#tf2 fan fiction
emilythedog661-tf2 · 3 months
The Robin the Robot Fanfic is up
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I hope you enjoy it and make sure you leave a star and a comment 😋
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phroggiesinabucket · 6 months
For my Out-Classed TF2 fan fic:
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iloveteamfortresstoo · 11 months
Nath leaned out the nearest window, splinters digging into his palms.
‘What the hell... what the hell…’ he muttered. What was happening out there?
Chapter 30??? Already???
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axelthegreat101 · 6 months
Hii!! May I request some fluffy and platonic headcanons for Medic, Spy, Scout, and Heavy with a GN!Reader who has very quiet footsteps?
OMG MY FIRST REQUEST!! Thank you Anon!!
Medic, Spy, Scout and Heavy with a GN! Reader who has quiet footsteps. (Platonic)
He’s very curious about how you can walk so quietly, and you’ve startled him on more than one occasion
He might get worried that you aren’t eating enough, so he might check you over in the Med Bay
Once he figures out that you just have very quiet footsteps he’ll calm down
Although now you’ve got him constantly looking over his shoulder in case you try to sneak up on him
“You are one sneaky weasel schatz!” He says whilst ruffling your hair
“Woah! What da hell? You tryna copy Spy or somethin’?”
At first he’s little creeped out by how quietly you can walk, cause ya’ll know how he feels about Spy
But over time he’ll start to warm up to the concept, often playing jokes on the other team members
Ngl I think he might ask you if you can teach him how to be as quiet as you
Like Medic, I think he’d be curious about your ability to walk with making barely any noise
”Why leetle Y/N so quiet, da?”
He might also worry that your under eating, and he might take you to Medic to make sure your getting enough food
He thinks it’s a useful skill to have, you having slipped by the enemy team’s defences to secure a win multiple times
He might be slightly more vigilant, occasionally glancing over his shoulder in case your trying to sneak up on him.
”Leetle Y/N good at sneaking, da? Y/N much better than Spy” “Aw, thank you Heavy”
“Oh ho ho? Is someone trying to be sneaky?”
This mf is impressed
He’ll often compliment your ability to be so quiet, saying how you’re second best only to him
He might teach you some tricks on how to be even quieter, to the point where you’re virtually silent
You two make a habit of sneaking up on each other to see who can startle each other better
“Mon Ami, you are truly a master spy”
Omg this was so much fun to write, I loved this prompt and I look forward to writing more
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quotidianish · 1 year
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To the 4 people who will see this post SWQUIDGAME IN 2023 JUMPSCARE . some tf2 aus. Mostly bootsnbombs
Closeups under cut in case tumblr smashes the quality:
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aussie-bookworm · 2 months
Going Through The Motions: Bonus Bits
Hi all! I'll keep this quick but we recently hit 4k hits on Going Through The Motions! I can't believe it! Thank you all for reading my silly little fic.
As thanks, I went through my cut content document and polished up these missing scenes from Chapter Four: Help. I originally wrote full scenes of Scout asking each merc for help but decided it was going to make an already long chapter too long and it was a bit repetitive so I cut it down to the basics.
These scenes take place between Scout asking Engie for help and asking Spy for help. Thank you to the lovely @gingerale13 for proofreading! Enjoy!
Demo finished his list of names on the blackboard and put a cross next to Engie’s name.
“Alright, next up is…”
“Heavy?” Scout asked, knocking on the man’s door. “Can we come in? I need your help.”
“Da. Just cleaning Sasha. Door is unlocked. Do not touch gun.”
Scout hesitantly opened the door to see Heavy sitting on the floor of his room, surrounded by gun parts, focused on cleaning the barrel. 
Scout shot a nervous look at Demo who nodded. 
Honestly, Scout doubted Heavy would be able to help him, but he had to make his way through the list.
“What is problem?” Heavy asked, not looking up from his task.
Scout slowly sat down, cross-legged across from him, making an effort not to touch Sasha.
How would he even explain this? Scout knew that with Heavy, you had to be blunt.
“I need your help. I’m stuck living in a loop of the same day.”
Heavy merely raised an eyebrow and continued cleaning.
“So you come to me for joke?”
Scout blinked, leaning away from Heavy.
“What? No! Nonono! Heavy it ain’t a joke! I'm actually in a time loop! Tell him Demo!”
Demo sat down next to Scout with a sigh.
“It’s all true, Heavy. Swear on my mum’s life.”
Heavy hummed to himself, as he gently placed the barrel down and started cleaning the rotor. 
“And you come to me because you have no other options.”
It was not a question, but a statement of fact.
“How did you…?”
“Little Scout would not willingly come to me for help with magic problem unless no options are available. So you come to Heavy.”
Scout bit his lip with a frown as he looked away.
Heavy was smarter than Scout gave him credit for. The team always saw him as a big gun-obsessed Russian. Maybe there was more to him than Scout originally thought.
“Yeah, but–”
“Heavy,” Demo interrupted, holding a hand out in front of Scout to shut him up. “Have you noticed anything off with Scout during the last couple of days or weeks? Or just… anything noteworthy that could change things?”
Heavy was silent as he slowly started reassembling his gun.
“Cannot think of anything. Little Scout is little Scout as always,” he eventually commented. “I have suggestions but do not think little Scout would listen.”
“Suggestions?” Scout’s ears perked up. “What do you have for me, big guy?”
Heavy sighed as he continued to skillfully put Sasha back together.
“Understand that team is looking out for little Scout and is not babying him. Understanding others’s motives is good thing for strong team, da?”
Scout sighed.
“Yeah, I know,” he responded dejectedly. “Been through enough loops of you telling me that to get it through my thick skull.”
Heavy was unperturbed.
“Team is only as strong as weakest link. When one succeeds, all succeed.”
That made sense, Scout guessed. No ‘i’ in team and all that. 
But Scout already knew this from his baseball days! How was this supposed to help?!
“Anythin’ else?”
Heavy was silent again as he finished up his assembly. Sasha stood proud in front of Scout, ready for action.
As Scout stared at the gun, Heavy finally turned his gaze over to Scout and assessed him.
“Teamwork requires communication. Speak to Sniper.”
“You have been avoiding Sniper. I have seen it. Speak to Sniper.”
Scout spluttered, trying to come up with a response.
“He’s right lad,” Demo spoke up. “Even I have noticed you’re avoiding him and I’m drunk half the time!”
Was that why Engie had suggested it yesterday? Had he also noticed and decided not to be as blunt as Heavy?
No! He couldn’t risk it! He barely got through that awkward conversation when he tried to give Sniper a compliment! Why would he decide to do that again?!
“I… I’ll do it, tomorrow,” Scout lied.
Heavy nodded.
“Very good. Is there anything else Heavy can do to help?”
“Don’t think so. Thanks, big guy.”
Heavy smiled and nodded. He stood up and picked up Sasha. Scout took that as his cue to leave. 
Quietly, Scout stood up and Demo went to follow. He opened the door as Demo slipped through.
Scout threw a look over his shoulder to see Heavy starting to clean his supplies, before shutting the door behind him.
Scout turned to see Demo looking at him. Silently, they both turned and started to walk down the hallway.
“So, tomorrow you’ll talk to Sniper, right?” Demo asked, breaking the silence.
Scout quickly wiped the scowl off his face before Demo could notice.
“Yep!” Scout lied.
“So we’ve talked to Engie and Heavy? We’re making good time,” Demo commented.
“I guess,” Scout responded. “So who’s next?”
“Hey Medic, got a minute?”
Medic’s head snapped up from the corpse he was experimenting on and looked at Scout as he and Demo pushed the doors to the infirmary open.
“Herr Scout, you know where the plasters are. You do not need my help to put one on.”
“No, it’s not that.”
Medic sighed. 
“What is it then? Herr Demo might need my help and you are wasting my valuable time.”
Demo shook his head.
“No doc, I’m fine,” he responded. “Scout needs your help, though.”
“Verdammt. What is it?”
Demo gave Scout an encouraging nod as Medic continued to operate on the corpse. Scout let out a nervous breath.
Of course, he was nervous about this! He knew what Medic did last time Scout told him about the loop!
“I need you to promise me you won’t try to give me meds this time, okay?”
“…This time?”
“Just promise, okay?”
Medic shot Scout a confused look but slowly nodded.
“Ja, okay, I promise.”
Scout sighed. 
Good enough, he guessed.
“I’m in a time loop,” Scout blurted out. “If you can help me that’d be great. Have you noticed anything off with me in the last couple of days?” 
Medic blinked, processing the stream of speech that was directed at him. 
His scalpel slipped out of his hand and into the corpse’s rib cage as he turned his head to look at Demo who had a serious expression on his face. Medic turned back to Scout.
“O…kay?” Medic eventually answered, picking up the scalpel. “Am I to understand you have been experiencing the same day on repeat?”
Scout nodded.
“Yeah. Demo suggested I talk to everyone and see if they can help.”
“Really, we just want to see if there’s something Scout can change that I haven’t already noticed,” Demo helpfully added.
Medic looked up at Demo through his eyelashes.
“And what have you noticed, Herr Demo?”
Demo said nothing, staring at the doctor. Medic frowned and tilted his head. 
As the two seemingly had a silent conversation among themselves, only nodding and pulling faces, Scout bit his lip.
“Uh… I can go if you want,” Scout spoke up.
“No need, Herr Scout,” Medic replied with a bloody wave. “I was just making sure Herr Demo and I are on the same page.”
“Okay then. Can you help me? You’re smart – surely you can think of something!”
Medic put a hand to his chin in thought.
“Unfortunately, I can’t think of anything major that could break this loop you speak of,” he mused as he placed the scalpel he was using down and reached towards Scout. “Unless you let me look at your brain and the observable effects under the loop–”
“Nuh-uh! No way!” Scout interrupted, slapping one of Medic’s hands away. “Besides, you wouldn’t even fuckin’ remember it!”
“Ja, but how often do I get to observe the synapses of a brain undergoing extreme stress and magic? Oh! I wonder if brain activity would remain the same as the previous loop! Or would it change as you are experiencing a different flow of time?”
“You’re scarin’ the lad, doc,” Demo piped up.
Medic laughed as Scout staggered backwards.
“Just imagine…” Medic said to himself.
Scout frowned slightly. He wasn’t going to get much more out of Medic which was somehow both a blessing and a curse.
“I… I’m gonna go. If you can think of anything that can get me out, let me know before midnight.”
That conversation seemed pretty quick and painless. Scout wondered if the conversations with the rest of the team would be the same.
As Scout turned to leave, Medic perked up. 
“Ah, Herr Scout?” Medic spoke up.
Goddamn it.
Scout silently begged for this conversation not to go where he thought it was going to go.
“Have you spoken to Herr Sniper about this?”
What was everyone's obsession with him speaking with Sniper?! Scout avoiding Sniper wasn’t that bad, was it? 
“Oh um… he’s later down on our list. I-I’ll talk to him then.”
Medic nodded approvingly
“Good, good. I recommend you speak to him earlier. He might have seen something similar to this during his career.”
Scout frowned.
“Why don’t I speak to Spy then? He’s way older and has probably seen more shit.”
“The man is… Scheiße, what’s the word in English?”
“A prick?” Scout suggested.
“Secretive,” Demo offered.
“Ja! Secretive! He does not like to share details of his past. Although…”
Demo cleared his throat.
“One problem at a time, doc,” Demo interrupted. 
“But it might–”
“Doc, not our place to say, remember?”
Scout blinked.
“Are youse hiding something from me?”
Demo and Medic made an obvious effort to look away from Scout, who was starting to feel very left out.
“Okay… You don’t gotta tell me anything. Just figured it might help break this loop quicker,” Scout muttered.
Demo sighed.
“Sorry lad. If we told you, he’d probably kill us.”
“Even if you won’t remember tomorrow?”
“Herr Scout, drop it,” Medic snapped.
Scout recoiled and stared at the two men.
“Alright, alright! I’ll go! I’ll leave you two to your secrets, assholes.”
With a scoff, Scout sulked off to his room. 
Quietly Demo shook his head at Medic.
“Plan B,” he whispered.
“Ah, I see. Good luck getting him to speak to Herr Sniper. He’s stubborn as a mule.”
Demo groaned.
“It’s gotta happen sooner or later. Either way, are we still good for drinks tomorrow?”
“Ja. Heavy found a new bar that’s opened in town that we haven’t been banned from yet!”
“This would be more effective if I could remember these previous conversations,” Demo muttered, drawing crosses next to Engie, Heavy and Medic’s names.
“Yeah, well, they’re not very helpful,” Scout said, trying to decipher the names on the blackboard. “Are you sure about this one?”
“Well, who do you go to for a fantastical scenario? That’s right, you go to…”
“Pyro! Hey buddy, are you free right now?”
“Mmph! Mm-Mmph! Mm!”
Scout and Demo walked inside and sat down at Pyro’s tea party table.
Now, this conversation should be nice and quick, right?
“Pyro, I need some help from you.”
“Mph mm?”
“Yeah. You see, Merasmus cursed me to live the same day over and over again.”
“I know, buddy. He said that I can only break it when I make a huge change to myself, but I don’t know what else to change. Have you noticed anything I need to change?”
Pyro was silent before they jumped up from their seat and ran over to their bed where Balloonicorn was resting. 
They thrust Balloonicorn into Scout’s arms for a hug, bouncing slightly. 
Honestly, Scout couldn’t say no to Pyro. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around the plush toy and squeezed. Demo snorted from next to him.
“Does Balloonicorn know how to break the curse?” Scout hesitantly asked from his hug. 
Pyro shook their head.
“Mph mmphmm mph mph mmph mmphmm!”
“He wanted me to feel better?”
Pyro nodded.
“But you and Balloonicorn don’t know what else I could change?”
Pyro deflated slightly and shook their head. 
“No, it’s okay. We haven’t had much luck with the others either.”
Pyro looked away and started tapping their foot.
“Mmph mph mmph mmphmph?”
Not this again.
“What’d they say, lad?” Demo asked.
Was this coordinated?! How much did the team talk about Scout and Sniper behind their backs?
“They asked if I had spoken to Sniper yet. We’re doin’ that tomorrow.”
Pyro cheered and clapped their hands before going in to give Scout a bone-crushing hug. Scout gave a small smile and pat Pyro on the back. 
As he turned to walk back into the hallway, Scout’s smile slipped off his face and was replaced with a scowl.
He was running out of time and excuses.
“Okay, so we’ve talked to Engie, Heavy, Medic and Pyro. Now we’re onto the S’s. Are you ready to speak to…”
“Actually Demo? I fucked up. We spoke to Sniper yesterday. I just forgot to tell you,” Scout lied.
He didn’t want to risk anything. 
The way things currently were with Sniper was fine, Scout told himself.
He didn’t want to scare Sniper away thanks to some dumb feelings he had.
“…Why did you…?”
“I just forgot,” Scout responded. “All these talks with everyone are kinda blending into one. Sniper didn’t know shit and it was so similar to our convo with Heavy that I kinda just… forgot one. Sorry.”
Demo was silent, drumming his fingers on the table.
“Sniper didn’t say anything helpful?”
“Nah. It sucks but he didn’t know anything to help.”
One little white lie couldn’t hurt, right? 
Demo sighed and turned back to the blackboard, drawing a cross next to Sniper’s name. He muttered something under his breath Scout didn’t catch.
“Alright then. Today we’ll be speaking to…”
“Soldier?” Scout called, knocking on the door
Demo leaned into Scout space.
“…Do we salute or…?” Demo asked.
Scout shrugged as he knocked again.
“Solly, can we come in? I need your help.”
“Affirmative, Private Second-Class! You may enter!”
Scout pushed the door open to reveal Soldier doing push-ups in the centre of the room. 
Scout blinked at the sight in front of him. Did the guy ever rest?!
“At ease, Soldiers!” Soldier ordered, getting to his feet. “You requested aid?!”
Scout shot a hesitant look at Demo before turning back to Soldier.
“Uh… yeah, I did, Solly. I need your help. I’m stuck in a time loop and can’t get out. Is there anything you think I need to change about myself that could break the loop?”
Solider hummed as he put a finger to his chin and tapped his foot.
“Have you spoken to Merasmus about this?”
“Affirmativ- I mean, yeah, but he wasn’t able to crack it! He suggested I find something I needed to change, but I can’t find anything else! I’ve won so many matches, I’ve been to your boot camp so many times, I don’t fuckin’ know what else to do!”
Soldier frowned.
“Then, I have got nothing to offer.”
Scout deflated. He was starting to get sick and tired of this song and dance.
“Alright, thanks, Solly.”
As they turned to leave, Scout could see out of the corner of his eye, Soldier perk up.
“Private second class!” 
Oh no. If this was about–
“Have you informed the Sniper?”
Scout blinked, saying nothing, and just glaring at the corner of the room.
“P-private second class?” Soldier asked, sounding hesitant for the first time since Scout had met him.
Scout ignored him, robotically turning and leaving without saying a word, leaving both Soldier and Demo dumbfounded.
“What is wrong with Private second-class?” Soldier turned to Demo.
Demo sighed.
“Janey, he’s been doing this for fifty-nine days. All things considered, I’m surprised he hasn’t plumb given up.”
“Hm… His determination is admirable! When he fixes this, I think I will give him a rank-up! And a medal!”
“You do that, Janey.”
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ezpezylemonsquezy · 5 months
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Back in time
Inspired in a fic i was reading abt HC Heavy and Medic met in the ww2 context
(it's unfinished yet, but i recommend, amazing writing!!!)
(messed up in medics design bcs i wasn't using reference 😳)
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megsiepoo · 4 months
            "Mein gott, I am fine," Ludwig cried, leaping up from his seat to emphasize his point before immediately falling right back down, his knees buckling in protest. The two men rushed forward in a panic, catching the former doctor and easing him back into his seat, a strained 'danke' passing through gritted teeth. Medic glued his eyes to his lap and gripped onto his thighs, his fingers digging painfully through the material; a professional to his core, he loathed being seen as weak, especially among his peers.             "Look, doc," Engineer began, giving Medic's shoulder a gentle squeeze, "if you say you're going to be ok, we'll believe you. You'd tell us if there was something to worry about. But you do an awful lot to take care of everyone. Why don’t you let us take care of you for a change?"
Hellooo tf2 fandom! I come bearing an offering. There will be more. Whether that's a threat or a promise is up for your interpretation.
This was genuinely very fun to write! And this fic also helped drag me out of a writing funk. I'm looking forward to doing more for the fandom. And don't worry cotl readers, I'll return soon. Consider this a hiatus period while I fight burnout.
Anyway, a big thank you to all my readers, and feedback appreciated as always!
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Medic x f!reader
Cw: none
You let out a breath as you walked down the hall to your medical infirmary. Thoughts raced as you walked down the narrow tiled floor, the red light above the double doors glowing. Soon you reached the two doors, taking a deep breath as you conjured the courage to knock. 
Soon, someone ran behind you, shouting for your attention. “Y/n!” 
“Medic?” You turned slightly to see if your assumption was correct. 
“Sorry! I left the light on while I was gone!” He fumbled for his keys, as he unlocked the doors. “What was it that you needed?” 
“It’s nothing; I was just, uh- coming to check in. I see you’re… a bit busy.”
The man held everything he had in his arm and used the free one to hold the door open.
“Nonsense! Please come in!” He held the door for you.
You nodded as you walked into the open room. 
Medic says everything down on his messy desk. Using his elbow to press the sink handle up and rinsing his hands
“Take a seat.” 
You sat on his operating table, which was only covered with a thin layer of paper.
“Now.” He pulled his chair up. “What was it that you needed to see me for?” He clicked his pen and waited for your answer to be jotted down on the clipboard.
“I just haven’t really been able to sleep.. and I feel agitated? And I feel needy, if that makes any sense.. and I feel something wet.. in- in between my legs.”
“Blood?” He looked up at you.
You shook your head and said, “No, it’s like slick and sticky.. and when I feel it, I get shivers down my spine.” 
“Mmm, any other symptoms?” He jotted down your previous information. 
“Some anxiety, you could say... antsy more than anything.” You looked down.
“And you said you were ‘agitated’? Yes?”
“Mhm, and it happens very quickly.” 
"Hmm,” the man thought for a moment. “It seems like hysteria.” He wrote something on his clipboard and then tossed it down onto his little metal cart. 
“What is that?!” You clenched your hands on your thighs. 
He took a bottle out of his cabinet and a small, only what you could imagine to be, massager out of its plastic confinements.
“It’s when a woman is irritated, over-emotional, or what some doctors have categorized as ‘deranged’”
“Oh my... well, how do I get rid of it?” You looked at your beloved doctor. 
“Pelvic massages!” The doctor exclaimed as he put a fresh pair of gloves on.
“What are those?” 
“I’ll show you.. Take off your panties and pants, please. I’m going to step behind this curtain.” The man said this as he was walking behind the thin blue sheet.
You gulped. Why? I can’t do that… no!  What if this was serious!! 
You talked yourself back into it again. Stripping of your pants and pants.
“I’m ready, doctor.” You called out
Your doctor steps out with a delightful grin on his face. 
“Now, lean back, ok?” He nudged your chest softly. 
He walked over and grabbed the massager and bottle from where he left them. 
He asked you to lift your legs up a little by tapping your knees. You obliged. As soon as you did he pushed them apart.
“Now, this might feel a little strange,” he said, switching the messager on. It buzzed, and the noise excited you. 
“Feel free to be as loud as you want, Liebling.”
“What-what do you me-“
Before you could finish your sentence, the doctor held the massager to your clit. This sensation was something you'd never felt before. Your body was in heaven as it shook.
“This is a vibrator.. They used these to, essentially, give women a medically induced orgasm!”
“F-Fuck” moans began flooding freely in the room. 
“Doctors started using these because they were tired of using their hands.” He let his other gloved hand reach for the bottle he left on the little cart next to him. 
“This is lubricant. Though you shouldn’t need it for this part, it’s always good to be prepared!” He took his hand and vibrator away from your needy clit
“Why’d you stop?” 
“Wait a moment..” He took his glove off and lubed his fingers. “Ready?”
You nodded anxiously. 
“Good girl.” He slid his slicked fingers into your tight hole.
A delightful moan ripped from your throat. 
“Yes, be as loud as you want, Y/n!” he chuckled 
The man reached for the vibrator and pressed it against your swollen clit again. 
“Oh god! Medic! Fuck!! Something’s coming!”
Your body began to shake, collapsing as your orgasm crashed into you. 
“You know, hysteria was just a way to put women into one category for doing things they didn’t like, but it did help them feel a sensation their husbands could never provide.. That’s what you just felt! Felt good, Ja?”
“Fuck- yes~” Your head fell back as you giggled. 
You clenched onto his arm as he still pumped, helping you through your orgasm. 
“Good, good girl..”
You laid there on the table, on display for him to enjoy. “This should work anytime you’re exhausted and can’t sleep or just have anxiety. If you need another ‘Doctor assisted orgasm’, let me know!” The man flashed his teeth at you. You couldn’t do anything but sit there and whine about your previous orgasm. “Yeah, thank you, Medic-“ you smiled.
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number1yisuchongfan · 6 months
I uh.. cant access any of my money, my bank account, or even my checking account. My bank isn’t helping and I haven’t go a clue what to do, especially with me trying to go job searching but at least I got a chapter out?
I really hope you enjoy it and I’m taking more questions about this au! Send them my way
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catbountry · 1 year
This is so weird to look back on. The Robotic Boogaloo had such a mixed reception, but I feel like it was a pretty important part of TF2's history, since nothing like this had ever been done before. And being able to be a part of it... like, damn, dude. Jerma985, who Scout is named after because he just is Scout, has read something I wrote long before he became the internet's favorite chew toy streamer. He didn't mention the comic in this video, sadly, as he uses most of the video to point out that this could have just been done in the Steam Workshop. Which, I mean, I guess, but this was an experiment.
This was something that had never been tried before. I can't think of many other video games that would openly celebrate the contributions of their fans the way Valve did with TF2. The only example I can think of that goes beyond that is Sonic Team publishing Sonic Mania. Roblox and SecondLife allow users to submit custom content and make money off of their creations, but Valve had a means of quality control by allowing the community to vote on items to be included in the game before this update even happened. Players were already used to the Steam Workshop system. That wasn't the case for the Robotic Boogaloo, when a bunch of items made by Facepunch users, all themed, were added to the game all at once, with no input from the rest of the player base. I can see now why that might be a bit irksome, to say the least.
I wonder if people look back on this update more fondly, as apparently people were less generous to more recent community updates. I'm pretty sure End of the Line and Jungle Inferno updates were received pretty well, but it's been so long and I stopped playing TF2 regularly in 2014, with my last session being in 2016, which is seven years ago, and the game has changed a lot since then (I didn't even know TF2 had weapon skins the same way CS: GO does until fucking today). So my knowledge of how most community updates past 2014 were received is... limited, to say the least. I think those updates were looked upon as warmly as they were because Valve allowed people to add more than just hats. The people working on Robotic Boogaloo were peeved that all of their contributions would just be hats. I worked it in as an excuse plot for Death of a Salesbot, even. Valve definitely listened to this feedback from players and I think that helped future community updates.
The Robotic Boogaloo was mostly organized by Cantsman, who recruited a bunch of people from Facepunch. There originally was supposed to be a map (and I think weapons? maybe?), however, the files for the map were found fairly recently and it was revealed that the map needed a lot of work done on it, and it would remain unfinished. Cantsman's intent was to bring together different parts of the community; not just the modelers, but he also recruited a bunch of fanartists, which was not even necessary. Cantsman was a regular poster on TF2chan as well as Facepunch, and as an artist, he wanted to invite members of that community as well. The fact that any of us on the fanart side, which included people who didn't do 3D modelling,
Somebody I used to be friends with was very upset that I was the only writer brought on board, but a logistical perspective, I really don't know how you could expect to get multiple people who were known primarily for fic involved in an update like this (we are no longer friends because she couldn't even pretend to be happy for me, like wtf). Cantsman wrote and conceived of the larger scenario of Gray Mann being the source of the robotic hats himself, and my main contribution was writing the comic with him to flesh out this idea. Those are my words written out, but it was Cantsman who mentioned the idea of Future Engineer as a throwaway idea. I pounced on it immediately. I did a little bit of supplemental writing for blurbs on the promotional site, but other than that, most of it was Cantsman. There really wasn't anything that additional writers would have been able to do, and there was very much an effort on mine and Cantsman's part to make sure that the writing did have a cohesive voice, with a tone fitting for TF2 canon. I can't help but read the things that I wrote and feel like they are very clearly written by me. My dad got to read the comic the year before he died, and he was incredibly proud, saying that even if he didn't go in knowing that I'd written it, he'd still be able to tell.
I am so fucking proud of Soldier wearing a tiara and eating a money sandwich. That shit is still funny to me. I don't care if people didn't like Kisses von Butternubs. Yeah, he's no Poopy Joe, but there's so much off-the-wall craziness in TF2 canon that it's hard to compete with a team of professionals. Cantsman and I were coming to it as people who drew and wrote comics for fun.
It's been 10 years. I didn't realize the anniversary was last month; one of the biggest changes of my entire adult life happened in May and goddamn, that month went by fast. I should probably message Cantsman, see how he's doing. I feel incredibly lucky that when he was looking for a writer from the fanfic community to help him when he was stuck after having only written a single page, he picked me to help him. Literally, he just messaged me on Steam and was like "hey, I'm working on this top secret project, it's a fanmade TF2 update and I could use some help writing. Are you interested?"
And I answered with a very enthusiastic "sure, why not?"
My good friend @nevvyland would tell me that I needed to apply myself and work harder to find an industry job, and that one wouldn't just fall into my lap. And lo and behold, this job fell into my lap. Nevvy had to stand corrected.
I wonder how everyone else that worked on it is doing. I wonder if they'd be okay with me reaching out to them. I posted a lot of cringe throughout the 2010's, but the reasons for that are a completely different story for another time. As I've said before, I feel like the 2020's and me being in the latter half of my 30's have put a lot of things into perspective.
I don't mind being known for writing Death of a Salesbot, as well as Respawn of the Dead and With Apologies to Harlan Ellison, but these were things that happened so long ago. I fear my newer projects will never again have that reach... but that's okay. I'll just keep chugging along with my art and writing, and make things because I enjoy making them.
Much better than being remembered for calling a horse dildo beautiful.
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 4 months
New Fanfic
Based on a headcannon i posed as well as a picture
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phroggiesinabucket · 9 months
Hello! I’m in a bit of a mental pickle—
I’ve been thinking of doing tf2 fan fiction, but I’m not sure if I should
SO! Please do this poll to help me decide!
Reblogs are politely requested so I can get more votes! :>
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Stockholm Chapter 8 🔞 Medic/Sniper/Engie
Chapter 8 just released!!
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axelthegreat101 · 6 months
Masterlist ♡
Heyyaaa! My name is Axel, but you can call me Axe. My pronouns are Xe/Xem, and welcome to my blog! I’m a fanfic writer, and this is my masterlist and introduction so you can know a bit more about me.
Fandoms I write for:
The Bad Batch
Team Fortress 2
Wings of Fire
What I will write:
Head cannons
Character x Character
NSFW head cannons
GN, male or enby reader
Polygamous hcs
What I won’t write:
Full on smut
SH or SA of any kind (I want this blog to be friendly to everyone)
Female reader ( not comfortable with writing that)
OC x Character (I want the people who read to feel included, specific oc requests kind of make it difficult to do that)
general no no list (weird fetishes, just general gross stuff that would make anybody read it go "what the actual fuck" )
Important!! Please read!
I have every right to ignore/delete your request. Please don’t pester me with requests. I will try to write them but I can’t keep up with multiple requests at once. My writing is a side hobby and I am busy with my personal life.
I will not write any requests that make me uncomfortable, or if it’s confusing to me.
Other than those things, feel free to request whenever you want. I look forward to hearing your requests!
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also here’s a picture of my cat. =]
DNI: Kink blogs, pro ship, MAPs, TERFs, radfems, transphobes, queerphobes, ableists, sexists, racists, pro-Israel, and anyone who thinks aro and/or ace people aren't valid
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Engie would whip Soldier with an extension cord during sex, and then would be very sweet and gentle during aftercare imo
AS HE SHOULD BE !!! Boys at home if he isn't sweet and gentle during aftercare after whipping you with an extension cord don't bother
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