#tf2 rookie
ghostliebites · 2 years
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ok I wanted to post the lined version cuz Sniper’s face is SO CUTE HERE
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triptychofvoids · 1 month
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commission for @zeldotsbrainrot !!
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zeldotsbrainrot · 3 months
ask / request for the rookie : any reason you like engie, medic and spy so much ? :33c
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"I mean, I can be civil with my coworkers, and I generally like all of them for different reasons. But if we're talking about the ones I have a special and personal interest in..."
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"...If I list everything I like about them, we'll be here all day."
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nikoofdeath · 3 months
Part 3 of my comic rookie if red.
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I promise it'll pick up mlre as I go along-
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conquered-gnomes · 5 months
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This was going to be scout TF2 but his accessories were too much to add and I need to put him in an environment by Tuesday
I’ve never done a walk cycle! It was fucking HARD!!! This was my FOURTH ATTEMPT!!
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I’m trying to merge my obsessions but it’s halo and tf2 so now scout is canonically the rookie from halo odst because merasmus is angry wizard idk and after odst he goes to infinite (now a spartan) and is found in the tower n then he fights alongside chief but at the end of the infinite he confesses that he doesn’t belong in this timeline and boom he gets sent back to tf2 time line bc the mercs teamed up and beat the shit outa merasmus and forced him to bring scout back
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 5 months
Mercs x gn reader who’s blind? They’re not a fighter or something but they help around keeping the base in check or something, they have really good hearing.
Can tell the guys apart from their footsteps, even catching Spy off guard when they noticed him sneaking about.
One thing they want to familiarize with the Mercs are their face shapes. They may not see them with their eyes but they picture them to match their voices. GN Reader adores being around these noisy men.
TF2 Mercs with a blind reader (Most notably Spy..)
Warning: Brainless imbeciles
-He is wracked at first with the misinformation surrounding blindness. At first, he thinks your world is completely dark. Night-time type of darkness and you have no ways of seeing his shape whatsoever. Which might be half true for some of you, but imagine his awe when you look directly at him after being spoken to. You could hear this idiot nagging from a mile away.
- “Wait, so do you know i’m white?” “I’m blind, Scout. Not stupid.”
- He’s clearly been unsocialized to those with vision impairment. It shows in his borderline stupid behavior. Waves his bat in front of your face and then winces when you angrily grab it and yank it away from him. Thats when he discovers that blind people typically don’t enjoy that. Gee, you learn something new everyday!
- Runs really fast by you on the battlefield and your face follows the exact direction from where he came from to where he was going. He saw this for a split second and needless to say, he envies your heightened hearing. You had a mildly interested expression the entire time. As if trying to discern if that was an enemy scout or not. Hmm, no. It’s definitely your scout. Nobody else uses that pretentious ass expensive cologne from tuefort’s strip mall. You wanted to gag.
- You could hear him easier than any other merc. His footsteps were simply too evident and easy to identify due to the rhythmic fast-pace. Like an annoying fly buzzing past your ear. (In all honesty, you’re not too far off.) Scout gave himself away way too easily and it concerned you a bit.
- “LOOK ME IN THE EYES WHEN I’M SPEAKING TO YOU, ROOKIE!” Soldier says confidently. You glare and say “Well I’d do that if I could see where your fucking eyes are.” aaaaand cue soldier’s immediate realization and instant guilt. These men seriously just speak out of their ass impulsively like babies.
- Bumps into you on accident in the hallway a few times and you certainly don’t need vision to know he opens his mouth in protest before immediately closing it and apologizing profusely for not being mindful enough toward your position. In fact this is beginning to happen a lot more than the other mercs for some reason.. The other ones EASILY move out of your way or make space politely. Yes, even Spy and Medic.
- You approach him one day; and you ask him if he might consider he has vision problems as well. Soldier quietly ponders the thought before audibly shrugging. You shake your head and ask him if he has any blurry vision, blind spots and whatnot. He mentions the top half of his eyes are pretty much dark. You blink for a second, then reach out to touch his head. Feeling something hard and metal.. You pull it off his head and he’s like “HOLY MOLY MARY MOTHER OF ROCKET JUMPING CHRIST! YOU FIXED MY BLINDNESS, PRIVATE! YOU MUST BE A DESCENDANT OF THE GOOD LORD JESUS!” Yes, it was his oversized helmet.
- You rub the bridge of your nose for a moment, utterly fucking tired and it’s not even ten yet.
- SAME HAT! Sort of. Demoman is missing an eye, and his blind spot is annoying. You’ve both sort of unintentionally bonded over your poor eyes and after memorizing where his blind spot was, you make sure to walk up behind him in that exact area to startle him. Which usually results in both of you howling in laughter.
- You nervously ask demoman to be your eyes on the battlefield one day while anxiety is quite intense. Demoman shakes his head in irritation. “Ye do know I have horrible depth perception, everybody and der mother is movin at mach 10!?” and you respond “Great! We’re fucked.” You were indeed not fucked. Both of you managed to tough it out by ears alone. You make a great team and demoman is blessed to have you. You protect each other expertly.
- If you happen to have a white cane by any chance, prepare to do childish pretend sword battles with him during dinner time. Don’t worry, he’s using a broom. God knows that eyelander would actually try to kill you and everyone else in the room. Miss pauling is very displeased by your guys’ table manners.
- You inspire him a bit. He was always a bit secretly doubtful of his own abilities after losing his hand in battle. It gave him a nagging insecurity that he’d fuck up in some way, or was no longer qualified due to his disability. You completely destroyed that insecure side of him. The way you effortlessly kill and complete your missions has made him feel better.
- You’re in his workshop one night, and you’ve memorized pretty much the entire layout of the room as this point. Minus maybe a few annoying bolts on the ground here and there that you dance over. You approach him and put your hands on his shoulder. Which he responds to by rubbing your left hand. “So uh, are you making some weird contraption that’ll fix my eyesight or something?” You ask as a joke.
- Engineer sounds offended by such a thing. “You don’t feel broken, do you? I’m not doing that.” He says sternly. “You’re not broken, Y/N. If you want I can make somethin’ partner but there’s nothing wrong with you and I don’t want you to feel that way. You’re no toy to be fixed so that everyone else is somehow comfortable! If ‘em boys are bothering you why I oughta—“
- You sigh in slight exasperation from the random dad rant but in the inside you’re thankful for his words. You hug him tightly in gratitude to shut him up and then feel a cold metal touch your arm. You look down, unable to discern the shape of the object. But it’s undoubtedly robotic-feeling. “Whats that?” You ask. Engineer pauses. Realizing he had taken his glove off. He realizes now’s a good time to remind you he’s on your side. He strokes you with his metal hand to soothe you. “Let’s just say we aren’t too different in some respects, sugar.” And his words is what makes you realize what it is.
- You drag the metal hand to your cheek and feel the cool claws against your skin. The thumb of the machinery rubs your chin.
- He figures out you’re blind right away and he genuinely doesn’t give a shit. He finds everybody equally annoying, like I said beforehand. You’ll notice as aforementioned he moves out of your way in the hallway however and aids you around the building whenever you ask him. He seems to care.
- He asks you how big he is from your perspective. You can answer that pretty confidently. The truth of the matter is that he’s the most recognizable due to his large body, rumbling voice, and massive footsteps. He nods and slightly smiles with reassurance. Good. Even those with eyesight problems know he’s dangerous. excellent. Just the way he likes it.
- Heavy fully trusts in your abilities and makes no attempts to help you in battle unless you ask. He’s seen you bash heads in one too many times without much thought and it’s safe to say they made a great call hiring you. Clearly you don’t let being blind affect your work whatsoever. In a weird sort of way, he feels oddly proud of you but won’t ever voice it outloud.
- You save him from a Spy and this causes a distant, disheveled look in his eyes as you run off and he stops whirling his gun. It isn’t often his kindness is rewarded like this. (Also now he’s wondering if he should ask Medic to give him supersonic hearing.)
- Pyro doesn’t realize you’re blind at all at first. It’s just not something they think much about when accessing new friends. His mind isn’t on scoping out their inherent “flaws” but rather scoping out how well you treat the others around you. Which is an odd thing for Pyro considering they’re quite content on vandalizing shit, disregarding people’s worldly positions and their feelings on it, and overall being an unforgiving nutcase who’d 100% bite off all the heads of their animal crackers and put them back in the box.
- Once they figure out you’re actually not here to cause damage, they seem to warm up fast. Pun intended. I think the moment they realize something’s wrong is when they silently point out a sniper around the corner with their pointer finger and you don’t even flinch. In their stead, Soldier audibly reminds you. This causes pyro to re-think how you might perceive some stuff.
- They begin to psychoanalyze you more out of habit. You seem to disregard a lot of certain visual stimuli in favor of sound. Without even asking you they figure out after a while that you’re blind and quickly adjust their behavior to better accommodate you. Instead of pointing at danger for example, they grab your hand and make you point at it… Which works, I mean. But he could just speak, y’know? It’s not like you can’t hear them better than anyone else over that gas mask.
- Pyro figures out how to convey signals to you without having to do the hard task of speaking. Two taps on your shoulder meant spy, one tap meant sentry around corner, and so on. Not only did this hide his intentions from the enemy team but helped you team up with them quickly.
- Ugh.. Sniper is much like Scout in the sense that he has no clue how to respond to a blind person. He quickly assumes you’re inept at first and begins prioritizing your position on the battlefield more than anyone else. Shooting down key targets that get too close to you; or get in a quarrel with you. It’s flattering really but you can hold your own in a fight just fine. This is affecting your performance.
- You admittedly lose your mind and yell at him. But to be honest he had it coming with his stupid assumptions. Sniper doesn’t even complain nor move a muscle as you shout at him and storm off. He immediately feels regretful and tips his hat forward. Once again he’s lost another potential friend to his own behavior. “I was only trying to keep you alive.” He mutters to himself as he turns away. Unbeknownst to him, you heard it.
- Convinced, you sigh and walk back to him and run down the fact that you’re independent, and that you appreciated it but it’s important you complete things by yourself. Then you bitterly apologize for yelling at him. You could have swore you heard a soft “Sorry too…”
- This unexpected softness from a hard rough and tough guy like Sniper is what makes you reconsider him. He’s willing to fess up and apologize for having a bias. He just sucks at it. You forgive him hesitantly and you learn to not regret that later. Because he soon learns that you’re simply equal to all the other mercs and treats you as such.
- Come on now, really? He already has his hands on your medical history the moment you walk through the door. He doesn’t skip a beat whenever idly scanning for things he should keep note of. Medic never even asks you if you’re blind. He simply acts as though he’s always known. Opening doors for you, directing you if you truly need it. Aggressively shoving the other mercs out of the way to make way for you so he doesn’t need to tend to BOTH your wounds.
- At first you suspected him to go crazy over time and check your eyesight curiously like a wet specimen in a jar. But his indifference is.. Slightly unnerving. You decide to enter his office and hesitantly remind him that you’re blind. Because you genuinely don’t know at this rate.
- “So..?” He asks. Rather rudely at that. You want to exhale loudly in anger so badly. Why was everyone in this fuckin’ place so mean?? Medic takes his glasses off and readjusts the position of his desk papers. “Should I act upon this more and enforce more adjustments?”
- “No—“ You say slowly. “I didn’t know you even knew. Normally you’d go crazy with curiosity whenever someone is even mildly different than you in an attempt to understand them.” You tell him. This causes him to sort of put his fist to his lips and snort. Holding back a laugh. “What? You think I haven’t met a blind person before? You’re forgetting i’m a doctor. Plus that just means we’re safer with you around. I’d rather not be backstabbed a thousand times each round anymore.”
- Agh.. That explains it. That yellow folder on the table with the blurry photo of your image also explains it.
- His poor pride is in pieces on the ground whenever you’re nearby. The other mercs can visibly see his fists clench into a ball and swear they see his eye twitch. Scout especially wonders if you’re going to be the one who finally blows his lid. Why? JUST WHY? Why can you hear him when nobody else can? He’s like a magician the way he disappears into the shadows. So why does it not affect you?
- He’s superior in every way and he knows it. So why is it whenever he’s lightly walking along the hallway to have a smoke break that you turn around and greet him? Truly, nobody else walks as gently and lightly as he does. His footwork to your ears is like a tiptoeing predator in the bushes the way he walks so slowly to achieve stealth. He freezes in place and grits his teeth everytime you do this… Then suppresses his own unholy wrath and stumbles away.
- .. You’re making him needlessly paranoid. He can’t work under these conditions. If you can sense him, then surely eventually the other team will? Congratulations on singlehandedly causing this old man work related silent panic attacks. His hair is falling out more than usual and he’s staring at himself in the mirror, with a dead gone expression. Staring into the void. He’s dissociating now.
- Tries to outsmart your own heightened senses in any way he can. The closest he’s gotten is maybe sneaking into your room while you were asleep to check your drawer and you woke up due to the sound of the drawer opening. After rolling around to face him, his cat-like eyes in the darkness disappeared as fast as they came in. WHOOOOSHHHhh went his cloak. You could even hear him tapping his watch in the process. Really, you didn’t understand how he was such a huge threat to the other team.
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
Can we getttt
Valeria, Soap, König and Price with a s/o who's a medic? or someone who does like navy stuff in the military with them ? pretty pleaseee
okay thank you buh bye :3
Hello again! I did the medic request! I hope it's alright!
Price, Soap, Valeria and König with a Medic!Reader
Price: Oh, poor you, you’ll likely be overrun with work. Price knows you’re competent, that you know what you do, and thus you’ll likely be assigned all of his rowdy boys. It’s not uncommon for Soap to get hurt doing who knows what, so he often needs to be patched up. Same for Gaz. Those two will likely become patrons of yours. Price does also believe that you getting along well with those two would be a good thing, though. After all, you’ll be protected and the lads will get patched up. However, if you complain about getting too many injured people, he’ll tell the boys to go somewhere else for the time being. Every time Price gets hurt, however, he will ask to see you. Yes, he is an adult and can take not being babied by you just once, but he becomes a bit grouchy when another medic takes care of him. It’s nice to simply have your loved one take care of you. He won’t go out of his way to get hurt to see you, but if you’re working nearby he might ask you if you’d like to grab some tea or coffee with him before you both go back to doing what you do. You, too, are always welcome to knock on his office and ask to see him, he’ll try his best to make time for you. You always work so hard, you’ve earned a nice little break. If such a thing even is possible, and you wanna come along for a mission, he’d be hesitant. Don’t get me wrong, Price loves you and he knows he and his boys are in good hands with you, but he’ll make the world stop turning entirely if something were to happen to you. Thus, even if you insist on coming along, he’ll simply give you a kiss on your forehead and sternly tell you to stay. Don’t argue with him, he’ll always find ways to get you to stay. In the end, you’ll both just end up worried for each other, no matter what.
Soap: He’s kind of stoked to find out you’re a medic for his Task Force. Soap is a diligent guy, but he can also be a bit reckless at times, ergo it’s not so uncommon for him to get hurt. Sometimes the rookies just need to be shown who’s boss, other times Ghost needs to finally realize that Soap is stronger than he looks. Sometimes Soap will hurt himself for no other reason than wanting to see you. It’s nothing severe, sometimes he’ll come see you for a cut on his finger and joke about how he’s bleeding to death, consciousness fading already. Give him a bandaid and a kiss to his forehead and he’ll be on his merry way, claiming to have found a miracle healer every time. He’s so in love with you, he makes it everyone’s problem. His, yours, Ghost’s, even Gaz keeps hearing about your “magic spells” (a kiss on his wound). You and Gaz will also become good friends throughout your career, Soap and him always spar with each other, go overboard and end up hurt. Please scold the both of them, they won’t listen to a word you said, but they’re more inclined to be careful than if Ghost were to say something. Sometimes Soap likes to compare you to fictional medics he’s heard of. And yes, he has asked you to speak in a silly German accent before. It cracks him up every time you make a reference to Medic from TF2. If you ever were to join him on a mission he would be as stoked as he’d be horrified. On the one hand, everyone gets to see how cool you are, on the other you might get shot and not survive. That’s a risk he’s not particularly willing to take. Yes, he would consult Price about it and maybe tip the scales in his favor so you won’t have to join him after all. He’d rather die himself than have you die on the battlefield. You can argue with him all you want, he’ll always say Captain’s orders if you ever wanna come along. Losing you is the worst thing that could happen to him, so he’ll do what he can to keep you alive.
Valeria: Once she figured out you’re a medic, which was likely very early on, you’ll be the only one to ever treat her wounds. She’ll likely also be the only patient you’ll ever see. Her goons can have someone else, someone less guarded who she couldn’t actually care less about. You’re all hers, you’re safe and sound with her, kinda, and you’ll make sure she does well in return. It’s a constant give and take with her. You can chat with the others if you so please, but you’re not supposed to say that you’re a medic, no matter how badly you want to help someone. Some dick could plot revenge against Valeria by taking you out first, and she will not have that happen. At best, you don’t work for her at all and work somewhere else, even if that would make seeing each other a bit more difficult. As long as you’re not working for the Mexican Special Forces, she’s content with you working just about anywhere. However, please do help her whenever you can. You’ll be the only one she trusts with just about anything medical. She has some knowledge about it herself, but yours surpasses hers. You can stitch her up all you want, as long as she’s able to walk again after a while, she’s happy. While she won’t ask and whine for one, she would appreciate it as well if you gave her a small kiss on her (not severe) wound. But only if the two of you are alone, no one needs to know you’re together. You can insist on coming along all you want, you won’t. Valeria will chuckle a bit, put your face in her hands, and tell you all the good reasons why you won’t be coming along. Absolutely no one needs to know who you are, no one needs to know in which way you’re affiliated with her. If Valeria dies on the battlefield, that’s one thing, but they won’t take you along with her, dead or alive. Your chances of coming along are zero because she’s the boss and she gets to decide who lives and who dies. You’ll live for as long as possible.
König: He’d probably be a bit surprised to see you on a KorTac base just like that, helping out. But he wouldn’t mind you being there. Like Soap and Price, if he gets injured he’ll ask to see you, even if he won’t exactly disclose what your relationship is either. You know each other, that’s all everyone else needs to know. He’d use this time to catch up with you, chat with you about anything and everything. More often than not, König is on the battlefield, risking his life for money, so it’s nice to get some downtime for once and not have to worry about getting shot. Although he knows you’re likely busy, he will try to stall for some time whenever he can, he doesn’t get to see you that often, after all. König doesn’t get hurt very often, but whenever he does, it’s usually something pretty bad. He doesn’t complain about the pain, he doesn’t whine about it either, he simply gets it treated after the mission is over. He’s broken a lot of his bones already, but they’ve healed every time. He’s not reckless per se, just not always very lucky. Most of his injuries come from his surroundings rather than his enemies. He’ll never forget the panicked look on your face when he came to you almost nonchalantly, hiding his pain as some shrapnel was stuck in his shoulder. This man’s body is littered with scars. Just take good care of him, and you’ll have yourself a happy little soldier, though. Unlike the other three, he doesn’t really see the problem with you tagging along for a mission. A good medic is always needed, no matter where you are. Sure, he’s well aware you could die, but he’s confident enough in himself to be able to protect you. Besides, you’re trustworthy and good at what you do, they’ll always need you. Just be prepared for König to be a bit clingier with you than he usually is. While he isn’t as worried about you dying, he is aware of the risks. Stays with you until the mission is over, or until another soldier he knows he can trust, such as Horangi, has come to cover you.
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5eraphim · 2 years
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TF2 The Medic Yandere Alphabet
Link to @cuteghostwriter​ ‘s original alphabet
Character, The Medic 🕊 (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: T
Content warnings: yandere, unhealthy relationship dynamics, slightly suggestive, implied mind break
Word Count: 2.6k
song inspo
(Last edited 1/3/2023)
Attachment, how do they become obsessed?
Considering the Medic is hardly the "love at first sight" type, more than likely, he needed to analyze and learn more about you before becoming truly smitten. Perhaps you were a rookie trainee working at his Medical Bay, another fledgling like so many before, but through trial by fire and a fighting spirit, you remained dedicated to your work. For so long, the Medic considered his craft his first and only love, yet something about you had him reconsidering. The feeling was as unnerving as it was bewitching.
Brutality, how vicious can they be towards a rival?
Well, brutal may be putting things lightly. (To no one's surprise.) The man is nothing short of ruthless in getting what he wants, no matter what or who it may be. The Medic isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to keep others away from you. But, so long as you were his, it's all worth it. Also, considering his implied unfruitful prior marriage, he feels he needs you all the more. Medic knows he enjoys brutalizing others as much as he loves protecting those he loves and isn't afraid to admit this.
Caring, how well do they take care of their obsession?
This likely won't come effortlessly for him or as naturally as it may come to others. But he can start with what he knows, ensuring your physical needs are always met, be it thirst, hunger, warmth, or exhaustion. If he notices you appear ill or in need, he'll be there to step in. Then, after a bit more time, the Medic may try to appeal more to your emotional side in the form of little gifts and tokens of affection, small gifts with immense meaning coming from him. Medic isn't very experienced in relationships or seduction and is insecure about coming on too strong and repelling you, and prefers to play it safe at the best of times.
Depraved, do they have a shrine? (If so, what's on it?)
The Medic is pragmatic and logic-driven, and it's hard to think of him utilizing precious resources to construct a "shrine." But as mentioned before, it's easier for him to communicate and comprehend physical objects over words and sentimentality. So, most likely, the Medic keeps a private little stash of pilfered belongings away from prying eyes. Handwritten notes, pens, jewelry, things like that. So, while he doesn't have a "shrine," he has a little hiding spot for his eyes only.
Erratic, how unpredictable are they? How quickly are their mood changes?
This poor man is egregiously love and touch-depraved, as well as being wholly unhinged. Once he thinks you return his affections, he's ready to pounce, not one to fall fast, but with his entire heart all the same. (Though his ability to differentiate platonic from romantic affections leaves much to be desired.) Once he's sure you feel the same way, all your little acts of kindness towards him mean the world, and he's not afraid to let you know. Likewise, he's fiercely competitive and territorial. If he senses another man is infatuated with you, their ass is gone. (You ought to be thanking him, really-) 
Fun, what do they do to keep their obsession entertained
Considering this man's idea of fun involves organ harvesting and human experimentation, it may be best to leave this one to your interpretation. Likely the most wholesome quality time with him will be spent tending to his birds, but considering how he treasures his bird children, allowing you to help care for them is a massive display of trust from him.
Good, do they reward their obsession for good behavior?
But of course! He's the type to get off on obedience, and the idea of programming you into becoming his perfect, doting, and loving spouse is a very appealing endgame. Unfortunately, he's also a massive manipulator with ulterior motives and a nasty lying streak. He likely will bait you by being softer with you and "stay on his good side," so you are conditioned into subconsciously keeping close and subconsciously trying to appease him. Only allowing himself to indulge in his darker impulses when you display fear or resistance.
Hysterical, how quickly would their facade break?
Bitch, what facade? The man is past unhinged, and there is no conceivable way he could maintain a "sensible, unthreatening normal boss for long. Despite this, it would likely be a while before you discovered his mad love. Considering his deranged obsession with his work, his eccentricities were easily accepted as part of his "quirks." And though you were frightened, you wanted to believe deep down he was a nice guy, and you just needed to give him a chance. Unfortunately, by the time you came to grasp the weight of his obsessive fixation with you, it was already far too late for you to save yourself. 
Intimate, how intimate are they with their obsession?
The Medic never had a good way with words. His communication skills left much to be desired, much less in a romantic context. Physical touch and gentleness are equally troublesome for him to comprehend and exemplify. It's all considerably foreign to the Medic, but he wants you and desires to be wanted in kind. He simply has a unique way of showing it. He'd make sure if the two of you were working together, no one interrupted, or he would always offer his personal quarters to you in your downtime if you wanted a bit of privacy from the rest of the staff. Things that are objectively gracious but not explicitly romantic.
Jealous, what makes them the most jealous?
While he would never admit it, seeing you buddy up with the other members of his team, especially the more extroverted and outspoken members, triggers his insecurities. Although Medic genuinely worries they overshadow him in your eyes, even if he knows your relationship with him is much more personal, the doubt lingers all the same. How was it fair these men who would never love you as he did, were so comfortable at your side? Would you still remember him if you preferred his comrades' company to his own? That unfairness and the threat of being your "second choice" destroys him. Jealousy never fails to bring out the worst in him and is one of the few things that can trigger him to act on impulse or spur-of-the-moment acts of aggression.
Kindness, so they think what they're doing is kindness?
The Medic isn't stupid, he may be delusional, but he can't turn his rational mind off entirely. He knows imprisoning you and conditioning you into becoming his lover isn't right and not normal, but that isn't to say he regrets his actions. On the contrary, it's all worth it so long as he can keep you out of the dangers of war, untrustworthy men, or whatever else may come your way. Whether you see it that way or not. 
Lust, what is the most beautiful thing about their obsession?
He may be a bit older, but Medic's no stranger to acting on his more sinister desires, no one provoking these desires quite like yourself. He's more the type to appreciate your figure and how your body moves and reacts more so than any particular body part. As a doctor, if he could, he'd want to explore every inch of your body if you'd allow him. The only exception may be how he can feel your heart beating in your chest when he stalks close enough to listen in those precious few moments. He dreams of resting with you in his bed, his head in your arms, nestling into your chest, listening to the hypnotic rhythm. No clothes to hide behind, just you running your fingers through his hair as he can feel the warmth of your body perfectly against his own. 
Makeout, what are their kisses like?
Unfortunately, he's not very practiced, or rather, he's considerably out of practice compared to his younger years. Even when he manages to muster up the courage to kiss you after thinking of this moment a hundred times before, preparing for this one instant, he'll always come off as a bit too forceful. Too handsy, too needy, desperate to feel your body against his own. Bless his heart, he's doing his best to make this moment pleasurable for you, but he can't help himself! His hands have a mind of their own, pulling your body closer to his, feeling you up all over. But, when the Medic's voice drops into that breathy, lusty, deep moan- You can't help but melt a little despite yourself. He may mellow out a touch the more time he spends with you, but that's no promise.
Never, what is one thing they would never do to their obsession?
He would never try to punish you by forcing you out on your own to fend for yourself. He can be cold when pushed to anger, but this would be going too far. The Medic is far from a softie when it comes to punishment. But he's also hyper-vigilant in keeping you perfectly healthy and in his care. Likely if he heard whisperings of you planning on leaving the med bay to find work elsewhere, he would have the opposite response. This would be the tipping point that convinces him to kidnap you for your own good. At his coldest, he would deny you healing but could be pushed to enforce more physical punishments. Imagine Medic keeping you locked up without sunshine, food, or warmth for several days until you start to break down and can no longer resist him.
Outrage, what makes them furious?
Watching you act up or in any way endanger your physical health recklessly or allowing others to heal or dote on you instead of him. This includes pursuing relationships with "the wrong crowd," i.e., his comrades. You were too precious to be running around with the other lunatic mercenaries, and he would be furious to learn of you sneaking around with anyone behind his back. Likewise, accepting their help or taking their offerings of food/healing in his eyes is equally self-endangering.
Pleasure, what is something they love making their obsession do?
Making you behave as his obedient little assistant. He's likely thought of trying to conduct a total mind-break on you, but he's conflicted. While nothing arouses his affections and passions like watching you obey his commands and keeping close to no one but himself, he still treasures your mind. You're bright, and your intellect ought to be cultivated and protected, and clearly, he can't have it both ways, but he may still consider it a last-ditch effort to possess you if you try to run away and keep you as some mix between a house-servant and a trophy wife.
Quick, how quick are they to figure out escape plans?
Precisely that, quick. The Medic is hyper-attentive to details and very quick to pick up and learn your natural subconscious patterns. Once he notices something off with you, perhaps acting a little too charming, a possible sign you're trying to flatter him, so he'd lower his guard around you long enough to slip away. Or too withdrawn, like you're trying to break free as fast as possible, trying to drop under his radar. Either way, it's enough to arouse his suspicions, and he's not afraid to directly confront you on this kind of behavior.
Romantic, how romantic can they be or try to be?
The Medic loves you with all his heart, more than he's loved anyone else before, and he would do anything to show he cares. But this is, unfortunately, not one of his proficiencies, and he knows it. The Medic knows most people see him as cold, cruel, or creepy; unfortunately, at this late in his life, he has mostly resigned himself to his fate. No matter how sweet or caring he tries to act around you, there is always that voice in the back of his head telling him he's not compassionate enough to truly captivate you. (Poor baby) 
Self-indulgent, how possessive are they, if at all?
This man has more than enough self-importance to see himself as totally in the right to take you under his wing and mold you as he pleases. Unsurprisingly, the answer is a hard yes. After all, now that he's spent all this time making you dependent on him, it would be horribly cruel to abandon or give up on you!
Trust, how much information about themself would they grant their obsession?
As little as possible, if you're working under him, close enough to be his right hand, clearly you're sharp. And he's likely quite paranoid you'll catch onto the game he's been playing and run away before he can steal you away. So the Medic wants to keep you in the dark as long as possible. And would do his best to play his concerning behavior off on his eccentric persona as long as possible. Medic isn't the kind of person to feel any reservations or moral qualms about lying to you if it's within his self-interest.
Unattractive, what is their most unattractive trait besides being a yandere?
Well, his unbridled malpractice is a bit of a vibe killer. :/
Viscous, how viscous can they get?
C'mon now, if you know anything about him, you'll see the answer here is as much as possible. There is no brutality he won't sink to, no moral boundary he won't cross. If he suspects someone is plotting against him, they're gone. He is cold, swift, efficient, and proud of it. He knows acting like this is doing him no favors in your eyes, but he also rationalizes if you ever do come around to him, all will be forgiven. 
Weakness, what is something they can't resist?
The Medic is too calculating for his own good. While he may dream of an ideal life, just the two of you forever, he's too paranoid and insecure to completely let his guard down around you. Unfortunately, his paranoia is his own worst enemy. It clouds his judgment and keeps him from ever letting his guard down around you entirely. 
Xenodochial, how fast would their obsession cut them off after an escape?
If you had a single brain cell, you would run far away and never look back. Don't tell anyone where you're going, don't try to play mind games with the Medic, and don't leave him any clues behind. If you challenge him to win your freedom or engage in a civil, normal relationship, he'll pull you back in for good this time. Your only hope to escape him is to outrun him. If you can, that is.
Yearning, how much do they pine for their obsession?
More so than he ever has before. It surprises everyone to see the Medic acting so lovesick, and there's even a chance the others might catch on to how he reacts differently around you before he does. He certainly never thought he'd become so lovesick for another, and you wouldn't expect him to take so warmly to you so quickly. Basically, the Medic is down BIBLICALLY and tearing himself apart. He doesn't know how to deal with this. Love is as disturbing as it is beguiling.
Zealous, how devoted to their darling are they?
With all his heart! He was never one to half-ass anything he set his mind to, much less something as important as his relationship with you. However, once a bit of time passes and he determines he's properly and hopelessly smitten with you, he will resign himself to his fate. The Medic knows he'll need drastic measures to ensure the future he dreams of, but he's ready to fight for it, tooth and nail.
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txttletale · 1 year
You know when I saw your post in which you had 500 hours in tf2 I was like "those are rookie numbers" but now I learn that you have 500 hours in like three other games and it turns out I was the rookie all along
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im lowkey a gamer girl
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ghostliebites · 2 years
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more pre-relationship Switcheroo!! they’re so gay and silly for each other hehe
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general-marzipan · 1 year
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Don't know if I've ever put my girl on here, but I'm heavily considering entering the tf2 oc tourney by @tf2shipswag sometime today so it's time to Meet the Rookie!
Meet Darnell, the Rookie Engineer! She's in her mid-to-late 20s & uses she/they/he as her pronouns!
As far as general info regarding them goes:
This specific Darnell works for the BLU team & works as Dell's apprentice! While under his instruction, Darnell learns the basics of engineering, such as building machinery, shooting a shotgun, & keeping a look out for spies.
Before being recruited, Darnell originally wanted to be an artist, so that helps a ton when it comes to making designs! As of now, they're better at making designs for machines rather than actually building them (though he's really trying her best!)
She is determined & committed when it comes to her job even if she is only an apprentice, though they can get a bit frazzled, clumsy, & distracted at times.
I like to think of Darnell as being on the asexual spectrum & being either trans, nonbinary, &/or genderqueer!
Darnell has a huge crush on Dell, but wants to be a good engineer for her team as well as herself, so most of her story revolves around balancing her skills as an engineer while also painfully longing for Dell, knowing well that her job comes first.
As far as general info regarding other Rookies go:
(This headcanon goes for my personal Rookie oc, but I'll put this here too just in case) The rookie was hired by the Administrator after witnessing one of their 'cleanups' from a mission. Although Miss Pauling was ready to shoot the Rookie, The Administrator decided to hire them instead, thinking that they could use them to gain insight on the other team (also cause it was a great blackmail opportunity).
Since being hired, the Rookie works hard to be a good Engineer, but always wonders why they were hired & for what reason. (funds were most likely low for Mann Co. to hire good recruits)
The Rookie wears a bandit mask to hide their identity! No one on their team knows who they are or what they look like! (The only ones who know are The Administrator & Miss Pauling ofc) The rookie may seem docile by nature, but try to take off their mask & you'll be dead where you stand.
**(Note: The Rookie class in general doesn't have to look exactly like the ref listed above! Originally, my Rookie Darnell was gonna be a self-insert [& she still kind of is!], but then slowly became her own character while still inheriting traits from me! So if you'd like to make your own Rookie oc using these concepts, feel free! [oh & plz tag me if you do, I wanna see this Rookie out in the world!!!])**
That's pretty much all I have, so thanks for making it this far! Here, have the original ref for Darnell I made around last month!
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missis-maple394 · 5 months
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Author’s comment:
Woah, I've played TF2 (Team Fortress 2) for a year now! How the time passes, feels like a yesterday I've been hanging around with this fantastic community and creators! I kept my mercenary badge to prove where I got my joined date, even my first gibus hat and pyrovision! So, how did I joined this 16 1/2 year old FPS war-hat simulator? Well... I'd wish to make something related on my doodle but... I'm afraid, I have burned out doing big pieces or studies. I'll tell you a story in another time, I promise. :) This doodle is my main cosmetic for Pyro! I love playing them as a combo loadout, using Degreaser + Flarefun is so much fun to get CRIT AND AIM! Despite reaching my 1k hours and still rookie, I get beaten up by highly skilled veteran players, the bot waves and cheaters lurking around, the bad eggs of TF2's fandoms and players, the negligence of Valve's silence actions; I still play and having fun while I keep investing niche skills. I've experience this before when it comes Hollow Knight's Silksong, 6 (SIX) years of development without news or update, I cannot imagine how much longer they think. It feels eternity in there. Let's hope that we can wait a little bit longer and closer as we believe. But it feels so farther away, you know? I missed my chance with TF2's golden age of 2011~2018....
Author’s note:
DO NOT start a roleplay using direct messages/comments & replies with my artworks.
DO NOT add your playful or direct rudeness to my posts such as replies, comments, hidden tags and private messages.
DO NOT tag and marked as a kin/me/morally questionable content etc. Aesthetic or Inspiration tag is good enough.
DO NOT claim my artworks belong to you, and removing / cropping my watermarks away.
DO NOT sell my art for monetary profit.
DO NOT dub my artwork / comics, especially A.I. voicework.
Please DM me for inquiries such as commissioned work or reporting my artwork has been reposted or edited.
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meiliarotten · 11 months
Do you get a lot of hate for posting tf2 smut? I would like to post my fics but I’m rly scared to. Do you have any advice for a rookie?
In my experience, I haven’t received any hate for posting tf2 smut. That could be because the community is accepting or maybe I’m just lucky!
As for advice, just do it! Proof read your fics, but don’t obsess over them. Research the canon if you want, but also remember that no one’s perfect and if you get some details wrong, that’s ok, because you’re ultimately doing this for fun! Also, if something you write seems hot to you, chances are it will be hot to other people, so drawing from your own interests can be a great source of inspiration.
Also, if you plan to write kink content I highly advise you to research your kinks! This can actually be pretty fun, as I find kink to be genuinely interesting.
Good luck, anon! I hope to see your content out in the community someday!
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acaciasmith8 · 7 months
Just to let you know, The Rookie and Medic are not related, The Rookie is not from the future, she's not a teenager, she's clearly an adult. I just wanted to make this for fun. idc what are you gonna say, just wanna have fun making this.
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Tell me about your favorite ODST and why they're your fave
I think I have a soft spot for him because I've played Uplift Reserve so many times for all the challenges because you can do that level in under 4 minutes. I liked him before though, but he's just a guy. He gives me Soldier TF2 vibes and I like how he interacts with the rest of the ODSTs. He's nice to Rookie after Romeo kicks him awake and the "Uh Lord, I didn't train to be a pilot" scene is good. He was technically in Legends and I love The Babysitter, but he's also got military sci-fi vibes that fit the Aliens aesthetic from early Halo.
That and he got married. Love a wife guy.
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