wrapped up in his arms, your gaze fluttering between pleasure and weariness.
“You’re a gift.”
You don’t know what it is about that phrasing. If it’s the way the words take shape on his pink lips, if it’s the deep sound of his voice flooding through you. If it’s the devotion swimming in his eyes. Either way, your cheeks flood with warmth and you cut back: “You said that already.”
“And I meant it both times.”
He notices your flickering gaze and the heat painting your cheeks and reaches for you, stroking his thumb against the burning flesh.
“You’re so warm.”
“I’m embarrassed,” you say softly.
“What?” He leans in. “The crown jewel of the city embarrassed? By a measly little affection?”
“You’d be surprised at the list of things you do that can bring a blush to my cheeks,” you cut back too quickly — only to realize it’s not as much of a cut as you thought it was.
“Oh?” He rolls closer. So his chest is once more pressed to yours. He lets his hand drift up to tug on a loose strand of hair that falls into your face. “Tell me more.”
“Give me the juicy details.”
“Give them to me,” he grins. “I want to know exactly why the hell you’ve fallen for me, me of all people.”
“Fine — that, uh—” Suddenly you are overwhelmed with all of the moments and instances that this dear man inspired you with. Where to begin? “I can’t get you out of my head.”
“I know. You’ve made that quite clear.” He punctuates his meaning by flicking his gaze towards the discarded nightgown at the foot of the bed. “But why?”
Moment after moment flies through your brain and before you can think of censoring yourself, you’re grabbing on to the first one that sparks your attention. “That thing you do when you throw me over your shoulder and run. It’s a little excessive but I promise you it gives me plenty of time to admire your broad shoulders.”
That crinkling scrutiny in his eye glimmers again.
“It’s just my body. Hm.”
“No! No…” You correct him, bringing your hands up to his cheeks and tugging his face closer to you to make sure he is listening.
“Your kindness.”
“Sure. My job is to beat people up for you and you fell for my kindness?” You see the flash of shyness in his expression and suddenly you’re devoted to making him understand. He doesn’t see it.
“Really. You know… when you aren’t out there performing you’re actually quite riddled with kindness and… intricacies.”
He laughs. “I have no idea what you mean.”
“Like… that one time you woke me up at 3am because it was our only night at the beach and you weren’t going to pass up the chance to go fishing — and refused to leave me alone just to do something you loved — and how you sat there with your little frown and waited for hours only to realize that we were in the completely wrong spot to be fishing in the first place. You love it. And you’re horrible at it. And in this stupid world where everything either has to be for perfection or for money — that’s so fucking refreshing.”
His laughter echoes through the room, bouncing off of the cold stone and landing warmly in your chest. “That-that’s it? My horrible fishing skills. What about the time-”
“At the gallery?”
“Where I literally-”
“Took a bullet-”
“To my shoulder!”
“Your prized possessions,” you wink.
“Yes, the time I saved your life. That’s not it?”
“Sure, sure,” you flap your hand. “I can find a man to take a bullet for me on any street corner, any day of the week.”
“Sure, sure!” Jin scoffs back at you, but he’s smiling. Watching the way his plump lips stretch towards his cheeks, you realize you could list the reasons you can’t let him go until the sun bridges her gaze over the horizon of city buildings — and still not be finished. And yet, you continue.
“Here’s one: The way you listen. You take things in and notice — but, no, it’s not just noticing. You process them and turn them quietly into something deep and beautiful and meaningful and it never fails to surprise me. And! And the way that sometimes when you laugh it sounds like something horribly squeaky and delightful.”
His jaw drops.
“Something squeaky!”
“Like windshield wipers… Sometimes! Only sometimes! And it’s delightful!”
His brow narrows.
“I’m going to kiss you now to shut you up before you say something even worse than that.” Your eyes widen. “If you’ll have me.”
“Yes-yes, god, I’ll have you.”
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trexy225 · 2 years
TPYH-Chapter 2: Yikes
Summary: I mean the title explains it idk
I would just like to say that this is one of my less serious pieces, but I still really enjoy writing this. So if the titles, summaries and photos are 100% unlike what I usually put out it's intentional. I'm just here for a good time.
But if you want to read one of my more serious works might I recommend three hearts?
I'm sorry I'll shut up. XOXO
If you have any funny doc ock pics pls send them in I can shout u out or something
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You found your father's chauffeur waiting outside the building. You groaned as you got in.
“Did you finally break it off Doctor Osborne?” He asked as he started the car.
“Yes.” You replied glumly. 
“Good, you can’t have these distractions, you have such a bright future ahead of you.”
“Those who burn the brightest burn the fastest Stan.” You muttered.
Stan chuckled as he drove to the Oscorp building. When you arrive at the building you see your father waiting outside impatiently, you curse under your breath as you step out.
“You’re late Doctor.” He said.
“You never told me which time to come.” You pointed out.
“...So you’ve broken it off?” He asked.
“Yes, Dad.” 
“Good, she wasn’t good for you. I’m sure you’ll find another woman… or man, but she wasn’t the one.” he held out a crisp new lab coat, you spotted an employee tag on it and couldn’t help but smile.
“I need you to be Oscorp's new advisor for animal experimentation.”
“Animal experimentation? You still do that?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“We have to Water Bear, and because I know you are so passionate about these kinds of things… and I need PETA off my ass.”
“PETA is a terrible animal organization.” You sighed.
“Yes, but they’re influential.” 
“You’re no better!” You pointed out.
“Listen, Oscorp can’t stop experimenting on animals, but we want to do it as humanly as possible and give them the best lives while they’re with us, and you’re the most qualified person to do so.” He gave you the lab jacket and you sighed, you didn’t want this job, but it seemed like you didn’t have a choice… And you’re still technically helping animals, you just had to make sure this was temporary. 
“Ok, so do I have an office where I can get started?” You ask, putting on a fake smile.
“Yes, you’ll be next to Dr. Octavius, he’s an excellent teacher and I know….”
Your heart fluttered and you blushed, you would be next to him! Maybe today wasn’t a total failure.
“....because he needs your help as well.” her father finished.
“...What? Sorry I wasn’t listening.” You apologized.
“I said that you two seem like a perfect match and I know that you will work well together. Also, he needs your help with his fusion reactor, the elevator is broken right now, you’ll need to take the stairs. You’re on the third floor.” “You’re not coming with me?” You ask.
“I have things to do, if you have any questions ask Otto. You practically grew up here y/n you’ll be fine.”
It’s different now. You thought as you started up the stairs.
“y/n!!” you heard a voice yell. 
Shit. You turn around to see Monica stumbling towards you, a wilting bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a bottle of wine in the other. You walked over to her, trying to play it cool.
“What are you doing?” You muttered through clenched teeth.
“I’M TRYING TO WIN YOU BACK YOU BITCH!” Monica yelled, she was drunk.
“That’s not how you do it Monica, please leave.” You ask.
Monica leans in to kiss you, you recoil at the strong stench of liquor. She saw security start to head over.
“Monica, get off of me.” You demand.
“Monica GET OFF OF-” 
Monica pulls you into a kiss, you push her away, she throws up on your new lab coat and you gasp out in shock.
“S-sorry.” She muttered.
“No, you’re not.” You fight back tears.
“Would you like us to escort her out, Doctor?” One of the security guards asked.
You nod. “I don’t want to see you here again. Understand?” You tell Monica.
She drops the flowers and leaves with security. 
You held your lab coat, you didn’t want to throw it away, but it was past saving. You grabbed the ID tag to wash later and threw the lab coat away.
You’ll just wear your old one, you’re used to it. You try and tell yourself, you fight back tears as you dash up the stairs into your office, you sat in your office chair, humiliated, tears slowly ran down your face.
“Doctor Osborne?” You heard a familiar voice call out.
Shit. It was Otto.
“I-I’m ok, just a lot of stress on the first day.” You called out, wiping your face. 
“Call me y/n.” You insist.
“y/n I know what happened.”
“...who else knows?” You ask, even though you already know the answer.
“...A lot of people.” He admits.
“Can I come in? I have something for you.” He asked.
You take a few deep breaths and nod.
“Yes, but I’m a mess.”
“Well y/n that makes two of us.” He chuckled as he walked in, he was wearing a dark green turtleneck and black slacks, dark green was your favorite color. He sat down next to you and held out a lab coat.
“I want you to have it.” He said.
“No, I have mine at home and I can’t.”
“I have plenty of spares, I prefer mine worn in.” He smiled kindly.
“I do too.” You take the jacket and examine it, it wasn’t crisp white, it had some stains and tears, but it smelled just like him, Lavender. Your favorite scent, was everything he did your favorite?
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do this.” you fold the jacket and put it on your lap.
“You’re going through a lot right now, you got your doctorate before I did, I honestly believe you need to take some time for yourself.” He admitted.
“I wish I could. But my dad needs me here, and I can’t just leave, I have all my pets.”
“You still have that zoo in your apartment?” He chuckled.
“Yes, and I can’t leave them.” You sigh as you look at your ID badge on the ground a good 3 feet away from you, you still hadn’t managed to wash the puke off.
“How did you ever end up with her?” Otto asked, disgusted.
“I was having my third mental breakdown of the week-”
“y/n…” “It’s ok, I have new meds. My psychiatrist was an idiot.” You shrugged it off.
“Anyway, nobody offered to help me… Until Monica came along, but the Monica who I fell in love with is NOT the Monica who just called me a bitch and threw up on me.”
“I’m sorry.” Otto apologized.
“Don’t be. I’m glad I finally broke it off.”
Both of you sat in silence, Otto started to put his hand on your shoulder until your father opened the door.
“I heard what happened and-” His eyes fell on his friend and he frowned. 
Otto drew away instantly and stood up.
“I was just giving her one of my labcoats since the… accident. I’ll get out of your hair.” He stammered.
“We’ll talk later.” Your father said as he practically pushed him out of your office. He turned to you.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“Dad I’m fine. You didn’t need to kick him out he was helping me.”
Norman scoffed and helped her up. “I can buy you a new lab coat if-”
“I’m ok, didn’t you have plans?”
“I moved them over to tomorrow, I wanted to do a formal tour, and fire some security guards.”
“Dad don't fire them."
"That... woman was obviously drunk and dangerous, they shouldn't have let her take one step into the building!"
"That may be true, they might need more training or a refresher."
"That costs money I don't have." 
You sigh in disappointment, he sighs. "But I'll see what I can do. Do you want me to take you on that tour?" "Dad I’ve basically grown up here.” 
“I know… Well if you don't want to do that, then what do you want to do?” He asked.
“Honestly, I need at least a week off before I start working here.” You admit.
“y/n if you slack off now.” he started.
“I just got my doctorate at 24, I had a very traumatic experience with my insane ex, and I was thrust into this big, new job that I don’t know if I’m ready for it.”
“You’re ready for it.” “After a week!” 
Norman wanted to argue but he sighed.
“You’re right. You’re so much like your mother, you know?” 
You winced at the memories. “I know. I need to get back to my animals, I’ll see you in a week.” You grab your lab coat, ID, and bag and give him a hug. As you walk out you catch a glimpse of Otto working. You continue walking, when you reached the stairs you look behind you, where you see your father walking into Otto's lab. 
Great. You think as you head down the stairs, you would have stayed and defended Otto, but you knew you would just make things worse, besides, your animals need you.
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henryobsessed · 3 years
The Veterinarian and the Werewolf - Chapter 26
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Word Count: 2726
Warnings: There are some this time, Marking, mutual pleasuring, fingering (Female, hand job, P in V, Breeding, Kissing (did I miss anything)
A/N only two more chapters to go, ahhhh thank you @sillyrabbit81 for putting up with my smut grammar, and @amberangel112 for your added support with corrections. It was a rough one. Lovee you all Selah
Chapter 26 – Jessie
Jessie’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and her head hurt from the cacophony of noise. But if anyone asked her if she wanted to leave, she would say no. For the first time in a long time, she felt comfortable within the crowd and rested. Beside her, Joe talked animatedly at Adam who seemed to be enjoying the little man’s flapping arms, every now and then reaching out and touching one. This in turn making Dillon and Tom giggle at Joe’s frustration.
Honey and her mate Peta were in front of her, caught up in each other’s arms. She had enjoyed getting to know them as a couple but she could tell they wouldn’t stay for much longer. They moved slightly and confirmed her thoughts as Honey whispered, “I think we’re going to get out of here. Have fun you two.”
She smiled as she felt Henry’s arms slip around her waist pulling her against his chest. She smiled back at Honey, “’ Till we meet again,” accentuated by a kiss to the cheek as the man holding her from behind prevented her from giving her a hug.
As they left Henry whispered in her ear, “Should we head out to my love?” A tremor skittered through her middle and travelled south as his lips brushed the joint of her neck just below her ear.
“S… s… sure Hen,” she stuttered, hating that she now felt the nervousness build. Together they wished the boy’s goodnight, thankful they were having a sleepover at Adam’s place where his parents could keep an eye on them.
Jessie wasn’t sure what was to come except for one thing, all the nights she had wanted, desperately craved, she would be free to take tonight. Would it be as good as all the stories she had read made it out to be? As her own imagination had created it to be?
She was so caught up in her thoughts, that it only now dawned on her that they were outside and walking away from the house. She pressed closer into Henry as leaves, dirt, and twigs crushed beneath their feet. The moon was so bright that it was almost like sunlight guiding their path. It was quiet and still as they walked some distance until the trees opened, revealing a small oasis. Soft grass seemed to cover every surface; a crop of boulders was shining in the moonlight apart from their tops covered in soft moss. All of this enchanted beauty surrounded a pool that radiated with light like the one they had just had at their ceremony; however, this was less formal, more, intimate.
Henry led her to a small cottage at the end of the enclave. It was really just a single room, a small kitchen, two chairs, a fireplace that was surprisingly already burning, warming the space, and a king-size bed.
Henry turned her to face him his hand reached up and cupped her face. “I have dreamt of this moment for so long Jess, I can feel every hair on my body tingling with excitement. But it’s both our first time and I don’t want to hurry this. So how about we go skinny dipping to start off with? I know the pool is always warm, there is a natural hot spring underneath.”
The idea of being naked with Henry was slightly terrifying, even though she had seen him naked she had never been that vulnerable before him. She smiled a shaky smile before saying, “Only if you go in first and you have to shut your eyes until I’m in.”
His face cracked into a large genuine smile, “But Jess, by the end of our time here I will have seen your body. Why not right now?”
Feeling a little self-conscious, she growled at him, “Hen, I need to take this at my pace, ok? We will get there but, I’m scared.”
His large arms encased her in a hug, his head resting in the crook of her neck. “Jess, it’s ok. We will take all the weightiness off this evening. If something happens, then it happens, if it doesn’t that’s ok too.” He kissed her neck and up to her ear, more shivers began trailing down her spine, making her breathing increase, her body tremble. “I’ll be waiting for you, my love.” With her eyes still closed, she heard his bare footsteps pad away.
Jessie’s heart was racing as she looked about the small room, hoping for something to hide her body. She saw towels laid out in the bed. Perfect she thought as she stripped down. Covering up her nakedness with the large bath sheet, she walked out of the cottage, back under the moon.
Maybe it was the moonlight, or the fact that she was finally his official mate, but the image of Henry’s bare chest glistening wet as he stood in the shallow section of the water, only really covering his bellybutton down, made that all too familiar feeling of wetness dribble down her leg. Her face burned as she felt her body responding, and memories of the last time set in, building anticipation of what was to come.
“Please Hen, shut your eyes?” She heard him groan but then he complied. She couldn’t believe how shy she was feeling, but here goes everything. The towel dropped and she stepped into the water finding a deeper section where only her shoulders peeked out above the water.
“Ok Hen, I’m in,” she called.
Henry turned landing his eyes on her, he smiled making his way over and she accepted him as he pulled her close, his head. Leaning on hers he whispered, “Can I kiss you, my mate?”
Jessie’s lips parted slightly as she answered. “Yes, Hen. Please.” Not sure where that desperation had come from, she decided to take that first step and put her lips to his. His whole body shuddered as her tongue swept across his lips looking to deepen the kiss.
His mouth open and waiting, his hands wrapped around her body resting at the top of the curve of her cheeks. The harder they kissed, the more of their body came together until Jessie could feel her breasts against his chest, her middle connecting with his hips, and the large shaft that up until now she had only dreamed of touching. Her hands rested on his hips, their closeness must have given him pleasure as a moan spilt into her mouth and his hips began pushing into her own. Curiosity began to override her nervousness. If her belly making contact with his shaft caused that sound, what would happen if she wrapped her hand around it?
She stilled his hip movements and pulled out of their kiss, both breathing hard, heads resting against each other. She looked into his eyes, the brilliant blue had changed, was darker and ringed with amber.
“Hen? Are you both here?” She whispered, wondering what that meant.
He smiled, his voice was deeper and rougher than usual. “Yes, my little dove. We are both present. Tonight we coexist as one.” She shivered at his tone and the new word he had for her.
Jessie’s courage was building now, she reached through the water and ran her fingers along with the muscle that was now pulsing and poking her lower in her stomach. She was rewarded with a louder moan.
“Little dove do you like what you feel?”
Jessie felt heat creeping up her neck. Did she like it? The feel of warmth, heavy and pulsing in her hand? Was it fascinating? Yes, knowing what it looked like before, her scientific brain wanted to explore, to test what would make it twitch, grow harder? What could she do that would draw more moans from his mouth? Her female side also trembled wanting to know what it would feel like to have this inside her. The thought terrified her and at the same time caused her body to throb. Just the thought made her involuntarily wrap her hand around it and squeeze.
A louder moan hissed through his lips as she responded, “Yes, Wolfy. I do like how it feels, but I like even more how my touch makes you feel. I love the sound of your moans, so much it makes me want to do more.” She watched his face as she slowly began moving her hand from the base of his cock to the tip. His head flew back, and his hips thrust forward into her hand.
Slowly she began moving against his hips. Friction increasing, his arms moved to her sides as she continued to caress and pump his shaft. She was so caught up in her own fascination that she cried out when his own large hands cupped her mound.
He smiled through his own hard panting. “Did I scare you little dove? Your scent of arousal is reaching me even through the smell of the spring. Am I making you wet for me?”
Her hand stilled its movements, her own body only staying afloat because of the water as his fingers pushed between her folds. Unable to hold back she moved her own hips until his fingers brushed over her pulsing nub. Another cry left her lips, this time one that sounded more like the moans that Wolfy was letting out. Her head fell forward connecting with his, both panting, sharing the same breath as they held each other’s heat. She wanted more, her body now taking control of her fears a feeling of boldness overcoming her.
Connecting her lips to his again, dominating and devouring all the pent-up need, she pushed into his mouth. As she kissed, she massaged his shaft, and his hand rubbed and danced through the water teasing at her entrance. She could feel her wetness, thicker and slicker than the water, allowing his fingers to slide over her skin until one entered her body. Her walls clamped down at the invasion and yet at the same time, sparks shot through her causing her to push down wanting his penetration.
Her need grew as Henry’s finger began moving around and rubbing at her walls. The sensation intensified the growing need that seemed to be building through her middle. She wanted more, needed more, her hands coaxed his cock to her pulsing sex, pushing his hand away and slipping the hot heavy flesh between her legs. His head flung back at the contact, howling into the night. Squeezing her thighs to trap his monster between them, her silky folds moulded around the hard length. Her hands now free they went to his back as she began to thrust along his length, the action rubbing her clit, sending more sparks through her body.
Wanting, needing, desperate to have more of him, their tongues fighting, their hands groping, Jessie felt the final tipping place that she had all those weeks ago, break as he thrust once through her folds. Almost biting his tongue, her body curled, her legs floating up as her arms clung to his body. His larger ones holding her tightly. She could feel his own tension, his body trembling as he seemed to stave off his impending orgasm. Her legs wrapped around his waist now, her head moving to his shoulder as she came down off her high.
His lips kissed up her neck, his deep voice sending more chills down her back as he whispered, “Are you ready for me little dove?”
She clung to him, the water holding her afloat. She was so relaxed now, and yet that ball of tension began to curl at his words. Was she ready? Yes, she wanted him. Her insides were still clenching as if he was there to squeeze. She kissed his neck, finding a spot at the base of his neck that every time she kissed there would make him shiver with pleasure. Moving her way up to his ear, she whispered, “I’m ready Wolfy. I’m ready for you to take me, mark me, claim me as yours.”
Those words had the desired effect and he growled deep in his chest. “Little dove, your words have stoked a fire in me so hot, I’m afraid I will hurt you.” A small amount of fear crept in but at the same time, she knew that Henry loved her, knew that Wolfy loved her, and if they could they would do anything to keep her safe.
She moved one hand between their bodies, taking his ridged heat in her hand and guiding it to her entrance. Leaning back slightly in the water, she slowly pushed herself onto his girth. The stretch burned as she pushed onto his length, his face creased in concentrated effort. Finally, their hips met, she wrapped her arms back around his neck, panting breathing through the burn, she felt it throbbing and knew once he started he would not be able to stop. Their breaths intermingles as she finally responded to his words, “I trust you; I love you. Now move Wolfy.”
Holding tight she felt him move his hips back, withdrawing slightly, then snapping back thrusting inside her, the friction replacing the burn with a deep aching pleasure. His groans became grunts the stronger the thrust the deeper he went. Jessie was feeling that familiar coil building up again, getting closer and closer. His arms held her as she began to bounce against his thrusts, increasing the depth and force of the movement. Pleasure beyond anything she had ever felt was coursing through her body, close, so close, she could feel Henry’s body tensing, holding back his own impending orgasm. That part of his neck called to her, as if in the frenzy of thrusting and throbbing it was saying this is where it finishes. She leaned her head to the side to kiss the spot. Henry also found a similar place on the opposite of her neck. They both sucked with ferocity as he continued to thrust hard into her womanhood.
Finally, she sat on the edge, so close, her whole body thrumming connecting in an amazing body melting into each other. Wolfy pulled back, his blue and amber eyes looked her square in hers. “I love you mate of mine.” He panted before he howled once more, his teeth elongating into pointed fangs then bit down on her neck. Immediate pain was quickly overshadowed by immense pleasure. Jessie felt like every nerve was on fire, tipping her over her edge as her body spasmed. She could feel her walls clenching around him, the hard length swelling larger before unbidden, she bit hard down on his neck. Not piercing the skin, yet it felt like she had he also let loose.
She felt the warmth invading her body, her womb. His body clutched at her as if the water would carry her away. Instead, she felt her body floating above her as if she could see the couple clinging to each other standing deep in the wellspring. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that if they shared this feeling until the day they passed into the Goddesses arms, she would be a happy woman.
“Little dove are you ok?” Henry’s deep voice called to her, as she felt her body come back to earth. His shaft was still snuggly fit inside her. His face held concern. “Please talk to me, Jess. Tell me I didn’t hurt you.”
Jessie wanted to laugh, he had given her the best gift in the world and here he was worried he had hurt her. She placed a wet finger against his furrowed brow, massaging the frown. “Relax my love you have given me a wondrous gift. But now I am going to wrinkle up like a prune. Why don’t we get dry and continue this discussion in that warm bed in the cottage? Hmm?”
Henry chuckled at her. “If I didn’t know any better Miss Jessie, I believe you are about to take advantage of me again.”
All she did was laugh, Henry seemed to study her for a moment and realising that it was a genuine laugh decided to join in as well. Their voices a melodious sound echoing around the forest as they moved to continue discovering more of each other’s bodies, but this time in a nice warm bed.
Chapter 27
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ilguna · 4 years
☼ hijacked (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; ‘  hi, it could be a request where the reader is also brainwashed by snow, but instead of being like aggressive peta, the reader is afraid of finnick, all angst? ‘
warnings; swearing, hints at abuse
wc; 1.3k
NOTES; i don’t like this imagine at all. i’m sorry but it didn’t come out right.
You wrap your hands around your upper arms, sinking into yourself. You thought that the hospital in District Thirteen would make you feel better, but it’s too sterile, too white. There’s no difference between here and the inside of the Tribute Center. You have to constantly push on the bruises on your wrist to remind yourself that you’re not strapped down.
“Okay, dear.” a woman says, she stands in the doorway, an electronic in her hand, “Tell us what you remember, take your time.”
You shake your head, eyes finding the tile floor. You don’t want to remember. You wanted to come here to escape. You thought that you’d get a moment to yourself in this room, to finally breathe and collect your scattered thoughts. Everything is moving too quickly.
Why can’t they just leave you alone?
“That’s okay, I’ll wait.”
“Don’t.” you tell her, “Just go away, please.”
When you hear movement after, you flinch, fully prepared for the yelling. You were told too many times not to resist. You shouldn’t have resisted. The next time you look up, the room is empty and the door is sweeping shut. You sniff, and then place your head in your hands. No matter how hard you press the heels of your hands to your eyes, you’re never met with stars.
You’re met with white tile on white walls in white light. Strapped to a chair that you’re never allowed to leave unless it's for an emergency or they’re moving you. Tight restraints, struggling only gets them tighter. Only makes the doctors angrier. Why can’t you listen? It’s a simple instruction, stop resisting, and they’ll stop being mean.
You can’t remember what they did to you, why they’d always come back so soon. You don’t remember trying to escape, or pulling against the leather restraints. You can’t even see their faces in your mind, and you’re glad. You don’t know what they did, all you know is that it’s bad.
All you can see clearly is the first day, when you woke up and how disoriented you were. Tired, hungry, just wanting to go home. No one talked to you for a while, but when they did come in, you regretted waking up in the first place. It’s all a blur after that. Blurry memories that you can’t see perfectly.
White tile floor turned red. Bloody hands, tears in your eyes. You don’t know how long you were there for, all you know is that it skips from being there, to the first volunteer taking you out of the room. Taking your first step in a while and falling straight to the tile. Nothing but pain, all over your body.
A long hallway, more bright lights and volunteers in dark suits, “We’re from District Thirteen,” they say, “we’re here to save you.” you say nothing, because there are no words that form. You just want to be safe again, in a place where you don’t have to cry for the people you’ve lost.
You remember seeing Peeta and Johanna, being raised into the sky. And then inside of the hovercraft. You think you passed out on the cold, metal floor. The hovercraft blacked out, someone must’ve asked you if you wanted some place to sit instead, but you turned them down. The cold feeling of the floor was grounding, it felt nice.
The hovercraft was dark, practically pitch black from where you laid. There was only a dim orange light that was on briefly, but was turned off after. The next thing you remember after that is being ushered off of the hovercraft, into plenty of doctor’s arms. Being the only one actually awake, even though Peeta and Johanna were also up the last time you checked.
You haven’t been here for long, and you already know that you don’t like it. You just want to be back in District Four. You want to be in your home, in your bed, with your family. You want all of this to be over.
The door to the room opens again, and you don’t bother looking up again. If they have questions, they’re going to ask them. They keep coming back like this, they don’t want to accept ‘I don’t know’ as an answer. You don’t know. You don’t remember. You don’t know anything anymore.
“Please, just go away.” you squeeze your eyes shut harder, the stars are finally appearing, replacing gruesome images with white lights, “I don’t know. I don’t want to know. Just give me some time.”
“It’s not a doctor.” you hear.
You freeze, if you don’t move, if you don’t lift your head, maybe he’ll go away too. But with his presence, his voice now bouncing back and forth inside of your head, he’s brought the memories, the problems that the doctors were so eager to find. You have to leave.
“Go.” you say, trying to get a hold of your breathing. This is so wrong.
“(Y/n), you’re okay, you’re safe--”
“Go!” you shout, someone will hear, someone will come to save you.
You think you’ve gotten your way again, that he’s left just like the doctor, until you feel his hand on your arm. You jump, flinging the hand off of you, struggling to get away. You scream for help, and try to keep your eyes away from him. But you catch a glimpse. 
Taller than you, dark hair, he’s got an arm outstretched towards you, like he wants to hold on. You sob, using the bed as a buffer. You don’t know who this is, but he’s not yours. You don’t want him here, you want him gone.
The last time you saw him, his hand was tight around your throat, as tight as the restraints. You watched as the loving faded from his eyes, replaced by intense anger. He tried to kill you. He told you many times how much he loved you, and then he tried to kill you. Like you were nothing but a toy to throw away.
The door flies open, there’s chaos outside of the door, plenty of people moving through the small hallway. Standing in your doorway is Haymitch, looking out of breath and worried. He takes in the scene in front of him, your crouched figure, Finnick’s fake hurt on his face. He’s good at pretending, you remember this well.
“Leave her be.”
“I didn’t do anything.” Finnick says, “all I did was touch her--”
“You tried to kill me!” you push the bed towards him, hoping that’ll usher him out quicker. He moves out of the way, taking a step towards the door.
Haymitch shakes his head slightly, “Peeta just tried to kill Katniss. There’s something wrong.”
Both of them look at you at the same time, you’re shaking your head, backing away from them, “I didn’t do anything, he did. He came at me, he tried to hurt me. Don’t you understand? Fi--” the name won’t come out of your mouth, “he’s the problem.”
“I believe you.” Haymitch says, “Let’s go, Finnick. Let her be with the doctors.” Finnick spares you another glance. Haymitch has to move into the room and grab his shirt, pulling him out, and then pauses at the doorway, “It’s okay, (Y/n).”
He leaves after that, the door shuts, and you wait until they’re completely gone before letting it out. You sob, lowering into a crouch on the white tile floor, placing your head between your knees.
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aixy-hpsa · 3 years
day6 as oddly specific scenarios
read at your own risk
This is it. The moment of truth. Your online girlfriend of two (2) months is finally about to reveal her real name and location. The butterflies fluttering in your stomach threaten to fly out of your belly button as you wait with bated breath for your lover to "spill the deets". You feel the ground beneath you shake when (s)he tells you the exact name and address of your snobby neighbor who vaguely smells like burnt coffee and always moans "valoRANt" at (precisely) 3:12 in the morning. At least it's not a bald, greasy italian gangster texting you from jail, right? Maybe this would be much easier if it was. You block him for good measure when you receive a "we should prolly exchange pics after you tell me abt urself too jsjsjsjs" because, no.
"It's not love if you don't accept me for who I am!" You don't wait for your dad to respond as you slam the door shut with enough force to rouse the angsty teenagers imprisoned in your closet. The next morning, when you make your way to the dining table with dried tear tracks on your face and crusty snot in your hair, you find a pair of matching condoms with a note that says: "Love, dad. Sorry for the bad initial reaction, I was overwhelmed. I love you and I hope I get to meet her soon." Warmth fills your cold, dead heart. A tear threatens to escape your right eye but you look at the condoms and slowly realise that neither you nor your girlfriend own a magnum-sized penis.
Young K:
It's raining buckets when you rush into the nearest thing willing to provide you a roof. You're pleasantly surprised when every table in the mom-and-pop style diner is packed to the brim except for the seat next to the cute busker you saw on the street earlier. He smiles at you as you sit down and make yourself comfortable. After exchanging pleasantries, you reach forward to shake hands, and that's when it happens. Flashes of colour blind your eyes as it slowly hits you that this "cute" guy was the maid who poisoned you, the crown prince, approximately three lifetimes ago. That bitch. Where was your sword when you needed it the most?
It's an eerily warm night. You're trying your best to scroll through your instagram feed but the four year-old you're babysitting (for easy money obviously, you're a monster) finally manages to crawl onto your lap after dropkicking the poor phone into a nearly empty popcorn bowl beside you. "I really hope Rebecca doesn't wake up tomorrow", he solemnly declares before planting a slightly wet kiss on your cheek.
It took three hours to get everyone out of the bank safely. Your firefighter uniform is covered in soot, and you're about to exit the building when you spot a puppy trapped behind a large chunk of debris. You immediately run over to set it free. When you finally exit the building, you're taken aback when peta promises to make you CEO for valuing the dog's life over yours. The happiness doesn't last long though. As soon as the both of you are alone, the dog bites your hand and growls out a "fuck the rich" before running away.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|Breakdown’s & Bugatti’s| M|
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PAIRING: Namjoon x Reader (Ft a hint of Tae & Jin)
About- Namjoon just does what he has to do to keep you ....calm while at a charity gala!  
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**WARNINGS: **Semi public sex, Fingering (F receiving), Minimal prep, Light dirty talk, Light spit play, Choking, Spanking, Gags (Makeshift), Non protective sex (Creampie), light overstimulation
WC: 7K (This is a sneak peak so it’s 1.2k)
NON SEXUAL WARNINGS: (Fictional political background)  Hints at recreational drug use (Molly) Brief mentions of death, father issues, and panic attacks/anxiety (All of these topics are super minor but again, out of respect I’m mentioning them) 
The remaining “characters” will be introduced at a later date
This chapter hints at various future plots 
This is almost 2 years old, I reworked it recently 
If you’ve been following me for a while this is the original draft for “Club First Royale” 
FINAL NOTE: I haven’t been active in damn hear a year ( 8 months) So I am posting sneak peeks intentionally! No, not to torture you guys lol but to get my blog flowing again because I’m sure people aren’t really checking in anymore
FINALLY, fuck 36737 years later you spot your Kim!
Standing there in all his glory, in a Valentino slim fit navy blue suit, the jacket appearing to have some sort of paisley print, opting against a tie. Leaving his crisp white dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, teasing at his broad carnalized chest as he makes his way from the bar. Heading over to the table, which has an empty seat waiting right beside him with your name written all over it...literally!
Purposely dodging the old lady to your left in a coat that would have PETA ready to throw hands! Gaudy diamonds, terrible Botox, and smelled as if she showered in an entire bottle Chanel No. 5! 
Yeah, no, sorry, not in the mood for another meet and greet right now!
“Joonie” Squeals from your lips once you’re in close enough proximity, his dark piercing eyes cut over to meet yours. A playful smirk tugging on those sinfully thick lips of his, accompanied by those disrespectful ass dimples!
“There she is!” Eyes dripping with warmth, as he ushered you in with open arms ,and in these types of situations, Namjoon felt like home, he was your safe space. “You look fuckin good” The words hushed into your hair in a tenor meant for your ears and your ears only! A hint of something a little more than just friendly playing on his tongue. 
A small little “Thank you” leaves your lips, and if I didn't know any better I’d think the compliment made you a little flustered.
Namjoon was the definition of Ocean arm’s and goddamn if you didn't just love how big this man was! It literally felt like he was hiding you from the entire universe when he has you nuzzled into his frame! The whole interaction couldn't have lasted longer than 20 seconds in all actuality but god you needed it! 
Face flush to his chest, wrapping your arms firm around his waist, letting your eyes flutter shut briefly, a deep slow exhale flooded through your body. Inhaling the musky yet sweet scent of his cologne mixed with his natural aroma, which has grown to become a calming mechanism over the years. 
“You had me worried for a minute…” Placing a quick kiss in your hair, that you would have missed if you blinked but again, your in public soo...
Palms soothing up and down your back gently, as he breathed into your hair , pulling back a little so there was some form of personal space between the two of you.  
“Your late, even for you princess...I know you started early, I got your live(Instagram) notification, so what happened?” Head clocked to the side as he appraises you and fuck, the bass in his voice still has you all types of fucked up! Glancing over your shoulder briefly before leaning up to place a kiss on the hinge of his jaw, that tittered the line of passing as an “innocent” greeting. 
“I’m fine Jonnie it’s nothing, we just got held up in glam.., Ariel was flying in from Miami...we got a late start” Gaze intentionally diverted as you welcomed yourself to his glass of Scotch instead. Damn near inhaling the entire drink as we speak and you hated dark liquor so that alone let him know something was up!  
Merely resisting the urge to smooth out the crease he felt forming between his brows, a dry snort left his lips, rolling his eyes in response to your blatant stubbornness. Nevertheless, always the gentleman, reaching down to pull out your chair so you could take a seat next to him. Mirroring your actions just moments prior, quickly scoping out his surroundings before he brought those plush pillows he calls lips a centimeter away from your ear.
  “Right, so I'm just going to assume you don’t wanna talk about it right now! Or wait I’m sorry, have you just upgraded to insulting my intelligence straight to my damn face?” 
Brow quirked inquisitively, and you could literally feel every word, tone taking on a hint of seriousness the more he talked. Namjoon licked his lips and the tip skimmed the edge of your ear and I - . 
“For one you smell like an entire bottle of Heidsieck, I can almost taste the nicotine on your tongue and you've been crying I know you. ”  
Pulling back just enough to glare down at you above the brim of his glasses, which he always wore low along his bridge. Eyes daring you to look him in the face a lie again, teasing his fingers through his chocolate locks. Styled in the perfect semi grown out undercut, the top a little on the long side, while the sides tapered into a crisp fade. Sideburns outlining that extremely understated jawline of his! Though you had to admit the yellow gold diamonds dawning his ears were kinda stealing the show right now! 
“So again, do you just not wanna talk about it right now? Or have you forgotten that I have an IQ of 137, and can smell bullshit from here all the way to Gangnam!?” 
You're having very vivid day daydreams of your hand wrapped around this man's windpipe and for once it’s not even remotely sexual! 
Blatantly ignoring the strong twitch within Namjoon’s jaw and simply saying “I’m here, aren’t I!?” Face stoic, tone flat as all hell, in case it wasn’t clear that this conversation was more than over, you opted to eye his bourbon glazed salmon until he got the hint.
 “Oh, for fucks sake! ” Hissed from his lips without a lick of heat behind them, because as quiet as it’s kept ,your lowkey Joon’s baby, which is why he cares to begin with! Picking up a piece on his fork before essentially shoving it into your hand ”Your lucky I can’t have your ass getting sick on me tonight, we still have like, 3 hours left of this bullshit.”
More like he just can’t tell you no, but hey, whatever helps him sleep at night! Sliding his plate in your direction, completely giving up on eating at this point, he knew you needed it more anyway! Finally, starting to feel your mix of poisons hit your system so you knew you needed  to even it out with a little substance. I mean yeah, you could have just ordered your own plate but meh, this was easier! 
Namjoon started busying himself on his phone while you ate, scrolling through a couple contacts until he landed on a contact labeled under “Kookie”.
“Even though you were only late because “Your glam team ran late” There were air bunnies involved, and again you just really wanna choke his ass!  “What are you thinking tonight? He’s actually on his way here right now, but he already has a couple options on him...” 
The question was vague and for damn good reason...considering…
However you knew exactly what he was referring too.., and thank god!
Speaking over a mouth full of salmon, sounding utterly exasperated!  “Honestly, any fucking thing at this point…” 
Namjoon hums thoughtfully, sucking on a Bourbon soaked Ice cube “He’ll be here in 20, I just went with Smartees…always a safe bet...” 
Smartees, candy, Vitamin -E, Molly... Estcasy...it’s all one and the same, just depends on who you ask!
He leans back in, apparently keen on whispering tonight. “Maybe, if your a good girl and eat enough we can split one before we leave...chill you out a little bit. '' Voice thick and heady, lips curling into a grin with a hint of something wicked playing on the ends, as his fingers idly ghost over your forearm. Giving it a light squeeze and regardless of how innocent the skin-ship may seem to the naked eye, you’re well aware of all the underlying innuendos behind it! 
You make a noise of agreement, trying your damnedest to ignore the slight chill coursing up your spine at the pet name. Though before you could even dwell, Namjoon was sliding back in with another update, this one however wasn't as...arousing…to say the least!
“Fox 2’s been waiting for you to get here by the way...since the event was put together by council and all. They've been wanting to talk to us together about the fundraiser, just the same shit as last year.” 
Waving his hand dismissively idly twirling the various pieces of Bvlgari around his fingers, seemingly un-phased while you on the other hand...release the most exasperated huff! Reclining against your seat, eyes rolling to the back of your head in 30 different directions! Yeah, It comes with the territory, you know this, hints Namjoons reaction, or lack thereof!  But fuck you just really weren’t in the mood to do press tonight, It’s literally physically exhausting to pretend that you weren’t just PISSED! 
“Of -fuckin- course they do!” Stabbing your mashed potatoes in a way that's... somewhat concerning… 
“Baby.” It was a warning, though his voice sat barley above a whisper, his tone was crystal! Eyes cutting in your direction briefly before dropping back down to his phone….
You didn't have it in you to argue, there’s no way around this anyway, fuck it!  “What -the-fuck-ever!” Sliding the half empty plate aside “Well, you wanna just get it out of the way now? Because I’m really not in the mood for-”
“Y/n..oh my god! Hi, honey how are you!? You look beautiful as always…” Suddenly there was a human, a human wearing the wrong shade of foundation kissing your cheek. A human by the name of Caroline, one of the local news anchors...clearly her damn ears were ringing.
Hi guys, that’s all she wrote, well kinda, actually she finished it like 16 months ago lol but that’s all she wrote for now I guess....
_****Love you...see ya soon!!**
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