#than i do and i dont want to ruin her and not do her justice
astarionancuntnin · 3 months
listen, obviously i love astarion for multiple reasons, but ironically when i first started the game i wasnt interested in him, at all. i was fully commited to finding karlach and dating her bc of what i had seen online about her. i had barely heard or seen anything about him other than him being "the flirty vampire" and i was like eh okay
i ended up keeping him in my party cause his remarks were hilarious and i really vibed with his energy. and then he started opening up and you get to see how the whole overconfidence and flirting was an act, he starts talking about cazador and what he went through and how determinate he is to take him down. he keeps mentioning how he cannot wait to get rid of his master and how satisfied hes going to be, and hes smiling just thinking about it
then we learn about the ritual and theres this sudden spark in him, hes convinced that its the answer to his problems, he gets tunnel vision on the ritual, and if you romance him he also thinks its the only way he can assure not only his own safety, but also yours.
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and when you finally win the fight, you have to save him from himself. hes desperate, completely blinded by the power he could potentially have. if he has this power, hes never going to be vulnerable, no one will abuse him ever again.
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he is willing to lose himself to make sure he never gets hurt like this. even with high approval, if you dont succeed a persuasion roll or refuse to help him, he either turns against you or leaves your party. in his eyes, at this moment, you are the one who turned against him.
if you suceed the persuasion roll, he agrees that he can be better than cazador, and before stabbing him repeatedly, mentions (again) how hes going to enjoy this
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only to break down right after. even though its something hes been wanting to do for centuries, all the suffering hes been through came crumbling down after it was done. cazador is dead, hes the one who killed him, he finally got his revenge, and yet he feels this emptiness.
its done, why do i not feel better?
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if you saved him, he talks to you later and admits how he wasn't himself, how thankful he is that you helped him out and most of all, you believed in him. you saved him by believing he could be more than what he saw in himself.
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if you talk to him after completing dame aylin's quest in act 3 (after killing cazador), he mentions how he expected her to rejoice after defeating yet another person who intended to enslave her, but shes just tired. hes comparing her reaction to his own experience after freeing himself from his abuser
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and after karlach's reaction to killing gortash, he brings up the fact that theres "no justice in this world". contrary to what he believed earlier in the game, its not only him thats been wronged for several years. even though in the end they all got to get rid of the people who ruined their lives, they are still hurting.
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hes realising that killing your abuser, although it seemed like the simple, satisying solution of finally having your revenge from years of trauma, might free you, but it will not fix you. they're dead, but you still have to live with what they've done to you.
he is my roman empire
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littlestpetgoth · 7 months
Tell us more about your little homestucks?
ok.. ill only go over my descendent ocs because they're the ones ive been posting about recently, i have too many homestuck ocs to cover lol..
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mayosi pyrope is the first descendent oc i made back when there was a brief trend on twitter to make, fan descendants of the trolls. i think i was inspired by ko's descendent acarid, and terezi being one of my favorite trolls i ended up making a bootleg pyrope. (and i draw them together all the time bc they rot my brain)
they're a radical transmasc weeaboo skater "vigilante" who grew up being raised by humans in a very normal average household where they got basically anything they wanted with no issues. their interests include; dishing out justice, watching animes, playing videogames, and doing sick tricks on their board. they wield a katana that resembles terezi's dragon cane.. they're my simplest designed character, and though they look a lot like terezi with a skirt and long hair their design was heavily influenced by dirk because i imagined that dirk has influenced some kind of anime character that mayosi obsesses over and has based their look on..
they aren't at all interested in, being a lawyer or anything like that and would like to take care of bad guys samurai batman style in their ideal world.. unfortunately the loving gently parenting of their human family didn't toughen them up enough so they're mostly a baby who doesn't do well when faced with conflict. mayosi's easily bossed around by anyone who firmly tells them to do something because they're too scared to step up and stand up for themself and others, they have a lot of shame for not being as strong and cool as terezi or red glare. real wet blanket.
uuuh like terezi, they weren't always blind. they were lured in by their ex best friend now super complex hate not boyfriend acarid and he poured acid into their eyes, ruining their vision and giving them crazy chem burn scars.. i think around this time they were also given their super rad pointy shades so they can look more like their hero, but it was a major blow to their confidence since not only are they a weak coward they're now a weak coward who can't see. they eventually learn to navigate the world via sound waves, its not as effective as terezi's sniff and taste vision but mayosi isnt as interested as smelling and licking everything in their presence.
example of what i think it's like for them here..
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theyyy are convinced by acarid to join him in his perfect sburb sesh, where they eventually grow a pair and cut off his arm and gouge his eyes before being shot in the brain and killed dead without ever waking on their moon. (sad) mayosi's feelings about acarid, who essentially abuses and manipulates them constantly, are very complicated because they feel an obligation to take on the brunt of his crazy in order to protect everyone but also because they cling to the nostalgic memories they have of him and are hoping he'll one day go back to that.
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kokesi megido is based on kokeshi dolls, i think she sees ghosts and is really scared of them so she's super skittish and is always finding ways to shoo them away.. she probably knows how to speak japanese ig, i dont have a lot to say about her unfortunately.. i like how her design turned out though.
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grimir maryam and romato vantas are brothers adopted into a rich human family, they're both spoiled brats and are constantly bickering with each other when they aren't pretending the other exists. grimir is mute and likes to garden (sooo original, i know) and romato speaks a lot and is a hopeless romantic writer. shrug.
i don't have as much to talk about. for any of my descendents other than mayosi because i have a really hard time developing ocs when i dont have people to bounce ideas off of. i mean most of mayosi was formed around acarid's existence and from ko's influence, otherwise they also wouldn't be developed . sorry .
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gold-rhine · 2 months
(continued) And looking at vision stories for electro, I'm struggling to pin something down as well.
Relentless self-improvement and/or relentlessly enduring hardship as a means to protect- or /preserve/, as one person on r/genshin_lore put it- something they love, usually people? Even Fischl's desire seems to be to preserve a sense of closeness that her roleplaying once gave her with her usually-absent parents. Kuki presumably endured losing her vision to avoid putting her gang in danger/to maintain their current status quo. I'm not sure about Beidou, though; the extreme endurance in service of some goal is there but not any form of protection or any status quo being maintained.
For Ei, in a world where gods are doomed to erode and a civilisation advancing too far could lead to its ruin, stripping people of their ambitions and minimising her own erosion seem like misguided attempts to preserve her people/the status quo of Inazuma for as long as possible.
im sorry this makes no sense. what is fischl suffering? how is she protecting her parents? her larping is not making her close with her parents, its alienating her from them bc they now dissaprove. we dont know if kuki lost her vision or not, but even if they took her vision away, this has nothing to do with her obtaining electro vision. shes not enduring anything except itto's shenanigans, like??? what is billionare scam artist dori suffering? to protect whomst? what is yae enduring?
also by this logic, how is fischl and kuki somehow suffering to protect others, but diluc, the "self harm for keeping mond safe" king, is not?
closest i can see for electro is solipsism, your own eternity, living in your own world by your own rules, even if it means going against society\rules of the world, and even inflicting your own reality upon others. raiden is obvious here, fischl's nonstop larping, beidou rejecting her village seeing her as cursed unlucky child and becoming a pirate king of the seas, kuki rejecting her family that wanted her to be shrine maiden and joining a gang, cyno quits akademia bc he porioritizes his own sense of justice, razor who sees himself as wolf despite andrius telling him to go live with humans, dori who decided to become jeff bezos and steamrolled everyone on her way, etc
but i think there is a bit more than that, i can't quite get the idea to tie it together
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
to be fair i don’t think ozzie kept his relationship with fizz on the dl bc he’s an imp (he doesn’t seem concerned that people know they up have sex), but because of the whole lust/love thing. which is stupid, but it’s also vivziepop writing so whatchu gonna do 🙃
ozzie does seem to be one of the “better” upper class members in terms of how he treats other species (imps are allowed in his clubs, he regularly interacts with succubi/imp hybrids, everyone at his workplaces seem pretty happy and unlike stella and andre, he doesn’t seem particularly discriminatory or callous), but he still calls moxxie “little imp” (granted he is literally little and an imp and its a performance) and his imp boyfriend “froggy” which with the fire toad slur kinda raises eyebrows? this could also just be vivziepop Not Thinking but. hmm.
even bee who is shown partying and dating hellhounds, said to be even lower than imps, still runs the abusive adoption pound and signs her name on every adoption paper. she can cover it up with honey and a smile all she wants but she’s 1000% complicit in their oppression. like how does tex feel about that??? it reminds me of corporations who do all this virtue signaling for social justice but give billions to horrible causes. but i don’t think vivziepop understands that because again. rich background. “bee was nice to loona so its ok!!! deeper implications? what’s that?”
speaking of which, every time viv likes a tweet about how striker deserves nothing and is a toxic masculinity homophobe makes my blood boil. i don’t particularly like striker and i lost any interest in him after western energy but he and crim are really evidence that viv thinks “STOP BEING POOR” is a valid argument. also wasnt he flirting with blitzo in his first ep???? so like? huh???
i will say one reason i ship blitzstriker is because they seem to have similar views in regards to class (at least pre oops…) and i can totally see them staking it out on the run together. i can’t see fizz doing that, he flaunts his wealth and even tho he says “it’s nice being out of the spotlight” i cannot see this man surviving without luxury items for over a day loo. even in the circus, he always had the best clothes and was the main breadwinner and while the circus is said to be struggling, he never seems to be. i think that’s another reason i personally never got fizz’s insecurities, because he’s been the ace his whole life???? like as someone who has struggled a lot for ANY recognition or love it just makes him seem spoiled to be like “ozzie no luv me bc im not perfect :(“ i think your manipulator idea would make more sense.
anyway this turned into a ted talk. you dont have to answer everything. im realizing i actually hate what helluva boss is but i love the fanworks and the potential it had. sigh.
Isn’t it so funny how we have to pick which flaws are on purpose and which are just…Viv being a bad writer. Like we have to accommodate her forgetting or not caring enough to put the work in and review it after.
Paragraph 1: I definitely agree 100%, I like the part where the imp and succubi are his patrons, equal, including the butler who stolas abuses. Which feels like a very purposeful decision to contrast him with Stolas specifically. But there’s still the fact that Ozzies is so overpriced and exclusive and yet, rich folk like stolas can just waltz in without any reservation for free, by threatening the bouncer with…something. Violence? Imprisonment? Ruining his life? Honestly I wish we could have seen Jesse tell Stolas to fuck off, before he notifies the big man of what he just tried to do.
Paragraph 2: He is one thousand percent better, and he respected his employees who in turn liked him and weren’t scared of him. However he’s a better monarch, but still a monarchby and at the end of the episode he betrays his employees trust and uses intimidation and the threat of violence to silence them. Also froggy??? Really? Really? And got every time he says it the cringe levels are intense, it feels deeply deeply ooc.
Back to paragraph 1 again: the secrecy…it’s about the inexplicable anti love thing, but I’m just saying I think fizz feels that way. Like in that article I keep referencing they say things like “heart hoarded by an imp?!” Which I suppose is equivalent to anti imp racism in hell. Stereotypes of them being untrustworthy selfish beings. Which is also the fuel for Stolas’ fetish. It just really pissed me off the way Asmodeus said “still getting your kink on with that feisty imp?” And stolas says “this imp has a business he runs” I was wayyyy to charitable to Asmodeus in the past and regret it so so much.
Paragraph 3: Many people point this out about Bee and I really hope her nice persona vanishes fast because it’s just ridiculous given her status and what she’s done. Why are your hellborn the most downtrodden of them all if you’re ohh so nice miss Beelzebub? And how the F could Loona not know who Beelzebub is??? Do her and Blitzø not realise who signed off on the adoption certificate? (Confirmed on Vivs patron that it was in fact Bee) why is Tex working as a bodyguard for verosika who calls him “my new hellhound” and yells at him, he also says he’s not paid enough to care about her issues. Sooo….why is he still in such a shitty position despite being with Bee. You’d think he’d at least be working because he wants to work but he doesn’t even seem
Paragraph 4: LITERALLY!!! Viv is such a privileged rich girl that her villains are poor. While she’s going on a world tour but raging at Twitter people criticising her pet character. She’s literally Stella and a Mammon: “Can you imagine not having money ahahhahh” — Viv describing why striker is so evil
Paragraph 5: another question is why would Blitzø being jealous of Fizz be such a bad thing? He didn’t want to cause the accident. But why would him hating how bad he is at making people laugh,,,make him bad? That’s why I love their arguments because neither is completely wrong or right. His father literally loves him more than his own son and as you said, he gets pampered the most and loved the most. He can’t stand someone not liking him for even five seconds which should be a character flaw, not endearing. But, Fizz doesn’t have a father at all, so he’s not completely wrong. And if his parents did abandon him and nobody would adopt him, that explains why he doesn’t feel good enough to be loved and why he needs audience approval. Viv just forgot to write that FUNDAMENTAL part into the f**king episode.
I love a good fish out of water story and seeing fizz slowly learn to fight beside his friend proving that their differences are compatible was great. By the end, Fizz seemed almost happier and freer by Blitzos side than by Ozzies side, but the goldfish is just put back in the bowl, which sucks.
Your last line made me almost laugh cry tbh because there’s enough lost potential to fill a fountain. The episode had such a strong start then around the breakdown things went south and it stopped being good. The status quo isn’t different at all and fizz just slightly shifted his destructive needs for affirmation onto a different royal.
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goatpaste · 1 year
Finished SBR and I liked it But God is it so held back by the shit Lucy is put through and sudden plot movements (sandman/sound man, frozen lake, Ticket to ride, HP’s death, the Gyro final fight and AU Diego). Your rewrite looks really interesting and I wanna check it out bc the final fight HP/Dio Vs Valentine was fucking amazing, even tho Dio lost in a way I thought was fair (but not without fighting), HP was done so dirty and I bet u do her justice. Sorry for the ramble (I know u hate SBR lol)
so much waste.. GREAT characters and story potential all ruined by the second half becoming obsessed with being grossly fixated on the narrative and nearly literal rape of lucy steel
and all these plot ideas that feel like they could unfurl into something VERY interesting and unique and amazing as a story. only to be dropped or just go no where. so many characters with AMAZING potential who go no where
i did like the Dio and HP fight with FV and Diego is kinda a baller death i wont lie.. but its.. really poorly done only because we dont even get to sit on it hardly? idk maybe its because i cared more than the narrative wanted me to did about diego? but they sure do just cut to johnny and gyro IMMEDIATLY with johnnys fucking bug bite fetish...
but yeah im like, the FEW chapters with diego and hot pants opened up such interesting doors to their dynamic and everything it could be that my rewrite really is a focus on that.. and utilizing Lucy better
listen, i LOVE a story about shitty things happening and everything goes bad! i really do find it good if well done
but yknow
araki you did such a bad dissatisfying job ? im taking your story and making it happier. you make it unreasonably miserable with no story enjoyment payoff? i take the story and flip it on its head, its about adults whos childhoods were fucked over and ruined by the cruelty of the world, then grew up into terrible adults, but when the safety of a child is thrust upon them they learn to grow as people, 4 people are saved by their will to not continue the cycle they have all experience onto her. People who need to grow up or die. people who learn your become so much kinder and stronger with a child who relys on you for protection.. ough.. i need to work on my SBR rewrite shit,, i think so much about it
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kattythingz · 10 days
Jumping onto the Roy killing Winry's parents bandwagon to say that fma 03 is more character driven than brotherhood. The characters in 03 are 3 dimensional and they seem human, if that makes sense? Like I've seen people hate on how Greed died in 03 like that moment wasn't a great scene. It made perfect sense, to me at least, for Greed to let Ed kill him so that he could go on to kill the other homunculi. Greed literally never gave a fuck about his siblings or being human he was just living his best life.
I too dislike how that situation was dealt with in brotherhood. Winry finally comes face to face with her parents killer and a few weeks later she's helping him? With no resolution to the original issue? WHAT!?
In 03 that situation, and alot of situations if I'm being honest, really make me wonder what is the right thing? The right thing is never obvious either. In Brotherhood alot of the struggle came from a "I have to do this the right way but how can I do that?" mindset while in 03 it was the constant question that never got answered, "What is the right thing?"
I love that Winry gets her own struggle and is actually treated as an important character in 03 from the jump. And I love even more that we get both sides of the story too. When you know Roy as the cocky silver-tongued smug bastard it hits so much deeper when you see him at his lowest. At the point attempting suicide. It's such a struggle because I know both sides but can't figure out who was wrong, if anyone was wrong.
I love that Winry has an internal struggle she goes through that adds to not only the series, but her character. It makes her so much more likable in 03 when she doesn't just randomly pop up like the ice cream truck and start crying over some shit that went down last episode. She's done justice in 03 because- and I'm gonna say this loud so the people in the back can hear too- SIDE CHARACTERS ARE IMPORTANT TOO! JUST BECAUSE THEY ARENT THE MAIN CHARACTER DOESNT MEAN THEY SHOULD BE THROWN OUT THE WINDOW? THEY HAVE SHIT GOING ON TO THEIR LIVES DONT REVOLVE AROUND THE MAIN CHARACTER.
The Scar in 03 is already more likeable too because hes not just a stone cold killer and also because he killed Basque Grand 🤪 I fucking hate Basque Grand. (Because of a fic i read but thats neither here nor there) And the way Al follows him and is like "Um could you please stop trying to kill my brother? If you want to ofc! >.<" IS HILARIOUS
IM RAMBLING BUT THE POINT IS 03 IS VERY CHARACTER DRIVEN AND THATS A PART OF WHY I LOVE IT. It has the perfect amount of both character development and plot progression. PLUS GENDER FLUID ENVY even though I hate that mf we still get representation. AND DARKSKIN ROSE! Brotherhood white washing her made me wanna slap the animators when I realized what they did.
YESSS CHARACTER-DRIVEN 03 MY BELOVED. God just thinking about the characterization in 03 makes me swoon. Loml fr. I'd argue Winry actually isn't as prominent in 03, but she's def less around to be ruined as a love interest, which I think is a pro nonetheless. About 03 Scar, I dunno about preferring one over the other tbh. I was never interested in Scar much to begin with as a character. But I do think in 03 he's much less severe, which... might be a downgrade, if you consider his rage at the literal genocide of his people. He deserves to be a stone-cold killer about that (so long as he doesn't drag in actual innocents, naturally).
AND YEAAAH POC ROSE. POC ROSE MY BELOVED. Dude fun fact I actually loved Rose enough back when I first watched 03 to ship her with Ed. I still fancy them a little as a romance, tho their friendship is just as dear to me. One day I'll write sth with her and Ed as besties. One day. I technically already did that in a kill la kill au but that's not posted so it doesn't count
03 is just. Such a good study of humanity. I'll never get over it.
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nekropsii · 1 year
HI ITS ME. GUY WHO HAS A LOT OF THOUGHTS ON MEAT!ROXY. despite how i. admitedly dislike how they HANDLED meat roxy, i cant help but hold a certain... appreciation? fur transmasc roxy. i dont know a lot of canon transmasc characters. most of the time the people i s33 even headcanoned as transmasc-... dont match my experiences. roxy has ALWAYS been my favorite. i love her xomplex relationship with rose and addiction and her friends. i could rel8 to being- idk if hyperfem is the word but? before i transitioned i was deff a very girly-girl. and in my early transition stages i really thought i was faking bc no one ever made content with characters like that./ i love roxy so much, and it was so nice to see my fave character being canonically transmasc, and it reely hurts to see people constantly talking aboat how much they HATE it. i get it! i get how much it sucks to have a popular hc invalidated! but... transmasc roxy has always meant a lot to me- in ways i cant explain w/o delving into some personal stuff. idk, i just. sighs. this came out a lot less coherrent than id like, but even tho i have troubles with how hs2/the epilouges were handled... i reely did like that. i think hs2 is a compilation of good ideas and wasted purrtential, and i wishmore ppl would try and explore that instead of writingmit off and criticizing efurryone who wants to engage in it
Yeah. The handling is definitely one of the biggest factors that ruins it. A lot of Post-Canon is hugely mishandled, and meat!Roxy is no exception to this. The other biggest factor that ruins it is that it was put in official material.
I obviously don't hate the idea of a hyperfeminine person realizing they're transmasculine, or a hypermasculine person realizing they're transfeminine. Those are real experiences that people have, and they deserve to be touched upon. People with those experiences get very, very little representation. I said this before, but I have no ill feelings towards people who like meat!Roxy. It lines up with some people's experiences more than some other portrayals of transition, and therefore some people will gravitate towards it because of its rare factor of relatability to them.
The thing about it is that the writers were never going to get the handling of it right. The Post-Canon writers are not good at their job, they have too much to live up to, and it really seems as though the move was made to spite that widely accepted notion that Roxy is a trans girl- something that has some very real backing within the text of canon. Transmasculine Roxy... Isn't an inherently bad idea! It really isn't. But it is a bad idea to not only confirm a character's previously up-in-the-air birth sex- something that directly goes against one of the most widely accepted transfeminine headcanons of all time- and then proceed to make that character trans in the other direction... While completely sucking the soul out of that character.
Transmasculine Roxy is a fine idea. It's just not one that's able to ever be comfortably explored in a piece of official material. It's perfectly okay for fanworks and personal interpretation, but it doesn't have a sound place in canon just due to the optics of it. It's just too contrarian. And while some people may not care, a lot more people will, and a lot more people do. Too many people care for it to be a good idea to canonize in any regard, no matter what level of eggshells the writers walk on.
And while that may seem like an apocalyptically grim statement to make... That really is just how writing for an audience works. It might suck sometimes, but it's how it is.
TL;DR: Yeah, you liking meat!Roxy is completely valid and I do not blame you whatsoever. More power to you! Major respect! It was just massively fucking mishandled, and handling it at all in official material was just a bad idea. It was a concept that was most likely born out of spite, and destined to fail. Justice for transmasc!Roxy, by the way. Why the fuck did they turn Roxy into an entirely different character? All the charm of Roxy's character was really just lost the moment they made 'em transition. That's one of my least favorite tropes ever. I hate it here.
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bookinit02 · 3 months
just read the episode seven script. HOLY FUCKING SHIT DUDW
there is . so much. SO MUCH i want to say about it. so many great moments. oh my god. final girl karen wheeler my QUEEN. and the camp scene at the end, witg all the reunions- mr. clark!!! lucas and his parents!!! KALI!!! god im SO EXCITED to see what you do with kali man, i loved that part of season 2 and kind of hated how she was just...never mentioned again... and seeing her in your season 5 makes me so happy!!!!
and now to scream about byler.
also on that note . i loveloveLOVE how you did the hive mind flashback to before henry showed up, i LOVE the notion that the upside down wasnt always creepy and evil and thats all henry's doing, i LOVE the demodogs and demogorgons being real, sympathetic creatures rather than these mindless drones for the Good Guys to kill. doggie!!!! theyre just doggies!!!! im!!!!!!!!!
clears throat. anyways
YES final girl karen wheeler!! i am so glad everyone is starting to care about her as much as i do bc i have had this plotline in my head for over a year now🥹
actually. confession! karen’s plot was like 80% of the reason i decided to do a script at all, bc i had such a solid s5 vision in my head for her but i couldn’t figure out how to work it into a byler-pov fic. i was thinking about doing separate related ficlets originally, but then i got even more ideas, and the scripts were born!
and yeah, i’m super excited about all the reunions!! i was going to wait for the finale until some of them, like mr. clark, but i figured i’d just get them all done in one big reunion extravaganza. the plan was always to include kali somehow���i want to make sure i close out the arcs of all characters in the show, like terry and the police, etc! and el needs her sister back💗
i’m glad you liked the letter scene :) it’s one of my favorites, and i’m very happy with how it turned out.
thank you so so so much for the comment about the hive mind (and for your notes on the fic as well)! i know that understandably this chapter got overshadowed very much by byler, but the restoration/decolonization of the upside down is a really important theme to me, and i’m looking forward to writing it out. especially because (and i could be wrong about this) it’s not a route that i necessarily see the duffers taking, and i wanted to be able to do it justice.
thank you for the comment!!!! sorry for the long reply, i just woke up from a nap and apparently i had a lot to say😭
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Buffy the vampire Slayer.
Season 2
Ep 7 - Lie to me
Please don't kill the kid, I hate it. Leave the kids alone
Drusilla and angel... Do they have a past? Interesting.
Oh for fuck sake! Not again! Why does buffy walks in the worst time ever. Now its angel and Drusilla. Great.
Sometimes Cordelia needs to shut up. Girl, just don't.
A new guy, billy ford, buffy's giant 5th-grade crush. Welp he's either gonna be our new fav guy or die in this episode.
Lmao Xander, you are funny. Also, willow that song is not about fat guys.
Jealousy jealousy all around. Tension all around here. Angel jealous, love it.
Ford knows everything. What do you mean you know about vampire and that she's the slayer!? WTF MAN!
He's a bad guy, I am sure of it. He's a vampire, maybe...? Or he wants to be one...?
Awww, angel is jealous. I love men get jealous in shows or books.
I love awkward mess willow. She's me and I love it.
Dont trust the ford guy. I know he's cute buffy but cute guys are trouble. Stick to women.
Spike and drusilla/drusilla's relationship is creepy .
This ford guy is totally crazy and dumb. Wanna be a vampire, just die.
Jesus Angel is dramatic, "Do you love me?", "maybe you shouldn't ", just shut up.
Jesus fucking Christ, Angel. What he did to Drusilla is pure evil. Poor girl. I hope she gets to torture and kill him. Wtf man.
Xander: "Angel was in your room?", Willow:- "Ours is a forbidden love". God I love willow. She's my favorite .
Man, buffy really has the worst taste in men. None of them are good. Angel(his fucked up past), billy ford, the creepy cemetery guy, the college guy who was a reptile worshipper and in sacrifice cult. Girl, maybe get some therapy at this point,.
Spike is kinda hot and I think I need some therapy now.
Oh OH, this ford guy is max from Rosewell(or whatever it's called), the one with insane chemistry between him and Liz. Lmao, never watched the show but I've watched gif's of them making out, which are...something 🤤🙈
Buffy for the win again.
Spike is gonna kill ford isn't he? Poor guy should've stayed in the Rosewell universe.
I kinda feel bad that ford he died. Poor guy was crazy.
I like this little moment between buffy and giles. It's emotional, raw and real.
B:- "does it get easy", G:- "what, life", B:- "yes", G:- "what do you want me to say", B:- "lie to me". Damn, I don't know why but it got me.
The last scene between giles and buffy, in the end, got me. I mean this show is pretty heavy and emotional at the times but I feel like it's gonna get much more from here.
Also, the "lie to me", episode title. Perfect for this episode. The theme of this episode was literally "lie to me", the conflict, the delusions, denials, characters lying to themselves. Ford, buffy, Giles, angel, all of them lying to themselves in different ways. Their pain and turmoil. Perfect.
Alright, another solid episode. Honestly, other than one or maybe two episodes, I've been pretty much invested in the show and haven't got bored at all.
I loved this episode. Little more sneek peek in angel's past, and drusilla and damn her past broke me, poor girl. Honestly she can go on a killing spree and I wouldn't blame her, the girl has been through hell. Angel ruined her life because he became obsessed with her? Fuck you angel.
Not sure how I feel about ford, he was a one episode guy so no attachment but like dude just die. It's kinda sad he spiralled that far away.
I really need more angel, I am not gonna lie, he doesn't even feel like a character to me anymore. It's weird how little or Barely he is in the show. I know he has his own show but I don't wanna watch that because ain't no way I am putting myself through cordelia and angel bullshit.
A really great ending to the episode, really liked that they touched on Buffy's emotional turmoil, even if it's briefly.
I guess that's all, loved the episode. Not much xander in it, it was more buffy and angel focus and angels past which included drusilla. Someone needs to get her justice because poor girl.
Anyway, see ya in the next one. Cheers 🥂
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joshriku · 6 months
Hi!!! I just read how do you sleep at night, your WandaJericho fic, and I'm having so many feels right now!!! Wanda's decision to getting a break from her relationship with Jericho made me like, oh wanda!
Her getting constantly anxious that nothing big is happening after their semi breakup was so sad. Girl is having grief in her romantic and maternal life since Vision's disassembling. It happens in reality too, when you are having constant drama and trauma in your life, you can't just suddenly adapt to peace. And you just start creating the drama and the unstable ness, whether you want it or not. Self Sabotage, or craving drama, you name it.
But the consequences that come with it—what always happens when she loves too much, the things that get ruined, the life she tries so hard to keep under control—it’s all so paralyzing. It’s as paralyzing as this touch. Oh dear!
And Jericho was so supportive! He was extremely right to be hurt, but I think he must have gotten an inkling later(maybe pietro?) about why is she behaving like that. I loved their Astral plane conversations, and "simply souls waving each other hello." This is so good!!
Also pietro!!! I loved how he just knew why Wanda is behaving like this. Self Sabotage indeed. The twin sense must have gotten activated. He is actually more emotionally intelligent about people he loves and cares, so that wasn't a surprise when he knew what wanda didn't want to admit yet. Also I knew it when he said he likes Jericho! Honorable mention Wanda's thought on how easy is to fight with pietro. Hope next years mini does twins justice.
Also Happy New Year!!
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 happy new year!! firstly thank you so much for such a lovely ask it really means a lot that you'd take the time to let me know you liked my writing, i really appreciate it!!!! 🥺🫶 already made my 2024 a great year!!
second AHHHHHH THANK YOU.. I LOVE WANDAJERICHO SO MUCH. ever since SW #9 when they reveal they're inexplicably exes / still have feelings but with "no strings" i've been like. oh?? what?? 😭 at first i was like, oh thats funny they dont strike me as characters who'd do No Strings Attached thing. but then i gave it more thought and started thinking of ways they COULD be and wanda essentially growing uneasy and anxious over a relationship that was going so well, when she is so used to things going wrong, came to me and i was like ohhh yes... thats it... now we got it 🫵 i can see her cutting things out before them getting "ruined". i really wanted it to be like, this relationship is *fine* and thats whats freaking her out!!
when i wrote this i wrote jericho with the intention that he knew exactly why she did it, but knowing it didnt change that she did hurt him, and the whole crutch of this story being that theyre both unequivocally very in love with each other still. still the case does remain that jericho is also very committed to his duties in the academy, esp after everything they went through - something wanda would also know firsthand. i think all those student deaths/the death of doctor strange/mandatory other marvel events would take its toll on anyone tbh i can see them trying to put at least a pause on everything while they try to fix the world. As Usual. i didnt write jericho immediately taking back wanda too because, yknow, it takes two to tango! BUT THEYRE SO GONNA WORK IT OUT. BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER THATS THE WHOLE POINT.. THEY NEVER STOPPED..IN MY HEAD. CAUSE I SAID SO AND THEYRE MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SHIP...
and AHH THANK YOU.. pietro in that fic was my favorite part 🫶 he loves wanda and hes really good friends with jericho of course hed have a deeper understanding of whats going on! i think pietro is a lot more emotionally intelligent than what most writers give him credit for. and if theres anyone who knows about self sabotaging or recognizing it on someone itd be him, and ESPECIALLY on wanda. defo one of my fave scenes to write in that fic 🥹 MAXIMOFF TWINS MY BELOVED..
Anyway this was a really long reply just to say that thank you SO much and this ask made my whole year and i am really grateful that you liked my fic!!!!!!! i liked writing it too!!! 💛💛💛
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anakin-pilled · 6 months
okay i finally finished the star wars sequel trilogy and here’s my opinion and thoughts on each of the movies that no one asked for but i want to share anyway 🤓🤓 spoilers below!
The Force Awakens:
Don’t have a strong opinion on this movie TBH, I think it’s the weakest of the three but it’s a good introduction movie.
Wasn’t expecting Han’s death…RIP TO A REAL ONE😭
Still don’t understand how Rey was able to beat a trained Kylo Ren in battle…she was too OP for the first movie.
Kylo’s back story isn’t convincing enough and I think he’s kind of lame, I don’t think they did him justice.
Transitioning between scenes is so reminiscent of the OG triology and I love it.
The Last Jedi:
THE BEST OUT OF THE THREE!! I really enjoyed this movie; especially all the different sub plots. I loved that we got to see more characters.
I liked Rose’s character and her dynamic with Finn!! Kelly Marie Tran did not deserve all the hate she got ): Rose was awesome ):
The scene in Snoke’s throne, Kylo reminded me so much of Anakin in ROTS, from the hair to the expression on his face, I literally think he channeled Anakin’s energy into his performance (think of Anakin when he first pledged loyalty to Palpatine)
Kinda confused on the direction they went in with Luke. You mean to tell me Luke refused to kill Darth Vader because he believed there was light still in him, but couldn’t extend the same hope to Kylo? Idk, Luke’s main characteristic is that he’s the hopeful, optimistic hero and I feel like they completely scrapped that. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THEY DONT EVEN DIRECTLY TELL YOU WHY KYLO HAD SO MUCH DARKNESS IN HIM, i blame the story tellers
Luke saying no one’s ever really gone…yeah I cried 😭
I knew Luke died from like years ago, but watching his force spirit in front of the two suns just reminded me of that iconic scene in ANH where he’s standing in front of the two Tatooine suns. Literally one of my favorite Star Wars scenes EVER 🥹
The Rise of Skywalker
I think my biggest gripe with this trilogy is that it completely ruins Anakin/Vader being the Chosen One. Like….George Lucas confirms he’s the Chose One and then we see in ROTJ that he helps brings balance to the force, thus completing the prophecy. BUT THEN PALPATINE DIDNT DIE AND HES BACK AND THAT MAKES THE PROPHECY COMPLETELY MOOT AND THATS AN INSULT TO MY POOKIE.
Didn’t expect Leia to die…I know Carrie died (RIP TO A REAL ONE) but I honestly didn’t know she was going to die in the movie and I kept on wondering how they were going to pull it off. And I’m just realizing they killed each of the OG trio 😭
We needed more Rose.
They built up Finn to be a love interest for Rey in the first movie then completely scrapped that idea for Reylo 😭
Not sure how I feel about Reylo. I was really hoping they wouldn’t kiss then BOOM they kissed. Idk I just don’t think the chemistry was there.
I still think they did Kylo’s character building dirty, but I did enjoy his redemption arc. RIP
The voices of all the Jedi guiding Rey, I CRIED OKAYYYYYY
I love FinnPoe, but also Finn and Poe separately. Oscar and John were amazing
Seeing all the Death Stars crash, the Ewoks looking up and cheering, the celebration scene 😭😭😭😭 I cried so much IDK it just reminded me so much of the the end of ROTJ and honestly I’m a huge sucker for a good winning final scene.
Overall, I enjoyed the trilogy more than I thought I would and while I do think it’s not PERFECT and I do think there’s a lot to fix, I do think a lot of SW fans are just salty and hated the idea of a more diverse, female led franchise. I would definitely watch again (:
Now I need to know what happens after lol
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iamacolor · 2 years
i'm still in shock. i was coming into this ep with loss of hope and someone they put the best parts of this show into it. god.. even i had a sense of fulfillment by the end. im here for youngwoo and her journey and we got to see her about to start a new chapter. full time! i hope att jung stays but just balances his work/life better cus he doesn't have much to prove anymore as he did before. i wonder if youngwoo's the only one with a renewed contract tho but i like this team so i hope not. the talk with junho was so 😭😭😭 im so happy idk i'll take it. it came out with less plotholes than i thought?? maybe ceo han changed her mind bc her goal was to not have her as minister (also minister for what i still dont know) but she stepped down on her own and maybe she sees she doesnt have to risk youngwoo for that (but also i dont like that she was willing to use youngwoo like that) but youngwoo's little brother 🥺 what a good kid. so cute when he calls her noona 🥺 idk.. im just very happy they didnt ruin s1. that could've been the end of the show and id be satisfied. but now im even more excited for s2. i really adore these characters.
hello anon! I just wrote a long post about all the things that felt off for me in the finale because so much was still left unsolved or unsaid or simply was given a shortcut so that there could be a happy ending but I won't rewrite everything here because honestly I think it was a good ending based on all the things they'd messed up to get there not really as an ending itself (does that make sense) and because you're right they somehow found back the tone that we loved from earlier episodes (which is hugely in part because we were fully on youngwoo's side rather than watching her suffer from afar with her scenes cut) so it did give me faith again for season 2. I'm glad she's happy with her new position she deserves all the things that makes her happy (and as for myeongseok she also clearly wants him back at hanbada too they make such a great team! but I do hope he finds a better balance)
I think the weird thing about ceo han just sort of giving up (for now) is that we still don't know why she was so against tae sumi?? (and since she's a lawyer tae sumi was a candidate to be minister of justice!)
and I would love to know if youngwoo's still in touch with her half brother. one of the things I wanted for season 2 was to see youngwoo be a mentor to another lawyer but I'd love to see her navigate being a sibling as well especially since they so easily understood each other very well and she immediately was protective of him (and he clearly needs better acquaintances than the ones he was hanging out with lol)
I just hope they can actually make season 2 happen now, I know it's going to be hard to get everyone together but a lot still needs to be resolved and it'd be a shame for this show to not actually get to wrap everything and for youngwoo's journey to be cut short when there's still so much more to see!
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n0stalgicv0id · 1 month
We are the complete opposite in how our response to trauma manifested 👁️👁️ inchresting tbh,,
i still talk to her but its so little and its always over snapchat lol, and we never make plans or anything. i tried telling her if she doesnt change i dont want to be friends anymore and then she just starts the whole "YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND ME. ITS NOT MY FAULT". .. its hard to end it bc its been 12 years but its still just.. it would change nothing for me if she stayed or not.
A LITTOL HAMPTER omg i love when bunnies eat too, the crunchy sounds and cute littol mouf
I watched sally face gameplays (i dont understand half the game) and i did see some ace attorney gameplays, its FUN !!!
- 🌸
We don’t use snapchat here so it’s like speaking another language to me. I thought only americans used that app but I guess I was wrong. I mostly use discord because I love to use random stickers and when I do calls I can play games - recently got obsessed with that cooking game even if end up getting stressed. Masochistic behavior.
Never had a friendship that lasted more than 2 years. The maximum was around 5ish and both parties were completely shattered because our bpd ruined all our fps. It sucks but it can’t be helped so I try to not get attached.
Bunnies when they eat strawberries are the best thing, I like to watch asmr of those. We also got tons of community cats here in our zone and we kinda named all of them based on their behavior. A black cat always comes to our house to sleep and eat. After 2 years I can say that she finally decided to let me pet her even if not for too long. Tried to take her on my lap but got scratched some months ago - sadly.
Ace attorney is my obsession and I still need to get apollo justice. They released a switch import and I was fabbergasted. Still waiting for sally face II like my new reason to keep living
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aimandfire21 · 7 months
Highlights of me liveblogging Kakegurui to a friend
They make the weirdesr fucking faces in Kakegurui
I do have questions about the editing though It's like they just discovered audio effects
No seriously what the fuck is with Mary?
also I was totally right about it being about controlling the student body via gambling addiction Like thats totally the plot
Tbh I've gotten a nail torn off before; It doesn't actually hurt too much
"Yumeko you're gonna get someone hurt" "Ugh, you're such a little bitch"
Why is Mary at all surprised that the person she's fighting is cheating? Everyone is cheating. If its home team advantage they're cheating. Girl aren't you smarter than this?
Ryomo is just going the fuck through it
Jesus fucking Christ these people need a hobby
These are like, 14 to 18 year olds right? Where are the parents?
Also; questionable but very good intro Love the animation, love the song, could do without the panty shots
"What does the student council even GET from this?"
"It's entertaining as fuck. Do you not see all this chaos? We're rich and board. This is fun"
This girl really be like "I need a bitch as crazy as me to gamble with. You in?" Yumeko ofc is like "Yeah! I'm always down for a good time"
Pistols are shockingly hard to aim btw (American; would know)
WHAT the fuck are these faces?????? Mary "I don't give a shit about Justice, you've just personally pissed me off"
Ok I get that this guy is supposed to be 'smart' and 'analytical' but… Thats not how gambling works This bro is a dumbass "Yeah I need to not help a friend out, so Imma insult the shit out of you. Like SUPER insult you. And tell you to give up on your Dreams. There's no way this will backfire."
The guy is looking down the most feral, insane ass girl like "Huh. I've just realized that this girl might not be normal."
"Hey can I do this absolutely buckwild thing?" The dealer "Sounds like a good time. Sure."
This tiny rabbit child be like "Gay rights and gay wrongs; I support both"
Ryota keeps getting dragged into this bullshit lmao Just leave the poor guy out of it
Why is Ryoto even in this school though? Like his family isn't rich, and he kinda hates it there?
does that one character still want everyone's fingernails? OR is she over that now?
Season one; fun card games! Yeah one girl wants fingernails, and another wants to die, but they're shown as clearly being in the wrong Season two, three seconds in; yeah lets chop off your fucking fingers lmao
You know, I don't think this girl knows how aquariums work
Thats also not how a wheelchair someone uses long term would loo Like thats a hospital wheelchair Someone in a wheelchair wouldn't have nearly such a high back, and she would be completely able to drive it on her own Actually it's likely that she would have an electronic wheelchair, with her families wealth
I've had Rei for three seconds and I love them already
Its still so funny that Yumeko hates Midari. Like this girl loves everyone and can't hold a grudge to save her life. Try to ruin her life? How fun! Try and/or succeed to send her into insane debt? Well, a game is a game! But Midari? Fuck that bitch apparently
Why do all the female cousil members have like, a female servent whose in love with them?
Guy is like two seasons and three years in, and is just now discovering that bluffing is a thing
Just throw hands. Like start biting people, take the antidote, and fix your friend.
None of those needles would be nearly powerful enough to kill or even really hurt someone like no poison is that powerful
This rabbit girl you hate is straight up like "Dude you can not be that obvious. Just slip Mary a peek under the table like the rest of us do, come one now"
Ryota "I have one defining trait and that's loyalty. Also, you're a bitch. Yumeko wanted us to fuck around and BOY am I 100% willing to find out."
"I don't know what I'm doing and I don't want to be here. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
The bigger sister "This is BIASED!" Bunny girl "I let you poison a bitch! How the f is this biased? I don't care what you do just make it entertaining!"
Yumeko "That last game was so fun, wasn't it!" Kaede, whose traumatized as shit, had a heart attack, and now literally is in an arranged marriage because of it "Bitch what?"
Itski "Hey we're not gonna loose, are we?" Yumeko "Fuck if I know. It wouldn't be fun if we did!"
(Also, side note; Torture is like an EXTRMEELY INNEFECTIVE method of getting answers. People will say whatever you want them to make it stop)
Kaede: Traumatized as shit because of Yumeko's actions Yumeko: Actively using him as a stripping pole
He needs therapy. I mean they all do, but I think he's the only one it would work on
She still doesn't know how an aquarium works Please never get so much as a goldfish
Is Rei nonbinary?
Sayaka just wants to throw hands Just let her bite someone
I mean these bitches gay I guess
But jumping right alongside your secritary (Who was only jumping per your request and legit thought she would die) and pulling her into your arms while falling?
I mean. These bitches GAY
They did not have to be that fucking dramatic But they were And I respect it
Mary "This is stupid, its so easy to play it safe and we all win" Yumeko exists Mary "Oh yeah, that's gonna be a problem"
Mary these people are fucking crazy you can't logic this
Rei is so fucking hot wtf?
Well that was… a little aniticlimatic
Rei's redesign literally sucks
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dutchwinter · 1 year
okay sending u albums before i go tobbed., two dreams the amulet olg?
damb okay. two dreams. the amulet. on letting go. okay. lets go
two dreams:
my favorite song: i cant do this i have to do top three. electric moose, even better, imposter syndrome. but also die on the west coast and sleep well and curitiba. CURITIBA. and discount on psychic readings. and I THINK YOU GET IT.
the song that makes me cry: even better die on the west coast gone for good imposter syndrome curitiba. etc. the entire album. im
the song that’s a fucking bop: discount on psychic readings. late nap. buzzhenge. all of the songs are SO FUCKING GOOD ITS INSANE on this album but like. if i turn off the words and my brain to those i can just have a great time you know.
the song i most dislike/least love: buzzhenge? but like. I LOVE THAT SONG MORE THAN ANYTHING ON EARTH. i actually cant chose. fuck you. if i had to chose a different one maybe drift. but DRIFT GETS DONE SO DIRTY. does it matter if it takes my life. how can you honestly say forever. WE KEEP ON MAKING ALL THE SAME MISTAKES??
our last shot who i didnt mention by name im sorry. i love you so much. justice for our last shot im so fucking serious. i never wanted you to feel this way. i know its never gonna be the same. the hurt expected you to feed the chain. you ruined everything and everyone was out the door. when you were lonely. when you were scared. i didnt notice anybody care. YOU ARE SAVED. YOU ARE SHAME.
last point. i really like this album. like a fucking lot. its very special.
the amulet: okay now this album im not as familiar with as olg and esp two dreams i know her like shes me but i do love the amulet verry very dearly. [his ass has listened to her twice]
my favorite lyric: no answer i dont know her well enough for that. but like. damn is some of this shit JUST SO??? GOD. GOOD GOD.
my favorite song: id have to say lustration!!! but god damn every fucking song is so good im gonna eat it.
the song that makes me cry: yes
the song that’s a fucking bop: i cannot recall what most of this album sounds like bc the only times ive listened to it all the way through is after already listened to every other circa album that day so??
the song i most dislike/least love: none of them fuck you. but also i dont know this album that well i just know that i love her so dearly!!! if you played any of the songs for me right now id be singing along like yeah i know this but i dont have them in my head yet.
on letting go:
my favorite lyric: all of on letting go. all of the difference between. all of kicking your crosses down.
my favorite song: kycd. your friends are gone. on letting go. but probably kycd. i also really like difference between, mandala, travel hymn, in the morning and amazing, the greatest lie. and of course every other song of course.
the song that makes me cry: kycd. your friends are gone. living together makes me want to punch things.
the song that’s a fucking bop: difference between. travel hymn. but also. YES. ALL OF THEM
the song i most dislike/least love: carry us away or close your eyes to see? im just not that familiar with them sadly
x ask game SEND ME THESE i love these ones!!!
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westmoor · 3 years
every now and then someone will tap on my pinned post and then go on to like a couple of the non-geraskier/completely platonic ficlets on there and i want u to know nothing makes me happier
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