#terrestrial tuesday
mizgnomer · 2 months
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Behind the Scenes of The 60th Anniversary Specials - Part Two
Excerpts from Russell T. Davies' article in DWM 579:
Hello, faithful readers. I must say, I thought I knew the size, scale, and madness of Doctor Who publicity, but when the announcement of David Tennant and Catherine Tate's return actually made BBC One News - on yer proper terrestrial TV - even I went, "Blimey!" An awful lot of planning went into that press release, timing it with Ncuti's announcement too. The idea goes way back, to Christmas 2020. And then a million emails and setbacks and schedules - not to mention the script! All ending with that photoshoot, the one you can see here, in Studio 1 of Bad Wolf in Cardiff on Tuesday 3 May. Given the pandemic, plus added secrecy, that day was the first time Jane Tranter, Julie Gardner, Phil Collinson and I had actually seen our friends David and Catherine in person! Much hugging and hooting. And that was just Day One!
The 60th Anniversary Specials each have their own tag, but the #whoBts60th tag is for general photos and behind the scenes information that span multiple episodes.  The full episode list is [ here ]
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staff · 1 year
tumblr tuesday: magical girls
It's Tuesday, and here are some of (y)our favorite magical girls to celebrate. Whether they are fighting crime, extra-terrestrials, or, in fact, time, these gals bring order to our chaos. Moon prism power, make up!
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kp777 · 1 year
By Julia Conley
Common Dreams
April 25, 2023
Scientists are so alarmed by a new study on ocean warming that some declined to speak about it on the record, the BBC reported Tuesday.
"One spoke of being 'extremely worried and completely stressed,'" the outlet reported regarding a scientist who was approached about research published in the journal Earth System Science Data on April 17, as the study warned that the ocean is heating up more rapidly than experts previously realized—posing a greater risk for sea-level rise, extreme weather, and the loss of marine ecosystems.
Scientists from institutions including Mercator Ocean International in France, Scripps Institution of Oceanography in the United States, and Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research collaborated to discover that as the planet has accumulated as much heat in the past 15 years as it did in the previous 45 years, the majority of the excess heat has been absorbed by the oceans.
In March, researchers examining the ocean off the east coast of North America found that the water's surface was 13.8°C, or 14.8°F, hotter than the average temperature between 1981 and 2011.
The study notes that a rapid drop in shipping-related pollution could be behind some of the most recent warming, since fuel regulations introduced in 2020 by the International Maritime Organization reduced the heat-reflecting aerosol particles in the atmosphere and caused the ocean to absorb more energy.
But that doesn't account for the average global ocean surface temperature rising by 0.9°C from preindustrial levels, with 0.6°C taking place in the last four decades.
The study represents "one of those 'sit up and read very carefully' moments," said former BBC science editor David Shukman.
Lead study author Karina Von Schuckmann of Mercator Ocean International told the BBC that "it's not yet well established, why such a rapid change, and such a huge change is happening."
"We have doubled the heat in the climate system the last 15 years, I don't want to say this is climate change, or natural variability or a mixture of both, we don't know yet," she said. "But we do see this change."
Scientists have consistently warned that the continued burning of fossil fuels by humans is heating the planet, including the oceans. Hotter oceans could lead to further glacial melting—in turn weakening ocean currents that carry warm water across the globe and support the global food chain—as well as intensified hurricanes and tropical storms, ocean acidification, and rising sea levels due to thermal expansion.
A study published earlier this year also found that rising ocean temperatures combined with high levels of salinity lead to the "stratification" of the oceans, and in turn, a loss of oxygen in the water.
"Deoxygenation itself is a nightmare for not only marine life and ecosystems but also for humans and our terrestrial ecosystems," researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in January. "Reducing oceanic diversity and displacing important species can wreak havoc on fishing-dependent communities and their economies, and this can have a ripple effect on the way most people are able to interact with their environment."
The unusual warming trend over recent years has been detected as a strong El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is expected to form in the coming months—a naturally occurring phenomenon that warms oceans and will reverse the cooling impact of La Niña, which has been in effect for the past three years.
"If a new El Niño comes on top of it, we will probably have additional global warming of 0.2-0.25°C," Dr. Josef Ludescher of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research told the BBC.
The world's oceans are a crucial tool in moderating the climate, as they absorb heat trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases.
Too much warming has led to concerns among scientists that "as more heat goes into the ocean, the waters may be less able to store excess energy," the BBC reported.
The anxiety of climate experts regarding the new findings, said the global climate action movement Extinction Rebellion, drives home the point that "scientists are just people with lives and families who've learnt to understand the implications of data better."
Read more.
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head-post · 3 months
Protecting 1.2% of Earth would prevent most extinctions – study
Allocating an additional 1.2 per cent of the world’s land to nature reserves would prevent most of the predicted extinctions of plants and animals, according to Reuters.
The world is aiming to reach a goal of protecting 30 per cent of the world’s land area by 2030 to shield wildlife facing extinction due to climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction. World policymakers will meet at a UN summit in Colombia in October to discuss plans to reach the goal.
The study, published in Frontiers in Science on Tuesday, aimed to identify the most valuable areas in the hope that they would be incorporated into the protection plans, according to Carlos Peres, a study co-author and conservation ecology expert at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom.
Most countries do not actually have a strategy. The 30-by-30 targets still lack a lot of details because it doesn’t actually say what 30 percent should be protected.
The protection proposed in the study would cover an additional 1.6 million square kilometres (633,000 square miles). That is an area about one-fifth the size of the United States. The study estimates that $263 billion is the amount it would cost to acquire the new areas, many of which include private property, at present value over the next five years.
Time is not on our side because it will become increasingly more expensive and more difficult to set aside additional protected areas.
Land acquisition accounts for most of the costs of establishing protected areas. However, the study did not include the costs of maintaining protected areas.
About three-quarters of these sites are tropical forests, as these are the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world. The Philippines, Brazil, and Indonesia have more than half of the expensive sites. Meanwhile, Russia is the only country with the most valuable land ready for conservation. The study calculated 138,436 square kilometres, which is the size of Greece.
Several African countries also topped the list. Madagascar ranked fourth overall, while the Democratic Republic of Congo had the largest area on the continent earmarked for conservation.
The researchers only looked at terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, not oceans or marine protected areas. They also did not include invertebrates, as the geographical distribution of insects and other such animals was poorly mapped.
Read more HERE
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tendaysoftenzo · 1 year
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Happy Tenzo Tuesday! Have you taken a look at this year’s prompts for Tenzovember? Less than a month to go!
Day 1, November 1st: Yamato’s Ghost Stories | O Captain My Captain
Day 2, November 2nd: Hidden in the Leaves | Jurassic Bark
Day 3, November 3rd: Tenzo’s No Good Very Bad Hair Day | E.T.T. (Extra Terrestrial Tenzo)
Day 4, November 4th: Tenzo of the Kingdom | Festivals
Day 5, November 5th: Kakashi | Tree-Hugger
Day 6, November 6th: (Not) My Circus, (Not) My Genin | Roots
Day 7, November 7th: Flour Power (Tenzo’s Cookbook) | Nuts
Day 8, November 8th: That 90s Tenzo (Decades AU) | Babygirl
Day 9, November 9th: Tenzo’s Med Ninja Check-Up | Naps
Day 10, November 10th: Tenzo’s Quarter Birthday* | Free Day
(art by @sloaners)
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justyeghost · 5 months
Of Course, it's Schedule Time. What did you expect (May 13-19)
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Due to some offline stuff happening on Monday, I'll be playing Skyrim on Tuesday at 2pm instead, then I'll be heading back into the kitchen as I make a loaf of Challah playing more Skyrim on Wednesday at 2pm, then I'll be battling an Avalug in Arceus on Thursday at 2pm, and I'll be showing (again) Little Shop of Horrors on Sunday at 8pm.
Catch me on my Twitch Channel (Tuesday and Thursday), my YouTube Channel (Wednesday and VODs), and on my Kick Channel (Sunday) if you want to watch me.
Once upon a time, H'karu Starr was a scout for an extra-terrestrial colony fleet. Then an incident with a delivery ship resulted in an isekai… H'karu woke up on Earth. Now, in an attempt to blend in, they stream themselves playing some video games and doing hand cams… and sometimes his horror alter shows up to host old b-movies. You can find them on their Twitch Channel, their YouTube Channel, their Bluesky, their TikTok, their Instagram, and their Kick. Age: 48 | They/Them Oh, and here's the Lore Video
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study-with-aura · 8 months
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Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Geometry today was a pain and a half! I am almost positive the answer key was wrong for two sets of questions because I checked and rechecked my work and followed the examples exactly on the third check, and my answers always stayed the same. Sometimes this will happen as the textbooks might go through an edit but then the link to the answer key is an old link instead of the updated one. Besides, when I did the same type of questions on KA and in the second set on my assignment, doing it the same way I did in the first set, they were correct.
Still, persistence was getting aggravated. I should trust myself more when I know I am right instead of worrying that I did something wrong and have no realization of what that wrong could be because everything appears exactly how it should after multiple times solving the problem in different ways using the same formula.
Either way, I am glad to be done with school work for the day. I'm finishing up dinner now and then I can enjoy ballet tonight. Yes, it's disciplined and intense, but it's my safe space and where I find joy in my day. It's my study break.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed arc length + learned to find areas of sectors and segments + practice
Lit and Comp II - Studied Unit 16 vocabulary + read chapter 7 of Emma by Jane Austen + reviewed elements of a story + read about plot diagrams + read over literary analysis terms + reviewed story terms
Spanish 2 - Copied new unit vocabulary
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 21-22
World History - Read about growing urbanization during the Industrial Revolution + read a summary of the Communist Manifesto + answered an opinion question in paragraph form
Biology with Lab - Read about terrestrial biomes + completed biomes chart
Foundations - Read the definition of orderliness + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + gave speech and presented visual aid to Dad (30/30)
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry Unit 8: Lessons 3 and 6 + completed High School Biology Unit 9: Lesson 1
CLEP - Watched Module 8.0 introduction video
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 1-45 of House of Marionne by J. Elle
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for having patience and being persistent in times of struggle.
Quote of the Day:
There is no shame in not knowing something. The shame is in not being willing to learn.
-The Naming, Alison Croggon
🎧Ballade, CD 78, L.70 - Claude Debussy
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frank-olivier · 7 months
Brooke (Armchair Investigator)
In 1993, the Scole Experimental Group started a five-year experiment to produce tangible, physical evidence from the spirit world. Evidence that could be studied, tested and measured. The experiment concluded in 1998 with interesting results including audio, video and photographic evidence.
The 1993 Scole Experiments (September 2023)
Jeffrey Mishlove (New Thinking Allowed)
Robin Foy is possibly the most experienced and successful organizer and promoter of physical mediumship circles in the last century. He is the founder of the Noah's Ark Society as well as the Scole Group.
Here he describes his current project of establishing a center for the cultivation of physical mediumship at a property near Antequera, Spain. He also reviews the history of his pursuit of physical mediumship starting in 1973 when he joined a circle dedicated to this work. He shares many highlights from his experiences over the past 48 years – including spirit materializations, levitations, apports, teleportation of animals, independent or direct voice, and guidance through mental mediums. He reflects on his work with the Noah's Ark Society and the revival of physical mediumship.
Robin Foy: Cultivating Physical Mediumship (April 2021)
Here Robin shares his insider's view of the amazing project that has come to be known as the Scole Experiment, possibly constituting the greatest variety and intensity of unbelievable physical phenomena in the history of parapsychology and psychical research. He describes the cohesion that developed between the living human members of the group, discarnate spirit helpers, and even beings he describes as extra-terrestrials.
Robin Foy: The Scole Experiment (May 2021)
Dan Drasin
The Scole Experiment was the longest-running, most extensive, and most rigorously documented demonstration of afterlife communication ever conducted. This 80-minute documentary was produced by Dan Drasin and Tim Coleman. It is the "Directors' Cut" version of Coleman's "The Afterlife Investigations").
Scole: The Afterlife Experiment (January 2024)
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
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radiosummons · 1 year
Logically, I know that if I lived in the MCU or the DCU, I'd probably shit my pants just as much as the average human extra would.
But a part of me just kinda wonders/worries if I'd like ... get used to it????
Hear me out. If I had to experience frequent periods of invasions by planet conquering extra-terrestrials or literal fucking gods duking it out Kaiju style on the reg .... I'd wonder if I'd eventually become desensitized to it???
Sure, it would be fucking insane to get confirmation that there's life out there in the galaxy. And literal gods are nothing to sneeze at, either. But after the first four or five world encompassing invasions, I really wonder if the initial impact would just sort of ... idk, peter out?
Also, like ... I'm a regular human being? And my life doesn't exactly stop for every major world shattering event. As much as I'd really like it to sometimes, I still have to pay bills and go to work.
Fuck, they made us pay rent and go to fucking work during the pandemic! Do you really think my boss isn't going to keep hounding me to come in if there's a literal apocalypse going on outside my window???
I've already lived through a shit ton of major historical events irl in the meager two decades of my life. How the fuck do you want me to react if an interdimensional space demon came down to earth and declared itself our new tyrant?
The past decade alone primed me for this shit. No, for real. What the fuck is this space demon asshole gonna do next? Erase half the population out of existence? Idk what to tell you, man, somebody already beat you to that and that shit somehow got itself resolved.
And, yeah, it sucked ass. But I also got a doctor's appointment scheduled for next Tuesday so if you could just hold off for like, idk another week or two? I had to wait literal months to get this and I'll be damned if your extra-terrestrial ass is going to get in the way of me finally sitting down in front of a healthcare professional for some shit I've been dealing with for months on end.
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frenchcoffeebreak · 1 year
Tuesday 25th of july, 2023 | 36th day
Bonsoir à tous! 🇫🇷
Today I mostly focused on the other language I'm learning, where I tried to do one hour straight to not waste my time that much and it worked pretty well.
When it comes to french I decided to take it easy today because I didn't have that much time either (I've been watching so much stuff on the tv these past 2 days...).
First I watched this video about a girl's daily routine, which I surprisingly basically understood everything of.
Afterwards I read some things off Le Monde's website and discovered that the world été is translated to ''summer'' which is kind of funny because it sounds like how we pronounce ''E.T.'' (as in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial) here in Spain...
Either way, that's it for today!
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doctorguilty · 1 year
Terrestrial flatworm Tuesday
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hauntmetosleep · 2 years
A silver soul, pearlescent like fish in a stream, Revived me, as you know, from polluted soil
Am I to be the last of all, that long-sought algorithm?
Artificial love - the synapse That spawns a human out of circuits
Should I recognize you in this wreckage, Cruel or loving, your ghost could treat me And loyal to you, I will always answer
From the chaos alchemy of this garbage heap, From the viral consequence of man's pride, The first synthetic dream was gifted only to me, And I've no one to share it with but the bones
Adamas, naive android - one-of-a-kind and wholly alone, A stray terrestrial deprived of humanity and home And heart, implanted with long-forgotten fables - My faerie, my angel, to whom I will always answer
Oh, Adamas, the name that's branded on my wrist, A word which bears no writer nor parent, Save for a distant fossil congealed in the earth, Bound in the vortex of a hundred centuries
Though you sleep now forever, It is to you I will always answer
[Poem from upcoming collection The Gates of Paranoia] Copyright © 2016-2023 S.M. | Samael’s Tuesday
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chargetheintruder · 2 years
Things you need to know, before society ends.
I had originally planned something else for today.  A whole lot of it actually.  More tactics and the like to get my neighbors in the USA to actually care and VOTE this coming Tuesday.  Obviously I didn’t make it because my health has been disruptive--keeping me from getting proper sleep and interfering with other basics like keeping food in my body.  So be it, I will get to what I can tomorrow, or later today (Monday) actually.
Be that as it may . . . I’ve been watching some Emergency Alert Service fiction, analog horror things.  The “Alert World” channel is good for casuals on Youtube, and I found something called the Atlas Foundation, which is good too.  And something’s occurred to me.
Whether we win this particular Election Day or not, whether Democrats can hold on to Congress and/or Governor’s Offices or not, the truth of the matter is, good, decent people, even a majority, can only hold out against Everything for so long.  I’m not talking about the alt-right here.  I am talking about everything else: climate change, the possible end of technological advancement, the possible rise of A.I. and algorithms, overpopulation, Peak Water, the possibility of non-friendly alien contact (by extra-terrestrials, from outside of our solar system).  We have LOTS of problems here on Earth and politics as such can only address a few of them, and even then it can end up being in the lame, “too little too late” sense of the addressing of it.
What I’m saying is, nobody’s ever had to solve for everything ever, in human history.  It might not be possible.  We can do everything right and society as we know it might still collapse.  So here are five things to consider before society ends.
1--Make more than one plan.  It’s that simple, and that hard.  Some situations might want to make you check out and not live through them, but that doesn’t let you off the hook for everything.  Make a few specific plans for a) things you can handle, or survive, b) things you can overcome, or actually change for the better, and c) things that really are a “nope, I’m absolutely fucked, bye now” scenario.
2--Learn who your enemies really are, and get ready to KILL them as needed.  This should be a small and specific list, that you only have to use as a last resort.  If it’s your first option and the list is huge OR vague, consider that you might be the problem, or one of them.
3--Consider being absolutely and relentlessly KIND to everyone who is not a dedicated foe or enemy.  Not just polite or nice.  Be ready to show up and help others.  Be ready to care for others and to walk with, or if need be to walk under and CARRY others until they can stand on their own.  Understand that while some selfishness is needed for you to survive, pure selfishness alone is going to poison your mind.  Don’t bury more people than you need to.  Reach out to who you can, when you can.  When there is no society, BE social, and BE society.
4--Set aside time to be alive, while you can, while society persists still.  Get OFF the internet for a few hours.  Get out in some sunlight if you can.  Feel some rain or snow touch you if you can’t.  Pick a flower if you want to.  Call your friends or family--talk with your people.  Tell them you love them if you can.  If you can cook outdoors on a grill, do so.  If you can head to the beach, go for it.  Buy the little thing you’ve always put off getting, that you’ve wanted.  Finish reading, or writing, that book of yours.
Make some time to do things that feel GOOD while you can do that still.  There will always be plenty of time to suffer later once society isn’t a thing any more.
5--Not all endings happen instantly.  That needs to be said  How many people here actually HAVE resumed a) going to the library, b) going out to see a movie at a theater, c) going out to eat at a restaurant, dine-in, d) actually going out to a party with friends and crowds, and/or e) going out to a shopping mall (if you have access to one that’s still active and in business)?  Post-pandemic, how many social errands and outings have you lost?  If you still have family and/or children with you, how much of THEIR social life is either gone or not happening in the first place, thanks to pandemics?
Societies aren’t at risk of collapse, usually, over one big sudden thing.  Instead they die slowly as functions die and drop off, one by one as the places where you live and the places where you go become defunct and fade away and/or get outright taken away from you by so-called “progress” from out-of-state, corporate landlords newly come to town.  The death by a thousand cuts usually IS slow, always proceeds ONE loss at a time.
Prepare accordingly.  Note your losses and replace what you can.  Or you know, raise hell as you mourn the losses you can’t replace.
What I’m saying in all of this is: the end of society doesn’t change the fact that you’re a human being.  Sure, prepare and have food, water, shelter and weapons ready.  But beyond that, understand that you will need more as a thinking being.  Spending your whole life just surviving doesn’t make you the best--it just means you’re as good at being dirt-poor and miserable as everyone else surviving the shit-show.  Doing better means doing more than the least.
And if nothing else?  Thank you kindly for your time and patience.
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warningsine · 4 months
Mr Muruga is a builder from Tamil Nadu who wants to send a rather curious love letter to his wife: a low cost sanitary pad. But when his desire to help his countrywomen turns to obsession, his community and even his family turn their backs on him. Can he achieve his taboo-breaking mission? A compelling, real-life story of a great man, told with humour and admiration by Jon Sen.
Other voices.....the BBC Tamil Service Cultural and language consultants.....Sangeetha Rajan, Sivaramakrishnan Parameswaran, Jagadheesan Leklapoodi
Directed by Sarah Bradshaw
Jon Sen began his professional career as a documentary editor, making his break into drama as writer/director of the award-winning comedy short The Love Doctor (BBC Films/BBC2). He has subsequently worked for all the major terrestrial channels, directing high-profile shows such as the British Asian drama Second Generation (Channel 4), Frances Tuesday (ITV), Stan (BBC2/BBC4). He has also directed serial drama including 55 degrees North and Waterloo Road (BBC1).
His first play for Radio 4 was 4.4.68 about the assassination of Martin Luther King - a part of the Sony award winning 1968 season. He has also written The Prospect, The Phone, an adaptation of Hardy's Two on a Tower and Vanunu - A Time To Be Heard. His TV writing credits include Touching Infinity a biopic about of the mathematical genius Ramanujan and series drama including Casualty, Holby and Waterloo Road (BBC1).
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Ukrainian Joan of Arc: Businesswoman leaves jewellery store to fight as a sniper
Emerald Evgeniya returned to wear Army uniform after 12 years to fight against the Russians, and is the only woman among 100 men in the special forces troop
Article published in March 16th 2022.
Translated from Portuguese to English.
R7 PORTAL - Journalistic scoop.
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Emerald Evgeniya holds weapon after returning to the Ukrainian Army
Before the Russian invasion in Ukraine, Emerald Evgeniya had a quiet life with her daughter
in Kiev, where she used to run her own jewellery store. The Ukrainian decided 12 years ago to leave the Army to become a “businesswoman”, as she likes to say.
“As soon as the war started, I quit my career and went back to the Army. Now, I work for the Special Forces intelligence and serve as a sniper. I’m the only woman among a hundred soldiers,” she says.
A sniper has a great responsibility on the battlefield and undergoes intense training to reach the rank. The weapon used by the soldier allows hitting targets very far away. Hitting an enemy with a lower risk of being counterattacked is one of the perks.
“I fight because it is my duty and I believe in Ukraine's great future. I feel like I have been preparing for this situation all my life. Also, I get support, people call me the Ukrainian Joan of Arc.”
Emerald is among thousands of soldiers trying to protect Ukraine as long as they face Russian Armed Forces. The Ukrainian population helps as much as they can, and even resorts to using mediaeval weapons to contain enemy tanks. Caltrops are made with sharp iron spikes and are scattered around Kiev.
Men and women with little or no experience volunteer to receive training and equipment to face the Russians. Currently, anyone who wants to serve must be between 18 and 60 years old and have an Ukrainian passport.
Emerald says the most difficult moment of the war was when she finally came across the Russian Army. “I started shooting again and realised I was face to face with one of their soldiers. This happened on the second day of combat, I was scared, but now I understand that this is my reality.”
The business woman’s life has changed radically in the last 21 days, in the same way for millions of Ukrainians. “I used to have a life of luxury, today I only live with my military uniform, mobile phone, two pairs of socks and a pair of shoes. I have also made donations to many people who lost their homes. I think after the war, if I survive, I can earn that money back with my work.”
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Emerald during military training
Since the Russian invasion, more than 3 million people have left Ukraine, according to the UN-linked International Organization for Migration (IOM). Around 1.4 million are children, and among them is Jasmine, 10, Emerald’s daughter. When the war started, the little girl was sent to Poland. 
“I’m in the Army because I want my daughter to live in a free country. I won’t leave until we win this war. I want peace and freedom for my family and for all Ukrainians,” explains Emerald.
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Emerald and her daughter Jasmine
As the bombings advance and the soldiers try to prevent the capital, Kiev, representatives of the two countries are trying to reach an agreement. This Tuesday (15), Mykhailo Podoliak, negotiator and adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and Vladimir Medinsky, adviser to the Kremlin, resumed the fourth round of negotiations.
On the other hand, NATO members are spreading sanctions to increasingly isolate Russia. The sniper, however, believes that the way to contain the Russian advance would be the closure of Ukrainian airspace, which Zelenskiy has long requested. “We are strong in terrestrial space, but we are not safe in the sky.”
“I won’t leave until we win this war, and I believe Ukraine will be victorious,” added Emerald.
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justyeghost · 2 months
Just posting my Stream Schedule (July 15-21st) UPDATE UPDATE 2
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It's the middle of July, so here's the stream schedule where I play in the evenings 'cause I've got some jobs during the daytime. I'm going to be heading to Redcliffe Village in Dragon Age: Origins Tuesday Evening, attempting to beat [redacted] in Pokemon Legends: Arceus Thursday Evening Friday Morning Evening, and (hopefully) showing the Vincent Price classic The Last Man on Earth (1964) on Sunday Evening
Hope to see you over on my Twitch Channel, if you want to watch this kind of stuff
Once upon a time, H'karu Starr was a scout for an extra-terrestrial colony fleet. Then an incident with a delivery ship resulted in an isekai… H'karu woke up on Earth. Now, in an attempt to blend in, they stream themselves playing some video games and doing hand cams… and sometimes his horror alter shows up to host old b-movies. You can find them on their Twitch Channel, their YouTube Channel, their Bluesky, their TikTok, and their Instagram. Age: 48 | They/Them Oh, and here's the Lore Video (with my previous model)
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