#thank you for the ask Diat!
alifeasvivid · 1 year
ok I have a random question but do you have any thoughts on lab grown gems and does TOS Alfred have any thoughts on lab grown gems?
>.> I have lots of thoughts, yes. And they are far more nuanced than most of what I've seen on tumblr *cough*
My overall opinion is that lab created gems are awesome :D Lab created sapphires have been around since the early 1900's and the fact that we can create gemstones is a testament to just how awesome human spirit and ingenuity and curiosity really is. There are many stones like cubic zirconia which exist in the market only as lab created. Moissanite, an increasingly-popular alternative for diamond, is only lab created, it does not exist in nature--we made it, which is so fucking cool.
Lab created stones are almost always less expensive than mined, so they're a good option for people who want the look, but don't care about appreciating/maintaining value over time.
That's the hitch. Most lab created stones are not worth anything in terms of resale or appraisal and basically the whole jewerly industry is really conflicted about lab diamonds. When it comes to colored stones, there's usually a way to tell if it's lab or natural. The color is just a little too perfect, the stone is just a little too clear, that kind of thing. With lab diamonds, it's next to impossible and while that is very cool, it's easier than ever for people to be deceived about what they are buying. The jewelry (and watch) industry is very slow to adapt, a lot of emotional AND monetary value is placed on things being done "properly" or in the traditional way, but it IS adapting. It just takes time.
Personally, and I'll speak for Alfred also, I have no problem with lab created stones of any kind as long as they are properly disclosed and that people understand the pros and cons of natural vs lab created gems.
However, Alfred would have no use for lab created stones on a personal level; he wouldn't target them. They are very cool and make things more affordable, but on an industry level, they are just not worth much.
Cuz that's the real kicker. It's AWESOME that we have basically alchemical technology available to us and mining can truly be a terrible process both on an environment and a human level and that needs to change...
but natural stones will always be worth something more to us because there is nothing that compares to the majesty of Earth boiling and roiling and cracking and breaking and steaming and baking and beating and cooling and compressing and crushing its elements over hundreds and thousands and millions of years to produce and bring to the surface something functionally useless to most life but so beautiful that humans have been fascinated by them since the dawn of our species... and that we figured out how to pull them from the earth and create something else beautiful with them... there's really something deeply compelling there. Something fundamental to what makes us human, I think.
And Alfred is a romantic... so I think he'd agree.
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
Great news for most of you: @rivetgoth has summoned me to choose ten of my favorite listens of September ‘23. Expanding the time span to thirty days meant holding out until the end of the month just to be sure. Picking out only ten was easy to do, and whether you like me or not, you’re gonna’ have to deal with it.
Your winners are:
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#1: Replacements, The: "Unsatisfied" #2: Cult, The: "Rain" #3: Chemical Brothers: "No Reason"
This group of three is what happens when you’re following a mutual who’s super-obsessed about music. @tewz is an open book with plenty of audio and music video posts for the taking, plus a couple of Spotify playlists to rifle through. (Stay for the cat videos, too.) She’s my go-to and because of her, I had easy assembly of one of my recent radio broadcasts.
A fellow dee-jay asked me to fill-in for him not long ago. Now I had a double-broadcast (four hours) to set up. I had enough reserves from her to pull it off, so The Replacements’ “Unsatisfied” and The Cult “Rain” made the cut. Chemical Brothers: "No Reason" reminded me why they retained a feverish fan base to begin with, going all the way back to their “Setting Sun” days. Dare I say it reminded me of Daft Punk? Really, I thank her for everything music-wise she’s given me, ever.
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#4: Crime Of Passing: "Off My Shoulder"
I love everything about this track. Unmistakably reminds me of Diat and the rest of the record follows with goth rock, post-punk / d.i.y, and coldwave. As a whole, Crime Of Passing displays a great style, aesthetic, seriousness, and urgency; all coming together and consistent as a gloomy yet smoking-hot nine-track album.
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#5: Yfory: "Chwaer Pwy?" #6: M(h)aol: “Therapy” #7: Es: "Emergency"
I did an all post-punk / d.i.y. broadcast last month. One portion of the show had me group together female-fronted bands from Europe. That block started with Germany’s Maraudeur, continued on with Scotland’s Breakfast Muff, and then these three. Anyone paying attention knows that Europe (and especially the UK) is giving every other city scene a run for their money.
Also from Germany, Yfory struck me with their album cover (If anyone can identify that typeset, do let me know), their fluid Welsh lyrics which is new to me, and their great craftsmanship; hence "Chwaer Pwy?". I went with “Therapy” from feminist band M(h)aol because it sounds so rough. It’s the Irish equivalent of Guerilla Toss’ “Eraser Stargazer Forever” which sweeps the floor of everything. (If you really want to set yourself on fire, listen to “Period Sex”. Wow.) And, I got excited for new sounds from England’s Es. I played their opener “Emergency” at least 20 times and I still haven’t figured them out. That’s a good thing. Fortunately, the hopeful sounds of “Emergency” follows towards Less Of Everything and far away from Object Relations, and that’s from Flora Watters on keyboards, who is that special ingredient that makes Es. Their uniqueness pushes them near the very top of post-punk / d.i.y.
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#8: Mamalarky: “Green Earth”
No way! What is this?! As if Palm’s Dog Milk and Mr. Elevator got a room, fucked, and made this. And I don’t know why I’m also equating Todd Rungren’s “Hello It’s Me”, maybe Peter Max, and other late-Sixties / early-Seventies standards in the mix, but this sounds amazing. It has that lo-fi, drowsy, malfunctioning feel with a wondrous charm to it. It’s really beautiful.
Now get this: “Green Earth” is on the environmentally- conscious The Eleventh Hour: Songs for Climate Justice compilation (and later Pocket Fantasy: B-Sides), and then you can clearly hear vocalist Livvy Bennett breathe in and inhale before singing each verse. Get it? Any song that can transport you to a new, undiscovered world is a unanimous winner in my book.
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#9: Blonde Redhead: “Melody Experiment” #10: Tan Cologne: "Visitation"
To describe these in one word: inexplicable. They can be a soundtrack to a future world that could very well be possible, but in the same measure possibly not. These would fit right in with the annual ‘second chance’ broadcasts I do to end the year. ‘Second chance’, meaning, songs I enjoy but simply don’t fit into a specific category, so they have one all of their own. Think Erasers’ “Easy To See”, Mega Bog’s “Maybe You Died”, New Chance’s “Real Time”, Lily’s “New Fries”, and Il Quadro Di Trosi’s “Sfere Di Qi”.
“Melody Experiment” from Blonde Redhead sounds unreal to me. I still don’t believe it even exists. If it does, it’s the definition of ‘slick’. Sonically, it has wavelengths of “Corrections” from Phil Western and a breath similar to Pixel Grip’s Rita Lukea. Don’t ask me why I came up with that. To each, everyone’s own. Tan Cologne’s new single had to be influenced by Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood “Sand“; the all-encompassing heat during the pending sundown on a blazing-hot Summer day. These final two picks I’ve already heard at least thirty times, and I plan on hearing them thirty more.
Good news: I tag no one. As always, play at your own risk.
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fazedlight · 11 months
20 questions game
Thank you @sssammich for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
Currently it's 123,510 words! It felt really cool to pass the 100k mark.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
No One and Nothing
So I Kept Pretending
It's a Metallo Life
Even Though You're Kryptonian
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I respond to most of them now, because I like talking with my readers! I didn't do that at first... I was nervous that I might appear too desperate or something if I responded to everyone, but now I don't care 🤣 I love my readers and want them to know I see them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
For now, I think that title belongs to Darkness in All Things. I wouldn't call it an angsty ending necessarily, but it's a bit more somber than most of my endings.
I think one of my one-shot WIPs may take this title (though I don't expect to finish it until early next year).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all of my fics count as happy endings! The happiest might be Even Though You're Kryptonian, since our beloved idiots are preparing for their nuptials.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a few from a known troll, but generally no. This fandom has been very kind 💗
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I wrote smut once, for Darkness in All Things. There's another fic I'm writing smut for, although it's not supercorp.
In general, writing smut terrifies me. I only did it in DIAT because the characters held that chapter hostage until I did, and now the characters for this other fic are as well. I am being bullied 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Okay... so... technically I have.
When I was young (10-ish?), I read some Sailor Moon fanfiction. I stumbled across this Sailor Moon & Xena crossover, and was frustrated that it had one chapter left and hadn't seen an update in a long time (I don't remember what a "long time" would've been to me back then).
I reached out to the author and asked about it, and the author gave me the chance to finish it based on their outline. So... I did, and they posted it!
I don't know how "well" it did. I think this was on ff.net in the very early days, so there were no kudos, and I don't think I ever got a comment about it.
I'd love to find that again, but haven't been able to. I remember nothing about it other than Rei was extremely snarky. I stopped reading Sailor Moon fanfic soon after, and generally didn't read fanfiction again until my 2021 obsession with Rizzles began.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Technically yes, see #10.
I don't think I'll do it again. I'm far too chaotic in my writing approach, and far too possessive of my stories, to effectively cowrite with someone 🤣
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Xena/Gabrielle!! They were my first ship. I never read fic of them (other than the Sailor Moon crossover I mentioned above, since I did read a lot of Sailor Moon fic). For me, their story was perfect, and the show gave us everything I could ever want.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I have any of these at the moment. And I'd never say never anyway, you never know what a brain will latch onto.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I have some good plot ideas and decent characterization. But ultimately this question is up to the readers, not me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think my greatest weakness is not letting a scene evolve - I'm impatient by nature. I think this is something I'm slowly getting better at, in that my first fics are far less developed compared to my most recent fics.
But there's always a gap from the scene that's in my head vs. what ultimately makes it to the page. Sometimes I don't know if I've written enough for the readers to know what the characters are feeling and doing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oh I'd get lots of help here.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Xena and Sailor Moon in a crossover 🤣 That was a single chapter for someone else's story with someone else's outline over two decades ago. So I think saying Supercorp is still accurate.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh gosh, it's hard to choose. I think I have a recency bias thing here where I want to say Darkness in All Things. I do think my writing style has improved greatly over time, so I think my stories have gotten better in that sense.
No pressure tags! @luthordamnvers @rustingcat @jadedloverart @tinyvariations @trashpandato @appropriatelystupid
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omegaplus · 1 year
# 4,481
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Top 10 Of September 2023.
Great news for most of you: @rivetgoth has summoned me to choose ten of my favorite listens of September ‘23. Expanding the time span to thirty days meant holding out until the end of the month just to be sure. Picking out only ten was easy to do, and whether you like me or not, you’re gonna’ have to deal with it.
Your winners are:
#1: Replacements, The: "Unsatisfied"
#2: Cult, The: "Rain"
#3: Chemical Brothers: "No Reason"
This group of three is what happens when you’re following a mutual who’s super-obsessed about music. @tewz is an open book with plenty of audio and music video posts for the taking, plus a couple of Spotify playlists to rifle through. (Stay for the cat videos, too.) She’s my go-to and because of her, I had easy assembly of one of my recent radio broadcasts.
A fellow dee-jay asked me to fill-in for him not long ago. Now I had a double-broadcast (four hours) to set up. I had enough reserves from her to pull it off, so The Replacements’ “Unsatisfied” and The Cult “Rain” made the cut. Chemical Brothers: "No Reason" reminded me why they retained a feverish fan base to begin with, going all the way back to their “Setting Sun” days. Dare I say it reminded me of Daft Punk? Really, I thank her for everything music-wise she’s given me, ever.
#4: Crime Of Passing: "Off My Shoulder"
I love everything about this track. Unmistakably reminds me of Diat and the rest of the record follows with goth rock, post-punk / d.i.y, and coldwave. As a whole, Crime Of Passing displays a great style, aesthetic, seriousness, and urgency; all coming together and consistent as a gloomy yet smoking-hot nine-track album.
#5: Yfory: "Chwaer Pwy?"
#6: M(h)aol: “Therapy”
#7: Es: "Emergency"
I did an all post-punk / d.i.y. broadcast last month. One portion of the show had me group together female-fronted bands from Europe. That block started with Germany’s Maraudeur, continued on with Scotland’s Breakfast Muff, and then these three. Anyone paying attention knows that Europe (and especially the UK) is giving every other city scene a run for their money.
Also from Germany, Yfory struck me with their album cover (If anyone can identify that typeset, do let me know), their fluid Welsh lyrics which is new to me, and their great craftsmanship; hence "Chwaer Pwy?". I went with “Therapy” from feminist band M(h)aol because it sounds so rough. It’s the Irish equivalent of Guerilla Toss’ “Eraser Stargazer Forever” which sweeps the floor of everything. (If you really want to set yourself on fire, listen to “Period Sex”. Wow.) And, I got excited for new sounds from England’s Es. I played their opener “Emergency” at least 20 times and I still haven’t figured them out. That’s a good thing. Fortunately, the hopeful sounds of “Emergency” follows towards Less Of Everything and far away from Object Relations, and that’s from Flora Watters on keyboards, who is that special ingredient that makes Es. Their uniqueness pushes them near the very top of post-punk / d.i.y.
#8: Mamalarky: “Green Earth”
No way! What is this?! As if Palm’s Dog Milk and Mr. Elevator got a room, fucked, and made this. And I don’t know why I’m also equating Todd Rungren’s “Hello It’s Me”, maybe Peter Max, and other late-Sixties / early-Seventies standards in the mix, but this sounds amazing. It has that lo-fi, drowsy, malfunctioning feel with a wondrous charm to it. It’s really beautiful.
Now get this: “Green Earth” is on the environmentally- conscious The Eleventh Hour: Songs for Climate Justice compilation (and later Pocket Fantasy: B-Sides), and then you can clearly hear vocalist Livvy Bennett breathe in and inhale before singing each verse. Get it? Any song that can transport you to a new, undiscovered world is a unanimous winner in my book.
#9: Blonde Redhead: “Melody Experiment”
#10: Tan Cologne: "Visitation"
To describe these in one word: inexplicable. They can be a soundtrack to a future world that could very well be possible, but in the same measure possibly not. These would fit right in with the annual ‘second chance’ broadcasts I do to end the year. ‘Second chance’, meaning, songs I enjoy but simply don’t fit into a specific category, so they have one all of their own. Think Erasers’ “Easy To See”, Mega Bog’s “Maybe You Died”, New Chance’s “Real Time”, Lily’s “New Fries”, and Il Quadro Di Trosi’s “Sfere Di Qi”.
“Melody Experiment” from Blonde Redhead sounds unreal to me. I still don’t believe it even exists. If it does, it’s the definition of ‘slick’. Sonically, it has wavelengths of “Corrections” from Phil Western and a breath similar to Pixel Grip’s Rita Lukea. Don’t ask me why I came up with that. To each, everyone’s own. Tan Cologne’s new single had to be influenced by Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood “Sand“; the all-encompassing heat during the pending sundown on a blazing-hot Summer day. These final two picks I’ve already heard at least thirty times, and I plan on hearing them thirty more.
Good news: I tag no one. As always, play at your own risk.
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 11: When all goes to shit!
All I can say I’m on a roll these last two days!
I needed to write and finish this chapter.
Happy reading!
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It’s already dawn when the whole army of Kupa Keep, seriously where do all these kids come from, I never saw them at the Kingdom, and the Goth kids reach the school.
King If-I-don’t-eat-cheesy-pops-I-will-die stands before us.
Loud, so that even the people a neighborhood away can hear him, he proclaims: “Defenders of freedom! I thank you for your courage, and your audacities in joining our fight! Tonight, we are no longer the humans or the goths. Tonight, we unite as ONE!”
“I feel like SUCH a homo sapien right now.”, deadpans the boss goth, whom I learned his name is Micheal.
I can’t help but snort. It’s funny! Even if this wasn’t surely why he said it.
By the way, I love the whole Viking-vibe, the Goths have going on. They look cool!
Two of the upper-floor windows open and elves look out of it.
“THE HUMANS ARE HERE!”, shouts one, as another blows a war horn.
“Ooh, they blew their horn! Blow ours, Butters!”, commands King I-need-to-see-a-diat-doctor.
Leo does just that, while Cartman shouts more commands: “Guys, flank left! Goth kids, prepare to attack from behind!”
It’s time!
Let’s get this show on the roll.
I take a deep breath and feel how Princess Kenny takes my hand. We look at each other in understanding.
Tonight the Wizard King will fall and a Queen will rise!
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Getting into the school is easy.
We planned that the elven would barricade the front door, "forcing" us to use the backdoor.
I have Leo and Princess Kenny with me as we make our way through the kitchen.
“N.K., if you're in the building: You're fighting for a tyrant, but I know there's good in you.”, sounds from the speaker’s King Kyle’s voice. He is playing his part perfectly. “Stop fighting for your evil lord! Free yourself from his control!”
I’m holding hands with Kenny, while Leo holds into my arm.
“A-All right, fella’s, no turning back.”, he stutters nervously.
“It will work, don’t worry.”, reassures Princess Kenny.
I nod in agreement.
“Just stick to what we discussed and nothing bad will happen.”
“I-I will try.”
We reach the cafeteria where Tweek perfectly plays having a meltdown since all his friends are "death".
There are other kids from Kupa Keep we don’t know and aren’t part of our plan. He needs to.
I give him a head pat.
Me and my two buddies move forward.
We reach the barricade of the elven.
“Monsieur Hamilton?”, whispers an elf to me.
“Monsieur Lafayette!”, I say the code we agreed on.
If you are wondering is this a Hamilton reference?
Yes, yes it is!
I love that musical!
With a nod, the elf let us through without problems.
We leave the cafeteria and are in the familiar hallway where Princess Kenny and I defeated the evil sixth-grader ginger hall monitor.
Again we get asked the code by the elves and I answer.
As we pass the barricade King Kyle’s voice sounds from the speakers again.
“These are the terms of your surrender! One! You will be the elves' personal slave for...”
“A month.”, comes Stan along.
“One month! Two! You agree that the elves are the masters of the Stick for all time! Three. You eh...”
“Hey, hand me the mic for a sec. Three. The so-called Grand Wizard has to jump up and down continuously for three straight days. If he stops early, he has to start over.”
Princess Kenny and I laugh imagine if Cartman has to do this really.
All this bouncy fat, I can’t!
Only Leo tries not to laugh. My little brother is such a sweet bean.
We reach now the basement…and what the fuck?
Why is Cartman there?
Wasn’t he busy at the entrance?
He stands over a ginger hallway monitor, frowning.
As King Fatass hears us coming down the stairs he turns to us.
“Stay back you guys! Something is seriously wrong with the hallway monitors!”
“Help... please...”, whimpers the hall monitor.
“That's Gary Nelson!”, yells Leo and runs up to his side. He helps Gary sit up.
“Don't touch him, he's ginger!”, warns Cartman.
Princess Kenny and I deadpan at him and I so wish I could already kick his ass.
“We came to school the morning after the earthquake to report for duty.”, explains Gary, coughing. “We didn't know the school had been canceled. We heard a sound from down here, found this green goo, i-it was everywhere. It... changed the other hallway monitors.”
“Serves you right for being a patsy-ass hallway monitor in the first place.”, huffs our Grand Wizard Asshole.
Gary stands up, turning his back to us, staggering away.
“Something in the goo... it... it...”
Suddenly he turns back around.
Oh no!
He is a Nazi Zombie!
That is the signal for our brave Wizard Fatass to run out of the basement.
“AAGHGH! Somehow that green goo makes ginger hallway monitors even LAMER!”
 We three get ready to battle the zombified Nazi ginger.
Good that we are three since he calls for backup.
We defeat them.
“Hey! What's wrong with these guys?”, asks Princess Kenny.
“Yeah, big sis, what happened to these guys?”, wonders Leo.
“You guys heard about the Taco Bell, which is going to be built? Well, it’s actually a crash-landed UFO who leeks this green goo which turns basically anything organic into a Nazi Zombie.”, I explain.
“You are shitting me.”, say’s Princess Kenny in disbelief.
“I wish I was, but it’s true.”
“That’s such a cliche!”
“I know!”
“Fella’s, we need to get moving. Even if I agree with ya.”
“You are right, Leo.”
We make our way through the basement.
More Ginger Nazi Zombies await us, but using the special abilities of my friends and the environment to our advantage we manage to defeat them.
I can’t help myself and flirt a bit with Kenny: “Your tits are so amazing, even the brain death get charmed by them.”
She giggles cutely, giving me as thank you, a quick kiss on the lips.
At least one of my crushes is into me.
I wonder what I need to do to get a sweet kiss from Kyle?
We are finally out of the basement. The hallway we follow leads us to the school entrance.
“N.K! You don't want to be on the wrong side of this when Wizard Fatass's army falls. Think about what you're doing!”
There Stan waits all ready for us with his elven.
He plays his part as an obstacle awesome, but did he really need to use dog poo on us?
Anyway, we “conquer” the lobby, and Stan retreats.
Entering from the right comes Wizard Big Belly.
“Good work! Douchebag, man the catapult, and let our guys through the front door. Everyone, fall in!”
I nod, doing as he says.
We are closing now on the Endgame.
I need to use Cup-A-Spell to let the barricade before the front door explodes so the rest of the Kupa Keep army can enter the school.
I swerve, in the next RPG, I will demand no farting powers!
“Push forward! I must save my strength for the final battle!”, tells me Cartman.
“As you wish my lord.”, I simply reply.
Me, Kenny, and Leo continue on.
Stan is in the hallway and after making sure Cartman or someone who isn’t on the plan isn’t with us he smiles sheepishly at us.
“Sorry about the dogpoo. I hope I didn’t get one of you.”
“It’s whatever.”, I wave it off. “You played your part and in the end, this is all that is important. Also Stan where is Tammy?”
Surprisingly I hear how Kenny mumbles her name in question. I wonder what’s up with that?
“She is with Kyle, protecting him. Lady Tammy is a damn good fighter!”
Proud like a mama I nod.
“That she is. We see us later Stan.”
He salutes and lets us pass.
“N.K.”, whisper Kenny. “Is this Tammy, Tammy Warner?”
Now I’m the one who is surprised.
“Yeah. Do you know her?”
Kenny is silent, but Leo isn’t.
“Tammy Warner? Wasn’t she your girlfriend, Kenny?”
“Butters!”, hisses Kenny angrily, and my little bro flatters under the eyes of the Princess.
“Okay, we will open this can of worms later.”, I decide for us all. “We need to focus and stick to the plan.”
We reach the second floor.
There we "help" Tweek and King Kyle has another message: “Last chance, N.K.! He's nothing without you. Walk away from this!”
We continue on and enter the hallway with the fourth-grade and fifth-grade classrooms.
“Seriously, N.K. , you're breaking my balls here.”
Again, how the heck did Cartman manage to be there before us? He was behind us! Craig and Scott are with him also.
“This is it!”, tells me Fatass. “You have the honor of leading the final assault, Commander.”
Oh if only you know.
I look at my friends, who all give me nods.
There are ready to.
So I open the door to the fourth-grade classroom.
King Kyle with a hooded Tammy on his side awaits us.
“Back away from the desk, Jew King!”, shouts King I’m-pretty-much-against-everyone-who-isn’t-white-straight-male-and-catholic.
“The Stick doesn't belong with a fat, RACIST LIAR!”, counters King Kyle.
While the two throw insults at each other the rest of my friends joins us in the classroom and Tammy walks over to me. She squeezes my hand in comfort.
It’s nearly time.
“All right, Kyle, you fuckin asked for it.”, growls Cartman after the two are done with their shouting match. King Kyle was right he really knows how to rile up Cartman. “Go ahead and kick his ass, Douchebag.”
All is still.
No one moves.
King Cheesy Pops looks around confused.
“Hello? Commander Douchebag, do your thing.”
“Actually…”, I trail off and hold my wand under his fat double chin. “This is the part where you get your ass kicked!”
“Fucking what?!  Oh, you motherfucker! I KNEW you were a fucking douchebag!”
But then his eyes widen as he sees that all are pointing their weapons at him.
Elven and human.
“Let’s just say we are ready for a new era.”, deadpan Craig at him.
I poke with my wand his double chin.
“It means I’m challenging you to a duel for the throne of Kupa Keep! Since I have the majority on my side it’s my right to ask for a change in the RPG. Everybody here, all the major players, supports this. So it’s legit. If you win you stay King, if I win Kupa Keep is mine!”
With a battle cry, Cartman launches himself at me and we start our epic battle.
In the end, even if I hate it how, I win, since my farts were more potent than his.
Defeated Cartman lay on the floor.
I breathe heavily, not believing I have done it.
I defeated him.
I will be queen!
I raise my wand high in victory.
All around me the guys and Tammy celebrate and applaud me.
“Ding dong, the wicked wizard is death!”, yells Tammy and hugs me from behind.
Then I step away from her to Cartman.
I want him to see this.
“Fatass you shall know who really defeated you.”, I say to him.
Tired he raises his head, glaring at me.
“Oh, I know it perfectly a traitorous douchebag!”
“No, A GIRL!”
Dramatically I strip away my Link cosplay and I stand before him as Dark Magician Girl.
Like this, no one can mistake me for a boy.
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I hear gulps and feel looks on my free legs and my hemline, where you can see a bit of my breast modestly peeking out.
“I have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend…”, mumbles Token.
“Me too, we shouldn’t look, dude…”, adds Stan.
“Oh dear, I think my blood sugar just got higher.”, murmurs Scott.
“W-What a d-dramatic revelation m-my lady!”, congrats me Jimmy.
“My big sister is so pretty!”, gushes Leo.
“Well, rational speaking she is pretty but it doesn’t do it for me.”, deadpan Craig. Surprisingly Tweek agrees with him.
…My Bi-Fi is picking something up…
I can feel how Kenny formally zeros on my breasts and…Kyle is adorable red in the face and tries to not look in my direction.
Tammy and I share a look.
Only Cartman looks at me in disgust.
“You were a girl! The whole time! You fucking liar! I should banish-“
“You can’t anymore.”, I stop him. “I won the duel. I’m now the rightful ruler of Kupa Keep. I’m the Dark Magician Queen N.K. and you will accept this or you can stop playing with us.”
Fatass gets so red in the face that he resembles an angry pepperoni.
“Wait for a second guys.”, calls Tammy for attention.
We all collectively ignore Cartman’s outrage over another girl.
“We all set up Cartman with the Stick been in the possession of the elven, but where is the Stick actually? Since Cartman clearly hasn’t it like we thought.”
“What, I thought you guys had stolen the Stick already from him and placed it in his table.”, tells us, King Kyle.
“Kyle, who wrote you this?”, I ask him with a bad feeling in my stomach.
“I get a letter with your initials on it.”
“Well, I didn’t send you one!”
What is going on?!
“Guys, our school uses tabletops. They don’t have insides!”, reminds us, Tammy.
Now even Cartman looks worried around.
Someone is playing with all of us!
“Hey look at this!”, calls Leo over. He had inspected the tabletops. “This desk has writing on it! "Check my locker."”
“Whose desk is that?”, wonders Kyle.
It’s Cartman who answers him: “That's... that's CLYDE'S desk.”
I follow Kyle, Stan, and Cartman to Clyde’s locker, the others are all behind us.
The locker isn’t even closed and Stan takes out a laptop from it.
He plays the video on it.
Clyde in violette armor with the Stick of Truth in his hands appears!
“Greetings, Humans and Drow Elves of Zaron!”
“Clyde!”, shouts Stan.
“HE took the Stick!”, realizes Cartman.
“No shit Sherlock!”, I add shocked.
“While you have all been busy fighting amongst yourselves, I have built a kingdom beyond your comprehension! I prayed for a way to destroy you all and the solution came crashing down from the heavens!”
“Oh no it's more of that green stuff!”, points Kyle out.
“Oh god don’t tell me he is going to turn the death kitty into a Nazi Zombie!”, I shriek.
Sadly he does.
Fuck you dude!
“With what I have found, I shall raise an army of the dead! I shall raise an entire army of darkness and kill the earth!”
“Clyde... but why?”, wonders Stan.
“I banished him to be lost in space and time -- now he's all pissed off.”, tells him Fatass.
“So you see, FOOLS, I control the stick AND the future of the Earth.”
“Clyde, do you want a sandwich?”
“Not right now Dad I'm making a Ruler of Darkness video. Whoever controls the Stick controls the universe -- and my first deed is that I hereby DENOUNCE the human and the elf kingdoms! I know about little Douchebag’s plan to dethrone the Wizard King so to be sure I strip all rulers of all their power! HAHAHA HAHA HAHAHAHAHAA!”
With that the video ends.
“Motherfucker!”, curses Cartman.
We all whole heartily agree.
I wasn’t even queen for half an hour and now that!
Fuck you, Clyde, I hope you catch something nasty!
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Together all important humans and elven make their way to Clyde’s house.
With his wizard stick, Cartman knocks angrily at the door.
“Oh hello, boys! Oh and the two young ladies.”, greets Clyde’s dad.
“Can we speak to Clyde, please?!”, ask and demands Cartman at the same time.
“Oh, Clyde's out playing in the backyard with his little friends.”
With that, we all enter the house and go to the backyard.
What we see…Clyde Kingdom is bigger than Kupa Keep and the Eleven Kingdom together multiply by 10!
It would be really impressive if Clyde didn’t get a villain arc.
“Come and get it losers! Ha ha ha haa!”, mocks Clyde from one of his balconies.
“You can't do that Clyde! You're lost in time and space!”, reminds him Cartman.
“No, I'm not.”
“Yeah, you are, asshole!”
“Army of Darkness! Defend the fortress!”
From everywhere kids appear on the fortress.
I see these fake poser wannabe vampire kids, the fifth-grade girls I bet up, some other fifth graders who pose as Cyclops, and…
“Craig... ?”, trails Cartman off. “Craig you're on my side!”
“You mean on my side. I may have been queen only for a few minutes but it still counts!”, I remind him. “But I agree, Craig what are you doing there?!”
“None of you have authority anymore, the keeper of the Stick said so.”
“This can't be happening.”, says Kyle in disbelief.
Meanwhile, Cartman shouts: “GOD DAMMIT I HAVE FUCKING AUTHORITAH!”
“Sorry, warriors and wizards, I'd love to invite you into my fortress of darkness, but I'm afraid you're too LATE!”, stresses Clyde the word late.
“Too late?”, repeats Stan confused. “What’d ya mean we're too late?”
Suddenly Leo’s parents appear.
“There you are, Butters! Do you know what time it is mister?! It is WAY PAST YOUR BEDTIME!”, yells his dad.
“Oh shit it's past our bedtime?”, curses Cartman.
Kyle is already walking out of the backyard.
“Dude I'm gonna get it!”
“Hahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”, laughs Clyde in our faces.
Tammy takes my hand.
Together we leave the backyard.
Fucking bullshit!
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I enter my home pissed beyond belief.
We manage to dethrone Cartman, me becoming queen of Kupa Keep, only to have this plot twist with Clyde and his army of darkness and the goddamn motherfucking Stick of Truth!
Who writes this game?!
J.J. Abrams?
Or a fangirl with way too much time on her hands?!
“N.K. sweetie there you are, we got worried.”, greets me, Mamma.
“Aren’t you cold like that?”, wonders Papà, pointing at my Dark Magician Girl cosplay. “What happened to your Link cosplay?”
….I’m not gonna tell that I ripped it off to have a dramatic reveal of my true gender.
“No Papà, I’m not cold. I put Link back in the closet. I wanted to be Dark Magician Girl.”
“Well, you will know for sure what is good for you, princess.”
Tired from all this day I ask what’s for dinner.
They got take-out food again, this time from City Wok. They already eat, so I sit down with my noodle box between my parents and watch with them TV.
It’s a documentary about ancient Greece.
I love this shit.
After I’m finished eating my parents tell me it’s really time for bed now, I can’t finish watching with them the documentary.
Another disappointment for the day.
I go up to the bathroom, take a quick shower and put my P.J. on.
I’m cuddling up with my teddy bear in bed, as Mamma walks in to wish me a good night like always.
“Goodnight, my little gumdrop.”, she cooed. “Hope you're enjoying all the peace and quiet in our new home as much as we are.”
Peace and quiet.
That’s funny.
We have not only free wandering Nazi Zombies here, the treat that three entire blocks of South Park get blown up by the government, no a fourth-grade boy is on an ego trip and uses the goo who turns people into Nazi Zombies for taking revenge because he got banish in a stupid little RPG!
I huff and snuggle with my teddy bear.
“This whole town and its inhabits are nuts, Ursa!”, I whisper-shout to my teddy bear.
Yeah, I talk with my teddy bear and I gave her the most creative name ever! Leave me alone.
Ursa of course has no words of encouragement for me.
It’s not Toy Story.
I close my eyes and try to sleep.
I will need all my forces tomorrow to kick Clyde’s ass and somehow stop the Nazi Zombies.
What is my life?
I don’t know anymore.
We should have stayed in Seattle, would have been better for anybody.
With that thought on my mind, I fall into a restless sleep.
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littlestarofthewest · 4 years
You know, I love that there are chubby!reader fics and hcs out there, but one thing bothers me a little.
In 100% of the stuff I read it goes
reader (most often female) feels bad about their body
love interest or s/o (most often male) comes along and wonders why they're upset
reader points out how ugly and fat they are
s/o tells them that they're beautiful
While this is a possible scenario, it's weird that it seems to be the only one.
Where are my reader is perfectly happy the way they are fics? Why does the oh so great s/o "find out" that they struggle with their body? How did it not come up from the start? Why do they always assure them that they're beautiful "despite being fat?" Why does it have to be "okay to be chubby?" Well thank you for giving permission and hammering home the point that beauty is something that matters in our society.
Aside from that, why not mix it up? Maybe reader is a person who likes change, so their s/o could offer them to help with their diat or train with them.
They could ask who made reader feel bad and offer to beat the crap out of people who talked shit about them.
They could go shopping for a nice outfit or just bang it out because "what do you mean? you're fucking hot."
Just some variety would be nice. Not every chubby person is a baby bird who needs to be uwu-ed until they feel better. And not everybody feels bad about themselves.
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duchesspeggy · 3 years
I was tagged by @thestateofardadreaming thank you :3 (still working on your ask ahah)
last song: I know this is supposed to be a “last song listened to” but I’m on shuffle and it doesn’t mean anything. Instead, I’d like to share the last song I discovered: Moins joli by Iliona. It’s been stuck in my head for days, I’m not complaining.
last movie: I think it was Atonement. It was... meh.
currently reading: /sweats nervously
- Réussir sa mort : Anti-méthode pour vivre de Fabrice Hadjadj ("Successful Death: An anti-method on living"). I started it forever ago and I’m ashamed to say I’m still at the very beginning because it’s very good and interesting! It’s a memento mori and a philosophy book on living without forgetting that death will come. It’s also the reflection of a Christian on life, death and humanity. It’s not depressing, despite the title. It’s a good spiritual reference.
- Un temps pour mourir: Derniers jours de la vie des moines de Nicolas Diat (translated in English under the title: "A Time to Die: Monks on the Threshold of Eternal Life"). It’s just like the title says: Nicolas Diat visited monasteries in France and writes about the last days on earth of some of the monks and how those how are still alive talk about them. It is a very beautiful and enriching book but not very joyful.
- Être prêt : Repères spirituels du père Pierre-Hervé Grosjean ("Be Ready : Spiritual guidances"). The book is divided in 10 chapters, all about a different subject on how to live our life to the fullest, as a Christian, and accept what God wants from us. I read a chapter per day and I really like it. This priest always knows how to find the right words for the youth. (Fun fact: the very first chapter talks about death and how to ready ourselves for it. God, are you trying to tell me something through those books I randomly picked ?)
- L'adieu interdit de Marie de Hennezel ("The Forbidden Farewell). While I’m on it, why not stuck to a subject? This one is an essay about our current tragedy (in France anyway) : because of the pandemic, people were forbidden from seeing their loved ones, in illness but also after their death. They were denied the opportunity to say goodbye. Funerals were (are, still) limited to a ridiculous number of people. Logistics prime over humanity and the natural process of grief. Elderly are abandoned and dying of sadness and loneliness. “Never again”, she begs.
- Le Livre de Perle de Timothée de Fombelle ("The Book of Pearl). Finally a lighter book, weeeeee. Timothée de Fombelle is one of my favourite writers, especially when he writes for teenagers. I read this one years ago but remember nothing of it so I’m re-reading it. I enjoy it a lot more than the first time ahah. His style is as beautiful as ever. Once upon a time, a queen died and a king became mad with grief. Once upon a time there were two brothers ; one lived secluded in his iron castle, one lived like the wind, imprisoned in an abandoned summer castle on water ; one reigned over the country as a tyrant, one only had for company two old old men. Once upon a time, there was a fairy and two brothers who loved her. Once upon a time, a fairy became human to live with the one she loved and who was not here anymore. Once upon a time, a boy was banished to our world, where there are no fairies and there is war. Once upon a time, there was a boy who suffered from a broken heart and got lost in the woods. He met an old old man, with an odd collection of suitcases. A man who kept his sorrow alive his entire life, because his sorrow was his only way back home.  I don’t remember how it ends but I’m enjoying the journey.
- Vous serez comme des dieux de Gustave Thibon ("You will be as gods"). My little sister brought it home and she’s been talking about it for so long, I have to read it. In this play, Gustave Thibon imagines that men overcame death (......yes. again). There are as gods now because there are immortals. Everything is in their power. In such world, Gustave Thibon asks, is there still a place for God? Could men still have faith? Is God and the promise of an after-life only a tale we told ourselves to reassure us and therefore, does the absence of death banish these tales? Or is faith more profound than that? Can we still find a reason to believe in God if we brought death to our feet? And is eternal life on earth desirable? I just started it but I drink every word.
currently watching: Fruits Basket season 3. Nothing else matters. I'm also watching Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it's a nice distraction but nothing more.
currently craving: for our government to leave us alone and stop telling us to not kiss our grandparents. Yes, I’m angry. Restaurants, bars and coffee shop. Museums. Theaters. Everything our government has kept closed since November for no valid reason. And now they're also closing all stores /sigh.
Sorry for being so long, I should learn to read less book at the same time.
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dabistits · 5 years
Hello!! First I wanted to say the me my friends love reading your analysis post! (We call it "tea time" since everything you talk about is right on the head) And second is that we have a question for you. Do you think it's possible that Dabi and Hawks are working together? With Dabi successfully infiltrating the League while Hawks is the middle man between them and the Hero Comity? We're been talking about it for a while and wanted to know your thoughts on it! (Sorry if this is really long)
Aw, thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad that my posts can be engaging to people!! Now, I will say I’m not the best at theory/speculation posts since I tend to miss details, but I’ll give this a shot. 
I don’t think Dabi and Hawks are working together on behalf of the heroes. Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list to address every possible scenario, so if anyone has more specific theories, y’all can of course send them in. I’m just answering the most general scenario with whatever points I can think up right now.
Logistical problems:
1) Hawks wouldn’t need to try and join the LOV then! If one spy is doing a perfectly good job, why involve another one? It’s not like the LOV is very big or has multiple branches. It’s just like…six people lmao
2) If the heroes already had a connection to an LOV member, they wouldn’t have needed a random witness to let them know about the bar in Kamino.
3) 191 establishes Dabi and Hawks to be pretty antagonistic, and it doesn’t seem like “they’re begrudgingly working together for the heroes” antagonistic. If they’re working together by that point, why would Dabi engineer a situation likely to get Flaming Shits, Hawks, and possibly many civilians killed and deceive Hawks about it? The only answer is that he’s genuinely trying to test Hawks for the LOV. Characters should not be reacting in scenes as though there’s an audience, meaning that they can’t deceive us (unless you have a bad writer); there’s no in-universe reason for Dabi and Hawks to be acting that antagonistic towards one another unless they really meant it.
Narrative problems:
4) I think it would cheapen the arc we’re getting with the LOV, which involves them getting closer to each other as a group (whether you interpret that to mean as friends or as loose allies). If Dabi’s been intending to betray them from the beginning, and if “none of it was real” in shounen talk, the point of that development seems like it would be nullified since part of the LOV’s coherence was fractured from the beginning. It’d be different if Dabi ended up betraying them because of Shigaraki’s failure in leadership or something, but that works more because the result isn’t predetermined and that failure could be part of the development.
5) I think it’d also do a disservice to Shigaraki’s character in a “you really didn’t see that coming?” kind of way. He’s very smart, and he’s also getting better at being emotionally intelligent which includes getting better at reading the rest of the LOV. Why take that away by making him fail so enormously at judging Dabi’s character?
6) It seems like it would be complicated to execute well, and might bog down the narrative. For one, Hori would have to answer all the logistical problems I posed above. He’d need to elaborate on Dabi’s interactions with the Hero Commission and with Hawks. He’d need to show how Dabi was deceiving the LOV. He’d need to show how Dabi felt about it. He’d need to explain moments when Dabi acted in very unnecessary and risky ways (unleashing a Nomu on high schoolers?), not at all taking precautions to minimize casualties.
7) If DIAT is true, it would be a little incoherent for Dabi to be working with the heroes. I say ‘a little,’ because there might be ways around it, but I do think the coherency/group theme of the LOV is important. Everyone who’s had a backstory reveal so far are people who’ve been made to feel invisible and ignored by a society which upholds idealized versions of human beings as ethical pillars, leading to certain people being cast aside, either because they were “flawed” in some way or because they were helpless but no one thought it was their responsibility to help. If DIAT were true, wouldn’t Dabi thematically fit in with the LOV much more than the heroes?
8) When making a theory like this, it’s important to ask “what would this twist add to the story?” Does it move the plot forward? Does it advance someone’s character arc? Does it enhance the story’s themes? As far as I can see (but maybe you or your friends have a different idea!), I don’t really think it’d add that much, and would just complicate the story instead.
But, hey, there are infinite possibilities, and I’m sure if Hori is going for a scenario like this, he could find a way to make it work within the constraints of his own series. It’s just not the most intuitive direction for the story to take, I think, especially since there’s already so much to work with even with just Hawks being the LOV’s traitor. That’s honestly just my best guess though!
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echosautisticcorner · 7 years
Ball pit
A fanfiction based on this post. Here you go @cruciferousjex
"... Training hall... training purposes..."
Shifu wasn't listening to the Dragon Warrior. He was reading a scroll and trying to ignore everything else. But that damn panda just kept on talking.
"So, what do you think?"
Oh, a question. And it had something to do with training. Shifu nodded slightly, still not looking up from his scroll. "Great idea," he muttered and hoped to be left alone at last.
"Great, thanks, Shifu!"
The red panda heard the door close and peeked over the edge of his scroll. What had he even agreed to? He concluded that he could just find out when the time came.
To say Po was excited was the understatement of the dynasty. He was running up the stairs to the bunkhouse faster than he could ever remember doing and almost knocked the door down. He practically fell into the kitchen.
"Guys! You won't believe what Shifu just agreed to do!"
The Furious Five looked expectantly at the panda that had just interrupted their discussion. Said panda was still panting heavily from the sprint up the stairs.
"Ok, so..." And with that, he started explaining each and every little detail of his plan with wild gestures.
About half an hour later, he finished and looked expectantly at his friend. The smile was still wide on his face and the excitement downright radiating off of him. Monkey and Mantis were now just as excited and basically jumping on their seats.
"That's stupid."
Everyone's eyes set on Tigress. She had her arms crossed over her chest and leaned back in her chair, a serious expression on her face.
"Aw, c'mon, Ti. It's gonna be fun! And even Shifu agreed. Don't be such a party pooper!"
"There is no way, that I'm doing this," Tigress simply stated. She stood up. It was a final decision and nothing would change that.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." Tigress sighed. Po had gotten her to change her mind. Damn those cute puppy eyes!
Right now, she was sitting in a ball pit. A giant ball pit in the middle of the training hall. It filled out the complete space where normally the obstacle course would be. Every last inch of it was covered in colorful Temari balls.
Po was content. His plan had worked out just fine and the five were playing in the ball pit. Well, with the exception of Tigress who was just grumpily sitting in the pit, covered up to her chin in temaris.
"Oh, c'mon, Ti. At least try to have some fun!" He cheered and waddled into the mass of colors.
"This is childish. I shouldn't have agreed on this."
This called for more drastic measures. If Tigress didn't want to have fun on her own, Po would force her. He made his way over to his friend, stumbling a lot after almost every step. It just wasn't too easy to walk between all of these balls. When he finally reached the middle of the pit he sat down. Or he would have if there had been any space for him to sit. Without a second thought, the panda started throwing some of the balls at Tigress. Said tiger just kept staring angrily at the wall.
Po kept on throwing the balls, hitting his friend in the face by now. A blue one, a yellow one, a blue one again, red, green, yellow, purple.
The Dragon Warrior kept throwing, taking new balls and completely ignoring his name being called. Somehow it got harder for Tigress to stay serious. A smile was threatening to force itself onto her face. The Kung fu master closed her eyes and repeated:
Still no reaction.
"Po." Hit. "Po." Hit. "Po." Hit. "PO!" Lighter hit. "If you don't..." Hit. "...stop that imme..." Hit. "...diately, I'm gonna..." Hit. "... bury you."
There was nothing for a good fifteen seconds until... Hit.
"That's it!"
Tigress pulled up Po's leg from under him, making him fall face first into the pit. Now, always taking an arm full of temaris, Tigress started digging a hole underneath the panda and putting them back onto his back until all you could see was a little hill of balls where the Dragon Warrior used to lie.
Content with her work, Tigress settled back to sitting in the pit and staring at the wall. At least that's what she would have done if it wasn't for Mantis, who was now starting to throw the temaris at her face in the same fashion Po had done just moments before.
The tiger sighed and once again tried to ignore it. Only for Mantis to throw harder.
One moment she was sitting down, the next she was chasing a green blur over the mass of brightly colored toys. It didn't help that she kept sinking in and tripping all the time. And she decided that running in this on two legs wouldn't work. Going down on all fours, Tigress prepared to jump at her target.
The intended "target" however was faster and averted the pouncing predator with a quick jump to the side. So instead, Tigress landed face first in the ball pit.
Mantis, from where he was standing now, began throwing the temaris anew.
Tigress again readied herself to chase the insect. She started running after him, carefully at first then faster until she was nearly sprinting. Slowly she got a hang of running on these stupid balls.
And then... Hit.
That came from behind her. Tigress skidded to a halt and turned around to see Monkey grinning brightly at her, one temari in each hand and foot and ready to throw. Behind her was still Mantis, also prepared to throw.
With a groan, the tiger plopped down and started burying a hole for herself. This wasn't going to end soon, so better just get out of reach.
Behind her, Monkey and Mantis looked at each other confused. What? Well, if she was already not looking at them, they could use the chance and...
They took a run-up and hit Tigress square on the back, making her fall right into the hole and the mountain of temaris next to her collapse onto itself.
Dizzy, Monkey sat up and looked around. Only Crane, Viper and himself remained to be seen. Crane, who looked a bit uneasy and Viper, who was looking worriedly at her friend. And then Mantis made his way out of the collapsed mountain.
"Behold, I'm still alive!", he called and held up a ball over his head which made him stumble to the side and fall over. Monkey started laughing and followed his friend to the other side of the hall.
Slowly, Crane made his way over to Tigress, or the place where she had vanished under the toys and started to dig her up. One ball at a time. It was grueling work but someone had to do it. Crane had the feeling that the feline wouldn't come out of there on her own free will.
He had been digging for five minutes when he finally found the first sign of something living under there. The balls rose and sank on the spot, indicating that someone was breathing. A few balls later he was met with the back of a striped head.
Unbeknown to all of them, Shifu stood in the door and watched quietly. He was just standing there, watching, judging and thinking "What have I done? If I had just listened to his stupid suggestion and not just agreed."
They were Kung Fu Masters and acted like children. It was ridiculous.
Shifu cleared his throat. "And you are training for what exactly?", he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Po shot up from his grave of balls and stared at the doorway.
"Oh, um... Hey... Shifuuuuuu..." A nervous laugh escaped his mouth. "We.. uh... a many... ball... attack?" He rubbed his back and chuckled nervously.
"That's what she said!" Monkey snickered from the back.
In that moment, Tigress sat up. "Who said what?"
Shifu stared for a minute. Then he left. He turned around and just left his students to themselves.
It was late. Too late. The students were already asleep. That was good. Now was his chance. Quietly Shifu made his way to the training hall. Carefully he opened the door and peeked inside. Nobody there. Perfect. He tip-toed to the edge of the ball pit and jumped. He jumped right into the ball pit. Laughing quietly to himself, Shifu played with some of the balls. He threw them and caught them again. Threw a bunch of them in the air and jumped from one ball to the next, just to land in the pit again.
It was, he noted, actually fun to play. Of course, he'd never admit that in front of his students. But now, all alone, he could let himself have that fun.
Suddenly, the door opened and a big, black shadow stood in the doorway.
"M-master?" The figure called out. Po, Shifu realized.
He dropped the temari he was holding and blushed. Of course under his fur, nobody would see it, and even if they could, it was way too dark now.
"Y-yes, w-what," he cleared his throat. "What are you doing up so late?"
"What are you doing in the ball pit?" the Panda asked instead of answering.
"I asked first. Answer me."
"I wanted to get a midnight snack and noticed you walking in her. What's your reason?"
"That's not the proper way to speak to your master," Shifu stated.
"You're evading the question, Master." The way Po stressed the last word sounded mocking and a smile was growing on his face. "You like the ball pit, don't you, Shifu?" the panda raised his eyebrows expectantly and with a half-mocking smile on his face.
"I... I... Don't you dare tell the Five about this!" Shifu exclaimed. And with that he rushed out of the training hall, leaving the Dragon Warrior alone with his thoughts.
Having reached his room, Shifu plopped down on his sleeping mat and sighed. That had been embarrassing. Now he was examining the temari in his hands. Fine and delicate work. Maybe they could leave the ball pit there, just for a few more days...
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healthinurhand · 5 years
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alifeasvivid · 1 year
cactus and chamomile :o
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
Well not at this particular moment, but I start my graduate gemology courses on the 18th :D
Also currently learning about... packing up life and moving it somewhere else... I am so tired
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
Money. Or gift cards. >.> I don't like when people buy me things I didn't ask for. BUT ALSO... I love getting any little handmade thing or little "saw this thought of you" token/very small type thing or even fanart LOL
send me a plant ask
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Hello there! Diabetes is the unnoticed killer, because you might have any symptom and have diabetes type II. What does diabetes medically mean? The diabetes I am about to speak is type II adquired mostly for obesity or overweight. It can be insuline dependent or not. This diabetes is silence... you might not notice you have it, however, there are some symptoms which are listed and could give you a huge panorama whether you might or not have it: Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia. In medicine your doctor will ask you for these 3 and more symptoms that are indicators of diabetes type II. The fact you might need or not insuline depends on your pancreas health condition and blood test. Polydipsia: Is the excessive need for drinking water, over 3 liters of water a day and continuing thirsty Polyuria: Means you need to pee very often with big quantity of diuresis (urine) many times a day. polyphagia: You have the need of eating many times a day but with big quantity of food and still keep hungry. The diabetes can cause death if it is not properly treated by a professional physician. The overwheight causes that the pancreas starts failing and cannot release insuline which is an hormone that regulate appetit and provide energy to our bodies, because thanks the insuline our body can absorbe the glucose in blood wich is needed by all the metabolical process not only energy, have in mind our brain uses the 20% of all the calories we take in a day. It is very important to have insuline which is secretated by the pancreas. Most doctors would iniciate with metformin it help to reactive the beta receptors of the pancreas, but without a proper nutrition it cannot be achieve. Also, exercising is a must to solve the problem. The best if to go to a nutritionist, ask for a proper diate. It does not mean eating less because not all you eat have nutrients, you can eat a lot but all that go to fat in your body because your body needs different types of nutrients in a proper measure, whether you exceed the quantity or decrease the nutrients, there you will get fat. The diabetes could cause serious problems, like cetoacidosis, It is the excess of cetonas in your blood wich decrease your pH and that is danger, then you could be in comma till death whether you don´t receive quick medical attention. Furthermore, It can kill other organs until slowly you can enter into a comma and die. Diabetes has in most cases no symptoms, but you cannot live without a pancreas, liver and glucose, that´s why it is a silence and deathful disease that happily can become reverted. You could revert your diabetes whether it has damage your pancreas you might need shot of insuline, and also, you could get the pills called metformin and other drugs. I recommend you the following: 1º Go to the doctor and nutritionist. 2º Do exercise everyday (no less than 45´a day) 3º Eat more nutrients, proper quantity and several times a day (small portions but many times a day) Have more questions? I can answer those for you! Kind regards, Clases Medicina Gaston www.medicine4fun.ml [email protected]
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