#thank you for the ask leah <333
mangoisms · 1 year
Hiii morning ask game time! I'm sending in multiple but you don't have to answer them all!
☁️ 🌷 🍧 please!
And 🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥
hiiii froggy thank you 🫶🫶🫶🫶 i loveeeee ask games so i am super happy to answer all of these ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet
omg... it has to be eof... it's yet another dc comics fic, except it's tim drake/oc! basically the mc, leah, gets spider powers and has to learn how to navigate them with tim's 'help.' and the caveat there, of course, is that he is technically helping her but also monitoring her progress/development to make sure she isn't a threat to the city, as in specifically cataloguing information about her powers as a sort of contingency plan 'just in case' and she has no idea he's doing Any Of That because she thinks he's just helping her mostly out of the kindness of his own heart. but then they actually get to be friends!! but then he's wayyy past the point of no return and plus batman Does Not like meta-humans (what leah technically is now) in 'his' city and is disapproving of her going out there as a vigilante (technically aided by tim but batman Does Not know this) and its basically a whole mess of lies and it will definitely totally be fine when it all unravels (it will not).
(not technically spoilers either just 'cause you kinda go in knowing tim is not totally helping leah out of kindness but she doesn't know that; there's just so much drama and i think it's the fic i get to showcase tim's flaws the most which is so fun)
🌷 writing achievement you want to brag about
hm!!!! i don't actually know... i guess my hits on ao3? superposition is almost at 4k hits which is crazy. and frmb is at 2.5k which is also crazy. if not this maybe my total word count there???? its at. help. 450k 😭 since 2019...
🍧 weirdest place you've written
lets see i think the weirdest place i've written is maybe the drive-thru? if the line is particularly long i will whip out my phone and start writing LOL. i will write anywhere if given the chance as long as i have my phone 🫡
and thank you!!!! for the 🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥 i am sending that right back to you ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
send me summertime writing asks!
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wrymbloods · 2 years
all of pre-relationship for kame/estinien 👀👀💖
thank you sm leah ily !!! 💗💗💗💗
How did they first meet?
because i have the dragoon quests canon for kame, the way they meet is pretty much just the same as it is in the game wheres she's sent to find the thief of the eye of nidhogg only to find out he's the one who took it,,
What was their first impression of each other?
their first impressions of each other were not the best skdfksfksdkf ,,,, considering their first meeting is basically just estinien jumping off a cliff, insulting her and then jumping away, i think kame is mainly just confused and estinien is like 'why the hell did the eye choose this random person'
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
im kind of on the fence of who i want to have know about kame and estiniens feelings for each other ,, on one hand i think it'd be cute to have alphinaud and alberic be really supportive of the two of them and want them to get together,, on the other hand i think itd be kinda funny if no one even knew kame and estinien had feelings for each other until they become a couple because of how reserved the two of them are
Who felt romantic feelings first?
definitely estinien. i have a specific moment in mind where estinien starts realising that he cares for kame and its during heavansward when kame, estinien, alphinaud and ysayle are on their lil roadtrip, and estinien ends up making kame laugh during one of the times he teases alphinaud and hes just like oh. its take kame a lot longer to figure out her feelings for estinien, mainly because shes never had romantic feelings for someone (sorry jacke) so at first she doesnt even know whats she's feeling and it isnt until the post-heavansward quests that she starts figuring it out
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
kame all the way. once she figures out what her feelings actually are she immediately tries to shut them out. i guess you could say she's kind of scared of her feelings and because she is so used to giving her all of her time and effort to other people and kind of feels like she has to, it makes her feel like it would be selfish of her to focus on herself and her relationship with estinien and i think estinien wouldn't exactly resist his feelings, but because of him being like that in heavansward, he would definitly just try to ignore them and wouldn't act on them at all
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
pre-figuring out their feelings, they would both be very confused sdkfksdfk ,,, post-figuring out their feelings kame would be very hesitant hearing that and its kinda hard to say how estinien would react
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
its kind of hard to say what their lives would considering how important they are to each other, in terms of the games quests ,,, cause like, you could say that estinien would still be possessed by nidhogg if not for kame but then you think would he even have gotten possessed by nidhogg if he hadnt met kame cause shes the one that gets the second eye so yeah,, im not really sure how to answer this one lol
Send me ship questions.
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babsisbakery · 8 months
The truth always comes out - (Alessia Russo x reader)
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Gif by @alunarrose
Pouring rain hits the windows of Alessia Russo and her girlfriend's apartment. You are waiting for Alessia to come home after her night out with the Arsenal girls. Sadly, you couldn't join them due to feeling under the weather. Lessi didn't want to go without you or at least not when you are unwell but you reassured her that it was okay. After all she needed to get to know her new teammates better to form a greater bond with the girls which would create an undeniable chemistry on the pitch. That didn't stop you from missing her dearly. Even mere minutes apart caused both of you to seek the comfort of the other. 
*Ding* Your phone brought you out of your endless day dreaming about your favourite striker. Looking at your home screen you see a new notification from your girl. "Babyyy how are you feeling? Did you drink enough fluids? Ugh this get together would be more bearable with you by my side. Wish you were here <3 xxx" The message warms your heart, why is your girlfriend so incredibly adorable. "I'm better Lessibear, drank the tea you made me, thank you for taking care of me <333. Miss you too gorgeous, you'll manage without me. Try to enjoy an evening with just your gal pals xx"
A thud against the window makes you look up. Just the wind blowing a branch against it. Looking out the window you see a figure running towards your apartment entrance. They are soaking wet. It’s noticeable that the person isn’t wearing waterproof clothes to prevent such events. As the person comes closer you recognize her as your best friend. Zoe knocks continuously until you make your way to open the door. She’s out of breath, apparently, she had been running a long distance. Due to her athletic nature, it is only on rare occasions that she starts to sweat even slightly from physical activities. To say you are baffled at her arrival would be an understatement. 
"Zoe wha- you know what why am I even asking. Get inside come on, don’t want you to catch something" Zoe still out of breath grins at your words. " Why thank you. Uhm I have to tell you something of urgent matter. Its ab-", you interrupt her. "As urgent as it is, please go change into something dry. You can tell me afterwards.". "But Y/n cooome on I have to tell you now" pulling out her puppy eye trick she tries to convince you. You don't falter as you've deal with these eyes for a quite a while. "Zoe, no. You can get some fresh clothes and I'll wait downstairs for you with a cup of your favourite tea. Go change. So chop chop." She sights. No way could she persuade you now. So, she gives in and changes into the clothes you had let her choose. Even though Zoe has some of her clothes at your place, as you had frequent sleepovers, she picks out one of your favourite t-shirts. Loving the faint smell of you on it. 
You never noticed her heart eyes when she looked at you. Alessia of course wasn't blind to Zoe's endearment towards you but after you assured her that there would never in a million years happen something between Zoe and you, your Lover let it slide. Even if you still thought Zoe was just overly friendly. Alessia didn’t want to cause unnecessary arguments.
After Zoe dry’s her hair a bit with a towel she ran downstairs. Not registering that you were talking on the phone to someone very dear to your heart. "Y/n/n, now I have to tell you. It’s a paramount issue." She mumbles an apology right after noticing she disturbed you, deciding to slurp on the tea you made her instead. "Sure, Leah can come over later for a drink but drive safely." only now seeing Zoe being back "Gorgeous I have to go now, we'll talk when you get home. - I love you too. Mwaa" Y/n hung up and turns to face Zoe. "Sorry I just had to talk to Lessi", you say with a slight blush "what is the oh so urgent matter". A frown makes its way onto Zoe's face after she hears the striker's name. Why does everything have to revolve around her. There it was again, jealousy. Jealousy over your relationship. Feigning sadness Zoe begins to speak "Actually its Alessia I wanted to talk about. Uhm, you know I work at the place the girls went out today?". "Oh they went to your bar, yeah totally forgot.", you let out a nervous laughter "What happened?". "Y/n I don't want to hurt your feeling but I simply have to tell you. You have to know that I will be here for you if you need me, alright?" Zoe starts to search for something on her phone. You immediately begin to overthink. What if the striker got injured and didn't tell you to not stress you out. Which could honestly happen as Alessia hates worrying you. "Did something happen to Lessi? Zoe tell me. This is freaking me out."
"Something did occur but it wasn't to Lessi but rather with her.", responds Zoe. You hate that she was beating around the bush, "Get to the point Zoe or I swea- ". "Alright, alright sorry. I- I saw Alessia. Looking rather cozy with another girl.”, utters Zoe nervously. Seeing the confusion written all over your face, she decides to continue. “Before you ask, it wasn’t one of the Arsenal girls. I’ve seen this woman a few times at the bar before but never with any of the Arsenal girls.” “What are you trying to say Zoe, this makes zero sense.”, you are still utterly baffled. “I’m sorry Y/n/n. It looked as if Alessia and this woman were flirting. Furthermore, they were standing very close like they were kissing. I know you don’t believe me right now but I realised you would only believe me if I had proof. That’s why I took photos.”, reaching for her phone, which she had placed on the sofa next to her. “Show me the pictures Zoe.” She simply shows you the taken pictures. You are in pure disbelieve. The pictures show exactly what Zoe was describing a minute ago. “No Zoe, this cant be true. It just can’t. Zoe please tell me this is a prank. Zoe please.” You are on the brim of tears. “I’m really sorry. I know it wasn’t my place to say something but I couldn’t hold this information to myself, you deserve to know.” Zoe puts away her phone.
With sadness coursing through your veins, you let the tears fall. You leap into your best friend’s arms. She didn’t want to cause you heartbreak but in her eyes it had to be done for it to work out. By stroking your back and mumbling encouraging words, she tries to make you feel at least slightly better. “Shh everything will be alright. She didn’t deserve you anyway. You were always too good for her bug.” “This cant be true Zoe, it has to be fake.” Plastering a compassionate smile onto her face Zoe speaks, “As much as I regret seeing you this way you have to open your eyes and recognize that I want what’s best for you, which clearly isn’t a cheating girlfriend, sweetie.”
These words crush your last glimmer of hope. Tears streaming down your cheeks like a waterfall. Zoe tries to wipe them away with the jumper she borrowed from you. New ones replace them as soon as the last ones were gone. Only sobs can be heard in your apartment. Your heart broken. It had shattered into million pieces. Nothing can stop your emotions from overtaking your mind. You can’t think clearly, too consumed by the thought of Alessia’s betrayal. *Poof* Seemingly gone the future you imagined with Lessi and all made promised blown away by the wind. It feels as if you’d been hit by a car over and over again. A sucker punch to your heart. Falling apart in your best friend’s arms who wants to catch you so desperately.
Even after this information you couldn’t bring yourself hate your soon to be ex-girlfriend. You just couldn’t even if you want to. You don’t want to blame or to punch her. Of course, you still love her, it was just minutes ago you accommodated this knowledge. You never pictured yourself in this situation. *After all, doesn’t Alessia love you? She showers you in it every second of the day. Were you simply not enough for her anymore? Was your love not enough? Was this all a game to her? Did she fall out of love with you without communicating it? If yes, how could she string you along. * Your brain was running wild with ideas. Some sounded more ridiculous that the other. With every added thought, the sobs got more violent.
Suddenly, the ring of the doorbell is heard. Well at least Zoe hears it because you were in your bubble of sadness, shutting out any noise or movement around you. Zoe doesn’t want to open but after continues ringing she no longer could bear the sound of it. Leah and Lessi waiting impatiently as they probably stood outside for a few minutes. They exchange worrying glances. Y/n knew they were coming, they also knew that you’d normally sprint to the door to engulf your beloved into a massive koala hug. The door cracks slightly open to reveal who is standing on the other side. Zoe quickly tries to shut the door but before she has the chance to Alessia pushes it wide ajar as the sobs of you ring into the hallway.
Your Lover runs to your side “Baby what’s wrong, why are you crying? Who do I need to beat up?”, trying to take you into her arms. Realising it was Less you push her away. She is flabbergasted to say the least. “Don’t call me that, don’t you dare call me that. How could you do this,” you say barely over a whisper, voice laced with emotions “it’s over!” Zoe has a faint smirk instantly switching to her concerned friend face. Leah still sees it and immediately connects the dots but there is no chance Less could talk to you in this state.
Alessia’s face falls. She doesn’t understand the world. Her eyes begin to water. “Tesoro,” trying to step closer to you but you instantly take one back “why, what did I do?” Desperation laces her voice. “You cheated Alessia, you cheated. Zoe showed me some pictures. You guys were so close.” At the thought of the pictures you start to sob again. Being slightly tipsy, Alessia can’t figure out what pictures you are talking about. “Y/n/n, pictures?” “Don’t play stupid Alessia. I saw them. You don’t have to pretend to love me anymore.”
Leah touches the striker’s arm to catch her attention. She whispers into her ear “She isn’t thinking clearly, she won’t listen to you either. Let her calm down and then try to explain what happened at the bar because I’m pretty sure I know what she is referring to.” Lessi shot her a confused frown, not understanding anything. “I’ll explain in the car Less but we need to give her time to collect herself. We can come back tomorrow. You are too tipsy anyway.” “Am not” If looks could kill, Leah would be buried 10 feet under already. Leah just raises her eyebrow, signalling reallyyyy. “Tesoro, I will come back tomorrow morning, so we can talk with clear minds, okay. Please hear me out, this has to be a giant misunderstanding.” Alessia walks to the door with her head hanging low. Leah squeezes your arm and follows her teammate. You can’t even respond properly due to your frequent hiccups. Zoe rushes to close the door after them.
“Y/n/n she doesn’t deserve you. She will make up some excuse for the photos. Whatever she says don’t listen.” Zoe’s plan can’t fail now or she would forever lose you. She had to have you wrapped around her finger for this to work. To believe her over Alessia, which would be hard but she promised herself to try.
Your so-called friend holds you in her arms for a while until you succumb to exhaustion from bawling your eyes out. She pulls you as close as possible. Moreover, trying to remember every detail of your face, to capture this moment in her brain for eternity, watching your breathing become more even, her gaze softens. Since you fell asleep she repositions you to lay on top of her on the sofa, so you both are comfortable and don’t wake up with sore limbs. Soon she closes her own eyes and is out like a light.
~Next morning~
Zoe wakes up first, you soon follow. It was 9 am. Upon realising that there is nothing in the pantry, Zoe decides to go to the store to buy some groceries. To make you breakfast, treating you like her princess. What she doesn’t know is that Leah and Alessia are outside, waiting in Leah’s car, obviously both with a disguise, for Zoe to leave your apartment. After she is out of sight, they take this as their opportunity to explain everything. Running to the front door Alessia unlocks it, searching every room for you. She succeeds upon entering the bathroom. While washing your face you don’t notice it was the striker. “Zoe how come you are back so quickly did you forget your money yet again?” you ask chuckling. “No, it’s me. I wan-“, Lessi tries to speak but you soon interrupt her. “What are you doing here???” But Alessia isn’t prepared for your tired sounding voice. She expects you to be livid, after Leah explained what she thought happened. “Please just hear me out, I promise it isn’t what it looked like.” With a sight you agree to listen, throwing away a long-term relationship without at least a talk seems imprudent. Lessi was or is your girlfriend after all, you aren’t so sure yourself, not giving her a chance to plead her case would be atrocious.
Leah is chilling in the kitchen, not touching anything because she knows she’d cause a disaster there, so she is sipping on a glass of water while waiting for you both to make up. Lessi wants to take your hand in hers which you notice and hesitantly she intertwines your hands, you let her. Sitting on the sofa Alessia begins “These photos are fake. I can prove it Tesoro. Let me show you something, okay?” Mumbling a response, you look at her phone. “Now can you tell me who this girl is next to me?” asks Lessi. You are at loss for words. “I- I- Ohhhh my god. Its Clara. I didn’t recognize her Lessi, I’m so sorry.” “See baby, I would never ever cheat on you. Certainly not with my cousin.” You both chuckle at her words. “I’m really sorry Lessi, I couldn’t see her face on Zoe’s photos. Also, in these you aren’t as close as in the ones Zoe took. Weird.” “It’s because she photoshopped them Tesoro. Leah saw her smirking after you said we are done.” Alessia feels bad because Zoe had been your friend for a long time, losing a “friend” isn’t easy. “Soooo, we are good right?” asks Alessia. “Of course, we are, I’m sorry for not hearing you out yesterday. It was all just too much. But we are okay.” “All good baby, I know seeing such photos can mess with someone’s head. You heard me out, that’s the important part.” A few minutes went by just the two of you wrapped in each other’s arms.
In the meantime, Leah had found some cereal to eat to distract herself. She hasn’t left guys yet because Zoe was still to return and she wanted to give her a piece of her mind.
You kiss Alessia softly, showing her with it how much you love her. She responds to it immediately, kissing you back. More soft kisses are shared between you two. They start to get more passionate, soon you straddle Alessia, forgetting Leah is in the other room. Alessia’s hands are firmly placed on your bum, giving it a squeeze. A moan leaves your lips. Her left-hand slips under your shirt, Goosebumps arise due to her cold fingers on your skin. She trails kisses down your jaw to your neck, biting slightly into the latter.
But before you can continue you hear a gasp. It’s Zoe. What a cockblock. Zoe doesn’t even have a chance to utter a word as you start to talk, “Zoe I’m disappointed and mad at you. I don’t know what Alessia or I did to you that you wanted to destroy or relationship so badly. But it didn’t work, she told me everything. Faking pictures just to point a bad light at my girlfriend. No real friend would ever do such thing. I don’t want to see you ever again Zoe. You aren’t my friend anymore. This is goodbye, so don’t contact me again.” “But I love you Y/n, I’ve loved you for some time now. I did this for us, to be able to be finally together as we are meant to be.”, stammers Zoe. “No. There was no us, there is no us and there will never be an us. Lessi is the love of my life so you can piss off.” Shooing her out the front door and closing it right in her distraught face.
Leah chimes in “Wow what a day and it just started. Honestly, I wanted to have a go at her but you rocked that Y/n/n, bravo. Welp who wants to go out for some donuts, its our cheat day after all?” You and Lessi simultaneously answer with a, “Meee”. Smiling at each other you share one final kiss before stepping out of your shared apartment to get those well deserved donuts.
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Against All Odds
Part 333
Sleep found McCoy slowly. His brain played back the evening for him over and over. He was so glad to be back close to Scotty. Just knowing he was down the hallway was better than the last weeks apart.
He grinned as he thought of Leah and Robbie. He wondered what all they may have gotten up to in Pike’s office. His smile dimmed as he remembered the distance between the pair. He could have Scotty at his side everyday, they were lucky to see each other in person once maybe twice in the year. McCoy resolved to talk about it with Father when he had a chance. Leah should be allowed to be with who she wanted as well.
McCoy walked into the dining room for breakfast with Spock. Scotty was already sitting and McCoy’s heart beat faster when he turned his beautiful smile up at him. His steps took him to his boyfriend’s side quicker and he kissed him before greeting him and sitting.
They were all having a laugh at Jim’s misfortune the previous evening when they were interrupted by a smooth voice asking if he could sit. McCoy saw the flash of uncertainty in Scotty’s face and the dislike on Jim’s.
“Uhm, sure.”
“Thank you,” Khan said as he sat down on Scotty’s other side.
McCoy’s appetite left him, even though the food in front of them smelled delicious.
Mr. Archer walked in then and they all stood.
“Welcome back gentlemen,” the head of house greeted them.
A chorus of ‘good mornings’ greeted him back before he gave them leave to sit and begin the meal. McCoy felt Scotty’s hand slip into his and squeeze. Their section of table remained silent as everyone sat back down and began eating. McCoy bumped into Scotty and realized his boyfriend had scooted his chair closer to him and away from Khan.
Why was Khan sitting with them? It wasn’t just because Sural was in his normal seat. He could have had any of the other chairs near the head of the table.
’Scotty loves me,’ McCoy repeated in his head. He glanced down at where Scotty was pressed against him from nearly hip to knee. The jealousy that normally burned his chest about Khan was only a single spark for once.
“Khan, how was your summer?” McCoy found himself asking before he realized he had said anything. He was a prince, polite conversation was expected of him, even if it wasn't his strong suit. He saw Scotty glance at him in surprise.
“It was pleasant,” Khan replied, with only the tiniest hint of surprise in his voice. “Though nowhere as exciting as yours was, if news articles are to be believed. You all spent it together, I understand?” Khan looked across at Jim and Spock.
“Aye,” Scotty said. “First on Georgiares and then Scotland.”
“It must be nice to travel,” Khan said with a longing note in his voice.
“Were ye here all summer lad?” Scotty asked.
“Yes,” Khan said. “Kati and Joaquin were allowed a trip, but I stayed. After all, my therapist is here.”
“And that’s helping?” Jim asked bitterly, glaring across the table.
“Yes,” Khan said, looking at Jim. Shame crossed his face. “I have apologized to Scotty for my behavior towards him, but Jim, I have never had the opportunity to apologize to you properly. I am most sincerely sorry for the incident with the drugs. My therapist has helped me see how harmful my behavior was not only to others but to myself as well. I don’t expect you to forgive me at once, but please know I am trying to make amends.”
Jim looked at a loss for words. McCoy heard the emotion and sincerity Khan’s voice held, yet he still couldn’t fully forgive him. Jim’s face showed he didn’t either. Spock brushed Jim’s arm, and Jim seemed to shake his surprise away.
“Uh, thank you,” Jim said.
The conversation died off again. They ate in silence until Khan spoke again.
“Leonard, is your father recovered?”
Scotty’s hand squeezed McCoy’s leg above the knee. A reminder to play nice.
“Yes,” McCoy answered the augment. “He took his duties back up yesterday.”
“And the princess did well? I was surprised it was not you who took over,” Khan said.
“I’m not of age for a few more months,” McCoy said. “Leah did an excellent job.”
“She is a very beautiful young woman. It was a pleasure to meet her yesterday.”
From the corner of his eye McCoy noticed Robbie sit up straighter and color tint his face.
Part 334
Scotty was surprised by how well the whole talk went. Everyone was polite. Of course some strange looks were exchanged, but otherwise it was fine.
Maybe things could really change. Maybe Khan could really change.
When breakfast was over, Scotty didn't want to leave Leonard. They stood close to each other, the prince's hands in the Scotsman's.
"How long until we see each other again?" Leonard asked quietly and Scotty thought about their schedules and which courses they shared.
"I suppose three hours. Then we'll have Federation History together."
Leonard let out a sigh and Scotty chuckled, releasing one of his hands to place it on his boyfriend's cheek.
"Come on, I'm sure we'll survive it. After all we managed the last two weeks apart."
A smile washed over Leonard's face and he leaned forward to kiss Scotty.
"You're right leannan."
They stared at each other, simply enjoying their company, for some time before a voice interrupted them.
"Sir, we have to leave now or we'll be late."
Scotty looked to the side and saw Spock waiting at the door.
"On my way Spock."
One last kiss and Leonard and Scotty parted ways.
Sural was in most of Scotty's courses. Well... Vulcan people were quite intelligent so Scotty hadn't expected any less. He knew that Spock would take higher courses too if it weren't for his job as Leonard's bodyguard.
Khan was sitting next to Scotty during physics class. The Scotsman could see that he had more trouble than usual working on the tasks. Why? He was a superhuman. These tasks shouldn't be a problem to him.
Scotty's stomach twisted when he thought about the call he had had with the Augment during summer break.
He had said something about scientists and meds. Maybe these were side effects of their treatment?
Scotty would ask Khan later on.
His mind drifted off to the therapy session he'd join. It was on Wednesday. Two days from now. How would it turn out? What would he be able to do for Khan?
The Scotsman was still surprised that Khan had apologized to Jim in the morning. It wasn't anything like him. Scotty had seen that Jim had trouble believing any of it, but he still hoped for things to turn out for the better.
When Khan suddenly looked up, Scotty was startled by the look on the Augment’s face. Khan looked... insecure, almost embarrassed.
"Can... I help ye?" Scotty asked carefully, not wanting it to sound like an insult.
He could see that Khan was fighting with himself before he nodded slowly. He seemed incredibly embarrassed, asking for help.
When class was over, Scotty wanted to leave for Federation History, but Khan held him back.
The Scotsman turned around, throwing a glance at the clock. If he took too long he wouldn't get the chance to talk with Leonard before class started.
Khan swallowed, not meeting his eyes.
"T-thanks for helping me. I... I don't know what's wrong. It... was harder than usual."
Scotty smiled softly.
"No problem Khan. Anytime."
He glanced back at the clock.
"Gotta go now. I'll see ye later."
With that he quickly headed off to see Leonard.
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waglifeornolife · 1 year
Some people actually need to get a fucking hobby, I’ve literally had enough of this! Why are some people so invested in what other people do on their own blogs? it’s my own blog for a reason yet I’m still getting hate for answering what’s been getting sent to me? I’m sending this as an ask because I’m not even joking. It's come to a point where I’m scared to post without thinking what other people would think. which makes no fucking sense because at the end of the day it’s my own blog yet I get criticism. and please it’s so simple if you don’t like my blog don’t fucking read it. Or just block simple. And for people saying I take loads of breaks am I not allowed to have feelings. Whether people think it’s bullying or not. It is bullying. If you like my blog, follow it, keep interacting and if you don’t, just don’t interact. I’m sorry Jess I feel like I’ve dragged drama on your page but I just need to get this off my chest. and also I just want to say thank you to those anons who are being supportive AND YES I'M SO EXCITED THAT LAMPARD IS BACKK!! I feel like I've bitten Jess’s head off with how excited i am <333 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
love you my girl!! don’t apologise for bringing it over here, you know i couldn’t care any less.
all of you pricks that still decide to send hate to Leah, kindly fuck off 😚
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solasan · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLIE!!!! 💖💖💖 i hope you have an amazing day because your truly deserve all the best and to be super spoilt!!!
THANK U LEAH!!!!! u are just the sweetest ilysm <333 i have had a rly amazing day thank u 🥰 it's finally cooled down enough that im not in constant hellfire and that's the best bday gift i could ever ask for
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lesbianlotties · 11 months
fanfic writer asks: #14, #18, #29? <3
thank you soooo much <333
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
omg i love this question. is all of them a valid answer?? ghfjghjghfj okay i'm biased to i have three answers
Some that fall, don't land in bubbles - ronance mermaid au, because mermaids!! it'd be the cutest thing
my heart (is like a haunted house) - tog ghost au, because i think it's one of the closest ones to being an original story and i love the spooky vibes
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror years ago - because i need adult laura lee to be real 😭
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
oh! that's a good question. i'm sure there are more and maybe better ones but the first one that comes to life is from Who is the lamb and who is the knife? (writing of the missing scene of the yj girls deciding to draw cards for the sacrifice):
The executioner demanded the mercy of having the sacrificial lamb wear something of her first victim and greatest love. Who could deny her the punishment and pleasure she had personally chosen?
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
so at first i had no idea what to share and then i found my outline for a yellowjackets x the wilds crossover fic and 😭😭 highlights included:
lottie and leah being suspicious and paranoid of each other
lottie saying something ominous and toni saying "is that french what the fuck"
misty and nore scheming
van and toni discussing their girlfriends and sports
shelby borrowing laura lee's bible and them exchanging confessions
rachel and taissa making a new plan to escape
shauna and shelby using knifes on the animals shelby hunted with nat, and jackie and toni being 👀
Fan Fic Writer Asks
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morvaris-archive · 2 years
spare sasha facts pleaaaasee 🤲🏼
leah my beloved thank you for indulging me 💖
he's old, like almost 200 years old, so he was born somewhere in the 1810s;
and back there he was actually a doctor as well, mainly because his father was, and sasha didn't actually had a choice in the matter. everyhting was decided for him;
his family was.. secretive to say the least. by the age of 14 sasha realised that they were running from someone. he pieced together everyhting from his mother's frightened eyes when someone was knocking on their door, by the fact that his father was installing more and more locks and by the way they fleed from one place to another if they ever met someone who knew them from another town;
they, in fact, were running from Giovanni or more accurately Della Passaglia (or the Family as they call themself). his mother was Della Passaglia, and she knew the Family won't leave her and her son alone, but she also didn't want to become a "monster" (in her words). so they had no other choice but hide;
unfortunatelly, the Family wasn't forgiving, and one night they found their little family. they offered help but only to sasha and his mother, and not his father (as he wasn't a part of their Family), but she refused to go without him or at all for that matter. she tried to get aleksandr to safety, but it was to no avail. little sasha at the age of 15 watched a monster his mother was so afraid of slaughter his parents. that's how he met sofia, his future sire, and his only family;
sofia took him in, and taught him everything he needed to know, but sasha was little more than a servant in Della Passaglia's house;
he was turned at the age of 31, and the pain from the Kiss and the cold embrace of death is something he will always remember;
but sasha was still a mere pet in sofia's eyes. pretty to look at, smart enough to help her in some matters;
he eventually managed to escape the Family (he literally set the home on fire lmao), and he was hiding in different contries for a long while. picking up his interets in medicine, seeing the world;
sasha speaks quite a lot of languages because of his travels;
he doesn't get along with Camarilla and their endless rulles, because they remind him a lot of sofia;
his interest in medicine quickly turned into interest in science, and soon enough he thought about creating some kind of booster that will make him strong enough to fight back against the camarilla;
smokes just because he thinks he looks hot while doing it :insert clown emoji:;
his love language is basically anoying people he likes enough (he's annoying to the people he doesn't like too but in a different way);
very touchy lover and a friend-- hugs, hand around their shoulder, hand holding etc etc etc. everything is fair be it with a friend or a lover;
VEEERY big on pet names too (in different languages as well);
(an example of him being annoying fucker) at the very early stages of their friendship candy would deny them being friends at all, but sasha would purposely say "oh yeah, we're best friends" just to annoy them, but with time candy's reaction turned into a joking one (like "yeah, someone had to be his friend or he'd continue to whine abt being lonely") and it became sort of an inside joke for them
he's prone to being sad from time to time, but he bottles pretty much every emotion until he fucking explodes. which id why his anger is dangerous
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gortash · 2 years
💥👪🍀🔪❤️ + hinata!
thank u for finally forcing me to actually develop this bitch. i need to go replay saints row
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? pretty much all of them. she doesn’t like emotions; she puts up a façade of Not Caring and she does so by pushing her emotions down and bottling them up. she doesn’t even really see any problem in this; as the leader of the saints she thinks it’s important to not have her decisions be clouded by emotions (of course, she still sometimes acts on emotions over logic. saving shaundi instead of running after killbane comes to mind.)
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings? well her dad is a member of the yakuza (that’s where she gets it from :) ) so because of this, her family and home life has always been slightly chaotic and there’s been this constant fear that he won’t come home. she hasn’t seen or even spoken to him in years since her parents divorced when she was a teen and she moved to america with her mother, but before that, they always had a good relationship. basically a horribly spoiled daddy’s little girl. she misses him a lot but has never had a chance to go back home. her relationship with her mother is a lot more strained, mainly because hinata never really understood the divorce and she wishes she could’ve been allowed to stay in japan with her dad. she does love her mom, but she’s always had a hard time bonding with her - even before the divorce, she always preferred her dad and clung to him. i also imagine her mother wasn’t very happy to find out hinata joined the third street saints and this has made their relationship a lot worse. she’s an only child, but most likely has some unknown half-siblings that she’s never spoken to - mother never remarried, father probably did. unfortunately they don’t talk so she has no way of knowing. kinzie probably knows, though.
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky? she doesn’t consider herself lucky, she simply considers herself good at what she does. she’s very driven by logic and if someone tells her she’s lucky, she’ll always find another explanation. the only exception to this is the boat explosion - there’s no reason she should’ve survived that, but she did. it’s the only time she’s actually believed in luck.
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame? well she pretty much goes on a revenge rampage in steelport because of johnny, so you tell me. she’s pretty good at going the vengeance route. she also very much blames herself for a lot of deaths (mainly carlos and johnny) but, again, she pushes those emotions down. other members of the saints might see her as cold and uncaring, but she simply doesn’t want them to see her grieving. now if anything happened to shaundi, she’d kill everyone in the world and then herself.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? mainly giving gifts, but like, non-traditional gifts. she’s constantly giving shaundi new guns, for example, and shaundi gives her knives in return #modernlove. she also likes physical touch as long as it’s in private. her only big no-no is words of affirmation lmao. she’s bad with feelings and will cringe if someone actually tries to verbally express love. she’s only told shaundi ‘i love you’ once, and it’s gonna stay that way.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
okay so can you add a blurb to the MMIH series ? I dont have anything specific i would like to add but just some domestic fluff and maybe a lil suggestive? idrk but i love your work and the seriess is whbxbxbx ok thank you luv ya
Thank you so much <333 Bringing back our possessive mob boss and my first attempt on milf! reader lol. Hope you like this. Let me know what you think.
Match made in Hell (series)
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : Tom gets all possessive when he sees other dads flirting with you at a school event of your kids.
Warnings : fluff, suggestive
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“Should I notch it down a little? This dress seems way too flattery” you ask Tom glancing at your reflection in the mirror, smoothening the sides of your ruffle hem A-line floral dress.
“That dress looks great on you love” Tom reassures you slipping on his grey jacket over his white button up. It was Nate and Leah's first sports day at school and you both were excited to go and cheer them on the field.
“I don't know Tom” you frowned, still uncertain about the dress “after having Nate and Leah, my boobs seem to have grown bigger” you observed bringing your hands up to your chest and cupping your breasts.
“You don't see me complaining do you?” Tom chuckles with a playful smirk on his face. You were already beautiful but the glow up you had during your pregnancy didn't miss his eye. Your body was curvier, breasts fuller and voluptuous than before which only made it hard for him to keep his hands off you.
“Shut up you horndog. It's not funny” you grimace totally unamused.
“What? I’m serious” he laughs, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“You don’t know how the other moms at school look at me as if I’m going to steal their husbands”
“Ain’t their fault my kids have the hottest mom” Tom wraps his hands around your waist resting his chin on your shoulder “by the way what’s the word for hot moms?" he ponders for while smiling mischievously "oh yeah mil-”
“You finish the word and it will be your last day Thomas” you raise an eyebrow glowering at him.
“Ok, ok I was just kidding” he lets go of you raising his hands in surrender as you look at him with a narrowed gaze when your twins come running into your room dressed in their school house uniforms.
“Wow mommy you look so pretty!!” Leah exclaimed looking at you with admiration in her eyes.
“See? Even Leah approves it” Tom points out.
"Ok fine I'll wear this only" you finally let go of your worries and settled with the dress you were wearing.
By the time you reached the school ground it was already buzzing with kids and their parents. You went and said hello to the other moms before sitting beside Tom in the area designated for parents. The events for the day began as the kids lined up for various activities while you and Tom cheered from the sidelines along with the other parents. After sometime you felt your throat run dry and excused yourself to go to the refreshments counter to have a glass of water.
“Hello Mrs Holland, how are you doing?” one of the single dads approached you.
“Oh hi Mr Gilbert! I’m doing just fine" you greeted him with a warm smile.
“That’s good to know”
“It’s always lovely to watch the kids play and have fun together” you remark looking over the field as you spot Nathan getting ready for his race.
“It is indeed but I gotta admit sometimes it’s really hard to believe that a gorgeous lady like you is the mother of two kids” he says with a little suave in his voice.
“Well all mothers are gorgeous in their own way” you were quick to respond.
“That’s true, that’s true” he agreed nodding his head. Your eyes look around searching for Tom as you start to feel awkward knowing very well where this conversation was heading.
Tom had assumed he was way past his petty hysteria of seeing other men around you but he was wrong. His blood boiled whenever he saw the single dads at the school flirt with you. They were a real menace he thought hovering around you like flies when you clearly have a wedding ring on your hand and two kids. Tom was being watchful as he looked through the corner of his eyes from time to time to make sure you were okay.
“Tyson is quite athletic I see” you remark trying to change the subject.
“Yeah he gets it from his dad. Two times open water swimming champion of Falmouth you see” he puffs his chest boastfully.
“Oh that's great!” you gave an awkward smile.
“We also own a beach house in Cornwall. If you ever visit there you’re always welcome" you notice his gaze linger down to your chest. You feel disgusted wishing to slap him right on his face as you clear your throat loudly to get his attention "with Nathan and Nailah of course” he adds, lifting his gaze back to your face.
“Thank you Mr Gilbert but I will give it a pass. I have a business to run with my husband so no time for recreation” with a tight lipped smile you decided to go back to where Tom was standing.
“You are indeed a smart and brilliant woman” he steps forward blocking your path “your husband is one damn lucky bloke”
Tom’s patience was already thinning out and when he sensed your discomfort as the guy tried to get closer to you he lost it then and there. Anger took over his features as he strides his way to where you were standing and pulls the man back by his collar and stands in front of you.
“Hey mate everything alright?”
“Umm yea-yeah Mr Holland everything is fine” he fumbles stumbling back a little.
“Well soon it might not if you don’t stop bothering my wife” Tom snarls, giving him a death glare.
“I-I don’t understand”
“Flirting with married women, are you that desperate?” he spat as you tried to hide your smile seeing him so protective about you.
“Look man I just came here to talk -” he tries to explain but Tom wasn't going to buy any of his crap.
“Really? You do know who I am right?” he cuts him off looking at him with malice in his eyes.
“Tom let it be. It’s fine-” you whisper, trying to avoid any unnecessary attention from the other people around by grabbing his arm to hold him back from punching that guy.
“No it’s not! How dare he talk to you like that!” he snaps shooting daggers at the man “listen to me you bloody moron if you ever dare to come anywhere near my wife I’m gonna make sure you’re never able to swim again in your entire fucking life! Do you understand?!”
The man nods his head vigorously and without wasting any more time scurried away in fear of his life.
You haven’t seen Tom this furious in a long time not since your twins were born but fuck he is hot when angry you thought “Tom look at me, see he’s gone now” you held his face as he reluctantly turned to you, his brows still knitted in a deep frown.
“I swear I’m gonna pluck his eyes out if he looks at you with those dirty eyes again” he promises you with determination in his eyes.
“I know you will but you need to calm down. We are at Nate and Leah’s school can’t cause a scene yeah?” you speak softly as he nods in understanding. You then press your lips to his gently and he softens instantly feeling all the anger dissipate.
“You’re only mine” he murmurs against your lips
“Only yours” you assure him pressing your foreheads together smiling.
“Mommy look I came first in the race!” Nate came running to you with a shining gold trophy in his hand.
“Good job bud, I’m so proud of you!” you ruffled his hair in adoration of his achievement.
“That’s my boy!” Tom exclaims patting Nate’s shoulder proudly.
“What about you Leah?” you ask who was standing beside her brother looking at you timidly.
“I came second,” she mumbles, handing you a smaller trophy in disappointment.
“That’s great, sweetie! We’re so proud of you guys” you said, giving them a hug.
“You are not angry?” Leah asks innocently.
“For what baby?”
“Because I did not come first” she pouts, jutting her lower lip out.
“What? No honey" you chuckle lightly, exchanging glances with Tom.
“Come here my princess” Tom scoops her up in his arms “we don’t care if you come first or last. We just want you to be happy”
“Your daddy is right. You are our babies and we will always be proud of you no matter what” you gently pinch her chubby cheeks.
“Now where is that pretty smile of my princess?” Tom tickles her as she bursts out giggling “there it is!”
“Daddy no!” she squeals, wiggling in his hold going into fits of laughter.
“I think it’s time for us to go home and celebrate eh?” Tom suggests looking at you with a wide smile, the guy who was bothering you a while ago long forgotten.
“Yeah, who wants ice cream and pizzas?!” you exclaimed.
“Me! Me!” Nate and Leah shouted in excitement. Your heart melts watching the smiling faces of your husband and children. This is the life you cherished which no other man can give you.
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Reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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grendelsmilf · 2 years
would you please rank the wilds kids by wfb energy? 🙏🔵<- their well
of course I will what a great ask!!!!!!!!!!!
leah: HUGE wfb energy. HUGE. everyone’s always like “why tf is she staring into this well all day what’s wrong with her” well it’s because she was born that way ok leave her alone!!!!!! (10/10)
dot: not a wfb categorically per se but has some definite wfb tendencies to be sure. (6/10)
fatin: an empathizer of and friend to wfbs, a great ally to the cause. thank u fatin <3 mashallah <333 (5/10)
martha: definitely at the very least wfb adjacent. a kind gentle girl who loves animals... although technically when they dragged her catatonic ass to a well, it did not immediately fix her, which is an indicator that while wfb-aligned in many regards, she is not a TRUE wfb, unfortunately :( (8/10)
toni: doesn’t really understand wfb culture even a little bit, but tries to for martha’s sake (1/10)
rachel: doesn’t understand wfb culture even a little bit, but still tries to for nora’s sake (1/10)
nora: the ultimate wfb. she’s always just staring into her inscrutable little well, pondering the universe, tracing the ripples with the tips of her fingers, staring into her distorted reflection, wondering which is the true reality... her parents also probably got her the accompanying balcony (for announcements) because they support their wfb daughter, they know that she’s Special (12/10)
shelby: nope!!! (NA/10)
ivan: thinks he is a wfb but in fact is far too loud, self-obsessed, and (don’t let him know I said this) mainstream to ever be a wfb in any true regard. gay poetry does not a wfb make! sorry honey!!!! (4/10)
scotty: probably thinks elon musk made some points. loves bitcoin. etc. (1/10)
kirin: despite being not as much of a jerk as he could’ve been, he is still an enemy of wfbs everywhere. (-10/10)
raf: has so many wfb traits, but alas, not a single creative or compelling thought in his sad little brain, and therefore not a true wfb. (7.5/10)
josh: nah. (2/10)
bo: it’s sort of unclear what his inner life is like, but his unyielding stoicism and gentleness does indicate some wfb traits. at the very least, he is very admirable. (7/10)
henry: wells were literally made for this boy. (♾/10)
seth: wants to be perceived as a wfb so bad. is desperate for every wfb to think he’s as deep and thoughtful and creative as they are, but alas his blog “Spillz” belies his true artistic potential (which is to say, none) and he is not in fact a deep thinker, just a sad little man with mommy issues and the world’s most desperate ego. like kirin, also an oppressor of wfbs, but in a far more sinister and evil way. all I can say is, poor henry. (-10000/10)
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inkykeiji · 3 years
how did u become such an amazing writer? this might sound dumb but every time i read your work i learn a bunch of new words lol
first of all, wow, thank you SO much for that compliment!!! i’m literally gushing over that one sentence alone hehehe thank you thank you <33 and that totally doesn’t sound dumb at all!!! i’m actually super happy to hear that!!! <3
beware: LONG post beneath the keep reading!!!
okay, so. bear with me for a moment while i ramble a little bit, okay? i want to preface this by linking you to a cute little post leah wrote on the concept of ‘talent’, just in case it’s something you need to hear!! i know sometimes people can get a little down on themselves + their skill and just go ‘oh well, i’m just not talented enough’ or ‘i wasn’t born with that talent’ and i want to discourage you from ever thinking like that. i agree 100% with leah; i believe ‘talent’ is simply a natural inclination someone might’ve been born with, but not that it means that someone who wasn’t born with that inclination can’t be just as good as the person with the ‘talent’; you absolutely can.
if you already knew that, then fantastic!!!! <333 i just wanted to mention it, just in case, you know???
okay!!! i think there are a few major factors that contribute to my current skill as a writer, and they’re the same three pieces of advice i give everyone who asks about how they can improve their craft:
consuming other art forms
- practice: i know this is probably a given, but it truly IS the best way to improve. (if you’ve been around on my blog for a while u might’ve already heard me say this a few times ehehe but) i always say creativity is a muscle—because it is. we all have it, and the more you ‘exercise’ it, the stronger it’ll become. skill is kind of the same way: the more you practice something, the better you’ll get at it, and the faster you’ll improve. HOWEVER!!!! i want to caution you against doing too much too fast. please, don’t overwhelm yourself!!! if you’re not used to writing often, work your way up to it at your own pace. there’s no rush or time limit here—you do what feels best for YOU at whatever pace is most comfortable. just like when you’re exercising a physical muscle, you can ‘strain’ your creative muscle by trying to do too much too quickly as well (creative burnout, basically).
for me, i write nearly every single day. sometimes it’s only a paragraph or two, sometimes its thousands of words, but the most important point here is that i am continuing to practice and sharpen my skills, you know? no practice is bad practice, i pinky promise you that. even if it feels like everything you’re writing is awful and you hate it all (and we ALL have these days, they are normal!!) you ARE still improving!!!
i want to make it clear here that i am NOT suggesting you write every single day if you aren’t already used to writing regularly. i’ve been writing since i was teeny tiny (seriously, at age 7 i used to walk around at recess talking to myself, literally telling myself a story out loud that i was making up on the spot........) and i’ve had plenty of time to practice and build up that stamina. i don’t know where you are in your writing journey, but if you aren’t used to writing regularly, work on building up to that first. again, don’t overwhelm yourself!!! it’s okay if it’s only a few sentences a few days a week—it’s something, and that’s what counts!
- study/reading: i read a LOT as a child, and i read a lot throughout university (and for university), and i try my best to find time to read now, a few hours a week. when you read, you are (on some level) studying the craft, among a whole slew of other things. you literally mentioned it yourself when you pointed out that you always learn some new vocab from reading my work!!! so please, read. anything and everything. do you have a favourite author or novel(s)? sit down and figure out why you like them. do you have any authors or books you just can’t stand? sit down and think about why you hate them, etc etc etc.
- consume other art forms: so i went to school for film, which meant i was watching five movies a week on average, not counting whatever i’d throw on at home while doing readings and all that. i genuinely think my education (studying films from all angles, from interdisciplinary perspectives, making films etc) helped me strengthen my skill as a writer even more. now, i’m not telling you to go get a film degree hehehe, all i’m saying is to consume other art forms in addition to reading: film, photography, painting, music, theatre, dance, etc etc etc. whatever you’d like/whatever interests you most. it’ll help you see things from different perspectives and, if i can be a little cheesy, it’s good for your soul <3
waaaaah sorry this post is SO LONG anon!!!! but those are the things that i think have helped me improve my skill the most, and continue to aid me!!! if anything’s unclear or you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask!! i hope this answers your question hehe <33
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kamiiri · 3 years
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I am so sorry to everyone who has sent me an ask recently!!! I have so many things in my inbox that it’s a bit overwhelming so it seems like I’m ignoring you but I promise I’m not. I thought I’d answer some of these rn since I have some time. I still have more but I’ll probably wait a bit to answer them!
1. Thank you so much!! I wasn’t planning on it before but I might now! I do want to make Jacob, Leah, and Seth for sure, tho
2. @narnian-simmer Hi, thank you!!! That’s so nice of you!! <333
3. @bookluvrforever omg thank you!! I’ve heard of those books but I’ve never read them. I probably won’t only bc there isn’t an actual cast attached to them and since I don’t really know any of the characters I wouldn’t wanna get anything wrong! <3
4. hehe thank you!! I was actually worried that his didn’t look like him so this makes me feel better about it :)
5. I was originally planning on making a post with both Wanda and Vision but I decided kind of last second just to have Wanda in all her outfits....but I do still want to make the other characters. Might take a while tho bc I wanna make a custom Vision skin to fit my sim style lol
6. I’ve been asked this a couple times before and honestly I’m not sure! I would enjoy doing them I think, but I have absolutely no idea how much it would be worth for people
7. omg thank u so much!!! I think I’ll get around to the professors and Tom eventually. I’ve downloaded cc for some of the characters I haven’t made yet, so I have to do something with those haha
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pandoraswrld · 3 years
This is the 💛 Love SLAP 💛 Raid Chain, send this to all of your favorite blogs that you think deserve to hear these encouraging words. In return we ask that those blogs send it to their favorite blogs as well. It's December, everybody deserves to hear a few words of encouragement no matter if you're a small or big account. So let's all fill your dash with positivity these last few weeks of 2020. You are amazing. You matter. You are loved. You deserve to have an amazing month. <3
[ LEAH — 20:46 ] thank you my love! this made me smile a lot and i’m wishing you a happy holiday as well as the rest of the koc, moots or not <333
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yannfredericks · 5 years
VOLDY-NON WITH AN EQUALLY URGENT BUT MUCH LESS SOFT YOLLY QUESTION: do they ever have to hide their relationship? like, does it start out as a secret bc polly’s parents wouldn’t approve? how would that affect their relationship? how would going public and telling their family members affect their relationship and their family dynamics and their friends? karl and their friends probably knew the whole time and support them completely and were just waiting for them to tell everyone
VOLDY NON THANK U FOR UR PAITENCE AND UR WONDERFUL QUESTIONS!!! I’m sorry its taken me so long to answer this!!
I don’t think they ever hide their relationship, but that being said, I don’t think they tell people either, which makes for a very interesting scene the first time they kiss in front of Karl like it’s nothing and he immediately just starts screaming!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! he totally knew it was coming, would’ve been nice to have been TOLD though!! (that is pretty quick after they get together and Yann and Karl have a cute little dude’s night where they have dinner in the kitchen (karl is v close with the elves bc he likes to bake when hes stressed lol) and Karl asks so many questions and Yann just gushes bc IT FINALLY HAPPENED)
By the time they get together Polly knows that there’s no point in telling her parents, but she doesn’t hide it, she talks about him the same as always and she knows they know by the pursing of their lips and the shared look of disapproval but she is literally so beyond caring bc he makes her so happy :D Yann doesn’t give a fuck about her parents except for when they upset her, so even though when he was younger he’d kind of dreamed of meeting her parents and becoming a part of the family, he is more than happy to just fully integrate Polly into his own (and his family are more than accepting!!) 
Actually Yann does tell his parents and Leah, and they’re not surprised, they think it’s wonderful! Polly spends Christmas with them every year and they totalllly knew it was coming, but Leah is much younger and she’s just so excited she basically just vibrates with excitement the whole time they’re telling her and she gives Polly the BIGGEST hug bc she loves her and sees her as her cool big sister so she’s Thrilled!!
So yeah, they get a few whispers for a while as people try to figure out what’s going on, are they dating now?? they’ve always been so close though?? so and so saw them holding hands the other day and his friend said they kissed so maybe?? But they don’t care and tbh they probably find it hilarious
The lack of drama when they finally get together is so refreshing for them, it’s literally the least of their worries and I love them for that
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turquoisemagpie · 6 years
And the grand total*of submissions for the JSE Artist Project is.......... 431!!!!
(some people need an extra hour to work; their names will be added to the file)
Here are the names of those submitted!!!:
1. @turquoisemagpie 2. @mangledsonic 3. @applesaturn 4. @shittylostboy 5. @thehwns (@strings-and-glitches) 6. @lappyisgaming 7. @avasefullofnations 8. @emymodaboss 9. @lucimorningstar812 10. @amyann-durham 11. @frcmnowcn 12. @ladywarlock03 13. @theburningstrawberry 14. @sketchyflannelpile 15. @toast-that-is-gay 16. @isa-ghost 17. @katie-gradwell 18. @antischneep 19. @caryatherton 20. @alexisdevil 21. @random-rambutan 22. @myladyofshadows 23. @captain-cuddles 24. @marsupials-of-mars 25. @cuteflyingtigers 26. @mirandaisntcool 27. @moonlightliss 28. @sOng_Of_StOrmss 29. @drawer-frisk 30. @daniel-trans-paniel 31. @blueberry_demon 32. @khsupergeek1288 33. @queenartisticgamer413 34. @fruitiplierq 35. @nightwolf109 36. @psychic-ga1axy 37. @sspacee-the-confused 38. @definatlypastthegone 39. @aqua-sound 40. @jackosean 41. @tiramisueme 42. @obviouslypancakes 43. @noukieeee 44. @thisimmortalnerd 45. @dweirdo123 46. @bluepatient 47. @septilover2 48. @manna-the-advocate 49. @another-self-mutilating-girl 50. @smalleststress 51. @stefish-sf 52. @hufflepufftrax 53. @amyxmiaplay 54. @masonaryy 55. @rxvenclxw-dork 56. @bri-doodles-art 57. @coolgamelara 58. @a-heist-of-words 59. @seayiin 60. @uglynetwork 61. @lucyrb99 62. @rant-and-rave-to-save 63. @mai-violet 64. @musical-jim 65. @rukataku87 66. @kortlync 67. @imagine-ego-trash 68. @bekkyboo2003 69. @thedrawingpepper24 70. @jelixpo 71. @jedidisneyphantomofstorybrooke 72. @ind1go13 73. @phoenixislost 74. @pandapopplay 75. @creatoraa 76. @pinkwolf201 77. @leeshajoy 78. @geekygirl0816 79. @eyyyhowaboutno 80. @ketothehero 81. @beast-chris-bliss 82. @st1ck-m1st3r 83. @andymp-blue 84. @di-the-happy-psychopath 85. @mayordamien 86. @kennythespaz 87. @olive-is-a-jim 88. @supercuddy 89. @abzthefabulous 90. @igsdraws 91. @ladywolfajfidc 92. @dianakieee 93. @luxkyclover 94. @bleakdecemberbittermarch 95. @sauciesauce 96. @odia13 97. @lyrik-rose 98. @vampiricsans 99. @jackaboy12900 100. @pixelenchanter 101. @erose130 102. @psychoticmessup123 103. @thedragoncat123 104. @cryptidwithakeyboard 105. @pheventhedog  &  @lil-satan-ccdoodles 106. @ink-skies 107. @dapper-boy 108. @respecramen 109. @theoddowldoodle 110. @tazmanianbrit 111. @isadghost 112. @serixskylark 113. @molliepatricia 114. @pari13 115. @scarious-nomad 116. @zericdoesstuff 117. @kimolothecat 118. @wholeoftwoparts 119. @just-silly-liv-things 120. @francoulduseaplan 121. @part-of-me-do-not-know-the-rest 122. @blank-dakota 123. @katelyneprice250 124. @ladyeowyn127 125. @awkward-cameron 126. @oblivioussempai 127. @gabbalabbaaaa 128. @shai-autumn 129. @darkcaty98 130. @watermelon-lover-scg 131. @najemniczkas 132. @kasper-the-ghost 133. @nightfuryobsessed 134. @nuclearsugarbomb 135. @squipyscribbles 136. @thathockeygirl77 137. @fruitycasket 138. @itsmagic-iswear 139. @tinam-ut 140. @imaginaryjuli 141. @oreowiskers 142. @clarexen055 143. @undauntedhaunted 144. @melchoinsassy 145. @steffid101 146. @liberty-draws 147. @cloudy-skiesx 148. @splish-splash-im-trash 149. @aquilacalvitium 150. @geekofthegreek 151. @i-am-not-anon 152. @burnwaffles 153. @eliasrcade 154. @ghostiezone & @artlesscomedic 155. @nuts-and-crackers 156. @van-arts 157. @acenovatv 158. @justspacecatz (another person) 159. @spoopybox 160. @gwenypatu, @sbeee_, @theoptimisticmistake 161. @septic101 162. @gothelixar 163. @hey-wow-thats-me 164. @existential-cloud 165. @hope-ysl 166. @faleaflet 167. @spacellwi 168. @post-random-art 169. @lesssicotic 170. @maybekatie 171. @thatonegirl474 172. @thelittlemonster99 173. @kitkat1003 174. @aceingonthecakes 175. @fangirljeffy 176. @coconutcanary 177. @worse-luck-and-far-less-gold 178. @sunnyicebomb 179. @newtiplier 180. @darkstiella 181. @thedoctorofsteel 182. @kilofinch 183. @littlekindfriemd 184. @glitching-kuukkeli 185. @aw3zom3zauc3 186. @harlyhyde 187. @jaysflight 188. @septicstacheedits 189. @choleson 190. @metalstitches 191. @alien-sushi-roll 192. @impossiblerebelblaze 193. @mysteriousmaker 194. @annako103 195. @pangcloud 196. @pixiis-blog 197. @thatonelittlegaynarwhal 198. @artsandfandoms 199. @spider-bitch-with-anger-issue 200. @fandom-trash1214 201. @razz-berri-arts 202. @fireicelapis 203. @rosesiero 204. @anartistthatistrying 205. @thehelpfulvillager 206. @shipping-hell-all-aboard 207. @abby5577 208. @travelingthemultiverse 209. @malteaser13 210. @flyingllamasinspaceandtime 211. @shedra-the-warrior 212. @redstone-galaxy4 213. @fyrua 214. @katslenderarnold 215. @werewolfprincesswarrior 216. @roses-and-bellflowers 217. @timelordlullaby 218. @aceofspades-lena 219. @aweebitobsessive 220. @sondrascribbles 221. @antimimi & @darkipari 222. @anormalpaperbag 223. @j-u-s-t-sam 224. @sarcasticlicorne 225. @skyllsear 226. @creationsofeve & @nightmarewolf133 227. @hypercat360 228. @kingcrownsart 229. @alifyairl 230. @dragonfirelady2 231. @nightmarewolf133 & @creationsofeve 232. @sora6303 233. @quivker 234. @mod-da1 235. @bonkbatter 236. @dragonqueen1507 237. @awkwardspacekid 238. @super-fensy 239. @castielswings01 240. @that-one-obsesses-weirdo 241. @notactuallyirishanditssad 242. @tigracespace 243. @tsunamiofdragons (@glitchtrousle) 244. @chronically-illustrated 245. @flyingmaskzb 246. @fairykats 247. @ohme-0hmy 248. @itsninell 249. @aks-crazy-universe 250. @jenni-with-an-i 251. @smallapple4231 252. @artist-mess 253. @eva-witch & @giulychanstuff 254. @ayahne 255. @greenheart-dreamer 256. @mrs-greenper 257. @dorky-trash-floof 258. @northeastartist 259. @quintachan 260. @laurenite107 261. @itsdanimotherfreakingglitter 262. @californiakxng 263. @anti-exe 264. @toki-dokke 265. @viostormcaller 266. @belladonnachaos 267. @snazzyninja1 268. @caslover13 269. @cyanacious 270. @alexwithoutabowtie 271. @bloodyblackrose1800 272. @thevampireauthoress 273. @kaydenmcbrideart 274. @nihanmoon 275. @thecutiephilly 276. @loucid-lines 277. @piper-poptato-chisp 278. @imalosersodontfollowme 279. @mickeyforrealz 280. @0teacakes0 281. @lyras21 282. @septic-dr-schneep 283. @starstrike41 284. @jessieplays56 285. @anastasiarose0 286. @disneyamoo 287. @greenishcrow 288. @unipugsat221b 289. @fourentiredogs 290. @theheromasterofdragons 291. @vanillaella 292. @littlebittyginge 293. @no-strings--puppet 294. @lilatheanxiousflower 295. @rare-magpie 296. @sam-vide 297. @burned-toast 298. @darkibooty 299. @monochromemedic 300. @rediculous-art 301. @kingmoran 302. @ninjentsie 303. @rizunekochan 304. @emilightning 305. @glaceonstar-blog 306. @bennettsl 307. @ripmysouldude 308. @fear-is-nameless 309. @vyralia 310. @eatmynips 311. @jesssikaaalovesbutter 312. @dragonfliesarecool 313. @theacefangirl 314. @floofygalaxy 315. @the7ofspades 316. @alsodooperdoopcr 317. @flying-orangemint 318. @redeemedsage 319. @pocket-dreamer 320. @idonutevenknow-anymore 321. @valkyreskye 322. @meiiyi 323. @blueberrychill 324. @clouded-cryptid 325. @cookieface678 326. (*) @tiger-jim 327. @dandadude 328. @lottes-art 329. @ravyn626 330. @tinytdog 331. @tiny-yan-anon 332. @wyrneck 333. @mlhmoo 334. @latte-stuffie 335. @aweirdlisa 336. @thebbvillain 337. @wyforyu-gaming 338. @jayyyonnaise 339. @beep-stuff 340. @cecillustrates 341. @dontbugmeimantisocial 342. @howdoesonethinkofausername 343. @septic-sloth 344. @florenceisfalling (Lia, @inkysock, C) 345. @voltelectra 346. @margarita-is-the-answer 347. @lestoria 348. @asksomecoolkids 349. @circles-of-grass 350. @lilalovesinternet 351. @afimeatur 352. @maja5111 353. @crazygreatgamerperson 354. @the-east-hunter 355. @samueldamniel 356. @septicsavvy 357. @aranori 358. @klementyna01 359. @endogenylove 360. @samanthasabila 361. @vitya-vitya 362. @oopsifailed 363. @daylightd 364. @i-k-e 365. @itsmythicaldisaster 366. @pharaohofdarkness 367. @lazyemisfandomtrash 368. @littlelostshadow 369. @toothynoah 370. @d00mscepticgirl 371. @0okaitlyndrawso0 372. @aliceredroses 373. @meryguillan 374. @violet-fire-cat 375. @starjames-pma 376. @not-abox 377. @monument-of-anxiety 378. @sansgraceee 379. @diamondhubstuff 380. @pinkseraphuniverse 381. @witchcrowx 382. @smolbean_cici 383. @starleavesart 384. @nightlyowl
Discord and other: 
1. @Shakeira32 2. @Crescentmoon 3. @Belleknight16 4. @Psyched-up-psycho 5. @SnazzyNinja1 6. @RizuNekoChan
7. @DazzlingPhoenix#1365 8. @Aviearts 9. @Saluni#8998 10. @Super Craig#8835 11. @Dat Limencio#0726 12. @greer rose <3 #1842 (@greerroseimagines) 13. @PotatoLord #3023 14. @Angry Child#1762 15. @Ban4na_BOOT#5306 16. @MystyfyingDepy#9872 17. @Leah Parris#2189 18. @RachelTheAmberRose#2061 19. @BublesBinxs#9200 20. @Carbie#9236 21. @lazystarz#7479 22. @thecatsaidwoof#1816 23. @FlareSiram#0663 24. @Miharu Kano#7737 25. @Small_Baggs#8649 26. @Radiø.Røsa#3202 27. @Shyllsear#1506 28. @Abigail (Gardner)#6967 29. @CrazyGee#0083 30. @sketchy_mischief#7804 31. @sarahphoenix617#0864 32. @IM Dirty Dan | 26#9587 33. @M.H Productions#8281 34. @Lucky#4913 35. @Doodle Min#3505 36. @MeanGreenBean#8745 37. @Sugarsnap Caely#0361 38. @Nilûîth_Moonlady#9788 39. @Braelyn Thomas#5883 40. @TigerC#0837(*), @Tori_Bird#4655 , @Emson#3602 , @Mythyk#4524 41. @Cozed15#7694 42. @Mad mike?#0885 43. @Phantomspirit#6710 44. @radbutsad;billy num. 1 fan#0821 45. @SíoraíDragon#8343 46. @silverpaintedwings#6130 47. @PianoPisces#6394
(others have asked to be anonymous) 
Thank you guys so much for taking part in the project!!! 
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