#terrible at introductions
the-missann · 2 years
~Writeblr Introduction~
So, I'm not good at introductions. However, I've done this before, so maybe it'll be easier now.
Hi, I'm an aspiring writer who wants nothing more than the world to have a favorite character who actually looks like them. Being an introvert; I usually write stories about loneliness, isolation, anxiety and longing. My usual genres are YA, Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, Adventure, and recently I'm getting into Comedy, Sci-fi, and Satire.
I try and make my stories very inclusive. I showcase my characters in a way where they're not liked for their ethnicity, but you like them and they just so happen to be a POC.
I'm also teaching myself to draw.
I wouldn't say I have WIPs when most my stories have more the 30k+ words, but I'll tell you all about a few I'm working on.
A little BG before that, just so there's no confusion. I have a very big universe I've built where I follow my one MC, Cassie, through several different reincarnation stories.
The Demonic Repentance
Genre: YA, Romance, & Supernatural
Akuma is a Demon tasked with fixing Hell after the ruler ruins it with his selfish desires. Having no other choice, he goes outside of Hell in order to find a solution. Instead of a solution he finds an Angel.
This is probably the most edited and actually finished stories of mine.
A Collection of Short Stories: Quiet Girl
Genre: Comedy
When it comes to talking, Cassie finds it to be too much work and opts to think instead. Plus, with ten guys who never leave her alone, it is just a bit better to stay quiet and leave a good impression.
Cassie ventures through her twenties as she tries to live through adulthood while also trying to keep her heart beating every time she sees someone she likes.
This is a Harem story that's more crude than it is overtly sexual. Just adult jokes more than anything.
The Makings of a Love Story
Genre: YA & Romance
After dealing with her first break up, Cassie struggles to return to herself, leaving herself open to yet another relationship much too soon. However, this new relationship isn't anything like her pervious one and has the chance to be better for her, if she learns from the past.
I'm currently having writer's block with this one.
Kingdom of Bumalia
Genre: Fantasy & Romance
The turbulent history of a long lost kingdom. The True Blood within the family is untouched by Lower Blood, until one prince is born. He wants nothing more than his kingdom to prosper and takes a risk unlike his ancestors.
I'm reworking this, so I technically finished this years ago, but it's horribly written by my standards now, lol.
A Fourth Dimension Reality
Genre: YA, Comedy, Satire, & Sci-fi
What happens when you live somewhere you don't belong? Those feelings of being alone and thinking you're the odd one out are over with when you realize you do belong on Earth.
However, Larson and Cassie don't. Being from another dimension is the tie that keeps them together while navigating the strange reality they were stuck in.
This is by far my favorite story, I've written close to 100k words and I'm not sure when I'm gonna actually end it.
I have lots of other stories that are nearly done, but I dislike writing endings because 1. I suck at them and 2. That would mean ending my story and that's such a hard pill to swallow.
That's it from me, I'd love to hear from any of you. I'm pretty easy going and accept almost everyone. So don't be like me and be shy, interact and maybe we could be friends!
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catboy-scott-agenda · 7 months
it's genuinely really cool to see all the people who are getting into joel's content now that he's joined hermitcraft. as a long time joel enjoyer, i think it's great that people are discovering his stuff outside of the life series (which, as much as i enjoy, doesn't properly show off his personality) and falling in love with it the way i did all those years back.
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kkkkkkkitty · 1 year
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cosmogone-spectacles · 4 months
I, for one, would definitely be interested in learning about your flondon main, if you're willing to share
Oh, I suppose I can go ahead and share a tad... presuming my poor, skittish heart survives the ordeal. ^_^;; +++
"D. T. Oversol, Silverer. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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(Portrait by my good friend Cheru at @cheru-art-time!)
Primary Skills: Persuasive / Dangerous; Glasswork / Artisan of the Red Sciences
Feel free to send a calling card! Lengthier character introduction beneath the cut. +++
Mr. Oversol (or Oversol, as he is commonly referred – he seems rather particular about sharing more than the initials of the rest of his name) is an immensely private individual. Whilst he is semi-commonly present at a variety of high-society events, and, of course, the occasional apocalyptic threat to London, he always seems to subtly direct conversation towards topics related to others rather than himself. This aire of mystique, as some have put it, is only furthered by the bombazine-dark veil he has not been seen without in many a year. ...In fact, one might note, he wears black gloves, too, and a high-collared shirt, and even dark spectacles beneath hat heavy veil... God forbid one foregoes manners enough to ask about all the pomp directly, of course. High society leaves little room for such straightforwardness. A silverer by trade, his services are peculiarly difficult to obtain. First comes the mere challenge of locating the blasted man, should you not find yourself fortunate enough (or, em, unfortunate enough?) to be inundated with party invites. Oversol's offices lie somewhere in the twisted back-streets set about the foot of the Bazaar, and the longer one searches the clearer it becomes he may not want it to be found. Does he even have clientele? And why, for goodness sake, is a silverer rumoured to turn away all of the Bohemian-and-creative sort? Truth be told, Oversol is a bit of a hermit – mostly due to a displeasure with rowdy environments, a few too many suitors, and a healthy appreciation for his own privacy. This most certainly has nothing to do with a rising paranoia that has grown steadily over his years in the Neath, and irrational fears over what exactly some unsavory party might do with information on his good self. He makes true companions exceptionally slowly due to this, and finds himself primarily in the company of one Dola Hallowrove, monster hunter (@peliginspeaks), and a Captain-Correspondent Ren Haarsink (@indefinitely-sealed). —Er, perhaps not the latter. Not at current. Not after recent events. Regardless of the man's paranoid tendencies, and resulting stiff public face, he is exceptionally warm and loyal to those he considers his trusted and beloved few. They, of course, are welcome at his office any time of any day (set just beneath his lodgings, in fact; both are decorated in expensive fashion, yet stay within the line of good taste), aside from the middle of his appointments, and may even be allowed knowledge of his dear young daughte– ahem, feline companion, Boo. Sure, his gifts tend to be inordinately and unnecessarily expensive, and he will most certainly refuse a romp through Prickfinger or any other destination lacking a proper road, but you can always count on him to lend a good ear and as many perfectly-steeped cups of tea as you'd like. (Oh, ah— One last little thing. You would be well-advised not to allow him inebriation; he's a nasty rash streak with a little alcohol in his system. Last time he took drinks at a bar, he ended up across the zee on Gaider's Mourn daring pirates to most unreasonably dangerous competitions. Ghastly, that hangover was. Ghastly, and awfully zalty.)
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('Portrait' by me, on MSpaint with mouse, because my tablet is broken.)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Tim’s done a great job of introducing Marisol says Ryan - yes he saw how bad her acting was and gave her as little screen time as possible while still having her there 🤭🤭🤭
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vypridae · 7 months
it genuinely baffles me that people still think vox is some precious baby that needs to be protected and kept from val at all costs. are we like... are we watching the same show?
#like... the whole point is that he's just as awful#we've seen more of val yeah because angel's been a bit of a focus in the first season#and he was shown more back during the pilot days during ADDICT#but ... vox is . not good either#guys . they're in HELL. they are OVERLORDS in hell. they have rose to the top by being the worst people you could ever imagine#vox's introduction was literally a product of his designed for stalking#HE HAS BEEN SHOWN STALKING ALASTOR. SEVERAL TIMES#he is manipulative and terrible#like ... guys...#xanchats#xanrants#i guess?#hazbin hotel#vox#its just so shocking to me that people can still think this#the instagrams were confirmed noncanon and we've seen vox's awful manipulative side#its just because everyone hates val i think that theyre like NOO VOX IS BETTER#its like how alastor was shown scaring husk half to death and everyone is like oough but i love him ...#like if ur gonna hate toxic abusive characters like. hate all of them dont be a hypocrite about it#also maybe . dont watch the hell show? BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL IN HELL FOR A VERY GOOD REASON.#they're all terrible -- the overlords especially -- and as the series goes on we just see more of that#sorry . i did not mean to go on a rant#im looking for staticmoth fluff on ao3 and nothings popping up that i havent read and that isnt like#'oh val abuses vox vox gets away gets married to alastor forever the end'#ITS SO IRRITATING#i will write the staticmoth fluff myself if i have to I WILL FUCKING DO IT DONT TEST ME
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endlesspaint · 5 months
I have so many thoughts about Branch right now.
One particular thought of mine is this scenario, where Gray! Branch meets his future self, who is happy and colorful. I keep asking myself, "How will he react?" "What will happen?" and "How can I turn this both sad and funny?" (LMAO)
This is one of my favorite daydreams to imagine because I can't really write it out. I'm not a writer (I suck at expressing myself through words). I might draw a comic. Maybe? Idk. But anyway, I keep thinking about the fact that Branch was clearly born to be in the spotlight. Bro can adapt to new music fast, is great at singing (his voice is literally being compared to an angel), and the fact he's in two bands is just 🤯.
So whenever I imagine my daydream, I always have this specific dialogue in mind that just makes me go feral.
"How can you be so happy?! After everything we've been through! How can you smile and laugh like we aren't the reason why grandma isn't here?"
"Because grandma would want us to be happy. Grandma would want us to move on and forgive ourselves!.....I never realized that until someone showed me that I can be happy, I just needed help finding it."
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goldenphushroom · 2 months
✰ Hiii I’m Ember!!! I used to be active on dnp tumblr a long long time ago lol, but I’m back now 😌🙏✨
✰ Mainly made this to show the bracelets I’ve been making for the tour but we’ll see where else this goes ig :))
✰Also follow my twt because I’m more active over there @/ goldenphushroom 💕
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goldrushenthusiast · 6 months
does anyone else remember those drarry fics where Harry’s abuse at the dursleys would be like 1000x worse and Draco would end up killing them or something or am I going crazy
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taryn40k · 26 days
A deep shadow falls over Taryn, heralding a deeply accented voice.
"I know what ye are."
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"Is there a verse for that, sir??? What do I call you, sir? Father??"
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n3ongold3n · 8 months
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Long time no cat posting so here's a little collection from january ❄
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tamaharu · 1 month
with an open mind and heart you can find yuri in the breeze blowing through a field, in bird chirps, in morning dew. you can find yuri in girls club for the phillips cd-i, even.
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jakeperalta · 10 months
woke up in my new house for the first time this morning only to realise that I've caught the flu type virus my mum has had for the last week
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wxndswept · 5 months
"Lyza, right?" Basil hands her a space gun. "I need an assistant for a job, come on, 20 minutes adventure." Urges for her to get inside his parked ship.
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Lyza looked at the gun, then at the stranger asking to get inside his ship. The stranger who knew her name. Without uttering a word, she took the gun and shot him in the shoulder before walking away.
Taking the gun with her.
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benisasoftboi · 1 year
Spent my day off catching up on Miraculous Ladybug and all I can say is RIP Gabriel, actual funniest villain of all time. I will never get over how he akumatized an actual baby, spent the entire episode asking himself why the fuck he thought that was a good idea, and then proceeded to do it again like five more times
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electriccenturies · 6 months
some people on this webbed site have the absolute stupidest beliefs informed by nothing but gut feelings and their assumption that the vast majority of people are fundamentally evil. how did i not see this until I was like. 25 years old?
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