#thank u hobie brown 🫶
clowningaroundmars · 1 month
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aaaaand done!
hobieposes 4 u <3
some ppl seemed to like the sketch i posted and then deleted so here u go ↓
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
for fluffy friday do u think u could write a fic where hobie takes u to an appointment while pregnant with the twins to find out the gender (obvi hobie is rooting hard for a girl) not knowing ur having twins and thennnn surprise!!!
Aahhhh I love this prompt sm 🫶 thank you!!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, reader is pregnant, Billie and Ramona au, dad! Hobie, FLUFF.
You lay on an elevated cot, back straight as you anxiously wait for the doctor to do the ultrasound. Hobie looks cool as ever, save for him tapping his boot relentlessly on the linoleum floor of the hospital.
You look at Hobie, he gestures for you to exhale deeply. You follow his instructions. He nods, squeezing your hands as they lay on top of your growing stomach. Anxiety bubbles in your gut, you don't know if it's just because you're pregnant or you're worried what the doctor will find on the ultrasound. It's your first time getting it since finding out you're having a baby, add it with the fact that you'll be finding out the sex of the baby, it's safe to say you're properly worried.
"What do you think the baby will be?" Hobie cuts the silence in an attempt to ease your anxiety. He secretly hopes for a girl that's a perfect mix of you both with a carbon copy smile from you.
"Don't know as long as the baby's not a spider hybrid having eight arms, I'm good" you gnaw at your bottom lip.
He rubs your lips to prevent you biting it till you bleed. "The baby won't have eight arms" he reassures, you smile appreciatively at him. "They'll have eight eyes and organic webs"
"Hobie!" You slap his arm weakly.
"I'll love them the same, lovey. I'm sure they'll look cute with eight eyes"
"Not funny" you pout, blaming your pregnancy hormones with how your leg bounces against the bed.
"It'll be fine, yeah?" He places his hip right next to the cot to get closer to you. Hand placed lovingly over your stomach, tracing the circular pattern on your maternity blouse. "Doctor won't find anything wrong with you or the baby" Hobie's last comment was more of a reassurance for him, he keeps telling himself that everytime he goes out on patrol, repeating it like a mantra in his head, keeping him afloat.
The doctor knocks, she peeks inside with a polite smile. "Hi Mum, are you and dad ready?" Hobie has never heard someone else call him that title except for you occasionally, his stomach somersaults.
"Hi, doc. Please start, I'm dying out here" you joke that has Hobie snickering in agreement.
The doctor prepares the device, putting on some kind of jelly on the ultrasound wand. She wheels it closer, prompting Hobie to leave your side for a brief second. You reach out to him instinctively, he circles around the machine to get to you as fast as he can.
Back to your side, Hobie clasps your hand again.
"Excuse me, Mr. Brown" the doctor moves closer to you. Hobie raises a brow, you stop a laugh from escaping with your palm. He sees the smile on your eyes, he makes a face that says: do I look like a Mr. Brown?
You let out a snort, already embarrassed at the sound you made. Hobie smiles widely at your reaction while the doctor lifts up your shirt with your permission.
"Inhale deeply for me momma" she instructs.
You follow, cold jelly hits your skin that makes you shiver. Squeezing Hobie's hand tighter. He blames your unusual pregnancy strength with how his knuckles are aching from your tight hold. He can't imagine how strong your grip will be when you actually give birth.
Faint heartbeat hits your ears, you already know whose heart it is. The doctor swivels the ultrasound closer so you could see the screen. Even though the picture is grainy and grey, your heart soars at the first picture of your baby.
"Look at her" Hobie says in amazement, the low quality picture shows the outline of your baby moving around in your belly.
You look in awe, sparing Hobie a glance, you're glad you did because of the rare expression on his face. It's awe and love mixed together, your eyes are glossy at the sight. You knead his palm with your finger nail affectionately since you probably can't form a coherent sentence right now.
"Dad's right." The doctor looks at you both with a smile, "you've got a little girl. Congratulations"
You chuckle breathlessly while Hobie kisses each of your knuckles. He asks for your sakes, judging by how you look like you're about to burst into tears, he concludes you won't even remember to ask the question.
"Is she okay? Healthy? Only have two eyes and a human nose?"
The doctor laughs at his joke, while tears stop spilling from your eyes for a second.
"Seems everything's fine– wait" the doctor stops in her tracks, squinting at the grainy picture, moving the wand all over your stomach.
"What do you mean wait?" Your heart leaps at your chest, Hobie stops you from sitting up with his hand, massaging the skin right under your collar bone. "Is she okay?" Your face snaps towards Hobie. "Hobie?" He sees desperation on your face, the last he ever wanted to see.
"Oh? Doc don't keep it a secret" Hobie sounds angrier with every word he utters.
"There's two babies" she answers quickly.
"What?!" You and Hobie yell simultaneously. Fear evaporates from your body, replaced with something you can't quite name.
Then he hears it, a second heartbeat.
"Yeah," the doctor nods with a smile. She moves the wand further down to show you. "And she's quite shy"
Your eyes are glued on the screen, sure enough, another figure moves right behind the first outline. You gasp in astonishment. She hides with her miniscule movement behind her sister, but you can clearly see her now with her knuckles closed tightly in a fist.
More tears flow out of your eyes, you're sobbing right in front of your doctor. She holds out a box of tissues, you thank her with a wet smile.
Hobie hasn't moved since he spotted and heard his second daughter. Like a statue, his eyes never left the screen. Flabbergasted, his heart feels like escaping his chest.
"Hobie" you call out to him through tears. "We're having twins" you can't believe it yourself, sliding your hand to his elbow to get his attention.
"Girls," he says in awe, "we're havin' girls" Hobie doesn't spare a second to press a chaste kiss over your forehead. You hum in happiness. His hand drops to the side of your stomach, imagining he's holding his girls' hands.
You can't wait to meet them.
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hobie-enthusiast · 11 months
I really love how you write!! I was wondering if you could so smth with hobie x autistic + sunshine!reader? I'm autistic, and i've constantly been belittled for it so it'd mean a lot to see my biggest cc with an autistic reader!! If you're worried about how to approach it maybe you could do smth like reader using noise canceling headphones? or like comforting when reader had an autistic meltdown?? Ofc these are just ideas, whatever you wna do!! Also don't fret if you don't want to do this request, just wanted to ask !!! ^w^
Oh and gender neutral with they/them pronouns please!! 🫶
- 🎀 anonymous
(Emoji signoffs are so cute!! hoping you don't mind me adding one !!!)
— hobie brown x energetic!autistic!gn!reader
— fluff and comfort, autistic meltdown, noise canceling headphones, petnames (sweetheart, love), hobie’s worried and nervous, sensory overload, breakdowns due to loud noises, almost panic attacks
— time with your friends was always nice, but sometimes it got to be too much, and hobie is always there to help
— ill do u one better anon how about incorporating both 🫶 also ofc you can have an emoji! thank u for ur support!
— official disclaimer: the following fic and reader experience is based on my experience and also other aspects i have read up on. every autistic person is different, and they won’t all have this exact reaction when it comes to a meltdown. so pls keep that in mind when reading :) if anything seems wrong please feel free to tell me!
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Everything was so so loud.
The two of you agreed two have friends over, a small hangout. It had been a while since everyone had hung out, so Hobie suggested hosting them. You agreed, wanting to see everyone again after a while.
You welcomed everyone excitedly, wanting to show off your place. “Hey guys! Come on in, let me give you a tour!”
You dragged them all around the apartment, pointing out various things that maybe they didn’t notice. Your favourites; some hanging pictures, pieces, and collectables.
The other owner of the place, Hobie, couldn’t help but smile a bit at your excited nature. That’s just how you were, naturally excited about your interests. He encouraged that, loving the way you seem to know so much about these types of things.
After a tour and explanations you so graciously provided, you ushered everyone to grab some dinner or snacks. You had some entertainment planned out, so you and Hobie let everyone decide what they wanted to do. It was a nice time, and you enjoyed your friend’s company.
But soon, they just got too rowdy for your liking. It was about a couple hours into get-together and Miles and Pavitr decided it would be a great idea to play some board and card games. Of course, the competitive nature led to some yelling between the teens.
You tapped out of the game a while ago, feeling an anxious nerve tapping at the back of your head. You hoped it was nothing. That you could continue enjoying your friend’s company.
Definitely not the case.
“Oh come on! I had it that round!” Miles groaned loudly, nudging Gwen. “I would have won!”
“But you didn’t! I remain the victor!” Pavitr declares loudly, collecting all the cards.
Hobie laughs lowly, finding amusement in the banter among the younger ones. It was nice hearing everyone just able to relax and not worry about their duties. Well, there was one person he hadn’t heard from in a minute.
The older turned to you, noticing the way you seemed to just be.. staring out. Your hands were messing with one another, and your leg was bouncing crazily. Your eyes were glassy, almost as if..
Oh. Oh no.
Subtly, Hobie scoots closer to you, minding himself to not touch you. “Doin’ okay, love?”
The words go into your head, you hear them. But it’s difficult to process. Were you okay? Was this okay? No, it wasn’t, but can you even say that? Should you tell him? Will you tell him? So many overwhelming questions.
“Oh come on! You have to be cheating!”
A particularly loud yell from Miles causes you to flinch, head dropping to your knees. No, you weren’t okay. Not one bit. Tears sprang to your eyes quickly as your body rocks, hands harshly pushing against your ears.
This is when Hobie knew he had to spring into action. “Guys, c’mon, ‘s time t’ get goin’.”
Everyone looks up at Hobie, confused, with Gwen being first to speak up. “What? Hobie, we just got here?”
“‘m sorry, but you can come back ‘nother time. Please.” He requests, ushering everyone to stand up.
As Hobie tries to get everyone out and away, you’re off in your own world. Your head was spinning, all your sense coming at you at full force. Everything was crashing down on you, and you couldn’t stop it.
Once he managed to get everyone out, his feet were moving him to your shared room. He needed the essentials; your blanket, your headphones, and your phone. He’d get more once you asked, certainly. Rushing back to you, he kneels down, hands glued to his thighs.
“Hey swee’heart..” He says in a really quiet whisper, not wanting to upset you further. “‘m gonna put these on ya, okay? Jus’ real quick, then ‘m done.. I’ll be right over here for ya.”
He knew these types of things could be harmful, you told him that before. The last thing you wanted was to accidentally hurt him. But letting you know what he’s doing helped a small part of your brain, one trying to gain regulation.
Carefully, Hobie moves to put your headphones on your head, the noise from the outside world coming to a halt. He moves back after, hands in your view as he backs up. That’s how he shows that he’s away, letting you have your space.
Next, he mimics your position, drawing his knees to his chest. Hobie’s nervous, he couldn’t deny, but all he could do was sit and wait. You needed your space, and he would be here to help you with the aftermath.
And then he just.. waits.
Once the sound is blocked out, that’s one less worry on your mind. You focus next on the tears streaming down your face. Everything felt sore, your mind was hurting. That made you want to cry.
You bit your lip as you shake your hands, trying to get some sort of stability. You focus on the movement of your hand, watching the rings Hobie let you steal jangle together. No doubt they make a nice sound, Hobie probably hears it.
Your brain waves start to slow down, you can tell. Without the overwhelming sense, you start to feel at ease. Some thoughts are able to run through.
‘Breathe. Think. Safe.’
You try your hardest to repeat these words in your head, continuously stimming as the tears finally stop. Without the horrible feeling of crying, it’s somewhat easier to understand what’s happening. The loud sounds were gone. You were okay.
By the time you managed to gain more of yourself, your head was hurting badly. Glancing up, you notice the way Hobie was looking at you. He had a worried expression. He didn’t wear it often, but he was now. He was nervous for you.
He gives a small wave, gaining a small laugh from you as you wave back. Then, he holds out his hand, giving you the option to take it. He wants nothing more than to hold and comfort you, he wants to help make you feel secure.
You cautiously take his hand, allowing him to wrap his arms around you. This instantly made you melt in his embrace. Exhaustion was catching up with you.
But things could be okay now. You were alone with Hobie, someone you trusted immensely.
Hobie was relieved when you allowed yourself to be embraced by him. He felt better knowing he could give you this sense of comfort. It was better than being able to do nothing.
Gently, he kisses your forehead when he feels your body slumping. “Mhm.. rest, swee’heart.. ‘m here..”
He knew his words were blocked by your headphones, but he still whispered them anyways. Almost like assuring himself. Everything was okay. You were okay.
Hobie decided that tonight was a good night for a sleep on the floor. He grabs your blanket, putting it over both of your bodies while lying back. He lets you adjust your body so you can sleep comfortably with the headphones on, which happens to be on his side with hands intertwined.
He was comfortable. You were comfortable. And he could easily fall asleep knowing that you would wake up and hopefully feel as good as you did earlier that day.
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beanxiv · 1 year
beanxiv's 100 follower bash ! ✩࿐
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hi guys 🫶 so first and foremost, i wanna say thank you all for 100 followers <33 i love you all and im super grateful to all of you ! second, i wanna say i'm sorry for taking so long to do this, i was trying to figure out what kind of event i would do 😭 i ended up picking just a prompt list that you can request from, (the simplest thing ever ik💔) but i hope u guys like it !!
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you can find all my posts for this event under the tag #beanxiv's bash!
obviously, my normal request rules still apply. (you can find them here.) if your request goes against my rules, i won't accept it.
i prefer if you request off of anon, so that i can tag you - but if you're still on anon it's okay.
speaking of tagging— if you want to be tagged in my work fill out this form!
i'll only do one character per request if its a scenario, but i can do up to 3 if they're headcanons.
you can ask for up to 2 prompts in your request.
you can make as many requests as you want though! just do it in separate asks please
specify the details of your request! (reader preference, any details about the request, genre– like if you want angst or fluff, etc)
also specify who you want to say the line-- for example if the prompt is "you make me happy," specify if you want the reader or character to say the line.
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these are the characters i'll accept requests for-- if you request for a character not listed here, i won't accept your request.
my hero academia: bakugou katsuki, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, denki kaminari, kirishima eijirou, sero hanta, iida tenya, tamaki amajiki, keigo takami (hawks), touya todoroki (dabi)
obey me: lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor, simeon, solomon, diavolo, barbatos
haikyuu: hinata shouyou, kageyama tobio, nishinoya yuu, sugawara koushi, kenma kozume, kuroo tetsurou, oikawa touro, iwaizumi hajime, bokuto kotaro, akaashi keiji, suna rintaro, atsumu miya, sakusa kiyoomi
blue lock: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, kunigami rensuke, chigiri hyoma, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, shidou ryusei, reo mikage, nagi seishiro, otoya eita
jujutsu kaisen: gojo satoru, itadori yuuji, megumi fushiguro, inumaki toge
attack on titan: eren yeager, armin arlert, jean kirsten, connie springer, levi ackerman
heroes of olympus: percy jackson, leo valdez, will solace, connor stoll
shatter me: aaron warner, kenji kishimoto
demon slayer: tanjirou kamado, inosuke hashibara, zenitsu agatsuma, giyuu tomioka, obanai iguro, uzui tengen
twisted wonderland: riddle rosehearts, ace trapolla, deuce spade, cater diamond, leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, floyd leech, kalim al-assim, jamil viper, idia shroud, malleus draconia, silver
the spiderverse: miles morales, miguel o'hara, hobie brown
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"i cant stop thinking about you... it's distracting.."
"are we really just friends?"
"sorry, you're just so cute when you're pissed."
"...i just realized how in love i am with you."
"i like listening to you talk."
"stay with me a little longer, please?"
"never say that about yourself when i know you deserve everything and more."
"you're so perfect."
"how could i ever say no to you when you look at me like that?"
"i made something for you."
"i miss you. so much."
"hey, why'd you stop? keep doing that, it feels good."
"don't leave me yet... please."
""is something burning??"
"i could die happy like this."
"i really want to kiss you right now."
"can't you see i'm trying?"
"i had a nightmare and i had to make sure you were still here."
"i'm yours. all yours."
"you drive me crazy."
"i'll kiss it better."
"let's spend forever together, okay?"
"you're taking up all of the blanket!"
"i'm scared, can you please hold my hand?"
"one more kiss, another, and another-- what? i can never get too many of your kisses."
"i'm going to marry you one day. i promise."
"you make me so happy."
"let's run away together."
"don't look at them, look at me."
"i'm a mess, but i'm your mess."
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love-bitesx · 1 year
Girl just keep writing anything about hobie brown, the last fic you posted, "Protector", had me blushing, giggling, kicking my feet and all that. You're amazing!!! Literally, I love your Hobie and how you showed how HE was feeling! Absolutely in love. I wouldn't even know what to request, but something along those lines (some angst, some pining, with some fluff sprinkled at the end) would be great! Can't wait to read it while I roll around in my bed giggling like an idiot heart beating out of my chest 🥹🥹🥹🥹
i was so scared when i posted the protector fic that just no one would care & ppl would hate it but the love i’ve had on it is unreal, thank you so much.
i have got some fics lined up ready to be finished that i think you’d love! (will post sneak-peeks soon, stick around ;))
thank u so much for the support ilysm 🫶
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
Hi!! Wanted to send smth in for fluffy Friday :3
Could you write a thing for hobie with an artist S/o painting on hobie’s back and just having a chill time together while doing so 🥺?
Thank you for the adorable prompt!! 🫶🫶 Hope u like it!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, suggestive content, cw food mention, FLUFF.
You find out that Hobie's ticklish with the first brush stroke of your paintbrush on his skin. He squirms faintly with his toned back muscles moving subtly, but you take notice because of your current position on his back. The paint is cool when it hits his skin, but you grant him reprieve from the cold with your warm hands.
You're straddling his waist, your legs sit comfortably on his sides, mindful of your weight that he insists he can handle because of his enhanced abilities. But your instincts make you lift yourself up slightly above him, every time you do this he reaches for your thighs blindly, bringing you back down on his waist with a disapproving grunt and a quiet and stern ‘lovie’
“You're ticklish” you coo whilst your hands expertly paint individual blades of grass on the small of his back. Your fluffy pajama pants doesn't help, with every move from you, it tickles him more.
“Nuh uh” Hobie’s voice is muffled by the pillow, if not for the slight tickle he would've fallen asleep from the start. With you on top and gently painting on his back, your hands gliding along his skin, he thinks he's in heaven.
You take a clean brush, bringing it to sweep it across his nape. He shudders, proving your point. Laughing, you bend down to kiss him right over where you tickled him as an apology. An apology he accepts wholeheartedly.
“Y’know, when I accepted to be your canvas I expected to be pampered not tickled to death”
“So dramatic,” you whisper, blowing air into his ear that earns you a flick on your forehead that may or may not have made his shoulder ache a bit. “After, I promise” Hobie hums at the prospect of you actually pampering him after.
Giggling, you continue to finish your work of art. Painting delicate daisies all over the bottom of his back. You're careful this time, trying extra hard not to tickle him.
“Can I guess now?” Hobie cranes his neck to look over his shoulder, silently wishing he was bit by a radioactive owl instead just so he can look at you fully. That would be a terrifying sight though, straight out of a horror movie.
You put some details on Hobie's iconic leather vest. Streaks of silver dance on his skin. “You ask like you haven't been doing that for the past hour”
Hobie ignores your quip with him squeezing your thigh. “I feel like you're drawing triangles, pizza?”
He isn't completely wrong, you are painting triangles for the spikes on his vest. “Pizza? Are you that hungry, babe?”
“Okay, let's finish this later then.” You rub at his arms comfortingly.
“No, finish it, love. I can feel that you're almost done”
“How'd you know?” You lean down once again to face him.
Hobie's cheek is smooshed on the pillow, his lips puckered, a sight so adorable you just want to smooch him right there and then. You pat yourself on the back for not indulging yourself, a feat in itself.
“I can always tell when you're about to finish” he smirks at his own joke.
You guffaw, “just for that I'm gonna take my time” lifting yourself up, Hobie chases after you, trying his best to reach for your lips. But alas, thanks to his bones he couldn't reach you in time.
He gives up, flopping back down on the pillows with a muffled ‘almost’ After a few more added details, you finally finish it in record time.
“And done!” You lift yourself off his back to his dismay. Patting his butt, Hobie gently eases himself off the bed, careful not to ruin your art.
He has pillow creases left on his skin which you gladly rub away with your thumb. “You wanna see?” your eyes twinkle.
“Please, lovie”
Leading him towards the floor length mirror, you turn him around to face you instead of the mirror, to which he happily lets you manhandle him with a lopsided grin on his lips.
“Tadaa!” You gesture around his back, shyness rearing its head, tucking your hands over your chest as you feel heat on your cheeks.
Hobie looks over his shoulder, he doesn't feel so hungry anymore. You've painted a pretty picture to say the least, it's a masterpiece, definitely your best work. It's a scenic landscape of you and Hobie on a sunny field, sitting on a picnic cloth, smiling as Hobie plays his guitar complete with tiny musical notes floating around. The grass is painted with tiny flowers that makes him want to reach down and pluck some for you to put in your hair.
He realizes you're waiting for his reaction, eyes searching his face. Hobie grabs you by your waist, twirling you around the bedroom whilst he beams at your laughing form. You laugh loudly as he squeezes the life out of you.
“It's so fuckin' gorgeous! You're so fuckin' good!” Hobie places the biggest messiest kiss on your lips. He pulls away with a loud smacking of your lips then he decides immediately to kiss you once again on every surface of your face. “So fuckin' perfect!”
“You're eating my face!”
“Because ‘m hungry!”
You think he really loves your little painting.
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
I see that your requests are open👀
Can I get a fix of a modern Hobie taking us to a hello kitty cafe ORRR like my last ask hobie and reader being famous online and maybe they record abt them playing roblox together (horror games, da hood maybe fun games) and hobie gets in yet ANOTHER fight with someone cause they think reader and Hobie are edating
P.S It's 11pm and everyone is Asleep and now I'm scared cause I keep feeling like there's something watching me from the dark (that's edgy)
ANOTHER P.S hope u have a merry Christmas:3
I understand, lovely because when u submitted this there's a loud scratching in my ceiling 😭 thank you for requesting! I chose the gaming one bc I couldn't resist a gamer Hobie 🥰 hope you had a very Merry Christmas! 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Gamer! Hobie and reader, FLUFF
“Love, hide!” Hobie yells in his mic, mouse clicking rapidly as he panics to hide from the pixelated monster. He hears your screams bouncing around in his headphones.
“Where?! There's nothing here!” Your character frantically runs around as the monster is hot on your tail.
“You just passed it! Hold on!” Hobie exits his hiding place, intercepting the monster’s attention from you to him. “Hey, E.T. lookin' arse, over here!” the monster has now latched on to him, pulling aggro for you.
“Hobie, noooo!” You see Hobie's character get eaten in one bite. He groans at his death screen briefly before showing him your character watching in the background, emoting a crying face.
“Fuck you!” The monster turns around to chase you again. “Your sacrifice won't be in vain!” running, you play ring around the rosie with the monster, your screams of terror turning into laughter.
Hobie's spectating your POV, laughing loudly at your expense. He flicks his eyes to the second monitor to read the chat, his smiling morphing into annoyance.
“E-dating?! You think we're e-dating?! Chat, what the bloody hell?” Hobie moves so animatedly that his headset almost falls off.
He sees his chat go wild, their comments vary from ‘you've probably never seen her irl, bro’ to ‘They're definitely not! Have you seen them ogling each other through the camera?’
“Where's my fuckin' mod?! Ned ban their arse!” Hobie chuckles through his threat, clearly just joking. He still hears you laughing hysterically in his headphones, making him grin despite the bullying from his chat. Then he hears your character ‘oof’
“I died” you say dejectedly. “Fucker got me, looks like you sacrificed yourself for nothing, Hobie.”
“That's alright I forgive you because there's somethin' else that's more important.” He turns around in his chair, looking over his shoulder to look at the green cloth behind him. “Love, can you tell ‘em we're not e-dating and that we're literally in love”
Hobie opens his green screen curtain to reveal you sitting on your own desk, your back turned away from him. Your spare monitor shows his livestream, you quirk an eyebrow when you see yourself in his camera.
The chat goes completely wild, some spamming emojis, some are just straight up key smashing.
You look over your shoulder with a smile, waving at his camera. Swiveling your chair, you wheel towards Hobie's desk, laying your chin atop his shoulder. He holds your hand subtly under the desk, squeezing thrice.
“Is this enough proof?”
Everyone clipped the entire thing.
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
TTN oneshot request :): reader who's been invited to one of the parties after Hobie's band gigs. Hobie,being his usual teasing self,tries to make r dance with him to one of the songs that come from the speakers but he can't dance at all,so reader ends up teaching him.
-🎸 anon
Ahhh 🎸 anon!! I love this prompt thank you for sending it 🫶 I changed some things around hope u don't mind ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.3k
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (r is mentioned to wear makeup though) cw drinking, poop jokes lol, TTN! Hobie, TTN! Reader. FLUFF
Thread the Needle Masterlist
TTN oneshots
You lean against a railing overlooking the spacious backyard. Watching Yuri dismiss the third man who tried his luck tonight is better than any cable tv, she scoffs, waving the disappointed man away with her long nails. Yuri notices you giggling by yourself, she beckons you over to the dance floor with a smile. You shake your head with a laugh, gesturing to your half empty cup. She sighs dramatically, miming a crying face. You blame the booze in her system on why she's so lively. It's a nice change though, you love seeing her prance around the dance floor, looking for a more worthy partner.
The bass booms, playing all the classic punk music in the speakers. The sky is dotted with twinkling stars, cool air blowing past the grassy backyard. Roaming your eyes around the venue, you spot James chatting up a familiar figure, his arm slung comfortably around her shoulders. She laughs at something he said, her curls bouncing on her shoulders. You smile softly, happy for them both.
You turn around to face the inside of the ridiculously huge house. The home is packed with bodies bouncing around, the glass shakes from the loud music blaring inside. You see Ned becoming an unwilling bartender, mixing drinks for everyone after he got a particularly nasty bloody mary from someone who's so drunk they shouldn't even be near the kitchen.
With all the people watching you're doing, there's one person you haven't seen in a while. You wonder what he's up to, hopefully not to sneak behind you to carry and throw you into the icy pool—
“You're not very good at sneaking up on me anymore, Hobs”
Hobie groans right behind you, looking over your shoulder, you smirk at him. “How?” He effortlessly lifts himself up on the railing, arms envelope around you, his chin resting comfortably on your shoulder. You help secure him with your hands around his elbows.
“I can sense you a mile away.” You whisper the next part. “I think I got your spidey senses from hanging around you too much”
“You make it sound like a disease!” The alcohol makes him all gooey inside, just for you. “Y’know I have the cure right here”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it then?” Turning around, you face him fully, his arms never leaving your waist whilst your hands never leave his skin.
Hobie points at his lips quickly before he falls on the ground (like you would even let him fall with your hands holding him steady)
“Ah! Is your cure tried and tested? Peer reviewed by scientists?”
“Only one way to find out”
You giggle, meeting him halfway to kiss his lips. He tastes of beer and licorice he's been chewing on since you've arrived at his friend's' house. Your hand blindly slides to the back of his neck, fingers scratching lightly. Hobie smiles into the kiss, his hands tucked into the back pocket of your jeans.
Unfortunately, you need air to survive so you reluctantly pull away. He chases your lips making you peck him thrice to ease his suffering from apparent lack of kisses.
“I think I just overdosed on your cure” you hold him close even with the wooden railing between you.
Hobie chuckles, “You'll be fine” he swipes away the sheen left on your lips.
“So considerate. Where have you been, huh?” You lean close to his ear. “Did you go out and fight crime? Are you okay?”
There's goosebumps on his arms, not from the cold. “Nah, I was in the bathroom, taking a huge dump–”
You clasp your hand over his mouth, Laughing through it. “I literally just ate, babe”
“Just answerin’ your question, Gromit. ‘m being honest it was big,” he measures using his hands, “this big. Record size” Hobie loses his grip on the railing, falling flat on his ass.
“Huh, I see a bigger one right here” you look down, seeing him feign offense with his hand clutching his imaginary pearls.
“I should've thrown you in the pool when I had the chance and then we’ll have a floater” he nonchalantly rests on the grass by his elbows. Looking up at you with a smug grin.
You roll your eyes, walking down the steps to help him up before he gets grass stains all over his leather jacket. Hobie clearly doesn't need your help getting up but he would take any opportunity to hold your hand. Your hands are still slightly cool from the drink, a stark contrast to his warm ones, a welcome difference to the both of you.
Heaving him up, Hobie meets you in a tight embrace, smothering you in his hold; you love it though. Slowly he sways you to the beat of a punk song you recognize from back when you and Hobie were in highschool together. A reminiscent of your younger days with only homework and school to worry about and the deep longing you have for your best friend now turned partner.
If only your younger self could see you now, she’d think you did well for yourself. She'd be proud of all the things you've accomplished with the love of your life with you.
“D’you remember this song?” Hobie whispers in your ear, his piercing kisses the shell of your ear.
“How could I not remember?” You lift your head from the comfort of his chest, eyes staring fondly at Him.
He chuckles, you feel the happiness vibrate from him. “Yeah, but d’you know the backstory?” you shake your head.
“I requested this song to the bloke who was holding us hostage with his shitty songs.” You chortle, Hobie continues his story. “I had to bribe the wanker,” he sighs. “So I could ask you to dance with me.”
Your eyes soften, heat behind your sockets, your hold on him tightens.
“Then I realized I can't fuckin’ dance and I'll make a bloody fool of myself in front of you. So I let the music play and continued to talk to you throughout the party because that was enough for me.” He pauses, your eyes are glossy, glimmering under the porch lights. “Being with you was enough.”
You feel the tears fall so you hide your face on his chest once again, feeling sorry for soaking his shirt, you let your hug tell your feelings.
“Don't hide from me right after I poured my heart out to you.” He laughs, his fingers spread across your nape, rubbing softly, finding you endearing. “C’mon, I need to see my Gromit”
You look up with red eyes, mascara and eyeliner smudged. “Fuck you” you say with tears on your cheeks, trying to sniff it away. But your wide smile and grip on his shirt tells your true feelings. “You're such a little shit”
Hobie laughs loudly, fingertips cleaning away smudged makeup. “Yeah, yeah, but you love this little shit”
You lean up to kiss him, as gentle as he holds you, as affectionate as he loves you.
Sighing, you cup his face. “I do, so much.”
He presses your foreheads together, enough to make tears escape your eyes once again. Hobie's fingers catch them, wiping it away from your skin.
“If you let me teach you will you ask me to dance with you?” Whispering, you loop your arms around his neck, swaying with the beat.
“I might be a lost cause, love.”
“I'm patient, don't worry” you can't seem to keep your lips away from him as you kiss the corner of his lips.
Hobie suddenly pulls away, leading you towards the makeshift dance floor. “Alright then, no time to lose!”
You let him guide you, laughing all the way. He shimmies on the dance floor, long limbs flailing about, eyes staying on you.
You've got your work cut out for you.
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
could u maybe write smth about what being with fae!hobie is like?
Fae! Hobie HCs
I made it into a hc thingy, I hope that's okay, hope you like it! Thank you for requesting! 🫶
Pairing: Fae! Hobie Brown x gn! Reader
Fae! Hobie doesn't trust anyone easily but when it comes to you he's full on willing to tell you everything.
He'll be courting you when he's absolutely sure about you and that you won't cause any harm to his abode/home.
Get ready to receive so many handmade gifts from him, like a lot. It would start off with tiny trinkets that fit on the palm of your hand. Then as time goes on you start receiving huge bundles of flowers on your doorstep that you're certain aren't in season.
Once you actually start a relationship with him, always be ready because fae! Hobie will be at your place the moment you get home. If he can't visit you that day then he'll leave your favourite flower on the table with some bread and pie that is still suspiciously warm.
You don't eat it of course, knowing that you'll truly be his after consuming it.
He lives little notes full of adoration too with cookies (why won't you just eat his little gifts 😞)
He's still Hobie of course, so he'd still tease the crap out of you. He'd make your apartment full of flower petals, engulfing you in its flowery scent. Fae! Hobie would also conjure vines on the floor so you would trip and fall in his arms.
Also I'm imagining Fae! Hobie with technology, like you'd teach him how the stereo works one time and you come home the next day to him jamming to all your music.
Of course there's a learning curve to it but after watching you use all the electronics in your house, he got it eventually. But he still prefers nature and his abode, technology is just his guilty pleasure.
Hugs!!! He's fantastic at hugging you, like you'd be cuddling in bed and it's hot? Fae! Hobie's got you, he'd regulate his body temperature so that he's your personal ice pack or heating pad when needed.
He's magic, he keeps telling you every time you get surprised by his abilities.
Sometimes he'd just lay down on you to feel your heart beating and to just bask in your warmth.
If you decide to visit his abode, he's absolutely thrilled to have you as his guest. He won't say it to your face of course, like if you ask him if you can visit, he'd shrug and say “alright” but inside he's already planning how to make you comfortable in his abode and what food to put out. (Why won't you eat it though 😞)
He would love to accompany you outside of your home and outside his abode but he tells you other humans aren't ready for him. (He just doesn't want to be perceived by anyone else but you. Also the cars and the smoke they emit scares him)
Flowers! There won't be a lack of it in your presence. Whether it's in your hair, clipped to your clothes or inside a vase, there's plenty of it courtesy of Fae! Hobie.
You're in the city and Fae! Hobie misses you dearly? He'll send a raven with a note and a flower in its beak just for you.
You like having silver jewelry because it looks good on you? Forget about it because it hurts Fae! Hobie and he would most certainly not let a simple jewelry prevent him from touching you even though it burns his skin. So you take the initiative to sell all your silver.
Kisses! He doesn't like kissing you outside of your home, saying that the plants and fauna in his abode are always watching so he prefers to smooch you in your place.
The kisses are all so sweet too, the feeling of it still lingers on your skin and lips hours after he kisses you.
Fae! Hobie isn't obsessed per se, he's just protective of you. After seeing cruelty committed by other humans for centuries, who could ever blame him when he gives you a protective charm?
If only you would eat his food then you'll forever be under his protection.
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