#thank you maggie this was GLORIOUS
amiwritesthings · 1 year
it's a sudden cold snap that freezes everything outside till it would shatter from being breathed on. everything is blanketed and silent and loud at the same time.
The snow is drifting down in fat flakes, blanketing the world in peace and quiet. There's a strange yellow glow in the sky and the grimy glass of the small window is starting to frost over and she can barely make out the shapes of their cars parked side by side through the flurry of white anymore.
Deanna rubs her palms together, letting the sounds inside offset the unusual quiet from outside: the crackling of the fire, the static from the radio, the creak of the floorboards when Dad comes up behind her.
Something inside of her settles. They are not going anywhere, not for a few days, no hunts, no emergencies. For the foreseeable future, it is just them, here, together.
Dad's hands come to rest on her shoulders, then rub down the top of her arms, the sensation dulled by the thick knit sweater she's practically swimming in. It's Dad's and it's a little scratchy and has a snag on the sleeve that she's trying her hardest not to unravel any further because it's the only one they have. She takes a breath, lets it fill her lungs and heart and soul before she exhales.
Everything is amplified in the quiet of winter. The rasp of Dad's palms over the wool, the warmth of his breath on her neck, her own heartbeat loud in her ears.
It's the first time they are standing still, since Sam left. The first time it is just the two of them, no distractions, no separate hunts, and it should feel different, she thinks, but it doesn't. It's comfortable and familiar and the realization that they are still them, that despite the fight and the disagreements Dad still loves her and wants her, warms her body in a way the fire never could.
"C'mon, let's go to bed, sweetheart," Dad murmurs against her ear and she shivers but it's not from the cold this time.
She crawls onto the bed, watches Dad throw another log into the fire before he joins her. She snuggles up to him without hesitation, throws her leg over his and her arm over his chest. He's colder than usual and she burrows even closer to share some of her own body heat and sighs for the fingers playing softly with her hair.
"I've missed this," she says quietly, and Dad hums, places a kiss to the top of her head.
"Yeah," he agrees, and his fingertips never stop moving, running through her hair, drawing silly little patterns against the nape of her neck, and he's humming a song she can't quite make out and Deanna's feelings have never been louder than right now in the soft silence of first snow.
"I love you, Dad," she says softly and for a moment she thinks he might not have heard but then his arm tightens around her shoulder and he kisses her forehead and says just as softly, "I love you, too, sweetie," and Deanna smiles and watches the last of the window freeze over in snowflake crystals, completely hiding them away from the world.
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hello beautiful human !
Can I find in, your glorious library, stories where Crowley has good friends who care for him deeply? Aside from Aziraphale, ofc.
Thank you so much in advance ❤️
Hi! I would recommend our #apocalypse buddies, #crowley & muriel, and #friendship tags for fics to enjoy. Here are more fics in which Crowley has good friends...
Angel, Please by GhostOfCallisto (M)
Crowley and Aziraphale are both regular old humans who met under human circumstances. Crowley is a part of a struggling band called Hellish Rebuke with the demon crew, Aziraphale is a former drag queen named Angel Fell attempting to be a professional dancer. Maggie and Nina are best friends with Crowley and big fans of his band.
I'm Gonna Set Things Right Again by iocallistoeuropa (G)
Aziraphale has gone off to Heaven, Crowley is driving around the country aimlessly, Muriel has learned how to have a "cupperty", and Give Me Coffee... or Give Me Death has now been expanded and renamed Give Me Coffee, Give Me Records... or Give Me Death. Some things have changed for the better, but others have turned into quite a mess. Is there any way to set things right again?
Who Am I Without You? by Lainey_Marie (T)
After Aziraphale left for Heaven, all Crowley wanted to do was lose control of himself and spiral until he couldn't feel anything anymore but there is an angel needing his help to adjust to life on Earth and a pesky coffee shop owner who just won't let him drown in his immense sorrow. With the help of his new friends, Crowley attempts to figure out who he is when he isn't living for Aziraphale or to do Hell's bidding. But what happens when that very same angel returns in desperate need of a hand to save the world once more?
You're Just a Little Under Rehearsed by MickyRC (T)
Drama teacher Crowley loves directing the Tadfield Community Players' shows—interacting with the rest of the staff at the community center, not so much. So when he meets the new accompanist for this year's musical, he's shocked to find that he might actually like him. Possibly more than like, if he's being honest. Aziraphale is fresh from leaving a long career as a church pianist, and hoping that a new job will get him out of the lonely rut he's found himself in. The attention and kindness of the flashy community theater director are unexpected, but not unwelcome. Far from it. But with a community theater to run, a show to put on, and a disgruntled R.P. Tyler looking for any excuse to get rid of Crowley and his theater program, will they be able to make a relationship work? And, more importantly, can they make sure the show still goes on?
The Prize by Caedmon (E)
Need a car? Date my brother. My brother is a real angel but needs a helping hand in the social/romance department, so I’m trying to help him find a good guy. Ages 35-50, employed, good looking, emotionally stable. After an entrance interview, if you successfully date my brother for a set amount of time and pull him out of his shell, I will give you my garage kept 1933 Bentley. Serious inquiries only. Contact [email protected]
love like yours (will surely come my way) by CCs_World (T)
Dr Zira Fell is a new professor of theology at St Beryl's University. His first day there he meets the mysterious and enchanting Dr AJ Crowley, an art history professor and a painter. They almost immediately become friends, and spend most of their time getting lunch together, talking, drinking wine, making art, and falling slowly in love with one another. Featuring cameos of everyone's favorite (and least favorite) characters, gratuitous descriptions of paintings, long text messaging conversations, and one cranky cat.
- Mod D
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jiveyuncle · 11 months
Hi omg!!!!! I just saw the book you posted for TNAHP and I am dying! It looks GLORIOUS!!!!! Turned out so beautiful binded like that! And the art is absolutely stunning, may I ask what company printed it? Like what shop did you use? I’ve wanted to print certain stories just for myself so badly over the years but there are so many places and I can’t decide and this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!!!!! 😍😍😍 thank you so much for sharing!
Hi, anon! Thank you! 💕 I was so happy getting to hold it and put it up on my shelf! Look!!! 😭💕
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I want to preface everything I’m about to say with this: if you use a third party service to print any material (fics, art, art in fics, etc.) please, please, please reach out to the author/artist and get permission to use the service before printing! It doesn’t matter if someone else already has permission, make sure *you* have permission. Also consider if the art in the fic belongs to someone other than the writer (like if the work was a collaborative piece or if it features fanart of the fic) and get permission from them, too! You may have to wait for a response, or you may never get one (in which case, don’t print without permission), but it really is worth it to make sure the authors/artists feel comfortable and confident that they keep control over their own work.
This is the first service I’ve used, and I have no experience binding, so I’m just sharing what I did and what I noticed with my untrained eye.
First, the service I used is Barnes and Noble Press. Here’s a link:
You can make books publicly for sale or books strictly private for personal use. If printing fanfic, be certain that you are creating a “personal” print. It will appear like this in your projects section (note the “PERSONAL” banner above the cover art):
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As you can see - the price is pretty decent as far as books go! After tax, shipping, and handling costs, this book turned out to be $21.82.
You can choose how you want to customize the materials your book is made up of. Different materials cost different amounts (i.e. printing color pages inside is going to increase your price a lot). If you don’t know where to start, here’s the preference settings I selected for my copy:
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Now, understand that they are not editing your book for you - you’re still going to have to do all the formatting and arranging in a document yourself and designing your own cover (so be prepared to still spend a lot of time on this project). They simply print and physically put all the pieces together for you.
Lastly, I want to address quality. While this is far better quality than I could manage on my own, it’s still not 100% up to quality of most books I can purchase in a store. For comparison, I’ll show a couple side-by-side images of the fic print next to my favorite published book, The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater.
Dust jacket: Feels great! Literally no complaints.
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The hard cover: A bit cheaper feeling. Definitely noticeable difference with a printed visual texture instead of real texture. The printed texture creased and wore away to reveal the white beneath. It’s visible here after just a few openings of the book. Also, unfortunately, you cannot customize the hardcover under the dust jacket, so no spine labels and you’re stuck with this color blue:
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Finally, my biggest concern, the binding of the pages: looks a lot more like a paperback that had its cover glued onto a hardcover than an actual standard hardcover. Again, I’m no expert and idk if that’s normal, what anything is called, or how this affects the lifespan of the book, but you can even see where the spine kinda hovers away from the hardcover casing and how that compares to the The Raven Boys.
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Anyway, the service isn’t perfect, no, but it works for what I wanted, looks nice, is user friendly, and allows me to hold a fic I otherwise never would have had the opportunity to. I appreciate it for that.
Hope this was helpful! Print responsibly 😊
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just-1other-nerd · 1 year
Good Omens live blog ep. 11
What do you mean? No, I did not totally forget this in my drafts for the last few days...
Furfur is so done with everything
"Can I watch?" is just an excuse for Crowley to spend more time with his angel
I believe it as much as Crowley, but Aziraphale is actually giving away books!
How many demons are there compared to angels? Like, what are the numbers?
Crowley is so silly sometimes, he's just tagging along and having an eye on his husband
Sidenote: Ms. Cheng is super pretty
Shax, my girl, that is the most unspectacular pre battle motivational speech ever, especially with the premise of storming a bookshop
I swear that when the camera slowly turns to Crowley, that's the moment he realises he's in love with Aziraphale
He went and got drunk
Finally, Nina's toxic relationship is over, it was about time
I love that not just the shop part is full of books, they're literally everywhere
Crowley is so protective! Just imagine what would have happened if Crowley said stop just 5 seconds later. Gabriel would have been pancake material.
Institutional problem, wonder what that's about...
Muriel is so cute
Yeah Crowley you tell yourself that you're not nice, doesn't change the facts
Gabriel's suit, I can't!
Why is nobody except Nina noticing the spell Aziraphale put on the shop?
The non-binary spouse slays
Oh Lord, Aziraphale is so freaking excited about them dancing! Agsjrowkefjsn
That coat is somehow even more glorious than the suit
So they did that super extremely powerful miracle all on their own? Without even trying to make it powerful? Something, something, power of love
Is that guy dead?!
Why is that hypnosis thing not working on Nina and Maggie?
Shax brought Crowley his mail? Why not throw it away?
They finally said the angels and demons don't have a gender thing in the show!
How can you say stuff like "Rescuing me makes him so happy" and expect me to be okay?
Crowley and Muriel are a delightful combination
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glorf1ndel · 1 year
Tag game! Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people. I was tagged by @prymaraa; thank you 😄
G – “Glorious,” Ella Henderson
L – “Lothlorien (LOTR Lofi),” Chill Astronaut
O – “Over You,” Daughtry
R – “Running,” Emily King
F – “Feeling Good,” Nina Simone
1 – “The 1,” Taylor Swift
N – “No Place,” RÜFÜS DU SOL
D – “Different Kind of World,” Maggie Rogers
E – “Everything I Know About Love,” Laufey
L – “Let It Be,” The Beatles
I will tag @lady-of-imladris @wordbunch @curiouselleth @swanhild and whoever wants to do this – no pressure, of course!
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starleska · 1 year
Have you ever seen randy rosebud from the point and click game Maggie's apartment? He's tall, red haired, evil and sooo shaped
oooohoooo now this is the kind of deep-cut i love!!!! 👀
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what a fascinating character design!!! i know absolutely nothing about Maggie's Apartment but am so struck by the art, it's glorious!! Randy Rosebud certainly is tall, red-haired and shaped...and you say he's evil? well, i clearly need to check this game out properly 😉 i also love how squishy and fun Maggie is, it's such a cute contrast;;; thank you so much for suggesting Randy and this game!! :3c
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forlorngarden · 1 year
10 books to know me by
thank you @shipsnsails and @tahtahfornow for tagging me <3 this is not going to be the most coherent or thought out list for i change my mind and change myself, but the current me is made of these books!! and there are only 8 titles but some of them are series!! it counts
master and margarita, mikhail bulgakov. i don't think i can be divided from this book or the imprint it has left on me. book of all time guiding light guardian angel etc etc.
crush, richard siken. tumblrina staple for a reason. absolutely gutting collection of musings on love and pain and everything that comes with them. i don't think a day goes where i don't think\quote at least one line
night sky sky with exit wounds, ocean vuong. something snapped in me when i read "green, despite the red, despite the rest". ocean absolutely demolishes with words. i wasn't a fan of poetry before siken and vuong lol
the last days of judas iscariot, stephen adly guirgis. one thing about me is that i am abnormal about god(s). and to be saint is to be myself!!
call me by your name, andre aciman. it was my introduction to queer literature, and what a beautiful one it was. for a winters bitch, i sure love books that feel like summer.
the raven cycle, maggie stiefvater. i don't think they need any explanation on this website, but they are currently rearrangng my brain in the messiest, most glorious way.
the song of achiless, madeline miller. another widely beloved one. i have been obsessed with greek mythology since approximately first grade, so i was not surprised to come to love this story.
time wizards, natalia shcherba. oh what a lame title adaptation. its a series called chasodei and i am so attached to it while never being in it's fandom. time for a reread i miss Fash.
tags (but pls don't feel pressured): @listenann @woolfag @ijustlovher @serethereal @dykefever
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angelicyoongie · 2 years
Ok so similar to a previous ask, all the boys are creepy af and omg they literally had my skin crawling the whole time I was reading 😩😩😩 I’ve been in situations where everything is so overwhelming so it was very easy to get in the mc’s headspace 😂 but duDEEE, I could feel the sting of Jungkooks betrayal, like he was the mc’s friend but seeing that he’s in with all these psychos is so heartbreaking 😭 and I was thinking the same thing about, if they’d all approached her normally and soundly about the soulbond, they could’ve been in love by now 😭😭😭😭 but also that last part with Jungkook making the mc’s skin tingle with his touch??? 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭 literally had me so conflicted all around WBFLFNDK as always, splendid and fantastic work telling the story and keeping us on edge! I am excited for the next one!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
- K
Hi K!! AAH thank you so much omg!! 💖💖
They're pretty awful and it's so morbidly funny to me that the majority of them can't see it themselves. Talk about being delulu 💀 You and me both, lol!
I don't think I would be able to ever forgive JK if I was in Y/n's shoes, a betrayal like that runs Deep. Yup, it sucks for her (and them, I suppose) that this is the way it happened, they probably would've been all lovey dovey by now if they had tried to approach her normally 😔 You better prepare yourself, because I think you'll only end up feeling increasingly more conflicted with every chapter 🙈
Thank you, thank you!! 💖💖
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chocsbookblog · 2 months
Book Review: The Witchstone
Title: The Witchstone
Author: Henry H. Neff
Narrator: Ramiz Monsef
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing - Audiobooks for allowing me a copy of this audio book in return for an honest review.
Laszlo the demon has spent the last 100 years of his 800-year existence avoiding his job as Curse Keeper to the Drakeford Curse. To the extent that the family no longer realises that the monstrosities all Drakefords grow into are a curse. With a new overseer breathing down his neck, Laszlo has just six days to remedy the situation or he will be destroyed. Thankfully, he has a plan—one that includes dragging the Drakeford kids, 19-year-old Maggie and 12-year-old Lump, along for the ride.
Ramiz Monsef performed wonderfully as the narrator; his sense of comedic timing was spot on. Some of the accents were a bit off, but as this was only evident with minor characters, it wasn’t a problem. The main characters were easy to differentiate between, which was much more important.
What I liked: This was such a well-woven tale, with plenty of heart and comedy. The main characters were all likeable, so much so that I had to keep my fingers crossed that they all came out on top. The plot twisted enough times that even though I had my suspicions on how it would work out, there were still plenty of surprises to keep me interested and nervous that I was wrong. The demon and creature mythology was well-crafted and believable.
What didn’t work for me: Only a small critique—likely due to my impatience to find out what was going on—some of the in-between portions (where little action occurred) could have been cut down to move the story along.
Final Thoughts: A thoroughly enjoyable urban fantasy, with witty dialogue and a glorious cast of characters.
Who would enjoy this book: Fans of comedic fantasy, unwitting collaborations tropes, adult/kid team-up tropes, good vs evil, demons with jobs, and family curses.
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drrubinspomade · 3 months
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#maggie lindemann
We post glorious pinups like this one all day, every day! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks and greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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marie1-kersaint · 10 months
Silly 😜 pathetic 🙄KERSAINT
MK, sis, cuz 🤮
KENAI's doctor will be happy to send you another RX and Kathy knows of places to B1G1F or cheaper online
what time are you coming? i was thinking of going to PF and i don't want to miss the kids
i have some work related things to do tomorrow and i leave Tuesday AM
SORRY GINA, i was looking again for the fitness weight, my hand landed on and broke KENAI's glasses 👓
please get him another one and i'll repay you as soon as i can
HI 👋 GINA, please 🙏 have 1 of the kids tell MOM to dial back this number
MAGGIE is the realtor who's going to try to sell MOM's 3 lots
she speaks creole and coming from far and wants to be sure this thing finally get started
we called MOM no answer
i am on my way by 🕛 to clean your fridge if i know that FOUR 4 PEOPLE ARE GOING TO THE 💃🤩🎊🎉🎈 BAHAMAS 🇧🇸 or i'll stay back&try to make some money 💰 since everybody else is trying to make it a 4day weekend 😭
Just come get some food.
pastor at Cheyenne fellowship church ⛪️ was doing the GLORY ecstasy when a member’s mom died … i always wonder if it would be so GLORIOUS if someone came and took his wife and or daughter to GLORY
i love kindness
i need help and prayer 🙏 (RESULTS)
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
A Little Pink Package
warnings: childbirth; swearing; fluffy
“I hate you! I want you to walk through hell covered in gasoline! You fucking bastard!” Y/n screamed the last part with true hate in her voice, throwing one of the pillows that supported her back at her boyfriend and baby daddy with all the strength she could muster in the midst of a contraction. “You will never touch me again.” She said tiredly as the contraction wore off. “I want my mommy.”
“I know ma.” Jack kissed her sweaty forehead looking at his cell phone, he had informed both their families as soon as her water broke. “They must be arriving soon.”
His parents were already in the hospital, Clay included, his mother—who was keeping them company in the room—had gone out to get a coffee for herself, and an energy drink for Jack—little Ms. Harlow had decided to be born in the middle of the night, waking everyone up—Y/n’s parents were already on their way back from Lexington, where Mr.Y/Ln had gone to complete the purchase of some racehorses for his father-in-law.
“Help me up.” She held out her arms to the boy. “I need to walk.” Y/n she explained when Jack eyed her warily.
The eighteen-year-old helped his girlfriend out of the hospital bed, making sure the back opening nightgown didn't leave anything exposed.
And wherever the girl went she was followed by her 6ft3in shadow, supporting her every time a contraction hit hard, massaging her lower back as she leaned on his shoulders, her body leaning forward due to the force of contraction. Y/n had turned down drugs after watching childbirth documentaries and decided on a natural birth, something she now regretted due to the intensity of the pain, but there was no going back. This baby would come into the world as God intended, in all its glorious pain—they definitely shouldn't allow so much freedom of choice for a seventeen-year-old having her first child. What the fuck did she know about births? That's what she'd shouted into the phone with her mother when she'd called to ask where the fuck they are.
“I need to push.” Was all Y/n said as he got up from the ball she was sitting on for Maggie to braid her hair. Jack jumped up from the armchair he was sitting in, looking at his mother not knowing what to do. “I need to push.” Y/n repeated.
“I'll call the midwife.” That's all Maggie said before she left the room.
Y/n was already bent over the bed, in the position she found most comfortable for her, Jack was quickly beside her, one hand in hers while the other traced circles on her back.  
“Everything will be alright ma.” He assured her. “We're in this together.”
“Are you the one who's going to push a watermelon out of your vagina?” She turned to him annoyed. “Just be quiet Jackman, the only thing you did was nine months ago for two minutes.” The girl barked.
Jack didn't even respond, since she went into labor Y/n wasn't herself, the sweet and gentle girl she was dating had been replaced by a rabid demon whose favorite/only victim was him.
If someone asked, Y/n couldn't tell when the midwife and nurse arrived in the room, what was said, or how long it took. She remembers the pain, screaming at Jack the whole time—which he accepted with astonishing grace for an eighteen-year-old boy—her parents arrived in the middle of her delivery, and then simply the pressure was relieved, the pain The throbbing stopped, and the room was filled with the baby's loud cries.
Hours later, lying on the hospital bed after being washed and changed, looking completely tired, with her back is leaning against Jack's chest, who had his arm around her, was Y/n. The teenage couple had their attention completely focused on the little package wrapped in pink blanket in Y/n's arms. 
“I think she's going to have my nose.” Y/n whispered, running her fingertip across the nose of the baby she had just brought into the world.
She couldn't even believe that she and Jack had made that baby.
“Thank God for small mercies.” The boy said, Y/n giggled feeling her boyfriend's hot breath behind her ear. “She is so beautiful.” Jack smiled as the sleeping little girl squeezed his index finger. “She kind of looks like you.” He commented.
“You think?” Y/n asked without taking her eyes off her daughter's face.
“Hmm hmm.” He agreed. “But I think she's going to have my hair.” The boy ran his hand through the baby's still thin hair, the few strands present were curly, but nothing could say how they would be in the future. “She's going to break hearts just like her mother.” He smiled at his girlfriend.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“I never broke hearts Jack, or are you forgotten that you’re my first boyfriend?” The curly haired boy just let out a low laugh.
“Your too sweet, never change.” He kissed her temple, Y/n turned to look at Jack with an arched brow. “You don't even notice the amount of guys who are half in love with you, even with you pregnant with my baby they couldn't contain themselves from staring at you like fools, even Urban who is my best friend is a little sweet on you.” He commented with a silly smile on his face. “It’s the way you are sweetness itself, a guy can’t help himself.”
Y/n laughed lightly.
“I'm so sorry I was such a bitch earlier.” She apologized looking him in the eye. “You were in pain.” Jack said understandingly, resting his chin on top of her head. “And it was worth it.” He ran his hand over his daughter's head. “Our little Isla Rosie is here now. Thank you, mama.”
They knew life wouldn't be easy.
Parenting at seventeen and eighteen wasn't simple.
Not everything would be flowers, and there would be days when they wouldn't know what to do, and sleepless nights.
They would make mistakes.
But there was no doubt that they loved that little pink package more than anything in the world, and they would do anything to give her the world. That was almost like a silent promise as they look at her the three of them lying in the little hospital bed like the little family they were.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Warning: extreme praise/ spoilers for Bleach on the brain, Leech in the rain, Nebuchadnezzars dream
I've wanted to read Botb for months, because it always seemed to me that it would capture exactly what I've thought how poor Renesmees life might go after BD. Now I've finally got around to it and what can I say? I love this ff to pieces. Do you know that feeling of 'Ohh I love this so much I wish I would have written that'? That's Botb to a t for me. It's everything I expected from this fic and more. I hate how in character everyone is. I was literally stopping for a moment during the trial to think of an argument that Bella wouldn't behave like this...but I absolutely believe that she would. I was practically sreaming at the wall because I was so mad at her and I so deeply wanted Edward to admit what he had done in front of Maggie. I've reread the last 2 chapters, because they were just SO GREAT and will reread the rest when I gain the strength to deal with Edward and Jacob again.
Same goes for Litr (also...the titles. Brilliant), I refresh this fic every day in hope of a new chapter (praise to you too @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta !). I in general love how you two write Renata. She was pretty much an afterthought to me before, just there sort of, now she's one of my favourite characters. I so so hope for a friendship between Carlie, Rosalie and Renata and that Aro and Carlie will at least get to a better understanding of each other with Carlie not thinking he's the devil himself. I also dearly wish for Edwards and Jacobs death.
While I was waiting for Litr I read Nd and oh my god, it was also perfect. I love Aros theory about Siobhan. I was practically screaming for 2 chapters (a lot of screaming here for your ffs) why they wouldn't take Renesmee. If Carlisle wouldn't have suggested that I think I would have cried. I so hope that you'll write the sequel eventually, I NEED THIS! I mean....Renesmee in a sarcophagus? Aro on the diet? All of them underwater? YES PLEASE. I also am very glad that I now finally know what you're talking about when you're mentioning Carlisles gift on here.
This got entirely too long, I'm gonna stop here or I never will. Thank you for your ffs!
Oh my gosh. This is such a lovely comment, thank you so much!
Consider me delighted, inspired, and very very flattered. And relieved Bleach didn't disappoint you. And there's more Leech on the way! I'm pretty sure we'll find the time for a new chapter this weekend.
Look, @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, praise! Glorious praise.
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kitweewoos · 3 years
Hi Kit! I have returned with another prompt: "I believe in the goodness in you." And let's do a crossover today- Melinda May/Will Halstead
Hi nonny! Thank you so much for being patient! This is such an interesting concept, and I hope you enjoy it!
Melinda May was an interesting patient, quiet and insistent that she didn’t need any help. She was bloodied, and bruised, and had clearly been in some kind of fight that she was not interested in talking about. He patched up her wounds, and made sure that she wasn’t bleeding internally. She held herself like a soldier, the same way Jay did, Ethan did, Mouse did, like she’d seen horrors she couldn’t speak. He could see it in her eyes, too, a haunting that didn’t come from the war on the streets of Chicago. No, it was deeper than that, like those eyes had stared into the face of evil and had changed under it. But, there was still a softness to the rigidity, a chance she might be healed, might be able to, if not forget but move forward after the trauma. She just needed a hand.
“I’m not sure what happened, and it’s not for me to know really,” Will said, pulling up a stool beside her in the trauma bay. He could hear Maggie outside, calling for Natalie and Connor to meet the incoming trauma, and Will reached out to pull the curtain shut. “Are you in danger? Is there anyone I can contact for you?”
“No, I’m fine,” she said tersely, and he nodded.
“I just don’t want to release you back into a bad situation.”
“I’m fine. Thank you, Doctor.”
“Right. Well,” he said. “I can start your release paperwork now, but here’s my brother’s number, he’s a detective with CPD. Please call him if there’s something you need getting out of.”
Will stood up and handed her a business card with Jay’s name and number, the one he always kept in his white doctor’s coat for people who needed it. Jay had given him a stack and they’d just nodded. Will never mentioned it to Jay when he handed one out, and Jay never mentioned if someone had called him for help. That’s how this worked. Anonymity through cooperation.
“Doctor Halstead,” she said, and he turned to look at her. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
“Just doing my job,” he said with a smile, and he went to leave. “I’ll get your paperwork started.”
He can’t help someone more than the help they’ll accept, and he’s had to come to terms with that over the years of being a doctor in the Emergency Department.
“Halstead, you’re going to three,” Maggie called, and Will turned to catch up to the paramedics wheeling in a patient. He did his work, cared for patients, patched up cuts, wrote out prescriptions, but meanwhile, Melinda May’s dark, steady eyes stayed in the back of his brain.
“Alright, Maggie, I’m headed out.”
“Are you in tomorrow?” Maggie asked while Will fixed the collar of his jacket.
“No, I am going to be cleaning my apartment and taking a very good afternoon nap. It’s going to be glorious.”
“You have a good day off, Will.”
He waved and headed out to catch the train home, stepping out into the fading afternoon light. It was a beautiful day, and he took a deep breath to enjoy it.
“Doctor Halstead?” a voice said, and he turned to find Melinda on the sidewalk, the business card still in between her fingers.
“Do you have a minute?”
“Of course. What can I help you with?”
She nodded towards the sidewalk, and he took that to mean to follow her. There was something undeniable about her, something that pulled him in like a magnet, a mystery, a danger. He’d always been attracted to that, which Jay had never really approved of, but there was something about this woman in particular that made him want to follow. There was a cafe not far from Med, right down the street, that she led him into. They both ordered a coffee before sitting down at an empty table in the corner.
“Doctor Halstead,” she started and he shook his head.
“You can call me Will,” he replied.
“Right. Will. Well, Will, you asked if I’m in danger, or if you could contact someone to help me.”
“I did.”
“Why?” he echoed. “You came into the hospital, needing help. I wanted to help. It’s why I became a doctor.”
“You don’t know if I deserve help.”
“There’s no one that doesn’t deserve help,” he said.
She hummed and looked at him, sipping her coffee. She’d gotten a double espresso, taken straight black.
“How do you know that? With all that’s happened in the world?”
He shrugged and said, “I was in New York during the attack. I wasn’t working Emergency, then, but they needed every hand on deck, and I’d had some experience working trauma before, so I saw what happened. I saw the carnage, and the destruction. But I also saw the help that regular citizens gave to everyone. They opened their homes to give refuge, they had potlucks for those who couldn’t get food, they gave everything to their neighbors and even strangers on the street. There is good in everyone, even if others refuse to see it, or focus on the negatives.”
He took a sip of his own coffee, just to do something.
“That’s an incredibly enlightened view.”
“It’s so easy to get dragged down, especially working in the Emergency Department. You see horrible things every day, gunshot victims, domestic violence, rape, attempted murder, drunk drivers. There’s so many people who are capable of doing truly atrocious acts, but that doesn’t mean that every single person who is capable of that will do it. It certainly doesn’t mean that people aren’t good, and don’t deserve my help.”
“So, you would help someone even if they were your worst enemy?” she asked.
She frowned.
“Some people don’t deserve a second chance, Will.”
“Maybe, but that’s not up to me to decide. When I became a doctor, I swore to help everyone who needed help. That involves people that I don’t believe deserve my help.”
“The world isn’t as black and white as that.”
“No,” Will said, nodding in agreement with her. “No, you’re right, but inside that hospital, inside the ED, it is. I don’t determine who is good and who is evil. I just work on patients, and what they do outside of the hospital is on them.”
“What about me?”
“What about you?”
“You said you don’t determine who is good and who is evil, but there’s some part of you that wanted to help me, that gave me this card. What did you determine about me?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Okay. I think you’re used to doing everything yourself. You’re self-sufficient. You don’t let anyone help you, and that shows because you were resistant to even taking a business card, but you kept it, which means that you’re not used to needing the help. You wanted to keep it. I don’t know what you do for your job, but it’s something new to you, something you aren’t used to, and you’re afraid you need the help. You’re afraid of something inside yourself, something you’re hiding from everyone in your life, and maybe it’s too scary to face alone, that’s why you found me after my shift. You don’t want to go home, or back to work, wherever, because whatever it is that you’re harboring, whatever secret you’re keeping, you’re more afraid of it than you’ve been afraid of anything before. But I think you just need a little help.”
She raised her eyebrow at him.
“I believe in the goodness in you,” he said. “You just need to see it yourself.”
He reached out and took the card she still had, and flipped it over to the blank side. Quickly, he scribbled his own name and his number, then left it on the table for her to take if she wanted.
“But you need to decide you actually want my help to see it first. So, call me sometime.”
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I have *so many thoughts* and I’m gonna try to put them all here
opening with Alex’s flawless vocals...beautiful. glorious. 10/10
thank you Maggie, Zoey and I really needed that
HELLO DOLLY. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOOOOOD-the instrumentals and choreo and vocals and ahhhhhhh!!! seeing everyone again!!!!
GEORGE I love him so much and relate to him more than I have to any character in a long time-also Harvey is quickly rising to the top of the best vocalists in the cast because HOLY COW
was my jaw on the floor for the entirety of are you gonna be my girl? mayhaps
the ring scene is so good oh my god. now I want one-they should sell them as merch
Emily and David and Miles-I just-ahhhhh I can’t wait to see where it goes with them
Zoey working with Maggie to find the files-I love seeing her in her element, and I love seeing Maggie still being a great mom
“death becomes you” and the high-five that follows it...iconic
the scene when Joan visits Zoey-I can’t even explain how much I love the growth of their relationship
this does feel so needed and relevant to the time-god Zoey I feel you
carry on!!! the choreo and instrumentals and vulnerability!!! ahhhh!!
🙌manifesting an emmy for Peter Gallagher🙌
as much as I love Tobin, he definitely needed to be called out, and it looks like he’s actually growing??? I can’t wait
Leif when Zoey told him she’d be the new boss-his face went through a million emotions in a few seconds and I Cannot Wait to see what happens-MTG if you see this your performance was *flawless*
the whole carry on montage!!! the foosball and Maggie showing pictures to Miles and Mo’s hair!!!
I want those constellation pajamas
and idk how to even comment on the cliffhanger but We’ll See How It Goes
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kth1 · 3 years
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After months and months of planning between Jimin and Maggie, with the occasional help from Taehyung and accidental help from Namjoon, Maggie awaits in the baggage claim area of the airport after Jimin’s long flight from Korea to LAX. Jimin wants to surprise his girlfriend, Lindy, for her birthday this year as many times in the past he missed special occasions due to his hectic schedule. It’s understandable, being adults trying to figure out career paths makes you do that.
Be busy that is...
But luckily, Jimin is able to swindle his charms and cast his pleading eyes enough times to finally make a glorious trip to the States to revisit his love. Already debated on sweeping her right off her feet and bringing her back to Korea when he returns back home. 
Maggie spots Jimin in the best, ‘no really, there isn’t a celebrity under these clothes’ hidden attire. A stark baseball cap covering the majority of his face along with a face mask covering. Large baggy clothes that he probably is eager to break out of once he hits the car or the apartment complex. To Maggie’s own surprise as she waits for the bags to flood in by the conveyor belt, are the two - yes two - companions accompanying Jimin. One she partially assumes is a manager of some sort and the other is none other than Jimin’s best friend and soulmate, Taehyung.
Thank God Maggie has a large car to house all these extra suitcases and bodies.
Maggie formally greets them to the best of her ability after Taehyung nearly crashes into her with a large bear hug, nearly suffocating the poor girl with how much he’s missed being around her. Jimin’s eyes shine bright and crinkle, no doubt matching the smile hidden under his mask. 
“So I have it set up that I'll bring you guys to Lindy’s apartment. I have a spare key so we can chill there a bit. You guys can take a nap or something if you need to,” she checks her wrist at the watch that flashes her the time. “We have about two hours before I need to pick her up.”
“That sounds great. Did you get her the cake I told you about? The cream cheese cake one with cherries?” Jimin looks over to Maggie from the passenger seat of the car.
“Order it exactly how you requested!” 
Jimin sighs relief. His mind hasn’t ever stopped the thoughts of excitement and nervousness of hopefully making this birthday one of Lindy’s best. 
Time flies by and Maggie is already driving Lindy back home for what she knows as a night in with movies and drinks. Lindy looks slightly exhausted, surely work never helped make her mood lighter. However, Maggie tries to cheer Lindy up by bringing her a small bag of chocolates before the big surprise. 
“You seem a bit off, did something happen?” Lindy quirks an eyebrow, fingers grabbing around a face mask that has been trampled on by her feet. It’s a full black mask, one Maggie doesn’t necessarily ever have to her knowledge. 
“What do you mean?” Maggie’s eyebrows furrow, hiding the way her eyes nearly widen at the sudden question. Worried she ended up saying or doing something that tipped Lindy off. 
“You’re quieter than usual.” 
Maggie begins to laugh, more at herself but Lindy cannot detect that. “Oh? I’m honestly pondering if we should go with Jennifer’s Body or She’s the Man for movies.” 
It’s a lie, but Lindy doesn’t know that. 
Prior to Lindy entering the car, Maggie had notified Jimin via text that they would be arriving in roughly twenty minutes. So in the back of Maggie’s mind as she’s driving closer to Lindy’s block, is praying to the lord how this plan must execute perfectly for it to all work. 
Jimin planned to put together Lindy’s cake in the stairwell of Lindy’s apartment complex, hiding from Lindy’s view from when he begins hearing both her and Maggie stepping up the concrete steps. Taehyung and the manager already planned to make their way around the block for some local convenience store snacks in the meantime, ready to bring back even more food and drinks. 
“Oh shit,” Maggie exclaims as she’s only one foot through the door to Lindy’s apartment. “I forgot I had a bottle of liquor in the trunk of the car. I’ll be right back.” 
Lindy stands awkwardly as her sweater starts to drape off her elbows, nearly falling to the floor when she goes to speak up.
Lindy watches her best friend vanish down the stairwell before the door closes, preventing any further view to the outside world. She shrugs it off, ready to deflate her body to her trusty couch after kicking off both her worn down shoes and hooking her purse up on the hanging rack. 
She stares at the odd placement of her remote, how a few of her magazines seem to be scattered erratically when she knows she almost always places them in chronological order whenever she touches them. 
Once the door shut behind Maggie, she twists her head and halts her descending steps. After a few moments pass, she lightly walks back up the stairs and up the next flight. With a low whisper, Maggie calls out for Jimin. 
Maggie rounds the corner of the railing, noticing Jimin is kneeling down with the cake set on the stairs and a handful of candles in each hand.
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Maggie begins recording the set up, camera lens focusing on every move Jimin makes. You can see and feel the anxious energy off of him. It’s endearing how much he truly cares. 
“You’re doing great,” Maggie whispers low. Her eyes continue to flicker down to where Lindy’s door stands, making sure that for whatever reason Lindy does not open that door back up. 
Jimin lights each candle one by one, hands trembling with excitement. “I only saw the back of her and literally my entire heart jumped out of my chest. It keeps going ‘boom boom boom boom’,” he exaggerates with the gesture of his hands. 
“She’ll be so happy Jimin, trust me!” 
“We’re going to have to text Taehyung that the coast is clear,” he says as he slowly and carefully picks up the cake in both of his hands. Together the two of them walk down the stairs, edging closer to Lindy’s door. Jimin already has a wide smile plastered across his face, eyebrows raised and anticipating seeing his beloved. 
With the twist of the handle, curiosity of Maggie, she flings the door open while holding her cellphone steady to capture the moment when Lindy first lays eyes on Jimin. 
Lindy is leaning over her coffee table, shuffling through the random array of useless knickknacks when the door suddenly bursts open. Her head snaps to look, eyes immediately finding Jimin holding out her cake with lit candles who is beginning to sing ‘Happy Birthday’. Jimin steps through the door frame; a stunned beyond belief Lindy frozen to the middle couch cushion as her face is ready to burst into tears. 
“Surprise! Happy Birthday, baby! I love you!” Jimin says with his whole chest.
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