#texted my best friend so she’ll text me back in the morning when she’s awake
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
Puppy Love
Sofia Huerta x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
[WOSO Masterlist]
When Sofia got the call from Nikki, she was concerned. Nikki had been watching Daisy while Sofia herself was off for the set of friendlies in New Zealand. 
It was a quick call. Nikki had an emergency that she had to leave for, which meant she couldn’t watch Daisy anymore. Sofia was racking her brain, mentally making a list of people she could call last minute to watch Daisy, when Nikki informed her of your existence. 
“My best friend is staying at my place right now, so I hope it’s okay if she watches Daisy.”
Sofia was skeptical at first. Especially when Nikki let it slip that you had two dogs of your own.
“Nik, I love you, but I don’t know if you telling me one girl is watching four dogs is making me feel any better.”
“Sof,” Nikki starts. “I know this isn’t the ideal situation, but I promise she’s amazing with dogs. Daisy will be well taken care of until you get back in a couple days.”
Really, it’s the photo you send not even ten minutes after she hangs up the phone with her club teammate that makes Sofia start to think about you in a different light. 
In it, Daisy’s half laying on top of an unfamiliar german shepherd. Burger has his paws resting upon this dog’s head too, but it doesn’t seem to faze the dog at all. She squints, wondering if she’ll get a glimpse of your second mysterious dog, but can’t seem to find it anywhere. 
Your text accompanying the picture is sweet and simple.
[I know this isn’t the best of circumstances but I promise Daisy’s being well taken care of!]
Sofia sits up in her bed, smiling at the image of three dogs. 
[I hope she hasn’t been too much trouble. Nikki said something about you taking care of four dogs?? I can get someone to come grab her in the morning]
Your response is instantaneous. This time it’s a picture of you cuddling with all four dogs. Sofia’s first thought is that you’re cute. Leave up to Nikki to be friends with someone who looks like a literal goddess. Sofia’s too busy admiring the way you look underneath all of the fur that she doesn’t see the caption at first. 
[Don’t worry about it! This cuddle puddle wouldn’t be the same without Daisy here!]
She can’t deny how happy Daisy looks, licking your cheek while you have a wide grin in the picture. 
[If you’re sure. I don’t want to trouble you too much]
You guys text back and forth for a little bit before you call it a night. Sofia feels guilty for a second, forgetting about the time difference. It’s already close to midnight where she is, she couldn’t imagine how long you’ve been awake now. 
When she falls asleep later that night, she does so with the image of your bright smile painted on the inside of her eyelids, wondering what your voice sounds like. 
The two of you communicate regularly. You send her countless pictures of Daisy with the three other dogs in your care. Daisy looks so genuinely happy in each one, Sofia almost feels guilty for having to take her away from the other dogs in a couple days.
With each interaction between the two of you, Sofia can’t help but crush on you harder. You’re just so easy to talk to, not to mention how good you are with Daisy.
The first time she calls you, Sofia makes the excuse of wanting to see Daisy. The way you answer while in a sports bra and the shortest running shorts ever nearly makes Sofia’s brain short-circuit. 
“Sorry,” you huff, brushing your hair out of your face. “We just came back from a run.”
“Is it not freezing over there right now?” Sofia laughs, trying to mask her flusterness with a joke. 
The grin you give her makes her heart feel funny. “I’m Seattle born and raised. The cold doesn’t bother me.”
“Okay, weirdo.”
Although it’s the first time the two of you talk, conversation comes easily. By the time Rose comes to get her for practice, Sofia almost doesn’t want to leave. 
“Sof, we gotta--” Rose blinks, looking over Sofia’s shoulder at the phone. “(Y/N)?”
You look up from where you’re fixing yourself some food. “Oh hey, Rose!”
Sofia looks between the two of you. “You guys know each other?”
Rose rolls her eyes. “Do I know (Y/N)? She literally named one of her dogs after me.”
“Fake news. Rosie the dog came with her name from the shelter. You’re just the annoying human that came with Nikki from soccer.”
Sofia nearly chokes at the offhanded way you insult Rose. Rose merely snorts as if the two of you have had this conversation multiple times already. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You better be treating mini me with all the love she deserves. Anyways,” she turns back towards the defender. “We gotta go. Bus leaves in ten.”
“Right, sorry. Be right there.”
“Go kick some soccer ass. It was nice talking to you.”
Sofia doesn’t have a chance to say anything before you’re switching the camera. Sofia’s met with the giant face of her dog. 
“Daisy, come here! Say bye to your mom!”
When you finally hang up the phone, Sofia has the biggest smile on her face. When she looks up, getting ready to leave the room, she realizes with a start that Rose is still lingering by the door. 
The younger girl has a shit eating grin on her face that only spells trouble. “Sof, do you have a crush?”
“What? No! Of course not!” she sputters.
“Right. So you wouldn’t care if I told you (Y/N) was single.”
“She’s single?” Sofia doesn’t have a chance to stop herself before she asks the question. 
By the time they get to the bus, Rose has teased her so much that Sofia has no choice but to sink into her seat with a red face.
You’re playing fetch with the dogs when Sofia meets you in person for the first time. Daisy races past your outstretched hand to barrel into her owner, barking with joy. 
“Hi, Daisy girl! Were you good for (Y/N)?” 
The soft crunching of gravel has her looking up again. You look as good in person as you did over the screen of her phone. If anything, you look even better. Sofia has to swallow her groan when you give her a soft smile. 
She doesn’t know if it’s weird, but Sofia hugs you all the same when she gets up. She doesn’t know if she’s imagining it too when she spots a faint blush on your cheeks. 
“It’s great to finally meet you.”
“Yeah of course. Thank you so much for watching Daisy. I’m sure you didn’t sign up to watch four dogs when you decided to come visit Nikki.”
“Is that what she told you?” you laugh. 
Sofia frowns. “What, she didn’t actually have a real emergency?”
“No, no, she did. I was just referring to the ‘visiting Nik’ thing.”
Sofia stays silent, not really sure where you’re going with this. 
“I moved back here from Cali a couple months ago. I’m Nikki’s permanent roommate, no matter how hard she tries to get rid of me.”
“Oh, so I guess I’ll be seeing you around?” She tries to play it off as if she doesn’t have any real expectations to see you again, but deep down, Sofia knows that she’d do anything just to make up a reason to get to see you after you give back Daisy. 
“Well yeah, you’re kind of stuck with me now. Daisy and I have really bonded in your absence. I’m expecting full visiting privileges.” Your words are spoken with a grin, and Sofia can’t help but laugh at your demand.
“I’m gonna miss you, Daisy girl.” Leaning down, you press a kiss Daisy’s forehead, the giant pup wiggling from all of your attention.
“We can always take our dogs out for a puppy play date,” Sofia shrugs, trying to play it cool. “That way you can see Daisy again. And I’m sure she’d love to play with your dogs too.”
“Or…” you trail off, keeping your eyes focused on where the three dogs are now rolling around together on the ground. 
“Or?” Sofia repeats, trying not to get her hopes up. 
You look nervous now, eyes still not meeting hers. “I know a restaurant nearby that’s pet friendly. If you happen to be free tomorrow night, I’d love some company.”
“Are you asking me out on a date?”
You chew on the inside of your cheeks, finally raising your eyes to meet hers. “Are you going to get creeped out if I say yes?��
Sofia’s heart instantly feels warm. She’s smiling so hard that her cheeks hurt, but she really couldn’t care less. “Text me the time and place. I’ll be there.”
Your eyes light up. “Right, yeah, cool. I’ll definitely do that.”
By the time she leaves hours later, having been caught up getting to know you, Sofia has a feeling that maybe, hopefully, both her and Daisy will be seeing a lot more of you.
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blu-joons · 3 years
When He Misses His Long Distance Partner ~ Enhypen Reaction
A soft sigh came from Heeseung as his call was left unanswered, the only sound that greeted him was that of your voicemail, which he very quickly hung up from.
Beside him, Jay softly smiled as he watched Heeseung drop his phone. “She’s probably asleep by now, I’m sure she’ll give you a ring when she wakes up and sees your call.”
Heeseung’s head nodded glumly, “I was really hoping to talk to her, I thought she’d still be awake.”
“It’s hard,” Jay appreciated, throwing his arm around his friend, “I know how much you were looking forward to speaking to her tonight, but hopefully you’ll hear from her soon.”
“I’ll probably be asleep by then, time zones suck.”
A soft sigh came from Jay, trying to cheer Heeseung up. “Why don’t you text her in that case? Arrange a time to try and get up for so that neither if you can be asleep.”
“Do you think it could work?” Heeseung asked him, a glimmer of hope in his voice.
Jay’s head nodded back at him, “you’ve got to try whatever it takes to make a relationship work, especially when it’s as distant as yours is with Y/N.”
“I’ll send her a text to wake up to, thank you for the good advice.”
As another sniffle came from you, Jake struggled to know what to do. It was hard for you both, but for you especially, recent times had been piling on the pressure.
Jake waited for a moment, allowing you the chance to compose yourself before speaking. “Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer until I can come see you, or vice versa.
Your head nodded back at him, “I think that’s what I need to happen right now to cheer myself up.”
“Please don’t get upset,” he whispered, “because it makes me upset too. I’m trying hard right now to smile for you, but I’m missing you a lot and struggling with all of this too.”
“You don’t have to smile just for me Jake.”
His head shook in response, letting go of a deep breath. “I have to smile in the hope that it will make smile, the last thing I want to see is you upset or having a hard time.”
“Things will get easier,” you optimistically spoke, “one day it won’t be this hard for us.”
The sound of your voice getting brighter was all that he needed to hear. “Things will definitely get easier, we just have to ride out the hard time, right?”
“Exactly, and hopefully that will all be over with soon enough.”
His eyebrows furrowed as Jungwon knocked on his door with a box in hand. Jay quickly invited him in keen, intrigued as to what had arrived for him so suddenly.
As he tore open the box, he peered inside to see several snacks inside with a note on top. “It’s from Y/N,” he laughed, scanning through what your note had included.
Jungwon’s smile instantly grew, “I best that must feel good to have something from her.”
“Definitely,” Jay agreed, flicking through the contents, “she’s sent me plenty of snacks from her home to enjoy, to cheer me up when I’m missing her is what she said.”
“That’s sweet of her, you must miss her a lot.”
Jay’s head nodded, trying not to let his mood drop. “It’s not easy, but surprises like this one certainly make it a little bit easier to get through until I can see her again.”
“And will you be sharing?” He joked, with his eye already on a couple of the items.
Jay’s head continued to nod, “don’t worry, I’ll be sharing with the rest of the group, as long as you know Y/N only misses me, not all of you.”
“Don’t worry, we know you’re the one she thinks about all the time.”
A heavy groan came from you as you turned into your street, scuffing your feet along the floor until a different pair of feet brought you to a halt, standing directly in front of you.
As your eyes looked up, a gasp came too, as your eyes met those of the figure. “You’ll ruin your shoes doing that, I thought I warned you about scuffing before.”
Your head shook as your arms wrapped around the figure, “Sunghoon, what are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d come and see you,” he whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around you too. “I had a bit of time off, and the flights worked in my favour, so here I am.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t at least warn me you were coming.”
His hand jabbed against your waist, “what would be the point of it being a surprise if I told you that I was coming? That would ruin all the planning I put into this.”
“You’re the best,” you complimented, “do you want to come in, in that case?”
He grabbed his case, following behind you. “I haven’t booked a hotel, so I was kind of counting on you letting me stay with you for a few days to be honest.”
“You’re definitely staying here; I’m not letting you go anywhere else.”
Both of you were exhausted, it had felt like some time since you both had the chance to talk, and although you had a lot to say, neither of you could quite find the words.
You were silent, whilst Sunoo was lost in deep thought. “It’s been really hard,” he whispered, only realising that he had said it aloud when you hummed in agreement with him.
A sight escaped you, “sometimes it feels as if I’m never going to get to see you again Sunoo.”
“That won’t happen,” he quickly assured you, glancing out of his window. “I don’t care what it takes, the next time we can get together, wherever that is, I’ll make it happen.”
“We’ve been saying that for months to each other now.”
His head nodded, although you couldn’t see as your eyes glanced out of your window too. “Just stick with me, I’m struggling too, but I’m not willing to just give up now.”
“I don’t want to give up either,” you responded, trying to find some fight inside of you.
Another sigh came, this time from Sunoo. “I miss you, a lot, but I’m going to make sure that we don’t let the distance beat us, please do the same Y/N.”
“I miss you too, and I promise that I’ll try to do the same.”
As soon as Jungwon saw you yawn on the camera, his heart twanged. He couldn’t help but feel bad for waking you up, unaware of just how late it was where you were.
You smiled all the same, relieved to get just a small amount of time with him. “I’m sorry for waking you, I just really missed you and my first instinct was to give you a call and see how you were.”
You quickly dismissed him, “I don’t mind, I hadn’t really drifted off to sleep properly just yet.”
“But you keep yawning,” he frowned, worried that his call wouldn’t help you sleep. “I can always call back at a more convenient time, especially if you’ve got work in the morning too.”
“Jungwon, it’s fine, I want to speak to you, not sleep.”
He sighed softly, conflicted by what truly was the right thing to do. “As soon as you start to feel sleepy, you sleep, don’t worry about upsetting me or anything like that.”
“I can do that,” you laughed, “I’ll stay awake for as long as I possibly can though.”
His head nodded in agreement with you, “the moment I see you so much as yawn, then I’m hanging up so that you can look after yourself.”
“Alright, I’ll just turn away whenever I need to yawn.”
Your head shook as soon as Riki picked up your call, lifting into shot the large parcel that had arrived for you just a few minutes before, filled with gifts sent to you.
His smile widened, relieved to see that his parcel had arrived safely. “You didn’t have to send me all of this, the poor postman was struggling to carry it all to the door.”
A quiet laugh came from him, “I wanted to give you enough, so you know that I miss you a lot.”
“I already knew that without all of this,” you chuckled in response, “I’m going to be eating sweets for weeks now thanks to all of this, and all of these teddies too.”
“Don’t forget the hoodie, that’s the most important.”
You grabbed the hoodie and held it up for him to see, “it still smells a little bit like you too, I can definitely tell that you lived in this just before you sent it off to come over here.”
“Is it that obvious?” He joked, “I thought I’d made it a little more subtle than that.”
You brought the fabric underneath your nose, inhaling his strong scent on it. “I really appreciate all of this; it just makes me miss you a little bit more.”
“Well, now you have all of this to cheer you up when you do.”
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forhereyesonlyyy · 3 years
love call. // iz*one, kcw. // one-shot.
in which missing your hardworking girlfriend causes you to do ungodly things, like staying up until two in the morning to drag her out for a late night date.
word count: 2.2k
author's note: chaewon on the brain all day 🥰 this is just something short and sweet for all my fellow chaewon thinkers 😩☝️ i wish to see her on a stage again 🥺
tags: fluff, wlw, established relationship, goofy, is it obvious i'm running out of things to say here.
warnings: none.
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Perhaps your friends were right when they said that your girlfriend was the only person that could get you to act right because if she were around you right at this moment, you wouldn't be walking around the empty streets at two in the morning wearing shorts and a simple jacket. But you couldn't sleep to save your life, and you were getting tired just pacing around your room. Besides, what's a better plan than to take a short stroll around the neighborhood?
You could have probably watched another Netflix movie or played until your eyes started burning, but contrary to popular belief, you actually wanted to live beyond your 40s. It's not like walking around in the dark with absolutely no regard for what might be watching in the shadows was any safer, but at least you were having fun!
The city was practically dead anyway. Not even cars were seen driving around the streets. It truly felt like you were the only person in the world, and you loved that feeling. But it would have been more lovely if your girlfriend was with you.
Being an idol sure is demanding. I hope she's taking care of herself.
As if she could hear your thoughts from the other side of the city, your phone starts ringing and the special ringtone you set up just for when she calls or texts you starts filling the air. You immediately pulled out your phone and grinned when you saw her contact name on the screen.
You eagerly pressed the green button and put the phone against your ear, "Hi, beautiful."
Kim Chaewon laughs from the other line and you could feel your heart growing twice its size. Oh, how you longed to hear her laugh in person instead of through your phone. IZ*ONE has been busy with their Japanese promotions and they only got to go home a month ago, even then they had to attend a lot more activities. They had no time for rest, or to have a nice day off. It was the main reason why you have been so very worried about your girlfriend.
"I knew you'd be awake. Can't sleep?" Chaewon asks. You could hear her grunt, she was probably getting ready to sleep. While you appreciated her checking up on you at this ungodly hour, you wished that she just went straight to sleep. God knows how long of a day she probably had.
"As always. What's your excuse?" You jog across the street, your eyes fixed on the glowing sign of a cafè. Now you were fully aware of how you just stumbled into a street full of stores that are open until after midnight, and you have never been more thankful for bringing your wallet with you.
"Not to sound like I'm in love with you but," Chaewon pauses, and you could almost see her biting her bottom lip out of both nervousness and enthusiasm. "I was missing you— have been missing you. A lot. Too much, maybe?" Chaewon laughs at herself, and then mutters some nonsense that you couldn't decipher because her words made you stop on your tracks and tear up just a little.
Maybe you were too sensitive, or too dramatic, but you couldn't even put how much you missed her into words. For the months she was gone, you lost count of how many times you wished she would just come back to you. Perhaps you really were too attached, because at some point, you were in over your head at the thought of Chaewon realizing that romance did not have a place in her life as a rising star.
It was your biggest fear, getting abandoned by the person you love the most. Before Chaewon became your girlfriend, she was your most precious childhood friend. There was not a time in your life where she was never there for you, and you truly belived that your friendship would go on for the rest of your life.
You realized that your feelings for Chaewon was more than what a normal person would feel for their best friend when you entered your new high school together. She was just... glowing when you both attended the entrance ceremony, and you vividly remember how she gently took your hand in hers and promised that she'll do her best to make you proud.
But she didn't need to promise anything. Chaewon was already perfect in your eyes, you knew she wouldn't disappoint you ever.
Then on the same night she was announced to be a member of IZ*ONE, Chaewon expressed her gratitude to you by coming into your house and wordlessly kissing you while in tears. You didn't need her to confess her feelings through words since her kiss had already told you everything she wanted you to hear.
And now here you were, stronger than ever despite not having been seen each other for months too long.
"I miss you too, Chae," You replied after collecting yourself. There was no way that you would just allow yourself to break down in tears in the middle of the street. "Tell you what, the moment you're free to hang out, I'll get you that delicious strawberry cake we always loved consuming."
Chaewon laughs again, and the sound just makes you grin like a crazy person, "I'll hold you to that, (Y/N)." A yawn escapes her, and she groans. She probably knows that now you know that she's tired, you'll go on and on about how she should go to sleep. And you most certainly will!
"Go to sleep, baby. I'll text you when I wake up." You said. You did want to talk more, you wanted to hear Chaewon's voice for so many more hours but you'd hate to be the reason why she's so worn out. There will be opportunities some other time, I just have to be patient.
"Mm~ okay, I will," You hear some shuffling in the background. It was Chaewon making herself comfortable in her bed. "Wait. (Y/N), my love, are you seriously outside right now?" Your girlfriend questions. And all of a sudden, she didn't sound so tired anymore.
You scratched your head, "Um. No. What makes you think that?" It was never a good idea to lie to the person that knows you better than anyone else, but you had to try!
"I can literally hear the wind against your mic." Chaewon said. You squeezed your eyes shut, of course you would lose the battle before it even started.
Sighing, you turned away from the various shops, "Fine, fine. I am outside. I just... took a little walk because I couldn't fall asleep. I'll be going back home now, where I'm safe and where my beloved wouldn't yell at me." You replied with a teasing smile although Chaewon couldn't see it.
"It's dangerous to be out so late in the night, babe. I thought I told you that if you can't sleep, you can just call me?" You could hear Chaewon sit back up. Her tone was firm, you knew you couldn't joke around with her anymore. You take a seat at the nearest empty bench and snuggled yourself in your jacket. It was getting colder, but something inside you told you to not go home just yet despite your girlfriend's scolding.
"But you've been overworked to the bone, Chae. I didn't want to be an inconvenience," You admitted. You nervously fiddled with the zipper of your jacket. "You shouldn't even be calling me right now, you know?"
"(Y/N)... I'll use my time however I want, and if it's to talk to you, I'll take every sleepless nights I can get," Oh, you were so hopelessly in love with this woman. You leaned back on the bench as tears suddenly started falling down your cheeks. It absolutely infuriated you how Chaewon just knew what to say to you. "You're never a bother, okay? I love you, I really do." Chaewon means every word that she says, you could feel it in your heart.
You held back a sob, "I love you more, dummy."
Chaewon explodes in a burst of adorable giggles, "You're the dummy here! But in all seriousness, please go home. I wouldn't want you to get sick when I'm not there to take care of you." Even though your girlfriend was right, the brightly lit shops further down the street made several light bulbs in your head illuminate, and you just couldn't pass up on the opportunity to do that.
"Yes, ma'am. I'm going back now." You said, now jogging towards the bike rental shop. The staff sitting by the entrance gave you a small wave as you approached him.
"Good girl," Chaewon yawns again, and you hear her collapse against the pillows. "Don't stay awake for too long now. Love you." Her words were slurred, you just knew she was one second away from running off into dreamland.
You smiled brightly, "Love you more." And with that, you hung up. You finally looked at the old man sitting by the bikes with shining, eager eyes.
Genius, that is what I am.
Exactly thirty minutes later, you start regretting your life choices. You were standing right outside IZ*ONE's backyard dead in the night, it wouldn't be surprising if someone mistakes you as a burglar or an obsessive fan and decides to call the cops on you. But you were already there, you would only wear yourself out if you decide to turn back now. Taking a deep breath, you carefully dropped the bike on the ground and took out your phone.
Before you could think to contact Chaewon once again, the sound of footsteps hurriedly approaching made you panic. I'm really about to be arrested like this, huh? It's been a fun life I guess.
As if it the deity of fortune was looking down on you, Kim Chaewon stands a few meters in front of you wearing a shocked look on her face and a single slipper on her hand. It was probably what she was going to attack you with, had she not realized that it was you who had technically snuck into their backyard.
You smiled sheepishly at your startled girlfriend, "Surprise?" You barely finished speaking when Chaewon throws herself onto you, literally. You lost your balance and fell into the grass. Chaewon squeals into your ear and plants several kisses onto your face, and you laugh as she does so.
Chaewon pauses and holds your face for a good minute, staring at you as if she couldn't believe that you were right there with her. Then she engulfs you in a more gentle hug, and you wrap your arms around her waist, taking pleasure in the feeling of her loving embrace. Gods, you were about to cry again. It has been way too long since you were physically with Chaewon. You were almost willing to forget whatever plan you had and just cuddle with her for the rest of the night.
"I thought I told you to go home and sleep, you dummy!" Chaewon hits your shoulder, almost in tears herself. You raised yourself from the ground so that she was sitting on your lap, and you rested your head on her shoulder. Just her mere presence would have been enough for you, but now that she was right there, you didn't dare to not take advantage of the moment.
You hugged her closer than you ever have before, and you tilted your head to look into her beautiful eyes that never ceased to make you feel safe and appreciated, "I really love you, Chaewon." The pure sincerity on your voice was what really pushed Chaewon to let go of the restraints and let her tears fall free.
"I love you. I'm glad you're here." Chaewon slightly drips her head down to catch your lips with hers. It felt as if a collection of the world's biggest and most beautiful fireworks had set off inside your heart as you returned the affection. Chaewon always had that effect on you, she made every kiss feel like the first time and it just absolutely makes you swoon. The way she would carefully run her hand through your hair during it all made your heart go crazy.
You were never going to get tired of being in love with Kim Chaewon. Even if the two of you somehow ended up being on the opposite ends of the world, your hearts would always be together. Or something like that.
"This is probably a dumb question, but," Chaewon pulls away and smiles at you. Oh, yeah. Her smiles make your brain go haywire as well. "What are you doing here, anyway?" Your girlfriend asks.
"I'm taking you out on the best date you've ever had, baby," You said with a wide grin. (You never knew, but every time you showed her that stupidly cute smile, Chaewon falls for you even more.) Your face falls immediately a second after, however. "I-If that's okay. I mean, it is pretty late and you're exhausted."
Chaewon beams at you, and gosh you could just feel all her love through it, "I'd love to go on a date with you, (Y/N)," She then takes your face in her hands again, and her eyes immediately drop down to your lips that she has missed so very much. "But maybe after this."
Yeah, now that was a plan you could get behind.
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Schoolyard: 3
“Six months! Thor I can’t just uproot my life for six months! Do you know how long it took me to get to this position!” You’re starting to get light headed, “I need to sit down.” You mutter and Thor guides you gently to the couch.
“Can I get you anything? Water? Vodka?”
“Water.” Your mind is spinning, “with ice please.” How can he expect you to just pause your life for six months?
“Here,” he passes you the glass of water and you take a couple of sips before looking back over at him.
“Why six months?”
“Because I’m royalty.” He sits down next to you and you resist the urge to lean against him. “I am so sorry. Had I known that it would be considered legit because Loki memorized all the correct words and we did everything correctly I would’ve never fake married you.” It’s all so ridiculous that you you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you.
“Oh god Thor I’m being terrible. I’m sorry. I don’t blame you for this, we were both just kids now were you to know?” You sigh heavily, “I guess the biggest concerns I have right now are my job, my apartment, and my friends.”
“All things I can understand, but unless you want to stay married this is the only option.” He tells you and you lean against him. You’ve always wanted to travel back to Europe as an adult to go see the sights and actually appreciate them in a different way.
“Let me see what I can work out with the hospital, I’ve got work in the morning.”
“It might not be the best idea to tell anyone that we’re married.”
“I trust Hope. She doesn’t particularly like other people so I don’t think she’ll say anything.”
“You know the people in your life and I trust you.”
“Thank you.” You watch the news together in silence, you both show up toward the end just outside your apartment and you change the channel to some baking show or another. It’s too weird to see yourself on the news,
“I should go.” Thor says softly but neither of you move. He’s warm and you’re comfortable and you both end up drifting off.
Thor’s phone rings and it startles you both awake.
“Shit, ‘m sorry.” He says digging his phone from his pocket. “I need to take this. I’ll let you get some real sleep. Can I call you later?”
“Yea,” you mumble following him to your door, once he leaves you lock it then get ready for bed. Morning is going to come quickly.
Thor texts you again in the morning, telling you he needs to be back in Asgard in three days and that if it works out he’d like it if you’d come home with him. You send him a thumbs up emoji then head to Hope’s office.
“Hey Hope, do you have a minute?”
“Sure.” She says not looking away from her computer.
“So, I’ve got to leave the country for six months for, personal reasons.” This gets her attention.
“Is this because of that Crown Prince you were spotted with?”
“Sort of. It’s a long and complicated story but one I need to leave to get sorted.” Hope looks at you expectantly and you sigh before launching into the whole story.
“Yea I know. So now to get an annulment I have to go all the way to Asgard and since he’s royalty it’s gotta be for six months. So I’d like to stay on as staff just like on leave or something. I love working here and I know it puts you in a bit of a bind but it’d be a huge relief to have a job to come back to.” Hope leans back in her chair and studies you.
“You won’t be back.”
“What do you mean? Of course I’ll be back.”
“You don’t see how he looks at you. This might have been a mistake and you might have lost touch but that man is smitten.”
“Yea okay.” You laugh and she rolls her eyes at you.
“If you can come work a weekend once every other month I think I can keep you on staff. Check with your prince and let me know.”
“He’s not my prince but okay. Thanks Hope. Oh, and Hope, can you keep this a secret? The whole marriage thing.” She nods so you leave her office and text Thor who assures you that should be totally fine. Something you confirm with Hope. Now you have to tell Jane.
You text her that you need to meet her and she agrees for the following night. Thor asks if you want to join him for dinner again but you decline. You just need some time alone, so much of your life is going to be changing in the next couple of days and you just want some peace and normalcy for a night.
When Jane shows up the next night you’ve got brownies coming out of the oven. You needed some chocolate and brownies sounded good.
“Are you okay? You sounded stressed on the phone.”
“Yea, I just have a lot to tell you.” So you do, you tell her every single detail just like she’d requested. Jane sits in shocked silence when you’re finished.
“You’re a fucking Princess.” She whispers, “oh my god my best friend is a fucking Princess!”
“Oh my god Jane shut up! I am not!”
“Bitch you are married to a Prince. Therefore you are a Princess.”
“Well, I hope you’re still willing to be friends with someone who isn’t a Princess because we’re getting an annulment.”
“What? No! You’re so cute together!”
“Yea, and I have to go to Asgard for six months so you wanna sublet my plane?”
“Wait seriously?”
“Yea, I’ll be back for a weekend every other month but Thor said that it would take six months since he’s royalty.”
“Actually that’s perfect my research assistant is looking for a new place, I’ll see if she wants to move into my place for the next six months and I can move in here.”
“That works for me. I just would like someone I know here so when I have to come work a couple of shifts.”
“What are you going to tell Peter?”
“Nothing? We went on two dates and he was awful for both.”
“Oh, well he’s been asking about you.”
“He hasn’t texted or called so keep letting him ask. I’m not interested in a man child who thinks he’s better than everyone because he’s a pilot.” You tell her rolling your eyes. Jane laughs softly and raises her brownie in a cheers motion.
“Do you want me to tell him you’re out of the country?”
“He’s a grown man; if he wants to ask me out again he can ask.”
“Preach sister.” You spend the rest of the night talking, eating brownies and laughing. It’s exactly what you needed before you have to pack up enough clothing to help you get through the next two months.
You end up borrowing one of Jane’s massive Arctic trip suitcases because your little carryon will not do the trick. But you get everything packed, including your passport, an hour before Thor said he’d be by to pick you up.
He’s exactly on time, you sigh softly closing and locking your door.
“I am sorry, Elskede.” He says, “I’m sorry you have to uproot your life but our friends are excited to see you again. Especially Sif.”
“I always thought you’d end up with Sif, she was always so beautiful and badass.”
“She’s dating a very successful business man. Nice guy, he meshes well with our little group of friends. You’ll like him.”
“Oh, it will be nice to visit again. If I can I might travel a little bit, I’ve never seen Europe as an adult and since I won’t be working I feel like this is a good time.”
“If you’ll allow, I’d like to come with.”
“Yea, that’d be nice.” You tell him as you take Thor’s arm at the doorway again. You let him lead you through the doorway and to the car. There are more press this time than last time, they’re still yelling for Thor to look and but thankfully it seems that they still don’t know your name yet. Thor ushers you into the car then he climbs in after you, Volstagg climbs in the front seat and you’re off.
You don’t go to the airport, at least not the one that you expect to go to. You pull up to a much smaller airport and after you go through a security gate you see that you’re at a private airstrip.
“Are we flying private?”
“Yes Elskede.”
“What does that mean? I don’t know that word.”
“It’s kind of like, honey or sweetheart.” He explains and you nod. “How is your Norwegian?”
“Probably rusty but I’ll catch back on quickly. I’ve always been pretty good with languages.” He nods as Volstagg opens the door then climbs out and again waits to help you out of the car. You follow Thor up the stairs of the private jet and over to a set of seats.
Tag list:
@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thesassmisstress @eralen @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @valsworldofcreativity @silver-lupines
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
I got my first proper request and I literally accidentally deleted it. Am I stupid? Yes. Did I immediately panic? Yes. Do I remember what was on it?........ mostly.
Haha anon I hope you see this I'm so sorry but ily.
The turtles s/o who's usually very calm but just bursts into anger.
Notes: swearing :) I think it's funny
He's used to a very calm s/o, you like to meditate together, he's always been good with helping you with breathing exercises.
You both like to keep arguments to a minimum, and even when fights do take place there isn't a lot of yelling
But when your mother came to visit :) that was just :) a lot of pressure :)
And she stayed in your apartment :) for a week :) everything was fine :)
Leonardo hadn't seen you for an entire week, not an overly long time, but certainly not pleasant. And he knew that you got stressed when you couldn't see him often. So as soon as you texted saying you had dropped your mother off at the airport, he immediately came round.
You were already screaming the moment you walked in the door.
"Oh she has some nerve! Some nerve! Speaking to me like that!"
"I'm guessing you're car ride went smoothly."
"She's been bugging me all week! When are you getting married? When are you have kids? I want some grand babies before I die! Ugh! She's obsessed with maintaining this perfect image all because her friend's kids are married and making babies like rabbits!"
He stayed quiet, not exactly sure how to comfort you. It wasn't like he could provide you with these things, and by the sounds of it, your mother would never approve of your huge turtle boyfriend.
"She just can't get that I'm happy! I have my own life and it's perfect the way I want it to be! I have a perfect boyfriend! You're a fucking delight! She–she's just so obsessed with her image that she'd never get that!"
"You... You think so?"
"I know so! She's too stubborn and she'll never get how fucking great you are and it just— UGH! It fries my brain."
"Even though I... I can't give you all those things... I can't legally marry you, we can't have kids."
"Even if you could give me a mansion and a diamond ring, or if all you could give me was a-a fucking walnut! I love you Leonardo, not that prim and proper white satin wedding she's made a thousand Pinterest boards for. I love you, I just wish she would get it."
Leonardo leaned down and kissed your cheek
"I love you too."
He believed in dealing with anger appropriately, but seeing you defend him with such passion made him feel so much more secure.
He's seen you angry before, he encouraged it. He's all about helping you with your confidence, teaching you to not be afraid to take up space and stand up for yourself.
But holy cow. You were mad that night.
He'd warned you not to take the trash out at night, wait to the morning — or better yet, he'll take it out for you when he came to visit after patrol.
But you are Raphael's girl. You are stubborn.
So you take the trash out, and some absolute creep decides that "flirting" in a dark alleyway in the key to a girl's heart.
Raphael swooped in, told the man to scram. But bold and drunk, the man spits back with a "Oh yeah? And would she want anything to do with a freak like you? What are you gonna do? Hit me? Aw, big angry turtle, you're gonna scare your girlfriend away."
It was two of his biggest insecurities. His appearance and his rage, especially in regards to scaring you away. It was a low blow, Raphael should have known to just walk away.
But he clammed up, he'd never admit when his anxiety got the best of him and you don't blame him.
"Oh go fuck yourself. If a vile man like you doesn't scare me, why the hell do you think a good man like him would?"
"A good man? He's not a fucking man! He's some freaky turtle thing, a pretty little thing like you deserves a real man."
"And are you a real man?"
"More real than your little pet."
The next thing you knew, the man was on the ground. You assumed Raphael knocked him out, but Raph's standing behind you and you're the one with your hand in a fist.
"Oh my god. Oh–Oh Raphie I knocked him out! O-Oh my god!"
"Holy shit Y/N! You probably broke his nose!" Raphael is grinning, shaking your shoulders.
"I didn't mean to hurt him."
"He deserves a broken nose at the least for messing with you! He was an asshole and he needed someone like you to set him straight!"
"I, um, well, I suppose he did! Saying such horrible things about you, I-I guess he did need someone to put him in his place."
Raphael ruffled your hair, "Thank you, my knight in shining armour."
"That make you my Prince?"
"Your Prince who was right about not taking the trash out at night."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
He appreciated you standing up for him more than you could imagine. And he found it mighty hot how hard you hit that guy. Seriously! He must be a good self defence teacher.
Donatello loves you so much, loves holding you and hugging you whenever he can. He adores it when you sit on his lap while he works.
But do you like to cuddle when you sleep? Tough luck. Getting him to bed is like trying to lick your own elbow: near impossible.
Regardless, you try. Because every once in a while Donatello is too tired to fight and he will go to bed.
Tonight is not one of those nights.
"Baby, please, just come to bed. Everyone's already asleep."
"I'll be there in a minute, just go on without me."
You sigh, not really seeing the point in fighting. Instead you return to his bed, trying to keep yourself awake playing games on your phone. When half an hour passes, you go back and try again.
"Donnie come on, aren't you tired? I just want to cuddle."
"I just need to put some stuff on a hard drive, April's writing a new article, she needs it for tomorrow."
You sigh once more, "Promise you'll come to bed right after?"
"I promise."
Donatello's bed is comfortable, but it's more comfortable with him in. You force yourself to stay awake; despite your exhaustion you're determined to cuddle tonight. It's all you want.
But it did not take an hour to put some documents onto a hard drive. And he's being awfully loud for just typing away on a computer.
"Are you fucking joking right now?!"
He jumps, almost dropping the box of beakers in his arms, "Hey love... Can't sleep?"
"You're rearranging your lab?! Why are you—since when do you rearrange things, huh? What the hell?!"
"I just y'know, thought things needed a change..?"
"Oh, and now is the time to change things, really? Of all the times to move your fucking beakers you decide to do it in the middle of the night after I specifically asked you to come to bed? Seriously?"
He gives a nervous grin, the kind that usually made you smile in return. But it was late — rather it was early at this point — and you were cranky.
"You can sleep without me, you're a big girl." He teased.
"I want to sleep with my boyfriend! I want to cuddle! Is that so much to ask for?!"
Donatello blinked, "You're right, I'm sorry, but I swear, I promise, I'll be ten minutes, honest."
"You can finish this tomorrow. If you're not in bed in the next ten seconds, I am going to scream and wake everyone else up."
"Don't be ridiculous—"
Donatello jumped, quickly moving to shove supplies in cupboards a little recklessly. You continued to count down from ten, storming off back to his bed for hopefully the finally time this night.
By the time you got to the very firm "Three... Two... One..." Donatello was racing to bed, dived in beside you, crashing and knocking your heads together.
He'd never tell you, for fear you'd let it get to your head, but he kind of liked it when you got bossy.
Anger and Michelangelo just don't mix. They just don't. He's the king of communication, he's tries his hardest to avoid fights at any and all costs. You've always appreciated his determination to talk things out with you.
But with his brothers? He shuts down, he goes quiet and just accepts whatever blame they put on him: he knows they don't mean it, they only say mean things when they're angry.
But it hurts, hearing his big brothers tell him he's stupid, that he's childish, that he's lackadaisical.
"What kind of word even is that?! I swear Donnie must read a thesaurus as a bedtime story.."
So he's allowed to complain, and you let him ramble when he comes to visit. He sits on your bed and the words just tumble out of his mouth, lets you move around the room tidying up while he rants.
"I just—Raph keeps calling me stupid. And I just—I-I just—You know, sometimes I believe it."
You freeze, sweater only half folded and turn to him, "But you're not stupid. Just because you're not some brainiac like Donatello doesn't make you stupid. If that was the case, then I'm stupid, Raph's stupid, April, Leo, Splinter is stupid. Do you think we're all stupid?"
"Well—no, but—"
"But what?"
"But I... I am a little stupid."
"No you're not! Mikey, how many times has you out of the box thinking saved the day? Y-You were the one who suggested playing friggen buck-buck to take down Shredder! Y-Your skateboarding—hoverboarding skills saved the world. You think your brothers could do that?"
Mikey scrunched his nose up, "That's not smart though. They're right. My-my focus is all over the place, I-I could never come up with a plan like Leo, I could never have half the brains Donnie has, and Raph just—he gets things that I don't and I-I am stupid!"
"I need to have a word with your brothers—"
"And that's another thing! Everyone still treats me like I'm some kid! I don't need you to have a word with them! You're not my mom."
"Then you have a word with them! But sitting here and complaining about things that just aren't true isn't going to change anything!"
He's taken aback. Much like himself, you hardly ever yell, never ever raise your voice at him.
"I am not going to stand here and let them insult you day in and day out! Either you do something about it, or I will!"
He blinks at you, you're aggressively folding the sweater in your arms and grumbling about how you could definitely take Raphael in a fist fight if need be. You mumble something about how nobody gets to speak to your boyfriend like that, and it finally clicks with Mikey.
"Alright. I'm going to talk to them," He's mostly talking to himself, "I'm going to show them that I'm not some stupid, ditzy, lackadaisical kid anymore. I'm your boyfriend, and nobody gets to speak with me that way!"
You beam at him, anger disappearing within the second with his newfound confidence, "Hell yeah! Nobody insults my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend!"
"My boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend!"
His brothers' version of a wake up call is to point out his weaknesses, tell him what needs to be corrected. But you much prefer to build him up, point out his strengths.
But jeez, he does not like your angry face.
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Birthday Girl | Raul Mendes
Where Raul makes sure his girl will have the best birthday ever despite anything else
Hello everyone, pausing a bit on the Heart by Heart series (I'll be back to it Thursday as usual) to celebrate the beautiful and amazing @sinceweremutual birthday! This a small blurb/oneshot I started writing as soon as I found out her birthday was today, so I hope this was worth it. Happy Reading!
And honey, happy birthday! Hope you like it!
*Word Count: 3.5K+
*Warnings: stablished relationship, minor cursing and overly sweet Raul.
*Posted: August 15th, 2021.
Y/N loved her precious hours of sleep.
Loved the sensation of waking up and knowing she had some time to go back to bed and cuddle back into her pillows (or boyfriend if he haven’t left already). She liked sleeping in just a bit more on the weekends and taking naps after a long hard day. Last night was not an exception. Her day sucked and Raul was stuck at the hospital for a night shift, only being able to make it back home on the early hours of the morning.
They weren’t necessarily living together yet, but they’ve been together for almost two years, having known each other for a lot more than that and nowadays the pretty much were always together, but both had their own apartment, even though they’re barely separated. So she came back to his apartment since he promised he’d come as soon as he was allowed to join her in her sleep.
Her day sucked. Her boss was unnecessarily mean towards her for a mistake she did not commit and wasn’t her responsibility to make sure that wouldn’t happen. Then she had to spend the whole day fixing the other team’s mistake and it took over three hours and a bunch of paperwork, but at the end of the day she was able to figure it out. Only to receive a half assed apology, her boss blaming it on his wife’s strange behavior or whatever lame excuse he could find to put the blame on someone else.
So by the time she reached his apartment she felt dead at her feet, only having enough energy left to shower and pull on one of Raul’s hoodie over her head, burying her nose on his faint scent in the fabric, before falling onto her back in his bed and allowing herself to relax. What was supposed to be a five minute nap, ended up being the whole night, even skipping dinner in favor of resting in peace, nuzzling further into her boyfriend’s bedding.
Raul got home around 2 a.m. and found his girl asleep in his bed, holding his pillow tight to her chest and he could feel his heart swelling in his chest at the sight. He carefully dropped his things in the closet before coming out to check if she was still asleep and unperturbed with him roaming around, and his suspicious were confirmed by her steady breathing and peaceful demeanor. He decided it was best to take a quick shower before diving under the covers with Y/N and pulling her into his chest.
He was at the hospital for goodness sake.
As soon as he was out of the bathroom and back into his dark room, with only a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips, he plugged his phone, checking his alarms and carefully climbing onto the bed. But as soon as the mattress dipped under his weight, he noticed Y/N shifting on her side, and he stilled his movements to check if he had woken her up or was just a dream.
Y/N turned her face to his side completely, eyes still hazy and sleep clouding her senses “Baby?”
“Hi, sweetheart, it’s just me” he mumbled hovering over her with his hands planted on each side of her head to hold himself up, before he leaned down to press featherlight kissed all over her face.
“Kissy?” her voice small and soaked in sleep as she puckered her lips at him.
Raul let out a low and warm chuckle, making an involuntary smile appear in her lips as she looked up at him, feeling all fuzzy inside with the sound of his voice and the way he looked at her, before leaning down and placing a slow peck on her pout “you know you can get all the kisses in the world, my love, you don’t even have to ask” he then connected their lips again in a longer yet sweet kiss as she sighed into his mouth happily.
“Missed you” she said as soon as he pulled away, only to place his pillow back in its place so he could lay down properly, then pulling her pliant body to accommodate on top of his.
He hummed placing a kiss to her forehead as she curled her body around his, throwing a leg over his to tangle them “Missed you too, but I’m here now and you should rest, your four minutes voice message was enough for me to know you need to relax”
Y/N just nodded nuzzling her face in his neck sighing contently as he rubbed circles on her back, slowly drifting off himself as well “good night, darling, sweet dreams” he whispered into her hair but she was already asleep, but that didn’t stop her from tightening her embrace on him.
She had a peaceful night of sleep until being coaxed awake with a bunch of tiny soft kisses being placed all over her face, making her scrunch her nose before slowly blinking her eyes open. She was met with her gorgeous boyfriend hovering over her with his megawatt smile he reserved only for her shining bright. Y/N giggled softly tucking her head on the bicep on her left that was holding his weight above her. Raul couldn’t help but laugh at her.
“Good morning, birthday girl” he murmured a bit raspy as he dragged his lips across her cheek until she looked up at him with a smile on her face.
“Hm good morning” she mumbled sleepily letting her eyes fall closed.
“Oh no, don’t sleep on me” he whined and she giggled.
“I’m not sleeping, silly, just resting a bit”
Raul let out a low chuckle before kissing the tip of her nose “happy birthday, my love”
“Happy birthday indeed” she mumbled before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to lay on top of her.
But before he could smash her into the mattress he was quick to roll them both over “no, no sleeping again” he laughed sitting them both up with Y/N on his lap.
“Why not?” she was physically unable to stop herself from pouting.
He only smiled sympathetically at her “you made me promise you I wouldn’t let you skip work today, and that was only two days ago and I don’t break the promises I make to you”
Y/N groaned rolling her eyes “stupid past me who thought working was worth skipping a day with you when I’ll have a crowded night and won’t even properly be able to enjoy my time with you”
“Having second thoughts on your night out, sweetheart?” he asked teasingly and she nodded “well, good thing Angela texted me to tell me she’s not making it tonight so she’ll reschedule with you later”
“Really??” she asked with a smile “I know I shouldn’t sound too excited about this, but this week was so long and I needed some chill time, you and a movie would be wonderful”
He only giggled and leaned his forehead against hers “That can be arranged, darling”
“Good” she hummed gently with a smile.
“Kissy?” Raul begged with a pout but a slightly teasing tilt in his voice.
It took her a while to realize he was mocking her from last night and she felt her face burning up “oh fuck you” she said trying to leave abruptly, but his arm around her kept her pinned in his lap as he laughed.
“No, no, drop it, it was just a joke, you were just so cute last night, could never say no to you” he mumbled kissing her jaw “come in, don’t be mad at me, I’ll do that thing you like for dinner, yeah?”
“This doesn’t sound like a food offer” she said with knowing look in her eyes and he had a smirk on his lips before she had even finished her sentence, making a laugh bubble up her throat “you’re the actual worst!”
Raul threw his head back in laughter, placing a kiss on her cheeks “come on, it was just a joke, you know I’ll give you anything you’d want, doll” and his eyes were so serious and so tender she almost melted into his chest.
“Oh God, it’s barely seven in the morning, I’m barely functioning and awake, and you’re already flirting, how do you manage that?” she asked incredulously, looking at him and he just laughed shaking his head.
“Well, I can’t help it when you look like that” he mumbled leaning in closer, rubbing their noses together.
“Like what?”
“Like the love of my life” he answered like it was the most obvious thing in the planet.
And he did it so easily, not even flinching at that, leaving her speechless.
Their relationship started with teasing and mindless flirting, becoming close friends pretty quickly. He flirted with everyone without even realizing, it was just natural, and she was just good with quick funny and slightly flirty remarks they just clicked. Their friendship blurred into a serious romantic relationship so easily, everyone surrounding them rooting hot it to happen. So this wasn’t necessarily a weird situation, they’ve been like this for years, but sometimes he’d utter the sweetest confessions between the little teasings and jokes with such rawness and adoration in his eyes that she’d end up frozen in place.
He did it because it would turn things a little easier to digest and he felt better that way, wouldn’t feel so intimidated since, and Y/N didn’t mind. She knew he could be honest and serious whenever he needed, but these tiny declarations that could be fitted into a casual conversation about their grocery list always caught her off guard. And it was so genuine and spontaneous, she couldn’t help but fall even harder for him.
So she just stared at him in awe for a couple of seconds before realizing she hadn’t said anything in return, before she babbled up a “I love you too”
Raul couldn’t contain the fond smile gracing his lips before he leaned in and pressed a long yet sweet peck at her lips “wait here only a sec, yeah?”
“What? Baby, you said no surprises!” she whined but got out of his lap anyway and he only smiled at her.
“It’s not a huge surprise or anything, I promise” he said before leaving her laying in his bed.
“Of course that is the only promise he’s able to break” Y/N grumbled under her breath grumpily.
Then she heard Raul chuckle as he approached the room again “I can hear you, you know?” and she only rolled her eyes from the bed and gasping as soon as she met him by the door.
He was holding a huge breakfast tray that had absolutely all of her favorite breakfast food and a beautiful flower arrange holding her favorite ones. The smile on her face was enough to make him aware that waking up after only 4 hours of sleep were worth it, and he’d do it all over again just to see her smile like that again.
“You didn’t have to” was all she could mutter.
Raul smiled and nodded “I know, I just wanted to make your day a bit better before work, and we can celebrate later”
“Thank you” she said in a hushed tone as he placed the tray on the nightstand, and as soon as it was out of danger of suffering a strike she lunged forward wrapping him in a hug as she knocked them both on the bed again “thank you so much”
Raul laughed wrapping his arms around her waist tighter “you’re so very welcome” he said as he placed a kiss to her hair.
“I love you so much” she mumbled squeezing him just a bit tighter.
“I know, love” he said with a hand tilting her chin up look at him “but I love you so much more”
“Ew” she teased and he laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and shaking his head.
He snorted making her laugh “Cruel beautiful thing”
Y/N leaned down to press a kiss to his lips “good thing you love me more than” mumbling before sitting back up to eat her breakfast.
And that was how she got ready for work, with one of the best breakfasts she’s ever had in her life, and sure the food as good, but that wasn’t all of it. She was still at home, in bed and content. Then after eating through light banter and little silly jokes, Raul followed her around his room and watched her get ready for work. She had enough stuff in his house she could easily live in there for a while, since it’s where they spent most of their time. So as soon as she was ready, with her boyfriend still hot in her tracks with every move she made, trailing behind her.
“Okay” she said as she grabbed her purse “this is your day off and I know you’re up super early for this and came home super late, so please sleep”
“Why? You plan on keeping me up all night?” he teased with his signature smirk and Y/N shook her head laughing.
She gently cupped his cheeks in both of her hands “you need to sleep, doctor’s orders, honey”
“I'm the doctor here” he protested and she only shook her head in response.
“Well, I’m in control here, mister, so to bed you go”
“Fine, but I’ll pick you up, alright?” he said pressing a kiss to her forehead and she nodded “Love you”
“Love you too”
Six p.m. sharp she heard her phone buzzing softly, indicating her overly excited boyfriend was already downstairs waiting for her. So Y/N started grabbing her things, letting him know she’d be there soon, and turning off her computer for the weekend. Before she could even get up from her chair, she saw her coworker and friend, Claire running towards her with a big smile on her face.
“Your prince charming is here!” she beamed and Y/N cringed at how loud she exclaimed.
“Keep it down, people are still working” she hissed at her friend but she only rolled her eyes at her antics in response.
“Come on, don’t leave him waiting!”
She shook her head laughing softly “okay, okay, I’m leaving”
“Happy birthday, girl, enjoy your six feet boyfriend”
Y/N looked at her funny “I will, thank you? What did he say to you?”
“Just go! And text me later!” she said as she pushed Y/N into the elevator, pressing the buttons and leaving her alone.
She laughed to herself, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder as she looked down at her phone, her foot tapping against the marble floor as she waited for the doors to open, and as they did, all the stress rolled off of her. Raul was standing just in front of her building wearing a beautiful button up, with a chain necklace hanging from his neck and peaking through the first opened buttons. His black shades covering his beautiful eyes and showing the reason behind his reputation of being a bad boy, when in reality he was just a softie.
But in his hands, he had another bouquet of flowers and as soon as he set his eyes on her, his face brightened up with a big smile. He was just leaning on his jeep and as she got closer he straightened his posture and took the final steps to meet her in between. He pressed a quick peck to her lips and extended the flowers to her, keeping their affection to minimum since neither of them were a fan of PDA.
“Hi there, gorgeous” she said trying to mimic his flirty tone and he only chuckled.
Raul opened the door for her “Hello, my love, ready for our birthday celebration?”
She kissed his cheek as she climbed in, bouquet on her lap as she buckled up “Is there food involved?”
“Of course, homemade and everything” he said closing the door before climbing on the drivers seat.
“Are you for real?” she asked as she turned to face him.
He only smiled starting the car, backing up and starting to drive them both to his place “Of course, could never lie to you, and it’s your favorite, even asked you grandmother for the recipe”
“Oh shit!” she squealed from her seat and he smiled at her nodding “you have to be kidding me”
“You can call her” Raul said teasingly “Or you could trust your very honest and loving boyfriend, both pretty simple options”
Y/N laughed shaking her head “you’re absolutely ridiculous”
“But you love me” he quickly added and she couldn’t stop herself from laughing harder.
“Of course I do, silly, it’s impossible not to when you’re literally being the best human being I’ve ever met and always making sure I’m happy” she said looking at the flowers on her lap before looking up at Raul.
“Stop it, you’re gonna make me cry” he teased and she shook her head with a giggle “I just want to make you happy, promised it to your mom and myself”
“And you’re acing this” she said and he grabbed her hand, planting a kiss on the back of it before parking on the garage of his building.
“Baby, before we go back home, could you please grab me my wallet, I think it's one the glove compartment” he mumbled grabbing his phone probably to reply to someone’s text.
And she did, but she was not expecting what she saw.
Inside the glove compartment there were a bunch of polaroids of them and rose petals scattered around, and right on the back of it there was a little key hanging under the phrase ‘move in with me, please?’ written in his calligraphy. She was still processing the whole thing when he cleaned his throat slightly nervous, making her look up at him with wide eyes and still not sure what to say.
“I know this is your birthday, and this is technically a gift for me, but I really couldn’t wait another day” he said softly, seemingly shyer than his usual confident self, making her heart swell twice its size in her chest.
“Raul, I- yeah, yes, of course I’ll move in with you!” she practically jump on him as much as she could due to the fact that they’re still in his car and space was limited.
Y/N was quick to capture his lips in a searing kiss and she felt him relax under her touch, tucking her bottom lip between his two, a hand cupping her face as the other held her waist to give her some sort of support on the pose she had. She backed way to recover a bit of breath she didn’t think she would need when she lunged forward to her boyfriend, so instead the pecked his lips only about a million times, making him laugh and press one long kiss to her lips then leaning away completely.
“Glad you agreed to it, cause I already told your parents” he said a bit nervous about it, a sly smile gracing his features to match his rosy cheeks.
“Of course you did” she said with a smile “what about yours? Are they okay with it?”
“Are you kidding me?? Mom wanted you to move in like three years ago” he said as he grabbed the key and the photos from the glove compartment “sorry, sweetheart, this is actually symbolic since you already have a key and this is actually mine”
“Figured” she laughed as she grabbed her stuff “And what do you mean three years ago? We weren’t even officially together back then”
Raul shrugged “guess that’s a mom thing, she said something about having never seen me this happy before and she was sure we were in love with each other, turns out she was right, I already loved you back then and didn’t want to admit it, and yeah, you make me the happiest man alive, sweetheart”
“You're absolutely ridiculous but I still love you” Y/N admitted and he smiled at her.
“I know” he opened his door “your real present, meal and a few other stuff are waiting for you upstairs”
“Oh my God, you really went all in” she giggled getting out of the car, and as soon as she was out, he was quick to pick her up bridal style making her squeak “what the hell are you doing?”
He looked down at her, taking a while to cal the elevator “Isn’t this how we’re supposed to do it?”
“Baby, I’m sure it’s only the door, not all the floors and we’re not married” she said with a giggled
“Well, miss skepticism, just let me be a goofball once in a while” he said with a mocking tone.
“Once in a while?” she asked incredulously.
He had a pout on his lips when he spoke up again “Come on, no teasing when I’m trying to be a hopeless romantic, please let me do this and treat you right” he said with a smile
“Alright, whatever you want” she admitted in defeat as she giggled, wrapping her arms around her neck “just don’t drop me, please”
“Would never, sweetheart”
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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tuiccim · 4 years
TikTok Trend #Memory
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1149
Warnings: Angst 
Summary: Bucky waits for you to wake up and handles the aftermath. 
A/N: Divider by @whimsicalrogers
TikTok Trend Series Masterlist
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Bucky kept watch. He ate with you, worked out in your room, slept next to you, and was rewarded when three days later he woke to see you looking at him. 
“Doll! You’re awake. Hey.” Bucky presses the call button for the nurse and then reaches up to cup your face. “I’m so glad you’re awake. I’ve been so worried about you. Are you okay?”
You blink at him but can’t seem to form words. You’re confused. It feels as if your brain is jumping around and you can’t concentrate well enough to speak or move. You feel tears fall down your face at your frustration. 
“Doll, are you in pain? What’s the matter?” Bucky says as he wipes the tears away. 
“Sergeant Barnes?” The nurse walks in. 
“Get Dr. Miles.” Bucky says with barely a glance at the nurse.
Noticing your eyes are open, the nurse nods, “Right away.”
“It’s okay, Doll. You’re okay. I’m here. No matter what.” Bucky comforts you. 
Dr. Miles rushes in and does a cursory examination. “She’s fine. You’re fine. Disorientation like this is normal. It’ll improve with time.”
Your eyes are beginning to droop and Bucky’s heart twists, “Doc, is she…”
“She’s tired. She woke up once, she’ll wake up again. Sleep is best. It’ll help the brain heal.” Dr. Miles smiles at you and smooths your hair like a mother with her child as you drift back to sleep. She had a deep love for the team and the work she does for the Avengers. She was glad the brain activity she saw over the last few days was what she hoped. 
Bucky looks at her and says quietly, “This is good, right?”
“Yes, we can be cautiously optimistic. The inability to talk or move is normal with this kind of brain injury. We have every reason to believe it’ll get better with time, but we still don’t know the extent of the injury. She may have loss of memory, muscle weakness or paralysis. Cautious optimism, okay?” 
“I understand. No matter what, thank you for saving her.”
Dr. Miles smiles and nods as she leaves. 
You woke several times over the day and the confusion was a little less each time. Movement began to come back more, but speech was still difficult. You mostly just made incoherent noises which frustrated you until Dr. Miles reassured you that it was good. During the night you woke several times to find Bucky asleep in the bed next to you while holding your hand. He was so sweet. Your best friend. 
The next morning, you found your voice but still had problems with some words. 
“Mornin’ Buck.” You smile at him as he wakes. 
“Hey Doll. You’re talking.” Bucky grins. 
“It’s coming... back to me.” You say slowly. “Still feel strange. How long?”
“You were out for a little over five days. I was here with you.” Bucky says. 
“What happened?” 
“You don’t remember?”
You shake your head. 
“Doc said you might have some memory loss. What’s the last thing you remember?” Bucky furrows his brow as he watches you search your memory. 
“I… Nat and Wanda and I were in my room. You burst in after that stupid text they sent. I’m so sorry about that. I don’t know why they thought it was so funny.” You look at Bucky and see a stricken look. “What?”
Bucky’s heart twists as he realizes that you don’t remember the kiss, the video, the meetings, the mission, and, for a moment, he panics. Then he remembers. You loved him then. You may not remember the kiss or the confession, but the feelings are still there. You still love him and he’d make sure you remembered that. He smiles at you, “Don’t worry, Doll. I’ll tell you everything that happened.”
“How much am I missing?” You feel fear cropping up. 
“A couple of months.”
“It’s okay, Doll. I’ll explain it all to you.” Bucky begins and watches your face as he explains his bungling of the video. 
“Can I see it?” You smile but an intense feeling of sadness settles over you. Bucky shows you the video and your heart leaps watching the two of you kiss, but you don’t remember it at all. Bucky tells you the rest. The story makes you happy and sad and angry and elated. 
“I shot him in the face and he fell in the river. When I got to you, you, uh, you were bleeding pretty bad. You told me…”
“I told you what?” You wonder why he is hesitating but then smile as you realized the only thing you would have said to him if you weren’t sure you were going to make it. You put your hand on his cheek and smile at him, “I love you, Bucky. I’ve loved you for a really long time but I was scared. Scared of messing up our friendship. Scared that you didn't… that you don’t feel that way.”
“I love you, too.” Bucky says as he brings his mouth to yours for a gentle kiss. 
A tear rolls down your face but you want to know the rest, “Finish. Tell me the rest.” 
Bucky goes through the remainder of the story, explains your injuries, and then asks if you have any questions.
“Ummm.. yeah. Did you and I… did we, have we-”
“No. So much was going on with the mission and we weren’t sure how much the mole was watching us, so we said we’d wait to be together until after the mission was over.” 
“Oh, thank God.” You say.
“What… do you mean?” Bucky looks worried. 
“I mean I would have been pretty pissed to miss that,” you giggle but then groan at the pain in your ribs. 
“Oh, poor baby. Those are gonna hurt for a while. First priority is gonna be getting you healed.” Bucky kisses your head. 
“And the second priority?” You smile. 
“Making sure you know how much I love you.” Bucky kisses you for real now. Melding his mouth to yours while holding your face in his hands You cover his hands with yours and relax into the movement of his lips, the slide of his tongue, and the intoxicating taste of him. 
“Keep kissing me like that and I’m going to be better real soon.” You smile at him. 
“Then let me give you another.” Bucky grins as he leans back in.  
“Slow it down, you two.” Dr. Miles walks in. “I take it you’re continuing to approve.”
“Yeah, Doc, I’m feeling more like myself.” You smile. 
“Excellent.” The doctor does a quick exam, asks several questions, and then smiles, “Everything looks great. I want a few days of observation to make sure you continue to improve.”
“Thanks, Doc.” You say as she exits before turning back to Bucky, “Now where were we?”
Bucky grins as his lips descend on yours.
Part 10
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
Geralt attempts to bake cookies. That’s it that’s the prompt
Hi Cabbage-with-legs!
This is a Modern AU with Tired Dad! Geralt. + bonus pining
“Geralt? Geralt what’s all this.”
Geralt’s shoulders slumped and he scraped dejectedly at the blackened hockey pucks on the cookie pan. “Cookies.”
“I’ve seen charcoal briquets less black, dear heart. What’s this about?” Jaskier said, leaning his shoulder against his best friend.
Geralt sighed and leaned into the touch, hardly even registering Jaskier’s neon pink Hawaiian shirt. “PTA bake sale. They need me to bake something so I’m trying but, well...” Geralt shuffled a spatula under one pathetic hockey puck and flicked it into the trash.
“Lucky you,” Jaskier said. “I am a world class baker.”
“You burn water.”
“Cooking and baking are very different, my friend.”
“We aren’t friends,” Geralt huffed.
“Not if you keep up that attitude. How much food does the bake sale need?”
Geralt sat in a creaky chair and looked at the ugly yellow wallpaper of his kitchen. “They said anything helps, but the school is really underfunded, they need to make a lot of money off of this.”
Jaskier sat across from Geralt and bumped his foot against his friend’s boot. He smiled sadly. He saw Geralt almost every day, and Geralt never saw him, not really. He never looked at Jaskier and saw him.
It didn’t matter because Jaskier saw Geralt, and would continue to do so until Geralt threw him from his life.
“Alright,” Jaskier said standing up. “It’s Saturday, so Triss won’t have work, I’ll text her, she can bring by some bread.”
“Don’t bother her,” Geralt said.
“She’ll want to help. Yennefer too, she’ll bring something by the bake sale as well.”
None of them had much money, but baking, well, for Ciri they could all do something.
“You and I,” Jaskier said, “We’re going to bake up a storm.”
Geralt stood. “No, Jaskier. Go away.”
“No, you need my help.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“Fine,” Jaskier said, hand on one jutted hip, “Then take a bite out of one of those.” He nodded his head towards the blackened tray.
Geralt growled, but it was acquiescence. 
“Great,” Jaskier said. “Now, lets start this again.” He tidied up the kitchen, loading the dirty dishes into Geralt’s ancient dishwasher and pressing start. He knew Geralt’s kitchen as well as he knew his own. When Renfri had died and left Ciri and Geralt all by themselves he’d done all the cooking here. Geralt had just sat in the chair in the living room and wouldn’t let go of Ciri. Jaskier had practically hand fed him.
Triss had called it sitting Shiva, even though she was the only Jewish person among them. From what she’d told Jaskier, though, Geralt had been doing something similar, even if he didn’t know it.
Now, though, they both moved about the kitchen. Geralt measured flour and sugar as directed and patiently took the bowl of frosting Jaskier pressed into his hands, stirring as directed.
Jaskier moved around him, orbiting Geralt like he always did, adding almond extract and nutmeg and an extra dash of salt because Geralt used too little. At one point their little dance messed up and Jaskier placed one floury hand on Geralt’s chest to keep him from backing up against the open oven door. 
He looked at the dusty handprint on Geralt’s black hoodie, right over his heart. Geralt smiled softly.
“Thanks, I would have fallen right into the oven, there,” he said. 
Jaskier chuckled, “Yeah, Hansel, can’t eat you yet I have to fatten you up,” he poked Geralt in his rock hard abs. “You’d be awfully stringy.”
Geralt rumbled a laugh, deep in his chest. “I guess I’m not prime cannibal fodder, huh?” He crossed to the laptop, open to their recipe. “What’s next?”
“I’m sure there’s someone who’d take a bite out of you,” Jaskier said absently. “But we’re done with the cookies now that they’re in the oven, onto the cake.”
“We’re making a cake?” Geralt said. He looked in dismay at the cookies already in the oven.
“Unless you’d rather make the pies first,” Jaskier said. “And yes, we are. You and I are going to nail this PTA bake sale.” He watched the way Geralt sighed, the rise and fall of his shoulders, the little roll they did to loosen the tension. 
He patted Geralt on one such shoulder, looking into a pale hazel gaze. “Drink some coffee, we’ll be up a while.”
Geralt moved to start the coffee. “Is the--”
Jaskier handed him the little scoop that Geralt used to measure out his coffee and Geralt turned around to face Jaskier.
“You didn’t even know what I was going to say,” he said.
“I did, I know you.” Geralt stepped close and looked at Jaskier with lazer focus. 
Please, Jaskier thought. For once in your life just, see me. 
“You have flour in your hair,” Geralt said, then turned back to the coffeemaker.” 
Jaskier held in a sigh and began pulling up the recipe he liked for chocolate cake. “Do you have cocoa?” He asked. 
“Cupboard,” Geralt grunted. There where multiple cupboards in the kitchen, but Jaskier knew which one Geralt meant.
They descended again into their orbiting dance.
-- -- -- -- -- --
Morning dawned to find a messy kitchen and two men asleep at the kitchen table. Ciri looked around, registered the mountain of cookies and muffins, four pies and two cakes, then got herself cereal. Jaskier woke up, the seam of his sleeve had pressed into his face in his sleep.
“Have you kissed my dad yet?”
Jaskier blinked away sleep to see Ciri, still in her Wonder Woman pajamas, eating a bowl of coco puffs while standing in the middle of the kitchen. He made to stand to give her the chair, but she shook her head.
“Stay put, you must’ve worked hard. When I went to bed Dad had just burned his second batch of cookies. I repeat, have you kissed my dad yet?”
“Um, no.”
“Why not?”
“He doesn’t want to kiss me,” Jaskier said. “He looks right through me.”
“Hmmm,” Ciri said. It was so like her father that Jaskier had to smile.
“Hello darling,” Triss said, closing the door with her foot behind her. “Jas, you’re up, I figured you’d be asleep...oh,” she glanced at Geralt, conked out on the table, then looked at the pile of baked goods. “Nice job, I brought Challah, soda bread, and Irish brown bread.”
Jaskier stood and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, I appreciate it, Triss.”
“Aunt Triss,” Ciri said. “Do you think my dad wants to kiss Jaskier?”
“Of course, why?”
“He doesn’t even really know I exist,” Jaskier said. 
“He does too.”
“He knows I exist but he looks right through me, Triss, I’m a ghost in his life.”
The front door creaked open then slammed, startling Geralt awake. 
“It’s probably Yennefer,” Jaskier said.
Geralt blinked his eyes hurriedly and brushed back his pale hair. 
Yennefer stomped in and set down a tray full of lemon bars. “For the bake sale.” She looked up at Geralt, who was smiling at her. “You have frosting on your face.”
Jaskier stepped into the other room and Triss followed. Ciri stepped out after them, still spooning cereal into her mouth.
“He sees her,” Jaskier whispered.
“You like Yen,” Triss said. 
“I do, she’s terrifying and fun, but I just wish he looked at me like that, like he noticed me.”
“He notices you,” Ciri said. 
“Jaskier,” Geralt called from the other room.
Ciri smirked. “See?”
Jaskier reentered the kitchen. “What’s up.” 
“I’m loading stuff into my car, help.” 
Jaskier promptly took a few trays of muffins and began to walk them out to Roach, Geralt’s ‘84 Chevy Nova. It wasn’t a beautiful car but Geralt loved her, and Jaskier had grown to love her too. The four of them, watched by Ciri, loaded up the baked goods and Jaskier went to get in the passenger seat. 
“You’re not coming,” Geralt said. 
Jaskier faltered but recovered well. “Oh, well of course. And since I’m your very best friend--”
“Not my friend.”
“I’ll stay and clean up the kitchen,” Jaskier finished.
Triss made a sympathetic face at him, kissed Ciri on the forehead, and left. Yen nudged him in a mostly friendly way and swept out after her. 
Ciri watched him clean up, sitting on the counter in the corner of the kitchen. Unusually, neither of them said a word the entire time. When the last dish was put away she said.
“You know, I’m not sure Dad sees many people, not sees them. I’m not always sure he sees me. It doesn’t mean you aren’t important to him.”
Jaskier smiled wanly. “You’re very wise for fourteen.”
“I am. Extremely.”
“He sees her.”
“That’s because he’s slightly scared of her.”
Jaskier leaned with both hands on the counter and stared between them. “Ciri, you know I love you dearly?”
“And I won’t stop loving you. Not ever. But I might not come around so often. I promise it doesn’t mean that I don’t care about you.”
“Just that you think Dad doesn’t care about you.”
“I know he does,” Jaskier said, looking up and crossing to where Ciri sat. “But he can’t even call me his friend. I can’t do that anymore. I need to...I need to not do that. At least for a while.”
“I’ll miss you,” Ciri said, setting down her empty bowl and hugging Jaskier. “He’ll miss you too.”
“I’m going to miss both of you too, but I need to do this. I’ll still come to every last one of your gymnastics meets. And I’ll still be your Uncle Jas.”
Cir pulled back from her hug, jaw set but her eyes dry. “I wish you could be my papa instead.” Jaskier kissed her on the forehead. 
“Bye Ciri, I’ll see you next week when you get another medal.”
She waved at him as he left.
Jaskier didn’t look up from the bus floor the whole ride back to his shithole apartment. The ugly green carpet on the floor of his room still looked the same. He shrugged and began to work on grading papers. There was no more he could do. 
-- -- -- -- -- --
Jaskier was surprised to find that the day had passed easily. He’d only had to turn his thoughts away from Geralt every time he started to think of him. 
Then there was a knock on the door and Jaskier suddenly couldn’t stop thinking of Geralt. There he was, drenched, from the sudden rainstorm and dripping in his apartment’s doorway. 
Geralt shoved a fist out, holding some supermarket flowers, the daisies they dyed in obnoxious colors. Usually Jaskier found them ugly but these, battered and very, very neon, were the most beautiful things he’d ever seen.
“We aren’t friends I want to kiss you,” Geralt said in one breath.
“I don’t want to kiss friends. I want to kiss you a lot. All the time.”
“You never even look at me,” Jaskier said.
“I do, just not when you’re looking.”
“I don’t want you to catch me staring at your lips I want to kiss you, Jaskier.” He stared into Jaskier’s eyes, unwavering. “I see you.”
“Who told you?”
“Triss. I came home and the kitchen was clean and Ciri was sort of mad at me and you were gone so I called her and panicked,” Geralt paused for breath. “And she told me. I see you. I promise I do. maybe not all the time but I’m not good at noticing people all the time I’m...Renfri could do that. I can’t. You can notice people all the time but I just don’t. I’m sorry. I do notice you though, I see you, I promise.”
“You see me,” Jaskier said. He watched Geralt’s eyes as they looked downwards. At his lips.
“I don’t want to kiss friends, Jaskier,” Geralt whispered. “Please, please may I kiss you.”
Jaskier nodded.
Geralt tasted like the peppermint Chapstick that he bought around Christmas and hoarded all through the year. A kiss had never been so good. 
Geralt pulled back and handed Jaskier the flowers. “You don’t like this kind but I like them because they remind me of you.”
“They do?”
“They’re bright and if you were a flower Ciri said you’d be a daisy.”
Jaskier smiled. “You got her advice, on what flowers to get me.”
Geralt nodded. “She knows these things. There’s cookies, back home. I bought some from the bake sale. Someone made white chocolate macadamia nut and I know they’re your favorite.”
“Fine, Geralt. I’ll go back home with you.”
“You’ll stay?”
“I’m not moving all my stuff in tonight, but yes, eventually I’ll stay.”
“Ciri’s going to have to stop calling me uncle now. It’ll give people the wrong idea.”
It got away from me. Whoops. Happy ending for all, though.
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icedhoneyy · 3 years
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at 102 ▪︎ semi eita x f!reader
soundtrack: 102 by matty healy, listen here!
cw: timeskip! semi eita, sorta friends to lovers, a little bit of angst, shitty relationships, unresolved feelings, suggestive themes, cursing, annoying use of italics, confusing timeline ig (let me know if i forgot anything).
wordcount: ~2.8k
a/n: english is not my native language and this is my first time writing after years!! my writing is still a bit rusted, proceed with caution ig, anywayyy this was heavily inspired by the song 102 and i'd recommend listening to it while you read.
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Semi Eita sits inside his car that is still parked in the government building lot, feeling the relief that comes when he finally takes off his tie for the day. In the corner of his eyes, he can spot a pair of high heels thrown on the passenger side.
He takes a moment to fully remember the reason why the shoes were laying there in the first place. When he does, a groan of frustration rips out from the back of his throat, the memory tightening his chest as Semi remembers the fight from earlier and starts the car. 
That morning he drove to the location she texted him, not one bit bothered by the lack of explanation she gave when all he could hear anyway was the trouble in her voice.
But the moment he parked the car in front of the apartment building and realized she was safe and sound, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight.
There she was — in all her grumpy glory — sporting a deep frown and standing barefoot on the sidewalk. Her favorite nightdress on and hugging her shoes tightly into her chest. 
At the sight of her best friend and his teasing smirk, she rolls her eyes while making her way into his car and lets out a warning once she is finally on the passenger seat. “Keep your snide remarks to yourself, Eita” — making him laugh and raise his hands in mock defeat as she seethes at him.
He knows her for far too long to safely bet that the rage in her eyes is nothing but a disguise for deep disappointment.
The deep breath she lets out when he asks her what happened is enough of an answer, but she tells him nonetheless.
“Nothing, really” — she sinks down in the car seat under his doubtful gaze — “He woke up late for a meeting so he couldn’t drop me off at home” — defeated, she shows her friend the broken heels — “These broke last night and I didn’t want to take the train barefoot”.
Semi can see right through her bullshit but she still tries to disguise it all, faking annoyance at his inquisitive eyes in hopes that he would just let it go. 
The truth was that she was startled awake by her almost-boyfriend and without so much as a good morning, he rushed her out the door before he had to leave —  she actually broke her heels in one of his hurried moves to dispatch her out of his place as soon as possible.
It's stupid, really but the whole situation was demeaning enough to make her feel 5 inches tall and foolish— as if all the nice guy she went out with last night was merely an act that she was naive enough to buy. Again.
Standing on the sidewalk feeling used, she cursed the voices inside her head that tirelessly reminded her how Semi was right when he called the guy a selfish piece of shit, and begrudgingly, she called her gray-haired friend. 
On the passager seat of her best friend's car, feeling the cynical glare of his sharp eyes, she knows that he knows she’s lying.
So, in a (failed) attempt to distract Semi from dissecting her crap, she plays around with his phone, rummaging through his current driving playlist.
“This one again? How haven’t you driven into a wall with these songs? Are you okay?”, and he takes full offense to her mocking tone, clicking his tongue — “Tch! I'm doing better than you”
Trying to snatch his phone off her hands, he complains about how she’ll mess up his perfectly crafted playlist but she still manages to keep it out of his reach, snooping through all the playlists that he never showed her, ignoring the ones she already knows all too well.
A loud gasp is followed by an even louder laugh as she teasingly shakes the device in front of his face: “This is your sex playlist, Semi-Semi?”
Before she can find more compromising stuff, he undoes the seatbelt that was holding him back and quickly takes hold of his phone, shooting daggers at the snickering girl on his passenger seat, “You’re such a brat.” — The sly smirk and half-lidded eyes she gives him make a shiver run through his spine  — “I should leave you here to walk your walk of shame” and his words elicit a huff out of her.
She protests with flooding irritation in her voice, “It’s not a walk of shame, Eita!” — the fear of being called her out on her hesitancy making her turn away from him — “He is...almost my boyfriend. Not just a hook-up so, yeah” — her voice is small but full of blind pride, and when she looks at him again she expects an apology or even a pitiful gaze if he caught onto the insecurity in which she spoke of her relationship.
Instead, what graces Semi’s pretty face is pure and absolute disdain. “Well, your almost-boyfriend is a piece of shit. C’mon Y/N, is the mediocre sex really worth it?”
She’s not sure what exactly makes her seethe — the bite on his words, the way he knows how they burn or how every single patronizing remark that Semi made over the man she was dating was absolutely and completely right — but regardless, she feels every inch of her body burn with overwhelming rage.
At the sight of angry tears leaking from her eyes and her tight locked jaw, Semi bites his tongue. However, regret only comes when she tells him that the guy is at least nice to her.
Turning the ignition on, all he can do is bitterly remark to himself how unfair it is that she looks so beautiful even when angry and lying through her teeth. 
When Semi makes a turn at the corner of her street, he has already an apology formed in his mind but she barely waits for the car to fully stop before rushing out of it, leaving him and his unvoiced apology sitting there.
She lets her frustration slam the door close, the loud noise making strangers stare in shock at the scathing — but still barefoot — woman making her way inside the apartment building.
The urge to run after her makes his legs shake and knuckles go white at the steering wheel, but the clock on the dashboard reminds him how late he is for work, so with a heavyweight on his chest, Semi drives away from her. 
That same night — after being greeted by her broken heels on the passager seat of his car — Semi finds himself staring at her apartment door and the familiar number 102 nailed into it.
An idea pops into his head and, ripping a page of the small notebook he always carries in his guitar case along with an old pen, he hastily scribbles down an apology, making sure to not forget to doodle their inside joke.
He knocks one, two times — then he can faintly hear her grumpily betting with herself that Semi is the one that is standing outside her apartment. With the sounds of footsteps stopping on the other side, he quickly slides the note under the door and listens attentively for the sounds of paper unfolding.
The soft laugh that she lets out it's all too familiar to him — it's the one that she always fails to stifle whenever she's mad.
When she finally opens the door, the biggest grin makes its way into his face as he takes in her pajamas: ridiculously small and tight gym shorts and a t-shirt of his favorite band  —  actually his t-shirt, that she first bought him and stole it after he wore it down enough.
The following night, he doesn't go to her place, no matter how much his tired body begs for the warmth and relief it can only get from her embrace. It's a miserable attempt to not blur the lines of friendship and something more but Semi can feel his heart laughing at his naivety, reminding him that he blurred that line a long time ago.
After trying for hours to finish the song and coming up with nothing but jumbled thoughts of her, he drags his body to stand under the shower as if the water could wash away the fog in his mind — before it fully takes on the shape of her.
Wrapping the towel on his wait, Semi makes a beeline to his bedroom and finally his closet, finding one of his old shirts that she wore last time she made herself at home in his place. 
Semi recalls that night — her lying on his bed while he sat on the floor, curling over a notebook and with his guitar propped on his lap — she kept yapping about this guy she met, trying to make sense of all these little things he did on their date and all Semi could really tell her was that the guy was a selfish piece of shit.
He winces at the memory, the sharpness of his words making something like regret — but not quite that — burn inside him.
Pulling the shirt over his head and down his body, he gets almost immediately intoxicated by her smell still lingering on it. His heart picks up the pace, with the memories of how she looked in his shirt and the domesticity of the sight setting his own thoughts into wild, beautiful chaos.
It's inescapable — and Semi finds himself wondering how everything would be if he just stopped fighting the feelings that she storms inside of him.
Yet, soon enough the staggering fear of how much he enjoyed the best possible outcome creeps on his mind, making him take off the harmless piece of clothing as if it was searing his skin. 
Trying to calm his racing heart and wild suppositions, he sits down on the bed still tightly gripping the shirt and lets the droplets falling from his wet hair temporarily stain the bedsheets.
He stews back to all of the years he’d known her and how it all came to this. Since when did he just let go and accepted that he wouldn’t be with her?
When did he give up and let every mediocre little shit wrap their arms around her shoulders? — and get away with letting her think that she could be satisfied with just nice when she deserved so much more?
By the time that the clock reads 1:02 A.M., Semi is hastily picking up her favorite guitar to drive down the same path that he so diligently learned through the years he'd known her.
But it’s late and the doorman is newly hired, refusing to let him in a single woman’s apartment just like that. So there he was,  begging the man to ring her place up and ask for confirmation.
One, two, three rings — the man at the desk keeps eyeing him suspiciously, measuring him up and down to take in his features: disheveled damp hair, guitar strapped on his back, an old band t-shirt (her favorite band), and his faded sweatpants.
By the sixth ring, Semi is sure that the man contemplates calling the police and he has to plea a second attempt so, — with a very dangerous condescending tone — Semi explains, very matter of factly, how she woke up only with the last ring of the phone and, moving at snail’s pace whenever she’s sleepy, she did not make it to the interphone in time to pick it up.
Defeated, the poor doorman lets out a heavy sigh and calls her apartment again, warning Semi that it was the last time. When she does pick up at the first ring, he can’t help the smirk on his lips and the victorious gleam in his sharp brown eyes. 
When the elevator door opens at her floor, the sight that greets him is his favorite: her - with her bedhead and sleepy grin. She lets out a small yawn when reaching for his hand, interlocking their fingers to lead him all the way into her bedroom.
Completely unaware of how her touch makes electricity rush through his body, she guides him through every step as if he hadn't walked this path so many nights before. 
When they both find themselves in her bedroom, she lets his hand go and the absence of her skin on his sends a sharp pain through Semi's heart.
Standing there by her door frame, he searches his brain for a coherent thought but as he takes in the moonlit room, all he can really think about is how she is scared of total darkness when alone, never closing the blinds at night — “I don’t really know why I’m here”, he admits more to himself than to her.
Sitting at the bed she pats the messy sheets, beckoning him to sit and, while padding across her room he notices the rest of the mess: the duvet hanging by the foot of the bed, the top right side of the elastic bed sheet completely untuck and only one of her 3  pillows still on the bed, the rest scattered to the floor — all just evidence of how restless she gets when sleeping alone.
He lays his guitar on the bed behind her before finally sitting, “I’m sorry for waking you up” a shake of her head interrupts his apology.
“Don’t be.” — she takes his hand again and Semi feels a similar electric rush just like the one from before, but this time it’s amplified by the lowlights and the whisper of her voice, sending his heart into overdrive. — “I think I was about to have a nightmare. You must’ve sensed and came to rescue me”
The smile she has is what he needs to make him bold enough, letting go of her hand and throwing his right arm around her shoulder to pull her body into his.
But she has always been much bolder than he could ever be so, bringing both of her legs to rest on his lap and taking his left hand between both of hers, she eases his worries — “I don’t want to talk about my stupid dream. Just talk to me about you?”
Semi has never been one to refuse her requests and pleading eyes  — as proven by the top middle drawer in her closet filled with his shirts and hoodies, and the doodles on his favorite guitar, the one he never lets anyone that isn’t her touch — so towards her optimistic grin, he pours his heart out. 
At one point the conversation shifts and she tells him about the man she is seeing, the same one that lives in the building where he picked her up 2 mornings ago and Semi winces at the memory of their fight that day, feeling thankful the little note slid under the door of apartment 102 for mending them back together.
With every word spilling from her mouth about that relationship, the only picture he can paint in his mind is so incredibly ordinary and dull, tempting him to almost commit the same mistake again.
But something makes his words softer and his tone warmer — it’s either the dim-lit room, the hopelessness in her eyes as she speaks, or simply just her, delicately tugging at his heartstrings.
“Why are you even with him?” and she is caught off guard by his question, taking long seconds to weigh his words in her mind.
A defeated sigh comes out of her lips and the caressing of his thumb on her hand brings a resigned smile into her lips, and Semi absolutely hates it.
“I don’t know. He likes me and he’s...nice.” — when she locks her gaze on his eyes, Semi makes shapes of the clouds in hers — “Is that not enough?”
The question contradicts her nature. It doesn’t come out to defy Semi or to challenge him. It comes out as a plea but Semi can’t wrap his mind around what exactly is it that she's asking from him.
Does she want him to comply and tell her that yes, this stale and ungrateful love is all there is? Or does she want him to tell her — to show her —  that there is so much more?
At the possibility of being the latter, a spark lightens within him and Semi feels his courage set blaze to match his desire.
“No. It isn’t” —  the fire in his eyes holds her gaze captive, and it's like nothing exists outside the walls of apartment 102 — “Not for you.”
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icedhoneyy© - don't copy, modify or repost in any platform;
☆ feedback, reblogs and likes are always appreciated ☆
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Here for the sentence starters!! "I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater" and "I’m so in love with her/him, I don’t know what do do." Feel free to do both or either or whatever you prefer with either of the Marcuses! I'm in such a fluffy mood rn and these will make my day :)) (PS I adore you and I hope you have a good day xx)
Making Moves (Marcus Moreno x f!Reader)
Summary: Your neighborhood superhero, Marcus Moreno, is being nagged by his daughter to find love. Lucky for him, just the right woman moves in down the street.
W/C: 2.7k
Warnings: language, brief talks of death (just to refer to Marcus’s wife who passed away), brief mentions of sexual stuff. it’s tame.
A/N: THIS WAS SO FUN. I love some good Marcus Moreno. He’s such a cutie and these prompts made it so fun! You can still send me prompts from this list with a character, just mind the taken ones! p.s. my emotional support Brit @maxlordsgf see how I used patio/backyard??
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The Moreno household was cozy. You wondered if it was Marcus who’d decorated the beautiful home, or if his late wife. You supposed it didn’t matter. You would’ve liked the former Mrs. Moreno, if Marcus could love her like he did. 
He lived a few houses down from you. You’d moved in a couple of months ago, into the nice Craftsman style home you currently rented. The best thing about the house was the beautiful front porch, which exposed the lovely suburban neighborhood. The porch had come with a swing, and you’d decided that it’d have to be your new morning coffee spot. After all, this is California, where the sun was plentiful and the air was just cold enough to be refreshing in the mornings.
The time that you drank your coffee on the porch also happened to be the time that your neighborhood Heroic, Marcus, went for his morning runs. He’d been excited to see that the house was sold, and Missy was too. They planned on bringing over some sweets once you were settled. Several weeks after the sold sign went up, he saw you for the first time. 
You looked like an angel, he thought. You wore a fuzzy robe with patterned capri pajama pants peeking from beneath it. Your glasses rested on the bridge of your nose, slightly fogged from the steam of your coffee. You sat on your porch swing, knees pulled to your chest, reading from your tablet. He was immediately caught off-guard. Your new home was at the beginning of his running path, but his breath was already gone from his lungs from your beauty. 
Pushing his own glasses up his nose, he gave you a little wave as you looked up. You’d smiled at him, a grin with your teeth visible. The man was handsome, you’d noticed. Dark hair, a little scruff, eyes that scrunched when he smiled at you. He was fit, too, his muscles evident beneath his tight t-shirt and running shorts. He kept running, unsure what he could say to you. 
Marcus returned home some thirty minutes later to find Missy awake. “Hey, the new neighbor moved in,” he told her as he walked to the counter, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Ooh, tell me all about them.”
“Well, we didn’t talk. I still don’t know if it’s a family or anything,” he admitted. “But there was a woman sitting on the porch.”
Missy’s eyes lit up. “How old?”
Marcus shook his head. “I don’t know, muñeca,” he told her and kissed her head as he walked past her to sit at the table. 
“Old enough to date?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and stuffing her mouth full of cereal. “Did she seem single?”
“Stay out of it,” he teased her and poked her forehead, right between the eyes. 
She flinched back a bit but laughed. “Dad, come on.”
He shook his head. “We can bring over a housewarming gift tonight, huh? Then we can see.” -
Well, it turned out that night was too busy to do so for the Morenos.
You saw him the next morning as he ran past again. You wore different pajamas but sat in the same position. You’d waved back.
That’s how the next couple mornings went for the two of you. Every day, Marcus could swear you looked prettier. With you looking like that in your pajamas, he couldn’t imagine how beautiful you’d be at any other time. 
Finally, Friday night, he and Missy put on some music and got to baking.
“What does she look like?” Missy asked curiously as she cracked an egg into the bowl- she’d learned the hard way that her father was not to be trusted with egg duty.
Marcus described you to his daughter, his eyes far off and a small smile on his face. “She’s very pretty.”
“Well, duh. You’re simping over her, of course she is.”
“What’s a simp?” He’d asked, brow furrowing.
The knock came an hour or two later. You’d gotten home from work an hour or so earlier, so you were in relaxed clothing, the remnants of your makeup on your face. 
Behind the door stood the handsome runner you saw every morning, and a miniature, carbon-copied version of him with longer hair and more feminine features. “Hi! We’re the Morenos. We live in the blue house down the street. I’m Missy, and this is my dad, Marcus,” she introduced herself cheerfully. She held a tray of brownies. He held a bouquet.
“We just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood,” the man- Marcus- says with a warm smile on his face.
“Oh, thank you!” You grinned and took the tray Missy held out. “Well, come in, please,” you invite them. “Do you drink, Marcus? I was just having some wine. Oh, and Missy, I have some soda if you’d like that.”
The three of you sat in your half-constructed living room for a while and chatted. You learned about the former Mrs. Moreno and how she’d passed a few years ago. You shared that you were living alone and single, due to a bad breakup that led you to move here. The two were good company, you learned quickly, bantering back and forth more like siblings than a father and daughter.
As they stood up to leave, you apologized for the mess. “Sorry. I’ve been trying to hook up my TV lately, and I haven’t done anything else yet. I want to get the TV up first, but I’m practically useless with electronic stuff,” you admitted with a chuckle.
“Oh, Dad is great with electronics,” Missy told you with a grin.
“Not great. Competent would be a better word,” he chuckled. “I could help you set it up, if you’d like that.”
“I would, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“No trouble at all. Here, we can exchange numbers, you can text me when you’d like me to come over,” he offered and pulled out his phone.
“Sure,” you said and told him your number, which he enters into his phone and sends you a text. “Perfect,” you nodded and saved his phone number. “I’ll see you two soon, hopefully.”
They said goodbye and you heard Missy giggling as the door shut behind him. It’s muffled, but you thought you can hear Missy anyway: “That was smooth, Dad!”
That was months ago now. You’d developed a relationship with the both of them, visiting each others’ houses often for dinner or just to chat. 
When summer rolled around, Missy invited you over for days at their pool. You two had enjoyed yourselves, Marcus playing the role of your butler for the day, serving you mocktails and teasing his daughter. It became a common occurrence during the summer. You even had a reverse day on Marcus’s birthday (July 12th) where Missy served the two of you. It was almost like a date. That was the day you both realized you’d fallen hard for the other.
As much as you spent time with Marcus, the girl positively adored you, and always sent you texts from her father’s phone.
We’re having pizza tonight! Wanna come over?
Dad says he sucks at math. Can you help me with my homework?
My friends canceled on me. Are you free to eat Ben and Jerry’s and watch Mamma Mia with me? 
You’d become like a mother figure to her, helping her when she got her first period, taking her shopping for middle-school dances, giving her boy advice.
Marcus liked you just as much, if not more. You liked him too. He was a funny man, kindhearted and warm. He’d listen to you talk when you’d had a shitty day, bring over a bottle of wine when he needed some comfort, cook dinner for the two of you when Missy was at Anita’s.
One night, you’re eating dinner with them on their patio. It’s nice, overlooking their backyard and their pool. Missy is going to a friend’s later, to sleep over, but Marcus had cooked food for the three of you on the grill, something you’d learned he was fantastic at, and you’re inside getting more food. The door is slightly cracked, and you can hear the two of them talking. 
“Dad. You have to make your move, and you gotta do it tonight! Otherwise, she’ll go for Kent a couple doors down. You don’t want that, do you?” she asks in a hushed voice.
“It’s not that easy, muñeca. I’m so in love with her I don’t know what to do.”
Your heart catches in your chest, fluttering. Marcus likes you. Not only that, he’s in love with you. The past few months race through your head, and you hyper-analyze every little interaction the two of you have had. It’s clear now, in hindsight. You swallow hard, putting back down the skewer of vegetables.
He’s been the only thing on your mind the past few weeks, you have to admit. Your visits to each others’ homes had increased, with you spending more and more nights a week at the Morenos’. His laugh makes your stomach flutter as Missy says something else to him outside. You bite your lip. Tonight’s the night. If he doesn’t make his move like Missy insisted, you’ll do it first.
The conversation is light for the rest of dinner, and you’re a bit detached. Marcus can tell, but he doesn’t comment on it. You simply stare out into their pool, listening to Missy ramble on about the plans that she and her friends have for tonight.
A while later, her friends’ parents pick her up. You stand in the driveway and wave a thank-you to the girl’s parents as they drive off with Missy and her friend in tow. “Love you guys,” she shouts out of the window. You grin and shout it back, in sync with Marcus.
The two of you return to the backyard. You walk a little farther apart from Marcus than normal. “Hey,” he says and stands right next to you, his shoulder nudging yours. “What’s wrong? You’ve been off all night,” he mumbles softly.
You shake your head. “It’s nothing, really,” you chuckle, looking down at your feet. 
Marcus is oblivious to the fact that you heard the two of them earlier. You and Marcus have always had a playful relationship, and the idea strikes him to help cheer you up. “Hey, vecina.”
“What- ah!” You squeal as Marcus lifts you in his strong arms. He walks the two of you to the side of the pool as you wriggle in his grip, laughing. “Goddamnit, Marcus! Let go of me!” You screech as he holds you over the pool, though you’re giggling the whole time.
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong,” he laughs, your feet kicking as they dangle over the chlorinated water. 
“No, you asshole!” You laugh, wriggling. “Put me down, Moreno, or God help your poor soul when I-” 
He sets you down on the edge, backing up a bit. “There, fine. Just trying to help,” he teases. He did, he thinks to himself. You’re smiling again. 
You’re painfully close to him. Your hands find his hips and he looks down at your hands in confusion as you pat the pockets of his shorts. No phone. Perfect. There’s a devilish grin as you wrap him in a bear hug and fall backwards into the pool, taking him with you.
You let go once you’re underwater, shooting up to the surface from under him and laughing. He comes up moments later, wiping his eyes and pushing his hair back. Your laugh is maniacal and loud, completely content and proud of yourself. “There, I cheered you up at least,” he shakes his head and smiles. He walks to the shallower end of the pool, and you follow.
“I wasn’t in a bad mood,” you shoot back.
“Well, something was off. Will you tell me now?” He asks, your eyes wandering to his- oh, he’s ripped, goddamn- abs beneath his wet t-shirt. His eyes remained trained on yours, ever the gentleman.
Swallowing hard, you nod and walk closer to him with a smile. “I heard you and Missy when I was inside getting more food,” you tell him, biting on your lip to hold back an excited giggle.
His brows furrow in confusion then lift in surprise as it hits him. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you nod, wading a little closer and then even closer. You can hear his heavy breathing and look into those big brown eyes with a grin. 
“Well, I-” he starts stammering, unsure of what to say, until you place your hands on his shoulders.
“It’s okay, Marcus,” you mumble soothingly, your arms wrapping around his neck. “I know you said it’s not that easy. Why don’t you let me take the reins then, hm?” You ask teasingly, bringing your face close to his. 
He grins, taking the opportunity as he sees it. His lips crash to yours happily, his hands finding your waist over your sopping wet clothing. You smile softly against his lips. They’re so soft and warm, the very lips you’ve been staring at for a long time, imagining this. He’s gentle but loving and you deepen it. He follows immediately, parting his lips against yours and he sighs into your mouth. 
The two of you stand there, in his pool, making out, for quite a while. Finally, when he breaks away, looking at you through his water-drop-stained glasses, you grin. “This is your fault, you know. I’m gonna have to go home and change into dry clothing.”
“Or you could borrow some of mine,” he offers with a shy smile, and you grin.
“That works too.”
He kisses you one more time. “Will you stay the night? We don’t even have to… to do anything. I don’t even really want to yet. I just want to keep holding on to you.”
You nod and kiss him softly, for just a moment. “Of course I will.” -
You awaken in the morning to the smell of cooking. You live alone, and it makes your brow furrow in confusion, eyes still shut, until they open and you find yourself in Marcus’ home. His bed, specifically. 
You smell like chlorine and your hair is damp still, but you’re wearing a big black sweater that smells like detergent and cologne and sleep. It’s Marcus’s, you realize with a smile. 
Last night was truly perfect. No, you didn’t sleep with him yet, but it was still perfectly intimate, the way you held each other and whispered sweet words and pressed soft kisses all over each others’ faces and torsos. You’d made out for a fair amount of time too, just like teenagers again, but it was meaningful. 
You pad down the stairs, wearing just your underwear and one of Marcus’s big sweaters. He’s cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and your heart melts as you see him. “Good morning, superhero,” you coo as you wrap your arms around him from behind and press a kiss into his neck.
His body warms and melts into your touch. “Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?”
“Amazing. Your bed is insanely comfortable,” you chuckle and snuggle in against him, resting your head against his back. 
“I’m glad. Go sit down, breakfast will be ready in a bit.”
You nod and do exactly that, sitting across the kitchen island from him. He puts some pancakes on a plate, drizzles them with syrup, and slides it to you. “Bon appetit.”
“Thank you,” you grin and waste no time in cutting into them with a fork and taking a bite.
You sigh happily and Marcus’s heart can barely take the sight of it. “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
“I can’t get over how cute you are,” you tease and pop another bite in your mouth. “The good news is that you can get over it, because I’m coming over here for breakfast in your clothes every day now.”
“Or you could live here.”
The proposal is so quiet, so sudden and nonchalant that it takes you aback for a minute. “What?”
He shrugs. “I know we’ve only been together for, what, 10 hours now, but Missy and I both adore you. You’re over here all the time anyway. Why don’t you? Save us both some money, too.”
You bite your lip to hold back a grin. “I might have to think about it.”
He nods. “I get that, I-“
“Done thinking. I’ll do it,” you grin happily. 
“Really,” you nod, giggling excitedly. 
Marcus leans across the kitchen counter and kisses you softly. “Be prepared for a lot of Moreno loving. Missy’s a cuddler.”
“I think I can take it,” you smile and press another kiss to his lips, with all of the love in your heart. 
vecina- neighbor (female)
muñeca- in this context, doll
hey taglist, come get y’all’s juice
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Eighteen
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Amoreena Chapter Eighteen
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: hospital visits, fainting, IV's and ultrasounds!
word count: 5k
from the beginning <3
Y/N heads off to work at 8 on Wednesday, sick and miserable but it's her job. Leaving Spencer with the girls. “So, what are our plans for today?”
“We need to pick up some paint samples so we can pick for my room,” Jo replies, shovelling waffles into her mouth right after with syrup dripping down her chin.
Spencer passes her a napkin with a smile, “do you guys want to go visit my friend Penelope? She’s really good with aesthetics, as she calls them, she’ll be able to help the best.”
“She’s the one you told me about?”
Spencer nods, “yeah, I’m just going to call and see if she’s free today. Put your dishes in the dishwasher after, your mom doesn’t need to come home from work to do the sticky dishes okay?”
“Yes sir,” they both groan, jokingly, smiling at each other as they do so.
He runs up to his bedroom then, sitting on his side of the bed and taking his phone out of his pocket. He dials Luke’s number instead, knowing she’d kill him if she’s still asleep while he’s calling her.
“Hey man!” Luke answers, cheerful and very awake. “How’s the new kid?”
“Jo’s great, she’s settling in really well,” He smiles, news travelled fast in the BAU, “I actually want to introduce her to Penelope, is she awake and willing to take visitors this early?”
“Um,” he can hear Luke’s panic through the phone, “you know, here she’s beside me, she can tell you.”
“Hello, Spencer,” Penelope’s voice carries down the line and invoking a smile on Spencer’s face. “What’s up?”
“I wanted to introduce you to Josephine today, are you busy?”
“We have a doctor's appointment to go to in 10 minutes, but we’ll be home around 10:30?”
His brain stalls, malfunctioning a small amount at why Luke would be going to the doctors with Penelope. “You can’t be pregnant too, me you and Derek can’t all have kids the same age.”
“Savannah’s pregnant too?!” Penelope screams down the line, “holy shit.”
“Penelope!” Spencer shouts, “are you kidding me?”
“No, we were going to tell you soon, when you made that wine comment a few weeks ago I knew she was pregnant because I am too,” Penelope’s voice is so soft he knows she’s smiling on the other side.
She always wanted kids, that’s why she spoiled Henry and Hank so much, they were like her honorary babies until she was in the right place to have kids of her own. She has told Spencer time and time again how much she wants a family, how badly she wanted one but couldn’t find the perfect partner… then she met Luke.
“Put Luke back on,” Spencer sounds sterner than he means to, Penelope puts him on speaker instead.
“Are we going to have the father-to-son chat?” Luke teases him through the phone.
“I just wanted to thank you, this is going to be a really cool experience,” Spencer feels incredibly emotional at the thought of all 3 of their kid's meeting and being best friends.
“You just bumped Spencer to the top of my suggestions list,” Luke jokes in response, not able to handle the sappiness this early in the morning. “Thanks, man, So Derek’s going to be a dad again too?”
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” Spencer feels a bit like an idiot, “I don’t know how far along they are so just keep it a secret for now.”
“She’ll probably tell me when I tell her,” Penelope rationalized it, “it’s fine, Spence, all of us are having babies it’s a good secret to spill.”
“When are you due?”
“January 29th,” Penelope smiles, “you?”
“Y/N doesn’t know for sure, but she’s thinking it’s February 20th, if she got her math right,” Spencer confirms with a smile, “we have a doctor's appointment to see the little one in 2 weeks.”
“We find out if it’s a boy or girl today,” Luke added, and he can hear Penelope smack him.
“We’re not finding out! I want it to be a surprise!”
“I’m going to find out, I’m going to stare that sonogram down till I see a pee-pee or not,” Luke bickered back. Making her furious on purpose, like always.
“Good luck with that, it’s a blob and you’re a dork,” she fought right back, probably even more feisty now that she was pregnant.
That made Spencer just shake his head, he couldn’t even picture it. It was insane when Haley got pregnant and Hotch became a dad, he was so shocked when JJ got pregnant and her small body was able to do it. He’ll never forget seeing Derek become a father, it was way too eventful not to. But this, he never thought he’d see it.
She probably felt the same with him.
“We’ve got to go in now Spence, but we can pick up some brunch and meet you at ours around 11?” Penelope cut into his awkward silence, “you can see the ultrasound and be the first to know.”
“Sounds good, I’m really happy for you, Penny,” Spencer added with a smile. “Bye.”
After he hangs up he shoots a text over to Y/N, “taking the girls to Penelope’s house, is there an extra booster seat for Amoreena anywhere?” And slides his phone back into his pocket.
Down the stairs, Jo and Amoreena are doing the dishes instead of just placing them in the dishwasher. Amoreena is on a stool, washing the plates as Jo dries and is able to reach the cabinets better to put them away. They don’t even know he’s there watching as they pass plates back and forth.
Then Amoreena jumps off the stool as the water drains, finally turning around to see her dad, “all clean! Mom shouldn’t have to do anything while she’s making a baby.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling, his girls were so perfectly kind and caring. It was like he won the genetic lottery being blessed with them.
“She’d really appreciate us keeping the house clean for the next few months,” Spencer agreed. “Are you guys excited or nervous about the baby?”
They both shrugged and moved in closer to the counter, resting against it as they thought it over. He pressed his lips together awkwardly as he waited, “I’m really nervous.” He announced, watching their faces turn to worry.
“Why?” Jo asked, “You’re really good at being a dad.”
“I haven’t done it from the beginning yet,” he’s open and honest with them, letting them know he doesn’t always have every answer but he’s brave enough to try.
“If anything,” Amoreena’s smart little mind gets to work, “because you’ve been so amazing without really knowing us, I can imagine Elly will love you the most because she’ll know you the longest.”
“Elly?” Spencer smiles, remembering how serious they all are about the next kid is a girl too.
Amoreena nodded, “she has the choice of 3 nicknames, Elly, Leo or Nora…” She’s clearly thought it all through.
“You know, I was thinking we should get something for Y/N and the baby, do you guys want to go to the store before we go see aunty Penny?”
They both nod enthusiastically, “can we go get changed first?” Amoreena asks, “I want to wear something nice.”
It makes him laugh, “of course, hey, before you go do you know where any more booster seats are for you?”
She bites her lip to think, “hmm, I think there’s one in poppy’s truck?”
“Okay, you go get ready, I’ll go talk to poppy,” Spencer replies, and before he can even turn around both of them are running up the creaky, loud, wooden steps and into their rooms.
He’s already in jeans and a plaid shirt from feeding the chickens that morning, adding just his running shoes and Grandpa’s hat, it was basically his now. He loved it, it felt right, it made Y/N and Amoreena smile when he wore it, and it completed the look of stay-at-home Farm Dad.
He walked right into Y/N’s parent's house, pulling back the screen door before walking, “knock, knock,” he says, smiling as he sees Linda rounding the corner from the kitchen.
“Spencer!” She cheers, wiping her hands off on her apron before pulling him into a hug. “How are your girls?”
“Good,” he smiles again, holding her close quickly before letting her go again. “I’m taking them to a friend's house, does Amoreena have a booster seat here?” He asks for the 3rd time that morning, not wanting to drive her anywhere unless she’s perfectly secured.
“Bob’s got one in the truck, leave your keys here in case he has to go anywhere and just take the truck, it’s easier than taking the seat out and putting it back in,” Linda problem-solved like it was her job.
“Okay,” he places his keys in her hand.
“Bob’s are on the wall by the door, have fun today!” Linda waved him off, “oh, and tell Y/N congratulations.”
“Oh, thanks,” he smiled, “the wedding was really fun.”
He’s just taking the keys off the wall and opening the door again when he hears her small laughter, “I meant on the baby.”
He turns quickly, “how did you know?”
Linda shakes her head, “there are 3 cases of ginger ale in the fridge and 8 empty boxes of saltine crackers in the recycling.”
He turns pink, embarrassed for some reason as if Linda didn’t know he was sleeping with her daughter. He nods with a press-lipped smile. “She didn’t want to tell anyone till the ultrasound.”
“I understand,” Linda smiled. “I’m ready to talk to her when she is, let her know that.”
“I will,” he smiled one last time, “see you later!”
And they were off.
He’s in a big red farm truck, wearing a farm hat and plaid while listening to Taylor Swift with his daughters.
He can’t help but shake his head at the insanity, agreeing with Taylor’s current lyric that’s being burned into his head, “fever dream high in the quiet of the night you know that I caught it!”
Amoreena and Jo are in the back, singing together as they share what songs are their favourites. It’s surreal, every single moment is, if it wasn’t for how badly it made his heartache to see them so happy he’d think it was all a dream.
The girls are very adamant about going to TJMaxx for a present for Y/N, saying it’s the best place to find nice things for a good price. Spencer would spend a million dollars on her if he could, but this was a group decision, and there were 2 of them now, so he never won anymore.
They get a decent parking space, getting out together they look insane. Spencer is a walking talking Woody from Toy Story at this point, Jo’s in all black and combat boots and Amoreena is a princess… it was an interesting group, to say the least.
They get a cart, pushing it up and down the aisles as they find a million and 1 cute things for Y/N. Everything from paintings to towels, maternity clothes and baby toys, makeup brushes and scarves… they were having the hardest time finding the best thing to get for them.
Spencer turned down the final aisle in the back corner, seeing a bunch of headboards and chairs, and a small little bassinet. It’s whicker and woven beautifully, light wood and a fluffy white inside. It’s soft, well made, and incredibly cute.
“Mom gave my crib to Aunt Ashely, she might like this!” Amoreena cheered, leaning over it to show that she was the perfect height to see inside of it too.
“I’m going to get it,” Spencer announces, “it’ll look nice in our room, and it’s good for the first few months while she’s really dependent on your mom.”
They were all on team girl now, Spencer and his little women just made the most sense. He couldn’t see anyone other than all his girls in his mind when he thought of the future, and he’s had enough time with boys anyway. Hank and Henry would always hold a special place in his heart.
The girls each wanted t pick something out for the baby, heading right for the girl section of the baby aisle. “Now, you have to remember that they’ll be very tiny in the winter, and around 6 months in the summer.”
Everything was actually decently priced like the girls said it would be, so Spencer went a bit overboard. It was his first baby too, he was allowed to spoil it. He stocked up on bib rags, swaddle blankets, pacifiers and cute little hats. Jo and Amoreena on the other handpicked out the cutest little winter coat. It would be perfect for the Virginia winter, a big brown bear coat that zipped up like a sleeping bag. She’s going to be so cozy.
Bringing everything to the cashier was fun, she could see they were all related and smiled, “another brother or sister on the way?”
Jo and Amoreena smiled, “in February,” Jo was the one to answer with a wide smile.
“Congrats!” She smiles as she rings everything through, bagging it all while Spencer pays and the girls take it all to the truck.
“Wait, so will I ever meet my other brother and sister?” Amoreena asks as they’re filling the bed of the truck with what they bought, completely out of the blue.
“Not for a while, Jo kinda broke the rules to find me and figured out who they are, but they can’t know till they’re 18,” Spencer explained.
She turns to Jo with a look of worry, “was my name on there?”
Jo nods enthusiastically, “oh yeah! You’re baby number 3! It goes me, Alice, you and then Dylan is the youngest.”
Amoreena starts to cry, it's soft at first as she goes silent and then she’s heaving as she thinks about it more. She throws herself into Spencer’s arms and he’s so confused. Shushing her as he rubs her back gently, “what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I knew it,” is all she can say. Holding him closer than before. “You were too great to just be my dad.”
Jo places her hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “she’s right.”
“You guys are the amazing ones,” he says softly. “Come on, let’s get in the truck and go see Aunt Penny, she has a surprise.”
Amoreena sighed as she pulled back, “I don’t think I can handle anything more.”
It makes him laugh, “it’s a simple one, I promise.”
Jo loves Penelope. They instantly click, discussing exactly how she hacked the Sperm bank in all the technical terms which ended up sounding like gibberish to Spencer. She was incredibly smart and very interested in the computer programming field. Penelope offered to take her under her wing.
Amoreena, however, fell head over heels in love with Luke. He was nice to her at the barbecue because he’s Luke and he doesn’t know how to be anything but nice, and she thought he looked like Prince Naveen from the princess and the frog… which just so happened to be her favourite and suddenly Spencer understood why she was in a green princess dress today.
It was adorable, she looked up at him like he was an actual prince with big brown doe eyes as she listened to him talk about all the knightly battles he’s been on recently. She was enamoured, having her first little kid crush on her Aunt’s boyfriend.
Spencer was holding Penelope’s sonogram in his hands, alone on the couch as his kids were deep in conversation with his friends. It was really cool, that’s all he could think. Himself, Derek and Penelope were going to have 3 kids all around the same age.
3 little people who got to grow up with a bond and friendship just as strong as theirs. Each of them having 2 best friends, 2 protectors, it was going to be amazing. He can see it now, a confident little Garcia, a feisty little Morgan and a shy yet chatty little Reid baby all together on the playground. What a nightmare for their poor teacher.
Y/N still hasn’t texted him back from this morning, yet she’s calling him now at 1 pm as they’re getting ready to leave, “hello, princess.”
“Can you leave the girls with Penelope and meet me in the ER?”
“Of what hospital? Are you okay?” He asks, and all eyes are on his horrified face.
Luke stands then, “I’ll take you, let’s go.”
“Bethesda, it’s not bad I just came in to check something and I want you here,” her voice is soft and she knows he’s going to panic. “I need you to breathe and stay calm or the kids will freak out.”
He takes a deep breath, “sorry I forgot we had an appointment today.” He lies pretty well.
“I’ll see you soon okay, text me while Luke drives me?” He’s quiet as he and Luke slip out the door.
“I’ll just stay on the line, I don’t mind, cutie,” he could see her smile in his mind as he listened to her. Able to actually calm down and think straight as he climbed into the passenger seat and handed Luke the keys.
“What happened?”
“I didn’t feel good, I was extra dizzy and sick a few times at work, so Allison made me come in. Savannah has me hooked up to an IV now, I’ve been so sick I’m dehydrated, and they wanted to do an ultrasound but I can’t see her without you here.”
His heartbeat settles a bit, the same thing happened to JJ. It was fairly normal, the first-trimester sickness was so horrific she wasn’t really eating, she had maybe 1 full meal a day even though he tried to get her to eat more. And she was drinking a lot of water, but she was also throwing up hourly. It wasn’t healthy.
“Okay,” he’s able to smile softly. “Thank you for wanting to wait for me.”
She hears his smile too, knowing he’s calm and okay. “She’s your first baby, baby, I want you to have all the firsts with her. Or him. I’m so settled on it being another girl I feel so bad sometimes…”
He can hear the paper of her hospital gown rustling as she rubs her small stomach. “I love you forever even if you are a boy, or you come out a quote-unquote boy and want to be a girl or the other way or neither or even both!” She’s clearly not talking to him anymore as she assures the baby she’s not going to be upset about its gender.
Luke drives like a maniac, Spencer knows from experience but he’s extra insane today. He has dad panic now too, he knows what Spencer’s thinking and so he guns it and he’s in the ER parking lot within 10 minutes. “Okay, I’m here where are you?”
“Savannah’s going to collect you at the door and bring you to me,” her voice is soft and calm still, “I’ll see you in a few minutes, love you.”
“Love you too,” he replies before hanging up. “Thank you, Luke.”
Luke places his hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “you know by now I’d kill for you, right?”
Spencer’s heart has been at a capacity for love for a while now and yet it keeps getting piled on, “thank you. If you want to go back to Penny’s that’s okay. I’ll drive Y/N’s car back to your place.”
“Sure,” Luke smiles again. “Go see that baby, I want to see pictures after!”
With that, Spencer’s getting out of the truck and running into the hospital, holding his hat so it doesn’t fly off. Savannah laughs when she sees him, he’s so anxious and sweet and she’s always admired him for making Derek feel loved before her.
She places a hand on his back as she leads him down the hall, “she’s fine I promise, I wouldn’t be this chill if she wasn’t.”
“Thank you,” Spencer stops, “I really love her Savannah. Like if anything happens to her or my kids I will kill myself kind of love her and it’s terrifying.” His words are a whisper as he shakes, tears welling in his eyes. “I’m trying to be cool and collected for her but I need a minute.”
Savannah looks down the corridor past him, smiling softly as Derek walks out of Y/N’s room. “Derek was here for lunch when she called me.”
He wraps Spencer up in the hug he needs and Spencer just holds him. “You’re the best,” he says softly as he rests his lips against Derek's shoulder like he always does. And Derek messes up his hair, without fail.
Derek places his hands on his cheeks, “she’s really cool, but tomorrow is called off until they’re both past the first trimester and everything is chill, okay?”
“I forgot all about that,” Spencer’s eyes widen.
Derek laughs, “go see your girl, she invited us over for dinner after.”
“Penelope and Luke have to come too, they have big news to share today too,” Spencer spills the beans, “she’s going to be so mad at me for telling you but I have been wanting to scream about it for a few hours now.”
Derek’s face lights up, “I’ll be back!”
Savannah laughs as he runs down the hall, surely going to congratulate his best friend and tell her all about how cool it’ll be to all have kids together. With all the enthusiasm that Spencer kept inside, Derek was about to scream on his behalf.
Y/N’s a vision in the blue paper gown, laying on the table with her hand over her belly as Spencer walks in, “Hey, cutie.”
He peppers kisses to her whole face while she laughs, reaching up with her free hand, the other is all taped up with wires for her fluids. She looks much better already, her skin is glowing and the life is back in her eyes, she’s smiling again and he notices the 2 empty jello cups beside an unopened one.
“Derek made me save you one,” She adds as he notices it, “in case you passed out or something.”
Within minutes, he’s done his jello and there’s a new woman he’s never seen before coming in for Y/N’s ultrasound. She introduces herself as Aria and Y/N can’t help but mention she kind of looks like Arizona on Grey’s Anatomy.
She’s not far along enough for the regular ultrasound wand to pick anything up, wiping her belly clean of the jelly before prepping the other one and Y/N grips Spencer’s hand tighter. She looks like she hates it, and Spencer probably would too if some strange lady shoved a metal stick up his parts.
She’s clicking around on her own, Spencer knows she’s just a tech and she can’t really tell them anything until she does the first sweep for all the answers. She turns the screen after a few minutes, “here’s your little baby, we have a healthy heartbeat and a placenta up here in the top left.”
Seeing his baby is the most magical moment of his life. She was so tiny, the size of a sweet pea inside the love of his life. She looked like a little alien, tiny in her little sac as she floated around in there. Happy, and healthy and growing day by day.”
“Just the one?” Y/N confirms.
Aria laughs, “yes, nothing else is going on in here, but they are measuring more at 7 weeks, almost 8, instead of 6 weeks and 5 days, even with your period math, they might just be a big baby.”
“Our first kid was a chunky baby,” Y/N smiles, looking at the screen and oblivious to how Spencer smiles at the words our first kid…
“So this little one is good, in the fetal position and the tail is at the right length for development, they should look like a person the next time you see them. Everything looks like it’s on track and your HCG is doubling perfectly,” Aria was very cheerful. “You’re just sick because they’re super healthy.”
“I’m fine with that,” Y/N smiles again, “can I have a bunch of copies? Everyone is going to want one.”
“Sure,” Aria hits a few buttons, printing 11 photos off and handing them over to her in a long strand. “Have you looked into any OB’s for this one?”
“Not yet, I was going to bring it up tonight,” Y/N’s the only one talking, Spencer has no idea if he’s allowed an opinion on her body and he’s never going to give one unless she asks.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it! Here are some facilities we like if you need recommendations,” she smiles as she hands them a booklet. “Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” Y/N swoons, sitting up to look at her little baby photos and read the booklet.
Once the woman is gone, she smiles at Spencer, “I want to do a water birth, how are you feeling about that?”
“Like I’ll be there no matter what you pick?” He answers, “I just want you to be safe and in good hands, preferably in a birthing centre where they’re all trained to care for you. I’ve been a little stressed at the idea of us living so far away from the hospital, so it’s better to not do a home birth in case something goes wrong last minute.”
It’s a Reid rant of epic proportions, “okay, water birth in a birthing centre it is. Plus, it’ll be winter so I wouldn’t want to drive in that while giving birth.”
“How long do you have to stay here?”
“Once my IV fluid bag is empty, I can go.” She smiles wide, holding his hand gently as she looks at him. “They’re going to send a nurse to the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays to ensure I get more fluids in me, and I’m also going to take some nausea meds now.”
“Thank you for calling me,” Spencer whispers, “I’m so happy you feel safe with Derek, and that he could have been here for you, but can you call me first next time?”
She nods, “I was scared, I needed to know if she was okay before I told you because I love you a lot and seeing you upset made me more scared.”
“I don’t want you to feel like that,” Spencer shook his head softly, leaning in and pressing their foreheads together. “I may be a worry wort and an anxious crier, but I will hold your hand and I will be here, you mean more to me than anything else.”
She cupped his face with her free hand, “the girls better be on the same level as me.” She brings a smile to his face, “if anything happens to me you have to be strong for them, I know nothing bad will. But I need you to know I do have faith in you to keep going after me, for them. They need a parent, be it me or you, at 100% all the time.”
“I promise,” he smiles so she knows he’s true.
Penelope Spencer and Derek laid all 3 of their ultrasounds on Y/N’s kitchen table, a sticky note on each one. Baby Garvez, Baby Morgan and Baby Reid…
The Big Three 2.0 coming this winter.
Penelope took a photo of it, opening the BAU text thread that has all members past and present included. Sending the photo to everyone while they patiently waited for a response.
Jordan Todd: way to go!!! Can’t wait to see all that cuteness!
Anderson: !!! Bring them by the office sometime, please!
Hotch: Jack said he’s excited to meet his new cousins. Congrats guys.
Elle: is Penelope having 2 babies or did Spencer get a wife I don’t know about?
Emily: Congrats!! (And yes Spencer has a wife and 3 kids now apparently…)
Elle: pics or it didn’t happen
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Elle: no fuckin way... congrats Reid!
Alex Blake: so proud of you Spencer, I always knew you could do it. Love is full of endless possibilities. Your kids will be so loved, I miss you all.
Matt Cruz: congrats!
Kate Callahan: we need to get you a triple stroller
Penelope: Please!! Zoo trips are going to be a riot with that!
Tara: so happy for you all!
Matt: Welcome to the club Spencer and Luke!
Kristy: and Y/N! We need to throw a big baby shower on the farm before the cold weather!
Will: JJ…
JJ: no.
Will: Spencer, tell nini I’m really happy she’s finally going to be a big sis, she’s always been so good with the kids. You made some great kids!
Spencer: thanks everyone ♥︎
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
@k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor
91 notes · View notes
sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 15
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
If you’re new to Sapere Aude, please click the link above to start from the beginning. There’s so much going on right now that you’ll be way too confused to start from this point. Plus, there are some major bombshells that won’t be as fun if you read this and get a bunch of spoilers.
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Trigger Warning: A brief moment of physical abuse.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Disclaimer: I have no current affiliation with any other Via Imperii themed stories. Any claims that I have pre-read anything are false.
Word Count: 3,435
A/N: Guys, we’re really in the home stretch now, we’re slowly but surely getting some resolutions. I finished this up the other day, and am already halfway through the next chapter. I’m hoping to have the series completely written by the end of the weekend or early next week. I have some really exciting and unexpected things coming, and I can’t wait to share them with you!
Thank you, as always, to the amazing, @phoenixrising308​ (<--- my fandom soulmate, you may know her as @jessiembruno​, follow her new account so you don’t miss a second of her incredible work) & @txemrn. And to @twinkleallnight for my lovely moodboard!
Tags: Listed below, hit me up to be added or removed.
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Liam’s eyes fluttered open, his wife slowly coming into focus in front of him. She was already awake, and smiled at him as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Morning.” She greeted him softly.
“Hi.” He placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in, leaving a lingering kiss on her lips. 
“Do you want to talk? Drake texted me, he got Eleanor out of bed, so we have some time.” Liam silently nodded his head. Riley removed his hand from her cheek and kissed his palm before sitting up and leaning back against the headboard. 
Liam rolled onto his back, stretching his arms over his head with a groan before sitting up next to Riley, taking her hand in his. “And I thought our wedding was an eventful day.” He chuckled lightly. 
“Liam, real talk.” Riley replied, combing the fingers of her free hand through his hair.
“I...I feel like I got some closure. I needed that moment. When it was just you telling me that she was alive, it was easy to ignore, or pretend it wasn’t real. But with her standing in front of me, I had to face the truth, face what she did to me. And now she truly knows how much she hurt me. I can move on now, and truly put her in the past.”
Riley smiled at him. “That’s great, I’m so proud of you. I also noticed that you told Thomas you still wanted a relationship with him?”
“He holds no responsibility for what happened, he was born into a life that he had no control over.” Liam’s expression became more pensive as he spoke about Thomas. 
“And you understand the feeling, so you’re cutting him some slack.”
Liam nodded. “Sort of, we were both born with certain responsibilities and expectations, I can understand his feelings of obligation. As much as I missed out by losing my mother, and him, he lost out on even more. He was supposed to be a prince, he is a prince, and he’s lived as a commoner his whole life. We both missed out on so much by not having each other, like we should have. I can’t get that time back, but I can try to make up for it moving forward.”
“You’re amazing Liam, you know that right?” Riley looked at him adoringly. 
He brought his hand to her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “You may have mentioned it once or twice before.” He leaned in and kissed her. “You know, I didn’t get a chance to properly show you how happy I am to have you home and safe.” He kissed her again, this time pulling her into his lap. 
She giggled as his lips began working their way down her neck. “Liam, we don’t have time right now. I’m sure everyone is waiting for us. Rain check?” 
Liam lifted his head and placed his forehead against hers. “You promise?” He kissed her softly on the nose.
“Have I ever let you down in that department?”
“Never.” He kissed her deeply, running his hands down her back until they rested on the curves of her ass.
“Good, then let’s go.” She kissed him one last time before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Once they were ready, they headed downstairs and headed to the smaller dining room. Eleanor noticed them immediately and charged at her mother. “Mommy!”
Riley lifted her daughter into her arms and held her close for a moment before pulling away and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Hey baby girl, were you a good hostess to our guests while mommy and daddy were away?”
“Yes mommy, the best hostess!” As Riley brushed some hair out of Eleanor’s face, Eleanor noticed the marks on Riley’s wrist where she had been bound the day before. “You have a boo-boo mommy.” 
“I know baby, I do.” She held her wrist out so Eleanor could look at it. 
“I can fix it.” Eleanor grabbed Riley’s hand and brought her wrist to her lips, kissing the marks with a loud smacking sound. “There you go mommy, all better now.” She smiled at her mother proudly. 
Liam looked on, quickly swallowing the lump that formed in his throat at the sight. In that moment, it hit him again that not only would he have lost his wife, the best thing that had ever happened to him, but Eleanor would have lost her mother. He quickly shook off the thought, everyone was safe, and they were about to take steps to eliminate their greatest threat.
“Thank you Eleanor, it feels so much better.” Riley gave her one last hug before putting her back down. “Why don’t you go see Miss Gladys, she’ll take you into the kitchen to get something to eat. We need to have a grown up breakfast.”
Eleanor nodded and ran out of the room in search of Gladys. Riley and Liam approached the table as their friends stood to greet them. “Sit down weirdos, this isn’t a royal function, this is breakfast with friends.” Riley waived them off as everyone sat at the table. It was silent for a moment, nobody quite sure how to break the silence. “So I guess we should start by addressing the elephant in the room. Neville and Mara kidnapped me yesterday. Before you start with me; I’m fine, Neville has been arrested, Mara is dead.”
“Good riddance.” Olivia interrupted. The group laughed at her comment, breaking some of the tension in the room. 
Their friends listened with bated breath as Riley and Liam recalled the events from the day before. Riley told them about the kidnapping, and everything that transpired between her and Neville. She told them how Eleanor had come to her rescue, Liam tensing slightly, as this was the first time he had heard that part of the story. She went on to explain that Liam had come face to face with Eleanor, and how proud she was of him for confronting her and lifting that huge weight of his chest. 
Liam picked up the story from there, explaining that he said what he needed to say to get the closure he needed with his mother, and that he wanted to try to build some kind of a relationship with Thomas. He still wasn’t sure what that relationship would look like, but he was excited to find out. 
“So where do we go from here?” Maxwell asked, once the group had been fully caught up. 
“Well, we need to squash the Auvernal thing once and for all, and I think there’s only one way to do that.” Riley said. It was something she had been thinking about since the meeting where revisiting the alliance came up. “We’re going to have to release the information we got when we destroyed the alliance the first time. The only way we are going to put an end to this is to tell the world that the twins are not blood heirs to the throne.”
“But what if this group tries to spin it, or screw with the records?” Drake asked. Nobody was quite sure how to answer that, but it was a legitimate concern. 
“We out the Via Imperii. If they’re a secret society, announcing that they were behind the kidnapping of our Queen, and were trying to push forward a marriage alliance with heirs that do not have true birthright to the throne will knock them off their high horse.” Olivia stated. 
“But how do we know they know?”
Riley tapped her fingers against the table, thinking for a moment before chiming in. “We don’t Max, that’s fair. But they probably do, they seem to know just about everything else. Even if they don’t, they’re not going to hold their own press conference to contradict us. It kind of goes against their whole being a secret thing.”
“Very well, I will make sure to get a press conference scheduled in the coming days to make the announcements.” Liam chimed in. “I will also set up an emergency council meeting to inform them of our decision, and also move things forward with Neville.” 
“What are you going to do to him? Can I be the executioner?” The excitement in Drake’s voice made Riley and Maxwell giggle, while Olivia rolled her eyes.
Liam chuckled lightly before responding. “I have thoroughly thought out his punishment, we will review it in the council meeting tomorrow.” He cleared his throat before moving on to the next open item. “Finally, I have promised Thomas and his mother that the crown would protect them for their assistance in saving Riley. Nobody knows about Thomas’s connection to the crown, or my family, so he will not need to remain in hiding. However, he is going to be a target of the Via Imperii, so he will no longer be able to guard my family. I do have a position in mind for him, I would like him to work with Bastien and I to completely overhaul the guard program.”
“It’s about damn time.” Olivia scoffed. 
“I agree, Olivia. Regrettably, I have let the current program go far too long, and it almost cost my wife her life.” He reached over, taking Riley’s hand in his, offering an apologetic smile. “We absolutely cannot let another Mara slip through the cracks. With his intimate knowledge of the Via Imperii, I feel that he would be a great asset.” He paused as the room nodded in agreement. “As for his mother, she was a notable figure in Cordonia for many years, so she will need to remain in hiding. We will need to set her up in a safe house with a team of guards.”
Olivia cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. “I can house her in Lythikos.” All heads snapped in her direction, and she sat a little taller in her seat to overcompensate for the discomfort she felt in that moment. “When I was a child, she showed me a kindness I had never known at a time when I needed it most. Liam, I respect your decision not to reconnect with her because of what she did to you, I hope you can respect my decision to want to help her because of what she did for me.” 
Liam nodded. “Absolutely Olivia, as long as she and I do not cross paths, I will put her in your care.” 
“Ok, so we have all the work stuff out of the way. There’s a plan, nobody is in any immediate danger. Can we please relax and have a nice breakfast and enjoy what’s left of our getaway weekend?” Maxwell asked dramatically. 
“Amen to that.” Riley replied, pulling her napkin from the table and placing it in her lap. The group dug into their food, the mood much lighter than it had been when Liam and Riley arrived.
The next day Liam walked out of the state room. He had just adjourned the emergency meeting of the Royal Council to discuss everything that had been uncovered during their trip to Valtoria. He rushed to catch Drake, who had slipped out while Liam was still shaking hands and saying his goodbyes to the other council members. “Drake, hold on a moment.” 
Drake stopped walking and turned to face his friend. “Hey Li, what’s up? I was just going to head home.”
“I was actually hoping you could help me out with something. I’m heading down to the cells to personally deliver the news to Neville.”
Drake’s lips curled up into a devious smile. “And you want me to be there to see it all go down? Liam, I’m speechless. It’s not even my birthday.”
Liam chuckled and patted his friend on the shoulder. “Well, it’s not just for you to bask in his misery, I need your assistance.” His expression turned serious before he continued. “Drake, after what he did to Riley, I don’t trust myself alone with him. I need you to be there to pull me off in case I go too far.”
“Li, you know I’m always there for you for anything you need, but do you really think I’m the best person to stop someone from hurting Neville? Honestly, I can’t even guarantee that I won’t jump in and throw a couple of punches myself.”
“Then we will bring Bastien along as well, but I would really appreciate it if I had you by my side for this.”
Drake nodded, and the two of them headed for the cells with Bastien in tow. When they arrived, Bastien took Neville from his cell and put him in one of the interrogation rooms. They waited before entering, giving him time to sit alone with his thoughts. Once Liam felt he had waited long enough he looked to Drake and the two entered the room together. Drake stepped back into the corner as Liam approached Neville, who was sitting at a table, but stood immediately upon the King’s entry. 
“Ah, so you are capable of showing respect to your betters. I had heard otherwise.” Liam took a seat, signaling for Neville to do the same. 
Neville scoffed. “Your majesty, I always have. Your queen just doesn’t happen to be one of them.”
“Oops, wrong answer.” Drake chimed in from the back corner. 
Liam shot up from his seat. He charged at Neville on the other side of the table, lifting him by the front of his shirt and holding his gaze. “How dare you speak of your queen, my wife, that way.”
“Liam, why don’t you give him the good news, before you beat the shit out of him? That way he’ll be able to fully appreciate it. I know I will.” At Drake’s words, Liam released Neville who shot an angry glance in Drake’s direction. Drake winked at him. 
“Of course Drake, thank you for keeping me on task.” Liam straightened his jacket and returned to his place at the table, sliding a folder across it to Neville. “Neville, you have officially been stripped of all of your titles and lands. This paperwork will provide you with the specifics, but as of about an hour ago, you are no longer a noble.”
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped, shocked at the new development. “You mean I am a…” He trailed off, unable to utter the word. 
“You’re a commoner, just like me!” Drake cheerily finished Neville’s sentence for him. 
Liam raised a hand to silence his friend. He was enjoying this just as much as Drake was, but as King he did need to keep an heir of levelheadedness about him. “You will also be tried with treason for kidnapping Queen Riley. Your trial will begin next week, and I don’t think you need me to tell you, but I will. It is not looking promising for you Mr. Vancoeur.” 
Neville crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes. “Wonderful, just let me know when the execution is to take place.”
“Oh Neville.” Liam laughed as he stood, once again walking to the other side of the table. “Do you really think you are going to be let off that easily?” Neville cocked an eyebrow as Liam got in his face, his demeanor calmer than before. “I have final say in all sentencing, and for you I have something in mind that will make you pray for death. You will be spending the remainder of your days in your cell, eating food that doesn't even register on the Michelin guide, knowing that you have no status, no pull. The life you once knew, a distant memory as you sit here for decades to come. That is the worst possible punishment I am able to bestow as your King.” Neville leaned back and audibly gulped. “As far as the punishment I am able to bestow as a husband…” Liam squared his shoulders and brought his fist back before thrusting it forward, making hard and fast contact with Neville’s jaw, knocking him out of his chair and onto the floor. As he laid there holding his face, Liam approached once more, this time kicking Neville swiftly in the ribs. “How dare you lay a hand on my wife.” He crouched down on the ground, lifting Neville by his shirt. “Please know that there is more I would like to do to you, but you are not worth any more of my time. Just remember that my American commoner wife will be up there enjoying every luxury in the world, as she deserves, while you rot away down here dreaming of the life you once had.” 
Liam landed one last punch to Neville’s face before letting go of his shirt and watching his head hit the ground. He then slumped over, breathing heavily as the adrenaline began to wear off. Drake approached him and patted him on the shoulder lightly. “C’mon buddy, let’s get out of here. You got what you came for.” 
Liam nodded silently as his friend helped him to his feet. Drake draped an arm around Liam’s shoulder and walked with him out of the room. He looked at Bastien, who had been waiting at the door and signaled for him to return Neville to his cell. Bastien gave Drake a curt nod and retreated to the interrogation room as Drake and Liam made their way back to the main area of the palace.
When they reached the foyer, Drake stopped Liam before he reached the steps. “Hey, are you okay? Do you want to go to your office for a drink or something?”
Liam brushed him off. “I’m fine Drake, I’m just going to head up to my quarters and relax with my family.” He extended his hand to Drake. “Thank you for coming with me today.”
“Of course man. Any time, any place. You know that.” Drake shook his hand and pulled him into a hug, clapping him on the back before pulling away. “I’m going to call you later to check in.”
Liam gave him a small smile before turning and heading up the stairs towards his chambers. Upon entering, he was greeted by an empty living room. “Riley?” He called out.
“Bedroom.” He heard her faint reply from the hallway and followed the sound of her voice. 
He entered the room as she was exiting her walk-in closet holding multiple hangers. “I mean honestly, I love my life and how much you spoil me, but do I really need this many black dresses?” She let out an exasperated sigh before looking up and noticing Liam. “What happened? What’s wrong?” She dropped the dresses she was holding and rushed up to him.
“I just got back from the cells.”
“Liam Rys, what did you do?” Riley placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. 
“He’s fine, the medics will bandage him up. I’m sure losing his title hurt him much more than I did.” He grabbed her hands off of her hips and brought them to his lips. “He hurt you, Riley. He tried to take you away from me. I know he’s going to be punished for what he did, but it won’t ever be enough.”
Riley lifted his hand, examining it. It was red, bruises already beginning to form at the knuckles. She kissed each knuckle softly. “Come on, let’s ice it before it gets too bad.” She held onto his hand, leading him into the kitchen. “Sit.” she pointed to the kitchen table. 
Hey obeyed, sitting at the table as she went to the freezer, pulling out an ice pack and wrapping it in a dish towel. She joined him at the table, sitting on his lap, and taking his injured hand in hers once more. She pressed the ice pack to his knuckles, he hissed slightly at the feeling. She pressed her lips to his in a lingering kiss as she continued to hold the ice to his hand. “To distract you from the pain.” She said with a wink as she pulled away.
“You have always been my favorite distraction.” He brought his free hand to her face, pulling her into a deeper kiss. “When is Eleanor due back?”
“Mmm..a little over an hour.” She cooed.
“Perfect, that will be more than enough time.” 
“For what?” 
“For me to cash in my rain check from yesterday.” Liam removed his hand from under the ice pack and lifted Riley bridal style to the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind them.
@anjanettexcordonia​ @athena-penrose​ @bbrandy2002​ @chemist-ana​ @choicesficwriterscreations @choiceskatie​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @emkay512​ @gabesmommie1130​ @gkittylove99​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @kat-tia801​ @khoicesbyk​ @kingliam2019​ @lucy-268​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @mile9213​ @mom2000aggie​ @nestledonthaveone​ @phoenixrising308​ @pixie88​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​ @queenrileyrose​ @secretaryunpaid​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ @tessa-liam​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​ @twinkleallnight​ @txemrn​
Sapere Aude:
@burnsoslow​ @busywoman​ @gardeningourmet​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @tinkie1973​
Liam x Riley:
@amandablink​ @ao719​ @yourmajesty09​
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fumingspice · 4 years
kiss me hard before you go
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Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x Reader
Angst because someone (not naming any names) *cough* @lilypadscoven is too happy to write angst. Such a strange excuse, i know. Like whose even happy anymore? That’s so 2014, Freya.
Warning: Angsty as shit! I think. Idk im usually a happy person. Mentions of cheating, mentions of smut etc. 
Requests are open!
taglist: @sarahp-stan @jumpoffabridge-t @sarahpaulsonsoftie @definitelynot-a-writer @bottom4delia @delias-bitch-craft @creepingwolfberry @thesapphictimelady @goodeday2u @that-fucking-error @saucy-sapphic @sarahp-stan @winters-witch-bitch @rainbow-hedgehog @pearplate​
You frowned to yourself, flicking through the endless posts on Instagram. It was some godforsaken hour in the morning and no matter how hard you tried or how deeply you tried to ease your restless mind you could not fall asleep. You scrolled on social media endlessly. 
God, what time could it even be? 04.27.
You gave a defeated chuckle. Even time was in on the universe’s cruel joke. She exited Instagram and went to messages. You couldn’t count the number of unsent messages and thrown out speeches you had started and couldn’t bring yourself to finish.
Billie Dean Howard.
The contact had found itself hidden deep in the archives of old messages. You hadn’t contacted her since December when you had walked away. 
Walking away was better that being the one left behind, or so you had tried so hard to tell yourself. In hindsight, the truth was that Billie Dean was going to end up leaving you anyway. Was it courage of conviction or just the simple knowledge that you couldn’t live knowing that the only person you had ever opened your heart to was going to leave you?
What was the last thing she said anyway?
Goodnight :(.
Always with those stupid text faces. Those stupid, adorable text faces. How did she have such a powerful effect on you that you could see Billie’s face in a colon and a bracket? Why hadn’t you blocked her yet? What was left to hold onto other than movie-like memories that had slipped away like the changing of seasons.
You slipped from beneath the covers, Your hair tickled Your shoulders. There was no one beside you for you to reach for in your infinite loneliness anyway. It wasn’t infinite. Why did it feel infinite? Why did you allow one person to waltz into your heart and make you home there? You reached for an unopened bottle of wine and paused. Billie had left this bottle there. You never drank unless it was around Billie. 
“Dom Perignon,” Billie told you. You were never interested in the details of fine wine. All you knew was that the older it was the more people liked it.
“Isn’t that expensive?” The brunette asked, reading the label.
 Billie nodded with a throaty chuckle. “Only the best for my girl. I thought I would save it for a special occasion.”
A special occasion. You chuckled in spite. The occasion in question was supposed Billie’s birthday. A party with many guests. One too many. The house was brimming with sets of both of your friends. You could recall reaching for the same wine all too well before being stopped by your friend’s girlfriend. Erin took you by the wrist and guided you out to the garden. 
“No one’s out here,” you protested. Erin’s face was almost forlorn. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Sorry for what? You snapped out of your confusion. You could see the side of Billie’s body. Pressed against the wall beneath someone else. The anxiety had somehow eased when you watched Billie kiss another, fading into nothing because you knew that there was quite literally nothing that could get even worse than what you were watching.
You pursed her lips. When you imagined these moments, you had always imagined screaming bloody murder. You imagined punching and yelling. You couldn’t move. No tears. Hell, you couldn’t even feel. Erin grabbed your arm and trailed you back, but not before the sight of you, heartbroken in a red dress. had registered in Billie. She barely had time to pull away from her kiss and have the shock of what she was actually doing register. 
It was always a red dress. Red dresses end up in heartbreak. A goddamn blaze in the dark.
Now, you found yourself standing at the window that looked out into the garden. Looking at the spot where you had seen her lover betray every bit of trust that you had. What would have happened if you didn’t see? What if you had seen but Billie didn’t? Would you have said anything? Would Billie have said anything?
It doesn’t matter anyway.
Billie was wine. Aromatic, warm in her stomach. She was a magnificent swirl. She was the impossible to hide stain on your favourite white dress.
Every inch of this house had Billie in its essence. She was inescapable. 
It got even worse when a buzzing noise brought your attention to your phone. “Who the fuck could that be?” you asked yourself. Your heart dropped at the contact.
Billie Dean Howard is calling...
Your world collapsed for a moment as you stared at the phone buzz. Your head told you not to answer, your heart launched for it like a desert oasis. You let it ring a moment too long. You barely managed to blurt out a cracked, “Hello?” when Billie hung up. Presumably giving up.
You bit your lip. Your thumb hovered over the redial button as you fought with yourself. Maybe she’ll call again. That’s a huge maybe. Your finger jolted down unintentionally. Billie picked up on the third ring.
“Y/N?” Her breath hitched. “Y/N, can you hear me?”
You swallowed hard. “I’m here,” you stated flatly, “I can hear you.”
“I didn’t think you’d answer.”
“Honestly,” you replied. You felt no need for warmth. “I don’t think I meant to.”
“Oh. Uhm, how- how are you?”
“What do you want, Billie? It’s five in the morning,” You cut off. You could hear Billie’s breath falter a little.
“To be honest, I just wanted to see if you would pick up.”
You shook your head, cursing how well you knew the medium. “Don’t lie to me, Howard.”
Billie chuckled. “How can you tell?”
“You were the medium, but I was the human lie detector.”
“You’re a lawyer with an Irish mother and Scilian father. It would be more shocking if you weren’t one.”
You smiled, before catching yourself in an eyeroll. “Don’t change the subject.”
“I’m in town. I wanted to see you.”
“It’s five in the fucking morning.”
“You’re telling me that I actually woke you up? You were sleeping when I called?”
You bit your lip. “Yes.”
Billie chuckled again. Like it was a fucking game to her. “Well, now who’s lying?”
“What do you want, Billie?” You scoffed.
“I already told you. I want to see you.”
The audacity of the last sentence. The fact that you knew Billie Dean would come whether or not she was invited boiled your blood.
“Why.” It was more of a flat remark than a genuine question. Why. Why now.
Billie was silent for a moment. “I just want to see your face.”
Your groaned internally, another eyeroll coming into play. You scoffed. “You know the address. Find your own way over.”
And she did. The door knocked almost immediately.
You opened the door so quickly that it creaked aggressively.
“You have some fucking nerve. You know that right?” You snapped. The medium’s eyes widened in shock.
“Nice to see you too.”
You stepped aside and ushered her in, cold from the whipping air. Refreshing if you weren’t standing in shorts and a cardigan.
Billie turned around to face her. Tension grew, like insulation keeping everything in. You could choke on all the words you never said. 
“You look beautiful.”
“Je vais te tuer avec mes mains nues et dormir comme un bébé après.”
“I’m flattered.”
You groaned and walked away from her and into the kitchen. You didn’t know if you would slap her, kill her, or kiss her. You were just as prepared to strangle her as you were to fuck her hard on the kitchen floor then and there, kissing every single freckle and mole on her skin. “You have three minutes,” You muttered, pouring yourself a cup of coffee to stop yourself from looking in Billie’s direction. Your heart raced at a thousand miles a second.
“I just dropped in to say hi.”
You were unamused. “Is that it? Are you going get out of my life again?”
Billie frowned. “Am I? Y/N, you left me.”
“Because you fucking cheated on me, Billie Dean! What? Did you want me to pretend I didn’t see it? Pretend nothing happened? Do you want me to pretend that you didn’t rebuild my ability to trust people just so you could knock it down yourself?” You shouted. The words were coming out thick and fast now apparently.
“I was so drunk, Y/N,” Billie whimpered, her eyebrows furrowed. She was in genuine pain, you could see the guilt right in her brown eyes.
And you couldn’t give a shit.
“I’ve heard this a hundred times.”
“How many times do I have to say sorry for this?”
You raised your mug to your lips. “You can say it until I’m dead.”
You met the medium’s gaze. Brown eyes waterlogged with tears. Billie dipped her face in her hands. “I don’t know if I can go through with this again.”
You snapped again. “Good,” you said. “Because I’m done.”
“You can’t be serious.”
The pair met, closer than you had in months.
“No matter what stupid, thoughtless, selfish, idiotic, drunken things you said or did. No matter how many times. I have never stopped loving you. I’ve never fallen out of love no matter how many times I told myself I had. I haven’t gone to sleep without imaging your goddamn mouth on my lips and hands on my body and I fucking crave to hate you for it,” you spat, venom on you tongue and tears spilled down your face. “I don’t sleep, Billie. I don’t sleep because I know your arms aren’t there to hold me when I’m still awake at four in the morning. Because I can’t reach across the bed no matter how angry I am at you and feel your hair. I fucking love you goddammit. You threw that away. Not me.”
 Tears streamed down Billie’s face. “I regret what I did every. Single. Fucking. Day. I miss coming home and seeing you writing those stupid fucking reports that I know you hate writing because I know you hate your job. I miss seeing your face when you’ve won a case that has been scratching you for weeks,” she inched forward once more, her hands close to Mallorie’s face. “I miss seeing you reorganising the goddamn silverware every few weeks to keep the Fair Folk happy in the same way I miss seeing the way your mouth curls when you come.”
 You scanned Billie Dean, searching despreately for a bluff, something that would give way to the fact that this was all a lie; a gimmick for a one night stand so that you could just shut her out and go back to hating her. Hating the person you love is so much easier than having your heartbroken again. You couldn’t find that bluff. Even your gut-instinct that panged you when someone lied to you wasn’t alerting anything. Billie’s words were as genuine as her tears and it was killing you to see that Billie loved you. The lawyer had hoped- prayed even- that the medium’s words had been bullshit, sweet nothings that could be whispered into the ear of any lover that had fallen into her bed. But you weren’t just a one time fling that had walked into a casual meet. You had walked into her long-term girlfriend with her tongue down another’s throat. You had stashed that little red box with a diamond engagement ring inside even further into the closet that night, and that’s what had hurt you.
A raw truth in her words soaked into you. Refreshed you. They were the words that the ocean screamed back at you when you stood on the cliffside begging for a reason to go on.
And so you gave in. Almost, at least. You stepped forward into Billie and allowed her storm to engulf you. There was no calm here. There was a raging appetite for destruction and creation. What was that lyric? A tornado has met a volcano. Her lips ravaged yours to the point of being rubbed raw, the type of sting that bothered virtually every moment of your waking day, one that went on for days. You bit down on her lips, her tongue, her chin and cheek. Whether in was in spite or the desperation to seek and find every single piece of her that you could was unclear. 
Those fateful memories crept back, and you pushed hard against her chest. Billie’s lips, now red, white and swollen, pressed against yours again, retracting when there was no return.
“I’m sorry,” you lied. “I think there’s a possibility that I don’t love you.”
Billie’s eyes resembled a broken mirror, or maybe the view of a dying star. The thing about dying stars is that they died a very long time ago and you only notice years later. She nodded with a weak smile. “I understand,” she whispered, pressing her head against yours. She picked up her bag and turned to leave.
You stopped her. What on Earth were you doing? Let her leave so you can hate her in peace.
“Kiss me. Before you go,” you pleaded. “Hard.”
Billie shook her head, her face scrunched before throwing her face at you. The force drove you into the counter sending a glorious shock of pain up your back. Billie was doing what you had asked.
“Fuck you,” you pulled away and muttered, as if she had gonr too far in teasing you.
“What did I do?”
You raised your hand and slapped her face, lightly. “Fuck you for proving that I still love you.”
A rush of relief knocked Billie, visibly. She returned to your lips, much more gently this time, as if she were savouring every part of you.
“I told you to kiss me hard,” you whispered, although not necessarily opposed to Billie’s touch.
“I’ll do anything you really want,” she replied.
You paused for a moment. “Anything?”
Billie smiled. “Anything.”
You kissed her once. Soft. Tentatively. “Fuck me. On the table.” 
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Bar Fight Wedding {Fensterin}
Happy birthday, @the-regal-warrior! This Fenrys x Asterin fluff is for you. I hope your day was as lovely and fabulous as you are. Love you tons.
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Fenrys looked in the rearview mirror of his old, beat up truck and sighed. There was no way he was hiding his swollen, split lip from his fiance.
It wasn’t that he had done anything too crazy. At least, not too crazy for a bachelor party. 
He blamed it on his friends.
They were the ones who had planned the entire evening, considering Fenrys was getting married in a week. Asterin’s girls weren’t taking her out until the night before the wedding, but, thinking that Rowan, Lorcan, Vaughan, Gavriel, and Connall would take Fenrys to do something stupid that involved ridiculous amounts of alcohol, Asterin had asked them to make their big boy’s night out at least a week before the wedding.
She had been right, of course.
It was a good move.
Considering it was nearly four in the morning and Fenrys looked like he got hit by a truck, there was no way he could get married the next day.
Hopefully, in the next week, Fenrys would no longer look like he’d gotten in a fight with a grizzly bear.
Which he nearly had been. At least, that’s what it felt like. 
At least he wasn’t drunk, though.
He’d had a few drinks, but kept himself in check, which is more than he could say for some of his friends.
Rowan would be getting his ass kicked when he got home, without a doubt. He looked ridiculous. He'd gotten so drunk that he’d lost his shirt at some point during the night and went home without it, and only one shoe. 
That part was Fenrys, though.
He had stolen Rowan’s other shoe while he was knocked out cold in the back seat and hid it, just because it amused him greatly. 
Lorcan was the worst, though. 
He hadn’t even made it out of the bar before he had passed out, and the others had to lug him to the car. Gavriel had brought him home, and he had sent out a text not long ago that read, Elide laughed so hard that she started to cry. I think it was the sharpie mustache that got her.
Another reason why Fenrys was happy his wedding was still a week away - Lorcan’s sharpie mustache, courtesy of Vaughan, would not have looked good in the pictures. 
As for Fenrys’ swollen, split-lip and bruised cheekbone, alcohol had nothing to do with it.
No, his idiot friends had taken him to an ax-throwing bar. Which, he thought, would be fun as hell. He’d never been, had always wanted to go, and was pumped as he walked through the doors. 
Until his friends entered him in an ax throwing contest.
Until he won, and the second runner up, who was a little drunk himself, decided that he did not like to lose.
Which is how Fenrys ended up getting into a fight, in a bar that also involved axes.
He supposed it could’ve gone worse.
At least he didn’t get an ax thrown at him. 
Fenrys looked back in the rearview mirror and shook his head. “Maybe she’ll be asleep,” he muttered, turned off the light in his truck, and hopped out, closing the door behind him as quietly as possible. After walking up the drive, he unlocked the front door, and took his time closing it with a quiet click. 
He paused, waited to see if he heard anything, and continued on. All of the lights were off, and even the television in their bedroom was off, too, it seemed. Fenrys walked up the stairs and down to the end of the hall, where their bedroom door was cracked.
He peeked inside and swore under his breath.
Asterin’s head jerked up, but Fenrys was backing away, across the hall, into the bathroom.
“Fen?” she called.
“Hey!” he said, shutting himself inside of the bathroom. He flipped on the lights and cringed. He looked even worse in the full light.
On top of his swollen, split lip and bruised cheekbone, there was a cut on his eyebrow and his eye was slightly swollen. Considering his entire head hurt like shit, it had been difficult to tell where all the pain had been coming from. 
Now, he looked even worse than he had thought. 
He pulled a washcloth out of the cabinet and got it wet before wiping down his face. It did no good.
“I thought you’d be sleeping,” Fenrys said, through the door.
“Couldn’t sleep until I knew you were home safe,” she said. “Reading.”
Fenrys made a muffled sound of understanding. “Why don’t you turn off the lights and I’ll be there in a second?”
There was a pause. “Did you just tell me to turn off the lights?”
“Yeah, we’re going to bed, lights off,” he said, turning off the bathroom lights before opening the door.
Asterin was not turning off the lights. Instead, she was sitting in the middle of their bed, her eyes on Fenrys as he crossed the threshold. Her arms were crossed, and the lamp by her bed was very much still on.
Fenrys cleared his throat. “Time for bed?”
“Come closer,” she said.
“I’m tired-.”
“Into the light, Fen,” she said, her pointer finger up, motioning him forward.
Fenrys pursed his lips. “Is that my shirt?”
Asterin looked down at the old t-shirt she wore. “Pretty sure this is our shir- wait, you’re changing the subject. Into the light.”
With a sigh, Fenrys stepped forward. As soon as he came into the light, Asterin’s eyes widened. “What the hell?”
“There was a….bar fight.” He mumbled the last two words, and Asterin’s brows rose.
“Sorry,” she said. “What was that?
“I got into a bar fight,” he said, plopping onto the bed. “They brought me to an ax bar, I won a tournament, some sore loser jackass was pissed that he lost and picked a fight. I...stood up for myself.” 
Asterin blinked. “Fenrys. We get married in six days-.”
“It’ll heal before then,” he interrupted. 
“You look like you got trampled by a herd of angry hyenas!” 
Fenrys blinked. “Hyenas? That was the best you could come up with?”
“They’re vicious,” Asterin snapped. “Haven’t you ever watched The Lion King?”
“Yeah, I have, and I’m pretty sure Mufasa’s death didn’t happen because he was trampled by hyenas,” Fenrys shot back. 
Asterin was rubbing her temples. “Be serious, Fenrys, you look-.”
“Handsome?” he finished.
“Like shit,” Asterin said. “Handsome, but like shit.”
“It’s not that big of a deal-.”
“You got in a bar fight,” Asterin said, shaking her head. “Fen, our wedding pictures are going to be all we have from our wedding-.”
“And they’re going to look incredible,” Fenrys promised, tugging on the hem of her shirt - his shirt - until she was straddling his waist. He pulled her down on top of him and kissed her, softly. He tried not to wince, thanks to his split lip, but held onto control until Asterin pulled back. “What’re you really worried about?”
“What do you mean?” Asterin asked, quietly. “Fenrys, you got into a bar fight-.”
“And I’m fine,” he said, chuckling. “You’re awake at almost four in the morning a week before our wedding.” He nodded to her nightstand. “That’s your wedding planner. You’re freaking out.”
“I’m not freaking out,” she protested.
“Are you having second thoughts?” Fenrys asked, suddenly alarmed.
“What?” she asked, taken aback. “No! No, I just...there’s so much left to do, yet, and so little time. And now you look like a human punching bag.”
“I’ll heal.”
“Your lip is bleeding, Fen,” she said, sighing. 
With a groan, Fenrys rolled them over, and he was suddenly on top. “I’m fine,” he promised. “I know the wedding is a lot to handle, but it’s almost done with.”
Asterin snorted. “It’s almost done with? How romantic.”
“You know what I mean,” Fenrys said, kissing her nose. “Why don’t we sneak down to the courthouse tomorrow and forget about the wedding?”
It was a joke, and Asterin knew that, but a small smile appeared on her lips. “Okay.”
Fenrys stilled. “Sorry, what?”
“Let’s do it,” Asterin said. “You, me, and the courthouse. Let’s do it.”
“I repeat....,” Fenrys began. “What?”
She took his face into her hands and shook her head, slowly. “I’m so stressed about this wedding, Fen. Let’s get married, have the perfect day doing whatever the hell we want, and the wedding will just be for...everyone else. All pressure is off of us.” 
Fenrys watched her for a long moment before saying, “You’re serious.”
She nodded. “I’ve never been more serious in my entire life.”
He pursed his lips. “But, look at my face, I don’t know if the photographer at the courthouse will approve-.”
She nudged him in the shoulder and laughed. “Shut up.”
Fenrys’ grin was contagious. “You tell me when and where I can make you my wife, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
Asterin’s eyes softened as she leaned up and met Fenrys’ lips with her own. 
The next morning, they would go down to the courthouse, only telling their closest of friends - even though half of Fenrys’ would be hungover as shit.
Manon would take the photos of the entire event, with Asterin in a little white sundress and Fenrys with his busted lip and swollen eye.
Even so, it would be the most magical and memorable day of their entire lives. 
The day that they finally became man and wife. 
With absolutely no stress at all. 
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it-was-summer · 3 years
Video Killed the Radio Star- Chapter 8 (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
A/N: Hello!!! After a very very very long hiatus, school is over and I am ready to write again. I'm sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, but I did indeed get burnt out this semester and I just needed some time to recover. I also got sick with COVID-19, so I'm sorry that chapter 8 took so long to write. As regards to the things in my ask box, I will be answering them as soon as I post this chapter today. I will be working over the Summer, but I promise to write over the Summer. Thank you all for being kind and I hope that this chapter or two nerds being nerds makes up for some of it... a little at least? Also the text will be italicized
Warnings: One? Curse word? Fluff and texting?
Plot: Spencer and you fight against all judgement and ignore the growing feelings the two of you have for each other. Spencer sends you a text.
Word Count: 2.1K
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Spencer had come and gone, and now your couch carried the faint smell of peppermint and old books. The moon peered through your living room window as you poured steaming water into a mug, the smell of peppermint making your stomach flip pleasantly. Your mind wandered dangerously, thinking about how sweet Spencer’s laugh sounded when you nitpicked something the Doctor had said.
Thinking about how he stood in front of your bookcase and how bright his smile became seeing The Nightingale and the Rose amongst the masses, his fingers brushing the spine for a second before he let out a soft ‘oh’. You shook your head from side to side gently, trying to shake the recent memories from your brain as you took a short sip of your tea.
You couldn’t help but feel dirty thinking about Spencer. If you were just thinking about him you would’ve felt better, but you weren’t thinking about Spencer necessarily. You were thinking about how soft his hands felt in the split second the two of you reached for the remote. You were thinking about how he used that same hand to push back his hair from his eyes, how the dying sunlight outside reached his eyes, and how he looked when he lingered for a second too long at the door.
That wasn’t right. You weren’t supposed to think about him like that, you didn’t want to. Every lingering thought was shoved into the back of your mind in a forceful act of rebellion. You needed to remain grounded, you couldn’t let yourself get carried away. He was your friend and he was going to remain your friend, just a friend.
The peppermint tea felt thick as it went down your throat, a soft chime bringing you back to reality. Your hand shot over to your phone, feeling desperate for any kind of distraction. Your mother had texted you a simple ‘Hi’ and you felt your shoulders relax instantly. You hit the call button.
Spencer stood in the middle of a park, he wasn’t there for a case or to play chess, he was just there-- sitting on a red blanket. His head raised to the sky as a breeze shook through his hair sweetly. He heard a gentle and familiar laugh beside him, his head snapping away from the blue sky to look at you. “What are you laughing at?”
Spencer frowned, sitting up on his elbows, eyes locked onto yours, silently interrogating you. You waved him off with a smile, “Fine,” you said, leaning your head into the palm of your hand. “I never get to see you like this, so free.”
“I’m always free, thank you very much,” Spencer taunted uncharacteristically as he felt your hand shove into his shoulder with a gentle jab.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” soft wind blew your hair into your face and Spencer could already feel his hand moving to push the hair out of your eyes, “You’re always worrying about work or a case or something else, sometimes it feels like you’re running a thousand miles a minute and I can’t catch up, but sometimes it’s nice to just see you be still for a while.”
Spencer felt pleasant shivers pass through his spine, opening up his mouth to whisper something sweet to say to you, but the words never got the chance to leave his throat as he woke up in his dark bedroom.
His eyelids fluttered gently, begging him to fall back asleep against his will. Spencer forced his eyes open, turning his head to the side to look at the time glowing on the digital clock that sat upon his nightstand. Four in the morning.
Spencer felt his face grow warm as he laid awake in bed, thinking about you. Your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your hands. Spencer didn’t like to touch people, being a slight germaphobe, he tried to avoid touching other people as much as possible. So why was he so comfortable with it in a dream? He didn’t believe that dreams reflected the subconscious, but sometimes he ignored that gnawing feeling inside his brain and believed in dream analysis.
This was one of those times. He knew that if he mentioned anything to Derek, he would make fun of him, and then he would tell Penelope and then everyone would know. So maybe this was something he was going to keep to himself. He wordlessly decided that he wouldn’t tell anyone, it felt wrong to tell anyone. You were hurting. Recovering.
Besides, if he said something-- if he reacted to it, wouldn’t that make this feeling grow? He bit his lip, rolled over on his other side, closed his eyes, and tried to resume the dream he had just woken up from.
A lump filled Spencer’s throat as he stepped through the elevator, coffee’s in hand. He wasn’t the best at lying about things and he worked with profilers. Literal people that could look at him and dissect his brain without him saying a word. Usually, he had the upper hand, usually, he didn’t feel so different. He had no reason to feel so strange, he was just happy, was it so strange that he felt happy? When Prentiss’s eyes fell on him, he decided yes.
The team didn’t always say something when they noticed something was off with Spencer, but most of the time they made a habit to say some teasing remark in passing. Spencer wasn’t sensitive, nor was he immune to throwing out some special one-liners of his own, he was just skittish about receiving them.
“Spencer,” Emily’s voice cut through the room, snapping Spencer’s head up from his coffee. “You seem,” she paused “Weird.”
“Weird? Reid?” Derek chuckled softly, eyes meeting Spencer’s for a quick second.
“Yep, always weird.”
“Yeah, okay, he’s being weird,”
Spencer took a long sip of his coffee, his fingertips gripping the cup a little tighter in a desperate attempt to calm himself down. He had no reason to feel weird, no reason at all. It’s not like his dream was real. It had just been so long since Spencer had liked someone as much as he liked you. That wasn’t the right way to think about it; he simply had a crush on you. That was all it was, a crush.
“I just had a good night,” he muttered nervously into the lid of his cup.
“Yeah, with a cute little miss thing that lives in Richmond.”
“Richmond?” mused Emily with a smile.
Spencer frowned at Derek, “Who even told you that? Was it Penelope, because she told me she wouldn’t tell,”
“When she says that, she means she won’t tell Hotch, but she’ll most likely always tell me.”
Emily waved her hand from side to side, “Wait go back,” she pointed at Spencer “Did you have a date yesterday?”
“No, it wasn’t a date. It was coffee. We drank coffee and talked.” Spencer argued quickly, making him seem guilty in a matter of seconds.
“Can she even do anything with that boot on?” Emily teased, earning a laugh from Derek.
“Come on, Prentiss. Reid only makes moves on girls in the middle of a case, not after.”
��That was once!”
“So you made a move on her then?” Emily implored gently, letting the interrogative teasing be cut short.
“No, we went back to her apartment to watch a show, and then I went home,” Spencer answered, trying to let his nerves settle down, when he said it out loud it sounded like it was nothing. It sounded silly. Derek and Emily shot each other a glance, shared a smile, and then both mouthed a simple ‘okay’, before going their separate ways.
Spencer knew that Emily was probably running over to whisper something to Rossi or J.J and Derek was probably heading over to Penelope to tell her what just happened. He could care less, he needed to work, and they all needed to work judging by the way Hotch walked into his office.
You had woken up near noon to a text that simply read; Hello.(: It was short, sweet, and from Spencer. To be fair, he had mentioned that he wasn’t the best with texting people, so the fact that he sent you a text said something.
You didn’t want to seem too eager as you texted Hey, did you have lunch yet?
You set the phone down, trying to get over the initial feeling of embarrassment that caused your cheeks to flush, remembering in a second that you were a nerd. You couldn’t text people for shit and as you stared at the message you had just sent Spencer it showed.
You sat up, sliding off to the edge of the bed, hand reaching for the phone as another chime made your heart burst. No, I spent lunch on a plane to Georgia.
We got another case and the whole team is running on coffee.
Eat something soon.
Can’t ignore a demand like that.
Good, don’t.
Text me later?
Absolutely (:
You pressed your lips together, fighting back the growing smile on your lips as you left your phone on your bed, today already seemed promising.
Being out yesterday made you realize how much you missed being outside, the only downside was it took forever for you to get anywhere. So, you called your mom out for lunch. You found the slow walking easier to deal with when you were talking to someone else and she was worried about you, so it was a win-win.
The restaurant was crowded, crowded areas usually made you feel nervous like you were being watched. Being watched wasn’t so bad, being kidnapped was worse, and being physically abused was worse than being kidnapped. So you could deal with some crowds.
Certain things kept catching you by surprise, like the way slow-moving cars rolling down the street made you tense up, and the way you clenched your jaw as the waitress’s name tag shined ‘Heather’.
Your mother was kind enough to reach over the table to hold your hand in hers, a smile brightening her eyes effortlessly, “You look lovely today,”
You let out a small sigh and shrugged “I had a good morning,”
“Really?” she repeated, smile growing wider.
“Yeah,” you squeezed her hand gently “I went out for coffee yesterday with Spencer, too.”
“The F.B.I agent, Spencer?” You nodded quickly, hand leaving hers as you looked through the menu. “Was this a date?”
“Mom,” your eyes peered up at her, lips turned down into a gentle frown “I just went through something very traumatic, I don’t think it was a date.”
“What was it then?”
“A friend, being nice to another friend.” You replied quickly, trying to move your focus back onto the menu in your hands. You heard a small sound from your mother that reassembled an ‘okay’ before she went silent, but you could tell she was burning with questions.
You didn’t blame her, you never got out much but when you did, she was the first one to know. You had mentioned over the phone last night that the two of you were friends and he was helping you through so of the tougher things that recovery involved, but she seemed to ignore that then. You had yet to mention the addictive tendencies you were feeling, the yearning for a release, an outlet of some kind. You knew it would break her heart, so you kept quiet.
“I like him,”
“Mom,” you scolded with a smile, setting down the menu. “You met him once.”
“And he made a good impression,”
“You left the room!”
“I can read body language,”
“Okay, mom,” You scoffed as you took a sip of your water.
“All I’m saying is,” she put her hands together “Recovering doesn’t mean you have to ignore every opportunity that comes your way because you don’t think it’s the right time.” She met your eyes and let out a tiny laugh, “I know you and you won’t let anything happen if you feel like it’s not the right time, sometimes it’s not a bad thing to let things happen. Romantic things or otherwise.”
You opened your mouth to say something but instead, you let out a tiny sigh, nodding slowly. She didn’t need to know how miserable the night made you, how suffocating a day alone was for you, so you nodded. After all, maybe she was right, she was your mother.
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