#thank you for asking <33
arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
what's one of your favourite movies?
The lego batman movie :) 🫶
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butteredfrogs · 6 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore 😁
i'm sorry this took me so long to answer ive been trying to think of some elvene facts i havent shared (unsuccessfully but)😭anyway here are some elvene facts which i may or may not have shared before
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when i first made elvene she actually had purple eyes (you can see her evolution here) and mostly wore the colour purple whereas now she mostly wears the colour green! she also wasn't a forest elf when i first made her either (i hadnt really thought about what type of elf she was at this point)
another thing about her character when i first made her she was actually called "elvene the sharpshooter" however i decided it was too long, making her last name "sharp" instead
she's a ranger, and her subclass is gloom stalker! (she loves to use shrouded in shadow to avoid people, which is most of the time honestly)
the reason her bow is so special to her is because it was actually gifted to her by a family after she helped protect their village. they were pretty poor and didnt have much to offer her money wise, but to her the bow is priceless as it serves as a reminder of the reason why she became an adventure. she didnt become an adventure for the money, but to help and protect people who need her and knowing she did that is more than enough for her! (she also never lets her bow and arrow leave her side)
she is very knowledgeable about plants and knows how to make a basic healing potion
(bonus fact bc why not) shes panromantic and asexual and her type is goth girls😁
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talonsin · 3 months
hi hi!! can you expand on how the demon slayer epilogue correlates to nature vs. nurture? i'd love to hear about them!
YES I CAN. So the nature v nurture debate is basically what about our personalities/the way we are is decided by genetics or by the environment we grew up in.
With KNY, the epilogue is set in modern day, ~100 years or so after the main series is set, and we see a bunch of descendents from the main cast. Mostly great-grandchildren and they are eerily similar in personality (and appearance) to their great-grandparents, despite growing up in a completely different era and circumstances.
Like the Zenitsu/Nezuko descendants are really similar to both of them, especially Yoshiteru is just Zenitsu again, and he even mentions that the rest of their family (except his sister) are really quiet and polite like Nezuko. Same is true that the Tanjiro descendent is like Tanjiro again, and Rengoku, and Uzui etc.
Yoshiteru does say something about reincarnation (and it is heavily implied this is the case) so either all the characters are reincarnated into their descendants OR they had personality genetics so strong they carried on for 3 generations which I personally think is a lot funnier
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you-know-i-get-itt · 29 days
Either quintessence of dust or always and angel for WIP wednesday pls! Either is fine, your choice. No pressure ofc :D
here’s some always an angel!!
Eventually, Jeremy was going to run out of reasons to defend the Ravens, but by that time, he knew it would be too late—he was self-aware enough to know that he was already well on his way to becoming one of them. Just yesterday, he’d checked another striker hard enough for a thin slice of blood to seep out through the cloth of her jersey and hadn’t even hung around to apologize. True, she had turned and started after him almost immediately, and his instincts had kicked in and busied themselves in getting him as far away as they could, and as fast as possible. The fact that “getting far away” in this case meant running towards the goal, and that getting himself out of danger meant shooting the ball between the posts and watching the sensor turn red, was pure coincidence, and he was going to leave it at that. Once again, he was self-aware enough to know when he was lying to himself, and in this case, he most certainly was not. 
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Tell us more about Pharos and Satin?
ohh i would love to, thank you for asking!!
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Pharos the Hedgehog is the leader of Team Anomaly, which is a taskforce dedicated to hunting down individuals (like him) that aren't naturally occurring. As the only documented case of a Mobian ever surviving partial roboticization (Bunnie has cybernetics à la post-genesis wave), his body is mostly comprised of nanomachines, which requires him to consume metal instead of regular food. This is also why the scar on his top quill is more like a metal plate!
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Although born on Christmas Island like most hedgehogs, Pharos and his family soon moved to Cocoa Island, which is where he spent most of his early years growing up. On Cocoa Island is where he discovered a mysterious entity known as Lemures, and the two of them eventually became good friends. After being caught by humans who were surveying the area, he was in the middle of being roboticized when Lemures somehow freed him from the machine (Pharos was not able to witness it), leaving only his left arm being turned into machine. After escaping from the human lab, he was found by Satin the Silkmoth, who took him in and introduced him to the Anomaly Project as its future leader.
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Satin is the Anomaly Project's founder and a sort of father/mentor figure to the other members, since many of them were displaced when they were young. A subject to experimentation of some kind that nobody knows anything about, he is completely blind to physical surroundings. The only thing he can see when his eyes are open is the aura of other people, which can fluctuate in appearance based on individual's and their emotions. As a silkmoth, he is able to generate balls of silk that can entrap enemies, and he uses his pool stick (that also functions as his walking stick) to manipulate them in battle. Pharos used to refer to him as an uncle of sorts when he was younger, but is highly reluctant to do so in the present. Satin thinks this is very funny. He also has rizz?? go moth dad go
there are other OCs in this sort of pseudo-story i have going on that ill draw eventually, like Lemures and other Anomaly Project members!! these are all i have for now though lol
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roseverie · 3 months
Greetings, gorgeous. ♥️
[popcorn] & [whispers]
Hello love! ♥️
[popcorn] when you were young, which film encapsulated the life you wanted to lead when you were “grown up”?
Oh there was so many but I remember loving the Lara Croft films starring Angelina Jolie, enamoured with the life of ancient discoveries, mysteries, travel and longing for independence
[whispers] what do you think about before falling asleep?
If I’m not exhausted I find myself thinking of creative ideas… visualising scenes, jewellery designs, paintings, fashion pieces […] Always having my phone or a notebook on my bedside table to write plot ideas down that may come. A lot of which are currently floating around in my word docs for months in a state of *there are fragments of vibes here yes, but barely any plot whatsoever*. I’m very artistic at heart and have tried many mediums but creative writing recently is a new thing for me. I can often visualise something well, but unfortunately overthink so much when it comes to words. All in all, a lot of daydreaming!
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virtuangel · 6 months
lavender wax flower sugarbush.. 🇵🇼🤲
hiiii liliiiiiii <3
lavender: what is something that you've always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?
my degree-,
mmm ive always wanted to be a decent dancer but i don't have the . confidence for it nd like the ... drive?? i give up everything in a matter of seconds when im not immediately good at it in my own eyes lmao so i i gave up dance like 50 times in my life
waxflower: (see here)
sugarbush: do you have a sweet tooth? if yes, what's your favorite sweets?
VERY MUCH SO... hard to find a fave... i love milk chocolate a LOT... these days esp the airy bubble ones & the peanut & caramel milka one... and fruit flavoured powder pastilles... and guava sorbet <3
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abba-enthusiast · 8 months
1, 7, 8 and 13 for the book asks :)
Thanks for the ask!! :D
1. Oldest book you own (by publication date)
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The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer! And I’ve chosen the oldest copies I own (It’s the german translation by Johann Heinrich Voss, I don’t know when exactly these books were printed 🙈)
7. Fattest book you own
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The seven novels of Jules Verne, which doesn’t look that big, but the pages are veryyy thin
8. Best cover
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I don’t know why but I am obsessed with this cover and the colours <3 (And it’s also a phenomenal book!)
13. A book you would recommend to everyone
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THE classic if you ask me
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jesterwriting · 10 months
brilliant, silk and galaxy? :O
brilliant; what celebrity do people say you look like?
i dont really get told i look like celebrities, except for this one time i got told i looked like if princess leia got her hair buns chopped off! so just imagine if young carrie fisher was a weird little trans guy
silk; what outfit makes you feel confident?
i think i look best in my go to outfit combo which is argyle sweaters over collared shirts. i come to the function serving mr rogers everytime
galaxy; what fascinates you?
kind of a weird answer but people mostly! i love people a lot, and the complexities that come with having a mind are so fascinating to me. im very interested in psychology and why the human brain works the way it does. and even small interactions with someone who youll never meet again can leave such a lasting impact. you can be carried in the heart of a complete stranger and never know it. being alive is such a beautiful experience. there is so much art and love being created everywhere, idk ill pass someone on the street and wonder what their life web looks like!
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runner5anna · 1 year
Oooooh I love the ask meme!!! Can I send number 5 for your Five? I love learning about her!!!
Gasp!! thank you! I will talk non stop about my 5
5. Guilty pleasures
Johanna is lactose intolerant. And probably somewhat gluten intolerant too. She follows it most of the time…but her guilty pleasure is a chocolate biscuit with a cup of tea. Mmm yum yum
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littlerequiem · 1 year
Hello, darling Flo! 🌙 💫
For the ask game, 29 (hehe), 69, 83, 94
Hello Sailor dear, thank you for your questions ♡
29 - Give us a spoiler for one of your stories. Hahaha I see what you did there. A spoiler for we all bleed red is… there’s going to be more scenes with an indecently dressed protagonist and her nightgown? Poor Levi.
69. How do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel? I definitely do end up feeling what the characters feel. I think I'm quite emotional myself, so I find that putting myself in a character's shoes & considering their life experiences helps me a lot. It does lead to me crying my eyes out as I’m writing but oh well :’)
83. Less is more or more is more? Oh that’s a good question. I think it depends on the context. For example, I enjoy lengthy descriptions where I feel immersed into the environment but I also don’t like to always be told everything about how I should feel. Then I think less is more, you know?
94 - Do you prefer dialogue or description? Dialogue! Good dialogue that feels organic is important for me. But I also like pretty and poetic prose, hehe.
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addhellandcurse · 1 year
🎶✨when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers/ mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨🎶
ohhh this is hard
1. 'sisters' by radical face
2. 'burning love' but motion picture cover one
3. 'let's dance' by ramones
4. 'make room!!!' by mcr
5. 'pollyanna' by green day
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butteredfrogs · 5 months
2, 17 & 19 for the ask game ❤️
2 - Favorite Expansion Pack
honestly i think my fav is horse ranch closely followed by cottage living (the only reason horse ranch is slightly ahead is because of the mini goats and sheep, theyre so so cute!!)
17 Your favorite food, music & color from the game
my fav colour in game is probably green, esp in terms of furniture and stuff i really love a lot of the green swatches! my fav music honestly i dont play the game with music on very often but if i had to choose probably cottagecore just because it fits the vibe of my sims and gameplay! and finally food, ofc its gotta be mac and cheese, i always have my sims cook mac and cheese haha
19 Favorite life state
young adult all the way! esp because i spend most of my time in cas i make a lot of young adult sims anyway, but yeah (basic answer i know but)
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totentnz · 1 year
V: 10 & 43!! 🤠
OC Ask Game: Profile
10. relationship to their parents?
awful, terrible even. to be completely honest with you im a bit on the fence with this one simply because abusive parents are a touchy topic. vincent and v ran away from home when they were teenagers and while their parents try to keep in contact with her she will have none of it. vincent is a bit more optimistic on the matter, he believes/ hopes their parents could change for the better but the twins have been disappointed over and over and v is tired of it. on a happier note: vik becomes somewhat of a father figure! v doesn't trust him at first but vincent convinces her to give him a chance and as we know he comes through. :3 he helps them find a place to stay and keeps quiet when the badges come looking for them.
43. favourite aesthetic?
though one. during one of their heart to hearts johnny is worried that he has influenced her aesthetic, way to dress and the like. he saw her memories and realised she used to look and be very different. (he isnt wrong) V assures him that she is always one bad day away from a personal crisis and reinventing herself in some way. one could say losing t-bug & jackie and getting shot in the head is a bad day that warrants that. but to actually answer the question: during the time the game takes place i would describe her aesthetic as grunge but with colourful hair!
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stormbornpirate · 2 years
Clark for character bingo!!
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kimtaegis · 1 year
hi annie, did you get home okay yesterday? :(
I did after a few hours, yes. I’m still really upset about it all though… I’m really worried they can’t save my car this time around, and I don’t know what I’d do then..
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