#all tomorrows headcanons
continentalblue · 1 year
A continuation of your all tomorrows headcanons?
i said I would do these yesterday but it's like 12 am so it still counts #slay
also lemme know if u want me to rewrite/clarify any of these I'm typing all that comes to mind
also I wouldn't mind writing more of these lmaoo. this one got a teensy bit long
🌌 Bug Facers had a bartering/trade system rather than a cash system. This trade system was highly complex; people who tried to pass off their goods as being more high-quality than they really were were punished severely. They also had a monarchy, with the Queen being 25% larger than the other people. Her citizens were taxed and the best food went to her. Her function was the same as that of an ant's queen. Actually, more to the point, I picture their monarchy as being similar to that of ant's. However, after their invasion, the monarchy was dissolved and turned into a democracy.
🌌 Despite their relative immobility, the Temptors actually developed some form of culture. Males would spread ideas between females, who rued the fact that they could not meet other members of their species. I also feel that the males could talk, though their enunciation wasn't really that good. Based on the sharpness and shape of their beaks, it's possible they were all-purpose feeders who preyed on insects, nuts, and other worms. The females required three times the amount of food as males in order to provide enough energy for their brains.
🌌 The Lopsiders actually experienced some sexual dimorphism. The reason for this is because their designs remind me of anglerfish. Females were markedly larger than males, and the males depended on the females for sustenance. This was slowly phased out as they evolved, as the species would cannibalize others for food. They had no trade system; they operated under a "it's yours if you're fast enough mentality."
🌌 Because their experience became so automized, the Tool Breeders actually evolved away from actually having blood at all! As a result, their flesh became more gelatinous. While a drought would have slowly but surely dehydrated the species' flesh and caused the end of the species, they learned how to make water from seemingly thin air. They have a capitalistic system that constantly pushes new inventions.
🌌 Much of the Titan's mythology focused on figures who were more mobile; ie., those that had two legs. When a Titan was born with two limbs, they were hailed as a god. They were seen as prophets and harbingers of good luck. They emphasized an ideal that the species could no longer go back to.
Since they lived in a savannah, they also grew thick skin on their bodies to account for the insects and the spikes on their favorite plants. They also transferred to a more vegetarian diet, consuming foods similar to those that giraffes and African elephants eat.
🌌 Hand Flappers had mating dances similar to those of birds-of-paradise. Had they developed sapience, Hand Flappers would have pioneered acting as an art form, using their wings to emphasize their stories. High-class Hand Flappers wore bracelets of precious metals that surrounded their wings. Wing care became an important social aspects; to groom someone else's wings was tantamount to declaring your love for them.
🌌 Satryiacs had fairly short lifespans, which accounted for the amount of parties that they had. As a result, their minds matured remarkably quickly: by their first birthday, their minds were already fully developed. Their bodies followed soon after, and six months later, they were already considered adults. They had very loose views on monogamy; as a concept it simply did not exist. They had relationships with whomever they wanted, whenever they wanted.
🌌 Despite their lack of sapience, the Blind Folk actually had fairly defined parental relationships, mirroring that of humans on Earth. Blind Folk babies were born helpless and unable to do much of anything. A cry from a baby would inspire all the adults in the surrounding area to come to their aid, a fact that was occasionally exploited by predators.
🌌 If put on Earth's atmosphere, Spacers would get crushed underneath their own weight. Also, since they have such modified internal systems, they do not need to eat. However, they need to sleep for fourteen hours in a day to recuperate enough energy to move.
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tvgals · 5 months
although i hate to say it, ony is both a soft dom and a gasper.
“you feel so-so fuckin’ good..” ony breathlessly whined, pressing kisses to your collar bone. you throw your head back in ecstasy, on the verge of tears of how good it feels. you hear ony gasp a bit, another meek whine falling from his lips.
“sh-it..” ony moans, hoisting his foot up onto the bed to get deeper strokes into your sopping cunt. “i can’t, o-ony! it’s too… much!” you cry out, arching your back. ony can’t do anything but moan and caress your cheeks.
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the-king-of-lemons · 1 year
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Headcanon i've had for a while now about how minecraft hack clients could work, similar to the headcanons about how in game chat would work.
Just sort of an explanation with some examples, obviously some hacks are pretty hard to translate into a physical thing, but i tried my best. :)
Full text can also be found under read more.
"Hack Clients" are illegal modifications of a player's attire (i.e. player skin) in order to give them an unfair advantage. The visibility of a "Hack Client" modification depends on the server a player is on. On servers such as 2b2t, these modifications are obviously visible while on stricter servers, such as Hypixel, hackers will try to be more subtle, often hiding modifications underneath clothing.
Eyewear: Modified for use of visual hacks (i.e. x-ray. fullbright, esp, etc.), the easiest to hide from moderators.
Footwear: Modified for use of hacks such as Anti-Knockback, High-jump, and other similar hacks.
Mechanical Braces: Used to allow players to move with otherwise impossible reaction times, most often used for PVP. Completely illegal on most servers, players will attempt to hide them underneath clothing but often fail.
Leg brace: Used for b-hopping.
Arm brace: Used for kill-aura and aimbot.
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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Taxidermy fingerprints, taxonomies our differences
[Part 2 here]
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sewerdraws · 17 days
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Make it for me // Put it on me
it's here ... the convoluted spy x spy x sniper shoe themed page.... very much inspired by this song .
if you wanna read my incoherent thoughts about the ship and this piece in particular it's under the cut !! (warning for sex mention and v unhealthy dynamics)
Basically two ships i rly like are sniper x spy and spy x spy (going from the assumption they are two different people who are somehow magically uncannily similar) and i started thinking about mixing the two...
I imagine red spy and red snipes as having a pretty close friendship and strong sense of camaraderie (they are of few words but understand each other very well) with unspoken attraction towards each other and lots of awkward tension (that sometimes has to break out 😏), basically even with their close friendship they still have too much pride and too much of a shell to admit their feelings to themselves and they're so messy aaaah
where red spy's personality is pretty close to canon, blu spy is v different. he keeps to himself because he's very unstable, much more anxious and paranoid. red has some kind of weird superiority complex / identity crisis over him and toys with him (you hate in others what you hate in yourself etc etc...)
blu spy has an unhealthy obsession with red snipes to the point of being stalker-y. his relationship with red spy switches between trying to gain his favours to get closer to red sniper, and trying to kill him / impersonate him to trick red sniper. i have yet to think about how red snipes reacts to it all but i'm sure i can fit a lot more unhealthy relationships in there :) !
the idea for the art here is that shoes are Gay and Horny. but also. sniper's making the shoe for spy, a craft that takes patience, skill and passion. spy, who is notoriously picky about his clothing, trusted him with this part of his appearance. sniper making the shoe is an act of service, but it stems from the trust between them. meanwhile blu spy only gets to put the shoe on, a trivial gesture that red spy could have done himself, and that also puts blu physically beneath him. idK MAN shoes.
anyways they haven't left my mind for the past 3 days im temporarily naming them the toxic trio until i find something better but there will be more art and if you read all of this we are siblings in arms and i love u
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minthological · 20 days
i think they should be even more insane. as a treat
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youphoriaot7 · 9 months
The crows are a well-known attachment to Quesadilla Island. Nobody's exactly sure quite how they got there, nor why there's so many of them—they're just there. They don't seem to intrude, and so everyone simply goes about their day. It's normal, now; just like the bear that checks in on them, just like the eggs they care for.
They seem to especially gravitate towards Philza. He can always be found with at least ten or twelve scattered around—his shoulders, his hat, his cape... They tend to gather most frequently near the Wall, perching on every visible surface. The top edge of the Wall often looks black, every inch of it covered with feathers.
So when the crows are gone, it's noticeable.
Philza's absence hasn't gone unnoticed, of course. Chayanne and Tallulah have mentioned his departure, heading out to explore the outer edges of the island, looking for...something, he didn't mention what. The fact that they've been hanging out with Tubbo and Niki also proves it.
But the crows were the most noticeable.
Slowly, they start to gather...elsewhere. A small group starts a nest in the tower of Cellbit's castle, and he stares at it in confusion for a few days before he shrugs it off. Let them stay; they're not bothering anyone. Another flock takes shelter under the overhang near Forever's presidential office. He grins every time they fly up to the windows. A couple of stragglers find comfort in the quiet of Chume Labs, flying along after the current lone inhabitant and cawing in concern. Pac shrugs them off, trying not to read too much paranoia into it.
Tubbo finds himself swamped with the birds; Niki, too. They guess they're following the children, which seems to be correct, at first glance. (But it's more than that.) Some flock to Bad, others to Foolish—the two groups cawing and chirping whenever their chosen followees' get into spats. Roier catches sight of a couple hanging around Rivers' base, and smiles brightly when he gets back home to see some of his own nearby.
Mouse waves them off for a few hours before sighing—it's certainly not the worst thing in the world, even if they keep accidentally landing where she's trying to work. Jaiden lets them land on her wings, grinning and talking to them as she moves around her day. Etoiles and Antoine aren't quite sure how to react at first—but it's no weirder than anything else they've been dealing with recently, so it's probably not a worry, and therefore, not a concern.
When the children vanish, the crows get anxious. They spend more time away from their makeshift roosts: cawing at the Wall as they fly by, pecking their way across the roads of the main square, shrieking at every passerby in the Favela. They're looking for something—information, the kids; it's not clear what. But either way, their presence is heard.
One day, when the Wall feels taller than ever before, there's a loud rustling of feathers reaching every corner of the main square. The birds' noises are deafening; it's barely possible to hold a conversation unless you move further away. And when the island's inhabitants look up, they see them there—the crows, returning to their original home. There's a figure, as well, standing amongst the potato fields, staring down at the world below him.
Philza Minecraft has returned, and the crows are at home.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hi, love your writing. it's so good 💚💚
Could I request some HC for LV + Graves who have an S/O who has three cats that love to sleep on top of them?
Thank youuuu! That's very kind of you! This ask actually inspired me to text my friend again and ask her for some cat pics since those critters are just so goshdarn adorable!! I wish I had a cat! I once had a tortoise, though, and she was just the most lovely and adorable little thing out there! I loved her so dearly! Anyway, thank you for the request!
Alejandro, Rodolfo and Graves with an S/O with Three Cats
Alejandro: He gives off quite some canine energy, so there’s a chance your cats won’t like him too much. That, of course, you can try to combat by having him feed them. Either way, if they like Alejandro, then you can expect him to be all over your cats, always talking to them, petting them, picking them up, kissing them and what else it is you do with a cat. He loves your little kitties and would kill someone for them. Although he’s more of a dog person himself, he doesn’t prefer dogs by much, so he can really go either way. When he sees just how cuddly your cats are and when they take a nap on his chest while he’s watching TV with you or something, he will not hesitate to pet the cat, scratch the little fella behind its ears and try his best to make them purr. He loves the sound and the vibration, it brings good vibes and makes him just as content as the cat. The rule that one must not move when a cat is sleeping on top of them holds true for him. If he needs to use the bathroom while one of your cats is sleeping on him then he’ll just have to endure until it wakes up. But if he’s content as well, then he might just cuddle the cat, or your cats even, and take a nap himself. While he’s not usually one for napping, he will when he genuinely can’t move because of your lovely little felines. If your cats let him, he will give them big hugs as well. Is so smitten, he’ll buy them some toys and play with them, if he has the time. And if your cats are too lazy to actually play, then he’ll pick them up and lovingly scold them for being so unmotivated. Meows back at cats too.
Rodolfo: He gets along well with just about any animal. While he’s not scared of them per se, he does have a healthy amount of respect for them and won’t just walk up to your cats to give them pats and kisses and hugs. He will comply if your cats walk up to him because they’re curious, but he really doesn’t want to annoy them or worse, end up with him getting scratched. While he may not meow back at your cats either, he will talk to them as though they’re regular human beings. It’s somewhat funny, he takes them seriously and will, in a deadpan tone, tell them that there will be no more snacky treats for the evening. No matter how annoying your cats might get, he won’t budge. His decision is final, so there are no more snacky treats. He quite likes the thing where if you scratch a cat’s butt, it will move it upwards. Loves doing that to your cats, it’s funny and endearing to him. When your cats are sleeping on top of him, then he won’t particularly budge either. He’ll pat them, but he will also move them if he really needs to use the bathroom. No privileges for your cats this time. However, considering he is, more often than not, pretty tired, he will pretty much always take a nap with your cats if he can. The pressure on his chest is comforting to him, plus he gets to feel something nicely warm and furry on top of him as well. However, he sometimes moves in his sleep, which might wake up your cats, which might wake up him. It’s a never ending circle, but if he can, he’ll just sleep with your cats in his arms. Take a picture of him like that and he’ll try to take embarrassing pictures of you as well with your cats.
Graves: He is definitely more of a dog person, since those are strong and reliable. A cat will meow at you in the dead of the night because it knocked over its water bowl and can’t turn on the faucet on its own. Honestly? He always has something to complain about. Your cat pooped again. It knocked over the food bowl. It farted in his face. Things like that. He means them, but the way he says those things is sort of just funny. Imagine a 40 year old man having beef with a cat. He has very little shame when it comes to scolding your cats. At first, he will use his human words to get them to listen. But as soon as he realizes they believe it’s snuggle time, he will meow at them, making the situation even worse. However, every time you hand him one of your cats, he will take it from your arms and cuddle it a bit. Every time one of the critters walks up to him, demanding attention, he will pick it up and carry it around a bit. Sometimes in his arms, sometimes he just slings the cat over his shoulder and keeps it there. It’s sort of funny, he might pretend to really hate them, but he would never yell at them, only be stern and tell them to not be so gluttonous. When your cats are sleeping on top of him, he does not move an inch. He would never admit it, but they are your shared furry babies and he, like any American, would shoot anyone who ever tried to hurt you or them. Takes naps too when he can, or when nothing of interest is on TV, but he prefers getting to hold something instead of having your cats lie on top of you. You can take pictures of him to show him that he really doesn’t hate your cats as much as he pretends to, but he will always claim you photoshopped it, despite knowing fully well that happened.
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kid-az · 9 months
All Tomorrow’s: Vanga Vangog’s Processor and Asteromorph’s HC’s
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The grand finale of this saga of Vanga’s posthumans, and this one is on one of the saddest stories among the posthumans, the Mantelopes! In canon they had been born in bodies that made them unable to meaningfully interact in the world inspite of their sapience, and this would disappear quickly in a few thousand years as their songs of sorrow turn into regular mating songs and bellows.
Of course, that had not happen in Vanga’s timeline. Instead, the Asteromorph’s took interests on these posthumans due to the realization of their high intellect. This process, at first merely one of master and servant, would become a symbiotic one for both parties, with the Processors acting as the Asteromorph’s brains and memory-keepers, and the Asteromorphs the Processors hands and (Relative) brawn.
You can do a surprising amount with just a brain, and the Processor’s are the penultimate conclusion of that question, their relationship with the Asteromorphs making their empire far more technologically advanced and powerful than in canon, ironic considering the Asteromorph’s themselves wouldn’t become bigger brained.
-Their curious minds and natures made Processor’s extremely excited and interested on learning new ideas and things, to the point that they and the Asteromorph’s would make earlier contact with the Second Empire in this timeline, learning about all of their cultures and sharing some of their technology and ideas. This also had the benefit of stopping the Gravital’s from killing everyone.
-They kept their ancestral traditions of singing songs, their laryx (Voice box) being the only thing other than their brain to grow in size. Only instead of singing exclusively sorrowful songs, they instead sung songs of hope, rage, and so many other different emotions, including those only they can feel. Their laryx were so developed that they could mimic a ton of different sounds we couldn’t, including metal guitars, chainsaws, plane jet engines, and stuff that is beyond our hearing range.
-Most Processors are born offworld in the zero-gravity habitats of their Asteromorph Symbiotes, though there is still a very sizable trillions of them living in their home-Star system. This birthplace is effectively their version of Mecca, as almost every Processor visits once to several times during their lifetime. (With help from Asteromorph’s of course.)
-The Asteromorph’s are much less reclusive than in canon, and in fact a sizable amount of the population are now living in space habitats or even low-gravity worlds of other posthuman species. The highest populations of them live alongside the Modular People, Stickmen, Pterosapien’s, and the Satyriac’s .(Even they need to cut loose and party!)
-The Asteromorph’s knowledge of their ancient history, alongside the Processor’s general intelligence and assistance from the Second Empire, allowed them to find their ancestral homeworld earth far earlier. No one would inhabit the planet however, instead deciding to seed the almost deserted planet with new life from each of their worlds and millions of years later, when the sun threatens to blow up, they safely move earth into a new star system, allowing the introduced, establish and possibly sapient life to flourish.
-The Asteromorph’s and Processor’s of later times treat eachother like friends or even siblings, with an eachother being paired so long as they get along very well.
-After reaching connecting eachother’s consciousness’s, the Processor’s would offer their Asteromorph and other posthuman brethren the ability to do so as well, with them being able to agree or decline however they see fit.
-Once finding the Qu, this Posthuman empire would not horrifically mutate or kill every last one of them, instead deciding to strip them of all of their biotechnology, take down their leadership, and having them live alongside as equals….. the posthuman’s unwilling to stoop down to their abusers level.
-Like in canon, they would all disappear from this galaxy, but instead of it being a relatively ambiguous fate, the Author’s species would discover what had truly happened to humanity……… in that they had reached apotheosis and have left this universe altogether, instead deciding to seed new universe and life, so that they may love today, and seize all tomorrows.
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quinn-pop · 4 months
uhh. i accidentally made another comic. future au strikes back
(pt 1/3)
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a question - 1 2 3
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deadbaguette · 1 year
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Just like when we were young
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continentalblue · 1 year
Random all tomorrows headcanons go
I hope u like them !! i'd be willing to expand on these further
🌌 The Snake People had incredibly complex prosthetic arms in order to do more complex tasks like picking things up from a distance. However, they were heavy and a bit clunky
🌌 Any member of the Qu that tried to stop the transformation of humanity was turned into one of the waste-people/the ancestor of the Colonials
🌌 There was a HUUUUUUGE travel industry for the pterosapiens that dealt with novelty experiences like caving
🌌 Back when Mantelopes had sapience, hair length was really important as it signified their worth to the Qu (I figure their hair could be shorn and woven into clothing)
🌌 The Worms wore tutus. no reason for this, I just love the mental image
🌌 Rings were really prominent with the Insectophaguses, especially ones that helped with digging
🌌 Every single member of the Tool Breeders had a purpose -- to not have one was unthinkable.
🌌 Nobility within the Killer Folk would decorate their fangs with gold and silver, regardless of the metal's strength
🌌 All of the deities the Sail People worshipped had something to do with either water or flying. They would have loved dragons
🌌 I feel like Finger Fishers and Hand Flappers would have been allies if they ever met
🌌 Lizard Herders had the Earth equivalent of a centaur: a Herder who was half Herder, and half human. They never lasted very long, though
🌌 Had the Titans survived the Ice Age, they would have slowly evolved to be more bipedal, though still with the trunk
🌌 Some of the Asymmetric people built homes that resembled termite mounds
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scottishstoner · 2 years
Been rewatching my fave eps of Merlin while drinking wine and that ep where Uthers spirit comes back and Leon runs into Merlin and Arthur in the middle of the night and Merlin says he was teaching Arthur poetry…I have one thing to say. Leon definitely thought somethin was going on (that face as he walks away and his legit behaviour after the fact in various episodes lol) 👀 ya know what I mean lmfao
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cosmicstarlatte · 11 months
I want to wake up Belphie by wrapping my belt around his neck and overstimulating him so no matter how hard he tries he just cant fall asleep. ~~Belphie'sMeanDom
nsfw 18+ ⚠️Dubcon,Choking,Overstim,Dom Reader
oh you're speaking my language anon alakdkglsldaksk
Imagine getting into Belphie's bed & wrapping the belt around his neck as he snoozes. Admiring how peaceful he looks before tugging hard on it, rudely waking him up. He shifts into his demon form ready to strike & sees it's only you.
"Hm?" You reach down, palming the already growing erection through his pants, "Not going back to sleep are you?"
"...Didn't finish...napping...m'tired..." He whimpers as he mindlessly grinds into your hand anyway. You tug on the belt & he groans as you bring him closer face to face, "Really?" your other hand frees his erection from his pants & you start stroking him, the sleepy demon can't help but thrust to meet your hand, "you seem very awake to me"
You continue pumping his cock, holding onto the belt tightly as he becomes a gasping, whiney, whimpering mess. His eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure & before he knows it long ropes of cum shoot out, covering your hand & his stomach. Belphie tries to catch his breath, & for a split second, already thinking about the nice nap after this until he notices your hand is still stroking his poor cock & he can feel another load coming. It feels so good, too good & he lets out a ragged cry as he cums hard again, gripping the sheets. His mind is numb & he can't believe your hand is still going after the second load, "P-please! It's-! t-too good! I can't-!"
"Shh my little cow, milking is good for you. ♡"
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solradguy · 11 months
Dude I got mad on reddit under a thread where they were talking about why people don’t like Ky (the OP was asking to try and understand the memes). Everyone was trying to dunk on Ky, nobody was answering the question with anything but repeated memes. I got sidetracked talking about Dizzy and Ky memes…they’re deep characters I promise!! Aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Honest to god the worst thing that can happen to a fandom is when the memes completely overwrite the canon lore/personality of a character. They don't even know that Sol was lowkey terrified of Ky during the Crusades because of how bloodthirsty for Gear blood Ky was before meeting Dizzy and realizing that he was killing intelligent beings. Or that Ky was willing to risk everything, seriously, to protect her. Why don't more people pick on him for his teacup collection the same way people constantly bring up Sol's Sheer Heart Attack record, also
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intothefandomverse · 10 months
Nimona headcanons I came up with while in line at Disney World
When goldheart was first starting wedding planning, they were told by one of the fancy elitist wedding planners that if nimona was going to be in the wedding, that they should change their hair to a natural color so it matched the (frankly quite boring) themeing that was recommended. Ambrosius was so mad about this that that night, he had nimona dye his hair bright pink to match hers. They went in the next day, and after the planner had a heart attack, they got fired.
Sometimes, Bal and Ambrosius will forget that Nimona can shapeshift when they haven't seen her in a while in any form other than human in a while and/or are really stressed and distracted, so when she just spontaneously turns into a shark (or other animal) they'll get startled for a second, then remember it's just Nimona
When Nimona gets tired of walking, they'll turn into a small animal and climb on one of the boys and make them carry him around
Nimona will turn into a cat when they don't get enough attention and start smacking things off the counters. It starts with the least breakable stuff and slowly accelerates to become actual breakable things, like cups, and even threatens to knock down important things (but never actually would)
Nimona loves learning about different cultures, especially ones that may go out of existence soon, because she feels it can help preserve the traditions and languages, even if he's the only one who knows them. They have a scrapbook of all the cultures they've learned about over the years, and a lot of it is drawn due to a combination of not being able to sit down long enough to write them all out, and not being able to write long sentences in most of the languages (they try to keep the pages with the languages to match them, even if it only ends up being a few words)
Bal's love language is infodumping. You can't tell me that man wouldn't rant about anything and everything sciencey/how things work at any chance he gets just because he loves it and wants to share that love with others. Ambrosius loves when he infodumps. He thinks Bal is cute when he does it. Nimona also infodumps as a love language. So does Otter Infodump Guy. Nimona and Otter Infodump Guy love dropping random facts about animals. And nimona loves listening to Bal's "how it works" dumps. Nimona will also infodump about their latest craft because they love crafting, and Ambrosius even taught her how to use a machine to sew (she never got to learn despite being around since they were created, his mom taught him how to sew when he was a child)
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