#tetris boy info
ya-whi · 2 years
“Script’s appearance comic”
The events of the comic come some time after the events of “Somewhere Else” comic of unu-nunu-art
Part 1
Look for an english translation under each of comic page
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Template: Tsk.  Template: Ouch... *white noise sound*
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Template: It seems like these wounds will heal for a long time, little Penny. *white noise* Penny:*bzzt* Template: I’ve told we’ve got some work to do, but... Template: You haven't fully recovered yet.
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Error: Someone’s gotta take care of their garbage. Template: And don’t worry about what happened. It won't be long before the world becomes a cleaner place.  It will be better for- Template: ! Template: Is that... --- Template - by @unu-nunu-art
Error - by @loverofpiggies
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Anyway, uh, stupid bullshit over. Time for Argyle headcanons:
I think he's an absolute legend at Tetris. They probably have a machine at Surfer Boy Pizza that he plays religiously when he's on break. I think Jonathan watches him play sometimes & gets damn near hypnotized at how fast he's able to stack 'em.
Despite this, his favourite game is Ms Pacman.
I think he's an avid journal-taker, especially when it comes to, like, birdwatching & foraging. To that end, I think his face bird would be a red-winged blackbird. I don't have any fancy explanation for that, I just think they're neat birds & they sound pretty
I have a very very specific AU I'm working on but to keep it brief, I think his parents really worried about him for a bit after seeing some weird shit at work. He's doing well in school, he's got steady employment & he keeps out of trouble, sure, but I think he's a very lonely guy, despite being super outgoing. When Jonathan comes along & he's got a best friend, I think they're really happy for him. I think he probably called them somewhere on the road and was like, "hey spontaneous road trip! Don't worry I'm good" & they were like. A little concerned but they trusted his judgement. He probably calls them when they leave Utah & gives them a bit more info.
To that end, I think he probably goes back to Lenora finish school after helping out as much as he can for spring break, but drives back to Hawkins for summer vacation. I also think he'd probably be like, a nature version of The Guy In the Chair while in Cali, with him & Jonathan calling each other immediately after school
I think he draws a lot of what he sees! He's got a beautiful sketch of a kettle of turkey vultures out in the desert & it's kept behind his van's visor. Jonathan thinks it's so cool
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blastoisemonster · 5 months
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Sanrio Carnival
Second game I got from Novegro is a freaking Hello Kitty title. Never in my life I would have expected to come back home with Hello Kitty among my convention loot, but it was there for cheap and I figured it was better collecting these kind of games this way instead of also suffering shipping costs for them.
The minimal-styled white cat needs no introduction: designed by Yuko Shimizu for the Sanrio corporation in 1974, Hello Kitty has been an icon for worldwide kawaii culture since then and a fan favourite among children and adults alike, becoming a fixed appeareance in pop culture. Her most remarkable feature is getting her face plastered on anything mankind has ever produced; if an item exists, there's an Hello Kitty branded version of it. No need for me to delve further into the topic, since there's also a plethora of Hello Kitty Game Boy games and eventually, as I collect more titles, I'll come back talking about her sometime in the future. In reality, I hold no grudge against Sanrio characters in general. Really, they're adorable and I am known for liking cute stuff: Badtz-Maru is definitely my favourite in the bunch and I owned- correction, I still own Ahiru No Pekkle branded stationery (which, by the way, has major kidcore vibes. It's amazing). The big flaw here is that I think all minor, secondary or supporting characters Sanrio creates for the Hello Kitty brand look far more interesting than the protagonist who needs to be bland and empty to fullfill the role of "pop culture icon". While others have distinct personalities and attitudes, Kitty needs to be just a face, a signature, a stamp to be placed on items, nothing more. I know there's several anime series trying to give her a family or a story and a setting, but at that point it's just uncanny. It's sorta like watching a cartoon of the Dolce&Gabbana logo coming to life.
Setting my rant aside, the subject of this post is Sanrio Carnival, a classic GB game distribuited by Character Soft in 1991. It appears to be, along with its NES counterpart of 1990, the first title featuring the kitten at least on Nintendo consoles. Unfortunately, searching up info about older Sanrio games is a confusing task as most dedicated sites do not even bother to list them prior to the DS and GameCube era. The game itself, however, is not confusing at all: right after the title screen from where we can choose to play single or multiplayer via Link Cable we're sent to an option screen and then to the actual game- which is a Puyo Puyo clone. Nothing more, nothing less. Icons depicting Sanrio charas fall from the top of the screen in couples and the player can rotate and move them with controls; once three of the same are paired, they disappear.
While it's hard to write anything more about the game itself, I can say that ironically this is the best I got from the Novegro batch o.o I randomly picked all four titles only assuring myself I was getting actual japanese exclusives with no western distribution; I ended up with a text-heavy RPG and two RTS, while Sanrio Carnival is just a simple puzzle game. Granted, it has nothing on Dr.Mario or Tetris, but it's immediate to pick up and it fills the purpose of killing your time if you're a kid in a road trip or waiting in some office. It does its job. Sanrio Carnival is just a simple puzzler, yet it's everything you'd expect about an early title featuring fashion icons.
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versastyle22 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: BLUE Retro themed handheld game console. Brand new sealed in original box.
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dustednotepad · 2 years
the censors have blocked all except "LOVE YOUR NATION, WORSHIP YOUR ROUTER" their subtlety has become endearing in the newspaper articles we fall asleep with screenshots burned onto the back of our eyelids, exploring our timelines even as we sleep i think of the tetris effect as i wake up again, thumb scrolling against my thigh, tapping freckles instead of likes i come to the thought of the number of engagements the livestream of my execution will get my fifteen minutes will trend via "#THEWITCHISDEAD", tacked onto sponsored Target tweets and Wendy's roasts Salem is an instruction manual, after all, spliced with doja cat and justin bieber as our overlords throw it back on tiktok we pause to leave our houses, waiting for the "SKIP" button to appear on the thirty-second health supplement ad the smart kids know to hit the info button and mark it as "REPETITIVE" the next ad will be for new shoes my lover smiles at me, and we bump our watches together, updating our heart rates to match when we fuck, they tie my wrists with charger cords and kiss me with a mouth that tastes like tin foil we livestream it and receive three thumbs down and thirty cents of ad revenue we add it to our spotify subscription fund and create another email for netflix trials another screen goes on my ceiling and now i can watch my breakdown streamed in curved 4k we figure out the blacklist is case-sensitive and only type in aLterNAtE raNdOM CaSes, mixing in greek letters and emojis to fill the gaps our next protest has instagram buffering for twenty-eight minutes straight, and we take to discord to celebrate another follower defects and dissapears, only to come back two days later with a new nose and blue hair i shave off half my eyebrow and replace it with a qr code that causes phones to vibrate and emit whale noises the bathroom walls inside of applebees are covered in protest scrawl reading "FUCK YOUR FOREFATHERS, FIND YOUR TRUTH" and we giggle and scribble "OKAY, DADDY" in loopy, lipstick letters underneath it at dawn we stay in bed, awake but unmoving, the sun rising in the corners of our eyes as we check for war and shark week updates i choke on tv static seltzers as the world ends not with a bang, but a loud voice followed by nothing but silence, nothing but bright blue light punctuated by broken code and frowny faces under the cover of dead airwaves we burn down the last of the radio towers and decorate the telephone poles like christmas trees, complete with faulty wiring and endlessly blinking lights my lover dies and i fail to fit their eulogy in 280 characters or less i write it on a green electric box anyway and post the audio to soundcloud another white boy of the month is martyred, his intestines a red smear across monument steps, and all i can think of is chewing aluminum foil between my teeth eventually, they shut off our hotspots and kill our bluetooth connections, and i can't remember how to get to the safehome i've been to a thousand times before we create a time machine and it quickly becomes a suicide box, sending ourselves back in time and dying long before we're born no one comes back, at least nothing here changes, or maybe it already had the sunsets are more colorful now, and the air we breathe tastes like cinnamon and orange juice, filtered through our gas masks another country kills itself off and i create a new pinterest board in memorium eventually, riot gear and talks of revolution fall out of style, and we fall into thrift stores and dumpsters, others in body bags and unmarked graves i set my cremation date, and they stamp it on me along with a matching bag of shredded cheese, both of us reading "USE BY" after it's over, i return home, make a pot of cold coffee, and wait for the next trend to rise
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galaxy-otter · 3 years
Self Insert Handplates BittyBones Story- ACT THREE- Getting to Know Each Other
The sizzling of eggs on a pan broke the tense and awkward air that was in your kitchen. Or, well, you attempted to, "So, uh, what do you guys like to do for fun?"
2-P's small eyelights lit up, "OH! WE DO PUZZLES! DO YOU LIKE PUZZLES, BIG PERSON Y/N?"
You shrugged your shoulders and sighed, "I have a few jigsaw puzzles in my closet. Other than that, I've never really been a puzzle person." Taking the eggs off of the plate, you places them on some mini plates you had lying around. Pouring milk into two shot glasses from your drinking days, you placed the plates and glasses in front of the boys. "There you go guys! Enjoy!" You looked around for a moment, you gasped, "Wait, I forgot forks!" You grabbed two forks and put them next to the plates. "There, NOW enjoy." They, unexpectedly, ignored the forks and dug in with their hands, which made you mentally face palm. 'Ugh, of COURSE! They're too small to handle forks! I have to get, like, tiny doll forks or something." You shook your head, looking to see cleaned plates. You smiled, "How was it?"
You blushed out of embarrassment, "Aw, dude, that's so sweet." You smiled, and his face just got brighter. His brother, though, was not as trusting. He just watched the interaction at a distance, not bothering to speak. At some point while you where spacing out, however, 2-P has brought his brother over.
"BIG PERSON Y/N! THIS IS MY BROTHER! HERE!" 2-P nudged his brother over to you while you were cleaning up.
"hey, bro no, cmon."
1-S rolled his eyelights, sighed, and slouched, "hey."
You waved, "Hey." You paused, then got an idea, "You guys like video games?"
"never heard of 'em." 2-P just shook his head.
"Well that's no good! We HAVE to play video games together soon. I have a whole bunch of games on my computer. I also play Tetris, which, is also kinda like a puzzle in it's own way."
It had been a while after that. About twelve hours, to be more clear. Even though you didn't really know them all that well, you began to fall back on the 'husk' form you always knew. You weren't the kindness person, after all. Or that was what everybody you knew told you. Well, besides Jessica, but she lived so far away that the only way of contacting her would be facetime or her phone. You sighed and leaned by in bed. The skeletons were in the guest room were you found them, leaving the door open just a bit to where they could come get you if they needed something. Everybody in the city claims that you always looked, dead? "A husk of what you used to be," was what the lady a few rooms over told you. She, apparently, knew you long enough to know that. You stared at the ceiling, trying to process what had happened. So, you had two skeleton children, or, what you think are children, in your house. You now have to go out more to feed all three of you instead of just yourself. You need to look up tiny skeletons now, which is what you did. You pulled out your phone and typed in 'tiny skeletons,' but found nothing until you scrolled for a little bit to find a sketchy website. You clicked on it, which gave you a ton of info on what you were looking for. Apparently, these guys were 'selling' a small skeleton in a lab coat. The skeleton appeared to be older and taller than the two you found, and he looked BEYOND tired. You heaved yourself out of bed and called the number. Whatever they were doing to that poor soul wasn't good. You knew what abuse looked like, after all.
"Hello?" A scruffy voice on the other end answered after what seemed like endless rings.
"Uhhh... Yea, I saw the website for the skeleton and was wondering how much you were charging for him."
"Oh, shit, yea, Y/N's my name... sorry about that," You heard a pen collide with paper on the other end.
"Little shit's free as long as your don't say anything."
"Really? Oh, ok, then, when are you willing to meet up?"
"Now." You got a little nervous at his tone, but shrugged it off.
"Can I have the address, please?"
He gave you the address and you wrote it down on a post it note. "Alright! I'll be there as soon as I can!" A grunt was all you got as a response as you hung up and sped walked down the hall and into the guest bedroom. "Hey guys, I'm gonna be gone for a few hours or something, ok?" They nodded and you smiled, "Alright! Bye guys! See you later!" They waved and you ran down the hall and out the door. Running to your parking spot, you jumped into the car and put the key. You didn't give a damn about other people other than Jessica, but you DID happen to care about animals and, skeletons, now.
As you drove, a mom like instinct kicked through your veins telling you to huRRY UP AND GET THAT GOD DAMN SKELETON FROM THAT STUPID MOTHER FU- your thoughts were interrupted by your upbeat ringtone. You picked up and spoke, "Hello?"
"Are you almost there? I haven't got all day."
"Ah, yes, I'm just pulling into the place now. Sorry about the wait, mister um..."
You pulled in and got out of the car, trying not to seem nervous. You put on a 'husk' face and slouched. You put a hand out and he took it. He practically threw the cage he had, guessing it was the skeleton. It wasn't a squeak like you heard with 2-P, but more like a cut off scream that was heard when the cage collided with your chest. Before you could talk to him, he had already gone back in the house. You sighed, guess you have another skeleton now. Trying not to jostle the cage too much, you place the cage in the passenger seat. "So... uh... hi?"
...no response. Can't say you didn't expect that.
Gaster's POV
Cages were the new normal were he ended up. This... human girl was trying to talk to him. She seemed like a kind person, judging by her SOUL color. Kindness was sometimes contagious, or so he heard. He wanted to scream, cry, do ANYTHING! But... he couldn't. His spine hurt from the impact of the cage being thrown. He's practically going insane from the lack of nicotine. He's extremely tired from lack of sleep. His head was spinning and he felt like he was gonna throw up despite not having a stomach.
The girl's voice was kind of sad when she spoke, "I... uh, don't really know what happened with you, and a part of me doesn't really wanna know. But, I'm gonna help! Or, well, TRY to help. Don't, like, take that to heart though. Wait, was that offensive? Oh goodness, I'm not... I don't... I sorry." He peaked through the holes to see her slouching more than she was before.
Gaster spoke, "I'm fine, that statement was not offensive, do not worry."
She sighed, "Oh, that's a relief. Here I thought I completely soiled my first impression towards you." She laughed, albeit a small one. "I'm not really the most, sociable of people, so I'm not really good at the whole 'communicating' thing, ya know?"
He nodded, he knew what being nonsocial able was like. He was just like that back... underground... Wait, ARE THEY ON THE SURFACE?! He coughed, "Human? Where are we right now?"
She tapped her chin, "Uh, pulling into my driveway right now, why?"
"No reason."
She gasped, which made him flinch on impulse, "I never told you about the boys!" 'Who?' "I'm not sure if you know them, but they're really sweet! When... 2-P is most of the ti-"
"2-P! I found him in my guest bedroom. His brother's there too! You're gonna love 'em, I just know it! So, do you want me to carry you, or do you prefer the cage?"
"I... do not mind."
"I'm just gonna carry you, then." He didn't move when she opened the cage and picked him up. 2-P... and 1-S, were with this human this whole time? He'll have to check them for injuries, but he had a feeling that they were not. She pushed the door open and kicked off her shoes, slowly walking into the kitchen. She placed her hand on the table and he climbed off of it. "Alright! I'm gonna go get them! Be right back!" She waved and ran down the hall, leaving Gaster alone with his thoughts. He didn't even know where they WERE and that was the least of his problems. He didn't even know where to BEGIN when it came to finding answers for this... this... commotion that was his life right now! First, Eric. Now, some human girl who just happened to have his things! He sighed and buried his head in his hands.
This was going to be a... troubling experience.
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rq-s · 4 years
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Title: Falling Down 
Pairing: Xu Minghao / NB!Reader
Genre: Light Angst & Platonic OR Romantic
Word Count: 2.9k+
Warnings: None. However, I do interpret the timeline and meaning of his lyrics loosely. I can’t and don’t claim that it’s the “correct” way to do so; he wrote it to be ambiguous for a wide audience to enjoy. Please watch the Falling Down Making Film for clarity.
Credits: ENG Translation of Falling Down 
Summary: You and Minghao have been consistent penpals since 2004, sharing each other’s cultures, languages, passions, and lives as you both grew up. 2014 came around and letter from him only came in 4 times, and only 1 in 2015. The last this you ever heard from him read he was a bird in a cage.
Notes: Italic = letter  ... = omitted letter content 
My Masterlist
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Spring 2004
“How about this one, honey?” Mom handed me a postcard from a spot on the rack that I couldn’t reach. The large font caught my attention and told me it was a landscape picture of the closest national park. Though nothing in the picture was recognizable, it reminded me of camping, which made me smile despite having never been before.
“Sure.” Was all I said, and I followed her as she pushed our full shopping cart to the register and began chatting with the cashier.
Like usual, I quickly put the postcard on the conveyor belt along with the groceries. As soon as it was empty, I went to the bagging station and put the scanned and bagged items back into the cart. Making sure to the boxes and cartons together neatly like Tetris, careful not to squish the bread.
“What a diligent little kid you have!” The cashier spoke, her voice worn with age, but with a sense of joy that reminded me of a stereotypical grandmother.
“She always says I do it wrong.” Mom joked, smirking at me. She never did let go of my “If you want it done right, do it yourself.” attitude I had even as a kid.
 Mom finished paying, and we went put into the chilly morning air of the parking lot that was made even colder by the shadow of the supermarket. I once again moved the bags from the cart to the trunk and brought the cart to the nearest drop off spot while Mom started the car.
The ride home was mostly silent, save for the sound of the road beneath the wheels and the hum of the heater.
“Thanks for letting me do the penpal thing, Mom.”
“You’re welcome, but remember the deal; you get more chores to do. You’re 7 years old now, you can handle doing the dishes by yourself, right?” The tone of her voice was completely serious, but I couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’ve been helping with the dishes for years, and I’ve learned from the best. I’ve got this!”
 When we got home, I scoured the bags for that postcard, and luckily it was only bent on one corner. I wrote down bit of info about that park - whatever Google told me, and set it aside. I grabbed the template application from my school binder and filled in the blanks. 
Hello! My name is _____________, I’m __ years old, and I am from ________! I am learning Mandarin, but I’m still a beginner. I hope to learn more about your culture and language as we exchange letters!
For now, I will tell you a bit about myself. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Along with this letter is a postcard and other information about where I am from!
I hope to hear from you soon!
It was a pretty basic template that we had to copy from, and in retrospect, it was cringy as all heck, but it had to be formatted juuust right and follow the guidelines exactly, or the penpal program admin’s wouldn’t accept it.
From what I was told, someone from China who’d also applied and been approved would be paired with me, based on age and interests. Only this first letter was prewritten. Once we were paired up, the letters themselves and the mailing of them was up to me and my family. 
I was lucky I got a match at all, most of the kids in my class didn’t. I learned pretty quickly why: I was the only one who put “dancing” as an interest.  
Summer 2007
This was a frog I found at the lake! Mom got mad that I touched it, and when it jumped out of my hands and back into the water, it got mud all over us!! 
Later we had a barbecue and some other campers came buy, but their kids were teenagers and didn’t wanna play with me, so here is a picture of me pouting in the tent instead of having fun. 
This is the last one, when we finally got home from the long car ride. we all were sunburned really bad, but it looks like you can see freckles on my face because of it! 
Whenever either of us would go on trips, even just to the water park or to a festival, we’d take Polaroid pictures to send. Most the earlier pictures Minghao sent were of him at tournaments, then they turned into selfies from after dance practice. It wasn’t until they were in their teens that he began to take more artsy pictures, with the occasional selfie thrown in. He’d always put at least one polaroid in each envelope, and photography quickly became one of the many things he excelled at. 
Winter 2010
And I still can’t believe you were on TV!! Twice!!! All these letters… I can use them as blackmail someday when you’re a superstar! Muahah!!
I’m not nearly as good as you still, but Miss Lilly says my footwork has gotten a lot better! I wish you could teach me, but words don’t have the same effect as seeing it. I doubt I’d get it even if you tried to explain… and don’t even think about trying to teach me any martial arts, my brain will melt!!
My letters were always a bit longer than Minghao’s, and were full of run on sentences and unorganized thoughts. He was always clear and concise, yet sensitive. He always gave strong and encouraging advice on my Mandarin, but my English tips barely seemed to help him. I always cared more about getting to know him and telling my own stories than about practicing. Though, I don’t know what stories I had worth telling as a 13 year old. We contrasted each other a lot, and Mom said it made us a better fit for each other.
It wasn’t a weekly thing, but we always wrote when we could and has a steady back and forth. Sometimes the envelopes were thick, with many pages, postcards, candies, cool leaves or rocks we’d found, songs we had been listening too; things we cared about and wanted to share. But sometimes they were thin, barely a page long, with hastily written characters and a sincere apology. Both made me smile the same just the same – both showed how much he cared.
 Spring 2012
Perhaps it was because we were the same age, and despite not meeting, had spent so much time together. He somehow always understood me, and never made jokes when I was opening up about the less fun sides of life. He went at his own pace, and it took quite some time, but he eventually felt comfortable doing the same.
I’ve worked so hard for this, I know I’m capable, but I’m genuinely terrified. But I’m excited, too. I feel so overwhelmed and I don’t feel like I can tell anyone, they’ll worry, or they’ll tell me I shouldn’t do it.
I want to try. I want to be on that stage and in that tournament and I want to come out having earned something.
 Fall 2012
 Congratulations!! Now I can brag that I know THE Xu Minghao who won 8th at a WORLD DANCE COMPETITION!!!! I knew you’d do great. Yeah, you were nervous, but your hard work showed through!
As soon as I read the news online, I was so happy. Eight is a good number, right? I think It suits you. Even when you're laying down, you have infinite potential! That’s you, Xu Minghao, Number 8, my best friend.
Come to think of it, it's been about 8 years since we met, hasn’t it? it must be some sort of prophecy!!! Haha I’m kidding, but seriously… That’s more than half our lives. We’ve spent knowing each other half of the time we’ve even been on this Earth!
I’m really glad I know you, Minghao. I’d be lonely without your letters, I think. I hope I make your days brighter, like you make mine. I hope we never forget about each other.
 It was rare for me to get so sentimental, but he needed someone to be his fan, and I wanted to be the best fan of Xu Minghao I could be. Not to say I was the first, like I would joke about doing, but because he deserves it. I knew it from the way he talked about training, that he’d make himself a star someday, no matter what.
Because of this, though, it was this letter and onward that we stopped doing the copies and corrections. I noticed myself missing his teasing marks on my papers, or the cheeky smiley faces he’d draw when I did well. We stopped sending trinkets and polaroids too, so each envelope felt a lot emptier.
 Spring 2013
I’m really going to Korea now… The flight is in a few days, I’ll send you another letter from the new address as soon as I get there, so please wait for it!
I had bad dreams back then, about how things would be different, slower and distant. His letters were a significant part of my life, and I was afraid to lose that. Yet I was surprised he was even allowed to keep sending me letters. Retrospectively thinking though, it wasn’t like he wasn’t allowed to write to his family.
Was I like family to him back then?
 Winter 2013
I’m sorry for not writing you back sooner. The company has been really busy with Seventeen TV starting. I’ve been practicing a lot, I barely have time to eat or sleep, let alone sit down and write. There’s barely anyone around who knows Mandarin, and I’m still just learning how to make sentences in Korean, and they call me Myungho… Those who I can talk to are all boys, but they’re my friends, and possible group members, so I shouldn’t mind.
I miss your handwriting. Sometimes I reread our old letters, and notice that we’ve changed so much. But I keep every memory, did you know that?
I always feel better quickly. When I think about being on a stage, having fans singing with us and cheering for me… It makes me so happy that I cry, sometimes. But then I can’t help but think, “Will it ever be me? Or will I just dream of being there, and someone else will get the chance?”
That’s usually when I find one of your letters. The one you sent on my birthday a couple months ago, that you sprayed with that citrus scent? It’s my favorite, I relax so much when I read it. It reminds me of home, somehow.
I’ll try to write more often, I’m sure you’ve been patiently waiting. Let’s exchange pictures again, it’s been a while, right? I just really miss you.
 Was he like family to me? No… I think, back then at least, it was something special for me.
Summer 2014
Hey! I haven't heard from you since April! I miss you a lot, but I know you must be really busy. I’ve been trying to watch the previous Seventeen TV episodes when I can, the other boys seem funny and nice. I hope they all take care of you, like you say Junhui has been.
I’m always wishing you sweet dreams, I worry about how you’ve been. I wish I’d have asked for your phone number or email or something before, but now that you’re so busy and under a big company… I just hope these letters and postcards reach you well.
Fall 2014
Also, they’ve been saying I’ll qualify to be on SeventeenTV soon. The others are hoping it’s a sign that we’ll get to debut soon. You’ll watch it, right?
Things are looking bright for me and my brothers here, but I can’t help but feel full of dread. I can’t pinpoint why. Junhui said it might be stage fright, but I don’t feel afraid.
I know they all support me, and I support them, but I feel like I might disappear, and not even you would remember me. I know its not true but it’s what I’m feeling.
Winter 2014
I SAW YOU!! I watched it as soon as it released, I didn’t understand what most of them were saying without English subtitles, but I could understand you, and I saw you! I’m so proud of you Minghao, you’re an official member of Seventeen!! You’ve been working so hard, I’m sure you’re exhausted. Please try and take time to rest and heal before debut, all of you need it!
Spring 2015
May 26th 2015. That is the day I debut. I know we haven't talked much, but I hope you’ll be there in spirit. Thinking about you cheering for me makes it easier to handle. I’ll fight for you, for me, for them, and for us. I’ll try, even though things feel like they’re ending.
I’m going to be busier than before. I’m not sure about the contract, but I’ll try to still get letters out. For now, have this. Thank you for everything.
A layer of grey I can't escape Walls built of fear are colored all over with red Who will listen to the sound from the bottom of my heart at the end of the world(/day) There's no one by my side Flee Flee
The world is collapsing, shattering, breaking I can't find love at all So why why why (Where will I ) fall, where Hidden by the dark clouds, helpless and pitiful Can't feel myself, light is lost Before the end of the world(/day), (I'm) yelling, sounds of pain But there's no one by my side Flee Flee
The world is collapsing, shattering, breaking After I disappear completely, (you) won't realize I once existed Why why why (Where will I ) fall, where Falling endlessly, falling in silence What did I ever do wrong
Missing someone you’ve never met is an entirely separate kind of heartbreak. I began to doubt every single thought and feeling I had, every single word I wrote, everything began to bleed between imagination, ideal, and reality. 
The Minghao I watched on the screen wasn’t the Minghao I knew, and I started to wonder if I ever truly knew him in the first place. I felt like a fool, and even then, I continued to be foolish. I wanted to believe I knew what he meant; that I understood him, but as the years went on, I got more and more lost.
They won awards, they went on variety shows, they released albums, they went on tours. They traveled, they worked, and they grew. I needed to believe I knew him, but Minghao and The8 are not the same. And as I grew to love The8, Minghao began to fade into the back of my mind. When I watched him try to express himself beyond his stage persona, each time I saw flashes of a beautiful bird locked in a rusted cage.
I always kept the letters.
They’re my private collection of memories between he and I. They were the only way I knew it was real. I could run my fingers over his handwriting, feel how he sometimes pressed too hard and left marks in the paper. I could see how the paper and ink warped when he accidentally got tears on it. I could look at his pictures from his childhood and know what he was thinking as he took it. 
I knew him.
Summer 2020
Hey, Minghao. It’s me, do you still remember my handwriting? Maybe it’s changed... No, I know it has, because I’ve changed as a person. It feels strange, I know what you’ve been up to, but you might’ve even forgotten my name. But I feel in my heart that you havn’t. Maybe thats wishful thinking.
Anyway, I’m so proud of you Minghao. You’re a superstar, just like you dream of being back when you first started dancing. You’ve become part of a family, and have so many fans cheering for you every single day. Congratulations!!
5 years. Does the smell of citrus still remind you of home? Of me? Maybe it just reminds you of the hard times you had back then. But I guess you’ve been reminiscing about that a lot lately?
I watched the video as soon as it came out, and I was shaking as soon as I heard your voice. That song isn’t a special piece of yourself that you shared with me anymore, but it’s part of your story for the whole world to see, and you told it so well.
I miss you.
It was finally time.
It was a fairly thick envelope, inside were many postcards of where I’ve been, quickly written notes as I reacted to songs and memorable moments, and full-length letters that never got sent.
It was so surreal to sit in front on him at this panel. He looks just like he did as a kid, but more refined, stronger inside and out. His aura intimidated me like I was seeing a skyscraper touch the clouds for the first time, and yet he maintained eye contact with me like I was a dandelion about to be blown away with the breeze.
“It’s me, Minghao.” The words barely drifted from my mouth, but they struck him like lightning as realization stealing his breath away. For a moment I saw his eyes twinkle, and the corners of this lips twitch.
A member of staff took the envelop away from him; he barely was able to read the label.
My time would be up soon.
His fingers intertwined with mine and he opens my photobook to his page with his free hand, looking down for only a moment to sign it.
The next Carat was nudging my shoulder already.
“Not yet.” I whispered both to them and to him with a squeeze of his hand. He did the same, like a beat of the heart, and then released. I watched his chest rise and fall with a deep breath as he gave the next fan the same focus and care he gave me. 
I forced a smile on my face as I scooted over.
Did he truly realize it was me? Why could I feel his heart beating faster from the tips of his fingers? Did he want to contact me all this time, or had he chosen to stop and was scared to tell me? Did he miss me too?  
My smile was only fake for a moment, though.
I was meeting his second family for the first time, after all, I needed to make a good impression. After years of keeping up with the group, it should have been easier to feel comfortable, and to be happy like the others.
Yet my hands continued to shake, their faces blurred and the sounds around me went quiet. My senses went in and out of focus like waves reaching and leaving the shore.
The warmth and the texture of his hand stained mine, and as i stared down at it after going back to my seat in the crowd, it felt alien. His hands are same hands that have been writing my name on every envelope for so many years...
I felt like I was falling.
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jtrbluv · 4 years
about me!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
hey! it’s jumi here, your local mcdonald’s sweet tea with 4 creamers connoisseur, and i finally made an about page! i’m the owner of this blog even though i ramble and reblog shit rather than write. anyways, let get into it!
general info:
jumi is my internet alias :)
libra ☀︎︎, taurus ☽, cancer ↑
ENFP-T, 7w6, gryffindor/slytherin hybrid (it’s complicated)
bias is YOONGIʲᵘⁿᵍᵏᵒᵒᵏ
my mess of a music taste:
i’m a multi, primarily a boy group stan (but twice and itzy are the exception)
ult groups are bts, ateez, got7, exo, (skz & enhypen now) but like i said i pretty much listen to most boy groups
fav soloist... my url name...
other stuff:
notorious for falling asleep anywhere and everywhere at any time
also notorious for making really good chocolate chip cookies
hobbies include: dancing (everywhere), baking, taking naps that are so long it’s basically daytime sleep, playing tetris and mario kart, calligraphy, watching k-dramas, being a nuisance
current boba count: 45
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prompts for a girl in a house of only older brothers and a dad, and a boy with only older sisters and a mom who meet up and become besties?
While the girl is at the boy’s house, she goes to the restroom and takes forever and eventually the boy just calls through the door “hey if you need girl stuff, it’s under the cabinet”
“Dude, how are you so good at Tetris, you remind me of my brothers”
Generally bonding over Awkward Puberty Situations that they had to figure out themselves (or worse, with questionable info from Google)
“Which DQ are we going to?” “The one on 5th Street.” “I can’t—” “The one by the Burger King. Geez, you and my sisters.”
There isn’t as much weird tension about what is or isn’t allowed because both of them are thoroughly acquainted with the other sex
“So are you a hugging type of guy or nah?” “Nah” “Ok cool np”
Honestly just chilling and not overthinking anything the other person does 
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ya-whi · 2 years
Скрипт пишет фанфики? ¬^¬
Да! Да, конечно! Он пишет фанфики о личных переживаниях, которые получил за то время пока существует. Он может начать расписывать любую проблему или эмоцию, которая его беспокоит, зачастую проецируя свое "я" на придуманных им персонажей. Еще он может писать о том, что по его мнению теоритически может существовать в мультивселенной. Например, от Темплейта он много раз слышал об Инке, о том какой он герой и прочее. Но так как Скрипт знает, что мир не делится только на черное и белое, он углубляется в тему и пишет о том, что Инк мог где-то облажаться по польной. Или о том, что существует такой Инк, который фактически захватил власть над мультивселенной и пытается построить свой идеальный мир (фактически повествует о Datashift'е, только через призму "а что если.."). При этом он ��удет заменять реальные имена другими, потому что он может, во-первых, не знать действительных имен. Во-вторых, Скрипт может бояться гнева Темплейта, если последний узнает о том, как плохо ребенок отозвался о ком-то, на кого Темплейт хочет или хотел равняться небольшой бонус)
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спасибо за вопрос! uwu
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silver9mm · 4 years
Another SPN dream I might have turned into a fic. cw: mcd, drug use
I work at a college library but didn’t go to school there and one day these two beautiful boys blow in. They’re Freshmen, but they both seem older and wiser in different ways. Brady---and I only know his name because his friend keeps elbowing him and giving him what the hell, man? looks---is super rude to me, downtalking and loudly fake-laughing at things that aren’t actually funny. The other one gives me apologetic eyes and quickly cuts Brady off, tells me they don’t need help, and steers his friend firmly away. I hear them bickering and somehow know they’re having sex with each other. 
The next day, the nicer one meets me in the morning outside the library with a small regular coffee and tells me his name is Sam and that’s sorry his friend is such a jerk, that he doesn’t know what’s gotten into him lately. The day after that, he brings me a piece of peach pie and I laugh and tell him that it’s from the restaurant off-campus that I live above, and that it’s pretty cool living there because the kitchen closes at midnight so I can play my music loudly without bugging anyone. He asks me what kind of music I listen to and I tell him classic rock and 90s metal and Sam’s face does a weird thing and I can’t tell if he’s into it or annoyed, but I tell him I also like to find new music through TV shows, that I pirate soundtracks from online, and the next day he brings me this usb with BtVS, Jericho, Angel, Firefly, and Constantine comics on it.
Maybe a week goes by and then Sam’s at my apartment. He’s been extremely polite to me up to now, but once he’s there in that little space with me, I realise how huge he is. I freeze up, intimidated, even though I know what I want---even when he asks me, “Do you want me to fuck you?” Of fucking course I do, but he doesn’t move, sits sprawled in a half-broken overstuffed chair and just waits for me to get close before he puts a hand out to me, pulls me down over him. After the first time---and what I remember the most is how blue his eyes were during, how they shifted back to green and gold after---he’s less proper with me, at least when we’re alone. He stalks me in the small space, seems to love grabbing me from behind and lifting me so my feet aren’t on the ground and I have to hold onto the counter, the window frame, but he’s the sweetest gentleman outside, and even shuts Brady down when he tries to talk shit to me, jealous now, but we’re both in the same boat because Sam’s leaving for basic training soon.
I have a couple of months with him, that’s all. He stays at my apartment almost every night, comes to the library during the day whenever he can, always brings me coffee or a Spring flower. One night, he tells me he has a brother but he doesn’t know where Dean is, hasn’t seen him in a year and doesn’t know if Dean knows he’s leaving for the military. He’s got a number but he’s afraid to call it, so I do it for him. I have it on speaker, and a grumpy voice answers and Sam panics so I hang up, but that was definitely his brother and I make Sam promise he’ll call him back. I think he does, because he seems agitated the next time I see him, a weird mix of giddy and nervous and sad, and I don’t think he sleeps much in the night for the next few days before he leaves for basic.
A year goes by. I get letters from Sam, a few phone calls. He hates it, being told what to do, misses his long hair, but he likes being part of something, having people who watch his back and stick by each other, no matter what. I don’t see Brady after Sam leaves, but I meet this older guy at a party one night. He’s there selling cocaine and everyone calls him Bob, but his real name is Balthazar and I let him pick me up because I’ve been looking for a new dealer and he’s got it all. We fuck and it’s fun but not great and the next morning we get breakfast, drink black coffee and smoke cigarettes, sitting next to each other so we don’t have to actually look at each other, but he tells me I can usually always find him at a dive bar across town. I start hanging out there occasionally. Balthazar is a shithead to everyone but we become friends with benefits and his circle of friends are welcoming enough, and I’m hanging out there when I get a call from a strange number.
I recognise the grumpy voice, but this time it’s shaking a little, and Dean tells me Sam’s been killed. I was the last number called on Sam’s phone, and Dean ended up with all the letters we had written, and asks if we can meet. I tell him how to find the bar and he says he’ll be there two nights from now. Balthazar, for once, drops his bullshit when he sees how upset I am and gives me a bunch of free mushrooms and ecstasy because he doesn’t have the emotional capacity to actually be supportive himself. I pocket them and spend the next 48 hours numbly waiting for Dean. It seems normal, somehow, like I knew this was going to happen the whole time, I knew Sam wasn’t going to come back, and I hate that it feels that way but I can’t do anything to change it. 
Dean’s already at the bar when I show up and even though they don’t look anything alike, I know it’s him immediately. We have a couple drinks and then the regulars start to show up, and Dean slowly starts to look like a trapped animal. He goes pale, his hands clench into fists, and he bolts for the door as soon as I suggest ditching the bar, but he’s waiting for me outside, smoking a cigarette, and I notice he’s got Sam’s phone in his hand like it gives him comfort to hold onto it. I take Dean back to my place and he relaxes, tells me he likes my Christmas lights and I offer him the little bag of coke Balthazar slipped me on my way out, and Dean shows me how to powder it by breaking my tea ball and using the end of a pen to grind the crystals through the screen. We talk for hours, but not about Sam, not at first. It’s nonsense, but I can tell Dean’s wound pretty tight, has a lot of secrets, or at least things he feels he can’t tell most people, and that he’s sizing me up, trying to figure out why Sam liked me so much. I’m too spun out to worry if he finds what he’s looking for, but Dean lets me drag him to my bed when the sun starts coming up and we sleep most of the next day away and eat cold Chinese food for breakfast-dinner when we wake up. He tells me he’s gotta go get his car, and I don’t really believe he’ll come back, but he does, and brings a bag with him like he’s intending on staying, and I don’t tell him he can’t. 
He starts to open up that night, tells me about losing his mom when he was a little kid, how his dad was in the military and Dean practically raised Sam by himself, how they were moved around constantly. Dean joined the military as soon as he could, because their dad expected it of his oldest son. 
“Sam didn’t want me to,” he said, “but I was good at it. Taking orders my whole life, being responsible for---for others. For Sam. He wanted me to stay with him, was always coming up with some shit we could do together, a family business, but I wanted to be like Dad. Sam thought it was so dumb, but I did it anyway, and I think he joined because he wanted to show me how it felt. How... How worried he was for me, how much he missed me, but all I felt was proud of him, even though I knew it wasn’t what he wanted to do. I felt invincible, so of course he would be too. Typical bullshit, right? But no one’s invincible and now Sam’s dead. What the weirdest thing is, it bothers me that there was so much of him. That he was so stupid tall and strong. I don’t know why that makes it worse, but it does.”
Dean doesn’t cry when he tells me these things, and I get the impression that he doesn’t have any tears left, that he’d parked his big black car somewhere the day he was told Sam was dead and cried every last tear he’d ever cry in his life out. He’s sitting in the same busted chair Sam was the first time we fucked, but this time it’s me who asks Dean if he wants to. He nods, and the coloured lights make his eyes change like Sam’s would. He lets me do whatever I want to him, practically begs me to come around him and even then doesn’t just take what he wants. He’s passive, submissive, but so attentive, lets me wear myself out over him and then pets me right back to life, over and over. 
We spend weeks like that. My job is out for the summer and Dean pays my rent. He disappears once in a while, but calls me before he shows back up and then sleeps for a couple days before he’s himself again. I don’t ask where he’s been. We eat magic mushrooms and play Tetris on my old Nintendo and I look up info on how those things help with PTSD, and he says that’s something Sam would do, research. We like the same music and I remember the face Sam made, and we go to the bar once in a while. Girls flock to Dean, but Balthazar distracts half of them with his drugs and his sleazy smile and I chase the other half away by just sitting in Dean’s lap, grabbing his ass in front of them. He pretends to be embarrassed but I know he loves the attention, likes that I’m forward and possessive over him. 
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blastoisemonster · 3 years
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I’ve been to the Novegro Comics Festival for the first time ever last weekend! It was technically a workcon so I couldn’t stay much away from my selling booth, but I did manage to find a retrogaming stand that finally had something different from the usual countless Tetris and Pokèmon cartridges I already have, so I browsed with renewed interest. This seller was specializing in imported japanese games, but their peculiarity was that most of the carts for sale were adhorned with stickers most probably put by the original owner! Luckily the vast majority of them was on the back, leaving the label intact, and the rest looked in good conditions enough to justify their 10 euros price. But the stickers were what captured me the most! It added so much genuinity and uniqueness to each piece, as if they were telling a story of their own; some games clearly belonged to girls, others had more fandom-oriented stickers, and so on. I had to get one!
So I picked Monster*Race, because I was sure it was a japanese exclusive and I (quite predictably) felt particularly attached to the Charizard sticker (which I later found out to be a first gen Amada Sticker!). I knew this one was a classic RPG featuring adorable monsters, but I would’ve never imagined how uncannily similar it is compared to Pokèmon!
This was developed by Koei in 1998, at the end of the classic Game Boy’s lifespan but clearly riding the wave of popularity Pokèmon was rising at the time; the player takes the role of a very familiar “monster trainer” who catches and collects creatures who, instead of fighting, measure their abilities by doing race competitions! In terms of silliness I’d say it’s weird, yeah, but still nowhere near Telefang’s level. Unfortunately there’s next to no info at all regarding its plot and apart from its main mechanics, I really can’t tell much unless I either find a translated patch somewhere on the net or I sit down and learn japanese to transalate myself. At most, I can tell Monster Race surpasses Telefang in being an even more faithful Pokèmon “clone”, in that the graphics and sounds are very much created with Game Freak’s audio/visual signature in mind. It’s weird when you open up a totally unknown game and you get a vague sense of deja-vu just by looking or listening to it!
I’m very much intrigued by these “Pocket Monster wannabes” that flooded Game Boy’s japanese library at the height of pudgy Pikachu’s career; I know there’s much more of them because many have been exploited by bootleggers with now infamous results and, just for this reason, suffer of poor reputation. They never had a chance to get popular and got quickly overshadowed by stronger franchises, but who knows? Maybe among these there’s a real raw gem waiting to be discovered.
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kamerontwph034 · 4 years
Free V Bucks Fortnite Generator
Lately, Android gaming is escalating with a strong processor and very good GPU machine. I suggest, usually there are some wonderful online games accessible for Android within the Play Keep, and great pleasurable in solitary player marketing campaign method, which happens to be an extremely awesome multiplayer match. Contrast with your mates or the planet, multiplayer online games provide you with a superior encounter with athletics and thru them. But with countless choices, what can both you and your friends Enjoy? Properly, don't worry for the reason that we are listed here that can help. We've got the best selection of multiplayer game titles which you could Participate in with anyone. Allow me to share 30 very best multiplayer games for Android:
PUBG Cellular is without doubt one of the best online multiplayer Android online games. If you reside beneath a rock, This is PUBG Cellular: This is a royal fight match during which 100 gamers can land on an island to gather weapons and become the final gentleman (or administration). Battling games include things like solo manner, Duo manner, and Squad manner so that you could struggle for just a hen meal along with pals. A short while ago, PUBG Cellular has extra an arcade method, some new maps and evening method (among the maps in PUBG) to Argyland. There are various different types of weapons that you could use with hand grenades, smoking cigarettes grenades, health and fitness kits and more.
If you're new to PUBG Cell, you could study our report on PUBG Cell Recommendations and Tricks for the Rooster Meal.
Fortnite is another sport that doesn't need an introduction. Enjoying on line towards other players is usually a royal fighting recreation, which is de facto enjoyment. Fortune is very distinct from the public, but cartoonist graphics and many entertaining elements are utilized to simplify the game. Besides that, You can find an entire setting up system that doesn't supply another on the net multiplayer games. With weekly patches, the sport also gets fresh new content material. Even if you tumble down to play the sport, there is one area new. It really is really a good video game, but owing to this complicated weapon mechanic and building method, it might be quite challenging to Participate in, which is central to the game.
Clash Royale is yet another multiplayer match that you should look at in your Android cellphone. The large lover of this sport is as follows, and it is a spin-off with the favored system game Clash with the Clans. Clash Royale is a card recreation wherein you compete against other players to confirm by fortnite free v bucks app themselves as the best gamers for PVP. If you're looking for an entertaining online multiplayer sport, Clash Royale certainly should look one.
Very last Working day on Earth: Survival is often a no cost zombie shooter and survival approach activity. Launched in 2027, an unfamiliar insect virus eradicates most of the earth's inhabitants. All survivors follow one intention: following the revelation, you can survive With this match for as long as achievable and kill Are living zombies. Whenever you take mud to produce and supply new weapons and vehicles, your target is to survive zombies.
Miniclip's 8 Ball pool is often and valued as quite possibly the most played on line multiplayer activity on Android. This concept is straightforward: Game people Have a very direct simulator for 8 ball pool ordeals on mobile equipment. On top of that, this game has now been included to the nine ball mode for common demands, which gives buyers the most beneficial limitations to match modes. If you find yourself within the pool recreation, the mini ballroom's 8 ball pool is usually a match for yourself.
Whilst Tekken is regarded as the biggest Kombat athletics franchise, The complete Component of the recognition of your Mortal Kombat is. The war amongst the characters Arthurlm, Pure and Outworld, coupled with superpowers and X-Ray moves, some players have invested a lot of time around the console. This recreation is last but not least accessible for Android equipment with specially custom-made controls for touchscreen devices.
Many of Gameloft's best online games and contemporary mobile platform Combat 5. The most effective displays for this are unquestionably the top initial person shooter sport with great graphics, superior electricity weapons, and deep on the web multiplayer action. There is only one campaign mode on your sole warrior. General, present day beat 5 can be a recreation for FPS enthusiasts in one video game.
Minecraft is considered the most famous movie recreation on this planet. The title was very first introduced within the PC and was equally placed on the console and cell system. Established a pixel in the world. Your goal is usually to form and safeguard the earth close to you in the way you are feeling in good shape. Find mates, check out and keep by itself with close friends or favorite game titles by itself.
Badland two can be a sequel to probably the greatest aspect-scroller game titles ever. It's a sport that needs to be managed with its mates correctly. This activity delivers enjoyable, atmospheric graphics and physics-centered gameplay together While using the audio. You could Perform multiplayer with your buddies on the identical system to problem aliens together with other dark creatures while in the mysterious earth of the sport.
Properly, who isn't going to just like the outdated air hockey video game, suitable? Alright, Glow Hockey 2 is an excellent community multiplayer sport for you personally. Smartphone shows are significant and large. The strategy is simple - you Manage the striker and hit the opponent's gap. For anyone who is extravagant air hockey, you must try this match. I'm positive you can expect to find it irresistible
Chain Response is a method video game for 8 players on a similar gadget. It can be a simple but addictive game to Participate in with your pals. Gamers change to keep their jewellery in one room. Shortly a mobile reaches a important mass, the ball is getting transported into the neighboring cells, adds an additional ball, and claims the mobile for the player. Its purpose is usually to overlap and get rid of enemy cells. Seems basic? Then be sure There's a vortex.
There aren't any game titles to pack in your smartphone monitor, suitable? Okay, come straight here. The game of its variety is a mix of Twister and Belle. You use your telephone like a guidebook to dance or Call anyone. All You need to do is opt for your mobile phone, put a thumb, and concurrently dance collectively.
Yes, you go through it, Ludo! The traditional board online games on Android are at last obtainable, along with the boy appears to be good. This idea is similar towards the Loudo Board, which moves its colored token which has a dice roll. As a result of Ludo King, both you and your good friends can easily run this activity on exactly the same device. So whom are you looking ahead to? Let us protect by yourself!
How to Find the Best Online for Gaming?
Gaming has progressed very like everything else, We've got moved far forward from the globe of Super Mario Bros. and Tetris. We are now from the universe of interactive on line gaming that depends only on-line.
Why you will need the very best Web For Gaming?
Let me paint you a picture.
Just envision you invested 1000s of dollars on the state in the art Gaming rig. There's no match for the CPU and graphic card. You even acquired a flowery mouse the one that has twenty buttons. Then you are actively playing Warframe together with your buddies and your internet lags at just that moment, that just one instant which is the most essential second in The complete sport. Your squaddies immediately and you also are taking all the warmth for it. At that minute all it is possible to want for is best internet, properly, This is exactly why we have been below.
Online Buying Guideline- Gaming Edition
Common misconceptions may possibly lead you to definitely feel that slow Online implies slow downloading speed & sluggish downloading speed means, irritating, lag comprehensive gaming.
The truth, having said that, is any recreation you may perhaps Participate in will operate correctly together with your ordinary broadband connection (20+ Mbps). The only time you may need higher obtain pace is when updating or downloading a activity.
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Regardless if you are into Minecraft, Fortnight or Apex Legends here are the pace bumps in the method of seamless on-line gaming.
No must scratch your head just now, let me break down the jargon wall and make almost everything basic in your case.
Latency implies the round journey time it's going to take for any packet ( Bunch of data) to obtain from your device to the online world and back again in your gadget. Recognized? Very well allow me to paint you another picture, 'You allow your property carrying a packet jam packed with stuff, and when you reach your location get all of that things checked out and then get back again to your property' This journey is called latency. You tend to be the gadget, the packet retains the info of your respective headshot in Fortnite, plus the put you went to Obtain your stuff checked is the net, so everything depends upon how briskly you return again property.
The more rapidly you come the smoother your gaming expertise will be but lemme show you that speedy return vacation time (RTT) will never increase your overall performance in Fortnite. To examine your latency you could visit Highspeedinternet.com. The latency speed is calculated in "Ping". It is important to have a low ping stage in on line games.
Jitter is largely how much latency varies as time passes. This minimal modify in circulation can make many distinction in your gameplay. Chances are you'll experience it as Visible opacity. Or maybe a gamer may encounter it such as the gameplay has actually been thrown from sync.
You may rid of jitters by upgrading your router. The primary reason for jitters is awful Web or aged router. With me to date?
Packet loss
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Let us consider you again to enough time if you ended up carrying the packet, now think about that packet instantly disappears out of your hands. What transpires to all the data or things you have been carrying with you? It gets shed and That is what known as packet loss. Each time a packet gets dropped what ever facts it absolutely was carrying vanishes. So your headshot with no scope by no means hits. The rationale for packet reduction is gradual or negative internet connection. You should Have got a higher-velocity + Constant internet connection to fight with packet reduction.
Briefly Packet Loss is the most significant enemy of voice chats above interactive online games. A packet loss of around 2% might cause enormous troubles.
Closing terms!
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You should get an improved, stringer router and perhaps if that does not solve the challenge then that means its time for you to bid your provider goodbye. You might want to obtain a new Higher-Pace Internet Connection Provider that's dependable too if you want to crush the competition.
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Jesus Christ please tell me mORE about these characters I only know three things about them but I’m invested
hahhshahha im glad people wanna hear about them,, ok here we go, character info dump:
like i mentioned in a previous ask, the characters were created using sets of nine images, and thus they went through a certain degree of changes, though not all of them
if anyone wants to see me make the fic,, then i just might do it-
heres funfacts about the characters, cause as i noted before, i lovv them all very much:
Yuuki Mori, Ultimate Wedding Planner
Likes: bubblegum, streamers
Dislikes: wooly sweaters, dodgeball
D.O.B: October 12
Height: 5'1" 
- the protag girl,,
- for the most part, a very friendly and hyperactive gurl
- always carries around bubblegum with her
- her interesting in wedding planning stems from her grandmothers encouragement, as well as having many relatives, and thus shes attended a lot of weddings in her life
- neat freak
- surprisingly athletic
- social!! but shes a little judgemental of people
- would never intentionally insult anyone outloud
- incredibly persistent
- also has a very sharp memory and eye due to her job as a wedding planner, which helps with investigating
- avoids conflict if she can
- not hard to convince
- trans and bi, like all dangan protags are suppose to be
- smells like bubblegum flavored cake and lavender
Emica Abiko, Ultimate Student Council
Likes: blank paper, lavender
Dislikes: deadlines in general, decaf
D.O.B: May 25
Height: 5'5"
- the mom friend
- tries to be as friendly as possible but shes this close to snapping
- is surviving on pure will and caffeine
- orderly
- has a strong sense of responsibility and leadership
- her dad is actually the principal of the school, which is the whole reason why shes student president in the first place. because of this, she doesnt really believe she deserves a spot in the school
- ambivert
- 'takahashi PLEASE put that down-'
- smells like vanilla coffee and stress
Arata Abe, Ultimate Historian
Likes: globes, sunshine
Dislikes: tiny dogs, flat earthers
D.O.B: June 14
Height: 5'7"
- a classy man
- very curious
- and nosey
- writes everything down in his trusty notebook, which helps with investigations
- doesnt just study japanese history. hes interested in the past of almost all countries
- very neutral on almost everything, doesnt have many opinions of his own
- but one thing he does have a strong opinion on is hating hetalia (who doesnt?)
- dresses like a victorian
- acts like he hasnt had a social interaction with a human being in years
- smells like old books and cats
Mitsuo Nakashima, Ultimate ???
Likes: dark rooms, wifi
Dislikes: confusing websites, superstitions
D.O.B: December 25
Height: 5’6”
- has not slept in a week but its fine
- very insistent on keeping secrets
- not even his classmates know who he or his talent is
- chooses not to tell anyone his talent (for some reason)
- does not believe in luck. at all
- for a tired guy who has no sense of left or right, hes pretty cocky
- probably has a tragic backstory
- spends most time locked in a dark room
- will fall asleep in a random hallway
- it might be the fatigue and coffee talking, but hes surprisingly intelligent
- smells like dirty laundry and ramen
Asuka Ando, Ultimate Student Council Treasurer
Likes: jewelry, mythology
Dislikes: delinquents, air horns
D.O.B: January 11
Height: 5’8”
- that one blonde chick in every slasher
- very cocky because of her position
- convincing and manipulative
- also good with management as you would expect from a treasurer
- was a math whiz in middle school
- despite acting in control, shes very reliant on emica telling her what to do
- hides behind bigger people
- collector of jewelry
- smells like chokingly sweet perfume and bleach
Manabu Ueda, Ultimate Astrogeologist
Likes: tea, stargazing
Dislikes: broken glass, slime
D.O.B: October 25
Height: 5’8”
- a polite boi, admirable
- more or less on the quiet side, tho he can and does step in to say stuff, and he does enjoy conversation
- his talent is something he grew from his own ambitions, but rather, it was more of a family line thing. he still does enjoy astrogeology though, which is why he chose to continue it even when he got a chance to study something different
- as you would expect from the ultimate astrogeologist, he contains many facts about space hes willing to share
- compliments others pretty often if we’re being real here, overall more of an optimistic realist
- however, even then, hes more of a ‘act first ask questions later’ type of guy as well
- a bit on the vain side?? very proud of his looks
- is very attracted to women who can beat him up-
- smells like expensive perfume and moondust
Seiichi Miyamoto, Ultimate Slam Poet
Likes: ink, protests
Dislikes: alcohol, peer pressure
D.O.B: August 26
Height: 5’5”
- best boy
- despite having the public image of a very loud and passionate young man, in person hes a lot more quiet and polite
- very good with voice shifting
- pulls at his tie when hes nervous; because of this, its always loose around his neck
- was the rep of his class
- slam poetry is a form of venting for him
- has strong opinions
- cares more about others health then his own
- not shy, just very nervous
- smells like nature and scented markers
Tamotsu Fujimoto, Ultimate Tomb Guide
Likes: sand, the heat
Dislikes: slippery ice, pens
D.O.B: November 19
Height: 6’4”
- the dad friend
- has known masa since they were kids(they met in a hospital), and thus they are very close friends
- mature but also laid back
- gives good hugs
- muscular
- wasnt actually born in japan, but grew up in it for the most part
- his parents were archaeologists, and they traveled alot. he was always particularly interested in the history of egypt, rather than becoming an archaeologist like his parents originally wanted him to be
- strong sense of justice
- usually believes in redemption
- acts as a form of transportation for the others when their tired, especially masa and satoru
- smells like tropical drinks and stuffy places
Kamiko Yamasaki, Ultimate Tapestry Seamstress
Likes: luck charms, quiet
Dislikes: being the main subject of attention, jumpscares
D.O.B: March 13
Height: 5’3”
- babey
- grew up in a superstitious household
- believes that she has terrible luck and uses everything bad that has ever happened to her as proof
- because of her supposed bad luck, she spent a lot of time locked in her house, sewing tapestries as a way of keeping busy, before being invited to sailing integrity
- has a good eye and knowledge of fabrics
- has a whole collection of sunhats. sadly, she only brought two different ones for the cruise trip(not like she was expecting more than a weeks stay hhshshs)
- has a large family
- has many bandaids on her fingers due to accidentally pricking herself on sewing needles multiple times
- interested in folklore
- very apologetic
- has a low sense of self esteem
- because of her ‘bad luck’, she blames a lot of bad stuff on herself, even if it doesnt even involve her
- sensitive
- grows quickly attached to others
- likes to stay close to anything that she believes would bring her ‘good luck’
- smells like sunflowers and dirt
Kenta Inoue, Ultimate Parkourer
Likes: sneakers, tetris
Dislikes: being told what to do, stuck up people
D.O.B: February 17
Height: 6’3”
- angrey boy
- incredibly short tempered
- no one remembers seeing him ever smile
- healthy parent relationships? whats that??
- will stomp curb you
- easy to get flustered up, though he wouldnt admit it
- will not stop until hes defied gravity
- defining feature is his allstar sneakers
- smells like varying cologne and sexual frustration
Chieko Endo, Ultimate Chemist
Likes: friendly gambling, working out
Dislikes: romance stories, people coming up from behind her
D.O.B: January 2
Height: 6’0”
- the intelligent one
- serious and calm, keeps a clear head
- a true neutral
- has mastered the art of poker faces
- apathetic
- has a strong dislike of romantic things
- sharp minded
- surprisingly agile and athletic
- can recite the periodic table from the top of her head
- is always looking above the tip of her glasses
- no one: chieko: *anime glasses gleam*
- chieko, to seiichi: ‘ah, so your the twink’
- so edge, such cool
- smells like roses and melted wax
Masa Shibata, Ultimate Dream Interpreter
Likes: fiction, horoscopes
Dislikes: spiky rocks, flashlights
D.O.B: December 31
Height: 5’11”
- mythic bab
- tries to act all mysterious and wise but sometimes accidently slips and reveals she really is just a normal teenager who spends way too much time on tumblr
- has known tamotsu since they were kids(they met in a hospital), and thus they are very close friends
- actually spent a lot of time in the hospital as a kid 
- very blunt
- not good with human emotions at ALL
- not good at picturing stuff, will draw and whatever ends up on the page will -genuinely either impress or surprise her
- a little lazy if you will
- very interested in horoscopes
- holds grudges
- tamotsu translates her weird way of speaking a lot
- knows like fifty ways to get to sleep immediately
- instead of saying ‘good morning’, she asks ‘how was your dreams?’ to people
- keeps a dream journal, not for herself, but for everyone else
- smells like clean warm laundry and sheep
Fumiko Ogawa, Ultimate Lucky Student (or Blackjack Player)
Likes: the color red, praise
Dislikes: trivia facts, strip poker
D.O.B: July 3
Height: 5’9”
- has more of a gambler aura rather then a lucky student aura
- very proud of herself
- soaks up praise and compliments like a sponge
- a family girl, especially looks up to her older brother
- an attention seeker
- knows how to get what she wants
- doesnt really like the title of ultimate lucky student which is why she goes by ultimate blackjack player
- is actually not even a fan of talent schools??
- dresses like a 1940s stage dancer
- smells like raspberries and cash
Kohaku Ono, Ultimate Murder Mystery Novelist
Likes: horror movies, plot twists
Dislikes: overdone tropes, being looked up to
D.O.B: May 9
Height: 6'3"
- a polite bab
- very honest
- handy in investigating due to their knowledge and imagination
- has very low self esteem
- considers themself a borderline 'villan', despite doing their hardest to be nice to everyone
- warns everyone about themself, but characters who were in the same class as them have just gotten use to it
- very uncomfortable with praise and being called a 'role model'
- helps others to their best ability
- compares many situations to varying books, including their own
- unintentionally ominous
- writes using a typewriter rather then a computer or laptop
- smells like peppermint and typewriter ink
Aika Kouki, Ultimate Vintage Collector
Likes: buttons, dial up phones
Dislikes: being ignored, boredom
D.O.B: August 10
Height: 5'5"
- would and will add 'chan' to the end of everyones names
- grew up in a family that was very about keeping things 'old fashioned'
- resents the term 'boomer'
- talks like a 2000s teen
- very energetic and cheerful
- uses old fashioned slang often
- 'thats wack, brosiki'
- expresses interest in being other people
- very praising of others, often talking how 'jealous' she is of them
- overall very positive
- she and yuuki have known each other since grade school, even though they arent paticularly super close friends
- watched a lot of sailor moon as a kid
- modern tech impresses her more then it should
- smells like 1950 perfume and the outdoors
Satoru Takahashi, Ultimate Marine Biologist
Likes: sea otters, the water
Dislikes: his height, fish nets
D.O.B: December 5
Height: 4'8"
- its the tiny boi
- would unironically threaten your kneecaps
- is very sad about not seeing any marine animals during their cruise
- is insecure about his height but wont admit it
- often asks taller, stronger people to carry him on their shoulders(kenta refuses, but tamotsu is fine with it)
- very bold
- says whatever comes to his mind
- it started out as a joke, but he probably has a tentacle kink-
- adventurous young lad
- usually very friendly, but not hesitant to call out what he feels is bullshit
- calls kenta, mitsuo, and chieko 'edgelords'
- spaces out a lot
- smells like salt water and wet fur
Usagi Shimizu, Ultimate Runaway/Explorer
Likes: the forest, music
Dislikes: closed in spaces, car lights
D.O.B: September 1
Height: 5'4"
- very quiet
- has had many foster parents
- technically, shes listed as the ultimate explorer in the academy, but everyone refers to her talent as 'ultimate runaway' due to her reputation
- shy, but can be loud if she wants to
- surprisingly smart when asked questions
- usually calm, but it isnt hard to get her riled up
- everyone expects her to be some sort of delinquent due to her history of running away from her many homes, but really shes basically the opposite
- usually goes with whatever everyone agrees to
- takes many pictures of nature, and posts them to social media
- blushy
- smells like bushes and granola bars
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eggoreviews · 5 years
Nintendo Direct Feb 2019 BREAKDOWN
So, that direct was pretty okay right? If you missed it or even if you didn’t, I’m gonna be taking a look at everything announced and giving it a vague excitement rating! Enjoy!
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Super Mario Maker 2
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This was a pretty great way to kick off this direct. With the promise of a host of new features coming in this entry to build upon the first, including the introduction of slopes (finally) and a new texture pack based on Mario 3D World, I reckon this is definitely one to mark in the calendar. Mario Maker 2 is slated for a, gratefully soon, June 2019 release.
Excitement Rating: YEEHAW
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
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The long awaited third entry in the MUA series, to the surprise of many, is in fact a Switch exclusive. For those who don’t know, this is a hack-and-slash fighting game, of course tied heavily to Marvel comics. This entry seems to be riding in off the back of Infinity War, with Thanos and the Black Order showcased as central villains. Honestly, this game looks like it could be fun, especially with friends, though I don’t think it’ll turn out to be anything special.
ER: Sure, why not!
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This adorable little puzzle platformer is making its debut on Switch this spring, with the promise of local multiplayer and more levels than ever before. Looks to be a goodun for fans of cute, minimalist art design and box-based puzzles and the like.
ER: Cool! Those boxes can move!
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Ver. 3.0
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Nintendo sort of slapped us in the face with a lovely, welcome announcement of a new Smash update! Oh boy! New features! And then they turn around and say they aren’t gonna tell us what they are.
Kind of makes me question the point of putting this in the direct a little, but I’m sure whatever they’ll add will be cool! On top of that, a tentative release window for Joker was given (before the end of April this year) and we got a cheeky look at some of the new spicy amiibos, being Snake, Simon and the Pokemon Trainer lot.
ER: Yay?
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker Updates
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Here’s one that definitely caught me offguard, but I’m more than happy with it considering I just picked up the game. Part of the new Captain Toad content is free, adding in proper 2 player co-op where you can both play as Toad. The paid ‘special episode’ stuff struck me as a little odd, considering this game was already a Wii U port that’s now getting even more paid DLC. Regardless, it’s not too pricey and you can even pick up the first DLC course now, with the rest coming March 14.
ER: That’s cool! 
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
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This not-quite-Castlevania game could easily be mistaken for a knock off of that franchise, but seems to have some defining elements of its own. The art style is bold enough to make it unique and the game seems to have an interesting variety of puzzles and side quests to make this more than just a run of the mill 2D platformer. An obvious choice for those with a Castlevania shaped hole in their hearts.
ER: You go bouncy vampire lady
Dragon Quest Builders 2
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What is basically just Dragon Quest Minecraft with a story mode apparently, this oddly charming sandbox game was seemingly popular enough to warrant a sequel. And I won’t lie to you, it got me a little excited. As a fan of Dragon Quest its art style and general building-ness, I think I might have to pick this one up. And it’s got a cool retro map!
ER: I’m not excited, you are
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age: Definitive Edition
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In case you hadn’t guessed, I literally adore Dragon Quest. The bright colours, the developed characters, the expansive world, awesome monster designs, great soundtrack and lame sense of humour, it all just gets me. It just sort of sucks I already own this on the PS4, where I can’t access all this new content. Oof. But yeah, pick this up if you can. You won’t regret it if you’re a JRPG fan.
ER: More like echoes of an exclusive age amirite
Disney Tsum Tsum Festival
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I won’t lie to you right now, nothing screams ‘soulless’ to me more than small Disney plushes with all the personality taken from them being stuck into totally random minigames. Don’t get me wrong, I love Disney (mostly through Kingdom Hearts but that’s besides the point) but I don’t think this elicited much excitement in anyone.
ER: I guess this exists, huh?
Starlink: Battle for Atlas - Spring Update
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This was another one that surprised me. Considering how mind meltingly badly Starlink bombed, partly down to its odd reliance on the whole ‘toys to life’ craze that died out in 2013, I really didn’t think there’d be any further support for the game and they’d just sort of slip it under the rug. But nope, we’ve got some more Switch exclusive missions involving some more Star Fox characters, as well as the introduction of Wolf’s buddies. Honestly, I think Nintendo needs to do themselves a favour and just release a new Star Fox game.
ER: Great, if for some reason you bought this!
Rune Factory 4 Special & Rune Factory 5
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Here’s a series I’d literally never heard of until last Wednesday, but the only way I can describe it from what I’ve seen is it looks to be a cross between Animal Crossing and kind of also Dragon Quest. You cook stuff, you farm stuff, you fight things and you can get married if you want, so definitely cool if you’re a fan of the series. But also cool if you’re someone who wished Animal Crossing was a bit more JRPG. Alongside the announcement of a remastered Rune Factory 4 later this year, as well as confirmation of Rune Factory 5 sometime in the future.
ER: Cool! Plants and stuff!
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An action RPG with an intriguing premise and a rich, dark colour scheme, Oninaki seems very eager to set itself apart from other JRPGs on the market and still manages to stand out just a bit, even in a direct that’s basically been packed with JRPGs. Oninaki explores themes of reincarnation and grief, following the story of one grey-haired dude saving lost souls from a place called the Upside Down the Beyond to stop them from turning into monsters. Another one to add to the list if you like edgy RPGs!
ER: Edgy and cool
Yoshi’s Crafted World
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Another update for this adorably cardboard entry into the long running Yoshi series, we’re finally getting close to actually being able to play it. Nintendo showcased some of the more interesting variants of gameplay, with the use of rafts, cars and planes definitely making this seem that there’s some substance here to go with the style. Alongside this, a demo released on the eshop so go play that if you haven’t already and decide if it’s for you!
ER: Wow, this game has a Labo costume! I’ll definitely grind for that!
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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Finally some more info about Nintendo’s latest instalment in their anime Game of Thrones series Fire Emblem, we got a big ol infodump about some of the stuff to do with the game. While the video itself will explain everything better than I can, this time players will be able to interact with three kingdoms and three main protagonists, all of this centralising around one academy the game is set within. Overall, this game certainly looks interesting to play, but one I’m not quite sure I’ll be picking up just yet. Basically, if you’re unfamiliar with the games but love a tactical RPG, this one is a no brainer.
ER: Edelgard’s design is pretty cool. If one of them has to get into Smash, I hope it’s her.
Tetris 99
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The game many have been calling Tetris Battle Royale, this is the very first Nintendo Switch Online exclusive offering and it’s totally free if you’re a member. It’s Tetris and you have to win against 98 other people, also playing Tetris. Nice!
ER: Tetris block for Smash
Dead by Daylight
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As a game I got for free through Playstation Plus, it should be fairly obvious that this port isn’t one that excites me greatly, especially after seeing the quality of the graphics in the trailer the direct showed us. While the concept of an online match with several survivors and one killer sounds good on paper, it seems as if the quality of this port may leave a lot to be desired. But still, this could still only be early development footage and we really have no idea how it’ll look by the end.
ER: Tentative
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Undertale is one of my favourite games of all time, so of course it excited me to find out I’d finally be able to play the sort of sequel, Deltarune, which Toby Fox has taken in the interesting direction of splitting the game into chapters. The first of these chapters will be free (yay I like free) and it certainly seems like the same abstract sense of humour and charm present in Undertale has been carried over to this sequel. Definitely one to watch.
ER: Always excited about cartoon doggo
Daemon X Machina
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This mech-fighter has been floating around in various Nintendo directs for a fair while now and it’s encouraging to see the game come close to release. In a commendable move, the producer of the game has offered a free demo of the game allowing you to pilot your own custom mech and experience a boss battle in the demo known as ‘Prototype Missions’. The aim of this to gain feedback from potential players in order to make the game as good as it can be, which is amazing! It’s honestly a bit of a dream world where every game developer and publisher is as open and transparent as these guys, so kudos to them. As well as this, the game looks pretty heckin’ fun so it’s definitely worth picking up the demo off the eshop and giving these guys your feedback!
ER: Big ol’ robots hell yeah
GRID Autosport
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As of yet, the Switch has lacked a realistic racing game. Enter Grid Autosport, which seems to be packed with a variety of cars, tracks and game modes, including all DLC from the original release of the game. Not one for me, but I’m sure there’s plenty of Switch owners out there whose racing fix isn’t quite satisfied by Mario Kart.
ER: V big if ur a car person
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
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This game was notably created in collaboration with neurologists and those who experience psychosis in order to properly portray the main character and her mental health struggles. Following the quest of Senua as she fights to save the soul of her dead lover, this game created a huge wave through the industry when it first launched and won major awards for its artistic design and performance. While this isn’t one I’ve had the chance to try yet, it certainly looks as if it provides a brilliant, emotional experience from beginning to end.
ER: A lot
Mortal Kombat 11
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This was one everyone basically already knew about, but this direct gave us a reminder of the release date and various features such as custom characters. For fans of this long running, brutal fighting game, get April 23 in ur brains.
ER: Cool
Unravel Two
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This adorable puzzle platformer sees you and, optionally, a friend take control of two little creatures made of yarn as they navigate a colourful world and help each other pass various obstacles. For those fans of platformers like the Yoshi series, Unravel is definitely one to consider.
ER: Cool
Assassin’s Creed III Remastered
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This is the iconic stealth fighting series Assassin’s Creed’s first outing on Switch, but if this footage is anything to go by, it’s not looking brilliant. While this once again could be put down to unfinished development, the first look at a game is often the most important, and a slow frame rate shown during the direct could mean this game isn’t what fans want it to be.
ER: Tentative
Final Fantasy Release Dates
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For fans of the legendary and slightly intimidating JRPG series, several games in the series both new and old will be coming to the Switch in 2019:
Final Fantasy VII on March 26th
Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! on March 20th
Final Fantasy IX is out now!
ER: Cloud is my favourite twink
Astral Chain
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Admittedly, at a first glance, this title in a brand new franchise didn’t particularly excite me. But after having another look, I can definitely see where all the hype is coming from. This looks to be a hack-and-slash sort of action RPG with all the edgy story elements and setpieces of that ever so popular steampunk genre that players seem to love these days. With all these mechs, explosions and edgy voiceovers, it makes me think that Xenoblade Chronicles and Deus Ex had some kind of torrid love affair. On top of this, with a dev team that has Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101 and NieR: Automata under their belt, this is a game that will almost certainly impress when it finally comes out on August 30. Platinum Games might just have another winner here.
ER: Big yes
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
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oKAY, let’s be real, this is the one that really knocked it out of the park. At least for me it did. As the final reveal, this made me scream a little tiny bit. I think we’d all heard the rumours of a 2D Zelda coming to Switch, but I was highly skeptical to say the least. But a wonderfully charming and artistically bloody P E R F EC T remake of Link’s Awakening?? HHHHHH. They even kept all the Mario enemies for some reason! Oh boy, whenever they release this in 2019 apparently really can’t come soon enough.
That was all for this direct! I hope you enjoyed my silly, unplanned breakdown of all the cool things that happened. Til the next direct!
Oh and if you’ve got a craving for more game news, be sure to check back on my blog March 1st for the second ‘issue’ (lol) of my monthly viddy game mag!
Stay hydrated my dudes.
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tetraremade · 6 years
(I hope you're having a good day) what's puyo puyo?
Im having an alright day! I hope you’re having a nice day!!
im sorry for how long this is going to get
Short base info; Puyo Puyo is a Puzzle game series originally made by Compile but eventually was bought and is now owned by Sega. The game play is connecting blobs, puyo, of different colors. if you connect 4 or more of them you pop them and you can set up chains. The games include the cast from Compiles RPG series; Madou Monogatari
now lore wise.
Puyo is about a young girl named Arle Nadja, Arle is the reincarnation of Lilith, a human soldier who created a world to escape a god who favored demons (basically, magic beings that arent human in this universe) during a battle that the lore refers to as Ragnarok. Lillith was the friend of Lucifer who was out cast by god and was stripped of his wings and his name and now goes by the name “Satan”. Anyways, Arle is a young girl (Shes 16) whos real good at magic and hates Satan, she can and will kill him. In Madou Arle goes on a quest collecting gems? I think? Im bad with madou lore. Anyways one of them is carbuncle i think and so she takes carbuncle who was originally Satan and he wants his pet back and keeps pursuing arle to get him back. 
Along her adventures, she meets such great characters such as Rulue, a martial artist who thinks satan is a hot fucking piece of ass (he saved her when she was younger) and will do anything to impress him. Schezo Wegey who is a cursed immortal dark mage whos not great with speaking and got decapitated by arle in MM2 but he got better. Draco Centaurus whos a dragon woman obsessed with beauty and being the cutest. And Langnus Bisashi an over the top hero from another dimension cursed to keep fighting to keep up his 17 year old form (if he doesnt he becomes 10 again), to name just a few. 
Im a lil spotty on the contents of madou since theyre not,, translated in the slightest but- in the original Puyo Puyo Arle made a spell that using the energy of 4 or more same colored enemies (puyos) she could defeat satan so she goes on her merry way to kick in his teeth in with that. So thats what made the jump from MM to PP
Anyways, the series got rebooted in 2003 with Puyo Puyo Fever (Puyo Pop Fever over here). It was the first one localized for us other than a puyo puyo arcade port so thats neat. it features a new protag named Amitie, whos a sweet and energetic girl who wants to be a powerful wizard. I love her dearly. She hangs out with her classmates a lot featuring Klug, a book worm know it all who got possessed in Fever 2, Sig a half demon boy who loves bugs and is a bit quiet, Raffina a tough rich girl whos amities rival, and Liddle whos a sweet and shy little angel. The games were a lot more light hearted lore wise than the mm gangs nonsense but still used fantasy elements and story telling it was good and bright and nice to look at. but it wasnt the last time they felt it needed to be rebooted
In 2009 the series was rebooted again with Puyo Puyo 7. This time with Ringo Andou as the protag. the old cast and crew are still there they just are focusing on the Suzuran kids. Ringo, and her friends Maguro and Risukuma. They have to fight a dimension hopping weirdo- Ecolo. Ecolos just kinda annoying tho. hes like comprised of squishy material, i say jello but who knows. Ecolo possessed arle and tried to cover the world in puyo because why the fuck not. 
So like they have kept it going with the current kinda big cast with anniversary games and what not. They had the noticeable cross over of Puyo Puyo Tetris. Puyotet is a personal fave and also the easiest to acquire over here. its on the switch and steam please play ppt. anyways. The game is the original cast but the dimensions are merging with the tetris universe and so the Tetra crew hangs out with the cast. the Crew consists of Tee, the captain and tetris king who in his own words is “a responsible person, and up to the task!” he loves his crew dearly. The engineer, Ai, a dog person whos very skittish and scared about everything. he cries a lot but is very refined and kind when not scared out of his mind. Their navigator Ess whos a bratty teen who picks fights with everyone and heckles Tee a lot, she loves her papa but hates her dad. The care taker Zed, a kind and patient robot who ess affectionately calls her “Papa”, he takes care of the crew. the communication officer O, whos.. uh. hes an orb i dont know how hes communication officer. And then Jay and Elle, I dont know what they do other than bully Ai. Anyways the Best Gang with the rest of the cast goes off to find out why the fuck worlds are merging and it shows you best boy, Ex keeper of dimensions. He’s Ess’ dad and is very very depressed and lonely bc the keeper is a role of solitude and isolation. Its okay tho we love and support him
This probably makes no sense and I am sorry I have a lot of love in my heart for puzzle game.
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