#thank you anon <3333
antigonewinchester · 8 months
Your choice of SPN character has been hit with a curse of Endless Chatter. Write one run-on sentence of dialogue for them (until your own stream-of-consciousness runs out!).
I never told you how I met Jess, did I, it was in my first IHUM class, Introduction to Humanities, and it's not actually that weird of a name, because everything got shortened like that, MemAud, FloMo, CoHo—anyway, it was my freshman year, first quarter, and we'd just watched Blade Runner, and yeah, we did get to watch movies for our coursework, it wasn't just books, or research papers, or—and the class was about death and mortality and meaning, and that's exactly what the movie is about, right—and this was when everyone still seemed like they knew more than me, I guess, all those kids who'd had SAT tutors and parents who worked at Google and stories about clubbing in Rome, and they just, they just knew how to talk, they all sounded so smart and I was sitting there with in my old holey Silverpark sweatshirt and I'd gotten a B- on my first paper and had absolutely no idea what I was going to write for my second one—and then Jess spoke up and said she hated Roy Batty's monologue, which got everyone really heated because, well, you know—but she stood her ground, said his death was beautiful but that wasn't what death was like, not really, and I kept thinking about the werewolf, the one you and Dad hadn't wanted me to see, the way it kept trying to crawl even after, until Dad finally—and nobody else was agreeing with her, and I could tell they all thought she was stupid, that she didn't know what she was talking about, so I said I thought she was right, and I don't remember the rest of the conversation but I do remember her grateful look, and when we talked afterward she said her dog had died suddenly over Thanksgiving break, she'd had him since she was four, and she'd been the only one there when it happened and she'd held him and tried to make him feel better but he'd looked so, so frightened, and maybe she was being stupid because he was just a dog, and I said no, it wasn't stupid, because I was thinking about its eyes, yellow and monstrous and scared, and then we got lunch and when I finally made her laugh it made me feel normal for the first time in a long time, and sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I hadn't tried to help, if I'd—because I can't forget, what she looked like—her eyes—and I saw your eyes too, right before—so I swear to God I'm gonna—screw whatever the doctors say—screw whatever Dad's not doing—I'm gonna save you, Dean, just like last time—and everything's gonna be okay.
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angelmichelangelo · 11 months
12leo makes the best teas & matchas. his brothers claim they prefer coffee/juice/whatever, but when leo knows they're upset and wordlessly makes their drinks in the especially specific way he knows they like, they can't hide their gratitude.
do with that what you will :)
There’s the beginnings of a headache blossoming right behind his eyes, growing there and wiggling around his skull like some hungry parasite. 
The data that is rolling across his computer screen in long lines of jumbled words and numbers all starts to kind of… blur together at some point.
He squeezes his eyes shut like it might just magically make it clear again, but all it does is spur on his growing migraine, kicking it into action, he groans, pulling himself up from his desk, he’s fairly certain he can see the projection of his computer screen still behind his eyes with each blink.
It’s late, so technically there shouldn’t be anybody in the kitchen. Not with the soft sounds of Raphael’s snoring coming from behind his door, or Mikey’s nightlight spilling from beneath his.
Yet, he’s no surprise to see Leonardo already perched at their makeshift dinner table, hands curled around a steaming mug, his face lacks its usual mask, showcasing the dark circles that are ringed beneath his eyes.
“Did you even attempt to make it to bed?” He asks him, eyes following him around the room as he sluggishly makes his way to their coffee machine. (He says their like it’s a shared possession but Donnie is the only coffee fiend in this house. Raph gets his buzz from energy drinks like the disgusting teenage boy he is, and Mikey took one sip once and said it tasted like dirt. This here machine was his and his alone.)
He jabs a finger at the button, letting it work its magic. He turns and rests a hip against the counter, looking towards his elder brother.
“For like, a minute, yeah.”
Leo scoffs, though, there’s nothing venomous towards it. Many a night since their childhood had this been their rendezvous point, here in this tiny, dank little kitchen. Whilst Donnie’s own insomnia might have been entirely self inflicted ever since he’d built his own home computer, Leo’s wasn’t exactly staying up late on purpose.
Donnie makes his coffee and slides over towards his spot at the table, watching as his brother's beak crinkles up in detest as he brings the mug to his lip.
“That stuff is so gross,” he says, voice low, mindful of their still sleeping siblings just down the hall. “I don’t know how you drink that sludge, Dee.”
Hot coffee slides down his throat, warming his belly. It won’t do much for his headache but at least it’ll stop him from passing out at his desk any time soon.
Donnie sighs. He looks towards Leo’s own mug — it’s one of Sensei’s, chipped at the edges and clearer steam curls from the top. There’s the faint aroma of something sweet, and without having to look, Donnie would guess that the contents inside were probably a rather pale green color.
“I could say the same,” he comments, nodding towards the beverage.
Leo’s lips twitch. “Yeah but this is actually supposed to help you sleep,” he tells him rather pointedly. He even pitches himself forward on his seat a little. “I wish you wouldn’t force yourself awake on that stuff.”
There’s a fleeting look of worry dashing across his brother's face; brows knitted together, his mouth drawn in a straight line. His eyes go a little dark under the dim light of the overhead bulb that needs changing.
Donnie sighs again. The ache in his head now webs itself around his temples, throbbing there like a cylinder drum. He rubs the heel of his hand against his eyes, like it might stave off some of the hurt, but it refuses, pulsating like his brain was about to explode.
“Don?” Leo’s voice is gentle, but he stands, and his chair makes a sick groaning sound against concrete and it bounces off his skull walls. He ducks his head down to draw a sharp breath. He hears Leo approach him.
“Don’t worry,” he grits. He reaches blindly for his drink. “Just a headache from looking at my computer for too long.” He presses his hand harder, swirls of muted color dance around behind his lids.
There’s a tentative hand on his shoulder, and the sound of his mug dragging across the table.
“C’mon,” Leo whispers. “I got something for that.”
He ends up with two little pulls pressed into his palm and what was left of his coffee splashed into the sink in sad rivets of brown. Looking at it like this, it did appear pretty grim.
Leo is quiet as he busies himself beside the stove, his own tea left abandoned, Donnie watches as the steam starts to disperse into nothing in the air, and once it’s all gone, does Leo turn back around to face him.
“Here,” he tells him, handing out one of Sensei’s cups. It feels like sacrilege to take it from him — he’d never indulged their father on those afternoon tea breaks like Leo had done so many times, tucked away in the dojo just to two of them, but holding the hot mug now between his palms, he suddenly wishes he very much did instead.
“I had some leftover ginger tea when I made Mikey some the other week. Try it. It’s good for migraines.”
Don feels his brows knit together. “You had tea with Mikey?” He rasps. “Mikey doesn’t drink tea.”
Leo drops back into his seat, a smug grin creeps over his face. “You’d be surprised.” His smile falters a little. “He uh, he wasn’t sleeping so well. Nightmares. After…” his voice trails out, like the steam, into nothing. He steels himself, rounding out his shoulders before he continues. “So I got him on it. He said it tasted like gingerbread men, so. Whatever works.”
Donnie’s chest goes a little airy. He hadn’t known about that. 
He hesitates as he tries to draw in whatever information he can about what else he was missing from his brothers in this strange, brief period in their times when Leo must read it all perfectly across his face.
He clears his throat. “Drink it. I didn’t let mine go cold for nothing.”
And Donnie supposes he can’t argue with that.
He takes a sip and—
For one, Mikey was wrong. It didn’t taste like gingerbread men but… it wasn’t half bad.
And Leo reads him like a damn book again because he’s smirking again as he takes a mouthful of his own lukewarm drink.
“Told you.”
Donnie scoffs. But not before he takes another mouthful. It goes down way easier than coffee ever did. He scowls, not even realizing that the tightness behind his eyes was already starting to fade, he just rolls his eyes and tells him in a low, tired voice,
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*gives you a cookie*
:O <3
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wowieeitsisa · 2 years
Deimos, 10 D with Hurrrggghh
Two versions, as a treat
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This one was definitely fun and came out pretty good :D
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littleoblivions · 9 months
answered this one yesterday, but!!
green light
hard feelings/loveless
perfect places
sober ii (melodrama)
send me an album and i’ll say my top 5 favorite songs from it!
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ritahayworrth · 1 year
4, 5
4. zodiac sign? my big six are: cancer sun, aries moon, sagittarius rising, leo mercury and venus, and scorpio mars and i'm year of the rabbit!
5. personality type? my mbti is infp, and i'm an enneagram type 4 (i don't remember which wing i am)
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layzeal · 2 years
Lan Wangji spends like 1 hour choosing nice robes for the day (it's the same ones as usual) and walks into wei wuxian who's like covered in mud and lan wangji just has to come to terms with the fact he's doing all this for *that*
PLEASEEEE teenji would look at his disheveled hair and sunny smiling face with a steak of mud across his cheek and become even MORE infatued and then proceed to be SO MAD ABOUT IT 😭😭😭
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desitenya · 2 years
short monarch supremacy etcetc
yes that is me <3 i am owning it
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faebriel · 11 months
It is OLD but I’m thinking thoughts about that Pearl & Scott oneshot you made
NEVER LET ANYONE SAY I DON'T LOVE TALKING ABOUT OLD FICS!!!! trust i am always always always happy to hear that people still enjoy and appreciate them. and i still have a real soft spot for that fic :] i'm not usually one to write sickfics but i think it was just right for that one. i need to rewatch double life tbh, appreciate how sad they are
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thetimecrystal · 2 years
put a “∞” in my ask box and I’ll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
never let you down - robin packalen
"i don't wanna really fight my hopes 'cause i'm not ready to go on wanna stay where we belong"
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amandabe11man · 2 years
2, 4, 5, 7, 11
2. What was the film that scared you the most? There are a few, actually, but I think 28 Weeks Later takes the cake, considering how much it affected me irl. I mean, I never even watched it (still haven't), but the clips I've seen + the plot description was enough to make me: a) be afraid of the English countryside and its small villages. Like. the way they look? this was because of that one scene where main guy runs away from the horde of zombies (I mean "infected"). and since they get to London later in the movie, my view of London ALSO got tainted... which is saying something, since I was a bit of an anglophile back then. Just. the entirety of Great Britain was something I didn't even wanna THINK about for a couple years at least. all because 28 Weeks Later takes place there. I've gotten over it NOW, but I'm not exaggerating about the sheer amount of time that took me, lmao b) be afraid of disturbed's song "down with the sickness". why? because I watched a fanvideo someone had made about the movie with that song playing over the clips. this sucks because I loved that song back then too, but for a while I just couldn't listen to it, cause it'd make me all anxious, lol. (good song choice tho because the tension and rage in that song fits so well, it seems to be almost made for this movie) Here's some honorable mentions of movies that scared me a lot, also on a more.... profound level: The Mist, Dawn of the Dead (1978), Evil Dead (the original, obviously)
4. What film is TERRIBLE but you love it?: BIRDEEEEMIC, DON'T YOU FUCKIN' FORGEEEEET IT!!!! I would say The Room too, but in its defense, The Room at least had some production value, whereas Birdemic..... uh. you know.
5. What is the film you once loved but watching it now you realize it’s terrible? Hmm, tough one. Overall, I don't really subscribe to that whole argument that some movies don't "age well". I'm like who cares? Everything made this year is also gonna look laughable in the future, so please Sit Down, lol. I think the only movie I can think of that comes close in this case though, is the Dungeons and Dragons-movie from 2000. I remember thinking it was so cool back when we first watched it, but years later when I saw a review of it, I realized how dorky it was. I used to be scared of Jeremy irons' character when I was a kid (kind of in a "Noooo why is he so weird?? I don't like it :(" way), until I saw the review later in life and realized he wasn't scary at all, just funny
7. What is the sexiest film? The Hitcher (1986) of course!! (irdk)
11. What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen? It would be low-hanging fruit to pick a movie that was meant to be bad, so I won't choose Sand Sharks for this one. No, I feel like trashing Sweden's equivalent to Lars von Trier in terms of ego and pretentiousness; Ruben Östlundh... You see, his movie The Square wasn't very good. Sure, it LOOKED good, but other than that, it was just a big old nothing of a movie. Just like Michael Bay's Transformers-movies, the pretty visuals serve to distract the viewer from the fact that beneath it, the movie has no substance; no message. The lights are on but no one's home. The Square had nothing but unlikeable characters who's motivations were unclear and who's relationships never felt believable. There were so many red herrings put in place that made you think they had significance, but ended up amounting to nothing. Like-- imagine a movie built up of moments like that? That's The Square. Pretty much nothing gets resolved, and when something happens that makes you think that "OMG that's messed up! this has gotta be the turning point that delivers the movie's message!", then I'm sorry to say this but nope. Not even big, supposedly significant scenes wind up leading anywhere. Main guy accidentally pushes a kid down a staircase bc the kid was annoying him? Whooaaa what's gonna happen? Will the kid die? Will main guy apologize?? Answer: after fighting with himself abt it for a while, main guy decides to go to the kid's place and apologize (kid survived), but oops the kid and his parents have moved away now. That's literally where that plot point ends. Not even the movie's Big Moment selling point; the ape-man scene, truly leads anywhere, which is too bad because that scene was easily the most interesting one. But nah, the guy just acts like an ape, making everyone laugh at first until he starts to push the limits and the audience gets more uncomfortable. Were lessons learned? Was there a point? DOESN'T MATTER LOL OH RUBEN ÖSTLUNDH U SO QUIRKY 🥴 So yeah. I was NOT impressed, lol
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mitchievousness · 2 years
hey, i heard it's your birthday!? happy birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉
well, my bday is on oct 12th so it may technically still be my bday depending on where you are in the world rn lmao
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basketobread · 1 month
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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wayfayrr · 23 days
I absolutely adore your link self awake AU and cant stop thinking about reader having adhd and get distracted all the time.. that is a big mood for me
I got curious of how would the links react to reader if they boot up the game just to use them like a white noise for reader to sleep?(i do that alot),,,
Or with the rage quit one, but instead of reader just rage quitting and turn off the game completely, they just go non verbal, lay and took a power nap(maybe if i take this nap im miraculously better kinda way) and doesnt turn the game off either
Im sorry if my grammar is bad awuu,, English is not my first language,, and i wanna tell you agaon that i really love your writing!!!
You think that wouldn't be their most favourite thing? not only are you letting them stay while you're at your most vulnerable but you're giving them more time to try and find a way out - and to get out without causing you as much panic. if it's something that you do often then there is a very high chance that one morning you'll wake up with a link laying on top of you with the proudest look on his face, he did such a good job didn't he? Won't you simply give him some praise for it?
and if you stepping back from the game like that doesn't just give them the final push to do something about their situation :3c
*tap tap tap* "[name]? [name], I'm going to get out now if that's okay." They're really asleep then, well. No point in wasting the chance I have is there? who knows when I'll get another one. "Okay just, gotta get through this barrier, it's solid so if I just" Focus so that you can move how the 'camera' to above you then just. Ascend should work, it's never failed me before. And then I'm through, I - it worked. it worked and I'm finally out? "ouch- should've thought about the landing..."
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swiftmitsu · 2 months
kilber sasn
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passionpeachy · 3 months
Does it still count as a sapphic poetic love letter if I use all pronouns? Who cares, I have great tits so I think it's valid.
Even through we never met, I feel like I could just find you in a crowd.
It would be so easy, wouldn't it?
But why is that?
Why does your radiance shine through enough for me to recognize it in a sea of other lights?
Maybe it's the way you joke, eyes probably crinkling in delight when someone laughs.
Maybe it's the way you talk so happily about your interests. Oh, I wish I could hear your rants all day, even if I don't particularly care for things you talk about. I think it's enough that you're talking and I can look at the way your eyes shine.
I want to touch your hair and run my fingers through it. See how it feels, see how it shines in the daylight. And maybe under the moonlight, if you allow me to take you out some time. Could I kiss your hands under the moonlight? Those hands of a lovely, blushing girl. Those hard working, calloused fingers still feel so delicate when they trace my cheek. But, of course, only in my mind - I could never allow myself the sin of being under your hands. Oh, but is it? Is it truly wrong of me to look at your skin and see divine beauty in every curve, to wish to kiss your heart so you may never experience it's cold ache? Somehow no one has convinced me fully yet.
I don't feel I deserve your smile - I'm a bitter person, you know? So why does it make me so happy to hear from you? To wonder how your touch feels? I wonder what you truly think of me. And what you'll think of the true me, ugly, bitter side of the one you still seem to cherish.
Love truly is cruel - how could you, a delicate pearl, look at me like I am more that a piece of lonely rock lying deep in the sea where no one will look at me but the oh so lonely fish that live down there?
Just maybe, If I ignore the wispers of the cold-blooded ones and get closer to the skies, to you - I will shine like you? Oh, how I hope so. To reflect light in the ways you do, to be, to feel worthy of being near you, even if my form in darker than yours. Even if I am not as perfect.
And maybe, the closer I get to you, I'd see your true form half hidden inside the shell, under those see-through covers. A little more there, little less here, some scratches - gods, you're beautiful. You're more beautiful then you realize, probably. Why are you so perfect in your imperfectness? Your form, your character - just you. Oh, how I would wish to have your heart just as you have mine.
You're too sweet, you know that? I love you so much, I think I'm starting to love myself through an extension of you. I see myself in your eyes, and maybe I am not the little nimble pebble I once through I was. And maybe you're not the perfectly round in all aspects, cold white pearl I saw you as. Maybe we've both been lost pearls living without protection scratched by the cruel storms in the sea. And maybe we're both better than we think, and only now are learning to see it in each other's expressions under the warm light of love?
I hope so.
The way this begins versus how it ends is driving me crazy. anyway this is us anon
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