#thank you sm for the ask i apologize for the word vomit!
bladesmercy · 3 months
i fr had to drop by your inbox after reading the recent chapter of your sfkr fic ( i apologize in advance for the incoming word vomit.. ) and let me just say IT WAS SO SO GOOD?? LIKE THE WHOLE FIC HAS ME ON A CHOKEHOLD IN GENERAL BUT THIS CHAP WENT EXTRA HARD🧎‍♀️ THE HURT / COMFORT WAS JUST TOO GOOD😭 i adore your writing style so much, it’s just so immersive to read?? so refreshing too!! real talk, i don’t often get worked up over a fic but THIS — this has me feeling SO much. and your portrayals of sephiroth and cloud in tfofs are chef’s kiss. love love their interactions sm — got me on the EDGE of my seat each time, especially if there’s proximity UGH<3 can’t wait to read more!!<33
aaaaaaa omg, tysm!!!! :D i'm so delighted to hear you enjoyed the recent update that much!!! chapter 28 really was....wild. writing cloud and sephiroth is literally my favourite thing in the world to do, so i'm so glad you enjoy how i write them. 😭 i hope you keep loving all the updates to come!!! thank you so much for the ask, this really made my day to read. <333
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lloowweesss · 1 month
It’s been too long imma be honest-
Originally made it too long so had to half it sorry
Thx for the support love y’all sm!!☆
Disclaimer: Russians,blood,violence,gore,vomit, cussing- not for the faint of heart☆
Ep4: Иван
“Ive got eyes on Donita, she’s currently umm- shopping?” The engineer informed Martin slightly confused she then continued “You and Martin should go and confront her-“ she pointed at the older Kratt then Aviva.
“Sounds good, I’ll go get ready- so I look more touristy..” He darted towards his room and carefully pulled the metal door shut and let out a heavy sigh, he let himself melt into the door now looking at his brother’s neat bed unused..his brother allwase fixed his bed in the morning- unlike his older brother who’s side of the room was unkept and messy, that was usually what they argued about..it’s been too long since he last saw him.
Aviva nocked twice then waited for a reply, she knew he wasn’t going well- when no reply came she softly asked “hey you ok Mk? Look I know you’re hurt and frustrated- but there was nothing you could do, so don’t beat yourself up..” she had now sat down back to the door.
“I know..I know, but- I miss him..” His voice was shaky, he was falling apart by the days- reassuring himself that Chris wasn’t dead was hard enough he realized after a month had passed he couldn’t do this alone.
Martin stood up and opend the door, to his surprise the whole damn crew was standing there- “you know..you don’t have to do this alone.. we are here for you Mk.” The brunet scientist blurted out before embracing him- Koki and Jimmy followed.
“I know, and I apologize.” The older Kratt sheepishly admitted.
“So, your mission should you choose to accept it is to succeed in gaining information on Donita’s relationship with Elizabeth.” Jimmy broke away from the hug and joked, referencing to a movie he saw once.
Martin and Aviva disappeared in the croud of tourists, desperately searching for their target they figured she would be around fashion shops and such. Then a large croud gathered near a grassy field, so likewise the two gravitated towards the commotion.
“Yes, yes, darling here’s my autograph-“ Donita paused upon seeing a familiar shade of blue among the crowd, ugh what dose he want.
“*Pfh* Likewise, Anywase we need to get though this crowd Mk-“ Aviva’s cocky voice as she saw the villain was cut off, for the two were now getting pushed from all sides.
“Yea-“ Martin started to reply when Donita interrupted.
“Everybody, this is my one of my best models Martino!” She had stepped off the small stage and pushed though the crowed and began to pull The blue Kratt towards the stage, then eventually up on the stage.
“Wha-“ His voice was cut off mostly by the crowd’s eruption in screams, though Martin was confused he had a mission and he wasn’t going to give up.
“Martin!” The engineer desperately called out as he was dragged up onto the stage, though he’d quick thinking pushed her though the crowd and up onto the stage now standing inches from the two.
“Umm-“ He was trying to whisper but it was hard, lucky Aviva had grabbed the crowdes attention for long enough for Martin to get some words in with Donita “Look I really need to talk to you-..in private”.
“Yes, yes, darling-“ She mimicked his tone before turning to the crowd, “Unfortunately darlings I have to talk with my special client, thank you all!-“ She had to practically yell while still maintaining a good impression on her fans.
And just like that she snapped orders at Dabio and headed for some black stairs, Dabio on the other hand was now cleaning up the area scooped up both Martin and Aviva along with some chairs and carried them to the pinkish jet.
5-10 minutes later everyone who had attended left and it was now just the four of them, (Aviva, Martin, Dabio, and Donita) Five minutes had passed since the two were pulled into her jet, so Donita tried to break the uncomfortable silence that seemed to choke out any and all words directed her question towards Martin, “So,- what do you need.. I haven’t endangered any animals.”
“How do you know Elizabeth.” The Older Kratt’s stern voice snapped back, though it wasn’t his tone that made the fansionist’s face turn pale.
“E-Elizabeth..w-we-“ Her voice seemed shaky unstable, it was unlike her but nevertheless she continued. “Did Ivan send you here.”
“Ivan? Who’s Ivan?!” Aviva practically blurted out intruding in the conversation.
“..” she was hesitant but given the two truly looked confused- and since Christopher wasn’t with them she could only imagine how the blind Russian was involved, “You ask how I know Elizabeth, she came to one of my fan meetups by accident- she needed help since her brother Ivan was angry at her..Obviously I helped her, though I was repaid with a visit from Ivan.”
“So that’s the voice on the radio most likely..” Martin pondered out loud, processing the information.
“What happened when he visited you?” The brunet sitting next to the Older Kratt asked in a soft voice given she could viability see Donita’s fear in her eyes.
She hesitated for a moment, now still looking down at her shoes Dabio had pulled up a chair by now and just like the fashion designer he too looked upset.
“He tried to kill me just for helping, he said something like if you tell anyone I’ll kill anyone you ever care about.” Her hands ran though her hair, avoiding eye contact she couldn’t bare the thought of anyone seeing her like this.
“Thank you for telling us, you don’t know how much this means to us.” Martin replied trying to cover up the silence that filled the room, he nodded at Aviva as they stood up.
“..thank you Donita..” As they began to descend down the stairs the scientist looked back and softy commented before closing the door.
Hours later the two returned to the Tortuga with news to tell, after about 5 minutes of explaining and piecing together information they could at least form an idea of their component was not alone.
“The man’s voice I heard on the radio has to be Ivan’s- and as for the true plan and why they need rabbits..” The Older Kratt along with the crew were huddled around a table that stood in the middle of the ship.
“Well, you said she was a scientist- and apparently Elizabeth just keeps testing trays lying around” Koki attempted to crack a joke while everyone fell silent pondering, and again a awkward silence fell upon the room.
“Martin- you’ve met with two villains so far who have all been involved with Elizabeth’s mess..so Ivan must have been punishing her and attempted to teach her a lesson but-” The pilot continued then paused having tried form an understanding of the situation.
“The villains got in the way, so he had to..teach them a lesson..”Aviva interrupted, they were all trying their hardest but the fact was Chris was gone- and it’s all beginning to unravel into a much deeper problem.
Martin being the oldest, felt he had to find Chris alone without help that included not letting anyone get hurt even if it meant blood would be shed on his hands, he would do anything to get Chris back and end this nightmare.
Whare am I- the younger Kratts mind raced blurry images that wouldn’t even seem possible flooded his memory, he almost drowned. Nevertheless realizing he was still in his “room” or holding cell of the plane he sat up rubbing his right temple olny to realize the bandage was gone and a new one appeared on his forearm- damn.
“I was going to bring you some food earlier but you were-..passed out, how do you feel?” She looked around at the darkish room before focusing on Chris, now holding some food on a tray she promptly walked over and sat it down next to him.
“What’s this-“ He sounded cocky yet sleep deprived, who could would be able to sleep after all he did just cold hearted murder an Innocent animal.
“еда, or food..umm хлеб and вода-” She tried to smile but it was hard, she wouldn’t make him get another animal right? Though on the other hand she had work to do and it wouldn’t wait on some American’s feelings.
“Huh- what type of food..” he sounded genuinely confused, and the flash cards could only teach him how to read for the most part.
“Bread and some water, here let me help you.” Elizabeth corrected herself then went to grab the flash cards.
While Chris was hesitant to eat he was starving so given no other choice he ate the food presented in front of him while the Scientist spent about 20-ish minutes going over the basics and attempting to teach him simple concepts.
“Would ты *you* like some more?” She stopped looking at the man who had finished his food and looked a bit starved, she felt bad.
“…yea..” Chris mumbled underneath his breath.
“Can you say yes in русская?” She seemed somewhat excited, hoping he would be able to say simple words in Russian.
“Umm..да?” Chris softly spoke as he ruffled through some flash cards, he sounded slightly nervous just hoping he got it right so he could eat.
“You’re a fast learner americano-“ Elizabeth joked, she generally sounded impressed so since she was satisfied she left the room to grab some more food.
Alone, again why did he feel so alone?. Maybe it was because martin was always talking about some creature- you know Chris has never really ever been alone, I mean in nature he was always interrupted by some animal or the crew calling in from his creature pod..that was gone just like his brother..
“боты- bring the americano over to the прилавок *counter*” She had placed his food on an nearby counter, so when the bots grabbed his flash cards and escorted Chris to the counter that was surprisingly clean he could eat- they then placed the cards down and returned to position.
“Спасибо-“ He attempted to say thank you but it came out a little rough this time a sandwich with one pice of bread, some type of meat, and cheese, was on his “tray”. Chris observed his surroundings it seemed to have the same setup, though this time no rabbit and more papers his eyes focused on the small black radio.
“Элизабет, I have good news.” Like before a Heavy males voice made the scientist’s face fill with fear before continuing, “Given you cannot simply just figure out the излечивать I will send some of my men to observe you within a couple of days.. and if that fails you might just have to work in my струя.”
Fear fell upon her face, how could I let this happen? What about the American? What would happen to him? It’s only been a little over a month since he arrived.. shit, shit, “дерьмо” The words escaped her mouth lucky though she wasn’t pressing the talk button, her head flung in the direction of Chris then she took deep breaths and Shakily answered.
“Да.” Was all she could muster, her voice sounded like Chris when he was asked to say yes for the first time in Russian.
The younger Kratt observed the blond’s expression he could barely make out what the man said, though to his understanding излечивать meant answer or cure (he had seen it on a paper once), as for струя he was clueless. He mustered up enough courage to ask “What dose струя mean?.”
Elizabeth quickly turned towards him, she was crying but she looked so scared after about a minute of silence she decided to answer in a soft and unstable tone, “..jet..” her eyes glued to the counter she attempted to not look so venerable.
“You’re a fast learner, why?” She didn’t dare look up she could feel his eyes on her, eventually she found out being able to tell when people were watching her turned out to be a useful skill.
“Umm..I don’t know,..” He struggled with his words, though on the other hand the only true reason the younger Kratt picked up things quickly was because if he didn’t back home in New Jersey, he wouldn’t be here- well he wouldn’t be able to pass school, wouldn’t be able to join the Tortuga, and eventually he wouldn’t be in this jet.
“Hey- umm.. can you just tell me one thing?..” Chris had hoped he would be able to get an answer that would explain his situation.
“Ya?.” Elizabeth began to calm down, her voice was still shaky though she would take anything to get her mind off of Иван.
“Why are you experimenting on animals, I heard what the man said..something about the cure?” He was really testing his luck by now but he couldn’t figure out why she was killing animals by himself so he had no outher option.
Fear returned in her eyes once more, tears started falling onto papers she was weak and vulnerable the last time she was this emotional was when Иван yelled at her all those months ago.
“Just..bring me another rabbit..alive preferably” Her face was buried in the brownish fabric that made up her uniform and all she could do was yell out orders, after all she had to get back to work.
Chris didn’t really have an option of weather he activated the suit or not, on the other hand the suit was still covered in blood and this being the 3rd-ish time it was activated within the last two months he could never really get used to the feeling.
The small brownish Oncilla moved swiftly though the forest, it definitely wasn’t the Amazon now that he got a better look- nor was it Spain, eventually he got a sense of Deja-Vu and recognized it to be somewhere in Europe..though where was still a challenge.
For reason Chris felt his body jolt backwards behind some shrubs and before he could register what happened his eyes fixed on French Lop or commonly known as a rabbit.
So I’m in France-, once again he lost control of the suit all thoughts were muted now he was watching.
A Mouther rabbit with her five children, so innocent yet so bloody. He pounced. Every single one. Dead. Except for one, one soul survivor just like the younger Kratt- designated to survive no matter what happens ??right¿¿
Slashing though the skin as blood and guts spewed everywhere, killing all except one. Then proceeding to carefully pick up the brownish rabbit with his bloody fangs to the black jet.
“??Did I really just do that¿¿ what is wrong with me.” His thoughts encoded he couldn’t control the suit if he tried.
“Christopher, are you ok?!” The rabbit was alive, so why was he bloody- Elizabeth’s mind frantically raced as he dropped the rabbit she quickly scooped it up, it was no-larger than her hand now cradling the animal she scanned for scars on both him, and the newly born rabbit.
“боты! Quickly help him to the bathroom.” She shouted orders then carefully followed, she attempted to wash the blood off the brown frightened baby animal, then turned her attention towards Chis, “are you okay americano?-” Now signaling for her bots to carefully drop him, she wetted a cloth and began to remove some blood from the man.
It was no use there was so much blood.
“D-did it..h-happen again..” He pointed at the rabbit that was still frightened, he felt emotionally drained as he practically snatched the cloth and began to clean himself not being able to stand it was the least he could do.
“I-I’m afraid so-..but he’s okay..” She cradled the small rabbit, tears were starting to fall from her eyes.
“Will it ever get better?” The man reached out to touch the small animal, his arm was covered in scratches from a desperate Mouther trying to save her children.
“Who knows..give me your suit..and umm can you hold him while I attempt to wash out the blood..” She extended her hand which contained the small brownish rabbit curled up in her palm in exchange for his bloody suit.
“He needs a name..untill you name him I cannot..hold him..after all I did just kill his entire family.” Chris pushed away the hand and seemed to curl into a ball, he was really fucking scared in his eyes a monster though to anyone else broken.
“Umm..” She pondered for a moment almost retracted her arm before continuing, “выживший” She wasn’t good at names, it was the only thing she could think of at the moment.
“Survivor?” The younger Kratt seemed to be questioning her response, though it wasn’t a good name he wouldn’t be able to come up with anything better.Martin would have been able to come up with something unique. The thought echoed in Chris’ mind as he reached to pull of his vest, then gloves.
“Indeed, and-“ The blond scientist caught her breath deciding wether or not she should tell him she looked down at the rabbit and corrected him, “I don’t want to hurt them, I have no choice. If I don’t find the cure for my people they will die.”
Elizabeth’s voice got louder tears were falling more often but she was persistent, so though the tears and pain she firmly stated, “Иван told me I had to fix this, he showed me a way and I had no choice but to take it. He was there when the world broke. He was there when nobody was.” And with that she stood up grabbed the vest handed him the rabbit and left him sitting alone with his thoughts.
Martin had decided enough was enough, somehow he managed to persuade Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy into going to a large forest located in France his claim was “This might be are only chance to find him, Elizabeth is a smart woman- she wont be in a populated area like Paris. Please for chis’ sake..”
“Look I want to find Chris as much as you do, but we don’t know is they are even still in France,-“ The engineer objected before Aviva interrupted.
“It’s worth a try, after all like Mk said it may be are only opportunity.” The brunet scientist assured her, she had placed her hand on Koki’s shoulder as the room fell silent.
“Come on Koki, please-“ Jimmy blurted out, this caught her attention because usually Jimmy never go willingly into a forest.
“..fine, but it’s getting dark so let’s each take an mobile from the garage- and make sure your creature pod is on/charged.” She finally gave in and headed for the garage along with the rest of the crew.
They were all getting ready to descend into the forest before Jimmy paused and asked “So um..what exactly are we looking for?”
“Any trace of rabbits, a black jet, and um worst case scenario Oncilla tracks-“ Martin hated the thought of the Cps being hacked and Chris being used as a mindless puppet, after all it would be his fault for anything that happened to his younger brother.
“Report every 20-ish minutes ok?” Koki followed Martin’s reply her eyes were focused on he sun, it was getting dark and everyone knew that.
“Right!” They all said in unison, one by one they entered the forest everyone went separate paths- Martin of corse was last he stood for a moment then slowly got on his bug bike and headed North.
The older Kratts mind raced, every sound, thought, feeling, they all triggered him. Scanning the floor as he flew a few feet off the ground he took every opportunity to get off and walk around, it was only about five minutes before something caught his eye.
Tracks, no claw marks, cat family, larger front claws- smaller back claws, shit this isn’t looking good. I mean let’s be rational..then why dose everything about this leads to Oncilla and they don’t live in France.
“Fuck it, if this leads me to Chris..that all that matters.” His voice echoed in the forest, he started following the tracks before deciding to take a photo and send it to the team.
“Hey-..how’s everyone doing? And Martin is that what I think it is..” Koki had come over the Creature pod stopping Martin in his tracks her voice turned to worry, the sun now lit up the forest a bright orange as it began to fall beneath the horizon.
“..Y-yea I think..I’m following it right now-“ He attempted to sound cheerful but everyone knew what this meant.
“Hey- Mk be careful ok? And I’m good nothing so far how about you Jimmy?” Aviva’s firm voice tried to reassure Martin everything was ok though it was difficult.
“I’m good, just hungry- wait!” Jimmy dug into his pockets and pulled out a plastic baggie that contained an somewhat moldy sandwich, then to everyone’s surprise he took a bite- in his defense he didn’t know it was moldy though before he could take another bite he was stopped by Aviva.
“Jimmy no!” She practically slapped him though the creature pod.
“Huh?- eww!” He realized the mold, then out of pure instinct he threw the sandwich 5-10ft into the orange forest, likewise he had gotten off the small bike and proceeded to vomit.
“Omg ima-“ Hearing Jimmy vomit Koki reached and almost threw up, “Jimmy end the call!”
“I would if I coul- *more vomiting sounds*” The pilot managed before Aviva cut him off.
“Jimmy!. There should be water and a few granola bards in the side compartment- and umm imma end this call..” She snapped trying to avoid two people throwing up at once, though she truly did find concern in martins voice- he had been quiet but she assumed he was doing something important so she paied no attention to it.
The older Kratt followed the markings until they came to a stop, though it wasn’t the jet. The few fur bits that became more bloody the further he walked olny made him worry more, is it Chris’ blood?..Martin slowly approached the scene, he almost threw up at first and he tried to look away but his eyes gravitated towards the large somewhat intact chucks of rabbit.
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tryhardgwen · 6 months
rs archive 03/29/2024:
I saw you mentioned aml faker in a previous answer, and I was automatically summoned here (i dont make the rules sry). Please spill the beans (if u want to and are comfy to share).
ok. aml faker. so i didnt lie when i said i didnt have half the story but i have a vague outline in my head ill vomit it. what do i even talk about... the storyline / outline ideas i guess?
fic is gn be three chapters, similar to aml. prob not as long, im aiming for like, maybe 15k, 5k each chapter? its not gn be too lengthy. basically goes over his relationship with wangho and then deft and then extends to past-aml. chapter 1 is gn be his relationship with wangho and that downfall, ch 2 is with deft, and ch 3 is him and bengi. so kind of encompasses his whole life. you'll likely get a good amount of found family t1 yay and also quite a lot of our fav duo of bengi and faker!
yadda yadda he's happy with wangho but they break up "mutually" (it really was mutual guys it just wasn't working, but also sanghyeok sort of sees it as wangho broke up with him because of seongwoong). deft comes along yay happy second chance but also sanghyeok is a self-fulling prophecy so im sorry to all the deftker fans but... they're not endgame in amlverse. i apologize if this is sad and earth shattering to you. but i have NO plans for deftker endgame. hey, maybe when writing the fic it'll change but..>! lol. endgame is faker is single. oop. but he's comfortable with that and he sort of grows to love it without the bitterness. it's not a sad story, it's just a story focusing on familial and platonic relationships and everything in between. the last chapter is him growing into .. comfort i guess(?) with bengi and their partnership and plat relationship. surprise surprise bengi plays a large role in his love life bc of him struggling with those feelings of his.
so there's the word vomit. ill write it eventually when i am out of writers block and inspired. idk if anyone is really interested in it now though, because there's no romance endgame. cs like whats the point of reading if i already told u abt it 🫠 but im not going to NOT tell u about it since i did say id answer! the main issue now is i need to go learn math before i write it so. that'll probably delay it quite a lot. but there you go. hope its not disappointing.
i could spiel a lot more on aml faker but idk how much to word vomit. maybe i just leave that for the eventual fic to explain. mwa love u thank you sm for asking <3
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allylikethecat · 4 months
talk shop tuesday!
ally! how are you?
i was reading through all the asks and i was having the best time reading about the matties lmao anons just kept going and going and i love it 😭 also, i’m glad pop is well!
today was pretty uneventful, i sat on the phone disputing a charge on my bank account today ugh but i finally got the bank to give me my money back so i can’t complain there. oh but i did catch up with some friends i hadn’t seen in a while over the weekend and that was lovely
todays update: i was extremely surprised by our update today!!! i loved it sm while atkh matty has my (and everyone else’s) heart rn, it’s good to hear from my first favorite, infection!verse matty <3 unfortunately he wasn’t doing too hot but that’s not a shock lol, what DID shock me was that we are exploring different birthdays! i thought from the first chapter we were gonna continue with matty being 28 and leading up to the attempt form the og storyline!! I love the attention the detail you always add to your work. it just shows how much you love the fandom and how much you care for your own work. like mentioning the balloon wanting to be held, and the reference to the real cake photo lol
talk shop tuesday!!
when you’re in a creative slump, what’s something that usually helps?
do you have anyone you share your work or ideas with before us?
- 🥤
also if my asks are way too long please don’t be afraid to tell me it won’t hurt my feelings i will tone them down if you want because i just word vomit and send it in 😬
First off, please NEVER apologize for sending a long ask omg I get SO EXCITED whenever I see you in my inbox omg the only thing better than asks/fic comments are LONG asks and fic comments so thank you so so much for feeding my soul with these. I apologize that I am about to type out the longest ever response lol
Second, Happy Talk Shop Tuesday! Thank you for indulging me in my favorite day of the week 🩵 Pop and I appreciate the well wishes. After sending me spiraling last week and costing me lots of money the little fucker has decided that he is "totally fine now" and he hasn't even started his new expensive medication yet because it had to be special ordered 😑 The official verdict is that he was sore after playing too hard in turn out so really he's just an idiot who did it to himself. I rode him before work today and when I got to the barn he was bucking and playing on the walker. I was like SIR YOU ARE SEVENTEEN PLEASE STOP and then he was his version of wild for our hack - he just wanted to zoom. 🤦🏻‍♀️ LOL the Multiple Fictional!Matties of madness! I was giggling so hard yesterday answering all those asks. Those anon(s) are iconic and I am so grateful to them for indulging me and sending us down such a fun rabbit hole (or at least... I thought it was fun)
I'm happy to hear that you had an uneventful day, sometimes those are the best kind of days! I'm also very glad to hear that you were able to dispute the charge and get the money back from the bank! That kind of stuff is always so stressful 😭 I also hope you had a lovely time with your friends this weekend!
AHH I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed today's update! I know it probably wasn't the one ~the people~ were hoping for, but I had a lot of fun working on it and have been not so patiently waiting to post it lol (plus that one anon a while back did always say it was best to post that fic chaotically when it was least expected!) ATKH Fictional!Matty might be the current favorite child, and I am SO GRATEFUL that for all the love that he has received! But Infection Verse Fictional!Matty will always be the OG favorite child lol
I'm glad I was still able to surprise you with the fics direction! I took a page out of The A&E Fic's book and decide that each chapter was going to follow a different birthday / year instead of it being one "moment" in time like the Christmas Fic (the Christmas Fic was supposed to just be a very long one shot though RIP) Don't worry, we will still eventually return to twenty eight year old Fictional!Matty and his very not great year and subsequent inpatient treatment / adjustment to his new normal after. I also really want to write about Infection Verse Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George getting together as teenagers the first time. I swear I'll write those fics eventually I love the infection verse too much to leave it fully lol I'm excited for the next birthday - any guesses how old fictional!Matty will be turning? 😉
Including the cake was a last minute decision - someone had sent me that photo a few weeks ago and I was like omg I must include it somehow! And the balloon thing is one of my favorite little details - ever since reading that New Yorker article I've been trying to weave that little detail / feeling into all the different infection verse fics.
When I'm in a creative slump I usually put on my writing playlist (lol I listen to The Chainsmokers when I write because millennial) and just write something, anything. I make myself write at least 500 words a day, whether it's for a fic, my own original fiction, or literally anything. By making myself write SOMETHING everyday, I'm usually able to push through my creative slumps because even if it sucks I did write *something* which usually helps keep me from getting too in my head if that makes sense? Chatting about fic with a few mutuals has also been very helpful as well!
In terms of sharing my work / ideas with someone before posting about it on here- I used to share it with my bestie but then she got a new boyfriend and decided she wasn't into fandom or fic anymore so out of respect for her I have stopped doing that, I do now have a very beloved trusted mutual on here though that I usually spit ball ideas with now and then I am very, very grateful for them!
Thank you SO MUCH for sending such a truly fantastic ask! I apologize for writing a novel in response, if you've made it this far thank you SO MUCH for reading and for the continued support! I hope you continue to enjoy my fics and I look forward to your next ask 🩵 I hope you enjoy Friday's ATKH update and that you are having a wonderful Tuesday and a fantastic rest of your week!
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villainanders · 3 years
Which dragon age game do you think has the best story, in your opinion?
Omg I think definitely Origins! I think it has a very strong base story overall and does a great job letting you learn about the world naturally while emotionally leading you to the endgame, but I also love how the story can change sooooo much depending on your character and the choices you make. Like, from a roleplaying perspective, I feel like my wardens were all going through very different arcs, and the different origins system sets that up incredibly well, and then you just have so much control over the different subplots and overall resolution. And they're all really interesting outcomes, even the less "desirable" ones!
For the other games, I feel like DA2 has the most set """story""" in a lot of ways, which is kind of a flaw because it offers way less freedom for player choice and roleplaying (you really only have control over relationships with your companions and like. do you support the mages or templars) but I do think the story they were trying to tell is like! very cool and there's a lot I love about it. If DA2 had been given a few more years for development I think it could have been my favorite lol but unfortunately it is soooooooo messy and first drafty. much love and fondness to miss dragon age 2 but she is a mess
Then Inquistion is like FUN but I do feel like it's overall story is probably the weakest part lol. It does cool things with worldbuilding and has good characters and engaging subplots but I think the overall actual conflict is super undeveloped and just. kind of weak. I feel like the conclusion (not counting Trespasser) was just underwheming. You get to the end and realize you were NOT playing this game because you gave a shit about the actual conflict lmao. (Origins also had a Fight Against Big Generic Bad Guy as its final battle but I think it worked really well because of the choices you have to make and the way everything else leads up to it)
So yeah Origins gets my vote for best story imo!
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barbylion · 2 years
I was wondering do you have any Thai pop song recommendations? My friend who showed me kpop like 12 years ago also showed like Perfume for jpop and a mandopop singer but for Thai music she showed me some group called Seven Days and their 2 songs Luv and จะมีสักวันเป็นของฉันมั้ย or as I call it Someday (shortened) because that's what Google translate says and I really like them, they showed up on shuffle the other day and I totally forgot about them but they're still catchy. I would be down to get more into new music if you got any songs? 😊
why do I simultaneously feel like my time has come but also massively under-qualified 😂😂
but yes! i actually have this playlist I made when I was getting heavy into T-pop last year and a lot of songs weren't easy finds on Spotify lol. But I've added to it with newer releases. And I apologize in advance for this word vomit I just did, you caught me in the special interest lol
my current (active) faves as far as groups go are Pretzelle, Siam☆Dream, 4Eve, and Proxie. (I linked their most recent songs, but they're in the playlist too!)
Pretzelle is pretty well known in South Korea because they've done a few OSTs and stuff over there.
Siam☆Dream is a Japanese-Thai group that was created to promote Japan in Thailand. So they have a very Japanese sound, even though all their Japanese girls graduated. Fanny (representative color purple) is one of Mint's old trainee friends!
I'm just getting into 4Eve so idk much about them but I love them sm, stan talent tbh. And Proxie just debuted so they just have the one song. But they debuted like a day after I was complaining about missing cute boy groups in K-pop lol. They are the only boy group I know 😂
I really loved Violet Wink's debut and it made them my #1 favorite, but they've been pretty inactive since participating in LodiX (a competition show that all the major girl groups were in). I hated the original song they performed there (Love Me, I think it's called) but their Crazy In Love cover was killer). They had a bunch of members graduate between debut and LodiX. Then my 2 faves Ultra and Shdar graduated last year (and both didn't seem very happy in the aftermath. Shdar was outright angry and it seems like they weren't being treated great) so idk about VW anymore lmao. Rather than linking their debut MV, I linked the LodiX performance because I prefer the smaller lineup's distribution but the MV is in the playlist!
Mini Heart were great, they were the first group under Mint's company when she took it over! but they dropped off the face of the Earth after their second single. So it's safe to say even companies get the acting (BL) bug and just drop/forget about their groups 😞
As far as soloists, Jannine/Ploychompoo, Milli, and Bowkylion are my girls! Very different sounds from one another, but I ❤️ them all. I linked my fave songs by them but there's a lot I'd recommend tbh and I put a few in the playlist. Jannine's in her top 40s/tik tok pop era rn, but Pak Rai Jai Rak is still that girl.
I also love Rose/Baby J, who is another old friend of Mint, but all she's given us so far is this song.
Honestly congrats if you read this far!! But thanks for asking, I'm honored ❤️❤️
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gralunaisland · 2 years
My pairing problems with Gruvia and Juvia started up to 413 days. When I saw it all, even the Gray soap was incredibly uncomfortable. I started to analyze her behavior re-reading FT - I was just shocked at how wrong I was about Juvia and Gruvia. It wasn't funny, it's scary. Later, I wanted to give this couple a chance. Unfortunately the FT100yQ left me out of my mind when Gray swallowed Juvia and she got (I think) an orgasm in his mouth ... It looked like a scene s//x. Poor Gray.
I’m glad the 413 Days chapter/episode was the catalyst that opened the eyes of quite a few people to juvia’s unacceptable behavior, including yours! I could see how people could over look some of her actions leading up to it if they weren’t really scrutinizing her or just wrote it off as distasteful comedy, but 413 Days was just a blatant display of juvia’s lack of a brain and a heart and human decency.
Scary is just the word to describe her. If anyone were to put themselves into Gray’s shoes from just the 413 Days omake alone, I’m sure they’d realize just how unsettling it is to have a “lover” like juvia.
I respect your decision to want to give the pairing a second chance. I could see the pairing being forgivable if juvia repented and changed her ways and apologized to anyone she’s wronged and to back off, but unfortunately, knowing her true character, I doubt she ever will.
And absolutely, the scene where juvia literally org*sms in Gray’s mouth is just vomit-inducing. she has no boundaries, so willing to violate Gray without his permission and in public of all places, and even if one could make the argument that Gray and juvia “are a thing” in 100yq, being in a relationship DOES NOT MEAN you can do whatever you want (especially sexually) to your partner. It’s still r*pe if you don’t ask for consent.
Poor Gray indeed. My heart aches for him. He deserves so much better.
Thank you so much for your ask, Lucy! Really appreciate you sharing your story, and I’m sorry for the slow response!
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The way he asked her to come to Barcelona… SO carlos of him I wanted to cry… AND THE WAY HE METICULOUSLY PLANNED EVERYTHING? I am sorry if you dont like / dont care about zodiacs BUT THE VIRGO ENERGY IN HIM JUMPED OUT, and I respect it soooo much. Everything he planned was so /him/, but also so so perfect for MC — the little gestures? Ordering for her? Translating everything for her? POSTING HER ON HIS STORY? God i literally melted
AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON HIM COOKING FOR HER… because god damn you Know how Weak I am and it was so beautiful, also the British breakfast once again just shows how much he cares for her and understands her🥹 i am just about to combust actually
AND THEN RACE WEEKEND? And everything with the green tractor and also MC and Sebs relationship? Once again nailed it sm god i love these teammates… and how she didnt want to fight Seb / come across like that because he just means so much to her????? Girl you got me on the floor rn…
What I cannot stop thinking about is how shes in for the championship, and as of rn so is Carlos… Will they be fighting each other further down the line or… 👀 Make up sex as an apology for aggressive overtaking again? Or podium celebration sex because BOTH of them ended up on the podium (Silverstone? 👀) So many possibilities omfg dont mind me
AND THEN LAST BUT NOT LEAST (thiugh i still have so much to say but my slow ass brain needs a bit of time i guess) the ending was just perfect… like am I the only one thinking Carlos didnt want to sleep with her pre race weekend bc he wanted to fully focus on her but couldnt with all the GO expectations around him? But now that it was done he could let himself fully focus on her and give her all the attention he thinks she deserves? God I love them sm… And the way you let all those emotions show through during the smut was just CHEFS KISS, the way they understand each other is just so 🥹🥹🥹 i have no words lol other than i’m SO obsessed..,
God i hope this all is legible its 4:14am now and i am prone to word vomit already when my brain is working so this may just sound like incoherent crap but i hope you know this chapter was SO GOOD, also the way you captured Barcelona imo was spot on like I wouldnt have noticed that it was all based on research and not personal experiences (though i guess i must confess i havent been to barcelona since i was 4 either… JSJDKFKF BUT YOU MANAGED TO CAPTURE THE SPANISH VIBES PERFECTLY THAT I CAN TELL YOU BC I JUST VACATIONED IN SPAIN LAST MONTH)
okay oh my god i am back from festival and i am finally going to reply to this without crying halfway through...
firstly OH MY GOD. you... you wrote all this... about my work?? I'm touched, I'm shook, I'm honoured, this is honestly the best feeling and probably as close to a "real" author with people analysing my work as I'll ever get and I am ABSOLUTELY here for it (especially as a literature nerd who loves to pick apart all of my books for fun)
haha I don't *dislike* zodiacs, I don't really follow them to that much detail but I vaguely have an idea of them. To be honest, the way I write Carlos is purely based on the guy we see as a Formula One driver and personality (but now you say that I totally see the virgo energy). ALSO I'M SO GLAD YOU NOTICED THOSE I am entirely convinced Carlos is a very detail-oriented person and especially when he is first seeing someone he would be really careful to go out of the way to do really subtle but meaningful things yanno?
As for the championship fight... well I don't want to give anything away but oh I *definitely* have a plan for MC and Carlos and the WDC ;)
Haha don't worry it all made sense! And thank you so much for the comment about Barcelona... it's a little embarrassing how long I spent on google for things to do in and around the city because I've never been to mainland Spain, so even if it's not 100% accurate I'm just happy the vibes were right!!
honestly just thank you so much for this, it means the absolute world <3 <3 <3
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silkylious · 4 years
Limbo (Bakugo Katsuki x Fem!Reader)
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Pairing: bakugo katsuki x female reader warnings: heavy angst, eventual tiny bit of fluff at the end
omf this request is so nice i feel so bad that my writing is literally garbage in this, but thank you sm for requesting this!! <3 and im so sorry if i didn’t do your request justice (i legit hate my writing here :’))
To say the state of your relationship was unbearable would be the euphemism of the century.
Your thoughts often ran amuck, always hopelessly crawling back to that one despaired curiosity; wondering if he shared the same sentiment about your wishy-washy “friends” status as you did. He probably didn’t. That’s the seemingly unshakable brick wall that would inevitably dead-end your lovesick daydreams, each and every time. Though when his roughed-up hands linger on your skin a millisecond too long, when his steeled stare melts, hard rubies morphing into blazing lava pits, threatening to mar your very heart and soul with their scorching intensity –you’re not exactly certain you’d mind that– that’s when a flicker of something ignites within you. Hope, longing, doubt. Whatever it is, it terrifies you. Because you’re agonizingly aware of what that entails. He’s got you hook, line and sinker, but torturously he refuses to do anything with that. Almost like pulling someone in for a hug then abruptly and without explanation stopping midway, he keeps you at arm’s length. Not too far, not too close. And how that cycle destroyed you.
Katsuki was the type to jump into action and ask questions later. Except a lot of the times when these questions pertain to his own emotions, he didn’t even try to answer them, opting to shove them to the corners of his psyche, collecting dust, steadily accumulating until they become too much to ignore and he (sometimes quite literally) explodes. It’s a vicious loop that he could never break away from, he’d even come to find a sordid comfort in it. His coping mechanism was by no means healthy, far from it, but he’d grown familiar to the toxicity.
Katsuki couldn’t make heads nor tails of his feelings for you. Whenever he impulsively threw himself into the lion’s den that was your affection, caught in the moment, in the glimmer of genuine adoration in your eyes, he never came back the same. A piece of his heart would irreversibly split off and reside in the palm of your hand, he was scared that nothing would be left of it, that he wouldn’t be able to regain his bearings until it was too late. You so effortlessly juggled with his feelings, all with a single smile, it scared him that you had so much power over the fluttery sensation in his chest and yet, in the moment, it felt good. It felt so good to indulge in whatever fucky feeling was messing with his head, to let you hold him in the depths of obscurity with all prying eyes shut and what little words exchanged hushed. It felt so alleviating to feel skin on his own (for once not in battle), gentle, comforting but not coddling. It was unspoken between you that you were both more than friends. You knew it, he knew it. Neither of you ever mentioned it. What neither of you knew, however, was how far the other’s feelings ran.
But as high as your silent love made him feel, he crashed back down into the concrete when he was left to his own devices. Without your intoxicating scent, distracting touches fogging his rationality, Katsuki had all the time in the world to overthink. And overthink he did. His pride picked apart the delicate flowering in his heart, ripping it petal by petal until nothing was left but a garden of beautifully withered leaves, a condemnation to what he considered a weakness.
Katsuki was a taker by every sense of the word. Basking in your wispy adoration, only to brush you aside in favor of focusing on academics once he’d had his fill of your love. It was sickening.
Maybe it was the fact that you hadn’t outright confessed to him, maybe that’s what soothed the overbearing guilt that crawled up his throat whenever he saw that dejected face of yours, the one you made because of him. If your feelings for him ran deep, surely you would have said something by now, at least that’s what he thought. Or more precisely, that’s the excuse his mind conjured up in hopes of easing his conscious, trying to convince himself that self that yes, he was hurting you, but at least he wasn’t hurting you that bad. He was infinitely aware that this doesn’t put him in any sort of moral high ground, nor does it justify his actions, but, again, it was a last-ditch effort to relieve his anguish if just by a little bit, even if he knew that excuse was bullshit.    
Surely he knew, there’s no way in hell someone as hawk-eyed as him didn’t notice the tyranny he held over the porcelain pitter-pattering of your heart, didn’t notice the fleeting, love-filled glances you sent his way. This was getting ridiculous, you were starting to believe he was taking some twisted sense of pleasure from your heartache, but he wouldn’t do that, right? He didn’t derive some sick kick out of having you indefinitely under his thumb, at his beck and call… right? A few months ago, you would have answered those uncertainties with a resounding “No!” defending his cruel behavior till the bitter end. But now…
Now you weren’t so sure.
And yet you still found yourself in his dorm, on his bed. It was supposed to be another study gathering, but one thing was glaringly missing. Y’know… the gathering. Kirishima was out training and he hadn’t bothered to invite the rest of his brain-dead, self-proclaimed squad. And that’s how you found yourself alone. With your best friend and secret crush. Just dandy.
Your hands were restless. Pulling at the seams of his blanket, cracking your own fingers, picking up your pencil for a brief moment of concentration, answering one or two questions only to drop it back on the mattress again and fidget some more. Katsuki wasn’t fucking blind, and your unease was ticking him off. Though he surprisingly hadn’t said a thing about it just yet, he was clearly nearing his wit’s end. His silence didn’t prevail for much longer, the meek sigh and not so subtle glance you chanced his way being his tipping point.
“What.” It came out as a statement, a demand rather than a question. What was he demanding? He hadn’t thought of that yet, his temperamental limbs already taking the wheel and pressing on the gas without a destination in mind, just being short fused for the sake of it. Was it even his place to be making demands in this situation? Katsuki knew the answer to this one like the back of his hand, a solid no.
“What…?” You really had no idea what Bakugo was expecting with a question like that. He still had the audacity to roll his eyes.
“The hell’s got you so jumpy?”
“It’s nothing…” It was a lot more than nothing, that’s for sure.
“Don’t lie to me, (name). What the fuck is up with you?” Ah, there it is again. That look. His words were as cut-throat as ever, and his mouth was still pulled into that seemingly permanent scowl. But his eyes conveyed something that was whole worlds asunder from his harsh tone. Golden brows furrowed as they usually were, though unusually upturned just the slightest bit. You despised that look. It ensured that you’ll forever be caught in his grasp, forever there for him when he never spared you the time of day.
Your lungs constricted by a force of gorgeously wretched agony. Katsuki wasn’t fair when he bared his soul to you like this, it filled you with such fervent euphoria that torrefied its way through your being, singeing your veins with luminous infatuation. And it hurt. Because you knew he’d cage himself right up as soon as the moment of vulnerability perished.
A crystalline sheen permeated your vision. This wasn’t going to end well.  
“I said it’s nothing,” Your voice raised. You hadn’t meant for the words to be as frosty as they came out, but it seemed like your subconscious was utterly done with the tedium of heartbreak he keeps putting you through.
“What is fucking wrong with you? I was literally just asking why you were being so goddamn obnoxious today and then you go and make a big fuckin’ deal out of nothing!”
“Well, maybe I’m just fucking tired of giving you everything I have and getting nothing in return, Katsuki!”
Your chest rose and fell with each scalding breath that entered your lungs. The blood through your veins was pumping. Never had you been confrontational, and your sudden outburst wasn’t exactly welcome to your system. You wanted to vomit. This was not how you wanted things to turn out, you absolutely needed to leave, distance yourself from the emotional strain he was inflicting on you.  
Without taking notice of the panicked glint in the cherry red of his irises, you bolted out of the suddenly claustrophobic room, leaving Katsuki to stare at his agape door before flickering his unfocused attention to your supplies still laying on his bed.
Katsuki erupted time and time again, with you being as patient as a receiving end could ever be. It’s specifically because of your godly patience that he never considered what he would do once you erupted.
With your back sliding down your dorm room door, and little friction stopping your descent, you wondered and maybe even wished he’d call after you, come banging on your door with bristling apologies on the tip of his tongue. However, the jarring reality was very clear to you. You’d decided on that day, with your head buried in your tear-stained pillow, that these were the last tears you’d ever shed on him, that you were going to put him through the same wringing hell he’d put you through.
You were going to ignore Bakugo Katsuki’s existence just like he’d periodically ignored yours.
The following week had been bleak at best and excruciatingly bitter at its worst for the both of you. It was so strange having to adjust to the absence of the other, even if your company more often than not had been a quiet one, it was company nevertheless. The most grueling part though, was your shared friend group. They’d noticed that something was obviously awry, but since neither of you said a thing about it, they decided it would be best if they didn’t either. The awkward dead silences during lunch were still purgatory to behold. But after a few more slow paced days, the sun seemed to shine bright again. For you, that is.
You didn’t realize how much of your schedule revolved around Bakugo until he was completely out of it. How much time you spent with him, dreading him, thinking about him… him, him, him. He’d consumed your thoughts from the first sparks of dawn till the hallows of dusk. You had so much free time now that he was out of the picture, it was crazy. The more time you spent on yourself, on your hobbies, getting to know other classmates outside of your immediate friend circle, the duller the ache in your chest. Until it was but a static buzz. Yet you couldn’t deny that, with time, your fury had mellowed out, leaving behind a cold loneliness you couldn’t elude whenever your aimless stare landed on him, almost like it was drawn to him by muscle memory.
He was the exact opposite.
You’d think the throbbing within him whenever you finally gazed his way then instantaneously looked in the opposite direction would knock come modicum of sense into his stubborn head. But nope. And seeing you thrive without him only cemented what he already knew. He really was no good for you. So much so that it barely took anytime for you to readjust to the lack of him in your life, and not only did you adjust, you were the best he’s ever seen you both mentally and academically. In the first week of you ditching him completely, his bruised ego kept him for reaching out to you, but now, seeing that elated grin on your face –the one that had been gradually dwindling over the past few months– he didn’t want to take your newfound happiness away, he’d figured he’d done you more than enough harm already.
Heart heavy with reluctance, Katsuki made the decision to give up on your relationship. Deciding to wordlessly cheer you on from the sidelines and watch you bloom, flourishing into the person he robbed you of being for a chunk of your life, though whenever your spring hit, it would be without him. Until some day in the future where his pride wasn’t as suffocating, where he could genuinely, wholeheartedly repent his grievances and only hope for your forgiveness.
Kirishima never took Bakugo for a quitter, hell would freeze over before he even thought such a thing. So this was certainly a shock. What was even more shocking ­– and overwhelmingly concerning– was the fact that Katsuki had willingly, on his own accord confided in him, and he’d, in his own roundabout way, taken accountability for being a gigantic douche to you. As much as the redhead respected his friend’s decision to stay clear of you, he couldn’t help but wish you’d just talk to one another for once. Kirishima really was a saint, having to listen to two idiots ramble about how much they miss the other.
“Listen, man. I know you feel bad and all that, but maybe you should just talk to her? I’m sure she’d like some closure on this just as you do, even if that doesn’t mean things will go back to the way they were.” Eijirou tried to reason, praying to whatever higher being out there that Katsuki would just get the fuck over himself and communicate with you.
“Fuck no. That’s not fucking happening, shitty hair,” Kirishima rolled his eyes at the oh so affectionate nickname, thoroughly done with his best friend’s melodrama. Welp, I guess there’s only one thing left to try. He heaved internally, mentally and physically preparing himself for Bakugo’s tantrum.
“Well, you know that if you won’t talk to her, others will, right? I heard some guys saying they’re gonna ask her ou–”
“Shut the fuck up! I don’t give a rat’s ass who asks her out!” He definitely did. Eijirou hid his smile. Checkmate.
“Whatever you say, dude.”
Later that day, three distinctly powerful knocks woke you up. Needless to say, you didn’t think that night would end up with you and Katsuki staring each other down, seated on your bed at one in the morning. Words got stuck in his throat, so he just… noiselessly watched your face, as if trying to telepathically ram his constipated emotions into you, in hopes that you’d make sense of them. Obviously, that didn’t work.
“Did you come banging on my door at one in the morning just to stare at me, Bakugo? I mean I know I’m pretty but still–”
“Shuddup.” Not really the best thing to say to you after weeks of radio silence. You were about to make another salty remark, but he opened his mouth first.
“I fucked up,” The fact that he was acknowledging he was at fault was… something. But that wasn’t nearly enough to pay off the debt off turmoil he’d caused you.
“No shit.” You replied without missing a beat. The ice that tinged your words caught him off guard, but he really shouldn’t have been surprised. He sighed, knowing he’d have to strip himself of everything, including his pride (especially his pride) down to his very core, to have a go at a second chance.
And so, he did.
He poured his everything out for you to observe, without an ego film distorting his words. Syllables reeked of muted agony, he really had rid himself of anything and everything that wasn’t his deepest soul. He finally offered you himself just as you had done countless times before. Katsuki swore that his heart would –and always has been– explicitly yours, he’d roar that fact at the constellations above if you so wished him to. And while it would take a while to heal from coruscating blisters he’d inflicted, you were more than content mending and welting your heart with his.  
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pips-fics · 3 years
ask: Hi, I love your work sm! I was wondering if you could maybe do one where Minho gets sick (emeto) at the dorm without warning and the other members comfort him bc he’s embarrassed? Thanks 🥺
tw: vomit, nightmares
minho fell asleep feeling just a bit too warm and woke up sweating buckets. it was some kind of bad dream that woke him. his heart was racing, and he was panting and disoriented, the sense that something horrible was lingering just over his shoulder not having left him. he couldn’t even remember what it was - and maybe that made it even scarier.
it was, if nothing else, extremely disorienting. to be caught in between a dream world and that of real life, not recalling the first and unable to see anything in the darkness of the bedroom. somewhat like existing in a void.
maybe that as why minho had no idea he was sick until he was throwing up all over his bed.
he did attempt to get up and to bathroom, though by then quite a bit of damage had been done. the first wave of vomit had come quickly and intensely, and unfortunately the second was no better. what’s more, he only ended up creating a bigger mess, having not made it to the bathroom yet, his stomach contents now splattering onto the floor.
by the time it was over, minho’s head was spinning so badly, he couldn’t take another step. he sunk to the ground, lightheaded, still extremely nauseous, and now drowning in the awful stench on top of it all. he looked around, trying to make out if there was anyone else in the room, and saw no one. where were they?
at the studio, his brain supplied, and that wasn’t helpful at all because his heart started racing again. if chan and changbin were still at the studio at this hour, they might not be back until morning.
a dry sob ripped itself from minho’s ribcage, and tears burned his eyes. he knew he should call for help, but the stupid part of his pride stopped him, embarrassment demanding a moment of hesitation.
that was enough to take the choice away from him, because suddenly he was being sick again, gasping for air and terrified that he wouldn’t get it before he passed out. that would be even more embarrassing than being found like this when he was awake, so he clung to consciousness with everything he had.
changbin found him like that, swaying as if he had no bones in his body, sobbing, and shaking, and mumbling incoherently.
“what. the fuck.” changbin genuinely didn’t know what was going on and hadn’t intended to say anything, but the words felt appropriate even in hindsight. “hyung, what happened?”
“where were you?” minho whimpered between choked coughs. “i’m sorry…”
changbin, who had just returned from working and was still trying to grasp what was happening, put his hand on the other boy’s head and struggled not to gasp. “we have to get you some fever reducers or something, hyung, you’re burning up. let’s take off you shirt.”
minho didn’t so much as wiggle his eyebrows at that, and his lack of reaction spoke volumes for how badly he must have been feeling, though the tears were enough of an indicator on their own. that minho was crying was hard for changbin to wrap his mind around, so he chose to mostly ignore it and set to work on gently re-dressing the older man.
it was a process. there were things to be gathered - a trash can, first and foremost, clean clothes, but also wet washcloths because there was no way he was going to trust minho to shower or bathe. and then there was the actual act of putting minho’s clothing on. changbin hadn’t played with dolls since he was a kid, but wresting minho’s limp limbs into clean clothes really brought back the memories.
when he was finished, changbin gave minho a once over. he still looked a bit green, but the tears had stopped. changbin thought he’d be relieved by this. instead, his concern only increased. “hey,” he said quietly. “you okay, hyung?”
there was a split-second delay in which changbin could tell it took conscious effort for minho to get his eyes to focus so that he could look around the room. there was still vomit everywhere. changbin, in all his panic, had nearly forgotten about it, and now cringed. minho’s composure, if he’d had any, crumbled into whimpers and gasped apologies.
“i should’ve been more careful,” he said, voice shaking. “i’ll– i’ll clean the mess, just–” he swallowed thickly and shut his mouth.
“hyung,” changbin whined. “please don’t feel bad, you’re just–”
a heady belch interrupted him, and changbin pressed the trash can into minho’s hands just in time. a soupy mess splattered against the plastic and minho coughed through the more solid chunks of less-digested food. changbin sighed, steadying minho as he swayed through dry-heaves.
“you’re just sick, hyung, you can’t help it.”
for better or worse, minho seemed entirely out of energy by the end of this bought of sickness. changbin couldn’t tell if he’d actually been reassuring, or if minho was just too tired to cry.
“do you feel any better?” changbin asked, half-afraid of the answer.
“‘m tired,” minho sniffled, refusing to meet changbin’s eyes.
“okay, hyung, we can talk more when you’re feeling better. how about we get you to bed?”
minho glanced at the mess on his bed in disdain and changbin huffed a half-laugh, shaking his head. “we’ll get you in bed with one of the kids, alright? then i can clean up here and you can rest.”
minho looked hesitant, but his exhaustion won out and he nodded. changbin helped him to his feet and they walked to the younger members’ room together. the closest bed was hyunjin’s, and minho didn’t hesitate to fall onto it. hyunjin cracked a bleary eye open.
there was a tense moment where changbin wondered if they’d need to explain. then hyunjin offered a dopey smile. “you’re finally here to cuddle?”
as if summoned by the word itself, felix woke and stumbled to join the other two. “i want to,” he mumbled, and promptly fell asleep, sandwiching minho between him and hyunjin. changbin raised an eyebrow.
“is this okay?” he asked minho. the other two were, once again, out cold. minho shrugged.
“i don’t want to wake them.”
changbin suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, because that was the most minho way of saying “yes, i’m happy to cuddle tonight” was he’d ever heard.
though he couldn’t say he enjoyed cleaning up the bedroom, changbin did so with a warmth in his chest. he hoped his group members would never lose the genuine kindness they had always shown each other. he also hoped that whatever minho had wasn’t contagious - but that was a problem for another day.
a very quick reader survey (specific to this fic!) to make me smile and help me plan/get hype for my next fic: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/26HTVV8
feel free to send more asks! / rules
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lawrising-a · 3 years
💕 + joey ! // waxrot
bold all that apply to your characters’ relationship. whichever category has the most bolded is their current relationship (approximately) -- for mat & joey! // @waxrot
strangers (0 of 5)
I don’t know you personally or at all. I would not recognize you on the street. I do not know your name. i would not recognize if you were brought up in conversation. you have no importance in my life.
acquaintances (3 of 9)
i know your name. I recognize your face. i think i understand your personality on a surface level. i’d like to get to know you more. i think we could be good friends. we have a lot of similar interests. people say we’re a lot alike. we don’t ask one another for favors often. i would not be able to tell someone if you have allergies.
friends (4 of 11)
we get along well. we have fun together. i like hanging out with you. you’re someone i can send memes to. i feel comfortable around you. i know some of your interests. i’m a little more open with you than other people. i keep some secrets to myself. sometimes i’m not sure what i can open up to you about. i usually buy you something minor for holidays. i like when we can go out and do something together.
best friends (5 of 13)
i could tell you anything. i call you if there’s a problem. we probably text too much. we have a great time together. we’ve got through some bad times. i can be myself around you. we have inside jokes for days. i send you songs that remind me of us. we have a lot of memories together. i can open up to you. i worry when you’re in a bad situation. i’d kick someone’s booty for you. i take insults against you personally.
crushes (7 of 13)
you make my heart race. i can’t stop thinking about you. i worry i text back too quickly. every touch is a sign. sometimes i wonder what kind of person is your type. i send you songs that remind me of you. i keep dropping hints about how i feel. you make me emotional. i want to tell you how i feel. i like when you let me stay. i think i’d be happy so long as you’re happy. seeing you with other people makes me jealous. i can’t tell if this is a date or we’re just hanging out solo.
sister/brotherly (2 of 15)
you drive me crazy. we’re on the same level. you take over all my hobbies. you nag me too much. i’d die for you. we jinx a lot. we have inside games. we play too many pranks. sometimes our fights can get a little intense. i feel relaxed around you. i can be myself around you. we take care of each other. you steal my food right from my plate. i steal your food straight from your plate. if one of us is sick, we both are.
dating & early love (5 of 13)
you make me happy. we have everything in common. you are always on my mind. i can’t get enough of you. we sleep on top of each other, not next to each other. we buy everything in pairs. talking about you is like word vomit. people seem a little annoyed at how in love we are. our relationship should have books written about it. we’re always making memories. i can’t wait to do all our ‘firsts’ together. sometimes i get cold feet. i hope we’ll be together forever.
mature love (2 of 18)
you take all the blankets. you ate the last of MY snack. we get into tiffs but work it out. i can be honest with you. you know everything about me. we can be a little naggy towards each other. i feel safe around you. you are always on my mind. everything i do is for us. ‘we’ seems to suit us best. people say we fight like a married couple. we are married. we have children together. we reminisce while making memories. i’d die for you. i can’t imagine my life without you. i love you for your flaws. i’ll love you forever.
toxic love (3 of 15)
i’ll do anything you tell me to do. it doesn’t matter so long as you’re happy. i don’t care so long as it makes me happy. i’m only in this relationship to get something. you only want to be with me to get something. i can’t trust you. i don’t feel comfortable around you. talking to you feels like walking on egg shells. i never know what is okay. you apologize with gifts. i apologize with gifts. you say i’m everything to you. i don’t talk to anyone else anymore. we get into physical fights. the cops have been called before.
exes (7 of 12)
i miss what we had. we used to be good friends. my memories feel tainted now. i think about texting you a lot. i wonder how you’ve been. i don’t like the idea of you getting with other people. i’m already seeing other people. we have a child together. we’re legally separated. we broke up. my family wants us to get back together. i put you on blast with all my friends.
enemies (5 of 11)
i hate you. you make my skin crawl. you are my antonym. seeing you makes my blood boil. i know you’re no good. you thwart my every move. i know your trying to hurt me. i know you’re talking shit about me. i’ve never felt this way about anyone else. i could kill you. i will kill you.
result: crushes & exes tied! given everything, i can say that's pretty fair. even if they haven't properly dated, ya know? joey and matty are fascinating to me in every way and while i think they had been friends prior to the savant's disappearance,, it's crazy to think how far they fell before their mutual revivals tied them back together. yet there's still that rift, because joey just doesn't know how to bond with others anymore. either way, they clearly care about each other. and it's cute to see how protective joey is over mat in ep9! the detective definitely has a crush on him and misses their bond a way an ex would so ... fitting. thanks sm for sending this in !!
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survivorparr · 5 years
the sun and her moon, pt 5/8 (Get Down)
aka The Six Cast said Gay Rights Today and I Felt That
Ex Wives/No Way | DLUH | Heart of Stone | Haus of Holbein
(about the soundtrack title fic concept)
tw: throwing up (it’s brief, but after the third • )
To a casual observer, it would have appeared that nothing had changed. Catherine and Anne still sat together in the van, took all their meals together, and laughed at things that nobody else found funny.
But to anyone who’d been watching closely, it was clear that something was... different. One set of shared headphones became two separate pairs. Jane shelved the English-French dictionary she’d thought she’d be needing to manage Anne in two languages.
Luckily for Anne and Cath, someone had been watching closely.
“Alright, Queens! We’ve roughly 25 minutes before Cathy gets back from bible study and Anne finally wakes up. I call this emergency meeting to order,” declared Kat.
“Judging by the present company, I’m guessing this is... what have you been calling them? Parrlyn-related?” Aragon continued folding everyone’s dry laundry as she spoke. The warm, clean fabric and the precision and routine of folding calmed and comforted her (and she figured she’d be needing as much of that as she could get during Howard’s meeting).
“It is. Come on, Catherine, surely even you can admit by now that there’s something between them. Anne hasn’t bothered messing with you in over a week,” Kat leveled.
“Now that you mention-”
“-the vibe in the house has been kinda-”
“-some peace and freakin’ quiet-”
“Anywho! What’s Newton’s first law of motion?” Kat asked.
“wHY on Ear-”
“-object at rest will stay at rest until acted on by another force”.
“Very good, Cleves! I propose we give this particular ‘object at rest’ a little push, hmm?”
“What have you got in mind, love?” Jane inquired.
“A night out. We haven’t had a proper one in ages, plus, it’s nearly Cleves’s birthday and we have to celebrate!”
Cleves shot Kat an appreciative smile from where she was perched on the arm of the sofa. She was quick to hype up her friends, but surprisingly shy about asking them to do anything for her in return - even going out for her own birthday.
“Music, a crowded pub, dancing, booze... it’s all the ingredients we need to give those two the push they need”.
Nods and murmurs of approval were seen and heard all around.
“Alright then - a night out it is!” Aragon grinned. “But if anyone thinks this means I’m suddenly going to braid Boleyn’s hair...”
“Pleeeeease, Aragon? You’re so good at it, and Jane is busy curling Kat’s. Pretty pretty pleeeease? Por favoooor, con una cereza encima?”
“oKAY, I will curl your hair IF you stop butchering my native language. I told you, the idioms don’t translate...”
“Gladly”. Anne flashed a devious grin and plugged her curling iron into the nearest outlet. Aragon patted her comforter, motioning for Anne to sit down.
The two women sat in an uneasy silence, until-
“Do you believe in life outside of earth?”
“Do I - no, Anne, I do not believe in life outside of Earth. I mean, never say never or whatever, but I think the conditions are highly improbable”.
“Oh. Right. Catherine?”
“Boleyn, I swear-”
“-have you ever been in love?”
“Have I WHAT?” Aragon nearly keeled over.
“Do I smell smoke?!” Cleves burst into the room. She slowly took in the sight of Aragon standing over Anne with a steaming hot curler. “Right... Carry on then”.
“Wait! Anna! We... could use a little help. She’s got a lot of... hair, and I’m out. of. my. depth”. 
“Say no more! Anna of Cleves is here to assist with all your- Boleyn, you look dreadful. I mean, you look lovely, but you look dreadful. What’s got you down?”
Anne was silent for a moment, eyes glued to the floor, lips pursed as if she were physically holding the words she couldn’t say in her mouth. Her chin quivered ever so slightly.
“I— I think I messed up, you guys”.
“Messed up how, babes?” Cleves put a comforting hand on Anne’s shoulder.
“I’ve went and... caught proper feelings for someone”.
“You’re allowed to have feelings. We know you’re often reduced to the comic relief, but-”
“That’s not it, Catherine, it’s... it’s that I’ve fallen for the absolute wrong person.”
The declaration hung heavy in the air. Aragon released another perfectly curled ringlet from the iron.
“Anne. No matter who it is, we’re going to support you. You and... whoever it is”, Cleves assured her.
“You don’t understand, though. I really couldn’t have chosen worse - I could ruin everything good in my life, and for what? I bet they wouldn’t even like me back if they knew, which they can’t, because GOD it would be a mess. Honestly, Aragon, you especially would be appal-“
“Boleyn. Look at me. We are all behind you, all the way, no matter who it is. Me, Anna, Kitty, Jane... Cath... There’s nothing you could do that would ever change that, do you hear me?”
Anne turned to face Aragon, eyes full of gratitude. “Th- thank you, Catherine. Thanks, Cleves”.
“Don’t mention it. Now, these curls are looking pretty fire if I do say so myself, so why don’t you touch up your makeup and we’ll go do some dancing?”
For such a tiny person, Katherine Howard sure had a lot of vomit in her. Jane was in the bar restroom with her, holding her hair, while Aragon and Cleves were taking a break from the dance floor to challenge (see: destroy) the reigning cup pong champions.
This left Cathy and Anne standing in a corner near the bar, nursing drinks.
“Some night out this is, eh?”
“What’s that?”
“Oh no, I just meant, you know, us standing here, watching all the fun...” Cathy trailed off.
“Oh, I s’pose you’re right - sorry, I’m not in much of a partying mood tonight. I didn’t want to bail on Cleves, though”.
Anne noted Cathy’s slight frown.
“Not that I don’t want to be here! Here is good, you’re good, you’re - you’re great and I... have had too many gins and not enough food today. I’m sorry, Cathy”.
Parr smiled warmly. “Hey, you don’t need to be sorry. Everyone has off days. Just... if anything was wrong, you would tell me, right?”
Anne’s heart sank. “Of course I would”. The lie pulsed through her whole body. “Thanks, Cathy.”
Anne looked down at the still-almost-full cup in her hand. After a second’s contemplation, she tilted her head back and downed the whole glass. 
“God, I love this song. I think I’m gonna go dance. Do you want to come with?”
Parr blinked rapidly, confused by the abrupt shift in Anne’s demeanor. “Yeah, I’ll come,” she answered warily. She kept her eyes trained on the flashes of green weaving through the crowd until she and Anne were in the middle of the crowded dance floor.
By the time Cathy caught up, Anne was already on another planet, eyes closed, jumping and flailing to the music. She stood and watched for a second, wondering how it felt to be that free, that confident.
“Are you going to dance, Parr?”
Cathy looked around nervously to see if she was within the sightline of any of the other queens. Seeing that she wasn’t, she let out a long exhale, piled her hair on top of her head and secured it, and then began bouncing to the beat.
Suddenly, Anne’s hands were on her shoulders. It wasn’t uncommon for the two of them to dance like that in a Megasix, but in this new context, it made Cath’s heart flutter involuntarily. God, how she wanted Anne to pull her closer... She quickly put it out of her head, and focused on responding to Anne’s movements with her own. Everywhere Anne was, Cathy was too. Their bodies intertwined, rising and falling together on the dance floor.
Anne felt her hands move down towards Cathy’s waist, bringing their swaying hips closer together. She couldn’t think straight - she couldn’t think of anything at all except how much she wished Parr could be hers in that moment.
Anne’s hands on her hips stirred something in Cathy, and every reservation that had been holding her back disappeared. Heart racing, she looked into Anne’s eyes, then glanced quickly at her lips.
“Guys? Kat’s doing a little better for the mo’, so we were thinking we’d get her home in case she gets sick again later. Ready to go?”
Just like that, Cleves had broken the spell.
All the way home, Cathy had stared intently at the ground, feeling Anne’s hot gaze on the back of her neck from the backseat of the cab. As she got into bed, her mind raced. How could she have lost control like that? Would Anne ever speak to her again? The thought of having her secret exposed made Cathy sick. The thought of Anne not returning her feelings made her sicker.
Ever the pragmatist, Cathy stared up at the ceiling and began to think of things she could do to fix the situation. She’d come up with a good explanation for the staring, for starters - tell Anne that she had an eyelash on her cheek or something.
Yes, that’s good, she thought. I should go do it now before she goes to sleep.
Wow, give the girl some space. You’ve just gone full-on freaky on her, she doesn’t want to see you now.
On the other hand, if you apologize now, maybe she’ll forget the whole thing by morning...
Cath cast off her covers and rolled out of bed. Filled with a new determination, she strode across her bedroom to the door. She pulled it open, and-
“Anne? Why aren’t you-“
Cathy stumbled backwards into her room from the sudden force of Anne’s hands desperately pulling at her face, her lips meeting Cathy’s own roughly. The door swung shut behind them.
Tags:  @mimymomo @gayboleynz @supernova-nightmare@allthequeensdeservedmore@demidoubter @alexs-galaxies @sweet-sappphic @sarahzarahh @musical93 (i lov u ALL sm) (if you’d like to be tagged or if you’d like to stop being tagged, please let me know <3 )
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berryunho · 2 years
I submitted the ‘The answer’ survey but since I have no way of looking back at the responses I have no idea if I worded things properly or if it sounds like word vomit so I’d like to apologize in advance 💀
hehehe thank you sm for your responses :] assuming you're the singular person that responded today they definitely made sense and made me very happy !!! loved the in-text citation PLSSS hehe but yeah fr tysm and if you wanna be an anon PLEAAAASEEE do be I'd love that sm <3 <3 <3 and for everyone's reference I'm absolutely okay w terms like bestie and bae/babe and girl and/or anything else like that :] ty for asking and again ty for your responses and the feedback and the kind words and for reading and loving the fic !!!! <3
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stanbangttan · 7 years
THE DOOR GUY // Drabble // Yoongi x Reader
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Summary: You are in Seoul, because of the job opportunity, stumbling upon your favorite producer, Yoongi in front of a restaurant.
Warning: fluff, angst, 
A/N: I hope you love this. I am a little late. But still. Happy birthday to you Nicole. You deserve the world ❤️ @nmmthings  Try to find the song. COMMENT. Requests are still open. Hop on.
Word count: 2k
We were in the foreign country and still my sister got more guys than me. She got one for now, or she accepted one, and as it goes for me I got zero, as per usual. She was gorgeous, of course, but did she have to say yes? I will dare to say I am cute too, it’s just that I am an introvert and she is an extrovert.  And the fuck, why am I the one who needs to drive her. This car is rented. If we even make a small dent, we’re doomed, and I am not so confident I ride well. I even take the metro to my studio. I am a good driver but still I am not comfortable driving in the new town. Especially where I don’t understand the signs or even what drivers are yelling at me. I love this city. I love everything about it. I couldn’t even imagine we would ever go to Seoul. Not when I was told I have a job opportunity of going, and even for a month. And with my sister. Visiting it and even get paid to live there. Did I save a country in my last life? However there were those bad sides of my trip. Not knowing the language entirely. Managing to find a translator in Korea was a plus, but getting my company to pay him as well was a long shot, that somehow worked out. I was a working on a project with SM entertainment for upcoming comeback of Red Velvet. I wrote and produced some of the songs with their producing team. I was chosen to help them to create new sound of their songs. Which I am pretty excited for. But that was not my goal. The one I would love to work with was actually Big Hit. Because I heard the idols produced their own songs which is something that blew me off. No one had that kind of freedom in Korean discography and succeeded at that. Made that money, became uprising star. So I got into it more. Starting following their work. I really am amazed how they put they all into the music. I love the actual freedom of making, artistic freedom and lyric writing they have. And they actually rock it really well. They got big. So I have entered Kpop market, hoping I will work with them one day. It’s a wish of mine to see the masterpiece in the making, live.
 I worked, while my sister enjoyed Seoul life. It’s an understatement to tell I was really jealous of her. She could enjoy life, meet boys and explore the town. Not that I couldn’t but still it was working. And I wouldn’t even hit on a guy or flirt in any way. But it would be nice to have a day off and explore the city. Namsan tower, Han river, maybe going to brunch in Gangnam. Feeling and acting boujee. Living a Kdrama? Maybe.. “You trust that tinder or whateveriscalled dating apps too much..”  I told Ana, as I drove her. She had full glam makeup, putting more lipstick in the passenger seat mirror. “Can you like chill.. It’s just for a coffee..” “Can we have a like safe word or text if you’re not feeling well or if he’s a creep or a dork so you can text me and I’ll call you to get you out and pick you up? At least do that for me, Ana. That is the least you can do.” I pleaded her. She is to naïve when it comes to internet. “Nicole, chill please.” I looked at her with piercing eyes, so she’ll understand this is no joke. I don’t really know why did I even accepted to drive her. “Okaay, listen, I will text you S.O.S. and you call me telling me something like I need to feed the cat, I don’t know..Is that okay?” She said with bored tone.
“Enough for me..” I smiled, as I put my eyes on the road. I dropped her off at this nice ass looking restaurant, and she kissed me saying goodbye. Maybe this is the last time I will see her, Korean mafia drawing her into prostitution… I watch too many kdramas, she’ll be fine. And this is too nice of a place for “just coffee”.. And she is too dressed up for “just coffee”. She lied again. I drove myself back to my studio, and worked a little more, so I won’t sit a home worrying about Ana.
 An hour passed and I lost track of time. My phone buzzed. Screen light fell onto my face, as I saw a text “S.O.S”.. I KNEW IT ANA. I TOLD YOU SO! HER BODY IS NOW BEING DRAGGED IN A ALLY, AND SHE SOMEHOW MANAGED TO TEXT ME. SNEAKY LITTLE BITCH. I dialed her number, hoping she’s not in the same room, at the same table with a serial killer. Oh please, pick up. “Hello?” , she askes like she doesn’t have my number ID. Good she’s alive and her mouth doesn’t have old sock to shut her up. “Are you in trouble, or just bored at the date? Say Oh hello if you’re in trouble.”, this isn’t the fist time she needed the way out. This is a constant routine for me and her.
“No, no, you’re not bothering. I don’t think I can. I am busy now.”, Oh, she’s just bored, she continued, “Kyungsoo, don’t you mind I take this call?” “No, not a problem.”, I heard male the voice in the background. He is quite polite. I know now why she is bored. She likes bad boys. She hates polite, mommy sons, that will hold the door for her, or tell her how beautiful she looks tonight. She will rather fall for the egoistic, full of himself guy, that will not pay attention to her whatsoever. “GET ME OUT OF HERE.” She fucking yelled, while in the bathroom, I suppose, because of the echo,” He is so boring, Nic. He talks all about his work, how beautiful I look or how he is really glad to meet me. He tells me we can explore city together and he will be my guide. Ugh.. I can’t.” “Maybe I won’t pick you up, maybe you deserve to bore yourself to death. Make him take you home. Know where you live. And bore you some more.” “Thank you so much. FUCK YOUR SAFE WORD, IF IT DOESN’T WORK.” She hissed. “It works for serious situations. Not when a guy is a gem and wanna take it slow with you. Would you rather him to take you to bed and not call you tomorrow?” “Well with his body, maybe I would like that more than this.” “Then tell him that.” I hung up. My phone buzzed again. A call. “ARE YOU INSANE? COME TO SAVE ME” “Me? New phone who dis?” “Will you please pick me up? I will do anything!” “Ok, I like this. I’m there in fifteen.” I would pick her up anyways. This is just a plus.
 I picked up my keys, well rented car keys, phone and a wallet. I don’t need anything else. I parked in front of the restaurant. I got my phone and keys with me. Ready to act out a scene. I didn’t watch all those kdramas for nothing. As I go closer to the door I inhale and exhale. I am not good in public speaking, or dealing with strangers. To be honest, I am horrible at that. And I do all of this because of Ana. I remind myself, Ana, because of Ana. You have to, Nicole. As I grab the door handle, still looking to the floor, something hit me, my phone and keys scattering to the floor. I stumble backwards, falling on my butt. I look up, and something was actually a door and someone was exiting the restaurant in a hurry. My face got even more shocked when in front of me, apologizing was Yoongi. The one that produces for Big Hit. Well for his group, and one of the producers. “Miane, miane..Shit..”, he hissed. All I understood was “SHIT”.. “What?” I said. “Oh.. I mean I am sorry, are you ok?” his gummy smile appeared when he saw me. I smiled instantly too.
He took my hands and picked me up. I cleaned my jeans while he grabbed my keys of the concrete. He took the phone and I heard that “SHIT” again. I turn quickly to look and as I thought. It broke. It still works but it’s broken. And it’s new. Dammit. I took so good care of it. When I turn my gaze back to him he has a horrendous look plastered on his face.
“Hey, look. I am so sorry, but I gotta run. My name is Yoongi.” He put his hand in front and I have shaken it. “Nicole..” I am still shocked. Fuck my phone. I met him. HIM. “Look Nicole, I am really sorry. I am willing to pay for it, or buy you a new one.” He put his hand behind his head, stroking his neck. Looking nervously for his ride, I guess. Still flashing his smile to me. “Oh noooooo, you don’t have to…” I made “no” movements with my hands. “I have to. It’s my fault. What’s your number? Do you have a Korean card or?”
He looked at me with sincere eyes. I really didn’t need him to pay for it, I will not even mention the act of buying me a new one. But will I miss an opportunity to give him my number and a possible call/texting with YOONGI!!!! Just because I don’t want my phone fixing receipt paid by him.. Well fuck it. I have nothing to lose.
“I have my card.. wait here.. “ I unlocked my car, that was parked behind me, took a my business card from my wallet. “Here you have both of my numbers, and an email.. and address to my producing studio..” he watched me closely, then started backing out. Did I overdo it? Dammit. I always do that. I get nervous. And I screw up everything. Shit.
“Okay!” he got a few meters away, still looking at me. Am I this weird or is he still shocked? And shocked by what? My card?
“I am not giving this because I want your money for the phone.. Just I would love to work with you.. or grab a coffee..” I added shouting, with a smile.  “Got it. Gotta go.” He said straight face, thumbs up. I got freaking THUMBS UP from Yoongi. Are you kidding me? Who even does that?
He’s weird. I am weird. WE’RE DESTINED.
Hmmm, I hope he didn’t misunderstood me for a fangirl. Well I am a fan, and a girl but of his work not an actual fangirl. Oh, fuck it. He totally did misunderstood.
WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? Ana mouthed when she saw me. 
Okay, MA! MA! MA! The stage is mine. “Ana...Oh hi, youu...new guy.”, I turned the to Ana, ”BUT we must go. Munchie is vomiting again!” “WHAAT? MUNCHIE? IS HE GONNA BE OKAY?” She said with real tears in her eyes.This bitch outshines me again. “I don’t know we must take him to the VET. “ I said sadly. “OH NO, NOT THE VET. HE HATES THE VET. Kyungsoo I have to go. I hope you understand..” “Y-yea..” Poor guy doesn’t know what hit him. “I’ll see you around..” Ana said when she practically run away from the date. As we got to the car, Ana was laughing. “MUNCHIE? Are you serious. I was losing it out there. Don’t you know normal pet names?” “If you make another complaint, I will leave your ass hanging next time.” She made a zipper closing meme across her mouth. Not saying a word. “I thought so.” On the red light my phone buzzed. My broken ass phone lighted up. I took it to read the text. Unknown number. What the f-
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I hope you liked it guys.  Find a song a s usual.  First one can give me a reaction/drabble idea to write. And I will.  
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