#temper tantrum tw
yooniesim · 2 months
Hi uh, I hope it's okay to ask, but which creator are you referring to? Because the whole cp thing is kind of a huge accusation and I'm definitely not comfortable with supporting someone who's into that kind of stuff
to be clear it's not csam (real children) it's fictional (drawn & in sims), but they're extremely creepy as a person & remind me of abusers in my past that exposed me to that same fictional material as a child. it's common for those that do have bad intentions to use it to blur the lines/make minors feel like it's normal/okay so that they're easier to groom & abuse. this isn't something that everyone that consumes this content does, obviously, but the amount of times they specifically have had questionable boundaries raises red flags for me. (Having a minor character in a fetish pose in a preview on a blog they specifically allowed minors to follow for cc, defending that by saying the original mangaka posed the character that way first so it was his fault not theirs, having a discord server with a dead dove channel that minors could access & saying it was ok bc they had to use a react role to get in, calling survivors that were uncomfortable with this crybabies, puritans & dumbasses, etc)
I never could finish the full post i was making about them bc it was frankly pretty triggering to me & I was dealing with my father's passing at the time, but I still have the screenshots despite them changing their name multiple times, wiping their blog of everything & changing their pinned to be 18+ only. There's also other people that have called them out for certain things (like the pose incident) before in the past. I'm not saying they're a predator or child abuser, since I know they'll jump to that immediately- but I am saying they're creepy and their history of a lack of solid boundaries between minors & the adult content they consume is irresponsible and unacceptable. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable having them in the same spaces as minors in this community. I personally blocked them a long time ago when they were rentbunny bc I saw they (as a non-black person) liked posts that were calling me a c*on and telling me to kms, but the full extent of all the rest that was brought to my attention was staggering tbh.
When I figured out they were in my server at the time (members came to me with the proof & said they were uncomfortable/triggered), I banned them silently. They responded by publicly harassing me for weeks and claiming that I had bullied them. They openly admitted they had only been in my server with the aim of baiting people into talking about them, and then posted screenshots of... people saying their cc was too high poly, had too many swatches for their liking, and someone editing the buns off one of their hairs for personal use. And they listed off usernames of people that had never mentioned them/were not active, purely with the goal to get others to attack them. They also mocked me for being in mourning for my father that had just passed, and after I had blocked them continued to make passive aggressive references to my grief. And this isn't even counting all the cc issues, taking money for commissions & ghosting the commissioners for months, and miscellaneous bigotry & bad behavior they've been involved in. This is all now deleted & they changed their username to yin-shimo directly after acting a complete fool towards me. But none of my posts are deleted, and I didn't forget. A lot of other people haven't either. So overall, I think they have bigger issues in their own house to focus on before worrying about someone else's cc dress.
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perereiii · 2 months
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Hold on a sec can you guys troll on this with me
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corpose-a · 4 months
i was going to go to sleep but someone decided to start doing fireworks outside, so instead i’m comforting my dog and thinking about vi and the few times she has emotional outbursts during the game and how only johnny gets to see that in her, only he is ever privy to that … rage, that anger ( and who knows by the end if it’s really just hers anyway ), and then the one time where it happens and he’s not there. it’s almost always destructive, a physical need to just scream and fuck shit up, because so much of how she carries herself is stilted, contained, professionally bitchy.
the earliest instance comes after the vdbs kill her. she comes to on the ground, choking on her own blood while johnny tells her what happened and she’s so angry, so fucking incensed. because she died. because someone fucked her over again and she should’ve seen it coming. there’s just this guttural screeching for awhile, and when she’s up on her feet she’s kicking the dead netwatch guy’s head, she’s throwing the laptop on the ground, she’s essentially taking everything she’s felt - bc she hasn’t had a real reaction to anything that’s happened to her - jackie’s death, konpeki, any of it - and that’s all funneled in right here. and then she wipes her face, smooths her hair, and goes to meet brigitte knowing she’s going to kill placide after.
then again when she realizes that songbird played her so, so well in pl. she just kind of goes numb, manages to stumble her way out of it all and when she gets home it’s destructo-rama. that’s the real reason she ends up leaving her mega building apartment. it’s a shambles when she’s done, someone even calls the cops to check on the noise. that one ends with her crying which, since she can’t actually produce tears unless she permits it, ends up sort of an uncanny looking panic attack because it keeps happening, and she’s getting worse, and it just keeps happening!
the next one is less rage, more . . . something else. she’s not really certain. panam offers her a place in the aldecaldos and she goes back to her car and drives away and the whole way home, i think again she’s doing that crying thing. no tears, but the heavy breathing, the blurred vision ( though that might be another relic malfunction ). she gets in a wreck and ends up spending the night at the sunset, high.
the last one is up in the stars. without him. she tears up her room and all she gets is takemura throwing a chance to put her in soul prison. in my perfect world, i think she at least considers coming across to choke him out.
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themerrymutants · 4 months
Had 10 seizure like episodes over 20 minutes last night so I'm back in the ER. Also fuck you Cleveland Clinic EMS. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
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delicris · 1 year
loss of innocence
i longed for more purple in my life for violets and pastel skies the sun rays breaking through an amethyst wisterias embracing the garden gate i longed for more purple in my life until the purple started turning green then yellow took over slowly and left just a memory behind i longed for more purple in my life but over the years i learned the only natural purple i was allowed to see stemmed from the insides of this house the one with the lilac façade
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rosyjuly · 2 years
if i become a nun technically i'd become the bride of christ, which is a step up from my current relationship status AND i wouldn't have to work anymore
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jackkatzz · 5 months
Right, so anon asks are once again disabled ^^;;
*TW for censored R slur
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Someone couldn't behave and not be a massive douche bag, so it's been disabled again.
Also, bold choice to specifically state you creeped on my boyfriends page and are just and all around gross person. Like, bravo on being the shittiest person from my day today.
May you grow and be a better person.
I'm gonna play minecraft with my boyfriend now and talk about kissing him.
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daydadahlias · 1 year
my nose started bleeding out of the blue (not good ofc) and my step mother’s only concern was “can you please try not to get it on the carpet 😭” and for that I am going to projectile a blood snot rocket on her fucking carpet
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raccoon-queer · 2 years
literally what the fuck is wrong with me 💀 why am I like this
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lynxgirlpaws · 10 months
Hey er. Avie Rant time. I. Just . sorry preemptively lol
I am . having a rather hard night. Which I feel isn't even fair to say based on the circumstances but like. Whatever. So, Im chilling right? Chit Catting with people, maybe helping someone way out of my league cum, normal me behavior for the middle of the day. Anyways, my dad comes home. He. Is apparently not in a good mood, which I will discover later. First, he basically bursts into my room and demands I keep the door open bc apparently he dislikes the smell. Also I need to clean right now. Also I need to get out of bed, I don't deserve to lay in bed since I don't really work. I. Haven't put it together yet, but sure I do it whatever - I leave the door open a crack. Whatevs. Then he inquires about the food his girlfriend gave me. Which.. Was half things that I struggle to eat, but besides the point. He presses about "was that dinner?" You know. If you're here you know his obsession with me losing weight. Anyways I tell him "you said she'd bring me a snack at some point, this is what she brought. It was two hours before you allow me to eat dinner, so I assumed it wasn't" or whatever. Good enough answer for him, whatever. Sorry for all the filler, mostly dealing with him is these little things he does to remind you everything ought be how he want it, such as reminding me that I shouldn't expect dinner (although he informed me I could make a chicken patty or smth if I got hungry which, yippeee)
Anyways, a few minutes pass and. He starts his bullshit. He demands I shower now. And I only shower in the morning from now on. See, I shower at night because I like to see myself with hair I don't hate and feel clean as I sleep. However when I told him I prefer night showers, he got pissed. Angry, about why every time he asks something I have to "buck against" him . I, stupidly, ask some shit about why he doesn't let me make decisions to make me happy. He... Goes on a yelling rant about how the way I know to do things is wrong, I don't have a job or classes so I don't deserve to lay down, goes on about how there are 'rules' aka whatever he tells you... And informed me of his unwillingness to pay for college or anything unless I show initiative (fair, although he told me there was money in his mother's account or whatever that can only be used for college) and talked about how he'll kick anyone who breaks his rules out (using his girlfriend as an example)
I... I dunno. Something kinda went fucky wucky in my head and I. Maybe cut for the first time in a few months. I just. Really? All this shit because I asked if I could shower at night instead of the morning? Anyways I. I dunno, I've been . doing less than good pretty much consistently for. A long while, but not enough to really justify complaining to y'all about it . I usually just kinda brush it off but. I dunno. It was bad...der tonight. Best part is that when I get out of the shower, he tells me to come up to the door... And open it. No like, gn or whatever no happy thanksgiving, he just tells me to open the door (because he doesn't like that my room doesn't ventilate much... Despite the open window) and leaves before I can even see his face.
I. Grow weary.
tl;dr - despite no thanksgiving dinner/gathering, my family still fucked me up today lol
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themerrymutants · 4 months
Had 10 seizure like episodes over 20 minutes last night so I'm back in the ER. Also fuck you Cleveland Clinic EMS. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
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If blind rage ever tells you to hammer your heel on the floor as hard as you can, that is the Devil speaking
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spencereid · 2 years
if u keep crying and feeling like life is just So Unfair - it’s not life, u are actually the problem
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unladielike · 2 years
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( i honestly can’t help but laugh whenever i discover an anti has me hardblocked... and these antis spread misinformation about pr/o-shippers too, that it’s just like trash taking itself out.
but honestly, you don’t necessarily have to have problematic ships in order to be a pr/o-shipper - you just have to not condone harassment over ships. and yeah, while i won’t deny most pr/o-shippers in the rpc tend to ship inc/est or minor/adult ships, the fact antis have to resort to spreading misinformation to make them self seem morally superior is so damn hilarious to me.
honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if people would assume i’m a pr/o-shipper too despite the fact i actually agree with them in/cest and minor/adult ships are gross - i just do not appreciate seeing people witch hunt others or hurl death threats at people consensually writing things they don’t like, regardless of how i might feel about the topics they are writing about, because at the end of the day, real people matter more than fictional lines on paper.
seriously, it costs $0 to just block/unfollow/blacklist and mind your own business. plus, all this moral outrage people have towards supposed ‘p/edophilia’ is performative af. like, if you care about csa victims so much, then why are you exerting so much of your energy on being mad at fictional characters being abused when you could help out actual victims of csa/grooming in real life??
i dunno, man... i just feel like these people need to touch grass or something, because they do more slacktivism than actual writing. i mean, maybe it’s just me, but i personally do not get how you could not be tired, calling out people for shipping crimes or being angry all the time, when all i wanna do when i come back home from work is scream about characters and maybe write self-indulgent shit.
...TO THAT END, I DO NOT HAVE THE SPOONS TO CARE ABOUT WHAT GROSS SHIT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING, because it doesn’t concern me. honestly, i wouldn’t say i ‘support’ it, but it’s more like i acknowledge that people are always gonna write weird shit regardless, so i’ll simply ignore it and move on, because for me, it’s not healthy or productive to my mental health, focusing on things i hate. )
#shipping discourse tw#⸾ ❖︎ ⸾ ( OUT OF ) ⤹ •• 𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟.#[ ngl i can't believe 'don't harass other over ships' is still a controversial take in 2022 ]#[ the worst part is... this wouldn't even be the first time people wrongly assumed i shipped problematic stuff ]#[ but you know a person's vibes are rancid when they feel like it's their duty to call out shit to make the rpc 'a better place' ]#[ when really... they're only making things WORSE ]#[ and listen i get being squicked out by things in fiction ]#[ but there's a point when it gets to be too much ]#[ if you're telling another human being behind the screen to k/ill themselves ]#[ like... you're not being edgy anymore YOU'RE JUST BEING AN ASSHOLE ]#[ and i don't know about you but i would personally not want to be responsible for another person's death ]#[ or their mental health deteriorating even though i might personally hate their guts ]#[ because guess what... it's called being an actual human being?? ]#-[ and when you resort to throwing a temper tantrum on the dash... you just look foolish ]#[ ESPECIALLY if it's not instances of ooc racism or transphobia you're angry about but fictional things ]#[ and if by pointing this out makes people will unfollow/block me I DO NOT CARE ]#[ cause i don't want to be mutuals with people who would justify sending others death threats or threatening others with violence ]#[ over shipping crimes anyways ]#[ Y'ALL ARE UGLY AND I DON'T WANT YOU IN MY SPACE ]#[ anyways tldr?? pro-ship is not synonymous with 'problematic shipping' and if you describe it as such you're being disingenuous FULL STOP ]
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
Yan!Husband Maegor the Cruel/Six Wives Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
❝ — 🐉 lady l: This is more based on his wives than on Maegor himself, but I wanted to test something. This is dedicated to dear @gulnarsultan, hope you like it! If you just want one of Maegor, feel free to ask!! ❤️❤️
❝tw: polygamous marriage, murder, jealousy, possessive and obsessive behavior, mention of stillbirths and death on childbirth.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!maegor the cruel x female!reader, yan!six wives x female!reader.
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You must have been a very cursed woman when you were chosen to marry Maegor I Targaryen. Not only because he already had wives, but because of his well-known reputation and cruelty.
You begged your parents not to let you marry him, but it wasn't a choice to make. It was an order. Your parents couldn't deny it or they would be killed. Your family was well known in Westeros and had a good reputation for being fertile, maybe that's why he chose you. You cried a lot that day, but you had no choice but to leave for King's Landing.
Once you arrived, you were immediately greeted by one of Maegor's wives, Tyanna of the Tower. You were hesitant with her, knowing the reputation she maintained, but to your surprise, Tyanna had been nothing but kind and courteous to you, explaining everything she could about the court and Maegor. That being said, you quickly warmed to her, hopeful that you had a friend through it all.
The other wives were also nothing but cordial with you, some a little hesitant and others more open, but all kind and polite. You felt calmer about it.
Maegor has an explosive temper and everyone is directed towards his anger, not even you are safe, although you are the only one who can truly calm him down. Whenever he is having a temper tantrum or cruelty, you are called to defuse the situation.
His behavior is violent and difficult, his cruel acts became more common after he became obsessed with you. You must do what he wants, after all, you don't want your family to suffer the consequences, do you?
Ceryse Hightower was as sweet and kind as she could be. She was the warmest to you, hugging you and wishing you happiness and many children. She expected you to give her husband heirs.
She was kind, so sweet to you that she quickly became your friend, your ally. You adored her, and even though she was your husband's first wife, you had no problems with her or she with you. Ceryse has truly come to adore you like a sister.
Alys Harroway was the second wife and one of your closest friends, whom you mourned the loss of your friend deeply. She became pregnant with Maegor and quickly became happy and told you, leaving you excited and Tyanna jealous.
Alys was your closest friend, protective and calm. Her obsession with you was hidden but it was there, and she fiercely protected you from anyone. She wanted to be your only confidence and only friend and that was her undoing, after the disastrous birth.
Tyanna of the Tower was Maegor's most feared wife, and your friend. She was kind and courteous to you, staying by your side and whispering sweet and poisonous words in her ear. She wanted you for herself, not for Maegor or anyone else, she wanted you.
She was largely responsible for Alys' downfall, and Tyanna, even though she liked you, would still be willing to deal with you if you got in her way. She loved sharing you with Maegor, when the three of you slept together and she caressed your belly, sincerely hoping for a child that would be not just yours, but hers as well.
You loved them, all of them, but you couldn't help but feel awkward, especially with Tyanna. However, after Alys' death and the confession that Tyanna was to blame for the abominations being born, she was killed by Maegor and he soon took three wives at once. The Black Brides.
Elinor Costayne was the youngest and the most delicate, gentle and sweet. She quickly warmed up to you and soon stuck to you like gum, much to her surprise. Maegor didn't seem bothered by this, however.
Even after her fertility was proven and she managed to get pregnant with Maegor, the child was stillborn and with wings. She survived the birth, however, and clung to you as a source of protection and affirmation against her husband.
Rhaena Targaryen was one of Maegor's most fearless wives, perhaps because she was from the House of Dragon. She never wanted to marry him, but she was forced to and found comfort with you, in her friendship with you, and came to love you like a sister, in the Targaryen way.
She viewed Maegor with bad eyes and as a threat not only to her but to you. Rhaena couldn't let anything hurt you, not when she was already so attached to you. Her obsession grew and she felt jealous of Maegor when he was with you. It was just a matter of time.
Jeyne Westerling was shy and beautiful, with dreams that didn't include marrying Maegor, but one good thing came out of that marriage, and that was you. You were her only friend in the midst of all this and she considered you above everything and everyone.
You could still feel the fear in Jeyne's voice when she found out she was pregnant, the terror she was feeling. She cried in your arms when she found out, fearing she wouldn't be able to carry a healthy child. You tried to comfort her, but it was in vain, not when she gave birth to yet another abomination and died after giving birth.
You mourned the loss of your friend and Maegor the loss of what could have been a son. Now it was up to you, his beloved wife, to give him what he wanted so much. You were afraid of him, but Maegor loved you in his own way.
Possessive and incredibly cruel, he has no qualms about killing anyone who looks at you the wrong way. You are his, his wife, his Queen. Not from others.
Your life with him would be difficult and although you found comfort in your friendships with the other wives, you still felt lonely, far from your family, and forbidden to leave the Red Keep.
Maegor's possessiveness worsened when he discovered your pregnancy and this time he would be sure he would have the heir he so desired. It doesn't matter what means he has to take for this. You will give birth to a healthy and strong child.
Your fate was sealed the moment he chose you to be his wife.
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jiarkives · 4 months
julia’s favorites ! (v)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ♕ - nsfw ; ☆ - series
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jujutsu kaisen
♡♤ throughout heaven and earth - gojo satoru
♡ drunken angel - nanami kento
↳ @chuluoyi
♡ sleepy!megumi x shy!reader - fushiguro megumi
↳ @just-jordie-things
top gun maverick
♕ slow ride - jake ‘hangman’ seresin
↳ @vivwritesfics
☆ time warp - james potter
↳ @astonishment
☆ what we were, what we are - james potter, sirius black
↳ @jimblejamblewritings
♤♡ opening about past sa (tw!) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ talking to a cat - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♤♡ temper tantrum from draco - sirius black (cbbh universe)
↳ @ellecdc
♡ blurb - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @moonstruckme
♤♡ say don’t go - james potter
↳ @pretty-little-mind33
a court of thorns and roses
☆ suspicious - azriel
☆ mate - azriel
↳ @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms
☆ everything is not as it seems - azriel
♡ cassian: the annoying brother - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡♤ use somebody - azriel ft. platonic!lucien
♡♤ capture the mate - azriel, pregnant!reader
♡ i know something you don’t know - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡ snapshots of time - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡ your little hand’s wrapped aorund my finger - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡♤ hickeys and the marks we leave - cassian
♡ save your tears - eris vanserra ft. lucien vanserra
↳ @daycourtofficial
☆ low on hope (tw!) - azriel
↳ @violet-shadows
☆ untouchable - azriel ft. brother!rhysand
♤ falling apart for you - rhysand
↳ @serpentandlily
☆ arrows and ashes (tw!) - azriel
☆ forget me not (tw!) - azriel
↳ @assassinsblade
☆ of oblivious minds - azriel
♡ all over again - azriel
♡ by the book - azriel
♤ to feel at home - azriel
↳ @pellucid-constellations
♡ what we make of what we’re made - azriel
↳ @illyrianbitch
♤ take them all down (i) — (tw!) - rhysand
♤♡ take them all down (ii) - rhysand
↳ @danikamariewrites
♡ forever and a day - rhysand
♡♤ love and loathing - rhysand
↳ @ughthatimagineblog
♡ colliding visions - rhysand
↳ @cherhys
♡♤ false confessions - azriel
♤♡ how we survive - azriel ft. platonic!rhysand
♡ home to us - rhysand ft. nyx
↳ @writingsbychlo
♤ in this shirt - azriel
↳ @utterlyotterlyx
♤ in every lifetime (i) - azriel
♤♡ in every lifetime (ii) - azriel
↳ @shadowdaddies
♕♡♤ all my dreaming (i) - azriel
♕♡♤ all my dreaming (ii) - azriel
↳ @theeveninghour
☆ flame, shadow, beast - azriel
☆ the artificer - azriel
♡ heads will roll - azriel
♡ he feels safe with you - azriel
↳ @florencemtrash
♤♡ was any of it true? - modern!azriel
♡♤ second chance - cassian
♡ you drew stars around my scars - azriel
↳ @flickering-chandelier
♡ bumps, blunders & baby kicks - azriel
↳ @acourtofmishapandmistakes
♡ finally - azriel, fairy!reader ft. platonic!cassian, platonic!nesta archeron
↳ @itsswritten
♤ escapism (tw!) - azriel ft. past!lucien
↳ @thewulf
♡ count on mom - bruce wayne ft. bat family
↳ @alisonwritesimagines
♕♡ still wanna play? - jason todd
♡ meet the family - jason todd ft. bat family
♡ guard dog (i) - jason todd
♡ guard dog (ii) — (tw!) - jason todd
↳ @mostly-imagines
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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