#thank you for this ask megan
togansweep · 6 months
What would a togan honeymoon look like
they would go to italy for sure; the place where tom truly chose logan and showed him the depth of his loyalty and love (and hole). the place where their love really started to bloom, so to say. and not only that, it's also the backdrop of their shared fascination for the roman empire. after his previous honeymoon failed, bridezilla tom is determined to make this one perfect. logan couldn't care less but likes watching tom humiliate himself by going through all this effort for him.
because tom is desperate to impress logan (even though they're literally married now), he makes sure that the entire thing is roman empire themed: they stay in a villa that used to be the home of some roman emperor, they have a historically accurate roman breakfast every morning, and tom planned some exclusive roman empire activities.
logan thinks it's all a little ridiculous and dramatic and doesn't hesitate in telling tom this. this hurts tom deeply, but it's fine because every now and then logan holds his hand and gives him a soft smile, and the feeling this gives him makes it all worth it.
since they're now married, they're at a certain level of trust where logan finally dares to swim with tom. tom tries to kiss all of logan's scars because that's the sappy kind of shit he would do. this of course pisses logan off and in his anger he nearly drowns. after this incident logan acts cold towards tom and they barely talk. tom spends these days crying in his room. the issue is resolved when tom licks logan's feet clean as a peace offering.
and inbetween all of this they would of course have holeblowing sex every night. tom kind of wants to try roman empire roleplay but is too scared to ask (roman empire roleplay in his eyes is just calling logan names of emperors though, he remains vanilla at heart). but luckily he can still indulge in one of his other fantasies: connor gave them experiential male fertiliser pills as a wedding gift so now logan tries to get tom pregnant every night.
one of the activities tom was looking most forward to was dressing up in original roman attire, something he mostly planned because even just the thought of logan dressed like that makes him cream his pants.
but alas, they never get to this exciting event; their honeymoon is cut short when tom chokes on one of logan's assworms and has to be hospitalized. luckily, he survives and so does little fetus vermis, conceived during the night of the accident and born 9 months after.
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burntheedges · 3 months
Kate, I saw you say that you believe that sometimes you are too much and I need you to know:
You’re great, friend. That voice in your head that says otherwise is dead wrong.💜
Megan 🥺 thank you so much. I'm going to be a little ~real and vulnerable~ for a moment.
I feel like a lot of people have probably had this experience but in case it helps anyone if I share -- I definitely spent a lot of my 20s trying not to be too much (and I was also in grad school, which was... difficult), which resulted in me downplaying and shrinking my own interests until I realized one day I was in my early 30s and I felt like I didn't even know what I liked anymore. I felt like I never talked about my interests or hobbies and just kept them to myself or pretended they didn't matter so that people wouldn't think I was weird or "too much" (or for grad school, not dedicated enough, or spending too much time on stuff that "wasn't important"). It started to feel like I was at least two different people and that was pretty weird and overwhelming.
Anyway, since then (I turn 37 soon) I've realized I didn't like living that way and I'd rather have interests and be open about them and actually feel things like excitement and joy and wonder again. And be a fan of things. And not let anyone tell me that's stupid or silly. (I've managed to tell 2 people IRL that I write fic so there's some progress.)
but yeah the inner voice is still there, so thank you for saying that. 💕
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
Do you have any aro OCs? Tell me about them! (No pressure)
Oh I do, actually, ty for asking!
First one is Kaiki, who was going to be the protagonist for my Ein wip, but now I'm rebooting it so I think he'll ✨️shine✨️ the most as a supporting character.
He is trans, black, and Brazilian, and ace too. He dyed his hair so now it's blond instead of black, and he wears it in pigtails. He aso has two younger sisters (Luna and Stella) and an older one (Tatiana). His parents are divorced and he lives with his sisters and his aunt. I had such a haaard time figuring him out, because he originally was just a blank slot in the place of a protagonist but now he's fleshed out I'm taking him from the spotlight lol. But it's good since he's so fleshed out! He's very sex-repulsed but he can kinda stand romance. - About the story, he is an ambue (non-magic person living in the normal, living world) that gains magic someway (i decided it was going to be x way but since i also changed the magic system ill have to see) and gets recruited into Onemia, one of the multiple hidden magical countries in a secret web of nations. The story revolves around he and the main cast trying to avoid a war between Onemia and other hidde countries (also now the story makes much more sense bc with the protagonist i chose they have much more on the line if a war starts so it drives the plot better~).
Then I have ✨️Megan✨️. He's another trans man from a different story, Totsuka and Megan. He is from a completely magical world but can't learn magic because his guardians won't let him and nobody wants to teach him coz he got a magical condition (still figuring this one out, again remaking the magic system lol) so when a traveler, Totsuka arrives on his town, looking for a partner, he offers himself in exchange of being taught magic by her. The story is about them two going traveling together and saving some different people and nations :). Now, I like Megan a lot, he is also aroace (I really should make more aroallo ocs) and I didn't have that much of a hard time with him in general but boy his design was a pain to figure out. I think I changed it like three times in a row once. He is kind of the more grounded person between him and Totsuka because she is pretty hotheaded and stubborn while he is the most pragmatic out of the two. I'm still fleshing out their exact dinamic, but one thing I'm very fond of is that they have complementary personalities, AND despiste their designs not completely paraleling each other, their main colors are also complementary to each other :3 Totsuka's hair is v long, blue, and a main part of her design. Megan's shirt is bright orange and most of his design is also some tone of brown or toned down nude, so it revolves around that orange. He also is pretty disphoric, unlike Kaiki.
Next up is Lucy, also from Ein (same wip as Kai). She greycupioaro and a trans girl. Unlike the rest of the cast, she is actually USAmerican and white. She is also ambue and gnc, and one of the which I had the easiest time with. Her hair is blond and short and her favorite color to wear is light blue. Her full name (i had so much fun with this one!) is Lucy Diana Portland. Diana because of the marvel hero. BUT there is a special arc im planning where she goes missing and loses her memory, to join a group of the special forces of another magical country. In that arc she adopts the name of Fennice White -> i have lots of characters for this special force but not very detailed yet
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merrigelblogs · 3 months
And I can never forget Arc: 3, 12, 47, 93, and 96 >:3c
EHEHEHE LET'S GOOO!! I realize I think and draw about them A Lot but have been able to share Very Little so. Let's shake that up a bit >:3c
3. What are your character’s core moral beliefs?
Well, put simply:
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Arc truly does not give much of a shit about morals, they're inconvenient and annoying
12. What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence?
Hmm.... "Stay comfortable and keep things interesting"
47. How did your character spend their childhood? Where did they grow up/who were their childhood friends?
HM.... OKAY NOW HOW MUCH DO I GIVE AWAY HERE..... I'll say... What I would call Arc's childhood was pretty peaceful! They had close company who were important and dear to them! They will claim any number of points of origin- The deepest mountains! The void of space! Faekton! The heart of a dying star! Your own imagination! What is the truth?? YOU decide!
93. Who in the party does your character trust the least?
Hmmm this one is an interesting one... I don't know that they particularly TRUST any of you?? But like.. Okay Hibi and Wizard are high on the list, so it's between Sandra and Frath... Maybe Sandra since Frath cosplayed them just for kicks?? XD But like, their form of "trust" here tho is like... Much less "I have faith in this person" and MUCH more "I have leverage over this person" if you get me. They suck kljdljkf
96. What is your character’s favorite school of magic/type of weaponry?
We'll go school of magic bc they can't be assed about weaponry- I definitely think Illusion! They like to obscure and meddle and mess with people, what better school of magic for that??
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gomzdrawfr · 1 month
i also wanna do the pale blue heart but my computer doesn't let me.....
aww dont worry! I'll answer it :3
🩵 do you have any pets?
nope! my ma don't allow it haha but when I was younger I used to have fishes and for a short period of time, a Magpie as a pet
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
oh man UHHH...here goes:
patience, passive aggressively, tired and dependable? xDDD
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled
I haven't got the opportunity to travel abroad beside two neighbouring countries...but I really love the beach and ocean, so I would say Pangkor Island (I went there recently and had the best time of my life, again hehe cuz I've been there a few times already)
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🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
AH- welp you already know Captain Price is up there in the top of the list, along with Ghost :,D hmm non-cod would be:
Kento Nanami from JJK
Tao Saotome from Gokurakugai (scream)
Hange Zoë from AOT (honestly Erwin Smith too urgh)
Leon S Kennedy, Ada Wong and Carlos Oliveira from Resident Evil
Cypher, Sova and Chamber from Valorant
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places-people · 2 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
AHHH BABES HIIII OMG this is so so sweet omg sorry I didn't see this for weeks omfg
I'm just. going to shuffle my workout playlist as it's what I play most often and also has potential for incredibly funny results
The Middle, by Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey
Dover Beach, Baby Queen
Mastermind, Taylor Swift
Inferno, Hiroyuki Sawano
Gotta Go Fast, the sonic x theme sung by Natewantstobattle 💀
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strawberryspence · 2 years
um, i’m gonna need those 73 questions 👀
ippppp. i am really excited for this one. i am writing a “gift” sort of thing for choose the rose garden (over madison square)!
it’s not fully written out yet bcs i am literally swamped with school rn. but it’s basically Eddie getting interviewed for the 73 Questions with Vogue. i’ve already written down the 73 questions and what Eddie would answer for them.
here’s the snippet:
50. You are good friends with a lot of well known people. Will any of you ever tell us the truth of why you guys are close?
“I know we’ve said a bunch of bullshit, but somewhere, someplace, someone already said the real reason why we’re all close.”
51. Nancy Wheeler-Byers just won her third Pulitzer. Did you send her anything?
“My husband and I sent her a whole bunch of flowers, some homemade bread and a gift card to a restaurant. She may be a three-time Pulitzer winner for you all, but for me she’ll always be the woman who cooked a pasta so bad I had to go to the Emergency Room.”
52. Who’s your favorite kid among “The Kids”?
“You can put a gun on my head but I will never, ever answer that question. I love all the kids, equally. Also my husband would kill me if I say a name right now.”
53. What’s your favorite comic from Will Byers’ New York Times Best Seller “Adventures of Zombie Boy”?
“Comic #17! The Hellfire Club. It’s the one where he meets the dashing, clever, and very handsome Dungeon Master that helps him solve the case of Vecna.”
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Need a Sunny to hug me like she hugged Kelley to ease my pain. But yeah, take your time off friend. I think we all need it.
I’d said it before and I’ll say it again, I think a Sunny hug would fix most of my problems. Also hello I’m back! This was very sweet thank you for dropping it into my inbox I missed you all.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 11 months
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mycupofstars · 11 months
18, 25!
Eeee thank you
18 - An animated film
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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio was so fucking good in every way ilu forever del Toro
25 - A box office flop
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Also Guillermo del Toro-- Nightmare Alley made me say "oh my god I am queer" about Cate Blanchett for two and a half solid hours PLUS historical costumes PLUS a twisty revenge plot so idk why the fuck people didn't hop on board I saw it three times in a row
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hekateinhell · 2 years
i'm more of a loustat person but sometimes i think about the absolute chaos and depravity of lestat/armand. like imagining the potential of lestat with someone who was not as uptight as louis, especially armand. they'd be the mgk/megan fox couple of the vc universe only so much worse
you speak my language and I have written two fics in that sort of vein, the second more so (one, two).
Lestat’s in no way an intellectual equal to Armand (LOL), and on the other end, Armand can’t hope to match him physically anymore. But they’re both extremely sensual creatures, even by vampire standards, and share a lot of the same vulnerabilities and insecurities.
Now, Lestat’s private property couldn’t survive the damage of those two as an actual couple, but I think they would have a very beneficial ongoing side thing to air out their aggressions/grievances without ruining lives in the process. Think of the trope of a wealthy Wall Street guy visiting a professional dominatrix regularly, only it’s someone who knows you and loves you too (it’s messy).
Everyone’s aware, and they stay out of it, because who wants to deal with either of them when they’re like that. It would be sweet (don’t make me start quoting MtD, I will), it would be chaotic, and it absolutely would be depraved.
I’m going to get so much worse with this pairing too now that I’ve settled in, as a couple of y’all already know. sit tight, send ideas if you want (I can never have too many). <3
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bread--quest · 4 months
for anyone and everyone you'd like to talk about in the prehistory disaster polycule:
1. Who is the better cook?
6. Who is always, always running late?
7. Who's clumsier?
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
25. (a lil sappy, but..) What do they like about each other?
it's still valentine's day somewhere (probably??)
1. Who is the better cook?
from best to worst: agan > parker > cote > clare > megan. agan sweep honestly! cote is a big fan of spicy foods because. well. spicy mod.
6. Who is always, always running late?
clare (SORRY IM LATE TRAFFIC WAS TERRIBLE) and agan (sorry im late i thought of like 5 other things i wanted to do on the way here). also occasionally megan (sorry im late i straight up did not want to come.)
7. Who's clumsier?
kinda surprisingly cote! ae's a fucking menace on the blaseball field but off it. um. being repeating makes it a lot easier to literally trip over yourself it turns out
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
clare and agan like to go out places (clare especially loves dancing), but somehow they always end up back at the apartment before too long. and honestly even going out is really just an excuse to spend a long time wandering around and talking :)
25. (a lil sappy, but..) What do they like about each other?
clare and agan: agan likes clare's enthusiasm and sense of adventure! clare likes agan's kindness and creativity. they also like. both have a little mutual admiration/insecurity around the other one's interactions with their team? clare wishes she could protect her team like agan can, and agan admires how clare leads the millennials.
clare and megan: hmm. it's very complicated i think because everything they like about each other is also kind of something they dislike about each other. but i'd say.... clare admires megan's determination and boldness (some might call it hubris), and she likes having someone she can really compete with. megan...megan just thinks clare is so cool, and makes playing blaseball look effortless, and makes friends so easily, and they like that they, megan ito, have the ability to get under her skin. they also are just both so competitive. do NOT invite them to board game night. there will be blood and tears and they will get divorced for the 27th time
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
I'm glad I'm not alone in wanting Ryan to get Rob to get a tumblr to see the amount of people who would shit themselves cause I would find it personally hilarious to not only see the fandom wide freakout but also Rob's reaction to said fandom. Frankenstein shunning his monster and then chasing it after he murders his fiancé and then dying in the pursuit vibes.
It would be hilarious!! I'm not ashamed of my blog at all, hey, if Rob wants to see what I get up to when it comes to his weird little show, that's good with me. I think it would be hysterical if he read any of my posts, and doubly so if he made an account and people started asking him about macdennis 😭 Cmon.
And... have we all forgotten the times where he used to lurk twitter anyway? I mean, I'm pretty sure he knows what we do here, tumblr account or not... Uh, pic related.
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dearsheroozle · 5 months
can you share a little bit about how you started playing dnd? i really want to find people to start playing a campaign with but i’m not sure where to begin.
so what happened was a friend asked me if i would want to watch some critical role with her because campaign 2 had just started, and i knew how much she loved it so i agreed. i really enjoyed it, and had a pretty good time, and not too long after that my other friend asked me if i wanted to join her dnd game that she was running. and i agreed because i thought it might be fun to try because critical role made it look pretty fun. and i wanted to roll dice.
it's been about 6 years since i officially joined that campaign. and we're still going! just played a session yesterday.
the way i joined dnd was really just sheer happenstance, because i had friends who wanted to play and i love being convinced to do things with people that don't involve me leaving my house.
i think roll20 had a thing where DMs would go searching for people to join their campaigns? not entirely sure how that works but i think you can try it out with a free account iirc. i think also adventuring leagues in game stores welcome new players too.
it's probably tough, i'm not gna lie. i got really lucky that i found a group who was willing to stick it out for this long. scheduling can definitely be tough sometimes (holidays are a nightmare. sometimes we go so long without playing!), and it definitely got harder the busier (older) we all got. but we've somehow made it work with 3 different time zones in 3 different countries.
i have also played in a couple other groups, though life has been getting in the way of them, so i really only have one dnd 5e campaign right now. here's hoping the other ones can return soon.
i think if you're not sure where to begin, maybe start by asking some friends who you think might be interested if they would want to play with you? this does mean you might have to DM. that's really what tends to happen. otherwise, maybe trying out some online games and meeting new people could work too! that's worked for some friends of mine. there are def a lot of videos i've watched that talk about this if you're curious too. like how to get started, and where to start, etc.
good luck!
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imogenkol · 1 year
waking up in the other’s arms for Imogen/Bix please?
didn't intend for this to be so angsty, but I kept thinking about Bix having bad dreams and Imogen being there to comfort her
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waking up in other's arms:
Ferrix’s bell tolled and the noise was vicious to Bix’s injured head. Blood had stopped rolling down her temple, but every full-bodied gong made the world sway worse than a late night at Cavo’s. She tugged and tugged at the cuffs that trapped her against the wall. They refused to relent. She knew they wouldn’t, but she couldn’t stop herself from trying to reach Timm where he lay unmoving on the stone steps before her. Why had he been so foolish? Why had she been?
It must be the fate of everyone to die for nothing. 
The bell rang again. Its resonance sounded strange. Distorted. The high-pitched melody lingered, getting louder and louder after each hammer strike. Bix fought her restraints once more. She could almost reach the body. If only she tried harder. 
As the bell continued to sing, Bix realized it hadn’t been struck again. The tune had simply changed to something hauntingly familiar. This bell – this symbol of her home – the mechanic had heard every single day, twice a day, for the entirety of her life keened so violently that she clutched at her throbbing head and prayed for something to silence it. Anything. An explosion that leveled the entire tower. An asteroid. A stray blaster bolt that would end her. Nothing came. The bell only screamed. Bix couldn’t even call it a scream. Screaming is what she did. The noise that ripped through her vocal cords could not rival the wail of the bell, but Bix was utterly desperate to drown the horrific noise out. 
She remembered Timm and searched for his face, hoping that even in death, his familiar features might offer some reprieve. 
But the body on the steps was no longer his.
The blaster bolts burnt holes in the woman’s chest that still sent tendrils of smoke into the air. Half-lidded gray eyes were devoid of any life. Her brunette hair flowed gracefully over the stone like water, blowing ever so gently in the cold breeze. A limp arm extended towards Bix as if she had tried to reach for her in those final moments before her heart ceased to beat.  
“Imogen,” Bix shrieked. 
The mechanic yanked against the cuffs with a new purpose. She poured out every ounce of her strength to free herself until she was sure something had to give – either the cuffs or her wrist, she didn’t care which. All Bix knew was that she needed to get to her.  
This was Bix’s fault. She asked Imogen to be here. She should have let her go. Why couldn’t she just let her go?
The strain on her wrist neared the breaking point. She was so close. Imogen’s hand rested a mere few inches from Bix’s outstretched fingers. So close. The agonized cacophony of a slaughtered people never stopped. The whole awful thing filled Bix’s head with nothing but all encompassing despair. 
So close. Yet far too late. 
Consciousness shattered the nightmare and sent a jolt through Bix’s form. As soon as her eyes blinked open, she recognized her surroundings. The familiar walls of the Crimson Huntress enclosed her and she felt the cot beneath her. More importantly, she felt herself enveloped in sturdy arms. 
“Be still, my love,” Imogen murmured, her voice as soft as silk. 
Those simple words filled Bix with profound relief. Not too late. Her trembling hand found Imogen’s and she laced their fingers together tightly, cradling them preciously against her chest. Not real at all, she silently reassured herself. Some of it had been very real, but Imogen remained safe. She remained alive. And that was all the mechanic cared about at that moment. 
Please don’t go. 
“I won’t.”
Bix wasn’t entirely certain if she had accidentally voiced her plea aloud or if Imogen somehow heard her thoughts. Maybe she had even seen the mechanic’s dreams. The true extent of her abilities were an utter mystery to Bix, but she supposed it didn’t matter so long as she had the comfort of Imogen’s embrace. 
She carefully turned around. Imogen watched her closely with an almost serene expression. Bix drank in the light in those gray eyes to banish the image of the limp body laying on the steps. As if to taunt Bix with what could have been, her gaze landed on the scars that delicately crawled across Imogen’s cheek. While the marks from the electrostaff had faded since the skirmish on Ferrix, they remained easily noticeable to anyone close enough. She knew Imogen didn’t like having her scars touched, but Bix couldn’t stop herself from trailing her thumb over them.
Bix felt Imogen’s jaw stiffen, but she did not flinch away or protest. “Did I wake you?”
“My dreams were nothing important,” Imogen replied dismissively.
“I’m getting sick and tired of mine,” Bix said with a heavy sigh. 
Imogen nodded and pressed her lips right between Bix’s eyebrows. Everything about Imogen was so cold. From her hands to her disposition, Bix often wondered if she had sprouted up from some Outer Rim ice planet. Apart from her lips. They had always been warm against Bix’s skin.
“They will leave you in time.”
Bix softly scoffed as she nuzzled against her. “Will they?” 
“They will leave you,” Imogen repeated more insistently. It sounded vaguely like a threat. As if she intended to ignite her lightsaber to fend off the nightmares herself if she must. 
The mechanic found it endearing despite not fully believing the sentiment. Like a smitten teenager, she hid her bashful smile in the crook of Imogen’s neck and placed a kiss where her pulse was the strongest. Where her scarring was the most sensitive. Imogen’s body tensed, but again, she allowed the contact to linger. 
“I like you like this,” Bix whispered against her skin. Who I need.
It took a moment, but she felt the rigid arms around her slowly relax before Imogen replied with a simple "Then I will continue to be this."
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elektroblues · 1 year
Something is fucked with your cousins septum it does not hurt to breathe at all it never has! Had mine a decade. Just make sure the piercer is reputable and preferably an APP member. X
it was my cousin's friend who told her that n yeah i figured some shit was happening w their piercing 😭 and thank you for the advice ofc i'll make sure my piercer knows what they're doing ^-^
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