#tf bonecrusher
iszapizza · 4 months
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prowl and his 5 bfs
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crying-fantasies · 2 months
In health and sickness
Many words could describe him at the moment.
Overprotective, over doting conjunx, overwhelming, overbearing and many others that could be an excellent reflection of his actions and reactions, it's the second one that catches him off guard because he isn't sure if it was due to embarrassment or that it felt like a joke at his expense.
There are little options when his system charge way before the programmed hour, not knowing what is going on before his sensors show him in deep red alarms a focus of temperature in the room and the low registration of CO2 in the room, there is a way too short time for decision making as he finds you looking at the ceiling without blinking, chest hardly moving before a horrendous sound erupts, like an engine got stuck somewhere or a spark giving up, almost like a dying cybertronian or an idiot that consumed some corrosive substance.
He has heard both frequently in the battlefield, that's his excuse to call, and appear, at ungodly hours to the nearest clinic going full police car, poor the souls of any mech on his way while you were hardly battling off the mucus on your throat and the pain of your insides twisting, churning, trying to get whatever kept oxygen out of your lungs.
Nothing too hard, just the main problem being what humans call a virus, Prowl has to download once again the basics of your species and the recently updated papers about the whole deal, how did it came to Iacon when he was so sure the outbreak was limited to Stanix? How is it possible that there is no cure for this humorless pest, almost strangling the medic with his bare servos when the indications of "just let them rest well, a lot of fluids and a healthy diet" were all he could give you apart from medicine to only temporarily placate any symptoms.
Prowl knew that humans had a terrible automatic cleansing and protective program, but it still was ridiculous how it only took a little microscopic individual to have you in the verge of dehydration and suffocation, assaulting as an opportunist in your weakest state of mind to have him saying the same as always: you don't have to work, he'll take care of everything, you don't have to stress yourself because here you're safe, but his words aren't that believable as this is the result of the heat generators in the city falling once again because he can't still keep the energy flow uninterrupted, your little body caught in a decreasing temperature in mere minutes before someone else gave you a heated metal blanket to stop a freezing coma or something worse.
There is nothing left to do, only make it bearable for you, as long as it can last because even the most advanced remedies are lacking and he can't have something better in at least a few more years when he needs them by yesterday when it all began.
"It's okay", you try to calm him, knowing well how under his stoic faceplate he is freaking out, you just have to see how far Prowl is going, this is his second day working from home, his scowl is present as always but the way his door wings move at any sound from the street show just right how in the edge he is.
Somehow, your words seem to make it worse, his angry expression almost scares you, "don't talk back now", is his only response, putting a little cube with warm lemonade next to your side of the berth, internally, you cringe, thinking of the warm but also stinging fluid going down your sore throat, thinking how expensive a single lemon is in Cybertron.
But, above all else, seeing him so on edge puts you in the same circumstances, trying to talk him down from submitting a complain to Stanix's medical officers regarding the virus now in Iacon, he is so engrossed in it, not even putting his datapad down when there is an obvious notification of intruders on your door, Prowl only gives it attention when Bonecrusher ends up decimating the door of the living quarters by brutal force, falling with it and still punching the poor thing, growling and roaring like a wild animal, soon after the rest of the constructicons follow, but they look in a way you've never seen before from them.
Wild gazes, bared dentae, vents puffing out hot air, their armor moves and stands threateningly, they look murderous enough for Prowl to hold you in his servos, almost preparing himself to be attacked before Long Haul claims, "Where is it?! Where is the slag fragger, son of a glitch-?!"
Turns out, Prowl's anger and worry could be felt by them.
Turns out, also, that they don't have his filter of supposed control.
"What? What is this?"
Turns out, easily freaked decepticons, who have very little real interaction with humans, shouldn't enter the medical area of a corny website probably made by a doctor wannabe.
And it shows, in how Hook push them all out of his way when you cough once again, too hard this time, the paper on your hand now with a tingle of blood in between, before any word of assurance can be said from your part Prowl is the first to hold you near, Hook is fast to ask what is going in and someone is already crying out loud for a medic.
So much for a peaceful Saturday morning.
"This will do, this has to do the work", Mixmaster usual anxious movements seem to reach another point, normally steady servos seem to shake ominously when mixing something that smells like bleach, "concentrated citric acid, this'll kill it, show that thing not to mess with us", a drop of the thing reaches the table, an acid like reaction eating away the metal, Long Haul and Scavenger look with dread as the thing keeps eating part of the floor, smoke frizzing out of it, visors wide with obvious panic, the bigger 'con putting a protective servo over you, using his own frame and stopping his partner to get near in his hysteria while the smallest started to cry yet again while clutching your hand between massive digits, said cries only decreasing when you started to promise you were going to be okay, hard to believe when another coughing session appeared again, "it'll work, I swear, only a few sips of it and those parasites will be gone forever!"
Hook shouted too, "it's vitamin C! Vitamin C!", he holds down Mixmaster, who at the end just let's go of the cube with a strangled growl.
Prowl would never admit it but he could act normal if Long Haul was watching over you.
"We should punch them in the faceplates", Bonecrusher keeps going, going from one side of the place to the other, barely kept anger on him.
You try, you really do, to push yourself out of the different blankets above of you, but they have made the sentence of "keep warm to improve the process" a lot more unnecessary, as you're sure at least one of those is your weighted blanket, "I'll be fine" you promise once again, mucus on the nose, throat incredibly raw, pretty sure they can read the increasing fever in their sensors, Scavenger is the one closest to you, and is also the one hearing every word of yours and give it real credit, "this takes a week as much, just let it-"
Another fit of coughing erupted, and this time followed by sneezing, more blood coming and showing like an alarm on the white tissue, and someone shouting "MEDIC!" as if you have just been injured on the battlefield.
You're ready to die from mortification, preparing your lengthy apology to whoever has the disgrace to treat you as Prowl drives back to the hospital with 5 constructicons after him.
For my Prowl lovers fellows (sorry for the constructiprowl content but boy I love all of them together) @dundeey, @lovenotcomputed and @ikkosu.
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deepseaphantom · 1 year
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The Constructicons! Feat: DEVASTATOR!
(process images under the cut)
((the constructicons are underatted))
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bizarre-bait · 1 year
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Doodling a few bois 👀
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beeartsy · 2 months
Here is my contribution for the transformers reverse mini bang! Hosted by @tf-bigbang
It was my first time doing something like this and I had a great time. My teammate Unsqushible Worm did an absolutely incredible job writing their fic!!
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone elses contributions!
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akidachi · 2 years
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Happy New Years!
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geekcentre · 9 months
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The constructicons
Back again with these guys! They’re just silly guys! Hard working bots with thick New York accents that really cares about workers rights. Originally they were meant to be like siblings but that might change (also sorry I didn’t draw devestator)
(click for better quality)
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nxtequal · 1 month
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my human constructies designs (05/21)
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carelessapples · 1 year
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is this anything
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close up on prowl’s face bc i laughed myself silly when i drew this last night
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realitysperception · 7 months
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It’s Got LED’s And Dual Pneumatic Action
So, we heard you guys like Prowl around here.
Prowl was in the doorway to their office, doorwings flared and high, optics blazing near white. His hands were gripping the sides of the doorframe so hard the metal was starting to dent, crumpling under the pressure. His em field was broiling with so much rage it was verging on making onto the visible light spectrum, distorting the air around him into a sort of heat mirage that wavered darkly.
The constructicons blinked collectively.
It was hot.
The pillar of wrath in the doorway loomed over them. 
“What.” He said carefully through gritted teeth. “Did. You. Do. To. My. Interface. Array.”
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constructiconweek · 9 months
Y’all pick the theme I’ll pick the 6 words (there will be a free space)
And I didn’t add it cause I’ll be honestly I don’t want it to win but if the people really want it I can also do the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues (they’d go together for more inspo) just click other and tag Sin.
@fireyhotsupertalia (if you need me for some reason)
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superspunkus · 2 years
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my favorite littlefruity handymen
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robotshowtunes · 5 hours
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Bonecrusher is heavily armored and is the strongest individual Constructicon. In vehicle mode, he exerts 800,000 psi at his top speed of 30 mph. He uses a short-range concussion missile launcher to aid demolitions. In robot mode, he wields a laser pistol.
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Quick! Constructicons fans!! Would any of you bless me with dump info about them?? Are there any new versions of them?? Have they changed a lot since TFG1??
I need to know if at least 3 of them could fit into the Rescue Bots team...
Any info is acceptable!
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drill-teeth-art · 2 years
Favorite combiner team and least favorite?
My favorite combiner team is the Constructicons! I like their cohesive colors and science + builder theme. They also just have a good energy. Evil, but they do be hanging out. Evil friend group.
Least favorite... I actually am pretty fond of most of the combiner teams, but I'll go with the Aerialbots. But not 'cause I do not like them. Just like them less than the others.
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Thank you for the ask! Have a Constructicons doodly while I'm at it. Mostly a Mixmaster doodle tbh.
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akidachi · 2 years
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Frankensteins Fanclub!
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