#thalassa justice
huyandere · 10 months
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ema-sahdmadhi · 2 months
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"It seems you've had quite a life..." - Ema Skye, 6-5 Day 1 Investigation
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hold on I'll make this my personality for 3 months
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cowboy-queer · 3 months
One of the best parts of the Apollo Justice game is the absurdity of the situation Apollo is in. Imagine you get hired by Frankie Jonas (you have no idea who the Jonas brothers are) and get asked to defend a local disbarred lawyer (who you do know). That disbarred lawyer adopted Criss Angel's daughter after he disappeared. Frankie Jonas killed Criss Angel. Two months later you find out you're going up against Joe Jonas in court and you haven't even heard Cake By The Ocean. Your client is a member of the LA mafia.
The next case you're on is a murder at Joe Jonas' concert, which you were invited to by him. His guest act was Björk, who unbeknownst to you is your mother. Also the mother of Criss Angel's daughter. But your father is not Criss Angel, it's Sufjan Stevens (deceased). The murderer of Björk's manager was Joe Jonas' bandmate JinJoo Lee.
The game culminates in David Blaine (who was in love with your mom, Björk) confessing to framing Criss Angel for David Copperfield's (your grandfather) suicide, and Frankie Jonas admitting that he has committed a second murder. And your new boss has been working with Interpol or some shit for the last seven years to take Frankie Jonas down and get his badge back.
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golden-snackoos · 4 months
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forget me not.
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zombieryuu · 3 months
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best game
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taxkha · 5 months
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And a group drawing of the AJ characters. I don't like this one as much as the other one but oh well.
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shitpostingkats · 14 days
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My toxic trait is I think Apollo should have more crazy backstories. Make him suffer.
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u3pxx · 1 year
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my name is apollo justice, attorney at law. and this is how my story begins… 🌻☀️
like this art? it's a print, here! | like what i do? support me on ko-fi!
a little official art redraw i did for apollo justice's anniversary on the 12th!! it's a little late but c'mon, i finished it didn't i? anyways, i am like super proud of this! and yes i added vera bc she's a big part of this story too, you know!
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aannd a little timelapse for y'all too ;^P man this took so long ....
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nyaagolor · 3 months
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It’s a zoo out there, Apollo Justice
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vortexbeyondthestars · 5 months
ok but like imagine turnabout serenade from valant's perspective. you've been working in garages and parking lots for the past seven years to make money and then this pretentious prettyboy german rockstar offers you a job. ok fine you need the money. you learn that the prettyboy is teaming up with a mysterious borginian singer. cool. you meet the singer and she looks fucking exactly like the girl you thought you accidentally murdered and had been blackmailed over by her dad until he killed himself. what. so you maybe try to talk to her except she has amnesia and (as far as you know) doesnt speak a LICK of english. and you cant even ask her about it through a translator bc her manager is murdered. you're already in shock. then you meet the daughter of her and the guy who you've had toxic old man yaoi beef with for the past seven years. shes all friendly and chirpy and calls you "uncle valant" even though you quite literally left to get the milk and never came back. you notice shes with a stickish lawyer who yells a lot and you see the fucking bracelet said woman you thought you killed owned. you are doing mental gymnastics and yhen remember that she had married another guy and could have had another kid. what the fuck is going on. the kids try to badger you for information but you're about five seconds away from a mental breakdown and just dip. like i cant even blame him. i would dip too
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doctorsiren · 2 months
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Finally some Silly Little Monster AU designs! Here we have Thalassa, Lamiroir, Jove, and Zak
Thalassa is the name of one of those ancient primordial Greek gods, and she was the personification of the ocean. This goes along with Lamiroir being the “siren”. Since her kids are an angel and a demon, I thought going the goddess route would work since they aren’t hybrids and I can do what I want with my lore :3
As I was drawing up the design, I realized that what I was wanting was literally just Sea Fairy Cookie from Cookie Run, so I went with it. The goddess Thalassa has horns made of crab arms, so I gave this Thalassa some horns as well. Her hair and dress are always flowing like water.
Next we have Lamiroir. Since her design with the cloak is more based around constellations, I went the space route. I decided it worked since the moon controls the tide anyways, so there’s already a connection between the sea and the sky. When she lost her memory in The Incident, it caused her form to change, resulting in what we have here. It’s essentially a cracked gem Lapis situation, which is what I based her design off of. I thought the mirror eyes was perfect, and that actually makes her (la)Mirror Gem and makes Thalassa the Ocean Gem. I’ve always associated her with Blue Diamond anyways, so it works! Also I was just a big fan of both design concepts, so I did both.
Then we have Jove, who is a demon like his son. Apollo’s hair horns translated into his demon horns in his design, but Jove’s hair goes down, so I opted to give him both his hair horns and regular demon horns. I also decided to have one of his horns be broken just to spice up the design a little.
Finally, we have Zak. He’s an angel like his daughter. I started off the design wanting him to have silly little tiny wings, but as I drew, I couldn’t decide if I wanted that or if I wanted him to have big giant wings. The discord decided that small wings were funnier and so I went with those. His design didn’t change much, save for the halo hat, his ears, the wings, and the silly sparkles. Also, I believe that he wasn’t bald on the top before the 7yg lmao so yeah 😁
Thalassa’s husbands were both really warm toned while she was all blue and watery, which I think worked out.
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vexinglyvolatile · 10 months
ace attorney memes i made part 5
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link to meme catalogue
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frost-faerie · 7 months
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called "turnabout serenade" 😳 you'll be zonked out of your gourd💯
me: yeah whatever. i don't feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude i swear i just heard romein letouse say 'the witness is the siren'
my buddy cheeto klavier pacing: machi tobaye is lying to us
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unusualbullshytt · 1 month
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ifmymomknew · 2 months
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Still in AA but random super rare pairing that also might spoil if some of you didn't play SoJ
I saw some fanarts of them but Jove was always taller than Thalassa. Which is bullshit, gentlemen, cause he probably gave the Short King gene to Apollo.
do you ever think how Thalassa wanted to piss off her dad so much she saw a 5'6 itinerant jester and thought "this is him. my man. my life now is with him and our child born outside of marriage"
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