#telling someone that you love affection or you like time alone now ans then
upsidedownwithsteve · 5 months
hi emmy! i hope this isn't weird but i just wanted to tell you that your writing has made me sooo much more confident in asking for what i want out of my relationships. i owe you big time, thank you so much for everything you share with us 💜
this is such an amazing message to get! I love this. and you’re so right in doing so! get what you deserve! tell potential partners what you expect from relationships! love languages, future plans, wants, needs! they’re all so important!
please don’t read books and watch movies and think these types of men/women/relationships only exist in fiction. no one is ever perfect but understanding what you want - and deserve - from a relationship is so !!! and then communicate that. verbalise it.
and if that person says no or can’t promise you those things, it’s okay to move on.
i’m so happy for you baby 🧡
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no-144444 · 12 days
his disgraced pop princess- (o.piastri 81)
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summary: oscar is there for you through your first real GP weekend
pairing: oscar piastri (no.81) x singer! reader
warnings: cyberbullying ans slut shaming
Oscar Piastri was nervous. It had been two days since he first met you, and now it had been 4 hours since he last texted you. Beside him, Logan was scrolling on his own phone, still making fun of Oscar’s ‘awful puppy-love’, as he called it. It wasn’t awful, just slightly overboard. You two had been texting non-stop since the race, and he was enjoying it. You were funny, sweet, and probably just busy, right? 
Oscar: Doing anything else today? I’m stuck training all day. 
Oscar: Studio…? 
Oscar: I think the fans need new music (it’s me, I’m fans)
You were anxious. It had been two days since you met Oscar ‘perfect’ Piastri, and now he’d texted you multiple times while you were busy being on a plane. Beside you in the Uber, was Hallie, your best friend, texting her new mystery boy and laughing at your freak out over not texting him back. You two had been texting non-stop since the race, and you loved it. He was asking all the right questions, he was funny, he was so supportive of you going up against Charles, and evidently, a screenager. 
“I feel bad!” you groaned as you tried to type something out, but nothing seemed good enough. 
“You were on a plane, what was he expecting, a carrier pigeon?” she chuckled. “He’ll survive without texting you for 4 hours, calm down.”
“What do I say?”
She rolled her eyes. “Give me the damn phone.”
You: Sorry I was on a plane and their carrier pigeon network was down. Oops :)
“He is diabolical,” she laughed. “Immediate response, does he not have a life?”
You rolled your eyes and snatched back the phone. “Shut up!”
Oscar: Too bad, I was hoping you were busy making new music :(
You: Well, I’d need inspiration for that and that is the one thing I don’t have. Well, that and people that like me and want to listen to my music.
Oscar: :( 
Oscar: What are you doing today?
Y/n: Lawyers, seeing Charles, helping put the case together and finishing up the legal side of my split from the band. Aka boring as fuck :)
Oscar: Good luck seeing Charles again, I hope it isn’t too bad.
Oscar: Whenever we’re on the same continent again we should meet up for dinner :)
Y/n: Sounds like a plan, and thank you. Good luck with training today :)
“You two deserve each other. You’re equally as cheesy,” Hallie rolled her eyes. 
“It’s not cheesy to like someone,” you scoffed, getting out of the car. “You’re just alone.”
“Not anymore,” she chuckled. 
“Shut up!” you cheered. “Who?”
She smirked. “Tell you later.”
You rolled your eyes. “You suck.”
“I’ll see you later,” she called as she walked off. You were left standing alone. Before walking in, you took a deep breath and willed yourself not to burst into tears. 
“It’s defamation!” Charles shouted, making you jump. Everything he did was making you jump. You hadn’t realised how badly everything had affected you until today. You were jumpy, you felt sick, you weren’t sleeping, you weren’t there mentally. 
“No, you’ve defamed Ms. Y/l/n’s reputation,” your lawyer calmly pointed out. 
You wanted it to stop, you wanted everything to stop. You wanted to go back to Sunday and relive the race over and over again. You wanted to be with Lewis again, with Toto again, with Oscar again. You desperately wanted to feel safe. 
Your lawyer was good, and you knew you’d win the case against Charles no matter what, but cleaning up the band would be a big undertaking. You’d always been the one to sign documents for all of them, so that they could pull out at any time. That now meant that you were technically the owner of the name of the band, the licensing rights, the songs, and the money you’d all already made. You were hitting them where it hurts, and you were taking it all. If they wanted to push you out, you’d push them right back. 
“Y/n, come on. It’s all of our band, and we deserve our name, at least,” your brother, Alex, begged. Up to last week you would’ve done anything for him. Now, he was fucking dead to you. 
“You can keep one thing,” you answered, not even looking at them. They prematurely celebrated and thanked you, but you held up a hand to silence them. “You can keep your instruments. I’ll take everything else.”
The room erupted into shouting, from every member of the band. You just got up and walked away. The meeting was over. You had it all. 
The 22 year old singer, Y/n Y/l/n is fresh into the scene of being a solo artist after being dropped by her band ‘WINGS’. This weekend she was seen around the Silverstone paddock with long-time friend and possible boyfriend, Lewis Hamilton. Shockingly, the newly crowned ‘Queen of Homewrecking’ is also sticking her nose into another man, Australian driver Oscar Piastri. The pair were seen walking together in the paddock, looking quite close. We would advise him to steer clear of her mess if he was able… 
In another turn of events, Y/l/n decided to delete her entire Instagram page, as well as her Twitter, Tiktok, Threads, and all other social media accounts. While she has opted for a ‘social-media-break’, her close friends and family have not posted about her, but some more famous friends have, including Lewis Hamilton answering questions about her in an interview during the Media day of the British Gran Prix. When asked about his opinion on the band, he said this. 
“Y’know, half of the success of them (WINGS) was Y/n. She really pulled everything together and no one really sees that because she was so careful about showing people that. She never wanted anyone to feel like they (the rest of the band) weren’t 100% committed, because at that time, they were. It’s just sad how people turn on each other, especially after everything she’s done for them.”
And when asked about Charles O’Brien, he had this to say. 
“That pathetic piece of s**t can f**k off and get out of the paddock. There is no place for him here, on any stage, or anywhere in the world. He is a vile creature.”
In other news, she was seen exiting the Law firm, Cravath, Swaine & Moore this afternoon, and 40 minutes later, the rest of the ‘WINGS’ band was seen leaving, looking much more upset than her. 
Something tells us there might be more than meets the eye in this twisted tale…
“Hey Y/n,” Oscar’s voice was music to your ears as you sat in your hotel room with dried tears on your cheeks. 
“Hi,” you answered, voice hoarse, just happy to not be alone anymore. 
“How did it go?” He asked, his voice softening. 
You scoffed. “As badly as I thought it would,” you sighed, defeated. “I just wish it would all stop.” 
“I’m sorry you’re going through this,” he sighed. “Charles is a special breed of dickhead.”
“So is the media,” you added. “Did you see the stuff everyone is writing about me? It’s awful-”
“I don’t read about you. I don’t need it anymore. I have the real you now, and that’s the you I’m interested in.” 
Oscar ‘perfect’ Piastri strikes again. 
Your lips broke into a smile. “Thanks Oscar.”
“I mean it. I don’t give a shit about the media, like at all,” he was smiling, you could tell. 
“I’m glad. If you did I don’t think this friendship could’ve worked very well,” you chuckled. “You seriously don’t care that I’m a ‘homewrecking slut’, according to everyone else?”
He chuckled. “Wouldn’t want you any other way.”
Your heart swelled. 
It had been a few months, Oscar had gotten his first win, you’d wanted to personally kill Zak Brown, you’d gone through the beginnings of the court proceedings for the band things, and you’d finally filed a report against Charles. 
Now, you were in London on your way to Abbey Road Studios. New music for the first time in a few months. First time you’d sung in a few months. Oscar walked beside you, his head covered in a hat to remain inconspicuous. 
You stopped outside the door. Oscar took your hand and pushed the door open for you, then led you in. 
“You’re here for a reason,” he reminded you with a squeeze to the hand. 
The past few months had been emotional to say the least. Yet, Oscar had been there for you the entire time. He truly didn’t care about the press. He liked you. He liked you a lot. You liked him. You liked him a lot. But you two weren’t dating, right? You didn't really know. Friends didn't hold hands, or cuddle, and usually weren't there for you before you make the biggest leap of your life.
He stayed beside you as you walked through the building, getting the grand tour from an employee, only leaving you when you finally went in to record. 
“You’ve got this,” he whispered, holding you in a tight hug. Inside was your manager, Ursula, and your producer Axel. “I believe in you.”
And those 4 words gave you the courage to go in there and sing. 
You sat on the stool they had set up for you, headphones on as Axel droned on about something insignificant, and you brainstormed. You hadn’t even thought about writing for the past few months, despite Oscar trying to convince you that it would make you feel better. You couldn’t touch it. Though now, with no consequences, no one looking at you, no one interested, you reached for the guitar and strung a few cords. You thought about Charles, about the band, about Oscar. Then you thought about nothing.
“When I’m away from you, I’m happier than ever,” You sang, and then the words came flowing freely. 
Three hours later, you had an album on your hands. A good album. A great album. 
“You did it,” Oscar smiled as you stepped out of the studio. “Write anything?”
“I think I like you. Like, like like you,” you confessed. He smiled. 
“Good,” he answered. 
“Excuse me?” you scoffed. “I just said-”
He pressed his lips to yours softly, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I’ve like like-d you since the day we met. I’m glad we’re on the same page now.”
You stared at him in shock for a moment, then a smile spread across your face. “You’re such an asshole.”
He chuckled. “I didn’t want to rush you,” he shrugged. “Anyway, write anything?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, handing him a CD. “One of two in the world, don’t lose it.”
His eyes lit up, a big smile on his face. “Is this the perks of being Y/n Y/l/n’s boyfriend? Exclusive insight into new music?”
“Calling yourself my boyfriend?” you quirked an eyebrow, smiling. 
“Oh baby, I’ve called myself your boyfriend for the past 2 months, I’m not stopping now,” he smiled, and your heart could’ve melted.
You chuckled. "Always the charmer Piastri."
He smirked, then something behind his eyes changed, and he started blushing. He was about to ask you something important. “Come to Monza with me? Please?”
You rolled your eyes. “Only because you asked so nicely.”
You touched down in Italy in Max’s private jet. You’d spent the afternoon getting to know him, Kelly, and Penelope, who’d taken a significant liking to you. The flight had been great, you’d never been on a jet before and it was as luxurious and comfortable as you’d imagined. Another part of the journey that was comfortable was Oscar letting you lay on him the entire time. You two were new but it looked like you’d been together forever. It felt like it too. It felt like he saw you. The real you. And he wasn’t scared or disgusted, or anything else that your brain told you he’d be. He was just Oscar. 
You left the jet, the perks of flying in the middle of the night meant that no fans were waiting for you outside. You didn’t need to add more flames to the fire of his insane life. You wanted to keep your ‘scandals’ to yourself and to just let him race. 
He gave your hand a squeeze to pull you back into the moment. “You alright?”
You nodded. “I’m ok, just nervous about this weekend.”
“You don’t need to be nervous, you don’t even have to leave my driver’s room if you don’t want to. I just… I wanted you here.”
“I want to be here,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I want to be around you.”
Even though it was dark, you could see the blush on his cheeks. 
Media day began as it always did, walking into the paddock with about a hundred cameras on him. Only this time, the hundred cameras were pointed at him and you, more specifically, you two holding hands. It wasn't even a conscious thing you did. You just took his hand to try and calm yourself down. You liked how he gently brushed his thumb against the back of your hand, you liked how he would squeeze your hand every now and then, and you liked how he led you through the sea of reporters with a simple smile, and a firm hold.
When you got to the McLaren motorhome, you and Oscar parted ways with a quick kiss and a promise of lunch together. You decided to join Alex Dunne, one of McLaren's development drivers and a current F3 driver for a track walk and interview. You two chatted and laughed, getting on really well. The weather was sweltering, so you went back inside to meet Lando and Oscar for lunch.
"Y/n!" Lando smiled, running up to you.
"Hey Lan," you greeted, hugging him back as he engulfed you in one of his bear-hugs.
"How are you?" he asked, pulling back.
"All good thanks, you?"
"Fine," he shrugged, then turned his attention to Oscar and you. He smirked. "Has he asked you out yet?"
You chuckled, nodding. "He has."
"My ship has sailed!" He cheered.
"What? You have a boat?" Oscar questioned, as you and Lando laughed.
The rest of the day went well, only being bombarded with cameras every now and then, and somehow, whenever they found you, Oscar came right along to take you away. You appreciated the concern from him, and it definitely took the edge off some of the comments people made, especially the internet. Who knew you and Oscar would be such big news? Big news that hadn't even been confirmed, at that.
After lunch, Oscar was forced into more press, this time, they decided to ask about you. You watched on from the McLaren hospitality as the interviewer said some choice words about you.
"So, you were seen earlier entering the paddock with Y/n Y/l/n, yes?"
"Yes," Oscar replied.
"You two were holding hands," she pointed out.
"There was a swarm of reporters, I didn't want to leave her behind," he shrugged. You quickly realised that you hadn't talked about whether or not you wanted to tell the media bout your budding relationship.
"So you aren't dating Y/n 'home-wrecker' Y/l/n?"
Oscar's face fell into a frown. "Her middle name is Y/m/n, not home-wrecker, and yes, I'm her boyfriend."
With that he moved on, leaving the interviewer shocked and defeated.
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navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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croustitrans · 2 years
A love letter to a streamer
This is probably the most parasocial thing I’ll ever write but I’m sure I’m not the only one experiencing this feeling. 
I started watching streamers in my native language a while ago, a bit before quarantine. It was nice, it was new. And as a lot of us did, I fell into the dsmp when covid hit. I was a little late to the party, fell in love with SAD-IST animations, talked about the lore to any and everyone. I was so amazed by this new way of telling stories ans this amazingly creative community surrounding it. 
I always believed in this narrative that in order to be an insane fan of something you had to be lonely. I was so certain that I wasn’t. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m so so grateful for the people surrounding me. I have been so lucky to have the most supportive group of friends and a family that always tried their best. But somehow, I felt like something was missing. 
I remember the first time I watched a ranboo stream. To be completely honest, I cringed so hard at first. I don’t really know why, I think i somehow I saw my younger self in them. But something made me stay. Probably the way I felt more at home watching them ranting while mining for hours than in my own bed. 
For the first time, I felt this warm feeling of comfort. This strange happiness of being alone with so many people. We joked a lot about all of us being queer, and as stupid as it may sound, even tho I was already out and proud irl, it felt new. 
But it is so much more than this. I liked a lot of creators before, and I’ve always been very aware of the dangers of feeling like you know some of them. I’ve grown a lot since then. But there I am. Writing a fucking essay about someone that I’ll never meet. Maybe I’m being too naive, but as long as I don’t have a reason not to, I will let myself love them. 
I am so incredibly grateful that I stumbled upon them during my life. I am so happy to see them grow and learn to be happier, to be a bit more themselves. I know I’ll never truly know them, and it’s ok, i’m just happy with the parts I got the chance to know. But it’s a strange feeling. Sometimes it keeps me awake at night, wondering if it’s healthy, if it’s normal. I think it is. I think even if I tried, I wouldn’t be able to kick them out of this weird place in my heart. Not a friend, not a celebrity I look up to, just someone I feel close to. 
Because yeah, they’re just someone on the internet. But they’re also the person that helped making some of the darkest parts of my life bearable. They’re the first representation of a gay non-binary person that I ever saw. They’re the one that kept me going when I didn’t wanted to, when I though I didn’t had it in me. They’re that stupid knowledge that even tho everything may sucks, I’ll always have a laugh at the end. They’re that quiet comfort when I don’t have the strength to cry for help.
I am way happier now. And I think they are too. But even tho I’ll never really be able to explain the part that they had in my recovery to anyone around me, I’ll always know. And now I’m here. Stuck with the genuine affection I have for a stranger. 
And I’m so okay with it, I’m so grateful for it. 
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nkogneatho · 2 years
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#m.list #taglist #jjk car sex series #kofi
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—cw: Gn!reader, certain things here might make you feel lonely ans scratch your hair off, tooth rotting fluff, talks about insecurity, a little angsty? Little smut.
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—a/n: It's 5 am and I am not proofreading this. Don't let it flop. I've never written hcs this long. Anywyas I love you all.
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Gojo expresses his love through clinging to you. And not just when you're alone. He'll come up to you, snake his slender fingers around your waist and peck you on the lips. It's the little gestures he does that gets you flustered. Running his hands along your body is his favorite thing. Not mainly sexual. It's just the casual intimacy.
"Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?" he asks, fingers brushing on your thighs.
"Yes. You have. In fact, you say it daily," you smile, still staring down at your book. "I always want to thank you but then you have to be a bitch and say 'Yeah, but I am still prettier.' "
"Haha," his chuckle is the most beautiful thing ever. It's like serotonin boost. It gives you reasons to live. "Well then let me tell you something. I might walk in a room with you looking my best, but every head would still turn for you." That makes you finally look up and make eye contact with him.
"You're the most beautiful person in the world, y/n. And I count myself the luckiest to be in that room beside you." Those words leave his mouth and then that mouth meets yours. Such an affectionate kiss. That kiss followed by those words encourages you. It tells you everything you've ever wanted to hear. His touch speaks louder than those words when he holds you oh so tightly to suffocate any possible space between you two. Until his soul and yours are one.
Toji's love language is and always has been hidden in those little gestures and things he does for you. His insecurity lies in expressing his emotions through words. He doesn't know how to tell you that you might just be the person he has always been searching for. He feels like his stoic expression and not very adorable voice might make it unbelievable for you.
But you know what? Even if he hasn't ever told you that, you still know it. How? Well, it is so easy from the things he does for you. Prepares you a bento box everyday. The arrangement of your favorite dishes, the hot dogs cut in octopus shape, the apple tanghulu on the side to enjoy. Everything in it reeks of affection.
When he makes a food that he dislikes just because you like it. When he pours his heart into it. When he calls you everyday to ask you if you've reached work safely. When he picks you up when you work late sometimes.
"I am this close to barging into his house and beat the shit out of him. Just say the word." You can see that he is slowly losing his patience.
"Toji. It's 2 am, love."
"Exactly. It's 2am. It was 2am yesterday when I picked you up. In fact it has been 2am all week." The anger is seeping out. "Why the heck do you have to work overtime whole week while he sleeps peacefully at home?" And there it goes. He lost his patience.
You would be worried but it's so funny. You're laughing. He's so dumb. Why is he insecure? Does he not realise that whatever he is saying right now is because he is worried. Worried about you. People don't get angry for someone who's random in their life. Especially Toji. He does not get angry so easily. It takes up a lot because mostly his anger is always laced in a sarcastic tone. But not this time.
"Toji...I want to tell you that you're very romantic," your giggle confuses him to know if you're joking or serious.
"I am literally talking to you about killing your boss right now, baby." You can see the faint smile because he is about to blush. And you want to see it. Even though you've seen it before. You want see it again. Now.
"Yeah. I love you. And everything you do f'me. Eveything you say to me. Even if it involves killing my boss in his sleep," you don't laugh, your eyes soften. And there it was. Yes. Smile, Toji. Blush, Toji. I love it. I love you.
"We go home. We eat dinner. I go suffocate that old fuck with his pillow. Then we cuddle to sleep peacefully." He loves to see you laugh at his words. His words. The one he is insecure about.
"No more scratching my head off on a document at 2 am I guess."
He knows he doesn't have to change himself. Because all those unsaid words are in the end heard.
Geto is pretty good with words. Too good to be honest. His random compliments always catch you off guard and he can't wait til' you're blushing and giggling. But sometimes he thinks he is all words and no actions. Even though that is not true because you know he does a lot of things for you without even realizing that everytime he showers you with his affection, he's got your heart pumping fast.
You have to be careful. Sometimes you look too good for him to not give you kisses all over your body while saying the cutest praises. Which is all the time. Because for him, you're always perfect.
"Mhm. I am not lying, baby. Trust me when I tell you that you're so freaking goegeous," his kisses trails from your knuckles to your shoulders.
"Suguru, I would believe you if I wasn't in a hoodie I've worn for three days and took a shower. I probably stink. How is this gorgeous?" You are not being sarcastic. It is actually the truth. Because how do you call that gorgeous? More like a human repellent. "I have no idea how are you still kissing me."
He looks up at you in what you think might be an angry-confused expression. "Y/N FUCKING L/N." Uh oh. That's when you know you fucked up. "How dare you say that? You know I'll always kiss you. I'll always love you." And he's not finished. He picks you up from the sofa, takes you the shared bedroom. He walks until you've the reached the big mirror near your night-stand.
"Look at that. So pretty. A fucking masterpiece. Da Vinci could never paint such a beauty," he utters hugging you from behind. You should laugh. I mean it's a joke right? But somehow you find yourself tearing up. Because you know he's not joking. The way he looks at you ever so affectionately, it makes your heart warm up.
"Ugh fine you win. You've successfully convinced that I am beautiful regardless." You smile feeling confident in yourself.
"Good. Now go take a bath."
"I do. But your boss probably doesn't. You have work in thirty minutes," he points at the clock. You look at the time and rush into the bathroom. He is laughing at your misery right now. The way you're rushing and everything. But he also finds it cute when you're clumsy.
It might take time for you to understand the love language of Nanami but you eventually do. He is straightforward with his words. And he never promises something he can't fulfil. Which always brought you back to the thought that why is he not different around you. You've read it in books, witnessed it in person that one tends to acts differently around people they love. But Nanami was still the same around you as he was around others. He did vent to you about Gojo and his shenanigans but that's all.
It made you wonder if he's the type to bottle up his feelings. Oh my god. What if he feels that he can't share it with you? So one day, you just ask.
"Kento?" You call.
"Yes, darling," he pours the cake batter into the mold. You are seated on the counter beside the bowl of cream he whipped earlier.
"Do you love me?" He waits for a laugh but it is followed by a silence. He thought that might be a rhetorical question but after that silence, it might not be the case
"You know the answer to that. Why are you asking?"
"Because I feel you do not feel comfortable around me. You never tell me if you're feeling angry or when your day was bad," you look down at the marble white floor. "I feel like I am just another person for you." That's where he sets the cake aside and takes three quick steps towards you.
"Okay now that is a lie. You're not just another person for me, love. You're my everything. I feel absolutely comfortable around you."
"Then why do you not tell me if you've had a bad day?" You finally look up at him. His never seen you this sad.
"Because...you make everything better. I might come home in a bad mood but when I see your pretty face and hear your pretty voice greeting me, my day automatically gets better." Okay now your eyes are widened. How dumb of you? You want to punch the insecure y/n in you.
"You're not just anybody for me. I do not cuddle just anybody. I do not share my personal space with anybody. I do not bake cakes for just anybody," he says pointing at the batter he has set aside earlier. You feel like crying. You were crying for pebbles when you had a gemstone all this time.
"So who am I?"
"You..." he scoops out a little cream on his pointer and swatches it on the tip of your nose, "You are my everything, beloved."
Your brain suddenly starts recollecting all the memories but highlighting the part where Kento treated you special. Not just when you were alone but also when he was in front of anyone. And finally your little mind realizes, You're his everything.
Sukuna's love language is easy. That is because this man has no filter. He grabs you, touches you, kisses you in front of anybody. It is his way of telling everyone that you're his. Its possessive but it's perfect.
Once you both were watching a romantic movie and you suddenly started sobbing. He asked you what's wrong and you stated how cute it was of the lead character to say all those things to the other. Sukuna chuckled and snuggled you. It might just be another meaningless interaction for you but it made him think does he really say romantic things. And he thought about it for days. He tried to come up with a love letter to express his emotions but all he had now was scribbled and scraped pages in the dustbin.
You never really mind that he wasn't domestic as others. As I stated in start, you liked the cocky possessiveness. But it always made you wonder what he'd be like saying all those things that you lowkey want to hear. Yet, you never thought your wish would come true.
Hands intertwined, your toes curl, Sukuna pushes into you slowly. "Fuck!" He moans against your bare skin of your neck. It sends tingles down your spine. You give him time to move when he bottoms out but he does not. Instead, his head moves from your neck until it's against yours. He's looking at you with an expression you have never seen. Did you do something? Did he come too soon? What happened?
"I think you might be the one I have spent all my life looking for. You drive me crazy, y/n." He pulls out, "You're my weakness and my strength. My existence matters only if you exist beside me. I don't want anyone else to have you." He shoves it back with a hard force and makes you yelp. Tears gather the corner of your eyes but you're not sure if they're from the stimulation or his words.
"W-why are saying this all of a sudden?" you ask, still confused.
"Because I want you to know. I want you know that no amount of romantic poetries can describe my love for you," his fingers are now stroking your bottom lip. "And neither does these words I'm speaking. I want you to feel my love. Feel it right here," he thrusts deep in you until he's hit the spot. God it feels like your body might infuse with his. It's followed by a kiss. And all you both do is moan for the next two hours. He's right. His words could never express what his actions do.
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astroaquarium · 4 years
Moon in Astrology: Who are you really?
the moon sign tells us how and the moons house tells us where;
who are you really...
Aries Moon:
🐯 you are very childlike and youthful-young at heart, you never want to grow up and deal with real world adult life
🐯 you are extremely passion driven, you see something you like and you stop at nothing to get it
🐯 you are a very impatient person, you want what you want and you want it now-its hard for you to stay in one spot or in one mood you are always moving forward
🐯 you struggle most with anger, it consumes you, makes your blood boil-there is an untammed rage that lives inside you
🐯 your mother may have been very childlike and have aggressive temper tantrums or alternatively been extremely driven, loving, and passionate
Taurus moon:
👛 you are grounded and reality focuesed, your feet are firmly on the ground so much so it is hard for you to ever really relax
👛 you find it hard to keep motivated, and match others pace, you like to take it easy and go at your own pace-you do not work well under pressure
👛 you struggle with overindulgence. this could be food-related, money related, drugs, anything. It is a coping mechanism which you use to fill emotional voids.
Gemini moon:
👭 you are deeply afraid of emotional connection, you avoid it at all costs, because you dont know how to relate to others on an emotional level, only intellectual. you lack emotional intellegence and too find it difficult to address ans understand your own feelings let alone others.
👭 you use hummor a lot to deflect. Hummor that is often other-focused, making fun of others, other peoples behaviour, or the external environemnt. Your joking nature can often be regarded as offensive, outlandish or unwarented to some, this is not what you intend, but you dont feel accountable for offending others with who you are. This is purely a mechanism to detract from yourself and the flaws you recognise in yourself.
👭 your mother may have been emotionally distant and not encouraged talking about feelings
Cancer moon:
🐚 you are extremely soft, loving, and giving, but this is a side of yourself you like to keep under wraps. Your emotions are strong, intuitive, and bold, you have a great understanding and knack for relating to others emotionally and can often sense pain and emotional hurt in others. You are a healer, a nurter and a giver-these are great qualities which can sometimes be abused and taken advantage of by others leaving you feeling drained and used.
🐚 you are highly sensitive and words cut deep for you. you take things said to you and about you to heart and can act out in a childish and/or volitile way when you feel attacked. This is a coping mechanism at dealing with your emorional pain which can ultimately leave you feeling even more emotional unrest.
Leo moon:
🌞 you are like sunshine, bold, bright, and full of energy. You are a bit of a primadonna/diva, you give off a lot of confidence, and like to talk yourself up. This is often an overcompensation for an upbringing that was focused on performance. You may only know of how to recieve love and affection from putting on a show.
🌞 you overexaggerate. This is a means to gain sympathy and attention that you so dearly crave. Your mother may have been very self-involved and never gave you the attention you needed.
Virgo moon:
🥗 you are a worry wort, you are constantly on high alert, looking behind your back, on the edge of your seat, in a constant state of over-arousal. You are always anticipating something to go wrong or thinking about what could go wrong, this keeps you up at night.
🥗 you need routine. others like it, or hate it, but you need it for emotional stability. You need to have things exactly how you like them when you like it. Control is a huge thing for you, this could be because your mother was very particular with how she raised you and always stuck with a routine, this may help remind you of a time you felt safe.
Libra moon:
⏳ you are self-unaware. You don’t have the best grasp on who you are, what you want, or what you are about. To cope with this, you seek out qualities in yourself you cant see in others. This means your connections with others are a vital part of your emotional idenity and without these meaningful relationships you crumble.
⏳ you struggle with dependancy on others, when others let you down you feel lost and cheated.
⏳ you may also struggle with disharmony in your relationships, whenever you argue or come into disagreements with others it can be realy damaging to you emotionally because you rely so much on reassurance from others to confirm your idenity. It may also really bother you because conflict is something you like to avoid, you would prefer to disregard your own opinion/feelings if it means you get to keep the peace and avoid the argument.
Scorpio moon:
🦅 you keep your cards close to your chest, your secrets are guarded by your heart, and your vulnerable side is rarely exposed. This is a coping mechanism to avoid disspaoitment and emotional unrest. As although you are a deeply emotional individual and feels things on a intense level, it scares you, who you are and what you feel are intensely overwhelming and this is something you want to keep burried deep within.
🦅 you are emotionally manipulative at worst and at best extremely emotionally intellegently tactful. you understand emotions very well, are extremely intiuitive, and can feel vibes and undercurrents that others cannot pick up on. This can make it very easy for you to take advantage of others emotional state to your advantge, or alternatively provide in-depth counselling and targted advice.
Sagittarius moon:
🏹 you are free-spirited and wise. You are naturally exapnsively minded, you are open to new things and new challenges more than most people, you are a risk-taker, and don’t fear the consequences of your rash actions.
🏹 you are emotionally void of expressing your feelings in a way that can be understood and heard by others. As you would rather deflect using hummor/running away or any other way possible. You don’t like to dwell on negative feelings, however you embrace and overexaggerate the positive ones.You are an optimist, almost depricatingly so that you don’t accept negative facts of reality.
Capricorn moon:
⚔️ you are practical, driven, goal-orientated and very prideful. Your extremely driven, which is what makes you so hungry for success in material form, whether that be wealth/trophies/awards/property/power/fame, you want something tangible you can show ofd for your hard work. This can sometimes be easy for you to neglect other areas in your life and see to emotional coldness/distance. You see feelings as time-wasteing, impratcial and a burden onto others. You wouldn’t want to worry/annoy others with your problems.
⚔️ your mother may have been absent or not very emotionally present in your life or taken on the role of the father, or may have been raised by a single parent. This may have made it hard for you to ever feel like you can be emotionally vulnerable with a care giver who was too busy or not present.
Aquarius moon:
🦩 you are unlike anyone else, you have a different way of seeing the world to others and often for this feel misunderstood. You may struggle with feelings of alienation, and often feel lonely, like no one can ever truely understand you.
🦩 you are an activist, a humanitarian, and have some very strong beliefs that you firmly stand by. You stand up for the underdog when no one else will because that who you identify with most.
🦩 highly stubborn, things are often your way or the highway. you dont shy away from confrontation nd in fact love to hammer your point home. this can get you into trouble.
🦩 you are emotionally closed-off, not because you are unemotional because you feel intensely and on a global scale, but because you don’t understand them. you are intellectually dominated, you think too hard, its hard for you to verbalise or understand emotions.
Pisces mooon:
🔮 you are soulful, an old soul, artsy, and often psychic. You feel on a mass scale, you are an emotional spounge-picking up on the undercurrents and vibrations of others. this can leave you in a very vulnerable state of being taken asvantage of as well as beinf emotionally abused and drainned because you take on so much of others pain.
🔮 likewise you are very sefless, you would do anything for those you love without thinking about how it affects you, always putting others wants and needs before your own.
🔮 you can be prone to addiction, either alcohol or drug abuse, or something completely different; shopping, money, sex, eating etc.
where this is expressed...
1st house: who you really are is shown on the outside, you dont hide who you are or pretend to be someone youre not. you are true to yourself.
2nd house: who you really are is shown in your values, you are what you value. your possessions reflect your true self, you buy and collect material items that express yourself and how you feel.
3rd house: who you really are is shown in how you communicate and talk to others. You express yourself and how you feel in the way you write and talk and how you interact with your siblings-they know the real you.
4th house: who you really are is shown in how in your private space, this could be your home, your room, a place where you feel safe and comfortable, your family know the real you.
5th house: who you really are is shown in your creative purisuits, what you do for fun, and how you express yourself creativly is where your heart really lies.
6th house: who you really are is shown in how you schedule your day and go about your mundane everyday chores, also in how you care for your pets-they know the real you.
7th house: who you realy are is shown in your partnerships; romantic and professional. you enter partnerships with people who you possess qualities you dont recognise in yourself.
8th house: who you really are is shown in your secrets and what you keep hidden from others.
9th house: who you really are is shown in your belifs religious or otherwise.
10th house: who you really are is shown in your reputation, or what you are striving to achieve.
11th house: who you really are is shown in your friendships, and how you feel about the collective.
12th house: who you really are is shown in your subconcious, dreams, and other altered states.
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faeryloki · 3 years
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐚 𝐲𝐚𝐠𝐚 ♢ 𝐛. 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 ➸ 2.4k (2,481) 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ➸ mob!bucky x reader ;  “Kitten, don’t make me tell you twice.” 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ➸ SMUT 18+ ONLY MINIRS DNI, oral (m & f receiving) , face fucking , degrading , pet names (kitten, baby) , name calling , teasing , masturbation ,  mocking , daddy kink , choking , rough sex , edging , hair pulling/yanking ,
𝙖/𝙣 ➸ stan the john wick movies for giving me the baba yaga idea- this is pure filth- and im h-word at my own writing- also i listened to my god complex playlist on repeat while writing this- enjoy :)
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: “oh kitten, you really thought you’d get away with touching what daddy owns, huh?” he asked, grabbing your cheeks roughly, forcing you to look up at him from your kneeled position on the floor in front of him, “think batting those pretty little eyes is gonna stop me? you’re so cute when you’re at my mercy.”
earlier that day….
“daddyyyy, please i’m bored,” you whined, your legs strewn over the side of the couch in his office.
“kitten, i suggest you stop whining unless you want to get punished,’ he scolded not even bothering to look up from his work, as a knock sounded on the door.
“enter,” you boyfriend said, his best friends sam and steve walking in, as sam began talking. steve looked at you, giving you a once over, his eyes hesitantly stopping at where your dress rose up on your thigh and it clicked.
you got up, giving sam a quick side hug, bucky’s eyes flickering to yours for a millisecond as sam stopped what he was saying giving you a quick “heya, love muffin” the nickname making you smile as you remembered the whole boss’ girl debacle.
you smiled fondly at the memory of it being the first day bucky let you come to work with him, you were in the kitchen eating a muffin when both sam and steve came in. they stopped, looking at you for a moment before coming up sam throwing the trashiest pick up line, asking if he could be your ‘love-muffin’. you replied saying how you didn't think your boyfriend would be ok with that. they gave you confuse glances, saying something along the lines of “whos the pussy that's not spending time with his girl and leaving her alone?” you simply giggled, saying the few words that made them look like deer in headlights, “oh just your boss, bucky.”
you laughed at their shocked expressions, brushing off saying how you wouldn't tell bucky about what they said. the next time you met, sam joked around about the meeting, calling you ‘love muffin’ and it stuck. but you knew for a fact it irritated bucky every time he said it, mainly because you never told him the origin story and it bugged him.
you moved to steve, giving him a hug, but lingering a little longer than sam, knowing bucky would catch on to the extended affection. steve hugged you back, kissing your forehead as you went back to the couch, deciding on how your plan should begin. the hug you gave steve was useless, only needing it to just give him a little edge.
they talked for a bit, your hands trailing up and down your exposed thigh, buckys eyes flickering over every minute, watching you for a few seconds before going back to the conversation. you pushed your dress up slightly, trailing your fingers up and down, before going across to your inner thigh. you pretended not to notice bucky staring at you, your eyes focused on a book that you picked up of boredom.
you smirked behind the pages, upping the stakes by spreading you legs slightly, happy that the two men who stood talking couldnt see you. your legs opened, giving bucky a view of the red lace panties you had on today. his eyes flickered to you, darkening before turning his attention back to the men. you huffed, deciding to go farther in your plan, you started toying with the edge of the fabric, pulling it up slightly.
sam and steve said bye, giving you a quick wave as you smiled at them, wishing them a good day. you went back to your book, legs spread all the way as your dress did little to hid your actions. you slipped your hand down your pants, swiping your arousal, moaning at the dampness. he looked at you, challenging you to continue. and you did.
you toyed with your clit, small moans leaving your mouth as he smirked at you, amused.
“oh, is kitten needy for daddy? is kitten that needy she wants to be a bad girl?” he mocked, standing up from his desk and walking over. by now your book was rested on your chest, your hand grasping part of your dress as you pleasured yourself.
he stalked over, grabbing your hand and pulling it from under your panties, “now, now darlin’, i didn’t say you could touch what’s mine. and you’re being a bad girl. and you know what bad girls get?”
“p-punished,” you said meekly, not meeting his eyes.
he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him, “exactly, kitten, and you’ve been bad girl, so you’re gonna stay right here, and not complain, and when we get home…imma remind you who owns that pretty little pussy.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“i asked you a question, kitty, i expect a response. unless, someone wants to be a bad kitty, hmm? you wanna be a bad kitten?” he questioned, kneeling down to you, his hand moving from your cheeks to your neck, pulling you to him.
you shook your head, a whine leaving your lips as his fingers squeezed your throat slightly, a smirk moving its way towards his face at your reaction. “oh, you wanna be good kitty? awhh, look at you, being a good girl…i think my kitty deserves some cream, huh?” he mocked your aroused state, standing back up as he unbuttoned his pants, barely pulling them down as his erection stood free.  your mouth watered slightly at the sight, his red tip dripping precum as veins popped.
“well, what are you waiting for, take my fucking cock,” he said, yanking your head back by your hair, eyes fueled with lust. he let go, hand still placed on your head as your mouth was on him not a second later, swallowing him. he guided your mouth, saliva dribbling down the corners of your mouth as tears formed in the corner of your eyes. he was too big to take, his head hitting the back of your throat with every small thrust of his hips, and your hand worked the rest, moving up and down in tandem with your mouth
your eyes traveled up him, settling on his thrown back head, small moans leaving his mouth as he praised you. his moaning only spurred you one, your hand dropping as you tried to take him whole. his hand pushed you down, taking control as his hips moved roughly, your gags sounding as the tears slid down your face.
“fuck…kitten, doin so well- fuck! takin’ my cock so good,” he praised, his other hand now placed on your head as he fucked your throat. you gagged more, tears soaking your face as your once perfect mascara, streamed down with them, “so close, kitten- fuck- wanna cum in that tight little pussy though.”
he stopped, pulling out and looking down at you, a smirk playing at his lips, “awh kitten you look so pretty down on your knees and absolutely ruined…might have to see you like this more often.”
you whimpered, the though of being on your knees and gagging on him making you clench your thighs together.
“awh, baby, that turn you on? want daddy to fuck your face again? god you’re a filthy little whore, but you’re my whore. ‘m so fucking lucky to have you kitten always so needy and ready for daddy, huh:? and that pussy is just so fucking perfect, kitten, always so fucking tight,” he praised, a whine-like sound escaping your lips as he looked at you, an eyebrow raised.
“what, kitten? what do you want?”
“please- please daddy- fuck me please,” your voice was hoarse as you spoke, the gravelly tone making bucky’s cock as he heard the aftermath of his pleasure.
“want daddy to fuck you, kitten? want daddy’s cock in you?” he teased, his hand on your cheek as his thumb pulled down your bottom lip, forcing its way into your mouth.
you nodded quickly, scooting forward in anticipation, his thumb leaving your mouth as his hand moved down to our neck, grabbing it and squeezing lightly. an involuntary moan left your lips, eyes fluttering shut.
“such a filthy kitten….on the bed, baby,” he ordered, his hand leaving your throat as you hurried onto the bed. he stood looking at you, pushing up the sleeves to his white dress shirt, a smirk pulling at his lips as he watched you wait.
“good girl,” he said, walking closer. the praise had you mewling, a chuckle sounding from his chest at your reaction.
“oh so now you wanna be my good girl?” he hummed, his hand going back to your throat but not squeezing. his thumb softly caressed your neck, his eyes filled with lust and love as you stared up at him, “on your back, kitten….i wanna taste this kitty’s cream.”
you didn’t follow his orders right away, the hand on your throat immediately pushing you so you were laying on your back, you legs dangling off the bed. he pulled you forward by the back of your knees, his mouth leaving hot kisses on your inner thighs as he made his way to your core.
“please…” you breathlessly moaned, the teasing make your cunt throb.
“don’t cum unless i say so, kitten, that’s your punishment,” he smirked, pulling down your panties as he left a quick kiss to your clit.
you whined, his tongue worked your clit, a finger circling your entrance before sinking in, a moan escaping your mouth as it curled hitting your g spot. you felt his smirk against you, his fingers moved faster, moans leaving your lips. your hand pulled at his hair, writhing underneath his mouth.
“please daddy- im so close, please,” you whined, knowing if he continued you would cum.
he pulled away, tutting and shaking his head, “you know the rules kitten, no coming unless i say so. and you don’t want daddy to mad, do you? ‘cause you know what they call me when i don’t get my way, huh babygirl?” you nodded, not meeting his eyes. he moved towards you, a hand forcing your face to meet his.
“what do they call me, kitten?”
“…baba yaga,” you said quietly.
“and why?” he questioned, an eyebrow arched waiting for your answer.
“b-because you turn into the boogeyman when you dont get what you want…” you said, your tongue darting out to lick your lips, his eyes flickering down to your mouth. he smirked, his hand letting go of your face and moving to your throat, trailing down slowly before his fingers wrapped around your throat. a quiet moan left your lips, your legs clenching at his dark gaze. “awhh is kitten turned on by daddy’s hand around her neck?” he fake pouted, his voice mocking as his other hand slipped between your legs, “you like daddy choking you? bet you also like daddy’s fingers on this pussy, huh? just a filthy little slut for me.”
your hand gripped his forearm, eyes pleading to let you cum but your reaction only spurred him on, his fingers moving faster against your clit. your eyes rolled back, the pleasure too much as you held back your orgasm, pleads for him  to stop rolling off your lips.
“please buck- please no more- i cant take it- please.”
he pulled away, pouting, “come on kitten, you know what to call me, don’t make me punish you further by not letting you come at all tonight. i’m being very lenient today.”
“sorry, daddy,” you squeaked out, squirming under his hard stare.
“good girl,” he breathed, aligning his cock with your entrance, teasing you, “now continue being that good girl and take this cock like the slut i know you are.”
his words and his slow invasion into you had you moaning, the stretch still nothing you were used to. his groans mixed with yours, small whispers of your name following as he pumped in and out of you.
“please, daddy, faster- please need you to fill me up- please,” breathy moans left your mouth, nails digging into his skin.
“faster, baby? want me to ruin this pretty pussy? wanna be leaking with my cum?” he taunted, hips slowing as you let out a whine.
“no, faster daddy, please, faster,” you mewled, hips bucking to his but his hand held your waist down.
“say it, kitten, tell me what you want daddy to do,” he groaned.
“want you to go faster, daddy, want you to ruin my pussy, please, daddy,” you begged, eyes pleading as he finally complied, a smirk on his face as he pounded into you. your moans caught in your throat, eyes rolling back slightly. “so tight, kitten, almost like i’ve never fucked you before,” he moaned, hands in a bruising grip on your hips, “just my little fuck-toy, huh, kitten? just love daddy fucking you so good.”
“p-please daddy- i-im so close- please,” your back arched, moans and whines leaving your lips.
“already, kitten? just started having my fun, hold it, baby, you cum when i tell you,” he commanded, a whimper leaving your lips, “got that kitten?”
“y-yes daddy,” you whined, tears welling from the inability to release.
“awhh, is kitten gonna cry? kitten can’t handle daddy fucking her so hard? not letting her cum? you wanna cum, then beg,” his hand slid to your throat, applying the lightest of pressure, but it was enough to send you over, pleads leaving your mouth.
“please daddy, please, i’ll be good i promise, please need’a cum, please daddy,” you begged, whimpering with each of his thrusts.
“cum, kitten, cum,” he moaned as he felt your walls flutter around him, squeezing him.
you moaned as he kept pounding into you, a smirk on his lips as he pulled out, your cum following before he flipped you over, leaning down to your ear as whispered, “don’t get tired on me now, kitten, daddy’s not done with you just yet.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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prettyvampiress96 · 3 years
The Malfoy Secret - Chapter 3
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Since the traumatic death of her last living relative, Anna had since been a guest in the Malfoy manor . Although she was by now a little more than a guest. Her aunt was peacefully laid to rest and throughout the whole ordeal the Malfoys were her absolute anchor to reality. Anna however still couldn't put her thoughts in order at the situation. On one hand Anna had wanted to go home but on the other hand she rather enjoyed the company of the Malfoys. Anna had previously attempted to return home twice. The first time Anna had gone to return home , Draco begged her not to leave claiming he wanted to make the most of her company before his return to his last term of third year next week.. The second time Cissa began fretting about her wellbeing. Her being worried about Anna all alone in that big house. So Anna agreed to stay to ease Cissa's conscience but did say that she would return before her first day of work at the Ministry. What Anastasia didn't know was that she would be the right hand assistant to Lucius himself. The letter enclosing said information remained unopened in the Rosier mansion.
The following week Narcissa and Lucius bid Draco farewell at kings cross station whilst Anna was already in the Ministry of Magic for her first day along with another student from her year . Anastasia now knew that she would be working with Lucius , she was relieved at least it was someone who wouldn't judge her by her name. Though the thought of being in such a confined space with the white haired man had butterflies filling the pit of her stomach. Lucius strutted into his office in the department of Magical Law Enforcement, halting in his footsteps at the sight of his darling Anna stretching on the tips of her feet to reach a book higher up on the shelf, Lucius held back a laugh as he took in just how miniature she was even in a pair of heels. Even though he adored that about her , he couldn't help picture in absolutely nothing but those heels all stretched out for him and for cissa of course. Anna hadn't yet realised he had entered the room she was too caught up in finding the book Mr. Crouch had requested. Lucius took this as his moment . He walked as quietly as he could towards her . When Anna was in his reach, his large hands held her hips , his long fingers digging in slightly. Anna's back pressed flush against his broad chest. Leaning down to her ear. "You want my help with that darling ?" He whispered pressing himself further into the girl. Anna blushed at the feeling of his hardened member making itself known. Easily reaching for the book , his hand could reach without him even trying. "By all means you can say no and I shall just sit back and watch as that little skirt rides up more and more. Its taking I have not to throw you over my desk and worship you right here babygirl" Lucius smirked as Anastasia let out a squeak at the pet name he called her. Lucius brought the book down to Anna's eyesight, offering it out to her , Anna still pressed against the overly large shelf. Before Anna could respond in walked Narcissa. Narcissa drank in the scene in front of her , the sight of her husband and hopefully her soon to be princess. Anastasia's face flushed a deep red as she resisted the urge to run into Cissa's arms. " My darling how lovely of you to join us isn't that right princess?" Lucius turned to face cissa while slipping a wink to Anna. "I .. Uh..you...I should get this book to Mr. Crouch " she said shyly unsure of how to respond , after all neither of them had spoken since her and cissa kissed. Anna couldn't help wondering is Narcissa regretted it. Bowing her head Anna moved to rush from the room. "WAIT, STOP" Narcissa called after her smiling as annas feet immediately come to a halt." Hurry back darling there's something we should all talk about". Anna nodded in response quickly exiting the room. Anastasia walked with the book in her arms just down the hall, knocking respectively , Anna awaited permission before entering. " Mr Crouch I'm terribly sorry if I am interrupting I'm just bringing the book you requested from Mr Malfoy" Anastasia informed showing the book as if she needed the proof. "Ah right yes, good good I do believe you may have just missed crossing paths with our young Mr Weasley. He took it upon himself to retrieve that book . A good boy he is . If that is all Miss Rosier I am rather busy I'm afraid" Mr Crouch, the minister of Magic himself said without raising so much as his head. Anna walked back to Lucius's office , the sound of her heels clacking with every step, when suddenly body blocks her way. "You know you'd think the slimy Slytherin's would crawl back into their holes rather than working for the Ministry . Your father was a blind fool to follow the dark lord . Tell me what would daddy think of his daughter now. Oh no thats right he got himself killed before you could wipe the drool from your chin? " Percy Weasley sneered at her . Anastasia's blood fuelled an inferno of rage and Percy was about to get a taste of the fire. Passer's by began to stop and watch while office doors seemed to open for the fellow workers to do the same. Annas eyes glazed over and she smiled a
sweet smile. " Don't you ever speak of my family in that way do you hear me ? You want to know what my 'daddy' thinks , insult me again and you'll be finding out" Anna threatened in a low voice her wand drawn and pressed into the younger Weasleys throat. Lucius Malfoy was the first to intervene , his hand pushing anna's armed one down. He ushered the furious girl into the office and she slowly began following. " Enjoy freedom while you can I'm sure they've got a cell in Azkaban with your family's name on call it an heirloom. As cold, dark narcissistic murderers run in your family dont they. When you slip up Rosier and you will . I will be the one to put you there myself" Percy shouted at her back. Taken off guard Percy hadn't expected Anna to throw 'stupefy at him knocking him down the hall by a few good feet . " Funny that if I'm to go to Azkaban it'll be for killing you. You're a no good blood traitor and yet you think you actually have the audacity to think you stand a chance against me. I know spells your mother couldnt even dream of mastering . You think you can talk about my family when you know absolutely nothing . I'll escort myself to Azkaban right now once I've sent your cold body to your mother. That dark enough for you saint Percy? Anna fumed her wand raised . Arthur Weasley emerged from the crowd , his wand drawn protecting his son. Lucius drew his wand and stood directly in front of Anastasia.
"Princess go, back to the office head held high cissy is there and I'll be right behind you "Lucius whispers so low only Anastasia could hear it. Anna nods confirming she had indeed heard his words but she was reluctant to walk away. When Lucius firmly commands her once again to go as she reaches the offices, she can already feel the tears fill her eyes and the burning sensation in her chest. Anna just wanted to scream . Instead she shuts the door and walks to her desk with her head down. Realisation hitting her like a tonne of bricks Anna slides down the nearest wall. Narcissa immediately running to the sobbing girl sitting next to her , Cissa cradled anna against her chest, rocking slightly whilst rubbing a hand soothingly on the black haired girls back.
"I'm not a bad person I've followed every rule. I've never put a foot wrong yet I'm still painted with the same brush as my father am I destined to be alone. Perhaps Azkaban is the best place for someone with a name like mine". Lucius having now dealt with the pathetic Weasleys returns just as Anna sobs those words. Seeing her so broken and seeing his wife so affected at those words only tempted Lucius to go back and seriously damage the disrespectful boy. Weighing his options, nothing was more important than his family and as of that his girls needed him. Narcissa who was still holding Anna raised her head to look at her husband , she tilted her head to the side silently asking what had happened out there.
He ushered Narcissa over to him which she does hesitantly. Torn between leaving Anna and finding out what had occurred . Narcissa's curiosity got the best of her. "Anna I'll be right back darling" Narcissa whispered assuringly. Lucius explains in a hushed whisper briefly what happened. Narcissa can't believe what she's heard. How could someone say something so cruel about her baby girl. Lucius made his way over to Anna and bent down, lifting her chin up to face him. " Don't you ever let me hear say that about yourself . We would never allow you to be put in that wretched place. A name does not define you. That boy knows nothing. He is nothing. You are my everything. Our everything " he would say pulling cissa to him as she steps nearer not wanting to scare Anna . "I'm yours. Like both of you?" Anna questioned back , her green eyes wide and her pink lips pouted in slight confusion. " Why don't we all go back home a discuss this over a drink hmm?" Cissa hinted holding her hand out for her husband and Anna to take .
They arrive back at Malfoy Manor and Anna takes a seat on the sofa in the front room with Cissa sitting on one side of her and Lucius on the other side. Lucius gently takes one of Anna’s hands in his and with the other hand gently turns her head to face him “Anna I meant what I said earlier you are our everything and I want to discuss you becoming apart of our relationship” He nods at Cissa before continuing “There is no pressure Anna, you can say no and we’ll respect your decision. It won’t affect our working relationship either.” Anna doesn’t respond straight away, feeling a little shocked at his offer. “Should you agree to be with us boundaries would be set in place, which leads me to my next question. What are your boundaries Anna?” Lucius’ voice soft as he looks into her eyes.
“I don’t have any boundaries as I’ve never done this before” Anna answers honestly as she holds his gaze for a moment before looking down at her lap, a look of confusion washes over his face “Anna had never been kissed before I kissed her two weeks ago” Cissa explained. Lucius places his fingers under Anna’s chin lifting her head up “Just to confirm Anna, you are a virgin?” She nods at him and feels her cheeks heat in a light blush. “We’ll take things nice and slow; we’ll go at a pace that suits you…if you agree to be ours that is.” Lucius tells her with a smile on his lips and Anna couldn’t help herself, she looked down at his mouth and licked her lips. Cissa nods agreeing with her husband “We will look after you. You will be safe with us…always” Cissa took hold of Anna’s other hand in hers and begun rubbing small soothing circles on the back of her hand with her thumbs.
Anna looks between Cissa and Lucius before speaking “I’d like to be yours, both of yours but I’m worried I cannot offer you much in return” Cissa turns Anna’s head so she is looking at her “Just by agreeing to be with us is giving us more than you can imagine. All we want to do is to make you feel loved, safe and of course pleasure you beyond your wildest dreams” Cissa smiles and leans forward pressing her lips to Anna’s in a quick but sweet kiss.
“If we overstep a boundary or you start to feel uneasy or anything just tell us. In fact, to be sure we are all comfortable with this arrangement I recommend we use safe words” Lucius said softly, his breath warm against her ear “Safe words?” Anna asked shyly and he chuckled lightly “Ahh so innocent my sweet girl” His fingers brushing her hair aside as he placed a soft kiss to her neck before continuing “Each of us picks a word that once spoken the others know enough is enough. The moment the word is spoken everything stops…straight away, no questions or explanations needed” Anna turned her head slightly so she was looking at him over her shoulder “I’d like to be yours, both of yours” He smiled at her before capturing her lips with his.
Lucius and Narcissa both hand in hand with Anastasia began escorting her up the winding black marble case not stopping until they reached the door to the master bedroom. Both Malfoys stood watching Anna's reaction as Lucius twisted the handle of the door pushing it open , allowing Anna the first step inside. Anastasia was in awe at the decoration. With a flick of his wrist Lucius had set candles alight causing a rather romantic atmosphere. Anna's hand was still laced with Cissa's, she was reminded off that when Narcissa squeezed her hand. " What do you think babygirl?" Cissa asked brushing a loose strand of Anna's hair from her face, leaning in she placed a soft kiss on Anna's lips . "It's beautiful Cissy . It really is" Anna breathed looking behind her for Lucius. When Anastasia noticed him still stood by the door only now minus his dress shirt , she reached her hand towards him wanting to touch . Lucius noticed Anna's hesitation and stepped into her reach, taking her hands he placed them on the centre of his broad chest. Anna's hands ran up over his bare shoulders and linked around his neck attempting to pull him down to her level due to the height difference. Anna could feel his intoxicating scent overwhelm her and she took the plunge pressing her lips to his . His kiss was different to that of Cissa's it was rougher and more dominant . Lucius's hands reached over the curves of Anna's ass and lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he walked them to the bed . A naked Narcissa joined the pair , running her fingers up anna's bare legs causing anna gasp allowing Lucius access to her tongue . Anastasia pulled back from her make out session , glancing at Narcissa, her eyes tracing over the perky nipples of her breasts. Anna's mouth ran dry . She had no idea what she wanted but god that woman was it. " Remember Darling we can stop whenever you like , tonight is all about you my pretty babygirl , mommy and daddy will make you feel so good I promise princess you just have to trust us" Narcissa spoke softly tapping her finger on the top button of anna's shirt. " Can mummy take this off baby " Cissa cooed , anna nodded and proceeded to remove the shirt herself only for cissa to stop her. "Let mommy do it angel please" Cissa asked again this time Anna nodded and allowed cissa to removed her top. Narcissa dropped the shirt to the floor her eyes never looking away from Annas full breasts, leaning forward cissa placed a wet kiss to the tops of her breasts. Ana in response arched her back unaware that her hips had rocked against the very non discreet package in Lucius's trousers. Narcissa's hands travelled lower and lower until they reached the waistband of the very tight skirt Anna had on. Cissa's fingers hooked into the band but waited for permission from Anna . "Princess Mommy's waiting for you "Lucius whispered in Anna's ear. Anastasia nodded fervently glancing down and the sight of a naked Narcissa between her thighs . Anna couldnt peel her eyes away. In a split second her skirt and panties were removed , Anna's core now slick and bare to Cissa who licked her lips in delight at the prize in front of her . "We can stop if you want to little princess, you just have to say and we promise we wont be disappointed in the slightest or should mommy continue" Lucius reminded . " No please Don't stop please dont stop "Anna pleaded . Her pleas were music to their ears. Lucius interlocked his fingers with Anna's , watching over anna's shoulder as his wife's head leant even closer to Annas blazing sex. Narcissa hummed as she dragged a finger through Anna's wet folds, shivering at the breathless gasp she made in response. Narcissa placed a soft kiss to either side of Anastasias inner thigh before connecting her warm tongue to her wet pussy. Anna's hips rose from the emerald sheets , her head thrown back into the crook of Lucius's neck and her grip on his hands getting tighter. " Is mummy making you feel good baby girl ? Let us hear those beautiful noises of yours petal" Lucius teased in advance. Anna mewled , feeling
an unfamiliar weight in the pit of her stomach. Narcissa continued flicking the sensitive bud while she introduced a single finger into Anna's tight hole preparing to stretch her out for Lucius. Slowly and gently Cissa began thrusting that finger in and out in time with the flicking of the bud . With her fingers getting so slick from Anna's running juices , cissa added a second finger and with every thrust in began spreading them apart . Anna's walls began to clench around Cissa's fingers locking them in place and her thighs tightening pulling cissa closer than she was. " Oh Oh Oh " Anna screamed as she rode her first ever climax down on Narcissa .Anna felt shifting from behind her as Lucius moved himself from the bed taking Cissa's place between Anna's thighs. Climbing above her Cissa placed a kiss to Anna's lips. "You did so well darling mummy's so proud of you. Does Daddy want a taste do you think? " Narcissa beamed down at her baby all glistening in sweat , glancing to her husband smirking. Lucius's hand reached across grabbing cissa at the chin, passionately kissing his wife all the while tasting the sweet nectar of his princess on her tongue. At some point during the exchange Lucius had removed his remaining clothing. Lucius tapped on Anna's thighs grabbing her attention. Narcissa sat near Annas head now it was her turn to watch the faces her baby pulled whilst screaming from the pleasure she was receiving. " Princess you need to listen just for a minute okay? Are you sure this is what you want? I won't lie to you my girl it might be a little uncomfortable at first but that passes. Are you absolutely sure?" Lucius needed to make her aware he'd never forgive himself if he hurt her . " Please I trust you Daddy I'd like to try. Help me try" Anna begged her voice sounding like a whine. Lucius wrapped his hand around his painfully hard cock swiping the pre-cum from the swollen head to lubricate it slightly. The combination of that and Anna's cum should be just enough.
As he slowly began to ease into her, Anna's walls clenched around him as a pained groan leaves her throat. Digging her nails into his shoulders as she squeezes her eyes shut tight, Anna's body tenses against his when he comes to a stop. His body trembling as he fights the lust inside him to thrust into his pretty little princess .When the pain starts to subside Anastasia slowly moves her hips .
"Please " was all Anna could muster out. Lucius takes her thigh and places it on his hip as he starts to slowly move against her . Quickly finding a steady rhythm, as his hips roll against hers both moving in perfect harmony , Anna could feel every thrust against her walls. Her nails leave red half-moon crescents on biceps. Narcissa sat back observing couldnt help but reach down and began circling her own clit. His name falls from Anastasia's mouth like a prayer when he finds that specific spot inside of her . "Fuck, Princess , you feel so good around Daddy" he moans as he thrust faster into her , pleasure invaded her senses as her vision begins to cloud , with her head thrown back Anna can no longer keep the moans inside of her . An inferno rages inside of her , Her hands fall from his arms to grasp at the sheets with such a force her knuckles began turning white. "Papi, I'm..." she moans out. " Let it go baby I'm here Daddy's here" Lucius coaxed. Anastasias walls enclosed around Lucius's cock , her nectar coating his manhood. With a last thrust into her Lucius emptied his load filling his princess up to the brim. Gently removing himself from inside her , Lucius laid to the right of Anna enclosing her in his arms, Narcissa laid to the left of Anna . "Our princess did absolutely perfect wouldn't you say so dear?" Narcissa asked Lucius. "Oh i couldn't agree more darling. How are you feeling Princess?" Lucius asked Anna. The three of them an entanglement of limbs. Until Narcissa rose from the bed and into the large bathroom followed by the sound of running water. " Come on Darling let us clean you up and put you in something comfy before you fall asleep" Narcissa commented. Anna however was quite tired and comfy as she mumbled incoherent words from where she was. Lucius scooped her up into his arms and took her into the bathroom himself. Narcissa already in the bath, held her arms out as he lowered his princess down into her lap. A scent of lavender and camomile filled their senses. Lucius lathered up a sponge and glided it over every inch of Anastasias body. Anastasia snapped from her dazed state smiling at both Lucius and Narcissa. Before putting her head down and playing with her fingers , a sign they had already noticed when she was nervous or embarrassed. " Princess Is everything alright darling? Are you hurt or in pain?" Cissa asked concerned she may be hurt . " No no nothing like that I was urm well I just wondered could I stay with you two tonight?" Anna asked so quietly that if they had been any further away they wouldn't have caught it. "Of Course you sweet girl you were always going to sleep in with us . We wouldn't have it any other way. Now why dont you let mommy wash your hair whilst daddy gets out and fetches you something comfy eh?" Narcissa said softly to Anna pulling her in for a cuddle in the warm water. With the girls dressed in Narcissa's nightgowns , Lucius had made a mental note to have cissa and anna go shopping soon. Lucius had already pulled back the covers and slid in, waiting for his girls to come out. "Which side should I sleep?" Anna asked Narcissa. They hadn't discussed that yet. " Why dont you sleep in the middle darling so that way we can both hold you" Lucius offered. Anna scrambled into bed followed by Cissa. Cissa took hold of Annas hand and kissed the knuckles.
"I'm so happy you agreed to be ours our darling girl "Narcissa expressed. Lucius turned on his side facing Anna and Cissa draping his arm across the both of them in a protective manner. " I love you both my precious girls" Lucius said lovingly. The three slept in each others embrace for the rest of the night.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Love for Gang Orca
Tumblr media
oh what a big softy I love him, 
Gang orca x Reader
warnings: none? cursing, that’s bout it
word count:1,000 (bout)
summary: Midnight and Present mic are c h i l d r e n just trying to make sure their favorite ship gets together. 
You respected Kugo Sakamata more than any of your collages. He was so strong, intimidating, scary even. But he was so kind, once you actually spoke to him you saw a completely different person. Maybe respect was the wrong word for how you felt about Gang Orca, crush was probably a better term for it. 
Kugo, as it happened, had been crushing on you since you had met. He had been working at UA for a few years before you were brought in. He had met you on your first day while you were teetering down the hallway towards your office trying to balance a box of books and a leafy house plant. 
While you were a strong hero, you weren’t a strong hero and you were struggling more than a little bit “Here let me help” someone said lifting the heavy box out of your hands.
“Thank you so-” you paused seeing who had saved you, before smiling at him directly. 
“Thank you so much,” you said leading him to your new office. And he had been hooked on you ever since. 
He ate lunch with you every day, although sometimes he did worry that his dietary choices, mainly the tuns of fish he ate every day, but you were more than happy to keep him company. In fact, almost every little habit of his that he was insecure about, you found endearing. It was almost like the two of you were made for each other. At least that’s what you thought, and as it happened, you weren’t the only people to think that way.
Neither of you weren’t exactly subtle about your affections, so it was inevitable that someone would notice. And of course, it was your two nosest coworkers who picked up on your affections. 
“So (y/n), girl to girl what kind of men are you into? Anyone caught your eye?” Midnight asked, cornering you in your office one morning.
“Uhm why do you ask?” you squeeked, your cheeks going pink. 
“Well, I didn’t want to asume anything but word around the teachers lounge is that you are into Sakamata,” she asked looking at you over the rim  of her red glasses. You felt your heart sink realising you had been caught.
“Is it that obvious huh?” you asked, she offered you only smll smile.
“Sorry to say it byt everyone knows,” she said
“Well- every one except Sakamata if that’s what you’re worried about,” You relaxed knowing your crush wasn’t completely revealed. 
“I think you would be good for him, I mean just think of the hight difference! You two would be so cute,” She gushed. 
“I don’t think He’s all that inro me,” you said softly, thinking back to some of your interactions with him. Sometimes it seemed like he did enjoy spending time with you, but every time you tried to flirt with him he turned cold and distant, eventually you took the hint that he only saw you as a work friend and stopped trying to push past that. 
“No way he’s totally into you, you can see him blush every time the two of you talk!” she protested
“I don’t think he can blush Nemuri,”
“That’s beside the point,” she slammed her hands on your desk and leaned in bringing her face close to yours. 
“Do you want to prove that he’s into you?” she asked, a dangerous, wicked gleam in her eyes. You were too intimidated to say no. 
You didn’t know it but Gang Orca and Hizashi were having a similar conversation right down the hall from you. 
“I’m telling you man She is in. to. You.” Hisashi said punctuating each word with a jab to Sakamata’s chest. He was seriously considering picking Hizashi up by the collar and literally kicking him out of his office. Especially with how persistent he was being. 
“She doesn’t, now will you please leave me alone?”
“No,” he said taking a deep breath before continuing on his rant “Even if she didn’t like you, which she does, what’s the harm of asking her out? You’re a man you can take a little thing like rejection, and she’s such a sweetheart it’s not like you couldn’t be friends after that!”
Gang Orca had listened to maybe half of his rant before tuning it out, It was clear that while Hizashi had figured out that Sakamata liked you, he didn’t understand anything else about this issue. 
“She’s scared of me, there’s no way,” he said. Hizashi seemed to think about that before grinning at him. 
“We can change that,”
You couldn’t believe you let Nemuri talk you into this. The X rated hero had dressed you today, in a tight-fitting pencil skirt, a low cut shirt, thigh highs, and stilettos. You felt a little silly but you were deciding to trust her. 
Midnight had convinced you that Sakamata would drop on his knees and beg you to be his if you just showed a little more skin, And seeing how many men tripped over themselves to get a glance at her, it seemed like her theory had some weight to it. 
“Good Morning (l/n),” Sakamata said with a small nod as he fell into step beside you. Unfortunately he didn’t look impressed or even flustered by your attire. Under Normal sercumstnces, he would be, but he was too focused on his own plan.
Hizashi was going to trip you, and then Sakamata would catch you cementing him as a hero in your mind. He didn’t really like the idea of it, but Hizashi wound’t take no for an answer. Before you could even get to where Hizashi was hiding, your heal caught on a crack in the ground teetering forward with your arms windmilling, completely out of your deapth with these new clothes. Sakamata reached forward and steadied you, not even catching you as was the plan but just grabding your arm ans setting you right on your feet. 
There was a brief moment where you both just looked at eachother and laughed. Before you could properly thank him , there ws  girlish squeal. And you turnd to see Midnight and mic cooing over you two.  You flushed pink and Sakamata removed his hand from your arm. 
“What a cute couple,” Midnight teesed and if Sakamata could blush, he would have. 
“I’m sorry, this is all my fault.” you said quietly. 
“No, actually it’s mine, Yamada found out I like you and He’s taken it into his own hands,” He explained 
“Oh, well, midnight found out about my crush on you, she also planed something out,” you admitted. Sakamata smiled to himself
“In that case should we go out and put their teasing to rest?” He asked. 
“I doubt that would really stop them, but I’d love to,”
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soulwillower · 4 years
almost stupid • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested: requested by @demo-wise :)
Hello, my darling. I was wondering if I could request a Richie Tozer x Reader fic from you? Taking place in their college years, so sometime in the 90s? One where the reader and Richie go to a party, and though typically it’d be Richie that gets drunk, this time it ends up being reader, so Richie makes it a point to stay relatively sober during the party so he can keep an eye on you ans make sure you don’t get hurt. Then after a while - maybe the party ends, maybe they have a set curfew, or maybe something happened at the party, you choose - they head home, and since reader is too wasted to find the keys for her (off-campus) apartment - for argument’s sake, let’s say they both live separately, off-campus - so Richie lets her stay with him, and she’s a really sweet and afectionate drunk, and she ends up confessing her feelings towards him, and then is promptly out like a light. Then I guess the next morning he’d tell her about it, since there doesn’t seem to be a logical way to integrate it into one night. Hopefully this isn’t too confusing with how invovled it is, just exercising my enjoyment of the no word limit on asks. Thank you, love, and have a lovely day.
 i love u, hope u enjoy!!
warnings: binge drinking, getting sick/vomiting, party, fluff
(losers + reader are in college.)
3.5k words
you hadn't meant to let go of yourself this much.
music thuds around you as you move, your eyes catching patterns of plaid as a boy with a red flannel steadies you, "woah there, are you okay?" he asks, and you blink a bit, laughing. "yeah, i'm just l-lovely, how are you?" you say, slurring and hiccuping slightly. the boy laughs, and his smile makes you giggle more. "i'm fine. what's your name? did you come here alone?"
"y/n. i'm... 'm here with richie." you say, stumbling over your feet and raising your eyebrows as the boy nods. "tozier? okay. wait one second." and then you're topping off the cup of vodka sprite in your hands and hiccuping as the boy in front of you cups his hands, calling a loud, "TOZIER!"
as if he's a dog, richie comes bounding over with a toothy grin, "what's going on over here, chums?" he says easily, and as he moves all you can do is watch him in awe. 
his raw power, as odd and shaky as it is, is ever so prevalent right now - he has a way of pulling people to him. his lips are red and freckled, his adam's apple bobbing slightly when he speaks. your neck nearly hurts from craning to look up at him and you start to giggle to yourself as you watch him.
that noise seems to call richie's attention down towards you. his smile grows exponentially, his eyebrows raising as he takes you in. you know your cheeks are red. "hey, kiddo, how're you feeling?" he says, gentler this time, his hand absently raising to rub your shoulder before falling back down to his side.
you can't help yourself as you lean into the touch just as it's gone, and richie notices with an amused grin. you smile a bit, "oh, i'm feeling great! me n' my friend, oh, what's your-" as you turn to regard the boy who'd helped you, you find yourself gesturing to the empty wall instead. you whip your head back and forth in confusion, wondering where he'd gone. "oh. he's gone." you say, feeling embarrassed as richie huffs to himself.
"how are you feeling, richie? why aren'you playing king’s cup right now?" you ask, stumbling through your words as you gesture to the crowd of people cheering as a girl pulls an ace from a deck of cards. richie chuckles, shifting on his feet so he's leaning back against the wall, watching you with eyes full of joy and amusement.
"someone's gotta take care of you, sugar. we can't go dumb and dumber tonight, i gotta get you home safe."
you turn red, guilt crowding you as you realize you're probably prohibiting richie from letting loose and having fun. "oh, 'm sorry." you whisper, looking into the suddenly unappetizing contents of your cup. you set it down on the chair next to you and it wobbles, but you turn back to face richie. 
he's smiling, eyes running over you. "why're you sorry?" he asks, sounding like he's much more amused than you right now. "i'd do anything for you, kid. and it's one night, i think i can handle being the adult. you do this for me like every week." he insists, his eyes soft as he bites his lip. you lean into him, close enough that his warm chest is close to yours. “you’re too good to me, chee.” you whisper, smiling. you place your hands on his arms because you just want to be touching him, and you smile. 
he smiles back, rolling his eyes. “don’t think you don’t deserve it, sweet girl.” he says with a slight shake of his head. you scold yourself even in your hazy drunken mind as you feel yourself yearning to lean closer and kiss him.
instead of that, you just giggle, watching richie speak as he leans over the chair to grab your drink, knowing it'll probably spill if he leaves it. he has to lean around you to reach, and you take the opportunity to wrap your arms around his shoulders and nuzzle up, leaning backwards with his body. you can feel him chuckle as he steadies you. his eyes hold yours, and you open your mouth to tell him just how amazing he looks when you’re pulled away from him by a voice. 
you hear your name called and you perk up as your friend from one of your lectures waves to you. you jump on your heels as you place a hand on richie's chest, not really thinking about it, "i have to go see them!" you insist, and your heart thumps as you feel richie's large, warm hand on top of yours, sandwiched between his chest and hand. "i'll be here, go have fun." he insists. you turn to him, a sudden surge of confidence and affection induced by the bacardi and vodka coursing through your veins. up on your toes, you kiss his cheek and pat the other with your hand softly, face red as you realize how close his face is to yours; you mutter, "i'll be right' back. promise."
richie laughs lightly as you make your way towards them, his face red.
it was an hour and a half before you realized you were really, really fucked up. your vision felt like it was lagging, your eyes droop, your voice feels raw when you speak. and all that's on your mind is richierichierichierichie.
you're in the bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror with awe when you realize that the only reason you're having fun tonight is because of him. he's usually the one to get really blasted - it was your dynamic, and you liked it that way. he’s the funniest person ever when he's drunk, and tooling him around your university to walk back to his apartment was always more fun than it should be. in your head, you know it's because you're in love with him.
you pull a face at yourself in the mirror as you think about that, knowing damn well that that secret has been vaulted up for months ever since you figured it out. but you're just so goddamn happy right now, letting richie know that he's loved doesn't seem all that bad. he deserves to know, really. 
a knock on the door makes you jump and you finish drying your hands, wiping your eye as you hear his muffled voice, "you coming out anytime soon, y/n/n?"
you roll your eyes with a huge smile, feeling giddy to know richie was on the other side of that door, taking care of you. you pull the door open and he stumbles a bit, having lost the spot he was slightly leaning on. you're standing close to him, his face lower than usual after stumbling, and you grin as you look at each other. 
you can see the spare eyelash on his cheek, the light freckles hiding under his glasses as his curs fall perfectly around his face. "hi." you say quietly, giggling to yourself.
he backs away with a grin of his own, shaking his head at you. "hey, doll. you ready to head home? gotta get you some rest."
you comply, because there is almost nothing you wouldn't do for richie tozier.
you quickly come to realize that there is at least one thing you won't do for richie tozier, no matter how drunk you are. "richie, put me down!" you laugh. you're swaying as richie carries you through the mostly-empty streets, your head resting on his shoulder and your arms wrapped around his chest.
 richie laughs, re-gripping your thigh with his long fingers and making your stomach flip. "but i want to." he says matter-of-fact, and out of the corner of your eye you can see his smile. you groan, thumping him with your fist and kicking your legs.  "plus, you're going to die if you walk, y/n."
you scoff, "we're all going to die, richard. it's ‘97, the end of the world is in three years." you laugh at your own joke. 
"yeah, drunk y/n believes in y2k. i think i want to keep carrying you, crazy girl." he mutters, grinning to the ground.
"but i don't! i jus wann'walk with you." you huff, shoving your face into the crook of his neck. he smells like fresh laundry and mint cologne and it makes you sigh dreamily. 
giving in, he stops and sighs, releasing your legs so you slide down back to your feet.
he gives you a soft smile, and his face in the moonlight makes your stomach flip. "happy, babe?" he asks, watching you. you stare at him for a few moments, your hands lingering on his arms as you watch him. "always with you." you say honestly, hand moving up to brush a strand of his hair from his face. you almost think you could kiss him. 
but you break your trance with a laugh and you start to walk again, in relative silence, until you stumble and nearly fall. richie grabs your hips, muttering "jesus," as he steadies you, and you laugh as you right yourself. you're walking again, and you slip your hand into his as you listen to him tell you about his new computers class, nuzzling against his side as you near your apartment. his fingers fit perfectly in yours.
"-shit, i don't have my keys!" you say quickly, looking at richie and tugging him to stop. he turns and gawks at you, and you almost start to tear up. god, you're drunk. "i can't get in. i'm locked out, i don't-"
richie tugs you closer to him until he's hugging you, holding your head against his chest. as he pulls away, he rolls his eyes, "calm down, toots. you can stay with me, you don't have to worry."
you smile, feeling butterflies again as you hug him, whispering thanks into his ear. it makes him laugh. "you're quite an affectionate drunk, aren't you doll?" he mutters as you grab his hand again, your other coming to gently rest on his forearm.
you pull away from him then, playfully ripping your hand from his and walking a foot away. your body feels cold at the loss of him, and he mumbles, "no, no! i never said i didn't like it." richie says with a laugh, pulling you back towards him.
you're in richie's apartment within ten minutes. he's holding your hair back as you vomit within fifteen.
"i hate this." you say miserably as he sits behind you, rubbing your back. "i know, but you'll feel better now." he insists, thumb rubbing you sweetly and making you surge with love.
you pivot on the tile of his bathroom so that you're almost straddling him, pulling him towards you and into a hug as you sit on his lap, legs folded on your knees on either side of his hips. “do you promise?” you mutter, eyes closing. you suddenly feel exhausted. 
his arms rise to encircle you and he laughs a bit, muttering something about a koala bear as he hugs back. “f’course i promise.” 
and then he's calling you clingy but he's pulling you closer; as you press your lips lightly to small places on his neck, peppering his smooth  skin with soft kisses, his breathing chokes and his words halt a bit.
you pull back after a few seconds, unsure wether the racing heartbeat was yours or his, and you stare at each other. you're lost in his eyes, his hand on your thigh and the other rubbing your back. your eyes can’t help but bounce to his freckled lips and you shift a bit, fingers tugging on the curls at the back nape of his neck. you mutter, "can i have a toothbrush?"
richie insists you take his bed. you've begged him to at least share it with you, but he promises he'll be just outside the room on the couch in case you need anything. you're so tired that you can barely protest, anyways.
"thank you for being the best friend ever." you say to richie as he helps you settle into his bed. he laughs a bit, shrugging. "you do the same for me." he mutters, standing from the edge of the mattress.
your heart swells, your smile shortens, and you grab his sleeve. he stops and looks at you expectantly, a sweet smile on his face. “y'know, i should do this more often babe, you're a sweetheart when you're drunk." 
you shake your head, "oh, my god." you say, smiling and bringing your hands to your eyes. he laughs, "what? honest, you are. it's adorable, kid." he ruffles your hair but then his fingers start to run through the strands, gently combing the strands. you shrug, shaking your head again. you let out a laugh, knowing you’re doomed. "oh god, rich, you have to stop."
he lifts a brow, not saying anything else although there's a grin on his face. you laugh again, feeling dizzy but more comfortable than ever as you drown in his sheets. it smells like him, overwhelmingly so - all you can see and hear and smell and feel is richie. and so as he pats your head and turns off the lamp, the following darkness in the room gives you the courage to whisper it.
"i love you, richie."
he laughs in the dark, "i love you too." and your eyes are already closed because you're exhausted but you shake your head. "no, richie... you idiot. i... i wanna be with you."
he laughs, "i am with you right now, y/n. we’re in my room. god, you had way too much, i'm a bad babysitter."
in your exhausted, drunken stupor, you groan, pushing your head further into his pillowcase. how daft is this boy?
"oh my god, richie." you mutter into the pillowcase, the hand that you'd laid on his thigh sliding to his arm to give him as good a shove as you can, seeing as you're already half asleep.
"oh my god what?" he asks, and you can hear his smile. it makes you giddy, thinking about him. you shake your head. "it's just stupid, richie... i am so in love with you, it's absurd." you mutter, the clearest you've sounded all night since you walked into that party. and as the world fades away quickly and sleep knocks you out, you don’t second guess richie’s silence or his soft, what?
you wake up to a piercing headache, a fogginess that clouds your mind as you flip onto your back and stretch. you brush your teeth in silence, drinking handfuls of water from richie's faucet because of course he doesn't have a cup in there.
and then you're padding into richie's kitchen where he sits at the table, two cups of coffee and a plate of eggs and toasted eggo waffles in front of him. he's reading his calculus text book, his stereo playing an oasis tape quietly in the living room. he looks up at you, "mornin' sunshine."
you almost scowl - you know you look probably just as awful as you feel. he has no goddamn right to look this handsome at this hour, so effortlessly. 
he slides a bottle of pills to you as you sit across from him, swallowing them dry and then sipping on the coffee. you start to eat in relative silence, until you bring up a question gnawing at the back of your head. "hey."
he looks up, giving you a goofy smile that makes your insides melt. "hi." he says, smiling huge. he looks elated, and you're not sure why, but it makes him glow more than usual. you bring your knee up in the chair, resting your chin on it as you look at him. 
"did i...get into any trouble last night?"
he hums, "you don't remember?"
you make eye contact and you lift a brow, "...is there something i should?"
"last night." he says, gnawing on his lip, an smirk on his face. you sit up, rubbing your eyes more as you lick a bit of toothpaste from your lip. "just before you fell asleep. you said..." he laughs, then. shaking his head. your stomach plummets - jesus, what did you say?
"you said you- that you...like, want me." he says it in a laugh, trying to make eye contact as you avoid it. you know you're turning red, you can feel it in your face, "wh-what?" you stammer, unsure if richie is teasing you because he doesn't care, or because its better than just straight up shooting you down. or he thinks whatever you said, you weren't serious.
did you try to fuck richie last night? 
"when you went to bed. you said you're in love with me. that you want me." he looks like he's won the lottery as he smiles at you.
your stomach drops. love. ironic of him to try and joke about that, considering that’s something you very well could do when drunk. 
you roll your eyes, "couldn't imagine why i'd say that. you're repulsive." you mutter, dragging your waffle through some syrup. richie laughs at this, shaking his head.
"ask yourself, babe. you seemed pretty adamant on me knowing. you fell asleep immediately after." he sounds more serious now, and that's when you realize he's not joking.
your smile falls, "wait- i really said that?"  
he nods, "but if- if that's something that was just drunk y/n, that-that's fine. i totally understand, but i do think we need to talk about it." he's still got that teasing grin, but he's clear and his voice is soft. "i don't think it's okay for me to just not ever tell you about that. it would be really disrespectful to you. you deserve someone who you trust."
you blink, throat dry. what do you say now? how can you play this off, like it was nothing despite the constant flirtation between the two of you? 
how can you sit here, in richie's dinky kitchen sipping on coffee he made just for you, wearing a pair of his boxers and his shirt, after spending the night in his bed and looking into his eyes, and tell him you're not in love with him?
"sorry." you say with a scratchy throat, tucking hair out of your face. you remember bits from last night - pulling richie's arm around you every time you and him were next to each other, putting your hand on his chest when you listened to a friend tell a story. you remember when he kissed the crown of your head, then when you insisted he hold your hand.... you remember sitting on the floor with him and kissing his neck. but you don't remember much else.
then you think more about being on the bathroom floor with him and you groan, "oh my god, i threw up last night too. i'm so sorry." you say, rubbing your eyes and burying your face. richie laughs, “don’t be sorry toots.... it was kind of cute actually.”
you send him a look, "you think me vomiting was cute?"  and he shrugs, "i just like it when i get to be close to you. you know, even when you're not drunk and overly affectionate, i can't ever get my mind off you."
his boldness takes your breath out of your throat and you stare at him. "you- what? really?" you ask, your heart thumping.
he shrugs, leaning forwards and taking one of your hands gently in his own. "it makes me happier than anything in the world." he says it so casually, like he's known it his whole life.
“it’s embarrassing,” your eyes strain on richie’s hand, your fingers trailing idle patterns because it's easier than looking at him. “-that i've felt this way, but we've never said anything.”
“i guess i just never really felt like it needed saying. it was always just there for me.” richie's gaze is intent, and a finger teases over your lip, feather-light. “would you like me to say it now?”
your eyes widen - in all this, in your hangover brain, it hadn't yet occurred to you that richie may feel the same way. you grin against his finger, and his thumb pinches your chin lightly, bringing you forwards. one hand tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"i think you're the cutest. even when you're piss drunk.” his words make you wrinkle your nose, and he laughs. gently, he leans forward and kisses the top of your nose, shaking his head. 
"i am in love with you, y/n."
his words make you feel on fire, and you look away with a small grin. he tuts, using his fingers to guide your face back to his. "don't look away." something about his words makes your stomach coil in excitement, and so you keep your eyes on his. "i love you so much it's almost stupid."
"not as stupid as you." is the only thing you can think to say, and the half-chuckle that leaves richie's mouth as he surges towards you makes your heart soar with pride.
he kisses you like you're the center of gravity, surging forwards with so much force you almost fall back against the chair. a hand is on the back of your neck, a dizzied breath falling from your lips as his thumb brushes an exposed slice of skin at your hip settling upwards, warm and steady.
you're breathless, tentative, and abruptly shy as your panting breaths chased the silence. your eyes meet, richie's bold and unregretting. a gentle, loving smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.
and then he kisses you again.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier @sft-core @clownsloveyou @moon-shine-baby @trashedfortozier @daughter-of-the-stars11 @oceandog13 @chl0bee @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @melinda-weasley @flowerceiling 
© all content belongs to soulwillower 2020. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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a-froger-epic · 2 years
I know this probably isn’t socially acceptable because I don’t have kids but I have to ask you please please please please establish open communication with your kids while they’re young. And actually follow through with it. Don’t just say “ you can talk to me about anything” once and never bring it up again. And when they do wanna talk about something, listen to them. don’t get mad or offended, don’t punish them for expressing their feelings, don’t invalidate them. Fucking. Listen. And above all love them unconditionally, and SHOW them that you do.
You seriously don’t understand how badly not having a safe space at a young age fucks up a person for the rest of their lives(if you do understand the feeling I’m sorry that you’re in the same boat as me). So much of my childhood trauma would have never happened if my parents did this. But I spent my life on eggshells trying to never upset anyone and grasping at any tiny speck of affection I was thrown. Now my mental state is so fucked I don’t even think therapy would help. Genuinely. I don’t think there’s any fixing me. I’ve been suicidal since I was 5 years old, attempted over 12 times(yes I am that terrible at everything) none of them know and I don’t think they’d care.
Tomorrow there’s a family gathering. My parents will be there. They’re going to smile and hug me and act like they love me and that they’re so happy I’m there. Ans it’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt so much because I want it so fucking badly. I want their praise, their love, their acceptance, I want them to want me. But I know as soon as we’re back home it’s gonna go back to normal. Back to them ignoring me, yelling at me, hating me, treating me like I’m horrible, a burden, like they regret having me. I know they wish I wasn’t here and a lot of the time I wish I wasn’t either.
I’ve been crying off and on all night and I keep having to actively stop myself from self harming. I’m trying not to but I honestly just don’t see much of a reason not to anymore so it’s hard. I probably will barely sleep tonight knowing how rough tomorrow is going to be. I know I’m gonna wanna do terrible things to myself once I’m home again. So it’s gonna be another fun night.
Sorry for dumping all this I’m just trying to distract myself I guess. Just love the fuck out of your kids. Or they may end up like me. This is was not being loved as a child does to you.
Or at least what it did too me. I’m sorry this is so long I just don’t wanna be alone rn and this just feels less alone but I am gonna stop now. You absolutely don’t have to reply either btw it’s fine. It’s a lot, I know. Especially about someone you don’t even know. So sorry.
Hi, anon. ❤️
I'm so sorry for the late reply, I've been very busy and didn't want to reply to this without giving it my full attention.
My heart hurts for you. 😢 No child should grow up feeling like they are not wanted or not loved, and yet your story is not rare, which is just awful. Parenting is just about the most demanding thing in the world, and sometimes people simply do not rise to the challenge, which is never the child's fault because they did nothing wrong.
You did nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with you and you deserved love, even though you didn't get it. I'm so, so sorry.
The only thing I can tell you is that the human heart (and psyche) is so much more resilient than we often think, and it may not be an easy path, but there is a way to healing. You will find people in your life who WILL be your family, who WILL love you, who WILL care.
Please stay safe. ❤️
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Break up with your girlfriend and date me instead
WOrds: 1.7k 
Warnings: None
Characters, Kenma, Tsukishima and HInata (all seperate and x reader)
Requests are open! 
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It had been almost six months since yoou and Kenma started dating and it went exactly how you would expect, you chatted some in the mornings before school and during lunch, but otherwise majority of your time together was after school or on the weekends where you didn’t have to worry about other people bothering the two of you. One of your friends didn’t understand this and continuously asked you if you were going to bring Kenma around or why you weren’t sitting next to him, and when you told her that it was because he needed his space too she always rolled her eyes as you changed the subject. 
This had been happening since the beginning of your relationship and never thought too much of it, until she decided to go talk with Kenma alone. 
*From Kenma’s perspective* 
“Heyyyyyyy Kenma” You recognized the voice, she usually hung out with Y/N so I had to at least be a little nice to her so Y/N doesn’t get mad. 
“Hi” I mumbled not looking up from my game, being nice and caring are two different things. 
“Soooo whatcha doin?” She asks while sitting down right next to me. 
“Playing my game.” “Ohhh what game? It looks really hard, you must be amazing,” 
“It’s animal crossing, I have a five star island,” she was getting annoying and she’d barely said anything. 
“Wow Kenma you’re so talented.” “I guess.” 
“Well I wanted to ask you something?” Crap, she wanted to actually talk and I really don’t want to, before I could respond she was already going off, “so how is your relationship with Y/N going?” 
“Is it really? I don’t see the two of you hanging out often, like it looks like the two of you aren’t even dating.” 
She's annoying, “We’re dating,” I huff out just wanting to focus on my game but I know that she is going to want to talk more. 
“What?” I couldn’t help but look up at her to see that she looks serious. 
“I mean come on Kenma, you two don’t work together, I think you should date me instead, I mean I am a lot prettier and I will actually hang out with you and talk to you and cheer for you at all of your games because I care about you so much.” 
“No you don’t,” I respond, she really knows nothing. 
“But Kenma I promise you I do, we would be the best couple ever, we would have so much fun going out together and we look so” 
“No we would not. I like Y/N and we are dating so stop talking.” 
“Kenma listen to me we would be so much better together and she is nothing compared to me.” SHe is practically whining at me and I’m sick of it. 
“I don’t care what you think, you’re annoying” I can’t help but tell her the truth, and I don’t even have to look at her to know that she’s staring at me in shock. 
“Kenma Kozume you are a jerk and I can’t believe that you could say something like that-”
“I can, I don’t like you, I like Y/N so stop wasting your breath and find someone else.” 
She is peeved but I don’t care she is annoying. I get up and leave the bench to go find Y/N so we can walk home together and I can show her how much I’ve done on our shared island. (That he secretly has been working all day on to show you because you only had two stars at the beginning of the day and he just wants you to be proud of him and loves how happy it makes you, like he was really annoyed that he had to stop to tell that girl that he was not interested) 
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 You and Tsukki were the perfect couple, you both complimented each other perfectly, you brought out everything in him that he thought that the public would never see. You were too good to be true and he made a point to constantly remind you. What the world saw was him greeting you by the door, walking you home, and giving you his sweatshirts. What they didn’t see however was how you called him after practice and just let him talk about all of his worries, or how you pack him food for long bus trips because you know that’s the only way that he’ll eat, or how you practically pounce on him when he comes over and give him all of the affection in the world. This is what let your friend decide that she id going to have...an opinion on your relationship. 
*Tsukishima’s perspective*
Morning practice was as brutal as usual this morning, they all voted for sprints this morning and it really couldn’t have been worse. Now it’s over and I’m waiting for Yamaguchi to finish changing so we can walk to class together. It was a little colder out today and I just wanted to get inside. I decided to put my headphones on for a couple of minutes of peace before school, as I grab them out of my bag I see one of Y/N’s friends running towards me. 
“Tsukishima, hey Tsukishima!” She is calling my name, shit. She’s annoying and I really only handle her because she is Y/N’s friend.
Once she gets to me she is out of breath but tries to puff her chest out and smiles at me, “Heyyy so I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?” 
“What?” Did she really just ask me that? I have a girlfriend and she knows it, she is literally friends with Y/N what the hell. 
“I mean I thought that you would want a girlfriend who actually cares about you ans wants to spend time with you and I would also love to show you a good time,” she says while rubbing her hand up on my chest and I can’t help but brush it off of me. 
“Why would I do that?” Is she really asking me to go out with her? Is she stupid? 
“Because I like you stupid and I would be willing to fufill all of your needs and I’m prettier than Y/N and I would like to do everything for you. Besides you don’t even seem happy with her, like you do all of these things but that’s because she’s spoiled, you deserve better,  duh.” 
“You must be stupid, ugly and stupid.” “What?!?” “Y/N is my girlfriend, not you, do not touch me, do not talk to me and do not assume anything about our relationship. You must be stupid to think that you can come blink at me and expect me to go out with you. I knew you were dumb but that’s rediculous.” She was completely in shock, but that’s fine she doesn’t matter to me. Lucky for me Yamaguchi walked out of the locker room and we left her standing there, staring at me in awe. When I got to the classroom with Y/N I pulled her into a hug and told her that she needed to drop that friend before you got hurt. 
He would actually never ever ever tell you this but you literally make him the happiest person ever and to think that someone would even think about trying to split the two of you up makes him both pissed and super nervous because if he was mean and still got asked things like that what happens to you, his nice and loving girlfriend. He makes sure to be a little closer to you for the next couple weeks because you are his whole world and he just wants you to be by his side. 
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You and Hinata are literally so cute together and if you don’t know that the two of you are dating then you must be blind, deaf, and stupid. He was constantly shouting your name or is right by your side, HInata is loud but a complete sweet heart and he treats you so well that it makes other girls so jealous. Like no one else gets greeted by their boyfriend with a big hug and goofy smile every single morning. Other girls approach him often but usually you are right by his side. 
Hinata’s POV
After school there is about 5 minutes after I change before someone with a key gets to the gym, so I like to sit on the steps by the gym to be the first one in. Usually Kageyama was there with me but today I was all alone, well until Y/N’s friend came along, she came and sat by me and gave me a really warm smile. 
“Hey Shouyo what’s up?” 
“I’m just waiting for practice to start, you?” 
She sighs and looks at me, “I’m not doing anything, I just wanted to know if you would be interested in hanging out with me?” 
“What were you thinking? Practice starts in fifteen minutes so I guess I could talk with you until then…” 
“No silly, I meant like hang out like go out on a date together,” she looks at me like I should’ve known that but there is no way. 
“Um no… you know that I’m dating Y/N right?” Maybe she forgot or this was a prank, who knows what people are up to. 
“Yeah, I know, but I mean I just thought that I would be more fun to date instead of her, like come on Hinata I play volleyball too, like we could do that together and I would actually be your biggest fan.” 
“I already have a biggest fan and her name is Y/N and she is also my girlfriend so thank you but no thank you.” She’s Y/N’s friend, how you could she say something like that? “NO HINATA I COULD MAKE YOU HAPPY” “I am already happy.” Walking up next to the gym is Tanaka who got a set of keys to the gym and unlocked it for us, he looks at the two of us with a confused look on his face but doesn’t bother asking before he entered the gym. I get up to follow behind him and look back at her one more time, “If you wanted to be friends I would be more than happy to be friends with you, but I am taken and have to go to practice now, so have a good day!” 
Hinata really didn’t understand what happened there, like she meant a date but he was already taken so he kinda just blew it off. When he told you later though you explained it to him and he kinda just laughed but also felt bad for rejecting her like that even though she should have known better than that. 
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
A Change Of Heart
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: Being Snape’s daughter, people think you have it easy at school, despite being a Gryffindor. But they treat you differently, no one really wants to be around you due to Snape’s reputation. And lucky for you, the only person who understands is Draco. [3rd year.]
Warnings: None
Word count: 2,140
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A whisper made its way across the class as your father walked in. Usually, people whispered about him anyways, but considering Lupin was supposed to be teaching instead of your dad, they seemed a little more irritated than usual.
You lowered your head, avoiding the confused glares people sent your way about why he was here. The blinds were suddenly shut and darkness spread across the quiet room as your father turned to face the class.
“Turn to page 394.”
You noticed the thick book in front of you that you didn’t remember bringing in at all. Sharing a look with Hermione who seemed as startled as everyone else, you slowly started flipping to said page, passing the lessons you should have bee doing today.
“Uh, excuse me, sir?” Harry’s voice broke through the stillness, “Where’s professor Lupin?”
You kept your head lowered, knowing that your father’s relationship with Harry often got quite ugly, and you didn’t want to deal with that right now.
“That’s not really your concern, is it, Potter?” He spoke slowly, before raising an eyebrow and walking to the back of the class, “Suffice it to say your professor finds himself unable to teach at the present time. Turn to page 394.”
You heard a thud of pages to your left and Ron Weasley let out a gasp, “Werewolves?”
You scanned across the page, noticing that indeed, you guys were going to be learning about werewolves. Why, you had no idea.
“Werewolves? But sir, we just started learning about redcaps and hinkypunks. We’re not meant to start this for weeks.” Hermione spoke up, catching the attention of your already pissed off father.
He glared at her, his gaze softening once it landed on you next to her, “Quiet. Now, can anyone tell me the difference between a werewolf and an animagus?”
Looking around and noticing no one else had raised their hands, except for Hermione of course, your slowly raised yours.
“Y/N?” Your father spoke slowly.
Hiding the redness creeping up your neck from the sudden attention, you steadied your voice, “An animagus is someone who elects to turn themselves into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, he or she forgets who they are, they’d kill anyone who crossed their path.”
Your father smiled briefly at you before covering it with a glare at the rest of the class, “Good. Now, by Monday morning on my desk I want two rolls of parchment on the werewolf, with emphasis on recognizing it.”
The class broke out into groans, mostly from the loud Slytherin boys at the back of the class. You ducked your head, knowing people were going to make snide comments to you about how strict your father is when you went back to the Common Room.
“Sir, it’s Quidditch tomorrow,” Harry groaned, stopping once he was face to face with the angry professor.
“Then I suggest you take extra care. Loss of limb will not excuse you,” he spoke in Harry’s face before turning back to face the rest of the class and continuing his lecture. You tuned him out slightly, scribbling little notes in your book now and then when your ears caught certain words, but apart from that, you weren’t paying attention.
What felt like four hours later, the class ended and you grabbed your books, moving as quickly as you could out of the class to avoid any confrontation.
“Snape is the worst, wish he’d just jump off a cliff,” a girl muttered to her friend as she pushed by you, her friend agreeing with her.
“Can’t believe he’s got us doing all of this, doesn’t he understand that he’s not the only professor in the entire school,” Harry grumbled to Ron as they turned the corner away from you. You tuned out the crowd, rushing to a corner to take a breath. You hated how all you ever heard was how terrible, cruel, awful, disgusting your father was. Sure, you disagreed with his methods sometimes, but you loved him.
You felt tears prick your eyes and you tried your best to hide them as you hid your face, letting the crowd of students pass by in a rush to get out of Defence Against the Dark Arts.
As the crowd died down, you took a deep breath and prepared to go back into the hall, but you were interrupted by a voice from right beside you.
“What’s got you looking like you want to cry in the shower for eight years?”
You snapped your head to the right, eyes immediately landing on Draco Malfoy leaning against the wall, eyes on you.
“It’s nothing,” you hid your face in your hair once more, looking down to the books you were clutching in your hands, hoping he’d drop the subject with lack of care.
“Oh, please, I know that look. I see countless people crying in hidden corners every day,” he crossed his arms, not breaking eye contact. You had never really spoken to him, but you knew all about him and his family from your dad. They were, what you could call, ‘work buddies.’
“Draco, just leave me alone,” you sighed, pushing your hair behind your ear to face him. A look of sympathy crossed his face as he noticed how upset you actually were.
“Come with me.” He grabbed your arm gently and pulled you down the hall. You barely knew him, but for some reason you found yourself following after him without fighting. He pulled you down hallways, ignoring the strange glances people shot your way, and pulled you into a quiet classroom. You had never been in here before, and by the looks of it, it hadn’t been touched in years.
“Talk. I’m a good listener.” He shot you a genuine smile. You cocked an eyebrow, wondering why he was being so kind to you, but you didn’t feel like arguing.
“Fine,” you sat down on a dusty chair, “It’s tough being Snape’s daughter. Don’t get me wrong, he’s… a great dad, but the stuff that students say about him gets to me.”
He nodded slowly, “I get it.”
“You do?”
He smiled at you, nodding his head, “Yeah, kind of. My father has a reputation too. Not a good one. I know that people talk about him when I’m around. It sucks.”
You nodded slowly, “That does sucks, I’m sorry.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “Don’t be sorry, I’ve dealt with it my whole life. I had a feeling that’s what was bothering you. Anyways, all I’m saying is you can’t let them get to you. No one ever really likes their teacher. There’s nothing anyone can do about it.”
You laughed sarcastically, “Wow, really helpful, thanks. I feel loads better.”
He stepped off the desk and walked closer to you, “I’m serious, you can’t let what other people say affect you. Your dad doesn’t care what people say about him, so nor should you.”
He was right. Your dad didn’t care what people thought of him. You figured you might have overreacted slightly, but he was your family. You didn’t want people talking about him that way.
“You’re right,” you muttered, looking up at him with a little more determination, “You’re right, I shouldn’t let what people say affect how I feel.”
And from then on, you tried not to. You’d ignore the glares, the negative comments, and you even got closer to Draco. He sometimes sat with you in Potions where he knew students would treat you a little meaner. You’d hang out with him in the evenings to avoid the Common Room, and sometimes you’d find yourself hanging out with him without even having an excuse.
“So, that’s when I told him that I’d shove my wand so far up his nose it’d come out the back of his skull,” you finished your story, Draco bursting into laughter, his shoulders shaking.
“That’s how you get someone to leave you alone!” He continued laughing, his cheeks turning slightly pink and his hair falling into his face. For some reason you found yourself wanting to gently tuck the strand back with the rest of his hair, but you couldn’t figure out why the sudden urge. You shook your head, clearing yourself of your thoughts before cracking a smile.
“I guess it is,” you smiled, hiding the blush that crept onto your cheeks. Damn Draco Malfoy and his stupid charm.
“So, I’ve got to run off to stupid Transfiguration, talk to you later,” he picked up the book on his lap and stood up, waving goodbye and taking off down the courtyard and into the castle. As he disappeared inside, you let out a sigh, leaning back against the cold bench and shaking your head. You knew damn well you were developing feelings, but there was no way in hell you were okay with it.
You stood up, trying to clear your head before taking off into the castle. You slowly made your way up to the Common Room, taking your time as you didn’t really have anywhere else to be. You spoke the password to the fat lady and walked in, plopping down on the couch in front of the crackling fire.
You sat there for what felt like hours, the clouds rolling in and the magical fire not dying down in the slightest, before you heard a faint knock at the door. You had never really heard anyone knock before, so you got up, figuring Neville or Ginny had forgotten the password again, but stumbled back in shock when Draco stood in front of the doorway, hands in his pockets and an awkward smile on his face.
“Yep, hi.” He grinned, motioning for you to step outside, which you did.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, moving out of the way to let a group of Gryffindors walk past the painting. Draco shrugged, seemingly embarrassed.
“Do you, I don’t know, wanna go for a walk?” He asked nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders once again as if he had an irritating twitch and something on his mind.
“Sure,” you grinned, letting him lead the way down the stairs. You walked in silence for a while, almost as if Draco wanted to lead you somewhere private to talk. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but you knew that he was taking you on a walk for a certain reason and you could feel unwelcome nerves bundling in your stomach.
“Where are we going?”
He didn’t answer, but his pace quickened and you followed suit. Eventually, you found yourself in front of the same classroom as he had dragged you in a week before, and you followed him inside without saying anything. You felt your heart beating against your ribcage, slightly out of breath from the half-jog you did the whole way here.
He shut the door behind you, his breathing picking up.
“Draco, you’re being weird… are you ok?” You asked, approaching him cautiously.
He turned to face you, eyes wild and cheeks still slightly pink. Before answering you, he grabbed your face and pulled your lips to meet his. His lips were soft, despite his actions, and you felt your knees buckle.
He immediately pulled away, “I- I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry.”
You felt your cheeks flushed as you tried to wrap your head around what just happened. He noticed your silence and nodded his head slowly, making his way back to the door. Holy crap.
“Wait, Draco,” you tried to speak but it came out as more of a squeak. He turned around, eyes slightly hurt but he stayed to listen.
“Come back here,” you smiled, watching his slow steps as he took his sweet time walking back to you.
As he stood in front of you, his breathing still quick, you gazed up into his eyes and lifted your arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and running your fingers through his hair, pushing his head down, connecting his lips with yours.
He leaned into you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his body flush against yours. You smiled into the kiss, loving the feeling of his lips moving against yours. He lifted you up slightly, lips not leaving yours, and placed you on a desk, one of his hands finding its way into your hair as the two of you started heating up.
He started placing kisses down your jawline and onto your neck, his gentle hands gripping onto you as if you were to disappear between his fingers. Before he could make his way back to your lips, the door swung open and an angry figure stood in the doorway. Draco pulled away in a second, shielding you from whoever’s eyes were on the two of you.
“Malfoy, what are you doing to my daughter?”
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thedyingwriter · 4 years
BTS hybrid X Reader AU
Part 1 | Part 2
Character (age)
Kim Seokjin- Fox hybrid (28)
Min Yoongi- Jaguar hybrid (27)
Jung Hoseok- G. Retriever hybrid (26)
Kim Namjoon- Wolf hybrid (26)
Park Jimin- Cat hybrid (25)
Kim Taehyung- Panther hybrid (25)
Jeon Jungkook- Rabbit hybrid (23)
Reader- Dr Kang Seo Yoon (27)
Jaehyun- Seo Yoon's best friend and coworker. (25 for the sake of the Story)
{ Dr Kang Seo Yoon was a very successful researcher and doctor of the hybrids and worked at the hybrid welfare center. She lived with her six hybrids- Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook- who had grown up on her through the years when she found them at the rescue shelters. She was a kind and empathetic person who had used all her resources and knowledge for the betterment of the hybrid species. What will happen when she comes across an injured Panther hybrid Taehyung outside her house and decides to help him regardless of him being hardly human towards her. Will she take him in? Will he become a part of her sweet happy family? }
Chapter 1
The Injured Hybrid
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" Wake up noona" Seo Yoon heard the voice of Jungkook shaking her from slumber. He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck tickling her with his soft ears. She chuckled at his action and finally got up.
"Aish, kookie where do you get so much energy at 5 in the morning." You said gently rubbing his bunny ears. He purred.
"Noona everyone is sleeping and I have been up for a while. I didn't want to disturb you but you said you have to wake up early for your work today so I thought I should come and see" He said his cute smile on full display a faint shade of red on his cheeks.
"Let's go and make some breakfast for everyone then, you can help me" She said getting down from her bed and following Jungkook towards the kitchen. The 23 year old was always cheerful making sure everyone around him is happy too. For his age he definitely acts like a cute lil toddler but she loved him dearly.
"Kookie I plan on making fried rice and omelette for breakfast. I'll start with the rice could you whisk me some eggs?" She told him and he nodded while grabbing a large bowl and a crate of egg from the fridge.
Seo Yoon was cutting the vegetable when Jin walked in the kitchen his hair a mess. "Good morning Jin oppa" "Good morning hyung" You and Jungkook said at the same time.
She felt gentle hands at your back, untying your apron. “I can take over Y/N, why don’t you go take a bath? You have to be at the center early for the rounds right? " Jin said shaking your hair.
“Thank you oppa, what Would I do without you” she said, stepping away from the stove. If Seo Yoon weren’t cooking, Jin was. He loved the activity ever since you taught him how. Soon enough he surpassed her skills, creating mouth-watering dishes. In thanks, she rubbed his dark fox ears. He leaned into your touch, fluffy tail swaying.
"Noona shall I go and wake all the hyung while you get ready? " Jungkook asked.
"Yes kookie that would be really helpful. Tell them all to brush their teeth and come for breakfast. " She said and walked back to her room to get ready for the day. Seo Yoon and Jaehyun had to work hard today. It was an open out patient day and different shelters were bringing their hybrids for checkups. She took a shower and dressed up in jeans and a formal shirt tying her hair in a ponytail her beautiful bangs covering her forehead. She could hear the commotion of the boys from the kitchen. She took her white coat and some files and walked out towards them.
All of them were sitting on the counter eating their food. All the 6 hybrids looked cute in messy hairs and pyjamas while stuffing their mouths with food. She took out your phone and clicked a picture. The sound of the shutter gathering everyone's attention. Despite most of them being younger than her, she insisted on them calling her by her name as she felt really old though Jungkook still called her noona because he always wanted an elder sister.
" Aahh Seo Yoon, you look so pretty. Come join us for breakfast " Hobi said wagging his tail happily. She went to sit with them patting each of their hair as they smiled at her. Yoongi took her in a hug and passed her a travel coffee container filled with her favorite drink which he made each morning for her. She took a sip and groaned in pleasure while everyone laughed at her love for coffee which she shared with Yoongi. " What would I do without you Yoongi oppa. I can hardly work without your coffee. " She said and sat down to eat her breakfast.
After breakfast Jimin went and kept her files and coat inside her car and Jin packed her lunch. She picked her bag and was ready to leave. Namjoon came to her and gave her a hug. It was their thing. Every hybrid hugged her before she went out showing affection. She kissed Joonie's cheeks and then hugged Hobi. Jimin and Jungkook group hugged her nearly trampling her on the floor with so much force and enthusiasm. Yoongi kissed her cheek as she went out to her car where Jin was ready to drive her to the center. He liked driving her and would spend an hr with shelter kids helping around and come back in an hour. His dark green silk scarf which acted as a collar sat perfectly on his neck. Jin dropped her at her office saying goodbye and going towards the shelters behind the building.
Seo Yoon entered her building and was immediately met with the strong smell of hospital which she has grown to call home now. She went to her locker and changed into her scrubs and came to her office which she shared with her best friend Jaehyun who as usual was late as always. 10 minutes later you heard the door open and a panting Jaehyun in his scrubs appeared before you.
"I'm sorry I'm late, before you say anything Seo Yoon, Ik it's third time this week and today we have a busy day ahead of us but what can I do I was watching a drama at night and couldn't get up early because of lack of sleep. " He ranted in a breath going on and on about how the protagonist if the drama was so stupid for not understanding the guy loves her.
She shook her head. " Aeyah!! stop talking Jae before I murder you. One day I'll give you a nice trashing for how casually you take me. " She said with a pout. He laughed at her and hugged her as she melted into giggles. She can never be mad at the kid. He was way too sweet and cute.
Somebody knocked at the door and a nurse appeared. " Dr Kang and Dr Jaehyun, the patients are here. We can start with the day. " She said and left.
Jae and Seo Yoon sat at the table and opened their lunches. Jin always packed food for your best friend who loved his food even though Jaehyun himself was an excellent cook.
"I'm coming to your place for the weekend. I really miss the boys. It's been a while. And this week we even have the Saturday off from shelter duty" Jae said with his mouth stuffed. She has lived so much around boys now that it's hard for her to remember what sophisticated people looked like.
"Why don't you just move in with me. You already live at my place nearly all the time when we aren't working" I scoffed. Her place is more or less like an open motel for her friends to stay in whenever they want considering the size of her big real estate. After her father's demise when she inherited his wealth. She decided to make a big place where she can adopt some hybrids and live happily. It had literally all the required materials a person could need to survive in luxury. She really had spoiled all the boys with 24x7 wifi and gaming.
Jaehyun shook his head and laughed at her scowled face. He loved teasing the older girl.
"Why noona that's an excellent idea. I'll have an amazing time with the boys and get free food. " She got up and punched his arm. She absolutely did not liked being called noona.
"I told you not to call me noona or I'll give you a good trashing. " She angrily chewed on her fish.
"Ayee you are biased Seo Yoon, why does jungkook gets to call you noona and all of us don't. " He teased her further.
"Well if you really want an answer he is more cuter, is good at everything, doesn't gives me a headache every 10 minute and definitely isn't a constant pain in my ass. " She said laughing and Jaehyun threw her a dirty look.
When Seo Yoon left the hospital in the evening it was quite late then usual. Jaehyun had left half an hour ago but she stayed looking at the shelter kids who ran around each other enjoying life without a worry. She had a smile on her face and a tear in her eyes as she walked back to her home. She always liked walking back to home and it wasn't an issue as it was a highly safe residential society with great love for people and hybrid. She felt someone's presence behind her and immediately knew who it was.
"Jin oppa you didn't have to come I was on my way. " She said and turned to see a flustered Jin caught following her. He was worried that she was coming home alone so late and thought to accompany her.
"How did you know it was me? Do you have a secret third eye behind your head or something? " He said and took your backpack from you holding your hands firmly.
"Well I have been around you since the beginning. It's easy to feel your presence. It's a girl thing. " She said and looked in the front. They were very close to their home.
A young man clad in black outfit was walking in front of them. He had a slight limp and looked almost drunk from pain. As if he was drowning his sorrows. He was limping towards the other side when he suddenly disappeared from their eye sight.
"Oppa did you see that? " She asked Jin. Jin pulled her behind him and they both walked quietly towards the road crossing. A black van was parked ans the man from earlier was being pushed inside it. He was being abducted. 2 men pushing him inside. Jin quickly rushed towards the van. He pulled the man from the goons hold and layed the now almost unconscious man on the road side. This gave the goons time to flee. Jin was about to go after them when Seo Yoon stopped him.
She immediately knelt beside the man. He wasn't drunk. He was badly injured. His abdomen was bleeding and his legs were tampered. She tried helping him.
He groaned as she touched him to treat his wounds. He immediately backed up at an inhuman speed. This shook both of them.
"He's a hybrid oppa. We need to help him. " Seo Yoon said and Jin immediately called Yoongi to keep first aid ready.
The hybrid's cap fell from his face revealing two soft black cat like ears. His tale was brilliantly tucked in his pants not giving anything away that he wasn't human. He immediately tried fleeing from the human who looked at her with her almost teary eyes but he couldn't. He did not have the strength. He collapsed in her arms his world going black as the last thing he saw was the beautiful face of a teary eyed angel who somehow did not look like she wanted to harm him like other humans.
Seo Yoon was almost gonna cry after seeing the hybrid. He fell in her arms. His life almost slipping away. Jin picked him up and they rushed inside the house towards the guest room. Yoongi and the boys had kept all necessary medical aid that they know Seo Yoon kept for emergency on a table nearby. They were as astonished as the duo seeing how badly injured this hybrid was.
"What happened to you" Seo Yoon wondered out loud.
A/N: this is my first hybrid au. I hope you all enjoyed this. Please like comment and reblog if you liked it. I'll post next part soon. Put your name in the comment section below to get tagged in the next part.
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soukokuwu · 4 years
》 angst, definitely (dazai x reader)
》 trigger warnings! death, delusions, accidents
》 word count: 1.3k
》 feeling horrible translates into inspiration so i indulged myself- a shorter one this time round, please... enjoy?
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“always pining for what we can’t have”
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“I don’t want to, but thanks.”
You shut the door, glad to finally be back after an entire night out. You looked at the digital clock on your nightstand.
You sighed. It’s been a long night out. You switched on the lights and found Dazai groggily rubbing his eyes, sitting up on the bed. Your face lightened up upon seeing his, a feature that never escaped his notice.
“What was that about?” he asked, referring to your earlier exchange.
“My mother called, asked if I wanted to go home for Christmas,” you explained, flinging your car keys onto your study desk and climbing into bed next to him. You wrapped the blanket around the both of you, hands tightening their hold around him.
“Weird, you haven’t gone home for years and she’s never asked. Why now?” Dazai questioned.
Ignoring his question, all you managed was a “it’s not weird.”
Dazai knew you well enough not to press on the matter any longer. He returned your hug, letting you bury your head in his chest. “Did my baby have a long night?”
“As usual. Today was a bust, I didn’t find any inspiration. Maybe you should come with me some time.”
“I wish I could, belladonna.”
You were a writer, and it’s been a few months since you’ve lost all motivation to write. You simply couldn’t find interest in anything. You had been wallowing in self-pity for a while before deciding you should probably actively seek out an inspiration instead of moping in your room all day.
Late night drives were your go-to. It was nicer in the night- everything was dark, and quieter than the day. It was also windy and the night sky would be full of stars. It never failed to remind you of the night you first met Dazai.
“You thinking of the night we met again?”
You scoffed and looked up at the man beside you. “You always know what I’m thinking about, don’t you?”
“Of course, you are my belladonna after all,” Dazai pointed out, booping your nose. “I remember too. I was just walking back home after drinking at the bar. And you were sitting next to the river being all sad.” He laughed affectionately while recounting the memory, his hand stroking your hair at the same time.
“Don’t remind me,” you groaned, further burying your head into his chest. You had been upset over your previous breakup that night and were just crying alone when Dazai spotted you. No matter how long it’s been since then it still made you cringe. What a pathetic way to meet your next lover, crying over your old one.
As you caught the unfamiliar, almost musty smell in your nose, you pushed Dazai away, wincing. He looked at you in surprise, pulling away. “What’s wrong, belladonna?”
After a long pause, you let out a long sigh, eyes still closed. “Dazai?”
“Thank you for always protecting me.”
“I always will, my belladonna.”
Another pause.
“What is it?”
The tears were finding their way out. Your mother’s scream echoed in your head, “Stop deluding yourself!”
“You’re just a figment of my imagination...”
A few months earlier.
A screech.
Hands grabbed onto your head, enveloping your body with their’s. Warmth enveloped you. You were safely protected.
Ans then the world went black.
The next thing you saw was the bright light on the ceiling, the only sounds you heard being the beeping of monitors. You tried to move, but it hurt. It hurt everywhere.
You took a deep breath, but it felt weird. You glanced downwards and saw a ventilator.
Panic set in you and the beeping got faster. Someone you didn’t recognise ran into the room, trying to hold you down as you tried to resist her.
It took a while before you would calm down enough to listen. The nurse who had been holding you down earlier was now jotting down your vitals. A doctor was beside her, inspecting the paper on his clipboard.
You glanced at the wall clock.
The doctor tried telling you about your own condition, but you cut him off. Then you asked him the only thing you had been thinking of since you woke up, “Where’s Dazai?”
One week later, you were taking a last look at him before they closed it. You barely blinked as you watched them slide the coffin into the cremation chamber, your face devoid of emotion. You had cried enough earlier, there no more tears left for now.
The fire burned strong and bright. It was probably the longest one and a half hours of your life.
He was gone. He was really gone.
Now here you were, on the bed. Without him. You were lying to yourself, as you always have.
This was why your mother asked if you wanted to go back this year. Because she heard what happened. But you didn’t want to spend time with people who didn’t make you feel at home.
This was why you lost all your inspiration for your work. He had taken over the role of your muse ever since you knew him, and you could find nothing else better. Your passion for writing somehow died with him.
The tears wouldn’t stop. The way he always called you ‘my belladonna’ kept playing in your head. You were wrong. The aftermath of the car crash wasn’t ‘hurt’.
This hurt. Remembering hurt. Living hurt.
‘Anything you wouldn’t want to lose would be lost’, huh?
You opened your eyes. And this time, you truly opened them. He wasn’t there. Your eyes fell on the urn beside the bed.
Osamu. There he was. In ashes.
Then your eyes shifted their focus. Where you saw Dazai earlier, the silhouette faded, back into the giant fox doll you always hugged to sleep. It wasn’t real. None of it was real. And how you hated it.
This had been your life ever since he passed. You always came back home with the delusion he was alive, talking to the air as though he was there. But it never was, no matter how clearly you could hear his voice in your head. And sometimes you knew that. Other times you donned a mask of ignorance.
You thought back about earlier, how pathetic you must’ve looked. If people could see you, they’d probably be laughing at you. Talking to thin air, hugging a musty old doll tightly thinking it was him, burying your head in the softness as though it could even replace him. It didn’t even smell like him. How you missed his touch, his smell, the sound of his laugh, the affection in his voice when he talked to you.
“What’s wrong with me?” you screamed, kicking the doll away out of frustration. It landed on the other side of the room, lying next to a box of Dazai’s stuff.
You could hardly contain your emotions as you remembered keeping his belongings after the cremation. People told you discarding his items would make you feel better, a metaphor for being able to ‘let things go’.
But no. No fucking way. How could you? It was the last of him you’d ever have, aside from his ashes. How do they expect you to be able to do that?
You never felt at home with anyone else but him. You had a sad excuse for a family, and ‘friends’ who weren’t ever genuine by a mile. You thought the same of him at first, but you got to know the man behind the mask and you loved every part of him. Every suicidal, cynical, brutally honest part of him. He had been your one and only. He was your best friend, your lover, your future, and your home. And god knows how long you spent in your life searching for a home.
You finally found a place you belonged- with Dazai. But now he was gone. Trying to protect you. You cursed the drunk driver who had crashed into your cab. And then you cursed your late lover for trying to protect you when he should’ve saved himself. You remembered how long and hard you cried on the day of his cremation, his remains in an urn pressed against your chest as you wallowed in the misery. It was a lonely feeling, not coming back home to the usually perky Dazai smothering you with affection. Now all that waited for you was emptiness.
I’d rather be dead with you, Osamu. Why did you leave me behind?
Tonight, for the first time after he passed, you left the doll on the floor, crying yourself to sleep alone, in the cold bed, feeling lonelier than ever.
You were truly alone now. Just like you used to be.
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“hush little baby, don’t say a word”
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So um I'm a big dum and I need to practice!
Also because I love the Monkie Kid Aus I've been seeing as i stock peoples blogs.
@fallenangelofsalt this ones for you and your Phantom Thife/TruthSeeker au pal! Got to say I'm a sucker for what you've (and the others) are coming up with so let me give you this as a gift! So happy holidays i guess lol. I wanted to explore more of Macaques and Sun's relationship in the past if you will?
Why is the name of the God's, no scratch that. In the name of whatever higher power has some, S O M E, faith left in them caused this to happen?
All Macaque wanted to do was hang out with Sun, maybe sneak in a fue flirty comment's, and just call it a night. That's all he wanted. THATS IT! But no, Sun just had to go and do something overly stupid! Although as the same time Macaque really should have seen this coming with the track record Sun keeps...
The two ducked into an ally as a red faced police officer ran by. Hiding behind some trash the two finally where able to catch there breaths.
How long had they deen running again? Felt like hours! Checking his phone Macaque realize it had only been ruffly eight, ten minutes? Dear God's he needs to sit down.
He can't though, he just can't. After the two had fully regain control over there air intake Macaque let its sun kissed haired boyfriend have it.
"WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING?!" The dark haired man examined. Oh oh ohh Sun was in for it now.
"I don't know what to tell yo-"
"Dont know what to tell me? DONT KNOW WHAT TO TELL ME!?"
"Macaque calm-"
"Calm down, you want me to calm down? SUNNY! You could have gotten into serious trouble!" Macaque said ans he grabbed Sun's shoulders, slightly shaking them as he did. Truth be told if something had happened to Sun, be it his own fault or not, Macaque doesn't know what he might do especially since-
"Look im sorry ok" Sun spoke with a sigh. He dare not make eye contact with Macaque. He just stood there wallowing in his own thoughts.
It was Macaques turn to sigh as he pulled Sun into a tight hug.
"I get it, you're the vigilantly 'monkie kid'-"
"Its Money King"
"Same difference, but right now, your Sun Wukong not some hot shot beating up bad guys in an alley with little to know effort" he said as he grabbed Suns chin with his thumb and pointer finger and made the him look at him. Thoughs beautiful golden orbs for eyes shined bright even in the dingy alley. The two just stood there for a while just looking at each other. Obsidian staring into Gold.
"Your right, im not Monkey King right now" Sun said closing his eyes.
"But someone had to do something!" Gold burned bright has his eyes opened.
"By risking going to jail, a second time?"
There was a pause between them. But before either could speak it seemed the officer that had been chasing them was back. Probably due to the yelling they(macaque)had done.
'Oh God's I can't believe what I'm about to do'
Before Sun could process what was happening Macaque through both ther hoods up, pushed him up against the alley wall. There lips just one movement away form connecting, noise touching. It looked like they where about to kiss or something.
Taken a back by the blatant act of affection he yelped, but quickly tossed his arms around Macaques neck as the black haired man's traveled from his shoulders down to his waist.
"Dude what the-", his face burning red. Just as Macaque had made this swift movement the police officer had entered the alley. Macaque shushed him. As the Officer, how now had for friends with him, looked around into the alley for what could have been causing all that noise, only to see wat looked like two individuals making out. Figuring it just to be a lover's quarul they left. Leaving the two once more alone. Macaques head leaned back form Sun. Both now extremely red faced.
"Soooo what was that about?" Sun asked with a raised eyebrow, face still flushed.
"Shut up, it was nothing. Just..."
"Just what?" Sun pushed. Pulling Macaques head back to his.
"Just a 'fake-out, make-out' is all" he said, resting his forehead on Suns.
"Hmpf, 'fake-out, make-out' you say?" Sun teased. Macaque let out a sigh.
"Why'ed you punch the cop! We where having hamburgers!" Ahh, changing of the topic, a classic 'i done goofed' Macaque move. Might as well play along. Save him the embarrassment.
"What can I say? I like to live on the edge"
The two let out a low laugh. Still flustered from moments ago. Gods why are they like this?
I'll admit, it even more OOC then the AU itself, but you made Macaque soft
I cannot, wright fluff about these two dorks being dorks before going there separate ways!
Alternatively mayhaps Red Son and Mk have there own 'fake-out, make-out' wether as themselves or as TruthSeeker and Samadhi? OwO
Gha now I just was a soft cuddle fic with the either of them!
Anyway, i figured since you mentioned Macaque knew Sun was the Vigilante Monkey King, he would either help out where he could, or be a worried mess about him. I also wanted this to be set before the main story? Like when the two where youger, before becoming the Police Detective and Six Eared. I would imagine not long after this there would have been some sort of fall out, and Sun would end up realizing he should be a Detective.
Also I would like to propose the idea that they both had feelings for each other, Macaque was just a little more open with it hence the flirting. But Sun was just quite about it all. Doing small gestures that would go unnoticed by the other. But during there fall out(brake up if you will)he tried his damn hardest to hate Macaque. Which is why when he get gifts from a secret admirer,(fully knowing whom its from) he can't help but feel that ping of happiness.
As for why Sun punched a cop? Idk bro thats all on you.
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theteenage-dream · 3 years
Bored? Want some Tea? Here:
I just found out my "best friend" of 8+ years got a matching tattoo with her best friend...what the fuck. Let's call her G, well G turned 18 in May and my birthday isn't until the end of this month. We told each other we'd wait for each other so we can get it together...she didn't even tell me right away. The other girl, uhh S drove her (she's 18) and they got Kuromi and MyMelody. G told me 3-4 days afterwards only because she was buzzing with excitement (from what I could tell in her methods of texting). The worst part is that S is the girl she abandoned me for in 5th grade. She never called me her best friend and when people would ask I'd say it and she'd deny it. But G was never so quiet about S. I'm jealous because S is like me but more bold and loud. That's pretty much it. And it makes me sad because now people think I'm trying to be like her.
Fun fact: G once spent the weekend over at my house and actually spent more than 3 hours talking on the phone with S...and worse yet, she didn't want me to hear the convo so she locked herself in my restroom. I mean, I took this time to purge my food out but what the fuck. Who does that? She's always done shit like this and never shows me kindness and is hardly there for me when I put so much effort and love into our relationship. I can't even cut her off because I feel bad for her and don't want her to be alone. But I just think I'm also incapable of doing it because I know how well she'd do without me. She'd make a scene and cry to everybody saying I cut her off for no reason and then get their sympathy and have more fun without me in her life. She's done something similar before. I've told her so many things...deep secrets. Although, not the worst ones nor many. Well I did tell her a LOOOOT but I like to sacrifice the less important stuff and "overshare" so that people never suspect you're actually hiding so much inside. Ugh, I'd always share to try and get her to open up and trust me but she never did. I understand it's hard for her to talk it is for me too! But I'm actively trying to become a better person. That's the difference. But I could never really trust her either. It makes me sad. She never shows me off, gives gifts (besides sometimes on holidays b/c I'm a big gift giver), does favors for me, tells me words of endearment, or spends time with me. She would never say I'm her bsf unless she says "bestie" in a sentence. She isn't as fortunate as I am in money (although my family's broke rn haha) but I always put her needs before mine and she could just give random rocks or flowers she finds on the ground. But she doesn't. Not even a little piece of paper with a smiley face on it or anything. I'd do that all the time. I always try to make sure she knows I'm there for her and say words of affirmation all the time. She'd just roll her eyes or say "ew" "playfully". But at least she knew. I tried to be affectionate and she craves physical touch but yet, she couldn't accept it. So I understood but made it very clear I wouldn't mind holding her hand or hugging her or wtv. And sometimes we did hold hands. But she'd always complain about craving physical touch and I'd just look at her like "hello what did I say? I'm here for you dude". She would also never really do anything for me. Sure she did small favors like plug in something for me but otherwise she didn't even help me turn light switches off when I was using crutches. SHE'D WATCH ME LIMP TO RETRIEVE THINGS LIKE BRO. Sure she had her nice moments but there were a lot more moments where she wasn't so nice.
But maybe well maybe she didn't tell me about her tattoo b/c I never respond (i struggle with depression and social anxiety so I get scared to respond to texts) (i was also sick when she got it). But she could've. She never texts me first :(. I always have to text her and she never checks on me and I randomly make sure she's alive and at least trying to stay hydrated. Holy crap...she never texts me first. I'm starting to realize a lot more things. OH and she wouldn't really try to do stuff together unless it benefited her. Like when she was home alone or stuck babysitting her lil sis, she'd ask if we wanted to hang out and ofc I said yes (unless I was unable). Or like, since my parents are strict, she wouldn't even try to ask me and one time, S picked up G and then asked me if I wanted to go to Sonic with them and I asked my parents and they said yes. We had fun together but I felt like the 3rd wheel. Oh also btw S is dating my ex boyfriend that I had to break up with because my depression was getting severe because I realized I had been raped by another guy. I love him (S's boyfriend not-) but he always had a thing for S. And it hurts me so much, but as long as he's happy...that's all I want for him. Even if it can't be with me... anyways G told S she doesn't ever try to invite me anymore since it's likely my parents'll say no. But like...i could at least try. It's always good to invite someone even if you know they can't or are busy. It's just basic etiquette. She was very two-faced as well. She'd talk behind my back and betray me easily. She'd spill my secrets to S because she wasn't loyal to me and I was...one time, she started hanging out with someone dangerous. Someone who spreads rumors and purposely causes drama. So I warned her about it and she told the girl. I ended up getting into a talk with the other girl. She came up to me "Can I talk to you?". I so should've said no. I will now. I'm growing. I'm learning how to not be duch a doormat and that saying no is my right. It's just really hard when those people try to beat you down because of it. But that was it. G was the closest thing I had to a "best friend". I'm always everyone's last choice. I'm not anyone's favorite or preferred friend. I'm the forgettable one in the group. I'm not special. I really just want to die. I'm all alone. Perpetually alone. I'm not perfect, and I'm fucked up too. But, I try to be the kindest for people. Because I don't want them to feel the way I do. I crave affection. I need validation from others. I care so much about what others think...
I like being alone but it gets tiresome when you've done it all your life ans have felt different from everyone. I think I'm a terrible person because I can't cut her off but want to do it to her before she does it to me so that it protects my dignity and because I have pride...well tbh it's more like if I do it first, I'm not being rejected so that I won't cry as much bevause someone doesn't like me. This post is getting long. There's more but it's 2:52AM. Oh and for those who wanna know, G is a Gemini and I'm a Virgo. S is a Sagittarius and her boyfriend is a Cancer. I miss him dearly. Well time to watch cheesy tween romance characters to fulfill that need.
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