#meat!roxy lalonde
nekropsii · 2 years
Meat Roxy and (some) fanon June are similar in that by transitioning they became completely different characters.
I like to forget meat!Roxy is a thing. The writers completely butchered Roxy's character, seemingly out of both general incompetence and- though this thought's a bit more on the conspiratorial end- spite towards trans women. It didn't even turn out good. I really don't fucking get it. I do not understand the decision from any lens.
No shade to people who like meat!Roxy- that's not my business and I don't care, do what you want forever- but something about how comfortable Roxy was in her femininity during Homestuck proper felt so special, and the fact that the headcanon of her as a trans woman was so widely accepted and just seen as real canon was even more monumental. Roxy was an absolute icon for so many trans girls. It feels like a bit of a slap in the face for them to go so out of their way to "confirm" Roxy's birth sex, and so vigorously shoot down the notion of her being a trans girl. And they didn't even get Roxy's character right while doing it, nor did they make it interesting... It's a fucking yikes from me, dog.
If you're going to suddenly, so jarringly delegitimize such a monumental headcanon like that, at least be interesting about it. Give it some narrative intrigue. Make Dave a trans woman.
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souji-upseta · 8 months
i don't strilondecest (nothing against it tho) but given how creepy the incestuous undertones are in Meat, i rly like the idea of. dirk takes interest in/makes a move on roxy later, and does so bc 1.) oh shit, roxy's a guy, and 2.) roxy is the genetic donor of half dave's chromosomes and he looks like dave, and there is no way dirk won't be fucking creepy abt that, and 3.) weird resentment/unresolved, unmetabolized trauma over roxy's teenage sexual harrassment of dirk.
and roxy immediately sees it for what it is and he is freaked. the fuck. out. and wants no part.
it'd be cool if HSBC, via meat!roxy, went more into the transmasc experience of being a teenage transmasc egg who's crushing on a gay guy and not rly understanding why he isn't an option, bc he doesn't even FEEL like a girl. and if it followed the breadcrumbs pesterquest gave us re: roxy feeling like his infatuation with dirk was more trans egg shit.
and dave just. nope. not even gonna go there. absolutely not. he may or may not just physically lay on the fucking floor. not talking abt it. except maybe w karkat. where they talk abt more convoluted metaphorical horseshit when they're alone together, and karkat finally understands why humans are revolted by incest and he is. also revolted.
oh but that would be glorious and so fucking uncomfortable, dude.
bonus points if karkat literally, physically puts his foot in his mouth, and continued his muffled dialogue through the socked foot still in his mouth, for comedic effect. (hey, homestuck team—these ideas are free, take them, but also i do need a new job so if you want more absolutely fire ideas, hmu)
like the whole thing would be such a deeply uncomfortable dogshit fire of a conversation abt covert incest/ult dirk being a fucking creep, that we'd need the comic relief.
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karkatbug · 3 months
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This started as a joke but now I genuinely want a GBBO themed bday party.
2024 . 06 . 12
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fortjester · 5 months
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Hey Space Cadet (Beast Monster Thing In Space) by Car Seat Headrest vs. Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
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a handy chart to distinguish the Lalonde-Striders and Vantas-Maryams
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gam-zee1 · 1 month
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Art dump yayayyayay‼️‼️‼️
(Also having a good day rn chat LETS GO‼️)
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hraeiou · 30 days
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strdstysyrp · 9 months
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uraniumbrainzz · 3 months
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more photo edits because im going insane
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meatlessmcmuffin · 1 year
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god made us never ever meet because he knew the world couldnt handle us as best friends or soemthing like that
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ultjade · 9 months
though to be clear i dont think half of what roxy makes would be considered edible by any conventional definition i think that alpha rose in a fit of strider irony gene induced madness compiled every godawful gelatin themed recipe and every godawful gelatin mold she could find and that young roxy took these to be a sincere indication of what her mother enjoyed. i think she would cook the most revoltingly fifties advertisement concoctions possible and she'd be completely sincere about them.
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nekropsii · 2 years
HI ITS ME. GUY WHO HAS A LOT OF THOUGHTS ON MEAT!ROXY. despite how i. admitedly dislike how they HANDLED meat roxy, i cant help but hold a certain... appreciation? fur transmasc roxy. i dont know a lot of canon transmasc characters. most of the time the people i s33 even headcanoned as transmasc-... dont match my experiences. roxy has ALWAYS been my favorite. i love her xomplex relationship with rose and addiction and her friends. i could rel8 to being- idk if hyperfem is the word but? before i transitioned i was deff a very girly-girl. and in my early transition stages i really thought i was faking bc no one ever made content with characters like that./ i love roxy so much, and it was so nice to see my fave character being canonically transmasc, and it reely hurts to see people constantly talking aboat how much they HATE it. i get it! i get how much it sucks to have a popular hc invalidated! but... transmasc roxy has always meant a lot to me- in ways i cant explain w/o delving into some personal stuff. idk, i just. sighs. this came out a lot less coherrent than id like, but even tho i have troubles with how hs2/the epilouges were handled... i reely did like that. i think hs2 is a compilation of good ideas and wasted purrtential, and i wishmore ppl would try and explore that instead of writingmit off and criticizing efurryone who wants to engage in it
Yeah. The handling is definitely one of the biggest factors that ruins it. A lot of Post-Canon is hugely mishandled, and meat!Roxy is no exception to this. The other biggest factor that ruins it is that it was put in official material.
I obviously don't hate the idea of a hyperfeminine person realizing they're transmasculine, or a hypermasculine person realizing they're transfeminine. Those are real experiences that people have, and they deserve to be touched upon. People with those experiences get very, very little representation. I said this before, but I have no ill feelings towards people who like meat!Roxy. It lines up with some people's experiences more than some other portrayals of transition, and therefore some people will gravitate towards it because of its rare factor of relatability to them.
The thing about it is that the writers were never going to get the handling of it right. The Post-Canon writers are not good at their job, they have too much to live up to, and it really seems as though the move was made to spite that widely accepted notion that Roxy is a trans girl- something that has some very real backing within the text of canon. Transmasculine Roxy... Isn't an inherently bad idea! It really isn't. But it is a bad idea to not only confirm a character's previously up-in-the-air birth sex- something that directly goes against one of the most widely accepted transfeminine headcanons of all time- and then proceed to make that character trans in the other direction... While completely sucking the soul out of that character.
Transmasculine Roxy is a fine idea. It's just not one that's able to ever be comfortably explored in a piece of official material. It's perfectly okay for fanworks and personal interpretation, but it doesn't have a sound place in canon just due to the optics of it. It's just too contrarian. And while some people may not care, a lot more people will, and a lot more people do. Too many people care for it to be a good idea to canonize in any regard, no matter what level of eggshells the writers walk on.
And while that may seem like an apocalyptically grim statement to make... That really is just how writing for an audience works. It might suck sometimes, but it's how it is.
TL;DR: Yeah, you liking meat!Roxy is completely valid and I do not blame you whatsoever. More power to you! Major respect! It was just massively fucking mishandled, and handling it at all in official material was just a bad idea. It was a concept that was most likely born out of spite, and destined to fail. Justice for transmasc!Roxy, by the way. Why the fuck did they turn Roxy into an entirely different character? All the charm of Roxy's character was really just lost the moment they made 'em transition. That's one of my least favorite tropes ever. I hate it here.
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i want so badly for hsbc to give me ult!dirk getting a poorly-timed and unrequited crush on meat!roxy when they all finally meet up, like vriska did on kanaya after getting punched in the face. tiny zoomed-in hearts and all. yeah and then i want him to kick ult!dirk's ass. order of events not important.
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grim-kitkat · 2 years
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just a June and Roxy doodle
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shoegazingmonad · 8 months
I need Meat Roxy to see Candy Jane and I need them to realise what happens when they stay neutral and don't actively challenge Jane's shitty cruel capitalist opinions and beliefs she'd had enforced on her by the Condesce and I need them to see how one of her closest friends ended up harming herself and everyone around her because nobody had interfered and how it lead to everyone drifting away from each other, despite the fact that Roxy's own passive behaviour towards the subject had been because of them trying to keep their friendship stable AND I NEED THEM TO REALISE THAT THEIR INABILITY TO INTERVENE WHEN IT'S NECESSARY IS A PROBLEM THAT THEY HAVE AND NEED TO CHANGEEEE. PLEASE
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expertlydrawnroxy · 8 months
mew are beautiful shoots mew with a laser
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