#thank you again for popping by dear story anon i hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you may be :)
edgeshot getting hit by a lying quirk, and he tells jeanist 'i hate you' when he actually means i love you?
and then there's misunderstanding for around ten minutes before jeanist's common sense swoops in and is like: hey. CHECK FOR A QUIRK.
and then he does! and then they just have fun for the rest of the night, ft. shinya saying the most ridiculous things, like:
"No, Tsunagu, don't you know? I'm from another dimension where I was a villain and you were a hero. We were bitter rivals and had hate sex." Shinya deadpans, his mouth moving on automatic. His brain catches up to his mouth. "I- no, I meant every single word I said. Why are you laughing? It's not cute. If you keep doing it I'll divorce you."
"We- we aren't even married yet, though?" Tsunagu said through his giggles.
"Pretty heroes shouldn't lie," Oh god. What is he saying? Fuck. Someone shoot Shinya dead now, please. "We've been married for tax fraud for years, you just don't know it yet." He can feel his ears flushing red.
"Of course, Shinya." Tsunagu says smoothly, still chuckling. "I'm assuming you forged my signature on the documents?" He frowns. "Wait. Does that mean you don't think I'm pretty?"
"Get my name out of your mouth, I don't like the way you say it." Fuck. This. Quirk. He closes his eyes in despair, and just... lets his mouth run wild. Fuck it. "And yes. I think you're the worst-looking person that's ever walked on this earth. I hate your eyes."
Tsunagu looks touched. "You like my eyes?"
"No," Shinya snarls out, burying his head in the pillow. "I'd love if you kept asking me questions. This Quirk definitely doesn't have a mental aspect that forces me to answer." He can feel his ears burn.
-story anon (hi! good to have you back, eclair. hope your trip was decent!)
I love this so much oh my god-
LMAO the "we've been married for tax fraud for years, you just don't know it yet" has me cackling
Shinya spouting nonsense and Tsunagu just laughing his ass off is so them, I love it-
I can only imagine the absolute confusion of someone walking in on them while this quirk mishap is in place with Shinya like "I hate you so much, you are awful and I would be the happiest if we had never met" and Tsunagu responding like "awwwww really?? thats so sweet, babe, ily <3"
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luckycharms1701 · 10 months
Howdy Friendo *tips hat with a sheepish smile*
Pleasure being able to read a handful of your delightful little shorts thanks to a dear friend of mine (the little turd bless her heart 🙄😆🧡) and wanted to express my impressment with your stories. You truly have a gift with words! I was wondering if I might make a request? No worries if you don’t have the time or energy to do so (must take care of that beautiful mind first and foremost honey)
But how would the Bay/Rise boys (you pick) react to their S/O calling them, obviously having been crying and saying “I need you”? I’m curious to see to see your take on it my dear, but again take care of yourself first please and know how wonderful you are!
howdy anon-chan!! *curtsies*
thank you very much for saying such sweet things!!!!!!!! 😭😭 i’m really really (two reallys!) glad you’re enjoying my silly little turtle thoughts
i really hope you’re still around lol, i know this ask has been in my inbox for a While. happy to talk about this though, it’s sweet to think about!
the rise boys struck me upside the head with this one. i had fun, thanks for asking!!
Raph- “I’m on my way!”
Raph is up and out of the lair practically before you finish your sentence, grabbing his sweatshirt if it’s daytime. Doesn’t think about Leo’s portals, doesn’t think about the Turtle Tank or the Shell Hogs, just runs. He is on the phone with you the whole time he’s on his way, asking if you need him to pick anything up. He tries to ask what’s wrong, but you just sniffle, so he doesn’t push it. It’s quiet until he lands on your fire escape and hangs up. The second he’s in your apartment you’re in his arms. “It’s okay sweetheart, Raph’s got ya.” He lets you do whatever you need to do, cry or beat on him or pace, but he’s touching you the whole time. He’ll get a little upset if you don’t want to tell him what’s wrong but he will also get over it because he understands. Holds you all night long for like a week afterwards, to protect you.
Leo- Shing
He is already in your apartment, hanging up his phone while the portal closes behind him. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong hermosa?” He grabs you and tangles you with him on the couch, until there’s no telling where you end and he starts. He wants to talk about it. But he will ramble on about whatever pops into his head while stroking your back until you calm down. Once you’ve calmed down though, he will coax it out of you. If it’s something that he can fix, it gets fixed immediately and with extreme prejudice. If it’s not something he can fix, prepare to be pampered. This turtle will worship the ground you walk on when you let him.
Donnie- Click
Hopefully you’ve been around long enough to understand how Donnie works, because he did not just hang up on you because he doesn’t care. He proves that by showing up at your apartment a bit later with your favorite takeout, favorite candy, a giant cat plush, and your favorite movie. He’ll let you do whatever you need to do while you watch the movie, whether that’s curl up on his chest, lay your head on his lap, or cuddle with the cat plush on the other side of the couch. (He might get a little jealous of the plush if you choose the last option, but he won’t say anything. Yet.) After the movie, he’ll tell you that he’s willing to listen if you need to talk. You need to be careful though, because if he finds out someone hurt you, it’s jover. No more Mr. Nice Donnie.
Mikey- “Leeeeo-” Click
Mikey tumbles through the portal and promptly bundles you up in a blanket and sets you on the couch. He bustles to the kitchen, chattering at you while he makes tea and whips up something quick to eat. he sets it down on the coffee table and then starts hand feeding you, still chattering away. once the food and tea are gone, he pulls you into him, blanket and all, then asks what’s wrong. he’ll listen, he’ll give advice, he’ll sit in silence with you, whatever you need. he won’t leave though, not even if a mission comes and his brothers need him, not until he’s made you laugh. it doesn’t take all that long, he’s got a talent for it. he stays a few extra days anyway, just because he missed you (and to make absolutely sure you’re okay now).
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dreamtydraw · 2 months
just finished all of your games in one night! (except for the timeloop one because i got way too scared and just went to sleep lol. a really loud bug started making a noise too and i swear i almost screamed)
i first played apple bag! super fun, even if its still a demo! already 3 interesting characters, and they all have such distinct voices.
then i played 21 questions. super sweet! i love how its just so clear that aurore and clem care for each other. i love how you handled the very delicate topic of SH. this game was so sweet and so beautiful and ouuu!!!
and then there's tulipe, which was a different vibe but still so good! i recommended this one to my friend because they have a thing for queer white haired vampires lol.
i was surprised to see some characters i was already familiar with pop up! makes me wonder if you already have a fleshed out idea on who all these characters are!!
i want to ask what inspires u to make VNS !! because everything you made caught my eye and now has a place in my heart!
AAAAAAA so happy to receive messages about you guys playing my game T-T ( again I want to remind people that leaving ratings helps with the visibility )
It amuse me that Nightshift Seems to be very scary to some people ? I had friend telling me they played with the sound off because it scared them and in a way I'm proud that the scary part work but I'm amused because the game is bad... Like let's call a cat a cat, this was my first game and a lot of it is not so good of quality ( I do plan on polishing it one day but that not for a long time )
Glad you liked apple bag and happy to know I managed to make the li all different but loveable ! The topic of SH was something I wanted to work on since I have my familiarity with it and I thought that having a representation where it's the love interest who have them in a non fantasized way would be nice, so I'm glad you liked it. Thank you for the white hair queer vampire propaganda, I appreciate and hope your friend will like it !!!
And to answer, as for now all the current games are sharing the same universe, they are sort of side stories for the main stories ( paranormal club ) That I don't intend to work on before a whileeeeeee but yeah ! All characters are already fleshed out exept for minors roles or npc.
And I think I made posts about it already but my main reasons : I love dating sims and romance visual novels but I want to make the representation that I feel lack in this medias. Tulipe was born out of spite for all the games that force you to be sexual to romance or befriend a character, Apple bag was born from seing how women ( especially black girls ) are treated in otome fandom space + the lack of afab non binary love interest. 21 questions was born out of my envy to tell a story that could help people feel less alone, even more since a big part of the events happening in the game are inspired by problems I myself lived or observed. In general I make my games both to tell stories I want people to enjoy and find comfort in but also out of spite ( the two best fuels ).
Your message warm my heart because it means a lot to me as it confirm to me that my effort actually worked and that someone felt happy playing my game which is always my first goal. I thank you for the message and wish you a good day dear anon.
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okamirayne · 11 months
Hi Rayne!
I’m a longtime fan (I read BtB when you were releasing OtC).
I just wanted to pop by as I’m doing my regular reread of the series, which is a habit I reserve for my most favourite books, and say hi and check in on you.
How are you? And (no pressure at all) how are you getting on with your original works? I look forward to the day I can read more of your wonderful writing. I’ve seen your updates on burnout and I don’t think this will help much but I want you to know you have a loyal fan in me who would enjoy and applaud anything that you write. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year and festive season if you celebrate!
Hello, my dear Anon!💜
I’m a longtime fan (I read BtB when you were releasing OtC).
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Oh wow! That's just so awesome. Thank you so much for the love you've shown the series. I'm so ridiculously touched that you return to enjoy the BtB madness and that it ranks among the stories you revisit. So, so happy and insanely chuffed to hear this. 💜💜💜
[..] say hi and check in on you.
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How are you? And (no pressure at all) how are you getting on with your original works?
...there is a picture somewhere (a meme) of what looks like a hedgehog losing it's shit...*searches for it*
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This, presently, is me. I am this spiky little ball of hot ballistic head injury waiting to happen.
Slightly more realistic representation:
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Not sure whether that answers your question, my luv. 😅
My idiocy aside, it's so very sweet of you to check in. Thank you 🙏🏼 💗💜 I'm sadly still muscling my way through the shitshow that is creative burnout and trying to put out a few personal dumpster fires. My recent return to the BtB series has been an attempt to reconnect myself to my creativity...
I've been eyeing HHU for a few weeks now...
I’m considering flexing the atrophied muscle of my writer's brain by working a little on this BtB instalment, just to see if it gets the vital life-giving creative blood flowing again...
My original works remain preserved in a freeze-frame -- not abandoned, just locked behind a bloody glass wall (hence 'holding the wall and screaming'). My poor OCs are a collective entity, sitting with their chins in hand, eyeing me from beneath heavy lids, eyebrows cocked, waiting for me to come alive again.
And messages like yours?
They're a life-giving shot. Hugely nourishing to that deeply sad and starved part of me.
Thank you. 💕💜💕
Seriously. My earlier humour aside, your message has found me grasping another life-line of hope, and another reminder why I will not give this up - Screaming Hedgehog will prevail.
I’ve seen your updates on burnout and I don’t think this will help much [...]
Oh my dear, sweet, humble, beautifully kind, Anon -- how profoundly wrong you are about that, my friend. 🥹 You could not be further from the truth.
[...] but I want you to know you have a loyal fan in me who would enjoy and applaud anything that you write.
*hears her own heart break -- in the best way* 💔💔❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Anon...This message from you impacts me in ways that, as usual, I fail to be able to communicate in words. I might be able to choreograph it in some dynamic form of hug/glomp/undying-embrace, from which you might not be able to extricate yourself without a tasergun (or tea, I'll take the carrot over the stick). But please, PLEASE, know that by reaching out to leave me this message, what you've done does WAY more than help. It heals. It hits. Hard. Right in the heart. And I clearly need that.
🤔 I recognise that doesn't make much sense, but it helps to remember why it hurts so damned badly not to be writing, otherwise I numb out, and that's devastingly worse than feeling the bottomless sadness. Your message lets me access that, which then lets me access the deep joy, gratitude, and encouragement which comes from hearing that my particular strain of storytelling madness is still wanted, still desired, even after so much time has passed since I last wrote...
I never assume this.
Christ, it's a fear that haunts me at every turn, so to have some of that demonically painful terror exorcised by your beautiful message goes waaaaay WAAAAY beyond helpful. Please don't ever doubt the power your words have had or how deep they reach. I'm talking deep deep roots here. My appreciation is boundless.
Thank you. 💕💜💕
I wish you a generously blessed rest of the year, Anon, however you do your wintering, festive or not, I hope it's fun and fulfilling🌟. Thank you also for your warm wishes! Yes, I usually celebrate, though this year will be a more subdued time due to a personal loss; that said, I will embrace all good tidings for the season of giving -- starting with this beautiful message from you. 💕
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lindszeppelin · 2 years
So. I know I'm not a follower of yours, but I do pop by your blog occasionally and you're really talented and creative. I admit I'm not all that familiar with whatever drama has happened in the past few days, but I hope you're doing okay and that whatever has gone on hasn't affected your passion for writing or creating or fandom. I think a lot of us think drama stops when we're out of high school, or our early 20s, and it can be depressing or disappointing to realize that it doesn't. I'm close to your age, and one of the toughest realizations of my 20s has been that drama, both online and offline, doesn't stop in your adult life. I hope this doesn't come off as preachy, I know you probably know that too, but it can be hard when you're experiencing it. I'm on anon because I feel a little weird saying this as just a visitor, but I hope life is going well for you and that you're not feeling down because of everything. Like I said, I don't know the specifics of the drama, but I know being involved in anything messy, even and especially if it's not by choice, can be hard. Wishing you good vibes heading into this weekend! Keep being awesome. 😁
My dear beautiful anon, this was so sweet of you to send to me!! ugh this was so nice. thank you. but it's alright that you're on anon, that's what i turned it on for :) im glad that you enjoy my blog and my stories. covid was truly the reason i paused on continuing my writing and its just getting the motivation to get back into writing again. but i really appreciate the love and support <3
it's truly crazy how this all unfolded. people that know me know that i stay in my lane all the time, i do not like to cause waves. and just like all the anon stories here, i fall victim to walking on eggshells to avoid confrontation too. but it just seems like people have grievances with her and they want to talk about it in an open space for the first time. so. im allowing them to do that if they want. if not then that's fine too. the option is there for the taking if they want to express their stories of harassment. im not going to turn anyone away from coming forward.
but i also wish you good vibes and hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Hi Seb!! I hope you’re doing well and having an awesome day! I’ve been having a bit of a rough time lately dealing with anxiety and some chronic health issues and I just wanted to say that your blog and your writing has seriously been helping me through, and providing me with a great source of comfort and escapism so I wanted to say thank you! I love everything you write, you’re so talented!! I’m fairly new to the Top Gun community, but it’s been such a fun, positive experience thus far, and I look forward to reading more stories from you! 🥰
hi my dear anon!! thank you so much, and yourself!! <33
oh my goodness, dear anon. bless you!! firstly, i’m so sorry to hear about your anxiety and health issues, but secondly thank you so much for your kind words and for letting me know how much it’s helped. i cannot begin to tell you how special that is to hear and it means so much to me. i’m so pleased to hear it has 🥹🥹
you sound like a truly wonderful and sweet being and i hope i’m able to continue to provide comfort, escapism and overall a general good vibe!! i completely agree with you that the top gun community is one of the nicest i’ve encountered and i absolutely adore being apart of it!!
please know you’re always welcome to pop by and say hi, any thoughts or if you would like any sort of comfort!! i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and thank you so much again!! 💖🫶🏼💗
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binniesthighs · 3 years
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dear anon, sweet anon, thank you so much for requesting this <3 i didn’t know that i needed it in my life and now...here it is;) IT WAS SO FUN hehe
melt in your mouth | reader x jisung
Pairing: self insert, gender neutral reader x han jisung 
Genre: that good good smut 
Summary: After hearing a rather interesting story about a certain brand of chocolate aphrodisiacs, your curiosity gets the best of you and your friend’s roommate, Jisung.....a spin off of bites like bittersweet
Word count: 3.7k 
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*photocreds to OP!
{see below for tags, nsfw and warnings!} 
Tags: aphrodisiac au, somewhat friends to lovers, hints of mutual pining, bestfriend!seungmin, seungmin’sroommate!jisung, hardswitch!jisung, hardswitch!reader, explicit language, mentions of food/eating, hand stuff (r &m), degredation, petnames, dirty talk, unprotected sex (stay safe cuties), creampie, voyeurism, and we love a plot twist ;)  
two flavors seemed excessive. one flavor seemed like just enough. you didn’t want to break the bank or anything on something that was likely crappy quality or potentially psychedelic; even worse, it could be both. 
“and you want to try these with me why?” seungmin pushed his wire-framed glasses up his nose bridge and scrunched it up. he inspected the paper wrapper with a skeptical glare. the design itself was anything but trustworthy: in swirly cursive pink font, the name Cherri Amore and under it, a absurdly large lipstick mark with the outline of a couple doing what must have been fucking “spread eagle.” 
seungmin muttered, leaning over the counter of the dingy kitchen he shared with his roommates, “proven aphrodiasiac and libido booster...? y/n, sorry, i just--i’m fucking lost here--” 
“--ever heard of trying something for the hell of it seung??” you snatched the bar from his hand. “the review that i read online said that it made them crazy fucking horny, so much so that they fucked their best friend of something like five years or something like that. isn’t that insane?!” 
your best friend’s eyes blew out with his mouth aghast, “what the hell?? shit--of course you’d find something insane on the internet like this and drag me into it...”  
in your incredulous laugher, you threw your neck back so hard it hurt a little. “loosen up! it’s probably a scam or something. plus...if it does work on us...don’t act like i haven’t caught you in the act before...” 
seungmin, ever the angel, flushed a shade of fuchsia you thought inhumanly possible for someone to attempt. “that-that wasn’t--that wasn’t what you thought it was!!!” he cast away the chocolate bar as if it were his dick on the very night that you had walked in on something that was supposedly not what it looked like. 
“relax!” you punched your embarrassed friend on the arm which he dramatically rubbed into. “it’s not a sin to jerk off or anything. hell, i do it....obviously.” 
seungmin chuckled out unsteadily, “well, um, what if it does work then, what do we do?” 
you snickered, “ha! hell if i know. cross that bridge when we get there?” 
“so what you’re saying is...this could either be a massive waste of our time, or, both of us get so stupidly turned on that we decide to have sex....with eachother?” 
“that’s the gist i’m getting.” you took to the corner of the shiny pink paper wrapping at the corner. “but...who said that we had to fuck or anything...?” 
from fuchsia to nearly scarlet, seungmin averted his eyes at the speed of light. 
“seung!!! do you have something to tell me?!” your teasing grin spread wide and you lifted your hand to give your adorable friend a clap on the back. 
“i’m just repeating what you said!!” 
you broke the bar open, cracking off the first square on the counter with a solid snap. with a smirk, you offered it to your friend. he reached out, only to nearly jump out of his skin when the old-timey ringtone from his phone erupted in the hollow kitchen. 
“shit.” he murmured under his breath, pulling it out and immediately pressing the call button upon seeing the caller. “h-hello? yeah? wait, wait...slow down...the cultures did what?! and you have to start over?? shit--” 
before you could have anything to do with it, your friend was already throwing on his sneakers and sky blue raincoat. “sorry, y/n but i have to go. that was my co-worker, they said that something went bad with the incubator, and all of the cultures are ruined, and there’s the stupid lab meeting in the morning--” 
“i’m gonna pretend that i understood everything you said.” you hung at the doorway to the kitchen, observing him trip over pairs of shoes and other random-ass college-aged boy items. “you only get a pass because i have a feeling that the coworker we’re talking about here is the cute one.” 
your friend rolled his eyes, mouthing a reluctant, “yes.” 
“fine then. we can try the chocolates another time.” 
“fine--sure--” seungmin grabbed for the handle, “sorry. again.” 
you felt like the chocolate bar was taunting you, just sitting there opened with two squares all ready for the eating. oddly, you really couldn’t figure out exactly why you had wanted to try them in the first place. for a second, the guilt and loneliness started to seep through and it felt sticky, pathetic, and stung like thorns right into your breaths. 
“fuck it.” you whispered under your breath, swiping them all up and walking over to the trash can. 
“whatcha got there?” a voice entered the room attached to one of seungmin’s roommates, jisung. 
the two of you had met many times in passing, and you had shared enough small talk to consider him somewhat of an acquaintance. from what you had gathered about the boy, he spent much too much time in his room working on his animations and was the dictionary definition of one of those cocky-assholes you had a soft spot for. 
“jisung--hey. it’s...it’s nothing. something stupid that i blew my money on.” 
“let me see.” he crossed the room, looking wired and overtired as usual. 
from staring at his screen for so long his eyes bagged with dark circles, but somehow it made him look mischievous, or something like that. his muscle tank had been cut low to reveal his sides and ribs which flared when he grabbed for the bar of chocolate. 
“huh.” he scoffed, “i’ve seen like, infomercials for these things. you were going to try it?” 
“yeah...i-i mean--no...i was.” 
“what’s stopping you? not curious anymore?” 
“window of opportunity passed.” 
“i don’t think so.” he grinned, matter of a fact. “i like chocolate.” 
you couldn’t quite believe what was being said to you at first. jisung, the boy that you barely knew, was standing there with his goofy heart-shaped smile and all, holding libido boosters and asking you to take them with him. 
“you do know what those are, right? what they could do?” 
immediately, he popped one in his mouth, nearly like it was a challenge. “empahsis on the “could.”” 
he held them closer to you, prompting you to take the remaining square which was flecked with little red hard-candy looking bits. 
“fine then. you’re right. what they could do.” you downed the candy, crunching it and finding that the quality was certainly not a guarantee. the thing itself tasted halfway between a tootsie roll and cold medicine. “fuck.” 
jisung laughed, throwing the rest of the bar away.
“what did you that for?” 
“i’m guessing whether they work or not, you might not need them anymore.” 
your friend’s roommate slicked his hair back, and ruffled it over his dark eyes. his face was slightly puffed with exhaustion, but it didn’t make him any less handsome. 
“so we wait now?” you asked, glancing at the clock. 
“wanna order some food or something?” he smacked his lips, “i need a fucking chaser after that.” 
you didn’t know what time it was; late, probably. after a couple hours of realizing that nothing was really going to happen to you or your friend’s roommate, you had decided to stop expecting it. although, you had kind of hoped...
the sofa that the boys shared was just about as comfortable as you had remembered it. it was large enough to hold you and seungmin’s two roommates on better days, but, once again, random-ass college-boy stuff cluttered at least half of it. it was one of those “dumpster finds” and kind of smelled like a grandma’s house, but honestly, that was what made it so comfortable. 
the tv carried on, playing some kind of animated movie that jisung had chosen claiming that the director was some kind of “god of animation and storytelling.” you liked the colors, but soon you felt yourself being lulled and drowsy: your head felt heavy simply resting on your shoulders. 
your eyelids fogged, and the sounds from the tv set started to fade into inexistence. beside you, jisung had crossed his arms, but the lack of space had pressed both of your thighs together, and the warmth from his leg started to wash over your drowsy state. your head bobbed, swayed...then fell, directly onto his shoulder. had you been more lucid, you would have cared more. 
“oh--” he jumped slightly, and shifted awkwardly. 
the room darkened and soon all you could see was the thin line of light that your half-open eyes allowed. 
“this-this can’t be comfortable for you.” jisung hushed and clicked the tv off. “hey, you should be heading to bed anyway, it’s late.” 
“are you kicking me out, jisung?” you babbled, not really aware of your own words. 
your friend’s roommate chuckled, straightening his posture to support you. “i’m not gonna make you walk back to your place at this time of night.” 
“it’s only a couple of blocks--” 
“--you’ve slept over here before, haven’t you?” 
you stretched out your arms with a little squeak.
“yeah. on the couch.” 
“you...can’t do that. you’d have to sleep in a fucking corkscrew if you did that.” 
“yeah, i know.” you giggled, now finding yourself in a kind of stupor that made you wonder if the chocolates really were doing their job. “i’ll just take seung’s bed then--” 
“--he’s! not back...yet.” jisung hugged his arms to himself. “i dunno, shouldn’t he have his bed when he comes back?” he cleared his throat, composing himself. “of course, there’s space in my bed if you’d like.” 
“me? sleep with you?” 
“yes, with me.” just as he had before, that little challenging edge coated his tone, “only if you’re comfortable i mean. i guess that i’m forgetting that the most that the two of us have shared yet is some wack-ass chocolate so, i shouldn’t be making any assumptions.” 
“no, no!” you pounced off from the couch, reaching high to the ceiling to stretch out your sore back next. and, perhaps to let your shirt tuck up just a little bit as you did so. “i don’t have a problem with it.” 
jisung nodded, grinning in the half-lit room, cleaning away to-go boxes. you had noticed before, but the way that his triceps tensed when he moved around was really just a little too distracting. 
“you can head on in, but--be quieter about it. jeongin is sleeping in here.” 
you clicked off a sleepy salute, following the hall down exactly where you had known his room to be, but you had never entered it before. it didn’t surprise you, but it was just as messy as the rest of the place was, and you had to tip-toe around god-knows what to find your way.
after tripping on something soft and sort of damp, (which you prayed was a shower-towel) you made your way to jisung and his face illuminated by the blue-glow of his phone screen where he had immediately jumped in bed after navigating through the room much more skillfully than you had.  
“you have an issue if i sleep in my underwear?” you asked, realizing. 
jisung paused, wide eyed, but quickly fell back into his casual and cocky smirk. “i mean, that’s basically what i’m doing so...”  
“scooch over. i hope you’re not a blanket hogger or anything.” 
the bed was already pleasantly warm from jisung having occupied it. it would have felt amazing if you had been as tired as you had been moments ago, but now your entire body felt horribly wide-awake. 
“--and if you start to snore, i’m leaving you for the couch, got it?” 
jisung let out an airy laugh, shifting and creaking the bed a bit under him, “i don’t snore...for your information.” 
with the blankets pulled up to your nose, you turned to lay on your back, eyes finally adjusting to the darkness of the room. above you, the faint green glow of glow-in-the-dark stars sprinkled across the ceiling, making up constellations: from what you could make out, the big dipper was above jisung’s bed, and the little one was above jeongin’s, who peacefully slept with tiny breaths. 
jisung rolled to the side, accidently brushing his bare leg against yours. 
“night, y/n. sorry the chocolates didn’t work out. would’ve been kind of hilarious if they did.” 
“psh.” you rolled over too, closing your eyes, “you saying you would’ve taken up the opportunity to get in my pants?” 
“guess we’ll never know.” he sighed. 
birds chirped, signaling the coming sunrise what was nearly breaking upon the horizon, and filled with deep blue sky with a type of orange-glow. the room was dim and stuffy, and noticeably much hotter than you remembered it being before. over the course of the night, you had tangled your legs with the sheets, finding them trapping you between them, and you shuffled to escape them and feel the air hit your skin. they shifted, letting you feeling the sticky mess between your legs. 
“what the--” the aching and heated desire made itself painfully obvious, soaking directly through your underwear, making a wet mess of them where you throbbed with an utterly unexplainable arousal that reverberated in your core. 
the friction from your legs only heightened the sensation, and you found yourself unwillingly rutting down into the mattress just to feel an ounce of relief. 
fuck, the chocolates, you recalled. while you had expected to feel something from them, this was twenty times more intense than anything you could have planned for. 
you were like an animal in heat, vulnerable, weak, dazed. your body set ablaze, and it only made sense to strip of any and all clothing that held you back. in your own desperation, you had completely forgotten about the man resting next to you. 
“y/n? what's--what are you doing?” jisung groggily croaked in a tone several octaves lower than you were accustomed to. your brain could only calculate it is as downright, unbelievably sexy. 
“jisung, i’m fucking burning up, an-and, i think i’m finally feeling something....are you?” 
he hadn’t noticed it at first until he did, but from where he could see where the blanket dipped all the way down to your waist, you were completely bare. with fluttering eyes, he gulped down dry. you noticed the way that he took you all in, looking at every inch of you. you reveled in how he greedily and shamelessly didn’t stop. 
under the covers, his own legs twisted. 
“me too.” he answered gravely, speaking with a low whisper.  
carefully, his tentative touch advanced under the covers, slowly reaching to your bare hip, where he settled a testing caress, squeezing harder, then cascaded down the small of your back to make you shiver. your own hand did the same, instead finding his leg and creeping your hand up and under his shirt. little space existed between the two of you, and only the panting of your heavy inhales and exhales could be heard. 
your eyes glued to his, beautifully brown and dilating, trembling a little while holding yours. from his light touches, it took every bit of your will to control yourself from launching over him. jisung’s hand fell lower, and toyed with the elastic band of your underwear which had started to feel painfully confining. each of your own fingers traveled up his torso, brushing over his chest which made his whole body shake. 
“sh-shit, i’m so fucking--” jisung started, dropping off his words to let out a wavering sigh. you didn’t need to guess any further. 
jisung slid two fingers under your elastic band, and it became too much to handle. 
“please, touch me jisung.” you whined out pitifully, clawing directly into the soft muscles of his back. 
you were shocked how quickly he had given into you, immediately crashing his lips against yours first, then using both arms to pull you into his chest so close it stole all of your breath away. you kissed him back roughly, ravenous to feel the sensation of his mouth against your own. he growled out a small groan directly into your lips, sloppily working every single corner and edge of your mouth with a devilish smile curling his own. 
lower, both of your hips met flush, grinding and twisting to create the kind of pressure that the both of you craved. limbs twisted, sweating and heated skin mingled, and you could feel every bit of his hardened cock right against your own arousal and how his shaft throbbed helplessly. 
“you taste so good.” he murmured between haphazard kisses, letting his low tone vibrate against you. 
“take these off.” you ordered, tugging at his boxers, nearly taking them off yourself. 
“take yours off.” he echoed, and you did. 
curious hands plunged deeper, delighting fingers in the slick of the other’s cum. 
“fuck.” jisung dragged the explicative over your lip where he lapped lazily into you. “don’t stop.” 
you gave him a moment’s pause, stopping to wet your palm with saliva, then met it with his cock. you worked his length with the sharp and twisting turn of your wrist, causing him to whimper out shamelessly. 
“shhh.” you hissed, pulling his lip with our teeth, “don’t want to wake up your roommate do we?” 
he nodded, biting each and every tantalizing little sound into his lip instead. your own breaths grew shallow feeling the pressure from his hand between your legs and how he had grabbed into your thigh to swing it over his hip for better access. 
“wouldn’t you like me to fuck you out, baby? fuck you like the good little cock whore that you are for me? i’ve seen the way that you look...you’ve wanted this...haven’t you?” jisung’s words were slick and luxurious despite their bite.  
to suppress the begging moan in your throat, you cupped your hand over your mouth, and pressed hard into it. 
the blanket tented from your pulling at his cock and how you rubbed over his slit: it was an ethereal sight even in the blurriness of the room. 
slowly, you leaned over to his ear, waist rocking back and forth over the sensation of his hand rubbing into you relentlessly. “don’t lie baby, you want my ass bouncing on your cock...don’t you?” 
in one movement, he swept his full body weight over yours and harshly pulled your legs back to open your entrance just for him to tease with his tip. he guided himself in slowly and meticulously, bottoming out once you had sunk your fingers into his shoulders to manage some of the screams you would have let out otherwise. 
“fuck yes, baby.” jisung growled, finding an animalistic pace that burned your whole body with white flames of pleasure. 
you grew impatient wondering furiously what his cute little pouty cheeks would look like when you fucked him from above, riding his dick. you wouldn’t wait any further, taking your grasp on his shoulders to then flip him, settling your hips over his dick which you pounced on to the tune of one of his moans slipping past, loud and guttural. 
“shut. the fuck. up.” you scolded him, throwing your hand over his pretty mouth. he whimpered out once again, eyes rolling feeling the tip of his dick reach as deeply inside of you as you would let it.  “cum inside me sungie, i won’t stop until I have every last drop.” 
jisung nodded, chest flaring as his breaths quickened. 
“cum for me baby, and i’ll cum for you...got it?” your breathy whispers scratched your throat, but you needed him to hear. 
you held his eyes which glistened with two pretty little tears that fell  as he came hard, shaking with his whole body and letting each of his gleeful moans come spiraling into your hand. 
your own heat came surging, right at your core, growing....growing...
a lamplight flashed on. 
jeongin threw his sheets over his eyes, while shuddering. “I WAS FUCKING SLEEPING!!” 
his shrill scream sent you jumping out of your lust, and you scrambled off jisung’s throbbing and pink cock, and forgetting the force of gravity, which sent his cum dripping out from inside of you. in your panic, you grabbed at anything to cover up your body and his, only to get so tangled that you lost your balance on the edge of the bed and.....
your body hit the wooden floor of jisung and jeongin’s room, right on your butt where you knew that it would be hurting for weeks. 
as disoriented as you were, it took you a good few minutes to realize what had actually just happened. 
“y/n?” jisung called with his groggy half-awake, half-asleep tone. “did you just fall out of the bed?” 
on the opposite side of the room, you whipped your head over to see jeongin still peacefully sleeping with his back turned to jisung’s bed.
“fuck--um, yeah. i did. shit...” 
jisung chuckled in the dark room just barely peeking with the first bits of the sunrise in streaming into the room. 
“i don’t know how you did that considering i gave you plenty of space. get back up here.” 
still dazed and brain overheating, you could have sworn you felt the little aftershocks of the orgasm that felt so real still coursing through your body. 
you felt it too: the way that your underwear had slicked. some part of it all must’ve been real. 
“jisung--” you started, not even sure if you wanted to tell him in the first place. “are you certain that you didn’t feel anything?” 
jisung turned to face you and shook his head, “no, you?” 
you hesitated, holding his eyes to see that he must have been telling the truth. 
“i just...i just had this insane dream...” 
“dream? about what?” 
“it’s hard to explain...” you trailed. 
“you look kind of shaken up, are you sure that you’re okay?” jisung extended a careful hand, and smoothed down the side of your face in the way that had felt frighteningly real only seconds ago. his hand lingered, falling down your neck and giving you goosebumps. your eyes fell to his lips, and you wondered if they would taste like you had imagined them to be. 
you leaned in closer, closing the gap. 
“it went something like this.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @cherrychngkyn @iwanttobangchan @bowlofblueberries @lmhmins @eunaeiekim
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The Next Chapter (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood X Reader
Requested: yes!
Summary: A family gathering has you and Calum thinking about the future
Warnings: Fluff. I used the word vagina once. Maybe some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, sorry)
Word Count: 1.7K
Author’s Note: Loving these request 🥺❤️ a little fluffy piece for my favorite boy ✨ Remember that Reblogs, comments, feedback and likes are very important and appreciated ❤️ I love to hear from you guys and you don’t know how much that helps me and motivates me! Hope you like it and Happy Reading🦋✨🌻
My materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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Anon: omg can you do one ab asking if cal wants to start a family
“Babe! Hurry we are going to be late!”
You were standing at the front door, looking inside of your bag in case you have forgotten anything.
“Y/N, you do know I went to the bathroom five minutes before you were done getting ready, right?” Your husband, Calum, said as he walked up to you.
You had to admit, you married the hottest guy on the planet. How can someone make a pair of jeans with a simple white shirt look so good?!
“But I still beat you at the door, didn’t I?” You asked with a grin that Calum easily reciprocated.
“That you did” He smiled, placing one hand at your side, kissing your template, and whispering in your ear “But that doesn’t mean you can beat me at the car” And with that, he started sprinting towards the driver’s seat.
It amazes you how after almost 7 years of relationship you never got over the honeymoon phase. You have met Calum when both of you were young, reckless, and stupid; and not looking for a relationship. But it only took one look at those brown eyes and you were hooked.
You still remember how he came to you with a lame excuse to talk to you at one of the many parties you used to crash with your best friends.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” He said, and you almost thought he discovered you and was going to call security “I’m pretty sure god will wonder where all of their angels went”
He quickly apologized once he realized the words that fell out of his mouth, but you just stood there giggling at this cute attempt of flirting. And, as they say, the rest was history.
The next couple of years came and went and it almost seemed like you were in some kind of an alternate reality where everything played out as it was supposed to. Yes, of course, there were rocky times, especially when distance came to play, but all those times just made your relationship stronger.
Neither of you knew why, but being together just felt right. Which ultimately came to him proposing one eventful night in August after visiting his parents in Australia. And that then leads to your wedding just a few months later, you still recall that as one of the happiest moments of your life.
That was 3 years ago, and you were proud to say that you got to marry your best friend. Every day felt like a never-ending slumber party with new adventures and dreams to fulfill. And you wouldn’t change it for the world.
You were thinking about it as of now, looking at Calum with a smile as he drove to your cousin’s place to celebrate the birthday of the newest addition to the family: your baby niece.
Going to these kinds of parties became pretty regular for you, given that you came from a really big family and all your cousins were almost the same age as you, so they started popping babies out like it was nothing! And you were so thankful Calum was always happy to come along “I love your family, Angel!” He said “And you have to give it to them, they know how to throw a party”
It was true. If there is something your family doesn’t take lightly is parties. You still get a headache every time you remember the stress of convincing them to do something lowkey for your wedding. And as you parked outside your cousin’s house you wonder how you actually did it.
“Wow,” Said Calum as he looked at all the balloons decorating the front door “They really went all out on this one” He laughed.
“Sabrina is one year old!” You laughed, unbuckling your seatbelt as Calum opened the door for you “She won’t even remember this!”
“Yeah.. but at least Aunt Bridget will get to brag about having real mariachis playing at the party”
“Real maria-?” You asked, but Calum was already trying to hold his laughter as he pointed to a mariachi band getting out of their van “Okay, that is new… We are not even from Mexico!”
“No… but mom went to the wedding of Mr. Gómez’s son and she insisted we hired the same band for little Sab’s birthday” Your cousin answered as she opened the door.
You and Calum hugged your cousin before making your way inside the house. You stood in awe as you walked up the backyard and everything was decorated in different shades of pink and purple. Even the family dog had some sort of ribbon around his collar.
“This looks…” You began
“Like if a vagina exploded?” Calum finished for you. You slapped him in the arm playfully, trying so hard not to laugh along with him and be serious.
Your cousin came back a few moments later to hand each of you a drink and inviting you outside to join the party.
The mariachis were actually really good, especially when they made Calum have a dance-off with one of your uncles to the chicken dance song. And the rest of the party was also really fun for kids and adults alike.
Now the sun was starting to set and most of your family members decided it was time to call it a day after so many games and dancing. You and Calum, however, decided to stay a little longer since most of your cousins unofficially agreed to have a ‘family-friendly after-party’
You were sitting next to your cousin as you held her baby in your lap, making her dance along with the music.
“You are good at this,” Your cousin said, looking at you and baby Sabrina.
You laughed “It’s not too hard of a job to entertain a baby” And to prove your point, you started making faces at your niece, who started laughing right away.
“It’s not that! You, my dear, have the touch”
“The touch?” She nodded.
“You have that motherly essence, it’s easy for you to engage with the children - they all love you by the way, which is a fact I’m extremely jealous of - And you just have that capacity of love only a parent can understand. C’mon, don’t tell me you and Calum haven’t thought about having a family?”
You drifted your eyes to find Calum amongst the crowd of adults and children.
He was playing soccer with your older nieces and nephews, laughing as he threw himself to the ground on exaggerated acting as the kids scored goal after goal, laughing at your husband’s antics.
And just like that, it was like an image of your future passing by You and Calum sitting in the backyard with Duke running around with your child, playing all sorts of games with you, swimming in the pool, and eating ice cream. Reading bedtime stories as Calum sang them to sleep, him teaching them how to play different instruments and sports, always encouraging them to follow their dreams and passions… Yes, you could get used to that.
“I- I haven’t thought about it” You finally said with a light blush on your cheeks. You didn’t know if it was because of the question, your daydream, or the way Calum was looking and smiling at you.
You couldn’t stop thinking about what your cousin said even when you were already in the car and on your way home with Calum humming along with the songs on the radio.
Once you reached your home you started looking around, thinking of all the places you could share with your potential future family; cooking dinner together at night or watching frozen one thousand times on movie night or creating a playroom just for them so they could have their own space to create whatever comes into their minds and-
“You are really quiet, Angel,” Your husband said, interrupting your train of thought “Is everything alright?”
You pressed your lips together in a tight smile and nodded as he came to hug you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder “Did you have fun with the kids today?” You asked cautiously.
Calum chuckled “Yeah… Matthew almost threw me off at one point, he’s getting good at soccer”
“I hope so! His dad told me he started going to practice cause he wants to be a soccer player and a musician like his uncle Cal” You said, pecking your lips in Calum’s red cheek. You could see that he was slightly embarrassed but in a good way. You wonder if your future children will be like that as well.
Maybe they’ll have his cheeks, or your eyes… oh, please let them have Calum’s curly hair.
You smiled to yourself at the thought of little chubby-cheeked curly-haired heads running around your house. They will be perfect and they will be so loved…
Calum hummed next to your ear, placing a little kiss to the shell of it “I know what’s got you all wrapped up in daydream land” He said, hugging you tighter.
You turned your face to look at him “You do?” He nodded and placed his head on your shoulder again.
“Knew it since I saw you looking at me when I was playing with the kids” He placed a kiss on your cheek and made you turn around completely while still holding you by your waist. You swore you could hear the beating of your heart thundering louder and louder.
“And to be honest, I’ve been thinking about it since the first time I saw you hold a baby”
You blinked at him, confusion written all over your face “What?”
“Well… I knew from the moment I saw you that I wanted to start a family with you. I just confirmed it the day you took me to Matthew’s birthday party to meet your family” He said as a matter-of-factly.
“Yo-you want to start a family with me?” You asked with a flash of hope in your eyes.
Calum smiled at you, his eyes filled with pure adoration “I want to start everything with you, Angel. As long as you let me”
“Do you think we’re ready?”
“I love you, you love me” He said and you nodded with a smile “We’ve been together for 7 years, married for 3; we both have steady jobs, I’m not leaving for tour anytime soon so I’ll be home through every step of the way, we live in a nice house and Duke is more than ready to have a new partner in crime, so… what do you say, love?” Calum said with a cheeky smile.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer into a kiss.
“Let’s do it”
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @theshyspy @talksoprettyjjx @sarcasticallywitty15 @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @Yeah-and69 @mystic-232
*if Your @ is crossed it means I can’t tag you for some reason, please send me a message so we can fix this ✨
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
holy eff, that was 2 years ago? im so sorry, im absolutely unaware of the passage of time XD but yep! that's me! it wasn't very hard to find you tbh, i went to overlord tag one day and i found your art. this time i simply searched for demiurge and was pleasantly surprised that you changed your blog again (more like returned to your old one but yeah). don't worry tho, no need to hide from me! im a good anon, and a person you knew quite good (and also a person who, i think, triggered you once? with some depressing themes. im so deeply sorry for that) glad to hear you have everything under control now! but im more glad that you're enjoying yourself and grow the fandom. overlord is really amazing, both anime and light novel (that's it, if i ever decide to watch the new season or catch up with the novel). you did a very fine choice, dear, to get into it! (and, especially, to get into demiurge hehe) don't mention it truly! i've been wondering for a few weeks now how you're doing and all. and i'm really, really happy to see you're enjoying yourself and having fun.
I also wanted to say that, uh, i know how ac fandom treated you and please take no offence, but, i really appreciate that you didn't delete the responds to people's asks or the gifts that are ac themed. i know it wasn't an easy choice, and i really appreciate it. it sounds stupid but it means a lot as it brought some pleasant memories. so, yeah, thanks for that! <3 (also: your emmett is forever in our hearts) i hope you won't mind me being here from time to time (and not like, appearing after 2 years XD). you were always so lovely to talk to! you still are, of course, but yeah! lovely to talk to and you're lovely too! as always <3 - P
LOL to be fair, I think the pandemic really threw us all for a loop. X”D Heck, it being 2022 hasn't really come to my realization yet. I still keep thinking 2020 was just last year.
Haha, that is very fair. ♥ If you were able to hunt through the Demiurge tag, that is indeed where I kinda live now. ♥ Though I am working more and more on drifting my version of him out of the fandom and into my original works. But we'll see! I do love the character a lot!
Oof, I gotta be honest, anon. My memory got a bit scattered no thanks to anemia causing me a bit of brain fog/damage. So if you did anything that triggered me, it's quite alright. ♥ I've obviously gone past whatever may have happened now, and it is all water under the bridge as they say.
I adore Overlord, but my poor Albedo and Demiurge... I wish they were given more time to develop. ;~; They are my treasures next to Yuri Alpha. ♥ But I do hope you enjoy the new season! I love the animation has really been upped in quality! I'm still eagerly waiting for the movie!
Thank you! I have a lovely group of readers and friends who support me like yourself, and I appreciate every single one of them. I especially love the readers who have been with me since the AC days. The fact you guys will still follow me from one thing to the next is sweet, and I am always happy to see reoccurring names pop up now and again!
I will be honest, hon, in that I did delete a few things in my desire to heal away from the fandom years back, but not all of it is gone, no. ♥ The Fall is still on AO3, I just removed my name from it, and the Prostitute Series, while removed from AO3, is still on here too. I know those were the main stories people would have been upset to be removed from the net completely. I do still have the others on my hard drive (like certain love letters and The Dove Effect, Daddy Dearest, etc), but I just don't feel comfortable releasing them again to the public. Maybe one day. ♥
Aww, thank you! I actually did plan on bringing Emmett back into a Victorian setting but away from AC: S. ♥ I had a werewolf story in London kinda idea that I wanted him to be apart of, so he will return just—in a new way and away from Jacob being his dad. (He's gonna have an adopted dad/mentor instead.)
Awww, I adore when folks drop in to say hi every now and again! I still get people DMing me saying 'thank you for writing this super old fic from 2005' ever so often, and it's great! I hope people never think it's weird or annoying to talk to me about old times or just say hello. I promise, it's okay to do so. ♥
It's kind of why I never really ever change my name or at least, try not to. ♥ I want it to be easier for folks to find me.
It's always great to hear from you, anon! ♥
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formenis · 3 years
Anon asked: "I really love your one shots 💖 and was wondering if you could make a one shot for Matsuda? 😅" 
*slams hands on the table* OF COURSE!
(and thank you, Anon-san~♥)
pairing: Touta Matsuda x gn!reader
warning: fluff floof maybe
requested: yes
D/N: dog name
A/N: as I always say, English is not my first language so you’ll find some mistakes in my stories. I’m sorry! ><
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«The total amount is 6600¥» (A/N: something like US$ 60 or 50€ with the current exchange rate)
Y/N searched for their wallet and payed their groceries. That evening they wanted to prepare a magnificent dinner so Y/N needed many things to buy.
They left the konbini (A/N: a small retail business that stocks a range of everyday items, they're also called "convenience store") with two large shopping bags. They were not much heavy but Y/N could already sense a slight pain on their hands.
It stopped raining few minutes ago, everything was wet and shining: cars, buildings and even the road. There was not much people around them due to the weather but the streets were congested, filled with vehicles. A freezing air hit Y/N's face and once outside the konbini they took a deep breath before leading back home.
During the walk, Y/N thought at the menu for the dinner: rice, soup and three side dishes for sure. Yes, but which side dishes? Tempura, grilled fish, hamburger steaks or something like salads and boiled veggies? Luckily Y/N brought everything in case they were unsure once at home.
Cooking was a sort of "ceremony" for Y/N. Why? First, because they liked it (A/N: sorry if you don't); and secondly, because that was how they met their s/o Touta Matsuda. But he was a detective, how could they meet? Simple (and rather cliché, Y/N admitted it): they bumped into each other in one of the aisles inside a konbini. The two of them were doing their grocery shopping when both of them aimed at the same bag of seaweed.
«A-Ah! I'm terribly sorry!» he immediately apologised.
«Omusubi I guess?» (A/N: it's another name for onigiri, a food made from white rice formed into triangular or cylindrical shapes and often wrapped in seaweed).
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«Yeah…I always bring them at work»
A normal conversation with a stranger would end there, they would come back at their normal life and maybe forgetting about each other the next day. But not with someone as Matsuda: he was so outgoing, chatty and…somehow cute. Y/N got along with him immediately: the initial simple acquaintance changed into friendship; and friendship turned into love. And cooking helped a lot: they would exchange recipes and tricks every time they would meet.
«Gee, I took too many Mentsuyu bottles» (A/N: it's a noodle soup base)
But back to the present. During their way back home, Y/N felt a set of steps behind her. At first they thought it was some weirdo who was following her but when they turned they didn’t see anybody. So they kept walking; after five minutes the steps became four.
When Y/N turned again, they were ready to use the shopping bags to beat whoever was following them but they saw something else instead: a puppy. Very thick, pure white double coat, two large black eyes and cute tiny ears (and no collar). Y/N opened the mouth in disbelief.  
«Oh my-a white cloud fell from the sky! Come here, cutie» Y/N kneeled down and the puppy walked closer right away. It must be hungry, it was a bit skinny…poor floof.
«Do you wanna come with me? I'm a rather talented chef, you know» Y/N asked the dog with a hint of presumption. The puppy wagged its tail in response, it must love that idea. «Then, jump in» Y/N opened one of the largest pockets of their jacket and the white floof stepped closer to it: it sniffed the cloth and once it verified there were no dangers, it jumped inside. Once it found a comfortable position, its head popped out from the pocket.
«You're so cute, just like Matsu~» Y/N took the shopping bags again and walked back home. The few people on the streets looked with cute awe at that pocket.
At home, the same apartment they shared with Matsuda, Y/N was cooking peacefully when a sudden thought appeared in their mind: «What if Matsu is allergic to dog fur?»
They never asked him since none of them never talked about pets. Y/N's gazed moved from the tempura to the floof: the puppy was drinking from the bowl still wigging its tail. They smiled, everything about that dog reminded them of Matsuda.
Y/N was so focused on the floof that they almost didn’t hear the front door open. «I'm home!»
In a rush, Y/N took the dog and hid it behind the armchair and put the bowl in the sink. Then they pretended to cook again. «I-In the kitchen!»
Few moments later Matsuda appeared in front of them: tired face, messy black hair and loosened dark tie. When he smelled the air his lips curved in a smile.
«Welcome back, Matsu. How was work?»
«I'm so tiiiired» he sighed walking closer to his Y/N and kissed their cheek. «Is that tempura?»
«Good nose, dear» Y/N chuckled and let him taste a piece.
Matsuda yummed in bliss and tried to steal another piece but Y/N hit him softly with the chopsticks. «You have to wait»
Touta complained but didn’t say anything else. Instead, his gaze moved to the sink. «Why did you use the bowl?»
Y/N froze. Damn, they forgot to hid it. «Uhm…I was trying a new recipe but I failed…eheh» they laughed nervously.
Matsuda could be naïve sometimes but he was a detective after all. «And you used the bowl…and nothing else? Nor a pot or a ladle?» he asked with suspect.
«As I said, new recipe» Y/N kept cooking the tempura playing it cool. However, this didn’t convince Matsuda and continued analysing the "crime scene".
He was walking closer to the armchair, Y/N was sweating cold. He almost reached the point where the floof was hiding but then, as to save the situation, someone knocked at the door. «Coming!» Matsuda yelled and ran towards the front door.
Y/N ran towards the armchair and took the little floof. It started wigging its tail when it saw them, its ears were all up. Y/N went towards the bedroom and put it down half-hidden under the bed.
«Stay here cutie, I'll come back soon» and with that, they ran back in the kitchen. In that exact moment, Matsuda appeared again.
«Who was it, dear?»
«Uhm…it was Ogawa-san. She gave us some cookies she did today»
«Really? So gentle of her» was Y/N's reply. They were mentally hoping the floof would not do noises.
After dinner, as usual, Matsuda was relaxing on the couch watching TV with Y/N beside him. They were watching a documentary about rainforests around the world when Matsuda started giggling quietly.
«Pff Y-Y/N…please stop»
«Uh?» they looked at him in confusion. Soon enough that giggling became a proper laugh.
«You know I'm ticklish, please~»
«I'm not doing anything-» Y/N stopped talking when, despite the slight darkness, they could recognise the floof's white fur: it was playing with the hem of Matsuda's pants and the fur was tickling his feet.
Y/N started panicking was going to grab the dog but Matsuda was faster. «A dog?» he said in disbelief. «Y/N? Why there's…a dog here?»
«Uhm…ah…well…I-» Y/N wanted to explain but no words (or good excuses) came out from their throat.
A loud sigh marked their defeat. «It was following me when I went at the konbini…I couldn’t leave it there! Just…look at it, Matsu!» they took gently the puppy in their hands so it was looking directly at the detective: tiny ears up, soft white fur and large dark eyes. The dog tilted the head in confusion and so did Matsuda.
«See? You two are so similar, so cute! Can we please keep it?»
The initial confusion of the young detective soon turned into a gentle smile: in that moment Y/N was doing the cutest "puppy eyes" he ever saw. So he was not the only one who looked like that dog. It was the main reason that made him smile.
«Did you choose a name yet?»
«Hmm…what about D/N?»
«It sounds perfect»
«This means we can keep it?!» Y/N asked happily and D/N wigged swiftly its tail as if it was even happier. A series of cute barks could be heard as Matsuda said yes.
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For the bot reader sparkling prompt what about Swerve and or Whirl? (I’m especially curious about Whirl’s reaction if the (or one) of the sparkling(s) resembles him pre-empurata) I would toss a possible Misfire in there too but I don’t think he’s a bot you usually do.
Hope you're ready for FEELS and CUTE SPARKLINGS because that's absolutely my favorite combo anon! Plus I'd always liked the Scavengers but never really looked into their appearance in the comic until now, and thank you for giving me the impetus to learn about the chaotic but still lovable gaggle of misfits.
·He's admittedly been on a whole new level of euphoria since the two of you started dating, but the moment he found out you were gonna be Creators he more or less ascended. Every scan nearly brings him to tears and he keeps all the pictures on him wherever he goes, so any bot that comes near will be ambushed by a flood of bragging and a veritable album of a bitlet that hasn't even been born yet. Suffice to say that when it was finally time to meet your little bundle, he was emotional, though for your sake he remained a surprisingly steadfast and supportive partner through the entire emergence. But the moment he laid his visor on that squawling little bitlet...
·"Tears" aren't quite sufficient to describe the waterfall that poured from his visor, but thankfully the staff was quite accustomed to such reactions and smoothly checked over the newborn before handing them back to their new parents. As a metallurgist for a species made of metal that's at it's most vulnerable after birth, he's actually been present for a few sparklings entering the world to provide potential care for those considered high risk, but nothing could have prepared him for seeing your beautiful new bitlet in person.
·Between praising you and the beeb he can hardly get a coherent word out through the blubbering, but his awe and adoration is still clear as day. You made a whole new bot, and now they're here, and they're the most amazing little sparkling the planet has ever seen! Every feature of yours or his that he sees gets him crying anew, and he can't possibly fathom what he's done to deserve any of these blessings. Countless photos of their first few hours are accumulated to join his collection in addition to being shared via intergalactic Wi-Fi to every friend you have.
·When your chosen visitors arrive he's absolutely effusive with his praise of you and the beeb. Do they see this bitlet? Have any of them ever seen anything this precious in all of history?! His Conjunx made them isn't that the most amazing thing in the entire galaxy like how did they even do that?! Even bots who know him well are amazed by how genuinely tender and affectionate he is, as there's not a joke to be heard from him even once. Truthfully he can't think of anything funny about this at all, except maybe how even the tougher bots that visit absolutely melt when they see the sweet little face of a newborn amidst a bundle of blankets, but he can't really blame them now can he?
·Despite all of his joy for the two of you being Creators, when it's just you and him and the sparkling again, he's quite hesitant to ask if he can hold them. He's held them before in the rush of the moment, but here in the still and calm... It worries him. There's so much caution in his grip when he takes them into a gentle cradle, his bulky arms easily supporting the tiny weight despite how unnaturally heavy they feel. There's a flash of worry for all the chances he'll have to mess up, but that disappears when a little fist pops free of the blanket and into the bitlets mouth, where they contentedly suckle on it in the most adorable display he's ever beheld. Somehow he knows it will be okay in that moment, because he'll never let anything happen to you or your new little addition.
·His reaction to his own prospective sirehood was a near perfect example of internal screaming beneath a veneer of calm. Of course he wasn't necessarily surprised, and he loved you more than anything in any universe, but... you've met him, right? Sure, you fragged him, but have you paid attention to the kind of bot he is? Do you really want any of this around a sparkling, or remixed into one? Admittedly he hadn't had an argument for your simple "yes" in reply, and to the day your little bitlet arrives he still can't think of a rebuttal, beyond how his claws don't give you much of a hand to hold or provide good massages.
·Somehow the entire process manages to be Unicron levels of unthinkable horror and awe inspiring beautiful wonder at the exact same time, and his attitude is even more varied as a result. There are moments he's the calm partner whispering sweet nothings, the aggressive coach shouting for you to kick labor's ass, the panicking wimp who refuses to believe the body parts he's seeing belong where they are, and the petrified but dutiful sire-to-be frozen in horror while you hold onto him for dear life. Thankfully he manages to reign it all in once the two of you have a newly minted bitlet wailing in the real world.
·He'd expected to be awed, but also knew to brace for seeing a bundle that... didn't much resemble his current self, due to Empurata not affecting genetics, but he never could have prepared himself for the reality. One look at this tiny and flawless little accident and he comes embarrassingly close to fainting, his long legs folding into a chair some brilliant medic was smart enough to push beside the bed, and his optic growing misty as he beholds you and the whole new person you made. There's awe at the fact he contributed to making something unbelievably perfect, happiness for a million reasons he doesn't care to comprehend, but also... sadness. A face he'd never thought he would see again is looking up at him with the biggest and most innocent pair of optics, all while a tiny mouth nibbles on a pair of servos so like the ones he had taken from him.
·He should be... angry, maybe? Old Whirl would have been angry, furious at the Functionists for ruining so much, but he just doesn't feel it. The sadness in his spark isn't even for him, it's for this little one who will grow up and eventually figure out why his sire looks the way he does, and all the pain that may cause a bot who never did anything to anyone... But that feeling is so small it's quickly swept away so he can feel what he actually wants to feel, and he wants to feel happy damn it! You and he have a bitlet, and a pretty good one as far as bitlets go! Heavy stuff can be addressed later, the two of you get to enjoy this with friends! There's precious few bots he trusts enough to visit, but those that make the cut are welcomed and invited to pay respects to the cutest sparkling ever born and the bot who squeezed them out. He has to fight incredibly hard to keep from shedding happy tears, but seeing so many of his friends coo over this tiny miracle strains his emotional reservation to the limits.
·For all the love he has for the little one, and all his progress in accepting himself, he still hasn't held them by the time night is settling and you're in need of rest. Only your obvious exhaustion and his protective nature compels him to finally accept the sleeping sparkling, and even then he's a wreck on the inside, his spark all but crackling with anxiety as the delicate beeb is laid in his arms while he stays carefully seated. Nothing could have made him understand just how tiny this little guy was until this moment. As you drift off, he tempts fate and holds out the tip of a careful claw, not daring to ventilate as he gently adjusts some blankets for a better look. Something like abject terror shoots through him as a stubby hand takes hold of him, but he doesn't move, and the little one only coos and keeps his solid little grip. At that he lets himself cry just a little. Nothing will ever hurt you or this tiny gift so long as he lives, and he won't let anything past present or future ruin the happiness you've made together.
·His whole life he's had a soft spot for things that need caring for, but every time he's found something or someone to take care of he's told himself all he really cares about is the potential benefit for him. Recent events have forced him to admit that there's a soft spark under his... business savvy ways. Finding out he'd be a sire though? That was an entirely new level of self discovery, because he's absolutely thrilled and has no logical reason why. He quickly has to tell the rest of the Scavengers, which becomes daily updates on everything sparkling related, so even his close collection of friends is admittedly a little relieved when the bitlet finally arrives and they can meet them. Thankfully none of them were there to see him faint on more than one occasion during the delivery, but he does have to make up a story about the dents on his head when he calls to give the announcement that their newest Scavenger has arrived, claiming that he got them in a heroic dive to save the bitlet when they were still slippery and dropped by a medic.
·While never one to be too mushy, he's made incredibly sappy just by the sight of the new little bitlet when they finally end up clean and swaddled in your arms. All across the little one's features are pieces of him that he recognizes on the spot. Blended perfectly with those are obvious signs of you, creating a whole new being who's got some of you both while still existing as their own unique little wonder. It defies all logic and yet he's so happy he can't really bring himself to care. From their optics to their stubby hands to their impossibly cute little pedes they're already the most perfect being to ever come into existence, making them tied with his Creators for perfection, and no bot is ever going to be able to convince him otherwise on that undeniable fact. But, for the sake of the moment he does have to wonder; does this sparkling yet realize how attractive they're going to be?
·The group is getting a million messages a minute from the new sire as they head over to see the newest addition, and when they finally arrive he does everything he can to present the little beeb with a proper introduction but can't stop getting misty optics and sniffling the whole time. Thankfully the Scavengers are an understanding bunch. Every one of them welcomes their new teammate with a carefully observant Misfire there to ensure they don't risk any kind of damage to the bitlet. Not that he doesn't trust them, but he does know them, so... None of them take it personally. Nickel is spared this oversight, of course, being a responsible bot and a medic more than capable of holding even a proportionally sizable sparkling. One she informs the new Creators is very cute in her proffesional opinion.
·Grimlock gets a special little moment with the new Sire, specifically one in which he gets to truly see how far he's come with his little adopted family now that it's started to grow. Misfire is fully trusting as he hands over the snoozing bitlet, and while the Dinobot is beyond touched, he does indeed hesitate just the tiniest bit. Gigantic servos absolutely dwarf the sparkling when they're settled within. Despite what any bot walking into the room might think, Misfire knows that at this very moment his bitlet is more or less in the safest place in the universe. They seem to be at least somewhat aware of this, as their little tubby cheeks lift up in a smile when they behold the gigantic bot looking down on them, a sight so unimaginably adorable it makes every bot present shed at least a single tear.
·When the rest of the group heads out after leaving a mountain of gifts in their wake, Misfire happily takes the beeb so you can get some sleep, because he at least got some rest when he passed out during emergence. Holding his little one with just the tiniest hint of uncertainty, he spends the night mostly chatting with them in a fully one sided whisper conversation, though he does occasionally get a tiny sound from the sparkling he'll swear is a coherent reply. Understandably, this little one has a lot to catch up on though. He can't help smiling at the thought of all the adventures he's going to be able to brag about to them, and how many you'll all have together once this little one is up and finally walking. There's so much he'll have to teach them too, and somehow that excites him more, knowing you and he will get to help shape this little wonder into the most amazing bot that's ever lived...
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dreamdropxoxo · 3 years
Hi! For the kissing prompts : i was wondering if you'd consider doing one drabble for two prompts? In my head i have this image of 21 first, then 7 when lamen are in private ? Idk, just an idea that popped in my head 😅😅😅
Hello my dear anon 🥰
Absolutely! I actually liked that idea very much. I hope you like what I came up with. This can be read in the context of my story One and Only, but also separate. I hope you have fun! 
The prompt is from the list here, where you find an overview over all my answers. (Original post of the prompt list here). 
21. A chaste kiss given to each other because they are in mixed company. 7. French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them.
Damen was only too aware of the eyes of all his pupils on him as Laurent prepared to go, but he couldn’t look away from his boyfriend yet. 
Today he had invited people of different professions to the class to introduce their jobs and show the children what they were doing the whole day. Damen knew a lot of people and he most of them had different jobs. 
There was Pallas, a personal trainer, Kashel, a chef, Makedon, a military officer, Lykaios, a computer scientist, Erasmus, a nurse, Isander, a carpenter, Talik, a security guard, Hypermenestra, an event organizer, and obviously his own roommates, Nikandros, a police officer, Auguste, a neurosurgeon and Laurent, a lawyer. It had been fun and the children had been attentive, but what had been very surprising of all was how much they actually seemed to like Laurent straight away. They had bombarded him with questions, although most of them weren’t related to his job and the blond had indulged them and answered every single one.
“Then I’ll be off. Thank you all for your interest. Goodbye and have a nice weekend,” Laurent said in that moment and the children echoed his goodbye. Damen smiled at him and followed him to the door of the classroom. Laurent stepped over the threshold, returning the smile and Damen asked, without thinking, “Will you wait for me?”
The blond’s smiled broadened and he nodded, before leaning in and kissing Damen lightly on the lips. “I’ll be there.”
Damen was a little dazed as he turned around and the door fell closed behind him. The children looked at him with wide eyes. 
“Mr. Vallis, is Mr. de Lys your boyfriend?”, his most curious student asked and before Damen could answer another child did so for him, “Obviously he is, Alain! They kissed. You only kiss people you like very much. My fathers explained that to me.” Damen remembered Isidora’s fathers, well who wouldn’t? The two men had silver lines spread over their hands and necks. A soul mark of this size certainly left an impression behind.
“Maybe they’re very good friends. Mr. Vallis said that he’d invite his friends to class today and I like my friends very much too,” Alain argued back with a pout and Damen almost laughed. 
“You’re both right, Mr. de Lys is my best friend but also my boyfriend. Sometimes people can be both.” This made the class hush up and Damen could wrap up the day and let them leave. 
He was just packing his bag, as the door opened again and Laurent entered once more. “I got ambushed by your students. They told me it’s great that I’m your best friend and boyfriend in one package.”
He leaned at the doorframe and Damen laughed. “They found that very fascinating actually.”
“I figured,” Laurent replied and stepped into the room while closing the door behind himself. “Have I ever told you how glad I am that you’re not only my boyfriend but my best friend too?”
Damen grinned and walked towards him, crowding him against the door. “I think you didn’t. Maybe you should show me instead.”
Laurent laughed, buried his hands in his curls and pressed his lips to Damen’s. It was nothing like the kiss from before, as Laurent slipped his tongue into Damen’s mouth and started exploring. He felt his knees go weak. The blond knew exactly what Damen liked and it showed. He caressed his tongue traced his teeth and swallowed his little groans.
“There. That’s how glad I am,” Laurent panted as they broke apart and Damen pushed him even harder against the door and continued to show him how glad he was about that too.
He felt Laurent’s hands slip under his jumper and he shivered slightly at the intimate contact. 
“We need to go home.”
“Agreed. Let’s go,” Laurent replied, brushing his fingers over the golden lines on Damen’s back a last time. He let his hands slip up the blond’s back in response to where he knew Laurent’s mark was steadily growing. He couldn’t wait to open the buttons on Laurent’s neck and trace the golden lines with his tongue. 
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peachsayshi · 2 years
Good Day Peache I hope your having a very wonderful day, I just came snooping in your tumblr account to shower you with compliments from one of the series that you made! :DD
I read your TWYLM(the way you love me) I first read that yesterday and I binge read it all night getting a smol amount of sleep because of how amazing and well written the story was! It's truly one of my favorite series that I have read +v+
The flow of the story was perfect, not too fast and not too slow. Where it truly takes time where FWB would turn into relationship and the small butterflies that MC was feeling as the story progress. The sudden shift of POV's from Y/N to Gojo, or the sudden revelation from the past and backstories.
Especially Where the tension that the story has was amazing especially when MC was jealous(/furious) when she found out about gojo sleeping with someone else(or Gojo seeing the stranger kissing MC), the date from Tokyo Dome city, my most favorite was when MC mentally brokedown at front of gojo— the emotions that pour out from that scene and how her tears make gojo break down his walls so fast for her(Especially the make out smex heueheuheu–)
The way how you made each character— especially Gojo Satoru And our dear MC(Y/N) was well made.
you especially didn't fail giving the smut part, it always leaves me shook and wanting more I don't even know how to explain how amazing it is lol
I'm totally looking forward for the next chapter after the cliffhanger you left—your truly such a tease author.
Anyways I hope you stay in good health and not push yourself too much. Your doing works of the God Of how amazing the series was!💜💜
Anon 🥺 first off, thank you for making me smile. I was feeling crappy until I popped in and read your message 😭 I’m giving you a big hug!! Thank you for taking the time to read the story but also definitely make sure you get some rest too!! 👀😂 I’m so flattered by your comments and I’m really happy you are enjoying the story! 🧡🧡🧡
You know I always struggled with the pacing of the story but I’m glad you think it flows well! I knew this was not supposed to exceed thirty chapters, and wanted to make sure I fit everything in nicely 😊
Gojo has the biggest soft spot for the reader and I don’t shy away from it hahah but I just thought it would be really fun to write how he would interact with a non-sorcerer love interest 👀 I’m getting into more more details from Gojo’s perspective for the next chapter 😉
Thank you so much for the sweet words again 🥺🥹 I hope you are doing well and healthy yourself, and am showering you with good energy for the rest of your day!
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Hi! Love your takes on 19 days especially tianshan!! They are very insightful and a fun read! Idk if you already wrote about this, but I was wondering what your take would be if he tian came to save Mo instead of She li. I wonder how their dynamic would be in the present. Would they be more like zhanyi?
Hello, dear anon!
Waah, thank you for such praises! I’m glad you have enjoyed reading my mullings!
As a heads-up, this turned much longer than I anticipated, so better find a comfortable seat.
“what your take would be if he tian came to save Mo instead of She li”
I haven’t actually thought about this before, so thank you for this interesting avenue that had never even crossed my mind. The more I thought about this, the more question popped up. I feel like this would be a pretty significant change, especially for MGS’s character. To try and keep this scenario somewhat in control, I scrolled through the comic with your question in mind and let my nose sniff out where the “new” story would take me. So, this might not be exactly a “realistic” take on it but more like where the story and characters would go in my head if things had been different.
The question of timeline
First, I feel like we need to figure out the correct timeline for all this, so it’s easier to gauge HT and MGS’s characters more accurately. According to my calculations, SL saved MGS sometime during their first year of middle school (ch. 282, 319):
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In the current canon storyline, they are in their last year (3rd year) of middle school, so two years off that would put the piercing incident somewhere on their first year. (Look at my mad math skills.) I’m assuming the first school year had already begun since SL had transferred and already gained some reputation at school. Other than rumors, he hadn't crossed MGS’s path.
So, let’s figure out 1st year MGS and HT. With MGS, we have seen glimpses of what kind of character he was (ch. 319, 283):
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He had many of the characteristics that are familiar to us in the current timeline, too. He was caring and compassionate. His first instinct was to help, and he dint want to see people hurt. I believe he still has those qualities these days, but he’s learned to hide and suppress those instincts the hard way. I feel like compared to the current MGS, the 1st-year MGS was more pure, innocent, and trusting in many ways. He seemed to believe in a world where doing good to others surely was the way to go.
1st-year HT, on the other hand, is pretty much a mystery to us. Apart from some flashbacks from his childhood prior to middle school, we haven't seen more of his past. Even his first introduction in the comic was a bit awkward the way he just suddenly popped up and it wasn’t really clear what his relationship with JY and ZZX was exactly. 
What was the mindset of 1st-year HT? Had he already made up his mind that he wouldn't become like his brother and father? Was he already living alone or still with his family? Was Mr. He already abroad or still in China?
I think HT’s living situation is probably what would give us the most hints about whatever mindset he might have. But the only thing we really have to go on is when MGS came to visit him for the first time (ch. 144):
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Again, this doesn't give us much. It’s impossible to say for sure if HT was already living by himself as a 1st-year student, but somehow I doubt that. Despite everything, 12-13 is still mighty young to be living by himself. And I have a feeling based on the way HC and Mr. He seem to put importance on family sticking together, they probably didn't let HT go live alone without a long fight and debate. So, I think it’s very likely HT was still living at home as a 1st-year. Most probably at his brother’s place that seems like their primary home before Mr. He went abroad?
Based on that, I think HT might have not made up his mind on becoming a savior/hero of sorts yet. At least not in so many words. Home was probably an unpleasant and stressful place for him, and he would rather spend time elsewhere. When at home, he probably spent a lot of time in his room or roaming the nature surrounding them. Home was somewhere where he had to keep his guard up and be constantly prepared for whatever. He was exposed to and (in)directly involved in things that he disapproved of and most probably scared him. At school, he excelled in all the subjects. In some ways, studying was an out for him even though getting good grades was also expected of him. He was always surrounded by a lot of people at school and was very popular, but no one really knew him outside of school. He didn’t open up about himself.
So, that’s how I see the characters set up for the new scenario.
Mo Guan Shan in distress
Now, finally to the beginning of it all. To help us all get in the right mood, I hope you will excuse my very serious 3AM edits (ch. 319):
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A crazy homeless man was attacking an innocent, pure MGS. His young life was flashing before his eyes. The man on top of him is too heavy. The grip around his throat too strong. It’s getting harder and harder to breathe, and black spots are dancing at the edge of his vision.
Just as MGS is about to pass out, something flashes at the corner of his eyes but it’s hard to tell in the dimness of the alleyway. There is a loud, heavy thud, and the grip around MGS’s throat slacks. The man is being flung off him and slumps on the wet pavement. MGS scrambles to his knees, coughing and gasping for breath. The cool rainy air tastes sweet rushing down his burning throat.
A bit out of it, he glances up and sees a dark-haired boy - about his age - who’s holding a heavy liquor bottle. The sharp edges of the bottle’s bottom are smeared with crimson. The sight of blood dripping to the ground makes MGS’s stomach turn a little. He makes the mistake of looking at the limp homeless man lying in a puddle and almost throws up at the spreading blotch of dark red on the back of the man’s head. He starts to tremble when he realizes how close to being killed he had just come.
I would picture that HT is shaken by what he had done, too. Picking up the bottle had been like an instinct to him. He had swung it as hard as he could, not really thinking the consequences. Now, though, a small panic monster in his head whispers that he had probably killed someone.
But the panic monster doesn't get very far in its fear-mongering until HT’s training kicks in. Still squeezing the neck of the heavy bottle, he creeps to the crazy man, ready to bounce if he decides to go for a second round. Even in the heavy rain, he can smell the thick odor of homelessness and alcoholism. He doesn't really want to touch the man but reaches to check for a pulse. It’s there, but otherwise the man is out cold.
Only then he really pays attention to the scrawny red-haired boy still on his knees. He looks at HT wide-eyed, shaking, and obviously in shock. There are red prints already forming around his throat where the man had strangled him.
“Is - ,” the redhead says shakily, his voice a bit hoarse, “is he de - did he - “
“He’s still breathing.”
“Am-ambulance,” the boy says, now more anxiously and looking around, “we need an ambulance. Police! Someone!”
HT doesn't reply but flips out his phone. The boy keeps glancing at him as he gets a hold of HC on the other end and explains the situation. He frowns when it doesn't sound like a 911 call to him.
“Who was that?”
“My brother. He knows what to do.”
Well, HT knew what to do, too, but he wasn’t in the position to make those things happen. Not yet, at least. But he knew.
HT asks where MGS lives and offers to walk him the rest of the way. MGS seems confused about should they just leave the man and not wait for his brother. HT assures him that his brother will come any minute now. It’s all under control. The words kind of come out of his mouth without him even realizing what he’s saying. He would like to think it’s the shock but knows it’s his training. It’s the protocol. When you follow certain steps, there is no need to panic.
And yet his hands are trembling when he finally puts the bottle down. Oh, well. He would fake till he made it.
On their way to MGS’s home, MGS is quiet and just clutches his backpack against his front. HT tilts the umbrella to cover MGS more, seeing how he is shaking from cold and shock.
HT tries to make idle conversation. He asks MGS’s name, where he goes to school, what was he doing out in the rain, is there anyone at home, and maybe mentions that he’s seen MGS around the school. Little by little the atmosphere starts to loosen and the tightness in MGS’s voice eases up. Talking also relaxes HT.
At MGS’s house, MGS looks at HT and asks if he wants to come inside to dry up. He’s frowning a little and seems worried. HT looks at him a bit dumbfounded and then bursts out a laugh.
“You really are quite something,” he says at MGS’s confused face. “You just survived all that and you’re already inviting a stranger to your home. Are you an idiot?”
MGS’s face darkens, and he says that if HT would rather walk back in soaked clothes, then it’s his business. He looks hurt and embarrassed. The attitude makes HT smile a little, though, and he tousles the wet red hair.
“I’ll see you around,” he says and leaves with a little wave over his shoulder.
He makes a mental note to keep an eye out for a certain red hair at school from now on.
Having a friend in each other
They start running into each other at school more. (Well, HT started rotating towards MGS.) Turns out MGS has seen him around school, too. He says that HT seems popular and the girls often talk about him in class. He seems a bit confused as to why HT is seeking out his company when he has so many other friends.
MGS is a bit awkward around him, but HT finds it endearing. He’s quick to rise to teasing baits and shows his emotions quite a lot if you knew where to look. To HT, he seemed like a pure-hearted kid. Probably too pure-hearted for his own good. He was a bit stiff at first, but with some coaxing, you could get him to talk. HT liked listening to him talk the most.
The more they got to know each other, the more HT found himself hanging onto MGS’s company. When school days ended, he lingered at the crossroads where their paths parted. He made up excuses to walk MGS home or to his part-time jobs. (He thought MGS was amazing for working already, but MGS just shrugged.) Finally, walking MGS home continued to get himself invited inside for homework, snacks, some games, dinner, staying the night on Fridays.
HT soaked in all the sense of home he could get at MGS’s place. The messy pile of shoes in the entryway. The scribbled notes on the fridge door. The home-cooking. The older models of video games MGS had. The smell of cheap detergent on the sheets when he was sleeping on the floor of MGS’s small room.
Mrs. Mo was a bit surprised by his son’s unexpected friend at first but quickly adopted HT as a natural part of the household. She was more at peace knowing that MGS had some company after school when she had to work late. Sometimes she listened to the boys talk (read: HT teasing and MGS bickering) in MGS’s room. It felt like this new friend had bought some of MGS’s lost childhood back to her son’s voice.
The tighter they became, the more they naturally learned about each other. The topic of family was sore for both of them and something they didn't talk about often. MGS often got heated when the talk circulated to his father. Heated in a way that HT didn't find cute. He got angry and bitter. Usually, HT let him vent through it quietly. But MGS didn't hide things as such even though he didn't really like to talk about some of them. Instead, he was convinced and would stand his ground vehemently.
HT, on the other hand, was more evasive. He didn't want to put MGS in a position where he would know too much. MGS seemed impressed by HT’s brother. He sounded a bit jealous. HT also avoided saying much because he was ashamed. Here he was sitting in this home of good, decent people and enjoying their hospitality while he really was part of the bad guys in the world. His people were the ones who MGS hated so much when he talked about his father’s imprisonment.
But then something happened within HT’s world. Something that shocked him and scared him and gave him a traumatic experience. One day at school, he was visibly on edge and distracted. He looked increasingly tired. He snapped at MGS which he very rarely did. When at the end of the day, MGS asked if he wanted to come over (it was Friday), he was a bit relieved but also worried when HT said no. HT never said no to that.
That night Mrs. Mo had the late-night shift, so MGS was alone when HT suddenly showed up with a duffel bag. He looked horrible. There was an angry red mark on his cheek and a trickle/smear of dried up blood on the corner of his mouth. His eyes were red-rimmed. He hung his head low, asking MGS if he could stay the night after all.
MGS told him to take a bath. He heated up the leftover rice-noodle soup he had had for dinner. HT looked a bit lost coming out of the bath. MGS told him to take a seat and served the food. Quietly and slowly, being careful of his cut lip, HT slurped the soup. He wouldn’t meet MGS’s eyes.
MGS wanted to ask what the hell was going on but decided against it every time the questions danced on his tongue. He was curious but he had never seen HT like this. He looked darker. At some points of the night, MGS felt like he couldn't really recognize him at all.
MGS made HT a bed on the floor the usual way. HT just turned his back to him and hummed in return when MGS said good night. After a while, MGS drifted off but woke up to strange noises. It sounded like heavy breathing. Not panting exactly but more like...gasping for breath. He snapped the lights on and found HT sitting on his makeshift bed. His eyes were wide, and it looked like he was breathing hard but couldn't breathe at the same time.
Luckily MGS had been around enough hyperventilation to know what it looked like. He hurried to find a paper bag from the kitchen, cursing that the damn things were everywhere but seemed to vanish when you really needed them. He helped HT press the opening of the bag tightly against his gaping mouth. At first, it looked like HT got more panicked, but MGS kept pressing the bag firmly.
Little by little, HT’s breathing calmed down and the wild look in his eyes faded. Finally, he pushed MGS’s hands away and tried to go for a grin and joke how this was pretty lame of him but he couldn't quite work his charm. A bit lost, MGS wondered what to do. Then he asked if HT wanted to read some comics till they got sleepy again. HT didn't want to read but asked if MGS would read. And keep the lights on. And like that - while MGS was glancing at panels of high-school-level humor - HT told him about having a fight with his father, talking back to him, knowing when he had pushed over the limit, and the next thing his head had been ringing.
MGS didn't know which freaked him out more: the story, the flatness of HT’s voice, or when his voice started to get thick and he pressed his face tight against the pillow. MGS hesitated if he should comfort HT somehow but it all felt too awkward. So, he just listened and hummed whenever there was s suitable pause. Eventually, HT fell silent and after a while, MGS noticed he had fallen asleep. He fixed the blanket over HT’s shoulders, climbed to his own bed, and left the lights on.
HT stayed the weekend, but they didn't really talk about that night afterwards. The next morning, HT seemed more to himself, smirking and teasing, gobbling the breakfast MGS made them. Mrs. Mo looked at HT a bit funny when she came home from her shift but didn't say anything. She just gave the boys a free night from doing the dishes.
Overall, they got to know each other better than anyone else at school. HT knew about MGS’s excitable, softer, and adorable side. He was a good kid who worked hard and around whom HT felt at ease, though silently guilty. MGS knew the HT that wasn’t the kind of charmer everyone at school saw him as. Despite being so popular, he seemed strangely lonely to MGS. He guessed HT had some kind of darker side that he didn't want to talk about and tried to hide. MGS doubted anyone had seen HT like that other night. It seemed his family was mixed up in some shady business, and MGS didn't quite know how to feel about that.
The angst of unrequited love?
You mentioned if this version of Tianshan would be closer to Zhanyi, and I think that could be possible. I doubt they would be that kind of softer, lovey-dovey dynamic, but my nose kind of sniffed a possibility for a similar unrequited love as JY had.
HT could start gaining romantic feelings for MGS somewhere along the way. But in my head, he would hide his feelings much the same way he does/did in the canon version, just take it to a more obvious level. Mask his feelings with jokes and double meanings. Make him kind of push but then pull back as if unsure.
His feelings for MGS would be laced with believing he doesn’t deserve to be loved by someone like MGS. He’s one of the bad guys. MGS is one of the good ones, and his family has been hurt by people like HT enough. And yet HT craves for what he has with MGS and nurses his unrequited love. It gives him both pain and comfort.
But he didn't want to confess. For one, he wasn’t sure where MGS stood on things like love. He seemed awkward around girls and often ended up scaring them off by his glare and harsh tone. The topic of romance hadn't really come up, or if it had, MGS usually remained silent. One time HT had decided to roll the dice and brought up jerking off. MGS had gone beet-red and stammered that what the hell was HT talking about. For a moment, HT had toyed with the idea of pushing for more but decided against it and brushed the topic off as a joke. MGS had looked damn cute, though.
Secondly, and more importantly, HT didn't think he was worthy of MGS the way he was now. He needed to do better, he wanted to do better. He needed to make decisions instead of slinking around like a kicked puppy. He needed a vision for himself and then pursue it. So, he decided to become someone better for MGS. Someone strong and good and reliable. His own man. The first step was him making HC talk their father into letting HT live by himself. The school was a good enough excuse.
At the same time, they grew a bit apart. MGS got older and took on more part-time jobs. HT concentrated on working on himself. He lost sight of MGS for a while, and it turned out things had gone worse for him. As HT was busy becoming a better man, MGS had grown more bitter and angry. It wasn’t until HT learned that MGS had agreed to get expelled from school that he woke up to what direction MGS had drifted to. On HT’s watch, too.
They had a big argument about the deal. They had often bickered in the past but never really had a serious fight. HT was angry MGS was knowingly mixing up with people SL even though they were obviously taking advantage of him and basically making him write them a blank check. MGS fired back that how could HT understand anything since HT was people like SL. That cut deep for HT, and it was the first time he wanted to slap MGS. Instead, they got their separate ways, brooding and glaring.
The next time HT saw MGS’s face, he knew something had gone horribly wrong. He heard that MGS was accused of assaulting some girl. Furious, he went to confront MGS about how stupid he had been, but all the anger died when he saw how shaken MGS was. He looked completely lost and horrified. All he seemed able to worry about was “they are going to tell my mother”. HT hugged him tight and said that everything was going to be fine. He will sort this out, don’t worry.
He fought with SL and got HC involved, too. HC took care of the deal, but HT never told MGS how exactly it had happened. In the same way he had never told him that the homeless man had been dead by the time HC’s crew had gotten to the alleyway. Instead, HT shoved the guilt deeper where it fueled his drive to become a better man.
But HT decided one thing after that fiasco. He wouldn’t let MGS drift away anymore. He wouldn’t get so wrapped up in his own vision that he lost sight of what mattered the most.
That is I guess where this AU version kind of leaves off and connects to the canon story? This version of Tianshan would have their friendship established first, and HT’s romantic feelings would come later. They would be more unrequited in a similar angsty way as JY’s. The trust between would have also been established through their growing friendship. I feel like there would be tons of things that could be added to this, especially ending-wise, but...yeah, something like this maybe?
Thank you for your wonderfully interesting question, dear anon! How do you vision their relationship would have developed?
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stitch1830 · 3 years
I'm fine and dandy,
Mind i ask your opinion on what became of the Gaang in LOK? I know the Toph being a cop thing ruffles some feathers and some don't accept Aang was a bad father.
HAT ANON HI glad to hear you are fine and dandy on this exquisite day of the week. And OOF this is a loaded question, but I'll do my best! :)
So I feel like there are a couple ways to answer this question based on your shipping preferences, but for the sake of this I'll try and answer everything based on what is considered canon. So ATLA, comics, and LOK.
I'll also preface by saying that I get why there are some controversial takes in LOK... I think they were trying to make the characters have more depth and show that even our favorite characters have flaws, even when they're adults. I just think that in some situations it was OOC and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you see where the Gaang went from the start to the end of ATLA, and then to see glimpses of their adult life and only seeing the trashiest parts.
Aang: If he's with Katara, it's not surprising to me that he's not a great father. Like, he has very strong opinions about his culture and while Katara is just as passionate about her upbringing, there isn't a ton of evidence of Aang accommodating the children's upbringing to also integrate SWT traditions in their lifestyle. I don't think he was outwardly trying to be a bad dad or anything, but his desperation to pass down Air Nomad traditions to an airbender overshadowed his primary need to be a father to all three of his kids. It's also really hard to see him as still this happy, lovable nice guy who treats everyone with kindness and respect when we know that he practically ignored 2 of his kids... But basically, his 'bad takes' as a dad were left unchecked, and his actions were probably defended by his wife as opposed to having to face them.
Katara: This one hurt lol. Again, it's not surprising that when she's with Aang that she chooses to settle down and be a wife and mother and healer. Aang's the Avatar, he's busy, their two oldest children are really rambunctious and are craving attention, so it's gonna be Katara to give them the love and care they need. But based on what we see in ATLA, it's just sad that we don't get to see or hear about any changes she made in the world or fighting. She really does seem to be ushered off to the side, left to retire in SWT after Aang dies. It's also sad/crazy that her strength and ability to stand up to disrespectful or ignorant people goes away when she's an adult. And I feel like this is glaring in her relationship with Aang and then also when Korra is finishing up training in the SWT. The other masters are whining that Korra isn't ready and Katara says she is and then the men keep complaining and whining. Like, no way would ATLA Katara let that go without her giving her two cents. Yes, she does help Korra leave, but she definitely would've said something to those old hoots. It's also weird that her strong resolve doesn't show up when she's raising her children with Aang. Why didn't she confront him? And if she did, how come nothing changed? Maybe it was too late, but idk. Katara doesn't seem like the person to let things go after she stood up to the problem once. Essentially, I'm upset that Katara was this strong and powerful female protagonist in ATLA, but not really hear about her amazing strides in the world in LOK (because if she did change the world, they didn't mention it... sad).
Sokka: Hmmm, he's not really ever shown in the show except in one flashback (because he's dead tears), but from what it sounds like, he didn't have any children, didn't sound like he ever really settled down, nothing like that. I think it would be sad if Aunt Wu's fortune was true and he never really ended up happy because of things he did. Would that be considered OOC? I don't think so... He was the goofy guy and the brains of the operations, but he seems like the guy that is afraid of being happy or ruins things when he is happy. My only reasoning for this is when he lost Yue, it changed him on some level, and at first he tried to push away Suki when she was initiating a kiss. Pretty light and lame reasons, but it's something....
Suki: MY GIRL SUKI NOT MENTIONED THAT'S SO OOC. Lol. Like, why didn't she randomly pop up from time to time? Are the Kyoshi Warriors just not around? I don't like that she wasn't in LOK, not even in a small flashback or anything. She was friends with the Gaang and it seems odd that no one mentioned their dear friend that helped save the world with them even if she passed away or anything. And also I don't think a casual statement about her settling in the suburbs counts as canon lol.
Toph: Okay. I don't hate that she's a cop. It's not really in character, but I don't hate it. If all of her friends settled in Republic City, and they all had their own responsibilities to deal with and asked Toph to run the RCPD, I think she would say yes out of loyalty to her friends, maybe out of boredom. I'm surprised she was in the role as long as she was, though... She was starting to get bored of her metalbending academy after a year or two once things were running smoothly, so she seems like the kind of woman that would search for the next adventure. But if she had to be a cop, I think she'd much rather be the one enforcing the rules at the top as opposed to following the rules, but... yeah. In a canon universe I struggle to come up with a long-term career for her, so I made my peace with the cop thing. Many of my friends haven't though lol, which is okay! Another thing I didn't like was how she was portrayed as a bad mother. Not that she was a bad mother (as much as it would suck, I can kind of see her being a bad mom), but they way she was a bad mom didn't really fit her character. She was neglected as a kid, doesn't seem right that she in turn would neglect her kids by giving them too much freedom. Also! My least favorite thing was how she had a 20/30 year rift with her girls, and then it was suddenly resolved. Like... No we need some more context to the conflict, and we need to see work being put into the resolution if we're going to bring this up. If Lin held a grudge against her family for 30 years, a short "sorry I wasn't a great mom, hope you don't hate me" comment isn't going to make her forgive them lol. I do like how she was portrayed as a single mother to two girls. She doesn't really seem like the type to settle down, and it was a nice surprise to see her have daughters from different men. Families come in all shapes and sizes, and it would've been the perfect opportunity to show those differences and show that there's more than one way to have a positive upbringing (Like, let's see the cloudbabies and the Beifongs both happy even though they had two very different parental upbringings? Just... there was an opportunity is all). And yeah, she seems like the one that would never settle down or have a family, so it would've been interesting to see her handle motherhood and her job! So I'm okay with that bit.
Zuko: Okay Zuko seems chill in canon, but who's his wife? Where she at? He got a partner or anything? We may never know... But it's nice that he appeared to have a happy life with good kids and grandkids... And yet I'm confused as to why Korra preferred to go to Zuko instead of the Avatar's wife for advice on what Aang would have done when choosing between saving the Air Nomads and turning herself in to the Red Lotus?? Like, I know Katara was in the SWT, but they have phones now, you're telling me they couldn't have called Katara? Why wasn't Katara the first person they thought to ask about the situation? I know the logistics would've been difficult considering Katara is holed up in the SWT, but why did everyone say that Zuko knew Aang the best? Why didn't his wife know him the best? Thoughts to ponder.
Okay. I wrote a lot and there's probably more that I do and don't like about how the characters were portrayed... But I think what it all boils down to is that there was an opportunity to still get depth in these beloved characters without us being frustrated with situations that are OOC. Then again, that would make it less about the Krew and more about the Gaang... It just seems like a bit of a slap to the face when we see glaring problems with the Gaang's characterization, and yet, we get no explanation. It does allow for canon writers to play with the 70 years in between, but idk. I much prefer AU's where there's time and opportunity to explore the characters as their best selves I suppose. Honestly, with my disinterest and disliking of canon ships, I don't see the bad takes in LOK as OOC, but it makes me wonder how different things could have been if other ships were made canon (thank goodness they weren't, we're not pigeonholed into one type of story, but still).
Does this kind of answer your question? Lol, sorry if not. My thoughts are all over the place with this one! Thank you for the ask, though, Hatty. Hope you have a great day! :)
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musette22 · 3 years
Hiya love, this might be interesting for you. I just had this idea that popped into my head about how tfaws could work with Steve technically still being there:
Ok so the premise is that the ending in EG happens as is but the old man is a skrull so he leaves with Bruce, Bucky and Sam. No one is the wiser that it’s not the real Steve. Our Steve returns to the spot slightly later but is captured by Hydra agents who were initially waiting to capture Bucky when he was alone in order to recondition him/study the serum further. With the skrull working for Hydra it’s an effective way to stop them intervening.
Why do take Bucky when they could use the solider with the original/purer form of the serum? This basically means that the characters growth in the series can happen and evolve to becoming an effective team. Allowing exploration into their background and focus on serious issues. (We don’t know how the eps will play out yet.) Also learning who they are without Steve there as painful as it sounds. However, Sam absolutely deserves the Shield, he’ll be amazing!!!
While they’re visiting old Steve, the skrull slips up, wether by memory or revealing Hydra has him at some point. Bucky and Sam realise that this is not their Steve, they go off to find him. Destroying several hydra bases along the way as completing missions that happens in the series. They find him but he’s either pre-serum due to an experiment backfiring or Hydra has wiped from his memories him so he could become the new fist of Hydra, therefore will not be able to carry the shield. So he’ll stay in recovery or realise it is not the life he wants to have after being in Hydras clutches. In the end Bucky is not alone feeling out of place in the world (their stories parallel one another’s so much) and can somewhat live a life and Sam will stay Captain America.
This was just a rough idea, what do you think ? if you dislike it i won’t mind, I value your honesty!!! Hope you have a wonderful day dear. Much love, Anon. Xx
Hello sweet, darling anon!!! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with us, I appreciate it so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ All in all I think this is a wonderful idea and wow, I wish they’d hired someone like you as a writer 😅 In all honesty, imagining Steve in Hydra’s clutches makes me incredibly sad, but then nothing could top the sadness of (fake) Steve’s (fake) leaving Bucky and his friends behind intentionally, so I’ll take it! As for what happens when they find Steve - I really like the deserumed option - maybe something went wrong with their experiments? I’m not that keen on the memory loss option because these guys have been through enough, but then again, it would be a beautiful parallel, and if they get through that together and then, finally, get to be happy together in the end, then yes ❤️
Needless to say, I love how all these ideas still make the existence of tfatws possible, with Sam and Bucky going on missions and growing closer and Sam becoming Cap!! So well done, anon. I applaud you 👏🏻
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