#thanatos fanfic
mrkeatingsblazer · 4 months
Fanfictions make you a freak. Like how do I explain that I ship Thanatos with Asclepius bc of a Hades and Apollo venture to Tartarus instead of Solangelo fanfic
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virgothozul · 5 months
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old art I did after reading dog petting heist by @/robnauts on ao3 // @plounce on tumblr
It’s so tender and fun and soft and intimate and somehow goofy and quiet 😭💕 help i love it so much
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27356893 (Teen rating)
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dazedandinked · 5 months
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[I guess I’m more of a loner. Happy to just spend time working, or with my family, or with the cat.]
This design is inspired by @lemonmangosorbet 's We Started in the Strangest Way. Go read this lovely modern AU, one of my favourites of all time!
Follow the blog @we-started-in-the-strangest-way for more updates ~
Get a print of Charon ☕🪙
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amiti-art · 1 year
I'm not sure what month @tsarinatorment 's "Eclipse" take place but I think it would be funny if Persephone came back home at some point and stepped right into all of this chaos
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Anyway go read "Eclipse" if you haven't yet, 10/10, peak fanfiction
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yuseirra · 4 months
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ancientpersacom · 1 year
I need a Hypnos and Thanatos tragic twins fic where they get into a huge fight with each other about their issues with each other and then in a period of not speaking to each other they reminisce on the times they were practically attached at the hip as godlings and come tell realise their mistakes and reunite and apologise and become closer than ever.
Meanwhile Charon is just watching them like “wow look at these idiots” knowing they’ll make up eventually.
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baejax-the-great · 4 months
Thanatos x Zagreus | M | Chapters: 11/11 Tags: Angst, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotion suppression, body transformation, Thanatos finds a unique way to deal with having a crush for the first time in his life, Canon-Typical Violence Summary:
“I have come to ask for your help.”
Aphrodite accepts this news as if it is delicious, her lips puckering in satisfaction, her gaze moving to his chest with a knowing eye. “Yes, I see. That does look painful. And have you come to ask for me to woo the object of your desire for you?”
“I didn’t expect so.”
Already Thanatos can feel the pull of the Underworld on him. He doesn’t care. He will stay here until he dies if he has to. Following Zagreus’s example, it’s easy enough. He pushes the pain down, and does not allow himself to tremble.
“I want you to take it away.”
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happyk44 · 1 year
My take has always been Nyx births them in Tartarus but sends them away to the upper world when they're old enough because she has seen the world below from the night sky and thinks it is beautiful and lovable, compared to the dark monstrous and screaming expanse of Tartarus, a chamber, a prison, a place of torture. She loves her children as much as the night sky, a boundless entity can. She would like them to experience the world the way she sees the mortals do, how other gods and spirits do. Running across cool grass as the sun dips and day fades into midnight blue and wine-dark purple. Laughing around a warm fire. Comfortable and safe from the monsters that lurk.
The eldest two are as boundless as she is, as boundless as their father. They take to mortal form more frequently than their parents but were not truly born of it. She remembers the strange sensation of creating a sunrise. Heat and daybreak rising over the murky ocean. The world was dark in the beginning. Then the sun came, Helios and his silly chariot, and so followed the bright of day to truly illuminate the world. The twins had been born hand in hand so entwined in one another she had not realized right away there were two of them. Even in their choice of differentiation, they were so similar - day and the bright upper sky. Hemera and Aether. Glowing light blue air and soft clouds with the sun shimmering nearby.
Then long after Charon came - the oldest of her personified children. Born with skin and bones and a quiet sullen demeanour. Like Hades who lives above. But Hades is reclusive and seems picky about who joins him. He is followed only by the dead. He is far too busy, nonetheless, to handle a child by his side - establishing his kingdom and building his home from the scraps left behind.
Yes, the Underworld is beautiful, cooler than Tartarus, more comforting to those with flesh, but less so than the upper world. That was created for those who breathe with lungs and have beating hearts, so when Charon is spry enough that he walks and runs and snaps at monsters that encroach upon his space, she guides him up and out into the wake of the night.
Shadows lick at his feet. His ever present father will keep watch when the sunrises and Nyx must set. Erebus agrees with her. Charon seems brighter, better up on top than far down below where only the most reviled of persons are chained and burned. The only screams he hears are from the birds chattering. He was born of night and darkness, so he says good night to his sister and his brother, and greets his mother with a cool good morning. He hunts sleeping animals with his father to guide his way. He prefers to fish from the nearby river, sit in the shallow, slower end of the rushing stream. He speaks aloud, knowing his family listens. He expects little response in return.
After him, Moros arrives. Dark and brooding. Where Charon is sullen and withdrawn, Moros is brash and engaging. He dips away from his older brother to bother nearby towns. He tips the scales, adjusts the poles. The way of the world swells and shifts around him. Knives miss the meat to be butchered and sever fingers. Bows slip free of knots and spill collected materials to the ground. The sickly sob. Children recoil in fear.
He is unbothered. He enjoys their detachment, their worries. As he grows, Charon finds him work with the elderly. It's important, he says, that you understand mortals. It is cruel to befit fear upon them all because you have no empathy. Nyx listens closely, Erebus at her side as their son speaks quiet. His monotone voice echoes across the open air. I have no empathy, but I have lived long enough to know that mortals desire compassion. And I have lived long enough to know that being feared becomes tiring in the end.
Moros adjusts. Still he brings doom, but the old are unworried. They know what is to come. The finality of breath. The stop of their hearts. The ceasing of their brains. They know that they will close their eyes and reawaken with Hades' hand outstretched for theirs. Without terror, they tell him stories of their lives. They spill their secrets as he cleans their laundry and cuts their food. He holds their arms as they take feeble steps around the home they wish to die in.
Sometimes he knows they will not and through him they know they will not, but he promises to carry them back and lay them to rest in the ground they own, the earth they cultivated. He is not capable of empathy. He barely understands sympathy. But compassion is there, in faintest amounts, and it is enough.
Thanatos and Hypnos bear witness to the night skies in the months that follow. It is almost amusing the difference between her boundless children and their fleshed out siblings. Daylight and bright skies versus the boy child who digs graves and the boy who bears doom, the boy who finds the dead as easily as he breathes and the boy who sleeps like a cat. the girl who watches battles with hunger and feasts upon the death the daughter who knows only misery and the boy who can only assign blame. She loves them all the same. She sees how mortals exile those who do not fit, who are dark but not cruel, and does not understand. Perhaps it is because she was not born into the world with a beating heart.
Only glittering stars and a spot for the bright moon.
It is quiet with the twins. Instead of bothering mortals, Hypnos spends most of his time attached to his twin's back, dozing off onto strong shoulders. Thanatos carries him like it is his job. Lifts him off from the ground without a word. He follows Charon into the woods each day. The dead come easy to him. More frequently that he had before, Charon carries bodies home to their new graves.
I can feel them, Thanatos says. When they're gone.
Do you hurt? Charon asks. Mangled bodies are not unfamiliar to them. Torn animals picked apart and rotting are commonplace. The state of their corpses indicate pain though. Charon worries.
But Thanatos simply lowers his sleeping brother to the soft grass below and says, No. It's strange. I don't notice them until they're gone. It’s like a call in my head. They could be near me and I would not notice until their end. He turns to his older brother digging another grave. Their souls. Their ghost. Do you see them?
Sometimes, Charon says. But not usually.
Thanatos is comforted by that. Sometimes is better than never. Hypnos never sees ghosts. But he sees other things in the moments he's awake. When they enter mortal towns, he'll gaze with half-lidded eyes upon the mortals that pass by and murmur into Thanatos' ear about their secrets. Their fears. Their days.
Their dreams.
Within the wisps of sleep, Hypnos descends. He coaxes the tired to rest, coaxes babies to calm, settle the elderly and sick down for their final night. Sometimes Oizys reaches out and so he settles inside the soft world of a mortal mind, slipping through their cloud-like subconscious and drawing out what they hold back.
Processing fears is important to living life, he realizes. In waking moments, he speaks with his brother about nightmares. In sleeping dreams, he slips them along. Most dreams are simple days. He likes to watch from the side, a hidden audience. Even the most mundane is entertaining.
Then Ker comes along soon after. She is sharp-toothed and mean. Violent death and bitter disease. There is nothing mundane with her. Only seeking the vicious and cruel. She feasts on the flesh of the dead, hovering near Thanatos as he counts down the seconds to the last beat of a heart.
But she does not join them at meals. Her bloodied mouth is hidden away. The bits of skin dug under her nails are scrubbed after every meal. She knows her nature is unlike the others. That she is worse. She crowds around battles with a hunger for the flesh that will be slain. She brings plague with a single touch.
Maybe she would feel better if she was not looking at her counterpart in all things dying. Thanatos is calm and unbothered. He does not itch for blood. He does not split at the seams and feast on the dead. He is calm and collected, almost a mimicry of Charon's sturdiness. She is only a girl hungering for anguish and devastation. She cannot end a life with her own hands. But she can encourage it, and so thoroughly she does.
Charon settles beside her. Water spills over their feet. Why do you split?
Feels better, she says. There is so much inside me. I need to be more to let it out. Her reflection in the river flickers in twain. Mortals think that there are more of her than there are. The Keres, they call her. But she is just Ker. She separates into many, sloughing off her other selves like old skin, and encircles the bloodied crowd. Is it bad?
No, Charon says. Just new.
I like myself, she says. But others don't. It's annoying. She grimaces. I wish I could be better.
You are what you are. With his nail, he scrapes away a fried bloodied mark across her cheek. Do not be disappointed that others cannot handle you. The ones who can are the ones who matter. We all like you. Why do you think we don’t?
Their bodies do not sever in two, in fourths, in tens, in thousands. They do not drag corpses back home to devour because the food on the table is barely edible to them. They do not force disease on those trying to recover from painful wounds, encouraging them to fail, to suffer, to die. Mortals do not recoil with a terrified immediacy they do not understand when her siblings walk by. Even Moros has more to him than the doom he spreads.
She does not.
Maybe I don’t like myself, she considers. It’s hard being this way. There is no one else.
Charon’s arm is comfortable around her shoulders. Affection always feels so fleeting. Though she recognizes that she pulls away. It feels foreign to her as it is given. Out of step with who she is. But she does not pull away. Instead she leans into him and feels the water rush around her feet. It is cool and forgiving. She is hot and merciless.
It’s true. We will not understand you or the viciousness in your heart, Charon tells her. But we are not unsettled by you. You are why battles end. Without pain, without struggle, there would be no need to speak for peace. If all deaths were as calm as falling asleep, then people would keep fighting. But blood spilled, mortals hacked apart, watching your friends suffer beside you, delivering the dead in pieces back to their homes - that is what forces peace.
She tilts her head up and considers his words. I didn’t think of that.
Nobody does, he says. But it is true. Without death, fighting would never end. And without violence, peace would never be wrung. Whether by compromise or submission. He splashes her ankles with water. Eat with us, Ker. We miss you at the table.
The twins and Ker grow and venture far and wide. They sit beside battles and watch quietly. They walk through towns and villages. Hypnos murmurs sleepy words about dreams of freedom in the beaten and belittled. Ker manufactures suffering and bloody ends, horrible spouses and egregious people falling down stairs. Thanatos brings calm to the old and sick.
Charon disappears in the days they are gone. Months go by in search. Eventually, they find him, guided by their mother and father. He is beneath the earth, beneath their feet. They fly over raging waters and approach the god who has employed him.
He is working, Hades says. So, no, he cannot go free right now. But you are welcome to stay.
Oizys and Momus are born next. Erebus coddles them more than she does. But he is in every nook and cranny. He sees distress trapped in locked closets, follows bare feet as they run from screams and swords. The two fight with bitter words. When they come of age, Charon returns to the upper world. The family home welcomes him with a familiar coolness and wisping darkness.
He is a sharp-tongued mediator for the fighting twins and forces them apart with calloused hands and snarling eyes. They always silence themselves when he snaps. They become accommodating to their brother who drags fallen bodies out from the trees and buries them in plots around the home. When he appears, Momus holds back his bitter blaming screams and Oizys keeps tight her welling eyes and breaking heart.
It is under him that they learn to shift. It is not perfect. Momus is reviled by god and mortals alike for his sharp-tongue. He complains about poorly chosen words, critiques every appearance, laughs at sloppy form. It is helpful to some - those who wish to change. Who are unbothered by his mocking tone. But people are more emotional than he cares for. There are several lives lost to his cruel words. Like the two before him, he has no capacity for empathy. He is unable to learn sympathy and compassion is out of reach.
Who cares, is his most common phrase, spoken every time his sister asks him to become softer, gentler.
Oizys is still pain, she is still distress. Her heart still breaks easy and she cries more often than most. But she becomes kinder to herself for her limited emotional range. It is not her fault that this is how she must be. It is not her fault that this is what she has been chosen to represent in the world. Her tears do not make her weak.
Pain is necessary, she says as she wraps the broken bone of a sobbing child. It teaches us not to jump from trees, and where to draw the line with others.
She finds broken men with battles still screaming in their minds. Their bodies are automated. Every movement is meant to survive, to carry on, but their minds hold memories that keep them from being alive. She finds broken women, broken mothers, broken children. She finds those who hold back the tears and smile as though nothing is wrong. Those who need to let go and breathe. Those who need to cry. Who need to admit to the pain they are in, the anguish they have witnessed, the distress coming from the things they have experienced.
When the emotions release, when the pain flows, she crafts suggestions from the wisp of shadows. Run. Confront. Kill. Talk. Change.
I believe we are trapped in our natures, Charon had said in the bright of day as he dug a deep hole and she held a shattered girl's hand.
Her body was bloodied, slowly creeping towards utter cold. Her eyes had been glassy, unfocused. The world slowly slid from her view. Oizys held her hand to take the pain because certain things should never have been experienced. Not in anyone, but especially not in children this young.
But that doesn't mean we cannot change what our nature means, her wise older brother had said. I take the dead. I don't know why. I just always have. But I chose to do different than just steal them away from their homes. There are dead out there that will never be claimed. I will claim them. I do not need to claim that which dies at home or in a lover's arms. I will claim the left behind, the slaughtered hunter, the forgotten traveler, and I will give them a grave to rest.
Momus had scowled back rude words but Oizys held tighter the young girl's hand and listened hard.
You both can be better. You do not have to be perfect. You do not have to be nice. Moros certainly is not. Ker as well. But you can be and do more than you think of yourselves right now. He laid his shovel to rest on the ground and reached for the slackened girl. There was no life left in her. It had bled all over Oizys lap. There is more to the world than your base instincts, little ones. Yelling that others are at fault and crying from the distress of being screamed at isn't all you have to do. Look inwards. Think. He laid the girl to rest in the grave he dug. I believe in you.
Charon speaks these words to all his siblings. When Nemesis arrives in a flurry of wild black hair, she tracks across the plains of Tartarus, even in her pudgy youth, and declares pain of those she discovers in chains. She leaves the wasteland far later than any of her other siblings, both older and younger. She is endlessly embittered by the faults of mortals. Reluctance to leave their home cloaks her.
Find your order, Charon says. He has lived long, seen and met many. Dike could help. She loves justice, as much as you crave punishment.
Dike is a beauty on earth. Like her father, the crowned king of sky, she embodies order and justice. Humanity is as far as her range extends. But Nemesis can work with that. Social norms become her focus. Convention and custom are her loves. Remaining steady in tradition is gripped tight in her hand. She offers suggestions with a ruthlessness that Dike sighs through each time. Some are accepted easily. Many mortals need to be struck down by their own hubris. But others are argued about between the two.
Humanity and what it entails holds closer to Dike's heart than Nemesis'. She is capable of seeing what her father, her mother, and what Nemesis cannot. A mortal who kills to be free from pain defies convention, but does not deserve the ruthless retribution Nemesis would befit upon a mortal who kills for enjoyment.
Nemesis is always befuddled by her love's explanations. The logic is sound, she understands the point. But it never quite clicks the way it should. But she remembers Charon holding her hands and telling her that she is bound to what the world had decreed upon her, as are the others.
Hemera and Aether do not understand why their siblings prefer the dark. Moros cannot perceive how it is cruel to tell people of the vicious way they will one day die, nor does he understand why it is not appropriate to bury them in so much doom they drown themselves to escape. Ker does not comprehend that others do not feel overwhelming rage. How calm for mortals in the rest of death and sleep is unwanted by their siblings befuddles Thanatos and Hypnos.  Why people repress their pain is something Oizys will never comprehend. And Momus will never understand why Olympus banished him from their golden floors for his various criticisms.
None of them ever understood why Charon chose to bury strangers either. They followed when he ventured out and helped him carry back bodies he found. Animals too rotten to eat, people no one came for. They watched as he dug holes. As he wrapped them in clean cloth and buried them. They did not understand why. But they understood that he had to, and so he did.
You punish because you must. People fear punishment because they fear our sister. If she can continue on despite the pain that being feared brings her, I know that you can. They will never understand why you choose the retribution you choose. And you will never understand why they beg for something smaller. But you do not have to. You just assess their point of view. He laughed quietly and squeezed her hands. Or ask Dike to explain it to you.
In the years that follow Nemesis's final departure from the family home, Apate and Dolos spring out from the shadows with mischievous grins. They spread lies and tall tales in their youth. They find villages and scam, decrying potions and balms in replace of medicine. Death abounds. So Charon settles them into the dirt and tells them they can do more than harm.
There is no demand to stop being cruel. After all, Nemesis still jumps to ruthless violence in her ideas for retribution. Momus does not know how to be kind with his words. By nature, Oizys is cruel to mortals. Moros still approaches strangers with a bitter grin and watches them cry in grief and terror from their ensuing fates. But cruel is not all they must be.
The twins sidle alongside Ares, who knows Charon well. Apate guides spies into enemy lines. Acting becomes a passion of hers. After all, what are elaborate performances if not deceit of the audience? Dolos sits on friendly territory and pushes whispered suggestions from the shadows. Make it seem like you are retreating, he sighs into a general's ears. Draw them out into the open with a subtle trap. Surround them. Destroy them.
It is more enjoyable to them than scamming the masses, than telling them silly lies with elaborate words that make them believe in things that don't exist. There is a sense of accomplishment when their side wins the battle, wins the war. There is a sense of pride when Ares pats their heads with his heavy warm hand. They do not follow him everywhere. They want more than war. So they dabble in politics, in petty family squabbles. They still sell scams and spread rumors. But often they draw back to Ares' side with mischievous grins and help his chosen heroes win wars.
Geras is born with wrinkles and frail bones. His skin sags off the muscles that never truly grow. Youth annoys him. Hebe is his sworn enemy long before they ever meet. But Charon holds him as he breathes hard and reminds him of the genius in age.
I was stupid when I was young. I'm older now. Wiser. More mature. He holds his little brother's wizened frame gently. Listen to the stories of the people. Sit with your brother when he visits his dying friends. There is no permanence or perfection in being young. You are a reminder of change, of inevitability, of maturity. I would not be able to tell you this without having lived and grown through so much before me.
Immortals don't age, Geras huffs bitterly. His voice is cracked and gruff, like an older blacksmith who has breathed in too much acrid smoke.
Everyone ages. We simply are not bound by it. Shapeless. Formless. If we want to look young, we can do so. If we want to look strong, we can do so. It is a blessing. He strokes Geras's thin hair. And much like curses, blessings can be taken away.
Geras sighs and sinks into his brother's stable hold. I don't know how to make myself look different.
Then don't, Charon says. You know how, little brother. We all do. But you do not want to look young. It is not who you are.
Then who am I? What am I? Geras cries. I want to be a child, not an ugly old man. I do nothing for the mortals like the others. I don't bring the day, I don't let them know that the end is near and they should prepare. I do not allow them to feel their hurt. I do not enact punishment and I do not win wars. I am just old and tired.
As I said, you are change. People become different over time. They learn and change, they age and grow. And you are inevitable, even to the gods. You are the reason Moros has friends. You are the reason Oizys creates mourning. You are stories told to grandchildren, you are the head of the household, you are the matriarch, you are history. You are a reminder of the end, and you are a goal for the sickly, for the soldiers in battle, for couples so deeply in love. Charon presses his lips dryly to his brother's wrinkled temple. And you are my brother. You have purpose in that alone.
Eris is hardened to the world when she leaves Tartarus. As always, Charon takes leave of the Underworld and guides her hand-in-hand through darkness and grass to the family home. She is a bitter thing. She finds fault in all things. Constant conflict is demanded of her. When he does not fall to her huffing ways, she grows louder and rougher. But Charon has been steady and stable since birth. Her need to sow problems over nothing does not rile him.
Calm down, he says when she slaps food off the table for being too cold, or shouts that he mended her clothes incorrectly. She cannot calm. It is beyond her. Still he holds her shaking hands and guides her down to a seat on the floor. Relax your breathing. Search for what settles you and utilize that.
Like many of the others, Charon brings her to Ares’ side. War does not settle her, not fully. Still, she finds solace in Ares and in Enyo, her preferred companion. Enyo enjoys the bitter sensation of discord, the craft of competition that awakens in Eris’ presence. Eris is no stranger to being cared for despite how she is, but it is odd to see it reflected in the face of someone who is not her family.
They bicker and argue over anything. Eris is always the instigator, but Enyo happily throws the first blow. Hands beat against faces. Blood bleeds into spit on the ground. Bruises bloom against skin. When the fight is done, they grin and breathe and move along. They are often joined by Ker, bringing horror to the soldiers who spot her flying above right before the final blow.
She spreads trouble outside of battle. Apate and Dolos pull her into their lies and trickery. Arguments follow her subtle instigating words. The twins pull strings behind yelling backs. Momus brings blame and she pushes hostility. The ensuing breakdowns are always so fun to watch. Harmony and peace, a sense of calm, does not befit her. But in carefully placed antagonism she finds a settlement, what Charon spoke of with gentle words, and it is enough.
The last to find life on the outside is young Philotes. Her siblings think she is strange. Even from birth, she is unlike any of them. In Tartarus, she befriends monsters, even the cruelest of punished souls. She hugs with abandon, and smiles wider than any of them thought was possible for their faces. She is not sharp-toothed, and she is not mean. She is not relaxed with sturdy sullenness. She is bright and joyful.
Charon does not bury forgotten bodies around her, nor does he hunt creatures as they sleep. Death upsets her. Violence is rejected. Ker and Thanatos find no fault in her eschew of their nature. She does not fault them for being as they are. It is harder with Eris, but only on her side. Trouble and conflict slides off Philotes’ shoulders like rain. It does not make her angry, or have her spit bitter words. Eris finds that vastly annoying. But despite their stark differences, Philotes loves her family without question. 
Darkness does not suit her, though she walks through shadows as is her birthright, and does not shy away from the depths below as her companions in the clouds of Olympus do. Making friends is easy for her. She finds her way to the mountaintop from smile to smile, and hug to hug. The Graces adore her joyful nature. Pasithea finds amusement in their traded places - her born of Olympus to descend to the depths, and Philotes born of Tartarus to ascend to the golden skies. She does not join their numbers, but attends to their needs. It is a contented life filled with love, with friends, with good sex.
Charon waits for the call of his mother to let him know that another has joined their ranks but it does not come. He does miss, sometimes, the family home when it was filled with the life of another. He will settle there in his free time. The beds are clean, the pantry clear, cobwebs nonexistent. The passage of time does not encroach upon the home he built for his siblings. It does not rot the stone, nor the cloth. The house remains steady, stable, as he is.
Sometimes he walks down to the river. He will sit in the slow and shallow end under the night sky, feeling shadows wisp at his arms. There is no preference between his old and new homes. The Underworld suits him. Macaria who took him down to the depths and gave him his boat is there, his best friend. Styx rushes by as he floats. They speak casually amongst each other. The world is forever dark in the Underworld. It is cool. It is calm.
While only a few of his siblings live with him among the poplar trees and obsidian stone, the others do visit with annoyed huffs from Hades but nothing else in complaint. They join their mother and father in the heated wasteland of Tartarus. They visit the family home. They did not live there all at once, and they never will. He raised them to be independent, decisive. To be better and do more than they thought they could. Their home was a place to grow, and they have. It is no longer necessary for them. For him.
But it is always nice to walk through familiar doors and find his siblings talking amongst themselves. Lounging on cushions they used to sit on when they were much smaller, much younger. Eating at the table, sneaking bites of each other’s food. Playing the games still left behind on shelves and tables.
He never worried about what it meant to be the oldest made of flesh and bone. When he had followed Macaria down below, he did not mean to leave the three behind. They had ventured out, as Moros did. When days pattered by with no return, he thought they had found their own place in the world. Seeing them standing strong and hard-headed in front of Hades and demanding his return was more than amusing. Warmth cut through his heart.
Ferrying souls is his purpose. Watching the entrance when the Underworld is open is his purpose. It is what he has done from the beginning, carrying corpses home and laying them to rest, finding internal settlement in river water rushing beneath him. He is the ferryman and the gatekeeper. Carrying souls across the rushing river. Keeping eye on the doorway and forcing out those who try to push in without reason.
But as he always said, there is more to them than the base instinct of their nature. Like holding hands with little siblings as he walks them to their home, and guarding them from mortals and monsters and gods who do not understand what beauty exists in the dark.
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eanul-rmbl · 5 months
Yall, I'm writing a Hypnos fanfic/character study on Hypnos' relationship with the people around him (namely Thanatos, Megaera, Nyx and Zagreus in that order). What are your opinions on his relationships with them? It can be on any point of the story.
I'm sprinkling a smidgen of Hypnos/Zagreus in it at the end (which is why I'm saving Zagreus for last).
I just want some outside imput so that it's not 100% my thoughts only, you know? My headcanons and interpretations can only go so far.
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anxiescape · 2 years
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Was looking through one of my sketchbooks and found this wonderful comic that I never shared.
For context: Thanatos has several different godly forms. He’s been portrayed as plenty of things, such as an old man, a skeleton, a slumbering infant, and... a “winged youth.”
Well, when Danny learns that Thanatos can turn into a teen, he decides to show Thanatos some cool teenage activities.
Like seeing if you can fit into a washing machine.
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lady-of-tearshed · 12 days
Weak spot
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Eris Vanserra x OC! Alessia Mors
[Spin off from my series A Court of Sins and Nightmares] [See Alessia Mors' description here!]
Eris Vanserra Week 2024
Day four: Hounds
Summary: Alessia Mors is far too pleased to have discovered another weakness of her husband... And Eris' "loyal" hounds invite themselves to Alessia's torturous game.
Word count: 715 words
Warnings: None, I think. Lots of fluff. Slight mention of a knife, teasing threats, too.
Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears 🤎
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“Your hair are quite messy this morning, dearest,”
Alessia glowered at Eris, tightening her soft velvet robe around her shoulders to protect her from the chill temperature. A smell of fruit and freshly baked bread filled the kitchen, and by the way Eris was already meticulously dressed underneath his apron, Alessia knew she had surely overslept, again.
Not that she cared. She was High Lady, High Lady of both the Autumn Court and the Court of Nightmares, actually. Surely these titles came with the privilege of sleeping in now and then.
Her heavy feet dragged her to the cabinet, the place where they kept their most valuable substance: coffee. But of course, Eris' big head was in the way, as always. Alessia was starting to get suspicious that his intentions were to piss her off.
“I'll do it myself,” she mumbled, voice still groggy with sleep, “Move.”
She dug her finger into Eris' side to move him out of the way, and a sound escaped his lips.
Eris' jaw tightened, and the quick smile that had crept on his lips vanished quickly, masked by a face of indifference. He moved to the side slightly, all while resuming his task of chopping the fruits for their breakfast.
“Did you just…” Alessia grinned, leaning her hip against the counter. She crossed her arms, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Eris Vanserra, don't tell me you're ticklish?”
But his answer was too quick for Alessia to believe it. She had seen the grin on his face, had seen how his body had twitched, and she was positive that she had heard a chortle coming from Eris.
“No?” She purred, sticking a finger out and aimed for Eris’ ribs once again.
“Don't,” Eris snapped his eyes to his mate, his voice a low warning growl. “Alessia Mors, I swear to the gods that if you dare poke your nasty finger there I'm going to-”
“You're going to what?”
“It’s dangerous. I'm holding a knife,”
“We've played far more dangerous games, my dear,”
So Alessia striked again. Her fingers wiggling against Eris skin, her smile wondering with each melodious laugh that her husband reluctantly made.
Eris desperately tried to escape from his lovely witch's grip, wiggling out like a worm trapped in a bird’s beak. Vile words and growls joined every deep laugh booming out of Eris’ chest.
Cerberus and Brat came rushing when their fine hearing caught the cacophony escalating in the kitchen. Seeing Eris laugh, they started barking, their tails wiggling when they thought their master was trying to play a game with them.
“Cerberus, Brat-” Eris warned the hounds that started to circle him. Cerberus moved, circling Eris with Brat in a way that would make their master trapped between the wall and Alessia.
“Faithful beasts you said,” Alessia snorted when Eris back pressed against the wall. Her fingers twitched, readying for another round of torturous ministrations before a pair of soft amber eyes struck her dumb.
Eris was looking down at her, panting. Sweat sticking his red curls to his forehead, cheeks rose and probably painful from laughing too much. His hands snuck down to her hips, and when his fingers softly dug into her flesh, Alessia felt her knees buckled.
Eris spun her around, switching places. He lifted his wife off the floor, pinned her back against the wall and settled his knee between her legs to hold her up. His lips found hers, and she couldn't help but let a moan slip between their parted lips when his tongue caressed hers.
Eris kiss affected her more than any powerful spell she knew of. His lips always made her body grow weak and her mind fogged with desire. She gasped against him when his mouth ventured down to her neck, and he took her hands in his left one to settle them both up above her head, giving him more space to…
“ERIS VANSERRA!” Alessia cried out, trying to wiggle out from this human body trap when Eris' long and sneaky fingers met her armpits.
“Oh trouble, you know how I love when you scream my name,” Eris purred against the shell of her ear, his voice filled with malice and promises. “Now, I hope you're ready to beg for mercy, Miss Alessia Vanserra-Mors.”
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A/N: So hopefully this is up to your expectations, sweet @acotar-lover 🤎 Hope you're enjoying Eris Week so far!
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Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe @lilah-asteria @acotar-lover
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marte-14 · 5 months
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This is Thanatos, Narinder’s Witness and his right hand in his cult before getting imprisoned.
He is my OC and he exists in the world of my story “Death ‘s Promise".
I have published a one shot story on how Foreneus and Narinder met before his imprisonment, in this time Forneus got pregnant with Narinder’s children (she found out after she already left to go back to her life, Narinder will discover it only when Shamura brings to him the twins).
It’s not very long and it’s pretty quick, but I started to expand on it and I have a full story more detailed in my mind, I don’t know if it will be a full comic or a fanfiction for now.
Thanatos is a character invented for this story.
Thanatos lore:
He has been in the cult of Death for a very long time, not since the start of it but he took part to the Great War against the other (now dead) gods, as time went on he became Narinder Witness, becoming the second most important figure in the cult.
Narinder meets Forneus, Thanatos doesn’t care for her since it’s not uncommon for gods to have mortal companions (even if it’s rare for his Lord), he doesn’t notice when she left.
Then, only a few months after Forneus left, Narinder gets imprisoned because he managed to create a ritual to bring people back for the Beyond, a thing he has been working in secret on for centuries, since Shamura introduced him to the idea of change.
The other gods of the Old Faith make the Faith of Death taboo and every memeber of the cult has to covert to another Faith, oblivious this is not an option for the members of the higher circle, to faithfully to Death.
Many dies, but Thanatos manages to escape even if injured, leaving Death’s Domain and going far thanks to a teleportation stone.
He hides deep in the woods, unfortunately he is loosing to much blood and, since Narinder has been locked away, he has been quickly loosing his powers and this means he will not survive this injury if he doesn’t get help now.
Thanatos is not afraid to die, he welcomes the Beyond with joy but he is saved by Forneus, who heals him after finding him.
When Thanatos wakes up, he is surprised to see Forneus and he immediately feels that there is something divine coming off of her, something she didn’t have months ago, he doesn’t take long to realize that she is pregnant with Narinder’s child, Forneus already knows.
He tells her everything and he decides to accompany her, to help her and protect her as his sworn duty to his Lord.
Time will pass, the twins will be born and be named Aym and Baal, Thanatos will take care of them with love, developing feelings that go beyond what he feels is his duty.
Thanatos thinks that nobody knows who the father of the twins is, but in reality Shamura knows since they had (century before) various visions on their siblings, one of them was about their nephews.
They start to get followed by the God of War followers, Thanatos thinks is about his own presence, so as they run away from the cultists he separates from Forneus and the children.
Thanatos manages to bring with him the whole group, since they lost trace of the other three, they will try to get the information on where they are out of him but he will die in the process.
Unfortunately Thanatos death was useless, because Shamura themself was there and they found the mother with the children without any difficulty.
They will calmily speak with Forneus, explaining that Narinder is alone and that he needs to have his children to keep him company, she doesn’t want to get separated from them but she knows she cannot deny a god, so she lets them go praying to Narinder to keep her babies safe.
Centuries later Thanatos will be brought back to life by a new god of Death (under Narinder request after Forneus told him everything), a sheep who is know as the Holy Lamb, he will meet once again his old Lord now undressed of his powers and Crown, and he is assured that Forneus and the twins are fine, happy and together.
He will be gifted the possibility to live a second life, a more peaceful one, as long he wishes for.
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evelinessa · 4 months
About Death; With Death
Over a year old now, but my first (and so far only) Hades Game fic. Originally written for Trick or Treat Exchange 2022.
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Thanzag | Fluff and angst | 1.4k | Rated T
About Death; With Death
Zagreus was in a more injured state than usual before he and Thanatos began their friendly competition. It was a good thing that Thanatos was there to help him through it. Well, it would be if Zagreus would just let him.
Some tropes & tags:
Established relationship | Communication | Competition | Battling
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argetcross · 2 years
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Happy 2nd anniversary to my zag mortal au fic, “wasting beats of this heart of mine”! I wanted to share more concepts and sketches I made over this past year with everyone. Thank you, as always, to all my kind and supportive readers, who have made these last two years so memorable and fun!
A big shoutout to @nanisnart, one of my betas, who drew the lines for the sphinx above and has been a staunch defender of sphinx time during all of Thebes. As this post lengthens, I will enclose the rest of my words below.
Over the last year, the story has continued to evolve and develop, and I’ve been very happy to finally share all of Thebes! It was a difficult year, filled with personal challenges and painful loss, and rarely enough time to write, but we managed to stagger forward regardless. Some of the chapters written this year were ones that personally meant a lot to me and I feel as if I am coming closer to understanding the heart that beats inside this story, at least a little.
Thank you to my betas this year, new and old, jules, nan, and val, who have helped me with many hours of keen insight, thoughtful conversations, and discord yelling. Thank you to everyone in the HHP, whose friendship sustained me in hard times and whose creative energy continues to inspire me. And a big eternal thank you to my partner, who has basically acted as my editor for the past two years. I have found that making art, despite the myths, grows deeper and fuller in collaboration. And of course, thank you to SGG and Hades, for all the hours of fun you have given me.
I look forward to being able to share the next part of this story of mine, as we head into next year.  
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curious-trickster · 4 months
Looking for a fanfic
I read a Hades (The Videogame) fanfiction once, where Zagreus had to drink blood to survive, since he has been a baby. They first gave him water fromt Styx and I think they got him blood from the human world until Hades had the supply stopped, to punish Zagreus for his escape attempts?
Anyways Zagreus bites Alecto at first bc he is so hungry and then Meg offers and I think Than gives him blood too?
It had this really beautiful undertone, of all of them caring for Zagreus and I've been gushing about it to my sister. My search didn't come up with anything, does anyone know this fic?
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lak3flower · 10 months
I present to you ao3 tags that have made me giggle out loud
super gentle fancy people dirty talk
i will face canon and walk backwards into hell
They are lesbians herald
this didn’t go with how I wanted it to
can that please be a tag
my personal crack of choice: knuckle kisses
Peter Parker/Peter Parker/Peter Parker
The devil works faster but fanfic writers work faster
The like to play knife games
hiccup u piece of shit
alex is scared of the toaster
we die as hostages to Gibbles
source: im a lesbian and i think katie mcgrath looks hot with a sword
Din's out here saving young gays
the inherent romanticism of parent teacher relationships
no spoilers but luke is dressed like a cowboy
this is uhhhh romeo and juliet except the tech startup version and they're old and no one dies
I giggled like a little school girl the entire time I was writing this
hot showers are orgasmic
I know nothing about warlock anatomy but we manage
Hijinks & Shenanigans
Lunacy in general
but still with a slight canon-typical Sense Of Omen And Doom
Allusions to sexytimes
seriously- check your sugar levels before reading
Birds as really heavy-handed metaphors
Sexy cooking innuendos
its about the comradery of needing a good cuddle
Made Up Science
or so it may seem
convenient blizzard plot device
With Apologies to My History Professors
When You're In Love With the Anthropomorphic Representation of Dreaming and It Shows
I used so many different words for semen in this I’m so sorry
hey fellas is it gay to venerate your best friend
Horror to Smut to Happiness: the timeless narrative arc amirite
just click on the damn fic
Hades finally goes to his sons ball game
The Blatant Homoeroticism of Death and Dying
Accidental Child Acquisition
Everyone's a scoundrel
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