#tf2 scout x afab reader
justyoursicanon · 2 years
Can I request for Scout (TF2) with S/O who’s AFAB, however when in private they don’t mind if he uses he/him pronouns? :] I’ve been called Daniel before and honestly I wouldn’t mind getting called “boyfriend” or boy nicknames in private haha. Guess like a demiboy of some sort?
Oke dokie anon! I must say I wasn't expecting this type of specific request but am excited (and nervous) to give this a try!
I hope I wrote this correctly and please inform me if I have written something wrong or need to rewrite something! And I also hope you don't mind if I used she/her pronouns in the beginning due to having no idea what specific pronouns to use so I went with she/her since its AFAB :]
Also! Very big thank you to @callmegkiddo for a short and understandable AFAB explanation that they explained to me cuz if they didn't this would have taken a wee bit longer heh-
You may start reading! ^^
Scout had always adored his amazing super cool and beautiful girlfriend I mean who wouldn't like someone as amazing as Y/N? She was hella wicked! Not only was she smart, she was strong too! Physically and emotionally! She was so kind, so caring-
"Scout? Scout!" Scout snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head as he turns his attention back to the situation at hand. He cluelessly looks around the table, playing cards in hand. "Aye lad, its your turn!" Demo calls out, taking another sip of his drink as he rearranges his cards in his own hand. Engineer chuckled as Scout messily looked between his cards. "Day dreaming about your gal again huh son?" "Course Hardhat! She's just amazing! How could I not?" Engineer chuckles again as he places his card after Scout.
"And if am so amazing, how about you help this amazing gal clean up the messy dining table so I can cook dinner?" A voice, a very soft and familiar voice spoke up from behind them. Scout perks up and quickly turns, dropping his cards as he smiles. Walking up to Y/N. "Hey there babe! Glad your back!" Y/N chuckles and presses a kiss to Scout's cheek. "Happy to see you too Jer. You guys don't mind if I steal Scout for a moment yea?" "Take him all ya want lass" Demo slurs out and Y/N chuckles again, dragging Scout to the kitchen.
Later on, as Scout quickly but carefully dries the plates for dinner. Y/N turns from the sink to sigh and fidgets with her fingers. "Jer? Can I uhm talk to you about something?" Scout looks up, giving his girlfriend a smile as he places the 2nd to last plate on the table and drags the towel over his shoulder. "What's up babe? This good talk or bad talk?" "Erm.. Let's say uh.. name talk? pronoun talk?" Scout definitely didn't expect that, but he didn't question it.
"Sure! Whaddya need to talk about?"
"It's about.. My pronouns.. and like kinda me overall..?" Scout hums, nodding as he talks a seat on a chair, leaning on it as he faces Y/N and continues to patiently listen. "Do.. You mind if you use.. like he/him pronouns to me? Or calling me your boyfriend?.. In private! I still wanna be referred as a girl but I just haven't really considered like.. Using it all the time. But, I feel comfortable using it with you.."
Scout smiles softly, standing up to place his grip taped hands on Y/N's cheek.
"Am fuckin happy your comfortable with me babe, and of course I'll use these guy pronouns for ya if ya want. And I swear to use them in private or when ya say so. Scout's honor!" Y/N chuckles and smiles. "Thanks Jer.."
They both talked a bit more about the sudden but comfortable change, before they started to work on dinner. Laughing and messing around as they did so.
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5eraphim · 1 year
Helloo can I request RED scout and maybe some other of your choice,, fucking confused placeholder BLU medic who just doesnt know what to do? nsfw afab please :pray:

I don't know why this request was weirdly hard for me to interoperate- not trying to sound rude or like I'm judging you at all (I thought the prompt was cute, and very fun to write!) but for some reason I had to keep referring to the ask to make sure I was following alright, so- I read this request as "Reader is a new medic to the enemy team stopped by Scout who threatens/coerces into providing him a different kind of healing." I hope that's close enough to what you were going for! Thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy how this one turned out!
Title: The Bunny Under the Bridge
Character: Scout 🐇 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: Dark! Characterization (nothing too heavy, but still, definitely there), dubcon, light humiliation, coercion, hazing, AFAB reader, bargaining, reader is naïve, oral (male recieving)
Word Count: 4.2k
“There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.” Oscar Levant
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The first day on the job was never easy; Everyone knew that. Though as a Medic, you couldn't help but feel particularly brutalized as you fought through your first match. You tried your hardest to study up to become a Medic, though unfortunately, due to the "learn on your feet" nature of the role, you were left struggling to keep up with the rest of the team. Foolishly, you thought merely knowing this going into the trial would be to any kind of advantage, but now, just over halfway through the match, you were ready to cry. 
No matter how hard you sprinted to keep up with the others, how cautiously you tried to time your charges, or how you tried to keep track of everyone on your team- you were simply fighting a losing battle. While you were already self-conscious about being new, your lackluster performance made you feel downright mortified. Not to mention accidentally healing the enemy Spy while he was cloaked, only to be backstabbed the next second, twice. 
It would take a miracle to turn around now, and you didn't like your chances. You had a bad feeling your performance would cost Blue a victory, and everyone would know it. The distressing thought only intensified your anxiety, making you fight even sloppier. But no matter how you tried, you couldn't get out of your own head, and you couldn't stop thinking about the nasty looks you'd get at the end of the match; everyone would treat you like an idiot, and worst of all, you knew you deserved it. 
The longer you struggled to keep up, the further behind you fell. The further you feel, the worse your mental state, and after almost breaking down in tears after you failed to reach your team's Heavy fast enough, losing him to a backstabbing Spy neither of you managed to detect, you knew if you didn't take a minute to calm down, you'd only make things worse. 
Keeping an eye out for a hidden Sniper or Spy, you slipped around the corner, away from the heat of battle, ducking under an overhead into the shadows. Miraculously managing to keep your emotions under control, though you were acutely aware of the prickling feeling in the back of your throat from trying too hard to hold back tears. "Don't think about everything going wrong, the match isn't over yet, just…. Just keep pushing- just a little longer, I can do it!" You thought as you tried to slow your breathing and mitigate the rising panic. But nothing could distract you from the overwhelming shame of losing control, the guilt of letting everyone down, and the anxiety of what would come next.
Slipping a touch further into the shadows, you sighed, burying your head in your hands, rubbing your temples, feeling the nerves make your hands tremble. Screwing your eyes shut, you kept your head bowed forward slightly, fingertips to temples as you breathed slowly through your nose to combat the stress as best you could. 
"Hey you, Doc- c'mere a sec!" You heard a voice call to you, though for a moment, you couldn't tell where it was coming from. It was a Scout for sure, but where? After scanning the scene before you a moment longer, it registered- he was calling to you from beneath the bridge, several paces ahead, slightly to your left.  
Scout must've been hidden there for some time with an uncharacteristic degree of stealth. Watching him silently tread from his dark corner into the light was a little bizarre. "Ova here!" 
"You!" With a shamefully noticeable delay, you managed to brandish your vita-saw, pulling the needle-sharp tip up defensively, waiting for him to try and dart closer at any second. He appeared empty-handed, though you didn't doubt the Scout had some trick up his sleeve. 
He rolled his eyes at your non-threatening display of aggression, "Relax, relax- I just wanna talk."
Skeptically, you didn't move, refusing to trust the Red Scout not to knock you upside the head the minute you let your guard down. Frustrated, He grumbled, "You can put that horse tranquilizer away now. I ain't gonna shoot ya."
You tighten your grip, hissing, "And why not?"
"I told ya I just wanted to talk- Listen if I wanted to, your brains would be all over that wall ova there, now, will you put that thing down already?"
He wasn't wrong. You didn't know what was on his mind, but you were at least curious enough to hear him out. Keeping your eyes locked on his, you put your weapon away. "Alright, what do you want to say?"
"Look, buddy, I've seen the way you've been strugglin' out there, and it ain't pretty. Didn't get much combat training in doctor school, did ya?" He took a few steps closer, making you instinctively draw back a little. If he was trying to convince you to hear him out, he was doing a lousy job.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you were too proud to admit he was right. "What are you on about?" 
Scout couldn't help but laugh out loud at this, "You ain't stepped foot on a battlefield before today, I can tell- everyone on RED can tell, pal. Not gonna lie, you suck-"
"You're so kind…" You were about to walk away when he bounded forward, catching your shoulder with his hand. 
"Lemme finish- you suck, but if ya want, I can cut you a deal." You were about to try and pull away, but his words caught your attention. While you never knew Scout to be the brightest nor the most strategic, he did have an awful lot of experience over you. That was undeniable.
Turning slightly to look him in the eye, you responded incredulously, "A deal? Is that allowed?"
"Sure it is! Anything's allowed so long as no one finds out!" At least he sounded sure of himself.
"I'm listening." You detached him from your shoulder but didn't move any further away. 
Leaning just a little closer, you could see Scout's eyes leave your face momentarily, scanning for enemies lurking around or charging from afar. "Just for today, I'll go easy on you and the rest of the blue bastards. I can slow down, give ya some catch-up time."
Biting your low lip, you asked, "But won't someone notice? Do you really think you can get away with that?"
"Buddy, I don't know if you've noticed, but you're losin'. Big time. If you wanna pull through, I'm your best bet." You'd heard him boasting so many times before, so why was it so chilling to hear him sound so severe?
"You'd do that? For me?"
Scout slung an arm over your shoulder like he'd known you for years rather than days. "Sure I would! You've got a lot to learn, but you've got some real potential! I know it feels to be the little guy, fightin' a buncha maniacs ain't easy, 'specially not on day one. But ya gotta keep goin'! Hey- maybe one day you'll even fight as good as me!" And there was the Scout you knew.
Pulling back a little, you shrugged his arm off your shoulder. "Alright, but what's the catch?"
He gave you an odd look, sending a shiver down your spine, "Nothin' much, I just wanna lil 'healin' time with ya." He leaned his face closer to yours, speaking in a voice a bit lower than usual.
You raised a hand to push his face away from yours, leaning back a little, "Scout, you know I can't heal you-" 
"Nah, but you can do something, even betta." Taking your hand with his, Scout directed it downward, keeping it locked in his hold until your fingers were brought to brush up against his pants's fabric, the spot just below his navel.
You tried to snatch your hand away, but he was stronger than he looked and got an excellent grip on your rubber glove. "You can not be serious."
"C'mon, babe! I ain't asking for much, just you and me alone, won't take more than 15 minutes tops! All you gotta do is get on your knees and let your mouth do all the work!"
You huffed, "That doesn't sound like not asking for much to me!" 
Scout raised an eyebrow, "Don't tell me you ain't done it before?"
"Of course I have! And that is not the issue here!" You hated being talked down to at the best of times, least of all from people like him. 
"Clock's tickin' pal, it's all up to you. Take all the time you need. I'm sure your team will understand."
"And if I say no?"
He shrugged, "Well, guess I gotta cave ya head in. Your call."
"It's not like I have anything to lose anyway." You thought to yourself before forcing yourself to look him in the eye, to appear steadfast, "I'll do it."
"Aw, sweet!" Without waiting for another moment, Scout's hands were on his pants, working on unbuckling his belt.
Somehow, his audacity continued to surprise you. Putting your hands over his, you forced Scout to stop, "Not here, you idiot! Just hang on. Let me find us a better spot."
Taking him by the hand, you led the both of you into an alcove with a little bench hidden between two buildings. Scout giggled at your determination. "Hey, I'm not complaining'!" 
Once you were closer to the bench, you directed him to sit, "Alright, sit there. I'll take care of the rest."
Scout happily complied, sliding into place while you hesitantly got down on your knees before him, taking his half-undone buckle with your hands and working his pants down. At the same time, he shifted slightly in his seat to help you slide his bottoms down to his ankles, where they pooled around his bony ankles and dirt-crusted sneakers. "Whatever you say, hot stuff."
You couldn't tell if he was trying to fluster you or if he was always this annoying during intimacy. "Will you just keep your mouth shut-"
He ruffled a hand through your hair, "What? I'm not lyin'! You're real good lookin', how come I ain't seen you around before?"
"Scout, I said shut up!"
You clutched the waistband of his boxers with white knuckles, your grip far harsher than you meant to, partially on account of nervousness and partially out of annoyance. And you couldn't help but feel a trace of sympathy as Scout yelped in pain as you accidentally scratched his belly with your fingernails in your rush to get his boxers off. It was almost scary, seeing his half-hard cock slightly tenting against the red fabric, knowing what you were about to do. Or rather, what you had no choice but to do. 
As you pulled the boxers down far enough to slip past his waist, you tried to work up a bit of saliva in your mouth, slightly thankful to know he was already semi-hard. There was something not precisely erotic but endearing about how needy Scout could get. He was kind of cute like that, and after spending so long feeling like the most hated person on the battlefield, it felt nice to feel wanted.
"Better go slow; can't risk over-exciting him. There's no way he'll keep quiet," you thought. With a soft fist, you closed one hand around the base of his shaft, only slightly moving your thumb and fingers to stimulate the blood already rushing south. Sure enough, you felt his body going rigid from the light provocation, but thankfully, other than a sharp inhale through clenched teeth, Scout kept quiet. Using your other hand, you got a good grip on the side of his thin hip; you had a feeling he would be a bit of a squirmer, and you didn't want to make things any harder than they had to be.
"Relax, try to loosen up a little, Scout. I've got you." He didn't say anything but made a noise of affirmation. Using your fingertips, you lightly massaged the side of his thigh, silently ushering him to spread his thighs out a little wider to help get your head get a little closer. His tip was noticeably redder now, and you could feel him throbbing against the palm of your hand. Detaching from his hip for a second, you pushed the fabric of his shirt up a little as you took a deep breath before planting a sweet kiss just over his navel, feeling a touch of pride as he took in a shuddering breath, cursing under his breath as you suckled and lapped softly against the sensitive skin of his underbelly.
Trailing your kisses lower while keeping your hands moving, you could feel Scout getting more and more impatient the closer your mouth got to his shaft. You were slightly impressed, as Scout appeared to be genuinely trying to keep quiet as you worked. You were proud of him and decided he'd been good enough to deserve a bit more attention where he needed it most.
Scout whined and deflated a little when your mouth left his lower belly but stiffened right back up when your tongue lapped against his head, making contact for just a split second to collect some of his pre-come in your mouth, allowing yourself a moment to acclimate to his taste before fully latching on. While you hated listening to his endless gloating and voicing every meaningless thought that passed through his head, something about his cute little whimpers had quite the effect on you, and you needed more.
It was hard not to smile, opening your mouth wide enough to take his head into your mouth, lulling your tongue down lower, feeling the sensitive, overheated skin. Overhead, you heard Scout whining, "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon- more!" But he was too happy to let you take the lead. Once again, his hand found your hair, fisting it, trying to urge your head lower, wanting to feel your mouth bobbing against his entire length. 
As you continued to tease at his head, you eventually let go of the base of his shaft, now gripping both his thighs with more force than you realized, mindlessly pinning him into place as you took more of him into your mouth. 
He began to thrust against your mouth with a bit more intensity, or rather with as much force as he could, given how you kept him pinned against the bench, pulling and pushing against your head, mostly in sync with your own rhythm, rather than forcing you to go faster. Hollowing out your cheeks, you began sucking down against him in earnest. Feeling a deep twinge of pleasure in the shamefulness of face-fucking your enemy during combat, knowing how anyone could walk in and see the morbid display. If anyone on the Blue team were to see you like this, your career would be over. You'd never be a Medic again. Hell, you'd never be anything more than a desperate little whore, unfit to ever set foot on the battlefield again. Thinking about how disgusted they'd all be to see you now felt confusingly arousing.
But what if they weren't all horrified? What if it turned them on, too? You moaned against Scout's dick as you thought of one of your teammates seeing you like this and forcing you to service them, too- since you were obviously so needy, you couldn't wait. Without realizing it, you'd started pushing your own thighs together, bucking into nothing, trying your hardest to work up some kind of stimulation as you imagined someone like Soldier or Heavy, one of the guys who always gave 110% on the battlefield plowing into you without mercy while still in uniform. Calling you a traitor and a disgrace while fucking you like an animal.
The erotic fantasy, the humiliation of servicing an enemy on the battlefield, and Scout's pleasure-fueled moans made you feel lost in the moment. It wasn't until you felt Scout emptying his load directly into your mouth you were brought back down to earth. And just as soon as it started, it was over, and you were left with nothing but a tingling feeling below the belt and a mouth full of spunk.
"You're- Oh my God, you're, hah! Fuck, you're amazin'!"
Ungraciously, you leaned far to the side before spitting out the salty mess in your mouth. Scout wasn't the worst tasting, but he was far from pleasant. And you couldn't help but feel the need to get his taste out of your mouth as fast as you could, as well as all those dirty thoughts you had running through your head. 
After a few more attempts to spit the taste of Scout out of your mouth, you sloppily wiped your mouth with a part of your tailcoat before rising back to your feet. Feeling a fresh wave of self-disgust, seeing the post-orgasmic, loopy look of bliss on Scout's face and the way his eyes settled on your face with a look of pure adoration.
"Alright, you got what you wanted. Now, you better hold up your end of the deal."
"You're perfect..."
"I mean it, Scout. You go back on our deal, and you're gonna pay. Big time."
Your threat clearly had no effect on Scout, who merely looked up at you with a dumb starstruck look in his eye, "Anyone ever tell ya how pretty you look when you're pissed off?"
Groaning and rolling your eyes, you turned to leave, already sure you'd wasted too much time on this idiot. As you trudged a little ways away, you could hear Scout quickly fumbling to get himself put back together, and you had a bad feeling he intended to follow you out. 
Sure enough, just as you were about to run away, Scout caught up to you first, "Hey, hey! Hold up a sec, will ya! Got somethin' else that'll help ya with those blue bastards." Every moment longer spent with the Scout felt like agony, and you were beyond done with his "help." 
You didn't bother turning around, but you could hear him trying to sneak up behind you, "What now-"
Scout put both hands on your shoulders, forcing you to still, "Shhh, don't move." Without warning, you felt two skinny hands fisting either end of your overcoat, forcibly pulling the sides away from each other. No match for Scout's strength, the buttons keeping your coat fastened shut popped off one by one in rapid succession. You were so surprised watching the coat buttons detach, launching off into the distance. You didn't even realize he'd gripped the fabric of the coat so tightly. He'd also gotten a grip on the button-up shirt beneath, tearing off the top few buttons.
As soon as you noticed he'd torn and how much skin was now visible, you were enraged, spinning around on your heel, ready to slap him. 
"Scout!" Unfortunately, he was faster, dodging your blow and stepping away a few paces out of reach.
"What? I'm helping!" Scout appeared happy to have worked such an intense reaction from you, his all-too-proud smirk stretching all the wider as you eyed him with fury.
"Scout, what the hell was that for!" Covering the exposed skin with your hand, you felt a bit silly trying to hide after what you'd just done, but earlier, you convinced yourself you only did what you had to do, and now you felt nothing but wrath. 
"Aw, c'mon babe, there's no way those losers can't get pissed at ya now! Not with your tits out!"
"You jackass!" Just as you were about to reach out and swing at him again, he darted past you, charging right back into battle as though nothing happened.
"Sorry, I gotta run- I'll catch ya lata!" And in the blink of an eye, he was gone, leaving you with nothing but ruined clothes and a fowl taste lingering in your mouth. And as much as you despised him at the moment, you knew at that moment he was your only chance at making it out of this match with your reputation intact. 
Trying your hardest to force your attention back on the match, you took off from his direction. It was unlikely anyone would suspect the two of you spent all that time away together, but you didn't care. You still wanted to be as far away from that jerk as possible. Running around with your coat torn so awkwardly made it a bit trickier to work, but you needed to hold on to what little modesty you had left. At least you wouldn't have to endure it much longer; maybe you would get lucky, and your clothes would magically repair during respawn.
Ironically, your Blue Scout was the first teammate you ran into on your route back. He noticed you in the distance for just a second before turning his attention back at the enemy, shouting at you from over his shoulder, "Took ya freakin' long enough! What's the holdup?"
You winced a little at his voice, instantly guilty for all the time you spent away from your own team. But what's done was done. All you needed to do now was keep your head down and keep up with the others. "Ah! I'm sorry, I got uh- got a little cornered back there, my bad!"
Now that you were closer, Scout turned around, ready to keep yelling at you, "Ya, it is your bad-" But the words died in his throat as soon as he got a closer look at you. Cringing slightly, you could feel his eyes on your body but didn't have the strength to look him in the eye.
"Let me fix you up! Hold still." You didn't know what to do other than pretend you didn't notice anything off about your appearance. Fortunately for you, the match's second half went by much faster than the first. And although you still felt overwhelmed, keeping up was a little easier, and despite a few taunts from the other team, no one said anything about your little "wardrobe malfunction," which stubbornly refused to fix itself during respawn.
By some miracle, the Blue team won the match. While you knew it was no thanks to you, and you would never really know if Scout held true to his word, now that the game was finally over, you couldn't care less. The day was over, and you were returning to base for some much-needed rest. 
"Hey, hold up, Doc!" Scout called out.
At first, you assumed it was your teammate, but you realized the Red Scout was back upon turning around. Seeing him running over, brazenly calling out for you, made you cringe, wondering what more he could want from you.
"You did great back there!" The look of boyish enthusiasm on his face betrayed his lewd implication. Sighing through your nose, you looked over your shoulder at him, "Thanks."
Jogging close enough to rest a hand on your shoulder, "Hey y'know, if something' were to, I dunno… happen to our Medic, you gotta come ova to our side!"
"I'll, uh, yeah, sure thing, I'll think about it!"
He looked like he was about to try and say something else, but you knew if you stayed a moment longer, your team would become suspicious, and you wanted to protect what little trust they had in you while you still could. Shrugging his hand off your shoulder, you turned on your heel and nodded curtly to say "goodbye" before scurrying to catch up with the rest of the team as they filed for the exit, thankful to see most were too exhausted and too ready to leave to notice either of you. 
Most of them, anyway; just as you thought you made it out unnoticed, you heard the Red Scout shouting "Hey!" from behind, making you freeze up, looking back, feeling the tension in your body spike in annoyance, silently cursing him for drawing so much attention. When he could tell he had your attention again, he mouthed the words "Call me," pantomiming a phone with his hand before departing with a wink and a wide, toothy smile. His final sentiment is mercifully short yet still embarrassing you. You dipped your head forward to try and shrink yourself as much as you could to avoid drawing any more attention to yourself. You could feel yourself being watched but didn't dare look up to confirm your suspicions, "You're alright. You're almost back at base; just sprint to the medbay and pretend nothing happened." You thought, slinking close to the wall as you tried to slip through the crowd. 
If you were watched by the rest of your team, only one felt it necessary to say anything. Just as you were at the base's doorway, Blue Scout nudged you with his elbow, walking in step with you inside. 
"What's his problem?" He sounded more curious than suspicious, and you hoped he couldn't detect the humiliation you tried your hardest to conceal. 
You shook your head, "It's nothing, he's just weird." 
"If he's bothering' ya, lemme know. I'll kick his ass for ya." Forcing an awkward laugh, you nodded, sprinting the rest of the way to the medbay, making a mental note to speak with the real Medic later. You needed to know if all Scouts were so grabby around their Medics.
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jermer10 · 6 months
(I'm new here so if you have done this already, MB) could you write heavy x reader when reader finds heavys clothes and wears them and heavy catches them?? I would like reader to be gender neutral or female and it can lead to NSFW if you want it too 🥴 thank you (ignore if needed) 💛💛💛
TF2 sweater weather | heavy x reader
18+ only, afab reader | i fucking LOVE heavy
drabbles under the cut :P
Every merc had a designated job in order to keep the barracks clean, and yours happened to be the bathrooms. You absolutely hated this job. Ten mercs living under one roof where 90% of you were men? Yeah, those bathrooms were feral, and after having to scrub them clean 2 times a week for months, you were beginning to grow exhausted. So when Medic offered to swap the laundry job with you for a week, you took full advantage of his generosity. You had no idea how much laundry 10 mercs produced in the span of a week. The first night is when you saw Misha's sweater in the dryer. It was massive, the biggest piece of clothing you had ever seen, red and adorned with black stripes and diamonds across the chest. It smelt of washing detergent, the musk of old clothing, and a hint of the lemongrass cologne he had been wearing that hadn't been washed out in the machine.
This wasn't the first time you had seen the sweater, in fact he wore it often during the colder months, but it was the first time you had it in your hands, the first time you were able to smell it up close, the first time you were able to feel the plush fabric scrunched up in your fists. You felt dizzy, face flushing in both embarrassment and lust. Your crush on the older man had not gone unnoticed by him, and his small advances had done nothing to aid the sticky wetness which gathered in your underwear whenever he had gotten too close. You closed your eyes, breathing in the scent of him, hands inching to the waistband of your shorts.
"YO! MEDIC! I NEED SOME UNDERWEAR!" A voice boomed from the entrance to the laundry. You snapped out of your trance, and threw the sweater back into the laundry basket. Scout came swiftly around the corner, towel wrapped around his lanky hips. "Oh! Uhh, hey y/n." He grinned, blush dusting his cheeks. "Hey man, underwear is in the basket. I'm not finished sorting through them yet so you'll have to search for 'em." He nodded, scavenging through the clothes. 'I need to get my shit together, that was so gross..' you thought, the blood rushing to your face once more as you began to toss the dirty clothes into the washing machine.
Night three you had seen the sweater again, and this time it was in the dirty basket. You couldn't help the perverse thoughts, gingerly picking the piece of clothing and setting it aside. You figured you could get a couple of loads on before washing it with the last of the clothing, then you would have adequate time to...do what you needed. It was dirty, the way you continued to glance over at it even after you had resigned yourself to doing your job. You needed to smell it, the blood entrenched in the fibers of the fabric, the lemongrass stench that you could pick up from across the spacious room, the smell of Heavy, his natural odor alone set you off.
"Fuck," You breathed out, feeing your fingers slide into your pants as you held the sweater to your face. You could cum there and then, imagining him as the person touching you. It wasn't enough, you needed to wear the sweater. You needed to feel him wrapped around you. It slid over your head with ease, the sleeves far too large, the bottom hem of the sweater reaching well below your knees. You came hard, muffled noises of moans as you shoved your face into the bunched up fabric. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" You clasped your face in your hands.
It was Sunday, the final day of washing clothes before you would have to go back to the bathrooms. The week had been slow, and you were certain Misha had picked up the change in your behavior. You were skittish, face red whenever you saw him, and whenever you saw him swearing that god forsaken sweater you couldn't even bare to stay in the same room as him for longer than a minute. That fucking sweater. Sitting clean, in the dryer, waiting, no, begging, for you to put it on. You obliged, slipping into the cloth eagerly. You stood there for a moment, smelling the fabric, taking it in. This was the last time you would get to do this. The last- "What are you doing?" You heard the thick Russian accent of the man behind you before you even heard what he had said.
You couldn't even look at him. You didn't have to, you could hear his menacing footsteps walk up to you, and then you felt his large hands grasp your hips. You couldn't help but gasp at the sensation. "Heavy has been waiting for opportunity like this. This is why you have been so scared of Heavy hmm?" His tone was hot, heavy, and laced with false concern. "Uhh, yeah I guess." You mumbled awkwardly. He laughed, a deep, hearty laugh that made your knees weak and your eyes squeeze close. "Come, little голубь." You felt yourself being lifted into the air and placed on the folding bench in front of the machines.
Heavy stripped your shorts from you, leaving no time for you to process his actions before your bottom half was completely naked. "Heavy came here to talk, but fucking you will get point across much quicker." He grinned, a lovestruck, sadistic grin. If you had been wet before, you were soaked now. He knelt down face lined up with your sobbing pussy, his tongue prodding at your entrance before his mouth absorbed your sex. "Ohhhhh fuuuuuuckkkkk" The moan drawls from your throat, its raw and guttural. Your body writhes and shakes under his gentle touch.
His tongue snakes it's way onto your clit, gently sucking and prodding at it with his lips. You're getting close, your fingers gripped onto his face, pulling him in closer, begging for release. He pulls away, and before you can produce a whine of protest, he pushes his index finger into you. It's enough to stretch you, to fill you up completely. He thrusts his finger in twice, placing his mouth back onto your pussy, and you cum hard. He pulls away licking his fingers clean, you're a heaving whining mess. "Wear Heavy's clothes more often." He states simply, standing up and smacking your ass before kissing you passionately and walking out. You should swap jobs with Medic more often.
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web-spinning · 2 years
|| Request Rules ||
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All mercenaries
Mercs with an angel S/O
Mercs with demon S/O
Mercs with a recruit in their mid-teens
Nerdness scale for the mercs
Mercs reacting to a usually happy energetic reader crying
Mercs finding an injured child ( and attending to them )
Mercs with S/O from the same place as them
Mercs reacting to a child running around the base
Mercs with an S/O with amnesia
Mercs reacting to their s/o jumping in front of danger for them
Mercs when a new team mate keeps appearing out of nowhere
Mercs reacting to someone having a panic attack
Defense classes reacting to a TF2 superfan
Mercs around someone with ( high-functioning ) autism
Mercs reacting to the reader being badly injured, and helping them
Mercs reacting to the reader revealing their beauty marks
Mercs reaction to merc reader trying to kill enemy Scout at all cost
Mercs on a playground
Mercs reacting to a trainee getting a crush on them
Mercs with S/O who always seems sad
Mercs react to S/O who's body is scarred
Mercs reaction to falling for another man
Mercs reaction to getting attached with a reader from the enemy team
Mercs when their S/O dies in their arms
Mercs befriending a mute ghost child
Mercs with an S/O who has burn scars all over their body
Mercs with an S/O with tourette's syndrome
Mercs with vampire S/O
Mercs finding an injured enemy team member outside the respawn zone
Mercs with a child who seems creepy at first, but turns out to be nice
Mercs with a muscular AFAB S/O
Mercs with S/O who dislikes PDA
Mercs with their friend's parrot
Mercs with a teen recruit that's really mature for their age
Mercs reacting to an opposite team member helping them during a humiliation round
How Scout realizes he's in love with someone ( and how he acts on it)
Scout giving a mid-teen reader a piggyback ride
" Boston Kids "- about how Scout found a new sibling
" Medical Misconception "- about how Medic asked Soldier to knock Scout out
" Tragic End "- Scout's reaction to accidentally killing his lover
Scout and Engineer with S/O who's into programming
How Soldier realizes he's in love, and how he acts on it
General Soldier relationship headcanons
Dates with Soldier- headcanons
N/A, look for in all classes headcanons
Demoman finding a child and taking care of them, Part 1 / Part 2
How Demoman realizes he's in love, and how he acts on it.
Dates with Heavy- headcanons
How Engineer realizes he's in love, and how he acts on it
Scout and Engineer with S/O who's into programming
Engineer and Medic with a trans FtM S/O
Medic finding out his S/O is almost as sadistic as he
" Experitation Date ", but the reader is trying to confess their feelings to Medic
How Medic realizes he's in love, and how he acts on it
Sniper and Medic with an S/O who has one week left to live
Medic finding a small child
First kiss with Medic- imagine
Medic comforting the reader after their bird died
" Needles to say..."- Medic x Reader who is deadly afraid of needles
Medic confessing his feelings to a best reader
Engineer and Medic with a trans FtM S/O
Sniper and Medic with an S / O who has one week left to live
How Sniper realizes he's in love, and how he acts on it
General Sniper relationship headcanons
Sniper's after- work routine with his partner
How Spy realizes he's in love, and he acts on it
General Spy headcanons
" Late Night Comfort "- Spy comforting a young adult reader
"A Lethal Mistake"- Spy accidentally killing S/O during battle
Other characters
Saxton Hale with male S/O- headcanons
This list will continue updating. Let me know trough inbox or message if I miss something.
279 notes · View notes
captain-pheonix · 1 year
Hello people seeing this! Here’s a bit of info/Masterlist!
Drafts: 2
🔥• This is my TF2 blog, but my main blog is Star Wars stuff ( @clone-captain-spark )
🔥• Call me Cap, Phoenix, or whatever you want
🔥• Pronouns He/they, Genderqueer Abrosexual
🔥• might start writing some fics soon
🔥• 16+ blog - not fond of writing NSFW
DNI if:
🚫 • Homophobia and transphobia not tolerated - will result in blocking/reporting
🚫 • Being a terrible person or rude not tolerated - WILL result in blocking/reporting
Please read my dos/don’ts when requesting!
• Understanding - Scout x gn!reader telling him about their GAD (generalized anxiety disorder)
• Caught ya - (request) scout x sniper (speeding bullet) fic, red/blu sniper and scout get into a fight
• (request) period comfort, AFAB reader but not necessarily fem!reader
• (request) werebear!reader + mercs
• (request) Scout & Heavy w/ a more-chill-Scout-like S/O
• (request) Sniper, Pyro, and Scout w/ short!reader that steals things
• Little big crush - (request) Heavy x fem!reader slow burn oneshot
• Frost Giant - (request) heavy x gn!reader Oneshot
• (request) werebear!reader + mercs
• (request) period comfort, AFAB reader but not necessarily fem!reader
• (request) Scout & Heavy w/ a more-chill-Scout-like S/O
• Caught ya - (request) scout x sniper (speeding bullet) fic, red/blu sniper and scout get into a fight
• (request) period comfort, AFAB!reader but not necessarily fem!reader
• (request) Sniper/Engie/Medic w/ short!reader who tackles people
• (request) Sniper, Pyro, and Scout w/ short!reader that steals things
• (request) period comfort, AFAB reader but not necessarily fem!reader
• (request) werebear!reader + mercs
• (request) Sniper/Engie/Medic w/ short!reader who tackles people
• (request) period comfort, AFAB reader but not necessarily fem!reader
• (request) period comfort, AFAB reader but not necessarily fem!reader
• (request) Sniper, Pyro, and Scout w/ short!reader that steals things
• (request) Sniper/Engie/Medic w/ short!reader who tackles people
• gn!reader that collects boxes with mercs + Pauling
All mercs:
• gn!reader that collects boxes with mercs + Pauling
7 notes · View notes
<+> Minors DNI with NSFW (Please <3) <+>
welcome in!
there is not enough smut of the TF2 mercs
i am here to provide 👍
feel free to send asks with requests!
gnc reader
amab reader
afab transmasc/nonbinary reader
merc x reader
merc x oc
merc x merc
not safe for work content
medic content. literally any medic content. i fucking love medic please send rqs for medic content.
piss <3 watersports omorashi whatever the fuck you want to call it.
afab cis woman reader (yall get so much content fuck off)
scout x spy. die. get out. ough.
info about me:
izzy / he/him / 20 / avid medic fucker. love that crazy ass. he'd rip my guts out and id say thank you <3 / pyro main!!
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
💚 my requests are always open 🩷
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you can find my writing:
in my tag
on my masterlist
my AO3
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important things first:
🔞🔞🔞 minors DNI 🔞🔞🔞 you can request anonymously 💚 i don't write in order of when things are received, i do it based on inspiration. if i can't think of anything for something after a few months i'll delete it without explanation, sorry i have a prompt tag and if you use it let me know which prompt list you've asked for or let me know more than just the numbers! let me know gender specifics of "reader" if there is one (pronouns, genitals etc.) if you don't specify it'll be gender neutral or female please don't include images or gifs in your requests, they visually overwhelm me and make it difficult to tackle the prompt i mostly identify as cis/white/afab so keep this in mind if you request nb/trans/t4t/different races/male reader presenting etc. i will choke you if you don't reblog and like the thing you requested, be nice and supportive!
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requests i accept:
i write for batman rogues, fallout and a few other characters! for dc rogues headcanons: i will do multiple characters per post for headcanons but only for all general rogues, a specific dork squad (in my do writes!) or all iterations that i write for of a specific character e.g. ✅ can you write first dates with arkham!dork squad? ✅ what would all the riddlers do on a first date? ✅ how would the rogues handle a first date? (if you ask for all iterations of a specific character i'll either write for them all or pick several of them depending on the ask. if you want one specifically to be included just let me know)
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characters i write for:
Riddler (⭐arkham, dano, ⭐zero year, telltale, TWOJAR, gotham, BTAA, young justice, BU, BTAS, general)
Penguin (⭐farrell, BTAA, telltale, OBD, gotham, general)
Scarecrow (⭐arkham, ⭐BTAA, golden age, general)
Two Face (⭐arkham, BTAA, general)
Victor Zsasz (gotham, general)
Mad Hatter (arkham, gotham - NO INCEST, general)
Captain Boomerang (⭐ss:ktjl, general)
Poison Ivy (arkham, general)
Polkadot Man (suicide squad)
Harley Quinn (telltale, arkham, ss:ktjl, ⭐general)
Bane (arkham, telltale, OBD, ⭐general)
Harvester (bu)
Amanda Waller (ss:ktjl)
Mr. Freeze (arkham, gotham, general)
John Doe/Joker (telltale)
Butch Gilzean/Solomon Grundy (gotham)
King Shark (ss:ktjl, general)
Deadshot (ss:ktjl, general)
Killer Croc (arkham!origins, general)
Firefly (arkham, general)
Harvey Bullock (gotham)
Alfred Pennyworth (gotham, general)
Black Mask (arkham, general)
☢️ Fallout Franchise ☢️
Cooper Howard (fallout prime)
Maximus (fallout prime)
Thaddeus (fallout prime)
John Hancock (fallout 4)
Sturges (fallout 4)
Edward Deegan (fallout 4)
Paladin Danse (fallout 4)
Nick Valentine (fallout 4)
Kent Connolly (fallout 4)
🔴 TF2 🔵
please note!!: i'll write all ships (plus blu x red) and i'll base the dynamic either on your request or on my own interpretation of them
sniper/mick mundy
soldier/jane doe
demoman/tavish degroot
engineer/dell conagher
💚 Other Characters 💚
Cecil Stedman (invincible)
Walter Skinner (x-files)
Arthur Morgan (red dead redemption 2)
Hosea Matthews (red dead redemption 2)
Kieran Duffy (red dead redemption 2)
Micah Bell (red dead redemption 2)
Susan Grimshaw (red dead redemption 2)
Bill Williamson (red dead redemption 2)
Egon Spengler (ghostbusters)
Nick (left 4 dead 2)
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i will write:
x reader, x fem/male/gn character, ships, headcanons
absolutely yucky disgusting smut of most kinds
most kinks including knife play, blood play, bondage, sub/dom, pain play, mommy/daddy, etc.
darker themes like cnc, dubcon, noncon, somnophilia, hypnotism, manipulation, gaslighting, guilting
angst, fluff, romance, friendships, hurt/comfort
jealousy, yandere, obsessive themes etc.
ships plus ships x reader also!
non-ship pairings of characters in my "will write" criteria
death, gore, extreme violence
blood, cum, spit and some piss
imagines, scenarios, full fics, short fics, headcanons
i won’t write:
underage characters (at all, in any scenario, including platonic or familial)
vomit, shit or breast milk
real people
pregnancy/pregnancy sex/having children/step-children
age play (daddy and mommy kink fine, dd/lg not for me!)
characters x monster/monster!reader (may do in commissions)
OCs or overly detailed reader specifications (may do in commissions)
AUs or crossovers (may do this in commissions)
extreme anal i.e. fisting/enemas/stretching (may do in commissions)
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also i am anti-cancel culture! i'm not about to out you/report you/fuck with your privacy if you send me anything that i'm not sure about or uninterested in writing
and finally, no pressure at all but if you want to thank me i would greatly appreciate reblogs, comments, and maybe even a tip
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101 notes · View notes
5eraphim · 11 months
"we can start with a kiss" for scout? 👀
Link to the Dubcon Prompts
Title: Red Sky at Night (alternative title "Just Like Playing Pretend")
Character: The Scout 🐇 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: Dubcon, taping/armature, corrosion, delusional yandere (slightly reciprocated obsession), forced intimacy, panty huffing, biting/marking, fingering, very brief passing incest joke, i guess? (just like one line, a part of scout being annoying and a creepy), soft-mindbreak, degradation, TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, lap riding
Word Count:
"What feels like work to you, is playing to others." Lenfantvivant
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"Hey, I'm home."
Entering the house, you instantly noticed no lights were on. As well as the lack of noise you'd never expect when Scout was home alone. It couldn't be much later than 6, but well into the fall season, the sky was black when you pulled in. Once inside, you noticed the sole lights on in the house were those in the bedroom. Though rather than the typical warm-white light you were used to, a bright red escaped the crack between the door and its frame making you equally curious and uneasy.
It wasn't just the silence that made you uncomfortable or the odd darkness. Still, the combination of those things specifically had your nerves on edge—today marked the six-month anniversary of your relationship with Scout. Given his careless, self-obsessed nature, one would think he'd be the type to forget about this kind of thing, but he never did. You half-hoped to luck out today while unable to shake the suspicion Scout had something planned for later.
You crept closer but couldn't hear anything but a bit of movement from the other side. When you were at the doorway, you took a deep breath, stealing your inner resolve before using your fingertips to push the door open to peep inside gently.
It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the odd lightning inside. To your surprise, there weren't actually any red lights on, but rather some red towels hanging over the bedside table lamps, turning the light from the white bulbs deep red as well as dimming them slightly, emphasizing the long dark shadows in the room, making the entire place feel seedy. Even the window had a red sheet drawn across the curtain rod, rendering the whole night sky invisible to you, save for the light of the half-moon and a few bright stars.
Scout must've missed the sound of you coming home as you caught him fiddling with something on the dresser with his back to you as you entered. But now, in the same room with him, you instantly caught his attention, making him abandon whatever he was doing to greet you with a crushing hug. "Hey, you're back!"
He kissed your cheek as you limply returned the hug, going through the motions of letting him kiss you and forcing a loving smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist. As you let your arms slip away from his shoulders, stepping back to break the hug, you couldn't ignore how odd the room looked, bathed in bright red. "Scout, what is all this?"
He didn't answer your question, just beamed at you with a big smile, "Ya like it?"
You raised an eyebrow, "It looks fine, but why?"
Scout inched a little closer, slinging one arm around your shoulder and pulling you to his chest, "C'mon, don'tcha know what day it is?"
You nodded, "I do…"
"Well, six months is a long time, ain't it? Thought it's 'bout time we did somethin' a lil extra special to celebrate!" He didn't really answer your question, feeling content enough to have his arm around your shoulders, holding you nice and close to his chest while he admired his handiwork, turning the unwanted-ly shared bedroom into something even sleazier.
But you knew better than to tell him you thought the room looked tacky or pornographic. Your brows creased as you tried to follow wherever he was going with this, "Celebrating with red lights?"
"Red lights aaand-" Using his free hand, he gestured with his thumb to where he was standing before you entered.
You followed his thumb with your eyes, realizing it wasn't something on the dresser he was messing with before you showed up. It was a camera on a tripod, about the same level as the dresser, pointed at the bed. "A camera?"
He didn't respond, but he didn't need to. That dumb look on his face, as well as the red light on the camera indicating a recording in progress, the shabby lighting, covering the windows and giving no indications he had anything in mind, waiting until you were home and exactly where he wanted you before showing you all this, were all the clues you needed to piece together what he had in mind for tonight.
"Scout, you cannot be serious!" You sidestepped away from him snappily, making the arm previously around your shoulders slide right off. Scout looked genuinely surprised to see you acting so resistant. You never wanted this relationship, you hated Scout, but he knew how to keep you compliant. Before you agreed to the relationship, he was constantly bugging you, blowing up your phone with calls and texts, which was annoying but not difficult to brush off. For the longest time, you saw him as just another creep and nothing more, more persistent than most you knew, but hardly anything special. You had yet to learn how far he would take things.
Even when he pestered you and acted immature, you never truly thought of Scout as a bad guy. You wanted to believe deep down he was sweet, just a bit misled. But when loved ones began turning up in the hospital, almost died from blunt force trauma, or when personal belongings turned up smashed to pieces, you knew who was behind it all, but even worse, you knew what you had to do to make it stop.
And it was under threat of violence to yourself or the ones you love that kept you quiet and obedient for the longest time. It wasn't a good situation to be in, but it sure as hell was better than the alternative. The past 6 months were essentially a blur when it came to your personal life; you would go home, and there he was. That was all there was to it. Scout wasn't a complete monster, and occasionally, you'd even catch glimpses of that "good boy" you thought he always was deep down. 
This must've been the first time you tried to resist him in ages. "If it took this long for me to stick up for myself, is it bad I can hardly remember what the hell I was agreeing to before now?" You wondered to yourself.
Scout rolled his eyes, grabbing your shoulder with one hand to keep you from slipping away any further, "I don't get why you're acting like it's a big deal- it's just this one time, c'mon!" You'd admire his audacity if it weren't so infuriating. You weren't sure how many more" just this once-s" you had left in you. It was hard to stomach the disgust and guilt for playing along and letting him get what he wanted, but trying to refuse him was even more challenging, and you already knew no matter what you had to say, he'd get his way by the end of the night.
Eyeing up the camera, you crossed your arms over your chest. Scout's grip on you was too tight for you to escape entirely, "You're not gonna make this… weird, are you?"
He chuckled, "How weird are we talking'?"
You frowned, "Like gross weird. Like, you're not going to make me pretend to be your sister or something creepy, right?" Maybe giving him ideas like this was wrong, but you were already so uncomfortable you didn't know how much worse things could get.
You recoiled as he laughed, clearly not bothering to take your concerns seriously. "I wasn't gonna! But I mean, hey- if ya wanted, I don't mind playin' big brother-"
You grit your teeth, fighting back a chill of disgust. "Don't you dare finish that sentence!"
Scout gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, perhaps not entirely oblivious to your discomfort, "Relax, relax, I'm just messin' with ya! Just wanna help loosen up a lil before I start rearranging your guts and all."
You blinked, not entirely sure how to respond to that. "Alright then… So what do you want me to do?"
Scout leaned over to kiss the top of your head, "All ya gotta do is get on the bed and look real pretty. Leave all the rest to me."
You nodded, prepared to get all this over with as soon as possible, about to step past him and make yourself comfortable on the bed when you felt his hand on your shoulder, "Hang on, I wanna make this count. Can we start with a kiss?" 
You turned to respond, but before you could say anything, you felt his palm against your cheek, guiding your face to connect with his. If you were unsure if Scout wanted to go through with all this, you weren't questioning it anymore. Keeping one hand resting against the side of your face, his other hand blindly ushered the rest of your body to draw even closer, finding the small of your back to pull you in nice and close. He wasn't the best kisser and almost always lost himself in the spur-of-the-moment excitement to the detriment of his technique and general lack of experience. But clearly, he was at least trying to hold himself back a bit, trying not to overwhelm you. For only a moment, you pondered his change in demeanor, only to feel a chill running down your spine as you realized you forgot to ask earlier if the camera was already recording or not, or even worse, just how many other cameras he might have set up you'd yet to discover. 
Scout's fingers toyed with the bottom of your shirt's hem for a few seconds before his hand slipped under your top, stroking your lower back with his fingers slowly, wanting to savor the moment, trying so hard to fight off his own impulsive desire to slam you against the bed and make you moan his name like a porn star. You broke the kiss with your eyes remaining focused on his lips, feeling a confusing affectionate stir in your chest from the lopsided toothy grin staring back at you. 
Scout wanted you to play pretend with him and go along with his "directing" for tonight. It made your head spin, trying to remember if you were supposed to act as his adoring lover or a sexy actor for his adult film in a cynical, morbid way. Though you knew you could sell the character easily enough, you already had so much experience pretending to go along with his possessive, often violent whims in and outside the bedroom; how could this be all that different? How could (hopefully) one camera make all that kind of difference?
Trying to put on a soft and needy voice, you whispered, "I don't wanna wait more- can't we get into bed already? We can keep kissing there, can't we?" It never took more than some doe-eyes and a breathy "please" to get Scout to do what you wanted. When it came to the bedroom, he was almost always all talk.
Scout smiled, letting you pull him into bed, but stopped you when you started to undress yourself.
"Lemme do it," he nodded at the camera, "Gotta make sure you're doin' it nice and slow." 
It was hard not to roll your eyes, but somehow you managed. Settling down into bed with your head at the pillows and your side to the camera while Scout crawled on top, peeling off his own shirt in the process.
Honestly, it was a bit more awkward and stiff to lay back and let Scout undress you than actually discomforting. You consciously avoided looking at the camera while he worked, as though it would do anything to salvage your dignity. It saddened you that no matter how much you hated him, there was always that frustrating little part of you that still felt arousal for Scout. That little part of you that would always want him, no matter how you hated him or how he humiliated you, it was never enough to make you stop wanting him. 
With your compliance, Scout could slip off your shirt overhead, followed by your bra, intentionally dropping them to the floor in front of the camera for dramatic effect. But when he popped the button on your pants, his excitement picked up slightly, tugging the fabric down your legs. Lowering his head to your navel, bracing himself on hands and knees around you, Scout gripped the top of your underwear between his teeth, straining the fabric against your body before tugging down.
It wasn't hard to help move your legs as he worked them down your legs with his mouth, but you weren't expecting to see Scout still holding the little bunch of fabric between his teeth as he looked back into place overhead, sitting back on his haunches, almost straddling your hips to keep both his hands free. He waited until he had your attention until your eyes focused on his mouth before pulling them free and keeping his eyes on your face as he pressed the fabric directly under his nose and huffed. 
The subsequent moan of satisfaction made you cringe, keeping your eyes screwed shut and looking to the side as you made a sound of disgust. You hated how you could still hear his heavy breathing and cruel laugh, how he could prolong your discomfort without laying a hand on you, without being seen.
"Wassamatter? You wanna turn?" He pulled the cotton away from his face just enough to taunt you by dangling the garment over your head, tickling your cheek slightly.
"I'll pass." 
Scout pouted, "It's your loss, ya know." He balled them up slightly with his fingers before squishing your cheek with his finger like he was teasing a baby. 
"You sicko…" Eventually, with a sigh of disappointment, he tossed them to the side, lowering back down on all fours, his face much closer to yours. You were shocked to see an almost gentle, loving look on his face, his hands falling over yours at your sides on the bed. Before speaking, he gave them a soft squeeze before guiding your dominant hand into place over your sex, the other resting against the top of your hip, fingers brushing the very tip of your thigh.
"I'm only teasing' ya. C'mon ya know I love ya, an' you drive me freakin' crazy, lemme make ya feel real good. Tonight, we can start slow."
You flushed at the unexpected sweetness. Nodding once, you felt your breath hitch when Scout started to pulse his fingers over yours. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to pick up on the buzzy feeling deep inside, feeling extra sensual under the moody, red light. 
True to his word, Scout followed your pace and mirrored your gentle touches. "Don't worry about going all out. Let's just getcha warmed up first, alright baby?" He said, kissing your forehead, grazing his lips against your forehead with every word with such a gentleness you managed to let yourself believe Scout could be trusted, imagining the gross scenario into something romantic. Like the two of you were innocent sweethearts fooling around behind closed doors, this wasn't anything grave, just a bit of naughty fun now that he had you all to himself. Or you were back home safe, and your loved ones were waiting for you just beyond the bedroom door. 
But as the pleasant fantasy unfolded, it began to take a dark turn as though your own brain were acting out, trying to punish you for taking pleasure in such an undignified situation at the hands of such an awful person. A primal, unforeseen, and unmanageable fear flooded your mind, making you too scared to open your eyes, heightening all physical sensations. In your mind, you imagined the scene playing out. Your naked, weak body spread wide for all to see, the warm red lighting turning into hellfire, the man in bed with you into a demon. You weren't in your bedroom. You were in hell! Humiliated and treated like a whore by a demon, leered at by perverse faces who watched hidden from the shadows.
Abruptly, you locked up, your hands flying from between your legs, and you sat up, backing up against the wall to avoid knocking heads with Scout, feeling suddenly cold all over, like someone just poured an icy bucket of water all over you. 
Scout looked at you confused, "Hey, chill out will ya! You're alright- What's wrong?"
Looking around the room self-consciously, you cleared your throat. The primal feeling of "something is wrong" had lifted, making you blank on exactly why you did what you just did. The feeling is much like suddenly snapping yourself out of a nightmare. You weren't in hell; there was no demon in the room with you and no shadowy figures watching you from the corners. You were right back in your unpleasant but expected reality. "Sorry, I uh- Just forgot about the camera for a second…"
He nodded, surprised to hear such a mild reason for the dramatic reaction. "Oh. You want me to cover it with a towel or something?"
You slackened, raising an eyebrow. "Will you cover the lens too?"
Nodding, you sighed, "Never mind, I'm fine, I can keep going."
"Atta girl!" He congratulated you for going on with a pat on the shoulder as he sat up, crawling over to the lip of the bed where he could spread his legs and let them dangle down the side of the bed. Scout looked over his shoulder and gestured with his head, beckoning you to crawl closer as he patted the bed beside him. You realized a beat too late. Scout positioned himself, spread his legs wide, right where the camera lens was pointed, and waited for you to hurry up and get into place to do the same. 
Softly, you padded closer on all fours as he spread his legs a little wider the closer you crawled. You were about to straddle his lap, facing him as Scout so often begged of you, when he put a hand on your shoulder, forcing you to pause.
"Nah, not like that- get on facing the camera. I wanna get a good view when I watch this back!" He didn't even really sound perverse as much as he sounded genuinely excited, but the hard-on between his legs was all the reminder you needed of his true intentions here, not to mention how overheated his body felt so close to yours. Awkwardly, you tried to situate yourself on his lap in this new position. It was too embarrassing to look at the camera and do this, so you kept your eyes down as you crawled out from behind him, letting Scout use his arms to help you stay balanced and guide you into place.
You must've looked as nervous as you felt. Scout leaned his face right next to your ear as he whispered, "Don't be shy, I've gotcha, I'm not gonna letcha fall. You're gonna look so sexy on tape, babe." His fingers drummed over and smoothed against your sensitive skin as he spoke, making it prickle.
With your weight balanced well enough on his lap, Scout's hands slithering up from your sides to cup your chest, groping against your tits with a teasing kind of playfulness. Even if he's wiry, he's so warm it makes you melt. Prompting you to mindlessly press yourself even harder down on his lap, feeling his stiff throb against your ass. His breath ghosts against your neck between kisses, you try to sync your breath to his, feeling the way it quickened every time you squeezed and palmed up his thighs.
The feeling of harsh teeth and a humid, wet tongue on your neck make you wince, mindlessly rolling your heat against Scout's lap, the instant reaction spurring him on all the more, as he took a hard nick to the side of your neck. You can feel Scout's trademark wonky teeth, coated with enough saliva to ooze out of his mouth, leaking all over you, forming thin trails connecting his lips to the wet spot he created, even as he pulled away. You were painfully pinned into place between Scout's mouth and his crushing grip on both your tits, making you groan in frustration as you felt trapped but unable to get any proper relief from either direction. But just as you were about to try and wriggle away, to get just a bit of space away from the man to catch your breath, Scout returned for another bite. 
Intentionally, Scout aimed to target the already irritated skin. The pain intensified, and you felt yourself yelp as you began wriggling even harder to try and stop the pain. But Scout clung to you like a feeding leech, refusing to budge an inch. 
The pain in such a sensitive area turned you on, but when you felt him drawing blood, your fear overtook your arousal. You didn't like how bold he was getting in front of the camera."F-fucking hell! Scout!"
To your disappointment, your attempts at stopping his abuse had the complete inverse effect. He let out a shallow moan, huffing as the breath got caught in his throat, grinding against the slick-with-sweat flesh of your backside, almost laughing with delight, "Beg again, just like that!"
"Sco-out! God! Please, more!"
"Beg harder- I wanna-God, I wanna hear you whine-"
You responded instantly, your brain well-past cock hungry and unaware of how pathetic you sounded, "Scout, Sc-scout! C'mon, please!" Fortunately, your muscles didn't have to strain much longer in that position, as Scout responded to your plea by thrusting fully inside, an action which would've been painful if not for your lustiness.
Feeling that maddening yearning between your legs finally satisfied, you couldn't help but let out a breathy sigh of relief, allowing your body to go limp, bouncing slightly as he continued to pound against your motionless body. 
"Start touchin' yourself again, just like before- Go on and show off how freakin' hot you look when you come." Scout didn't need to tell you twice. One hand latched over one of his hands still covering your tit as you gripped the mound of skin through his hand while your dominant hand found your clit. Rolling the nerves between your fingertips, you felt the pleasure pick up in waves as your body relaxed into Scout, allowing him to keep your body nice and propped up for the camera while you chased your orgasm.
From the inside, Scout could feel how close you were just as well as you could. The end was so near for you, but you wanted it now, wanted to feel Scout fuck you even harder, treat you like an animal, and go as hard as he could. To encourage him, you begged again, "Hard as you can, Scout! Feels- ah! You feel so fucking good!"
In truth, you didn't even know if you gave him enough time to react before you were gripping down on his prick and riding out your high for all it was worth. Scout was so focused on not bursting before you all night that the sight of you at last climaxing over his lap practically made Scout come on the spot. But after watching you come to settle down from your orgasm, Scout was able to regain his thoughts well enough to complete a few more deep thrusts between your thighs before everything went white. All his muscles tensed as he came before slackening, forcing him to wrap both arms around your shoulders to keep from flopping backward. Scout's head felt all light and dizzy. He needed to take a second before he was ready to move. Keeping his eyes closed, he mindlessly buried his head back into the crook of your neck to continue panting heavily, offering a few more sloppy, gentle kisses as he caught his breath.
It was easy to stay like this. Scout wasn't acting pushy or demanding your submission; all you had to do was sit and support him. Usually, Scout could manage a near-instant recovery, but tonight, he sounded more spent than ever. And eventually, you lost track of time the longer you sat there.
After all that, your mind eventually began to wander. While you were responsive, aware of the space around you and what was going on, and even communicative in a small sense, broadly speaking, your mind had checked out. Despite all the invasion of privacy, lack of dignity, and bodily coercion, at some point, that little voice in your head that continued to remind you this was wrong, the self-blame and feeling responsible for letting him do this to you, apathy began to roll in like a stormcloud and block out your distress. 
You were so tired, and on a primal level, you found the presence of another warm body in bed with you soothing enough to relax you, lulling you into an almost tranquil state. Your exhausted mind was no longer worried about Scout's hungry eyes against your naked body or the harsh red LED from the camera locked in on your location. The red towel covering the lamps and the red light illuminating the room stopped looking garish. It wasn't natural, but it felt oddly cozy and warm. You stopped paying attention to Scout altogether and became lost, staring out the window covered by the red blanket. Even behind the heavy fabric, you could make out the outline of the half-moon and a few bright stars in the clear sky. 
By the time Scout finally pulled himself off the bed to clean himself up, you realized you had no idea how long your mind went blank staring at the wall. He offered you a hand out of bed, which you accepted, feeling pins and needles in your stiff joints as you followed him to the bathroom, trying not to look at yourself in the mirror while scrubbing yourself clean. Scout continued to chatter as he returned to bed, trying his hardest to get you nice and comfortable before he settled down.
Wrapped in a soft blanket, curled up at his side, you were at peace. A boundary was crossed tonight, and you knew you'd likely regret all this come morning, but at least it was over, and sleep wasn't far away. You weren't uncomfortable or in pain, but something in your gut didn't feel quite right. This wasn't how relationships were supposed to go, and boundaries like this weren't ever supposed to be broken, but then again, could you even remember the last time Scout had treated you like a boyfriend "should"? 
He held you in his arms, told you he loved you, and called you beautiful, but it wasn't good enough. Nothing about tonight, about the relationship, and to be honest, almost nothing about Scout himself was quite right.
Nestled like a little chick in its nest, you allowed Scout to cradle your compliant body, feeling thankful for the soft fabric separating your body from his. You couldn't try to fight him back at all like this or defend yourself, but after all you'd just been through, what was the point? At least like this, it was all the easier to do what he wanted of you: lay back, keep quiet, and pretend you were hopelessly in love.
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5eraphim · 1 year
HGHHBK I love your work! Everything is so well written and just amazing.
Can I request yandere Scout eating out captive reader as a form of punishment because they tried to escape the night before?
This wound up being a bit longer than i thought it would, but i feel like that happens every time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , I liked your premise a lot anon, I hope this works for ya! I wanted to write this to make up for how much I've bullied him, like in (this post lol) and actually this one too, yes this is a dark!scout story, but canon scout is a sweet boy who is kinda pig-headed, but genuinely means well and i like to think of him as a frat boy wrapped around a boyscout's heart, and if he's your fave, i support you <3.
Character: The Scout 🐇 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: afab reader, dubcon, forced intimacy, oral (female receiving, scout is kinda weird about feet for a moment i guess?, biting, kidnapping, yandere, toxic relationship
Word Count: 3.4k
(Song Inspo- Time is Running out, Muse)
"Wrath is the desire to repay what you have suffered." — Kaveh Akbar, from “Pilgrim Bell.”
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Cornered, the walls were closing in, and you were stuck with nowhere left to go. Yet another escape attempt ending in failure, as you were practically dragged back to Scout's bedroom, the door slammed shut behind the two of you as you were pushed onto the shared bed, knowing well enough to stay put when he walked back to lock the door. You heard him speak in an uncharacteristically low voice. "Ya oughta know you'd need to be quicker than that to ditch me."
He was pissed, "No one is faster than me- Why did you even try!?" He glared at you, his bright blue eyes narrowed, teeth bared in aggression, his neck tense and left knuckles white where he gripped his bat. It wasn't uncommon for you to try and escape, but every time you tried, you swore you were caught and brought back faster than the last time. Not for lack of trying, but you were too weary to honestly try and fight back anymore; you learned quickly Scout was not afraid to do whatever it took to keep you in line, as well as often being blinded by his own rage and hurt you more than he intended in moments of high intensity. The situation was hopeless, but your resilience wasn't gone yet.
"Shut up already! I wasn't even trying to escape! God forbid I get a little fresh air-"
"You are so full of shit." He spat on the floor, leaning his bat against the bed as a warning as he stood over the side of the bed, arms crossed, looking down at you. "I know you were tryna run. Tell me why."
You shot back, "Take a wild guess-"
"No, go on; tell me why you wanna leave so bad since you think you know so much!" You made the dire mistake of underestimating his anger before, and you knew him well enough to know he wasn't in the mood to show you mercy. Scout's face was flushed red with rage and exhaustion. Being so naturally pale, he could never do much to hide his own anger. You wanted to fight back, to take out your frustrations on him, but while his metal bat was still within arm's length, you knew better. So you decided the wisest course of action now was to try and de-escalate things, to try and calm him down, you couldn't pull off your escape, but you prayed there was still some way you could make it through the night unharmed.
"Scout, please. I wasn't running away; you know I wouldn't do that to you." You sat up a little in bed, slowly inching away from his body, looming over the bed's side to sit with your back against the pillows, knees bent towards your chest, unbothered by the dirt you likely tracked onto the bed with your shoes, it's not like Scout would care either. But he didn't look convinced, and you sighed, "Scout, can't we just talk this over? I know you're confused and all, but just hear me out."
He didn't answer, gritting his teeth, crawling into bed over you suspiciously quiet. Thankfully, he was not yelling, but his fury was still clear as day on his face. At first, you tried to scoot over to the side and give him space to sit next to you, but he was quicker, keeping you pinned as he crawled over you. "Ya know, I'm getting real sick of you and your pissy little attitude. So I think, if you know what's good for ya- You're gonna lay down right here and stay nice and quiet for me."
You opened your mouth to say something, but the way he stared you down, almost challenging you to even try and keep resisting, killed the words before they could leave your mouth. For a second, the two of you appeared locked in place like that, making you feel like a deer caught in the headlights. While you knew it was dangerous to try and run away while he was on a mission, it wasn't until you were here and directly under Scout's mercy that you entirely realized how dangerous the situation was. While you and the rest of the team loved to tease Scout about his babyface and un-intimidating disposition when he wanted to be, Scout could be scary as any other. "So what's it gonna be, princess? Are you ready to say you're sorry?"
Meekly you nodded; the sound of your heart hammering in your chest made his threat all the more intimidating, forcing you to submit before things got even worse for you. It was hard to say anything now that your mouth had gone dry, nor could you think of what to say. But you managed a " Yes, Scout, " using all your strength to stay still and hide your fear the best you could. Earlier in the relationship, you remember crying at times like this, how terrified you were to face Scout's inner anger. Now you could hold in your tears, but the fear was as intense as ever.
"That's my good girl." You could practically feel your skin crawling every time he spoke using one of his cruel little pet names, his little way of trying to keep you feeling small and beaten down, to remind you how you were nothing compared to the likes of him. The pillows slightly propped up your upper body, your lower half lying flat against the mattress. Scout began to tug at your cotton t-shirt, you fumbled awkwardly, and he helped him get the garment off before he went to work on your bra, which you reluctantly shed to allow it to join your poor top abandoned on the floor below. You felt sick to your stomach, feeling him undressing you so effortlessly while you were forced to lay back and take it. You felt too embarrassed being bare-chested in front of Scout to look him in the eye, much less in such a compromising position, forcing you to stare pathetically off to the side, face hot with shame.
"Don't gimme that look; ya brought this on yourself. Remember that."
You cringed in dual disgust and apprehension when you felt his thin lips connecting with the bare sensitive flesh below your navel. The contact was surprisingly gentle coming from him, but this did nothing to calm your rising anxieties, he wasn't messing around this time, and you didn't want to imagine how far he would take this. A shiver ran down your spine when you felt his tongue testingly swipe over your lower belly; the tiny wet trail left behind made you groan in the back of your throat as you wriggled in discomfort.
For a moment, he entertained himself by playing with the sensitive skin of your stomach, feeling goosebumps prickle as your clammy palms fisted at the bedsheets, your legs trying to remain still, despite twitching restlessly as he continued to tease. Then, Scout wrapped his arms around your naked torso, inhaling deeply and feeling your softness with his own face as he licked and kissed his lower and lower.
"Now let's getcha outta these."
As usual, he reacted without waiting for your response. Scout unwrapped his arms from under you, using them to help push himself all the way back to sitting on his knees over you, scooching back so he was leaning over your ankles. You didn't protest when you felt him pull off your shoes, a bit comforted by the feeling of the cool air through your socks. He absentmindedly dropped the shoes off the bed. You turned your gaze to the ceiling, nervously gripping the blanket and sheets with your clammy hands, waiting for him to strip you of the rest of your clothing with a likewise disregard. Scout caught you off guard by using two fingers to tickle the bottom of your feet, still covered by socks.
With an ugly choked-laughing sound, you glared back at Scout's all too-happy face. He pinched your little toe between his thumb and index finger, "Ticklish?"
He continued to use his fingers to trace up and down around the underside of your soles, the ticklish sensation still unpleasant but nowhere near as powerful now that you were no longer caught by surprise. In any other context, with any other person, the interaction might've been cute, but not like this. Your feet already felt hot and raw from trying to run away from the maniac, and the way he continued to tease the sensitive area felt beyond gross. You drew your feet away slightly, pressing the bottom of your feet to the mattress to prevent him from trying to touch you again. "You are so fucking weird." Scout merely shrugged, still smiling maliciously as he pulled down your socks. He dropped back down to his elbows to get his face nice and close to your legs, rubbing the side of his face over your legs. His soft cheek brushing against the top of your lower high gave you butterflies, a feeling of equal excitement and disturbance. What bothered you more was remembering that his actions were ones of lust and love as he looked at you with wide blue eyes, his smile much softer now. You wondered if maybe he wasn't trying to embarrass you earlier but genuinely trying to get you to laugh. Scout loved you with his entire heart, despite your best efforts.
For a few moments, he took great efforts to make himself as comfortable as possible, no doubt thinking in his mind his actions were as soothing to you, which, while you were glad he wasn't enraged enough by your betrayal to really hurt you, was still cold comfort. You swallowed hard, feeling him tracing his hands up the sides of your thighs to rub gentle little circles, inching closer and closer to the edge of your cut-off shorts. 
You felt your temperature climbing as he trailed kisses to the spot just above your knee up the length of your leg, again with a kind of romantic gentleness you'd never seen from him before. It disturbed you, and you hated how uncertain this made you feel he was up to something sneaky or seconds away from biting into your leg as hard as he could. Scout sensed you were staring at him as his eyes flicked up to meet yours, his head falling to the side to rest his cheek on your thigh. 
"Babe, ya know I'm crazy for you, don't ya? I'd do anything for you, so why'd ya try and run away like that?"
His puppy eyes were almost strong enough to make you regret what you'd done, but you knew the cruel man behind that baby's face too well to be fooled. He wanted to get a reaction out of you, but you forced yourself to remain as rigid as possible. Finally, he gave you a sweet, crooked smile as he continued, "I could spend all night like this. I just wanna hold ya, but since ya wanna get me heated so bad, I oughtta return the favor."
It was like he was trying to get you to fold, to offer to hold him like this for the night and save yourself from the humiliation of whatever perversions he had on his mind, but you had a feeling agreeing to cuddle would only lead to the same outcome. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. When you didn't respond, he turned his attention to your shorts, unbuttoning them and pulling them past your ankles as you shifted awkwardly to help him. Now you were almost entirely bare before him, with just one last scrap of fabric left to protect your modesty. Not like that mattered to him; without waiting another moment, he dove his head straight between your legs.
"H-hey! Easy now-"
"Relax, relax, I'm not gonna hurt ya, baby, just givin' ya another reason to stick around." He didn't even bother fully dressing you down, merely pushing the fabric to the side with his skinny fingers as he finally tasted you. His tongue ran over the sensitive area, not deep enough to enter you, but enough to make your eyes flutter shut, your head rolled back a bit, and a moan, halfway between despair and arousal, filled the room as he continued to drink in all you had to offer. Even muted between your thighs, you could hear him moaning too and didn't doubt he was either dry-humping the mattress or using his free hand to palm himself while still between your legs. He liked to start out slow like this, to try and savor the "first taste," but you knew he wouldn't last too long like this. Especially not after he was already pissed.
His fingers moved from between your legs to using both hands to grip the waistband of your underwear, harshly pulling suddenly, quickly snapping the elastic, and doing the same to the other side just as quickly, Scout managed to easily remove the rest of the fabric, giving him full access to your body. He was done with trying to go slow and gentle, using both hands on the inside of your thighs to push them further apart, causing your pussy to spread wide open for him. You squirmed a little in sudden discomfort; feeling his hot breath fanning directly over your exposed sex felt pleasurable but not enough to make you forget your guilt. "Scout, cmon- can't we just-"
"Nope." He wasn't about to turn back now, not after he finally had you exactly where he wanted you. Especially not seeing you already beginning to "soften up" under his touch. You hated how turned on you felt watching him act so rough and demanding over your body. He was an annoying, self-absorbed brute, and you hated the way your body continued to heat up as he kept you pinned down and wide open. 
He took another long lick, his tongue flicking over your clit, the feeling causing you to tense up instantly. You tried hard not to give into him here, to keep your hips from bucking against his mouth, but Scout knew you better than you wanted to admit. He used his fingers to massage your thighs before retreating his right hand to join his mouth at the entrance to your core. The feeling of his eyes against yours was enough to keep your eyes scrunched shut, not daring to actually look down and risk catching the sight of him watching your face intensely as Scout lapped against your pussy. He suckled away greedily, wanting to feel as much as he could of you with his mouth, using his nose to bump against your clit as he used his tongue to press a little deeper inside you. 
Scout pulled one of your thighs over his shoulder, forcing you to bend your knee and bring him closer to your wet opening. The longer this went on, the harder it was to keep still, and once you gave up on that, it wasn't long before you gave up on keeping quiet as well. And you gasped out loud when you felt his fingers prodding at your entrance. Scout moved so his mouth could kiss and suck away directly on your clit while his fingers began to work against your pussy. Thankfully you were more than wet enough to help his fingers get a feel for the sensitive tissue, which began to stretch to accommodate as he pressed them deeper inside you. The pleasure was building fast, and you felt your head lull back, breathing ragged, your body throbbing and wet around his mouth and fingers. Like always, he moved quickly and adeptly with his fingers, curling them and helping you open up more as they became coated in your slick. By now, you were becoming blinded by pleasure, your thighs squeezing against Scout's head, wanting him to make you come; the moment you felt his fingers curl upward inside you, all initial self-restraint was forgotten. 
You could practically feel your end coming closer and closer as you rolled your hips against his face. You were aware of Scout's moans and sounds of pleasure reverberating between your legs, but the two of you were practically seeing as one here, knowing you were just seconds away from climax. Sweat clung to your back, soaking the sheets under you, your body felt too hot, and you were practically begging Scout to "go harder, please- as hard as you can!" The spots where he held you down in his tight grip were beginning to ache and feel sore, but you were too close to care; your back arched off the bed while you finally felt your orgasm beginning to dawn. Scout could practically feel it too, your body so erotic, moving against his touch like an angel, this one moment of intimacy feeling hotter than anything the two of you had shared before now. Scout could feel how swollen your clit had become since he started, and he focused on using his tongue to wrap and twist against the sensitive bundle of nerves until he felt your thighs tense up, gripping him even tighter as you came. Scout didn't stop sucking away at your sex as you ground mindlessly against his face, riding out the climax.
The fatigue following orgasm hit you all at once; all the tension you felt in your joints and muscles gradually began to melt away as your heartbeat slowed. Thought the head fog of pleasure lingered as you felt your ragged breathing begin to regulate itself again. Even as Scout continued to lap up as much of your fluids between your legs as he could manage, inciting the occasional throb of after-pleasure. While your relationship with Scout was far from what you ever wanted, a part of you was thankful he was here to hold you during your comedown. To have a warm body wrapped around you to satisfy that primal part of your brain that longed for companionship, no matter who it came from, to be there for you after the pleasure ended. You kept your eyes shut, knowing if you were to open them, you'd be brought back to reality all too quickly. It would end the light, almost floaty feeling in your chest as you felt Scout gradually draw his head out from between your legs. He placed one last kiss over your right hipbone before laying his head down to rest his head on your lower belly, both arms wrapping around your torso to pull himself closer to you, unintentionally smearing the mess on his lips against your naked skin.
"You're my baby; you'll always be my baby. No matter how far you make me chase you- I'll never give up." Usually, after he made you come, he was so loud, so proud of himself, but he sounded completely different now. Scout sounded almost shy, so hushed but at the same time sincere. One of the few times he ever seemed to actually try and choose his words carefully before speaking. Almost like he was begging you.
"Scout-" But you were cut off.
"I know you still want to try and escape, but I'll never let you get away with it. I don't want to hurt ya; just- I mean, I'll do anything to protect ya from other guys, but if it means I gotta keep ya all locked up or knock some sense into ya when you're acting crazy. I'll do anything."
Despite yourself, you forced your eyes open slowly, trying to focus your fuzzy vision on the boy lying over you; it was a pitiful sight. Scout was violent, dangerous, and you hated him, but you couldn't help but feel pity for him. You didn't want to be here or be a part of this, but you couldn't help but wonder if Scout felt just as much a victim of his obsession as you were.
Scout didn't look up at you with puppy eyes or ask anything of you. Likely, he wouldn't want your pity, and you didn't want to divulge that sentiment anyhow, but still, with a moment of hesitation, your hands lightly rested on the top of his head. Using your fingers to stroke gently over his hair while you stared blankly up at the ceiling, praying sleep would find the two of you quickly.
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jermer10 · 8 months
Fanfic Masterlist !! ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
a collective of all the fics i've written, updated as i post! ★ blog intro ★
list under the cut :P
★ OSOSAN general romantic headcanons | gn reader ★ OSOSAN brothers with an adopted teen sibling | gn reader ★ OSOSAN brothers trying to calm a stressed out reader | gn reader ★ OSOSAN reader falling asleep on them | gn reader
Team Fortress 2:
★ TF2 support mercs with a transmasc reader who's on their period | afab transmasc reader ★ TF2 support mercs with reader who experiences nightmares | gn reader ★ TF2 support team with a vampire reader | gn reader ★ TF2 mercs finding out their s/o is pregnant + raising kids hcs | afab reader ★ TF2 mercs with a pregnant s/o | afab reader ★ TF2 platonic yandere mercs hcs | gn reader ★ TF2 damsels in distress | gn reader ★ TF2 mercs with a southern s/o | gn reader ★ TF2 mercs with a clown/jester reader | gn reader ★ TF2 mercs with a fairy/pixie reader | gn reader ★ TF2 mercs with a reader who experiences panic attacks | gn reader ★ TF2 mercs taking care of a very sick reader | gn reader ★ TF2 falling asleep on their shoulder | gn reader ★ TF2 spy x punk!reader | gn reader ★ TF2 flustered scout | gn reader ★ TF2 scout x reader x sniper | gn reader ★ TF2 scout x transfem!reader | transfem reader ★ TF2 ftm!sniper x ftm!reader age regression | transman reader ★ TF2 softie soldier | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 forced confinement | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 mercs being pulled in by their ties | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 relationship hcs + miss pauling | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 mercs dating an enemy reader | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 yandere sniper drabbles | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 enemies to lovers sniper | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 pyro headcanons sfw + nsfw | nsfw, gn reader ★ TF2 yandere mercs with an enemy s/o | nsfw, gn reader ★ TF2 yandere scout x civilian reader | 18+ only, gn reader ★ TF2 male s/o with a weapon kink | 18+ only, male reader ★ TF2 medic having a male s/o with a weapon kink | 18+ only, male reader
★ TF2 working it out | sniper x reader | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 hey, stranger | scout x reader | gn reader ★ TF2 playing pretend | scout x reader | gn reader ★ TF2 fake dating - gone wrong not clickbait | scout x reader | suggestive, gn reader ★ TF2 sweater weather | heavy x reader | 18+ only, afab reader ★ TF2 in the trenches | soldier x reader | gn reader ★ TF2 his prize | sniper x reader | 18+ only, afab reader ★ TF2 in the midst of chaos | medic x reader | afab reader
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