#thank you so much for asking!!! <333
destiel-wings · 7 months
Ok —
If you could travel in time to one famous time in history, which one would it be and why? (And by famous time I mean things like first step on the moon, the London fire, etc - you know, a set date of importance)
Oh my, that's such a good question.
I've been sitting with this one for a little while, but i think I'd want go at the beginning, like, to see the first steps of the human race. I'd like to see how it was when it was quiet, before everything happened. I don't know that there'd be anything that much interesting to see there though specifically (it would be so much more interesting to go even further back before human race to see how the world was then, to see the dinosaurs, and maybe if I'm being honest that's where I'd want to go, but i want to think I'm smart enough to know better than to actively choose to go somewhere with the most dangerous creatures ever existed on earth that could kill me any second). I'd like to witness the Big Bang, solve the mystery of how it all began, and i know that's impossible (because where would i even stand physically to be able to see that??) but that's where I'm drawn to i guess, if we're talking about the past.
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
9, 17, 18, 29?
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? hmmmmmmmmmmm I don't know!! I think if I like a pairing enough to the point that I do in fact write about them then they are a favorite. perhaps....dan/nate? that is just a ship I keep coming back to because it is so comforting in such a singular way, there's an energy to them that none of the other couple I write carry. wait I changed my mind: dairthaniel. A ship I didn't plan to write anymore but I enjoyed so much that I did it anyway. I'm not sure how, but I think it's Cherry's fault :)
17. Your favorite character to write this year? I really liked writing Jenny's point of view in fics this past year. her voice and the way she looks at things, and how she is in the world of the show-verse while also being a spectator to it, and getting to write how she Got Out and healed...I just love her and want to give her wonderful things <3 (and writing her in the P&P AU with the The LBD Lydia as a blueprint, SO much fun.)
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? strangely enough, I'm gonna say Blair, even though the majority of what I share is her point of view. my girl just has such a twisted fucked up mind that....the conundrum of writing Blair is that I kind of know her better than she knows herself, so the question becomes what does she not know/what does she refuse to know and how do I show that with my writing? and I have no idea if I do it well, sometimes I read friends' fics and they have phds in blair waldorf and I'm like "oh fuck they showed that SO much better than I could" I think it's something that I can't think too hard about for me to be able to do it well, which of course is so annoying. oh sweet blair, dear child. being normal is not an option for her.
19. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? HARD QUESTION. and like I have written so so much that it's hard to keep track of it all? I think this year more s o than the last it's like....once the fic is posted it completely leaves my brain. But I am gonna go with a scene from such a lot of world to see, in the Rome chapter, what I call the dair breakup post-mortem, it's the cathartic convo that has been building up for hundreds of thousands of words in this fic series, and I knew I wanted to do that way for a long time and I worked on each line in this scene for a long time, and then I sat on it and wrote a lot of the series around that scene, and I still am just really proud of it. And I could probably argue that that scene in chapter 2 is the entire reason I am even writing fic at all. I started writing to make this big post s5 fixit I had constructed in my head, and anything that's come out of me since is a direct or indirect result of that AU and people's magnificent responses to it. so. yeah.... anyways here's a tidbit of it for context:
“I told her that I wanted to write a sequel to Inside, but real this time.” He stares down at their hands, as if too ashamed to look at her, “Real names, real everything. It wasn’t satirical, it was a hit piece, and Georgina had enough dirt on people to make it happen.”
Blair feels a coldness sitting underneath her ribs. “Did you write it?”
Dan glances up at her, then looks back down just as quickly. “A lot of it, yeah.”
“But you didn’t finish it?”
He shakes his head. “I couldn’t.”
He takes a deep breath. “Jenny - she called me while I was here. I’d been avoiding everything, everyone, and she decided that she was sick of it and harassed me until I answered the phone.”
“Sounds like her.”
Dan’s jaw twitches. “She asked me about the book I was writing but...I was too embarrassed to tell her. That was kind of my sign.”
“You think she would judge you for it?”
He shakes his head. “I guess not, but just,” he sighs, “hearing her talk, it made me think of something else. Something she said to you, actually.”
Blair tilts her head in question.
“When she came back to interview at Parsons...she said something to you - and him - like, ‘you two used to be in love, and now you’re only hurting each other.’”
It’s only a matter of time before your mutual destruction. Blair remembers.
“And it reminded me that - however it ended - I really loved you,” he says, softly, but confidently, with conviction, “and I needed to honor that. For me, if not for us.”
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missingn000 · 2 years
27 and 29 for the writer's ask game <333
27. What do you listen to while writing?
i don't listen to anything while writing -- i can't focus. BUT, i can't brainstorm without music. my long ass playlist DOMAIN EXPANSION has like, all the music i've listened to while planning fic scenes. whatever's closest to the bottom is what i'm listening to most at any given moment!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
AUGH THIS IS A HARD ONE okay. i'm sure i'm forgetting many but what comes to mind first are these two quotes--
"Bonds with others make life worth living, despite the pain of being alive." -Maki, TPG 25
"I don’t want to just be needed. I want people to want me there even if I’m not doing anything. To exist beside someone, and that’s enough. Is that love?" -Toge, TPG 29
from the ao3 wrapped ask game!
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loves2spwge · 3 months
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they just want to be one...
commissions @jolyonvane did for me where i asked if he could please please please make stan look as desperate and exhausted as he usually does but is being kept together by all his love for his sbf kyle
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devotion-disorder · 11 months
You mentioned in Noel’s bio how he has severe face blindness-, how would he go about dealing that with his darling, then? Knowing he can’t see their face? Would it frustrate him? Intrigue him? Would it make his tendencies worse or better? Just curious.
Your artwork is amazing and I hope you have a great day!
Noel is born with his face blindness so he has since learnt to deal with it. For most people, he just relies on context clues or their hair/clothes/voice etc. to recognize them.
For his s/o though, i've always had half an idea in mind that they used to be childhood friends...
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(yes his natural hair colour is white. if he ever finds you looking at this picture he will be so embarrassed.)
this became a long ass post of noel lore so
Noel might be able to handle his prosopagnosia now, but that wasn't always the case. Being a somewhat shy kid, the inability to recognize other people made it harder for him to make friends. He just feels disconnected from most people --- sometimes he looks in the mirror and can hardly register that he's staring at himself.
I'd imagine this is where his s/o comes in, and they become a very stable, comforting presence in his life until one day, they moved away without saying anything.
So to Noel, his s/o is someone that he knows on a deep and personal level, and he can basically recognize them out of instinct.
Of course, his condition still frustrates him very much --- what kind of lover is he if he can't even remember his partner's face? That's why he dedicates himself to remembering every single detail of his s/o: counting every freckle and lash; replicating in his mind the exact lilt of their voice, the quirks of their body language...
but maybe in a very cheesy way, he's thankful for his condition? because it means, every day, he can re-live how he met his s/o and the first experience of seeing their face ...
On another note, another anon sent this:
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and the idea of "just vibes" is so funny to me for some reason. like if Noel was just out one day and spidey-sensed some random person as their s/o:
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runtwithwolves · 4 months
Hey, do you still do requests? If so could draw one where Stan and Kyle has taken off their hats?
Thank you
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ill fix the proportions later just wanted to draw the stankys
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ladycibia · 2 months
I recently started playing wither III and holy moly I LOVE your comics!!!!!! Chibi Geralt I so adorable!!!!
Aaaaa thank you very much! I'm so happy you're enjoying them! ;w;/ (beware of spoilers if it's your first time!!)
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dark-and-kawaii · 10 days
What would you like to know about this sweet cinnamon roll, my lovely Jelly ◝(ᵔᗜᵔ)◜!?
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His name is Zavrik (Zah-vrik / Zah-v-reek),
Zavrik wasn't born with a dragon egg hatchling like most the family was. Instead, he became the rider of Skjaldrynn, the great red wyvern of his great grandfather Merciel. Skjaldrynn had only ever been ridden and tamed by Merciel, not even Lynnania could sway the beast. So when Zavrik became the next rider of Skjaldrynn, the people of Thay, including Korgus, saw it as fate. They believe that Zavrik is a prodigy destined to sit the throne of Thay, even mirroring some of the old king’s (Merciel) traits and appearance.
Master swordsman thanks to his father, and has learned the ways of perfecting fire magic which was passed down from his Thay bloodline. Immune to fire, heat, and lava thanks to his bloodline being connected to the ancient red dragon.
Enjoys a good fighting competition and will hastily challenge any that think they can best him.
Thanks to his charming personality and good looks, he is very popular amongst the the women & men- but he has his eyes set on someone already (you’ll see at the end ♡).
Due to almost not making it during childbirth, him and his mother have a very close/unbreakable bond. She had always feared of losing her precious son which led her to seek the aid of Bane to place a protective ward on his soul that even granted him Bane's blessing.
His personality is a perfect blend of Lofn and Zevlor. A true gentleman, loyal, noble, and a fierceness that burns as bright as a fire and as hot as dragons breath. He earned the scar on his lip from protecting a female slave from her abusive owner. She was being tormented, beaten, and as the man was about to strike her with his whip, Zavrik jumped in the way. After killing the man, he had threatened any and all who dared try and stop him from freeing her (he even offered her a home within Thay).
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klownkoster · 5 months
ur artstyle is so comforting istg-
u are legit so talented, I love ur art sm <33
if it’s okay can u plz draw more noise and noisette the way u draw them is so sillyyy :3 /pos /nf
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just for you for being so sweet <33
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ragnarokhound · 15 days
hey me again. god you must be sick of me. anyways i’ll be quick.
we talked about tim adopting a cat and the cat and jason having beef because jason is a werewolf and then (important for both plot and character development) jason and tim have dirty dirty sex and the cat still hates jason.
BUT: a coda
the cat and jason still have beef until Tim stumbles home not realizing he’s injured/he’s delirious/etc etc. He passes out. is very sick. Jason shows up a day later with breakfast or something (housewife jason todd), cat yowls at him, he follows cat to Tim, saves him.
After that Jason and the cat are ride or die for each other
Hey girl. Chappell, I could never be sick of you, you have provided me with nothing but banger after banger (and you don't have to provide bangers anyway, you delight me regardless)
But case in point
Nothing hits the same as 'i hate you but we both love him, so help me help him.' it's the GOOD FOOD, it's the enemies to friends, it's the found family of it all. And cat and dog(gy boyfriend) edition of this smacks me right in the heart skcnsksk it's so 'i may not like you but we are in agreement about One Thing and that is Keeping Our Mutually Favorite Person Safe'
They may not ever be besties per se, it's not like Jason's cooing at it for pets, and the cat doesn't curl up in Jason's lap the way it does in Tim's; but Jason doesn't growl at the cat anymore and the cat doesn't hiss back.
Tim is endlessly entertained by the respectful nod Jason will give his cat now when he comes by, and the pointedly uninterested stroll past Jason's boots complete with pausing to groom in the hallway.
There are a suspicious number of treats in the cupboard that Tim did not buy (he knows he goes through salmon churus about as fast as he gets them - they are the preferred flavor - but they mysteriously replenish whenever he runs low. Interesting.)
And when Jason stays over, Tim has caught the cat sitting careful watch outside the bathroom while he's in the shower, only to bolt the second the water shuts off. So as not to be discovered, presumably.
He should get injured more often, he muses. Jason and the cat give him simultaneous looks of animal disappointment. (And then Jason drags him off to make out I mean what) ("Sounds like you need a different incentive" "why, are you going to provide one" "[growling]" "!!") (haha anyway--)
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eurydice-pens · 7 months
can i have forgotten vaugarde au info of some sort. i went through your tag and im obsessed with the concept
hi!! yes yes of course >:3c thank you for being interested! i am in the process of plotting out a big fic for the au so i will hold some cards close to my chest, but here’s a bit of info just for you 💗💗 /pos /silly
Forgotten Vaugarde AU
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Concept / Story
Toward the end of the ISAT canon, the King makes a wish that “everyone would understand how he feels.” This results in a rewriting of the Universe such that Vaugarde, rather than the Island Country, was forgotten, and the individuals to whom this wish was most directly addressed (Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, Bonnie, and Nille by virtue of association with Bonnie) become Travelers with no identity and home or, in the case of Odile, becomes someone for whom half of her identity is even less accessible than before.
The King and Loop are thrown into this new reality with their memories intact. The King’s body, however, is not preserved, as he finds himself Loopified into a tear-headed creature. They end up sharing a decidedly unamicable life inside the home of the version of the King who has never lost his memories or home, Aesop, as the King (who eventually names himself Luke) contends with the fact that he has become the very force he had feared so gravely: the one that erased Vaugarde, the land that had welcomed and loved him, from existence.
Mirabelle, Isabeau, Bonnie, and Nille (who had a chance encounter with Luke when reality was first rewritten, at which time, out of guilt and painful empathy, he told each of the, their names) wander the Island Country until they are discovered by Siffrin, whose family essentially adopts and raises them into adulthood / preteenhood. Odile eventually joins the group when she is visiting the Island Country essentially as a tourist and becomes attached to the group through her friendship with Siffrin’s parents and with Loop.
Mirabelle knows that she is very lucky, to have a home, to have some semblance of family and belonging. Nonetheless she is the one out of the group who most feels the pang of something real, and integral, and important missing from her, who is the most loathe to accept the belief common among the people around her that things happen as they should, and Fate is immutable, and every change (…Change?) merely the slow erosion of bodies, minds, and souls against the winds of Time. So when the mysterious Queen emerges and begins to wreak havoc across the Island, when she agrees to journey to the tyrant and to protect the country from the Queen’s Remaking with her friends, she has some inkling that there is something wrong, something missing, some reason why every glimpse they’ve gotten of the white-haired Queen has felt so achingly familiar.
It all feels so strange, and so important, long before Time stops for the first time.
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Interactions with Other AUs / Headcanons and Contributors (so far)!
This AU borrows and expands upon @the-bitter-ocean ‘s Islander Euphrasie theory and shares a heart with @felikatze ‘s Divorce AU.
@princemonarchempress , @floating-far-from-earth , and @the-bitter-ocean have all contributed ideas to and inspired parts of the story!
And a special thank you to @snickerpuffs-art for drawing Luke 💙💙
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thank you so much for reading and for your interest in the au!! i hope to make a lot more things for it in the future <333
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marsosims · 10 months
WCIF the counters and stove in your for rent post?
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counter + stove + wall-mounted dish rack
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basketobread · 10 months
SO I DID SAY YOU GOT ME OUT OF ARTBLOCK... This is my first time posting my art anywhere 😭 ever 😭 Butttttttt! I hope you like my Lunara doodles!
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rrat-king · 3 months
your fic. is so good. amd i happened to notice a lil authors note that mentioned scar headcanons. so. if you are willing to share… 👀
yes yes yes yes! ok so this will partially include some of the scars i mentioned in the fic as well as some of the ones I didn't mention (fic here if you guys wanna read)
kristen's injuries and scars:
a thin scar that peaks out of her hairline on her left side from where she cracked her head open on the first day of school
starburst scar on her chest and back from the unicorn horn, the skin keloided around the center as it's been struggling to heal cuz of the magic around it
missing pinky on her left hand and scarring down her wrist and across her palm
she also has several scars across her palms from cassandra's crystal shards
a scar running up the inside of her left ankle from breaking it falling two stories by ribbon dancing
a faded scar on her arm from breaking her arm falling out of a tree when she was little (it was the first time she healed herself)
lighting damage across her shoulders from being struck by lightning on the top of fabian's house
tracker's injuries scars:
missing most of her left ear from being caught in the ear with a silver arrow
jagged line right under her left knee from tearing up her leg on thin ice when an elf fell through the lake when fallinel first froze over
bite mark along her neck from where she was first bit and turned. faded from time but still pretty visible
several scars along her back from trying to tear at herself in wolf form in the nightmare forest
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miasmat · 5 months
Each time I remember Tumblr exist, I come back and immediately check what Joseph and Noah have been up to since I last saw them
They bring so much joy
I hope you're doing well, all of my admiration 🤍
I don't know what to say, it's such a joy to hear that <333 They've been working hard to take over the county, they're a bit eepy
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crazysnor1ax · 3 months
Does werekraken callie like acht?
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“Like” is an understatement, I think!
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