debottomend · 2 months
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I will set my soul free tonight
And come looking for you.
Keep your window unlocked
For easy access to your bed.
When a chill is felt, breathe deep
And I will enter your lungs,
Making my way to your mind.
In this relaxed state I can control
Your mind, your arms and legs,
Your fingers. Relinquish control.
I will seduce your thoughts into
Delicious, unspeakable acts of
Forbidden debauchery and
Insatiable sexual hunger.
In the morning, you will wake
With cum-soaked sheets and
A smile on your face as you
Relive your erotic "dream".
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kid-az · 1 year
All Tomorrows: Vanga-Vangog’s Puppeteer headcanons
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Conceptually, the Temptor’s were one of the most interesting of the posthumans, with the males being worker drones and the woman immobile flesh trees with much greater intellect and the ability to control these men. They were however killed off by a comet in canon, unable to become sapient like many other extinct posthumans.
Vanga-Vangog would however explore their potential in the form of their descendants, the Puppeteers. These sapient people would further exaggerate the features of their ancestors, the males being what are effectively mindless meat robots controlled by the pheromones of the much larger, sapient, yet now completely immobile females.
I wish to go on a tangent about the possible culture, values, and the state of their world like I did for his other fanmade species, the Clicker’s
-Due to the male drones being mindless and viewed more as extensions of their body than independent, the act of sexual love is foreign in the Puppeteer’s culture, with romantic love being exclusive to unions between woman. These individuals would act as pen lovers, sending eachother messages, specially made robots/designer drones, and the occasional meetup via their equivalent of Zoom.
-Occasional, these romantic pairs would decide to move into their partner’s tower, living alongside them inside the same atrium room. This was a more recent tradition, as their post scarcity society and technology allowed themselves to be moved easier.
-Because of how individuals couldn’t meet up physically due to the obvious, the Puppeteer's never developed any actual table manner’s, often messily devouring meat, vegetables, and many other types of food via overhang conveyer belts. By the end of their meal sessions, they would be covered in chunks of their food and juices, having to be sprayed by their drones via hoses filled with soapy, scented water.
-Inspite of their seemingly draconian biology, (Often by people mistaking the male drones as sapient, which they are not) their post-scarcity government was one of the most democratic among the Second Empire, with every civilian having equal say and rights in politics. These debates were set up in their zoom equivalents.
-Puppeteers, surprisingly enough, do have fashion. During their ancient history, they would often need to wear thick blankets wrapped around them every winter so as to not freeze to death, and this tradition of having drones make blankets carried onto their modern day, even though they live in temperature-regulated towers. These blankets would be made out of fur and wool of non-sapient cousins, their cotton plant equivalent, or silk, and be very thick yet also soft and secure.
-The male drones would also be decorated, early on by dyeing and tattoos, but later more conventional clothing after it was introduced by their posthuman cousins. And no, their fashion wasn’t gender-based, male drones would be given either female, male, or gender neutral clothing by the queens.
-Baby Puppeteer’s would live right beside their mothers early on, being tended to and cared for by her drones while they would converse. For most of their history, this was the only time female puppeteers would physically meet eye-to-eye. These children, once of age, would often have a tower built by their mothers and her friends, and would move into them to spend the rest of their lives.
-Infertile Puppeteer females, due to their inability to birth males to use as extensions of their bodies, had to be well-cared for by the drones of their friends and/or family, and would traditionally be given the task of being soothsayers or recorders of oral tradition, since their was not much else they could do. The development of robotics allowed these infertile individuals more independence and personal freedom.
-They we’re huge, avid consumers of TV media and literature, with them spending much of their times either reading or watching screens, eating food, talking to friends and neighbors on their screen, or watching their drones and robots perform and do silly antics for their enjoyment. (They’d often recreate other posthuman memes with their drones.)
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gongedtornado · 3 months
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no fucking way
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continentalblue · 1 year
A continuation of your all tomorrows headcanons?
i said I would do these yesterday but it's like 12 am so it still counts #slay
also lemme know if u want me to rewrite/clarify any of these I'm typing all that comes to mind
also I wouldn't mind writing more of these lmaoo. this one got a teensy bit long
🌌 Bug Facers had a bartering/trade system rather than a cash system. This trade system was highly complex; people who tried to pass off their goods as being more high-quality than they really were were punished severely. They also had a monarchy, with the Queen being 25% larger than the other people. Her citizens were taxed and the best food went to her. Her function was the same as that of an ant's queen. Actually, more to the point, I picture their monarchy as being similar to that of ant's. However, after their invasion, the monarchy was dissolved and turned into a democracy.
🌌 Despite their relative immobility, the Temptors actually developed some form of culture. Males would spread ideas between females, who rued the fact that they could not meet other members of their species. I also feel that the males could talk, though their enunciation wasn't really that good. Based on the sharpness and shape of their beaks, it's possible they were all-purpose feeders who preyed on insects, nuts, and other worms. The females required three times the amount of food as males in order to provide enough energy for their brains.
🌌 The Lopsiders actually experienced some sexual dimorphism. The reason for this is because their designs remind me of anglerfish. Females were markedly larger than males, and the males depended on the females for sustenance. This was slowly phased out as they evolved, as the species would cannibalize others for food. They had no trade system; they operated under a "it's yours if you're fast enough mentality."
🌌 Because their experience became so automized, the Tool Breeders actually evolved away from actually having blood at all! As a result, their flesh became more gelatinous. While a drought would have slowly but surely dehydrated the species' flesh and caused the end of the species, they learned how to make water from seemingly thin air. They have a capitalistic system that constantly pushes new inventions.
🌌 Much of the Titan's mythology focused on figures who were more mobile; ie., those that had two legs. When a Titan was born with two limbs, they were hailed as a god. They were seen as prophets and harbingers of good luck. They emphasized an ideal that the species could no longer go back to.
Since they lived in a savannah, they also grew thick skin on their bodies to account for the insects and the spikes on their favorite plants. They also transferred to a more vegetarian diet, consuming foods similar to those that giraffes and African elephants eat.
🌌 Hand Flappers had mating dances similar to those of birds-of-paradise. Had they developed sapience, Hand Flappers would have pioneered acting as an art form, using their wings to emphasize their stories. High-class Hand Flappers wore bracelets of precious metals that surrounded their wings. Wing care became an important social aspects; to groom someone else's wings was tantamount to declaring your love for them.
🌌 Satryiacs had fairly short lifespans, which accounted for the amount of parties that they had. As a result, their minds matured remarkably quickly: by their first birthday, their minds were already fully developed. Their bodies followed soon after, and six months later, they were already considered adults. They had very loose views on monogamy; as a concept it simply did not exist. They had relationships with whomever they wanted, whenever they wanted.
🌌 Despite their lack of sapience, the Blind Folk actually had fairly defined parental relationships, mirroring that of humans on Earth. Blind Folk babies were born helpless and unable to do much of anything. A cry from a baby would inspire all the adults in the surrounding area to come to their aid, a fact that was occasionally exploited by predators.
🌌 If put on Earth's atmosphere, Spacers would get crushed underneath their own weight. Also, since they have such modified internal systems, they do not need to eat. However, they need to sleep for fourteen hours in a day to recuperate enough energy to move.
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Echo the Calamity of Hysteria (Experiment Number: 876) Gender: Male Background: Echo was one of the test subject in the Alchemy Cult of Zelophbog, with the intention of creating The Seven Calamities, a group of natural disasters that have a significance in Dragon history and culture equivalent to representing the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Echo was given the powers of the Calamity of Hysteria: Mass Panic and Chaos. In Captivity Echo was quite popular among the other test subjects, he was known for being friendly, funny, having a chill demeanor despite the bad circumstances, but he would avoid getting into conflicts, although they seem to constantly spring up around him... Personality: Echo is a charismatic, arrogant, psychopath. He's easily able act like he's normal person, even come off as very approachable and friendly in front of other dragons with the intended purpose to draw them to his side, make them believe they can trust him, learn all he needs to know about them, and then use them as pawns. He has no sense of morality or remorse, his only desire is to create conflicts for everybody because it amuses him, however he hardly ever want to be the one to get his own claws dirty or get caught in a situation he can't get himself out of, so he prefers to be the devil on someone's shoulder convincing them to be their worst selves and then if things start going badly he will abandon his partners without a second thought. His favorite toy to mess with is Scirocco given how gullible the kid is, he has assures Scirocco that he's his best friend and always on his side while encouraging Scirocco to get into fights he can't win and like the perfect plaything he is Scirocco keeps coming back to Echo. This was how Scirocco lost part of his horn. Strengths: Manipulative, Escape-artist, Strategic  Weaknesses: Disloyalty, Arrogance, Lack of Empathy Powers: Sound, Fear, Phantom Stats Elemental Energy: 8/10 He has an ample amount energy but he saves most of it for if he needs to make an escape Elemental Control: 10/10 He has masterful control over his powers. He is subtly using them almost constantly in order to mess with people's perceptions  Intelligence: 9/10 Echo is great at reading people, figuring out how they think and then exploiting them  Combat Ability: 5/10 He is able to fight if he has to but prefers to make other dragons do his fighting for him. First sign that things are not going how his way and he will try to escape. Potential to Grow?: Echo has no desire to change, he does not feel regret or shame for his actions
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bitchesgate3 · 4 months
I prefer ideological antagonism but entwined with physical safety. Two people who bicker and banter but never ever go as far as putting their hands on each other. Lots of all bark and no bite.
Enemies to lovers to me is about the safety in being belligerent. You are allowed to show that disgusting side of yourself, and the other somewhat picks at it and provokes it. They don't ignore it or find it fully harmless, but they enjoy picking at the beast. Learning in the process how to tame it in a way. How it works. How it roars. Eventually how it purrs.
I once had a Kagha/Tav oneshot in mind in this realm that I really should revisit. The beast to be tamed is her mindset. ("Tamed" in the sense of reconciled, not subjugated.) How her prejudices are a projection of herself and have nothing to do with the "outsiders" around her.
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midnight-roses-candy · 9 months
The Temptors in All Tomorrows are underexplored and given that the females are the only ones capable of thought it seems logical that lesbianism would develop (though they'd probably be unable to have sex with each other due to being rooted).
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gracilissart · 1 year
would I be hung on the gallows if I gave Seamus a forked tongue. would I be publicly executed for it .
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greengrizzly · 3 days
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All Tomorrows at your door
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random-racehorses · 1 year
Random Real Thoroughbred: TETON TEMPTOR
TETON TEMPTOR is a bay horse born in The United States in 1998. By TEMPTOR out of SUMACKEE. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/teton+temptor
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 9 months
Curiosity Part 1
Summary: Reader wanders into a sketchy part of the city and curiosity is her greatest temptor.
TW/CW: None that I know of. Reader x Mafia/Vampire!Colby Brock eventually.
Requested?: Nope
A/N: This started as a creative writing prompt and somehow turned into an imagine bc I have nothing but Colby Brock on my brain lately lol.
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A/N: Fucking adorable little shit.
As the sun sets over the harbor, the lights of the city came on, one by one. I shiver, pulling my thin hoodie tighter around my body. I know it’s stupid of me to be out this late, especially in this part of town, but I need to. It began as a need for fresh air but has since turned into a need for adventure. Everyone around me always said this side of the city was dangerous and I want to see it for myself. As I wander the dimly lit streets, eyes scanning for any signs of danger, I begin to think everyone is being dramatic.
I'm not scared in the slightest. My plan is to take off sprinting toward my apartment at the first inkling that I'm in trouble. I'll be fine, right?
I might have been fine had I not wandered down that one street that led me to that one section of shipping containers that led me to that one alleyway. I jump as a smooth voice speaks from the shadows, “What’s a pretty thing like you doin’ out here?”
I look in the direction of the voice, knowing I should run but curiosity keeps my feet cemented in place. Dropping my face into a disinterested gaze, I respond, “Just getting some air. How ‘bout you?”
From the darkness emerges a tall, blonde man, “You’re brave aren’t you?”
I force myself to stay calm and look into the blue eyes of the stranger before me, “Depends on who you ask,” I shrug.
The stranger tilts his head slightly and grins, “He’s gonna love you,” he mutters to himself but I still catch it. My heart leaps to my throat at the seemingly ever-growing grin on his face as he steps closer, never daring to drop eye contact and I can’t seem to look away either. “You’re coming with me, Princess,” he states before turning to walk back down the alleyway.
My feet follow of their own accord. No matter how hard I try to turn the other way and take off running, my body won’t cooperate. I scan ahead of me, trying to discern where the man may be leading me but all I can see is dingy brick walls and busted trash bags. Finally, he speaks again, “Here we are,” stopping in front of a decrepit door with a rusty “keep out” sign hanging front and center. I try and fail to speak as he knocks a pattern into the wooden door.
Promptly, it swings open revealing another man, this one smiles at me and bows, “Come on in.” As I step across the threshold with Blondie following closely behind, I can’t hide the shocked look on my face, swearing I saw fangs on the man who welcomed us in. Shaking my head I mentally deem it an alternative fashion choice and return my attention to my surroundings. Muffled, bass-filled music can be heard from behind the walls around me. Somehow, my feet seem to know exactly where to take me.
The black walls of the hallway are covered in all kinds of spooky and music-related memorabilia. The plush deep purple carpet is a striking contrast to the darkness of the hall. As I round a corner, the room opens up into a sort of speakeasy. I stop in my tracks as the group at the bar pauses their silly antics and turns to look at me. I can feel the urge to bolt out of the room once again but one of the bar patrons calls out, “Whatcha got here Sam?”
The blonde stranger I met what seems like hours ago steps out from behind me and toward the bar, taking a seat, “Found her wandering around the container yard. Didn’t immediately bolt like the others typically do.”
The previous speaker raises his eyebrows in shock before plastering a big, bright smile across his face. My heart does a quick flutter as he watches me and with a few snickers around the group, it’s almost like they heard it.
He doesn’t speak again for quite some time which allows me to fully take in the group before me. The blonde who had brought me in off the streets, now known as Sam, orders a drink from the bartender before nudging and whispering to the one who had welcomed us in, who laughs heartily before shifting his gaze to the one staring me down. This one looks almost devilish yet so charming in his purple button-up and black leather pants. The chain necklaces he wears brush his exposed collarbone and the rings adorning his hands send naughty thoughts through my mind. I shake my head before taking in his striking blue eyes and dark fluffy hair. These men look nothing like what everyone warned me would be awaiting me on this side of the city.
I'm pulled from my thoughts as the dark-haired man speaks up, “What’s your name, Sweetheart?”
My throat is dry and I struggle to keep my voice steady as I speak up, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Several in the group chuckle including the main speaker who replies, “I would. That’s why I asked.” His voice is deep and velvety smooth. The kind of voice that could rile me up but still talk me to a peaceful sleep as well. There is a hint of mischief in his words and yet he remains gentle.
“That’s for me to know and you not to find out,” I state, sounding braver than I feel. I find myself wanting to melt before this man and I don't even know his name yet. Feigning disinterest once again, I add, “Can someone kindly show me to the exit?”
The man before you looks at Sam with an impressed expression on his face, “Quite brave isn’t she?”
Sam looks at me and shrugs with a smile on his face, “Depends on who you ask,” the call back to before unknown to the others but sticking out clearly to me, “Or at least that’s what she says.”
The other man looks back to me, “Here, I’ll go first. My name is Colby. Your turn,” he motions to me before taking a sip of his drink.
I mentally debate with myself between lying or telling the truth before landing on, “(Y/N).”
Colby tilts his head and grins at me, “See, that wasn’t so hard was it?” The door greeter whispers something to Sam which draws Colby’s attention away from me immediately making me want it back. Colby gives the man a disapproving look, “Jake, you know we can hear you, why bother whispering?” Jake simply shrugs.
I yawn and stretch my arms above my head, “It’s getting late, I think I’ll be going now.”
In the blink of an eye, Colby is right in front of me tilting my chin up with his thumb and pointer finger to lock eyes with me, “That’s entirely your decision but I think you and I both know you’d rather stay.”
Despite my racing heart, my voice remains disinterested and steady, “What makes you think I wanna stay here in this dingy speakeasy when I could be at home in my warm bed getting some shuteye?”
Colby grins, “Because you’re too damn intrigued to leave now. You haven’t taken your eyes off me since you walked in and don’t think I didn’t notice these pretty lips pout when I looked away from you,” he marks the end of his response by brushing his thumb over my bottom lip.
My heart skips a beat at his actions and the fact he saw right through me makes me want to give in completely. I don't. I step back and turn toward the door instead, “I’ll just see myself out.”
Colby’s hand drops to his side as I hear Jake laugh behind me, “She didn’t deny his statement.” I exit the building successfully despite every bone in my body screaming at me to turn back around and run into his arms. Despite my heart feeling a little heavier, I make my way back to my apartment. As I crawl into bed sometime later, I replay the night’s events in my head. I can’t seem to get Colby out of my head and unbeknownst to me, he can’t shake me from his thoughts either. I promise myself that I won’t go looking for him again but that’s a promise I'll soon break. Curiosity might’ve killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back after all.
More Colby Brock Imagines
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bamthelocalcryptid · 22 days
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The Angel and his Temptor
I watched good omens for the 20 billionth time and was like, "huh...i should draw hanigram in an angle/demon au"
So here is Hannibal, a demon that follows no one, not even Lucifer, becoming a creature of his own design, far beyond God's will.
And William, an Angel that shouldn't exist, burdened with the ability to see God's creations as no other beings can, a fledgling of his own becoming.
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gongedtornado · 3 months
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painted and rendered a female temptor from All Tomorrows … love these things.
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soylent-crocodile · 4 months
Manocow (Monster)
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(Art by Anonymous)
(This was mostly inspired by my love of weird medieval bestiary creatures, as well as being, yknow. A sea cow.)
CR5 CN Large Magical Beast HD6
One of the sea’s strangest creations, the manocow is a rare creature known as a temptor to some men and a savior to others, luring some men to a watery grave and letting others ride to safety on their backs. These are not disparate groups with differing philosophies; a manocow is ruled by whims as shifting as the tides, and one who seeks the sounds of sailors meeting their deaths on the rocks might feel a compulsion to help others in a fortnight. These are motivated neither by malice of compassion, but by a simple curiosity and desire for sensation. Stranded sailors are sometimes known to use manocows for companionship, although their minds are ill suited to interpersonal relationships or conversation.
Manocows are common prey to larger, more powerful aquatic monsters. They are a favored food to sea cats and sea drakes, although drakes have been known to use the hypnotic abilities of manocow to their advantage, letting them lure sailors into the water and snapping up the distracted humanoids. 
Manocows are surprisingly fast and agile swimmers. They can exist safely on land for some time, but their human hands make them poor walkers and drying out makes them at risk for infection; as such, they mostly stay to beaches and sandbars. Their inability to travel inland obviously restricts their diet, and it’s rare knowledge that a manocow has a deep hunger for cabbages, which are inland plants. A manocow will make most any deal for a fresh head of cabbage, although they aren’t good at sticking to such a deal for long. 
This creature looks like a long-horned bull with a long meaty body that ends in a finned tail, but its most unnerving quality is the human hands it bears on its forelegs. Misc- CR5 CN Large Magical Beast HD6 Init:+1 Senses: Perception:+9, Low-Light Vision Stats- Str:19(+4) Dex:13(+1) Con:20(+5) Int:5(-3) Wis:16(+3) Cha:16(+3) BAB:+6/+1 Space:10ft Reach:10ft Defense- HP:63(6d10+30) AC:16(+6 Natural, +1 Dex, -1 Size) Fort:+10 Ref:+6 Will:+7 CMD:22 Resist: Cold 10, Fire 10 Special Defenses: DR2/Slashing and Piercing  Offense- Gore +9(2d8+6) CMB:+11(+13 Bull Rush) Speed:10ft, 50ft Swim Special Attacks: Proficiency with Simple Weapons Feats- Power Attack (-2/+4), Lingering Performance, Improved Bull Rush Skills- Bluff +4, Perception +9, Survival +4, Swim +13 Special Qualities- Bardic Performance (17/day, DC16, Fascination, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Competence +2), Tempting Song Ecology- Environment- Beach, Oceans (Cold, Temperate) Languages- Common, Aquan Organization- Solitary Treasure- None Special Abilities- Bardic Performance- A manocow is a skilled performer, particularly talented in the vocal arts. They gain Bardic Performance as a bard with level equal to their racial hit die, except they only gain access to Fascination, Inspire Courage, and Inspire Competence. Proficiency with Simple Weapons- A manocow is proficient with all simple weapons. Tempting Song- As an immediate action, a manocow can convince a person who has been Fascinated by its bardic abilities to leap into the water. That person must make a will save with DC equal to the manocow’s Fascinate ability or leap into the water and attempt to swim to the manocow.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Earned (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!Reader Modern AU Rated: 18+, explicit sexual content, dom/sub foreplay Word count: 1.8k
Summary: After a bad day at work, Benedict intuits what you need to regain your confidence.
Author's Note: I don't know what this is. It just played out in my head tonight 🤷‍♀️ A little emotional dom filth.
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Relief was already seeping in as you skipped up the stairs to his flat. Thank god this was one of your scheduled days. You would have been tempted to send him a desperate text otherwise. Your day had been so shitty, so full of blame and scorn and disappointment that it was making you question your worth in your profession. Though a decade of exceptional experience was there to prove you wrong, one error and one pissed off client was potent enough to nearly topple your self-esteem. You needed connection, release. Above all, you needed someone to value you.
A rapid knock on his door and he swung it open, a glass of whisky in hand, dressed in black with burning eyes. He was some kind of luciferian temptor and you were so grateful to have found him. He beckoned you inside and took your coat. His obnoxiously chic surroundings were bathed in dim light. This was your routine. He’d always be waiting for you in the glow, drink at the ready. It was transactional, but you liked that. No need to muddle through social niceties or feel out when the other person was ready to progress. You both knew precisely what you were there for, though you hadn’t given it a label. 
You had met through a string of acquaintances when someone told him to email you for professional advice. You hadn’t been able to help him but your written banter was so friendly it carried over into texts, then into a meeting where you were nearly paralyzed by how attractive he was. Tall, lean, cocksure with dark hair and sparkling eyes - he was a checklist of everything you found attractive. It was hard to say at what point the text conversations turned dirty. He probably tried to one-up you in a playful sparring match by suddenly issuing commands. All you knew was that your hands started shaking with excitement when you realized he was a dom. You went along eagerly, elated to have found a man, and one as unbelievably handsome as him, that you could play with. The texts soon turned into sessions, the two of you giving over to the full expression of your sexual desires with a freedom you had never experienced before. He made you want him more desperately and come more relentlessly than any predecessor. He was an addiction, a cure-all that soon became a necessary realignment for your brain and body to function normally otherwise.
He snaked a broad hand up the curve of your shoulder, under your hair to your nape and rounded to stand in front of you. His eyes were full of menace but it melted away immediately once he read your face.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly.
Not a commanding opener but truth be told, this was why you adored him so much. He was intuitive, an interpreter of your moods who never failed to give you the precise cocktail of control and praise you needed. You knew you must have looked as awful as you felt.
You closed your eyes, annoyed to feel the hot sting of tears at their edges. “Please, Ben,” you pleaded. And that was all you had to say. You opened your eyes at the sound of his footsteps walking away. He moved to the coffee table in the lounge and set down his drink, then turned to you again. His face was set in that beautiful mask of control you had been longing for all day. All angled shadows and glints of light off his eyes and hair.
“Take off your dress.” He growled. 
Without a moment’s hesitation you unzipped it and pulled it over your head.
You stepped out of your heels, now standing in his entryway in nothing but your bra and knickers. 
“Will you do as you’re told?” He arched a brow. It wasn’t a real question, it was a signal. The official start of playtime. Nearly shivering with gratitude, you sank to your knees in a submissive pose, lowering your head until further instruction was given.
Slowly, he traipsed back to tower in front of you. You almost wept when you felt the spread of his massive hand rest gently on the top of your head. He trailed it through your hair and around to cup your chin, lifting your eyes to meet his. 
“Are you a needy little thing tonight?” Set under his stern brow, his eyes lit with concern. It never ceased to amaze you how he could do that, hold multiple expressions simultaneously. He was playing his role, but his attentiveness was undeniable.
“Yes, sir.” You nodded, your voice small.
“Did you do something bad?” There he went, intuiting everything just the way you needed him to. Still holding your chin he slipped his thumb between your lips. You welcomed it into your mouth as he hooked it against your bottom teeth, letting you suckle. It was cool from the ice in his glass. You nodded and looked up at him, eyes begging for absolution.
“So you want forgiveness?” His voice was a soft rumble.
You licked the tip of his finger and pulled back. “I want to please you, sir. I want to know I did a good job.”
He released his hold. “Go get my drink.” 
You started to rise to your feet.
“Did I say you could stand?” He barked and immediately you dropped back to your knees. A shiver curved your spine and broke gooseflesh across your skin as you began to crawl on all fours into the lounge. This was what you needed. Subjugation. Punishment. To be told what to do by someone you actually respected, with the reassurance that you would always be rewarded in the end. This was the realignment necessary to overcome the wretchedness of your day.
You felt his gaze burning into your backside and made sure to crawl as sensually as you could, swaying your hips until you reached the coffee table. You hadn’t realized he was following softly behind you until you picked up the glass of whisky and felt a hand on your waist. You froze, balancing on three limbs while you held the drink in the other. His fingers splayed across your bottom, kneading it as you felt him crowd over you. He was on his knees too, lying across your back and enveloping you with his heat.
“So you want to do a good job?” He murmured in your ear. He was so all-encompassing, his voice so laden with silk and dark promise that you faltered, locking your elbow. “Don’t spill.” He chuckled. Then the hand moved to trace the gusset of your underwear, already damp from his commands alone. You could hear the haughty smile in his voice as he shoved the fabric aside and slid two fingers into your folds. “How about you take all of me in here?” he hummed. “You are so very good at that. Lie back and do a good job just letting me fuck you senseless.” His teeth clamped on the rim of your ear.
His touch instantly clouded your mind, your hips already gyrating to match his movements. But you knew you needed to be more than just a recipient of his attentions that night. You needed to work for your own redemption. 
“Sir…” you slurred as his slender fingers began circling your clit.
“Speak up.” His other hand suddenly tugged your hair, bending your neck until you faced forward.
“I want to…I’d like it to be my actions that bring you pleasure.” You gasped.
Your hair was released but he toyed with your swollen bud for a moment longer. “I see.” With an air of nonchalance he removed his hand and stood. “Turn around and give me my whisky.” You did so, pivoting to kneel before him and offer up the glass with both hands. You felt like a supplicant, bringing offerings to a god in hopes that your soul would be cleansed. 
“Excellent,” he grinned his ruinous crooked smile. “Already you are doing so well.” He lifted the glass from your hands to his lips. You breathed heavily, acutely aware of the slick mess he had caused between your thighs as you watched him down the dark liquor in one swig, his Adam’s apple bobbing deliciously in the center of his strong neck.
With a satisfied sigh he looked back at you and licked his lips. You knew it was more intentional than reflexive, but it worked to make you clench.
“How else do you want to please me?” he asked, his voice the very definition of sin.
You were completely in his thrall, completely uninhibited in sharing your true desires. “I’d like to suck your cock, sir.”
He smirked, bringing a hand to rest on your head. “Oh yes? You want this?” In one fluid motion he guided your face into the seam of his expensive trousers, thrusting his hips lightly so you could feel his stiffening cock through the fine fabric. 
You nuzzled into it, your favorite plaything, practically salivating as the heat and scent of him flooded your senses. “Yes, sir.” 
He continued to grind into your face, his long fingers mussing your hair. “You want to serve me on your knees and choke on my cock until I am satisfied? Until you know you’ve earned my approval because I’m coming down your throat?”
“Yes, sir, very much,” you moaned, ready to start licking him through his clothing. You had been thinking about this all day, craving the taste of Benedict, the fullness of him in your mouth and the encouraging, needy noises he would make as you proved your talent. In the morass of your awful day, all you had wanted was to be the sole focus of someone powerful who would be awed by your abilities and loud with their appreciation.
He pulled back, clearly aroused but not letting his veneer slip. His hand dropped to stroke your cheek and he held your gaze intently. “Alright. How can I refuse? You are so very good at what you do.” He leaned closer, his voice commanding but his eyes carrying that same softness that he could never disguise. “I never want you questioning that, do you understand?”
You whimpered, overcome by a swirling gale of gratitude and lust. With his incredible beauty and predilection for play that was compatible with yours, you were already lucky enough to find Benedict as a partner. You could never have expected that he would bring his kindness into your sessions as well. That he would use his incomparable knack for ferreting out your true needs and fulfill them with his words, his body, or both simultaneously. The events of the day had made you question whether fate was on your side, but looking at Benedict silenced those doubts immediately.
“Yes, sir,” you whispered, vowing to obey.
With a smile he straightened and reached for his fly.
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No tags, just goofin.
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1941 Crowley is such a mood and a vibe and a fetish
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