#thank you natsumi kei
Twilight Syndrome Murder Case - Girl D
[Part 1]
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Date: July 7th, 2011
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... *Mahiru had found out her former bully was dead in the music room, she couldn't believe this happen but it did, she had no idea what to do and thus was stuck...*
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I-Isn't…it bad if we stay here much longer?
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I mean, I don't want to get involved in something like this… And the killer might still be around, too…
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That's bad! Uber bad! We better hurry up and run! *Ibuki rush out of the room*
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B-But…Don't we have to report this to the police?
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Don't you know what happens…when you report this kind of stuff to the police?
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You become the prime suspect just because you found the body first. I definitely don't want that! *Hatomi walks out of the room as well*
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Yeah…it'd be best if we left this room how we found it…just lock the door, leave everything how it was… *Hiyoko left the room as well leaving only Mahiru and Mikan*
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Ah, hey! Please wait…don't leave me!!! *Mikan follows after them, scared to be left alone, leaving only just Mahiru*
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... (Natsumi, seems she's dead...I never expected her to die like she did, I wonder what happen... who kill her? Maybe it was that pervert but that wouldn't happen; Natsumi usually has her knife...)
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Ma-Mahiru? Are... Are you coming? You are aware that the police could come here, right...?
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O-Oh uh don't worry, just go on ahead; I just need to check something; I'll be sure to lock up...
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Okay... don't take too long... *Mikan walk away as Mahiru was left alone*
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...Good, now to find out what exactly happen, I should check the body myself and see what else I can find; just like mom...
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*kneels down and starts looking over Natsumi's body* Hmm, there looks to be some marks on the neck and looking at her legs, no signs of bruising or any bodily fluids around there besides her one injury and her own blood; plus the clothes are torn and her underwear isn't remove... she likely isn't rape...
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Wait... where is her knife? Doesn't she usually have it on her? I wonder what happen...
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Maybe that pervert took it? Hm, looks like there isn't much I can find.. I better take a picture just in case.
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*Gets up as she snaps a photo of Natsumi's body* Alright, time to close up and return the key back where it belongs. I should get back home quickly before I get spotted.
*Mahiru left the music room as she lock it when she went to return the keys*
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Okay now to get home... *As Mahiru was heading out of the staff room, she was heading downstairs but then notice something...*
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Huh? Wait 4-A looks to be open, I guess someone must forgot to lock the room...
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...I better see what happen there. *Mahiru went in and found what look to be a broken vase*
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Wh-Whoa, what happen here - did the pervert break this?
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Doesn't look like the windows are open... maybe I should take a photo just in case the police ask questions?
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*takes out the camera and takes a photo* There, I should check this over...
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Huh? Oh... it's dad, wonder what he wants?
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*answer the phone* Yes dad? Yeah I'm coming home pretty soon...
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Oh mom is coming home too? Okay thanks, I'll be home right away. (I better get going, I don't want to get in trouble...)
*Mahiru walk out and headed downstairs as she was going to return home.*
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keroradio · 3 months
CD drama 5 and the last in the Pekopon Shinryaku set, can you believe it?
Although this story is set around Christmas, it's being posted more or less on the opposite side of the year, but that's fine (^.^')
Having said that, I've noticed there's no middle ground for how these go; either I finish it in a day or so, weeks before it's scheduled to be posted or I'm still finishing it the night before. This was one of the latter, a lot of different things happened, some are still being wrapped up, and then I lost an evening I expected to be able to work on it dealing with a couple of stressful people, one of whom I feel bad for, but am also really starting to resent (-.-)
And there were a few lines that were hard to understand (Keroro's croaky voice is cute, but sometimes it's hard to tell what he's saying)
Either way, it's finally here, and is going to last for a few days, so I;m excited to share it
N: Christmas is for being with a person you love, just who decided that? But sometimes you'll be alone, listening to the radio in quiet, don't you think that sort of Christmas Eve is also nice?
(Broadcast start-up)
623:It's Christmas Eve night, the snow falls all around from the sky, could those be tears from Mr Santa who is so busy that he's away from his beloved? What a thing to think on Christmas eve! Mutsumi's My radio, tonight is special Christmas installment! Let's get right into reading a hand selected poem from our listeners, Inner Tokyo City's Nacchi-san
723: Ah, th-thank you! Good evening!
623: Good evening! Nacchi-san, where and with who are you listening to the radio, this Christmas Eve?
723: In-In my own room, wi-wi-with my friends
623: Are you a bit nervous?
KYK: Pull yourself together, Natsumi-san
Moa: Please do your best! You could say, shout it all at once?
MMK: I had planned to spend Christmas Even alone with Fuyuki-kun, I thought, why am I here? UMMK: At this rate we won't be able to do our "Confess our love in Tokyo" plan
623: Spending Christmas eve with your best girlfriends seems fun too
723: Ye-yes! I'm happy that I got to talk to you, Mutsumi-san
623: Thank you, well then, let's dedicate tonight's drawn poem to you, Nacchi-san On a sacred night A figure gently approaches If you listen closely See, you can hear it
K66: Sergeant Keroro's Original Strange Dopamine
723: Ah, st-stupid frog
K66: Pekopon Invasion CD number 5: Original Strange Dopamine, Christmas Jack, yes sir!
Keronians: Merry Christmas!
K66: Now, we've finally begun! Broadcasting on Christmas eve, Christmas eve: Snow falls all around from the sky, could it be dandruff from Mr Santa who was too busy to take a bath? If that's the case, take a day off!
On that note, I'm the house drudge Sergeant Keroro, yes sir!
TMM: I'm the late bloomer Tamamacchi!
G66: Oh, Uh, I'm Giroro
K66: You're so stiff, Girocchi! Look, this time be more charged up! Yes!
G66: Ha! Charged up, ha! Charged up, ha!
K66: You don't understand this is radio
966: Hurry and finish so we can get to the first song
K66: Roger, yes sir! Director Kururu! Let's get it started!
D66: Uh, Keroro-kun!
K66: Ah, and we can't forget about tonight's star, tonight we're giving the always inconspicuous Lance Corporal Dororo, will have plenty of conspicuousness
D66: E-he-he I'm a regular respondent of the show, Dororo, good sir, I have a bit of confidence in my material, good sir. First is an ice breaker: I don't want a Christmas cake like this, instead of a candle wick-(1)
K66: On that note, tonight's featured song is the opposite of a Christmas one, Pekopon Invasion Ondo!
G66: Wait, why are we playing an ondo song for Christmas?
K66: Then let's go!
(Pekopon Shinryaku Ondo Plays)
K66: (sigh) Well, that's it for the start, then?
TMM: Mr Sergeant, you're the best!
G66: However, are there really Pekoponians who'll listen to this sort of radio at Christmas?
K66: That's a key point of the plan, yes sir. The only ones listening to the radio on Christmas eve are lonely Pekoponians who don't have a lover
TMM: You said it
K66: And so, if we help them with that loneliness now
723: I can hear them
K66: We'll win their hearts, then we can promote our Keroro goods, and increase our invasion funds. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year To You! That's my plan, yes sir
TMM: How shady! It's a black Christmas!
K66: Gero gero gero gero
723: Really, what are they up to? My dedicated poem reading from Mutsumi-san~
Moa: Uncle, even on Christmas eve he's dedicated to invading Pekopon, you could say, no rest for the poor?
966: Ah, whoops, the mike was still on
K66: Gero, Seriously?
KYK: Ignoring that, they're really funny
K66: To recover the mood, let's go to tonight's randomly drawn poem:
On a sacred night A figure gently approaches If you listen closely See, you can hear it
A reindeer sneezing! On that note, now we have a commercial, then after the commercial, this episode's extra special guest
(Afro Gunsou Plays)
K66: Releasing soon! Making it's way to improve your life, the eagerly anticipated giant figure: 1/1 scale Sergeant Keroro!
966: Even the resonance sound is spot on
G66: I want one too
TMM: I also want one~!
D66: I too wou-
K66: OK! Now resonate together with me! Kero kero kero kero kero kero
723: Right now, they're probably in the underground base again Let's go!
FYK: Sis! Don't!
MMK: Ah! Fuyuki-kun! Would you like to be alone with me?
FYK: Ah! Nishizawa-san, welcome!
723: What happened, Fuyuki?
FYK: Right right, look outside the window! In the sky, there's a giant UFO!
723: What!?
Moa: Ah, that's a Satan Claws spaceship! (2)
723: Satan Claws?
Moa: They're fearsome alien race, and a rival clan to us Angols in regards to destroying planets you could say, villain introduction?
723: So they've come to destroy the Earth?
MMK: Oh-no~! They ruined the mood
KYK: If we don't stop them right away-
FYK: What kind of aliens are they? Those Satan Claws
Moa: Right, uh...They look a little like Pekopon's Santa, but....
K66: Still, we've kept you waiting, yes sir. Our program's extra special guest is, amazingly, Mr. Santa Claus, yes sir!
(Everyone cheers)
K66: Welcome, yes sir. Mr Santa
D66: I thought Mr Santa only wore red coats, good sir
G66: I notice that guy is red & slimy, and his face ends in body hair that looks like a white beard
TMM: He has a violent appearance
966: I thought he'd be riding in on a reindeer
(Unsettling noises)
Moa: It really feels like one, you could say mark of authenticity?
723: Could it be this is
FYK: Satan Claws?
MMK: What? This is bad
Moa: We're in trouble, if a Satan Claws gets angry, you could say a critical situation?
KYK: We've got to let them know!
K66: Huh? I just had a bad feeling Oh? What's going on, Mr. Santa? If you're make a gloomy face
TMM: See, smile more, smile!
K66: Should I try tugging on your beard?
TMM: I'll try bopping him on the head
SC: unsettling noises
K66: You're in a bad mood today, aren't you? I guess you're dropping off presents
SC: more unsettling noises
TMM: Ah, this must be his bag of presents!
K66: Oh! Then in that case, let's check inside the bag!
G66: Hey! You can't just go searching through people's things-
K66: I'm just looking. Right Mr. Santa?
TMM: Ah, I wonder what could be inside~
K66: Ooh! First is something from Asakusa....a key holder?
TMM: And here we have a....cell phone strap
D66: These are sweet potato dango from Kumamoto
G66: Are these Christmas presents?
K66: Oh! Here we have a parcel from an electronics shop in Akihabara
TMM: Is it a game?
K66: No, it's a massager, yes sir
G66: Are these supposed to be presents for children?
SC: (garbled noises)
TMM: He's saying something, Mister Sergeant
K66: Hm? What is it, yes sir?
SC: Butt-fire-cracker (3)
K66: What? Whaaat!? B- bu-
G66: B-Butt-fire-cracker?
TMM: What does that mean?
K66: What do you think it means? A fire cracker in your butt
SC: Butt-fire-cracker
K66: Gaaah~!
1-We'll see a finished joke in the second part, but it's a word play joke; the basic structure is saying "I don't want this (Christmas thing)" then describing and alternate version where it could be summed up in a set of words that are pronounced the same way as the original thing. Unfortunately, we get to little of the joke to tell where it was going
2-I'm not sure exactly how it's supposed to be romanised and I changed it several times before settling on this
3-This was way before season 6, Kero Zero contradicting Tamama not knowing now, and the shapeshifting blobby guy. The name gives you a good idea of what it is, but apparently it actually was a thing associated with the later half of the Showa era as one of those childhood experiments that is a bit messed up when you look back (sort of like the infamous setting an anthill on fire with a magnifying glass).
Basically, children would get a small firecracker, stick it in a frog's butt and then light it so the frog would explode, hence the Keronians being freaked out by it, even though they could probably just pull it out....and they survive explosions all the time
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For the WIP ask game, please tell me about Fatal Frame!!!
Aaah, thank you for asking! I know the file name is a bit incoherent, so I'm glad it still sounded interesting! ▼・ꈊ・▼
This is an AU I've been (very) slowly working on since I got into the Spirit Hunter series, and it follows the various characters as they navigate the world of the Fatal Frame series! I changed the stories slightly to fit the characters better but I wanted to stay true to the original games as much as I could...
Since Fatal Frame: The Tormented started this AU and is the one I've worked on the most, I'll talk about that one! It might be a bit all over the place since I'm still trying to figure everything out lol.
It mainly follows Kazuo Yashiki, an amnesiac and "spirit doctor" who takes the place of Rei Kurosawa, as he suddenly finds himself in the Manor of Sleep, being led by a mysterious Black Rabbit and the vestiges of a strangely familiar woman... The further into the manor he goes, the more his memories unfold before him, slowly revealing a truth he isn't sure he wants to discover. But despite the danger, he makes his way deeper inside to discover the source of the inexplicable grief that plagues him.
Other characters include Moe Watanabe, who takes the place of Miku Hinasaki and acts as Yashiki's assistant, Natsumi Kijima, who takes the place of Kei Amakura and requests the help of Yashiki to save her nephew, and Akira Kijima, who takes the place of Mio Amakura and is a sufferer of the Manor of Sleep.
For the story, I've always loved the thought of characters becoming amnesiacs but still holding the old emotions they felt towards certain people, which is what I did with Yashiki! He is haunted by a grief he doesn't understand because he lost his memories, which eventually leads him to the Manor of Sleep.
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asknarashikari · 6 months
---Keiwa was forcibly entered into the main Rider's chat, and coincidentally, Houtaro was kicked out of it...---
Emu: Hello, Keiwa-kun, looks like you're the visitor for the day in this chat.
Keiwa: Hojo-sensei!
Keiwa: This always happens a lot huh?
Shinnosuke: Pretty much. Just expect something to come at anyone's expense, either yours or someone you know.
Shoutaro: Especially from the Pink menace himself.
Tsukasa: Its Magenta! Ma-gen-ta!
Haruto: Oh shut up, its been pink, always.
Tsukasa: Now that I have everyone's attention...
Tsukasa: Tycoon.
Shinnosuke: Oh boy.
Keiwa: Please don't let it be bad...
Tsukasa: It's a good thing you didn't end up in this position when you got kidnapped huh?
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Eiji: Oi! Decade!
Emu: Di-kei-do.
Emu: I hope you remember, Houtaro-kun is in this chat.
Daiki: Natsumi here, I used Daiki's credentials to kick Hotarou out of this group chat temporarily.
Daiki: Tsukasa, If I wasn't busy patching up Yuusuke now, you would have been in a keeling 20times over with my family's secret technique.
Tsukasa: Thank you, Natsumikan.
Tsukasa: Besides, Tycoon's censoring code should work and not let Gotchard catch wind of this conversation
ikki: Keiwa?
Keiwa: ... *blushes in embarrassment*
Ace: Tycoon, what happened.
Tsukasa: Oh my Gaim!
Keiwa: I woke up when they were arguing how to keep me captive...
Keiwa: Aah mou! I'm not answering that question, I was fine when I forgot all about that time in my life!
Tsukasa: Oh, this is golden! Let's add in someone here.
Michinaga: What?
Tsukasa: Buffa, did you or did you not argue whether to put Tycoon in this situation?
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Michinaga: Haaaa?!
Ace: Buffa, answer the question.
Michinaga: We argued, Nadge Sparrow and Archimedel wanted to use him for Jamato experiments.
Michinaga: Beroba wanted to put him on display while everyone else fought.
Ace: And you?
Michinaga: I didn't vote for either of them.
Michinaga: Archimedel and Nadge-Sparrow could've used the blood that Tycoon spilled after he got defeated by the submerging Jamato.
Michinaga: It'd be too much work to display him like a trophy so I voted to put him in a cage.
Ace: How pretty logical.
Tsukasa: thank you for your input, Buffa.
Tsukasa: What do you think, Hakubi...
Sara: Excuse me, while I buy a bow and arrow to shoot some birds, maybe even some bulls.
Keiwa: Nee-chan?
Ikki: Keiwa?
Ace: Probably trying to convince Sara-san not to go through with the her plans.
Emu: it makes sense.
Ryotaro: I kept silent because I think Keiwa-kun can handle this, but as family, I do not like what you did to him, Tsukasa-san.
Wataru: Right, your sister married into the Sakurais... even if it was undone.
Ryotaro: I do not appreciate an attack on my family like that, Tsukasa-san.
Tsukasa: I wasn't attacking your family, Den-O.
Tsukasa: I was simply pointing out how lucky he was for not ending up like OOO in that TV special they made awhile back.
Keiwa: Onore Dickeido! I was fine forgetting everything that happened.
Keiwa: And you just had to wrestle those memories to the surface!
Keiwa: What's worse is that you involved my sister in this.
Keiwa: Listen here you pompous pink-clad menace, and listen closely.
Keiwa: If you take jabs at my expense, and involve my sister in them, you better pray to Gaim to Geats to Saber that I don't grab your pink camera, that you are too incompetent to operate and slice it to pieces and force feed them to your mouth wide open and then unravel your films and wrap them around your neck.
Emu: ...
Touma: ...
Shinnosuke: ...
Ryotaro: ...
Wataru: ...
Ikki: ...
Ace: ...
Ace: I'm getting the feeling that you held back in our fight, Tycoon.
Keiwa: What do you think, Ace? I had my sword sheathed after getting it the second time.
Emu: Onore Dickeido!
Shinji: Onore Dickeido!
Shinnosuke: Onore Dickeido!
Took inspiration from akrikaiandhyotei/franzfran's threat that Aruto made for Rider Group Chat Misadventures.
...It's always the quiet ones indeed
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hotarutranslations · 1 year
CDJ, ZDO, GUEST Announcements!
It has been announced that on, we'll be appearing on December 29th at, COUNTDOWN JAPAN❤️‍🔥
Continuing to perform after our first performance last year, I'm happy, thank you very much
We'll be waiting for you to visit!
Also yesterday and today there were a lot, of announcements!
Morning Musume '23 Nationwide Simultaneous Send-Off Meet Big Reveal!!
October 21st (Sat) We're holding a Nationwide Simultaneous Send-Off Meet
Waa~ Everyone is doing it~ A ZDA~~~
But its O!
Its been a while, since the members have had the opportunity, to convey thanks to all of the fans nationwide😌🍀
I'm really! looking forward to being able to meet
With Nonaka Miki-chan,
Iwate→Miyagi We're visiting, or rather, I'm home~~🕺
The 2 places we performed live the other day, I get to convey my thanks🍀 I wonder if there will be people like, I couldn't attend that time but since you're here on the 21st!
I hope we will able to meet!
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On November 28th we are holding a Yokohama Arena performance
Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL
Additional guests have been announced, Abe Natsumi-san Yasuda Kei-san Yaguchi Mari-san Ishikawa Rika-san Tsuji Nozomi-san Takahashi Ai-san Michishige Sayumi-san Tanaka Reina-san Sato Masaki-chan Morito Chisaki-chan will be making appearances🩵🪽
This is somehow an amazing day!
FC Ticket reception, goes until the 12th, tomorrow, so don't forget⚠️
The Yokohama Arena performance on the 29th as well!!!! Is Fukumura Mizkui-san's graduation performance!!!! Please definitely check it out!!!!
see you ayumin <3
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celestialspark · 9 months
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Tagged by @lilyskybean - thank you, dear!
Escriurem - Miki Núñez & IZARO
Live To Fight Another Day - The Cog Is Dead
ETHYRIA - Enna Alouette
Sinners - Barns Courtney
Tabi no Tochuu - Natsumi Kiyoura
In Hell We Live, Lament - Mili
ATARAXIA - Pretty Patterns
Laid in Blood - The Mechanisms
Star of Utopia - Vocis Helix & alico
Phony - WagakkiBand
Aoki Hakushaku no Shiro - Sound Horizon
Key of the twilight - Kajiura Yuki
14 people, that's a lot ... so I'll at least tag a few from whom I know little to nothing about their music taste and am curious :D
Tagging: @talvenhenki @dennydraws @fair-fae @its-the-val-pal @thisisworsethanitlookslike @sunnyluma @iciclequeentrishna
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homatantranslations · 10 months
First Day Okamura Homare (23.11.28)
I'm Okamura Homare🌼
Thank you very much for your likes and comments⸜❤︎⸝‍
All of your warm comments are my motivation´`*
『Morning Musume。'23 Concert Tour Autumn 「Neverending Shine Show」SPECIAL』
Yokohama Arena 1st Day!
Thank you very much for all of your cheers!
Today、as special guests、we had OG members
Abe Natsumi-san
Yasuda Kei-san
Yaguchi Mari-san
Ishikawa Rika-san
Tsuji Nozomi-san
Takahashi Ai-san
Michishige Sayumi-san
Tanaka Reina-san
Sato Masaki-san
Morito Chisaki-san
Thank you very much✨
A stage where both 1ki member Abe-san and 17ki were together!
This is a moment truly limited to Yokohama Arena!!
Being able to stand on stage together with my greatly beloved and Admired senpai made me feel emotional、plus my senpai's performances really impressed me。
Once again、I realised I really really need to work harder。
I want to continue the history of Morning Musume。that our senpai have created、and continue to treasure it。
Tomorrow is
『Morning Musume。'23 Concert Tour Autumn 「Neverending Shine Show 〜Seiiki〜」 Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special』
It is the actual actual final day with us 14 members and Fukumura-san as our leader。
It'll be our best performance ever so make sure you watch it!
Please cheer us on✨
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
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cheltranslations · 10 months
SPECIAL @Nonaka Miki (23.11.28)
Chel here 😈💜👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Yesterday's 2 choices🎀☁️
Are you strong against the cold?Or weak?
I'm weak
Was the majority!
I'm weak too!
I'm weak against the cold、and the heat too、、
☁️🎀❛ ・ ❛🎀☁️
11/28 Yokohama Arena
Morning Musume。'23 Concert Tour Autumn
「Neverending Shine Show」
Thank you very much!
Along with Morning Musume。'23
We were also able to perform on stage with、
Abe Natsumi-san、Yasuda Kei-san、
Yaguchi Mari-san、Ishikawa Rika-san、
Tsuji Nozomi-san、Takahashi Ai-san、
Michishige Sayumi-san、Tanaka Reina-san、
Sato Masaki-san、and Morito Chisaki-chan
Which I was very happy about
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With Tsuji Nozomi-san 💙
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With Takahashi Ai-san 💛
I also made lots of eye contact with everyone at the venue
Which I was glad about!
I was overflowing with happiness 🌠
I love Morning Musume。!
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
Today I don't have 2 choices!
But I'll still be reading your comments
So make sure to write one okay 💕
For reading until the very end
Thank you very much ❤️
Please come by again tomorrow!
Tomorrow is finally
11/29 Yokohama Arena
Morning Musume。'23 Concert Tour Autumn
「Neverending Shine Show〜Seiiki〜」
Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special
Please come by and support us!
See ya 🐾
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kanonprotection · 6 years
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Daily Kanon of the Day: Embarrassed
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sg2tiger · 7 years
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So live now, and grasp your happiness, Ange.
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goldenlandfiascos · 7 years
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it forces me to finally clean up my cluttered beyond all hell desktop
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Anime Project KURAYUKABA Announces Two Winners of Its VA Audition
    The feature-length animation project KURAYUKABA, based on the original story by independent creator Shigeyoshi Tsukahara, had held an open audition for the voice cast of its two characters - Kozuchi and Manjyu-uri (Bun vendor) - since October 2021. After a six-month audition and final screening period, its two winners have been finally revealed. The two are guaranteed to make their voice acting debut and appear in the film's official YouTube content.
    Kozuchi: Rika Natsumi:
  "During my participation in the audition, each time I was exposed to director Tsukahara's work, my desire to pass the audition grew stronger. I am very happy to be able to make my debut as a voice actor in this film and to have been chosen to play the role of Kozuchi. I will play the role to the best of my ability and look forward to its release along with everyone else!"
      Manjyu-uri: Napi/Yurina Sakai (Her name will be used as the actual character's name in the film)
  "Thanks for all your support! I have learned a lot as a voice actor in the KURAYUKABA voice actor audition. And I feel that the days I spent pursuing KURAYUKABA were truly enjoyable and fulfilling. I will use this experience as a basis for my performance as Manju-uri that only I can do! Thank you so much for almost two months!" 
          KURAYUKABA is a steampunk detective fantasy that is planned to be over 40 minutes long in concept. The project has received a total of 15,700,364 yen (128,000 USD) in the past two crowdfunding campaigns; the first one for the pilot film posted on YouTube in April 2020 and the second one for the prologue to the full-length film screened in August 2021.
    Main staff:
  Original story/Screenplay/Director: Shigeyoshi Tsukahara
Character design: Kazunori Minagawa
CG director: maxcaffy
Art settings/Background art: Pochi
Music/Chief designer/Design works: Akatsuki Chota
Animation production: Pancake
Planning: Twin Engine
    Pilot film:
    Prologue main trailer:
    Key visual:
    Source: CHET Group press release
  © Shigeyoshi Tsukahara / Twin Engine
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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causalitylinked · 2 years
“ Hey! Just the neighbor I wanted to see! ” Comes her greeting as she steps off the elevator, dangling a red gift bag between her forefinger and thumb. It’s with luck she’d caught him so late in the evening! She strides over with a bright grin, gently shoving the bag into his hands, “ You really outta’ get some new gloves, y’know? I hope it’s close enough to the style you prefer. Hard to tell when all you wear is black. ” She teases, strolling past him to head to her door, “ Oh! Your aunt mentioned you liked that chicken spot around here. I put a gift card in there for it too. ” Her key clicks into the door, teal hues lifted to regard him once more, “ Anyway .. Happy Birthday, Kijima! ” (for Akira!)
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                   BIRTHDAY ASKS. » always accepting!
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     “...What do you want, Tsukihana?” Upon hearing the familiar voice of his neighbor calling out to him, Akira would soon turn with a single quirked brow. Honestly, just when he thought the night was too peaceful and quiet, she suddenly comes, disrupting the tranquil silence he had momentarily basked in.
    Well, whatever the case, it wasn’t long until his gaze meanders it’s way towards the bag Ryu carries, causing recognition to slowly dawn on his features. Oh, great - Natsumi must have blabbed to her about it being his birthday, didn’t she? Then again, considering she came by so often, Akira wasn’t surprised his aunt took the time to idly converse with the occupants of Hanasaki Apartments, which was now renovated to be bigger and had an elevator installed after the landlord allegedly won the lottery; either way, he’ll eventually bring himself to retrieve the bag from Ryu while the corners of his lips twitched upwards into a sardonic grin.
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     “The hell is even wrong with my old pair? Sure, they might smell a little, but they’re still comfortable,” he soon reasons. “And excuse me for only ever wearing black. Not everyone wants to stand out or wear bright, flashy colours, y’know?” Despite his snark, however, Akira would be lying if he said he wasn’t appreciative of the fact Ryu didn’t gift him anything sweet along with the gloves and opted to just add a in gift card to his favourite chicken place. Why, for as annoying as she might be, he could at least conclude she was considerate.
     “Either way... I appreciate it. Thanks, Tsukihana. If there’s ever a time you don’t feel like cooking, come drop by my place sometime and I’ll cook you dinner. Usually, it’s just me and Ami anyways, so I don’t mind making extra.”
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flaim-ita · 3 years
let's go reiwa Era 📸 - relationships with main Decade crew (character of choice - Aruto Hiden maybe 1 HC after Ark 1?)
You said Character of my choice - 4 Main Riders for 4 members of the Decade crew. Set in my Canon so Natsumi is AR Gaim and a Man of Beginnings Level Overlord.
There’s a familiar shatter around Decade’s actions during the fight that inevitably occurs when two Riders meet. A rogue idiot with black market ZAIA tech, luckily, but still. Aruto notes with the machine like analysis in Zero-One the way Decade’s hand shakes slightly, nefore the fight.
“Thank you for the help,” he says after. Still used to being on his own. Decade pauses.
“Those are rare words,” he says.
“Why?” Aruto asks.
“I am one of the most dangerous men alive,” Decade says calmly. “I used to fight it. Now I…”
He trails off, hesitant as if not sure of his next words.
“Then you’re in good company,” Aruto replies. “I may or may not have nearly caused a race war.”
“How the—”
“Public figures have public feelings.”
“Ah.” Decade considers him. “Who saved your soul?”
Aruto thinks Decade is looking into his, right now. Still, it’s impossible to deny his presence.
“My partner,” he says. “Izu. I held onto her memory. I fixed things. And I have her back, now.”
Decade hmms.
“Good,” he says. “Congrats on the reunion being so soon.”
Aruto doesn’t know what to do with that.
She’s browsing the book shelves and Touma wouldn’t blink were it not for the fact that the Wonder World now tied to his soul screamed about her. Which is curious. Usually it’s a whisper, because everyone has a story to tell.
This is screaming.
She turns. Their eyes meet. One of hers flashes red, for a moment, her hair blonde. She’s a goddess, he understands. A fusion of two impossibly dangerous powers. She knows he holds the key now, too.
“Kamen Rider?” She asks. He blinks.
“You too?” He asks, and she nods. Like Kento, several powers bathe her. Several stories. “Why are you here?”
“We recently… got custody of a struggling young boy,” she says. “I’m looking for books. Stories that’ll help. It always comes back to stories. And choosing fate.”
She’s fought destiny and won, he suddenly knows. Just like himself.
“I have a set of children’s books I’ve made,” he says. “There’s one about a duck who was supposed to be a villain…”
He knows she understands, too.
Onodera Yuusuke smiles like a man used to being used and utterly uncaring about it. Ikki doesn’t know how to feel about that. Makes him want to help, but the only foe right now is George fanboying over the poor man.
“You’re the rare Kuuga of another World,” George says. Yuusuke laughs.
“Maybe here on World of Heroes,” he says.
“No, you’re—”
Yuusuke’s eyes widen, and Ikki steps in.
“Welcome here at the bathhouse,” he says, interrupting whatever George was set to reveal. Yuusuke smiles.
“Thank you,” he says. “You’re a nice… person.” Oh right, Natsumi is his wife. Natsumi from the group chat Vice dumped him in. “Deserving of the legacy.”
“Thank you,” Ikki replies. “I’m always happy to help.”
Yuusuke’s smile softens.
“Reminds me of my husband,” he says. “Even if now, at 33 years old, he still won’t admit it.”
“Ikki’s the best though,” Vice says. “Obviously.”
“He sounds interesting,” Ikki says.
Yuusuke nods.
“You use our power, it just so happens,” he says. “Lion is my brother’s Kuuga, but Megalodon is Tsukasa.”
“Hey! Our first win!” Vice exclaims.
“Oh, really?” Yuusuke asks. “That’s nice. I was Tsukasa’s.”
Vice swipes at the Rolling Vistamp in the blue Rider’s hand.
“Hey!” They say, “you can’t take that! Even the viewers will be on my side, if you take that!”
Karizaki is taking PHOTOS, of course, because he sucks, and Sakura and Daiji aren’t here because this was an AMBUSH.
The blue Rider hmms.
“I did take it, though,” he says. “And if I remember correctly, you alone can’t transform without it.”
Vice growls, pulling out Rex and their Driver.
“I can try,” they say. But the transformation makes it half way before blowing them off their feet.
“Vice, calm down,” Ikki says.
“Absolutely not!” Vice says. “I won’t let him have Ikki!”
“Oh,” the Rider says. “This has a person in it?”
“No!” Vice says, “well, yes. Kind of? I can’t possibly get Ikki back without it.”
The blue Ride looks between the stamp, and Vice, and he sighs.
“Fine,” he says. “I understand a treasure like that.” He tosses it back to Vice. “Got anything good to trade?”
Vice pauses. Do they?
“And why should I even give you one?” They ask.
“Because I came here for a treasure,” the blue Rider responds.
“Vice,” Ikki says. “Give him Kangaroo.”
Vice laughs. Ikki can be wonderfully crafty sometimes.
“Long as you don’t go making demons, here,” they say. “This is a special stamp.”
“Fine, fine,” the blue Rider says. Catching it when tossed. “Tell Natsumelon I said hi, by the way.”
And then he leaves. Oh. Oh that’s the thief, Daiki, isn’t he? Vice has had some fun conversations with the guy on HeroGetter. He’s so much more annoying in person.
“From you?” Ikki teases. Oh. They said that out loud.
“I’m the best,” Vice replies calmly. “Well, besides you. So of course I’m not annoying!”
Would like a different voice actor, though.
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queen-of-bel · 3 years
Persona 1 and 2
persona 1 🦋
❤ male: Takahisa Kandori
❤ female: Maki Sonomura
✖ least favorite: UHHH I still love her dearly but I just happen to like Yukino the least....
✔ who resembles me: maki maki maki
❤ most attractive: Either Natsumi or Kandori. My brain is fighting over which is hotter-- a handsome man in a suit, or a pretty woman in a lab coat. I still don't know which wins.
❤ three more characters that i like: Yuka Ayase, Kei Nanjo, Reiji Kido
persona 2 🃏
❤ male: Tatsuya Sudou
❤ female: Maya Amano
✖ least favorite: Ginji Sasaki. FUCK that creepy bitch
✔ who resembles me: I've always felt a deep kinship with Lisa for some reason.
❤ most attractive: Junko Kurosu. Is that even a question?
❤ three more characters that i like: Katsuya Suou, Baofu, Ulala Serizawa
thank you for asking!!
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moosash · 4 years
𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒀𝒐𝒖: 𝙰 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚖 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜
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This animated movie just literally blew me away and continues to blow me away that it’s still quite unclear to me why. Maybe it has something to do with the way Makoto Shinkai is able to craft and intertwine breathtaking animations with RADWIMPS’ ever-so-emotional compositions in order to tell a heartwarming story in a series of slowly unraveling sequences and dialogues that properly render the magic, emotion and reality in the plot. This is categorized into the 3 main thoughts and points I saw throughout the film.
These are all my personal takes on the topics discussed below, but you are VERY WELCOME to comment your thoughts, as well!
A boy runs away to Tokyo and befriends a girl who appears to be able to manipulate the weather.
copyright © 2020 by @brain-pickings (tumblr)
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About the Gun
We see Hodaka use the gun in two situations. The first was when he was tackled to the floor while trying to “save” Hina who, at that time, was looking for a high paying job, and the second situation was when Mr. Kei was trying to get him to call saving Hina quits. In both situations, he points it at his target probably to impose a threat, shoots, barely misses, and afterwards, he hurls the gun away with guilt and disgust.My point here is that maybe these scenes wanted to imply that no matter how good or bad your intention was in using a weapon (or anything used to harm in general), it’s still quite bad and you can be held at fault. This also applies to real life crises. Think of it the same way as a white lie —it may be for a good cause but it is still, in fact, a lie.
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Keisuke Suga’s Past
It was mentioned that Keisuke’s wife died in an accident and I noticed that whenever the oddity of the weather was being mentioned, he would fiddle with his wedding ring.My guess on this is that his wife was also a former Weather Maiden. Since Natsumi was able to take a picture of Kei, his wife and his daughter, it might’ve already been known that his daughter can’t go out in the rain because of asthma. Maybe her mother wanted her to have a little bit of fun outside and happened to be in the same hospital as the one Hina stayed in with her mother, then she happened to wind up in the same shrine while praying for sunshine and became the next Human Sacrifice for the weather. Then, probably, she did decide to sacrifice herself, maybe for her daughter’s good.This might’ve also been the motive that caused him to discourage Hodaka from trying to save Hina, because of that bitterness. Later on though, he realized that he probably didn’t want Hodaka to make the same mistake and therefore decided to help hold down authorities so he can still save Hina.
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Being the “Sunshine Girl”
The way I understood/comprehended the plot’s possibly non-existent underlying meaning may be a little far-fetched, but I think that Weathering with You is about sacrificing one’s self for other people’s happiness to the point of forgetting that it’s okay to just exist.Pertaining to Hina’s usage of her ability as the Weather Maiden to pause the eternal downpour in Tokyo, I noticed that they never made it sunny for themselves (Hina, Hodaka and Nagi). They made a living out of satisfying other people’s requests for sunshine, which can be translated into making other people happy. There’s a scene wherein Hina thanked Hodaka for helping her find her purpose in life, which was to bring happiness/sunshine to others, but since then, I knew that Hina was pushing herself too much to the brink of extinction just because she wanted to fulfill the only role she knew of. To add to that, she also said, “I kept working as the sunshine girl because I was happy to make people smile.” In a way, this can be compared to some modern day jobs where people let their work consume their lives because they think that they would be happier with all their income and material stuff—basically, Hina’s gradual disappearance is, I think, the movie’s version of a burnout. And because of the accumulation of this mindset, the scene where Hodaka says to Hina while falling from the sky, | “Who cares if we don’t see the sunshine again? I want you more than any blue sky.” has a stronger emotional power and is typically one of the scenes where I got goosebumps (with the Great Escape and all), is because that was the pivotal and most warming part of the film wherein Hina’s existence not just as the “Human Sacrifice”, but as a 15-year old girl, living in Tokyo, surrounded with people who treasure her most, was strongly acknowledged by somebody whose opinion mattered most to her.
Definitely a must watch.
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