#thank god i'm doing a full rewrite anyway
willowiswriting · 7 months
just found a document titled "Character Bible" with a list of character names and nothing else. things are going great.
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ame-to-ame · 3 months
love being nd and have the tism wolf Inside me be so drastically uncomfortable with uncertainty that i physically cannot think about school and having to deal w the unknown of that whole situation without losing 5lbs in 2 days
#the club ppl are meeting abt stuff for when school starts and just the reminder of school starting is enough to make me lose all appetite#i had to text a friend and ask him if he could help be there for me when i move in bc of how the situation stresses me out lmao#asked another friend if i can go to their place if i can't take it at the start of the semester#they are so sweet to me 😭😭😭 they haven't moved yet but they told me if they have an extra copy they'll give me their spare keys#but i genuinely go blank in the mind and go catatonic when i think abt. living situations next year bc i gen don't know what the vibe is#it's like probably not gonna be so bad and ik i have the capability to deal w all the scenarios but not knowing what to expect. kills me.#I'd genuinely be okay if i have to pretend i don't live there and i don't exist and get ignored!! i just need to know that now Thanks!!!#but tryin my best to not be reminded i have to deal w this in 2 months but my supervisor mentioned the campus today and now i can't eat lma#he was like u don't even need to go back to campus and im holding everything back to not be like. just take me as a full time worker.#i love school actually. i love learning. i just. thinking abt my living situation and not knowing what to expect when i have to inevitably#. face. my ex. makes me want to shrivel up and die. like icb i have to do this. like really my ex is the most harmless person ever but stil#how do you ever really. look your ex in the eyes ever again anyway. no matter the circumstances of it ending like it's gonna be so awkward?#and it's the avoidant in me and the avoidants I've dated but. I've never had a normal relationship w/ an ex afterwards lmao#but Each time I've ended things they ended at a spot where i didn't have to ever run into them ever again. so. i am not equipped for this.#And I Missed The Room Swap Date and The Regret is Eating me Up like i ugh i can't do this i don't i don't#It might be pessimistic of me but i don't think whatever will ever be resolved i don't think she'll ever want to talk abt it#and if Those are the starting conditions god forgive me if all i want is to get out of here like#if we're never gonna address or resolve anything then at least just let me have it out of sight out of mind#and I'll pretend it'llnevercome up ever again!! I'll rewrite my memories and just run the fuck away!!#my friend is going thru a more severe case of anger n self blame n how could i let them do this to me and im glad i don't feel it that bad#all i have is debilitating fear lmao so I'm just! trying not to think about anything!! i have so much fun and I'm so busy so why do i still#ugh anyway i hate nightmares and autism i really dgi i can deal with any situation so why do i still dread#delete later
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the-kingshound · 4 months
Warning inane ramble incoming, it’ll probably be annoying I apologize. (*_ _)人 I spent the last several days reading every post here. I managed to convince myself to start liking some (sorry about that I’m sure it was annoying to get all those notifications) I have this weird thing where I get nervous about liking older posts cuz I mean it’s been a long time and it’s unprompted so that’s weird right? It feels weird like I’m doing something wrong or I’m being annoying, I considered reblogging too but somehow that felt worse? Sorry I am not good with social rules they confuse me both on and offline Idk my brain is wrong and I’m just a nervous socially anxious snail. (>﹏<)
Anyways just wanted to gush about how much I love it here and I’m never leaving (´꒳`) ♡ First and foremost Yniol has a special place in my heart they will forever be my favorite bestie (*^ω^)人(^ω^*), yes I am biased as my partner is grey and though they don’t play IFs they were thrilled to learn about your character! Also your writing is just phenomenal, your fans are fun and creative, your characters give such warm and positive energy I love them so much they’re perfect, the inclusivity is such chefs kiss ( ´ з `) 🤌🏻✨, the angst is delicious, the fluff is so sweet and comforting, the spice is ... very blush-worthy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄). This has been a journey I laughed, I cried, I giggled, and I blushed and I have enjoyed every bit of it from pasta discourse to Moldien cult wars to Arthur bunnies, I’ve had the most wonderful time. Now my mind is gonna be filled with Arthurian stuff for months my maladaptive daydreaming is having the time of its life I have a road trip next week and I’m so looking forward to just staring out a window for 6+hours while my Hound's just alternating daydream adventures with the cast o(≧▽≦)o. Also speaking of your amazingly wonderful, sweet, and supportive cast I have decided my (though I love them all) favorite poly pairings are Arthur/Morien and whole crew polycule I’d sell my soul for those but I 100% understand why you can’t really do that. I don’t think I have the endurance in me to code a single poly no matter how much I wish it so the fact you’re doing any let alone several is just god tier you are awe inspiring.
Alas I have rambled far far to much I wish I could be more eloquent in expressing just how much I enjoyed experiencing all of this but for now this is the best I can do (╥ω╥). Thank you for sharing your wonderful work it’s truly a gift to experience. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧ I wish you wealth, health, and all the best in all your creative endeavors. -🐌
No, please please do not apologize. You made my entire week <3 This ask is straight up going into the folder where i keep my motivation to write and to be just a little proud of my work, thank you so so much for sending it.
For anyone having the same thoughts about liking or reblogging old posts: please do it. When I see the notifications, get very giddy and pleased, and I hope you are enjoying the food. Liking, and especially reblogging things, even more so if you add tags and reactons, not only fills me with glee but it also reminds me of old asks that I want to reblog again for new followers. So yeah, I love it, please feel free to go on a liking/reblogging spree!
You are so relatable for the maladaptive daydreaming (this game was absolutely born out of my own mental movies), I wish I could speed up the writing and editing for the next update so you can read it while you travel but I'm afraid it's a lost cause (I have been working on things, even now, but I am currently rewriting like half of it and while it is way better it takes sooo much time and energy). Knowing my characters and story are in someone's thoughts it the best kind of reward I need. I will never likely monetise this game, so this is the thing I wish to leave people with, and I hope the characters can be comforting and keep you company <3
You have no idea how much I would love to write the full polycule... maybe one day :,) But don't lose hope for the Arthur/Morien poly yet, as I decided to cancel the Gwyar/Morien poly and now I have a potentially free slot. In any case, awww, please know that this ask made me so happy today and will be in my thoughts as tkh is in yours.
Please have a lovely day and a lovely week and also a very lovely trip! Thank you again so so much!!
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takeariskao3 · 8 months
status update (?)
it's 2024, my real life is a bit of a mess (pending job change & cross country move), and i need a plan. i keep getting this urge to streamline, instead of bouncing around between fics like a goldfish with no attention span, so i'm going to lean into that and hope to god we get some results.
this is in terms of actively writing and posting. guaranteed i will still be daydreaming and plotting for all fics, but i still want to share some expectations with you all so we are on the same page and so i can hold my self accountable to my own imaginary deadlines.
at this point in time, i am going to post and complete SPRING FEVER first. it is the easiest and quickest to finish (pun intended) by far. and the only reason i haven't done it, is because i'm convinced the majority of you want other updates first. but i need to get it out of my head and off my plate.
after spring fever is completed... give me a few weeks? then THE PATH FROM YOU takes the drivers' seat. we are so close to the climax and conclusion, that it *should* go pretty quick and fast-paced from here. I don't have a timeline for completion but my goal is to post one chapter a month once we get to that point.
here is where i'm going to disappoint some of you. ALREADY GONE is going on hiatus. at least until the path from you is finished. this fic started as a side project, a distraction (read: shitpost), and now I have to rethink some things and potentially even dedicate myself to some mild rewrites. there is just a lot I want to do with it now, that i didn't in the beginning, and i want to be able to dedicate my full headspace to it. because the emotions and conclusion could be so good, but only if i give it time.
for hannah 2.0 and val: MEMORIES FEEL LIKE WEAPONS will get it's day in the sun. i've been taking notes on it for over a year, and i definitely need to work through it and finish it before i even attempt a tpfy sequel. there is so much i want to showcase in this fic outside of ginny's journey, but like with already gone, i need the time and headspace to do it. i will also, almost definitely, rewrite and repost chapter 2 at some point. i have more groundwork i need to lay with a certain slytherin. but that's a discussion for another day.
if this is in anyway a let down for you, i'm sorry. but this is the only way i can stay sane during a total life upheaval. thanks for sticking around if you've read this far and still like me. as always, i will post an changes or updates as soon as i figure them out.
love you all,
hannah <3
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kitkatopinions · 3 months
Rewrite Salem?
Okay, this is a good one! Keep in mind, not all of this is concrete for any firm plan, I'm kind of just spit balling here. Also, you can't really rewrite Salem without rewriting some of Oz, so I'll be putting some of his backstory here, but I got an Oz ask too, so there will be more Oz stuff coming.
So first, alterations to the backstory. I firmly believe less fantasy villains should be victims of abuse and should instead be the rich and powerful, so to start things off, instead of having Salem start out as a damsel in distress trapped in a tower, I would have her instead be the spoiled second daughter of a very wealthy king. She was raised with high manners and instructed to support her more rambunctious elder sister who was set to inherit the throne (also I'd give Salem red eyes from the start and change her look, but I'm bad at art, so I can't make an example of that.) Salem and Oz would actually be lifelong friends and I'd make him the child of the captain of the guard, and it would be Salem's sister and Oz that actually had feelings for each other. Along with Salem's sister, they would have spent their childhood together, unaware of a growing conflict between their kingdom and the adjacent one. Right before Salem's sister was set to ascend the throne (the sister eighteen, Oz seventeen, and Salem sixteen,) the other kingdom attacked, and Salem's sister and father died, leaving Salem and Oz both devastated, and Oz ran from the conflict, while Salem was left alone to ascend the throne herself, pushed into an all out war she'd known nothing about as a teenager. While Oz was off adventuring, the war grew bigger, and Salem was growing colder and more paranoid, and becoming ruthless in the actions she'd take to end the conflict. After five years of war, Salem led her kingdom to victory and full on conquered the other kingdom, and Oz came back now that things were peaceful. Salem welcomed him, taking him on as a royal advisor, and Oz saw some bad signs in her, but since he wasn't around for the war, he justified it and convinced himself he was wrong and Salem was basically his family and he loved her. But meanwhile with the war ended, Salem felt dissatisfied at just getting justice and revenge for her dead family and decided to bring them back. This is what leads her on her quest to the God of Light and then when he rejects her to the God of Darkness. Oz knows of her plan and tries to talk her out of it, but goes along with her anyway. GoD tells her that toying with life and death is dangerous, but when she flatters and lies to him that he was the only one she could come to, he does bring them back just like with Oz in the OG. GoL finds out and has his 'I said no' tantrum, and he and the GoD start fighting about it, but then the two brothers work things out and realize Salem lied to GoD and decide that the solution to their problem is rectifying the situation by removing the thing they were in conflict over. They kill Salem's sister and father again, and warn Salem that if she steps out of line again, the consequences will be bad. Just like in Canon, Salem starts rallying people against the gods, though since she's not immortal yet, she's doing it purely through her intelligence, her will, and her charisma Edelgard style. Ozpin thinks it's a bad idea and once again advises Salem to stop (not because he likes the gods or anything but because he knows how dangerous it is to go against them,) and once again Salem doesn't listen, so Oz decides that in order to stop the war the gods would be sure to punish everyone for, he should tell GoL what Salem is doing so he can put a stop to it before it goes bad. He begs for mercy for Salem and explains how her losses have affected her, and GoL thanks him and sends him away, and proceeds to tell GoD about it and GoD does what he does in canon and wipes out humanity and destroy part of the moon, and the brothers then curse Salem with immortality as a punishment for turning against them. But GoL spares Oz since he told him about Salem's plans, and gives him the "gift" of "life" (meaning his reincarnating into hosts) and the quest to purge the world of evil so that when the Relics are united, they'll come back and judge the world and all that.
With the world as Salem knew it gone and her oldest friend supposedly dead along with it, Salem throws herself into the Grimm pits like in canon in an attempt to die, turns all grimmified just like in canon. But she can't, so she kind of just gives up.
But when Oz is brought back to the new world unaware of his own new immortality, he's like "fuck the gods" and goes back to Salem because he obviously doesn't trust the gods after what they just did (btw, my version of things would be very anti-the-gods.) And in my version of things, he straight up tells Salem about the quest the gods gave him and how reuniting the relics would bring them back. The only thing he keeps from her is that he's the one who told the gods about it in the first place. Salem is reinvigorated by the news and suggests that they try to "remove all evil in the world" like the gods want by faking at being gods themselves, and Oz is reluctant but agrees. However, he quickly starts seeing all the red flags he had ignored like five times worse. At first, he tried to talk to Salem and work things out, and starts seeing that 'being a god' isn't helping anything and is just helping Salem sink more into her bad tendencies. Then one day Salem starts expressing how unhappy she is with all the "evil" humans who make their quest impossible, and she starts talking about how if only she could bring back the magical people of their time and rebuild her father's kingdom instead of "keeping these mortals," they could fix everything. And Oz is like "whoa, pump the breaks" and starts really fighting with her about it. During their fight, he accidentally lets slip that he's the one who told the gods about her plan to bring them down in the first place, and Salem gets all furious and betrayed and decides that he's the reason for all the bad things she's suffered, and they start actually physically fighting and she kills him like in canon. Oz realizes his curse when he resurrects into an unwilling mind and body, but meanwhile Salem starts up a new cult where she starts rallying people again, and does start trying to like, wage war and rebuild the world in the image of her father's kingdom. Oz starts trying to fight her and stop her, and at first tries to reason with her and redeem her but she isn't having it.
They go back and forth like this for a few hundred years before finally Salem decides to throw in the towel and decide if she can't have the perfect world she wants, then she'd rather destroy the world she sees as evil and hopeless, and she starts trying to actively make the world worse while she tries to find the Relics to bring the gods back in the hopes they'll destroy everything and either start all over so she can cultivate the new world in her image, or just kill her along with everyone and be done with it. Oz starts fighting her in the shadows too, and this continues for like three thousand years. Salem's cult stays alive, though it's very small and also works in the shadows, and Salem also starts attempting to bring back magic through procreation, having kids every now and again with people that have very powerful semblances. And every time she can, she tries to find Oz and imprison until he dies because she doesn't want him in her way. But, Oz has had the upper hand after creating the Guardians (Maidens in my AU, because unnecessarily genderlocking powers is weird,) and especially for the past like five hundred years or so after establishing the Kingdoms and the councils and the Hunter schools, where he was able to hide the Relics. And that's forced Salem and her cult to be extra careful and reevaluate.
So now that backstory is out of the way, fast forward to Ruby's time. Salem and her faction (which is currently like twenty five to thirty odd cult members) basically do a lot of the things they do in canon only it will be more planned. Salem sets her sights on taking down the four kingdoms and specifically the four hunter schools one at a time while sewing as much discourse as possible. She seeks out the powers of the four maidens to get her the Relics so she can unite them and destroy the world. The specifics would be a little different especially when we got to Atlas Era, but by and large, her goal would be the same.
As for personality, I would go a bit more Edelgard from FE meets Rhea also from FE than the slow talking attempt at a sexy Voldemort they have. Salem would be harsh, cold, and ruthless, but all with a charisma and an ability to talk people around and present what she wants as good and just, because she herself would truly believe it's good and just. I would make her pretty calm as a rule, with the ability to get angry, but not really have any fits of temper, and she would be above all bored. Oz explores real connection, creativity, and progress through his long life, whereas Salem only wallows, destroys, and uses people, so unlike him, she has nothing fulfilling to pass the time. So she winds up just like, bored all the time, and that leads her to doing things just to see what would happen, and honestly just not feel very deeply in general. Salem as a villain would represent the opposite of Ruby. Ruby (if I was rewriting things) would see the good in people, would believe in hope for the future, and that people could always get better, and she would find meaning in life and be determined to keep moving forward. Salem instead would believe people are nothing but beasts, defined by their evil, believes no good will ever come of anything, that people can't get better, and as I said before, believes the only 'meaning' in life is uselessly prolonging the inevitable destruction, and only ever looks back.
So, yeah. Not a lot of intense rewriting from the original, but I like the different backstory. Hope this was an interesting read!
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quitefair · 4 months
WIP Ask: 9, 13, 14, 16, 21 :)
thanks for asking!!! (questions are from this ask meme!)
i'm going to answer this for The Dragon Age Fic because... well. That's the only things I've really been working on all these years.
Under a cut because it got Long. As usual.
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
Here's the deal - I think I'm not good at dialogue. I struggle to write it, and what comes out often always needs editing. But this bit was the first that came to mind. For context: this is in reference to An Unexpected Engagement. Tashak is my Inquisitor and Sekhara is her younger sister.
tw: alcohol.
“Was gonna offer you this,” she ran a finger along the rim of the tankard she took from Bull. “But you seem to have taken care of yourself already.”
Tashak grunted. “Still not as drunk as I should be.”
“Well lucky I got here when I did, because from what I recall, you wanted to talk to me. Let’s do that before you get completely shitfaced, yeah?”
“Need another drink first.” Tashak waved down one of the serving lads, carrying a massive tray of tankards. Two full mugs were set down on the table, and within seconds one of them was half gone.
“You done?” Sekhara said drily as Tashak leaned against the table, head in her hand.
“Not quite. Still feel like shit.”
“Okay you’ve gotta start talking before you pass out because I am not going to carry you back to your room if you do, alright?” Tashak continued to stare intently at the table. Sekhara groaned and took a drink of maaras-lok. The fizzling in her veins turned into actual flame. “Besides, what are you doing here anyway? You’re usually cozied up with Josephine by now.”
That was evidently the wrong thing to say, judging from the way Tashak’s face twisted into something that made even Sekhara uncomfortable. The fingers around the tankard were now gripped so tight that the knuckles were turning white.
“Fuck, what’s wrong now? Did you go and fuck up something between the two of you again?”
“No.” The word seemed forced through gritted teeth. Tashak’s eyes were unfocused, staring into the distance. “It wasn’t me this time.”
“Tashak, for all that is good in this world, snap out of it and tell me what the fuck…”
“Josephine is engaged.”
There was a pause. The sound of wood cracking, a man swearing loudly before a fist connected with bone, the loud off-kilter singing, filled the space around and between them.
Sekhara blinked once. Blinked again.
“Well, I’ll be damned. Didn’t think you had it in you.” She leaned back in her chair, grinning at Tashak. “And to think you wanted to tell me first…”
“Wait what?” Tashak’s eyes widened. “No, no, no! What the fuck? I didn’t pro…”
She looked around, suddenly aware that her voice was carrying. Turning towards Sekhara she continued in an angry whisper, “… I didn’t propose.”
Sekhara’s brows creased. “Then who the fuck is Josephine engaged to?”
There was another pause.
“Please don’t tell me she’s in love with somebody else now.”
Tashak groaned and held a hand up but Sekhara was already standing up.
“I swear to all the fucking Old Gods, if she’s up and gone and dumped you after everything you’ve been through, I am going to punt her across the mountains so hard she reaches bloody Kirkwall…”
“Sit down, Sekhara.”
Sekhara sat down. There was no arguing with that voice.
13. What common trope(s) do you feel are used in this chapter/fic?
I only remember very few tropes off the top of my head, and all of them are ship related. Let's just say this is a slow-burn, mutual pining, friends-to-lovers sorta deal. Also something something racism/generational trauma/discrimination and a whole lot of other stuff that I need to make a note of honestly.
14. What have you been finding frustrating with writing this chapter/fic?
Oh god where do I begin. I'm doing something horrible, which is a) rewriting an entire game, b) fixing what I feel is broken and c) adding to what's already there with my own characters and my own spin on a romance. It's Really Hard. And to top it all off, I have a very demanding day job and am starting my masters on top of that. AND also have very severe anxiety over my writing/posting things online.
So yeah.
16. Write the next 5 sentences and share.
This is most likely going to be part of Chapter 2. I need to fuckin sort out everything I've written.
Her skin was a smooth grey, her hair an iridescent black. Two curling horns emerged from her forehead; their tips lost in the shadow surrounding them. In the candlelight, Josephine could not clearly catch the expression on her face, though she noticed the downcast eyes and the deep furrow in her brow.
She did not look up at either Josephine or the commander. But she shifted the arms that were in front of her, and the heavy jangle of the shackles around her wrist caught Josephine’s attention.
21. Share 3 songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter/fic. 
I'll do you one better and link my Tashak/Josephine playlist. I cry over them on a daily basis.
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chocosvt · 2 months
hi choco! i'm so excited to see you back on my tl; i've missed you and your god-tier fics & i'm super duper excited to read your wonwoo fic as well (140k words? we will all be well fed fr 🤲)
i had a little rant? not exactly rant but something that's been itching my mind a bit haha, i hope you don't mind me sharing it with you! i genuinely want some advice over this.
as a long fic writer, how do you consistently come back to writing your fic without getting bored? i looooove writing long fics too (big lover of slowburn and angst lol) but i always get so impatient and bored of writing the story so quickly :(
i'd posted a teaser for a fic a while back and it got a good amount of traction (something i will always be grateful for) and someone asked me when i would release the full fic, to which i gave them a tentative date. fast forward to the day before the day i said i would post the fic and you have me typing out paragraphs upon paragraphs of stuff that i absolutely loathe in my writing. i ended up posting the fic anyway, but it's been only a day and i already want to take it down—not bc it's not getting any attention, because it is, but more so bc i hate that fic and would do anything to rewrite it.
iirc your joshua fic, 'best friend's brother' was a rewrite of a fic you'd written earlier, right? was your thought process similar to this? where did you start your rewriting process from? did you have any second thoughts when you took it down the first time?
i'm really sorry if this is too many questions 😅 please take your time if you do choose to answer this! much love and have a great day, choco!!! thank you so much :)
(is it alright if i use an emoji to sign off so i can find this ask later?)
— 🍫
first of all, THANK U SO MUCH <3
and i don't mind at all! these are rly insightful questions :o though i'll just chunk my answers a bit so i'm not all over the place.
not getting bored to be honest, i'm not sure if i ever "get bored" of writing out the plot. but i definitely get burnt out, and sometimes i get downright sick of reviewing my own writing, to the point where i just have to close my laptop and walk away. i think the most important & overarching piece of advice i can give--not just in terms of long fics but any fic for that matter--is to never force anything & take breaks!
when i'm busy at uni, there are like 5 month breaks where i don't bother writing at all. i always think that the second i have free time, i should theoretically want to write, but sometimes i just don't. and i make peace with it bc i know the second i force anything i will end up hating it (also takes the fun & enjoyment out of the process).
i think if you're getting bored, it's probably a sign that your body & mind just isn't interested in writing at the moment. so i would step away & take a break and attempt to get your mind off the plot. i think that taking a break also invigorates your mind a bit and gives you newer, better ideas (at least from my experience).
bfb rewrite the reason i rewrote best friend's brother was bc the og fic was from 2016, when my writing style was completely different. i still liked the concept but naturally, as my writing grew, i just detested the way the old ver was written, which spurred me to create the rewrite.
i wanted to give the characters a lot more depth & beef up the plot, so the new fic is actually a lot different in comparison to the old one. i wasn't attempting to do a scene-for-scene rewrite--it was simply just my approach to an old concept that i felt i could now execute better.
as to how i went abt rewriting it, i just picked out moments from the old fic that i liked and built around them. for instance, i rly liked the "skipping stones" scene that shows some intimacy & tenderness between joshua and reader. but it can't just happen out the gate. so i had to figure out the typical "why, when, and how is this moment happening right now?" from scratch.
the thing with long fics for me, it honestly is a test of patience & dedication!! bc it can truly be so frustrating :( a lot of times, you want to jump right into the good parts bc those are like the shiny glimmers that make the fic attractive. but depending on how impactful you want those moments to be, build-up is sooooo key! the thing is, build-up is just so critical in my opinion, but it can also be such a pain to write :p
i find when i review my writing, these are scenes i criticize or change the most--more than the big, hard-hitting scenes. bc to me, it's such a specific thing that you have to nail down justttt right. it's a lot of thinking and finagling and i think this process is what i dread the most? especially when it refuses to turn out how you want it--ugh, so discouraging!! but once you get it's like a silky flowy river!!
the big takeaways (i guess?) 1. taking breaks is so important! 2. don't force anything xxxx 3. take the big moments & build around them i totallyyyyy understand your frustration!! there have been so many moments where i'm like I NEED TO WRITE AHHHHH and then i promptly open the document only to sit there, blankly read a few sentences, and then get this rly big sinking feeling in my gut that is essentially telling me "never mind" and honestly i just listen to it bc if i'm gonna close & open the document 10 times in a row i obviously don't want to write. i'm just searching for something fulfilling and clearly not finding it in the task at hand so i should do smth else.
THIS IS EXTREMELY LENGTHY AND I''M BEYOND SORRY, but i hope somewhere amongst this mumbo jumbo there was something that stood out & may give you a bit of closure!
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
was doing a checkover your blog since I'm back to being minimally stable after my migraine hit me like a truck and sent me flying right back to my bed to sleep like a fucking hibernating snake, but oh dear! it's already been three whole days since i last posted any ask in here? i thought it was a day and a half at most.
anyways, first of all, i hope you've been well, since I've noticed you kinda of disappeared these last few days, and if you are resting, please don't let me interrupt you akbdkdjd. sometimes all we need is a little time away from everything. either way, i hope you're doing well, lovely.
and as for why I'm here, I'm facing (what i call) a serious predicament. been writing the first work for my blog and all, yet things have been slow because of this god forsaken migraine attacking me everyday, and I'm now finished with five of the boys, and my fingers are itching to just split all of it in half and post whatever i have ready right now, and do the rest later, possibly on the weekend. HOWEVER, with how inconsistent I've been working with it, i had to reread it to make sure it was at last acceptable, only to find that warrior's part, the one i wrote just before i went to sleep, was an utter mess, some words so wrong i couldn't even begin to decipher what I meant at the time and some phrases so nonsensical i just had to rewrite as a whole. tbh his part was the only one who suffered, but man it made me laugh akjosjdkdn. the other one were somewhat clean, except that i might or might not have gone overboard with like... twi part... i'm not a simp, okay?
well, i thought it was a fun little bit of my past few days as a trying writer and i thought maybe someone else would find it funny or useful to remember to at least revise whatever they write when they're feeling unwell. and also a show of my appreciation for all you go through to post your own works, because ffs, i wouldn't last a month if i posted updates as regularly as you.
— a now plentifully rested fungi 🍄
Also thank you for asking! My mental health is taking another tumble because it';s a little bitch and I've been at work so I've been wiped out! But I'm trying to power through it!
AND I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO READ WHAT YOU POST PLEASE TAG ME ONCE YOU;RE FINISHED!! I've been there, waking up the next day to see the mess on the screen POUGFGI but it happens and I hope you were able to improve it to how you like!!!
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mangonatural · 1 year
Rules: Make a 24 hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then work for 10 minutes for every vote the winner receives.
Thank you for the tag, @angelcasendgame!!!!! I am not sure I will be able to work on anything very soon just because life came after me again, and turns out I'm gonna be moving over the next month or so, but I really do hope I can find time!!
None of these have names yet lol. I put the SPN ones first, but technically I've been trying to break my writer's block by returning to The Great Gatsby (It's all Nick/Gatsby btw, just realized that might not be immediately evident) with limited success. It's always come easier for me. But all of this is stuff I do actively want to work on.
Ohh I don't know who to tag. I'm sure everyone in this circle has been tagged already, and most of the people I talk to regularly enough to know about their projects have more or less left Tumblr... I do absolutely want to pass this your way though, @antique-ro-man!! (It's Wes, btw!) I also wanna tag @heyfagbutt! And then anyone else who sees this and wants to participate, I also encourage it!! This is such a cool idea :D !!
Long, rambling explanations down here ⬇⬇
I think the name is pretty explanatory? The gist of it is they go after the same guy and become pseudo-enemies but they keep bumping into each other like this and decide to work together after a while 👍 this is a really bad hook LMAO. Anyway, I'm trying to build on the idea that they work REALLY well together when they do it intentionally but fail comically when they don't.
Pretty much what it says on the tin as well. No Supernatural AU. Dean goes to a community college to get a certification to help with his work elsewhere, but Cas, a figure drawing model, catches him drawing (which Dean's been doing on and off as a hobby) and tries to get him to sign up for the arts program.
I technically only have a summary of this, and I'm not entirely sure if I will write it all out, but I do want to at least put more time into the development before I dedicate to giving up on it bc of scope lol. I just have SUCH a soft spot for fake relationship AUs. Also, I just found out that while I have FINALLY aged into independent FAFSA eligibility, I am once again tax bracketed out. Anyway, financial abuse is real and I want to project my suffering onto Dean. Also immigrant Cas, but I haven't decided where I want him to be from yet. I think this has a lot of potential for some pretty hefty character redesigns too so it's also compelling to me from that angle. I guess I could also write it for TGG, but I did initially think of it for Destiel, so.
I don't know how to explain this one very well except that I had unhelpfully written "poolboy au" in my notes and then proceeded to forget what the hell I meant. This fic was an attempt to resurrect that but ended up being a funky modern West Coast re-imagining where Gatsby can't even "make it" as much as he wants to, and Nick can't find a place to live except for a less-than-legally rented pool house. It's not meant to be a full rewrite or anything though.
Uhhh yeah, I'm keeping the details private for this one ahaha but that's just because it wasn't supposed to be a big deal and I told a friend she would see what it was when it was done...like oh god probably a month ago at this point... My original scope for this was quite small, but research for it, indecision, and a nasty case of writer's block that I've had for nearly a year now have kept development a bit slow. Hopefully, I'll finish it before the year comes to a close.
I also don't know how to explain this one well other than "after being rejected by Daisy (Canon Divergent), Gatsby attempts to buy his way into a bewildered Nick's heart. Though the fic is from Nick's POV, Gatsby's just had his worldview shattered and is in a bit of denial, but instead of pursuing Daisy harder, he channels all of that energy into Nick (though he's not really sure why he's doing it at first). I wasn't sure what to put up at the top because I absolutely don't want my code name for this public at least until it's done LMAO.
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eurydicees · 1 year
oh my god that is so cool and insane and i love the little snippets oh my GOD please talk about the value of writing by hand now. pls.
hello hello sorry for the delay the lack of wifi is terrible. update on the handwriting, i have now written roughly 33-35k by hand. number unclear because i haven't typed it all up yet. i feel like an insane person. i've filled one notepad and one subject of a five subject notebook. i've killed a pen.
but thank you !!! im so glad u like the snippets n i hope u read the full thing when it's done !!! it's now like. 90-92k. im. yeah. yeah. anyways.
HANDWRITING !!! here is what i have discovered in my 33k handwritten word journey:
i think about every word just a little harder! because i'm writing by hand, i'm forced to . like. just think about it a little more because i can't just backspace undo pretend it didn't happen (i am writing in pen for obsessive tendency reasons). like obviously i can cross stuff out, but i try to work with what i've written a little more than i would when typing, where i might rewrite a single sentence ten times--instead, i've left things for editing
sorry to my beta and artist. there are so many issues. we'll deal with that later <3
i have to transcribe it to my computer when i get wifi/the time, so i'm able to better edit word choice and phrasing as i go along rather than doing one mass rewrite at the end like i usually do (which would be a fucking nightmare for a 90k word project)
it's so satisfying!! idk what it is about it but it's so satisfying to be able to hold the notebook in my hands and know that i have filled it. i am finally understanding why people print out their fics. it feels so cool to hold the thing you have created
i've found that it's harder for me to switch between scenes when handwriting because i get confused with where i am if i switch a lot. this is both a pro and a con--con because i'm having trouble just writing as i get inspired, but pro because i'm forced to keep writing when i get into places i don't want to deal with. i've gotten a bunch of transition scenes out this way
no distractions! oh my god this is so nice. when i get stuck i don't just switch the tab and start browsing tumblr. i just have to either touch grass or keep writing, both of which are very good things
similar to the no distractions thing, i've found that i'm doing MUCH less research. my tendency to get into the mindset of If This Is Not 10000% Accurate I Will Explode has been completely forgotten. it's so nice. i am no longer spending hours searching university course listings from 2013 for a school i have never been to. for this fic specifically i have done an insane amount of research and for what. for two sentences, that's what. but now i'm forced to write without googling shit that reeaaaallyyyy doesn't matter and it does WONDERS for my productivity. am i a little annoyed that i remembered a bit from the manga wrong and now the timeline is all screwy in terms of canon compliance? yes absolutely. will i be fixing it ? maybe not! that's crazy! literally crazy. it's so freeing. did i research the commencement speaker for iwaizumi's college in the year he graduated? i DIDN'T !! it's getting wild over here. i feel like an animal. not researching. it's so good. i love it. i may be inaccurate but i am free
that's just what i can think of off the top of my head i will be letting everyone know as i make more discoveries. i'm so excited about this fic. god. ah. if people don't read it i'm gonna throw things .
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katebacks · 2 years
Ride Or Die Chapter 17 Season Finale - A / S JJK
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— pairing |Jeon Jungkook/Reader x Jung Hoseok/Reader
— word c |5,428
— genre |Mafia au!, Angst, smut
— summary | The nightmare finally seems to end and gives you a chance for a fresh start.
— warnings/tags |Adult content, Violence, low slang words, blood. It's short but it's worth it. Now yes, quality Smut with JK
— A/N | Season finale, it didn't turn out as I expected, but even so, I ended up liking this ending. It took me almost two years to release a new chapter, and I apologize. But my plans for Ride Or Die aren't over. After I correct and rewrite the old chapters, a new season of Ride Or Die will begin.
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | '17 Season Finale' |
Your bedroom door was locked. 
You were lying on the bed, your back on the mattress wearing only black panties and bra. Jungkook had climbed your window and entered your room while you showered, and now was lying beside you, his lips were against your neck, while his hand massaged you slowly inside your panties, making you arche your back sometimes and bite your own lips to prevent you from releasing some sound and end up drawing your parents attention who were in some room in the house. Since you had told them that you were officially dating him, They made it very clear that they couldn't stand Jungkook and that dating him was a waste of time and would only lead to suffering and obviously low grades at school. 
But as an ordinary teenager, full of rebellion and emotions, you just ignored them.
"Do you think I'm going to be one of the cool girls in college?"
Jungkook raised his head and looked at you in a frown.
“My hand is in your panties and you’re thinking about college?” He asked unsure if you were just joking or if you were actually being serious. “What is it? I've lost the knack of turning you on and now you have to think about all the work you're going to go through for the next five years in college to feel horny?” 
"Sorry, I know it's not the right time, but I'm worried and anxious at the same time. The end of the year is less than three months away and graduation is almost here. I'm afraid I'll start college and everyone will hate me and, I don't know, I've heard some pretty bad stories from girls who got hazing in their freshman year at university...”
“Babe.” He leaned down and lightly kissed your lips. “You'll do fine. You'll be the cutest newbie in that place and you don't have to worry about the stupid hazing, because if anyone touches you, I'll kill them all.” He whispered, kissing you again, and with that, slowly moving his fingers over your clit that moaned softly into his mouth, making Jungkook's entire body tingle with desire. “Your pussy is all wet, all ready to be stretched by my cock.” Jeon bit your lip and you threaded your fingers through his black hair, moaning sly as he increased the pressure of his fingers inside your panties. Again that shiver hit the boy's spine and he swore softly, leaving his mouth and bringing his lips to your ear. “Fuck, you are so sexy, love.” He whispered biting your lobe. “You moan like those porn actresses in a softcore movie.”
You then started laughing out loud, letting go of his hair and using your hands to cover your mouth as you laughed.Jeon leaned his head on the your shoulder and laughed with you. He knew that was one of the stupidest and most frustrating things he'd ever said, but he just couldn't resist. And anyway, even though he'd ruined the mood, Jungkook loved the sound of your laughter. 
"Honey?" Your mother's voice had you choking back a laugh and widening your eyes looking at the door. "Is everything okay?" She asked and soon both saw the knob moving, thanking god the door was locked. Jungkook really wouldn't mind if his in-laws caught him there when they made it crystal clear that they didn't want him stepping inside their house, even less in your room, because Jeon didn't give a damn about rules and laws, but he knew that if his girlfriend's parents caught him there, they would fight with you, and he didn't want that to happen again that week. He hated when you were upset over fights with your parents. “Why is the door locked? (y/n)?”
“I'm getting changed, Mom. And you guys have this habit of coming into my room without knocking, so I locked it so I could change in peace.” You said getting up from the bed, dodging Jeon's hands and walking towards the closet, getting a nightgown that you used to sleep.
"Can you open it? I need to speak with you." The woman said from the other side of the door. Jungkook rolled his eyes and pointed his fingers at his head like he was shooting at her before rolling off the bed onto the floor, and crawl under the bed, already being used to doing that. Before unlocking the door, you made sure that from where you were, no one would be able to see what was under your bed, and only then you open it. Meredith was wearing a matte black dress and matching pumps on her feet. Her hair was in wavy strands, falling to her shoulders and her makeup was light, and she looked at you confused to see that you were already in your night clothes. "It's seven o'clock, are you going to sleep now?"
"Yes, I'm a little tired today." You said putting your hand in front of your mouth, pretending to yawn. "I was studying just now, reading about colonization made me exhausted."
"Aren't you going out with that boy today? On a Friday?"
“That boy has a name, Mom. And no, Jungkook and I decided to stop going out and stay out late. Finals week is approaching and we both need to sleep and study harder, you know?” You said and even without seeing it, you knew that Jeon was covering his mouth under the bed to keep from laughing at the biggest lie you had ever told your parents, except for when you told them you were still a virgin. It was a stupid lie, but Meredith believed you and even smiled proudly. The angel on your left shoulder said 'you're going to hell for blatantly lying to your mother', but the demon on your right shoulder said 'but Jungkook is going to hell with you too, so it'll be fun', and that made you smile too.
“Well, your dad and I are going out to dinner. Want something when we get back?”
“Hmm, no. If I get hungry, I'll order a pizza, but thanks anyway.” You smiled again. “And you look beautiful, by the way.”
“Own, thank you dear.” She said leaning over and giving you a kiss on the cheek before whispering a goodbye and walking down the hall towards the stairs.  “We should be back by ten o'clock.”
“All right, have fun, love ya.” You said as soon as you saw your mother starting to come down the stairs. So you closed the door and locked it again, leaning against it. Jeon poked his head out of his hiding place and asked in a whisper if it was ok to leave, but you asked him to wait a moment. When you heard the garage door open and close, and then the sound of your father's Tucson driving away, you gave the okay sign to the guy who crawled out from under the bed , back to his feet. 
“So where were we?” He asked looking you up and down. You laughed crossing your arms.
“We were talking about how hot and dominant college seniors can be.” And that caused Jungkook's jealous side to be activated. He scoffed, shooting her a look that made everyone but you intimidated. “You know, Becca told me that in some prank calls, freshmen have to get naked and sometimes even have sex with seniors to be accepted into frats…”
“No fucking way that's going to happen.” He didn't wait for you to finish talking to walk towards you, grab your waist with one hand and pull you hard against his body, making you squeal and bite your lip staring at him with a cheeky look. “You are mine.”
“Am I?” You teased and that only made Jeon's eyes darken and he let out a nervous laugh that raised the hairs on the back of your neck. The next moment he was grabbing the neckline of your nightgown and ripping it open, making your eyes widen. “Jungkook, that was my favorite.”
“Well said, was.”
He pulled you in for a kiss as he used one hand to unclasp the bra behind your back. You brought your hands to the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, pulling it off with his help, scratching at his bare chest, feeling his muscles tense at your touch. Without warning, Jungkook bent down and threw you over his shoulder, making you laugh and scream as he smacked you on the ass before throwing you on the bed, making it squeak. You loved the wild side he had pretty much every time you had sex, that way things didn't get boring.
“Someone is angry.” You teased as you saw him standing in front of your bed, his figure taking off his belt and throwing it away, his chest tense, his big and veined hands unbuttoning his pants, making them join with the other piece in the corner of the room. You can't help but swear and rub your thighs together at the sight of the dick you've been riding so hard, ready for action. Blinking a few times, you managed to pull your attention away from his manhood to look into Jungkook's black eyes that were fixed on yours, the same intense look he always used when he wanted you, a look that burned, penetrated you heart, soul and obviously, your panties.
Jungkook put one of his knees on the mattress and grabbed both of your heels, pulling you down a little, before turning you on the bed, making you onto your stomach, leaving your ass up for him. You hadn't realized how labored your breathing was until that moment. You couldn't see him, but you felt his fingers brushing your skin as he gripped the sides of your panties and pulled them down your legs, finally leaving you completely naked. 
Then he crawled over you, sitting on your thighs, making you moan at the feel of his hard cock against the side of your ass. Jeon held your hair, combing it with his fingers and tossing it over one of your shoulders, before leaning over you, he climbed wet kisses up your back, kissing your ear, your cheek and then your lips. Still hovering over your body, he propped one arm to the side of your head, brushed the bangs from your face and stared into your eyes. He sighed slowly before running his tongue slowly over his lips wetting them, making you swallow hard, wanting to kiss his mouth again.
“I'm going to fuck you so hard that for the next few hours you won't even remember the shit you just told me.” He said calmly, and all you could do was nod.
Jungkook sat down again, taking your arms and crossing them behind your back, using one hand to hold them while with the other, he massaged your entrance, wetting his own fingers, making you squirm beneath him, feeling that if he didn't start soon, you would start begging madly.
“Be a good girl to me, and I promise to take you to heaven.” He said as he started brushing your pussy with his cock, teasing you, making you lift your ass a little more, wanting him to put it on already.
“I rather go to hell.”  You whispered and Jeon looked at you, seeing the naughty smile on your face. “There must be as hot as my pussy must be waiting for you right now.”  Jungkook let out a sly laugh before putting his cock inside at once, stretching your pussy, massaging your inner walls, making you bury your face against the mattress so you wouldn't scream as you felt the pleasure of having him fill you for the first time that day.
“No, no, no.” He said holding your hair with his free hand and pulling it, making you raise your head. “I want to hear you.” 
"Then start fucking me." You said through your teeth, tired of waiting, wanting him to start moving and that's what he did.
He let go of your hair, letting your head rest against the mattress and used his free hand to hold and lean on the headboard, as he began to move slowly inside you, gradually increasing his speed, until he was thrusting deep and hard, making you roll your eyes and moan loudly.
Jungkook released your arms and held your waist, lifting you up, making you get on all fours for him, grabbing your shoulders and moving his hips against yours, moving slowly, giving you time to get used to that position until again he was pushing hard, while you had trouble keeping your voice low. All your neighbors would listen and the next day they would tell your mother that they heard screams inside the house and you would be screwed, but at that moment, the only thing that mattered to you was to come on your boyfriend's dick.
"Fuck, (y/n)." Jeon swore before slapping you on the ass and holding it, his fingers almost digging into your skin, using so much force that it would leave marks, making you arch your back and bite your lips as you felt your orgasm approaching. He felt it when your pussy started to tighten even more around his cock,then Jeon pushed your shoulders down, making you rest your chest on the bed, leaving your ass upturned and holding it like that with one hand, bringing the other to your clit, massaging it, making it even harder to control your breathing, making you gasp as your orgasm neared. "You're so tight babe. Are you going to come on my cock?"
“Yeah.” You replied in a squeaky voice. "Jungkook..."
You couldn't finish the sentence ‘cause your body was taken by a delicious sensation, making every nerve in your body feel that pleasant little pain, and your body started to shake. Jungkook pushed your hips down, leaving you fully lying on the bed before lying on top of you, increasing the strength and speed he put in until he finally came, letting out a curse, leaning his face on your back, feeling his body go numb and with ragged breaths you both started laughing with the post-orgasm sensation.
"Fuck, that was intense." You whispered when Jungkook fell down lying next to you on the bed. The boy looked at you and smiled, using his hand to wipe the sweat that was dripping from your forehead, before tossing his bangs back.
"With you, everything is intense, sweetheart."
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And now in the present, Jungkook was sitting on his bed, staring into space, remembering that night, just like he had for the past two weeks, just remembering what it was like to spend nights inside you, what it was like to be loved by you, wanted by you, images and sounds that were now only distant memories, just like you. It had been two weeks since you had left town with Hoseok, gone to god knows where. Two weeks you'd yelled at him, broken up with him. And he couldn't even make a call to see how you were, it was too dangerous and Shadow might just trace the call and come to you. He just wished he could go back in time, and try to do things differently, try not to let you down, not hurt you. And he could only think that Hoseok might be using this opportunity to get closer to you, to get his hands on you. And that made him even more furious.
“Jungkook.” Jin's voice shouting his name, made him get up from the bed and leave the room, seeing Jin run into the hallway, with an expression of despair on his face. “Hoseok called, Shadow is dead.”
“What? What you mean...” And he felt the blood rush from his face. "(y/n), is she..."
"She's fine, bruised, but fine. Hoseok got there in time. Dean is already arranging the plane, we're leaving in ten minutes."
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A few hours earlier.
You didn't know what to do, your whole body ached, and the smell of your own blood mixed with saliva was intoxicating you. You couldn't scream, you couldn't get the neighbors' attention and get them involved in that shit. You would die. No, all the kicks and punches she had hit you in the ribs, legs, chest and face didn't seem to be enough to make you give up. You needed to hold on a little longer, you just had to hold on until Hoseok came, and he would come, you knew that. That's what you thought as you crawled down the hall floor, and you could hear her footsteps behind you, knew she was right behind you, following you, reveling in your pain and despair.
You entered the first door down the hall, it was Hoseok's room, tried to stand, but Shadow kicked you in the back, and you felt the tip of her heel up your spine, causing you to fall face down on the floor again, next to the bed.
"I truly don't know what Jungkook saw in you." She laughed. You managed to turn around, lying on your back, looking straight at her who was now standing by the door, arms crossed and a beaming smile on her face. "I mean, you're cute, but I'm so much more. I'm smart, insightful, graceful, I have great taste in clothes, which you don't, I have a lot of skills that you don't either.” And so she came closer, crouching down beside you, clasping her two hands together, genuinely curious. "What's so special about you that he even tried to kill me?"
“He loves me.”
She laughed out loud, as if you'd just told the funniest joke in the whole world.
"Love is idiocy."
"It could be." You snapped, swallowing your own blood. "But it's the one thing that you don't have."
"But I might have."
"No you can't. You can't force anyone to love you. And that's what you envy me so much about, that I managed to make them love me, that I managed to make Jungkook love me, something that will never happen to you, you heartless bitch.” And you screamed as she landed an even harder blow to your face, if your nose hadn't been broken before, it most certainly was now.
"Let's see if he'll still love you after I kill you." And she straddled you, both hands going straight for your neck, squeezing hard as you struggled to get free, to save yourself.And as the despair increased, the more numb your body began to get, and your hands moved by themselves. That's when your hand accidentally went under the bed, feeling something sharp, stuck against the wood of the bed frame. You didn't have time to think anymore, you just acted, grabbed the blade and swung it into Rawoon's chest. She screamed and jumped back, her hand reaching for her chest, covering the wound. You didn't know where all that strength and energy came from, but the next second, you were on your feet, screaming and stabbing the woman who couldn't defend herself anymore, the knife hitting several places on her body, including her face.
Cowardly, she ran out of the room, her feet slipping in the trail of blood you'd left on the floor, but this time you were the hunter and she the hunted. And getting close to the stairs, you kicked her in the back, causing her to scream and roll down the steps, making a loud noise as she hit the ground at the bottom of the stairs.
At the same moment, Hoseok arrived breaking down the door, sending wood flying, he first looked at the woman on the floor, relieved to see it wasn't you, and as soon as he saw you coming down the stairs leaning against the wall, your hands smeared with blood staining the wallpaper, he jumped over the woman's body in time to catch you on the last step before your legs gave out and you nearly fell to the floor. He hugged you tight, never taking his eyes off Shadow who was writhing on the ground. And finally feeling like you could give up, you let the tears that were stored up fall and you cried. You cried loudly, hard, while Jung had his arms around you.
"It's okay princess, you're safe now."
He whispered to you, watching the woman on the floor spit blood and laugh in delight at the moment.
"She'll never be safe as long as I'm alive..."
And Hoseok didn't let her finish the sentence, he just took his hand back, holding the pistol grip that was kept in his waist and pulling it out, unlocking it and pulling the trigger. You just heard the noise, you shivered at it, but you didn't look at her, you just knew the nightmare was over. Hoseok had put an end to it.
You didn't know how, but Jimin was the first to get there, he said he knew something was wrong, because Shadow had been quiet for too long, and when he decided to check, he found out that she had taken a flight to that city. You were sitting in the back of an ambulance at that moment, the paramedics had already cleaned most of your wounds, especially the ones on your face, getting all that blood out.  Your nose was broken, but at least it was back in place now. Jimin was talking to the cops, he was probably making up another story so he wouldn't involve the mafia in that. And you were more than happy to hear that your sister was okay, that any danger to her was past and that there were Interpol agents watching over her, protecting her.
Could everything finally be getting back to normal?
"I talked to Jin." Hoseok's figure appeared in front of you, causing you to take your focus away from the body being carried out of the house on a covered stretcher and look at him. "They're on their way here. They should be here shortly, Mr. Jeon Dean has arranged a private flight." You just nodded and curled up under the blanket they had given you. Hoseok bit his lip as he watched you, he patted the back of his cell phone in his hand three times before tucking it into his back pocket.He then sat next to you, watching as the cops worked, just like you did. You then lay with your head on his shoulder, and he rested his cheek in your hair. "You were very brave to face her alone like that." he whispered. "Although you should have run as soon as you saw her, she could have killed you."
"She tried to choke me" You whispered back. "What saved me was your paranoia of keeping weapons scattered around the house."
"I told you that one day we would need it." He chuckled."But I expected me to use them, not you." And so he was silent for a few seconds. "I'm sorry, I should have been here to protect you."
"You went shopping, Hobi, you and I neither knew she would show up here out of nowhere. And you got there in time, I could have passed out and she could still be alive and killed me, you saved me."
"We both saved you."
And again, silence was established between the two who just watched people walking around. But everything seemed to get intense again and your eyes threatened to fill with tears once more. You didn't want this, you didn't want to cry anymore, you were so tired of it all. You needed help.
"I don't wanna cry." You whispered, your voice breaking again. Hoseok moved his head, looking down at you who were now hiding your face in the crook of his neck. "Please distract me."
"What do you want me to do?" He asked, his hand coming to rest on his which was now against his chest.
You took a deep breath.
"Kiss me." You asked, lifting your face and looking into his eyes, seeing his eyebrows drop, frowning. "Please kiss me, I need this, I need to feel something real."You begged in a whisper and Hoseok, who was always at your mercy, couldn't say no, sealing your lips, careful not to be rough and make you feel even more pain. He hugged your body gently and led the kiss, tongues touching and low moans escaping from between their mouths. It was everything he ever wanted and everything you needed. Feeling safe, normal, loved.
After a long visit to the hospital and after Jimin told you everything he had told the police, you would have to give your statements, but Jimin assured you that it was just bureaucracy, and that you just needed to tell the police what he had said. The story was, you and Hoseok were in the witness protection program for witnessing a murder and that woman was a professional assassin, hired to find and kill them. That's why you had all those weapons scattered around the house and that's why Hoseok had to kill her. It wasn't far from the real story, but it would prevent the Jeons name from being involved.
And now you were all sitting in a hotel room, silent, looking at each other. The room wasn't very big and the hotel wasn't the most luxurious or the best, but until all that blood was removed from the house, you wouldn't step there. You were in the armchair, with Hoseok sitting next to you and Jungkook was on the other side of the room, his eyes glued to you, but he didn't have the courage to say a word.
"Dean just said he already talked to Shadow's father. There will be no retaliation as that psychopath was to blame for the death of three innocent people who had absolutely nothing to do with the family business." Jin said putting the phone away and leaning close to the door.
"Well, (y/n)'s sister is safe, I'll let my agent friends watch them for a few more days and then ask them to leave." Jimin who was sitting on the bed next to Taehyung and Namjoon said.
"Good, then I guess I can finally come home." Becca, who was on a video call on your cell phone said, on the other side of the screen next to her was Yoongi. "We'll finally be able to finish studying in peace. But it's going to be so hard without Suhee. Will you move into the dorm with me, (y/n)?" Becca asked and even though you looked at her, you were silent for a few seconds, which actually became minutes, and everyone realized that something was wrong.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, reaching out and touching your arm. You shook your head, couldn't smile because the bandage on your nose hurt every time you breathed. You looked at Hoseok who gave you a smirk. Giving you the courage to speak up.
"Actually Becca, I won't be going back to Little Fox."
"What?" Your friend's voice and Jungkook's made a chorus as they said the same thing at the same moment.
"I've decided that going back there isn't going to be good for me, so me and Hoseok decided we're going to stick around."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jungkook said seriously, making everyone turn towards him who was furious, getting up from his chair. "Are you staying here with him?"
You sighed, grimacing as you felt the twinges in your nose. You were too tired to put up with all that and still argue with him.
"I don't have anything else to say. I'm going to lie down, excuse me." You said getting up and walking towards the door, but Jungkook entered in front of you, blocking your way and in the same second Hoseok was standing behind you, ready to fight if necessary, the others who were in the room, all rolled their eyes, also tired of so much fight.
"You can't be serious (y/n), I know I made mistakes..."
"Mistakes?" You repeated the word with such disgust you swore your stomach churned. "Suhee's death wasn't a mistake Jungkook, it was a tragedy, just like my parents' death, Namjoon could have died that day too, and you didn't do anything to help them. You ran off with Shadow and kissed her while my best friend died in the operating room, while her friend almost died too.”  And before you knew it, you were screaming, your anger covering your pain. “You always said you'd do anything for me, but you were never there for me. Hoseok was the one who took me to the morgue to do the recon for my parents' bodies. Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon comforted me that day. Jimin was the one with me at their funeral. Yoongi saved me from getting shot at Suhee's funeral, I stabbed Shadow to save myself, Jungkook. Hoseok killed her. You've never done anything for me except bring me suffering.”
“That’s not true...”
“Yes, it is, Jungkook.” You screamed, throwing your hands up, exhausted. "But I don't just blame you, it was my fault too, because I pushed this relationship, I insisted on this shit and look what happened? I'm tired, and I've broken up with you before, I'm just reinforcing things. It's over between us. There is nothing else, go live your life with your drugs and your beatings, do what you want, but stay away from me. I won't let my future go to hell just because I love you.”
“Babe, please...” He moved his hand to touch you, but you dodged it, taking a few steps back, letting your back touch Hoseok's chest, who placed both hands on your shoulders.
"This is a goodbye, Jungkook." You said. "I stabbed someone today, I smeared someone else's blood on my hands, get out of my way or I'll make you." And from your tone of voice, everyone knew you weren't kidding. Jin then approached, slowly pushed Jungkook away, pulling him out of your way, letting you and Hoseok out of the room. All stunned, confused by what had just happened.
And for the first time, Jungkook really felt like he had lost you.
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A week later.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay there?" Jin asked as he helped take Jungkook's bags out of the trunk and put them in the luggage cart.
"No, I think I'm going to freak out and try to kill everyone in the first 48 hours, but if that's the price I have to pay to get her back, then I make that sacrifice."
"You don't know if she's going to want to get back together with you, Jungkook."
"If I'm a better man, yes, she'll take me back." Jungkook grumbled back to his brother who sighed and gave up. As soon as they stopped at the door, they got a good look at the facade of the building.
And for a moment, he began to doubt himself.
"Do you think this will work?" He asked taking his eyes off the building and looking at his brother who stuck his hands in his pockets and shrugged, biting his lips. "Do you think they'll be able to take away my desire to hurt people?"
"I don't know, but trying is already a start." And Jungkook looked back at the building, starting to feel anxious. When he came up with the idea, he was extremely excited, but at that moment, he started to think it wouldn't be a good idea. "I'm sure when (y/n) finds out, she'll be happy to know that you're trying to be someone better." And Jin knew he had touched Jungkook's weak point, because as soon as he heard his name, the boy smiled so widely that anyone who saw him at that moment, with that innocent bunny smile, would never imagine the bad things he had already done.
“You’re right. I have to think about her, and everything will turn out fine." And so he went back to pushing the cart, this time going through the doors of the Clinic. Once inside, he waved smiling at Jin who waved back, and soon the doors closed. .
"I hope he doesn't kill everyone." Jin said to himself and turned his back walking back to the car, and even though he was worried, he was happy that Jungkook had started a new chapter in his life.
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all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018/2022 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.
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earmo-imni · 1 year
okay but you having a you that goes on continuous adventures throughout the Favorite Fictional Worlds is AWESOME. That sounds like a blast. I am never in any of my daydreams. I'm not about to inflict situations upon myself lol. I DO however badly voice act a line I'm making my characters say until the emotion is right. Much to the horror of everyone else who lives with me, I'm sure. I write a TON of dialogue and the thought that the readers don't understand the exact voice I want the character to say things in... and that I barely comprehend that voice myself... brutal. Don't make me voice act my own characters I swear to god. It's just everyone talking in different flavors of my voice in there.
Yeah, it's unbelievable how much mileage I've also gotten about Seven Deadly Sins as compared to the other fandoms I've been in. Sometimes I just don't want to pluck the characters out of the canon and put them in my head, because I feel like that would disturb the beautiful creation, so I don't daydream about those fandoms at all. I basically have like three main universes, the longest of which I've had and have been working on regularly since the fourth grade. VERY interesting story to go along with that one, but it's the kind that you CANNOT tell unprompted, so I'm waiting for an appropriate time to entertain the Internet Strangers with my strange childhood book experience.
Anyway! Happy to be following you now, I'll have a blast looking around at your blog :D
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You are so freaking nice, thank you!
I inflict SO many situations on myself, partly because a lot of the time I find it easier to roleplay myself-but-slightly-to-the-left than to roleplay one of my ocs, but also because I legitimately enjoy my big crazy universe and also it’s just fun to be like “Yeah, I’m best friends with Meliodas and a member of Fairy Tail and a companion of the Doctor and also grown up Gamzee’s my moirail now cause I saved him from going brainwashed-and-crazy and also I fixed the MCU! It doesn’t suck anymore! The plot holes are gone!” It’s just fix-it fics and self-indulgent “girl fell into Middle-earth” style fics all day long. Unfortunately for alternate me I very much enjoy whump and angst and hurt/comfort so alternate me goes through. So much. Luckily alternate me is immortal due to shenanigans (the same way as Meliodas, essentially, except the resurrection time is way faster and also there’s no losing emotions), so they can survive everything. Unluckily this means I can kill them as many times as I want. Angst! 😃
(Meliodas may have had to essentially shake me by the shoulders and go “I know you want to help me and I appreciate it but I would like to not have to watch you die for me repeatedly because I see you as a friend and it hurts to watch you die regardless of whether you come back or not” whoops)
I also voice act all my characters (I actually find it significantly easier to keep track of my story if I speak it out loud) and boy howdy is it awkward when a family member comes down the stairs or I’m out on a late-night walk and suddenly realize Oh! There’s a person there! Hearing everything I say! And I sound insane!
And saaaaaaame with the problem of everyone speaking in different flavors of my voice!!! There’s a few characters that I have a pretty good grasp of their voice, and some that have very distinct ways of talking (Gamzee my beloved. Also literally everyone from Middle-earth) that make it easier to do them. But yeah, I FELT that.
I don’t usually write stuff down, I just let it exist in my head and hope I remember it next time I feel like playing in the sandbox. My au that you found is only like. The second thing I’ve actually tried to write down as a coherent narrative since my first attempts at fanfic when I was 15 (the other thing being my Tolkien OC Mavwin’s story. It is. Not even a full first draft. Oh boy.). I have a bunch of notes for a rewrite of an old fixit fic for a musical I like, and a bunch of notes on some Harry Potter OCs and significantly less notes on a Fairy Tail OC. Also a largely-unused sideblog for my multiverse-travelling daydream. (Don’t look yet, it needs some rewriting and a whole lot of updating.)
I am very curious about this world you can’t speak of unprompted, so consider this your prompt lol. I promise it can’t be any worse than what I’ve read/come up with/listened to my best friend explain about their OCs (I swear she’s worse than I am about giving her characters trauma 😂)
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
For the WIP list game, tell me about all or any of your TWW fics! Bonus for 'donna moss fic 2' because that is one hundo how I name my files.
this got real long so I put it under a cut
so donna moss fic 2 is called that because many years ago I had a fic called "donna moss fic" that was supposed to be quick and ended up being 10k and taking like six months. that fic became Start Over. then in 2020 I watched the When We All Vote Special and two things happened. one, I rewatched the show and landed back in the fandom after drifting away because I basically could not watch it while Trump was in office. two, I noticed a detail in Hartsfield's Landing I had never really paid a lot of attention to before. Josh says the Flenders took Donna in and fed her, and that she was pretty pathetic. I realized this was in New Hampshire, probably right after she joined the campaign the first time. I once spent a night with volunteers who housed campaign workers, and I thought that would be a really fun story to tell about Donna.
and somehow this turned into doing the Donna campaign backstory fic, again. the full title is "donna moss fic 2?? why are we doing this" because why the hell I would that fic again after what I went through the first time, I don't know. but I do know. I can do it better now. it's not a rewrite of Start Over, it's an alternate version. some things are very similar and a few lines are exactly the same, but there are some differences. I revised the timeline and geography, for one thing. this fic drove me to the brink of actual insanity (it was lockdown time to be fair) trying to figure out the fictional presidential primary schedule. I also checked the actual color of the "Welcome to New Hampshire" sign in person (I was going there anyway lol).
the idea is that each chapter is a state Donna goes to, either with the campaign or on her own. there's a prologue about the end of her drive to New Hampshire, which is the only part that is strictly speaking "written." the chapters are New Hampshire, South Carolina, maybe South Dakota depending on if I think it needs another campaign chapter for pacing, Illinois, California, Wisconsin, New Hampshire (reprise) and probably an epilogue in DC, tying together the information we have from In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, 17 People, and Hartsfield's Landing.
when I wrote Start Over I kind of side-stepped the issue of Josh's father's death and this time I am attacking it head on. I should probably keep this to myself for maximum impact, but oh well, it'll be long enough for you to forget. the idea this time around is that she tries to leave before Josh gets back from his father's funeral, but he comes back early because of course he does and catches her in the act. I have a very heartbreaking scene planned. this is not a Josh/Donna fic because I can't stand pre-series J/D, but like most of what I write, it's written with the idea that these people do fall in love and get together a few years down the road. it's about the beginning of their friendship, with a few charged moments, but it's more about Donna as a person. I'm also trying to pepper in some backstory of how she ended up with Dr. Freeride in the first place and why she feels enough loyalty to go back. the scene where she actually does come back is so vivid in my mind. I can hear the exact inflection of "thank god, there's a pile of stuff on the desk."
the planned epilogue is the first "anniversary" when Donna gets flowers from Josh for the first time. I thought about folding in an idea I had for the transition, where Josh is forced by Leo to give Donna a job interview as a formality, but I don't think that fits here so it'll be on its own whenever I get to it. obviously the main relationship Donna has at this point is with Josh, but I want to show the beginning of her friendships with the other senior staff, too.
the original first scene, before I decided to add a prologue, was going to be Josh dropping Donna at the Flenders' house for the night, having called in a favor since they don't have a hotel room for her. the Flenders proceed to freak her out by serving some kind of local New Hampshire dinner and a full breakfast at 5am. that will all still happen, of course. basically I want to fill in the gaps!
here's a bit of the prologue. I hate writing opening lines, and this is one of my favorites because it's the rare one I actually like:
In Massachusetts, she almost lost her nerve. The broken-hearted rage that had propelled her across six states faltered as she waited to merge onto I-495 and it occurred to her, finally, how crazy this was. She could get off at the next exit, turn the car around, and go home. She could stay with her parents, hold her head high, grit her her teeth through the humiliation. She could do exactly what everyone expected of her.  A space appeared on the interstate; she nestled her dusty car between a shiny red sedan and an old silver van. Flying down the highway, she thought of the life she was leaving behind. Her dead-end job, her unfinished education, her tiny apartment, and him. She floored the gas, outrunning her doubts, her fears, her insecurities. 
I will be doing strawberry fields in another ask but just a quick (lol) rundown of the other two west wing fics:
the ellsberg variant
the ellsberg variant is called that because it sounds cool but it's also descriptive. Daniel Ellsberg worked at the state department and leaked the pentagon papers (this is in the movie the post) and in retaliation a group of guys better known for other work broke into his psychiatrist's office and tore the place up. either they were just trying to intimidate him, or they were looking for his file to find embarrassing information and just didn't find it because they were incompetent (the other work was Watergate). so I thought, what if that happened to Josh, but they actually did just get pictures or copies of the file and leave without evidence?
so in my imagining, burglars break into a psychiatrist's office in Virginia or Maryland because they know there are high profile clients, and just get photos and copies of any files they can, to sell to whoever might be interested. the Republicans plan to use the information to embarrass Josh during the hearings, like they did with Leo, but Bartlet takes the censure deal before they get the chance, so they end up dumping it in a tabloid in order to damage Bartlet's re-election campaign with claims that his staff is mentally incompetent and he's too checked out with MS to notice (the headline is "Bartlet's Loony Bin").
the White House finds out when an advance copy is delivered by messenger in a brown envelope to CJ's office. they try to figure out who warned them and why, as well as what they can do about it. CJ enlists Danny to help (without giving him the full story, but he figures a lot out) and he finds out about the break-in, which was downplayed by the security company to avoid embarrassment, meaning the patients (including Josh) were never informed their records may have been compromised.
I'm not sure where exactly it goes from here. the first scene is the delivery of the envelope from Carol's POV. I might have Josh call Mandy in as a personal consultant (I just want to give Mandy real character development) and Amy will probably be involved in some way too. there's definitely a conversation where Josh is worried about the Oval Office incident being made public, and Leo assures him the four people who were there (Josh, Leo, Sam, Jed) won't tell anyone, Josh points out they already did, they told Stanley. Josh tries to resign, naturally, but Jed refuses to let him. I know it ends okay, I just don't know exactly how, or have the intrigue plot worked out. I do have a backstory for the person who sent them the advance copy: an employee at the tabloid who can't afford to quit her job, but thinks printing the story is wrong. her father is a Vietnam vet with PTSD and everything. I don't know if the White House staff ever find out who she is, but it might be fun to end with a flashback to her sending the advance. there's also some exploration of Josh's trust in his therapist being violated and where he goes from there.
don't be a hero
I wrote almost all of don't be a hero on notebook paper during psychology class in college and a couple years ago I finally typed up what I have. in theory it just needs an ending, but I can write so much better now, I started rewriting it, and just haven't gotten around to finishing it.
in 2008, President Santos is giving a speech at a university and presenting an award to a professor who has consulted with the White House on counterterrorism work, when a bomb goes off in the auditorium. The target was the professor, who is Muslim (there had been an Islamophobic hate crime in the news recently when I started this). Santos breaks his arm, Sam gets some cuts when a light falls on him, but the Secret Service does their job and gets them out of there. Josh had stepped out to call Lou, who is back at the White House working on a critical vote, and Donna had gone to get him. Donna hurts her foot and can't walk, so Josh helps her out, and on the way out he thinks he sees someone trapped. While Donna is talking to the paramedics, Josh runs back inside to look for the girl he thinks he saw.
the girl is real and he finds her and is able to unblock the door that was trapping her in, but inhales a lot of smoke in the process and passes out. the girl runs outside and tells the firefighters what happened, and they go in and pull Josh out. the scene has mostly been cleared at this point, but Sam is still looking for Josh, and end up identifying him to the first responders, which contributes to the ensuing media circus when it comes out that the White House Chief of Staff ran into a burning building. Josh wakes up in the hospital and gets chastised by Santos and Donna and also most of the Bartlet era staff via phone. Donna also has a talk with him about how she's proud, but she was terrified. He also has a nice visit with Amanda, the girl he saved.
When I finish the rewrite, I'm adding a storyline where the White House communications staff suggest trying to control what Amanda says to the press, and Josh insists that she's 19 years old and someone tried to kill her, so she can say whatever she wants, but asks CJ to come in and advise her on how to handle the press, for her own wellbeing. Danny also tells Josh he thinks the media attention on the rescue is going to dig up personal history and find out about Joanie, so he should consider making a statement. He tells Lou about Joanie for the first time in the process of preparing that, and Lou wonders why he never told her before.
I think it will end with Josh and Donna's wedding a couple months later.
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hbxplain · 2 years
1,182 words - False Pretenses, Angel Arc
here's a quick snippet from false pretenses! i'm not really ready to post full chapters yet because i think i wanna rewrite some of the early ones, but snippets don't feel like such a big commitment; if i end up rewriting an entire snippet or even completely removing it before it's time to post the full chapters, it doesn't really matter!
thus, observe: levi (human pov character, ey/em), val (angel, she/her), and triz (demon, he/him) hiding in their rooms after a disastrous session of lying to snooty angels. they don't really like each other much yet, at this point.
“What the fuck was that!?” ey ask, whirling on Val the moment the door slams shut.
“What was what?” Val asks, instantly playing dumb and looking away in annoyance. Levi grits eir teeth.
“That!” Levi repeats, throwing eir hands up in exasperation. “You’re a terrible liar! And we just went right into it without thinking up a backstory, or drawing soulmarks or anything—and, fine, I’ll take half responsibility for that part. But Jesus Christ, you couldn’t have warned us that we’d have to carry your ass through this entire con?”
Val has the decency to look embarrassed, scratching absently at the back of her neck and avoiding eye contact. “I, uh… I forgot.”
“You forgot,” Levi echoes, disbelieving.
Val huffs. “Look, this was kind of a last minute affair, okay? I wasn’t exactly prepared. And I’m good at skirting around the truth, just… outright lying is harder. Especially outright lying to angels.”
Levi takes a deep breath, running a hand through eir hair. “Alright. Okay. Fine. We can recover from this. First of all, we’re going to need to straighten out our story.” Ey blow out a breath, collapsing onto the sofa. “Triz and I met you at… a library, apparently? On our anniversary.”
Triz smiles, waving sheepishly as he sits on the edge of the bed.
Levi sighs. “It’s fine. Also, our soulmarks are fucking huge, according to Val.” Ey shoot Val a glare, and Val groans, striding across the room to fall down dramatically against the foot of the bed.
“I get it! I fucked up! You can stop talking about it now!”
Ey roll eir eyes. “Do you have a sharpie, or something? Anything to help us out here?”
Val grumbles, but she waves her hand and suddenly there are three sharpies between her fingers. She holds two of them out, and Levi and Triz slide down to the floor to take one. “We’ll just draw in a circle,” Levi commands, rolling up eir left sleeve. “Are we all right-handed?” The other two nod, and Levi sighs. Finally, something ey don’t have to add to the list of ‘things that shouldn’t have to be this hard.’ “Thank god. I’ll draw on Val, you’ll draw on Triz, and Triz, you’ll draw on me. Cool?”
“What are we drawing?” Triz asks nervously.
“Something ‘beautiful,’” Levi says, explicitly mocking Val, and Val glares at em before tugging Triz’s left arm closer to her and rolling his sleeve up. “I don’t know. Swirls. Shapes. Anything, really. Just make sure it covers most of my arm. They don’t have to match perfectly.”
Triz chews his bottom lip nervously. “Are you… sure? I mean, I- I’m not really… artistic. Not like this, anyway.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Soulmarks can look like anything! As long as ours are all roughly the same size, we’ll be fine.” Levi rolls up Val’s sleeve, ignoring when she turns to irrationally hiss at em. “Do you do some other kind of art, then? If you’re just not artistic ‘like this.’”
Triz lights up, nodding excitedly, and Levi’s chest feels warm. “Oh, yes! At least, I like to think so. I spend a lot of my time-”
“Aren’t we supposed to be working out a backstory?” Val asks, already sounding bored, and Levi counts to ten in eir head.
“We’re also supposed to be soulmates who love each other,” ey huff. “So we should probably know a little bit about each other, right? Now shut up and let Triz talk about his cool art.”
Val glowers at em, but Triz, whose face had fallen slightly at Val’s words, perks up again with a soft, appreciative smile.
“Well, I- I really love humans,” he begins, his eyes trained on Levi’s arm as he scribbles out a pattern. “I’m just so amazed by the way they interact with each other, and the cultures they build and maintain, and the way they shape the world around them, and… And then I learned about photography, where you can capture some of that in a picture to look back on!”
“Oh, you’re a photographer?”
“I like to think so! I love everything about it, and it’s so satisfying finding the perfect composition and framing… I don’t know, it just makes me really happy.” He stops, then, a faint blush across his cheeks as he stares pointedly at the soulmark he’s creating.
“No, that’s great,” Levi insists as ey work on eir own project. “I think it’s awesome that you’ve found something that can bring you that much joy. That’s something to be proud of, and I’d love to see some of your photos someday.”
Triz looks up suddenly, and Levi turns to meet eir eyes, pleased to see the excited light in them. “Really?”
“Of course!”
“Oh my god,” Val groans, slumping dramatically. “You two are so annoying.”
Levi rolls eir eyes, fighting the urge to groan dramatically in kind. “Oh, sorry for having basic interests and a capacity for social interaction.”
Val narrows her eyes, pausing her art to look up at Levi. “You are genuinely insufferable.”
“And you’re an asshole, but here we are! Hey, how much weight do angels put on physical intimacy?”
Val tilts her head, distracted. “What? Why?”
“Because it’s gonna be hilarious if you have to kiss me.”
Val’s face flushes so suddenly and so thoroughly that Levi’s actually a little amazed. The tips of her pointed ears turn a dark, splotchy blue, and oh shit she may be a bitch but she’s fucking pretty. Levi wishes ey could stop being gay for like, one fucking minute.
“It’s okay!” Triz pipes up, looking earnestly at Val. “We don’t have to kiss if it makes you really uncomfortable! I’m sure holding hands and stuff will be enough.”
“I don’t know,” Levi says. Ey know ey’re being a dick, but Val is also a dick, so whatever. Karma. “If she can’t go ten seconds without insulting one of us, holding hands isn’t gonna cut it.”
Val sneers and goes back to roughly drawing on Triz’s arm, and Levi frowns when he winces from the pressure. “Whatever,” she snaps. “We only have to make it through three days anyway. I can pretend to tolerate you just long enough to get approved for life on Earth.”
Levi hums, unconvinced but willing to drop it. Ey don’t want to antagonize her too much.
But she, of course, has other plans. “And by the way,” she huffs, nodding up at the bed, “I’m not sleeping with a demon and a dipshit. You can decide which one of you gets the couch and which one gets the floor.”
Levi sighs. It’s not worth arguing over, honestly. “You can have the couch,” ey tell Triz, and Triz must agree about not arguing about it, because he just nods and keeps drawing.
They don’t say much else after that. Levi gets out eir phone and plays music that Val calls outdated, so ey put together a playlist of songs from each of their very different music tastes so they’ll all be vaguely satisfied. Triz hums along even to the songs he doesn’t know, and it’s always adorable, and Val sings boisterously to the songs she knows by heart, which is obnoxiously (deniably) cute. All in all… Levi’s had worse dates.
And then the angels knock on their door.
tag list: @mallthologist, @original-writing
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moongoddessmox · 2 years
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I posted 8,411 times in 2022
That's 4,593 more posts than 2021!
612 posts created (7%)
7,799 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,750 of my posts in 2022
#rant - 415 posts
#mox mail - 172 posts
#bucky barnes - 152 posts
#fic recs - 147 posts
#sebastian stan - 127 posts
#i'm a hole for daddy seb - 64 posts
#mox at work - 60 posts
#fanfic - 51 posts
#plums in bucharest - 47 posts
#tag game - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#did he take a break from his stylist for this outfit bc after all these looks idk if he'd put those fucking grandpap 9000s with this outfit
My Top Posts in 2022:
So, congrats on the 2k! ❤ as for your celebration, my mind went blank trying to think of something so for now I'm requesting a blurb about our boi bucky, honestly don't know about what but know you'll rock it anyway– surprise me 😄
Thank you bb <3
So, this is actually pretty long. I found out that I do not have the ability to write anything under 600 words, so here we are! (I might turn this into a series? Hm)
Plums in Bucharest
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Warning: none
Word Count: 1,172
Pairing: Bucharest!Bucky x plus size!Reader
Summary: You run a fruit stand in Bucharest and catch the eye of a mysterious loner named Bucky.
Series Masterlist
See the full post
184 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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Warning: 18+, sexual themes
Pairing: DBF!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 515
Prompt: "Don't look at me like that and then feign innocence."
Valentine's Day Blurb for @turbolisedcomet
Prompt List | 2.1k and Valentine's Celebration | Blurb Masterlist
See the full post
186 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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Warning: 18+, language
Word Count: 631
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Reader
Prompt: “I’m asking because I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
Valentine's Day Blurb for @gutflorizt
Prompt List | 2.1k and Valentine's Celebration | Blurb Masterlist
See the full post
210 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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Warning: 18+, fluff, Bucky being adorable
Word Count: 654
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky x Reader
Prompt: “For you, darling, I would collect every cherry blossom in Japan- no- in the world.”
Valentine’s Day Blurb for @vayollie
Prompt List | 2.1k and Valentine’s Celebration | Blurb Masterlist
See the full post
257 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @buckyjmsbarnes ❤
Fave color: red and black
Currently reading: just fanfics!
Last song: Playing God by Paramore
Last series: Law & Order: SVU
Last movie: The 355
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: spicy!!!!!
Currently working on: Plums in Bucharest chapter 4 and rewriting my Loki fic for publishing
@writing-for-marvel @mrsdrysdale18 @notmesimpingforanothabritishlad @dimplesandcutesmiles and everyone else who wants to join!!! ❤❤❤ (sorry if y'all were already tagged)
604 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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koffeekoko · 3 years
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seishu inui x guardian angel!reader
genre: angst (i think)
warnings: major character death
word count: 888
a/n: ahhh i'm so puzzled about this one but i'm posting it anyway. keep in mind jel has no idea about guardian angels and how those work, this is only my take on it!
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you know you have had enough beach time for the day when your surroundings become uncanny. when your feet rubbing against sand feels like a sharp knife cutting through flesh. when you don’t belong anymore, nothing’s in place, the ocean breeze is rejecting instead of welcoming.
they say water rises by a level when it’s quarter-time past dusk when day meets night. your constant visit to the same sandy shores should be enough to prove that, yet the angel sitting on your right shoulder tells you: nothing’s certain, maybe today will be different, and it convinces you because angels are wiser…right? they know better. they know better, yet the devil at your left only snickers every time you tell yourself it’ll be different today.
today’s no different. water hits your feet full forcedly where it would never reach early in the day. the way waves meet your feet feels like it’s angry at something, at someone, at the world; and you’re there perchance. naturally, you’re the one it takes the anger out on by bringing up scattered garbage to rub and scratch at your ankles.
“would it have been different?”
nothing was different and never will be, get out of your head, the little red man whispers before the hopeful side of you had the chance to utter a word.
“was it cruel?”
“it was.”
seishu never asked for salvation, yet the one calling themselves his guardian angel saw the need to save. seishu never asked for a chance, but his guardian angel made room for one.
your job is to watch over your assigned one, make sure they don’t cut their time short before the date written with bloody ink on god’s little notebook. no angel can play god, still, you decided to fake god the day ocean of flames engulfed him because you simply couldn’t watch your little angel die.
you knew better than to ask for borrowed time, god never carries around loose change; the price you pay is never cheap.
“it was cruel, but also beautiful.” seishu’s voice was monotonous, dry, and raspy, the way a person sounds after losing their will to keep on.
it always pained you how far and between each of his smiles were, it tucked on your heartstrings watching the way your little boy grew more and more like a forgotten doll sitting in the corner of a blue room.
“do you regret your choice?” seishu’s soft-spoken words ring in your head like a mantra, louder than any heavenly bell that ever rang in your ears.
you were certain you could never regret giving him more time, seeing him grow, but the way your decision resulted in all the wrongs… makes you wonder if it was too cruel of you to have him suffer through all the hardships.
but you had never given him your reply to what was asked. words were tied to your tongue, never slipping off no matter how hard you tried to choke a voice out of your throat.
“i suppose it’s not an easy question, sorry.” there went his wry, sad-looking smile. “i don’t think it was worth the price you paid, though.”
“you are worth any price.”
to have your title withdrawn, to have a pair of wings ripped off, to be sanctioned from immortal life, to walk through hell and back, any price god named; you were more than willing to pay. yet no suffering of your part for your selfish choice was enough, therefore, seishu was made to suffer along.
all you wanted was for him to have more time. a chance at living a happy life. so, he ended up living the worse, because you took a gamble, forgetting that no one could ever beat god in a game of poker.
maybe it was much too cruel of you to selfishly try to rewrite fate. no, it was cruel. you have made his borrowed time a living hell, worse than death.
“thank you… for watching over me all this time… and I’m sorry for your suffering” seishu says so lowly that his voice would have disguised with the sounds of waves crashing on the shore if you were to be even a little less perceptive.
“it’s my duty as your guardian angel, seishu. please, don’t thank me…” you remember how your voice trembled and how seishu’s expression became unreadable by the second.
“i think it’s time,” seishu said.
“y-yeah… here,” you reached out your left hand, palms open facing up.
seishu tightened his grip on the pocketknife he held, grabbed your wrist in one hand, and swiped at your palms in a swift. he brought your bleeding palm close to his lips in a light kiss before any drop could stain the clear water under both of your feet.
“thank you, my guardian angel.” were his last words, engraved deep in your memories.
“farewell, seishu. may we meet again.”
you held him close in the last moments and before you knew it, he had long since vanished like foam on the surface of ocean waters.
you never let go and before you realized it, you walked through the same beach day after day, replaying the same memory like a broken record.
you betted in a high-stake game and lost; god never carries around loose change, so you paid every price.
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taglist: @my-tasteful-muses
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