#thank you for making me smile after irl people suck :)
peachyhellaverse · 8 months
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Your art of the A/V² kicked my brain back into “Able To Draw” mode, so here’s a little Vox as a thx💞✨⚡️
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UAGIAGIAGIAGAGUGA I LOVE IT THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺??? ive never had smthn hh related drawn for me b4 that wasnt a request what do i say how do I react besides sayin ty a billion times
well i CAN say i will now be drawing a/v^2 EVEN MORE NOW. HA. like i wasn't going to already anyways lmao
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sorrowsofsilence · 11 months
I Was Always Yours • 2
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Words: 5.1k
Part One
Warnings: smut 18+ (mentions of PnV, wrap it b4 u tap it pls), fluff, female/male receiving, anxiety/panic attacks, swearing, alcohol, dirty talk
Summary: You grew up with Nick Ruffilo and Noah, but its been years since you’ve seen your best friends due to them being away touring. When Ruffilo came back to your hometown, opening his home tattoo studio, you get the opportunity to reconnect with him, and Noah. Deep down you’ve always had something for Noah, and it turns out he’s always felt something for you too. Perhaps seeing eachother years later, after you’ve both changed, sparked something.
Authors note: This is part 2! Initially I wasn’t planning on doing a second part but there was a lot of love on the first <3 so thank you! Hope you enjoy this one! (With 2 scenes of smut for all of us sick fucks to enjoy!)
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Noah’s back rested against the bedroom wall, the red LEDs illuminating his room. The clock read 3am, way past our bedtime, yet here I was, succumbing myself to Noah’s need.
“I can’t stop thinking about a few days ago,” he had said as I sat in his bed, days after we reconnected. I was playing on my phone while he was messing around on his computer, working on music. We had hung out non-stop since seeing each other; catching up, sharing stories, reminiscing, and just spending time together like we used to with an added activity.
“Me either,” I had replied, sitting up as my heart began racing thinking about it. What were we now? Were we still just friends? Things were not the same, things were different, but It was a good difference, it was how things always should’ve been…but was it the right choice?
“Nicks asleep,” he had said, turning his chair to face me. It was silent for a moment, as we had stared at each other, trying to read the expression on one another’s face.
“I need you so bad Y/N, you have me completely whipped.” He had said, before standing up and walking over to me: he had started kissing me rigidly, taking me into his arms.
“You need to earn your way back to my lips,” Noah whispered as he groaned deeply, his long, inked fingers tangled within the strands of my hair, wrapped around in a desirable hold.
He held my head in place firmly as my mouth slid up and down, hand holding the rest, tongue swirling around the tip. My legs supported me from below as I kneeled before him at his mercy.
“Christ Y/N, you got cheated on when you can suck dick like this?” Noah looked down at me, eyes fluttering closed before tilting his head back in bliss. His hips rolled into my face gently, beginning to fuck my mouth as his other hand joined the first, gripping the other side of my head, “Man's fucking loss,” he scoffed in disbelief.
I rolled my eyes and internally laughed, choking on Noah before looking up through my lashes, watching as his mouth hung open slightly, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. Watching the hold I had over him turned me on immensely. He was falling apart because of me.
I gagged on him for a moment longer, pushing myself as far as I could, before pulling off of him, the string of saliva following my lips.
“Fuck,” Noah gave me a breathy laugh, looking down in awe with a lopsided grin “You were gone from me for too long, you’re telling me we could have been doing this years ago?”
I gave him a small smile, “I think we have a lot of missed time to make up for.”
I wrapped my hand around him, stroking up and down, rotating my wrist, before attaching my mouth to him again. Noah’s hands gripped my hair tighter, keeping me in place once again as he fucked me.
“Such a pretty girl, letting me fuck your mouth like this,” Noah pulled me closer to his abdomen as he hit the back of my throat. I gagged but closed my eyes to keep going.
“Y/N, look at me,” Noah demanded and my eyes snapped upwards towards his own, and he watched me watch him. With his lips parted he observed my every move, heavy pants heaving from his chest, shallow grunts pouring from his soul.
“Shit,” Noah’s body began to twitch, and seconds later my mouth was filled, threads of his release coating the back of my throat.
Noah tucked my hair behind my ears, rubbing his fingers down underneath my chin, “Good girls swallow,” he said, “all of it.”
I moaned at his words and obeyed, watching his eyes glint with satisfaction and complete reverence as I sucked.
Drinking in all of him I pulled away, and Noah leaned down, pulling my chin towards him, planting a kiss on my lips. I melted into him, sighing with contentment as he pulled up his black shorts.
“I was always yours,” he said, “but you keep proving to me that I’m never going anywhere ever again.”
“Folio, Jolly this is Y/N: Y/N, this is Folio and Jolly,” Noah introduced me officially to Nick and Joakim, the drummer and guitarist, and I immediately felt giddy. Although known Noah and Ruffilo for years, I had never met the other two current members in person; only through photographs.
I had to admit I was a little excited, because I really did enjoy their music, and therefore have always wanted to meet the other two.
“It’s cool to see you guys in person and not on a screen,” I laughed shyly, shaking their hands. Folio squinted with his eyes, his crooked tooth smile even more charming face to face. Jolly pulled me in for a shake and a hug, catching me off guard. I felt flush as his long hair tickled my face, patting his back.
“Nice to finally meet you! Noah hasn’t shut up about you.” Folio said, grinning.
Noah ran up from behind, wrapping his arms around me, and lifting me up. I squealed with my back against his chest, laughing as he swung me around, playfully, “yea, because I missed her,” Noah laughed, placing his face in the crook of my neck, still holding on to me from behind.
I held on to his arms that crossed my chest, blushing at his signs of affection in front of his friends.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy.” Jolly smiled warmly, “fucking goof.”
“So, you guys were friends growing up?” Folio asked as we all started walking towards the car. Noah had insisted I ride with the boys to the concert, coming early to spend time and see how everything behind the scenes worked. I told Noah I’d be happy to wait in line with the rest of the crowd, but he was taking this VIP very seriously.
“You want me to punish you if you don’t listen to me?”
Yes please, I had thought; but all I could do was stare up at him as he slowly backed me up towards the kitchen table.
“Noah,” I whined, tilting my head at him as he gripped my hips, his cologne filling my senses, “I’m going to watch the show from the crowd, but I’ll come with you everywhere else.”
My back hit the wood, and Noah leaned over me, placing a kiss on my forehead before kissing down to my lips.
“Good,” he mumbled, his hand sliding around my hip to behind, squeezing me, “but you better be behind the stage by the time I walk off at the end of Dethrone, or we’re gonna have a problem.”
“Yeah, Y/N, Noah and I went to school together,” Ruffilo said, offering me a hand to pull me into the car. I sat between him and Noah, Jolly and Folio sitting in the back row.
“Cool,” Folio said, before drumming on the back of the seat. I watched him, smiling.
“You’re pretty good at that hey?” I said, and he smiled back, shrugging.
“I’m hyped for today, I fucking love this place.”
We started driving towards the venue, and the closer we got to our destination, the more I noticed Noah’s anxiety beginning to spike. The entire time he kept his gaze out the window, hand gripping my thigh, resting his chin on his palm. His leg bounced rapidly, and ever so often I felt his fingers squeeze me, his hand beginning to vibrate.
I looked at him with concern, the smile from my conversation with Jolly fading from my lips as Noah took a brief sharp exhale, staying extremely still except for his leg. I placed my hand on top of his own, and Noah immediately stopped bouncing.
You okay? I mouthed, to which he shrugged, his dark brown eyes looking at me with apprehension before turning his gaze back out the window, the concrete jungle swaying past in a grey, lifeless blur. The boys became quiet, pretending to be preoccupied but watched; knowing that Noah was beginning to have a panic attack.
I flipped our hands, entwining my fingers with Noah’s and resting them on his moving leg, rubbing my thumb delicately across his skin. His hands were clammy but I held on in compassion, creating a soothing, rhythmic touch on the top of his hand. I rested my head on his shoulder, to which he placed his on top of mine.
Without saying anything I began to inhale through my nose, expiring throughout my mouth, and Noah eventually caught on, mimicking my breathing pattern. Opening up his palm, I ran the tips of my finger up and down each appendage, tracing the outline of his hand before circling his palm, moving from the centre outwards, before repeating the pattern. Noah analyzed my movements for a moment longer, and I sat up, turning my body to face him.
He watched me, eyes still filled with worry but transitioning to appreciation, before he closed his eyes, pushing his face into the side of mine affectionately. He stayed there for a moment, the soft breath of his exhale brushing across my cheek. With my free hand, I reached up, pushing the bangs delicately out of his face, running my hands through his hair, hoping the sensations helped distract him from his anxiety, even for a brief moment.
I felt sympathy for him, knowing that this must be the anxiety Nick mentioned that Noah’s struggled with lately. Fans have been crazy, and for someone who has always had a low social battery, I can imagine it must be even more difficult for him.
I gave Noah a small smile, before leaving in, giving him a delicate kiss of love and confidence, showing him that he is supported.
“Better?” I whispered, and Noah squeezed my hand in response, eyes lingering on me for a moment more before he let out another breath.
“I don’t know how I survived so long without you.” He whispered back, almost sighing in relief.
I couldn’t help but blush, resting my head on him again, and he wrapped his arm around me now, leaning me into his chest.
Once we arrived we were rushed into the building. Thankfully there were no fans out yet because we were so early- but I was glad because otherwise, rumours would start. Noah held my hand the entire way, only letting go once we arrived at the green room, and him heading to the washroom.
My eyes followed him as he left, the door closing quickly. I then turned to look at Ruffilo who patted me on the head.
“Nice work Y/N/N.” he hugged me, and I breathed into his chest, sighing.
Folio nodded in agreement, “Wow. I haven’t seen him calm down that fast in a while.”
I frowned, looking at the three of them sadly, “this is a usual occurrence?”
Jolly nodded, “unfortunately. Ever since the fans found out shit about where we lived and dug up stuff from his past, he hasn’t been the same.”
I turned, watching the door, waiting for Noah to return, “that breaks my heart.”
The boys nodded, agreeing.
“But honestly, we still have a fuck ton of fun,” Ruffilo said, reassuring me.
“Yea,” Folio said, beginning to drum the air, “now we get to fuck around until sound check.”
I laughed, “And that means?”
“Tomfoolery,” Jolly said, a glint in his eye, “and shots!”
“Fuck I hate vodka,” Noah grumbled, eying the shot glass with a look of disgust, lip curling.
“Don’t be such a pussy, Sebastian,” I raised a brow, the boys cheering as I downed the shot, my nose scrunching as the alcohol burned my throat.
Noah plugged his nose before shooting it back, shaking his head as he swallowed it, coughing.
“That shit is literally vile,” he whined, chugging some juice to mask the flavour.
“Don’t be so dramatic pretty boy, you’re fine,” Jolly laughed, patting Noah’s back.
“You don’t know shit about fuck,” Noah glared, laughing.
“I don’t know shit about fuckin, but I know shit about everything else!” Jolly said, downing a shot himself, and I laughed, smiling harder than I probably have in years.
“Aight boys, time for soundcheck,” Noah said, before extending a hand for me to take. Entwining our fingers he led me with them. I had to admit this was very exciting, getting to see the process of how behind the scenes worked.
Once each section was set up, Folio started drumming, and I watched in amazement as his feet followed his arms, beginning to alternating patterns, hitting the double beat and cymbals.
“He’s extremely talented!” I said, appreciating the opportunity to watch Nick without any other sound present- just the drummer.
“Folio is a complete animal on stage.” Noah agreed, folding his arms and watching in approval.
It was Ruffilo’s turn next, then Jolly, and then Noah.
Noah held the mic close, fiddling with his earpiece, hitting a variety of notes. I watched in amazement, falling completely in love with his ‘acoustic’ voice. It was rare that I got to hear him bare, without any music.
Once they finished, they packed up, and Noah explained how the rest of the show was going to work. They were going to let the audience in soon.
“Are you sure you want to stay in the crowd?” Noah asked, reluctant.
I nodded reassuringly, “of course! I gotta get the bad omen experience.” I couldn’t help but laugh. Nick joined us, placing an arm across my shoulders.
“But- how else is he supposed to get a good luck kiss between songs?” Ruffilo teased as I leaned into him, slapping his chest playfully.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes, “he never needed those before and did just fine.”
Noah gave me a cheeky grin, “ok but now that I can have a good luck kiss, it’s gotta be a ritual now.”
I shook my head, smiling at him, “Whatever, I’m going to go get my fangirl on.”
I turned into Nick, squeezing him, “break a leg, but not literally,” I said.
“I’ll try not to or will I-“ he laughed, before turning to head to Folio and Jolly.
“I’ll let security know to keep an extra close eye on you, I don’t want you getting hurt- especially if a wall of death breaks out.” Noah said cautiously, “And I want you to be against the bar the entire time, and make sure to stay centred so I can keep an eye on you, ok?”
I tilted my head to the side, giving him a ‘really’ look.
“Noah,” I grabbed his t-shirt by the collar, standing on my tiptoes as I pulled him close to me, noses inches apart. Noah’s breathing quickened, his lips parting gently as his eyes trailed between my mouth and eyes rapidly.
“I’ll be okay,” I whispered, closing the gap between our lips, and kissing him hard. Our mouths moved together, Noah wrapping his arms around me, folding into each other.
I pulled away, Noah following reluctantly, moaning in protest.
“Good luck,” I said, giving him a reassuring smile.
Noah kissed me again quickly, before letting me pull away. As I turned to follow security, he grabbed my wrist, holding me for a moment, his eyes darkening. I watched him confused, before the sentence left his lips.
“Don’t forget what I said, you better be backstage by the time Dethrone is finished.”
A flash of heat washed throughout my body as I nodded, and Noah smiled. “Good. See you soon princess.”
Noah walked away, turning back once to give me a brief wink, and I flushed, following security towards the stage. I hopped down, standing right against the barricade.
Within fifteen minutes the venue started filling, the string of fans running towards the front, some even beginning to push into my back. I held onto the bar firmly, not letting myself be shoved to leave the spot. I shared eye contact with a security guard and I nodded, reassuring him I was okay.
About an hour went by, and eventually, the lights went dark, and the fans erupted into a roar.
I too began screaming, the adrenaline of excitement coursing through my veins. Seconds later the stage lit up with a visual, a video beginning to play. Noah, lying on a mattress with an initiation mask began speaking:
Why do you care about these people?
They don’t care about you- none of them?
They don’t even know you- because you haven’t shown them.
Black and white visuals flashed on the screen, and my heart raced with excitement.
Every day, you’ll wake up, and there’ll be less of you.
You live your life for them,
and they don’t even see you.
You don’t even see yourself.
Jolly walked out on stage, still completely dark, but the guitar riff to artificial suicide began.
Can you hear me through the white noise?
Fans screamed, bodies pushing against me in excitement, waiting for the brunette god to walk onto the stage.
The bass dropped, Folio’s drum beat taking over Jolly’s riff, as Ruffilo walked across the stage, masked, bass pumping through my ears. Fans howled again.
“Can you hear me you sick fucks?”
The crowd went feral.
Noah strutted into the stage, the embodiment of confidence and poise, swinging his arms before stopping mid-stage, gazing over the crowd, a hand covering his chest in appreciation for the turnout. His face was covered, only his eyes and mouth barely visible, as a black jacket and hood covered his body- it was almost a shame he was so modest, but I knew that in a few songs, he would strip, leaving himself exposed in that tight, black, vest top me and every other Noah fan admired.
“Can you hear me through the white noise!” He screamed into the mic, raising it in the air as smoke filled the venue, and I hollered in awe, yelling for my boys.
“Soaked in the neon glows
Silver-forked tongues talking to you in the digital snow
A glitch in the chain, a loop in the brain
You wanted to break, but you still wanna play the game!”
Noah bobbed around the stage, Jolly and Ruffilo head banging and I took it all in. The lights flashing, the smoke, the raging excitement radiating from the crowd- I smiled, eyes brimming with tears. I couldn’t help but feel proud of Noah and Nick, almost in disbelief that this was for them. They’ve grown so much, and it was entirely different getting to be part of the crowd myself compared to watching them online.
I screamed until my lungs felt raw, my throat burning, sweat dripping down my face.
All of this time sitting inside, sitting in the dark
And every night I can see why you could never stop, yeah
Lying is hard, and the truth comes out anyway
You're going way too far, gonna drop dead at this rate
Noah sat in front of me now, singing into his mic, his hair covering his eyes as I watched, completely fascinated.
There's no another way, don't let me go
Don't dig another grave today
I'll make the same mistakes, I'll never know
Who I was before I faded away into the grey
I gazed at Noah as he walked across the stage slowly, singing intentionally with every word, eyes scanning the crowd before he landed on me.
The song finished, and there was a short break, before Noah came back, jacket gone, the only thing remaining a pair of black cargo pants, boots, and that stupid fucking tank top.
The lighting defined Noah’s arms, his tattoos glistened from the sweat, and my heart began to race once again. My mind began to race with a million thoughts, but it kept landing on how good he’d look with his head tilted back as I took him in my mouth- or how much I wanted him to give me everything from behind, hands wrapped around my throat.
“What is up my friends!” Noah boomed, waving his arms, as the crowd yelled.
“We are bad omens and we are so fucking thankful to be here tonight!”
Nick hit the kick peddle of the drum kit in excitement, acknowledging the fans.
“We are gonna play an old song for ya, how does that sound?”
The crowd cheered.
“Who knows if I’m there?”
The crowd screamed again.
There are scars that'll never ever show themselves
You get when you're left alone too long in Hell
They tried to keep in the secrets that you wouldn't tell
But they just stripped you for parts you had to sell
Noah crouched in front of the crowd, reaching his arms out. He followed down the front, until stopping right in front of me. Arm extended, the body of hands around me grabbing onto his arms, but he left his hand open.
Noah sang into the mic, watching my eyes with every move. I stared up at him with a smile breaking out onto my face.
Well, if I'm there to catch you when you fall
You'll have a friend down in Hell after all
And if you're there to catch me when I fall
Then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all
I didn't want to believe how much you needed help
And I just left you to be all by yourself
And now I wish I had seen that you weren't doing well
But I just came back to see how hard you fell
I raised my arm, grabbing onto Noah’s hand, feeling my breath hasten as an immense amount of emotions washed over me. Here I was, being sung to, in front of thousands of people- yet it felt like it was just me and Noah.
His words were for me, and my heart raced, pounding out of my chest as we gazed at each other. He squeezed my hand before letting go, making his way down the rest of the stage.
There was a short intermission, and I felt my phone buzz.
Checking it, I noticed Noah texted.
‘Don’t forget what I said.’
I chuckled, shaking my head as I responded.
‘I’ll be there you dork. You guys sound fucking amazing, you’re killing it.’
Seconds later, Noah responded.
‘Don’t take your eyes off me for this next one.’
My breath hitched in my throat, and the lights dimmed inside the venue again, before the bass began, introducing The Death of Peace of Mind.
My mind began to race again, and as Noah stepped onto the stage, his eyes immediately latched onto me.
I made another mistake, thought I could change
Thought I could make it out
Promises break, need to hear you say
You're gonna keep it now
I miss the way you say my name
The way you bend, the way you break
Your makeup running down your face
The way you touch, the way you taste
When the curtains call the time
Will we both go home alive?
It wasn't hard to realize
Love's the death of peace of mind
You're in the walls that I made with crosses and frames
Hanging upside down
For granted, in vain, I took everything
I ever cared about
Noah never broke eye contact during the entire song. Despite walking across the entire stage, his eyes never left mine- and I refused to let mine leave his.
I miss the way you say my name
The way you bend, the way you break
Your makeup running down your face
The way you fuck, the way you taste
Noah ‘Look at me’ Sebastian let his fingers flow to his lips, taking the shape of a V as he licked between them, the crowd going ballistic. I felt my own stomach begin to churn.
You come and go in waves
Leaving me in your wake
You come and go in waves
Swallowing everything
Are you satisfied?
The crowd screamed again, and once the song finished the introduction to Dethrone began. I motioned over the security, who helped me crawl over the barrier and escorted me away from the crowd. As I headed up the stage and walked behind the curtain, I watched the side view of the performance, the boys thrashing out their last song of the night, all energy put into this song.
Here am I, take me to the pearly gates
So I can look you in the eye when I spit in your face
Here am I, take me to the pearly gates
Don't let 'em hit you on the way out when I take your place
As soon as the song finished they walked off stage, the crowd screaming behind them. All the boys smiled as they passed me, nodding sweatily. Noah on the other hand immediately grabbed me, kissing me firmly.
“Good fucking girl.” He said, smiling as his chest heaved with exhaustion. My face blushed again, especially knowing everyone around us heard his praise.
The crowd was screaming behind us again, and the boys had two minutes to compose themselves before going out to wave and bow. I waited patiently, watching them run out and smile with gratitude at the fans below them, throwing an assortment of picks and guitar sticks.
After a few minutes, the boys came back, and before I could say anything Noah instantly grabbed my wrist, pulling me along with him.
“Where are we going?” I asked, confused, but my insides bubbled with excitement.
“I want you in all the ways you’ll let me have you,” Noah muttered through gritted teeth, sending my heart into a frenzy of nerves. He tugged me through the halls, before finding a door, shoving me into the room.
It appeared to be a smaller version of a green room, the only things inside being a washroom and a couch. Almost like it was placed here just for us.
Locking the door swiftly behind him, Noah led me to the black letter couch sitting down, pulling me onto his lap.
I straddled him, his hands working their way underneath my skirt, gripping at the now-exposed skin.
“You didn’t wear shorts?” Noah moaned, almost instantly hardening at the realization. His tattooed hands ran along the back of my thighs, squeezing periodically, bringing his lips into my neck, biting at the skin gently.
“Do I turn you on that much?” I breathed hastily, closing my eyes, enjoying Noah’s worship over my body. He was fully indulging in me, taking every moment for himself.
“You don’t even fucking know,” he whispered, tugging the shirt off of my body, letting his lips trail across my shoulders, “the only thought I’ve had lately is what it would be like getting to eat you out after performing.”
I smiled at his words, closing my eyes as his lips trailed along my torso, my hips beginning to grind into his. “Are we— are we really going to do this here?”
Noah hummed in response, squeezing me to symbolize a yes.
“Let’s make your thoughts a reality then?” I whispered, and Noah’s eyes leered at me, completely insatiable with hunger.
His hands roamed across my body, and as I rotated on top of him, digging my core into his own, he let out a low groan, body thrusting upwards, slowly.
Noah’s hands pulled away my underwear, leaving me fully exposed underneath my skirt. “God I love the idea of you having nothing on underneath this, such easy access.”
I heard voices passing down the hall, and my head snapped towards the door, chest pounding.
“Th-There are people outside this door—” I said, pushing off Noah slightly, but his inked arms wrapped around me, pulling me back.
“Well, this isn’t about them, is it?” Noah said, chuckling lowly, “Just sit on my fucking face already.” 
Noah stayed sitting, but pushed himself deeper into the couch as I crawled up, allowing myself to be right above him, almost hanging over the couch; his breath left a cooling sensation on my skin, and I shuddered in anticipation.
“Spread your legs for me,” Noah demanded, pulling at my thighs.
“Spread them wider,” he said, and I tried, splitting myself completely for his need.
“Noah, please,” I whimpered, my body soaking for him, yet dreaded not being touched.
“Look at you,” he tskd, letting his long fingers rub along my folds, “coming undone before I’ve even started touching you.” 
“Please,” I whispered ever so lightly, gripping into the back of the couch.
Noah’s fingers danced around my skin for a moment longer before he explored my body, inviting himself into my space and causing my thighs to desire to squeeze shut; but Noah held a firm grip, forcing me against his mouth. His tongue circulated me, before he sucked, moaning against my sensitive skin.
“Jesus Christ, I love the way you taste,” Noah slapped my behind, squeezing so hard I knew there would be a mark. I winced at the impact, but my body began to convulse against his lips as he assaulted me where I needed him most.
“F-Fuck, I don’t think I’m gonna last long if you keep doing that,” I moaned, rolling myself into his skin, trying to create more friction for my need. One of Noah’s hands left my skin, trailing down towards his cargo pants as he freed himself, and began to touch his own body.
“I want you to fuck me so bad Noah,” I cried, pushing into him desperately as I watched him pleasure his own impulse, slim fingers cascading through his heat.
“You’ll get that once we get home.” He said, panting from beneath me, “I want you to come all over my face.”
My mouth hung open as my orgasm built, ears began to ring. I let out a moan way louder than intended, causing Noah to begin to thrust into his hips, his body twitching with complete craving. His breathing quickened and I felt him struggle against me as I cried out, pushing against him one final time as I came undone, and Noah released all over his taped hand, rubbing out his own desire.
I panted, pulling myself off of his face and down into his lap, sitting on his mess.
“Imagine how amazing you’ll sound when I’m fucking you senseless.” Noah’s eyes were closed as he smiled and tilted his head back in satisfaction, out of breath.
After a moment I pulled him into a kiss, and we whispered praises against one another’s lips, which was met with gentle moans. 
“I love getting to know you like this.” He sighed, pulling back to look at me as we heaved together, exhausted.
I smiled at him, pressing my forehead against his own, appreciating what Noah and I had begun to build amongst our friendship.
I kissed him again, softly, my body flushing with heat again, “Will you let me ride you when we get back?”
Noah’s deep October eyes opened with lust, staring me down once again with an immense amount of need. “Only if you moan my name for everyone to hear.”
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Oh god help me
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midnightfantasiez · 2 months
[00:50AM] Taste Of You - Lee Sangyeon
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SUMMARY: your boyfriend was convinced that he absolutely nailed the performance for the night, and he was also going to make sure that his partner was fully aware of every single detail he had shown on stage and finally indulge in his little reward after the show.
PAIRING: idol!Sangyeon x afab!reader
GENRE: smut (18+ MDNI!!)
WARNINGS: possessive bf Sangyeon hihi 😃, TONS of kissing, hickeys, pretty much a hot yet soft steaming kissing scene in the hotel room and under the sheets 😀, teasing, mentions of oral (reader receiving), mentions of alcohol, Sangyeon is tipsy, dirty talk, Hyunjae makes a little cameo, petnames (baby, babe), a little spoiler on the zeneration 2 concert so beware, proofread once
A/N: greetings🧍🏻‍♀️i apologise for being gone for so long irl has just been a total mess 😭 here's a little short one to make up for it; pls bear with me i haven't written in months so this ain't my best work 😭 but thanks to my precious sister wives @daisyvisions @aimeecarreros @snowflakewhispers for encouraging me & convinced me that this idea i had was doable ily 💗
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Sangyeon isn’t a possessive guy. Well, at least when he isn’t tipsy or drunk. 
Sure, he is the best boyfriend one could ever ask for—caring, gentle, and the most affectionate golden retriever-like guy stuck in a big muscular man’s body. He was someone you always craved for attention, obviously because you knew he always gave the best cuddles and hugs after an exhausting day. 
It didn’t matter to him if he had the absolute worst or tiring day—he would always make sure that you were his number one priority, and taking care of you was always high up on his to-do list on a daily basis. 
Many people would think that after a show, let alone a 4-hour concert, your idol boyfriend would be exhausted and crash straight to his hotel room to sleep in until the next morning. Instead, he would bring you to the best izakaya in town, having a little romantic late dinner while chatting away until midnight before returning to the hotel room to rest.
But not this time. 
You couldn’t exactly pinpoint what made him snap because for one you were certain that he was in this tip-top condition today—he made no mistake on stage, had a solid one-minute solo performance during one of the songs, and hell even hit every single one of his high notes perfectly. 
The moment he was done packing up and saying goodnight to all of the staff and managers, he quickly came to look for you and grabbed your wrist before dragging you away while conversing with one of the members. You’ll have to treat them to a meal as an apology because Hyunjae always ensured he was getting all the attention and would get sulky whenever he got ignored. (You will be blaming Sangyeon for this later on). 
There weren’t many words exchanged before the both of you were back in your hotel room, and your boyfriend immediately slammed the door shut behind you before pining you against it, staring straight into your eyes before moving his vision down to your lips.
Without warning, he instantly closes the distance between you two, kissing you feverishly as if he were tasting your soft sweet lips for the very first time. A smile formed between the kisses as he tasted his absolute favourite mango lip balm he gave you on your birthday. Taking the scent from your lips, he moves them to your neck, earlobe, and eventually your collarbone—his favourite part to suck on. 
Little by little, he began stripping you down and did the same for himself before transferring to the bed and under the sheets, kissing you nonstop and making sure that you too were devouring his scent and tongue as he wrapped his around yours.
He finally breaks the kiss off since you both entered the hotel room and spoke for the first time after meeting him backstage at the concert hall. “Tell me, how did you find the show tonight?” 
“You never fail to impress me every single time,” you panted, trying your best to catch your breath before his lips connected back to yours and pushing them deeper each second. 
“Did you like the new hair, babe?” 
“You know that black hair just brings out the devil within you- It makes me go insane every time you tease me like that-” 
He chuckled. “So my plan succeeded. Next, tell me about my solo performance. Walk it through with me, baby.”
“You’re so-” 
Sangyeon pushes his tongue into your mouth hushing you for a second. “Nuh-uh, not the right answer. Come on, you can do better than that.” 
“I- You’re insanely captivating to the point that I’m jealous that everyone else gets to see it…”
“So you’d rather I just put on a one-man show for you? Is that what I’m hearing, babe?” He now moves his kisses back to your neck, sucking them gently with the intention of leaving hickeys that will appear very visibly in a couple of hours. 
Trying your best to not dive too deep into this particular topic because you know that Sangyeon wasn’t going to let you off the hook easily—hell, he’s going to tease you about it for god knows how long if you gave in to his indulgence. 
The next time he moves his lips back up to meet yours, you quickly place your fingers onto his, stopping him from planting another kiss before you decide to turn the tables against him for a second. “Your breath stinks of whiskey.” 
It took him off guard for a second as his eyes widened with your response, but you should’ve known that your boyfriend isn’t gullible and he’s quick to catch on, and within seconds he intertwined his fingers with yours, pushing them away before going in to seal his lips again with yours.
“Not like you haven’t tasted it before anyway. Besides, you’re going to taste so much better with that hint of alcohol on you,” he smacked his lips, and he quickly gave you a little peck before he finally decided to travel down in between your thighs. 
“W-What are you doing, babe?” 
Lifting his head up for one final look, a smirk was plastered across his face, and he gave you a silent warning—whispering softly about what he was going to do next.
One that you knew that you were going to be doomed as hell. 
“Your little pussy is going to taste heavenly with the hint of whiskey on them, and I’ll make sure that you’re going to moan as loud as you can for me tonight.”
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A/N: btw i am unwell after what he did during the concert....iykyk (which is also why i got inspired to write this the brainrot is horrible 😔)
taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @flwoie @mamuljji @synthwxve @j4edo @serinebsblog @daisyvisions @aimeecarreros @snowflakewhispers (join my perm taglist here!)
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bluelolblue · 3 months
The Art of Negotiation
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Summary: While it was supposed to be a simple talk, negotiation about what John has to do for Santino to honor the marker, it took an exciting turn. With John having full control over Santino, not bothered by the fact they're in the museum with art surrounding them and how the museum was still open for anyone to visit it. Good thing the door could've been locked.
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Santino D'Antonio/John Wick
Note: It's finally DONE!!! This took so long, longer than I thought, actually. I needed to write at least one fic this month, and I decided to go with this one! I was kinda distracted while writing it with my irl stuff, so that's probably why it took me so long. So, all other fics I have planned to write will be done in the future, after I'm finally done with matura. Btw I love this pic of them sitting in front of the art piece so I literally had to include it.
✩ SPECIAL THANKS TO LOVELY @mrssimply ✩ for beta reading, for helping with the name of the fic, for helping me out on how to even send it and for explaining how everything works! Thank you so much for your support AND for taking your time to read everything and make corrections! That means a lot to me, I'm really thankful for this! It wouldn't be nearly as good if it weren't for you! :) 💙💙💙💙
"You want me to kill... Gianna D'Antonio?"
"It shouldn't be a difficult task for you. I know you're capable of doing it," Santino said confidently. "No, it can't be done," John replied. 
"You can't refuse this, John. Not a second time. You know how that went down the first time."
With a blown up house, yes.
John never felt this much frustration. Was Santino being an asshole on purpose or he was just in that mood?
"I'm going to kill you for that," John said, and he sounded like he meant it, having that cold tone in his voice. 
"Oh, yeah? I can't wait." Santino taunted. He was fucking smiling at him like the sick little creature he is.
John was really holding himself back. But he knew that was exactly what Santino wanted. He wanted him to snap, he wanted him to lose control.
Good thing those few people that were here started to walk out, probably going to see other pieces of art.
"You're fucked up," John said. He was ready to stand up and leave when Santino said, "You're not innocent either."
"Don't," John warned, not wanting to remember their past. Santino was such a hot lover. Stubborn, passionate, bossy, rough and needy. John could handle him well. His demands, his begging, his teasing, everything. He gave him everything he ever wanted. And it felt so damn good. No matter how many times John would wake up with fading scratches on his back, love marks on his neck and shoulders.
Santino was the one who always ended up with aching muscles and legs. There were so many times where Santino struggled not to limp while walking. As well as hiding his love marks on his neck when he had meetings, fixing his tie and collar around his neck.
"What? You liked it," Santino said with an innocent tone in his voice. Well, he wasn't wrong. John fucking loved it.
"Shut up," John muttered, avoiding Santino's playful look. That fucking look whenever he wanted something. 
"You don't have a choice, John. Do this for me, and your marker is honored." He said and paused for a second. "How can I convince you? Do I really have to beg you?" He moved slightly closer and John tensed up.
"I know what you're doing," John said, his voice sounding a bit husky, probably because his mouth felt dry. Why did Santino still have that effect on him?
"Of course you do. Look at you. You're thinkin' about it, aren't you?" Santino teased, smirking at him. Keeping eye contact with him felt way too intimate. It felt that way because it was the same look Santino used to give him when he was teasing him as he sucked him off.
Damn. John was getting lost in his eyes again. He loved getting lost in his eyes. He wanted to snap out of it, but Santino didn't want to shut up.
Read the rest on ao3
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khihi · 11 months
Sappy thank you post to the people who made my London experience even more enjoyable 🫶
Firstly, thank you @t4tpaidatonriehuja for meeting up the day before the gig, it was wonderful to finally rant about Käärijä with someone irl – I was much less nervous after meeting with you – you're a lovely person, and your crochet top was cool af 💚
Big thank you to the girlies @wednesdayday and @follivora for basically taking me under your wings before my first proper gig, so happy we finally got to meet – it was great hanging with you for coffee/breakfast-o-lunch too 🥹 can't wait to see you next month!! 💞
Any other mutuals I only met briefly or didn't get the chance to meet properly!! Hopefully at whatever gig we're all at next we can have proper convos – even if we just said hi, thank you for that ❤
And the people I'm not sure are actually on here but I still want to mention;
The woman who was there since 5am
Girl who organized the big birthday card (sucks it got nicked by security, I hope it still gets to him somehow)
Girl I was beside and chatted with in the crowd before the show began <3
Woman stood behind me who I also chatted with (thank you for making sure I could see CCC properly)
The lass in front of me who gave me a big smile and belted out Happy Birthday with me
Everyone wearing fun costumes (the drag queen, two girls in all-pink for Frank, and three (at least) Häärijä cosplayers I spotted spring to mind immediately)
Everyone who made bracelets and photocards (and gave out sweets) – you're all legends, thank you so much for the momentos
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Oh, and Jere Pöyhönen and his crew. Still not entirely convinced any of you are real and not just a beautiful hallucination, but on the off chance you do in fact exist in real life, kiitos 😌💚
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WLW Hotline: IRL
Robin x fem!reader, smut 18+, 3.7k words
By popular demand here’s part twooooo (find part one here), ty for alllllll the looooooove on the original!!!! <3 pls enjoyyyyyyy (also sorry if there are typos or anything, i didn't proof it😅)
Part 1 • Part 3
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CW: a lil angst before confessions before smuuuuuuuuut, Robin starts it but reader finishes, eager sub!Robin, mommy kink, oral (face-riding), masturbation, fingering, oral (regular kind lol) —obvi f recieving for the oral since its wlw—
Tags: @lightvixxen @blueeyedcami @robinsno1lesbian @qusok @dumbassbitchwithnotits @ronancelver @sarahisgay01
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It’s been a week. Since that Sunday night call with Robin. She hasn’t called back.
And you haven’t tried her phone either.
“Fuck, yes, god,” Sweets moaned on the other side of the phone call. “Jesus, Honey you’re always so good at helping me finish,” he laughs.
“Always here to help, handsome,” you smile. “Talk next week, yeah?”
“Yes ma’am, talk then,” Sweets sends a kiss through the phone and hangs up.
“Alrighty Patricia! I’m off for the night,” I’ll see you Friday.”
“Oh, Y/N, just a minute!,” Patricia hollers from the hallway. She makes her way into your office before finishing her thought. “Sorry dear, there’s a girl on the line who’s been trying to call for an hour and a half but you had Bunny and then Sweets right after each other. She’s just gotten back on the line again, I told her to call in half an hour to catch you before you call it a night.”
“Patty, I’m off at 2am every night I work, you know that, should’ve told her to call again on Friday,” you whine a little before sitting back down at your seat.
“I know hun, but she was insistent!” Patty days on her way out of your office.
You take a deep breath and get comfy in your chair, putting your feet on the desk before picking up the phone. “Thanks for calling the WLW Hotline, how long of a session would you like tonight honey? Quarter, half or a full hour?”
“Hey Y/N.”
“Robin, hi,” you pull your feet from the desk and sit up straight, leaning on your elbows over the phone base.
“Hi, uh, your coworker told me to call back in half an hour, said you were on a call the last few times I tried to get through.”
“Yeah my regulars call around now,” you say, twirling the phone cord on your pointer finger. “Honestly didn’t think I’d ever really hear from you again.”
“I know you left your rents place so I didn’t know how else to get a hold of you,” Robin says, then pauses.
You wait a moment for her to keep talking, huffing and sitting back you break the silence. “What’s up Robin? I was about to head out for the night, my shift finished after my last call.”
You hear Robin suck in a breath, “sorry. Can we, uhm talk? In person? Coffee tomorrow at 11?  Blue egg cafe?”
Heart racing—from nerves or butterflies, you don’t know—“yeah, sure.”
“Ok, uh, see you then.” She hangs up.
You’re pretty sure the heart racing and nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach is nerves for what Robin is going to say, not butterflies at the thought of seeing her and talking to her again after so long a time. Nerves that forced you out of bed at 8 am and at Blue Egg Cafe 30 minutes before the agreed upon time. 
Snagging a table outside in the cool fall air of September, you sip at your coffee. You picked a table just far enough away from the doors so people can’t eavesdrop and just close enough to where you parked that you can escape quickly if things go downhill.
You didn’t know wether to wave or just nod your head in acknowledgement when Robin showed up, just on time. Passing by the coffee shop and headed straight towards you. 
She skipped the coffee part of the coffee meeting and sat right down in the seat across from you. “You knew it was me, but you didn’t say anything?”
“Wow, ok hi, good morning to you to,” you scoff. “I did my job Rob. I help people finish when they can’t, you were a call so I was doing my job. Would you have stayed on the line if I told you it was me?”
“Good morning,” she whispers. “You could’ve transferred me to someone else.”
“Just getting right into the interrogation huh,” you laugh half-heartedly, desperately wishing to leave already. “No catching up no ‘how have you been, hows the new place? The new job?’ And, no actually I couldn’t. I’m the only worker for WLW side. It took me a month of bothering my boss daily to even think of opening my line and giving me a position. And even with that he only gives me three nights of work. So no, I couldn’t transfer you. I was your only option.”
You sip on your now cold coffee.
She looks away from you as she says, “I deserved to know.”
It’s the first time she’s hidden herself from you since she sat down. Seven minutes of pure frustration seeped questioning.
“You don’t think I realize that now? It was just supposed to be another anonymous call. Another one-and-done I’d never hear from you again and we could go back to head nods when we passed on the street. I didn’t think it mattered, until you said my name.”
“Y’know what,” you say, cutting her off. “Fuck it I’m gonna say it.”
Robin looks like she’s gonna say something to stop you.
“No let me say this so if things aren’t reciprocated I can go back to trying to forget about you,” you take a deep breath before starting again. “Robin I’ve liked you since the day I met you.”
She lifts her eyes to meet yours at your confession, but you look down. 
“Yeah I know pathetic. A two year long pining session. I had a crush on you the first time I met you at the mall with Steve and Dustin. And I thought maybe just maybe this would be it. This would be the feelings, the woman, that stays. And then you asked Vickie out. And I had to look happy for you even thought I had two tickets to Eddie’s big show in my pocket that day and was about to ask you to go with me as a date. I had to look happy because you were finally going out with the girl you crushed on through all of high school.”
“But you went to that concert with Steve?”
You laugh, “Yeah after I sobbed to him about how stupid I was to listen to him and Eddie and make a move.”
“Wha-I,” she looked at you with something in her eyes, but you couldn’t tell what.
“Please don’t pity me if that’s what you’re about to do,” you interrupt her with a laugh. “I’ve done enough of that for myself these last two years.”
Rob looks into her empty hands that sit on the table. You pause, searching her downturned face for any sort of familiarity or reciprocation.
“Can I ask one thing before I leave so we don’t have to see each other again?” you ask after a moment.
She looks up, with eyes that have the lightest of hurt laced in them
“Why did you stop talking to me? After getting with Vickie. Did I do something? Say something?”
“Uh, no. Actually that was my fault, no fault of yours at all. Um, Vickie asked me to stop being close to you because I couldn’t stop talking about how great you are and how much fun we’d had that summer,” she smiles to herself.
You don’t respond, finger tracing lightly around the rim of your empty coffee cup. You shift your chair out, ready to get up and escape but pause when Robin starts again.
“That’s also why we broke up. I was thinking of you a lot recently and let old habits slip out.”
“Let me say something now, please,” she says looking at you.
You nod and let Robin continue.
“I know this sounds bad but, I don’t think I ever loved Vickie. Even when I said I did. I think it was just a reaction, something I thought I needed to say, she was someone I thought I needed because I’d spent so many years waiting for her. It was good, at the beginning, don’t get me wrong,” she smiles up at you. “We we’re happy, and the sex was great.”
“I don’t-“ you cringe.
“Sorry, sorry, you don’t need to hear that part,” she pauses. “But then we stopped, sorry, having sex and she stopped wanting me in that way and I stopped wanting her in that way and our personalities were too different and I was out and she wasn’t and there was so much wrong, but we stayed together,” she rambles.
“I wanted to share her with my people, to show her off, to worship her and her body like I want to worship my forever partner. But she said I was becoming ‘too much,’” Robin scoffs. “And so I backed off, tried to minimize myself to be what she wanted, and started thinking of you. And how easy it was when that summer we met. How myself I was. And I started bringing you up again. Steve told me that you moved out of your parents place like you always said you wanted to, how Eddie said you’d been to every. Single. One. Of his shows and had been the loudest one in the crowd. They said how happy you were, are, now. And I told Vickie all of it, as if she knew you, as if we were all old friends, and she got angry, said it was the last straw and left me. She asked me if I ever talked about her like I did you, when I didn’t answer, she said what I think I already knew. That I was in love, with you. That I am.”
You smile at her. Robin finds your hand on the table, holding it in hers and running her thumb in circles on the top of your hand. The two of you look at your hands together on the table, reveling in the warmth of the other. But you pull your hand away and stand up. Robin looks up at you, eyes full of love and want until you hold your hand out to her in a silent invitation.
She stands up and takes it, walking with you to your car around the corner. Once you get to your car you move to unlock your door with the keys and find Robin’s warmth at your back. She hugs you from behind, kissing the back of your neck while her hands roam your clothed stomach and drift up to your boobs. You moan as she takes them in her hands and squeezes through your shirt, grinding your ass back into her, your hands fumbling with the keys. You turn around to face Robin, desperately finding her lips with your own and catching her in a searing kiss before pushing her lightly away from you. 
She laughs and walks slowly to the passenger side of your car. You successfully unlock your door and sit down behind the wheel before leaning over and unlocking her door. She climbs in and leans into you while you put on your seatbelt, leaving hot open mouthed kisses along the right side of your neck.
“Robin,” you moan out. “It’s a ten minute drive.”
She halts her kisses up your neck and sits back to buckle up. The drive is quiet, but full of want and heat. You’re both silent as you walk up to the door of your house on the outskirts of downtown Hawkins. Patience is wearing thin as you both know what the future of tonight might bring, and as soon as you open the door and let Robin in first you follow behind, slamming the door and grabbing her wrist to turn her back towards you. You spin the two of you in a circle and push her back into the door, lips meeting hers in a hungry kiss.
She grunts as her back hits the wood, but that noise quickly turns into a wanton moan as you kiss her deeply and push a knee between her legs.
Licking the seam of her lips, she opens her mouth and your tongues caress and memorize the taste of each other. She grinds her clothing-covered pussy onto your thigh that rests at the apex of hers, and you pull back slightly noticing the line of spit that connects her lips to yours.
“Are you sure?” you ask, panting.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” Robin sighs, nudging your nose with her own, her lips hovering yours.
You smile into a brief peck to her lips and take her hand in yours. The two of you are laughing and falling over one another in your attempt to lead Robin to your bedroom. As soon as you enter your room, Robin pushes you to sit on the edge of your bed and straddles you. Your hands find a home on her hips as you look up at her.
“I think I’ve loved you since that movie night at Eddie’s a month after you moved to town,” Robin says, hands resting on each side of your neck as she looks down at you from her seat in your lap.
“Really?” you laugh, running your hands around her back and pushing up her shirt slightly so you could put hands to skin. “What about that night?”
“You brought everyone’s favorite snack and drink without us asking and with only knowing us all for two weeks,” she smiles, thumbs lightly tracing over your cheeks.
“You remember that?”
She nods her head, “the amount of care and love you had for people you’d just met was beautiful. You were beautiful,” she pauses to kiss you lightly. “You are beautiful.”
She captures your lips in another kiss and you pull her closer to you, hands on the skin of her back. She grinds down on you as you continue to swallow moans between kisses before pausing to pull her shirt the rest of the way off from where you’d begun to bunch it below her bra strap.You look at her, eyes asking silent permission, and unclasp her bra once she nods.
Her chest is bare to you, all full and open and waiting for worship which you’ll willingly give. And so you kiss from the hollow at the base of her neck to the valley between her breasts. Her head drops back and she whimpers as you leave kisses across each breasts fullness, kissing atop her pebbled nipples. When you take her right bud into your mouth she moans loudly, her hands coming to rest on the back of your head, keeping you to her as you lick and suck and nibble on her sensitive nipple. You pull back and blow cold air over her wet nipple, reveling in the shudder that racks her body and the goosebumps that decorate her skin before giving her left breast the same treatment. All the while, she continues to grind down into you.
She whines as you pull away from her heaving chest, looking down at you with lust before trying for your lips. You put your hands on her neck and lead her to you, meeting her lips in a sweet kiss before asking, “what do you want me to do?”
“Please, mommy,” she pleads. “Touch me.”
You smile and place a kiss to her neck before pushing her hips away and getting her to stand up. She does, standing on shaky legs, and you do as well, falling to your knees before her and dropping a kiss to each of her hips before looking to her for approval. She nods and you unbutton her jean shorts, tugging them down her long legs and slowly lifting each foot to remove the shorts, placing a sweet kiss to each ankle as you do. You trail your hands up the outside of her legs and loop your fingers into the waist of her underwear, pulling them down her legs and dropping them with her shorts on the floor at the foot of your bed.
Leaning in, you pepper hot, open-mouthed kisses up her thighs and puff warm air onto her cunt at the apex of her thighs. She moves back, pushing her pussy away from you and placing her hands on your shoulders, her mouth open in a hot, deep breath. You look up at her from your place on your knees before her and meet her eyes.
“Want my mouth or my fingers baby?” you ask.
“Mouth,” Robin responds with bated breath.
You stand and remove your own clothes, Robin staring at every new inch of exposed skin as you discard them atop the pile of hers. She watches as you climb onto the bed and lay on your back, head by the top of your bed and placing a pillow below your head.
You lean up on your elbows and beckon her to you, “c’mere baby.”
She crawls on all fours up your body, capturing your mouth in a kiss and laying her naked body on your own. Skin on skin now, you moan into each other’s mouths, hips grinding into each other. You remove yourself from the kiss and Robin whines, mouth chasing after yours. 
“Ah ah, you wanted my mouth didn’t you?”
“Words baby,” you say pushing her hair behind her ear.
“Yes, please mommy.”
“That’s my good girl. Now move up baby.”
She pauses and looks at you questioningly, so you move her yourself, grabbing her ass and pulling her cunt towards your mouth.
She grabs on to the headboard and stops  herself before her sweet pussy reaches your lips.
“Good, grab the headboard,” you smile up at her, reveling in the sight of her above you. “Now ride my mouth like you rode your hand last week.”
She doesn’t move so you smack her ass causing her hips to jump and putting her cunt just close enough for you to lick a stripe up it. She moans out with a full body shudder.
And she finally follows directions, bringing her pussy to your mouth and riding your face. She pushes her cunt into you and you take the chance to suck her clit into your mouth. Robin bucks her hips and moans out your name. You let go with a pop and let Robin abuse your mouth like she did your hand, licking and sucking wherever and whenever she’ll let you. Once she finds a good pace, you flick your tongue in a circle around her hole before fucking up into her. She cries out as you do and grinds further onto your face, catching her clit on the tip of your nose.
You’re growing wetter by the second with the noises and sweet taste of her pussy, so you trail your hand down your stomach and to your own center. You flick and circle your clit as Robin rides you before slowly finger fucking yourself to the same pace that your fucking her with your tongue.
You’re watching her face contort in pleasure as you touch yourself and suck and lick at her cunt, and when she looks down she’s met with your cunt-drunk eyes eager for her to finish. She grinds her hips three more times before shuddering to a stop, pussy clenching while she’s cumming in your mouth. You remove your hand from your own cunt and hold her thighs, keeping her above you as you eagerly lap up her juices, licking up her pussy and suckling her clit through her orgasm.
Her thighs are shaking on either side of your head once she comes out of her high, and she slowly lifts one leg and moves off from above you.
She looks at you with love-drunk, fucked out eyes, her eyes coming to rest on her cum glistening on your lips and chin. Robin moves her body down, hip aligned with yours and kisses you deeply, tasting herself on your lips. You groan into her as her hand traces circles around your nipples bringing them to erect tips. She flicks and pinches them, never letting her mouth leave yours, tongue searching to taste more of herself on yours. Goosebumps raise on your skin as she trails her hand down your stomach to your mound, fingers nestling between your folds to run circles round your clit. You moan and turn your head away from her and into the pillow, and her lips attach to newly exposed skin on your neck.
“You didn’t finish,” she whispers between kisses.
She sucks and bites and leaves bruises behind her as she memorizes your neck and shoulder with her lips, and your cunt with her fingers. She runs her palm down your pussy cupping you before dipping a finger into your wet, warm hole. You clench around her finger and feel her lips trail down your chest and stomach. Opening your eyes to find her on her stomach between your thighs. She pushes another finger inside you at the same time that she licks circles around your clit with her tongue. You jolt at the wetness and your hands rush to her hair to hold her there. She moans into your pussy when you grip and pull at her hair and the vibration causes the coil that was already tight in your stomach to break and your orgasm hits you like a ton of bricks. Your back arches and your thighs tighten around Robin’s head as she continues to finger fuck and lick at your cunt helping you through the orgasm that runs through you.
You don’t register when Robin removes her hand from you, or when she drops kisses along your mound, hips, stomach and breasts before laying her head atop your chest. All you remember before sleep overtakes you both are six little words said by each of you.
“I’ve loved you all this time.”
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eviltiddyproductions · 9 months
on most days of my life I absolutely hate and will complain to anyone who listens about dramas releasing weekly (because I am an impatient monster) except the day my show releases!
it’s my demon fridays besties !!!
love the fact that it’s a Friday Saturday release schedule so that I can cry a bit more for my Sunday sadness moments
the intro cut from yoojung’s eye to song kang is so beautiful actually
LMAOOO I forgot how during the weekly release pattern you sometimes lose the rhythm of the show for a second because Do Dohee going with the tv tropes classic ‘everyone I love is dead’ 😔😞😭 made me just bust out laughing 😭
and you’ll die because of me too! 😔
‘i don’t care’ 👿🤷‍♂️
two gorgeous people kissing
the droplets suspended in the air looks so beautiful
aww they look adorable! wet little puppies 😭
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medical undressing but with actual dressing time 🩹
oh they’re making out again, that’s actually pretty realist for kdrama standards 😂
most of them go designated kiss over, back to talking; here they’re actually making out again, like normal people do
song kang has a heart warming smile
lmfaoooo we went from fun time to eerily creepy clock room
we’re back in their room and i adore them !!!
my man went from ‘humans suck! losers!!! boooo 🍅🍅🍅 to they’re not that bad actually, love is kinda cool and i sorta get them and while we’re at it can i get a couples set dinner with my wife?!’
and let me just couple bike with my wife as well!
i will always be a sucker for anyone who’s down for cheesy things! #mypeople
wait woah my sister was going that in heels !!!
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this fuckass quality…. giphy you will crumble !!!
they’re actually truly having the world’s most loveliest date. just having fun and taking walks and admiring the breeze !
same sister, if I saw someone that beautiful irl I’d also thank them 😭 [context : guwon says thankyou to the barista for his couple coffee set and she’s like no thank you 😻]
him saying do dohee always takes me out
they’re so cute y’all, they’re slow dancing
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i’d be kinda surprised if there’s no criminal from the eldest son’s family like they rank a little higher on the possible murderer scale for me than everyone else. seems misleading rn because all shows tend to do this but y’all need to be in checked 😭
my short term memory is memorying because I was wondering why he was following her into her office and then remembered he’s her bodyguard 💀
I mean she didn’t have to give up everything but if it makes her happy!
two gorgeous people in one frame!
y’all are not subtle at allll with the wrist thing at all 😭 how many times has the seokhoon seen it already?
I adore the wolf gang lmaooo
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lmaoooo they’re so dramatic, I love them!
the beautiful theatre dancer has a point and doesn’t have a point at the same time 😭 jin gayeong you’re beautiful, go live your life !!!
my sister said one shot while all she poured miss shin was foam 😭
miss shin I <3 u
doo hee the nut job 💀
lmaooo did he rush to her because he was happy to be called husband lmao, my man looks shook seeing them drunk 😂
he said my wife is embarrassing let me take her home and then she called him a blinding sun and he just glowed (he’s just like me fr)
all of the happiness and love he was uncomfortably bottling up inside in denial is coming out right now and I love it.
she could ask him for a toothbrush and he’d give her a loving smile and do it
poor boggy I omg 😭
your honour, this demon is whipped !!! 😭💞
the bag on his neck lol
it has taken me over an hour atp to finish this episode lmao maybe I could’ve written this later
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miss shin is a mood
my wolf gang is back
the dad’s just laughing after choking someone ? 😭 this family…
it’s always fun to watch the murderers be hunted 🤷‍♂️
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oh he killed his mom too, he was my first guess but the son was a strong case too
this cartoon villain ass laugh
my married lovebirds have a pretty strong knit game like his cardigan rn and hers during the sprinkler kiss scene
slay you found the bug
the wife seems normalish compared to her son and husband
damn did they vanish because of the card thing
him knocking at the cardboard door 😭
did they fumble the continuity or something changed when they were walking at the bar because our homeless mystery queen’s teeth are back to normal rn
is she god
need that snapping finger power so bad like I also want a galaxy in my room thankyou
butterflies just follow song kang in tv shows
the second male lead kinda needs to let it go, bae it’s not that serious
why would the theatre girlie just tell that to him flat out 😭
honeymoon period over
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rose-colored-sd · 4 months
I loooove your art so much!!! It‘s beautiful! I‘m a new slam dunk fan (only 70-ish chapters in or so) but I really liked Yohei before … and then your art made me love him even more!! I hope this isn‘t a weird question, I‘m genuinely just curious (and I hope to get sucked into the ship even more hah) but what do you like about Yohana the most? (from my point of view, still early in the manga, seeing how Yohei tries his best to keep Hanamichi out of trouble, trying to keep the thugs off his back and all, thats just … GAH!!!! So cute!!!! Yohei is peak husband material isn‘t he??) ((Also, if you don‘t mind, don you like Ryota/Hanamichi as well? I think they are so cute … sharing one brain cell basically (again, from my point of view, things may change maybe? idk, anyway)) Thank you for sharing your amazing artworks with the world!!! They make me sooooo happy, just, thank you so so much!! I‘m currently struggling a lot with everything irl and when I feel sad or overwhelmed I look at your art and it always makes me smile <3
Ryohana was my first ship and I made a few drawings for them before I was fully absorbed by Yohana LOL. Reading SD, it’s just so funny and cute how quick they get along when Hanamichi is usually reluctant to trust other people’s judgement, and Ryota is like an older brother to him. It’s even more endearing to me that Ryota has a little sister, so I imagine that he thinks of Hanamichi as a little brother too. I love seeing their dynamic whether it’s platonic or romantic!
I think it’s after I reread SD a few times is when I started liking Yohana, (also thanks to Chidentsurusai who was one of the few people that made Ryohana and Yohana before SD got its renaissance)
Like you said, Yohei has his back. He’s just so attentive without even trying. He notices the subtle changes in Hanamichi’s mood, or guess whatever Hanamichi’s thinking. I also like that he always makes fun of Hanamichi but when it’s a group of guys making fun of Hanamichi he will not stand by it (Let’s just say he doesn’t like it when he’s not the one causing Hanamichi’s frustrations 🤭)
It’s also interesting to me that Yohei seems to dgaf about following school dress codes, listening to class, respecting the teachers, etc, but he’s willing to abide by the rules when it benefits his best friend.
I also love that said best friend is dense. Hanamichi is a big sap that writes love letters to confess his feeings, his dream is to hold hands while walking home with the person he likes. There’s just so many possibilities when your protag is a dumb little yearner 😙 (fact his love for basketball also outgrew his feelings is also interesting to me, who knows what else he realizes 🫢⁉️)
I’m glad my delusional drawings are giving you some joy, Anon 🫶🏼 Yohana gives me joy too when it’s rough irl, my pookies fr
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Don’t even worry about responding to my messages. And I hope your work becomes at least a bit more peaceful so you get your precious scrolling time back. It really does suck to be an adult some times.
And if I remember correctly we started the episode directly at 11.15/16 pm. Because he went back to check how long the episode was and when the reunion happens. And it happens at 43,15 minute mark. So he just kind of tried to do the math and hope for the best and it worked out. Never before has he ever put this much of effort into something.
And yes, the rabbit hole of bts and certain drama has completely taken over his life. He is not a fan of Hal and is now fully convinced the guy was method acting the whole time and he is very upset that he was shady towards them and even tried to figure out what happened but realized that he can’t. So then he decided it maybe had something to do with paychecks and jealousy over that. He is now going through Randy’s podcast and I wish you guys were there to witness his reactions when he found out Randy is polyamorous. Literally walked into the room with a smile on his face and went ‘HE’S NOT FUCKING BORING! He’s actually kinda lowkey but not really like Justin.’ He came across some posts(?) about Randy and his dislike to the show years ago and he was very understanding but he got scared that maybe Randy is real life Ben/Mikey..aka boring. I wanna say that he officially ran out of fan forums to learn any bts drama but I’m not fully sure. So I’m just letting him spiral for now.
As for which fics he was reading/enjoying on the day of his big spiral: I only see daylight by kiranerysed, you know for me it’s always you, now i wake up at night & watch you breathe and you’re in love (true love) by ivysunna. I don’t know if there were any other ones but I’m 99% sure there were. But these were the ones he remembered in the morning when he was telling me about them.
And as for his Bri Bri playlist: it’s songs from the soundtrack that he believes best describe Brian in one way or another (he made me swear to tell you guys that this is a work in progress aka not fully finished yet) but these are some of them: Boys Keep Swinging, How Soon is Now?, Good Old Fashioned Loverboy, Infra Riot, Weapon, The One You Wanted, Brother Down, Unlovable by the smiths, Here nor there. And obviously Lover’s spit and Sandstorm. He has made this song so many people’s problem. He was obsessed with it back in the day so this for him is just nostalgia at this point. Anyway he is weirdly very proud of his playlist. Mind you once upon a time he created a playlist that still exists named ‘first date’ and it’s just Accidentally in Love like 50 times..
I think work will be easier... um after February? I have a lot of new admin tasks and new meeting tasks but the meetings should mostly be over by then.
Hal was method acting! That is certainly an interpretation.
RANDY IS POLYAM! I know! I always assumed he was boring too but he's not! He is a bit of a snob though. He is not an IRL Ben/Mikey though. Thank goodness. (Also based on the podcast, I think he used to put more effort into trying to be monogamous before realizing it's not his cup of tea. So maybe he is formerly boring.)
Also, I saw this on a walk the other day and thought of you, all the podcast devotees here, and your brother.
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All the fic you listed are by @kiranerysed ! They have two different AO3 accounts and I know how happy this will make them because they have been following your brother's journey since the start.
The way I almost died laughing about his "first date" playlist. It sounds like his playlist creation skills have advanced somewhat since then. But I swear I was crying from laughing so hard.
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collectivecloseness · 2 years
Let's say Kurt's driving a really annoying and flirty person and when they get off they kiss kurt, what do you think his reaction would be? Especially towards his s/o, would he go crazy because he thinks he cheated or what would he do
(Long post so under cut)
Oh this is some good angst! I love angst like this. But also poor Kurt. Because it could happen, let’s face it, Kurt has some appeal to a particular audience, he’s cute. And when he’s with you, his self confidence and care skyrockets, still not that high, but high for Kurt, which can make him even more attractive to people who’re into guys like him. Also, some people in the back of rideshares just seem to forget the people driving them are people too, etiquette goes out the window.
Kurt’s pretty happy to have a chatty customer at first. When they ask if they can sit in the front he starts stammering a bit, taken off guard by the question. “O-Oh. Uhmm... so- well-“ but they’re already opening the door. Usually he saves the passenger seat for you. Or if he has four passengers to fit. But he doesn’t mind too much. Especially when they start acting interested in what he has to say! When Kurt flashes them his signature smile, letting her know his account is “Kurtsworld96.” His eyes practically pop out of his skull as they go on their phone, saying she’s going to follow. “Woah! That’s like... that’s insane! I mean yeah, I totally have a tonne of fans, but th- ya know, it’s cool to meet a real life Kurtie in person! It’s awesome when- to know that I can, like, create those bonds irl. That I can get someone to follow me for me, and not just the me on screen. Oh! I’ll also follow for follow, once I’m parked. Thanks!” It definitely doesn’t come across as flirty. Kurt’s clearly very excited and almost shocked that someone followed him, which definitely goes against his spiel about ‘all his followers’, especially when she sees the number of people actually following Kurt.
But then they start getting touchy. Kurt’s really bad at picking up social cues. Before he was dating you, any attention would be zoned in on like a hawk, wondering if the person was flirting with him, but never being able to actually tell. Now Kurt wasn’t looking for it, he definitely didn’t pick up her flirting. Until the touching began. They swept a long tuft of hair from the apple of Kurt’s cheek, behind his ear, even though it fell into place right again. “God Kurtis, you’re so funny.”
Kurt’s smile fell at that. He sucked in his lips, a blank expression washing over his face as he focuses on the drive. The fact he’d already corrected her on that not being his name, wasn’t even in the front of his mind. That face touching... that wasn’t good.
And then their hand fell on his knee. Just above it, but not directly on his thigh. Kurt panicked a little now, feeling his heart race and his skin starting to itch where she touched it. After completing the turn he was already half way through, with a bit of quiet and shocked spluttering, Kurt nudged her hand away with the back of his own, fighting between placing his own hand on his knee to keep hers off, and not even wanting to touch where she had. What if that was flirting back???!!! “Uhmmmmm... I have to focus on the road. So...”
Kurt’s sweating at this point. He didn’t want to be misinterpreting anything and have her be mad at him, he didn’t want to be the asshole. But he was also so sure that she was flirting. He couldn’t have someone flirting with him!!! He was in a relationship!!! He was a committed man!!! He didn’t even want to be flirting with this girl! Did he fuck up and give the wrong vibe? Oh my God, what would you say if you saw him right now?!
Kurt’s suddenly looking at all the cars beside him whenver he stops at a light now. Even though he knows if you needed driving somewhere, you’d be in his car. He didn’t want you to see this, but he also worried it was bad to not tell you about this. Would you be mad at him?! He didn’t mean to! He didn’t want you to break up with him, because of this. He had no idea what was happening! Does he need to stop flirting somehow? How?! He didn’t even know he was! Kurt felt like he had eyes all on him. And he definitely had hers. She just kept... looking back to him. ...Was he supposed to say something?
But as the girl in the seat next to him kept chatting, Kurt decided he didn’t want to speak. She was doing that plenty enough already. And a third of it was compliments she was just throwing in the air at him. “Y-Yeah. My girlfriend says the same thing.” Kurt responds solidly at one particular comment. He thought it was a pretty good move, but she didn’t seem to care at all. Only a minute later, was Kurt pulling her hand away from his head, as she went to stroke his hair again.
By the time her trip was finished, Kurt was relieved. It’d only been a short one too, just over ten minutes. Kurt didn’t even care about his Spree rating at that point, or if she tipped, he just sighed as he readjusted his phone on his stand, saying the same thing he said to every customer. “Have a nice day.”
“Have a nice day too. Kurt.” The woman leaned over, snatched up Kurt’s chin in her hand, and planted a firm kiss on his lips.
She held it for a couple of seconds, maybe only two or three, before pulling back. Smiling at the stunned expression on his face. “Bye Kurt. Hope to ride with you later.” Her teeth shone, as she gently shut the door, and strode away.
Kurt just sits there in shock. His lips firmly tucked to his mouth, pressed away like they had been the millisecond he’d looked up to see her descending.
No thoughts ran through Kurt’s head. No feelings. Until a sound rang in his ears, and he realised he was breathing very quickly. Kurt swore to himself, wiping his lips with the bcak of his hand, before scrambling into the pocket on the passenger seat to find a water bottle. Panic was the only thing on Kurt’s mind, which didn’t help when he was trying to swirl water in his mouth. He choked on it a little as he rolled down his window and spat it onto the street. Thankfully there were no cops around, as he repeated the same thing, dropping some water into his hand to splash at his chin. His full mouth trying not to choke, as Kurt just wanted to get rid of that feeling, of the evidence of the kiss, the memory of it. He spat again, before swallowing the rest of the bottle, a massive gasp leaving his lips as he crushed the plastic intensely in his hands.
His breathing was still heavy, trying to understand what had just happened. Why had she kissed him?!??! But Kurt’s mind also swirled with thoughts of you, and he began to feel his chest heaving, like he was going to cry.
Kurt just wanted to get out of there. He didn’t want to be outside this woman’s work anymore. He didn’t want her to see him still outside, and think the wrong thing. He slammed on the gas and drove around, not even caring about the stop sign he flew past, as his mind filled with thoughts of you.
You who’d been nothing but good to him. Who loved him. Loved him when nobody else did. You were the only person in Kurt’s life, truly. And you’d never hurt him. Up until this point, he’d never actually hurt you either.
Kurt started crying before he’d even realised it. Quiet sobs leaving his lips that turned into loud ones, tears streaming down his face that he swore at himself over, because they were blocking his vision as he drove. Swearing at himself for what’d just happened, and for not keeping his eyes on the shitty road, as he rubbed and scratched at his face, uncaring as to how hard he scrubbed.
Oh my God. He... he didn’t mean to. He didn’t even know what had happened! He didn’t want to kiss her he loved you! No... How was he going to tell you he cheated on you?
You’re not expecting the keys jingling in your door. Kurt normally texts you before he finishes his shift, to ask if you want anything on the way home, but you can’t imagine it’s anyone else. Looking through the peephole, you see Kurt’s form and smile, immediately opening your door, since you were quicker than him. But your heart drops into your stomach when you see Kurt there, sobbing his heart out.
“Kurt!! Baby, what happened?!” You ask him worriedly, bringing him in as you shut the door, your mouth dry as Kurt cries and cries out loud. His face is red, sleeves wet with tears, his body hung low, the sight of him is breaking your heart. He can’t even meet your eyes, his own red and blurred with tears. You’re worried he’s hurt.
“Honey what’s wrong?!” You ask seriously, pulling him in for a hug as you bring him close. But then Kurt pulls himself off you. You look back at him anxiously, Kurt never denies a hug from you. And now you’re really worried he’s hurt.
“No.” Kurt sniffs loudly, still sobbing into his sleeves. “I-I don’t deserve your help.” He moans forlornly, crying loudly again. A choking sound spluttering from his throat as he whines depressedly. Helplessly.
That worries you, you can’t lie. You take a step back, giving him space. But you look Kurt up and down carefully, your eyebrows scrunched. “Kurt, what’s going on?”
Kurt wails again, and you really want to help him, but now dread fills your stomach. And after Kurt rips his cry out, he sobs out his confession. “I’m sorry. I- I cheated on you!” He wails.
You dodge back, blinking rapidly. You’re not even frozen, you’re just... in shock. You can’t believe what he just said, it was just so far out there. “...Kurt!?!?!” You ask, in a ‘what the hell dude’ type tone. Which isn’t how you thought you’d react to your boyfriend telling you he cheated on you for the first time. But you’re so thrown aback, you’re not even thinking. You’re just dumbfounded.
“I didn’t mean to!!!!” Kurt yelled out, tears falling straight onto his shirt as his face grimaces like he’s in pain.
But the way he says it makes you pause. It gives you very different vibes than something like the whole ‘it was an accident’ excuse type vibes. It doesn’t remind you of someone pretending they made a mistake, to earn forgiveness. Something’s not right. Because you can tell Kurt’s really upset.
“Okay Kurt stop stop stop stop stop.” You pull a hand out flat, taking a second to work the cogs in your head, as Kurt looks to you. “What do you mean you didn’t mean to?” You asked not in accusatory way, but in a genuinely questioning one. And when Kurt tells you what happened, your heart sinks. You look him up and down as he explains, and you can tell how badly this affected him. You understand now. “Oh Kurt honey!”
You pull Kurt right into your arms, throwing them around him and holding him close, wanting him to know you don’t want to let go. It seems to work, because Kurt cries into you. He wraps his arms around you too, holding you tightly to him, as he gasps cries into your ear. His cheeks wet as they press against yours, whining unintelligible whimpers as you nuzzle your cheek against his, still sniffing behind you as he embraces your warmth. He just needs your comfort, and your love, so badly right now. He doesn’t know why you’re giving it to him, but he is not letting go.
When you pull back, you only do so enough to face Kurt. His hands are still under your arms, holding the back of your ribs, while you bring your hands up to cup his flushed, and scrubbed raw cheeks, still dripping with tears. “Oh Kurt honey, that was a non consensual kiss. You’re okay Kurtie, you’re alright.” Your last words hit him differently. You’re not just saying them as in, he’s okay and forgiven, you’re saying it like you’re repeating that he’s safe. Kurt sniffles as he takes in your words, turning them around in his head, that’s still banging because he thought he was going to come home to you throwing him away. And now his brain’s whirring as it translates your words. “Wh- what?” He sniffs.
You stroke your hand soothingly down his heated cheek, your other rubbing his shoulder calmingly. “Honey she just kissed you, when you’d been rejecting her advances the entire time, right? And by the sounds of it, very clearly, to her face.” Kurt nods, eyes searching yours, and you rub his cheek with your thumb. “Honey she kissed you when you didn’t want to kiss her back. You didn’t consent. I would never be mad at you for that happening!” You explain so clearly to him. Upset on his behalf, trying to calm him, wanting him to understand. You were way more worried about him, than he should be about you being upset.
“W-w-wait...” Kurt blinks his tears away, smacking his wet lips agaisnt his dry mouth, as he pulls you in closer, so your legs are touching again. As much touch as he can get. He’s getting a headache, sighing as he falls and leans his forehead against yours. Feeling the banging eventually slow, as your skin cools his to the touch. He wraps his arms more around you. “Wait really?”
You nod against his head, before moving it back. You wrap your arms around Kurt’s neck to show you’re not leaving, but you want him to look at you. “Try and reverse it. What if a guy in that situation, didn’t care that I said I had a boyfriend, didn’t care that I kept pushing him away, or ignoring him. What if I was in your shoes back there Kurt, and a guy had kissed me?”
You saw things change in Kurt’s mind then. His face went steely, his eyes dark and far off, it looked like Kurt had murder written all over him. It was enough, you knew. Your hand softly stroked through his hair, in the calming pattern you knew he liked. “See? It was non consensual. You didn’t cheat, baby.” You reassure him for what you knew would be the last time, sniffing yourself now as you took in how bad Kurt’s day had been, how stressed out he was about telling you, as he finally stops crying. “You didn’t mean for it to happen sweetheart.” Kurt’s features had finally softened completely again, and you kept looking him right in the eyes. “It wasn’t your fault Kurt.”
You suggest Kurt taking the rest of the day off, just hanging out with you, and he agrees. He gives you one more big hug, one of his hugs that just surrounds you, before sniffling that he’s gotta pee, and then he’s going to take a shower. He’s newly pissed off now, at this girl, so the first thing he does is find her account and block her. Serves her right that he never followed for follow. He’s never had to block anyone before, even big haters, because numbers were numbers, but you stuck up for him like you always did, and made him realise when people were assholes, and he didn’t deserve that.
When he turns the shower on, he’s calmed again. So he peeks his head out the door, calling your name. When you turn to him, the first thing you say is “You want me to come in there with you?” And Kurt’s so happy you can read his mind. Relief washes over him once you’re in the same room with him again, as well as the scalding water. He rubs it over his face, tiredly, and he leans his head back when you starts scritching at his back, in that spot he loves. He calms down as you wash his hair for him. And he ends up just cuddling you in the shower. Resting his head on you as he lightly sways you two chest to chest. Playing with the hair at the nape of your neck, as you lather up more body wash in your hands.
And once you two are out, and you’ve brought Kurt a clean set of pyjamas that he hasn’t been working in all day, he relishes in you two just collapsing together, and getting to cuddle you early in the sun he hardly sees at home, after an emotionally intense day. He mumbles questions occasionally. The first asking what you were doing, when you tell him you’re ordering his favourite meal. And as you’re on your phone, the rest of his words are pretty incomprehensible against your skin, where his face is smushed so much, his nose breathing is pretty heavy. But you think he might just be mumbling for the sake of it, and he wants to hear your voice. So you always give some sort of response back, affirming him.
The rest of your day, Kurt spends getting covered in all cuddles and the kisses he could want. While getting to keep you close in return. Never leaving the bubble of your smell, and your warmth, and your kind voice. Kurt’s just happy to be at home with you. Happy to be reassured once again, that this is his home now
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arklayraven · 1 year
NB is my 1st OM game but I def think Solomon is supposed to be hella *side eye* y'know? I saw someone say that he feels kinda pre-season 1 bc before he saw that MC had magic potential he was p callous esp for anything he didn't think he'd directly benefit from? Also crack theory based on a NB promo w the VAs (pic w text "Solomon & the Attic"), og!Solomon was Attic'd and nb!Solomon copied over some of his memories. Explains why he's so attached to MC but used Barb's pact like That after getting Asmo's pact. Also explains why Barb is so mad at him?
Tangent but Asmo hate makes me so sad bc I'm also platonically flirty plus I am going to steal his gender I was neutral on him until I finally got him blushy on Surprise Guest then I was like "well princess asmo you are now going in my pocket. yoink"
Oh yeah, he is. Was written like that in og OM too but its even more apparent now in NB.
Mhm. Solomon is known like that I feel...Like unless he feel he can gain some benefit from it all. He won't really care about the person and situation.
I honestly hope this theory becomes canon now because it'll not only help clear up og!Solomon problems he supposedly caused and done in NB...But I'll be able to kinda learn to like (tho forgive might not happen. some things are just unforgivable to me personally) Solomon again. Since that means he did in fact feel bad for his past actions over Asmo and all. And did in fact try to make up for it all...
But it would suck to know nb!Solomon pretty much ruined it for him with new players who never played og OM to know the full story and all...Because as of rn when it comes to Asmo, and even Barbatos...Solomon is painted in a very bad light now.
Oh agreed! I'm not that platonic flirty like Asmo and you tho myself. lol but do like the idea and support of being platonically affectionate with friends and all. if I ever get the chance to irl that is...But it's sad people really throw so much hate to Asmo for just being who he is. Like if people actually tried to understand his character better (and platonic love/affection too it seems as well). They would see he's one of the most sweetest caring brothers of that family, and from the game too. Yeah he has some poor writing here and there, thanks to the devs poor treatment of him. But once you get past the clear bad writing...You'll see Asmo is such a good character who deserves much love and appreciation.
omg similar for me! I think what made me fall for Asmo instantly was seeing his cute smile along with his adorable giggle. it was like being hit by a ray of warm sunshine and I needed to see him smile and giggle more ever since. And of course protect that smile, joy and heart of his too. pff
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Reading ch 8, not going pass the title and am IMMEDIATELY smiling like a goofy, giddy idiot before trying to calm down and focus on reading!!
When i read that DMD and LCD were close to each other i for seconds forgot that " Achilles " is LCD and thought it was WDS and wondered 'hmm, what's wrong?' Until i finally remembered it's LCD and sucked air thinking 'WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE?!? 6 FEETS FOR QUARANTINE!!'. Also DMD running away and - forcefully(?) - guiding everyone somewhere is like... A bit childish, bruh.
The fact the 4 can set up camp with no words or even glance at each other is like.. 👌🏻✨ please i need my IRL people do that.
Seeing that reunion start talking first i was thinking 'Of course he getting talk first! Old man gotta see people's tea!!'. And he asked about his name, my mind went 'oh boy! Oh boy! Come on buddy, don't show them you're 100% mama's boy, k?'.
Tho i admits i loved how big mama in reunion's time had retired.. Wonder if she's back with Splinter... And wonder if Someone took her place, maybe Donnie?
The moment he mentions ✨ After War ✨ and how everyone reacts to him ESPECIALLY LCD is just makes me go 'Aww! He's admiring him!🥺', it made my heart melt, like how kids see someone who did greater things and be like them?!
But the moment he 'bit' his tongue i was like WOW!!
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Bro, the two - DMD & Reunion - are deflecting the questions as if they're playing Tennis!
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WDS just result to begging is so me, feeling so done and don't want to be teased anymore and just wants straight answer. Reunion begin speechless made me think 'That's what you get for trying to sip other people's tea!!' But i liked how he used a dating sim game to describe the situation.
Now my brain went 'wait he lost everything? How? He won, his brothers are alive, the city is safe... Does he mean his childhood??'. So back to DMD giving out a short summary was good but LCD is a bit cringed or disgusted and i don't blame him! I don't think he can tell the truth but would he lies about his nickname's story??
AND DAMN IT WDS EXPOSED HIM!! Wonder what the ghosty brothers would say!!!😂 and when Reunion said 'father issues on top of mother issues?' I just laughed xD AND THE MIDDLE FINGER MAKES IT BETTER!!😂😂😂 their shenanigans is soo good! I live for this!! AND WDS ASKED FOR HIS AGE AGAHAHAHA!!!!😂😂😂
When WDS whispered 'I know' i was certain he'll gonna have to tell them about his *ahem* ear scratching! Lol.
But this chapter left me EVEN MORE EXCITED 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
This squad of peepaws is honestly bringing out the childishness that the peepaws have hidden deep behind the angst and Resistance Leader facade /j
And Reunion being a chismoso gives me *life* he has to know everyone’s business hahah!
In his timeline, Big Mama is like the granny that have those little porcelain dollies that are encased in the glass cabinets except it’s artifacts she hoarded from her big time boss era. She’s working with prosthetic legs trying to simply vibe in the weak society the turtles are trying to rebuild.
The memes!!! <333333
Old Timer is being looked up to for a brief second and it makes me happy :)))
But yes, Reunion has everything. He won the war and got his brothers back thanks to the past turtles resetting his timeline, but that doesn’t erase the fact that he had to lose everything in order to get it back. So he definitely has that lingering in the back of his mind that he often brings up in therapy. He lost the war once, and he’s glad he was able to beat it the second time around, hence his “reset”. (In simpler terms, the movie happened, but thanks to past turtles, they were able to turn back time and restart on a better note. Sadly, he and the future turtles remember dying.)
Anyways, we’ll have to see what LCD shares about his story after WDS’s turn hahah! And it should be WDS’s turn on the second night of their journey to saving the original Leo! (Next chapter)
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afewproblems · 1 year
🥳 👓 🎁 💭 👻
Thank you thank you my friend!!
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
So I started reading fanfic in high school, I had a friend group that comprised of about 7 or 8 self described nerds and we all tried our hand at it back then. The results were mixed, some were pretty good -mine were awful.
I started trying again for fun back in 2016 after Captain America: Civil War came out and I was curious how many fix-it fics there were for Stony. (A lot as it turns out) and then I got completely sucked into Marvel for a few years.
It's fun! It started as a fun hobby with my friends and honestly hasn't changed much beyond that haha!
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
I definitely need something on in the background, complete silence is too little stimulation for me to focus so having some nice instrumental music playing really helps. I like those Jazz Cafe streams with the background rain on YouTube lol, absolutely phenomenal for writing.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
I have the tiniest bit ever added to the post breakup Steddie Fix it written and probably my favorite joke ever:
Steve steps into the living room just off the kitchen, "Robin?" Bright sunlight streams through the curtainless windows bathing Robin in a warm yellow glow. She stands in the center, facing Steve, with a pensive expression, her eyes scanning the space around her. "Hush Dingus," she mutters, holding up her pointer finger to her lips, "I'm visualizing". "Ah, of course," he concedes with a fond smile as Robin walks towards him, slowly counting her steps. She lines her feet up as she moves, touching the toe of her right foot to the heel of her left. She wobbles slightly as she makes it to where Steve is standing. He reaches out to steady her with a laugh. "I told you the living room was more than ten feet!" "Robin, do you think that a 'foot' is literally your foot?"
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
Oh man, hmm, I think a lot of things! Movies, music -oo the amount of daydreaming I do to music when I walk the dog?? So many unwritten Steddie scenarios just from those walks. I'm also inspired by my fellow writers and their stories or artwork, I love seeing a jumping off point/prompt and running with it! This Fandom is filled with such creative people that it's hard not to be inspired by something or someone 😊
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Hmmmm I don't know if I really have a wild one?? I love the idea of Steve secretly being able to sing or play instruments, because Joe Keery is so musical IRL, but that's not really that wild...or uncommon.
Maybe my wildest take is that I think they had Joseph Quinn do so much press with Jamie Campbell-Bower because the two will be working together for season 5 as Vecna and Kas.
That's right! I'm holding out secret hope that Eddie comes back! There! That's my wildest, most in denial, hot take.
Thanks again for the ask!!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hi ryen! I’m back with feedback! 🕺🏻
Okay so every single chapter of 3tan I’ve been amazed and blown away by your writing! The way you write is just so unique and it really just sucks you in.
Window might be my favourite you’ve wrote so far (don’t tell forfeit that!👀)
The way you’re unfolding the story is so captivating and at the perfect speed, the way both yn and yoongi are so infatuated with each other but barley recognise it 😫
Yoongi was a menace in window omg the whole watching scene AHHHH HE’S HOT AND HE KNOWS IT 🫠🫣
Also the last segment… how dare you leave it like that 😭
Anyway this isn’t much feedback but I hope it at least makes you feel good! 🥹
I hope you have a wonderful rest it is WELLLL deserved, thank you for 3 tan can’t wait for 3tan10 🤭
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WHATTTT your favorite part?! oh my god. that’s amazing and i’m so glad you enjoyed it a ton, especially after reading everything in the series<3 idk what kind of style writing i have since i just, like, do it and not really go back to analyze it other than editing? that could be explored someday but currently, i just write what i see playing out and let the characters fill in their emotions. unfolding the story has been one of the aspects i’m most focused on: finding that balance of what to reveal and when, and slipping in hints where i can so that people can find them on another go-around and have that a-ha! moment of their own.
forfeit.. whew. still gotta be my top ngl, but i won’t tell it what you said LOL 
but yoongi’s little watching scene? with the chairs? yeah i have a strong feeling that isn’t the last we see of this cocky, uncompromising yoongi. besides, we still haven’t even gotten to [redacted] yet. lmfaoooo 
THE LAST PART LOLLLLL i couldn’t help myself!! but thank you, this certainly made me feel good (with the meme too!) and made me smile. resting is happening writing-wise but i’m still busy irl, so responses to feedback haven’t been the fastest. apologies! thank you so much for reading and sending in your thoughts. i appreciate you a whole lot omfg
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moonhoures · 3 years
first love part 3
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pairing: soobin (txt) + reader (fem.)
genre: non-idol!au, college!au, angst, fluff, smut [ nsfw | mdni ]
warnings: 18+, explicit smut, minors do not interact, oral (f & m receiving), facial, cum eating, light choking, overstimuation, finger sucking, soft dom!soobin, sulky & jealous!soobin, unprotected sex (but reader is on birth control so), vaginal penetration, slight mention of breeding kink?, nipple play, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, soobin calls reader “slut” like once, marking, hair pulling, aftercare in the shower, idk if it’s considered exhibitionism but they have sex in a house where other people are sleeping?, and i think that’s everything. let me know if i missed anything!
word count: ~20.9K
disclaimer: i completely made up the names for soobin’s family members. this is all fictional and in no way does it portray his family irl. none of this is meant to disrespect his family, so please don’t take it seriously. we’re here to have fun :)
a/n: first, thank you to everyone who read the first two parts and enjoyed them/left feedback, i appreciate you more than you know. thank you for also being so patient while i worked on this part! i know it was a super long wait. again, i’m sorry for that! second, the formatting on this is fucked up, but ‘ ― ― ― ‘ is considered a little time skip. happy holidays!!!! xoxo
posted: december 22, 2021
haven’t read the first love series? you can catch up here
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“Are you sure you’re alright?”
The tiny, loose strand on the hem of your skirt fell limp as you let go of it, turning your attention to your boyfriend in the driver’s seat. He met your eyes quickly before returning them to the road, but in that small moment you could see a glimpse of worry.
“Yeah,” you repeated it again, not sure if you were trying to convince him or yourself, “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“Because you’ve barely spoken since we dropped Yeonjun off,” he replied.
You wanted to rebuttal and tell him it wasn’t true, but when you took note of the time, you realized he was right. The two of you dropped your mutual friend off at the train station as it was on the way to Soobin’s parents house.
That’s right. Today was the day you would finally meet his family. After Yeonjun was left at the station, you had thirty minutes left until you would arrive at Soobin’s childhood home. The entire ride you spent the time in internal turmoil, stressing about the ‘what if’s. What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m not good enough for Soobin? What if I don’t meet their expectations? What if they don’t like their gifts? You got so immersed in your negative thoughts that Soobin had noticed your distressed expression shortly after your extended silence.
“Did you forget anything back at your dorm? Because we can turn back,” he said. You looked at him with wide eyes, an unbelieving smile creeping on the corners of your lips. Even if you had left anything behind, there was no way on Earth you were going to let him turn around and make the forty-five-minute drive back for it.
“No, Soobin. I didn’t leave anything. I’m just nervous is all,” you explained, turning away to avoid his gaze. Instead, you watched the random town you were in whiz by you outside the window.
“Why?” he asked, a pout evident in his voice, “You said you were really excited, and they’re all looking forward to meeting you. You can’t back out on me now, _______.”
He said the last sentence in a playfully threatening tone, making a grin appear on your lips. It grew wider when you felt his hand reach over to comfortingly rub your lower thigh. Your eyes made contact with his again before he smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to your cheek. He added, “We’re almost there. Just a few more minutes.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm your nerves. You had daydreamed about this day for so long. Soobin had told stories about growing up with his siblings—his sister forcing him to have tea parties with her or fighting with his brother over video games. His eyes always lit up when he spoke about his sister’s son, often showing you pictures of him. He was a toddler now, and Soobin would gush to you about how fun it was being an uncle. Like he said, you were really excited to meet them, so why was your stomach in knots?
“We’re here!” he announced, pulling you from your wandering thoughts again. You took note of how nice the neighborhood was, and his house was no exception. It was a two story, with a nice front lawn and a spacious driveway that was currently taken up by three vehicles, leaving only space for him to park. “Looks like my brother’s already here. I guess my sister will come by for dinner.”
Soobin told you to leave the luggage in the car for now, eagerly gesturing for you to follow him inside. You had only enough time to give yourself a once-over in the car window’s reflection before he took your hand and had you following him up the driveway to the front door. He opened the door with one hand as his other one held yours, squeezing it reassuringly while he guided you inside, “Mom! Dad! We’re home~!”
An unintelligible shout came from somewhere in the house, followed by the sounds of footsteps. While the sounds made their way towards you, you admired the living room. The furniture was set up nicely, facing the middle of the room that was nice and open for a pretty rug that matched the drapes over the window. A fireplace was lit on the other side of the room between the lit-up, decorated Christmas tree and the staircase that led to the second floor. The bottom of the staircase met the doorway to the dining room where Soobin’s mother emerged, a huge grin on her face at the sight of the two of you.
Soobin closed the door behind you before turning to her and engulfing her in a big bear hug. You watched with a happy heart as she pressed kisses to his cheeks.
“Mom, you’re acting like you didn’t see me two months ago,” he joked, laughing as she pinched his cheek.
“And you’re acting like a mother can’t miss her son,” she replied with equal attitude before turning to you. For a moment you wondered how her smile could get any bigger, but it did. She reached forward and enveloped you in an equally big hug, patting your back, “It’s so nice to finally see you! You’re so much prettier in person.”
You recalled when Soobin had visited for Chuseok, he had FaceTimed you one night, and his mother had walked in. She had begged him to see you over the phone and when he showed you on the other side, she was just as happy then as she was now. She was the one to suggest making concrete plans for you to visit for winter break, and that’s how you ended up here now.
Soobin’s father followed soon after, embracing Soobin in a hug before doing the same to you, “Yes, his mother has been talking about meeting you all morning.”
His words caused your cheeks to warm up, the flattery making your heart weak but happy. Their positive words were comforting as opposed to the worries you had during the ride here. Soobin’s father asked about the ride, if there was any traffic. His mother complimented your outfit, asking where you got your pieces from. In the midst of the conversation, you noticed a man—who you concluded was Soobin’s brother—coming from the kitchen to join the four of you.
“Welcome home, Soobin,” he smiled, getting your boyfriend’s attention as he embraced him.
“Sungmin~ This is my girlfriend, _______,” Soobin stepped aside, gesturing to you. You politely greeted him, reaching out to shake his hand which he accepted.
“Mom was right, you are very beautiful in person,” he commented, “For a while I was starting to believe Soobin was making you up.”
You chuckled softly, “Nope. I’m very much real. And thank you, you’re very handsome as well.”
You had seen him in photographs before, but only the ones on Soobin’s social media. The photos weren’t updated though; his brother looked different now than he did in the pictures you saw. He just seemed more put-together and mature—given, he was probably in college in the pictures you saw. And from what you understood, he had graduated a couple years ago now. He carried himself confidently and his smile was charming. You could immediately tell that Soobin took after his mother and sister more and his brother took after his father.
“You guys must be exhausted from your trip,” his mother spoke, “Would you like drinks? Food?”
You shook your head, “I’m fine, thank you.”
“Okay, well, Soobin, why don’t you and your father go get your luggage, and I’ll give _______ a tour of the house?”
“Alright, Mom.”
― ― ―
“Uh, this- This used to be Soobin’s and his brother’s room. We turned it into an office after they moved out. This is just our coat closet, and this is the guest bedroom where you’ll be staying. It used to be his sister’s room. There’s an en-suite bathroom, so you won’t have to go downstairs to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.”
Soobin’s mother opened the room to the bedroom she was referring to, revealing a generous-sized room, a queen-sized bed in the middle with nice wooden posts. There was a door to the right that was open, showing that there was a sink, toilet, and shower inside.
“And that’s all of the house,” she wrapped up, right on time for Soobin and Sungmin to walk up with the last of the bags. “Oh honey, yours will go downstairs.”
“But I thought you said we were staying up here?” Soobin questioned.
“________ is staying up here. You two boys will be sleeping in the living room on the pull-out couch,” she explained, causing your boyfriend to groan in slight annoyance. You were a little bummed when you realized what she meant too, but you understood her reasoning. Your mother would’ve done the same.
“Mom, come on. Soobin is a good kid, and responsible. Let them share the room,” Sungmin spoke up. His mother looked conflicted, as if she wanted to keep her foot down but she also didn’t want to look like the bad guy. You were about to insist that you were fine with the arrangement when his brother spoke again, “I’m sure _______ will be more comfortable rooming with Soobin than by herself, and let’s be real. They’ve probably slept in the same bed before now anyways, right?”
Your cheeks felt aflame from his question, and you could tell Soobin was just as embarrassed by the remark, but he answered, “Yes. A few times, but we will be on our best behavior. Promise.”
His mother gave Sungmin a pointed look before turning to Soobin with the same look. After a moment, she sighed, “Fine, but no funny business.”
She directed the order at Soobin who nodded fervently. She turned to you with her familiar smile, “I trust you two. It’s just hard accepting that all my babies are adults now.”
You nodded, “I understand. My mom is the same way. Like Soobin said, we’ll be on our best behavior, Mrs. Choi.”
“Good,” she sighed again, but more from relief than defeat. She spoke out loud before turning to Soobin, “Well, I’ll let you two settle in while I finish preparing dinner. Your sister should be here soon.”
― ― ―
Soobin’s sister, Heejin, arrived right in time for dinner, with her husband and toddler in tow. She was gorgeous and did indeed share several similarities to her mother as well as your boyfriend. She greeted you with open arms and a comforting smile that made you long for a sister you never had growing up.
“_______, it’s so nice to finally meet you in person. This is my husband, Dohyun, and I’m sure Soobin’s shown you pictures of Jiwon.”
Her husband was sweet, introducing himself with a handshake. Her son, however, in his childish daze, sped past you to envelop Soobin’s legs in a tight hug, causing all of you to laugh. Your boyfriend picked him up by his armpits, swinging him up in the air before attacking his cheeks in kisses.
“He’s told me all about him,” you assured her, “And it’s nice to meet you, too. I’ve been looking forward to this for months.”
“Trust me, so have we,” she nodded, “Especially that one.”
She pointed to her mom who was now hugging and coddling her only grand baby while Soobin’s father asked him how excited he was to open presents.
Within minutes you found yourself in the kitchen, leaning against the counter in conversation with Heejin and her mother as the boys of the family occupied the living room. Soobin’s mom was checking on all of the food, making sure everything was cooking well while Heejin prepared drinks and silverware. You had offered to help, but since you were considered an honorary guest, they insisted you not do any ‘work’ for now. So, you sighed in defeat and obliged in conversation with them, and you had to admit you were really enjoying yourself.
Meanwhile, in the living room, Soobin was sitting with Jiwon on the floor, play-fighting with the young boy while his father, brother, and brother-in-law sat on the couch and recliners.
“She seems to be fitting in nicely so far,” Dohyun commented towards Soobin, the implication being that he was talking about you.
Soobin’s lips curled into a smile as he nodded, now only half paying attention to his energetic nephew by his side, “Yeah, it’s great. If everything works out, I want to bring her home for every holiday.”
“Have you visited her parents yet?” his father asked him.
“No, but she mentioned that she wanted to invite me for spring break.”
His dad nodded in understanding before his eyes looked over and settled on his eldest son, “And you, what happened with Yoona?”
Sungmin looked slightly annoyed by the question, piquing the other men’s curiosity, “I told Mom she wouldn’t be coming with me.”
Yoona was Sungmin’s girlfriend of almost a year. Soobin’s parents had met her several times and loved her, and she had made an appearance at their home for Chuseok just a few months ago. Which is why his father felt the need to ask why she didn’t join him now when she was invited.
“Did you guys break up?” Dohyun asked.
Sungmin nodded reluctantly, “She called me last week and broke things off. Said she needed to focus on finishing school and didn’t have time for our relationship.”
While his father and brother-in-law consoled him, offering words of encouragement for another opportunity, Soobin found himself thinking. Ever since his first relationship in high school, Sungmin was always the type to move quickly with girls. He wanted the most out of everything, and when things went south, he quickly picked himself up and moved on. If he was going through a breakup now, it was only a matter of time before he looked for someone new to get his hands on.
― ― ―
“Dinner’s ready!”
The sound of various chairs lightly dragging against the floor filled the dining room as the eight of you got seated. You sat at the end of one side of the table, Soobin to your right and his father to your left at the head of the table. Sungmin sat across from you while Dohyun sat between him and Heejin. Jiwon sat across from his mom, and lastly, Soobin’s mom sat at the other end of the table.
Food was passed around as discussions started among the family. Soobin’s father was speaking to Dohyun about work. Heejin and her mother were discussing daycare arrangements of Jiwon next year. Soobin was intently listening to Jiwon who was gushing about the toy train set he saw at a store earlier this week. Which left you pawing at your food with your fork, worrying if you looked as out of place as you felt.
“_______, what are you majoring in again?”
Your head lifted at the quiet mention of your name from across the table, and you made eye contact with Sungmin, “I’m a technical Music major.”
“Ah, so like music composition?”
“And production, yes,” you added, inwardly thankful that he was making an effort to befriend you, “What did you go to college for?”
He was briefly interrupted by his father asking him to pass the sweet potato noodles, but he eventually answered, “I graduated with a major in business and minor in marketing.“
Your eyebrows raised in interest, “My father works in marketing. Have you got a solid job yet? I could give you his contact information later. I’m sure he could help you get a job with him.”
The two of you continued talking about his career, and eventually you got comfortable talking about other topics such as school and hobbies and traveling. Soobin found himself growing envious of the attention you were giving his brother. Before your trip he had predicted that you and Heejin would hit it off, so it slightly annoyed him to see it wasn’t her but his brother that you clicked with.
Once everyone was full and the plates were empty, you insisted on helping Soobin’s mother with cleaning the dishes. She called on one more volunteer jokingly and before Soobin could even think of answering, Sungmin was up and playfully arguing over the silverware with you. Your boyfriend watched the two of you follow his mother into the kitchen, pouting when he could hear you laughing at a joke Sungmin must have told you. He willed himself to smile at Jiwon when he tugged on his sleeve and begged him to play with him in the living room where Heejin and Dohyun were already going with his father to watch TV. Soobin gave the kitchen one more glance before nodding and agreeing with his nephew, following him into the living room.
― ― ―
“I think that’s everything washed,” Soobin’s mother declared, drying her damp hands on a clean dish towel. Sungmin handed you the last few clean dinner plates to put back in the cupboard. “Sungmin, could you and ________ get the smaller plates out for dessert?”
“Ooh, what’s for dessert?” you asked, eyes lighting up at the idea of a good pie and some ice cream to top it off.
“Heejin brought some chocolate cake. Her friend owns a bakery and always makes us one for the holidays. It’s delicious,” Sungmin explained just as his mother pulled out a cake box and placed it on the counter. She opened the top to reveal a beautiful chocolate cake with dark icing and rosettes in white and red spaced out along the edges.
She tasked you and Sungmin with slicing the cake evenly and placing the slices on the dessert plates for everyone. Once that was done, you went to hand them out to everyone in the living room. Soobin was the last person you went to hand a plate to, but he declined, and that was the first time you noticed something was off about him. You gave him a look that said, ‘what’s wrong?’ without having to say it out loud, but he simply shook his head and gestured for you to keep the dessert for yourself. You decided to just leave it be and kept the plate, sitting beside him at the edge of the couch.
As everyone began eating their cake, you also dug into it with your fork, enjoying the taste of the fluffy, rich chocolate with the sweet icing. You were so invested in the cake as well as the story Heejin was telling her father about the new store her baker friend was building to even notice Sungmin and his mother entering the kitchen with their own cake in hands. But Soobin immediately took note of the glance his brother gave towards you as he decided on where to sit. Luckily for Soobin, there was no spot near you, so Sungmin had no other option than to take a seat on the couch across from the two of you. However, this didn’t stop him from taking what he thought were subtle glimpses in your direction. Maybe they were subtle enough not to get anyone else’s attention, but Soobin noticed every single one.
Now, Soobin never considered himself the jealous type even when the two of you started dating. He had full trust in you and never thought twice about any time you interacted with a guy—whether it be his close guy friends like Yeonjun or a random dude from one of your classes. But for some reason, seeing his brother showing special interest in you made his chest swell with a need to be proprietorial. He hated feeling like that; the last thing he wanted to do was seem controlling or possessive of you. He had seen some of his own friends do that to their partners and lose them; likewise, he had girl friends who had mentioned to him how annoying their boyfriends were when they got jealous and overbearing. If he even had the slightest chance of you feeling that way about him, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.
Still, in a moment of bad decision making and the need to show his brother that he was yours, he looked to you. You were listening intently to a story his father was telling–a story he wasn’t even half paying attention to–but when you saw him looking at you, you tilted your head as if to ask what was up.
“Can I have a bite?” he whispered, not wanting to interrupt his father.
You rolled your eyes jokingly at him before whispering back, “I offered you a piece and you declined. This is mine.”
You had full intentions of giving him a bite, but you wanted to tease him for a bit beforehand. It worked. His already-big puppy dog eyes slacked as his full lips formed a pout and he whined quietly, “Pleeeease~”
You sighed, shaking your head with a smile as you put a nice-sized amount of cake on your fork and brought it up to his grinning lips. They parted as you carefully set the fork in his mouth, the icing leaving a small residue over the corners of his lips. You couldn’t help but hide a giggle at how happy he seemed about you giving him a bite of your cake. After that, you went back to listening to his father’s story, trying to keep up with the events he was describing when you noticed Soobin’s eyes uncharacteristically glaring over at his brother. What you hadn’t seen before that was Sungmin watching the two of you with his own sense of envy. So, naturally, that was the second time you found Soobin’s behavior a bit odd.
― ― ―
The night went by in a blur, it seemed, but it went so much better than you could’ve hoped. You and the family spent hours talking until Jiwon finally fell asleep in Soobin’s lap on the couch after running around and playing with him and Dohyun. That’s when Heejin decided it was time to get home for the night. As Soobin carried Jiwon’s sleeping form to the car to set him in his car seat, Heejin explained to you that they had moved to Gwangju after her and Dohyun got married, but that they were renting a cabin only ten minutes away while they visited.
“We’ll be back in the morning,” she told you as Soobin shut the back door of their SUV, “Have a good night, guys.”
She hugged you, then her brothers, and finally her parents before they left. Sungmin resigned to the pull-out couch in the living room with the help of his father. You and Soobin went upstairs to your room after bidding his parents and brother a good night.
Finally, for the first time in hours, you were alone. Soobin let you take your shower first, opting to relax on the bed, scrolling on TikTok while he waited for you to finish. You showered without washing your hair since you had done so in the morning, and appeared in your pajamas, ready to relax after a long day. Soobin showered quickly after you, returning with only sweatpants on, running a towel over his wet hair. You glanced away from your Instagram feed to look at him in his post-shower glory, his freshly washed face looking smooth, cute, and pink.
Your boyfriend smiled shyly, noticing your gaze on him, “Stop looking at me like that.”
You chuckled, “Like what?”
“Like that. You’re making me blush.”
He pressed the back of his hand against his cheek, feeling the heated skin. Determining that his hair was damp enough, he slid a t-shirt over his head and onto his torso before sitting on the other side of the bed from where you were laying. With his back turned to you as he checked his emails and texts, you couldn’t help but get up onto your knees and hug him from behind. Your hands snuck over his shoulders until your chin rested on the left side of his neck.
“My family really likes you,” he spoke softly, the both of you smiling, “I can tell my mom and dad loved you. My sister had mentioned that you were really sweet.”
“Yeah, they’re all really nice and accepting,” you agreed, “I had fun today.”
He hummed in satisfaction, swiping to check his last texts from Yeonjun before he would turn off his phone. As he typed back a message, you spoke again, “Your brother is really funny. He was telling me a story about how when you were in middle school Heejin used to put make up on you and put bows and clips in your hair.”
A lump of annoyance and anger produced in Soobin’s throat. Of course, Sungmin would tell you embarrassing stories about him. Your boyfriend hummed again, acknowledging your words but not really responding. You noticed his shoulders had tensed up under you. Maybe he’s just tired, you thought, I should leave him alone so he can get some sleep. Right as those words floated through your mind, he shut his phone off and put it on his nightstand. His hands enveloped yours against his chest, holding them there as he eased into your touch.
“Let’s get some sleep,” you whispered, pressing what you thought was an innocent, chaste kiss against the side of his throat. You went to pull away, but he had other plans. Your arms had just slipped away from him when he turned in his spot to face you more, gripping your hands in his so you couldn’t move away. A small, startled noise escaped your lips as he tugged you forward carefully, his right hand reaching up to your cheek to bring you closer. His lips unexpectedly captured yours, causing the tiniest excuse of a moan to come from your mouth.
You found that you were losing yourself in the kiss, letting him take the lead easily as he continued to mould his lips against your own. After a moment you needed air, so you pulled away just enough for your skin to still brush against each other. Soobin’s breath fanned over your parted lips before he was diving back in, this time with his tongue. The warm, velvety muscle was precise and gentle in its movements, wanting you to surrender to him.
It was in the midst of your passionate make out, when his hands were finding purchase on your waist, that you took a second to consider where you were and what you were doing. With a quick and unfortunate decision, you managed to pull away again, but this time with the intention of stopping. Soobin’s lips moved forward in search of yours as you detached yourself from him, his eyes opening in confusion.
“I thought you were tired,” you chuckled, reaching up to push his half-dry hair away from his face where little droplets of water were still making their way down his face.
“Well, I’m not,” he said, his fingers on the skin of your hips urging you towards him.
Your eyebrows quirked as your hands met his, peeling his fingers off of you easily, “Soobin, we’re not doing this here. You heard your mom today.“
A pout formed on his luscious, kissed lips, but he nodded in understanding, “I’m sorry. I got excited.”
You smiled half-heartedly.
You understood all too well where he was coming from. Ever since that fateful weekend, while Yeonjun was away, and you and Soobin had your fun for the first time, the two of you didn’t have many opportunities to have sex. Being in college with roommates left you with little to no privacy on most days, but the two of you did put in some effort.
You had introduced Soobin to sexting, which he loved. You sent him naughty messages about what you wanted him to do to you when he got the chance. Soobin found himself practically drooling at the back of his classes where he would cautiously open your messages or Snapchats to reveal pictures of you in your bra or underwear. Because even if the two of you couldn’t find time to have sex together, you still had desires—wants and needs.
Soobin lost count of how many times he jerked off in the shower to the pictures you sent him shuffling through his head. When you got the dorm to yourself, while Sooyoung was in class or out with her other friends, you would read the messages between you and Soobin and let your hand do as much work as it could to satisfy you. But the one thing you two could agree on was that it wasn’t the same. Nothing compared to the feeling of each other, and you missed it. The last time the two of you had been alone was for his birthday when Yeonjun so graciously offered to sleep at Beomgyu’s for the night to give you two privacy. So, you couldn’t blame him for wanting to take advantage of this little time where the two of you were finally alone again.
“I know, baby. It’s okay. We’ll get other opportunities . . . eventually,” you said, rubbing your hand soothingly against his cheek, “But for now, you behave.”
Soobin smiled sheepishly before shaking his head, watching you try to hide your smirk as you got comfortable on your side of the bed. He followed suit, lying beside you, “You were into it, too, y’know. Practically pounced on me.”
You rolled your eyes as you reached over to turn off the lamp, “Goodnight, Soobin.”
“Goodnight, my love.”
― ― ―
The smell of fresh cooked breakfast woke you up the next morning on Christmas Eve. Your eyes slowly opened, and the first thing you noticed were the voices of Soobin’s family conversing downstairs. The second thing you noticed was how empty the bed felt behind you. You turned over to confirm that your boyfriend was missing, causing you to frown.
After checking your phone, doing your morning routine, and debating if you should change into your outfit for the day, you decided on staying in your pajamas for now before making your way to meet everyone downstairs. You were warmly greeted in the dining room by the family—including Heejin, Dohyun, and Jiwon who had arrived early. You felt slightly awkward being the last to join, so you scanned the room to find Soobin and his mother missing.
“Morning, _______, did you sleep well?” his father asked, fixing a plate for Jiwon who waited patiently for his grandpa to hand him his food.
“Yes, sorry for sleeping in so late,” you apologized, not entirely sure what time it was just yet.
“Oh, you’re fine,” Heejin gestured with her hand carelessly before picking up a glass of water, “We’re an early household, and we just got here. You didn’t miss much.”
You nodded, pausing by the table as you were trying to decipher if you should sit and wait for Soobin or go find him. Sungmin noticed your hesitance and aided you, “Soobin’s in the kitchen with Mom.”
You smiled and nodded gratefully at him, turning for the kitchen where you found your boyfriend helping his mom with the last of the food. His mom was busy flipping what looked like vegetable pancakes on the stove, and Soobin had his back turned to you, a ketchup bottle in his hand as he adorned plates of fried eggs with the condiment.
“Good morning,” you addressed them, his mother turning to you with a startled expression that quickly turned cheerful.
“Morning, _______! We’re just finishing up the breakfast, dear.”
“It smells great,” you noted, walking up beside your lovely boyfriend who was topping off a fried egg with ketchup in the shape of a smiley face. A similar, bright smile formed on your lips at the kind gesture, “Cute.”
“This one’s for Jiwon,” he said happily, his wide grin causing his dimples to appear.
“And this one-“ he took another plate with fried egg on it, his careful and lithe hands using the ketchup to create a heart outline, “-is for you.”
Your own heart skipped a beat as you looked up at him with adoration in your eyes. You thanked him as you took the plate, reaching up to place a light kiss against his dimpled cheek. His mother softened at the interaction, which she spectated quietly before asking you to help her and Soobin bring out the last of the food to the dining room. You agreed, grabbing as many plates as you could with them to the adjacent room where everyone was waiting.
Once the food was all settled and everyone had the dishes they wanted, a hush fell over the room as everyone began eating. For a moment the only noise emanating was the soft sounds of chewing and the picking up of silverware. Conversations slowly started around the table, one of them being between you and Sungmin. He asked you about what shows and movies you had been watching lately. And you, loving any chance to gush about your recent binge-watches, dove right in. It was nice having someone from the family who seemed so interested in you—or so you thought. You found his eye contact and undivided attention while you spoke to him endearing, but you had yet to realize that Soobin found it offensive, to him at least. The way his brother was able to make you laugh and smile so easily . . . it made his insides boil.
Soobin made some attempts at getting your attention, asking you random questions which you simply answered and returned back to Sungmin. The two of you were currently raving about some horror movie you had watched—one that Soobin remembered refusing to watch with you because he hated horror films. Now he wished he would’ve watched it just so he didn’t feel so left out. Or rather, so he wouldn’t feel so inferior.
Soobin sighed quietly, finding himself pouting at the edge of the table as no one noticed. His parents were too busy coddling Jiwon. Heejin and Dohyun were discussing plans of visiting his parents for New Years. And of course, his wonderful girlfriend was too wrapped up in the charm that was his older brother. Again, he started to feel that familiar envy creeping up his spine, telling him to grow one or he’d lose you. With a sudden burst of tenacity, he did something rather out of character.
You were nodding along to an opinion that Sungmin was expressing when you felt it. At first you thought it was just your leg bumping against the underside of the table, but what you thought was the table quickly started to feel like fingers, familiar ones at that. You couldn’t help but jump slightly at the touch, your own fingers covering Soobin’s before they went too far up on your thigh. Your pajama shorts only covered so much, and he was already at the hem when you stopped them.
Sungmin seemed to notice your eyes go slightly wide, asking if you were okay. Thankfully, the table covered your lap, so he was completely unaware of the situation underneath it. You assured him you were fine, choosing to ignore Soobin’s obvious attempt for your attention so that you didn’t seem rude to his brother. Your boyfriend didn’t like that one bit, so he wiggled his fingers out from yours and placed them on your thigh again, this time on the inner side. His grip on you was more adamant, so you finally gave his brother an apologetic look before turning around to face Soobin.
“What?” you whispered to him.
“You’re ignoring me,” he pouted, making sure to stay behind you where his brother couldn’t see him and mock him. If only it were that easy.
“Hey, I’m sorry, Soobs, I’ve been talking ________’s head off,” his brother joked, leaning around you to see his brother’s annoyed expression.
“I told you not to call me that when we were kids, Sungmin,” he mumbled, making your brows scrunch in confusion. Why has his behavior been so erratic and flippant since you got here? One moment he was fine, and the next he would be annoyed for seemingly no reason.
“Sorry, it’s a habit,” his brother softly laughed, getting interrupted by his mother asking to help her with the dirty dishes. You offered to help as well, finding yourself looking forward to those kind of moments with her. You started to stand when you felt Soobin gently grip your thigh again, causing you to turn to him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was ignoring you. I’ll go help your mom, then I’ll give you all the attention you want when I’m done, okay?” you said putting your hand at the back of his neck so that your fingertips could graze the hair at his nape. He always found the gesture soothing, and as much as he wanted to protest, he couldn’t. He could tell how excited you were to have these interactions with his mom and help her out. He knew these moments made you feel accepted, and he didn’t want to take that away from you.
“Okay,” he agreed, smiling as you pressed a kiss to his forehead before getting up to meet his mom and brother in the kitchen. The rest of the family moved to the living room while you and Sungmin went back and forth from the kitchen and the dining room, collecting dirty dishes and silverware.
Their mother began cleaning up as the two of you found ways to help out. Soobin sat in the living room, finding himself growing more and more antsy about the idea that you were in there talking to his brother. His thoughts got the best of him, so he got up and made his way to the kitchen, hearing the three of you talking as he stopped at the doorway.
None of you noticed him standing there, and Soobin paused as he watched you. You were drying the wet dishes that his mother handed you after washing them in the sink. His brother was taking them from you and saving them in the cupboards. For the most part you weren’t even talking to Sungmin; instead, you were listening to his mother rave about how fun it was having another girl in the family. His mom mused about how she had wanted more girls in the family since it was just her and Heejin for so long. Soobin couldn’t help but replicate the smile that lit up your face. You looked so elated to be given such a compliment.
Soobin had decided to not interrupt the sweet moment, opting to stay at the threshold and watch quietly until you were finished. This is where he was mistaken, because everything was perfectly fine until Sungmin tried to go around you and his mother to the other side of the kitchen. He slipped past his mother easily, but when he got to you, his hand pressed against the small of your back, causing you to look up at him. To Soobin it looked like a scene out of a drama where the two main characters meet for the first time. It made his stomach turn.
Soobin watched with dark eyes as you moved out of Sungmin’s way, averting your eyes to help his mother grab a dry towel for her hands. He finally got the gall to speak up, taking a step up to the threshold, “Uh, ________, could you come with me upstairs? I need your help with something.”
The three of you turned at the sound of his voice, and you nodded, handing his mom the towel you were previously using before excusing yourself. You let Soobin take your hand as he led you upstairs, but despite you asking him what he needed, he refused to answer. So, before he could open the bedroom door, you stopped him and asked again what he needed help with.
The last thing you expected was for him to back you into the wall behind you and kiss you abruptly. You were taken so off guard that your body did the only thing it knew how to do which was reciprocate the action, following his lead. You succumbed for a moment before your brain quickly recovered its senses and got you to pull away with your hands on his chest.
“Soobin-” you warned him, watching his desperate eyes turn down from the rejection. Your hands moved from his chest up to his face, cradling his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I just-,” Soobin was overwhelmed by his internal conflict, not wanting to admit that he was jealous of his brother. But on the other hand, he wasn’t sure what excuse to use, “I-“
“Look, I understand, but I told you we can’t do that here. We’ll get other opportunities, you just have to be patient,” you reminded him gently. He listened to you earnestly, wanting to tell you the real reasoning for his conduct without seeming pathetic. For now, he would have to let you believe what you wanted. He nodded solemnly, apologizing again.
You accepted his apology before taking his hand in yours again, “Come on, let’s get dressed.”
― ― ―
The rest of the day went by smoothly for the most part. Soobin’s parents arranged for them to take Jiwon to a Christmas show in the city for kids, allowing you, Soobin, Heejin, Dohyun, and Sungmin to enjoy some time to yourselves for lunch. The five of you decided to go to a nice restaurant, and you had to admit it was great hanging out with Soobin’s siblings. You felt less pressure to come off as the perfect girlfriend than you did around his parents, and he noticed it. He liked seeing you be more carefree, like a weight was lifted from your shoulders.
Soobin was whispering to you about the cute old couple sitting at a table across from you when Heejin reached over and tapped you to get your attention, “Did you see their waiter?”
You shook your head, “No, why?”
“Watch for him, he’s so handsome. You can tell he works out. His muscles were practically busting out of his sleeves,” she fawned, her husband rolling his eyes and chuckling at her statement beside her.
You then began looking for the waiter in question, not noticing him until a few minutes later. When you caught sight of him and connected the dots that he was the one she was talking about, your mouth slacked in shock. He was handsome, but that was probably an understatement. His muscles were defined and looked almost model-esque under the black polo uniform shirt he wore. Not even just his muscles were attractive though, he had a nice head of brunet hair that was styled in a trendy way that framed his face nicely. And his smile was charming, enough to make the old lady he was serving blush when he spoke to her.
“He is nice looking,” you confirmed to Heejin before looking away, not wanting to stare.
Soobin thought about making a comment about the waiter not being that attractive, but his brother beat him to it, “I don’t see what’s so special about him. He’s got muscles, but that’s about it.”
You and Heejin both looked at him with questioning eyes before she spoke, “Are you kidding me? He could easily be on a magazine cover.”
“If someone told me he was an Instagram model, I wouldn’t think twice,” you backed her statement.
Sungmin merely shrugged, making Dohyun snort, “You’re just mad because you stopped going to the gym and don’t look as good as he does.”
His brother-in-law gave him a pointed look, taking a sip of his drink before replying, “I still work out, just not as much as I used to.”
The two men then started a back and forth that had the rest of you watching in amusement. Sungmin got out his phone to show off pictures of him in the gym recently, his muscles just as defined as the waiter’s. You hadn’t been able to tell because of the loose clothes he had been wearing, but he did look really good in the progress pictures he displayed. Beside you, Soobin felt himself tensing up, getting the urge to snap at his brother to put his phone away. No one wants to see those pictures, he thought to himself.
“Oh, Soobin, I was meaning to ask you, does Yeonjun still work out? I was going to ask him if he wanted to get a membership at my gym so he could be my gym partner,” Sungmin asked his brother, getting your attention as well.
“He does sometimes,” Soobin answered dryly.
“I’ll have to reach out to him soon. That guy was a beast at weightlifting,” Sungmin mused, chuckling to himself as he reached behind you to poke Soobin’s arm, “Not like this little string bean.”
Soobin rolled his eyes, feeling his ears turn pink as he got annoyed with his brother’s teasing. What made it worse was the small laughs you and his sister let out.
“You don’t go to the gym anymore?” his brother asked him.
“Well, how do you expect to keep _______ around with no muscles? What if you need to save her from some creep? Can’t beat them up with those noodle arms you’ve got,” his sibling egged him on. At this point Soobin’s fists were clenching in his lap. He bit back every insult that came to mind.
“Soobin’s a lover anyways, not a fighter,” Dohyun defended him, “Remember when those guys in high school kept bullying him? He just ignored them and kept his head high. They left him alone eventually, right?”
Soobin nodded, now feeling embarrassed, “Can we just drop this? I think I’m ready for our check.”
“Our? You’re paying for the table?” his sister asked with a teasing grin.
“No, I’m paying for me and my girlfriend,” Soobin spoke with a tone so full of finality that you didn’t even want to insist paying for yourself. It was obvious he was in one of his moods again.
― ― ―
The Choi family home was quiet as the five of you returned to it after your dinner. Soobin had seemed a bit better, but clingier, leaving his arm interlocked with yours the entire drive back. You didn’t mind, of course, you loved moments like this. Soobin was the type to not really care for little acts of physical affection in public unless he initiated it, so when he did it always felt like a treat for you.
Heejin excitedly invited you to the kitchen to help her bake some cookies for when her parents and Jiwon returned later, so you joined her there. Soobin didn’t want to impede on your girl time, but the thought of being stuck in the living room with Dohyun and Sungmin made him want to lock himself in his room. Well, Dohyun wasn’t really the problem, but Sungmin was.
Soobin’s relationship with his brother was always a little strained, though, so this wasn’t a new thing. Their six-year age gap made it hard for them to be close growing up, and on top of that Soobin was a mama’s boy while Sungmin was closer with their dad. Soobin enjoyed being babied by the women in the family while Sungmin preferred playing sports with the men of the family. They didn’t always see eye to eye and often got into verbal fights.
Sungmin picked on Soobin a lot especially when the latter was going through puberty. As the two of them got older and Sungmin moved out to go to college, they found it easier to get along because they didn’t see each other as often. Yet, Sungmin didn’t seem to change his ways. He was still the annoying big brother who picked on his younger sibling relentlessly. The only difference now was that Soobin didn’t want to put up with it like he did as a kid.
In the kitchen, you and Heejin made yourselves busy, following a recipe she found online to make the cookies. In the living room, the three brothers relaxed onto the couches and recliners. They started talking about their parents and the plans for tomorrow. Soobin brought up how excited Jiwon was going to be to open all his gifts, to which Dohyun agreed.
“Has Heejin been harping on you for another one?” Sungmin asked Dohyun with a sneaky grin, his brother-in-law immediately nodding.
“Yeah, she’s been keeping track of her cycle so we can align everything, but that kind of stuff takes time, y’know.”
“She always said she wanted lots of kids,” Soobin spoke up, “Even when we were younger.”
“Yeah, I know. When she got pregnant with Jiwon she had asked if I wanted to have another one eventually,” Dohyun sighed, “It’s nice though. I like being a dad.”
“And it’s an excuse to get laid multiple times a week, so why not?” Sungmin laughed.
“Come on, dude, that’s our sister,” Soobin gave his brother a disgusted glance, not wanting to discuss his sibling’s sex life.
“It’s true though,” Dohyun smirked to himself, “She wants to do it all the time, and I mean, I can’t complain.”
“Yoona was like that too,” Sungmin mused, “She didn’t want kids, but her sex drive was crazy. None of my exes were like that. She wanted to do it all the time, and she was into some crazy stuff too.”
“Like bondage and shit?” Dohyun asked.
“Yeah, and role play. I’d never done that before her, but she was really into it. Yoona loved when I would call her names and spit on her. She liked it really rough. She wasn’t into love making, it was boring for her.”
“Yeah, slow sex is nice and all, but sometimes you just need to let loose. The girlfriend I had before Heejin never wanted to do anything outside of missionary, and it got old,” Dohyun admitted.
Soobin kept quiet, finding his mind wandering to thoughts he didn’t want to have. He recalled how after the weekend when he lost his virginity, you had asked him if he had any kinks he wanted to explore the next time you two got a chance. He didn’t have any in mind except for handcuffs, but when you tried to put some on him for his birthday it made him uncomfortable. On the widest notch, they were still too tight on his wrists. You had put them on, but you weren’t a fan of being restrained. You wanted to be able to run your hands through his hair and over his body, and he wanted you to do that too. So, the handcuffs were put away to never be touched again, and you two spent the night having sex in missionary. You graciously gave him a blowjob and called it a night. Soobin enjoyed himself and he had assumed you did too, but now he was doubting himself.
Soobin knew you liked it a little rougher than he did, asking to be choked and what not, but that made him nervous. He was nervous to hurt you or do something wrong; sure, that’s what a safe word is for, but he didn’t want you to ever have to use it. But if what his brothers said held any weight, then was there a possibility of you growing bored of Soobin and leaving him? He most definitely didn’t want that.
“Hm?” the boy looked up at his brother, looking like he had obviously checked out of their conversation several minutes ago.
“Do you have anything you want to watch?” Sungmin asked, holding up the TV remote. His brother shook his head, finally realizing that they were trying to decide what to put on.
“No, whatever is fine.”
― ― ―
The night of Christmas Eve came to be, ending after a nice dinner and s’mores eaten in the backyard around a fire that Soobin’s dad and Dohyun set up together. Heejin and her family were the first to call it a night again after Jiwon’s sugar-fueled frenzy ended with him falling asleep in his grandmother’s lap, his marshmallow and chocolate-covered face snuggling into the warmth of her coat. Similarly, you were curled up on your boyfriend’s lap, your arms tucked under the flaps of his jacket to hug his waist close. Your cheek rested against his shoulder while his rested on top of your head. You could’ve easily fallen asleep right then and there had his parents not urged you both to get to bed since it was getting late.
So now you were waiting for Soobin to finish his shower. To keep yourself busy, you got ahold of all the presents the two of you brought for your visit, double checking that you had everyone’s. You set them up in the corner of the room by your suitcase, making sure Soobin’s extra gift was still hidden inside of it. Just as you were zipping up the luggage the bathroom door opened, so you tried to act natural.
“I thought you’d be passed out by now,” your boyfriend commented, wiping the dew from his shower off of his face with his towel.
“I wanted to make sure the presents were ready for tomorrow,” you explained, making your way back to the bed where you peeled back the comforter to crawl underneath it. Once you were settled in, you watched Soobin finish up his night routine. You admired his bare back as he brushed his teeth and cleaned his face. He was completely unaware of your eyes on him, so you got to see things you usually wouldn’t. Like the nose scrunch he did as he leaned close to the mirror to inspect his face for blemishes. Or the way he bared his teeth to check that they were squeaky clean after brushing them. He was so cute without even trying.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow,” Soobin’s voice startled you as you were so caught in up looking at him, you hadn’t expected him to talk so suddenly. He turned the bathroom light off before making his way into the bed beside you. His body wiggled close to yours, and his arm made itself comfortable over your waist. “I hope you like the present I got you.”
“It’s from you, so of course I’ll love it,” you smiled, pressing a light kiss to his cheekbone. His eyes closed as you did so, opening to look at you lovingly, “I know you’ll like the present I got you.”
“Oh, do you?” he mused, “You seem so confident. What if I don’t like it?”
Your mouth opened as you feigned offense, “I think I know you well enough to get you something you’ll like for Christmas.”
“I know, baby, I’m only teasing you,” he gave you a kiss on your cheek in return as a sign of apology, “So what did you get me?”
“I’m not telling you,” you snorted, “It would ruin the sentiment.”
“Ah, you’re no fun.”
“Go to sleep,” you poked his cheek gently, allowing him to rest his head against your shoulder after you shut off the bedside lamp. You shared quiet ‘goodnight’s as the room became shrouded in darkness for the night. Secretly, the both of you were thrumming with excitement for the next day, for Christmas to come. If only you two knew what the day had in store.
― ― ―
Christmas morning found the Choi family home awake and bustling at the early hour of 7:35 a.m. Heejin and her family arrived bright and early, her son practically bouncing from how happy he was to be opening presents soon. The family exchanged their usual greetings, getting breakfast ready as they waited for you and Soobin to meet them. Soobin woke up first, immediately smelling the breakfast being made downstairs.
Like the day before, he admired your sleeping form still in the bed beside him, your cheek marked faintly by the pillow it had been resting on all night. He smiled to himself and resisted the urge to snap a picture of you in such a vulnerable state before going into the bathroom to get ready.
You awoke not long after him, again noticing the empty bed with a frown. The expression didn’t stay for long, though, as you heard the flushing of the toilet in the bathroom. He must be getting ready, you thought. I guess I’ll do the same. 
Your sock-covered feet touched the floor, then you were making your way to your luggage to get your outfit for the day. The outfit was planned a week in advance, and it was your first time wearing it as you had saved it for the holiday. You wore a neutral-colored, plaid skirt that matched well with a cream-colored blouse. You were pulling on your last sock just as Soobin emerged from the bathroom, his toothbrush sticking out of the corner of his closed, frothy mouth.
“You couldn’t finish brushing your teeth?” you laughed, standing from the bed and adjusting your skirt on your hips. His eyes were making their way over your body, and you suddenly felt small under his gaze. How could you be dating him for six months and still get butterflies when he looked at you like that? “Stop looking at me like that.”
Soobin’s eyes snapped back up to yours, breaking his trance as he quickly reached up to take the toothbrush out of his mouth. Through the foam of the paste, he managed to barely speak coherently, “Like what?”
“You know what,” you gave him a pointed look, a smile teasing the corner of his lips. He finished up brushing his teeth before stepping back into the bathroom to spit out the paste and wipe his mouth. When he was done, he walked up to you and gave you a big hug. His shirt smelled of him, but the minty smell of his toothpaste wafted over you as well.
“Merry Christmas,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then your nose, and finally your lips. You enjoyed it for a moment before pulling away which earned you a pout from your boyfriend.
“I didn’t brush my teeth yet,” you defended yourself, trying to put room between the two of you so he wouldn’t smell your morning breath.
“You could at least say it back,” he rolled his eyes, making you laugh.
“Merry Christmas, Soobin.”
“Thank you,” another grin appeared on his lips before he let you go to the bathroom to freshen up. Once you were done, you came back to the room to see him finishing getting dressed. He only had khaki pants and socks on. It seemed he was having trouble picking out a shirt.
“Ah, you’re done. Help me pick out a shirt?” he asked you, looking down at the four garments that were sprawled out on the bed. There was a dark green polo shirt, a white polo shirt, an off-white sweater, and a maroon turtleneck, “I want to match you.”
Your heart swelled at his comment, and you pointed at the sweater, “That one matches.”
Soobin nodded, taking the other options and putting them back in his suitcase before picking up the sweater and pulling it over his head. You couldn’t help but take the opportunity to admire his wide shoulders, bare torso, and finally his thin waist. The bottom of the sweater fell to a stop at his hips, causing you to look back up at his beautiful face instead of his body.
The two of you made your way downstairs, the sounds of the family talking filling the house as well as Christmas music quietly playing from somewhere inside. Soobin took your hand, leading you into the dining room where the family was beginning to eat their breakfast. The meal went as usual with Jiwon excitedly rambling to anyone who would listen and the rest of the adults talking. Soobin was so enamored by Jiwon gushing to his grandfather about the big present Santa left at his house that he almost missed the way Sungmin examined you while you were busy talking to Heejin.
His eyes “subtly” waved over your outfit the way Soobin’s had, though his attention paused over your blouse a little longer than Soobin liked. Your boyfriend glared at his brother and inwardly thanked his mother for asking him a question that finally pulled his gaze away from you.
After breakfast was done and the dishes were being picked up, Jiwon begged and begged to open his gifts. Once the dining room was cleaned up, you and Soobin went back upstairs to grab the presents and met everyone back in the living room. Soobin took it upon himself to have you sit as close to him as possible at the edge of the sofa, leaving no room for anyone to sit beside you. You took his guidance as him merely wanting to sit with you, and you completely missed the pointed glance he gave his unaware brother from across the room.
“Alright, Jiwon, how about we all look in our stockings first?” Heejin suggested, going to the fireplace where six stockings were hung up. She pulled the first one down, handing it to her son before grabbing the next one and handing that one to her husband. The next one was hers, so she skipped it and handed the next one to Sungmin. As she went back to grab hers, Soobin stood up to grab the last two. He held out the one in his left hand to you, making you look up at him in confusion.
“Here, this one’s yours,” he said.
A mix of emotions flurried through you as you realized just how special you felt in that moment. Soobin’s family accepted you as apart of them enough to get you a stocking, and it made your heart splutter with happiness. You had never felt so loved by a family that wasn’t your own. It was endearing.
Your eyebrows went up and your eyes were comparable to a puppy, you reached out and accepted the stocking, making sure to thank his parents for including you.
“Of course, dear, you’re a part of the family now,” his mother smiled, urging everyone to look inside them. The time for stockings came to an end as Sungmin wanted to give the first gift to Jiwon.
Everyone took turns gift giving; Jiwon was so excited to play with all his new toys that he took a corner of the living room for himself to roll out the toy-car track he got from his grandparents. He spent the next hour or so playing with his dad and grandfather, laughing happily. Sungmin was appreciating the cocktail shaker set that he was gifted by his sister and brother-in-law. Soobin picked up the box with your gift in it, handing it to you to open. You did the same, offering the gift you got for him. After the exchange, you began opening them.
You peeled off the wrapping paper to reveal that the small box was black and sleek, with a familiar, swirly, silver design printed on the top. It was the logo of a jewelry brand you had seen before. With eager eyes, you opened the top and removed the protective padding. A flat, heart-shaped pendant sat in the middle with the letter ‘S’ engraved on it. It was dainty and simple, just how you liked your jewelry to be. You picked it up to get a better look at it when you noticed there was an inscription on the back of it as well. ‘Yours, always’
“Do you like it?”
You looked up to see Soobin had stopped opening his gift to watch you open yours. You nodded fervently, “I told you I’d love it.”
His eyes turned into crescents as he smiled, relieved. You urged him to keep opening his gift, so he did.
The box underneath the wrapping paper was similar in size to the one he gave you, as was the sleek design on the top. He quickly recognized it as a different jewelry company. With the top of the box out of the way he could see a bracelet nestled inside—no, two bracelets. Each one had half of a heart pendant on them that was currently together to make a full heart. When he picked up the first bracelet there was a slight pull before it disconnected from the second one, the heart breaking in half.
“I know it’s kind of cheesy, but I thought it would be cute to get a matching set . . .” you admitted sheepishly.
“It’s not cheesy,” he seemed offended that you would suggest it, his pouty lips becoming more apparent as he frowned from your comment, “I think they’re adorable.”
“Can you put my necklace on for me?” you asked him, holding it up. His face lit up before he nodded. His fingers carefully disconnected the ends of it to slip it around your neck and clasp it behind you. You took the extra bracelet out of the box, slipping it over your wrist before adjusting it to fit comfortably. Soobin mirrored your action, excitement covering his entire face as he held his wrist next to yours to watch the heart pieces magnetically connect. He looked almost as happy as Jiwon was for his presents.
― ― ―
Christmas day was drawing quickly to an end after a long day of festivities. Lunch time was full of delicious holiday foods and followed by treats that Heejin had baked. Sungmin offered to make the adults drinks with his new cocktail shaker set and whatever alcoholic beverages and mixers he could find in the house. Multiple drinks were consumed and after playing with a little one all afternoon, the grandparents decided to take naps. Jiwon was busy playing by himself, so the rest of you lounged around watching Christmas movies.
Dinner time came and went as everyone feasted on the leftovers before ending back up in the living room, seemingly in food comas.
Like clockwork, Jiwon was the first to fall asleep, curled up on his grandfather’s recliner with the stuffed bear that Soobin had gifted him tucked in his grasp. Soobin’s parents insisted that Heejin and Dohyun stay the night since they had been drinking, so sleeping arrangements were being discussed.
“They can take the pull-out couch,” Sungmin suggested, earning a confused look from his mother.
“Then where will you sleep?”
“Do you still have that futon?”
“Yes, it’s in the coat closet upstairs.”
“Then I’ll take that and sleep in the office,” he shrugged.
Heejin double-checked with him that it would be okay to take his spot on the couch, but he was persistent. With the sleep arrangements determined, everyone bid their goodnights and drifted to their parts of the house. Soobin’s parents and his sister’s family remained downstairs while Sungmin followed you and Soobin upstairs.
“I guess I’ll go unroll the futon,” he groaned, “That thing was uncomfortable ten years ago, I can’t imagine it now.”
You laughed, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “You might be better off on the floor at that point.”
Soobin watched his tipsy brother’s eyes gaze over your touch and up to your eyes, a lazy grin appearing on his face as he agreed with you. It made Soobin’s jaw tighten and his fist clench. Without thinking, he reached out to grab your free hand, tugging you closer to him. The action made your hand fall away from his brother and your head turn to look at him curiously.
“It’s just one night. You’ll be fine,” Soobin said curtly, “Goodnight.”
Like Sungmin, you were dumbfounded by your boyfriend’s bluntness, but he simply responded with a ‘goodnight’ before ambling off to the office at the opposite end of the hall. You followed Soobin to your room, waiting until he let go of your hand and the door was closed behind the two of you to speak.
“Okay, what’s your problem?”
Your boyfriend didn’t look at you. Instead, he kept walking to his side of the bed, picking up his phone, “Nothing.”
“Bullshit, Soobin. You’ve been acting weird on and off since we got here,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest. As much as Soobin hated you seeing him act like this, a part of him was hoping you’d notice. You were right, he was acting weird, but for a reason. He didn’t like your attention on his brother and vice versa. If he could only get your attention by behaving differently, then so be it.
“I’m going to take a shower.”
He went around the room, picking up a change of clothes to change into before going into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. You sighed in frustration and made your way to the bed, sitting at the edge of it. The behavior Soobin was exhibiting reminded you too much of the time you found out he was a virgin, only this time it was obvious he was avoiding you, not because he was embarrassed but because he was annoyed. The thing is you weren’t sure why he would be annoyed. Did you do something wrong? Did you say something that upset him? Nothing came to mind, but you would only be able to wonder until he told you what was bothering him.
So, you waited for him to come out of the bathroom, and finally, after a good thirty minutes, the door cracked open. Your boyfriend averted eye contact with you, keeping his attention on everything but you, and you weren’t having it.
“Soobin, can you just tell me what’s wrong?”
“I told you, noth-“
“And I told you, I’m not buying it,” you cut him off, causing him to stop in his tracks at the end of the bed, “Did I do or say something that upset you?”
Oh no, he thought. She thinks I’m mad at her?
Not once did he consider that you would misunderstand him like this, but he guessed it made sense. The sudden irritation and snappy comments he made. If you acted that way towards him with seemingly no reason, then he’d be nervous, too.
No, surely she saw the way Sungmin looked at her.
“No,” he shook his head.
You got up from the bed, meeting him at the end of it, “Then can you tell me what’s bothering you? Please?”
Soobin looked into your concerned eyes and felt defeated. I guess now is the time to admit I’m jealous of my brother.
“Sungmin,” he answered, “Sungmin is my problem. Always has been, probably always will be.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, your head shaking slightly, “What did Sungmin do?”
Soobin scoffed, looking at you as if you told him some cruel joke, “Are you serious? You haven’t seen the way he’s been looking at you? You haven’t heard the way he talks about me?”
“Looking at me?” you asked, your head tilting as you pried for more information. You were so lost.
“Please,” he looked down at you with a glimpse of annoyance. He didn’t understand how you could be so oblivious, “He’s been eyeing you ever since we got here. He makes jokes about me at my expense to humiliate me in front of you. It didn’t help that the two of you hit it off so well on our first night here.“
Your shoulders slumped as he let out his exasperation, but a part of you felt the need to assure yourself. You were innocent, after all, “But you’re not mad at me, though?”
“No,” he shook his head, his eyebrows scrunching as if he were hurt by the insinuation, “Not mad, just . . . hurt. Sungmin has always tried to make me feel inferior to him in every aspect. For once, I had one thing that he didn’t. You. The one thing I was sure he couldn’t take away. Seeing the two of you getting along made me insecure, like maybe there was a chance he could take you from me.”
You took in every word he said, each one like a dagger to your heart. You had no idea he felt this way. His eyes refused to meet yours and his hands were occupied with his outfit from today in them. Your own hands reached up to grab the clothes out of his grasp, tossing them by your suitcases. One hand took his in its grip while the other caressed his cheek, “You could never lose me. Why would you even feel insecure? You’re perfect. I tell you that all the time.”
You pouted, making him smile lightly at your cute expression. He sighed before he shook his head.
“Sungmin always had girlfriends growing up, and I didn’t. I was tall and scrawny; he was big and buff. At lunch yesterday, you and Heejin were talking about how hot the waiter was and I don’t look anything like him or Sungmin. You and Sungmin seemed to share a lot of interests and got along well. I felt like maybe I wasn’t what you really wanted.”
“I’m sorry, baby. I can assure you that I never once thought about Sungmin or the waiter in an inappropriate way. You’re the only man I have eyes for. You’re the only one I love.”
Soobin didn’t realize how tense he was until your hand went from his cheek to the back of his neck. The touch instantly soothed him, making his muscles relax. He leaned forward until his forehead was against yours, a content smile on his face.
“I love you, too,” he replied, his heart racing as you kissed him. The kiss was short and sweet, but that didn’t stop his hands from resting on your waist and the small of your back. It didn’t stop his body from flushing with heat as he realized how close you were to him, or how much closer he wanted you to be.
A small noise emitted from the back of his throat as your teeth gently captured his lower lip in their grip. As you pulled away, you giggled at his glossy, yearning eyes, “I just realized our gifts to each other were perfect. They’re reminders that we belong to each other. I’m yours, and you’re mine.”
Soobin practically melted at the sentiment. His eyes bore into yours, but you were busy admiring the jewelry adorning your wrists between you. He stared at the pendant around your neck with his initial on it, reminding him that you were the love of his life.
Something inside of him was consuming him, urging him to act on his desires even though he was very much aware that this wasn’t the best place for it. Still, he found his self-control was weak in your presence, so he leaned in for another, more tender kiss. This kiss had drive and meaning to it, like he wanted to prove your words through actions.
For a moment you felt yourself slipping into his fervor, returning the kiss with just as much determination. But that responsible part of you nagged that this wasn’t the place or time. So, you regretfully started to pull away again, causing him to whine.
“I know. I know, but- Please, I need you. It’s been so long,” his chest was starting to move with bated breaths as his hands stayed put on your hips, as if he was keeping you from slipping away.
“I know, baby, but we can’t. We promised your mom we would be on our best behavior. And I would die if your parents heard us,” you admitted, the thought making your nerves go haywire. If his parents heard the two of you having sex, you were certain you would never recover from the embarrassment and shame. You wouldn’t be able to look them in the eyes ever again, “Not even just your parents, but your whole family. Your brother is literally down the hall.”
For some reason, the idea of his brother hearing him fuck the shit out of you made his hair stand on end. Maybe that’s the reminder Sungmin needed to finally get the hint and leave the two of you alone . . .
“We can be quiet,” he remarked, though it seemed he was trying to convince himself instead of you, “Besides, these walls are thick. Sungmin won’t hear us. As for my parents, their room is downstairs on the opposite side of the house, there’s no way they’ll hear anything from up here.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to stand your ground, but it was proving to be difficult. If there was one thing you hated about dating Soobin it was how weak he made you. From his pouty lips to his big, round eyes to his whiny voice, it all made it so hard to deny him. And honestly, the way your body was reacting, you didn’t want to.
“I’m serious,” he continued, “One time when we were little, we broke a lamp up here while we were looking through Heejin’s stuff and our parents never heard it. We’ll be fine.”
Your resolve was quickly slipping away, and he could see it, because a teeny tiny smirk was creeping onto the corner of his lips as he realized he got you—hook, line, and sinker.
You had to admit, as much as the idea of having sex in his family home made you nervous, it was also kind of . . . exciting. You had never done something so risky before, and it thrilled you.
“Just kiss me,” you sighed, pulling on his belt loops to bring him closer. He didn’t hesitate to obey, his full lips capturing yours easily. They moved so swiftly, mirroring his hands that were on the small of your back. His fingertips skimmed over your hips until they were at the hem of your shirt, sneaking underneath them to touch your skin. The sensation tickled, making you shiver. Soobin loved the affect he had on you.
It wasn’t until Soobin’s back bumped against the wall behind him that you realized the two of you had been moving. The bump caused a startled groan to come from his parted lips, making you giggle. His fingers dipped under the edge of your skirt, touching the cotton material of your underwear. That’s when you suddenly remembered the second gift you had been saving for him. You were waiting until you two left his parent’s, but you couldn’t think of a better time than now to give it to him.
Soobin’s wide eyes looked at you in puzzlement as you pulled away, his petulant mouth making your heart skip a beat. He watched you with curiosity as you bent down over your suitcase, unzipping it and pulling out a small gift bag. There was no brand or design indicating where it was from, so he was left wondering what could possibly be inside. You held the bag out to him, telling him to open it. He noted the glint of excitement in your eyes before he pulled the tissue paper out from the top, his fingers digging in to feel a foreign material. The gift felt rough, thin, flimsy, like a small piece of clothing. When his hand protruded from the bag, a pair of lingerie was in his large grasp, the cherry red lace hanging over his palm with the tag still attached to it.
“Should I go put it on now?” you asked, looking up at him not-so-innocently through your eyelashes. You held back a chuckle as his Adam’s apple bobbed underneath the skin of his throat and he nodded.
“Y-yes,” he basically panted, feeling as though his body was buzzing. He let you slip the garments out of his hand as you reached up to press a kiss against his lips. Then, he was left dumbfounded, watching you saunter into the bathroom and close the door behind you to change. While he tried to calm his breathing, he was becoming painfully aware of the throbbing between his legs. He looked down to see a tent forming under his khakis and his head fell back. There was no way he was lasting long with the way things were going.
Only another minute passed before the bathroom door cracked open and you were shyly walking out, fighting back the urge to cover yourself with your arms. Soobin stopped pacing to look at you, his eyes shamelessly motioning over your body. The red lace hugged you in all the right places and was just see-through enough to leave some things to the imagination while also driving him insane. His tongue darted out to coat his lips and stop any drool from escaping at the sight. For fuck’s sake, you’ve seen her naked before, why are you getting so worked up? he thought to himself.
But this was so much different. He had never seen a woman in lingerie up close like this; it was mesmerizing.
“You look . . . “ his sentence trailed off as he walked over to you, almost too afraid to touch you. You looked like something out of a magazine. Unreal, “You look gorgeous.”
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire, nearly as hot as the space between your thighs, which was practically begging to be soothed, “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he spoke without thinking, his eyes trained on the way your breasts were pushed up with the pressure of the bra holding them. If his self-control were any worse, he would’ve ripped it off of you already, but his body was almost frozen in shock. He didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Can you just touch me already?” you whimpered, your thighs pressing together under his gaze.
Your boyfriend’s lust-filled eyes met yours, but there were too many thoughts running through his mind to pinpoint one, “What do I, uh- What do you want me to do first?”
“I don’t care,” you got close to him, wetting your lips as you moved him near the bed, “Anything. Everything. I’m all yours to play with. Just use me the way you want to.”
Of all the dirty things he’s ever heard come out of your mouth, those words caused a deep, visceral reaction in him. I’m all yours to play with. Just use me the way you want to. Goosebumps erupted all over his arms as his brain turned to mush. He felt as if he could bust in his pants right then and there.
“Are you sure?” he asked, your lips ghosting against yours. His breath was warm and inviting, tasting slightly of the chocolate candies his mother had given to them shortly before they turned in for the night.
Now, Soobin didn’t consider himself the type to take charge in your relationship, or even in general. It just wasn’t in his nature. You were the one who made plans that he went along with. For the most part, you initiated the physical affection you two shared. The kisses, the hand holding, the sex. Soobin was merely there to enjoy everything you offered him, and he liked it that way. Some would say he was submissive.
But with the way you were acting now, it’s almost like something inside of him switched. He didn’t want to lay back and receive. He wanted to be the one in command.
“Get on your knees for me,” the words rolled of his tongue before he could stop himself. He had shocked himself, so he followed with an uttered, “Please.”
You didn’t hear the second part, you were too busy sinking onto your knees, the tender flesh finding the hardwood floor uncomfortable. But you were so desperate to please him that you didn’t care. You could bare the discomfort for a few minutes if it meant the both of you could get some satisfaction from it.
“Do you want me to suck you off, baby?” you asked, looking up at him with the most sultry eyes he’d ever witnessed. It felt like a sin to see you in such a compromising position.
He couldn’t muster up the words, so he nodded eagerly, already reaching for the belt around his waist. You sat back and watched him undress his lower half, subconsciously gnawing at the skin of your lip as he unveiled his beautiful erection.
With his pants and briefs around his ankles, you sat back up on your knees and gripped the base of him in your right hand. The smallest of sighs escaped his pink, parted lips. You did what you knew he loved which was peppering sweet kisses along his length, spreading them out over his sensitive, red, veiny skin. The final kiss was placed against his tip, where you felt the tiniest dribble of precum leaking. Wanton whimpers spilled from him as your mouth suckled at his head, your hand teasingly squeezing the rest of him.
“You have to be quiet if you want me to keep going,” you warned him, though the way you looked up at him didn’t help. How could he not moan when you looked so pretty just for him and with his dick in your mouth?
Nonetheless, Soobin nodded, choking back a drawn-out whine that threatened to release when you slowly took as much of him as you could into your mouth. He had to peel his eyes away from your lips enveloping his erection until you couldn’t take it anymore. His hands shook at his side, not knowing what to do with themselves. That’s when he remembered what you had said. Just use me the way you want to. He wanted to do just that.
Your boyfriend looked back down to see you pumping the base of his erection as you bobbed your head to take the rest of it. A shiver went down his back as he put his thoughts into motion. His fingers reached up to comb your hair away from your face, letting him get a better view of the sinful things you were doing to him. With your hair pulled away and into his fist, he carefully twisted the locks and tugged on them. Your lips parted as you let out a small moan against his tip, your tongue laving the tender skin. The action caught you off guard, but you loved every second of it. You prayed he would do it again, and your prayers were answered. You took him in your mouth again until his tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag a little bit. Soobin couldn’t handle the sight of the drool and precum leaking from the corners of your lips, so he pulled gently on your hair again. You relaxed, his dick falling out of your mouth followed by the both of you whining from the loss.
“Am I doing good, Bin?” you asked innocently, pressing another kiss to his tip as you took him in your hand again.
“So good, baby,” he panted quietly, “I’m gonna c- ah . . . cum soon.”
You stifled a giggle as you continued to suckle his head before saying, “Okay, my love. Where do you want to cum?”
Soobin was so wrapped up in the euphoric pleasure that was your hands and lips that he hadn’t even considered where he wanted to finish. Your breasts were always his first thought, but he had done that the most. He wanted to try something different. He looked down at you, picturing his semen decorating your pretty face. Just the imagery in his head alone was enough to make his cock twitch in your grasp.
“Your face,” he said, his hand caressing your cheek as the other gave your hair another tug.
The opposing actions, caring and dominating, had the space between your thighs pooling with desire. You wanted his cum so bad. You didn’t care where it went.
Your hand went to work pumping him as your tongue gave the underneath of his head some love, kitty licking the area that drove him crazy. The entire time you kept eye contact with him, his eyes getting more and more droopy the closer he got. Anytime now . . .
Soobin had to catch his lip in between the grit of his teeth to keep himself from moaning out your beautiful name. Rope after rope of his silky white seed spewed from him, falling onto your face. Your cheek and lips were the main victims, but as he twitched some landed just below your eye. You closed your eyes and relished in the warmth decorating your skin. Soobin’s knees nearly buckled at the obscenity before him, and he was almost convinced he would cum again from looking at it. When your tongue ran along the seams of your lips to collect as much as you could, he tried not to have a heart attack.
Your hand went from his dick to your face, scraping up the liquid to feed it between your lips where you wanted it. Soobin abruptly left to the bathroom, leaving you confused on your knees. You heard the faucet turn on and then off and he returned with a wet hand towel. Without a word, he stood in front of you again, leaning down to wipe the residue of him off of your skin. He concentrated on cleaning you, completely unaware of the way you were making heart eyes at him. You were falling deeper in love with him by the second.
When he caught your eyes observing him, he remembered all the other things that he wanted to do to you. He pressed a loving kiss to your lips, pulling away all too soon to keep the both of you from getting carried away, “Lay down on the bed for me.”
You moved into action, taking his helping hand as you got up from the floor and onto the bed. Soobin went to the bathroom to toss the towel on the counter before returning to you, still recovering a bit from his orgasm. Now it was your turn, and he had no plans of being gentle with you.
You lied on your back naively, looking over the red imprints on your knees from sitting on them. Soobin’s large hands covered them, massaging the aching skin before leaning down and pressing kisses to each one. A smile made its way to your lips only to immediately be replaced with a gasp. Soobin’s hands had run down your legs from your knees to your ankles, pulling them so that you were at the edge of the bed with him standing between your legs. He looked down at you with a smirk that was hiding laughter behind it as he reached up and captured your face in his hands.
His lips and tongue felt like heaven against your own, but it was his hands caressing your body that made your nerves buzz with electricity. It was the way his hands paused to cup his favorite part of you—your breasts. You were almost certain you heard a mewl get caught in the back of his throat as his fingers skimmed over your nipples through the lace of your bra.
You expected his hands to keep moving south, to the place you wanted him the most, but his hand went back up your chest only stopping when he got to your throat. His fingers fell into that familiar position right below your jaw, the pads of his fingertips barely pressing into the divots of your skin. He knew your weaknesses like the back of his big, strong, veiny hand.
“Please fuck me, Soobin,” you begged him, your hands gripping at the material of his sweater which you were now wondering why it was still on him.
“I will, baby, be patient,” he cooed against your cheek before pressing a sweet kiss to it. He let you pull his sweater over his head for him and toss it to the side.
Soobin got onto his own knees in front of you, taking a moment to admire the way you looked at him while his hands massaged your thighs. The skin seemed to get softer the higher he went, and your legs moved on their own, spreading for him. The thin, red lace was the only thing stopping him from going down on you. His fingers extended out to the hem and tugging on them. With your eager assistance he managed to slip them down your thighs and eventually off of you.
With you bare in front of him, he couldn’t contain the pathetic moan that left his lips and made you chuckle. His hands maneuvered themselves under your thighs so that he could open them more and place himself in the middle. His cheeks tickled the inside of your thighs as he leaned in, not yet touching or kissing you the way you wanted him to. No, he simply enjoyed the smell of you, waiting for him to do anything and everything. Your thighs shifted in his hold restlessly, the feeling of his warm breath against you making you fidgety.
“You’re so impatient,” he remarked, his dark eyes looking up at your desperate ones as he finally moved forward and licked between your slippery folds. Before you could stop yourself, the loudest moan you had made until then fumbled over your lips. Your hand flew to your mouth, covering it as a reminder to be quiet. Soobin laughed lightly at your reaction.
“It’s not funny,” you mumbled, now lying completely on your back.
“That’s it, baby, just lie down,” his words were quiet and way too gentle for the way he began to devour you. His supple, pouty lips were moving so fluidly against you, kissing you and collecting your juices as they went. His tongue covered any piece of you it could, but mostly paid attention to your clit which had your thighs tensing and your toes curling. His lips curled into a smile when he realized you were getting close, and he put as much focus as possible into sending you over the edge.
“Oh my god, you’re so good at this,” you whispered, but really wanting to scream it at the top of your lungs. Soobin could feel himself getting hard again just from the noises you made and the words you spoke. If only you knew what you do to him.
Your orgasm snuck up on you faster than you expected, making your leg jump from the impact of it. Soobin’s hand held it tight, keeping it in place as he continued to lick you through your high. The sweet taste of your cum dripped onto his tongue, and he welcomed it. In fact, he dove in for more. His hands around your thighs continued to grip you.
The threshold from your orgasm to overstimulation was a little thicker than Soobin’s but it hit you just as hard. Heat flashed across your body and your thighs began vibrating.
“Soobin, it-“ you panted like a dog, your back arching off of the sheets. Your hands reached down to his head, your fingers threading into his black hair. You gave the tresses a gentle tug in an effort to back him off, but he was determined. His suckling lips were holding onto your clit with purpose, and that was to give you the best two orgasms he could, “Soobin, it’s t-too much.”
“Do you want me to stop, baby?”
Yes. No.
Another loud moan began in your throat, and his hand made its way up to your chin. The next thing you knew, long, slender fingers were being stuffed between your lips as they stifled your noises. This was new, and you loved it.
Your tongue laved around his digits like they were candy, your plush lips vibrating against his knuckles as you moaned quietly this time. Your second orgasm washed over you much more gently than the first one. But it was way more exhilarating.
Soobin grunted as he watched you suck on his fingers, the sight so erotic he thought he might cum from it, “You’re so fucking hot.”
His lips pressed a chaste kiss against your apex before he stood up, carefully pulling you into a sitting position again. He then found comfort in kissing you until he couldn’t breathe. It wasn’t until his wet fingers were skimming over your shoulder that he realized your bra was still on. His hands moved from your shoulders to the top of the garment, dipping under the edges to free your nipples.
Your breasts. Sigh. He would admire them for forever and a day if you let him. But for now, kissing and touching them would suffice. You quickly reached behind your back to unhook the clasp and let the garment fall away from you. Once it was off, you tossed it to meet his discarded clothes and your matching underwear.
Your boyfriend shook his head, “Maybe I should teach you to be more patient. You could use a lesson in that.”
Neither of you were used to him speaking like this when you had sex, but you both respectively decided that you liked it. In fact, you could get used to it.
A pout puckered your lips together in response, making him shake his head again with a small laugh, “Don’t act all innocent now. You do need to be more patient. And who would be better to teach you than me? Huh?”
Your doe eyes looked up at him like he was a dream.
“Answer me, baby.”
His tone wasn’t demanding or harsh in any way, but the way he said it made you not want to defy him regardless. He was clearly trying out this new, dominant side of him, and you were enjoying it.
“You, Soobin.”
“And why am I the best teacher for you?” he asked, his voice softer than before, like he was genuinely curious. His hand reached up and grasped your chin delicately, his thumb stroking your face.
“Because you’re the only one for me,” you answered honestly, “I’m all yours.”
Melting. That’s what it felt like. Like Soobin’s heart was melting. But elsewhere, his loins were on fire.
An animalistic growl emitted from deep in his chest as he guided your face to his again. Lips locked in a passionate kiss.
“That’s right,” he muttered into the skin under your ear, the urge to mark you there growing by the second, “You’re mine, _______.”
Even though it wasn’t a question, you nodded. Maybe it was to reassure him or just to agree, you weren’t sure. You couldn’t think straight. The only thing you could think about was how badly you wanted him to fuck you. Little did you know he was thinking the exact same thing.
I’m all yours to play with.
Your words echoed in his head like a mantra. A startled noise spilled from your lips as Soobin gripped your naked hips, “I want you to ride me.”
You were so horny you would agree to almost anything he wanted. You nodded, scooting back on the bed to give him room to lay down, his ebony hair resting against the pillows underneath him. Cowgirl was his favorite position; that you were fully aware of. Yet you still found it so attractive the way he looked up at you through half-lidded eyes as you climbed onto his lap. His now fully re-erect length was tucked underneath you, your heat making his hips want to buck up into it.
Your knees pressed into the sheets on either side of Soobin’s waist and your hands rested against the faint outline of abs he displayed. His dick felt amazing against your folds as you slowly drug your hips back and forth. The pure arousal between your legs coated him, causing him to become wet and precum to start leaking from him once again.
“Wait,” you stopped your movements completely, looking at Soobin who stared back at you with concern and puzzlement in his eyes, “We don’t have any condoms.”
For a moment you felt your chest deflate of hope, but you quickly recovered. After all, you have been on birth control . . .
“I don’t mind if you don’t,” you shrugged, the tension between you growing thicker.
You swore you saw his eyes gloss over for a second at the idea of him fucking you raw, and honestly it was so hot, “Ar-are you sure?”
“Yes,” you had never nodded so quickly in your life, “Who knows, maybe having your kids wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”
You made the comment as a joke, and even though Soobin laughed along with you, his dick twitched at the idea of you pregnant with his child. What has gotten into me? he thought to himself.
After too much teasing and just the right amount of self-control that kept you from begging him to continue—you really were practicing being patient—he finally reached between the two of you. He took his bare dick, waiting as you sat up fully before feeding it between your lips. It had been over two weeks since the last time you two had sex, and you always got butterflies during this part. Soobin wasn’t huge, but he was definitely bigger than most. You sucked in a sharp breath as you slowly sunk down onto him.
You mumbled under your breath, “Oh my god.”
“Holy fu- . . .” he exhaled.
All of those people were right, Soobin thought. It’s one hundred percent better without a condom. He could feel every ridge of your warm insides, and it felt like the closest thing to what he imagined heaven being.
You leaned forward, bracing your hands on his shoulders as you started to rock your hips back and forth. His cock pulled almost all the way out, until his tip was the only thing inside of you, before you moved back and enveloped him again. A steady and gratifying rhythm began with your hips meeting his and pretty soon you were losing yourself to the pleasurable feeling. Your lower lip was virtually caged between your teeth, biting back any loud noises that threatened to escape.
Below you, Soobin couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. The way your eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. The way your lip twitched when he filled you up just right. The way your necklace shifted around your neck. The way your boobs vaguely shook with each movement. Which reminded him . . . You wanted him to play with you, right? Say less.
His large hands captured your breasts, moulding them as if they were his own personal stress toys. He gently squeezed and massaged the flesh, stopping only to tweak your nipples between his fingertips. A tiny squeak of pain mixed with pleasure got stuck in your throat, making Soobin smirk.
“Does that hurt, baby?”
You shook your head, your pace quickening as you felt that familiar twisting feeling in your gut coming on, “No. No, it feels amazing.”
“Mm,” he hummed, his lips parting as he did it again, this time a little harder. His fingers took your nipples in their grip and twisted, making a whimper fall off your tongue even louder than before, “Shh, baby. If you keep making noise we’ll have to stop, remember?”
Your head nodded, but your mind was elsewhere, only half-listening to him. You were getting too close to your release to give him your full attention.
Soobin’s tongue slid over his lower lip, watching you lose yourself. As much as he wanted to cum in you like this, he didn’t want the moment to end quite yet.
“Please tell me you’re close,” you whined in a hushed tone.
Your head lolled back in agony. Your thighs were starting to burn and the aches lingering from your two previous orgasms didn’t help. Soobin could tell you were getting weaker, so he decided to help you speed up the process. He put his thumb between his lips, letting enough saliva bubble up between the puffy pink skin to wet his finger. He then put it between your bodies, finding your clit after a few seconds of searching for it. Your body shivered from his touch, and your knees shifted as you began to ride him with more vigor than before.
“Soobin, I’m not gonna last much longer. Are you almost there?” you asked again, stabilizing your hands on his knees behind you. At this pace you were bound to explode at any second.
“Don’t worry about me, baby. Just cum.”
And you did just that.
Soobin’s lips were frozen in an open position, somehow still shocked by how hot you were when you orgasmed despite experiencing this a handful of times before. Your eyes were screwed together, and a quiet moan squeaked through your lips. Your fingers gripped the flesh of his knees behind you, making Soobin’s legs shake from the pain.
Soobin hadn’t realized his thumb was still rubbing your clit until you were stuttering the safe word, one of your hands flying between your legs to pull it away. Your boyfriend apologized, moving the thumb back to your hip where he stroked the skin tenderly. Your hand rested against his happy trail, feeling his stomach shift with each ragged breath he took.
“You didn’t finish,” you mumbled, your eyes still closed.
“I know,” his eyes twinkled up at your beautiful face as your eyes opened and your gaze finally met his, “You’ve still got one more in you, don’t you?”
He chuckled when he noticed your subtle gulp of indecision.
“Come on, just one more,” he used the one thing he knew you couldn’t resist. His pout. Your eyes drifted to his uniquely pointed, supple lips, and he could’ve sworn he felt you clench around him, “I’ll take good care of you after, okay? Promise.”
“Okay,” you nodded, redistributing your weight as he sat up with you still on his lap. With him still seated inside of you, you wound your arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a passionate kiss that had your head spinning—then again, it could have just been the multiple orgasms he just gave you. His own arms encircled your waist, pulling you as close to him as possible.
You didn’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t Soobin picking you up off his lap and spinning the two of you so that you were under him on the mattress. A gasp left you as your head hit the pillows and Soobin got himself comfortable between your hips again, having been removed during the shift. You suddenly felt so empty, and you hated it.
“Just one more, and then we’re done,” he whispered against your neck before suckling the skin, intending to leave a nice hickey.
“I know you want me to be patient, Soobin, but I need you to fuck me,” you sighed, your fingers threading through his silky hair.
Your boyfriend softly laughed in your ear as his lips pressed a kiss against the shell of it, “I will. I’ll fuck you so good you won’t remember anyone’s name but mine.”
You clenched around nothing, your thighs shifting around his hips. You ached for him, and he knew it.
Soobin distracted you with kisses all over your face and neck that when his erection was entering you, you were taken completely off guard. A loud whimper left you before you could stop it, and Soobin shook his head, “Shhh. Be quiet or I’ll have to make you be quiet. You don’t want that, do you, baby?”
He expected you to shake your head, but instead he got your hazy eyes looking back at him as if his suggestion were a treat. He especially didn’t expect your walls to tighten around him after he said it.
“You want me to shut you up?” he asked with a smirk tugging at his lips, “You want me to shove my fingers back in your filthy mouth? Huh?”
You were practically on cloud nine at this point as you nodded, “Yes, please.”
“And you used your manners,” he marveled as he started thrusting shallowly into you. You bit back every noise you wanted to make. You were doing so good for him, and you didn’t want to fuck up now, “Good girl.”
Another moan almost escaped you, but you swallowed it back before it could erupt. This couldn’t get any better, you thought. But it did.
Soobin’s right hand secured his position over you, gripping the bed beside you for security. The other reached up to your face, his thumb rubbing over your messy, slightly swollen lips. You immediately parted them for him to put his fingers in, and he smiled at your impatience. I’ll let it slide, since you look so hot right now.
His index and middle finger slipped past your lips, sliding over your tongue with ease. You closed your mouth around him, humming in satisfaction at the feeling of being full in two places. He started to match the pace of his fingers to his cock, sliding both slowly but with purpose. You felt his fingertips kiss the back of your throat just as you felt his tip kiss your cervix. You were in paradise.
“You’re doing so good, _______,” he kissed your ear, his breath tickling it, “You look so pretty, all for me. My pretty little slut. Isn’t that right, baby?”
Slut? Your head was spinning again. You’ve been waiting for this for so long.
You nodded in agreement, muttering against his fingers, “Mhmm.”
“Who does this mouth belong to?” he whispered, making your heart skip a beat.
He took his fingers out of your mouth just enough for you to speak, “You, Soobin.”
“And who does this pussy belong to?”
It felt like he was speaking a foreign language. Your boyfriend was far from innocent, but you had never heard him speak like this before. Your boyfriend wasn’t possessive in his day-to-day life, and you didn’t want him to be. But in the bedroom? Him being possessive and talking dirty to you like this caused a tsunami between your legs. You weren’t sure why but seeing your cute and harmless Soobin become so jealous and domineering was bewitching you.
“You. You. It’s all for you,” you repeated, the familiarity of another impending orgasm creeping in your muscles.
Soobin smirked again, marking your collarbones with his lips and ambition, “That’s right, baby. I’m all yours, and you’re all mine. No one else’s.”
You shook your head, your breaths becoming more and more bated as he continued to roughly thrust into you, “No one.”
He stuffed his fingers back into your mouth gently, hiding a smile when you immediately moaned around his knuckles. The fingernails of your right hand dug into the skin of his lower back as your left hand found comfort in his hair. Your hips began bucking up to meet his thrusts. You were getting so close again.
“Gonna cum one last time for me, my love?”
You nodded lazily, your energy dissipating. Soobin’s thumb caressed your face before he leaned down to press a kiss to the corner of your lips which were still occupied. His thrusts became more driven and erratic as he felt himself also getting close to his orgasm. He edged himself one too many times, so this time was going to be big. It was then that he remembered he was fucking you raw. When I cum, it will fill her up, he thought. It’s going to seep out of her. This is a fucking dream.
“Are you sure I can cum inside?” he asked once more, right as he was on the verge of blowing. He didn’t want to do it if you changed your mind.
You nodded again, fighting the urge to whine when his fingers slipped out of your lips again.
“Are you posit-“
“Yes, fuck- Please fill me up!” your eyes shut again as you buried your face into his neck to stifle your noises. You held onto him for dear life, continuing to buck your hips against his until your fourth orgasm of the night washed over you. Your walls pulsing around him on top of your fingers tugging at his hair was the last straw; he couldn’t hold back anymore, even if he tried.
“Shit,” his voice cracked. His hips stuttered, and the arm he was using to hold himself up was losing strength. His warm cum filled you, covering your insides. Once he was empty and his cock finished twitching, he slowly pulled out of you and paused to gain composure.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself fully relax, and for a moment it felt like you were sinking into the mattress. As your breathing started to return to normal, you felt the sensation of Soobin’s cum beginning to leak from you.
A small gasp left your lips, getting your boyfriend’s attention, “I can’t get cum on these sheets, Soobin.”
In his post-orgasm haze, he somehow forgot about the fact that he just came inside of you for the first time. He was so used to using condoms that he didn’t think about the mess after.
Without a word, his fingers skimmed over your torso and down between your legs, scooping up the liquid that was starting to leak. You assumed he was going to wipe it on his body or even yours, but apparently, he wasn’t done surprising you tonight. He carefully slipped his two fingers back into your folds, shoving them inside to gather more of his cum on the digits. Your head dug back into the pillows as you groaned, and Soobin chuckled at your response.
“Do you want it?” he asked as he withdrew the cum-coated fingers from you, holding them up in front of your face so you could see the liquid dripping over his hand.
Even though you had just experienced four overwhelming orgasms and fatigue was slowly settling in your bones, you couldn’t deny his offer. Something inside of you just couldn’t resist him. Though, it’s not like you wanted to.
You nodded, pornographic moans reverberating around his finger as you sucked your mixed semen off of his skin and the palm of his hand. As you licked the residue clean, he leaned forward and replaced his hands with his lips, capturing you in a kiss that was so full of love you thought your heart might implode.
You regretfully pulled away first, making Soobin hmph in dissatisfaction, “I’m sorry, I love you, but I need to take a bath or shower or something soon. I feel dirty.”
Soobin laughed, pressing a sweet kiss to your temple, “After all of that, I do too. I’ll go run the water for us.”
“That sounds perfect.”
The water felt like an orgasm in itself. The way the warm water hit the tense muscles of your bare back. Soobin carefully stepped in behind you, facing the running water while you faced him. He smiled down at you, admiring your oblivious self. Your eyes were closed as you enjoyed the stream, a lazy grin on your lips that only got wider when he leaned down to press a kiss against them.
“_______, my love, would you like me to wash your hair for you?” he asked, his large hands resting on your waist.
“I would love that.”
Your boyfriend picked up the bottle of shampoo, lathering some in his hand before putting the bottle back. He instructed you to close your eyes and tip your head back as he began gently massaging your scalp. A satisfied hum involuntarily left your lips, making him giggle. You poked his side playfully, and he apologized. He then got the conditioner and repeated the same actions, sliding his fingers through your hair as the water washed away any dirt and oil from the day—but mainly from the last thirty minutes.
He wasn’t sure what to do when he finished, but your eyes were still closed, and you seemed to just be enjoying the water again. So, he took it upon himself to get a washcloth and douse it with enough soap. He slid the cloth first over your shoulders in circular motions, going down your arms, then your back. He reluctantly passed them over your neck and chest, inspecting the faint purple-red marks that were bound to become darker overnight.
“I’m sorry,” he confessed, making you open your eyes in confusion.
“About what, baby?”
“For leaving so many marks,” he said, caressing the spots with his thumb gingerly, “I’m sorry if I went a little too far earlier by the way . . . Calling you a slut and all that. Thinking about it now, it seems a little excessive.”
You shook your head, subtly biting your lip, “Don’t be, I liked it. All of it. Y’know, I really love how soft and sweet you are, but sometimes it’s nice to let go and be a little . . . wild, I guess? I know you would never intentionally hurt me, so it’s fine. And as for the hickeys, don’t worry. I can cover them up with make up in the morning.“
Soobin nodded, his hands still running the sudsy washcloth over your stomach and waist, “And I’m sorry for getting so jealous. I trust you in every sense of the word, but my pride gets the best of me sometimes.”
“We have plenty of time to work on it, but it really wasn’t that bad. Honestly, if I knew you being jealous would lead to this, I would’ve gotten you riled up ages ago.”
“Don’t say that,” he shook his head, scoffing. You laughed, pulling him into another kiss as you assured him you were joking. His kisses were peppered from your lips to your cheeks, jaw, neck, chest, until he got to your sternum.
He lowered to his knees, washing your legs starting from your feet and calves. His hands so gently circled over your knees and up your thighs. His eyes found yours as he pressed a kiss to your tummy, making a shiver run down your spine. If you weren’t so tired, you could have gone another round right then and there.
Soobin let you cleanse the rest yourself as he quickly washed himself up. Once the both of you were done, he shut the water off and toweled himself off before draping you in your own towel. He pulled on a pair of boxer briefs, sweatpants, and a t-shirt and went back into the room to check his phone while you got dressed.
The both of you brushed your teeth together at the sink—you laughing through the froth of your toothpaste as Soobin made faces at you in the mirror. After you wiped your mouth clean, you followed him into the bedroom, ready to relax under the covers and go to sleep.
“I’m gonna go get a glass of water,” Soobin said, going towards the door as you laid back against the pillows, “Don’t fall asleep before I give you your goodnight kiss.”
You scoffed with a smile, “Yes sir.”
Soobin was sure to be quiet in every move he made—closing the bedroom door and walking down the stairs. He peeked over the stair railing to see his sister and Dohyun sleeping on the pull-out couch, and Jiwon was still curled up peacefully on the recliner. His feet padded softly against the lower steps before he touched the floor. He made his way to the kitchen but was shocked to see the dim glow of the oven light already on. Mom always turns that off, he thought. 
He approached the doorway to see his brother already looking through the fridge.
“What are you doing up?” he whispered, causing Sungmin to stand at attention.
“Oh,” his brother relaxed once he realized it was him, “Came down to get a drink. You?”
His brother gave him a pointed look, with a smirk wiggling the corner of his lips, “Thirsty?”
Soobin’s eyebrows furrowed at his brother’s odd demeanor, “Yeah?”
“I bet. I would be too if I just had the sex you did.”
Your boyfriend froze, not sure if he should be nervous or embarrassed.
“Don’t worry,” Sungmin laughed quietly, “You guys weren’t loud or anything. I just heard when I went to the bathroom earlier. Sounded like _______ was having fun.”
Soobin’s fists tensed up at his side as he debated on holding his tongue or giving his brother a piece of his mind. Today was his unlucky day.
“Y’know what, Sungmin? She was,” Soobin remarked, secretly loving the way his brother’s expression switched from arrogance to bewilderment, “And I’m sorry that you and Yoona didn’t work out, but I’d appreciate it if you quit looking at my girlfriend every chance you get.”
Sungmin looked confused, but his brother cut him off before he could speak again, “Yeah, don’t think I didn’t notice. You were never that great at being subtle. Like the comments about me you keep making? Trying to humiliate me in front of her? It didn’t work. So, you can drop it.“
“Soobin, I- I’m sorry if it seemed like I was trying to-“
“I don’t want to hear it, Sungmin. I brought _______ here to spend a nice holiday with our family. Not for you to take every chance you could to steal her from me.“
Sungmin was too stunned to speak. Soobin felt better thinking it was because his older brother was finally embarrassed by his actions. He busied himself fixing two glasses of water, and before he could walk out of the kitchen, his brother spoke again.
“Soobin, I really am sorry.”
The younger brother turned, nodding to his sibling nonchalantly, “Merry Christmas, Sungmin.”
The family of three were still sound asleep as he passed them on his way back upstairs. With careful steps, he carried himself to the bedroom, opening and closing the door softly. He smiled as he looked over at the bed to see your phone haphazardly leaning against the pillow beside you, your grip on it loosening. Your eyes slowly blinked with sleep tugging at them.
“You didn’t fall asleep without your kiss, did you?”
“Mm?” you hummed, opening your eyes and picking your phone up so it wouldn’t fall, “No.”
Your boyfriend laughed at your half-awake form, handing you the second glass of water from his side of the bed. You sat up a bit to take the cup and drink from it. Soobin slid in beside you on the bed, drinking from his own glass.
“You didn’t wake anybody, right?” you asked, placing your cup and phone on the nightstand.
Soobin paused, and before he could speak, you were already looking at him with a stern look, “I didn’t wake anyone . . . but I ran into Sungmin in the kitchen.”
“Okay?” you were wondering why he brought it up, until- “He didn’t hear us, did he? Oh my God, this is so embarrassing. Soobin, what if your parents heard?”
Soobin shook his head as he placed his cup down, “________, they didn’t hear us. The others were fast asleep in the living room. Sungmin only heard because he got up to use the bathroom.”
Your heart was pounding against your chest as you sighed, “What did he say? Actually, I probably don’t wanna know.”
Your boyfriend shrugged, “He made a comment about you sounding like you were having fun-“
Your cheeks bloomed with heat. This couldn’t get any worse—well, it could, but this was embarrassing enough as it is, “And?”
“-and I kind of snapped on him. I wasn’t going to, but I’m just so sick of him. I told him to quit looking at you and trying to humiliate me.”
Your eyes softened as you watched his nose crinkle with anger while he talked. It was rare to see Soobin annoyed much less angry, “What happened after that?”
“He tried to apologize, but I didn’t wanna hear it,” he shrugged, then chuckled, “I finished by telling him Merry Christmas.”
You poked his arm before wrapping your hands around it, “Well, I’m glad you finally got it off your chest, at least. I’m proud of you.”
Soobin half-smiled, leaning into your lips as they reached up and kissed his dimple. He turned to press your lips against his, his hand extending to stroke your cheek lovingly. You were practically melting into him.
You finally convinced him to lie down and shut off the lamps. He curled up to you, resting his head on your chest as his long legs intertwined with yours. He noticed your hand resting by your side with your bracelet on it, so he reached out and moved it to sit atop your tummy. He held your hand there, giggling as the charms clicked together magnetically and formed a full heart that mimicked his own. You smiled, feeling more loved in this moment than ever before. Just as your eyes were closing and a content sigh was leaving your lips, he asked:
“Did you have a good Christmas?”
“Absolutely. Did you?”
“Yeah, I did,” he hummed, “I love you, _______.”
“I love you more, Soobin.”
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star2fishmeg · 2 years
The Quiet Personality Of Y/N
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x f!reader
Summary: University au! The wall that divided the opposites finally crumbles at a house party, in Yoongi's bedroom, where both of them show their hidden personalities.
Warnings: 18+, smut, yoongi, swearing, drinking, mention of tits, switch!yoongi, switch!reader, vaginal sex, tit sucking, hickeys, praise kink, mild chain kink?, mention of the word 'slut'
Authors note: No idea what came over me to write this, slightly self indulgent but if you're reading this you love this man just as much as I do. Kinda slow paced I guess? Surprisingly the second smut I've ever written (shocking for my daily vulgar horniness), please be nice I'm learning😭 forgive me for I have sinned💀
Requested by: An irl. Han bbgirl I did it. _________________________________________
Everyone's seen or heard of the stories where the loud, jock falls for the quiet, studious girl. It's a cute trope, a good dynamic, an opening for change. There's various tales of it and how parents met despite the opposite demeanour but sometimes someone else has what you need or what you lack and that's why you get along.
Min Yoongi was your typical, compliant, quiet kid in the lectures. He rarely spoke, just turned up, scribbled notes and left without a trace. He preferred it to be that way, being on the side rather than up front and center like some of his crowd. Quiet environments were his escape, places such as music rooms where he could play piano peacefully or the production studios he could hide away and compose alone in. Parties or large gatherings were not his taste, in fact he actively avoided them, filling his schedule just so his friends couldn't drag him to one. The alcohol and drugs were never the problem, it was the people. The people at the university were varied, but one thing 90% had in common were the ragers held by Jung Hoseok (who seemed to know more people than he let on). But he didn't like crowds at all.
Then there was y/n. An almost polar opposite to Yoongi. Social and savvy with a strong sense of knowing what she wanted. She lit up the room, making almost anyone smile and feeling included with just a simple 'good morning'. However, she was noisy. Borderline always talking and very little note taking. Either way, you'd find her at Hoseok's ragers almost every time, mingling with her friends and his and involving in drinking games and the occasional smoke circle, he had a theory that she and Hoseok were dating but never labelled it, they were a match after all. Y/n enjoyed stimulating environments where there were people she could bounce off and listen to, not really being a fan of solitude or the quiet. Yet every term she always sat next to him.
Y/n threw herself into the same seat she always sat in, second seat from the wall, middle of the rows, exchanging a grin with Yoongi that made the corners of her eyes wrinkle. He gave a small smile back, feeling his voice drop entirely down his throat, god she made him so nervous. Why she always sat there and not in the middle with her friends was a forever mystery to him, why would someone who enjoyed being in the center of people avoid the spotlight? Don't get him wrong, he didn't exactly hate her grumbling, witty combacks and the occasional chain of swearing across the room to someone - she was the one noise he actually found consitency in - but he couldn't wrap his head around the obscurity of his presence being wanted.
"Yoongs! My beloved! How was your weekend?" Beloved. He loved that. She'd called him that since the beginning, the reason - as he could only assume - that she either gave everyone a nickname or she was teasing him. Her voice was naturally brazen as she turned to face him, smooshing her cheek in her palm on the desk. Too lively for a Monday morning.
He nodded, licking his lips, "Fine, thank you. Yours?" Her lips remained upturned in a grin, pulling a notebook and pen from her bag.
"Hobi held this awesome party for the freshers, as you probably know. Anyway, I've officially gained a son, his name's Jungkook and he's studying the arts but he's also super athletic!" She babbled, taking a deep breath at the end of her sentence.
"Sounds like you had fun. I'm surprised you turned up today." He cringed at how shaky his voice came out, how embarrassing for him. He just wanted the world to swallow him whole.
"Cheeky~" she gently slapped his shoulder, "Oh! You play basketball, don't you? You and JK should totally play! I'll watch!" Yoongi's mouth dropped. He told her about basketball in the first year, the fact she remembered such a small detail about him flushed his cheeks and ears pink. Giggling at the sight, y/n's fingers gently closed his jaw, eyes glossing over his pouty lips, "I'm full of surprises, aren't I? You know Yoongs, you're not as invisible as you think." Before he could reply the professor cleared his throat, indicating that the lecture were to begin, much to her dismay.
With the lecture closing, Yoongi felt a tug on his hoodie before he could disappear. Looking down, y/n's eyes, wide like a doe, softly gazed into his. How nerve wrecking. He so badly wanted to look away but the personality that shamelessly shone through was intoxicating.
"Uh, before you leave, Hobi's hosting another party this Friday. Just wanted to let you know so it wouldn't be a shock when you'd get home," his stomach flipped at how well she knew him despite him saying little about himself, "But if you came, I'd like that a lot." And with a smile she let him awkwardly power-walk away. That's right, sometimes he forgot his housemate was Hobi. A small part of him wondered if he'd enjoy these ragers if Hoseok wasn't always hosting them in his home, it always left him cleaning up the morning after. Or would he knew more people invited.
Min Yoongi was not thriving. In fact, all he had done was politely greeted people half the night. His house was stuffy, disco lights flashing way too fast, bodies dancing around him while he sat on his sofa, cup of whiskey in hand, pushing drunk make-outs away from his bubble. It was like he was somewhere between reality and his own thoughts, tuning out the bustling noise to a silence but seeing everything that moved around him. He scoffed at Jimin attempt to pour himself a drink while the liquid itself missed the cup entirely, caught second hand embarrassment witnessing Taehyung spill a shot down his shirt trying to impress a couple girls and told himself to remember watching the Choi San and Jackson Wang (because he apparently never missed a party) get beer thrown over them while trying to chat up girls while their boyfriends stood behind them. He didn't even want to imagine what Hobi was up to, or which surface he was dancing on, or who he was doing body shots with. The whole experience was just unpleasant.
Well, not entirely. From where Yoongi sat, he had the crystalline view of y/n face grinning conventionally. Hips dangerously swaying, laughs erupting with more rhythm than the music itself - he began to sweat through his white t-shirt. Those doe eyes were long gone, replaced with a coy siren gaze that had him in a chokehold. The clear view of her outfit did her a lot of justice, as if she'd purposefully chosen it to toy with his heartstrings. He threw his head back against the cushions, closing his eyes and exhaling deeply. He couldn't get hard here, not now not until everyone had left and Hobi was knocked out. When he'd pulled himself together and lifted his head, his efforts went to waste upon facing the few of her cleavage directly. Y/n was bent to his eye level, hands on her knees to excentuate the already existing rack she owned. He felt guilty for shamelessly looking, but instead of giving him one hell of a beating, she slowly slid onto his lap, tracing her nails up his bicep.
"M'sorry. Your lap looked so inviting and I couldn't help notice you looking at me. Everything okay, Yoongs?" That fucking honey-dosed tone made him feel like a hormonal teenage boy all over again.
"Uh, yeah. Just...need some air I guess."
"Let's go," She stood up, intertwining her fingers with his and leading through the living room and up the stairs (which was a restricted zone at these parties).
"W-why are we in my room? I should've cleaned, oh god-" Yoongi dropped her hand, frantically gathering clothes from the floor and throwing them on his desk chair. Y/n however giggled and layed herself on his bed, facing the ceiling and sighing in relief.
"Well, you're sick of the party, I'm sick of the party, why not hang out quietly together? We're not strangers after all. Besides, I'd rather be here." He blinked mid-tidying. That was something he never thought he'd hear, but yet he thought he fell more in love than he already was. Dropping the clothes entirely, he slipped his shoes off, gently pulling her's off too before plopping himself next to her.
"I never thought I'd hear that," His muscles relaxed, the nerves fading for the first time but that could have been due to earlier's whiskey. "I would've thought you and Hobi would be necking it on or something."
"Ha! Nah. He's a good friend and all, super sweet but there's no feelings for him. I do like parties, but only the first three to four hours before I get tired and fed up."
"Then why didn't you go home? I could've driven you." He rolled onto his side to face her. Even in the dark she was pretty, and those eyes from earlier had softened. She faced him in return, noticing how drained and suken his eyes had become again, like they did at every party. The silence embracing them comfortable with only a hum from the noise below.
"I didn't want to bother anyone and ruin their night. I stick it out to make Hobi happy, to be honest. Sometimes clean before you wake up. Sometimes wish I had just stayed at home making bracelets or something." She smiled. So even while tired and miserable, she was the reason why his cleaning was minimised? He always wondered who had done the majority while he slipped away. He felt bad that she did that but at the same time his heart pounded at their closeness.
"You didn't have to clean. And next time you miss a party please invite me, this is the best part of tonight." He paused for a second, a surge of adrenaline rushing through him, "You know what, we should hang out more. You're always noisy during the day and always mingling but I'm enjoying this quiet side of you equally."
"Hold on," y/n abruptly sat up, Yoongi rolling onto his back, biting his lip in fear of saying something wrong, "you actually enjoy my company? I always thought you hated me because I was so loud, I've been sitting with you because I wanted to learn to pipe down so you'd like me."
He nodded, lips tugging into a small smile, clammy hand covering his eyes so he didn't have to look at her after what he was to admit, "I-agh, I like everything about you. You have your own quiet personality but I like the dynamic of us. Fuck, you make me so nervous but if you didn't then I wouldn't be here, fighting back a boner because your whole personality is just so attractive and I never wanted to seem weird or a dick." She just stared at him after that, not judging but thinking hard. He looked so pretty, laying there a nervous mess, covering his face with that devilish pout of his, shirt ridden up his torso so the band of his boxers poked from the top of his jeans.
"Don't fight it anymore, got it?" The weight on his dick brought him to his senses again, uncovering his face to see her small hands gently rise under his shirt while grinding up and down his lap sensually. Unconsciously, his hands gripped her thighs, they felt as soft as he had imagined many times before. His breath hitched upon her thumbs glaze over his nipples before sliding back down to his belt. Licking his lips and sitting up, he pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it somewhere before taking her jaw into his palm and finally fusing his lips roughly with hers. Pulling back harshly, his hands removed her top, fumbled with the hook of her bra until they were pressed half naked, chest to chest with sloppy kisses moving together at their own rhythm. Y/n's moaned deeply at the feeling of his rough hands glide over her curves, unbuttoning her bottoms while Yoongi groaned impatiently at his belt being unbuckled with haste.
By the time he'd shimmied his jeans off, pre-cum had already stained his boxers. Cut him some slack, it had been a while since he'd fucked anyone, let alone someone he'd been heads-over-heels for, let alone this person grinding on his cock like she'd been doing it do him for years, knowing exactly how he liked it. He wanted to cover his face again, praying she hadn't noticed the embarrassment from feeling so good so soon. But instead she feathered hot kisses down his neck, nipping and sucking to create a masterpiece of splotchy art over his skin. His hands gripped her hips, tight enough to leave bruises, and flipped y/n onto her back, bottoms joining his on the floor. The way she was grinning was foreign, it wasn't her usual cheerful grin, but a grin laced in mischief - he was entirely wrapped around her pinkie finger and he was not complaining about that. Trailing wet kisses from her neck to her breasts, his lips wrapped themselves around her tit, tongue sucking the bud swollen without desperation.
"Yoongi~" she moaned shamelessly, throwing her head back into his pillows, fingers tugging the hair on the back of his head, earning a gravelly moan reverberate from his throat.
He moved to the other tit, harshly sucking this time as his boxers became tighter and his hand kneading the - now - sopping tit he'd just finished with. He'd never imagined this would be the outcome of a party. He should've attended more if he knew he'd be living a wet dream he'd constantly cum himself over.
"Yoongi..." She panted, "need you...you in me. Tell me what you're gonna do."
Finally finished with her tit, a string of saliva connecting his lips and her swollen nipple, his eyes raked over the body under him. "M'gonna fuck you like I've imagined." He rasped, lips ghosting over hers while his cock started grinding over her clothed clit. Seeing her in just her panties drove him insane, sweat beads falling down his temples.
"Oh yeah? Imagined me naked, huh?"
"Fucked you stupid and hard, screaming my name until you- oh y/n~, couldn't talk or walk."
"Fuck me, Yoongi!" Underwear discarded swiftly, he ripped open a condom from his bedside table, aligning himself while her hands gripped his biceps. He didn't start thrusting immediately, the feeling of her stretching around his cock was euphoric enough, head dropping into her shoulder.
"You fit me so well, please, fuck-" and he did. Slowly rolling his hips into hers, marking her neck with purple bruises in any place he could while her voice became his favourite melody, Yoongi's cock twitched like a little virgin boy. Or maybe he was, it didn't matter either way, he was finally topping the girl with the loudest voice in the house, making her scream, with his pulsing cock. Though, he was still a man, and would still brag to Hobi about it later, presenting the claw marks across his skin as y/n's hands snaked from his arms to his back, oh his back. So pretty when flexed, so broad and secure. Scratching it while he picked up pace, pounding into her pussy was like marking her territory.
"Harder," She moaned, and him being an obedient little slut for her snapped his hips against her's, throwing her leg over his shoulder and rutting deeper. Thankfully the music downstairs was loud enough to cover the slapping of balls against arse because damn, Yoongi had never done any activity this loud before, or aggressively for that matter. His grunts and groans only encouraged her fingers to slide to his hair, gently tugging until their lips met again for a sloppy kiss.
Yoongi pulled back for breath, "It's cute how you're so - ugh - loud all the time, but I'm fucking you speechless" He cooed, thrusting more aggressively.
"Baby, fuck-" she screamed, gripping his hair harder, clawing his back deeper. He nipped at her earlobe, planting wet kisses at the shell and leaving melodies of his own groans everytime his pelvis made contact with hers. Yoongi's mouth reconnected with her neck, biting and sucking harshly with the overbearing thought of his name being claimed responsible if anyone were to ask who gave them to her.
"Good girl, let em hear who's fucking you, Princess." Slowing his pace, he dragged out his thrusting just to feel her pussy clench around his cock again. He engulfed her lips again, slower this time, his lower stomach warming.
"Yoongs..I'm gonna," She whimpered, barely having the strength to contain the feeling of desperation to finish. The view of his chain swinging in rhythm to his thrusting went straight to her pussy, causing a moan to rip through her.
"Together, Princess. Me too." Yoongi panted. With one last snap of his hips, sticky cum dripped down her thighs, ringing at the base of his cock as exasperations of pleasure tuned the music out entirely. Collapsing onto her, he didn't pull out just yet, he couldn't bring himself to rid of the feeling too quickly. Y/n wrapped her arms around his back, placing a warm kiss on his head and holding him tight.
"That," She panted, "was so hot."
Pushing himself onto his elbows, Yoongi finally pulled out, tying the condom and throwing in his bathroom bin, taking a towel to clean y/n up. The bed dipped again when he returned, pulling y/n into his chest, rubbing circles on her back.
"Is it okay to say that I love you?"
"Yoongi, my beloved, I love you too. How good is your tongue?" And brave ol' y/n was back, smirking while playing with his chain.
"How are you still horny?"
Hobi woke with an excruciating headache. Sambuca with Jackson wasn't his best idea, especially with Jimin's champagne fountain (a shitshow really). Anyway, bin bag in one hand, he weakly threw empty cups away and shuffled his way into the kitchen to find the bottles. Shortly after, Yoongi padded in, basketball shorts hung around his hips as if he'd quickly thrown them on.
"Morning man," Yoongi grumbled, pulling two mugs from the cupboard.
"Morning dude-," Hobi turned around but took a double take at the red scratches down his paler back and the dark hickeys that decorated his neck, "Woah Yoon, who's the chick? Is she still here? Was it good?"
"Ssshhh!," Yoongi gave Hoseok's arm a jab before leaning against the counter. He paused for a bit, ruffling his hair (as if it didn't already look fucked out), "...it's y/n. And yes she's asleep in my bed as we speak and it was amazing. In fact, we did three rounds because I know you'll ask."
"Y/n!? No way my guy! She's been into you for the longest time! I've gotta congratulate her." Yoongi blinked at his sudden chipper mood, he really should pay more attention at social gatherings because how the hell did everyone know about her crush but him? "Yoongi, my man," Hobi slung his arm over his shoulder, "the guys are gonna be so jealous, no-ones woken up with that level of marking before."
"Yeah well behave, she's still a person and I love her so respect her."
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